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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1898)
THK DAILY A.N'i'OIUAN, .rXI)AV MOHMNfi. JULY m, it IUALi TUE LXCtLLLNCC Of SVRL'P OF FIGS U lun only t tin. ni ltf limllty n, lmiclty t,f . ciMiiliiiinitiiii, Inil n I mi tolliit cnrw Hint Mi ill vllli wlilrli U nillMliru.'llirr.l l.y fcr (.ill lll.t prniTaa. uii.ivn In I hi' ( W IHUINU I HI Svill'l' f'n . .... i i i . ' ) "' n mo to linpi rh iimi II lllll lllllii(lll,,i of liri'llUhlllK Him truo ami oilKln ri-innlv. A thu HiilluiiiK Ny rnp of I I,?, 1. iiiiiinifa,.ui,., y tlm t'Al.iroiisu I'm hviii'c ('.,. "Illy, luiuttlnlyi. of Unit f,.t will iim oiiii In nv,,,i,,er . worthli-w llllltllllilll. lllllllliriH'lllK'll llV other iu,r. tli'. TIik IiIkIi hi iinlliiK of iliii ( ai i- I in NviH r ( I. will, , ,,,,.,11. cnl ir.ifi.Hlnii, Mini lln kiiliKfin-ilou Wlll.'ll tllH K' NIIM.I' Svi lllof I IJ, lui, aflVlHI t.1 Itllll of r.4llltUn. Illlltlr, tlm Minim of Id.- t oniiiiliv it inuirnlit y of Hi f.-,H,-ii f it,, r,.',.,v, t J, fur In ii,v,iii... i, oil,. r In'iati,,.,, It a. t . mi Hi,' l.lilm v, llur it ti. 1 IfiiUiU Willi. ml lu.liitini,' or m ain . li'K i In-ill. mi. I iiom imt j,-riM' nor liau .t-iitf. In uiili-r ,i It, iH in tlrlul (! 1,, ,l,.,i-. trim iiiIht tin- iiaiiin of "HIl!lllV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. riiM ii n, i.i. tuii.vii.ij.fc,. MH ,,,,,,., BAPTISM OF FIRE KV.ii'KIMi Till: Ml'ANIHII l"I.A.i Wli.n tlm mii K I I.I, iilfimni l"-l lmlil, ... l h ci Niiiheo, urn ntiai'ttia ! fliiiati tin .,ia. r.i lin a ti.i!l. I l.i llii Ni"W Viik :tnk; j. r tn: si.. a I , kri'x k ilun 'hr- H,.tn:ih (I ,(f " ." r,.;.,.l A llnll tl Hunti ii. "f ii I t: In (In. , nli. ,1a " 'III.. Sirt ili-i, I). in l.iy nl.-.tit 1 flu ).tM" rr-.iii "te t. f.ra Him i . k li. r inn" I.i, ii', it m' .lu , .ir.-f.iily iilincl il:.- I In, h t,'in n.,,l ih tr. fl ,if all die uv ! . ti,. ili in.t. Iriil Wtwn Ilia am .a, of i Ii r urn ti ! ,l,.ir,.t it .i y i.n'.y (" atr, i i,,t .., Hi il ih" rr, . r Tlm .lirii lia.l k i:n Dit.r.iixh !hn r, iitt-r iif Ilia liun: -In f, .,r Dure ni'.iiutia luirr l!n Hi aK. nr. . I (itm ti an.l huua , Inu la n! ilrt r a loan frulll ! tin l.-ian of llio n Aat ' A IT Th" I' ti ti a t .1 ff arrtnr.l In liavn ct rh4rni,-,l rila'rfi.f ,in, tftn r'iwnnr hn1 ,m!y on1 rhmii Irfl. II arrtttrtt tlMly ,a.l,lr for l. r t ,lllrr tl, r o!,.- I vtllll It li! troll a', a'l' h a l:l.ui.-f" ati.l ail. Ii n tl:i) trHl 't'llrlr W la l.rrftt hlraa all. n. r Aflli'IlK lhi rri tra Tlm HtlWAMrr elilltt." .! hr . ..;",. hi al.cliily Thru a i.uff ,,f rit'ikr ,,tii fiuiii h. r a;, I,- un, u; wri'l a cl'Hi'l i'f ilrhiln Hi trri"i n,l ,.,n fi ll ih liiriMrr nf Npnin' Hn- l jn-lla fi"in Ho riitifati p will prol.ilily tiivr t hrar.l n at avl rt . Tin- Him.uir, a laa( nli.,( aim. k rU-lii at Ihf l.flar .,f lll flniralrff nll,t h t-t 1,1, l II l' l.r ,,f Ihr wri,'ka, "Writ il.uin." a!Knl,t itm run: ns Tin: hiki.k imth At II W (lmrral I mtTla-H lnilr,t HiAl III ar.iiila rrpirli't Unit li . !mimi hil Iitii it. ui t" Ihi" Hi'.inlah rlllr pin tv thn ahrlU from I tin ah'.pa mut A.tmlrnl Bampiort l,l, lilm llil Ihry ha, trrn hit r,rl lliii.-a. hut ihil llirrr aim n.i fur la IIik pita lloKrv.r, llir HilWiim-.-ma) orilrrrd to fir a frw morn aim. a in thnr iliri'i'llon. At IJ V, tlm Sr York. tnvlii rfaaril ftrlhK nt AiiK tilorra, rninmi nn J nrln In, Ii -Ti -! I a i l. iir on-r th uully Iiim ih, olty if H.inlUiM it Cula. Ily, ry flif liilimlra ahi lia ttriil ronrlnii over III hill !il.". ilrairin"i.,n ihry wrrr it"ln It Una llnpiiaalliln l.i It'll, na III,' 111 tl (T lilit i vrryllilliu. In rvply to ilrncral Iiiiltl,'l,l'a qucaUon. "Wli.n la llm iu:'' A.linlliil Haniia.,n I . ,u.. "Thi rn la it . I a Hpunlar.l Irfl 111 it r.lh" ill." I.nli-r il' iirrut Iiuithl.t aiK--n illr.l ilmt hit Ki'oula llMUiihi ri'lnf'irc, -iiiniia inn' niiirrhliiK to the li.iltrri'.l ol,l irl. uinl Ailiulrtil H.iiiipaoii wlnwiit,'H' il I, in. "Tlirr,' la not n Hpanliinl left ihrnv lr any r.'inr llir i llmi, ratrr will I.iUi tnii" i.f lli, in." A lull,' l.itrr llir tirrK'in J.,lnr,l Ih,' N. V V.'l'li III Hi'lntllm S-lll. tl nllrlla into till' i iv of HiinlliiK". Till wim krpl up until 1 Ci p. in. Ily that Hun' tli in iMl Inilllrlil anil a iiiiioiiik" miyliiK hla iroopi. iiKI imt rio'.H llir mH'i'iiiii ,nnl ivmilil rr inn In Alt n m, Ai'tlnn nn llil" 1'i'pnrl thai h,,iiu Spu i ) -n IMitpa Mrl'ii M 1 1 1 1 111 III,' Kllll.V, (In 4N1 w V'lilt anil Cloiiii Mii r sti' lhit li mil-,' in.,.' anil th.' Ni'Uiuk, vslilili wim nn rli .nil, alKiiiini'il. "fan 1 lire for tai'ui'l lii.iotlir? Have liail nn picvlmiB oppor tunity." I'l'inilfHlon for lii'f tn tin 8" .ia nlKiialliil anil nlii hliixnl away, h1ii"1 In k tvt ll, In r ii liirli Hlu'lla t xplnilliiK with M'liiiii'kiililu f'ltin iiiiiDHK Iho rocks. vH MO Ail in I till SiinipHon liolitril t In liinal to ci-iiHo llrlmr nml llm llaifwhlp ri" liinu'tl 10 tho liloi'kiiilliiif Hiiiailrnii. tin tin- rallioiul a traliilniiil of trnnpg hint uhviuly Irft fur Alturoi. TIIK UK A I) AND WOUNIUCD. Hhnflrr'a Kurci-H UapllHi'il In Fire Whlli' HIiowIiik Di'Hporiilo Coiirngr). At (limrral Slmflcr's HrnJuuortcra, Fri day, July 1, 0 p. m., liy the Asaoclntod l'rcai tllHpnti li boat Cynllila to l'ort An tonio, July 2, 8 p. m.. via KliiKHlon. Jn inalott. July 2, 11:30 p. m.-CKiiriul Hhnf ter'a army lm lind lit baptlam of fire. Willi ilt'Hpurii'te co imiije anil u mini dnali of vetenina, It hna conyuiToil tlm Spnn lli woika before Santiago, unJ Ills force la iIiIvIhk Iho nii'iiiy liHo llm all'mila of Ih flly. Tlm victory wua won nl licavy mat In kill,. I mill witlimli'tl. It la linpiiaalljlii to aa 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 11 1 tin naal a lit lllla wHIIlIK, hilt II h l.i lliyiil liny rio h fmi, 'J'Iib iiiKirllnn "f ollhi'ia la Iuiiiii, A 'i it lul Hal ul 1. ftli 1 la klllnl or wnilliiliil follnwa; apliiln u'Ni lll, of thu rmiKh rlnYia klllnl. I.linili'niiiit Cnloiit'l lilokoff, TW'iiity rron, Infatiiry, klllrtt. t'aiilnlii W. I'. Mnrrlaoii, Hlalnntli n f.intry, kill' tt. I,ruiiiiiiiil Hnill, Thlrlit mil Infantry, WiMiinlril, l.lriili'nuiil 1 '11I0111 1 I'ulliraon, Twnly an iiliil Inftililiy, wiiumlnl In thu urnlll l.liulriittiit ()ri"l, Hlxlli liifafiny Wollllilril. Captain Tyl"r, Nlnill cuvnlry, wuiMlr"! In llm aloniAcli, l.lriitrniint cnloiiol ;. II. laruin, Twrn ly-ftiurili Infiinlry, wouiitlril. Ciiptaiii J. i; llri-it, Twi'iily-f iuiili 111 finny, woiinilnl n th ar)l. Caplnlii A. ', Ininil, T,'tny-f.iui Hi n- funiiy, ttouiiili.l In ilm t-gm of th heart. t apt atli Chorlra Doilii". Twriily-f mrth Inftiniry, Hiiuntlail, H". on,l l.lriitrniint J. II. Aiifuatln'l tn tho altln ami arm. Unit, limit l',,.,i,. Cur,, I, Hlllll llifritt- iy. oiii,., in tha hip l.lnii, Mini M. y, a c,,iii,miy , ThlrO .it .ill y. Hi.tin.l, , in tho lilp, 1.1,'iit, limit H. rinmi, rilath. aplnr I ti 11 1 .1 . I. ! no 11 1 i.i i 'r -., Mil ill. " .I 111 th. tip mi.l lift li. 'ii ! : a ! 11 W'ulk. r. H. 1.1 li'.f.nnry, oii,,l 1 in thu Uriht l. Ur.i'i nnnt It 'hi rtain, Cii.pnny 1 ifili infantry, ttomt li ,1 In Hip right , t 1.1. u',11 ml I' tit . 1 r - (,", H I'h, "i. ii.'. I In tho Ih gll, Cotn.iin ,.iri(jn, 'I'hlr I rava.rv. Cjp'.i 11 i,.... "Ih, 1. 1 .it.i.ry, wain Iril 11 tli Inn. I 'i 111 .. 1 m nl, r. H, t , ntr. nt li, n ,11 1 I In . h atotiiAt 11. '1 'i K rrr M.ath in. illy, wunlnl 1 tti, .inn 'ii.1 i'ii hIi.,1 i tl,M t. I I' l.i. nl. 11.11. t li, a ir.,. Ht t ruth Infantry. Mmr Cr.i.a. H.vriith, I'll' I II J.o kaoll. H t r III II. I' if. 1. 1'it ' 'Ii ul.-. I: t';,.. H. truth. hot tin 'iiilt Hi.. f-,r, h fatallv. It la ala.i r,.oi!.. tit t CoIoih-I Km , iy 11 kill. ,1 In h .mi- , ii. a ,t,ry ,.tl , r In III,. , nil- il't H II I., at I III) rl"AM.-l Is irlrt lli. f.n,li ..-. ihuh: hat.' I. , ril h.'.ity. I tin Sj. tn ,i. .,.p .a. 1,1; I. ,tt t.,11 a lltiniolt l",t In kilo, I, tt oillil.'.l or iria- nt. - o 111,11, ,'in.t th ,,aa ,n I'm en r mi l I, ft tnnat I, iloiih).. thai nuiiitf r. Moat of our iroopa took iHiaaraalun ilar- tlo' 114,'llt. allholIKh (ill ll.ltri' i.rtra ill ! not roiiin up llll ini'tn n until l.niinii .t.tlaton oil tho t" 11,,' i fcht. aupportrtl l,y Captain C.ip- 111 l.,:i,i), tint, nl Krtita illtlalnn In ih irtttrr an. I linit ral Whrrlrr'a illvlalun 11 th,. ,ft. aupt.irtr.l l.y ilrliit, a' haltcry. pl.iitt,. on th,- h ll, form, J a tin which r. t.r, .1 ,1, roaa th mliol wltlth of the .11I11 In tthi.h S. itiil. t,i ,a, a iliatanra ( fully five nilloa. Iiiitn, Oi iirly In front ,,f Liaiini ny 1 uirv. am .y I, lo, kh'Mia, atl'l . ntri in hiti, ', tin t nit utiat Una ti,,a:ton ttrr,' III nppoalUi'lia tlll'iH'l.'il. Tli'- Ani, rl, ,uia In, I Ih .int iit,, of tit" aim l'i thr iitoriilnrf, ttlilih ah. me In tli. 1 ii.'iny a fa,-. The riiK'ia'rmrnt oprnr.l 11 11 11." tl, i t 1. nic oiiia Mt' lhu ititrAiice l" ihr hirl.or h,vnn Oropplrm ahclle Into il. HimiiIhIi r.irlliworki. I'l.AUK H ti.VI.I.AST A f w inltiutra ,if1,T t'ttirk'a tirlk'-i'lr nl ih rliihl of K.iit'a illtlalnn mini a t.i.:.mi ih.itk to th" north of th. ra ti, nn. lift of III Hpanlah line nn.l took l,-. .H on of 11 ha, Un, la. in Ih'T ,,f all nraiik' grovr, Thla nnirknl the tH:tnti!tiK of a iii'iKiildcrnt , Imrg." I In Ih til t line of rutri'tlfhliit'iita. Th r.itnlry illvlaloti mill li.iU' H.iw k 'I"' ln'K.i'l' 1 It'll n. . I up thr al"pi' ag.tlual u -toiiu of thaih. It wna In thla awful i h UK'' that our tin 11 tti-ro ao h.nlly cut up ihry atiirtril on Iho ilouhle nulck. huL 110 Iroopa loulil fact' aiicli u li rrlblr tlr.' without annihilation, inir nun at.ig k'rr. tl, throw ing tin uiat lvi a to tho grolltnl Again thr) atartril, again tnry pruatratca ihi'inni'lvi a, hut on uinl up they wrtit 111111I with a .hnr liny aprmig ovi-r the Irriuiira illtlillng the altlra of the lllll iht'ckrrril with their fallen comrajra. HAM) Tt) HASP. Thirii wna hiiliil to'l llghllng hrre, in whl'h an oltl' r wan inn, hrt. il. hut th Hpanlartla coulil nut rralal the nnitrl of our tmopit anil tin y at out of the tnlii'liri. ati.l hi"kr over the line of the knoll on whlih liny were Hlliiatnl. I luti, In, l of I he itirtny lay tle.ul or wouiitlril In thr litniinK. Tln in, iln iiilnuhl was thru earrleil with a 1 toll. Two rrinalnlng hatirrlra were thru ot'tliii'tl up ami with a rattle ami i ho-h Captain llalrit' haltny tvnit tearing up thr I'oail, coviiril us It wait with a l Irani of woilii'lril going lo the rear. Tlir Lattery got In ponltimi to the r.ghl of the itm In Spanl.ili rrilouhl at 3 o' clock, ami nt 3:30 Caplnlii Italia sent the tlrnt Mhrll, which wriit whlMlng tlown Ihr line of eiilfciiclimeiita of the enrmy. The Ainrilcan nilvancr line retnalneil be tt lutl ihr ctcni of the hill until Cnptaln linicH lititl tltlveti terror Into the ulreiuty hcaleli anil illHcounigcil enemy. THU K NIC MY II KATUN. At thla limo our lleit was also at woro,. Shortly hefofe till dlxpntt'h win written, our line again movcil tlown forward urn! Hie HpuiilHli hegnn to retreat Into the town. Tlm retreat mooii hecaino a rout ami at 5 o'clock an ntllcer JuhI from the front nn Itl the enemy are hopelessly hen ten. GH1MK3' ATTACK. A few minutes before 8 o'clock Cnptaln tirlinra opctieil with his battery on the helglits to the right of the main redout, sHuat.'il on the center of the Spanish line of entrenchment directly before the city. The Spanish reply was Inimcdlnte nn J wonderfully accurate. The second or third of their shells broke over one of Cnptuln arimes' guns, killing two men and wound ing four, liotii ilm Mpanlah mi.l Ami'r,i;nn hiitinha ii"., 1 alimpiii'l, Tlm n'l Hp'in lull ahi ll Inn at Jual hi yoii.l Iho lulti'ry ami rltl'llt.,1 it ainrnr Imtlan ht ilii, avlilt h '" WomlA I'hikIi rhhra witb walling llm fnrvtatil movr nn nl. li wna from thl I'li'Valloii Uinl th Kngllah, tlirinmi, ami Jiipmitaii military nliin hi , yli wnl Ilia t'ligiigt iiii nl, M'K (lirr WOHHTKll, i aptaiii urliin a' ah' lla, at nt fur a r.mgo of llhoilt ':") Vlll .la. alluhtlt, ovrraltol Ho. murk. It w.ia illMli iili lo i at th rtpillllah UUIla, III ,iy ,,,) ,,k,...,.. powli-r uii'l In thla, tlm firat nrtlilt ry tliii, in.. Ain. rii'tiiia luul iln, worst of It . t'n llila limn Horn hii'l htm , Infantry din on Ho, lair.ino rlaht, tth'rn i h Hitauluiila wr h. ing hnr, I pn .., , l,y li'inral ( hafr.., uml Ct iit'iiil .awtm. Aholll a IJil it halloim tt,, a , lit up n front "f tli,, nttalry illvlaloii. Thla dr.-w tin lliai volh y from llm H;.itiiah intr. n, h. it nla TIi'mikIi f.ll.y follow, d vollny, tin. .luring ollln r Intnl., a rt i in,! got down aaftly, hating ol!iilni oinpl. I ilt tHlla of thu illapoaltlona ,,f thr in my. Tlm ii'Iviiiihi of iln mt .iiry uml Inirtnl i.'tn'a liviapni imiii' ,,ui, ;y .. nan along Iln. lilm of llm m i n r.atl to iiilngo. Il w.ta nhoui tw.i hniri later lor., our riiUeuii' h-gtii l,r-ak ng tho.OKll III., fot.illig of tlm Hp'inlali tun, In a. 'liny mrt !ih a hail foiui th'' M ma. r flllia, wln h l" Illln.r.Uilv, 1 li" forw.u l iiioy. inriii. Tin- Hpuril .ida Innl ih. tr r.ini;,- mnl ili.-ir pr.n't:, ii wa i 1 "ur no ii l iy on their hri i a uii l .lind tll,y ufirr to.l.y in'.., tin-iii ul I. nn.e ro t lhal thr pp.,n,g I l. a hi.. I th,. at Ii It . t,f ra, ti otlnr'a i)a I' tptuln linuita iln-n tt .p. in,) l'h lilt n.i v h'l ,li tin- ., . ,,i .,n 1 it, ', ; i a - -l'.iiili ,iill;i,ty ,l, inn ii !t, r rt. il ,11. pl.tltlil.K all" : nfi.r am II In Iln "I ma n .t!-,iii.t uii l .;, in ;i,g iwi ma. II, ,. rt;.., n n kniimii il,. n turn.. tln lr t.nt. "ii to ottr l!-.r.:,'r) nr.. I I., .iti l nl lit tli.- u ii .tin i- ga i I. Till: I " a i.'.l 1 .1 1 I I TV. mtyvvttH, THE t w mm Behind Brush i'l it Wain or Lrawmi' you cli-un hy main trenllt or dt j-oii utc Uir i I) you ue the lies laW If you arc uipkciilt'l uliich try Wasfin Powder Tiir i. k. rAniiuMKCompAiir, Chlrar'). "I- I-""1"' York. Ifialou. I'lilladclphla 01' V ll.llll,, II. I'l, c n. , tp. A :i Iy thr ..f lienor: ..Lit,. I l'i.. GRAND BALL JULY 4th, 1898 FOARD & STOKES HALL C.IVilN HY Tim Astoria Emergency Corps I l.-i licMiciiiticr tlie enuKe! TK'KKTS, .f I.DO. TICK I'TS i SALK AT ALL IHMM'.SS HOISKS. 13 ;rjrv4Sirrjii'er'jj.- li.., it, h 1 111 : .., r 1 i) m!, ..ft JntK'14. Fr.d.iy, July 1. p in. Hi l..rl Aiit',, Hit- iit.l'ty, July :. ' a in -h ' ,p) r.Khl. ,1 p-'tt ) thr A-ao, :,.'. , 'r. -Thr haltle of lining. Inn fiK'.l nil tiny and at I o'" .. k tl.'.a itr'.inoon l'..'." Ann n.'in jt.J J..;l.o nll II' .".iiu .uilili -tli nl,".J . ll.olia ..f th, .) ,..ii.. .ily in-,. ,t iy , .k ii. iHii.tfi.i a .irm v h.n founht i itnt' ti. r.a tan ,ti,.t .1 h.ilf ttillra of I iit tl) ; at.. nr., 'r,,t k-:y f..rtiri..t null) .in.t in,. . in::.- l.i,.- ,.f m, a .,, th, ..l! la n a n 'i nh i ,,f Mm: ..,' i I n. 'I he rp .tt."h kill.-, nn. I w'ouii'lr.l air un .t'oilclly tuirn'.i t. .1 l.y huti.l r- l. MTItuNiilliil.liS TAh i:.S'. llir Hpini-h a: lotiKlioi.U ,.f i"un, y ami l:i r.tao h it fail, n, and th. fort nt Agii.iil.iri a. Jual raat of Xtorr o r itlr, haa l.-.'ti t, low n I, i ruitia hy th Kuna of h tlrrt. With th i"ition t.f nh nit a tliotiaainl tr-Mtpa, who ar ;uar, Pal U'l.rl nml Jtimnt. the iittlre nriny in- g.tgfil, t..;.tli,r with 4im of Uriiirtil iliinua "titan it iroopa Th haul 1', K in jual .it .lot .i.-lit at a p.. Hit .tla.iii mil, a from Jtimituti unJ 4 tnlli a iiorlhinat of tho out. r f "rlillcitloiia of Haiittug.i. Th gi nrJ, r for the advmnp waa laaur,) ,y tj.-n, ral Sh.ill.r at dark Inat night and ut mldnlghi rv,-ry man tn thn army knew that u, d' aH"rate atriiKKhi woiilil i-o ne wall the dawn. The iii wa put Ih troopa in a f, ti r of nolte m. iil mnl Ih night w as ap nt In t hrirlng and alngliia;, thr popular ntra.n being "Thrreil ta a hot tlm In Sanllngo to niorniw." Till: Ul iil.Krt Snl NliKK. Thla morning of bugha rang out thr ret 111 uml bet. ue auuriaa the gnat hnr waa couiplelr. To the extirnu left wit Iiiillnld. with She Th'.rty-Th rd Mlt-higan. his command hiving reached the Aguador.-a bridge by train. Next to the norihitiHt was lit-mra! Knit's di vision, n mile ami a hoi (rout the e.i and held as a reaeit e far, e. The nir. T of llm line was held by the cavalry di vision, ttlih'h until Wheeler ar- rive, I at noon, waa itimmaiiilrd hy linn ral Sunnier, owing to iietieral Young's Illness Cnlonel Wood, of the rough rulers, com manded his brigade, which consisted of the First regulars, Ihe First volunteers ami the 'I'.-n Ih t, gill. us mid one battalion of the ninth cavalry, nil dismounted, with the I'Xtrptlon of two troops nn the ti irniir right under (lenerals lmwton and a'haffee, fully live nilbs from the sea. It been arranged that lltili rul Ihlf- II. id should make a feint of iittuiktug Agiuitloies, III oivler to draw mutton from Ihe tiiulii inovemint, mnl tit 5 o'eloi k Uetiernl liwion's lioopti moved forward, h d hy a battery of the First ar tillery under the coiiiiuand of Captain Ailyn Cnpinii. Uttiy man in the army c.rrled three days' rallnns and niiinni li ;lon to nuiirh, mid every one knew tint: b was not expected to return to camp until Santiago had lalhil. ' TIIK F1UST SHOT. The Ill's! chut was llred from the bat t' ry nt fi;10 n. m. by Cnptuln I'apioii. The shot was directed at fancy, where tho Spaniards were In force, mid It fell la tho hrui't of the town. The tiling con tinued twenty minutes without response. Meantime the rnvnlry had moved fnr v ard on the main Santiago trail, headed I y the lltrht battery of tho Second urtil 1, ry under Captain Urlmea. Tho move f. ent of this bulterv was a honrt-bretik-lug task, owing to the mud In the vnlhy and the sleep Inn, Fnder ihe musketry of the cavalrymen the Spaniards In the Utile town of El Paso rotreatcd and Cnptaln Grimes' battery took position there and began a rapid firing Into Canny. The guns of the two batteries made the plnco so hot that tho enemy finally ro tlred, having no artillery. A HOT ItETURN. ' Tho town whs surrounded by earth works and lines of barbed wire. After the enemy had been driven from El Paso il shots were fired by Cnptaln Grimes uii l c.ipuin c.iproti from that p'.alion lit,- oui.-r for'.!!V.i!l"iiB of Hm'lug'i I i.. fore a r sponse turn. Winn It did ir,e, hottrvrr. It waa with utl'iciltd in , urn, y, uii. its and sh'ila from J-:nch r. t: . evidently taken from C-rvt-ra's n.,r-h;pa ami mounted I., hlml the fort',- Tin: hai:I)i:st fioiitixg. The hnr I, ..; tlgi..,ng of the day set mil ) hat.- !,. . ii on th right flank and heavy isijatli-s ;,re r'Tiortrd from there. The t.Ivuni e tin r- was more rapid than at the other points on the line and Gen eral Chaffee's hr.gadu was first to cross r,, ..'.lon Tlm SiMniah gunners rak'd the the ll'.tl Han Juan river close to the lull on whli h Kl I'uso stands and whit h hnr of th u:r fortitb-allons. In th meantime hat) !n made th At 2 o'tio, g Can. y had nut been n In-adipiarteia of C. tieral riiimtter and th' t red l.y th- American troops, but thy i ill. in ii, tierais Garclu. 'up-,t and Hihl. h id pni-hid past and were ready at any line sh.-ll atru, k a large slorehouae, on tun tin y , huso lo march Into It. At that the rtd i orruguted roof ,f wh . h sto.,,1 hour General Shiifter, whose headquar hoiii Cubans viewing thr light. The roof t. rs b-. n three mll.s In Ihe rear, f. ,1 and all the Cubans w, re wound, d and i wnit forward to assume personal control thr, of thmi will die. A di taclitn. nt of Cubans went forward fr .tu 111 I'.ih and then Colonel Woods, with th rough rld-rs. the First and T. nth, started down the hillside straight for the enemy s fortlll, itt.ons. O iLONKIa WOOHS' ADVANCE. Csptaln Grimes' battery pound a stea.iy llro lino the Spaniards to protect Colonel W,kk!s' advance. The dismounted cav alry paused on their way through the tangled grass and undexbrush and half way down Ihe hillside selected a good spot to halt, and from there opened and maintained for twenty minutes a hot fire. The opposing battert.s banged away, Captain Grimes ending a storm nf lend down Into the outer fortlfl.atlons and the Spaniards pounding away at the hill top with vicious persistence. Most of the Spanish shells went over the hill lops and fell In the ravine beyond. Here srvrnil detachments of the Cultan troops were stationed aa reserves and hefnr ihry could be moved seven In surgents were seriously wounded and several slightly hurt. At th same two Americans were k.lled and nino wounded. Thr Spaniards us.-d smnki-lesb powder and shot with much more, ac curacy than during the previous engage ment. The wonder Is that many more lives were not lost, us the opposing bat teries were less than two miles apart. Colonel Woods' command behaved with great bravery, firing steau.iy and with deadly volley, with the enemy's shells sereet'hlng nnd bursting over their heads. Twenty minutes of fearfully hot work silenced the Spanish batteries. CA.NJi TAKEN. A way tt) th left General Lawton's divi sion, with Chaffee's nun and Capron's battery, was lu the meantime fighting fiercely with the enemy entrenched In and aNiut Caney. The Spaniards contest ed every Inch of tho ground bitterly and fought with unexpected coolne.- and outrage, but tho Irreslstubie onward movement of the Americans slowly forced them back on and beyond Caucy. About It o'clock a terrible lire from Capron's guns and the muskets of the men broke the Spanish line nnd a retreat began towards the line of the outer formica tions. The enemy took the trail known as the main Santiago road and Captain Grimes' battery linniedltitely beg-an pitch ing shells In ahead of tho retreating men, while a detachment of 2,000 Cubans, head ed by Garcia, wero started to cut off the retreat. No report has been received from them. A largo detachment of Gen eral Kent's reserves were sent to tho aid of Garcia In this work and It Is probable that llerco lighting occurred. W'HEKLEH TAKES COMMAND. All this time General Sumner had com manded tho center, owing to General Wheeler's illness, but about 11:30 o'clock of Ihr op. rations. Some surprise is ex pressed tliat he d.d not wait for the guns before beginning tho final attack, but the siege guns are still on ihe beach it Imio,uiri, ajid he decided yesterday that they were unecessary and deter nun.d to strike at onc. The only move mint not successful w-aa utneral Duf-'s attempt lo occupy the vt.l ng of Aiiuauores. THK HoSriTAi. SHIP. "Kelier ' Sal) t0 Take Care of Shafter'a Woundtd-More Reinforcements. Washington. July 1-The hospital ahlp K.ili.f. which left New York today waa given orders before aalling to stop on her way south at Fortress Monroe, where an extra force of surgeons will b.tard her. She will reach Form Monroe tomorrow and take aboard the physicians and then proceed forward to the wound ed of Shafter's command. Surgeon General Sternburg of the artsy was unable to make arrangement today for all tho medical assistance which Gen eral Shaft, r asked for. After considerable labor he got together a forcw tvf probaMy a dozen physicians, and these, with sur geons nlreauy aboard the vessol, will approximate about twenty in all. These General Sternburg hopes, will be enough to supply the pressing wants of the army. The relief should reach Santiago In four or live days. If additional physi cians are mtnled, they will be sent, Gen General Sternburg says, on the cruiser YiiU'. which Is scheduled to leave Nor folk: about the middle of next week with a large detachment of General Garrett snn's brgade as reinforcements for Shatter. UATTLE RESUMED. Guantanamo. July 2. i.Copyrightcd lS'S by the Associated Press.) The lighting In front of Santiago was resumed at tiayHg-hl this morning. The advance was ordered along the entire line. THE MEN REST. Slboney, July 2, 12 noon, pia I'laya del Este. (Copyrighted lS'S by the Associated I'rcss.i At this hour tho tiring is light. Work on tho entrenchments is being pressed and the soldiers are allowed to rest. The licet did some firing, but did not engage the batteries generally. OUR SHIPS NOT DAMAGED. Slboney. July 2, 2 p. m.. via Flaya del Kale and Guantanamo, July 2. (Copy righted 1MS by tho Associated lYess.) The bombardment of the forts at the entrance to Santiago harbor was resumed early this morning and lasted over an hour. The east corner of Morro castlo was knocked to pieces and tho flag was shot down. The shore batteries to the west of the entrance and to the east of Morro castle were also damaged. The return tire was light, except from Cayo Smith, Inside tho harbor. No damage was done to the ships. The batteries llred at the ships as they retired. ANXIETY IN SPAIN. Madrid, July 2. In the absence of any official dispatch giving the details of the attack on Santiago de Cuba, the news- l city from Manxanlllo or Holquln. ENTER THE SUEZ CANAL. ppers hero express great anxiety, which General Wheeler started on a two-mllo . Is increased by the report that no re journey to tho front with an nmbu- mforcements have reached the besieged lance. About half way to the front he to.,1 n nitmiier nf llttrrti heflrlntr lhA , , ,, . . i Washington, July 2. The following was wounded. Tho veteran, under protest by , lu)sl(H, t (hu gmte departmerit ln tegari Ills surgeons, Immediately ordered his ' t0 Camara's fleet: horse, and personally assisting the "The Spanish ships Colon and Coro wounded Into the ambulance, mounted J"na e,mere'? tl)e Suei can'1' yesterday the rest, with the exception of one re pairing, left the harbor, coaling from nnd rodo onward. The men burst Into fnmtki cheers, which followea the gen- ti,pir transports. WATTS." ernl all nlong tho lines. By noon, although Watts, the sender of tho telegram, Is still very Ul, General Wheeler had estab-' h lty eonsul at Clllro. whj has been , , , . ... , . at Port Said for several days obs?rvlng llshed headquarters at the extreme front lr,0 operations of the Spanish fleet. and in a corner of tho tine and .tu holds ( , 02?. hta position. auence as fighting machines. tvi ivuviivru tuiwuinju vwn uvuuuunnf COPIOUS DISPIiAY Op ART Kvory articlo excites the curioxity of American ..i.lo. Jf you never saw our goods it will bo a treat to inject them. Jf you have seen them, remember there are plenty of curious designs to follow that nro jiH us interesting. Our utock of Chino-Jaimnciso goods coin.riMe many articles of general mho ami aro ren dered the more utriking hy their quaint design and curious finish. Unlimited variety parlor ornaments and house furnishings, toys nnd fancy articles. Fife WoFks F la9s in abundance; very cheap . - - - ; Other articles too numerous to mention. Chine, Japanese J - - - - I'riees very low. WIHG LEE & CO N'-V ' ..v NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Four Hundred Different FMterns Wah Sing k Co., Merchant Tailors, were nover better prepared to serve the public in their line. Gentd' rtirni'-hiiig (Jo-ids of nil kinds. SuiU made to order quickly. Large stock ready-made goods. Cleaning and repairing. I em ember, Prlccn Tnlk, -Ss-WAH SING & COfc'LSL a. :x i i -x : v. : : - va'.va r. : s i jv-v 1 . FIREWORKS Chas. Kan & Co., 367 Commercial St. We earn- the largest and best assortment of FIRE WORKS that w as ever shown in Astoria. We are selling them much cheaper than elsewhere. Come in and get prices before buying your fireworks. 1 To Cure Dyspepsia. Eat regularly. Have food prepared by compe tent cooks. Eat where you relish the victuals. Eat at the Model Restaurant where you are assured of the above conditions. DAN BARBER, Proprietor. a: to Commercial Street. First Clai, White Heir All Hours I THOS. GUI.NEAN, Proprietor 5 Seventh and 3 Wnnhlrigtoii Sts. Portland, Or. uvrf -iisLfy . w'J tV- r:rv sx a."vrf-lvr-? mm WRlTV , FLAVOR Gunther's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor .... ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lave. a.mTprm 8:w i: ASTORIA. iDHly.) Portland and As-la.m. Ultorla express trains, U:iS A-la Knappa. Clifton, Westport, (joDle anal way ttauona. i 8:50 li'.SO! Astoria, Seaside and! StSO 6:UU -New Astoria passeu-iu:i ger trains. ArrtT. p.m. 10:66 1:30 LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY 1871 1897 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA..... First-class trains leave Wan-enton for Flawl and New Astoria at 7: :15 and 10:5:' a. m., and 12:55. 2:15 and 5:30 p. m. and wturnlne arrive at Warrenton at 8:05, 9:S0, U:06 a. m., and 1:07, 8:03 and t:40 p. m. J. C. MAYO. T. H. CURTIS. O. F. & P. A. Manager. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF " PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that the p.irtner shln now ami heretofore existing between George Johnson and J. M. Hughes, at torneys at law, nnd known under the firm name and style of Johnson & Utilities, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Johnson will con tinue the business, Mr. Hughes retiring therefrom on assuming the duties of justice of the peace. GEO,.el JOHNSON. J. M. HUGHES. Astoria, July 2, 1S9S. i A CHILD ENJOYS The pleasant flavor, gentle action and oothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when ln need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that It Is the best family remedy known and every family should havo a bottle. Man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION RATE. The White Collar Line will sell Fourth of July excursion tickets between As toria and Portland and all way points at one fare for the round trip. Tickets sold July 2, 3, and 4 good returning up to July t, Inclusive, SHIP CHANDLERY HARDWARE IRON AND 8TEEL COAL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES LOGGERS' SUPPLIES FAIRBANKS SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES JIM WEST, Chicago Barter AXD Master of the Tonsorial Art Shop 1841 Franklin Ave. If you want a good cigar, go thera. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that th under signed has this day been appointed as signee of Rebecca, Btrausa, an Insolvent debtor. Creditor! of the aald aaalgnor aro hereby notified to present their claim under oath to the undersigned wlthla three month from thla data at his plaoav of business at No. 57S Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. Dated this Uth day of December, vsn, N. 8CHLUSSEL, Assignee of Rebecca Btrausa, an Insolvent, dabtar.