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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1898)
THE DAILY ASlolMAN. si NPAY MOKMMi. .11 I. Y llt'll mi. m n-.. v. In 1. 1 t! i'III .1. I, , I Aleier & Frank Company's y y 1 S GREAT REMOVAL SALE ! . i--- Affords Buyers Exceptionally liood Oppor for Economical Investments. There Are Sales and Sales BUT OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE 4 ' A A A A K A ' J1. Eclipses all Others Tn the extent nnd variety of the Stock -- offered. Tn the REMARKABLY LOW PRICKS - on all line. In the avidity with which purehasern are availing themselves of the oppor tunities presented. i m i i' i. ! if v. I "!!. Ill .c 1. 11 I II-. I'l. I'. T'.i ie . Id. ,.f i i-K ! n. ! ci l-'.o '1 . M' Ht".' ! I.'H ill' t t A-'."V..l X J..'ri S r . Inn i . .it 11 ' hi I .i. :. i --n '-r. i'. -r n "I n'i M ! '' .! S !!-. '..!.! 11. II. '' J V :!i.i 1 1. . .1 i :n. !.!: n. V. M.i! 1' A II. i f, i: m..i M '.in- ,i i; vt 4 .:'. . .n .'m i i V 'I'll 1 .1 ..COUSLTS.. V iic .iiliiiiii die ii(t r ill inii.ioi iniM-tt hnith V1; jiii v ! c r jSc pair. OUR ( tR IC AT MIDSUMMER SALE (tnut nil Ii.iii.iIh-ii'Imin Mum fin mnl nnir In him l.iniiln I'minir, , SILVER i SHEEN, 'Hi,. . 1 1, i t Mlli-lllllln -,. viK ; .-r lllllllU' I'M' -1,11 K W Ills .M llit'M. Hlll-I lllhl MI'i' "li' II;1 ronel- .1 i".n!r. r. ..! i: A ,v .' -. II i '.'iTiu r V. II I. I'l . .1-.. i: u s i I' : I. n.,, iv,.; i... N ' v 1 , - k N. I.'.IM .tl . ' .l-i- ' i-k i! r w. S.,! I'l I l -- ii vr:..t.l. Wm V II ! .it th. M i ..f i;.' , tm 1" .i::,t . i. in Specials for llifi t M.i-v,' K:, i; M. Ki,l ii!. Ma- -I ki.l ,l UUai.u;;. 1 M.,-1.1 Ki.l ; lull-. i -, i rrv 'Mir M. '01 , t Ul ( il,., ii, i, .u Hi in..-! V'TliiNS AT I'llh'TS TU VI' Hlli'l'l I' ri r vm' in 'i hi: N"i h . m- nrv iiriii: : I" 'k I, li I'l ". ' l l-'U'.l IH i,i-!ll.'l I 1 1 i.t tip .Iwill.., nl.'ll .V I V I. illl.-l- ln'',l, nu ll lii," 1ii:ii n-llii I Itllul.l' -li ll Ii' : . k r.l'l"'", I'l-r ill 'I h' ..lit l.ll.'lllll'l.T, pi' f OHM., 'ii i...t 1 1 .- viK.'liu, ' r Imiil' f"' ll u. li!;ii-kln. .rr l'iX J'' -i if' :i p'li". iirr .li'i.'ii h,! I'nlliir I'Ulli'ii". I'l-r ilmni I .ii i ii i in l.'"ili ( !-. r iim .... II..! ,-l.ll.!l i..Ul lillllnllH, .r' il" .. K ii-itmii -iU. "T I'"'1' S:, . 1 . in. li.-t ....k. r .! i 'ul ( :-.-!. whii or Murk, r,i. h II..I .Iirir .i.l r'.i'lli. .rr yuril , f..' I'..! '.ii... ..ii .li'ili. n-r yard '-c :i'.l. .r i!r, r.-i.'li J - I' i!.i:i'u t.i.ii.l, '.r I.iiihIi (r I .,!.. . .!(!.. hMih HlU. irr b'lMlr ... !, i !in. . I 'll' I'l 'I'll, rm'll I.' itit'llitlll ....-krl .'"till'., rd ll 5 I' ii.i... il!!n (miK-r, u-r lm.. "e , ',',:. i:,-ti fi.t l.ln.-k !i'i-kui, p.iir. .I"' (! mill'! ''!' .1. r 1, It 4'.' ! .ii;.- . f'- :';!' mi itl'titlt., rrt.-li . ..IV I. K .v. ' I I r. : f .,1.1 1 .1 1' l ill . . .iiMitii. r i .t, v u-h I , .11 !... !. t il.'ll i!' f.-r , 'il.ilini. nil !l Inn. Ii,...- ii.i ir'.rr. k r nir Specials I mi 1 11 1 Wlni- I'i I. 'Ill llltilM I'l"', I I' I', N" ' I ri'.i -I l!n l!i!l I h i , kill III lllHI I" III, ail'T hTt, rrti'U i nn!t (iit, r.n'h.... 'ill i : . nii'h . . , . . i ii .i : ik iit, i h. s' - - r pa r . . TV I Shanahan Brothers, Tllli Cill-AT KAU(iAI IIOUSI . vt nr.tx .-i a . i i n ;. ', n, inc nn, vn, umnnimnn, ' tin nnr, nrvnvi;ui iv,ip i DO NOT DELAY YOUR VISIT, A3 EVERY DAY SEE5 THE COM PLETE CLEARING OUT OF flANY LINES. i y ' "i A K A A v-1 . . V ' i- l ,v ,.!,.. tic 1 K "''I lll'ltc THE PALACE '-! .1- !i: i-k- tt 'ir.. ',.'fi ... ,. ''. ') ' 1 r I'i-.-.- r-l i - .i ti.l i . r. i t Astoria's Lending Restaurant ll epj tiling Slrlcll- llr-HCln4H. "V. NV. WMIIlr.i:. Prop. TVv w r t. MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. I M'-i V. . I" N! V. M M .'.' i. i: M s lwmAAAAnui,.Annnvn;uVL,';ia(i;ijiuiaiia;ii(i;(VJUinininjiii, iAt) !iinin.i.M.t.M.Mii..M. lining A t Welt-Mounted Wheelman IS- n vl It M ! r UiifiliiliitiilttiiriiitiilliiiiniiifmttiummiiMiMniiiitniiiiifiininiiiiiiiimini, I THE OCCIDENT! Astoria's Leading Hotel j iMegler & Wright, Props. IMIIHIIIUimlUIUUIHIUIIIUWIUIUJIW LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA i i:-,-. H l.i.iy .,i . u.-i"in. r- ril.ngly. ? II .ii" : u Th.-v . r.. :h.-n : .!.iy ; i;h !; o. run. rii r;-M ' Hows" l,j !! l Ml -j; V ; Founded on? ;l History .' I lit: i't - !.- '-it -,'l: . -.'Milt l i. " I .' -I. .1 II l,l-.. . U . II' ' ("l.i' l'-.i I ' ' i i ' I. III. .il .lu. 1.1 -.til , - u. 1 1 . .... r -' .H't I, .it ' . I . ! i . .i:.. ,.. ti i . .- l ... in I if.. .1. h ltd ' -, . 1 1 1 I .1 .- t ii . . t ..i.,j .-ii . I. .i ll. . it ! I. ul. '' i 'I t' I li M I ,, ,,!l. . . . ' iiuii.. . ii . 1 ii I" .....! ..t II-, J Rcss Hin'jin i Co'ff.-ontj S -u.nii i' k will .-lou,-. on M m i. in.. i:-..i rviu.-st that iijura tli-nis-lvi-s .io- A i 1 1 l " r tin'.- r ..f f irttt- r u ;' v i-.f iv . nl :i. I wi- 'i r !':.- i .nilrtf f i-rn- r Ti.-v 'v i r,.,r..,- .i,,. At T. i Pr .'r.-.!-. n--.- i !r i I i - itt . tit : !.. . IT if. ..f I. in. m. , A rfrular punlomlne of vlw depicting the l.fe and hlcory of Aatorla, ami ouvenlri of the city and country at th Snoagreaa arallcry. Farcal at 'a. Harper Whlnkey !k liquid music, bot tled poetry, ripe, mellow, refreihlnr and delldous. Sold by Koard & Stokei, As toria, Oregon. The Brlti-h tark 1'enryhn Castle, In tow of the tuic Wi.inl from 3un Francisco, was reported fr,tn the Cape yesterday evtnlna: 12 miles souih. rnem Fr-lirht Air'-nt Woodworth "f the O. K. & N. company was a vlnltor In the city y..t. rtlay, nnd with hla wife has Knn(. to the heji h fur a few days. The rebuilt H.ilk-v ;.ntert l a thlnjc of ti-auiy with h-r n w staterooms, new cnrp.-iii. r..-w linen nnd fresh paint. Capt. r.' ran ir I Jiifily pr .11.1 f his boat. 1 v l-")'i' Ak nt J ul... n an. I Tr.ifti'- Mi'iiit-r i am'l.-:i the I. It & N. '-..rni'.iny t., h. n-!lt ihl or The .'.T... j Th.. h.inltiE ...tit.-nt nn the nlk-lil of ih' K'HiHh at Krekon' heiwe.n Kred It i i and S.-ward Smith pr mle to h nn I lnter.tlnic and lively limit. I'r.'llmlnar.-s if fnur-r.iiinil hniiU will tnko pl.iee hefure the main event. The men hnve record". are In iro.xl condition, and en h will do hl lt tn win. The affair Is under the management of Prof. Voimif Durhey. One of the Intervntlng and amus n mie" on the Fourth of July will he a fhlne.o Mcycle rnee. Home of the ("hlne... merchant will put up n pure and "nitii. of their etp.Tt bicyclist will r- iir. Knt dlfr.-rent firm". Just w it. h that lilrvclc race, ,i.o the unlipie m j 1 1 11 I In the Fourth of July parade for which the committee has offered three prize. C. J. TRENCH ARD, 10 : r.iii'.t i i- -.. .i in .i p. in j 5 i 'I i i ;i i i . ; -1 - ,!.' 'i v ? : I !ir : ! I, ,. ,t I.-!.! 3' J I" ir w i mi'iitiii. : ' ' ' ' E ' J ; I'l 7 1 isor & brown 5 TODAT'B WEATHER. Fair. AROUND TOWN. SCXDAi. Tom are Judged by what you can do without and what you cannot do without. Pii.llips Brooks. Try Shilling'a Best tea and baking sowder. Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. Best Ice cream at the Bonbonnlere. Cream 10 and 15c per pint. Parlor Candy Btore. Iufaula' Mull Hood at Iiitiliar'. The A. & C. took out five cars of salmon yesterday. Try Golden Gate compressed yeaat at th Parlor. Fireworks of all descriptions at the Bonbonnlere. Fresh cream, strawDerrles and Ice at Foard & Stoke Co. If Snodgrasa doesn't make your plcturea you don't get the best. The French bark Les Adelphus, wheat laden, put to sea yesterday. When you want fine tea, good coffee and pices try Foard ft Stokes Co. Miss II. R. Hawkins of Portland. Is In the city, a guest of Mrs. Brenham Van Cusen. A new 800-foot siding Is being put In at Hanthorn's cannery by the railroad company. Ktuplre Cornel at IMinlotr'. Amonif the haniNome decorations of the ! city for !h.. l-'oiirh of July may be men-1 tioned :. w. foi.jM-r'.H store, the As toria .Virion! I'.-rk. ri';. Flutter Iri. The launch Elsie will leave Fisher's do. k tomorrow mornim? at i o'clock for!-1""' !,r' oiney. paxton's photos are on paper of hla own preparation and are guaranteed not to fade. The f'olumMne made a Iri), to the lik'ht-:-hlp ye-:'..Tday morning and retum-.-d In the evening. WILD Ui-ACKUKP.IlJEa. -Leave your orders for wild blackberries with Ross, Hlgglns & Co. The O. 11. A: X. Idaho excursion prom ises to be one of thy features of the Farmers' convention. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, (Iks and assorted nuts all extra line qual ity, at Ross, Hlgglns & Co. Mr. I'. Sorenson and Miss Flor.-ne Ross, Totsie Iiarth, went to Portland yes terday to spend the Fourth. 1 laid mi-lion at Iliiiilm.'.. For Rent A neat 6-room cottage, cor ner Ninth and Harrison streets. Inquire 431 Bond or 414 Exchange street. FINE CHERRIES, RASPBERRIES and RED CURRANTS are plentiful and cheap. See Ross, Hlggins & Co. Proposals for building two miles of dyke wanted. For particulars address J. Q. A. liowlby, Astoria, Oregon. The bonds of J. W. Williams, sheriff and tax collector, and H. J. Wherlty were approved by the county court and filed In the clerk's office yesterday. The Alexander Black on June 13 sighted r. A. DeYo' Fourth of July window were the center of nttmetlon yesterday particularly to yoiinif America. Th-v w.-re fill.-.! ivl'i' all kind of fi-iir". larire and small, and ni ire to the point with i hot-ilu. r i. k.-rn. and tin work" ..f fill A li't!.- k'irl and !e,y were yesterday j kind In ;i rti-rir- ,ll-,!;iv. To he n hnv '.n 'he -.'r-.-t !n a wiiro.i, the one playinx i airiln w.i th.. wNh of the erown-iip :he K ii'.ar and 'lie o'h-r tho mandolin, who vl. w.-d th lKh. n-l attracted large I .. . crowds. v' n voiunti.r r.,r ! -r r .m.-vens ar- i riv-d donn ye.terdav from 'r'and. ''. II. Mi---.i.-;l Mid ','.,. M. Richardson I A morn: ''om wis a fire, k named 'lera 'f New V-.ik whi i,. ri. ndju.ttinir the! "in" M. Vili'-mi. who i-oi lift In Asiorli !;( ! f "' h- r. .'k. d steamers Staif- j wb' her w.-r.- -nken to Hie fort h I'i'id att. name r.,. k, left on a ll"hini! I'" lj much di'-'tit.o!nf, ,i trl l tiix'on '!'. ;'--'.pl iy 'i;, V.itnk''.s river. t ro how liis ti tin-r. to the cipta'n at the for!, lei' ha no means ,,f -r.-ich'nir thcr... If l- r- dhoi -, tr i ' n- tin. Hpan- .Mr. .1 If. 1., the new g.-n' ral iTniri... I- i j -tin' '! ln!..n PT-Hic. at Portland, ' d It. V. Baxter, promoted, "i vi'it A. tor:a soon and ?et "1 with business men. in 'he iiolic. ct,ri y, .j.erday Ous f'lut ehi.t forfe t-d r, f,,r i.e.njr drunk and Chas. M.ok was Ilrn.l 12 f,,r the same offense. Auifusi Worklst tmd Hms Router ,ar rested for fijhtliu; v.'-r.. lined ' each. On Monday the carriers' and general delivery windows t the postofflce will lards Several Portland merchants who v!"lled Astoria rl'irlnif 'he p'i"t few il tvs that Ihey were irl.ul lo e Astoria tak In the Hl-rn of animosity ne.i'nst Port land: that the ).-aloii,.s of the tifist ha't been Imaiflnary and eniarifed by the news paper. The two cltle rnusi w'irk to irether to develop (ip'Kon. P.o'h have lln-lr shlpplnir InierestH. which will Krow as I he stain rows. The residents nlon the Washington Commission, Brokerage t Insurance and Shipping:. Ctinlom Hoiinv llrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Aitenl W K .t I n., til l I n.-lllc Klpr. .. Co . HANK AT HEIl IOCK. shorn have entered protest ng.unst thej a few cos If shown how to makii th'tn 1,0,1.1 In-lng diirlved of hauling any rmv mall at all, ami It now im proliaW' that the service will Iw divided lidweeni the txiai and the rullroud. Tin y ulso i-x- I The scow schooner Ilelle sank at the O. pre much satlHf.ii ilon Hint the hoat R N. dock Inat night. While beating are not to go off the river, as they did op the buy lnt night .he sprang aleak not wish to do th- lr freight liuln. wlih "i"l b..g,in filling .on ufier reaching her '.'.'.'''''''''''''''"'"'Ulll.l mi n. t Monday tn .nilt.g at 1 20 In ll iiiiiforin in pin.,-p.i' in the Fourth of July inir.iile in- rdrr ,,f W. A. HIIEItM AN. Lliulenanl l'otninnding HA UN'S! T.'ft IT 1 TI A n i n i 0 1 Tin I m W ' 1 C I St' i'l (,'iiilti;l soled sliOdH for boyn suvu inoiii'V. Wi; linvi- those tliat wive! ....STEEL SHOD SHOES.... Famous as Warrs. Ladles Oxford's In Tan or Black, ' Si 50 the small boats and transfers. Tbt wrecked Yukon river nlmm'T" ilanio Cock and Hlahound were 1 1 1 n-l l 1 yesterday by a St. Paul insurance nun. pany for lh premiums on a t'l.'sm policy. The captains of the two boat are still here, but say they do not know what the company will do. Tim captains ..rT-i '! to pay off the cr'-ws ysi. rd,iy Inn Hi'-y refused to take the money. The c.ipf.iln then refused to any loneer -land for the board of the tii' ti at Hi" h '; here. The He -y fiatji-rt will make an ex'ia run nn : river this evening In ord. r to c. an bi the accumulation f fr'-lKht. Sh" will have seven carloads of salmon, an tin. I oilier freight. Tin- Potter ar-j rlv. d last evening on her new w hednl", nnd l. ft for She will P-ave UP I riv. r tonight, making, with th- Lut-llti'-, the up-river lioats. This will he the Pot t. r' tegular run on Sundays during the "...asoii. All bonis will bii on time again tomorrow. A special meeting of the co only court win held yesterday to approve the bon is of the county nlMclnl. The bonds of J. J. W. Wlln.ims as sheriff and lax col lector were fixed nt IKMirti 11 ml IVrO re Hpecllvcly. The bonds of If. J. Wherlty, county clerk, was at JMUieo, with John Fox. Martin Foard, Walter Itobli and Frank Pulton as sureties, anil that of II. ('. Thompson, county treasurer, nt ll'iinoo, with I. K. Warren, J. C. lament, E. '.. Ferguson, Frank Pa Hon and J. K. Hlggins ns sureitlr. It H believed that I hi! peoplii of till community have a pleasant surprise In store In the farmers' convention lo be held July 2(.2, The committee of tho Progressive association congratulate themselves that they have secured ihe greatisst event for the gootl of Ilie state at large nnd Clatsop county in particular ever known In tho history of the slate. This Is a farming community and wants farmers, hut wants something that will attract nil kinds of farmers and men of ability. Cooperative creameries will do It The first creamery on the new scientific plans will be started In Astoria nnd will bo done at the convention. Ilversllled farming, on lurge and smnll scales, Is whnt jHiys. Ail cannot grow wheat, hops, or fruit all the time, but all can raise berth When the captain arrived she win half full of water and tank soon after. She carried about 40 tons of pulp. ATTENTION, NAVAL RESERVE. The iniinb. rs of second conipnny, naval b.iiiall'in, will assemble at Iho gymnasium HEAL ESTATE THANHFEItH J. E II ggln .in. I wlf to J. N. K. forking, ..t pi nml 11, block 7. lUy View. Atorlu; 3i , Sheriff to John .V tjrimn et l . lot 14. block lot 11, 1,1,,,-k (II, lot IS. block (1, lot 11. block (II, Mi'i'ltirrs; tt.!iw. Sheriff to Flora A. Trullinger. lots I. in. nnd ! ;m fr.. of lots i and 11. r.le 5. and lot (I, block III. and Ihe undivided half of lot f.. bi-k HI, Hhlvelry'i; and lot . block n, M.i 'lure's; It I getwrnlly the woman who declares life not world lh living who make th blvg.-m scrnmlil,, fr the bnat If, by acci dent, uln. fii I u overboard. Is Your jLI JH Jbll. . . . INSURED ? V V Tlifii your wife ami cliililrcii will nut ln 1 -j i ) i j t on a colli world. I?ut it is ((imlly your duty to look out for tlidii wliiloyoii hio alive. It would lm wroiijr for you to ivc your ciiriiiiis lo .sonic slorckccjicr who cliarfH more for your C'lotliiu, lints, and Fur ni.sltins Mian Hcrniaii Wiso sells as j,'ood, if not better jjoods. The Best for the Least Always at --HERMAN WISE-:- THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER. 1 L-