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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1898)
aimi y. -L-. ""7"' (.1 , THE ASTORIAN bit till lirfiit (Irculitloo of toy piper on tht ColumMi Rlvir A THE DAILY ASTCRIAfl 1$ i$ : ttffest ni fcst j'Scrv i cd the Coloctij Mvtf ',' 1 ;'' I u V J I" 1.'.'': t.M "r "''J rf t f, ( '-I. K iiv a i ....Hi. i i .iigjjMamiM FULL ASSOCIATED PRttSS .'REPORT. i ne guick J leal UH Move. WILL ! 1 . V0L XMX AHTOKIA, OKEOOX, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1U, 1818. K0.2 . TIRE BE no APiUGE OF W Safc"()dorlcs5"nconomlcal, Ju4 the tiling for warm wcallitr. A jowcl at tho HeiiHido. Ono Dillon of Oil will liint lid ,(,uih. Cull and nee thc-tn ul tlio Eclipse Hardware Store, HOND ST. :-: Sole Agent. Form.rly K. It. HAWFJ-J BitiuuuuuuiuiuimnuniiiiiiuiimnratmtmmwuiumitimmnfiminiuittwtH ..VIVES.. I.KAD KVKUYWIIKlii:. If yn are Kr,'"K 011 utinn tliii Minimer yon will need n ..CAMERA.. Camara Will Not Be Squadron Allowed Time to Seek Safety in a Spanish Port. for His ' i - IvIvcm 4 x 4i " 4x5 ffi S.OO 3 10.00 I ij Tin' Ixv-t ('luin ni' eii tin- inurkrt to. lay for tin' money. ji 1 i ii . :. . t .. I . .. i i mi or i in' i'T t iiciiwuM. LINARES WOULD SURRENDER SANTIAGO BUT IOT HIS MEN IT WON'T DO Q riff in & Reed, Agents. Ij utnl; ;:iiiiiiiiiiii:ii;i!ti:iiiii!iiniiiiiiininmii:iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimuiiiiimmimii Santiago Will Probably Be Bombarded Germany, France and Russia Are Figuring on the Philippines Shatter's Army Has an Abundance of Provisions Ben nington Will Carry the News of Annexation to Hawaiians To Feed the People of Santiago Is Now the Problem Two British Gunboats Will Guard the Klondike Treasure Ships from Privateers. 1 1 The Art of Preserving Fruit . ,. . ' .i.;-'- pfnrtn fruit and voltl '. V . j' ' 'n!, KM!-. l):rpTi, with ill iV j.' M fr ult n.l uir nil Prwrit r la brought to prfcllon hM y"u ) iurh p.rf.rt Jr nd J.lly w kp, W hv. .y.rythlnf ncr.i.ry for ri - the i'ri-rviilin. . v '"V" P-V N.n t lt tl: th ruh com :: lis tr.'rpl in tlm. FOAPD t STOKl S CO. I A" !.: I'ffi Jiifi iii. h ) WAHHlMiT-tN. July Kf'.il l..itllr mjiIi.I I'hI.'ijt 1.1 ii . ( ik- ilx.-r, .',ho,,t;h Ihr r ciplrnt nl n"n With '. h fcir on lut)i !'! .i! H if l'iiii l'n''l ii for'.lr lh" ra.n ihm ih' Hiitlh i'intii.i ri-1 I . , h i. I l." n In . oi ira.tnrrii'r l.y t !r.i!'h w th th h -m. K" l MIIH III, K.tM tklf! !) Til ii 1 r t'"Ml li!i "; Sli.if.-r !y )i.ri hr m'B M .t urn.) fr .in 'uptwrf II.- w .m h,...i:i( ! t;;i Sin- ,ij; tIUIIUIllltlllllMlllliMIIIIUIIIltllllllllllllllllll.lltlttlUMUMIlllII'll- Post Yourself on City Prices and compare with what you have been paying ... .1 1"! I . t ill . f h .ill of h. rn. n .1 .1 ' 1 .1.111.1 ' '1! f-r .i ifi.. : Ml '.y .rv . : I ,n r l . .mi a. r... ' n ii. in. -rt.i'.i.. i : "Mi.-.! i ij . i. ,1 ) .. i-.n f..r: t: if th day th-ri ;u in riMon to l Jl rutmnr.l i:ti the oull'K.k. ilmr It wa kfi'in i-ni-ra Shifter hml ol no! hlnir l.y lh? nrmlttlre, his mm art r.!f.. hi commliiiry Impr-iveil. thi r.. huvi. l-n ccir-.l anJ hU rtilliTy i nnw altnoxt rmpl-t'-ly plncul In th m t i-ff'-i ilve manmr. None of lhi -ihliiX" rl!i-l ul th.. Ipttlnninic of th" ni;iiliii-'. (hi the othir the Spun- 'i fori havp lurito'y lUmlnlnhwl thi'lr r iiuk of pr. anl hav .lily lout In c-onfl.ltnri". An noon a. i nrr cinvtiK-rfi tflit thry will h hu n. :m-!y Inmr.l an.! f..l It In rxpiv ted that "urc lll ! many Jr!tTtlan from the : .n:n!i Urn i. There In :hc ntn .' ;..i:tlin i.n the p.irt of our utra lull rear the water line Ii not a dtnlr- l!ile uti-nt without Impalrlnff hln own aM- ..ljurir. , a bltle .hln. Tr'ur- dUcretloii to ct In the matter and will do hu u'.most to Kn.m the llifht mannt'r la which Captain r-llive any u(Tfr:n that may exlut. For the tlm being h ha all the utorea neres ary for hi command and enouh to deal K.-ird.d a very erlout by th official. : out .me upilit- to the Cuban. G-neral . Ktcan. 0( tne commissary de partment. havinK a yreat quantity on the trans itu .t from accompanying the eastern . porn. The tniniiMri Victor I about to leave New York with a (treat man of all kanl of commissary stores, to be followed soon ....ui.AKUJit.-vr "ILL HE MADE. by toe Mohawk and with " store of rt-frfgeratej betf and fre"h i S.-cr-!.iry Ali,-.-r Say Things Will Go on vj(elab!es. a I Santiago as at First Intended. I .!jimi-t to a battle ship, m the Hifht manner la wl K:m eiik of the damage, it l not r- yet It Is probably enough to keep the ' la from accompanying the miu.nlri.n to the coast of Spain. stand No. 8 n the list of commodore, and Sampson stands No. 19. Commodore Watson, alxo on duty with the fleet at Santiago, is senior to both the other, standing No. I in hi gride. When the official report is received a de cision will be reached as to the extent of the promotion to be made. TO FEED SANTIAGO. The Problem I Giving the Authorities No Little Anxiety. f Associated Press Dispatch. i Washington. July 9,-The authorities 1 are now concerning themselves seriously with the problem of feeding the destitute ! PLENTY OF FOOD. (Associated Pre Dispatch VahlnK!on. July S. A cablegram wa Shatter's Men on Half Rations One Day . population of Santiago as soon a It caplt- rw.-ivl from General Shafter at the war Only-Supplies Being Forwarded. i ulatej. as well as the Spanish prisoners di-panm.nt tonight which Is understood , ; of war who may surrender. to m.ik certain recommendations an to 'Associated Fret Dispatch.) ! lt has been extremely difficult, a shown (.i.ti.n on the Spanish prowls for con- WMhinirton ,,.. , vU.. nU, General Shaftefs report, to supply ngc, In- litum-l capu,ao. .mmediate.y after Z Vi the" ,C trT th, P- wh .h they need. irategUt. " r,c. .:,t Secretary- Algw retary and of ocourse the dlfflfflculty will be In- ' ", , , ','nera y'run n' a to proof of the a. rti..n. He answered CT;:iSvi nnouly by this large addition that one day only the troop were on halt I ' nunry """"i" ana moreover. It t sld ralion. an.l on ih .r .1 ..v lh inu,.. ahn ",Jl " lne ft '"e tali Ot Sin- . untmhi favorably nie proposition i , ;. hlte h.ute for a conference with under e..i.!.ler;.tion at Madr.d , ,''r' "' n!- Ii k'ntr to an arnil-tii . r to cn'S'ler term of peace. Til')' . i .-ve tli.u tl.e I'niti.l S'.aten ha evry- i '.Hi; " i. h The conference broke up shortly aftr i. n ,i iv in . i. i . c . i . . . , Junrnu were a u'w at '.ne lunner point ten tlal s in n.l'!:;; S- lTetarv A Cer a:.! Ih.-r.. h.t.l . ' . . .". . - i from the supply. i i n no reports ot nr ng nor ot ac ton. i u , . , . , ,,, ........ . . The general say there as considerable :; .it. be a. bled, "ther- has N . r some I . . . , , . , . ...i i complaint cn account of a lack of to- . ..'. ..." 1 ' ' lucco. but abbnl that there was suffl- ... I ii.ohi.-L' i. ir fn l.v ii". i m.u.e wm.Ti win not ne cons iierco, atl'i I . . . . . , , i.i i iioinir . io g.i.n n ai . . . .. icu-nt and tobacco and other neces- ney I tiaso sifts through the country a large part of the destltue populalon of the In terior will make Its way to that town to secure food. mule which will not be considered, f.i'M... I ...O.V ll'l .... ..n .....I. , . ic ,.s;:i rmr .. , .'. 'i'i.." ' .sary supplies on the ships to last at least It st.tlnl- to H il'oii lli.i! Ui i ail ii Votj I'o Mi 1 ,illl.roli aii'l l' tl"T I'I'M'I - I'll ( ini.ils ih. ill cii! i w Ii" liiiry :iiii'j:ati i Miak-, ulirMi oiii --pi l iaity. Aim: I'atnar.i's iu.idrn nilght 'I'o y .u by that." he was a-kel. i two months and they will be brought ! .1. I II I v.l. to i ...1 if- 1. nt In some strongly I "tit. it the b.'niiMrilnieti; Ctl l-l t n I 11. www . 11. 1 ir. CROCKERY and GliASSWARE IS OUR FORTE... . NOTE THESE PRICES .mi an.l ar S. r. ..iv A'c.-r in I A ! i 'oi l ilt w ere 111 cniniunt.-.T ti l- at S.inii.iiio .inr. tl.e ilny. Tin -e i olllclilla,, ,eii:iH. 1M!.V. ly !' give out for publication any dispatch.-? relating to the n Ktiii!lo:i that are ge tig n like Kcrrol. and thin i "' I .iy .li Wat-!.' puru... wiil be made at I , i iy. but that is ; N.nal'. 'ials fe.-j that another oh ne nay have :.i t.i- in. ul.- in tho makeup of '. Fran, I'O I IS a blow the bat' i rn which Is to strike! I ashore nt the earliest possible moment. Everything he rei,r'.ed to be In the most satisfactory condition, and that fighting might be resumed this afternoon or even- in?. I A statement of the press from the army in the field to the effect that the Cuban under (.iarc.a have undertaken to desig I nate a governor for Santiago after It j Talis, has attracted a good deal of aiten- tion here. It Is not contemplated here I to turn the captured communities over to the Cubans without a very careful con- I'ress.) The statement cabled j -"'"era. ion oi uie consequences unoneu. bv a correspondent of the Associated lu olu.v Ir"nl " !wl,lt mora, jlv : that he had learned on the tijn " " I"1" th fnlted States as b.t authority that Germany. Frame and a Hvlliied nation, but also from sound l'.iissi.i had reached an understanding vt- I 'Iwtrlnt.. utive to the Fhilippine Islands ju-t when Aci-ordtng to Captain Evan's story of h. stilitles cased, and they will combine I 111-. FI..NM.NC. lO.N rOll HO.NOLl UL. . to prevent the l nltcd Slates or Great on iieuvi . ii u. n.rai jn.irtrr nn.i u nei.u u,. l,.ittie. ttie i.uva was strucK twice ov , , .,. of i,., u m.u I I' again't the Spanish coast. ,- ship Iowa suffered some lmr,l i n'wiih I '"'''l"4 In the re, i nt naval battle wlth',.,si . . . . i bv . i s.ti.cir.ii. and l( may ne ncces 's.iry to suhst I tut some other battle ship p, tulmg repairs on the Iowa. i sav defln le," he repiied. IF IT IS TP.l'E .. ii. rni itiy and Il.iss... Are I'rc paring for a Spanking. Associated Press b spatch J .n. J'liy '.. (Copyrighted K' by th- I.ln.ires. Ni verthele.n K w.i . tit from sianlh shells. One shell exploded, while tlnir niatinii' that a ,-r:;i. had lniiiMiie otlnr Is nibeilded unexploded near readied so fur a Santiago was concern. .1, the water line of the ship. This last shot an, I that as mnM. , FRUIT JARS I'inl j:ir. , I'tT iln.i'ii, (Jiuirt 10 rents (!.") " llnirunl. " " .... sr, BERRY DISHES ldi'e 10 1. l." 'JO cento encli Small -" 1'tT Jzen ICE CREAM FREEZERS ( )ih- (jiiait Two " Tlinr " Four " fiix " Tin lop jolly lassfs, l-.'l pint Tin top jelly ulasseM, J pint Icily tnniMerH .... Whito Mason jar rubbers Hlaek Mason jar rubbers - l.o 1.1') 1.7.". "-.00 .c ilo.en oOc tloeii ."ic iloen He ilo.en 2.- dozen and that when the war is over an Inter national congress will bo proKsed simi lar to the Itetiin congress of li.S to settle ul! questions connected with the war. at I , . . which meeting Germany will demand a ocd at the Iniay prove ttoiiblcsome. asun uncxploded I'hlllm.lne Islands or other compensation In the far east, remains true, notwithstanding the rtirefuHy word id denials ottlcially Issued by the news bureau here July 3. As a matter of fact, the correspondent of the Associated Press has secured cor roborative details, showing that negotia tions between the three powers are still proceeding. The government press Is furious tit the Important news leaking out prematurely and some of these papers have gone to the length of threatening the corres pondent of the Associated Press with ex pulsion from Germany. On the other hand, some government papers now admit the truth of the news cabled to the As sociated Press. The Paris correspondent of the Kreux Zeltung significantly say: "It Is feared In Paris that delicate and difficult negotiations are necessaiy be tween the powers In regard, to tho Phil ippine question and It will bo at the most Impossible to maintain much longer the neutralities hitherto observed." Remember the Maine and Herman Wise wben you are ready to buy A Suit Hat Shirt leo Creum Disbes, " .'" and .It) cents per dozen. TIN AINO CJRAINITI3 WAKE- 0. SUMMERS 3d and Washington Portland, Oregon or anything in that line. HERMAN WISE is tbelrelinble and up-to-dute Clothier and Furnisher SHAFTER KEEPING KEFl'GEES. Ills Stock of Provisions Is Being Heavily Drawn I'pou. Associated Press Dispatch. Washington. July ".Lively Interest is taken by the war department officials In the reports regarding tho largo number of refugees who have fled from Santiago to avoid the horrors oi war. Many ot these ueoplw, non-combatants, have looked to General Shatter for assistance, which may make a severe drain on the commis sary branch of the expedition. Especially Is this so In view of the (treat difficulty experienced by tho general in getting his supplies from the transports. It the city ot Santiago holds out for a long time and Shatter has the non-combatants to feed, the question of their sustenance may become a serious conundrum for the government. General Shafter has authority to Issue rations to the hungry people and he un doubtedly will do so to the greatest pos- Assoclated p.-es Dispatch. San Francisco. July ?. The gunboat Pennington has arrived from Mare Island and Is anchored near the Rush. Corwln and Albatross. Admiral Miller will prob ably transfer his tlag to the Bennington. The Philadelphia will not go Into com mission until Tuesday. The Bennington's bunkers are full and It is expected that she will sail for Honolulu In a few days to carry the official news of the annexa tion of Hawaii. FUITISHEKS TAKE A HAND. Will See That Spanish Privateers Keep Hands Off Klondike Gold. Associated Press Dispatch. Vancouver, 1!. C. July St. Although there Is believed to be nothing In the story that a privateer has been fitted out to attack the boats bringing down Klondike gold. It has leaked out here that the niatti r was brought to the attention of the British admiral by American consul Dudley a few days ago. Admiral Palllser at once dispatched H. M. S. Amphlon north. The Amphlon Is a second-class cruiser. The admiral has also ordered the sloop Icarus carrying eight guns to be on the lookout for any suspicious craft. THE AMERICAN LOSS. Associated Press Dispatch. Camp Near Santiago, July 9. The oltl clal list of the American losses lit the battle of July 1 and 2 shows the killed as , oltlcers and It's enlisted men; wounded, M. officers. 1205 enlisted men: missing, Tfi enlisted men. PROMOTION AWAITS THEM. Associated Press Dispatch. Washington, July IK The president has determined to promote Acting Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley In recog nition of their services in tlu destruction of the Spanish fleet In American waters, hut Is undecided as to the extent of the promotion. Although Admiral Sampson outranks Commodore Schley In command of the naval forces In Cuban water9, he la sub ordinate to that officer by two numbers In the naval register; Commodore Schley HOMEWARD BOL'ND. Associated Press Dispatch Port Said. July 9. Six vesnels belonging to the fleet of Admiral Camara have ar rived from Suex. on their way back to Spain. STARVATION AT GCANTANAMO. Estimates That the Average Deu-.h lute Is Fifteen Dally. Associated Press Dispatch. Guantanamo, July 9. by the Associated Press i h boat Cynthia, via Kings ton. July 9. (Copyrighted ls?S by the As sociated Press.) Advices received by Commander MeCalla, of the Marhlehead, from the city of Guantanamo show that deaths from starvation average fifteen daily. General Peres, commander of Guanta namo. has given up hope of succor, and the town could readily be taken were It worth while to risk the lives of the American troops. The entrance to the lower bay is pa trolled nightly by st am launches. The gunboats In the bay have not shown themselves for several days. Thousands of Cubans, some estimate placing the number as high as 20,i)ii0, are being fed at the camp on the west side of the harbor with supplies furnished by the Red Cross society. LE GRANDE DCCHESSE. She Is Now Being Loaded With Troops and Horses for Santiago. Associated Press Dispatch. Norfolk. Vu., July 9. The steamer La Grande Duchesse. which was lately char tered by the government a a transport, received her first troops when the Ninth company, signal corps, and Company B, engineers, marched on board at the New port News shipyard. The men were as- (Contlnued on third page.) The Royal i. tie highest grade baklag powder haowa. Actual test show it goes om third further the .ay other breed. pa ?.f5 K ril, atr jt FQVDER Absolute! Puro OVM. UKIM POW0C CO., NtW TOUK.