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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0K1AN, WKUNKSUAY MOUMMi. ,11'LY rt. UU8. THE POSITION OF THE 0. 11 & N. OUR T.RICAT MIDSUMMER SALE SILVER SHEEN, SUMMER ..CORSETS.. V ire oltcilnij I he titM Val ue In Summer Cornell, hotili .VK'tmfctieie. a8c pair. Aleier & Frank Company's t JitTft'Ct HIlliHlituto hilk ; I'm' lihinp for fr waint and r-kirK W II I'll Ki'lo IIHlt for tllOHO Ci!iilncd liy (irm'inl I'rciijht Acnt U'lioiUniih While Merc. Attrnt'ts nil lmriitn-ccKcr! frtim fnr tint) nenr t our Itiinjnln Counters. .A. W I NO I' OlISIKlt.TI.M. ltl Sl.M SS Affords Buyers Exceptionally Good Oppor. tunities for Economical Investments. &Way H Made . n 1 1 a a Cuitimu I'lilnt - frcttuM IKi lis Una niulmn Rather ItuR I'jv Utlici I t I i There Are Sales and Sales BUT OCR GREAT REMOVAL SALE Eclipses all Others Tn the extent and variety of the Stock offered. Tn the REMARKABLY LOW PRICES on all lines. Tn the avidity with which purchasers are availing themselves of the oppor tunities presented. t 3 DO NOT DELAY YOUR VISIT, AS EVERY DAY SEES THE COM PLETE CLEARING OUT OF HANY LINES. MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. ilcuernl Frvlght Agent J. O. Wood i worm or i nf i. ll .. company w. i In tho lity yesterday mi lu return In I Porllan.t from Clutsop beach, where he ! .pent the Fourth. Mr. Woodworth H ! rvi-ognind a one of ihi brightest irultlc men In th northwest, having worked hi way up the ladder during ninny year.' service with the O. II. & N. Taking ad vantage of hu presence here, an Astorlan j representative called upon him at the oc . ciilent hotel and asked him for an e , preiwlotl of opinion Upon the subject of ; the controversy recently raised In the ; Astoria newsp.ier over the "common I point" rate question hii. I the assertion j made that the O. It. .V X. nn .landing an obstructionist In the way of A torlA'i development, now that It. nrw ' railroad wait open for business, After I some hesitation Mr. Woodworth .aid: I "I Judge from reading the newspaper. tiivi wh-it I luar about town, that wc ; are very generally mlaiiml. ratood in A- tori nJ urn orry that I cannot may over and mil upon those shipper. who wouia W fairtnlndc.l m their consider it loin ot i these question !n tttii.h our company I j murv-'U J. j "Nothing we h ue done. ,.r fulled to do. j ha ovr.i!e,l .m.i.nst the intrii: of ; Astorut. There eem to lie nonie com- plaint beeaiiM.. we do n 't .m'.hor'.l.- the -application of ir.mseoni.nv In I i-oniie. Hon w ith the rullro.i.l We r.- to learn Ihi.. Ii'nur our artiun I In lhl matter i innot ,iff,vt An-r.a inter j rt. In any way.. j "S'e have nlway. made Ailoria a com i mon Hiint on trun.contlneutiil huliie... and I think everybody will udmlt there j wa nothlnic to prevent our adding the ,local to anJ from rortl.uid, had we een , fit t. till Ho , "Th. railroad ha not offeree! any better rate than those we hae alw.i. made. I nor have we toi. In the way of your s- t- tltiit belter rat., on tran.i-oiitim ntul buslnt-M. and If we ee tit to u.e our !nt ' for the handlltifc- of th bifiite.. ! of paying other people fordoing the work, j I don't we why your people should com plain. Th.y apparently overlook the fact ; that the other road, .aerirt. e nothing In makltiic the tariff apply by Mr. Ham ' niond'a road, . nee they pay him no more j f ir the .-rvli e than they have been pay ' I the .teatnbo.i:. for the .anie .erviee. wh:l- we W'Oii.l In- nut anything We p.ll.l Mr. Hammond for hauling freight M an.i fr.ini r-irtland." Harper iVhifkey l liip.ii.l mtnir, bn! id poetry, ripe, niei'.ow, n-freh.f(f anil j-'.l io'ii. Hold by Foard A Stott-a. A or..i. (iri gon. Specials for the 411 MtisiH't Kill lilnvt, all I'tilon. MiiMoot Kill (ilnvtx iirti tliflK'M. tllovvs, t'Vci'v ir M:iM-it Kil guimmti'ctl. Mavnt Kill liliivts wtiir tin1 ItHlgt'jit. MllH'Ht Kill tiloVtS lO perft'ct lining jlow iiui'lf. NOTIONS AT 1'HIOKH THAT HIIOl'I.U ITT VtUI IN Til 10 NOTION OF Ill'V INK HllltK' Hook, and l.'ye., per card,.,, .,, 10 fkl-liti It lupa mea.ure, each , So Ladle.' leather holla, mch ,,,,.10o Aluminum Ihlmule., each lo All .Ilk ribbon, per yard la Large can talcum powder, per can., tic targe Ikilllo va.ellne, per tiuttle to lie.t ahoa blacking, per bug lo Hafety plna, per doaen , , lo Heal bona collar tuition., per iloion. to lirge can tooth powder, per can to Heat ipiallty pearl button., per dm.,,, io Knitting allk, per .pool J Steel crochet hook., each 10 t'oraet aleelt, white or black, aach la lie.t .helf oil cloth, per yard lo He.l table oil cloth, per yard M Wlnd.or Ilea, aach So Flnl.hlng braid, per bunch,,, to Large boltla black Ink, per boltl le t'htnr.a .. rub bruah, .ach 4o Aluminum pocket comb., Mch im good writing paper, per bog To Chlldren'a faat black itocklttga, palr..0 dun umbrella., each..,. 44c lotrge alia gingham aproni, each Me Ixi.llr.' aummer veat, each.. lo ilood cotton towel., each lo K. Z Walit for children, each fhltdren'a huae .upporlera, per pair., lo Ladle.' .allor hat., each Co I'hlldren'a mull hat., each llo totdlra' .hlrt wal.t, aach So I.a.llr.' Heparatt aklrtt. each IH ilauntlet glove., per pair Ho nut Specials for ilie 4th Whilf ltu k Skiiln, four yn!j witlf, f.itrial I'lict', 7'V. Wliito l'l'itH' Skirt, four yarU wiilo jiixt tin' tliii'js' ir ,''' Jt'' hj'll'llll JTIff, !... Shanahan Brothers, TIII2 C1I1I2AT HAKOAirS IIOUHIi. OAnnrinnnarxn fuuuuwm ruvariruwn ivxnm uwi iinruinnjt ruuvwrnr1 an THE PALACE Astorin Lendins; Reitnurant livervllilnu Htrlctly I'lrnt-ClimM. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. Bvvuvnuuvruviivumnn; 'imiriiiHiittiii.M'iiiiVwiVriiiniVeai'a, t It j . A J Well-Mounted I Wheelman uVminiiWiiitiw t r o T i: i : M i ' Situation Wanted T' do g.-neral li.i ork. AMr. -i M. A.torlun ofliec. . w :l M-iJ-i -.1 r 1'or' Th r 1 ai intuu1 Astoria's Leaditig Hotel I Megler 6c Wright, Props. j: '!i : a Ap; ly to ' d I' '" n ' !V.n Si c 01 to 1,. iJltf 6 The Pantry Shelves. I'potl ttl p-mtry .lO'lv. . .hould be found it .elected i.orime!U of i ho. ,. nro. eri.-a. Not kind yon buy It all) n.i.le. but II .opply from ui W.. am careful with the n'lilll) of k- u buy and tru-t to your 'riiiK u renew I I 8 Si r I' i . uol new i U"toinsr 1(UN. HH.I.INS ,V CO. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair; warmer. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Love nature for herself, unfold your breast To hear her music, and receive her Are You Bhall have Joy and beauty and the rest Of Belf-forgetfulnenn, and dead desire. 3, A. Brooke. Try Shllling-i oowder. Beat tea and baking Bweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. Beat le cream at the Bonbonnlere. Cream 10 and 15c per pint. Parlor Candy Btora. Infant.' Mall Hood, at Dunbar'.. Try Golden Gate compreaaed yeaat at the Parlor. Freab cream, strawberrlea and ice at Foard ft Stoke Co. If Snodgrau doein't make your pictures you don't get the best. Wben you want One tea, good coffee and pioea try Foard ft Btokeg Co. Empire Coraet at Dunbar'e. A regular meeting of the police commis sioner waa held last night. The A. ft C. had three cars of ealmon out ior the east yesterday. J. C. Jlayo of the A. & C. returned from Portland yesterday. Watch for the program of the farmers congress It will be worth reading. Paxton's photos are on paper of his own preparation and are guaranteed not to fade. WILD BLACKBERRIES. Leave your orders for wild blackberries with Ross, Hlgglns ft Co. Plaid I!ilil,ii at Dunlin. 'i. FINE CHERRIES. RASPBERRIES and RED CURRANTS are plentiful and cheap. See Ross, Hlgglns ft Co. The Braemar, which arrived In from Hong Kong Sunday, brought 1 passengers. Mr. and Mrs. Yd surrendered one of their children yesterday to the care ot the Children's Home at Portland. Contractor Leucck yesterday com menced the work of moving the O'Brien building up near the railroad depot. Mr. J. H. Branson of Waco, Texas, arrived in the city yesterday on a visit with his sister, Mrs. Dr. O. B. Esles. The tug Relief blew out one of her boiler tubes yesterday, which has tem porarily laid her up. The tug Escort will take her place. Captain Johnson, ot the Fort Stevens life saving crew, Is in the city to take charge of the new surf boat built for use at his station. I. - k !r o"r window today for tooth-'T'lfii-s; your choice for In cents. Chirlei Rogers, druggist. Odd Fellows' building. Triv.-l few days r. It the weather was train would In- itow.I II tile r.ilil '.id h.i Improve. I nituni; to km lur th to th- ' mly w.i nr. I. The l.o.i nr.' John Tlberg and Charles Wilson are re ported as having lost their nets while drifting near Clatsop spit yesterday. Ti beng and his boat puiier, whose boat was capsized In the breakers, were saved by General Freight and Passenger Agent the Fort Stevens life saving crew. Lo't-Hy a veteran of the civil war. his .li"' harge papers and pension cer tificate; flnd-r will please leave at Adri an office. A regular pantomlne of riews depicting tne life and history of Astoria, snd souvenirs of the city and country at the Snougraas gallery. Col. John Adair, who was over from Sunnymi-ad yesterday, stated that dams an.i ir.ibs are plentiful along Clatsop beach now, and visitors are living high. Percale, at Dunbar'. The ladles of the Emergency corps are urgently requested to meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon In the reserve parlors. Business of Importance will be consid ered. Emll B. Kunzier In the county Herk s office yesterday made final proof on his homestead entry In the northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 18, t. Cn, r. I w. Justice of the Peace Hughes entered upon the duties of his office yesterday. Auditor Clinton and Assessor Carnahan hIho took charife of thidr respective offices. Louis Larson, aged 9 years, son of A. H. Larson, died at Hammond Sunday of typhoid fever. The body was shipped yesterday evening on the train to Heap poose for burial, If you have hides, wool, furs, rags, bottles, lead, brass, copper, sacks, or any kind of junk for sale, ship It to R. M. Gaston, K6 Fourteenth street, Astoria, "egon, or write him and he will call at your place and get It. He pay cash. The crews of the wrecked Yukon river steamers Staghound and Game Cock were paid off yesterday. The majority of the m'-n accepted the company's settle ment, which was on the battls of pay from the date of Joining the steamers until the date of the wreck. Some of the men still hold out for the month's od-vance. i report an Itnuruv. in. nt In business. When Captain J .n. s of the Itr.t sh !i Trade Wind sails for England he will take with n. m Ceorge Hartley's pet black bear now grown to a large site. Th bear Is quite tame nnd will no doubt : f ford the sudors much amusement on the Voyage. Mr. C. 8. Wright yesterday received a telegram from Mr. (.-orge W. Hume San Francisco, stating that the big rati of lumber shipped from here it few days ago by the Inman-I'iiulson company hail arrived there safely. The Emergency corps yesterday morn Ing breakfasted seven volunteers who came down on the Thompson en route from Kan Francisco to Fort Canny. This Is tne first work of the corps, and the men seemed to appreciate their recep tion in Astoria. At the grand Fourth of July ball given nt Foard & Stokes hall the evening of the fourth by the ladles of the Emergency corps, among tho many handsome dec orations was the Ice ir.-iim booth, whb h was arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Cowing of East Astoria. MaJ. R. K. Whlieflcld nf Han Francisco Is in the city visiting his brother-in-law Mr. Charles Rogers. MaJ. Vhlten, h is Just been appointed traveling passenger agent of the Wabash railway for the const. Ho was formerly with tho South ern Paclllc In the same capacity, and Is one of the best known passenger m-n on this coast. A K.'tsollno launch belonging to It. N Carnahan sank yesterday at the rear ot the Murray hotel. Thn launch was brought there for the purposo of putting a new engine In her nnd she settled on one of the sawed off spiles when the tide receded, punching a hole In her bottom. The leak will bo patched up and she win be raised today. J. B. Simpson, Hutte; J. J. ilrumbaek and wife, Iiwaco; E. H. Harmon, Placer, Ore.; Btella Howard, Myrtle Creek; Wm. Hahn, Chicago; otto Outhman, J. O. Woodworth and wife, F. A, Spencer ami HA HI'S! HAM'S! Steel quilted soled shoes for boys save money. We liave those that save ! mi STEEL SHOD SHOES. in Fumous as Wearers. Ladles Oxford's in Tan or Black, 1.SO I must ! shot! in a pair i i ntil' tVUUU' slliit'S. Iht'v lit the loot; icM 4 ti its fvcr motion. i. H ii C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Cimtoiti Hnttato llrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON Agent W K Co., and I'ueltlc Lipr, Cu wife, Portland; S. !. I'l.r. Dultith; A. U. Dunn. Seattle; W. C. I'urson., Aruona. Mrs. Canby and child, Vancouver, are registered at the Occident. A marriage license was Issued by the county cb-rk yesterday for O.-orge Mc llrlde and l.lllle K. Mason. Mr. M' llrlde Is tho son of Judge Thomas Mcliride unil Miss Mason Is the uiiughier u. or Ma son, of lh Port (trig, m Tribune. It Is understood that the wedding will occur this evening. J. F, llii. heliler and wife. It. I'.. Haber sham. Mrs. J. F. Ileh. Portland; A. I. (iraham, Frank Elliott, San Frnnclsci,; W. H. Starr, Albany, Hoy (liuiter, Sara, Wash.: Mrs. Oliver and iluughtcr. Pillar Rock, are registered tit Th Murray. There wu a decided Improvement In business in tho police court yesterday. An aeciir.ulatlon of drunks of both s'Xc during .hp two preceding days came up for trial. Two torlorn female resident of lowertown were lined nnd tin each. Mush Harris, drunk mid disorderly, for feited t'i ball, peter Carlson ami Thos. Curly eiu h lln.-d t-" for the sumo off- nse, and William Kigali, a plain drunk, was lined V.. The newly elected county olllccrs were btise nt tlp-lr desks yesterday, having formally taken possession of their unices on thn fourth. II. (1. Smith and lib hard Prael aro the deputies of County Cb-rk Wherlty. Under Sheriff Williams are Duncan Stuart and Watson J. Hinder. Tho county court will meet today and, without Homo new troublu arisen, the tip ointment of the deputies will be con firmed. The United Slates Civil B'-rvlcu Commit.- sion announces that examinations may tie taken July Zl and 1W, 1!M, for posi tions in the olllce. of th Surveyor (Jen eral, Register, ano Receiver, nt various cities In various states. The cllbn named lu Oregon are Astoria, La tlrunuc, Lake- view, Portland, nnd Roseburg, where ex aminations may be taken. Full particu lars are given In tho circular which Is on file nt this office. Ihfl Sit, a Chinaman working at Do Force s oil works, on Youngs river, was drowned nt that place Monday evening. He hud been shoveling fitch heads from tt boat and was going up a ladder to the wharf when tho ladder broke nnd he fell back into the river. A rope with a loop In It was thrown him but he was unable to hold on to it and sank. The body was recovered at low water and brought to the city yesterday, Coroner Pohl will hold an Inquest on the re mains at 8 o'clock this morning. A lively scene was presented l the rail road depot yesterday noon when the Port land train urrlv.-d. After lh. train camo lo a stop the pint form waa soon fill"! with people; hai kdrlvers and express men were shouting and running iibout as busy us any In the great cities; mall clerks, baggagemen anil porter vll with wich other In getting; In the way or passenger all they could, while tho lat ter, anxious In get to their dinner, did Ihelr share of tho rustling. The clung of the engine, bell na tho train waa switched reminded tho onlookers thnt As toria nossesaed some nf Iho modern meth ods of business, , 1.'.. f Is. 111' I MUPSON & BROWN llMIUlllllllllllUftllllYl,llIIIUIUII NoTP'i: op Mrt.soLI'Tlo.V OP I'AHTNEItHIII! '. Notice I. hereby given that thn partner ship now nnd heretofore dialing bet we George Johnaon and J. M. Hughes, at torney, nt law, and known under tk (Inn nam. and atyla of John.on Hughe., h.a tin. day been dl.tnlved r mutual content. Mr. Johnaon will so, tlnue Dm builnr... Mr. Hughe, retiring therefrom on a.aumlng the dutla t Ju.tlce of th peace, UlCOn.-r, JoltNHON. J. M. HUUIIKH. A.lorla, July J. m. Just ua soun a. your hair begin t show any signs of coming down It la bet ter to maka an antlraly new oolfTur than to endeavor to rnmprlmls by pulling1 a hairpin out of on plac and putting It In another. Is Your LIFE.... INSURED ?? ? Then your wife hikI children will not bo dependent on ii cold world. But it is e(iiul!y your duty to look out for them while you aro alive. It would bo wrong for you to give your earnings to houio storekeeper who charges moro for your Clothing, Hats, and Fur nishings than Herman Wiso sells as good, if not better goods. The Best for the Least Always at -:-,HERMAN WISE-:- THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER.