.i, THE ASTOHIAN Mi the larjcM circulation of my piper on the Columbia River THE DAILY AST0R2AN (3 Mil tlffest anJ test piper on the Columbia River 1 U. UJL . . . -J UUUJJt 3 FULL ASSOCIATKI) PHICSS HKFOHT. VOL. XLVIII. AS10HIA, OliKOON, TIM'USDAY MOKMNO, JUNE 80, IKi8. NO. 131 WB AKI! fOSIIIVCLY- HEADQUARTERS ,l'OH. SHAFTER SOON TO ATTACK SANTIAGO DE CUBA BTOVES 11AN0ICH TINWAIIB COOKINO UTCNaiU ikon riru BTICAM riTTlNOS pluumno iiilkt ikon work ETC. tub Piucea ahb aucit ah to makb it exi-en- BIVK TO HUT ILoSWHEllB. Eclipse Hardware Company (HAWKS' OLD Bi,.ND) jitiiiuiiuiimutuuiiiiiiiiiuuiiutuiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitmiitnMuiiiiii!it:::::t HKtWUKKb j nf oil kln'lv H HIGH HONOR FOR H0BS0N ii Kui; Hero of Santiago and His Gal lant Crew Thanked ty Congress. s 1 UOCKI'.TH, ROMAN C'AM)LI:h, IIOMIIM, cimckp.mh, toiiiuoi-:m, ri.A(is, IT.STOON 1'AIT.K, KIT. SHAFTER SOON WILL ACT a tt I Has tbe City of Santiago Puc ! tically at tbe Mercy of i His Army. ... Griffin & Peed... fj iiiiiiu ttiuiiiiiintii!i!!iti!titiiii!n:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimimutiu.'iu'.;.; '.tiiiiniiii nnnii"iiiiiffuifMfMiHMiiMifiinif.riifiiiMMitnfiiriifiiiiMiiriiitiittiiiv 3: FEARS SHAMSH GUNBOAT If -ryA f I yT-" TO HAVE m, 3 AROI'Nn THF unvw In i ha way of lumitur hardwun, j I our Ira plcka, lemon uec grass hooks, garden trowela, lea longs, ii'i, watering p)la, porce lain ilnnr knob, spring hinge for u tMn Qoor, bulb plant sprays, hum 3 3 ni' k hooka, lawn mowers, garden 3. Ii and everything from a wher). 2 barrow lo a carpet lark, and which you trill find In our compute atork ot hardware. . rOAPD I STOKtS CO. iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiii; .vvvrrxx-iorx.Y:ir;tr:; Post Yourself on City Prices ami coiuparo with what you havo boon paying ! Americans Have LanJcJ Their Heavy Guns mJ May Attack the City at Any Time - Schley's an J Simp son's fleets Consolidate! A- in- 1 I'r.-M 1 ;!. WASIII Vi'l'.. Ju f -N - .1 iv.nstr L T )! ,i.,n vl h 'I a- "t' . M i ;k. fai- ' lartily M. ,v u;i -.lie ...... r M. i r: rn.i In the h-n'-'r of 5..r.,...K I ilo 'til.. i . w .in ! -!.iy a:t r.u- .1 ,i o:- f ( Ih.mk : . itir- l . '. in i .l.!)nfc;vi!i -1 h i'ur ;'i.il n :i it- I ). .I'll- -I . -aim -f!i- :. A I' !i . .ii r vi-'v -.f ! ih.mk' ii.n-f.l u ii.i :i in ni-Ij . Says He Can Take the City in Forty Eight Hours, but With Loss. ON A MISSION OF MERCY. ; (Aaaoclaled Prai Dlapatch NKW y'l;K. Juik-r-.-Whui la undoubtedly the finest hoipltal ihlp In tn world will au-am out of New Torlc h irlor licit Thursday and pron t.J to SanllaKu le Cuba the KlR-f, the prld: of the war department. The H.lii e. fncle H im'a other hoapiuil hlp, llonga to tho navy department and Is on duty In Cuban waters. The It' ll, f, nh h' r aplmdld hnea, her maftlve ateel frame and her modern engines, more than answers every de tii ir.d from the l a-poinl of a )!i proprietor, and from that of the phy-lc.an and iuri;con she la a dream. ImuKinr a sb p of thi kind divided up Inlo five large wards for the sUk and wounded, Into storerooms and mes ro..in(, nj.er.itli g r o...m and ofll'-cru fjnarters, fllted.wlth every applian'e known to modern medical or surgical science, hit liid.nK all know it I'mtnim. nt lik ly to be required In surgical op'-ratlons. The 'hip will be laden with the lurgeat mrgo of nice things that any similar vessel ever carried. Hundreds of patriotic women all over th.- eau'.ern utaten have heard of the ah!p and aent contributions of money and delicacies. The .-c!al plants Iiivm he. n provldi d which will add Infinitely to the comfort of the sick. They are a distilling plant, the r or refr'.g' rating plant and the plant for carbonlilng water, the gift of the Colonial Damn. Bathrooms are pluitlful. TTiey are tonnected with all the wards, with the private quarters cf the medical staff and with those of the li. p a officers. Th- re l. a special shower bath whiih would be the making of any bathhouse on land. It la for sick oltlnrs and Is so arranged that the shower throws hot or coid, fresh or salt water. All the bathrooms have rubber i. our. Kor holatlbjt or Piwrrirx the li k or wounded Naval Constructor Kow!? has devised a special apparatus. On the f..Twanl side ot the nialnuiam he has tnted a steam boom. Uy Ita use pat.nt can ! taken from a warship and placed on any d" k of the ! II. f or In any ward de-sired. . this force th.it Shaft, r r. fcr to u , the bay, the Dolphin raked the Spanish ( an awkward precedent If the Americana Ikely io arrlw ton for action. ww It slniiils to n-HMin that we fan ijivt ymi I'n-ttrr fiuti-factit'ii utxl lipttcr rict s on (iiiuiN than driller who carry varifattil Stock, when ours in'a sj.t cialty. WW GROGKERY and GLASSWARE IS OUR FORTE... . NOTE THESE PRICES FRUIT JARS I'iut jars, per ilo.cn, .... It) cents (iiart. ' ... r.' Half kiiI- " " .... s." " BERRY DISHES Liiro - 10 12 15 20 '2't cents each Small 2.'io per Joen ICE CREAM FREEZERS One (Junrt .... ?1.2) Two 1.15 Three " .... 1.7") Four " 2.00 Six " .... 2.7') Tin top jelly glasses, l-.'J pint - 2"c dozen Tin top jelly glasses, & pint - - - oOe dozen Jelly tuinhlers 2"c dozen While Mason jar rubbers .... ;?e dozen lllack Mason jar rubbers .... 2 Jo dozen Ieo Cream Dishes, 25 .'55 and 50 cents per dozen. TIN AND GRANITE WARE 0. SUMMERS 3d and Washington Portland, Oregon oooooooooooooooooooooooooo S VSTI 'i IS 1 Mi:i-. ii. ti'i.il Shaft, r W .11 n..n ii n Attack l' :l It in .- Few ius. , A--i.i-cd l'r. lc;-j-. !i j V a-li.nct-Mi. June ."i - Tdr .j.inlon pr.' .i Is lore tht. wi.htn .1 d-iy or two nt the in. i.t. n. ral Sh.ifi.r nil! have l-e-I k'uti his iitt.i.'k on the city cf Sm-,!.iK 'proper. I he Important u.-nt if the day 1 was ih K-n.ral's aniiouiu'i-iB.-iit that ho could t..k. the city In f rty- :nht hmir. but at c.insl.lcr.il'le loss. T ikcti 111 conm c. j tloii with the antioiiiiccmcnt ouitaniol in f atioilur d'spati-h that he Ik going to at j t.ick nlth-mt watilnst f-T reinorcemente, It will be ,-n that the orTlcliils have uround for their rxpcct.itlun that the i til t general i-ngHgi-nient of the. war will j bc n In a Very ehort t'nie. I Nutiierlcilly. opposing armies are 1 not very different, n cstlniaie of tne ' Spanlhh farce Im-Ihk pli-.d at W.i men. I thoroiiKhly . ntreniheil and In hind barlml I wire fence and blockl'.'oiM.a, . attniiift lvii in. n under Shutter' runimann. aided by 4.ii I'libnns. One of the graven elements In the prtibieni, however, la tb Spanish w.irhlp, f r. miles Shaft, r ! iiiat.-n;illy . insist, -J by Sampson, who tnlttht engage the full attention of the Spanish ship, their tire on tho American ! ii.lviiiicn would be very hur.l to meet, j .Military iimhoriilcs. here e.iy that l!c!i s'ral I. III. ires has shown jTeat military I tactics In slowly retiring during the In't I few days, 11 he itr.iilnnlly drew our troops I from the protection of the American up land brought them clme. to the tire of I the Spanish ships. In Santiago harbor. Tor 1 thlx reason It wna with relief (hat the lioiim cttu tit wa received hcl'e that Shdf tcr had succeeded In landaijj ntl hi art.l-lei-y. Incliidlng his siege ttviln, for, utile Sainiieon can be relied upon to force hi' way Into the harbor an I attack tlv Spanish ship, the lcg. gun planted on the height coniniHndliiK the bay will be tho iniitti reliance of licncin! Shatter in offsetting tho preacnoo of the Spanish Ironi'liul. Vlidoiihteilly Shaffer I nnlnntfi! t.i at tack 11 sonti as possible by 111 knowledge of the approach of reinforcement for l.lnare from Manzanllli. fur wlih th' latter additional' force Shifter's posi tion would he disagreeable, If not pini on, at least until he hud received othir reinforcements. The war department re ceived the llrst i1cflnltt new today a to tho approach of Spanish reinforcement. ThU was nn oillolal dispatch stating that S.orni men with pack train and drove ot anlmiil were advancing from Mansanlllo and wero llfly-foitr mile from Santiago. It ha been known through reports of (leiicral Joyce, made to Oencral Mile, that the Kpunlard have lil.iKm men nt Manzaulllo and I'l.col nl llolguln, and every prccanlloii ha been taken to guard against their advance frtjm Hint quarter. Thn otllclal report today showed that K.tits) of those nl Manianillo had covered half the distance to Santiago and It l believed by tho military ofllclnU hero that Oencral Pnmlo I making: a similar advance with hi 10,01X1 men from HoUiiiln. Those advance, now practically unop posed, are regarded ns one of the most serious phnscs of tho situation, It wa announced nt tno war depart ment thnt by their reports 3.000 soldiers should be leaving Tampa today to join Shatter. They will be three or four days on the voyage and It Is probable that It THKTWD Fl.liF.TS O iMItlNKD. S hi. y s Sn'i nlrnn M' rgM Into the Com nmiul I'tid. r Sampson. I Ass .t-l at. d I'l.ss liM'-i'ih 1111 I-oard lh As-ila:.d l'r. s. lii. ;..itch II 'at I'.iuntl.-s-.. off Santiago de 1 il.j, Tin sday. Jutv . by way cf J- ! niab a. Julie -H'opyrigliti d 1-Vs ttie A luti d IT. ss-Tiie Mv ng squadron. !. tberto cminani d by v.mnodore S. hVy. his lost Itn Identity by a a order .--insl toibiy by lfciar Adn1lr.1I Sinipson. 1.11J It ban been m-.rgid into the 6-et un- !.-r tne admiral. The order rau-'d con :.r,ihie urprie on .oard iho ltrooklyn, sin Ii has Im-. n 8,. llagsh.p uf t Hying .Uilroti, wh. re It w i.s hUppMml the uidion woulil nniain intact, at bvaW ai-Jil the fall of f inilago d- l'iii. Cora mi. lore Schii y Las bun aiungned to ike ipiiuand uf the fecund iiu.lr ia atta'iied ' . A luural Saiupson's thvt. rom the two -t'ub in officer ilckd up ' v the Vixen b has be.n learned itiat r.-i.-ral I'ando niovinsr easmard from Mrnaaiiilbi wlt S.! Spanish troops, for trie purpoMc uf assisting the bel. airareil r:v of Sint:a.i de Cuba. 5ie Cubans I luiel com., to AferradenM In amiill tats w t.li illspati b from iJeiieral Itlos for A J11 1 r. 1 1 Sanipsfu and I'.in.ral lt.ll'l. riley reaiirt that Taiid 1 has wlia bin wwen b.it :. ilnns. niiinu-riiig .' men. with tuttle u.tC pack train with prm islons. He h fl .M am an.lJ.i. provlncr of Aunt logo de ul 1, on June SI to relieve (Jenenil I.ln arssi. The SputiMrd were mak ing tl the rate of twelve m les a day when the Jiies srn. r left and at their present ai oe-d It : u peeled they will reach Sanll.iso de I'nra. next SurxtV.y. Julv J . The Cnlxins haw a small feme hanging in iheaSpan lh B ink nn.l ruar, and are harnmsltiK lieoival l'ando's track at evtry P"P. sh.-ltira. themselves should want to use the Sues j ller niot notable achievement was on canal. The lirltlsh government will un- June 14. when the marine rnxde an of- doubtedly be pleased If ho pressure U I f.-n.ve movement and captured the well, brought to bear upon It for retarding the our troops moved upein tie Spaniards passage of the squadron, and If It be left j with thv Cuban In front and on their at liberty, to enforce neutrality by ordin- tlana ut i out. Wherever tbe g.anlapls ary methoda. I could be n.-.-n the Dolphin threw shells xhe Lritish government haa been use arnori: them. When they made their lasi fut to America In many waj-a during the stand the marines wUjwaggivl to the war, out it nas not given Spain any cause iof.iin, n tne noue. me uoipmn 0f offense, and has been steadllv Dromot iisiKi we nn noue, eiceoL one e ; :ng England a ulterior policies In any previously ail and wfclch she knew was(luture ntt wa,. h rendered It eptv. She fired at random up the little more diflWult than ever before for any valley, and a sneil, tearing through tne ; belligeraat to obtain coal In neutral noris. u-.s. enter, da house hidden among them. jThllt ta Xo ,he Brllah interest; and It The Hptnlards poured out like ants w;jj nr,t likely use Its control over Egypt CONDITIONS AT MANILA Admiral Dewey Intervenes to Save a Spanish Captain's Life. ACCUSED OF COWARDICE Was in Command of the Callao an j Surrendered to tne Americans. WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH n sin a a way as to close the Suet canal apt Inst war vessels. A canal open to all lleeta and Hags Is another British Inter est. DEFICIENCY BILL PASSED. Iroin a hill and the Cubans awl marines picked off ii. ihe shell killed several. In some casta the ships could only Judge uf the skill --f their gunners by ot .. rv.ntr the fon-oe galin-riiiB about spo;s where nbot had been aimed. The Span ish ileod In nm.y casts ws-re l.-fi un- buried. Everyoouy is praising the Cu- Insists I'pon the Payment of the Pacific ban, who are utterly without fear and Railroads Debt. unwilling to retire when eifecttM to atop tlghtlii:. The fortitude of wounded Cu- Associated Press Dispatch oaiu is luscrmt as rt-maraauie. V -ashinirton i,iniT,- ,.,.,i 1JMIN S WOBK AT C.rAVTANMO. ller Piu-ll lit:lng the Marine En e inipment ai-i Water tsepply. fAssoclattsI Press Dispatch. 1 Key Vest. June 2'.-iCopTigttetl tSWS I v the Associated I'ress.) A vessel rliilt ha .lust arrived here from Uiiuitaiicnio, which pliico she lei on Sunday nojii, II ought one of the co'leers of tiie Jtunlw-it Dolphin, who U returning home on tlrK 1 ive. The otllcee In queatton says the Dolphin has ben co-operating with the murine n iluanliin.imo harhvr. though lately maftcr hat., been iiulet there. Micn he b ft on SunU.iy there were twenty-four slope In the harbor. Including: lighting vcsstl. collleti, tho hiwiltal ship 8..laco and tbe lied Cross steamer Stat of Texas, with Miss Clara Hurton. It wa, the prvv.ilcnt belief that Santiago CAMAJtA S STACK PLAY. is Not llelleved In Europe That He , Wants to lio to lluiulu. i ficiency hill passed the senate today and ;iirries t22T.tj.(X. the largest sum carried oy any appropriation bill since the civil war. An amendment of great Importance was lAsseviated Pre Dist.atch.1 attached to the bill practically by gen V-w York, June 29. A Tribune dispatch cral consent. It relates te the settlement fruin London says: j' tn claims of the government against Ailmlral Camara's votce to Port Said) ln Pacific railroads. It was offered by has been rravirded by val experts here', Morgan. Before it was agreed to White m u th-atrt-al device t or Inducing the , proposed some amendment to It. making Stioiiish pet.le to belle that the Madrid ; 11 et,n more Binding upon the roads than gi-. ernment Is not torpid, but is capable 1 it wa in Its original form. The secretary of .doing soia-cihlng. Tr.tr have cousldered "( tn? treasury, secretary of the Interior It Incredible that he aliould have auy i BnJ ""orney general, and their success Inv.-ntion of going to JJainla. where he '. "rs ln office, are appointed a commission omild only arrive withaiit coal and un- j wllh fu!1 power to settle the indebtedness un-pured to Jneet Dearer with a fleet well 10 'hl government growing out of the ativpiu-d aiii heuvlly reH.forcvd from So ' lssue of l,0"ds in aid of the construction Knincisco. j or 'he Central Pacific and western Pacific The only .tfieory on wiiich so foolhardy 1 ""iu-nieu rauroaus, -upon sucn terms a jdan could be explained would be a ""d such a manner as may be agreed avrret Intrivue betweeai Germany and ! uPn by them and the owners of said Spin by Khlcb their ileets might act railroads, provided that any and all settle- together, and that aurposition la not menis thus made shall be submitted In wlrliln the Iwunds of cra'.ibillty, myjtcrl- , writing to the president for his approval one 11 the Herman emperor's ulterior pur- or disapproval. poao In the Philippine may be. The I The commission shall not agree to ac pi.iinpt announcement from Washington J ccpt a less sum In eettlement of the full lh.il un American licet Is preparing tg j amount due the United States than the sail for Spain Is regarded in naval circle j f"" amount of the principal and interest here as a coevenleiit pretext for the re- for tho ten years allowed for settlement call -of Caman's sipiadroji to hoaie wat- ers. after a trreut ruirtl promenade i throuth the ilediterraueaa. PASSED BY THE HOl'SE. Whulicr Cama.ru will be allowed to pass throiuih the Siici canal is eagerly dis cussed here. There Is nothing In the canal convention or international law that stands ln his way, ami the tolls, while heavy, can be jald to the Sma canal .company In Ihirls. Lord Cromer could .undoubtedly pieiont the pmsage of the licet If lu was ordered to do It from Lon- dm, and there wuuld bo various methods would be takew before July 1. as the ol harraaing Canwra und obstructing the American troop were only live nilies dis tant from tho ctty nnd closing in. An .Ncellent water supply hud been obtained 011 tho shore at Onantanamo, where there were 000 Cubans, In addition to those af the American marines', pu,!Mge of his squadron, for J.ord Cro- nur's will Is supreme In Egypt. Tiu vcs'ls could be detained there if the .London govenment were U) suggest the propriety of auch action, iut It Is lmpiMsiblo tr unyoue lit London to And fAssociated Press Dispatch.) Washington, June 23. The house today passed the bill giving ihe secretary of war discretion to permit any church or re- pidous sect to erect Its house of worship ttpon the West Point military reservation, The bill precipitated considerable dis cussion, It being framed at the Instance ol Catholic effort, but plv ng equal privi leges to all churches. Tin-pasa,oleadln to tho Inner harbor, .out whether tho American government the otllcer reports was thoroughly cleaned of mines by launchen from the Dolphin and other ships. K'.glit mines, weighing Imi pounds each, were taken up nnd sent to nock, where they will be cleaned be fore they nro put Into American waters. The Spanish troops at Cl.imanera and other points In tho Interior of the province of Santiago are starving. They may be iieully wanta to have Camart't Ifeet stopped, and, unless that fact be estab lished, he may go on to Manila through the canal It he desires to do so. The feeling among naval men here Is that the American government would do better to oppose no obstacles to his pro gress, since If he perseveres he will run short of coal, break down on the way .aplured at pleasure. The Texas and ana be in no condition tor iigmuig ix-wey. M irblchcnd havo already destroyed the Meanwhile tho American licet will he at forts nt the Inner end of the passage and) liberty to act out for the Spanish ports our ships may enter the inner harbor and ami bring the war to a close, shell Ciilnianera whenever they are ready. There Is no evidence that tho foreign Tho Dolphin took a conspicuous part In 1 olllce has received any Intimation that the bombardment of Santiago on Juno 6. tho American government wants to have After the principal tiring sho went toward! me Spanish licet stopped. At any rale tho shore and llrcd shells Into a train ! Camani can only have enough coal to taKe approaching tho city with soldiers. With I him back to Cartcgena. His maneuvers tho classes It could be seen that the train Mire not regarded here with seriousness, was wrecked nnd tho men wore scramb-1 but aro pronounced an unexpected bit of line into tho woods. The Insurgents af-1 comic by-play In tho drama of war. What forward said that TO men and 11 women; promotes more reflection here Is the pro were killed. ductlon of artlllclal Interest of various ,U Ouantannmo tho Dolphin protected , kinds for justirymg the meddlesome ac- ... ..... ... I ....!.. Sahm.h .Iml..! a. fanlln the camp of tho mnrlnes at night, costing her searchlight Into tho woods occupied by tho Spaniards and shelling their po sition with three-Inch shrapnel guns, tlvity of the German admiral at Manila by the discovery of gome effective sub stitute for the murdered missionaries who were so useful at Klao Chou. Throughout the fighting on both sides of j The stoppage of Camara's fleet would be , MERRITT SAILS FOP MANILA. Associated. Press Dispatch. S.tn Francisco. June E. The steamer New-ort, with General Merritt on board. sailed this morning for the Philippines. Crest crowds had gathered to witness the departure of the vessel. Many tugboats and yachts, chartered for the occasion. accompanied the Newport down the bay and out through the Golden Gate into the Pacific, where the last farewells were w aved to the departing military men gath ered on tho deck of the steamer. General Merritt Is very anxious to avoid an encounter with any vessel from the Spanish navy, and will issue orders to the fleet at Honolulu to make all possible speed to the Islands. How UnJer Protection of Americans Population of Manila Terror-stricken - Plight of Spanish Residents- PORT TOWNSEND, Jun According to advice brought from Japan by the steamship Columbia, which arrived her last night, considerable Indignation prevails among the American sailor and officers of the fleet at Manila over the treatment of the captain of the Spanish gunboat Callao, which sailed Into Manila bay about a week after the battle and was captured by pw- ey's fleet. J The Spaniards claim he showed cow ardice In not returning the fire of the Americans. After giving him a Span ish court martial he was sentenced to be shot, but Admiral Dewey came to his rescue and took him under tho protection of the American govern ment ' Hundreds of people in Manila are us ing every effort to leave and are offer Ing $M0 and 1000 for transportation out. As the time draws near for the ar rival of the United Slates soldiers they are becoming more restless. Another source of anxiety Is In tho case of tho bombardment of Manila what tho Spaniards will do with their women, and children, as they cannot bo sent to the Interior, slnco they would bo come the prey of the rebels. It 1 stated an, appeal will be made to tho British consul to make arrangements for their removal In case of bombard ment. Since entering Manila bay the Ameri can fleet has been unable to obtain fresh provisions and the men havo been living on salt fare. Notwithstand ing this, there Is no sickness among the crews and all are patiently waiting for orders to tuke possession of Ma nila. The Spanish soldiers are anx ious to meet the American troops In battle. They are well armed with Mauser rifles, and Captain General Augustl says everyone will fight with desperation to maintain the honor of Spain. THIS FROM MADRID. v Associated Press Dispatch. Madrid. June Sli.-In an interview this afternoon Lieutenant Correra. minister of war, assorted that Admiral Camara's squadron had be gun the passage of tho Suez canal. It (Continued on third page.) SHARKEY DEFEATS RUHLIN. Put the Ohio Giant Out of Business ln Less Than a Round. Associated Press Dispatch. New York, June IS.-Tom Sharkey, the sailor pugilist of California, knocked out Gus Ruhlin, the Ohio giant, In less than one round tonight before the Greater New Y'ork Athletic oub at Coney Island. Ruhlln's defeat was accomplished In 1! minutes and IT seconds and, as soon as the referee had declared Suarkey the winner, the sailor ran across the ring and shook hands with Ruhlin, who had been carried to his corner. Ibe Roval is the highest grade baking powdar - "wis, Aciuai testa mow it goes oaa taird further tba any other broad. psi, L.li FOVQEf Absolutely Pure oval bakim towoc i co., nrw yomc