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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN. SIX1UY MPH.M.NU Jt'l.V , l9 " . : ; gaily dVotovtau, JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. ti. OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. nt by mail, r year gent tiy mll. per month Ssrvtd by carrier, per month WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year. In advance., roatage (re to subscribers. ..WOO .. .50 .12.00 Alt communlcatlona Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to the editor. Business communlcatlona of all kinds and remittances muat be addreaed to The Astorlan." The Astorian guarantees to Ita adver tlacra th Unrest circulation of any n.s KIer published on the Columbia river. Advertising ratea can be had on appll eet'on to the buainea manager. Ulots ar nearly always to be pilled, but tho one who penned the account ot the wrecking of the steamers Game Co k and Stnghound for the Seattle Post-In- j (. ; in if l!llj...Rl,..HV h!. h was the an telllnacnecr should be held criminally ,,,,.,,, ,)f ,,rtncip'.,s upon which the sponsible and kicked off that paper. ln ri.wimln founded, and wh-n the ev.r two eolumna of the veriest rot,! jWj,if nKlli,, choice of their greatisi an whereln an effort to elaborate is plainly . njV(irji)rj. (h1. ,,,;oo,M .,,, flHir;h in apparent, this wiseacre In the mushroom j of ,hl, ...j as th day that save town takes occasion to mention "'h ; ,vr:n t01 a n(.w nation, treacherous Columbia river bar." and en- j Vn 0i,i.f.u,n!i,vl Fourth ' means a dtavors to create the impression that the ; accident waa due to the "treachery" ' 1 the "bar." The pjor. envious scr.&'oler ; probably knew the steamers were thrown ! together like boxes, and not suoiclcntly trong to withstand the ocean swells; that the disaner occurred S3 miles up the Washington coast, when the weather was apparently calm, but the general desire of Sound people to slander Astoria led aim to dl-p ay his man.vo tnce If tue f o; kli'.er ever strikes Seattle he will depopu late the town. ASTOrtlA'3 "FR1EXPLY" INTERESTS. Who shall . n..-h our improvem-nt? Astoria will always treat every interest established within her bour.,'.s with Just consideration. There are friendly Inter ests and Indifferent Interests. S-nie are contented with what we already have. To these Astoria will alway be a village with no other business but the salmon in dustry. Looking into the past we may dis cover our true friend, and perceive those who are not anxious to Introduce new r- lationa among us, lest they be obliged to ... , . . , . , change their mode of doing business. Our people know full well that they )a - bored In vain until ample transportation facilities were provided. We have had ; "secondary' maximum." They may con water sen-ice for a generation. The old ' '" Indertnltely throughout the year or ; longer, so say the dentists, but they do water line have done little for us, and not, as n has been ald, Indicate unusual that little only when threatened with lost ' th" ""rances. But there are other indications not Indeed upon the f patronage. Our citliens have long since urface of the sun, but upon the human realixed that transportation eompanie ' countenance, that show- that the towel , and liver need thorough reform through are slow to change their existing Tela- j th,, benign agency of Hastetter's Stomach tions and that they are all powerful fac-' B::'r- Tht" ar yellowness of the sk.n and whites of the eyes, furrou tor In making a community or In de- ,,.rs,w Jnj nAU,.a all indicative of con SToy'ng It stlpation and biliousness, to the removal U,f which the Bitters U admirably Rail connections are necessary for the adapted. The efficacy of this Untnant growth of a modern community, and ac- family medicine also extends to malaria. rheumatism, kidney trouble, nervousness cording) our people have striven with ar-j headache. the I'nlon Pacific and O.. R. & N. Co. for twenty-live years to induce the exten sion of a railway to the mouth of lh river. Promises have been made and sur veys likewise. Whenever our commit tees have had dealings with other Inter ests toward this end. and invariably an asent of these companies has always ap peared to discourage the mak ng of a eontract except with himself, 'inre ar . many Industries that w- desire. Our 1 wants In the past w-r- as k n as at present. None of those improvements set forth In a communic ation of June 2T from the O. R. & N. corr-spond- nt have been furnished by our water lines. It was always thus if Astoria secures any- thing It must be furnished by others. I Such Improvements are Inimical to the interests of the O. R. & N. Co ; there fore, that company says, let the other i fellow supply them; we are satisrli d wl'h rne business Astoria gives us. Hut Astoria I.s not sati.-Iicl with the buslnc-m It lias, nor with the- extern. ve Improvements the water lines have made during the? past twenty-five years. Her railway will win finally. Step by step will we advance toward a common point for all commodities. Timber prob ably next. Wheat soon to follow. All Ueupite tho opposition of our adversaries. The O. H. & N. will fall Into line; but lis past effort shows that one should not xpect It to take the Initial action. The many things asked of the railroad company In the communication of June 2Tth will be ours In time. How wise would It be could the water lines appre tlate this and assist the friends of As toria In providing for these needed Im provements. All conferences held dur ing the past week have shown the In differentyea untritndy attitude of the 0. R. & N. Co. to all Interests tending to benefit Astoria. Our merchants should remember this. AN OLD-FASHIONED FOURTH. What Is an old-fashioned Fourth of July telebratlon such as many food citizens of this town are now talking of holding? It will be remembered that the resolu Hon "for Independence" was donated In th continental conKress on the first and second of July, 1TT, and adapted on the second. The ablest and most elo.itintt ihamplon of Its .i.lptloti was John Adams, whose enthusiasm and seal for the cause won tor him the title of "the Colossus of Indopcnil. n.-e." Hi great speech has been utterly lost to posterity, for the proccedtnes of i oppress not reported, but some Id. a of It may be aaimd from a letter written by him to his wife on the third of July. After re returning the passage of the resolution he says: The second day of July l."7. will be tne most memorable epoch In the history ot America. I am apt to believe that It will Ik) tt-'ichratid by succeed lug i neratlons as the anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day ot debt .ranee by sobnin a. is of devotion to O.od Almighty. It ought to be solemn with pomp and parade, shows, games, sports, liiitis. b lis, Nn:ln- and tlbimlna tions. from one vn.l of tins conilnem ; the oilier from th:s time f rw.r.l. forever more. The re.-oliif.on "of Iml. pcmbiwy" was fi,;!o(V(., j,y, Uur ,iy ,UwUr. S'ich as John AJims des- riled, when ord.n.iry pursuits of l.fe are li d aside anJ wJlfn p.,:r;5m and thoughts for RO;; of our emmoa co in'.r h 'i i , s!on of mr m'.nd. 1; is a dty in h we sh '-ild commemorate the v tl r. s, .sdorn an! tl-,,. s. lf-a mice t:h ot the ,no;,, ,j,,,.0 ou-!. d th n iv I or I. fended and rr rved it. And not th. '.o.y. but It s a d iv p- ..: r ly a; pro;r;.ite : 'r u t' r- "a tv." r ill brave ! "s in blue wh ar.- n do r.i battle for their curt try ar. 1 are ,".!: 'atinc the heroism of :he;r ancestors Nor should thete be an al -. ti of ponit' and jvirade. f t rts .ml games, or -bows an 1 I'.lumtn.tifr.s. n r of . uht that can more J-.-'p'.y Impress the rtuan !r.c of the day on the youth of the n i t.on. S-i.h would be an -old-fa.-h: d Fourth" aft-r the style '. e Jonn Adams. STRANGE SPOTS ON THE SL'N. Snce the beginning of this year groups of spots unusual and unexpected have been observed on the aurf-ice of the sun : by astronomers in different sections, i"' " ... . ..... These reported at the National Observa- . tory are appearance and movement en- tirely out of the usual tram, and constl- i tute what Is termed by astronomers a You may as well despair of ever bring ing your c-V'k up to your own nations when she Insists upon serving pie for breakfast. "During the hot weather last summer 1 had a sev-re attack of cholera morbus, necessitating my leaving my business." says Mr. A. liar-, of H ire Lros.. Kln eastie. '.. "After taking two or thr-e d-s-i of i.'h.imb- rlaln's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-dy I was completely re lieved end in a few hours was able to resume my work in the store. I s.n- er'-ly r-'Comm-Ti'l it to any one amicteu w stomach or bowel trouble." For sale by Charles l'.ogers. A tight shoe makes you so k all ov-r. Mokl Ta positively urt sick headache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful l.or'j drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perf'-ct compiectlon. or money refund's!. 23 and 5u cents. For sale by Es'.e-.t-Conn Drug Co. Hon- yt-uckle-s are making the u.r fra- Brant. Well Children that are not very robust need o warming, building; and fat-forming food something to be used for two or three months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. They will thrive, grow strong and ht well all winter on this splendid fcoc tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults whe are not very strong, a course of treatment wiii. the Emulsion for a coupit of months in the fall wii put them through tl. winter in first-class cc dition. Ask your doctc about this. U sure you get SCOTT'S Emul.ion. Set that lln Bun and fish are on the wrapper. All drupin'sts ; lot. a-.d fr.oo, sJCOTT 4 BO vVNE, Chemijts, New York, Wlut are Sct if fine's Best Irs Ktlin( powder coffee rue..r.m r.uacts and .pices food for? (loovl for anybody who likes ood thing's am! doesn't want to jay for adulteration. Fo sale Iy F, V by Kos, HiKcjm & Coinrvtnv JV VEJSr.I POVNO TO ASTORIA. Mid;.. Messenger. Ur bk. 1J lon NsgaMkl. Alexander Black. Putin, nr bk. IS! tore. Antwerp. ForthPank. Peteron, tlr bk, ISO tons, lle.-gh-Wlt:. j Joseph Ihillfier. Harvey, Am oh, TS ton. New York. j Clackmnnnanhlr. Thomson. Br sh, H-C ! tons. Newcastle. j SUberhorn. Ulbaon, Br bk. ITT ton. Liverpool. i Argo. Maclean. Br h, lt ton. Ant werp. Catl Rock. Jone. Br str, l.TJT tons,1 II logo. Lombard. Raison, Br str, l.St tons.' Hong Kong. ! Ounford. Macl'hers-n. Ur h. Jli$ tons,: Hamburg. Poseidon. Bush Br sh, lTTi tons. New-1 castle. Kmin Ihish. Chrlstensen. Oer bk. tons. Antwerp. j Wallace-town, Motley, Br h, tons. ' Antwerp. Jchn Cook. Magee. Br h, I7S ton. , ; H. eg.. ; S'p nsa, Barry. Br sh, UOJ ton. Yok- ; 1 harr.a ; ! N- r-'is Scl, i.te. sh. i:y tons. Ham-1 i burg. YYasJj'.e. Br. sh. IT. 3 tons, Ant- werp. j lv-t Elgin, P.ennev. Br. sh., 1-S8 tons.' Antwerp. I Ar. !r.i !a. Adams. Br. sh . tl ton-. Antivi rp. l'u. hail urn, Forbes. Br. sh.. 1M tons, j Newcastle. I Arthur KltgT. Per.ker. 0. r. sh., bil j tons. Yokohatr.a. ! Vas. o l'e Oania. Tertrum, Oer. sh. Itlo ' I Sydney. Meoitan. Kelk. Br sh.. ICS tons, yok -. ha ma. Broder'.ck Castle, Ferguson, lir. h., ITto. Shanghai Thalassa. Hellmege. tier, bk., UTS tons. Hamburg. Colbert. Lreau. Ft. bk.. Utf ton. TaBle Bay. Invercauld. Jackson. Br. bt, 138 tons. San Francisco. Yolo. Fanniculck. Br. sh.., HOT tons. Hong Kong. Christine. Warncke. Ger. bk. 1300 tons. Hlogo. Laurelback, Lindsay, Br. bk., SSI tons, Shanghai. Wlndsbrout. Haaae. Ger. bk.. 1S3 tons. Yokohama.. Largo Bay, Adam, Br. bk.. 1178 ton. Shanghai. HeathSt-ld. lIcKer.i.e. Br. bk.. LVM tons. Shanghai. Artemus. Ger. bk., I Iff! tons. Santa P. sal:n. William Lo. Abb it:. Br. sh., 1'31 tons SharhaL Margrctha. Kaster, G-.r. sh., lJtsi tons. Shanghai. Atlanta. McBr'.de. Br. sh., KC tons, Shanghai. Austrasia, Ear:, Br. bark., s tons. Shanghai. Cambrian yu-en, Lewis, Br. bark, 121 J tons, Newcastle. T.Ilie E. Starbuck, Curtis, Am. h., 1WI uris. Philadelphia. Acker's Eng. sh rerr.e-iy will stop a e. rigli at any '.tn- . an I will cure th'.' worst c-j'.d in h .urs. or money re-;n-!ed. - e'r.'s a-.d ji Kr sale by Est"s'-Conn Dr-.g Co. The f f the-s-mtm-r girl Is the mono gram f in. Bears tk AV-.-UjV:k,m Bgi-Jt It t.ak'S ! mean th.r.t's to you. id to do the Acker s by.-;epa Tibl.-ts are sold on a peil!ve gu.-irnn''s- I'ur-s heart-burn, raising of the f..d, !:-. reus after eat lngor any form of dys-epsla. Ona little tablet gives!.v re.o f. & and SO cents. For sale by lis'. - i v,nn Drug Co. The new i.-i'y of- rn-.-i pi.'- tne j.c-t dog's noo out cf Joint. That the blood shoull perrorm H vlUi funetir.ns, It l absolutely necessary It should r."t on.y be pur.- but rich In llfa glvlng eb-nonts. These results are beai erT-c'el by tin- rue i,( that ell-known standard blov purlller. Ayer's Bara partlla. h .-I wears the CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of NOTICE FOK I't'IiLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, June 17, lrt. Notice is hereby giyr-n that the follow-Ing-nnmcd noHb-r his flbd notice of hi Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Clatsop v.nnty at Astoria, Oregon, on August !, '-M, viz.: William Hobs; H. E. U8T6 for the; southwest rjuarti-r of the southeast quarter of section 14, township t n., r. 10 west. He nam'-s the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: J. IJ. Johnson, of Jewell, Oregon; J. T. liurke, of SeaHlde, Oregon; T. L. Frazcr, of Astoria, Oregon; I). liurke, of Seaside, Oregon. CHARLES li. MOORED. Register. KTTINO I li:il WAY. "It's useless," said Ilia oiinii man who works for Senator Horiiiuiin while ho Is learning tho poiltlml l)iiiiiis. "to under take lame oivratlons now Utiles you possess some capital." "Kxact'y so, my boy," amweied tho sen ator; "exactly so. 1 didn't t Kin to et started In the iittalr of my slate until (,-,11 o sston of Us caiillol." Sometime U sovms to weary woman that she must certainly kUo up. The simplest and easiest walk become all almost Insurmountable task. Nervous, n.'ss, sleepli ssnea and pain harass her and life seems hardly worth the llvlnit. lr. riervo's Favorite Prescription was made for her. I'r. Tierce's ilobbn Med ical Piscovery wss made for her. The former Is for Ills distinctly feminine, the other for her general s.istcm. Together they supply a scl.tiilile and successful course of treatment. The "I'avor te Pro scription" restores healthy, regular ac tion to the organs ,l.-.,n.tiy feminine. It forces out ail impurities, strengthen the tissues, a '.:.i iiiit.inuiiali.'n. The "ilol deii Medical lMsco. i" in.ik. i appetite, li.ips iltge-tion, ii'omo'.i s .u.slm:lalloii. tills out the hollows in ,!ie,ks and neck with good sol,, I iu-!i i I'd bungs back the gia.lsetiie glow of gn.lio'd S. lid :i cents in oro -c. lit stamps ;o Worlds IM-;"u,iry Medical Ass.i, i.uioti, tliiff.ilo, N. V., n.t r.oae I'r. I'lerce's I 's pige v'oiiini 'ii S, tlM' M.. Ileal AdM'.-r. ! In-II.lle.l. b n w e ue in : be to get mad. i g'it wc ,1 n t ha i Persons trout-!, d w llltere-ted ill tile ,' '. Bush. . b rk of It deuce. U. I. lie s i) -. 1 hao b. en ainioH-. from diarrho. a. tb. cmplct !y pre' r me untlt for my .l-ato -two . ai s ,igo ,i u .u , gae nie a siiial b.'t: e'olic. -,'b I- r.4 and Mil. !i to my -m tr . f. c;s w , -, UUIUe.l ... t. ; tnptonis of tile ,1.-, ni .1 aw i.ti-i ttte .1 s of t ' l s aiii.t alt l-. i ! .,!i s.i y lt.'-i ' ll'l'l. O- l i ef For sale '. e'!l il l. s l .I'.ltlboe,! U te i:. no' of Mr. W. M 1 ! i h i in. e, I'rov "i'or !e . i il ears a en-taut sufferer fr .'ii m . attacks g me and le 'i.b'i mg at tins liotel. At"'lll '.. ".g saie-ni ill k tidly !e of i'Ii unti. r''s 1': irrh.'e.t Item ,!y. ..ti.l d. I.ghl Its ,1- w n. ii. . r l fen i-c I would for-.tty at lack w.ili a f.-w i nr. ly. Th- re . i . -lactory an I al f : "in t!ie alM . Ilotl." i. vi. .1: iit.g l. A v 'in n may t. .1 .li- r tb. i' h oppos.:,, man at t i .. 1 1'. . i ' li . .1 ail . '-IIV" day s a .i r, l-u: - . s : . -t r. fill ,i '.:'. it. it. I k ill - r. no .: I i a-.y n. in w :..'i, i .to li.i- lie g'i -t f a .i..,ii.e ,'f g. It.::;. TEATS TlUl KlA'M'lKll Mr. A. C. Tnonia.s. or M irsM.le, Te k . has found a n.ore .iu.: .i.s. ...-rv tlu.n ).t been mole in it-,e Klioi.k- 1 ir years lie u!T ie, untold .i"ti H' in -ti -suiiipiion, .'vomanid by li' iuoi i b.ages . and wis at solute',)- ,.;-..,t ty It. lyings New l'!-coery tor i.'..i..-':iiipilon. e und fold. He g"M :t of little value 'n compai .i-eii ...b th Velous arr; wouM bove It, even IT it i-l a hundred dollars a bottle. Asibm.i, tueoi chltis and all throat and lur.g a.lections are poalttwly cured by I'r. kins New l'tscoery for l'oiisuii ptton. Ttiai t.oiio" free at Estes-c'oiin lrug Co. It'gular liej) cent and Jl.Ut). Guuranterd to cure or prlc refunded. I'o not eat butt, reups. Tli' y n a.n an irritant po.-on. T!i.- advice is given as a to the young woman who ap parently thinks the place i t ail II rs ;s in hi r mouth. Ye'l K K. Shows the state of your fiellngs and th' state of your health a well. Impure blovd maki itself apparent tn a pale and sa.low complexion, py'T''' "r ' km erup tions. If you are feeling w.-ok and wrn out and do not have a healthy appear ance you should try Acka r s lt! 'd Elixir I: curt ad "i" "d disease where ch.ap sars-iparillas and so-ca.od puritb-r fall; kriow.r.g tn.s we s-11 every bott'o- on a Ios;tie guarantee. A marr.-d nun with tabs of 1 n k "f sympathy at home, w.ll ! getting m' Ins tine W'Tk at tli"e re-orts wlore ,u--' cptible m i. .bus j4 t his .nry a. t.-ns. IltVKI.KVS ARNI.'A riAI.Vi:. j I T TI1K HK.-'T SAl.VK In tli- world f -r j Cuts, ltruis--. Sir... I ' I . - r . Salt Itheuiii. ! 1-Vver Sori s. Te'.'-.r. t'liapjied Han 1-,' li.l blalns. i.'orns and ail rik.n Krupt.ons, .in I positively i-iires I';.- -. ,,r no pay t ( i . r ! . i It Is gu.irmv.i to rf'.t sit. -fa tion or i:i"!,. y rfiiade.i. I'r:. e - ti - t i T box. For s.i!- ;.y .-i.'otiu l:ug , H iv- y.u r n I t ti-- bli it ..: group of tb.- gi i mating It.n'i.ry J-roVe. l.l '!'' to mi on- s nt the b o K ar- the , b ,-r ore b.b th- pre :y .. in fr-.n' ri-: r:i in.k'"l to t ;bro ivi by lb- smn of th-ir ! -'h. FREE FILLS. Send your address to II. E. Ituikbn & Co., Chltiig'i, and get ii free sample bo of Dr. King's New Life Fills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Thes ,ilis are eusy In action and nre particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have bes.-n proved invalu able. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substam e anil to bo purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving bine to a'omach and bowels greatly Invigorate tho system. Regular s ze cents per box. Sold by Estts-Conn Drug Co. I Ice Is tho only thing that Is crack' d up to be. it It Our baby has Iwn i on' inu illy trotib,. ! with colic and i bob t.i inf. m. urn sin e h.s birth, and a.l that we could do for It. in did not sum to give mote thin tempor ary relief unt.l we irbd chamberlain's Coll' , choli ra and Iii uihoei Remedy. Hlnco giving n moiy lie has not be-n troUbliil. We want to give you this testimonial as an evlib nr., of our gra;l tude, not that you ne, It to adv-itise your m rltorioun r-ni"ly. O. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by Charles Rog ers, druggist. Tho bicycle parasol Is mui h In evi dence In the park the se days. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in my famil" for years and always with good resului." says Mr. W. II. Cooper of FA Rio, Cal. "For small children wc find it especially effective." For sale by Charles Rogera, druggist, Wo are Blowly but surely coming to tho redlngoto form of dress. OASTOnTA. Boars ths The Kind Von Haw Always Bought Illark satin trimming on while duck suits Is quite the latest thing. Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color, Is a beautiful head-covering for either aei, and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Blcll'-m Hair Renewer. The coming woman Is not half as In teresting as the present girl. 1 1 A Beautiful In unlet to (unlitr iiiinxlu. o CLASTIC ST MICH (Hn Irim Inn is. I C. Iliilunui'l Hlos l'o.,iiKfuktik, l.'u.t, ,i.tvc il t i'Uil b'UlMi AWAY iil'f.tinilul ursriu with r .ii It mi k.iKfol t,in Ii M'lil. I lu iii' 1'iciciusitic In tlir luttmil BeautifulPasfelPictures I'lirv arc l.Uli) iiulic In sin-,. tint arc i tilitlcil it (ullnwi: Lilacs nnd Parties. SEARCH Panslcs and Hareucrltcs. HIOgKtlHUtlVWIKl. ' a" U..' l.V't'i' t."C"l3 i 4i re.-!' -e KA.r gl ui o'" num. -JC rfiin!NGrBR0C9 f-kktoii'k, cw li'iHiftioai Tlu'c rare pictures, ut in iniint'i r. t tin' rrncwticil ialrl arti-t. K. l.cKi'V.ot New Yolk. I'ci II i tiosi Ii In Ml tin t i i lu'i '-t siil'te. Is in (us studio ai-,, a'e now . Ileti .t lot lln' tit -t tunc U llic I'liMii . Hie i ii tun' aic ,ii m.iti U ic nslui el in ail tin- t id"! ii 'I In tin" I'licin ils, ami ate primoiuii r. I'V i iMii'Cleiit 1 1 iti s. wi'iks id art. I'astcl id. tun s .ire the leitnl, I.T tin- lii'ine, liotlillii! Itir- '.tnii; llictii in I'f.Hit v, ri. In ess , I bic i l tlll'Si- M. I'll i s 'i I Iv nu ell art a w it tl I'.ll Ii tl K .1 CI if iii. I. is. .1.1 .... ,;i.h er. It is ti c J a'l.liSM'll bo I ' etits a i-1. a.i.'.:. a'l' I ilet a I'c.iMltli'l 1. 1 ; . . All Grocers Ke-) Elastic WHITE COLLAR LINE I'olunilil Hivrr and Tugst S 'tind Navi gation t'oiiipany. So ui . : rati- 'la'zct: !,.ie As' 'Ma ! i ' , ,pt S o. 1" .p in l.- ae es l'ort ' .! i.le. r . p; Satid.l) . T a. Ill :. rt t k' t g I oti so inn r Tti "ill' - oi Tli 'ti t'-'ti ! ken g ' I on iii rt. V It. Scott. President, i". W. St 'iie. Agent. Astmla Tickets to all point . . 1 1 V 1 . yO-R.4 SHflj. ., 1 1.,'. Through p4la-e and tourist sleeper dining and library obaervalluii car KLEiJANT VESTIIII I.K THAINfl No. 4 Limited leave Cortland at I p. m. No. I Llmltesl arrives Portland at It II a. m. TIMi: -S1MI III 1.115 Kroin l'"rl I m l i r nit K.i. I sNbill '. I I I II' I ili.e. I el, . f M Wufiii, oumba Kali i;ty. -I I. ..i., I III. 'OK., .i: J l W. I W:.. S4, :ie. I:uiie(,.ei.. -t 1' ill. I'Uoitl'.. .Ml!H'lee. I lili-aiin nail Ka t. K ii'ii A-to-in IMI.AN SIHAM.MII'5 til -ai ln- l't. .ni,. ,'eet I., , liuu.'r. I'or il I I r illi- ' '. Sit I Jon- I,. I'., 11. I'. II ..t M ill T a. Ill Ski Hie H er I'Clk.-llllI 1 " a. in. I- a in. ilvpt 'o.uitibui River , i S .si tners To r,ranl n-i.l W ly l.ati.l.tik's I o ' ui-k t . -ail Mae , i:. , r.., i .,tt,.,ii. 4, Vs ilUmrlte Ulter. 1 '(' ."ill i t I VeVl '. ri(. ni a i ic i om'. 5 a in I xc pt .M inlay e a. i'i Hi Sim ui I " e III t --'lli'trt V Mlla-n-lt- ar, am. ' ' hill klerrs. J " I' "; I il. . lli'ir,, . ,, , M" - N'-'l ill -.It l. l. ,, I'll. ll ll. , l ! ) I 111..'-. 'a. iii. WHUmett kuer. i , i, m 1 i. .. I loir I'uri Uh, i.i in , , In." I''iur .Ifl'l o c I. ,i I'.k. HII'I --III I.. Itii.aru 4 , . I.V I ..' M 1 t II I i U III. M'.a W. .! ItlimrUt KrUay- w l-liili. Nun.. io mill 'I tin r. O. W. LOUN8HERKT. Agent Astoria W. H. HURLHURT, Gen. Fas. Alt. Portland. Or EAST . k'.l'TII ''-''-Oi J .f-.s .' LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVE OVERLAND EX I'ltl'lHS, for Hiili'iii. HoMeloirg. Ashland, Hue rnmi-nto. Ogden, Han Francisco, M javc, Iis Angeles, El f'nso. New Or leuns arid the East. Roacburg passenger Via Woodbiirn, for Mount Angel, HII verton, West ficlo, Hrownvllle, Htirlng-fiol-1 and Nation.... j:oo r. m 9:30 A. M s:X A. M 4:30 I'. M Dally except Sunday Dally except Bunilay t7:) A. M 14:50 P. M Cnrvalllti passenger tS:S0 A. al Independence pussMtH:Z5 A M Dally, tDally except Sunday. t'onnwttlng at Han h ranclsco with Occi dental & Oriental, I'acllle: Mull and Oce nnlc sieanishlp lines for JAPAN. CHINA. Als'iRALIA AND HAWAII. Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Hacramimto, and Hun Francis co. Net rates 117 flrst-cliiss, and 111 second-class. Including sleeper. Rates and llckets tn Ilnsti-rn points and EuroiM). Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Australia. Can boobmlneel from J. II. KIRKIANO. Ticket Ag'-nt. 134 Third sb. It. KOEHLER, 0. H. MAHK'II AM Manager. O. F. & P. A. OABTOTII A. til f9- lloiU Il 11 VaffM, ttgiitiari 41 Present Wild Amcrlcnn Popple. Lilac and Irl5. 1 1 ri. In ess i t i iiinr .inn .iriisin imi in. ELASTIC STARCH I i.iim .mil .uiistn nu nt I-. t I itin.liN star, li imllic I, ,s'i . 't 1'T l!iis -l.ll. Il Starch. Accept Ko Substitute. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains UK I ie MEN TIIK tAST AND WEST only line ops-rating Ita own through trains between Bu Loula, lanilavllla. Hprlnglleld, Cincinnati and New York, via Washington. Ilslllmora and Philadelphia. 'Ihe traveler ovsr the I). A O. la permitted to catch (llniKea of the greatest scenery In Amsrlca, I'ETKIl IIARVET. Pacific Coast Ag'nt, Ran Franrlaesj Room n. Mills Ilulldlng. W atTW v 1 fllKOM.V lI.SINii-t'AH HOITK FROM I'liKf f.Mi T TICK KAST. IMK MM Y Km TH TO llllt VKI.U)WHTtN .N' A' loNAI. I'AKK. l.'WK I 1iRTIjM AKItlVk lul Mad for Kaiama.1 I i hetiati. I'euirnils, Nu H-nilli llfiut MutiU-uatio .Nil. I. Ab'-nlreu. OifOll I. I M.,llte. V lellHbl, I'ort T'lWiiM-inl. KHau- I'lirv'. -h .hAiie. ItmV.aiKT li I; Trail. H. I .. Mrl I "ii, H ',. kai.n, Mis I noli. I. Iltltlf. viiai-oliiU. II: A. M. Ib l. n. .-i -ul, Mm ! V W V. M' iieai- I , K Uiess ity,. IMiiiitia, Ciiuiicii Mlufl.,' hi b nlvl hli ..go.W i'M , Itilttoi,. Se Vim. I'hll- I- : I'll , , ll.e.l, ,tt. Kiel Hll I l K-l atid iiiiIIi e.l 4 Pais lei illnienlHil.a. Omalia, Kaat a.u City ayxl Bt- PauL 3't lA V8 io lilluuke and Chicago 41, DA YH to WMhlntrton, Pldbulelphla. New Turk aviHtl Hostoa, aav) other Eiutern poln'a. Rsgglig.. cherkrd thrnugh to dasltltUtleo of tickets. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps and full Information, call oo a firtte C. W. ATONE. Astoria A. I). CHARLTON tsat Iimu'I I'naa. Agnt, I'urtUiiil. Of i:.r il .irl Third. Mr tV'illlun.s' i h. Mituieut w :I i inn liih". Mieeitlll lllel Itelilllk ,l'lii s. I. itbsiiriiHtlietiiuiiiis II, liil s tl O Ill'Illll.' UI ill. I e, in li .is a noiiil ir, elves lt;''latil Ii- lief. lir. V. ibiaiux' Lillian Pile in-nt b liri'liiin il fnl Pllei tiiel Hi ll if of tin- prlenio purl". I'.ferv bn ' irranl.-.l. Itv ilrili'UI-ts. V lliall on re I' ll ' "f pr i'iII cents ami f I.ini. WILLUJflS .UNbUCIURINC CO.. Props., i.p-.i land, unm For Haln by Est-Conn Drug Co. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tii r rifffini W 'hIimim, Irrt'iiu- liti ilk AH 'I inll"in,in -tmv lf"r III) f.lllatl "Iirt I IIP I'f IIHtl-llU- U"li " J in- n Is Mr MitVfj-" t"ir!fiHfil Wiiinn! . iiinmt; t!i s'I'iiiih ii ni 'if en mp nii't lnMiy- n iimlr t'-r wi-lh-ii "u .l (h-ih. I'lilii f ImiMi -li" I'" 1 I'OIIII'I K lill'stviirr ssp I -w I T .Wa,.. stri'n riivifinhl o .iifi.rMJ, For Rnle by Eit-Conn Dru Co. Pin tt . a min tit"n'"ii reim-ily fur liiiiiiirriio-a. nii-it, H pf r mat 0 r r Im-a, Wliliea. unnatural illi- Ooiinil rliaiiis, nr snf llillamiiiii' art t totticr.. linn, irruaiiuli nr ui' it- I rTtiU wioagloa. tlnn I'f in 11 -11 11 a iih-ii. llfHSlCsiM'Oltni. Mm aairuini'til UitiTI,0.n M lir Mprmii. iin.,Hit'l, f.ii q I.. .i.i..- Y 7'. Astoria Public Library IB TVrg It. Cssr. Aid". PortUMl. HEADtfd ROOU m TO AM Open every day from I o'clock to 1:10 and 1:10 to t:K p. m. BubsorlpUon rates 13 per annum. W. Cor. Elerentn and Dune Btreetg. VI 'f'i bat W CLASSIFIED , ADVERTISEMENTS . ... . . . ner line All mis iiinicr tin" , V" ' j , ,, in in Dial Inserlli'ii, II i" 1 " " ani'llnti, ' I 'UU II I'I N I' I' I 'NT V I' '"''"!' iVo,'' 1 i'h'ii fl't'ae bi,llinn ai io ! i lif I. Il, IU1, l I'" 'I "' " F"lt IIEN'C - .1 Il- HI-: AN J" ',V inul oiu ii i l 1 a "i i oi", ii ' '.,,, , alallon, hnovMi us lb" 1 ,,,i ,i Apply in A. I 'us. '' ' ' en y iiiiTiia HTi.l- AT -TIIH MI'liH ' '' " III A.ioii a n "o. , llll mil 'l lb"' ' RIlHl'.vril M , inul. If. CUNT Ml A1' lllg Hull IIKlll'liani Mil l. II MIDWIFE- MIIH M tin M 'L. l.xeliiiniiu SH" itt I'll iti: ci in i' Man. i'.o,. .itll. i' l ' '''','",' rioiu no mil, i i' ' ' ""' ' ' . t. mini i in ii it-;1 " .' .... . bar location "f Hi ir a I " lei's iiilaim r i i " ' 1 1 ,h to hold, in. ma'!.' ' ", ' '. ,i ..mi u. i.i. i an I-- "! ""' ' ilulVVri-Vun ' 1 HIKIKIY MKKIINtiH. "tKMPLK LOl'ilK N I. A. r. AND A U -Regular nniiinutilcailoiis hld on the first and Ihlr.l Tur..Uf etenmg ewch ninnlh. l. W. LiU NHIiKltlir, W. at B linl.liKN. H-rar. . AilENIH WANIKD Agent, and .amaaa-is Io sll Dr K lick's Pocket N' It'baler far catarrh, aathiiia, and lung """l Hrllc ea.v for l I"""1' s.mpl. and lm. I'r M-'k Company. Cliielniisll. l I'linKEBHIuN Al II. T. fHl.MIIY. ATTtHINKt AT LAW ia Coiniiie'clal lrt. JOHN T. LMHTKK. ATTUHNKt-AT LAW. tifflia. upstairs. Astorlsn Ilulldlng. O, O. ItllOWKK. ATTl.llNET-AT-I.AW. vlunlars-'n Ilulldlng, Aslorla, Oregon. Dlt O. It. KITS. PIIYHU l.N AND il IIUKON. B pas' la I atttntl.'ti t' dlaraaea of omB and suigrry. tjm. a, ovr Pmii'l'i slot. Aatnrta. Taltphoni No U J. g. A. IIUWLIIY. ATTORN FY AM' C 'I SHIll.nit AT LAW I'lltce. p.' nd H're.l. Astoria. t)r. I'll. JAY TITTLE. I'llYHICIAN AM' HI'llilK'.N. Offli'S, rooms I and I'r'hlan HulldlBg. U1V Comme.tlal girt. Kidance mm. Telrphona ... Acting atatnt'n I ullasl giataa marina hospital riira Emil Schacht ARCHITECT leonrtu J 1 7-J I " Portland Ratings Rank IllJt. Portl.-iml, Oregon. J. B. WYATT, I'hant S SS Aatarla, Ofgv I Innhviirc, Ship CliniiiJlcry, ( imocricM, I 'rovlnloim, PAINTS nml IMI.H. htclal ailmllia PaiJIa kappltiaig atnai Louvre Concert A. Kikkson.prop. a. Krai;, Minijer Y 'i'u'i n th i.l , ..i,!ih'nl ' I 1 . 1 ' Gus Cooper's Alandolin Orchestra IllllJ-'ie A'l II I, I'llltlM, Sjiicinl i;iio:o, n,, m ,,f Svlvift Ii, . i i 1 I 1 .iin i -- I'liVuf ilf, hi '"'ii!,'ii' sini(f. I'lOllKAM, I'AItT I I M.'irch. to w - 'i.,!.i,'ii Oatc". Lehrlttsr 1 Willis-"'!,, Tin... Waldti-nful 3 Ovrrtiiri-""i .rod. 11." uffi-nbarh i H holttHi In- " w (if tbo Itrnwiili-s S 8ing..8yiv! Jo'vn,''Prl'a'('-o'a Kavore P. MIT II. tW.i'tloti Itobln Hood . Hv Mr lli-rbnrt 7 Masurka. M. e; lM,, Ilernsndri S .Meilli'v, Ui'i-.t ,s,iiii!S....Ariaiiiteil by C IIHTJ W nils, Hvinp 'V Iti-ndli Pi HniiK....H.vlv m .b.alyn In latest songs I'.Mtr in. II March. Ill 1 ' i i i;n Lousa III iivertnie, V. 1 111 0 1 Ilarolrt U MnlM llX. I II it li-lerlslle IIHIstl-dl H'.HK H-lvlin Joalyn. 11 W'nltr. Meilli v . Arr niKrd by ArnolO 1.1 (iiilop 1 ri,.t .iil,.:.lie, Krnts r IT 1: lircr tj ti n tl cr cr j -j a m IT tl tl tl tr Impairing H IB ti U ti fbriorul Jobbing stj i t - V. II. OltKWITZ, - tl " No 4 13 Iiuane tj tl tj tl Cr Htrri-t. tl tl cr u stj 1 C-r cr TJ stj tl tl or cr 13 xi tl tl or t r cr rjr ir ir nr c.r cr cr ir rjr or ur cr or cr or cr cr cr cr MURRAY HOTEL I nul nf N nth Hlri'i't. Electric Lights Electric Bells -Free Sample Room All Modern Improvements. WKKKI.V It AI KM, 1'. M. (itJNS, I'rnprli lor. OAHTOniA, Bsanths j Ihe Kind Von Him Always Bougfrt