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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1898)
T THK DAILY ASTORIA N. SUNDAY MORM.NU, JILY 10, WW THE QCIILB,CE CF OTP OF HCS 1 duo not only to the originality ami simplicity of the cnml'ination. but also to th car an.l skill with which it is manufactured by M.'lentiflc proooswi known to the CAl.tnutsiA Flo Svbi p Co. only, an J vo wish to impress upon 11 the Importance of purchn.sinR the true and orlginnl remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fijr. is manufactured by the Caufohnu Km Srncr Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will tsitt one in avoMlnp the worthless imitations manufactured by other par tics. The high tUmlinff of the Cam Forma Fio brurp Co. with the modi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the jonuine Syrup of Fips has jflren to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken lug them, and It does not (rripe nor nauseate. In order to (ret its beneficial effects, plea.Mj remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. is rKsxrioca, ci. UiriSTILLC Kj. XtW TORE. X. T. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. St. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mall, per year J&M Stat by mall, per month W 8erved by carrier, per month WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per yr. In advance. .. .C W I'Df.ace frea to lubnTibstr. All communication Intended for pub'.I ration should be direct? J to the eJ.tor. communicatlona of all kind and retailtancts must bss sddrrsssid to Ths Aslorian." The Af tor an guarantees to lta adver titers the larrcd circulation of any newt paper pubilahed on the Columbia r.ver. Advertising ratea can be had on appli cation to the buainea manager. The people of Astoria thou'.d appreciate, as no doubt they trill, the kindness of the railroad company in arranging to carry the Portland as well as astern ma!! without compensation, until such time as a contract for the same can be entered into with the government. For rmmths Astoria's mall service, especially with Portland, haa been wretched, and the relief now furnished by the railway offi cial will be welcomed by the business and ciaxma grin-rally. It is hoped as a deserved reward, that the ra.Iroad company will speedily arrange a contract with the government. The men who oppose our rolonui pol icy act on the theDry that the Ideas which dominated our statesmen a hun dred ye.'.rs ai;o "hall be held a.'re.l ill .n d:citl!ig our na'.; ir.:il i;',. now. Th s In fojoi-h iK'torance. The iori.l!!:'ns tlv n are not is.ftent m.w. We hive aV-ut twenty-! ve tlmtt the i i ; m 1 ntw we had thin. W'c .ire a th.ju-an. time nvre wealthy. We have an -n Tm jly it i' r ai. . i. liiMt. :nl of l- i;g a j-trlp t'. the Allan'.. c, the I'ni'.-d Statu extends from ocean to ocean, frm '".na la to th" tuples. Die ocean then was a baei'-r: . ' urn has made it the W 'l id'i hUhw .y. , lo :iy that the mighty nation of t-'iday, shall be bound by utterances in th': r time, beiaufe'il by then . x r.g', conditlonn, is to voice an absurdity. j For weeks the nation waited with anx-j Icty for tidings of the Oregon on !i-r j U,i.'J-mi)e trip around Cap.: Horn. Had the Nicaragua canal been constructed, the would have In en at K y W'st by th': time she rca. hi i! i' on her we u y; trip. AVete that canal open, vessels to use j us timiioi.jr'.s could have been rui-h-d I i liom the Atlantic coast to Sin rmm-S'-o and Dcw.y would luive h..d an army at Ills back ionn ago. The Nicaragua ennui is one of the th.ngs we must have. The war has also demonstrated the abso lute netd of coalliiK stations around tin world for our navy. Without coal, the mightiest navy afloat Is of no value In offensive warfare. We must have coaling- stations, and we will be absurdly foolish If wo do not keep some of the Itdunds conquered from Spain, In the Pa cific and In the West Indies, to use for this purpose. The Spanish war has acted as a moat powerful educutor to the American peo ple. They have been following every step of the preparations, every move ot the fleet, every friendly or unfriendly cr.t Icism from abroad. And the result ol the Information tliua acquired, and the cw ideas brought to the front, will be the advance of new Issues on national pol icy for settlement In the national arena. The people have realized that our navy la defective In two point-(hut It I not lnrsre enoiigh, ami that It wan built aim ply for , not for offensive war fare.. We ned a much lawr navy. Had ' i we powaaed ane lansa Great llrlt aln, for Instance, It la not probaN... that thl war would cr have oovurred, Th way to preiori pea.1 la to V able t command It. We niii't have a sreat modern nmy. The ve!ol have are nil rlahl. but there .ire not cnouah of them nor are they . notmh. VK CAN" r.iiVKHN .-Hl.lNIKS. One of the miium. iv. of the few m-1-lvi k.-d opponent t the acul.t:.n of cvlonle by the United S :tt.' n the p" cult of the Spun, -h nir. ik :'i.t tin.b r the n : 1 1 it : ; :t there 15 11,1 pow er to govern colony , The fn:t.,l Sinus ,r. uu iVmrt ,-f A:' ha l.u.iy r :'' t. ,t .1 ilect.v.on wht.'h covt r th point, tt .t s-larva. ,n etT- t. that s-onarewi po, fn'.l po.r t govern colonies. Th cae ( .in one. A law ot Mngrei prohibit the IKjuor tr.ttno In Alusk.i, nn.l give the prvudrn! power to rtul.ttlona u carry out In pr. vtalont. I'nJir an executive ord,r lue.t under the law. permit to lnurt mint b obt .lined i-C the chief rutonit oWeer of the territory, ami no pern can ell with out a p'rmlt from the governor. Two men were Indicted for wlltrg Imuor In violation of this order, and the ce waa carried to the lnit,sl Stale court of appeal. It wa contended that the lw is urHontltu:tonal, on the gnmndi the national government can exervUe only thoe vwers granttsl to It pcl:lo- j ally: every clt'.ien haa the right to 'acquire, hold and own property without I reg-ard to the nature of the property; i tinuor la property, and cannot, there- t I fore, be placed under any .pviu; r-tr..-- t:on; ami. tlnal'.y. that If c ngr, vs 1.1.1 riu'..ite the t raffle of iu!.ite the t raffle of Imuor t a po.icc r..iure. i: ran on'y pas u. h l., fTj hat purp-.w a- ,.r. aPpl.. t all ; r- ' r: Th- c urt .l.v:.!.. a,-., con:- n. lay.rg d w n 'h !a:.:nn; f pr.n Th. ,n-if : . ;! .' " ! ; i : r , ndant d ;n the .r.-.' .. f.ctn.l ;n the .-,1!1 I r ndant .. t-.ind ;n the now e MaM.--.hid d.w.r;r.r that the MM ri of the fn.tej S:at, are entinly nh;e. t to the i.g.!:.itie authority of .'-: i. They are n t organ. nd uti-Ur the ns:; tution. nr subject to its complex d. tribution of the pi,rs cf gjvrrnmen: a-, the organic Law, but are the cr-atbm, ex clusive!', uf the Uvishitive department. and subji.'ct to its supervision and con- rol. ! The I'nited States havimg rightfully ae - qulrej the territory, and th onl' government which can !mpo-c law opon them, have the entire dominion and sov- errignty. national and municipal, ftderaj and stale. I'nder this full and compre - hensive authority, congress has ungues - tlor.ably the p.)wer to exclude intoiicau lr.g lic.jors from any or all of it t'-rrt- trie, or limit their sale under su. t. i'gu lations as it may present. It may bgis late in accordance with the n-eds of each locality, and vary its rvgulatcns to m . t the elrcumslanct s of thr people. Wheth.r the sjhj.ct ei-eh-re w , ild In- a matter of l ul police regulations or iii'.h.: the state control und'-r om other power, it is Immaterial to cotisid-r; In a tc rr.i.iry ail the fun. ",. on of gjv.rnm.-nt are w-itn.n the l.gisia:i jurisdiction of i-.v.iST:!-, and m.iy b xer-i.d thrjngh a ! ,il g ivernm. nl or dire. '.iy by ucn :.(!on as we hiv bow und- r co!i;d eration. Th.s re.i n.nat is irref'j'- i !-, .in 1 if th-:;.r-i.. .it' a.'itl will b" i .rr.,.1 : th . no d oj1)'. the d' h-re .'...')' SUStal."., d. It W .il be aeeO th-Te is no uM but thit " h . '.lie r g -it 1 to i ti.c. what..v. r ! g.Sat.-n it s tl: ' f ,r a: y . don.. that rt.ay ad 1- d to the I'ti.t'-.! Stat- s. S i h : . 1 it. on may as !.''.lr.g as i'irr-ss may s- : ! f.t to er.aet. "hat 1. It may ;-r .v.... for "t..- 'h.ttg f-r the Philip;...-), .slan!', an-' ith. r th.rig f .r Porto Itlro I'u'ii arid a fourth for Mi'- Hiwa'iin Islands. And thus Is kno. k I into m'.t h- i ' r.ens the urnm-M or t:i- l-.-.i-wa who f-.'il-'Wi who think '.he constitution !' i:i- it!i th- purpose of govrnlrg oio.t i in the world. n- f .r 1 : ' 'in' . ! ' ScJiiliirifs Best are, on ! s ' the whoL. the h-.-st I , I--T I O' v:a there arc. That is as near as we can ?av. No vour money back if you don't like them. Fur tale by For sale ,y Koss. Higiiis & Company TOO MUCH OKA (JOOD THINO. Experience Is a trucbtr good And makes his lessons understood Hut thin we learn a thing or so That we'd much rather never know. Brooklyn L!f". Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. .Pears' for diahes meal, to It cuta the htv-. ""d leave tlie diNhra delightfully clean. TMC N. It. FAIRBANH COMPANV. YAl ' fhuwav tout. New Vok. Ikntoo. i ,' v iVlSl , . f. riiiifcUiiiit. si- .w -.. MANHOOD either iri,nul h van ocrarrieo. rrrtM. Circular Ktr mn,.nurr.t o mt urr. t 1 M HfPINCNMRRJHf , . v TW , V I Vv tJKV- ; f fiiir Tatlo for Ju!y. 1898. 1.1. II W k Ml y. in. l.l.c ll. ii.i'i I!. Low w inn i a. I'. lo II. it. Ill ft P.U'K Friday J MX.! 5 ."cn 0 t II 1 a u ' .1 j let v '' 5 i I, ! UH'i tl .'V s o ; 1 I x i :. ;( , ., I . ii'.. : t: Mon. . Tu-t. A.l . 1 f.UM. Krt ... i i tn J i -W) ) I 10 1 s i cj : : ii.i'i to ljc) s n ii; j o t 4 -i ' 5 ." T I" y. i s p. i i i so; ; ; o . i ....p.. 11 WSJ .. . ....ii : ; i 'Vi ; ii 4i j u s ', j :m : ; sun i4 j : u JiT's ! -cj j 'iMi:'.; . i 1 ' . i i j a s I in 1 1 S,in. . i.-; j Tue. ' i,'jr', ' Krt. .. ' J. J!' 'Sun. .. ' yJJJj , Tue. ' hVirs Kn. .. i:. ll i o T s i M " 1 5 "l 4 I 1J 1 S i 4H . 2 i iv, 14 ! 12 jl7 iXOi 't ii :' i... i .-. - i r r. t ? ..IT . 1 ' T t T 1 7 3 I I 1 : 1 : I-". ', 5 7 'eii)l v :i t : ti : t t ') 3 1 1 : a 3 p. ii t 1. " . i :',ol 1 1; l o l" ll I . .- m. ! Ib.n. T'tes. i . : vi t n l " 11 t 3 I" V. 1 i J---'' T t't 1 IT t o 12 K- 3 I 4 J.12ug I'M" it"'!' is!l ::.j'.i jllus 5 413'! i'. :' s t d T-oj Fn. .- l i ;i :i ' .n an MAPIiNE 0TES. The i rr i r I'm.r.iila ro f. 1 out yest.-rd.iy The P.ra.'tnir arr.vej down from Port land y-'.r.lay vven.rg. The Ii: ti-h 'hip l'o t i . a "' r i'irl!sle Th- ll II ill, wh at I md yester . .v a on 1 day. :n I'mp'iua an I in . st. rduy and .-h- was loaded ..-n- r M ,y p. ;.f pi . :Ml 1' .r'l Iti-rr- I A CLEVEIt TRICK. It certainly l'xka like It. but there is , really no trick about It. Anybody can n '' ,in", try It who has lame ba' k and weak kld h rl for neys. malaria, or r.crvoui troubles. We i mean be can cur nirr.seir rigni sway vj i taking Electric Elttrs. This medicine tones up the whole sysfm, acts S a atiinulant to the liver and kidneys. Is . -,.-, nrv. ,nnl. constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It Is purely vegetablo, a mild laxatlvs. and reatores the ayitem to lta natural vigor. Try Electric Plttera and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle uarantM'1' Cn'r M cent x ,l Eatts-Conn Drug Company. pt.ioilce. "Irirn.K the .' hn 1 a -'. re ' ' iK'ne'a-liv r:.y !y Mr. i '. A i!, fih ... "A; 4e.vr.-r last summer 1 k .f i rr.lcra morbus. i v my business," . of H ,r,. liros., Kln r k i i' two or three r.'n ' o!:o. rholera and I wi eompletely re- il'ie.h of .'ii .inl.i rla r,'n ' o!:o. ;holera and Otarrhoi a I'.- tr.. d v I w-'-a '.ompletely re- l.i'V-d and in a f. v,- boors waa nbl to r.-t ime my work ,n 'he st ir.-. I aim er'-'ly r.-'.omm-nd it to any one afflicted wltn htorriach or bow-l 'roubl"." For salo by Charb-s Ito-is. druKK st. - Think, ni; of t Vi tiate. on- you breeds CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I Tin.- Mriifchor'; :i lid mountain begun. i-xodus h" Experience Is the b. st teacher. L's'J Acker's English n-indy jf, any cane or eougha, colds or croup. Should It fall to g!v Immediate relief money refunded. a cts. and M ets. For sale by Estcs-Conn Drug Co. We tip the scab s to find our weight and tip the waiter to save a wait. that can be thrown away 1 avoid the titvuottie tutk of nftcr cvc.y ililt r li- j -I.....!.. 1 tti)f, cannot t cnitiicit, wouui vie n.nv . next lient thin)jf her wash the li!ie f o easily it's almnst a pleasure with i Washing Powder. 1 a riniii will V itnN'.ie ' RESTORED ) rllox Ser 1 1111. t :riilr,ttcu-)l tmunlimixi, uth Wf.ii M-niosr U IVwtr, llrdcht. Vkeiu'.ues L' Minli-wl. .Nig ii't titw- tli iKtwer 111 ttnin, 1ib ..I oer tettsn, fniihlul erirt. rMiTt u cl ihwct vpmmprnimiiint. whwh lej In Inflnii'if . in.nmplton or in r.t ixvket. Xi mm, 6 h'r ty r mail d be all .liur.iua Ak Kx no ..!.. mail Iu UMMnt Co . rri.. (n, I a -, lv wuwuiui ageuia, l SirU asd Yamhill ata . Puillaud , or. ESTKa.CONN Illl O".. Agent". Atorl. OREGON STATE NORMA I. SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Kagnlar .,rml ( oure ol thr yeais .-a lor yir whollt pMf 011a;. Priiiiiig ,le,rlmeut o nine i le with At) chltdrxu. .iiitnietloi. and irl ng In until e SweJInh ty hm ,iul Vw a, M'lilc lor l uldlc vh. ! tho Norm dlloma 1 iH'oao.iel I7 uaFA!! tKi if u. t r, 10 leaeit. eiiM - oie. Iiittlnn. liMiki. honl and lix'gtMg ai ititimairiyi, .av) per ar. lludenl boMMioa lnrilielve.. 11 iV vr ier Aeademlc n,li aivelril (rein high tehool. t'aU'oguet l he rftlllr trill oil hi'll '11. Adtrea e. U iVvMritKLl, Pn-ildent, or V. .k. WANS. Vent) . ' 0 I It U trtinge but true thai too much ucces often pn'ducm failure. Sometime It ai-em to weary woman that he mut certa.nly glvo up. Th" implet and ea!eC work becomea an almost Itmirmounubl,, tak. Nervou-n-:i. :ee:ilene and 1'ii.n haraj her ' an.l l:f neeni haroiy worth the living. ' I'r. l';er,e l-Mvoi ;te l"n . r '. p . . m a made for her lr r .rc. 's i'.o t.-n M' d- i. .il li -cowry wat made I'r her Th f .-rii. r '. for '.!! d.s'.in. tly f. m::t:n the oth. r f.r tor g rU .-:n T ihrr th. y sup;.;) a ... i. :r...l and u ? il ..!' f a : m.f.t. i'he ' iV-n 't te I'te-s.-r'pt.-n" tes'or.-s h'.il h. regular ' t;. n to :!ie ..r,-;in. ,1.. :i' ". fr:n:n.:i.'. It f ir.-es oit all imt'iirtt s retig hens the t.u. , nl!.i 4 ;!'0 iiniu.i'-. !l The "ilo! d. ii '' rnik .t appetite, h. Ip ,l.g sii in. promo'ei a.".!iu aicii. ills init ihe h .1 ow .lu.ic.4 and neck wl'h go,.,l ,.;;d !l.-.h and brings back tho gladsome glow of girlhood, rf- nd Zl cents in pro. cent stamps to W-ridi lnjiensary Association, loirtaio. . i,, an.i receive It. Tierce's t1 page Common Sens Medical Advltcr. l.liistrated. Tact may not be able to remove obstac le, but It k'lowt h iw to g. I aroun l them. OASTOnZA. Brs tt. j i H Bc: Sigaatsn ef t'ntil you hav, tried to g. t a cro.-t bary m.t r how utterly 'o Sleep you C in.pot. nt you are. PLAYED OUT. Imll h. a l.u he, ii.n ,n var.oua par's of tr!P, r.k.tig at the pit "f lh stoma, h. ;..n of a;.p '.::'. fevr'.shnest. iilrnples or sor-s are ail pos.tlve ev! I-n. impure blood. Ni mi'.t.r how it b-- can.e so. It mint be p'lr.ri.d In or.b-r to obtain g od health. Acker's 111"" I Kx r ii;s nev r r ii..-.i to ur-i 'r.iru.o'u or yph.ll'.ii' poison .-r i".y other bloo.) d.. . .if, s. It Is ci rt.i tily i won.b rful remedy in I we ,vry :, .ttle on a p n.tive guarantee. F.r sale by llni'.-i'na I'tug Co. A b'iby's h. ! ways brings out i . v-n hird. r.'d ? ih- b.-st th- r-wh-it n"', liUi'KI.KN'.-l A 1 1 N 1 1 "A HALVE,. THE !:!1ST SAIAK In the world for ruts. I.'n.- s, Sor- s. I 'b'er... Halt Itheuin, E-v r Sor-... iv.ter. ''hap! Is.rhli. bi ilns. 'ir:.s and .,11 .-ikin Eruptions, nn l positively i ur- P.. s. or n-i pay required, It is giiarair. 1 to v'e p- rf-ct n it st.i - ti-iii ..r ruoti. y r.f it. bo. I'ric .. r box K ir il- . i Estea-i.' Co. Z'l cen'S inn Ir;g Th.- sur- pi', ll t-i b- foiiri I ;.riiiK mill ro rv i . t Miuirner iias . i .- reductions in a an be 'ured by using A ker's Ijyspcpsu Table's, on- little tab'.'.'t will give Imme'liaie r- i ! f or money refunded. Hold in handsome tin box. at Ci i t". Kor salu by Est'-s-''otin Iirug Co. Wh ip v. r make an ntn v.. -i. .1 .pi lar, we are v ry apt t., Monk tint w- if privileged to .-P' ml two. Bean lbs ? 1- ! ' il M.n Nill- WollO ll OUl Of tell. If tll'-y Jin,. ,1 l.tib- .x la money, v.. II put it in'o a ro-w bat i.itior iii in into a ravings bank. Our baby has been continually troubled with i.oiir: and cliol'r.i Infantum a.n e his birth, imd all that we could do for him did not s" rn to jtlvc more than t.-rnpor- nry relief until w tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy. Since Klvlntf that rem'-dy ho has not been troubled. We want to k'vo you this testimonial us an evidence of our Krail tude, not that you reed It to advertise your meritorious remedy. G. M. Law Keokuk, Iowa, for sale by Charles II'- era, druggist. It Is Mtranife but true that It Is much harder to get milk In the country than In the city. MILLIONS (1IVEN AWAY. It la certainly Kruilfylnij to the public to know of one concern In tho land who nro not afraid to bo generoua to the needy nnd suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medi cine; and have the satlnfuctlon of know- lug It has absolutely cureu tiiousunus or hopeless cases. Aathma, bronchitis, Hoarseness and all dlaeases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by It. Call on Estes-Conn Drug Co., and get a trial bottle free. Regular slzo SO cents and tl. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. In ih r to (urthrr mtnaliue ELASTIC STAIiCM ( Iron iliamll.thc m:itil. I' tuii'i'. I I', llnl'inticr ina,Co.,ol Keokuk, i 1.I.1I t.i tilNH AWAY it !c,iiti(ul pieariil with C.11 Itp.n k.iijcolst.iri h Si'ld. Thcac rfililitic III the lollliol Beautiful Pastel Pictures They arc Ijuo imhc in iic,,mil nro entitled ,is (oIIomi: t. lines ntul llll5iC5. sSarhv Panslcs and Harsucrltct. ' pkouitiaoooi. 1 wiKai.Hv'',,M',;i,tl fit p 11 ltM WM 10 iM n '" nix. "JfrTimiNGtRBROS'C? UOaaBwaakWMaaaia Thce rare t'iiturr, (.mr in tmiulicr. In the remnvliril pnttrl artnt. K. I.rKoy.ol New Vmlt. have U'rii 1 hicn In'in llic trit tlmii ;t utuci tt lit hit MU. Iio .ind .or now iillcrrd lr the lirM lniirtntlic MiMic. The liii'turrS arc iiu'luali Iv irpiiHlili cd in .1 I Ihr fulura iihc( It) the oiiinal, and arc priimnini ed lotiiprtclit rrttiia, wntkt id att. I'attcl )iclurc arc the currri t tliini; loi Ihr home, imthllijt. sur- fMttiiiif thcin it) oc.iutv. rii liiirnt id ttic id thrte pit Itiri t will he i;irn .1w.1v u ith eai h 1 a, Laci id pun h.icdi ( 011r c;ris cr. It i the l ett laundrv ti.m h oilthr itt.irkrl. iiul i .'ld (or 11 1 ruts a p.u K.ik'c. A'k oui ;rinrr (or Ihi tt.trih .iml $r 4 beautiful pi lure. All Groctrs Kup Elastic Starch. Accipt No Substltuti. T 1 cc 11 e .ll" one .1 dollar. Tud. lulnn. I'.'rton trou'oled darthoe w .11 he interested In the experienc. of Mr. W. M IU11.I1. . '.i rk of II 'lei l irranc. I IU ni: "I'or te rral yeart I have li.H-n almost a cntiaiu .irTeier from dlarrh ie.i, the fie.uen: a'.'.nck com:...'!. Iv ;.:o'.r it.r.g 1110 and ten ! t:r.g no' unlit t r It- ,.i'.;. at th'.t h a'. el A'"''!'. ;w.i ais .it; i a traveling .ale.m ot k n 11) j ,g.i.- in., a n: ll i' O.-'.o ,.f i'!i im' rla o's : i VI c. i'!'..: i -i end II irrh .. a Hem.-dv ' M ; Ii .. ii v ,:'! . an.l ,. ...:ht : ' ' f.. -S W . . itlTt;. d; It.' !'..'lle,r I f ' ' ,irs '. th- .1 ie I "i I f r Ifv it . ; ag .'!. ' !;. ,i" .'.:. a few t ' ..., s .f th't ta'.cit r me.iy Th re- 1 v.ili hi. b-, n .t i!'?.i! r an 1 al- ( ...ll'plet,. f' fl.'MI '.he a!!l '.'.oil " l'-..r tale b . 'Ii o ! I. 'g' 1 t, dl Hot I It It , 11 It ti.i That the IiIimhI houbl irform It. vltai fun. ili.n.. It I. absolutely necessary II should not only be pur. but rich In life- j giving .Irmenl. The, result r twai r (Tec ted by the lite ot that ttll-known tandard blo-'d purlllcr, Ayr a Harta parllla, 1 Th- .!!.! nr. f. . at ui'ori !i.. per. 'Ult'l.tlien' e 1 Sick heada. he abtoiutely and perutan- i en'.ly by using Mokl Tea A pleat, j ant herb drink i'ure coin'.ip it. n an! indigent on. maket y-i eat. sleep, w ork j and happy H atltfactinn guarantee, ,.r ; It has be.-n . i'.t tint eg .ti.m it the tad. I ! ., ii-. .t t.v i in m w h i r!d. a h .'.. . Luxuriant hair. :f uniform color. 1 a, beautiful head-covering for elth'r tel.: and mar be secured by uting Hall'. Vrg.- j uble Slclt'in Hair llenwr. Th.- ' o.,-r the W 'tni'i the gre.i'er I'.ir!!y f..r br heps the gcio-rio)' ,11'- :! " CAHTOrtIA, Ban th. ? 1; 1 k :1 11 'J HJ,, Bo.;". Th- o.. r a mat: in- n h- a-lrni- s. yoiitig.-r ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. tavs. ASTOHIA. Arrlv.. I tUally.) I am p.m I Portland and At-a in pm 1- ., ,,i : ..rl i - jo -s 1 1 i . , ! 1 , , ; i . ivl Knappa, Clifton.. W.tMii t Oohla and way stations, ; i 1.' A-'oi i i H. .;.!". s- w ,''ot K'r train. .1. n- ii rirst-ilasa trains leave Wurrenion for I'!sve and New Astoria ni 7:44 -i and l'i.2 a. m., i'lid l: "' .11. d p in and r.'turnlna' utrivnat Warrenton at m, 'i lo, 1! "", a. m. and 1J I". ' I". and T ". p in Tl' lll.S ,-aV"' H'.l'lde " "I i. ni . I i .'. a in.. I in p. in. dally for ,.-..rli. I'oii.anil tri.i.s I- .iv H- i-cl- on Son lay at p. m. J c. M yi i. 1 '. ,v I' A J. B. WYATT, I'hene No. r.s A.I'.rM, Drffir f lard wore, Ship Chandlery, ( iroeerlew, I to visionH, j PAINTS and OM.M. i Special Atttnloil PsiJ'o Hupplylng Hll.p ! Emil Schachtj' ARCHITECT ! Hooms J17-318 Portland Savings lia ik Cldj. Portland, Oregon. I r.lir ti la a nen-r-a,.., I r in. i f.-r lean, 11 1,0 ' 10 ,-i . H re r ifinior 1 ho a.' I W i,ii. , 11 n n it 1 11 , i, 1 ,, 1 ' ..i-., or ,y lull oiiiin.. I lion, ur iili ,.;. sea i a. In I tololaa, LjM O-iaranvs'l rt'icilf B'.l to aolawa. I'ra.tau MiiiMllua. ll'.n ..1 in i e 1, 11 a fi-iii L....e.....n A. I.ri..... K,.,. ..-... . .. taa l"ur.aBijiiw"'in on. " ...num. ' 1 rCCICimT'0.E2 "T "roggi.i 1 Ml oV 0,S. i. A iT'." '" rn'er, I t" Jd&A 1'' "Pr"". o-P'U.I. ..i s"iai-''v ss (tir'iular lent on reuuat. WiUI American Poppk'5. 1 , Lilacs mid Irl5. IV' , rii liiirnt ol miur aim aitmic ini-iii. ELASTIC STARCH miur aim .ittitiiiiiii-iii. The Choicest Table Wines... roe ranUltw Alo foe MttUeliasi a4 (Mkln Pwrpo.) PTtvat. Mbck. Cr Ryw, OI4 tlleftvr, ITlU if Kentucky an.1 llem6v; aoM raltfoenia nrafiilleca. " " Carlson's FimllyLljuor Store in Twtti.cTTV amtieT THE PROOF of th. puiMlng la In th. MUaai an.1 th. proof ot Mqwors i IS IN SAAiPLING Thafa an ugumant thaa's cluales-a, dtwioMtraUaa, Ours wUt .Land th taart. HUGHES & CO. i n r. iist.y uimmi -cah koitk mon p.iliPi.iMi Ti'TII Ka.MT. 1)1 It uSI.Y Km 3 K. T' I It K Yfl.lJ'WSinNr NauuN l.iahK. I. V K. I'KllTI.AM) AK11IVS : la-l Mad l"f I liehal s. I'rlitrHlla, No I. .."ll ll pel d, lUolltea.aliol .Nn.l. At. id.. ii. ii. h.i Is la I .:im. Seallle, Vi.-lnii... Port I na li.etel, klleu-! i.iirK, t. a'te. ll.'S.lalid1 II C Ira'l. H I ,. Nl I '"I. H Ks'lo. Mis otjis, lelllr,, I! A.M. Ileb ol. laul, Mui-I V ll I'. V '"'..I'- I s, k sii. 1 iir IMiiaha, ( i.iiliell 'lliiff.,1 M D.'il ,1 no aao.W .i Iiko.. ,, s, w y.irS, Clill ad l I ...Host. in, slid ail .at anil 'imtb e. 4 I'AlM lo Mlillii-ailia. uinaba, Kaq sua City ajul Ht l'aul. 1'k I'Alh 10 M ll a iikes. and ChloafO. ' I'AVrt (o Waabuigloti, I'lilladalpkla, New York a-d lloitoi, and other Easiarn K)tnts. IIKSg. cbe. k. d thrniih lo draitlaatlso of Mcketa Tor sleeping-car rervaioan. tlckata, msps and I11P Information, call oi a ' .rtt i P. W CTONn. Aalnrla A. I). CHARLTON ; (sa t llfiu'l I'asi, Agnnl, I'.irllnnl, Oi I K.MI Morris. 111 Hi.. nr Third BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains BETWEEN THE LAST AND WEST Only Una operating Its own through trains between Bt. Louts, Iiulavllle, Springfield, Cincinnati and New York, via Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, The traveler over the D. tt 0. Is permitted to catch glimpses of the greatest scenery In America, Paclflo PETER HARVET, Coast Agent, Bsn Francisoo. Room , Mills Building. (USSIFED ADVERTISEMENTS nl'lloll. .... ,.,v-w - l'tilt HUNT. for Iteni -A fel llro.ll.l ollg. " 11. r Mnlli and ll..nloii .reo lo'l'" t.l llond or 411 l.ti Imnga liet. r.ill ltKT-lX.l lli'l'HK AMI MAUN l.,l o.,r acre, of Intnl. M'r 1 l I' " uilon. known ... ilia flaiaop I1;'"; Apply 10 A Tugs. ' cuy arui- at ' Tin: mimiii vv: 'Tin: t'Ni.r ,M "I- IioIjI III Aali'lU li-mii ' ' ('III llllplin Kit I HI HllUll) II"- luta , il'o ill. Mll'W II I! M ' uiu mam:. Imitgii aiivi utrniui 1 tin. i'. m.ou (..-..pi.. ..mi.'. 1 won "v,"'",;11;' from no oil. "" '"'' '; retainer Hint won,. hold n '" " lr locallou ..f 11 l"""1 lei Humor it i"'" '.',, ., to hold, no in a 1 1 . 1 i"ii; '' hd under U .o..i:..n. " ''' 11 hat inc. I in 'A. 1 " ; Ml. J ll 1 1 A 1 1 1 I I.. A" HlM lKlt MKItllNllH TKkll'I.K IAJIKIK M . Nl' A. al.-llgular oomiioU'lcailon hld o 111 ftrat and third 1 lr ' uf ach monlh. U. W. lAU'NMItlCUMf. W U to, c. lll)MKN. oriary. AllKN'H WAN TKI'. Agent, and iaiii. la sll lr. Kllrk'a I'ock.t N. fnhal.r for catarrh, aathma. and lung and throat dlaa. Bell .. for II- Wt pfnis 'rllt tt .anipl. and l.mia l-r Mbk Medical fompany. Cincinnati, O. I'Hort-WlONAU H. T. cnoaiiT. ATTOHNICYATI.AV. Ml Connuwclal ilrwcM. JOHN T. LIOHTCR. ATTOIINBY AT LAW, Offloa. upatalra. A.torlaa Hulld'ag C. C. DROWCK, ATTOHNICT-AT-UAW. llund.roon llullUinl. a.torla, uroflu. DH. O. IL EctTM. I IIUKUN AND I IUJKON. Bpelal amotion o dicaca of woin.a and surgery. Ufflca. ov.r I'am'ir .lor., Astorta. T.l.phona No. U J. g. A. IIOWI.UV. ATTOUNKV ANI f)fNHKfJH AT LAW. Cifltco. llond BircMii, atloria. Or. Mt. JAY Tt'TTJ.r. I'HYHU'IAN AM' HI It. 1KN Offlc, room. I and l'yiin lluil.llng. ' U1V4 Commc'tlal liml Mm a ! T.lephnn. K ' Aeilng a.alalant tio"n I'ultcxl gialoa :""" WHITE COLLAR LINE roluniiil Itlver and l'iig"t Hound Nb gallon r.iiupany ) H'ranirr IMlle ! daily, except Hut I'eer! If avet At! 'f'.a . t in l.eavea Port- la li .1 daily. rliTjil H.ili'.a), T a. Ill liattert t . ke't g .o on . emer Thomp. ton i iioiiiptoii tt ket. g 1 on iia'srri. U. II Hcott, Prestdsnt. C. W. Htotio, Agent. Attorts I iv i 0 Ui! 1 1 mi scm 111 1 i s I li.lll l'o, 1 1 ,n I 1 K r ot A ll y 1.1 p 1.1 D.I' I t, r . I r.n.f I W-ith, K,.o .as 1 . 1 . M I la ..' .0 , . .,. H .1 ll. .e M.un, .1;,.. .. I' ul loll-. Ill, M, ,. ir.-, hi. .J- II! I I ,..'. f 1. ll O.i Ml IMI. as MI.AM.sllU1 AH - ii 1114 1 ,1.1. p.M..' .I,.. l o, , I ..ll J 1. !-. l. I, (I ..I Mail SMa fine H rr 1 p III S.,.l,r I Ijri I " ni. 1 'i a 10 1 1 0,110.1.: t Itivrr l-.'"Pt M'...ineta Hui.,..y ; T-' I' o 'I in 1 and Way l.iindlrina ' a 111 i:c.-i,t M .n.lay I I,.-. . II 'I .1 I I "111 l -l ' ,.1 d Vsill.mrlt, 'l' I" lnenn i I', Vei.1,,,, I suiiday OiOii .1 ,.1 I ., n.l's 1. a in 11 1 son i. Mlllanirlt' ae.l tm, ' s. III. hill 1.1.,,. I lies, I loir , , an.l -ul " ,1' A w. I tttitr . .1 m p iii. Mm ...W r l ai d I ll I. a. III. Wlllamrll Plvff. 1 11 p 1,1 I ties. I l.ur pm 1 1 mi, 1 to 1 .11 wil ' is 'Iii." Inur and l it 11 , I .,, 1, and Nit lo lllpmlu I I '. Mon U e, A I'll,!..)- I v I e , In . f . i,t nak ltl 11 r 1 1 0 I, , PI, ,11, Son . 1 lira. mi. I Hun. O. W. LOUNHIIKItHT, w. 11. HunLi.ciiT. A0"1 A""r'4- Qen. I'a. Aft. Portland. Or. rickets to nil points a.R A ST.. rorSalchyO-R. 4N Agent, AsDrla. 1 . I' l;.ii,I :s, llwaeo ThroiiKh pilaris and lourUt aleepai. dlnlliK and library oba-rviiilon car KLEOANT VEHTIIIt'l.E TltAINH No. 4 Limited leave Portland at I M p. m. No. I Limited arrive Portland at 11 II s. m. Astoria Public Library m ruira st . (sajv. punuiM. R aHt VI NffiW rR TO SLk Open every day from I o'clock to 1:10 and 6:10 to l:M p. m. subscription rates 13 per annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Uuans Street Moll's Ncrverinc Kills Th jjrta' remedy ! nervous pros (ration and XkTZJ k all nervous 0$ F.' 4' 1? disctsrs of tlir C 4'W? penrralive nr. 'ILI OIU, a.M) A I i 1,11 I nihil, ,. ,,f ,i. JXf Jl'ct as Nervous Proslrairon, Failing or .ost Manhood, Impolency, Nightiy Einij. $ion, Youllilul Hrrors, Menial Worry, ex-t-cssive use of Tobacco or Opium, which l.-.-tl to Consumption and Insanity. $100 Pf'J ,' niailj 6 boxes for $5.00. V.0TTS CHEMICAL CO., Pros'i, Cleveland. Ohio. i I i i J