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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1898)
: i My. THE ASTORIAN has the fiwt circulation of any Dictr - - a, on the Columbia RMr YMf If i II 111 II IV II II n h in IB II 11 KULL ASSOCIATED PRICSS REPORT. Tie DAILY ASTOR.'AN Is the tlfftst an! test paper on the Columbia fclvef VOL .. ASTORIA, OUKMX, THl'KSDAY MOKXIXG, .ILLY 14, I8!. NO. 6 i lie guiCK J leai un Move. Safe"()tlorlcHAl;conomlcal, JiH 1 ho tiling liii' warm wrutlu r. A jewel n( tin- S-iiM'!i-. Oih' (.mi Hi hi ul'Oil will Init liuiii'. Call a ii ' 1 m' tin in at tin- Eclipse Hardware Store, BOM) ST. Sole Agent. IVrmrtly K. It. IIAVI; liiisujiiumiitiuiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuuiuiiiiiiHitimmtimriiMtmin ..VIVES.. (i ft :: !i :: LF.AD i;vi:kyviii:ki;. If you arc 1111 1111 outing tliin miiiimut you will net 1 nH ..CAMERA.. VIvcm 4 X 4i - - B.OO "4x5 - - IO.OO g f? 'I'liii l.e.! I 'n tniitily nit lint IliutL'.l titil'lV ltv flm ttililH!' tt l' I It'"!! I" f ' HI I"""' (" Call or writo fur circular, 3 1 Griffin & Reed, Agents, jj iiti:uniiiiii;i;sniiiiitiitiui:ititiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimimu:'.nJ MimVWrtnV.VfVi'm The Art of Preserving Fruit i ! brouiht lo perfection when you hv furh ptrfK-t Jar and Jtlly riiititi we keep. W hr everything nry for firrifrvlnj frull and vegetables Oranlt Kettle. D:ppr. with ill th frull anS tucar nil Prrrvlln IV.VI lt ill! tht ruih omt Ilo trpar(I In llm. rOAPD STOKES CO. 5 .. ................. f Post Yourself on City Prices ami compare with what you havobcen paying ... It -taiiiN tu li ii-.. 1 1 hat uc . an ivr ml l!' tli r .iti-l'ai ti"li al.'l l'i tti l 'lii i un ( iuiiils lliaii .Ii ah i-. h" rairv Villi' j;at 'I St.u k-.. w 1 it-ii fur- i-a -'t fialty. GROGKERY and GLASSWARE IS OUR FORTE .... NOTE THESE PRICES FRUIT JARS 40 cents 0") " Tint jar;, ler dozen, (iuart" " Half KK " .... sr BERRY DISHES Jrge - 10 12 15 '20 '2't eeiit.s each Small 2.1c per dozen ICE CREAM FREEZERS 11.25 . 1.45 Ono Qunrt Two Three " Four " Six " Tin ton jelly Rlttsses, 1-3 pint Tin top jolly glasses, J pint -Jolly tumblers .... White Mason jnr rubbers Black Mason jar rubbors 1.75 - 2.00 2.75 25c dozen 30c dozen 25c dozen 3c dozen 2Jc dozen Ico Cream Dishes, 25 35 and 50 cents per dozen. TIN AND GRANITE WARE O. SUMMERS 3d and Washington Portland, Oregon YELLOW JA c 1TTHCK8 THE nica Mm No Further Parleying Will Be PerraittedShafter Will Bombard Santiago at Once. ITALY SENDS WARSHIPS TO COLOMBIA TO ENFORCE C0RRUTT1 HATTER Complications May Arise That Will Involve the U. S. How Yellow Fever Broke Out The German Ship in Manila Called Down by Dewey General Miles Takes Per sonal Command of the Army Clark Appointed Chief of Staff of Commodore Watson The Oregon Will Go to Spain to Meet Admiral Camara's Crack Squadron England and America. WAHIIIS.iT. iN. J'lly IJ-Whll. lb !:i n! 'H full if " t :..' .1 l n.'t t 'li l'l i juy. it in rvl.l.nt thm a n: h" Wn,l. Within iht mil 3 h"ur It will rlih.r urr-ii-. r r twiv. '' h .iiit!.tn ..f nr n nrt'.,im fll la id' lot nf ii li. f k"I town. "If In- rrfii'm I will oju-n nn I. :n ' IJ. n.H.n.'irr"- !ih rry nun I havt .111.1 will bnr- Hir i'ii:f if th r.nvy. wh.i ..rr r u ly tu l.umlmr.l thf r ty w.'n n-!ii. !i h.-l! " Tliil l tin- r'Kr.m n: ly Sli4il. r. iiti.l It 1. t ' ' .rt..,l ..ii: t.i ih. n. r:. (h.ft. r : '-! .tl.m tfi.l- j Inn. i.-.-it.l!im I i '.rtf .r l. r: ni. r i . n. i..u. una ai'.h imh :tM..-i.- hi. !...-n r.-.r'.. rr. 'tu M T 'I- ..- i u.: U-ttr.l M-i'-.r ! ! "! .' Mini i-. 1! I- ii!. tlmt In hi" !'.! t In ii.i' t . Tin I'll'.:: !n fi .111 i ; in r .1 M. : h i .ur t i J-,.- i .. . :-..mi. ;.. . !! n , k ' . S -i . A :. .! - . . . . m - ; n ' n !! "l.l- ! ' rr. K-.1 ' I '.: -i i , 1: 1 V Ml Ml. r ri . I. in j.-. : t w.i r. I ifi.i II :i: i 11 tt: ..!:! Tl. - ..I .i-: ::h ! n. T 'Ui S; ! :: w . lll.l n' M . f :l l'i' r ! r .'!..!. :i i t . .i ".l l J.'ir :iii.-ti,.it i.i( tli.' S;i.i " T.i . i I w tin- S.i-':h rl : w.'.ll .!rn linn tli,. .lit. .i'1'l f.ill Ku-k on ll iv.m.i. mi ill.- iitlu r li'ii.t. w.hiM put Hi iiinl. r tli.- uli'.iK.ii'. iii of ,.v. -.-.mltiir i.lillti.itiiil f ri-.' ivtifn It i iii. to tli li-tii of ll.ivana. Our' govfrnitn-n:. ul. Ik ni.ivnl ti) ni;iki till" propi'Ml ;o r nuivi" tli.i Simnh for.-. to Sini.ti throuBh it Htnint; ili'iilro to clou, up th ip.-rn ; I.iih i t Siintliiito lit th. rnrlli-Hl i.!lle mo- i m.-nt. ThU .l.iirp him 1" . n niui.TliiUy 1 mrriiitth. ti.'.l ! the niipounuin. of yellow f.'ViT n lthlii tti. Aiii. rloan IIiu k. It wi" ' lit tlmt hiiiiom-.1 that t)u tiu-n Wert- f.ill ItiK III with nii'.irhi aii.l i-llmu:. f.'vor. h. the i.i wre n-pfirtt-J lmply ai fti (ilili.uii. Now. howrver, tomri the final uiltnln thi-y are utnulne yellow ffvrr ru.. Thi-lr appearance ha de-iirnun.-J the aulhurllln uiKn a more in tlvr pro.-cutlon of th rampalKO ilrra will K'J furwarj tu a,n.-ral Shafter to li. u no nior with the Spaniard thr ti-rm of aurrvniler. but to proc-td tu un.iult the town with all the force at lim i-i.tnniand a non a the preK-nt tni. e xplrt. It.-luitnnt an the I to rac-ritl.-e the many llvij that may be lit l" ..n f. i u 1 1 . It I d.emel to be the belter I .!!.) to make It than allow mm to rot away with fevtra and other dU-aie dur ii:s the UuiK pirlod that would be r-.jiiln-.! to HTfi-ct th-j reluctlon of the city ' y a lr.idy Investment. The expecta i . 'i I mill eiiterlaltud here, however, tint an a.iult will be uiiii.i.-ury, !' r m;!i Toral nurr. ndiTltiK before ll be t: It In ;Ktl:tW- nit that orders Wi re i -iii.l In the ileparttiu tu th; afternoon I it. . ire the llril and i-eoond r. clnu nt of oltltllrer for Immediate le ;.. rtiire for the front. ".'!i. would tiii i i Indi. ule the p irp .e . :i :h. i.iri of Hie Bi.vemment to g tr t n SanCiit't with th-e fever-proof men ,."i r it i.ip.tul.itii'ii, thus permuting the of tin- troop to more'hy point-.. there. The Information reaching ihe f tale , ture of the Spanish commander came catehln; shark. Several amall one hav lepartment 1 that the Italian iiadron I too late. will arrive at CarirKena on the 14th and A New York Journal copyright cable that it will con.lnt of four warrhitm. f rum Manila ays that Admiral Dewey In view of the aerloua posnlbllilleii in- ' possession of Sublf bay defeat Ger In the case, the 1'nlted State many upposed plana lo Interfere In the Kovernment ha louKht to avert an !m- . 1'hlllpplne. and although the altitude of mi d.ate crisis. On request of Ihe Colom- ; the German Is still Irritatna;. Admiral auth..rltle that the food office of ' Iewey I managing them with great dt the rnitwl State be exercised, word wa plomacy. He doe not expect any trouble sent to our Charge d'Affair at Rome to j with them, make imiuiry Into the (tatua of the ce. There al tars to be no disposition on the part of our government to Interfere In such steps u Italy may take for the i xecutuii of the award, as we are pre cluded from contesting an award made by inl government. At the same time '.I Is hopt-d that Ialy may be disposed to sufficient time to the South Am-.rii-.iii republic to Induce her lo pay the been caught and the officers make a great run for the best souvenir out of them." NOT REGARDED A3 SERIOUS. Washington. July 13. In cfflcial quar ters here there appears to be no disposi tion to ln'k upon the action of the Irene at 4 menace which will require explanation. WANTS V3 TO RETAIN PHILIPPINES England Afraid America Will Demand Too Small Indemnity. New York. July 11 The Tribune pub lishes the following from Us London cor respondent: Madrid has taken the defeat of Cervera, o quletely that peace 1 now possible without risk of revolution. Sagaata I not w illing to sacrifice his official reputa tion by proposing peace under hard con ditions. He is bent upon having soma It wa thought at first that th. out- 'convenient ubstitute Incur the unpopu- award without the Indignity of e aure art how of farc on lh Vn ot ,h ! larity. When peace ha been made h of her chief commercial port As Italy' f"'1"11 hll miBht lead to Inquiry by I return to office and die In harness, purpose Is contined to the collection of ,hl government as to the purposes of Ther9 u gTtlit interet here In the con- the award and has no territorial purposes vi. 'many. Thus far however, there 1 no du!,,ns of peat.e whicn the United State la vl. w It Is said lhat the Monroe doctrine disunion to make such Inquiry or to at- proposes, and there will be general dl- has no application to the case. ta. h Imiwrt to the Incident. appointment if a war Indemnity based T!ie forrutti case grow out of poiiti- upon the Phlllpines be so meager that ARMISTICE EXPIRES AT NOON. her r ranee or Germany can raise the j money and obtain possession of the l- (i-opvr.Kht. d M l.v the A.-h Ule.l Press j lands. It Is believed here that the Euro 1'laya del E:e. Guanatanamo Hay. July powers will not Intervene In any li-Jlajor General Miles todav assumed unless a high Indemnity be proposed, command of the army around Santiago, n tnat event the power may make use and the future mm-mcts of the Un.tedj"? their diplomatic offices for obtaining States troops will lie d.recej by h.m In i the reduction of the Indemnity. Whether me imietrnuy ce n sn or tow, spam un aided will never pay It, but unless It he a substantial one sjme Europ-an power will pay It and then the Un,ted Slates . .ii aKit.itlon In the Colombian Slate In IwV At lhat time Oorruti wa at the head of a large company doing business in the state of Cauca. Colombia. Dur ing the r.i..'!Ilin Corruttl was Imprisoned 1 one of the political fac:iin, his p.r ... il property taken and his business in-.. r !s w ipetl out. ITALY ;oi:S TO WAR.' t r. 'licet ;:u Paniagi s Awarded from Colombia. V.i.-li.In.-.o:i. Juiy 111. -The state 'n piriiin ii! has ii.en untitled that the Ital ian government has determined to adopt f it..- In the payment by the republic of Colombia of the arbitration award m id by President Cleveland 111 favor of Ern esto Corrutil, an Italian citlieti. amount ing lo SiVi.'i"!. To this end the Italian government has summarily closed dip lomatic negotiation with the Colombian minister (it Rome and has notified Ad miral Candi.mi to proceed with the Ital ian s.iuadroti to Ciirt.vena, Colombia, and there adopt forcible means to collect the amount. A dispatch from Carcas announces tlmt the Italian squadron under Admiral Can diim left Laguayara Monday for Carte g. nti. In order to seixo the custom house Remember the Maine and Herman Wise when you are ready to buy A Suit inl Shirt or anything in that line. HERMAN WISE is theirelinblo and up-to-date Clothier and Furnisher HiiW IT HAPPENED. Yclio Kt-vr Casts Resulted from Pres ence of Refugees. ton. July IX Pr-ss reports of the burning of by medical olliiers ..f the Cnlted Suites army had dei.refsing effect upon the fronds of the soldiers at the front In Cuba. Por a long time It was impossible to learn frmn any ulilclal source the exact state of affairs at the headquarters of the ..liny corps, and this reticence on the part of the officials had the'ira! effect ro Increase the upprehenslon. Finally '.he fact was reluctantly admitted lhat U was not certain that yellow fever existed at Siboncy. but reports overnight from the medical officers did state that tin re were fourteen suspicious cases of fever. The fact that these cases were almost entirely oonllned to members of the quar termaster's department, teamsters and others, have encouraged the officials here to believe that the main body Is not In danger ftvm the disease If it should turn out to be yellow fever. That the disease did exist In Santiago, though never officially admitted, was breught here In private letters from offic ers to their friends, and the exodus frvm the cltv to the vicinity of Shafter' s camp of ISAM Inhabitants, presumably in the most destitute and filthy condition, would afford ample opportunity for the com munication of the disease to the Ameri can troops. In his efforts to assist the poor people General Shafter ahs been obliged to make use of the quartermaster's department to deliver supplies to them, and from the exposure thus resulting fourteen cases are reported, from there. The dispatch says the last nine cases were In the quartermaster's department, and live among refugees. The cases are regarded as mild cases of yellow fever. l-rs..n. The armistice which had been de clared pending negotiations for the sur render of the SjwnUh forces will expire at noon Thursday, and unless the de tAotiils of the Anx r cans are acceded to to by that lime a general attack will b- made, the fleet bombarding the ci y from the outside harbor. It is believed, however, that tomorrow morning, and perhaps brfore tlKii. while the Hag will le flying fnm the fortifica tions, the terms of surrender Insisted up on l.y the American commander to take In not only the b.lengured Spaniards in Santiago, but the whole province of San tiago de Cuba, including the garrisons at Manxanillo, Holguin, G.iantiinamo, and Paracoa will be acceded to. The United States on its par: agre. s to send the Span ish troops back to Spain and allow their otlioers their side arms. No other concessions will be granted. BLOCKADE RUNNER SUNK. Movements of the Fleet Oft Harbor. Havana will be compelled to withdraw from tha Philippines, precisely as Japan has re tired from the mainland of China. England eagerly desires America to re main ptrmaiitiuiy in the Philippine. GERMAN INSOLENCE. Gunboat Irene Tries to Prevent an In surgent Attack on Grande Island. Copyrighted 1S!S by the Associated Press. Manila, July 9, via Hong Kong, July li The Insurgents on Wednesday, July 6, reported that the German gunboat Irene, In Sublg bay, refused to permit them to attack the Spaniards on Grande Island. Rear Admiral Dewey promptly dispatched the Raleigh and Cocord to Ivestlgate the matter. On entering Sublg bay the Ral eigh opened flro on the forts, whereupon the Irene slipped her cable and steamed out by tho other channel. The result of the lire of the American warship was that tho Snanliirds, numbering; over 500 men, surrendered everyehlng, On returning to Manila tho Irene ex plained that she Interfered "In the Inter est of humnnlty," and offered to hand over to the Americans the refugees she had on board.- Admiral Dewoy has de clined to accept them. New York. July 13. In the following letter to George Newton ot Newark, N. J., J. A. Manky, formerly of Bloomtleld, N. J., and now with the auxiliary cruiser Itadgcr. stationed off Havana, gives an interesting account of the sinking of a Spanish blockade-runner on the n'ht ot the Ith of July. "Last Monday night," writes Manley, "our lookout saw a stranger and we chased her for a while then gave up, as our ortjeers thought she was one of the blockade Meet trying to fool us. The converted yacht took a hand later on and she s..ased her. The gunboat Castine took a hand In the game. It seems that they tried hard to make her come to, but her pilot knew his business and got along the coast anil near to Marlel. As daylight appeared we were t'gnalled to come along side the vessel. When we reached her we found she was a large four-masted steamer and rather than be captured she ran up high and dry on the beach. The Castine had cor nereu herself betwfen a Spanish gunboat and the forts of Marlel. The Prairie tackled both and by maneuvering nicely tho Sastlne got out. She then blaied away at the blockade-runner. Very soon the latter was a mass of fire and burned nil dav long. "There were several explosions on her and our ottloers feci confident that she was loaded with ammunition. The Amphrltite got here yesterday and will most probably try to do something before long. The Spanish gunboats are dodging In and out of Marlel under pro tection and If they overstep the bounds they will see their finish." The little Hawk Is a very devil. She scouts along like a flying machine and goes right in close, daring them to waste their ammunition. They evidently have none to waste, as they do not take any. notice of her. We lay about eight miles from Morro castle during the day and about 4 or 5 at night, we nave no hboo WATSON TO SAIL THIS WEEK. Porto Rico to be Taken at Once. Put the Havana Campaign Postponed. New York. July 11 A Tribune special from Washington says: The actual departure of Commodore Watson's raiding squadron for the Coast ot Spain, which the naval authorities ex pect will occur about the end of the present week. Indicates sufficiently the complete abandonment of any intent'oti to besiege Havana In the next three or four months and confirms the Impression that no extended military operations will be prosecuted in Cuba for the capitula tion of Santiago. The remarkable difficulties which havo attended the Investment of 8:int!iigo and the resulting tedious delays have seved to convince the military and naval au thorities that Havana cannot be attacked successfully with less than l'lO.OuO men and the entire naval force in the Atlantic. The city, ordinarily one of the best forti fied ports in the world, has been mada more Impregnable In the last two months through the ceaseless activity of General lllanco, who has surrounded It with several chains of strong entrenchments and fortifications In addition to the new batteries he has mounted along the coast. Without the strong vessels attached to the raiding squadron the navy would be powerless to render effective assistance to the army against Havana, and It Is deemed Impossible that land forces alone could secure the surrender of the city with less than several month's campaign, which would be out of the question be- (Contlnued on third pce.) Governor General Augustln has issued a proclamation promising to grant au- t d cannot be seen. We got In a tonomy to the islands and offering the mii, inn c0ae last night and a search- Insurgents Inducements to Join the Span- , .,ht tTOm Morro dropped right on us. Of i lsh forces. General Agulnaldo, the In- course we suddenly disappeared. The j surgent leader, In a reply, said the over- J boyg have great gp0rt during leisure hours 1 Ike Royal I the higbeat trade baking poweer haows. Actual tuts draw It om oae thlrd further the eay otW bread. n Absolutely Pure OVM. MIUM NMBM SO., MW VOM.