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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, WKHNKSHAY MOKMXU, .Ill.Y (i, lU'.ui THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF RCS it due not only to the originality and Implicit; of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it U manufactured by boientitlc proeosw's known to the CAt.ironMA rio Svhit Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fi is manufactured by the California Fio Syrcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cam rouxiA Fm SvhfP Co. with the modi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of tlic Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of a'.l other laxatives, as it acts on tlie kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating1 or weaken ing thera, nnd it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. (iv rut.'irioco, cj. Lot tTin.r- kt. mw rom.s.T. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. Si. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sent by mail, per year teeV irnt by mall, per month Servfd by earner, per si'W.h 6e WEEKLY. Stnt by mail, ptr year. In advance. ...CV' Pottage free to ubscr;bcr. A'.l communications Intended or publi cation hou!d be directed to the editor. Business communications of ail kit.Js rd remittances must b addrt.?ed to "The" The Astoran guarantees to Its adver tisers the lareest circulation of any news Piper published on the Columbia river. Advertising- rates can be had on appli cation to the bus.ness manager. SPAIN" GUILTY OF MALPRACTICES FORBIDDEN BY CIVILIZED WARFARE. While there Is now some reason to doubt the reports that the bodies of Am erican marines who fell In the battle o( Guantanamo were mutilated after death by the Spanish guerrillas. It is neverthe less the opinion of army men that the main count of the indictment against Spanish brutality will bold good. Surgeon who examined the bodies of the men who died at Guantanamo have reported that It Is possible that the ghastly mutilations Were caused only ty the bullets from the Mauser rifles used by th-' Spanish, but, in the opinion of men who have studied the work of the 51.uu.-r rifle, there is mu h evid- nee o show that the Spaniards u-d bullets that wire practically explosive, thereby violating every law uf humanity in c-ivil-!z-d warfare. Many years ago ev-ry military power but one agreed that, in war. it would u ' no explosive projectile l.-ss than one in h In diameter. Spain was on.- uf th- , h.- r promoters of th- agreement. The on nation whi.-h 1i.l n.)t join in th- agree ment the I'nif il Stat.--, an it re fueled on the same ground j man might refue to sign an agreement not to te a traitor to h:n country that the mere request was an Insuf-rahi- in sult. America has never used the weap ons that savored of barbarism, she has never experimented with poisonous shells or supplied her troops with huil"ts that v.. mid "mushroom ' wh-n tti-y s ru- k ttu-h. Spain has .lone tries- things ,md is doing them yet. though Spa.n sign-. I th" agreement. It is ft fict, proved by mi.-.y .xp-ri-ments. as well as the l!r!tib In the fhilral, that only under . x. - ;. tional clrcumstanees will on- of -he-, smad calibre bullets use.l In n military rifles cause mutilation. Th Imll.-t Is speelaily preparv'1 so tint it cannot "mushroom." It can also be. sp lally prepared ao that it w. 11 and Spain- troops have found out how to do it. The ilaus. r bullet Intla ts a w Min 1 !i rible .nwuh, evui without tin- Saatii-h imprnv. ni nt. If one of the ordinary bullets hits a man in the ch'-.-t at l. yards It will pass through h'm. The h ! at the point of entry Wouai not admit th' Utile fiiij." r of a su.f,e,,ri. but at the po:n; of exit would admit his c b n h- d list. Under tin- same ( Toiimstaiires, with on of the 'Sp-inish improveo'- bullets, th wound tit tin- point of tr.r.m. would udmlt u man's list. There would ' - no discernable point of exit, for there simply would be no back l.-lt upon the man thus struck. This, according to the de scriptions, received from Guantanamo, exactly describes tho condition of the bodies of the marines killed by the Span ish, except that, with true Spanish cour age, they had sneaked up and shot thern In the back. The result was the utter de struction of the viscera and the pro due' inn of Wounds of su h ghastllnens. that It Is small wonder th survivors believed that deliberate bestiality on the part of the Spaniards had produced the conditions they found. The marines were probably wrong In be lieving that Spanish knives and ni h hetes mutilated their dead comrades, but when they Jearn, as they will, the story of the bullets Used at Guantanamo. they are hardly likely to regret thu aterness of the revenge they took the next day. The bullets carried by the ilauser rifles used by the Spanish am not as large around as an ordinary lead pencil, and are about an Inch long. A heavy charge of smokeless powder gives them a veloc ity uneuunlrd by any of the larger cali bres. Uvano of this hlth velocity It was found at llrst that the ordinary ha.leil bullets "sir.pp' d" the barrel ol the gun. It was also shown that, liieiiu.t of this ann velocity, they would as sume slr.-tnge shapes and Inill.-l the m-'st horrible wounds. Partly to prevent this loss of weight I" the bullet and partly from the db tal'S ot humanity the ordnance evpit t" ef s country have Invariably tn-tstcd that the leaden bulli st -hall be lne!o..l in a hard i tied easing of copper, r.evmati ii.r. 01 lilikel.d steel. Tlie Span ards are sup posed to encase th. ;r bullets m n.. k.'i'-1 cupper, t'upia.n l.aixticnce I.. limn, in structor of oidtuiice and gimn.ry at Wist IMittl. and one of the tra:et I V Ing authorities on ordnance. i of these small calibre bullets: "The wounds are less serious and the shattering effect on the boil, s 1 ss thaa wilh the old projectile. The shock or topping power Is also less as the calibre decrva.. unless the acts iplo. sively, and hence It has been .roji,, d for the v. ry small'o.-s t- r. m.'ve the Jacket fnun the point of .he ba.O t. lu causing it t- sp-.-i ad . at m ( at on f.'k Ing." Th s nians that ad that '-- n. c -ar to i-oivert n. ,if the in ; humane p'-'-jft:i,H into the most en.n di-t '.'.': niiss ie e.r .!! d by min Is t tV.c or till aw.iy part of the harb-.n.l ..o "U c-v-r:ng 'h- point of the '..:.;. The soft lead, thus expo-el. wbl p:-r id the second it stckes ny.h:ng and. on the bodv of ,i man. will nak- a ho'c as n-.s a a foot-ball. In a report u;- ! th - work of the rg't la t ion Mauser bti'.iits. issued t-y the Spaa-iar-ls themsi'.vis, and now on flic in the rurvau of Information at Washington, it is stated that: "The bullet has the effect of p. rforat. ng a hone- without frao It. and th"-.. wh.i are s!i n In many parts of the body and m the arms or Kg sc.cfer very .ind wi.l svi-m be r -sii'.y f-r duty ag.i.n. There need be f w nr.'., '.r.. r.c as, and the las::": .fleet 'f wo'tt'.ls w.u be ridace.l t a min'mum." That is the r--vrd of the m lil-c.iillTe b'.lili t nh ll i roiectcd by the ll'a kel- d ;a.k-t tth.ih the ruiis of e: ;'- -t war fare in-.:v.e ;p.:i i;. K. a .. f.i . the r. c ord of what the "xushr :n'- ' i.l- --the bullet with au urv'ro;e. t, .1 pclnt .an a. -cone.'ltsh. and thi n o.'tnp.irr it with the a nsiunt of the- w itin is :n'!:ctt ! "p-n our;ttes at Ciuaritati-uno. . r. Van '"-vcr w.::i.s.J the .fleet of o:i- of th. se 1. 1. tru. k the for hea l of a I man at the d.t mce f M y '.r . H- y - ! "The -kuii wis -mic-t-.y sti ft.r-t.) the '.w-ti.s a--. 1 s -a p w-r : irn Into the ' sm.ilo st at :u ir.d a'-t- ted In all d.ree-1 tio:; The of tlie Au-.! -! V-r -k. t tip in-- s -,e. rat- p.'C. s of o-oi. . Th-re w.s rr'.hrg 1. ft of the brail i,.. ...i,....- .. w m! fragtmnts ot b-'ne. None of the con volution of the brain could ! t- r mined." It sctrris t-i b- only ree-ntly that th Spaniards have taken to the use of "mushroom" bullets. It is without the bounds e-f possibility to stip;vse that th. offlcers In command of the troops do not know what is g org on, just as It is impossible that the wounds found u:n the bodies of the dead at Guan tanamo mere inflicted by regulation Mau ser bullets. It Is, unfortunately, the easi est thing in the world to convert a regu lation bullet Into an txplos.v mts;l-. It hapjiens that It takes a file to do the work with one of the bullets us.d in the United States" Lee-M-:f rd rl!b s. but that Is only because the bullet hap pens to be cased In n .ck-lcii steel. Th S;unish Mauser bullets are eased nick-led copper, which can be removed from the point of the buil-t a kn:f. ,(jOoJ food at fair prices is v.-ithi.i the rea,!i of every one. el s dl HV- p. -tr T.i i:-.. e .'.ra.ts Sc hi Ling's Be it. For u by foss. rL'g,;:r.s ii Comrany The hay f-v-r vo tim will s-.on be w:'.h us. "During the hot weather last summer I h id a severe attack of cholera morbus, n-. ..-ssitatmg my leaving my business." says Mr. C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros., Finds:!-. Oh.o. "After two or thr-e 1 e-. s ..if i.'li mil-rlain's Odle. Cholera and j I'lart h-e-.i It-m-dy I w is completely re-j ii-vr.i and in a few n -urs was able to r- .-time my work in the store. I sin erely r-. it to any on a filleted w-fh stomach or bowel trouble." For sale by Charles Rogers, A diy w.'l r-posa. nt br.tigs a n gh' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of No or.- a-cu-e- a u -man who -rnllit.g.y , bi-hiri- s.z- s t ,.j l..-g- f -,r her. Pears1 We perspire a pint a day without knowing it ; ought to. If not, there's trouble ahead. The ob structed skin becomes sallow or breaks out in pimples. The trouble goes deeper, but this is trouble enough. If you use Pears" Soap, no matter how often, the skin is clean and soft and open and clear. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. What Paine's Celery Compound Is Doing for Hosts of Women. 1c ' :- It n. for IMin-'s ceb ry ( "tt-l :::'- of al, the many women ; bi !,i. f.n-rc, h'.ilih by Us means' ty :i i- w r- in ltic.d to t ike It j : - -gh :'..- !' --'.las en of oth-r w on. n -' : -, m-tv rs. or frb ti-!. h--i i . k i"-l .-hie si:ff-T. r 1- . -, : i . . .-1 -: '. ' y n health and tgor "ii ik.t'g r.i.t- s ,-, l.ry compound no ,(, i, ; .r-i ; g -.t-g .pr rtg Ui h'it: lr i -.'i f--r ! ': : '.- f: to the most tub- d Th-s J -yoiis trans-k-i. "-i to health t. 1:1 's of liotn. s th.s th ' x; rf-n.-e bke that of . - of Mrs n. II. Stud-!-: !'.'. ,. St.. V V . i ashlngt-.n. 1. i W. lis. V.:. hir '..on ...: :'iii: I (i n- f -r -.irs il- n:b tr.' n r. 's e-lery romixntn.'. , "My I.".'.- latmh r wis ,y t- on n i r tn:i'.". ! .1 to my husband by his a ., ...t. an 1 . ,:n- ti on.. 1...-K n fath.-r. who him to hive me try I:.' as it -he 1: id hi I a h.i ! .-kti. s. I w-t'-t f .r w.-h o:h-r r. m-d;es 1 did not s-em r.ght -iway and g . o r a bottb- ,.f to ... g.-tf.rg b-tt-r. I was stiff-ring; la:,.', c. 1-ry , onip-mti I. and she ha from r.-rv.-usniss. and my baby seemed h.i I b.-t.r health s n. . than sh.- .ot to nurse ;t from me. as she did not sleep! had in tor l.f.-. h-arty and i grow more than or i minute at any t!m-.; ;ug ,'ist." t I also stiff .-red fr.-m tnd:g-st:on snd ery No woman anv way out ,jf health can torpid liver. I find that I'alne's cel.-ry'in lu.ti.e la h-r-t! and Ii-r family compound not only comes up to what you j fail to tike I'ain.'. ry ...nip..u:i.l say. but that it is, without doubt, the best w h n its jiower .f r. -tor. tig h' -ilth is tonic and r.-niedy f-r women. I do not I a! iin.l.ititiy prove . HPPlNGNMftRJf r- Atr-r fJ -. 7-'r$f ' MARINE NOTES. ip for Portion, I I i Th- I', rtryhn e-t-rday. Th- ;! nbank. wh-n: laden, put to i y-st-rday. T.a ir.d . .' r V li-on. with freight fr mi .-' in Francisco, via. !' -.v-1 in y-s-.Tilay. S ! . m'e.i.b-l f .- i wo-..I nt the Ninth: . .r - ;.r . ding to Port- I VES8Er'5 BOUND TO AJ3T0RIA. .... ,, ., ., ,. ,.,'' n JI l.cii P.". "V - ry riiik.s appet t-, Mbl.-.s. il'-sre-r ger. Br bk, 1.2 tons, i , , ,, , In .;.s d.g. n. prornot-s ujsimlUt,.ti, Nagasaki. tills on: th- li .liows In cli-. ks and n-ck Al.-xander llla k. Dur.n, Br bk, ll'pig, e-n. Ar.'W-rP i To.-thburk, p' t-rson. Br bg ISO tons, , O-rgh-in'l Joseph Pulitzer, Harvey, Am sch, 7J i tons, New York. '.'laekmar.ejanahlre, Thomson, Br sh, liSZ tr.r:s, Newcastle. Silb-rhorr, Olbs.n, Itr bk, 1771 tons, Liverpool. Argo. Maclean, lir sh, 1490 tons, Ant werp. j Castle Rc Rock. Joneai, Br str, 1,787 tons Raison, Br str, l.Oi tons, Hong Kong. el'infnrd, M o I'herson, llr hh. 2108 tons, Hamburg. Poseidon, Lush P.r sh, 17; tons, New castle. Emln Pasha, Chrlsti.r.sen, Ger bk, 15C7 tons. Antwerp. W'tillacetown M.obv p.r h iitfit inn ' " john Cook. Magec, P,r sh, 1759 tons, II logo. Stronsa, Carry, lir sh, li3 tons, Yoko hama. .'-: us. Schulte. tint th, i"Jt tons, Ham bun;. a.-d:i!e. I-'isher, Br. sh, 1775 tons, Ant werp. Port Iligln, p.enney, Br. sh., 1C28 tons, Antwerp. Anlr.nia, Adams, Br. sh., 2334 tons, Antwerp. Lniehalburn. Forbes, Br. Bh., I'M tons, Newcastle. Arthur Kltger, Denker, Ger. sh., W, tons, Yokohama. Vaseo Uf. Gama, Tertrum, G'rr. sh, 1476 Sydney. Mooltan. Kelk, Br sh., 1118 tons, Yoko hama. Brodi-rlck Coetlo, Ferguson, Br. sh., 171 j, .Shanghai. Thalassa, Hcllmego, o.r. bk., 1378 tons, Hambung. Colbert, Loreau, Fr. bk., 12-18 tons, Table Bay. Invercauld, Jackson, Er, bk., 1303 tons, San Francisco, Yolo. Pannlculck. Br. sh... 1407 tons, Hong Kong. Christine, Warncke, Ger. bk. 1900 tons, Illogo. Laurelbank, Lindsay, Br. bk., 2237 tons, Shanghai, Windsbrout, Haase, Ger. bk., 1253 tons, golden chatelaines is in tho Inverse pro Yokohama., portion to their price. TO HEALTH. - gi!f ':-: . va , -.'.''.' ; s' .'Yff v.-.'-.'.-i'. '..' . l'--v.';-'v'-..;.eiV 'veVvV' 1 '.' vv -.Ii i-k t . i b- r- c.o.'i'i -i 1, ,1 t.-. trg'ilv , l; .-: t.illv .' .r, J M" li II St ..I I- i M, 11 iv I ,, ,, m ,r.on Ind . ! onni. :.-. ii-. .-f r . i' - ttrt.l I w : r a 1 I in me ; . I ii i - r tii- In .. b it .1. i '..:.' 1 no .1 :-i I-.' . . i Mrs l.v i i-e "H. i 'V . . n .- r.-t. ." no .. I 'K' i .1 -a - I c 1 ait th- till'' . -io .1 to b- g I -i p.oi;i.. 1 - -: I ll-l-K 1' I lie', j , in t ..i ui int'i" j --. 'i-l'l -'I ti W '' ir''t ' r h-al'h ,-ier ' I le ; . .-i g I - 'l.t!l. -I . i lo - I . on tr ' c, '- .v . r.p "in 1 I ' 1 1 w -li 1 lt'1 ".n : r I in. h id . -i . a" 1 -. n- f-lt r th s .iiintii- r , Largo IUiy, Adam, Dr. bk , UTS tons. Shanghai. IIe.ithtK-ld. McKcnsle, llr. bk., VM tons. Shanghai. Ar.emus, Mehrmg. Ger. bk., ll"7 tons. Sant.i ltosulin. William Low. Abb .tt, llr. h , 1-31 ton. Shat'4,-hal. Margretha. Kost.-r, Ger. sh., lt'vj ton. Shanghai. Atlanta. M Uride, llr. sh , Kel in-, " ' t'"ml,.ru,n tJ,'"',n- Lcw" Shanghai. bark., 2iiv; tons Mr. bark. 1214 ton. Newcastle, T.iiie K. Starbuek, Curtis. Am. sh I totis, I'hlladelphla. Soiintimis it S'-ems ti wary worn in lit sh- must certainly give up. Tlie s rnpicst and .asi-s; wrk b-comes an a'mon insorniountabl- ta.k. N-rvoii. n. -s. si. i pl-SHti. ss and pa:n haras, lo-r nd l.f- sums hardly worth the living. I r. r.-n e's Kavori'n 'r.-s.-r!pti..n wi made for h.-r. Ir. ri-r.-.-'s liobbn M- 1 - ii Ie-. ov. ry was made for hrr. Tli .' .rnuT f .r liis distineMy f mmi.'ie. th- i. r for lo r ss-. rn. T'.getli. r , !,,..- ipply a s. ! n:l!b- and su--f -sf'il ,,r -, r ;, r tr.ii:n:etit. Ihe."l-.iv..rt... l't.- '-" h'.ii'.hy, regular u- -1 n- organs ,lis.,n. 1 ly f. inin.ti. . It i , f -re an s.r.-ng n-ns in- i i.l.ij s iti.'l itnni anon. The "' lol-1 lei lb .-h and br.ngs back lb- glailsorne gl-.w of gir.h-io-l. S- lid 21 cenls in on--.:, tit s.ui;.s to W-.rld's Dlsp.-ns-iry i.M - 'I.ea! A--i i'..n, ItufTal,,. N. V I' ' ,' . , I l... e.l l... .- . 11 I", .ff. .. V C ..,1.1 i 1 1 ' K'' l-"M1"1"" ' Setlse' a a r. i , i riMtat-'i, Some pn .ti'grapn. w.oibl b r.-.illy g.M.. I ...k.: g it in- y wouldn't spoil th' in by ;,. :r , Our baby lias b. in .-.or in ui I ly trouble.! ! with '.olio ami ciioler.i Infantum slip o his j bir'h. an I a, I lint w- i-.uid do for linn did not s.eni p. giv- inure than t.-inpor- ury re'..- ! unt.l we- trbd i-'hauib-rlain's I i.'olii-, ('h.i..',i and I'.arilioe.i H.neo giving h- Ins null been V.'e want to you this testimonial .-is an i-v. b in j of our gra-l- tude, not that r.e-d It. 'o advert, e'- in r n,,ri'i,r.,,n.' (1 l I ..u. ' ' ' ' Ko'iK'ik, Iowa, i-or K.t ii: by Charb-s U p vrs, druggist. It Is all vry w-! t talk of li,d.-p.-ti-derice, but till; real W llll lll . r. is 111. oak and Ivy onil'iiiation. MILLIONS GIVKN AWAY. It Ih r.-rlalnly gruiifylng lo the imblb to know of one concern In the land who are not afraid to bo generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietor of Ijr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bflttles of this great medi cine; and huve the satisfaction of know ing It has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Kronchltls, Hoarseness and all diseases of tho Throat, Chest and Lungs are Huruly cured by It. Call on Estes-Conn Drug Co., and get a trial bottle free. Regular size DO cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or prlee refunded. A woman never ho eompletely demon Btrateg her helplessness, its when she wrestles with a car window. Dyspepsia can be cured by using A-ker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Hold In handsome tin boxes at ' ets. For nalo by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The sign of the Jewels In some of the an ih.-ie ier a ui.ili'led w mil. in ll Ing ttho oi. In i r. h tlx h i glil friends wlih a-. i in . of tin- no ii ii. on she linen om i- in to acci pt Hie man hose M.I lux li- luli-c; A lKv7:KTliTcK. It certainly looks like It, but there la really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has lam back and wk kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. Ws iiiiiin ho can cure, himself right sway by taking Klectrlc Hitters, This inrdlclno tones up the whole system, sets as s stimulant to the liver and kidneys, Is blood purifier nnd nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fanning spell, sleeplessness and molancltoly. It Is purely vegetable, a mild Intsllvs, and restores th system to Its natural vigor. Try Klecti'lo Hitters and b convinced thai they rs a nilraclo worker. Kvsry bottle guaranteed. Only W rents a lxttl at Kiles-t'onn Prug Company, M a in woman Is waiting f r lon-h-oi-atitlbi Kovins to be uwitk-d down t HUCKl.r.N S AKMi'.V SALVll Tin: hi st sai.m: m the w.uid r-r i"iii. I'ni.". Son ., tb.r. Salt Itliriim, Fe.-r Son-.. T.-it.-r. I'liapp.d Il till- blalns. rom, ,111,1 sk ii llraplioin, nd pciiiMly cute. I'll. .. or no pay leojiurei 1: Is guaranteed to ipw .'i(e.'( it:tii' tion or inoiire tct'.lrdiil I'llce ... eellte p. r I'.n I 'or a.e by li.o .-Conn I'iuk1 I To III . : II, I-,-, .... : . ! Ill- d-.'.e lo Ii as k .,1 W et e j I'-i-on, ,u. w :, l a!th..e w II be j n;.ie-;.. ,i; the ep-i.eine of .Mr . M I ll'.'.sli. . btk of llo: . li.iit.iti,',., fr u.. I ! nee, K 1. Hi' s o: "I'or .ex ci a! car. j I hale ben ,i'.ii.,t .i umlaut .nrf.-iee 1 ft Mil .ll.l! til I. tlie fl.olleir. attack 1 c-'inpie: ; i-to.'.i r. i, n,,, nd i.-ud. ring I . m imp.: 1 o :u ilato at tin, (i.e. ; A'aou; , !' ea: . a. i tt a :i;g ..aiciu.iii k nUlx -ga- no. i .inn l-o,'.;,. ,.f rii imp t i.i.a 'Oe0. : :-! i and leirriioi .t 1;. in. ,! , j Ma. h : :..i . .; ... - .,i, I ,.-,.gh'. '.:. ef- ' ' '. c. w.i. a.:y. ... , .. a In i i' (. .. , ', ,.; v .'..-.a I waul. I I I n. . : I,, :i ...1. n th a f. j .1.--. ot tlu la. il '.-.a . llu l. I'bii re- , ,'..'. tin .. . n lov m. e.t. 1'ij an I a! : i iin-st .oti,;o. :, . : , r in tin- ail! :,a:i " 1 r--r i.e b t hit.. U--g-1. ,lr-.ig t. ; . - i . . - -a i.i. k in . ol .1 k'. ".I W w t : BfSrt lis A N .1.1. t4 V". r:. u i i i 'i ' r I'.:ll ll a ! , of t'l" l-l .ton i ii. : - ' k : .;!' i 1 1 I Itie.i. ' 1 "f mi'. ore i i: - :i . i p ' : ,i .- e I. n . . I N ti .i ' r 1. . rt i : b. .i:n.- s-i, it ii-;.: b- p:r :l.-1 .ii .o.b r to' obt i.n g h-Ml'h A k-i H - ! 11. x-r ' lias n.-ver ti ere . r ' ' i '. . . . i . or' lhilltli- ni -r a - i r be'"d d ; ...i.. s It I. i . rt.i ti'.- a w ol 1- r.' il t'-iiu-'ly .it: I we s.-'.l r.-' !';. oi a p . t ie; KU-iriinte... lor sa.e '. Il.te. .' tin I'mgl I'o. ! S.iks g if that f i'o . IS - . :.- ip ill it a 1 'g. r a ei ity That the blood ahoulil iwrform Its vltai fiiiK-tlons. It Is ubsolutely necrnanry tt hoiiid not only le pure but rich In life giving element. The results are besi effected by the u.' of thxl ll-known tandurd blood purifier. Ayer's Hsrsa parllla. M. :l a. unite th.( d.:.-i. r g h.ib.t in I i: j o: i I. ir 1 a. tli. ir w:v.. -lo the bar g i:n-b in; leg bu.u. ... Sick ln-ad.ieh- absolutely and perman ently cured by lu ng M k! T.a A pl-i-tint herb drink .'un . con.t:-.Hi..:i nn I Indig.-stinn. mak-s you eat. '.p. work and happy Satlf.n-!.on guaranteed or money back. II et. nd So et. l-'or il 'V ''' nn I'rug i'i 'I'li- man wlii in.. .-tupii.r.. iiii .1- -. 'liar lo- , mi: t i ,:, i i-, tti :.i i g!y in- on- ni-..t ii. . p-i' ie t. :; Bcsrs lU I' K -d I "J Hut tan Boct Most ..f S :!.- i -1 i. u - r ui , Ii u. .1 . . nil in orn :,g pi in. at i;.g it tb. in w io t: tli i- a ri , . . f. .r ii- to get lip. llxp. rb nee is tb- I her l'e Alk,.r. l! m ,;, i ,-..i:gh. or , r-.up. Shoii.d It fan , mm,.,l' r", f ,.... ref-.ti 1-1 I - , ets 1' ,r s ile by ll o. s i ,nu. i -,, I M i n v a w .on i a n . w . p- .til w i : . r :lie we s f a i. -i h- l ei.-- , .ii ''V .'i:'e iirini'.. wb-n : b. r-a', gi.- i, s int o lo r : y Ii i-- ti o-i Luxuriant hslr. ;.' uniform color. Is h iniiiful beiiil-env.-rliig fur .-Ith.-r Sex.- and noiv lie recur'. I by using Hull's Veg able Slcll'm Hair Itenewer. I THE PROOF of ths pufMIng and tha proof c of ths puCdlng I In th tii and tha proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an uig'irnent that's o rluslrft-a demon! ratios. Ours will stand th tsat. HUGHES & CO. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. ARTOniA. (Dally.) Arrlvs. a.m. n.m Portland snd As-ia.m. p.m. torlft rxrire tralns'lLU 1(1 sn 11:40 7:15 via nnappa ciifton. westport. Oeilile and way atations. :M 12:801 Astoria, fleaslrtn and ) 3:30 5:0OlNew Astoria passen-ll:So ger trains. First-class trains leave Warrenton for Flavel and New Astoria at 7:45 t:15 and a. m., and 12:55, 2:4', and 5:3'i p. m. and returning arrive at Warrentnn at 8:05, 8:30, 11:06 a. m., and 1:07, 3:03 and t:40 p. m. J. C. MAYO, T. H. CURTIS. O. F. & P. A. Manager. OASTOniA. Ii e ttrtT cf .-vz WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Itlver and l'uget Hound Navi gation Company. Hleanier llalley tlalsert leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, 1 p. m. Leaves Port Ian. i dally, except Sunday, 7 a. m (laUelt tlekel good mi steamer Thomp son. Thompson lb kel good on tlalsert. U, II. Scott, Preldent. C. W. Htone, Agent, Astorls. Ilckels to nil ixiluts V nfHEBM -EAST., UflRln,:.,iorSfllc by OR. l orSdlc by O R. A N 11 BAi , Agent. Astorl. 1 1. Koi.lH-s llwaix Through lc and lourlat sleepsrs dining and llbiary observation rsrs. KIIHIANT VKSTIIIl'I.K THAINS No. Limited leaves I'ortland It Is p. m. No. I Limited arrives PortUnd at tl Ii a. ni. UMli .vlll 111 I I I rmii I'ori I ind liri-in AniY K io I jo I i..i . i i-nvi r 1 1 .. t .Mi,, iim, I,, K an I''1 i. I H, -I I .!. , M" i no aW I'.. I ..'." I .. W.IU. .,. ,.,' tin M I' -I "."' SM ill p ei N ; I'o ill.. MU...e! i b ii-.,, r , v.: DCI tS Sll MMIII' .. i ' 1 1 n ..t, .1,1, .,11- I lier p ii' I o. 111. I Si 1 J .... b'. ll. I- ': I i in I v !'l I'oiuiiil.iri lih.-r i i II in S , iinirr . f l ie lit To I' " I .1, ! aii.t M oi,I.,)r W.l I ..m.l'liit. I . I all 1 . 1 M n I .'. t '"ui I . W ilUmrtle Ml..r. 1 " I'- .. ..., . i i s,-t. f,. .-"i'i ' I l Ml I ...a-. WIIUtn.M rd m hill tl.r. 1 ' p I I. Mo . U r.l ',. lent. .11. A .., In I .'. .'i..-.. w . in. XXlllsiil.lU . p ,,, It... I' or I ,.::,. ... i ..i i n. I, I o. I lo.r an I S ,t U .. I ... o l -Hit I 1 l.! U. II It I. lit it I in l.. II S'ill.,1 lie .in. I I loir sn.k. M..M . I lil IfUtO I . A I n lii O. W. Lol'NBllEltllT. Ag.nt Aior'.a w. ii. iiriiLnritT. Oen. I'as. Act. Portlaad. Or BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains IIETU HEN THE hAST AND WEST Only line operating lls own through trslns between 8u Louis, Iiulivllle, Springfield, Clneinnstl and New York, via Washington, llaltlmora and Philadelphia. The traveler over th il, O. Is permitted lo catch glltnp.- of tha grraleat scenery In America, IMITKH HAHVKT, Pacific t'oiat Agent, Hn Francisco. Itoom n. Mills Building. 2: ) a INK ONLY UlNlNii-CAK llOl'TK KHDM I I'OKrl.AN Ii Tu TII K KANT. 1 rilK ONLY Itlll'TH TO 1 II K VKLLOWHTONI" S A 1 InN'AI. I'AKK. I.I'. V V K No v. I'OKTI.ANl) AlllllVK I-1 Mull Inr hi' mo. i I liellalis. C'lillilllll. "s.iiitli lli'i.d, .MiiiiI.'shiiiii No. 1. Ab -r.leeii, il iln le. 'I ii eoina Heiiilln, . loiln, I irl .iu.end. Kll.'li- li.MU.Sli kail- Ki.VllHIItf II. C Trail, ll'. C.. Nel I on, II. i ,. hs-.o, .Mls l.nlllil, lllllte, llHrolldll, II: A. M, llel. nn, m. -,ml, Mm- .1: 00 I'. V1 llei, ,, K.'ill.ilS il y ,, llliiillin, ( oilliell 'Hull., Ml. l."ll..''loe.igo,W:i.h I liiitlnii. iNew iirk, I nil s. , I, In, II,, iloii, mi'l all .oini I. mid -null, .'H.I. I DAl'U io Mliwieiipulls. Umalia, Kaa- sil City and tH Paul. J'j DA YH to Mllwiiukoe and Chleago. 4 DAYH to Washbiffton, Philadelphia, New York aid Ilostoa, and other Astern pdnta. Dsggngn cheeked through to datrtloatlM of tlokota. For sleoplng-car refrvatlois, tlckata, maps and full Information, oall on t atita C. W. HTONE, Astoria. A. D. CHARLTON Aai't (leu'l I'aa. Agent, I'lirtlanil, Or ' ttfiS MorrlnoiiHi.. Oor. Third. Astoria Public Library IB Tfclrv Dr.. Cm. Aids. Portland. RKaDTMO ROOM fRKB TO Afct. Open every day from I o'clock to 1:10 and 1:80 to l:M p. m. Subscription rates 13 per annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duana Streets. "Xv I iSS n h & I Ml :r,;:;;;i:" fL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All ml inidnp till bend II emit per Una lllal lllnerllutl, i cent I a. Il Uli.eiilellt In ol'lloll. " ,.,,u hunt, l-'or Hen! - A unit rt-room collage, i'or- ii. i Ninili and Hau l. on iiin iuiiiirs till ll.uid or 411 I'.xcliiiug" ue.. rolt II I'lNT -lit ' l ' IHU'SH AMI HAItN llttil lour lieu 111 (aim, ll-lll I in.....ii. suiiioii, known u Mm i niisop I'o.nilM. . Apply lo A lilgg. 4 J l ollllliel. I'd St., my lIuTKLH. si'ui- at "Tin-: mi iiua : tiii: cnlv liolel III Asioibi lining ci-il iii'.i el ll lllipinieim III, Sill, il) llil cls. UllS rAl llAN I'M UmiU I.'. t'KNT MI1AI.S AT Tll-l II IS lug Soil II. .Iillll .ml mii i. ui: Milium: mhh 1.x. liuiiga mu i- MAIiV M AKIJ, in I'll hi; t i'iii:t. Mill! pe..... illlllcli'il wlih lupluio dl" iii. iii no oilni ii. ...oi 1 1, a ii bug of a leluilli l- ( would hold 111 lb"' p-ll'l. II- Inr loe.illmi of th. ir uilin. ni I o lui tel' relaui'ir l .o.un. ail'. 'I to hold, no unmet wli.-ui lb- io. .loin mi. i n u. i. a an po.i..n of Hie bo.l. II Hi. , ul . 0 III .... pi I i i III "I 111.' " lH. J. ll. IIAIll'l.l.. A1 o.a, HI Hi-lUKlr MKKTIN'IS. ""liiTrLK LUlH.IK NO. 1. A. r. ANU A. U.-Hegulsr communications hold on the nrst and third Tuesday snln ol each month. U. W. LlH'NMIlKltllT, W. M. W r. llit.iRNLHerstary, AOKNTH WAN I EH. Agent and ianvrs lo al Dr. Kllek I'oeket No nhlr for rstsrrh, ssihina, snd lung and throat ilieea. Hells raY for II. IUg pioni Writ lur ample and tsims Dr. Kllek Md:ri I'liiiipany, flnelniiatl, O. PUorkiMMIONAU II. T. lltUHHY. ATTtiltNKYATLAW, J Commercial ItrMt. JOHN T. LlilllTriv, . ATTt'UNKY -AT-LAvV. Offtre, uiMtalr. Atrtaa llullding. C. C. IHtOWKK. ATTt'KMCY-AT-lJkvV. Uumlrn llullding, Aslwrla, tirvgon. Dll. a IL CITES. I IITlHi UN AND SI ItillCON. Sperlal attention to dlaa of wemsa and surgery. om.. over lnni'ir tor, Aatorta. Tlphon. N. U. J. y. A. IIOWI.IIY. ATTOllNKY AND COl'NHKUIH AT LAW. Otllr. Ilotid H'ret, Astoria, Or. I'll. JAY TI'TTLK, I'll YMIt'lAN AND Ht llelKON. Offlie, rooms I and . Pythian llullding, UIH Comm.-la ItrMt. RMldnc same. T'leption M. Aeiing aailnt aurgm l!ultd list oiarlne booltl eervtca. Bmil Schacht ARCHITECT Rooms JI7-JI.H Portland 5avlni lUnk UIJ. Portland, Oregon. J. B. WYA1T, Ph. No. es AMm-Is, Urga Hnrdwore, Ship Chandlery, GroeerleH, I'rovlMlonn, HAINTH anil OILH. Sptclal Alttnllo PtlSl psl)rag Ihl Louvre Concert Hall A. rrlckson.Prop. A. KriU. Minr I .mil' enlli n.'-k and I lined ..i. ,,( Cus Cooper's Alandolin Orchestra l li;. io- A ' Ml. l, I'hiliM, Su riul Kii'iiioi im iii nt' Svlvia Jnelvii, San I'liiin in'ii I'aviir id', in .ij.iil:ir fuiiji. I'llOdUAM. I'ART I. 1 Miireh, new"iodn Oale". lhrli ter I Vnltx-"To Thee Wsldlnnful 3 Overlure-",,( ii tiheii" i iffenl-aeh 4 Hrhotilaehe 'Dniiea of Ills Ilrownles'' I'. K. Hi ay I 8 ing..Hylvla Joslyn, 'Frisco's Kavorne 1'AltT II. fl Heleellon Ilobln Hoo.1 liy Mr. Victor Herbert 7 Miitiirka, Mexleaii Ilrrnnndei 8 Medley, lailent Hong Arranged by I'i iperj 9 Willi, Hvmpoalii II. mill M Hong....H)lvlnn Jonlyn In latest songs I'AItT 111. II March, 111 ('npiiiln III Overturn, Zainpii Ilnrolil 13 Mor. cox, rhiiriii'lerlilli' Ilnllatedt Hong-Sylvian Joslyn. 14 WiiHs Me.ll. y Arruiigtd by Arnold li tiiilop i not Miblllied Krata ir ir tr t. tj tl 1 tr it or tr xa x a mi ti or or or M tl t or or or Repairing i H or or xii or or General Jobbing 111 H or f.i Or - C. II. OHKWITZ, - ! tr t j or OT No. 413 Duane U or or nj n or or or Street. ti Xi i or or or tu s.a xi or or or or tj tj tj ti or tr tr tr tj ti tj ti MURRAY HOTEL Knot of N nth Hlrcet. Electric Lights - Electric Bells -Free Sample Room-All Modern Improvements. WKHKI.Y RATES. F. M. tlUNN, Proprietor. OABTOniA! Boars the Vou HavB Alwnys Boujlit