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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1898)
0 l Ml. '8. X "Ixtlit very mil. tl from the city. regr. i lila ,i n line Great Midsunniier Sale A special moot nit of ill, tiui mti - ii m - II Is i-nili-.l for :l .i "-l k llll .irioinooti to take action on id,- 111. tenth sinei MEIER & FRANK COMPANY'S iumm liNri's mondw mkmm;. jim: .0. THE DAILY AST0K1AX. WKlXESDAY UOKMNU. JINK a I'. Ml i A 1 1 i J I i i A A a a I A HALF MILLION DOLLAR STOCK r Great Removal Sale A 'l A A A u A A A A A A A I 6 INCLOSED OUT --X g No Such Values Have Ever Before Been Offered to the People of the Northwest As our new building on Fifth aiul Morrison stiver opposite the post office is rapidly Hearing completion, and as we intend that only new pvds shall bo placed upon the shelves in our new ijiiarters, it becomes necessary tor us to dispose promptly of our present large stock. Ve know that there is but one method of inducing jwple to buy in advance of immediate needs and that is by offering the goods at prices so iniu h below their actual values that purchasers can save money by buving for future use. This method we have resolved to adopt and in order to expedite matters we have determined to resort to no half-way measures, but to reduce price to such an extent as will warrant buyers in taking advantage of the magnificent opportunities offered. setter an,l to -uti,lr the matter of pav. lug I,. l.i'lM'i'k for llii' 0.0111 ii, lion of ill'' crossing on Set me. nih and v'oiimn r. I il s;roois. Tlu weak and sore back, t o , fr.m no ninny women suffer o lunch, mat- I'O easily tire, I at homo. lr. II. il l. I. .'oat I'onmii'ivml turret, tin rci'clvcd spe cial Instruction in iln iii.iiiiKiii of mull troubles itnd will crrtitliily (Ive itl(il'' (km. IL I A 11.' ii . of Hi.- howling commute.' I- Hitting III.' A. I' f. allots in title shape. .Illil I ho CMcili III -'"ling of loo past few Wc.ks Is illli' to 111?" till 111 111 c efforts. Till mom!', is ntv nil bowling well and i n tliinlast look to ,,. M M. I'U k, n iw old of M dolcnt.'.l ivtililn thins ,las. Those who desire to ul- i';li for sell nt Iho routine. Philharmonic conceit, mi'l h. ivo been overlooked t-v (ho nn .mit, i. hi ho aeeotr.iii-' l. U i tog th-t' names Mill ii.cosv, s M the Asioruin of Hi iv Tho i li o of r.ti h in hu ll ll'.l "i .'I on. I T; i'i'IIK, An .if!, rnoon t i. for iho h "in 111 of ih Women It'll, f ,.'l' Mill he iil en h Mi li no J .hn"ti. j -I t ! hy Mi i. J M lilllelte. at the r -i.h n. o of the t .inoT No. yi inklln .ueiiiK', on Thin -.l iv Juno t'olne itl .in.l liy for the 0. Tho pnhMo in (jenei il I eonlully Unite. I Tho tireijoii ,in, W.i'hinuton ,loti' Kr, t exi'ltimt inn, Ii Inti rem in tolh stiilet. Trultlo i-iiuiihol of ilie t. It. N., cre.nly intiToxii .1 In tlo .iiitloil of niro i inetiiH In Iho ino an. I mil noon a M-ll to tho Wall.i Walt.i eM' farm. K M. Jrniiliii;. Alex ihl. f, r'. Over IhiukIi. Wilitam r.irtl.iu.l. I. W. Van i.iir. n. A. .V f It U U ; v'. llenhk" V. Thonun, tilney, i II II, rry. W. A Hon, In n. t'linio.'k ; K.lwar.l kr.iluiii r. II Krolun. r. IthioniliiK. or ; J. J. An.L ron r.lm.i. Wa-h. are . kii. t,.l at The Murray. Dress Get is Department. VI II eonlH per N it.l. I -'I Itoinin lrlp.1 :lll'l , tl'-.l,-. Illlf ... II.IH.,11.1 pri" Suliiiiit". r iil:ir prion o. m. VI I,", eeliu per io.hiii.'io l"i', ."i eeat!. III.; Sil'.lllll!". pleo, mi lll i. Ii r. illllar pi loo At M I'etlln per K 111 . ,M ploee f.llley inle,l iriM Mil lings; well w.iiih It.', e' lil" per y n.l. At . enl per ir.l, P i!.ee Ilia, k I'll,'- lllv, Mohlllv l!e. Sill! Illljl . i'l l, o ;.i eeni per .ii.l Vt II l.i e.i. h. HU.k Itr... n.1,,1 iir Skirt, (nil nl.Hh. i.iIT.iv line, I, l.oun.l nllh leHileeii. r. tiuir prlen Domestic Department. M I':. h!,M. n. . a, Il ei pel' II .1 MiMlIn I. on,, .11.1 will.' I'll In! ii mi 1 1 1 y ; ;n atiU lo ! i;ulnr prion J renin. At )') eiin per ,ir.. olio aiil ivlilo, h.H'.l ipullly, ilea,li,, M ii Hit . -;i y.inl I i sn Ii , tmloiner. At I.'. . HOI III Hosiery Department. HI n raill, oihl I 'I I, I. Ile' I'll i'H; till roll In. At I :le pall; laiilwV I'ail IHni k M 11 h m k pair, I' Iioio, nil ali. ll' fine lihhKl ; twilli I Jo. nl i per yai.l. I'lie ) ai .1 Me I .""in. or t.onr.lalo HI. . oil. VtSe of th" tin. At MS eetiln p.-r till.l. rill..'.l.ll., II, .111 Hllr. r tai',1 . Finn I Mu ll .1 i llli mill,'lliV Hlor rt-. Sinn. in. r ' it", w n 'Ii I'1 " J'4 )ni,l wi'lo. llnu, worth ho At .-51 . all tile .l le. it :..i , V.i'-i. At rapp pneo " i'iit e n Ii ; all our Vv patieiiw itn.l in i.l. nt o.inh. nit or' ;'" , on ry 0110 it 1'io.u:; At f. 1 h.-. 11 y At i ni per yiiiil, HI. . 1, ho. I H li ai .la n l.le i-tllllt, 'Hlllitl' Shirt V.ri: In tho lalnnl I', r. alo Shu t eeltti e.l.'h. m r. tilinun .t 'j eellli. 111!., of la. In i I. oh' mill In. Hi-.. Illil" I'lil'l. r'tulir 4', ..iiu per t .11 .1. .m 1 out p. r yai.l .1 1 Ti eeiil per arl , 1 I 'I. nun I. regular pi I' o pile.' Apl'iii limn- ....I In . I'.'l Aptoti ilinil-e.-llti.. 1 ).tl.U to I'all' 11l.ll in A A A A 1 ALL HAIL ORDERS FILLED AT REMOVAL SALE PRICES MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. lir'.u i.ll. r it. neral y. lie, ho i ,..n I'lirilan.! wieroay an. I pi.l a .h"rl M.-lt t.i hi fri. ml. W h. 11 ipo " tl'Un.l the item-rat a..l that In- hell' vl tho or, 1;. hi tiaxal n-'ri,- e.up wmiM ho eall.'l l the front ami that On V tt.Hil.t pr.'liaMy l.o liUen un opportunity to no t Mall. ..I. The upp, r riv. r are nearly -.aii"ii ir or aro fallii: !:khily l-r..iu I tinitilla t 1 tho i'a, a.l. a yi'uh: rio u pr. Ii. t. I f ho pent ;'l to l li.i.iri ami i-t of the 1 1. U tin ri'o II ."imiiiie for t" T-.' Ii-'iir imTo. !nn vi'- fall W II I" . vthl'li mil not ho r.ip.-l. The heiKht a'. I'ortiaml will he from t.. .'1 f" t. The of the t':i:t,.' ami Spain a puMlsne.l l.y Hie .mw lork. on ami Wt-t.rii Iti lway eunpitiy make a .t- it'sIimM. i.wint I" r"l while an. I I'liie Willi tin- I. il. 1:1.0 ..f pouer in favor of I' Sam. The llitlo jitn phiet. ;t hamli 'tno p'ooe ..f work, eontaln nuieh i!a ilil.- war -r-tn. 1:1 hi am I I." w. it worth ru'lmt:. It. B.trt. I of tin . 1 1 hi. p. rfer'.o.l a" ai..;..i!ie,' for t.- ..f r'i;oi:t- wl'l. li .-it-tln-lv 1I1" ii iy w 11 h t'l" ne. --it v of III o!. .111 ttr uaiiiih- I r ti . lie ,il--"!'.i'..iy "'.-' It t h"! 1 a ra,'' . n ' tnat'ir what tin- l at.oi ami 1111. 1, r all p.. it. .01. ..f !i - h-'-lv li"W, -.,T ' r.i ; i .1 ..r u-ir. 1'. ir ai. i'a.i- win to it : .:i ii..- in- .i-.::iii'l-a--;o .11 it. prai-o. ii"', a ..!)..:. on h imii" !'"ii r.n"!. H mil pi 'to 1 1 ti l -;!!t- f' n ft "111 1 1; ; tnl'i M 11! or I -1 u ::; o rti M 1. 11 -t k:i w 1. i.-tiirm w 'i- A hi Ihio of la. In ' S:lk V' Uo i'.'ip,. all nl. . U iriuinn.l, t. nit 11 Kt'Ult I-1 m 1111 At r. 1 ,'iiu 1 a, h. I. nil. U hit, Sailor llal-i. ovular pii.o 1 -ill olln t at hiii rr'.u. tl Mi-. At I' eeii' p. r .) ar him, t.itular pili" on Ii eiintotu.-r. It ,' , eeiitu r tar.l. I i-t ipi.iliti. i '"i, nil tlKo patti-l ii", ?l yntila to . nit. un. r At 4 1 . renin per till, I. S. oteh liwli llolMl i-rTe. t. 11 il. at l alaln It In ..nt p.-r iril all our hot ipnllty l', i, ai,'. i n n- 0110 worth l."( i-i-iiK per v 11. 1 j It ;:. n-nt olrh; full .10 J 1 1 1 1 1 - pit lit 1 , k ' t . 1 1 i.-. I Spioailv mil worth II r. . ami j At 1 rent it ) ar.l, it'io.l ipi.ihiv It h r i'i. i. h T'W"l!iiii j At j..iit -i- It . Ilrniine.l .tit. he. I llaml-lu-l. h I . K ' plleo Ii i-ollt. VI ?l '.nl ritell. M'U Hilllllller llllilH nan l inli'i "hlrn l -..i e.ut pair. M. n'n Ihayy I'olt 'limit Panii, 1 : ii In r pile II '' pair. At (I 1.1. h. Mm AH Wool ii'itural rolr rmlii-hlH or ilrawn, i.gular pile II M in. II. At ' ra. li. M'U Heavy Twlll'il N.itl 1 t ii h'i'. woltll M iiil'l t Huiioner ho ,,o',l It fl ' lit t1 w.rth v . in pair 1 . ti Inav y t'o'.t hi Hmj pall . M' II ' II i , 11 Kulai pi l. . a y l"ot Him k ;) ronii pmr. M. n Woikmn ii;.'ti, w rih pair Tlii' I'rit" I. hi l leu ii Miriin:i ufoiii Ihirainv Shanahan Brothers, 5S0 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon Th;nk:n ill .i ii .t r Ii : . h. 111 1. 1, an Uiv. -ttv iti.ui ,,n. f.'iit"! Un- ,;.. , .r open. Kierilliiiitf h 1. 1 I-. n .. , . fio'll arollll I III,' " ife ! I ut the ell I "f the el to the Klml 'W . Ion 11 atl.-mpt ha. I I.. , n 111 i.l. to open 11 , i. if.- I a -.mall one, au l it u pt''.itl th" r.'l'li.'f. inieii.,, 1.1 ,.,irv it ..ut ,.f the aloon ami lomr II into a T:i! e.i'-l n .( he .l ine a It . too Ii. att t 1 lie him!l.. t.v two linn .Vothiuit .1 wi tlif-lim- f 1 . lit he .il.. .n an I It 1, I.K'lt 111' tlll; E.i r w.ri- I aw i hi th--til it Th. r.- I. no , !m 1 1 ih. tr lien' ty I" 'P.. "HI IK' -1 In the ultimate l n.-fll aro't, ..f the un on :h. ml. tin- hul rt In w l.i'liH li 1. I'll'till IM a 4 m:v fivn. Hiiuvii'i: uu.i: I nlte.l S'at i'i II S. rM.-o i' 'liunlLi in. W'.'i -Ii 1 u- t.-tt . 1 1 r It- no n I I. Ill I!. "I 1 In !.'. f 1 to uk up Well." t .. -1; i'k' 01 We I.. r 1 . ii.l ' 1. ..n: pi 11 it r...mip.l 11 i .,11 ,: II ,1o" :i th klll't fori grll r W 11 to (jrl ott l-.o -in tml try intuit" r of th tint lliat whil 1 r,lli Tin: M'i!'..i. 1 i:.i : v on g 10.I f. f .v-i,- .,.. ! 'W i' i t h Willi II h. Thrive plenty form g l''o.'lll w tn ..I t h, eh in. t.i.. !' ltie.l . ill,' III... th, ' " "f I 111 a I , S run i'o ot;lv. o.l all. I Itl i'le h.- ilth itity. miti-ihln". witfi op, n a.r IP r ! ami lor fne If to r vo. tn I of a 1 . 1 e all. I p....f ml I mi .M iy II v.v tho : oi-e I ..f Hul. n '. in W Trail iil" I' llll of . IlKll'llltv .hall l.e . 1 oil t In .1 ,t,. ,,n w hi. h tin- 11.1111 ! . 1 . !,nt.t.'. up 01 t ho r- nl-t. ..I--I Th it In .a-.' a pioi..n w In. . in. .11 .riv r- i; '. r h ill n'o i tie miliiar 1 ..r 11 1 .tl pr.oil.l' nt amen. h '1 a follow 1 , , tti 11 )' ' .f Ih" ft.. u un" 'o inii-t'-r' 1 n 1. .- of !l" t m tin. ii-1 Mlt lti-.ll' o ASI'iiltl V l-l In I n'. 1 r I v I .pm. lit . .1 H- it- at 1 time w h. n th iii.iv t'- r'ltf it,-,-. I in , ..lllti, 1 mill mini the p. ri.l ,.f .-lik'il.ilit t .f .1 ii 01. "hill, umt. r u.h ."ti.l.te.n. .it .i "rv!- " .'iiimu.i n 111 1 y in .. . 1.. , . .in: !, ii.l a. .p" it. h I ur is - tilt.- h .-Put'. I,, m.v I.,, rvtn..; i". nun or nut ..f the rnlle.l Sl.i'. : ! nil. linn ...;ie to tik" .I'I'.im f t, , t.i1.- .h. ".;!. I w tit.- 1 , the p. .1 si: IS', i.l tt.'i' ns M I.l llll M I. Il" h 'let I Ir.l to ,IV -. wii i. i. i. t; .11 tin... .la 1 lit r-i il wf t until fit lor no; i ll-.n .i M r.tic. .la a'l.l I 'r "t tv !'!.! wtll ftittf yoiin It'.ll -.(., . -ailt an n.rllrlit , tiait ilut" I j '.lie'ii i.-oaoii It.irn Itm art ..f til- . v lt.fc- Iti'lp w III I o (wo , latt, oil" ,r !! !'. rrti ' iM'1 t; a',. I th 1. lor Tl. Ill 11 Up T"I"H !-.! itltt'iP l'..r par'.: .'..ii- . .i.l at 1 " iiitu-r.-il ' I ot SHE LIKES THEM Because they are delicious and fresh and were made at THE SPA. Its candies are all fresh and are made ty experts. All Seasonable Luxuries TODAT'S WEATHER. Bhowen. AROUND TOWN. 1VEDNESDAT. The whole world Is ringing With laughter and singing! M'hy need we be cliruxing To grief that Is pone? Try Shilling- powder. Best tea and baking Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. BeMce cream at tba Bonbonniere. The tug Relief Is laid up cltaninp boil era. Cream 10 and 15c per pint. Parlor Candy Store. InraDta' Mull HooiU at Diuihur'n. Go to Paxton's gallery for enlarging and copying. Try Golden Gate compressed yeast tba Parlor. at Fresh cream, atrawberrlee and lea at Foard & Stokea Co. If Snodgrass doesn't make your pictures you don't get the best. Developing and printing for amateurs done at Paxton's gallery. When you want fine tea, good coffee and apices try Foard & Stokes Co. Kuiplro Cornet at un lu Keep your eye on the farmer.' conven tion to be held In Astoria July 20 und 21. Paxton's photon ore on pap-r of hia own preparation and are guaranteed not to fade. Contractor Palmbeng Is constructing a residence In Uppertown for Mr. John Bvensen. Wise scored C3 and Mrs. Ingalls was high for the ladles with 1". Attorney Frank Spittle left for Portland Ian night to attend upon the circuit court of Multnomah county. New crop dried fruits, new crop raislna, figs and assorted nuts all extra fine qual ity, at Ross. H.'gglns & Co. Don't forget that on Sun-lays there Is a special train leaving Seaside for Astoria at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The Fourth of July committee, an nounces that It expects to have thin year trie largest celebration ever h-M In this city. Commencing July 2 the steamer Putter will run three times a week to Iltvaco and will ', a Sunday night bout up river from Astoria. Captain Moore, of the schooner Free Trade, recently from Alaska, ti m- loading lumber at NYtart's hay U a visitor In the city. A stranger in the c.-y yo-ter.l.'ty notic ing a slun on Astor street ,,f a .n f,,r h;,le asked If pt'op'-rty In AHoiii wis sold by the (juart. A regular pantomine of views depicting the life and history r,f Astoria, and souvenirs of the city and country at the Snoograsu rallery. Test spile will ),.. ,lrivn for the Young's Hay bridge th- la'.t-r part of the week and the work on rormr'p lion will commence at once. Tin- case of Pat I.iuvler f,,r ,,.. livery wagon without, a li-iri,. eoti tlnued In the police court yesterday until Z o'cloi-k this afternoon. In the police court yi-sterday Dave M'roton was lined on a charge of drunk and disorderly, J2i of th- lim- being sus pended un condition ol good behavior. The lirst threshing machine used In the Nohalem has been pun based by K. M. Wooden. ;md will be shipped out ns soon as the condition of the ro ids Improve. f-r anything am! Astoria. J"hn Eriekson. I.'.;:-Vi v. that will h"l:' u tm In thir M Imm-. 1 round - th.t il M nil I tr 01. an old i mp! iye of .- L'. I;. t, hi, t .t !..s is,,.:...- r a t. th. a - ' 111 ! ir rv I. 11 n:U' is.cri.ay aftcrnven. a r.avv 1, u utiio e;,.i v,;tli au:jtu- lar.Ja. T .,. : from the door of lr-ssmak'-r,i. on lu m. sireoi. l-K.-is? leave at the tore A. Stokes. Captain Schr.itslor. of the Elmore, says that he will bring a largo ibl.-catl'.n from Tillamook county to Astoria , luring July and that he will make special excursion rates for the o.vaslon. A purse containing a small amount of money and street car tickets was pl'-k-d up yesterday In front of M.-All. n ti M Dnnncll's store. Owner can have the same by calong at this offlce. Instead of the nine cars that were prom-1 Ised, the A. & C. yesterday took out ten j car for the east. The W. C. T. U. will give a "Gunpowder Tea" nt the home of Mrs. Gearhart j Thursday afternoon, June 2.1. All are In vited A novel program has been nre- 1 pared. W. B. Edwards yesterday shipped a I carload of shingles to Seaside from the j Several new features are to be added to Borthwlck lttmber yard. 1 the exhibit room of the Progressive as- . . I sudallon whl(;li will prove very attractive ; At the A. P. C. alleys yesterday Herman during the regatta. The boys are hustlers I'arcalas at Dunbar's. If you want drugs or druggists' sun dries, go to Rogers. He carries a full as sortment of everything In his line. Mall orders attended to promptly. Hogers, druggist. i;s Commercial. Married At the r-snl nee of Mr. K. K. Klelnsmlth. 8-asI.l... Monday evening, June 2ii. 1Vi Mrs. M. Edith Vatsn . Mr. jonn uneatiey. itev. William Sevm.oir hhort, of Gr.i.-.- church. Astoria, ,t!l'-i;it Ing. air. rranK 1 savage, the gentle ami persuasive freight solicitor of the Chicago St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railway company, was in th'- lty yesterday and as usual got all the freight there was in sight. A yarhl Is being built at Shoalwiter bay by harnest S-aborg. of liwaco, whii h I oxpcct,.,i 10 t,.a anything In Its class at the coming Astorl.-i r' gat'a. She Is b'-lng built on the lines of th'- latest eastern plans for the fastest yachts. It. H. 1'etts and wife. St. Louis; C. W Itansom and wife. ;.-..rge 8. I)iman. Ha Francisco: F. C. .Savage, Jr. j.;. ,p,n.. i.enenn t . n.-ene, I'orilnnd; J. (, j.,- hanse,,. H aside: J. . M-gb-r, Iirook!le. are regist'-rci ,-,t the incident. If you have hides, wool, furs, rags bottles, Kad. brass, copper, sacks, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship It to It. M Gaston, 105 Fourteenth street, Astoria "egon. or write him and he will call at your place and get It. He pays cash. I'lalil Itlbbol.s at lliuilia.. Contractor la-book will begin today mov ing the O'lirien building at the corner ot .Sixteenth and Commercial to the lot re cently purchased by Mm O'lirh n at the southwest corner of Twentieth and Com mercial streets, near the railroad depot. A pure whiskey agree with any food, In fact aids digestion. It tones the stom ach, Increojien the (low of the gatrlc Julcx- and so promotes strength and flesh. A puro whiskey ll..o Harper Whiskey. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria, Or. Mr. A. M. Wheebr, who for four or live years has been the cashier at the O. It. ti N. dock, has accepted the position of head bookkeeper for the Pacific Sheet Metal Works at Falrhaven, Wash. Mr. Wheeler will assume the duties of his new position about the 1st of July. His many friends in : tiat 1." . 111 'i in-- jrtp f- it a few in. he t ill. r tt!o 11 h- g t . tlie "i.l stamping ground and 10 tit it he ha. trav"b. fr-.m the I'1 h- Allan',',- by rail. The Uizir.l nil company I- giving iy -une hori'l-orno ir i-n! . V'-rv night t pur. ha-.-rs of 1', c. nt t ' k Kv. ry per-. in attending roi-iu) a ."ui n.r the oh. .11 f a tally's or gentleman' I.l. v. le, tthli li will he glv n aw iy some ri ght during the . k Th.- presents nr ill": r il.iitiel in a fair manner and nr.- Just a ropr' s, nt.-d. They will give a chant: of program tonight which I worth nmr, than tin- price of admission, ami many people will p.. madf happy by getting om of th'-ir costly presents. Th.. movement to secure proper l'gl latlon In Oregon f"r the propagation nt salmon I meeting with the unreserved support of every thinking person In th community. The lower Cuhimhla river ills trlct can certainly do nothing better than to fos'.r the Itoyal Chinook, and It l the opinion of those who are posted In the business and who have at h'sirt the Hit ests not mily of this section but of the entire s! ite that tho Progressive nssorl ation never made a tn tt, r move nnd thai the representatives 11 11. 1 senator from sop county can rendi r no greater si-rvl than to carry out that mov rm nt for the perpetuation of th i''ilumba river sal mon. I' T'i ok . ok I" let '. the p ". -.. 1.- M 1 -h I ha I- l''l .- .1 01 -tl u It. LI. ml . J. 'UN 1: he 1 1',: ! ; . 10 ir rti ill be r.- , "It 11 'he ' I, . 'tlltll. ri:- -ii ii: ir Tin: l-ini.u i:i' tn 1 W. H Snort of Gr.-u In a f.-w days for a va- !. ieuian.e, by the state The llev. Mr, church will hat eallon in th- 1 .1 of his health, which for several months has been very poor. Imrlng hts absen tin- Itev. Mr. 1 Mac Iiawson of Oram's Pass will otll'-lai.. .luring the months A July and August, and ih" IP v. Mr. Harris of Th- Cove, will have (barge of th. pirl 'h In H. pt. tiibir. fn tob. r will be pro vided for l.-it. r. Last lilt-In Mr. Short .-f t for I'ortlan.l lo attend the annual dlo ees'in convention, which meets on Thurs day. Tin- lay del, gai. s nr.. Messrs. l(ar- rlsoti Allm. I', c, l.ewls and )'. .Hilltl alternates. K .. I'l-rguson. II. O. Van Iius. n and '1. I. 1'ct. rsen. The women's auxiliary wlil met Thursday In Portland at St Mark's church The Progressive a s' lo rne lo run A ooria once a wet trl'ts and l'.'i'irig issor latloti has In hand special excursions Into k from Ih" country dis c-imps along the A. Iv '. H. It. It. lino west ,r Itanler In rdcr to afford ih.- loggers and fanners 11 opoortunlly to trade Willi Ihls rlV. The project commends Itself to the mer chants and Inembi rs of the a.isocla' Ion who will create a monthly fund lo defray the expenses of running the train, so that the visitors will not have to stand the oxperi.-o. 'Ihls shows the progressive plrlt of Asuirla merchants and their de termination to cultivate a episer rela tionship wilh all outlying districts nnd xpatid the business of this city. It Is iioh :i spirit that moves mounialns and brlnirs success tn liny community. It Is understood that the railroad company will meet the merchants half way In Ihls pro-po.'iillon. Foster's Kx'hange saloon, near the O. II. & N. dock was burglarized at an early hour yesterday morning nnd $2.rl taken from cash register. Officer Thompson, who patrols the beat, noticed yesterday morn ing about 2:20 o'clock that the blinds were open as UHiial and on his return, half an hour later, saw that they were closed. 1 1 -1 a ii. ik tiK- Th.- I.l) I.. , h.. id illv ti nt il'i- 1 it n to n m on t -n .' w h: h m I p..,ve O Ill tile f I. ttl slo- I"- lV'' I" mike til'- tl I I .T" ll'llg ''.1st wlo re "tilv 'h" i.i'hest draft v S' lS I llil ll.lVlg I'e o tl I- Up t" ll it,', r' i-it.d nothing il'ilnitc pi aniiAer to hi proposition t., 1,01 th" Missouri dreilg to tho Yukon In iaklng of Ast .ri 1 a ,1 pnnlo r point. Mr. IP id nv. that It ought to l.e ot f Ih- lt -hipping pons 011 tlo- I. ast. Vast trm t of y ilnabl.. tlmb. r II- at our very door, ami It has s.-ar. . Iy In n .list in-t-i i,y ,,ur luinboniii-n lb predicts that In a few ye. it the output of th.- Columbia will be something .-norm, oils Hi-fore moving to Oakland, Cul , wh.-re he now resides. Mr It. id was an exten sive lumber .1. ai. r ,n middle and wetn-rn Nebraska, lie .nt into Nol.rask.i from I'bl.-.igo at a time when the young state wan belli; . imssIIii. .1 with railroad. 11 period of pros'" rlty like which but few new states has .v r . xp.-n.-nce.l. New towns, many of th-m at th.. pres. nl day thriving cltl.-s. won springing up nil uv.-r the st tie, and the piipul.nlon was being by til" gnat ami restless mt r- II. .w from the , it. m stales. Mr. It.-lil did not follow up the wake of 1 In rn wly construct., I roads, but an il. 'I '" ;.'i .'1 M ncos , : - in 1 1 1 1 1:1 tc 1 "l I'M! Me III ".to ll' 1" no no -it . f r . .. - ti a ,,niv 1 ., I,,. ; . I' . but il- , ..lie an. I ottr 1. ten. 'I Ii k. nHh- 1 .01. .11 11I1 ' l-'rl-l 11 . hot. Ii. 1111. 1, r r.. II P llitl I. pt on ,111 eteOt ill Ulllsl' I f , v pt 1011.1I no r it no le f 0 t that Mr ' j'el Is tti.. P i ling spliit will pr"t 11 i" ". no- an -ii.- .11. . .... en ir I I .-r 1 s ' 1 "f ll hia i..ii,.ri II.- i not only sue- e.-r il 111 in r. but also thorough itm- ' si. Ian ar.d all able cellist, catering to III,' public a class ..f music, classical us Well as i-.pular mul of tho most r.-tlmd order The slice. us of Mr It artel .-"lie. lis ll 1 V .' il largely .In., to tl f M t. ,m, m tin. I rfei ili.ii of nil details T. t.tleni ihnl In- l.rinir with h iii. Mr. F.mll Thplhorn, 1 violin vltiioso, is already well known, her., having on previous inisisloriN proven his worth its inast. r of the' lolln. Mr. J Adrian F.pplng. baritone. Another f o v : rile. I well known here, and together ( with Mrs. T P tilsoii, the well known pianist or this city, the combination can tmt fall to pleas., nil Invent of music both In solo und en-iiilii' work. Tin: iii'Nifit i.iuitr ; la 'ho titimi. of the onl potfesM trtin i ttio world, now rotii't'tf rtrry n sht be tween ft Pmi! nl ch!ii. t'.a th cbii-nito. Milwtukrd A ht Paul rtllway - iho p'oro-r r.'it -f the wrt lt slopt trg all lmpf"ir,1 fi.Uil'rs f .r the isfnty int rnl-'tinrnt .f t.asr.itfers An tllut. tn'rst t'llint'hlet -howlln trm of tieftlj. tlf il nery it u'- the routo ..f 'ha lit. Il.-.T l.llntt.-,t, wtll l.e irtlt frr .t nv per "it upon ri-n- i of Hani' . iiift lamp At.lres lieorcat II 1 1 .-nfT-tr.1, li.-nrral l'acii,.r Atent, Chl.ngu, Id. 'I lltlltlllflttllllttllttllllttllflltfttMMs, A j Well-Mounted I Wheelman Ipaling ihein. wi nt f ir ahead Into 111" count ry. In- was - ti i .- w .1 .nniigh to fore oe they would . -1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 y on 1 1 1 1 y The I'Tiiand for lumber wis en irim.tH, and though II mici ii.-es.iniy l- haulnl lo great 'll 'i iiuiM l.y w ig. ui, tho prb-i s imply Jii-III.i Un- expen-e. of rmirn' with the ndv.-nt of Up railroads pimln r became cheaper, bui In Un- nieaiiiline Mr. It' ld closed .oil his business Interests with cioil Having had years of eKp.-rleiii with both rail and wat.r'ioi tal Ion, Mr. IP-Id's views In i-.fg.ird to Astoria's in id are of value and . -p. dally Inieri st ing: Ilo says: "Astoria cannot lo !p In ..tnlng a gn at point, .o, s .on as the now rall o.ul Is ablo to matiiic p plans ami di tn ll'ltlale to the ;-ll i p M is Hut b Is .-sm ex pensive to handle ibe products of III northwest here ill the mouth of the rlv.-r lliau from a imint ov. r a hundred miles Inland. While nature ci-ialnly had sin-h d'-s. liny In view wh.-n this l mil Iful bay and magllllii .-lit eslllarl.-s were llcslglled. nature expected man to do Ida part. And so It Is Hi. 1 1 with Hi.- results thus far iccompllsln d, a dai'li of energy n ml en terprise on the part of lo r eltla-ns, As toria will soon forge ahead to a i ll y ol no mean Importune.'. Already a good start has been iniole. You have a mag ri I Hi--ti I Industry In-re-ihat of packing salmon, nnd that Imluslrv gives life to many others. Hack of you In tin- oouniry so apily spoken of as the Inland llmplre, nuinl less tons of produce must seek a market through Hi" gateway over which Astoria stands guard, and you certainly will he a poor sentlin-l If you allow this wealth of Kreaslllo to pass you by without ever. glance at It. Astoria Is the natural point of lis embarkation, and will bo urne so In fact by proper effort on the m of Its citizens. "The railroad will become, a great bcncllolnl factor In the future, of your lly. No place can become great without railroad connections. The result may be slow In maturing, and many may be- cutiTTr cui itr Plli icickiiINi i.l Mary J. Iliulollei vs. W. (I. Howell t nl; mniloii to strike out part of cumpl -i lit overruled nnd ilefemlanls allowed until Juno il to answer. II A. Hinlih v O. F. Morion ct nl; ie. fault and Judgment. W. I'. vs. Charles llrink'IT. .1. fault. Tin: iiKitn of 'ic When- tl.iw.-r tln-lr gem-nun fragrance shed. Tlo-v seek tho Sib-lit City's w ills. Ka. li tin. Is siiiue Msd, wllh rev. relit Ir. ad. U lp I-.- sad yo swe t Ilcniombrane, calls. l.ohg since tiny might not thus pursue In sympathy u common way; For one had sorrowed with the blue And une had miffon d for the gray. Hut. w ln re a new-curved name appears, To tell of ti.utiiphaiit mi. I of gloom, 'lllolr blossoms, lleWe.l wll llllllgleil tears, Are inhales on the o lf-saiin. lomb. j must lie sin 1 in a pair I - --'i our i:iiiip' sun's. They lit the loot; yield to its every motion. E Hid- i ilu) Oh ,,, , ,,, . .. n I ii. I, un. ahi i .Is, m ill r e tin i. j ...FETLRS0N & DROWN Louvre Concert Hal! FAVldtlTISM I " 1 : N 1 1-; 1 . "How .lure you ncciiso ns of any Hitch InJiiMloo and partiality?" Impilied th. Si..ilil.--Iy olll' lal. "To what do yon tefef?" tnipilreil Ihe lei rill. si i lll.ell. "You nay our government robs the pour m an, thereby Implying thai we are guilty of illscrlmimilloii. I would have vni nil lersinmi, sir tlial. however II may go iit; on r feelings, wo w-oi rob poor tno- iii' i niio poor children wllh eipml prompt m en nnd precision." A. Eriekson, Prop, a. Kratz. Manager I "IlltU'lllll k un. I eontliiueil eesN ot INTKItllMTKI). "Now thai the war Is here," said (lie sidewalk Hirn.teglsl. In a vociferous plnltil "why don't wo do soniothlng ln-slilcs talk alfoiit II?" And his wlfu looked nl him mildly and exclaimed. "Thill's what I would havo asked you lung ago If 1 hadn't been afraid 6f hull ing your feelings." Cus Cooper's Orchestra l-ugeiie Arnold, I'lniiM, Siiri:il Kiioml-i liii iil Svlviil nslyii, Sun l',iaiii i.M'ii Fiivlir il('i in 'iniliir siiiic-.s. IMsTU2AM. PAItT 1. ,.V.:WT...1 'oldeli llute". . I.i'lirli te I March, I 4 WML--,',. vv ,' 1 '.'."dleils" Orfonbllcli iverl ur Hchntllscli I'iiiiio of lim Iiniwnlos'' 6 M'"'K"H;ivia Joelyny'Fids'.ai's K.,v'!mo PAItT II. " H' i,',;IhTmV:'v,;:,o.';;;J':1'' '"- 7 Mazurka, .Mexican.!.., lie U A . ...I I ... . . . ' ' ' n III....IIJ, 1,1111'St MllllgS. A pohhihimj y. Now simple folk otin hope may trace, t'nliHs France, moves wllh care Plain F.ngllsh may achieve, a place Upon our bill of fare. lii i 111 VI 13 11 10 i-riinnde. . Al'langcd hy .11 i iperj . . I ii un I x Willie. Hi .I,, Hoi,g,.,.riyV,m Ji;siyn'in'iaii''s't songs J'AItT 111. Minch, Fl Captain i,nns. Ilvel'lllle, Zllllipil Ilnrnlrl Moneiix, Cliaraoterlsll .V.n'ollHtcdt s.r i. "'"'tf-Wylvlan Jnslyn. ibM..," "'"''y-''i ArranKod by Arnnht . lliilup (iiui publlshod) ....Krata. AX