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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1898)
' f am C3 FULL ASSOCIATKI) PUKSS RICI'ORT. VOL XIAIII. AST (ill I A, OHW.U.V, MONDAY MoKMM,, JIM 4, 01 Jii'l 1 lie gmcK ileal Oil Stove. Safe Oilorlc5i5"I:conomical, lii-l lti- thin- ( ,r wuiii u intl.rr. , at lh. Siimi-lr, lir ;:;illua ., ( l, , .,.( .".(J ,m-v ( ',,11 ,,,,,) H THE DRAWN BATTLE IS A BRILLIANT VICTORY ut the Eclipse Hardware Store, W IWM IDC HefOeS Ot the HOUf (M Thk filftriniK - - a a a vs V 1 IVMv Fourth of July, Which Will Make History BOND ST. Sole Ax;cnt. r.'Mur.iy i:, i;. ii vi:s. "iHtutiuuuMu;uuiiiuiiiiiiimmnm;iijitiiuiiinuMiinmimmniiiiii:u:::.':! FIREWORKS of all klti'Is. :: :: u for American Posterity. i WcZ&flM vV ! HOCKIITH, ROMAN CM)I.I:h, IIO.MMH, toii'i:i)oi:m. l'U(, ri'.MODN I ' 1'. K . I'.Tf. n . . . Griffin & Heed . . . ii "","i"i'"tini:iiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiii,.: "" ,,.. .,,. .MM, I. MlfM.l,.M,.,M'1 The Art of Preserving fruit V r.i, -v It tip.iiftit to p'rf.rilon when y.i )n nnh pTfr, t Jars nnd Jr.'.) lilaiirs m wn Itrfjv W'o have everything ne-tMiry for prr.i-M itif fruit tlil WrMl'l' i a n : : r K'-':. . i' ppTi. wnn an inn j fr'i'l nr. t Ifc'ar .111.1 IT' HTVai II" j CERVERA'S FLEET NOW A MASS OF SHATTERED AND BURNING HULKS Stars and Stripes Over Santiago, Which Will Surrender in a Few Hours Tremendous Spanish Losses General Linares Resigns Heavy Execution of Spanish Fleet Troop Ships Arrive at Manila, Having Captured Ladrone Islands on the Way and Made Prisoners North Side of Santiago Taken by Gen eral Lawton With Hand to Hand Struggle. llio rs.UV. I.i' ! wal! ! I iV.r ruh cnn Ho j r. i .irr, in time. rOAFO & STOKLS CO. w 1.1 "MtllMIIMMMMIMMHMMMMMMMMMMMIIMMIMMMllMIIMMMMHIMMIIilMIMMIMlH Ii.i- .itr -.l I'f. 11 ll ( ollsll!. Willi i I'll II. Il ill 1 1 !.". i .t III.- !.! .. ;lf iv fP'in S in!. .inn. I li.i ,. ihriv'.-l ir..i: tli-m .th i'Vi rv loiir'r-y sua itkk." A -! - tit tin1 f ".I .rt! r- !: .In -I'.i In .i' .v 'A .no .XX.VA:.V v.v Post Yourself on City Prices and compare with wnat you navo been paying tk ..r 1. Th. It slainN to nu-Hi tlml w tun ijivr you Hi ltt r atitat-tian ami ln'tlor riiTs;ou (ioi.Js tlian ilcnlfi' wlio chit)' varirjutcil Stocks, ulifii ours i.u l-i'tciiilty. GROGKERY and GLASSWARE IS OUR FORTE... . NOTE THESE PRICES t: 't. ft in h" 1 1 ; i .. vi-s. mi. Mi. !. .-. 1 t!i H.K.- l . ff. , Hi- ..ii l'r:.l .y. .In li. r..Mii i.f ..ur . t! th.. Aiin i Iran ..!: . . u n : i tu,.u! ii. ll... I 1 1 1 1 1 1 f . Tin v ti n,, i ..iir Ml of In r... .. l.-i.l.iy. ,i",. -Ii.. iltii -t .i' ini , ilri wlii. li k'.t up ..ti til.- tr- 'i. h. "Til" m.ik-im r".i.l ;i :hi. kfl't up villi .iii.- .l ffl. ntty .n .iioni!.: f the mlim. luit i v:!l 1m ! iihi. it f r (he .r.'.'nl. l!-it In the l..iy of; i. . . -t. : .1 .i y , .ifu-r ! inir l.-tt! J hr!;. -! ii th.-!.r f..r nk. the Hrt wj a l.-:r".vl. .illl!!.tf ii Mil iiau. r.'ii and lurn;t:g hum l'!.:i"ti t. tills .!in.l:,l vurk. ac- . - rti r . ii - I l.y Admiral S.imj"n. t; il S!i..::-r-Tli.' !i.l. n: di- Sls.ift.-r. In .imm.ind i.f the l.iml f..r- "V '" " K!titii-I-1 I- ' k- ,.ir.ti.iK. .1,- ful.a. h. jt..- f tli- r...i... n f..r tli. lTtii:.iit i ...! It. tin- .'..rryinj.- out hi Un f-r tin- r. .In. n i.f tlio city that a: l.':T j -t-r.l.iy morning he il. tn in.!- .1 thv im. j i in. .!...:., surr. n.l.-r of th.-Si.iiii.-li f..r. r. ! A: '' rd.iy ;if;iTti.on U--n..ra! Sli.'f- ; t. r '. .1. m had not Iwn cunpli.-d with. ; wan otlli-luUy known. That the , n:.itl w ill he compiled with, howev r. ! ii. Shaft. r fully hclieve-i. and thai I the Star? and Strlies will on till Fourth of July lie rained above thr former cap ital of V'uIm is tvsrnrued as practically certain. ;w.i m a nui' h sitror.K.-r . :tl..n than th' now rrmaiDt cf the 9;ani-h i ar ..CiciaW had oet-n ltd to believe hf Cn ..f she official!', vhj attended nfer-m . s-il.l that after the news .'had t ii officially announced that the i v.i tory materia;. y m '.l:n-.1 the se n of ill- n.iuatior. i.uts- I.' .'.'. .ii. . ' rn and in. ti pride. : aw men w ho .bled new names t' AlalKl!" army T ..!.'! ' thr.ii Tile ' in ! tfi'AMSH Kt-KKT KI.lMi.N'A i ED. AlUWltKNT I'KKKAT IS Viri'UHY. Sampi-on and Shifter the Heroin of the Hour. ! AK-lated rrw DlspJtoh. 1 ' !(' Wheel. t :n .i riou'y ill and; Washinitton. July 4 (Monday. Wllori will probably hav to co i ihe rear today, , mis nevn from t'uba affords the Amerl , ii'Mieral Voutig in all.,, very ill. biit g run. .nin ii-ople Justice, on the celebration of fined iii hi hitl. Uenenil Haw kini was , this, the nation', holiday. ulitdilly wounded In the fiot during the Admiral Sampnon has accompllKhed the THE FIRST NEWS. sorile last nmhl. which was repulsed. The In liuvlor of ihe troops was ' 'Ueneral OaMit reports thai lie will hold the railroad from Saniiiigit' to San nils and has rais-.i Mime rail and work vhloh he was directed to perform when he loft Key West for the coast ot 'uba. lie wns ordered to find and de stroy Cervera's fleet. Several weeks ago Commodore Schley FRUIT JARS Tint jurs, per ilozrn, li cents (uiirt " ... i;,-) lliilt'ftl. " .... So BERRY DISHES Imy - - () l'J 1") 'JO 2" ci-ntu each Small 'J")c jht Jozi'ii ICE CREAM FREEZERS One Quart .... $l,2o Two, Tiuvo " .... j,:r, Four 2.00 Six - - 2.7 .r Tin lop jelly glasses, .', pint - '2e ilozon Tin top jolly glasses, J pint ftOn dozpn Jolly tunililors ...... 2'u1 ilozon Wliito Mason jar rubbers .... Ho tlozon Itlai'k Mason jar rubbers .... 2 Jo dozen Remember the Maine and Herman Wise wlitMi you are ready to buy n suit M Hat ti Shirt loo Cream Dishes, 25 ;ifl and 50 cents per dozen. TIN AND GRANITE WARE 0. SUMMERS 3d and Washington Portland, Oregon or onytliing in that line. HERMAN WISE is the reliable and up-to-date Clothier and Furnisher Associated Pres. Dispatch Shortly after 12 o'clock this morning Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen left the while house hastily, and going directly to the department posted the following on the bulletin board: "Flaya del Este, July 1 The destruc tion of t'ervera's fleet is continued. (Signed! "ALLEN, I "Lieutenant Colonel." j tlnued Tluya del Este, July S.-Early this j '"P "Pn the city, morning I sent a demand for the imrne-j The of the destruction ot Cer- dlatc surrender of Santiago, threatening j vera', fleet have not been received at to bombard the chy. It Is believe,! the i Ihls writing by either the war or navy place will ba surrendered. SHAFTER." uirtments. Whether Samin s ships This contradicts the report that CieneraJ j t't"'red the harbor and attacked and an- Shafter has fallen hark ! tuhilated the Spanish squadron, or Tluya del Este, July 3,-The Slboney whether Cervera made a desperate dash office confirms the statement that all the ' P"1 sunken Merrimac to the ocean Spanish fleet, except one warship, has ' beyond in the hope that he might be able been destroyed and Is burning on the 10 s:,vo at I,,ast a Part of hls fleet. n;,s beach. It was witnessed by Captain ' nt t0,'n "nVlally reported. Smith, who told the operator. There Is ,n.-.,.n h id magntrtc-nf.y ; , h .ur. there was almost as sever, h- w .rk at he had been but I: fit!h:inR us yesterday (Friday,, when Gen- iriy prov-.l that .'.er.-ral Shafer er,.j ,-:, was assauUIn, K. The Spanish nude an attack In fore, on our r.jsition. pouring In volley after Volley In quick succession and with re rr.arka'..;. regularity. Our return fire was certainly effectiv. and continued strong after the Spanish. v .;.,yj had be. orr.e rare and less heavy. M-.t.nh !e the buterles on Grimes' hill k-i.t on looming away at the middle of il'.r ts.niy'i materia;;)- aiding tha Sankltig movement. The shelling from the Spanish fleet w.l 1 ss a- t:ve :-nd apparently gave our left but little concern. At this hour the report has lust reached here that Onera.1 Law ton. aided by fresher regiments sent hira early In the afternoon, has turned th. enemy's left and has troops already In th. city where almost a hand-to-hand strug gle Is going on in the streets. General Shafter sent word this afternoon to General Callxto Garcia that th. sur render of the city would not be long delayed. The f.Vs.viate.l rris P. -patch. destruction of the fleet, vhtth was not confirmed until a few minutts before the news was given to the public, removed by f ir the most serious obstruction to ward the i ipture of Santiago by the land forces. rurir.g the almost continuous conflict of Friday and Saturday the reports .how that the Spanish fleet did awful execu tion by shelling the American troops. 1; is regarded as unlikely that with the fleet lying In the bay General Shafter'. forces would have been able to safely occupy Santiago. After the reduction and capture of the) outer defenses of the city by General Shafter It became known that Admiral Cervera's fleet was being eliminated from the equation. Its elimination was ex pected to be made by Admiral Sampson, thus leaving the way open for the con- advance of General Shaffer's no doubt of Its correctness, ALLEN. "Signal Officer.' THE CONFERENCE. Associated Press Dispatch. TROOPS ARRIVE AT MANILA. Hong Kong. July S. The Ulited States dispatch boat Zafiro, which left Cavtte. Manila harbor. July 1, has arrived here. She reports that the American troopships The Information contained In the above ' City of Sydney, City of Teking and Aus slatemenls was received early In the ' tralia, convoyed by the Charleston, ar evenlng, but it was not announced oltlci- rived at Cavlte June 30. having taken the ally until several hours later. As a re- Ladrone Islands on the way, and having suit of Its receipt, however, a conference j jtft men there. of prominent officials was held at tha i the Spanish governor and other officials white house. Those present at the eon- captured WOTe i,r0ught to Cavlte. fcrence, besides the presulent, were Vice ! The rnlte.i Sl.,,09 tro,,ni, commenced to President Hobart. Secretaries Day. Long , dl!loml)ark t Cavlte on July 1. and Alger, General Miles, Adjutant Gen- j oral Corbln, General Ciuy V. Henry and THE DAY TURNED. Senator Hanna. ' I Slboney, Cuba, Saturday, July 2, 7 p. m., The information was discussed In all Its bv dispatch boat Dauntless, via Kingston, phases. The news sent by both General Sunday, July 3, 2a5 p. m. (Copyrighted Shafter and Lieutenant Colonel Allen was J 1S08 by the Associated Press.) Tha fight received with Intense satisfaction. It was Ing on the right ot our line this after taken to Indicate not only that Admiral n0on developed the unexpected, and for SPAIN ADMITS LOSS L1NARE3 RE SIGNS. Associated Pres. Dispatch. Madrid, July 3. The report to the gov ernment under date of July 1 1. that tha Americans have taken San Juan and that the Spaniards were able to save their ar tillery, though half the troops were placed hors de combat. General Linares wa. severely wounded In the leit arm and re linquished his command. El Caney also Is conceded as lost. The Spanish losses, wero heavy. SEEMED A DRAWN BATTLE. Associated Press Dispatch. Washington, July 3. Genaral Miles say. the results at Santiago appear to be & drawn battle. All of Shatter's dlspatche. are not made public for reasons of ex pediency. It Is understood he will with draw to the hills near the sea and await reinforcements, which will be sent a. soon as possible. The war department 1 now busy arranging tor transport. Th. Rsy.l I. tk. fclqlnst r.4a btkhf fm4m bok AcUmI teits show It M mo tklrtf farther tha My stlwr bru4. .A.-ltls V'UlW1.. 'cages'.' FOVOER Absolutely Pur OVM. WIIM SOWOM CO., KtV VOM.