The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 03, 1898, Image 4

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    THE DAILY ASTORIAN, Sl'XlAY MOKMNti, Jl t.Y M. lli.'.t
Eclipses all Others
jn the extent nnd variety of the Stock
on all lines.
Tn the avidity with which purchasers
are availing themselves of the oppor
tunities presented.
Astoria's Leading Hotel
Megler 6c Wright, Props.
You are judged by what you can do
without and what you cannot do without.
Ph.ilipa Brooks.
Try Bhllling'i
Beat tea and baking
Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa.
Beat let cream at tbe Bonbonnlere.
Cream 10 and 15c per pint. Parlor Candy
Infanta Mull Hoodn at I)uul,ar'.
The A. & C. took out five cars of salmon
Trr Golden Gate compressed yeast at
the Parlor.
Firework of all
descriptions at the
Freeh cream, itrawberrlee and Ice at
Foard A Stokea Co.
Jf Bnodf raaa doesn't make your picture
you don't fet tbe best.
, The French bark Lea Adelphus, wheat
laden, put to sea yesterday.
When you want fine tea, good coffee and
BpIom try Foaird ft Stoke Co.
Mfi M. R. Hswklm of Portland. Is IB
the city, gueet of Mrs. Brenham Van
A new 800-foot tiding U being put In
Meier & Frank Company's
Affords Buyers Exceptionally Good Oppor
tunitles for Economical Investments.
Are Sales and Sales
at Hanthorn'a cannery
by the railroad
Empire Corset at Dunbar's.
The launch Elsie will leave Fisher's
dock tomorrow mornin; at 8 o'clock for
Paxton's photos are on paper of his
own preparation and are guaranteed not
to fade.
The ColumMne made a trip to the light
ship yeatenlay morning and returned In
the evening.
WILD Bi.ACKIiERRlEH. Leave your
orders for wild blackberries with Ross,
Higgins 4 Co.
The O. R. & N. Idaho excursion prom
ises to be one of the features of the
Farmers' convention.
New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins,
figs and assorted nuts all extra fine qual
ity. at Ross, Higglns at Co.
Mr. P. Sorenson and Miss Florence
Ross, Totsle Barth, wnt to Portland yes
terday to spend the Fourth.
Plaid HIIiImidh nt Iluubit.N.
For Rent A neat e-room cottage, cor
ner Ninth and Harrison street. Inquire
431 Bond or 414 Exchange street.
and RED CURRANTS are plentiful and
cheap. See Ross, Hlggln & Co,
Proposals for building two mile of
dyke wanted. For particulars address J.
Q. A. Bowlby, Astoria, Oregon.
The bond of J. W. Williams, sheriff
and tax collector, and H. J. Wherlty
were approved by the county court and
filed In tbe clerk' office yesterday.
Tbe Alexander Black on June 13 lighted
the tK.-t ef traniports i-ast of llono.u'.u
on t.nlr way ManiU. Thcv were then
mak'.nir k... time.
Look Ii our window today for tooth
bruhe.: ynur rholee for 1j cents. Charles
Rosrs, druggist, CMd Fellows' building.
Ross, Higglns & Co. will close on Mon
day at S a. m., and request that their
customers will govern themselve ac
cordingly. A regular pantomlne of view depicting
tbe life and hlatory of Astoria, and
ouTtnlr of the city and country at th
Snoogras gallery.
Percales at Dunbar'.
Harper Whiskey I liquid music, bot
tled poetry, ripe, mellow, refreahlntr and
delicious. Sold by Foard at Stokes, As
toria, Oregon.
The British bark Penryhn Cale, in tow
of the tug Wlxard from San Francisco,
was reported from the Cape yeeterday
evening 12 miles south.
General Freilght Agent Woodworth of
the O. R. St X. company was a visitor In
the city ymterd.iy. and with his wife has
gone to the beach for a few days.
The rebuilt Ballev Gatxert la a thing
of beauty with her new staterooms, new
carpet s. n-w linen and fresh paint. Capt.
("rang Is Justly proud of his boat.
Among the handsome decorations of the
city for the Fourth of July may be men
tioned C. W. Cooper's store, the As
toria Nation' Bank, and Kisher Bros.
A little girl nnd hoy were yesterday
on the street In a wagon, the one playing
the guitar and the other the mandolin.
They are artists and attracted large
C H. Haswell and V.. M. Klehardnon
of New York who are here adjusting the
PolleieM of the wrecked steamers Stag-
liotind and Game "oik. left on a fl"hlng
trip yesterday up Young's river.
Mr. J. II. I.othrop. the new general
agent of the t.'nlon Pacific at Portland,
who sucee(dei) R. V. Baxter, promoted,
promt.-ii to visit Astoria soon and fft
acquainted with Its business men.
In the tiollce court yesterday Gus Clut
chle forfeited J, for l,e ng drunk and Cha.
Mack was lined $2 for the same offense.
August Worklst and Hans Router .ar
rested for lighting were lined u each.
On Monday the carriers' and general
delivery windows at the postofflce will
Stt'ol guilted wjlod shoos for boys save money.
We lmve those that save!
Famous as
Ladles Oxford's In
Tan or Black.
l open from ( In i n. in. nnd from J In fl
(. m, In t ho morning our delivery nl
letter will lii iitlo In tho business .r
tlon of Hip city.
i "ontriictor '. t). I'.tlinlvrtf r-irt that
(here. Is ii nrwi deal of building gaing
on In I hi' iMiy 1 1 Is now finishing m
(or front on iViiimi'rvlal street, nnd
next week will I'ompli'io John 8vcuon
new cottage in cast Astoria,
At the iNtnyri'dilimal chitr. h today
there will In comiiiiiiron nt II . m ; In
Iho evening the iitor will deliver nn
iiil.liii on 'Tin piira:on of t h 'Ship ol
Siaif" for n Koiin 'o .ic'." All nie
cordially Invlli'il.
If you have hides, wool, fun, tag.
bottles, lead, brass, i-opiwr, sacks, or ny
kind of Junk for sile. hp i; to It M
Huston, bJ Fourteenth street, Astern,
jtriik-on. or writ h:tn and o will call at
your place and iti-t It. Il pay rnh.
The Astoria ,t i 'olunibl Klv.r railroad
will on Ju'iV :. 3. M,l sell excursion
tickets between nil stations on the line
1 SihiI for return tig tri on July 6 nt one
; fare for the routiil trip. This In.'tuirs
I Portland snd ail other stations on I lie
I A. It Wilson, Francisco; J. I..
' l. Ui'.iimi and wife. Krnt V Smith,
Fred Si hi ni k an. I wile. James W all,
i I' Janice O. Spencer, t'llftmi; i '.
; It. H ill, wlfo tui'l daughter, limit ;
, A. J. AllTtiiK. Spokane, are ri Ki: r il at
thu Occident.
, J.uiun K. WINimi. i)ii
! IMII-Mt, A. ,i t It. It ; It.
; V. Mitt.n, II S M rn.
P. A. t'Kffnun, AI:iM .
: moviT. W. II lVitii'iinn.
Al.iiki; Win.
K. Wt' Ki 'iinrli .
M i litii k' ti
l'irtl.iu,; W
! K. Ili'.umi, Kr.inKf.'rt; Win A It tli,
.M.iiiin.uiih. nr,i riuiH'.i ri it m Hie Murrny.
Jlllli- i :l tr.llll i'f .
ir .i;!it i'.ir lnn,N i'f l'.ilm lirun.l
Mikii tiv iiiiTk-.. .mJ H iker. I. ft fur
, New i .rk vl.i the (. It & N and
' N'.irihiTn and Lake ana rill via. Pitliiih
i and 1 tiifT i !. The . ar arrival In N. w
Y'Tk Jti:i.' ;M. ni ikin 4 ri inarkalilr r'in
An 1 rr'ir wa m nt-'
the rirti.'tii r llli. ra:
' tall T!nir.!.iy. Tti,. ,
!'i 1: i!i.' man II' nrv
- !li"!:hi. an. I n i
In thi' ai-i-mnin ut
'I fr-tn 1 i-imii'.y
"!lllll;!im.'!lt l.n
h i nt. ti.-,,l 1 1
d iv 1, a utati'.l
Ii i.l only n rv r.l (7
it till!
!i. ii r
I'lin M.
I i
I'll .
1. 1 In J.l'ltf
'i, r ram-
K ii iptiMn
.- ..f ;-i:ti.
f Itini'irr.
Mr. II ('a:!. !! I ;r ..f Hi.
' mili.t. i 1h.1t if :n' nii
'I r l'i a. i' in laf;- s!uii!. i'i..
(a! II ,U r.-.l',!, .' !h.' n :. e
Lilt pr ;.?:. .n .1 : . 'y r- 1 . 1. :' ;.i
i ! 1 the in U'.i'f irt'iri r ... thit n r, .u
;cnn will !' 1.1 !!. fi iin t!i.' h je-veV
1 :aii'l'"int.
1 Th.i Kurd A St"k. .'..rniiany tn.i.lo .1
new ili'iMrttini i !i. lav l.y -UlIiiii;
; I.i Ih-lr l UHl.inii'i a t,-. nt!e remind, r In
print that .11 . Hik 11 ' .r.f. ..r ..f
' in n en It 11 re will talk .ti int-rf!inif uti.
(ecu 11! the farmer' .-.t: v.-rtt lui July
:'l. K".ir. A Sl.ik.w (.ell. i- In juiihuii; a-
. I"n: a kmiI thimc.
! Salmon tr-uit hive Ii.kiiii i, aptuar
' In th rolunitili. and twn or three nice
I upeelnien. w,-re n at mie of the nn
! markets yiti rday and werr f ir ale ut
, V' nun .iiai e Tti. ) were taken in
, the n.-itieii on the rlvi r lt an t h r nv.ii: ti
! they will he plentiful and can he taken
; from the do. k al mi; th- watir front.
; Mr. and Mr. V. l. v l.a.l.l. It Mm
1 i' rl . Jr. I r XI. h II r. Mil.oim .111.1
; wife . T. W. ("ii'hli.rt and wife. 1" 1'.
' (' i!i'.-:o. k. Mr. ml Mr Jim.. It M
1'r o. k. r. M'-j H'll.l nm. Mrs. II l ijr -. n.
Kpd M. "lilui'Te. II 11 S.e. kr.. y and II
! r arrh .1
"I t!l- A K. ,
from 1 ' r '
r: 1
1 niitht
. tri.n on t'l
:r iv
,1 1 t.
1' ail
til tic
o? :h- v -..'or fr
Si 'k-i i'
"-r W.
v M.
.1. S!i in !
It."- .v
1' 1 . M VI. n
tlnthn !!
tieil. i d ". Km.
hm. and l'l-li. r :r., h id a. I ItatvU '"iv
Th- litt.r r.-p'.rt s'll ng a large .Witi:l'y
of farming Implement.. It l .l.-nt
i'lat-ot. farm, rs are lomaig to th" front
A large numlnr of farmers were In the
city yesterdav and ail were enthu-latlc
over the eomlng farmers' eonventlon.
They deeply ,ipirecliil.. the efforts of the
Astoria Pp;reslve association, ably as
sisted by Industrial Agent Jinlsnn and
Traffic Manager Camplwll of the O. K
A N. inmp.iny to beneflt this section of
the state.
The boxing contest on the night of the
Fourth at Enkson's between Krvd R'"
and Seward Bmlth promises to be an
Interentlng and lively bout. PrJllmlnnrle
of four-round bouts will take place bfor
the main event. The men have retsinui
are In good condition, and each will do
his best to win. The affair l under the
management of Prof. Youn Duchey,
One of the most Interesting and nmm ng
races on the Fourth of July will
be a Chinese bicycle race. Home of the
rhlnese merchants will put up a purse
and some of their expert blcydlKts will
represent different firms. Just watch that
bicycle race, also the unique scjiind In
the Fourth of July parade for which the
committee has offered three prlxt-s.
c. A. DeYo's Fourth of July windows
were the center of attraction yesterday
particularly to young America. They
were filled with all kinds of flags, large
and small, and more to the leilnt with
bombs, criekers. ami fireworks of nil
kinds In .irllillc display. To be n boy
again was the wish of the grown-ups
who viewed thu sight.
Seven volunteers for port Htevens ar
rived down yesterday from Portland.
Among tlvm was a firw-k named era
sino H. Valllano, who got left In Astoria
whin the others were taken lo the fort,
lie Is much illsapixilntci and Is anxious
to sh'iw his papers to the captain at
the fort, but has no means of reaching
there. II.. Is redbot against the Span
iards. Sevrra! Portland merchants who visited
Astoria during the past few days staled
that they were glad to see Astoria take
In the signs of animosity ngalnMt Port
land: that the Jealousies of the past had
been Imaginary and enlarged by the news
papers. The two cities must work to
gether to develop Oregon. Both h ive their
shipping Interests, which will grow as
the state grows.
The residents along the Washington
V arc iillfiini h( l.tM ,i.
f I Samntrf Cnirli. tmilh
5tc tthcie.
aSc pair.
Specials for the 411
MiiMit Kill (!lut
.a .
II rt'lul'.
.Mdft'l Mil
Miwut Kil
'Vl'S niv tin' Im'iI.
t vti'V pair
Mn-fot Kill (iii(s vvi'iir tlir
MaMt Ki'l (ilnvt (lie most
poit'ii t littiiij; j.ovt. mailf.
Shanahan Brothers,
4vnruvfvrum cu-vau uvui fVAn;uu;
Astoria' Leading Rc.tnurnnt
livcrvtliluu: Htrlctlv I IrMt-Cli. -.
V W WH1PIM V. Prnn
X V .. l
S 'J V
Commission, Brokerage
.. . . . .
Insurance and Shipping.
shore have entered protest anlnt tho
bunts being deprived of hauling any
mall nt all, and It now seems proliatiie
that th servtc will b divided lietw.-en
the boat and the railroad. They also ex
press much satisfaction that the. boats
ar not to go off the river, a (hey did
not wish to do their freight business wlih
the small boats and transfers.
The wrecked Yukon river steamers
Oame f'ock and Htaghound were llhelleil
yesterday by a Ht. Paul Insurance mm
puny for the premiums on it .'i.imi pulley.
The captains of the two Isiats are mill
here, but say they do not know whnl the
company will do. Thu captains offered
to pay off the crews yesterday but they
refused to take the money. The captain,
linn refused to any longer stand good
for Iho board of the men at llv hotels
In re.
The II; 'i'y Caiz. rt will make an extra
run up ie river this evening In order to
clean tip the accumulation of freight.
She will have seven carloads of salmon,
cans and other freight. The Potter ar
rived last evening on her new schedule,
and left for 1 1 warn. Hhe will leave up
rlvi-r tonight, making, with the lanllii",
the up-river leiats. This will be the Pot.
ler's regular run on Sundays during the
season. All boats will be on lime again
A special meeting of the county mart
was held yesterday to approve tin. bonds
of the county olllclals. The bonds of J.
J. W. Williams as sheriff and tax col-'
lector were fixed ui Jio.oirt and re
spectively. The bonds of II. J. Wh'Tliy,
county clerk, was fixed at lio.anc,, with
John Fox, Martin Foard, Walter Itolili
and Frank Patton as sureties, and that
of II. ('. Thompson, county treasurer, ut
lUUmil, with l. K. Warren, J. ('. Dement,
K. '.. Ferguson, Frank Patton and J.
K. Higglns as sureties,
It Is believed that the peopl.i of this
irommunlty hnvo a plmsant surprise In
store In the farmers' convention lo be
held July 20-21. Thu committees of Iho
ProgrcsHlvn association congralulato
themselves that they have sKiured the
greatest nvent for the good of thu state
at large and Ckutsop county In particular
ever known In tho history of iho state.
This Is a farming community and wants
farmers, but wants something that will
attract all kinds of farmers nnd men of
ability. Cooperative ereamerlo will do 11
The first creamery on the new scientific
plans will be started In Astoria nnd will
be done at the convention. Diversified
farming, on large and small scales, is
what pays. Ail cannot grow wheat, hops,
or fruit all the time, but all can raise
Altrmts nil Imrnnln-Miktis from fur n ml ni-itr to imr
H.i 1 1 11 1 11 Counters.
NOTIHNrt AT l'ltli'i:rt THAT Hllnl'I.K
l'i T Vol' IX TIIK NOTION ol'' Ml'Y
ini) iii:i:
look, mid Cycs, per onr.l Ic
iVI'ltiih tairt uieamili, cat'tt 0
I ndies' leather belts, rm'h 104
Aluminum thliiitilm, rarh lo
All silk rlUI'ou, per yard 1
I. ro can tali-inn powder, per ran.. (
Uuun Imtlln vasollnii, per bottle to
Ilex hon bucking, prr box lv
Safety pin., per d'iBrti Ic
lie.t I'onn collnr bultoiu. prr dninn. t
Mr inn l.iotli powder, per can tc
Heat ijnallty pearl buttons, prr dit.... 5c
Knitlina rllk, prr spool a.'
Mlei'l crni liel luniks, ri'll e
I' stiiU. whit or black, rach Ic
Heat tlirlf oil rlntli, prr yard ic
II, . t tnliln oil clolh. prr yard 'c
Windsor tlrs, oh I
I'lnl.lilng braid, prr bunch 40
.nrw I""" I" black Ink, prr botllr.,..,, Jc
I'lilnrx s rub bruih, rarh 4c
Aluminum packet romba, rach I."
Hot gnoil writing paper, prr box "C
Children's fast black stockings, pair.. 10c
Sun iiinbrrlUa, r.t.'h Co
l ame .lie 'ln'tnni aprons, rach l'C
Ui.llra' muiiiirr vest, rAch Ic
ilood cotton towrln. rach Ic
K. '.. Walt for children, each
Chd.lrrn's tinso mpportrrs, per pulf . Jc
l.ndlrs' lallor hats, each l'C
rhllilreii a mull hats, rach Uc
l.a.lir.' ihlrt walat. rach JJc
l-idlra" S. iaratr skirts, asich It il)
liaiitr.lrt gluri, per pair ISc
in rwuvnwtn rut fvi nnn ririrrrinr
pounded on
ur pi vie (ur ur i-i itiln la ill IllotnM. We
pntit In tli" f.i-iiii'lfi nt
.III l'"Vl"l ttlet t lltl'l .1111111
uiirsilv. s lioarse ever ulial
I!, pa-t tneut'H f. r n W'i'
I .kc '-1 lo In our Me a. n na
ti' ii. an t we 1 1 a v.' iTsi.tial
r. fni it. Wliii! l.mi'
't'cr.'il in the w.ijr nf valid a
is w I at iiinki a joil willu i;
to slinllt (nt II".
Ron. H'QH'n & Companq
Ciisttoiti Mouat llrokcr.
Aitent W t. X Co., did I'acllir r iprnt C'a.
a few cows If shown how lo make lhm
The scow schooner llelle sank at the O.
It ft N dock last night. While beating
up the hay last night she sprang aleak
and began filling nam nfter reaching her
berth. When the captain arrived she was
half full of witter and sank soon after.
Hhe carried about 40 ton of pulp.
Tho mt-mlMT of ncconJ (Nimpny, nnvni
Uttiill.m, will uniu'mtilo at the
Is Your
Then your wife ami children
a fold world. Hut it is oqually your duly to look out
for them whiloyou nre alive. It would ho wronjr for
you to give your earnings to some Ntorckoopnr who
elmr-jcs more for your Clothing, Hats, and Fur
nishings than Herman Wise sells as good, if not
better goods.
The Best for the Least Aloiays at
Till' I'I'lli'Cl MlliflitlltO
1'i.r ni Ik ; for Iniinp for
wiiitl tml skirl-. V
nil' ilt' nit'iil f"i' llicio
Specials for lie 411
Vliit Iii.k SknN, fur v nr-ls
W'iili', "prt iill
illl'C, Cl'.
H 11. Jtl
riijiif Skirt-. Ii'iir yanla
t t lu- tiling l'"i' il"' '!
mi ftnl
J Well-Mounted
must i t- s.Mml 111 a pair
d( our .V'liiiL' shoes.
Tlicy tit the loot; yield
to its ever)' motion.
Ii: .K
U w l it t r in J )t w
Ol .u WlttmUt
on next Monday morning at t X In blue
uniform to participate In the Fourth o
July parade. iy order of
Lieutenant Commanding
J. K. H'MsWi. and wife to J. N. B.
Orklng, lota In and II. block 7. ttay Vw,
Astoria: lino.
Hherlff tn John N. (IUffin ! l . In! It,
block t, lot i:. tlo, k (II, lot II. block II.
lot 11. block 01. Mcc'lurrs;
Hherlff lii Flora A. Trulllager, lot I,
in. and west jti f,,P( 0f lot I and j, bloc;
i. and lol I, bloi k 111, and the undivided
half of lot !. ,,K'k 111, Bhlveley's; nd
lot s. blmk 1, M'-Clura'a; 10,
It Is generally the wimian who declare
llf not worth the living who makes th.
bkvgest si rumble for the boat If, by acci
dent, ahn falls overboard.
will not, ho ilo('nli'it on