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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, KDNKsDvY MOKMX(i. .II NK 1111)11 gaily otovimt JOHN T. LIGHTER. Kiltor. . Telephone No. 6. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. . Bent by mall, per year ft 00 Sent by mall, per month to Berved by carrier, per month 60 WEEKLY. Bent by mull, per year, in advance. ...flaX) Postage free to tubsc-rlbcr. All communication Intended for publl oauon should be directed to (ho editor. Btisln.K communications of a'.l kinds and r. mlttanco nuist be addrtswj to "The Astorlan." The Alor:an guarantee to It adver tiser the larcest circulation of any news paper published on the Columbia river. Advertising ratea can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan. the aecond oldest weekly In the state of Or.gon, ha, next to the Portland Orcgonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Complete statistic of our exports ami Imports for the month of M.iy show more forcibly than ever that this year, des pite war and the necessity for war pur chant , we are distancing the world In the sale of our goods abroad. The export ex ceed the Import for the month by y.T.iVO.. . und the excess for the eleven month of the fiscal year umount to to.l.KS;. aC. If the balance of trade In our favor for June Is e-ne-hnlf that of May the excels of exports over Imports for the entire year will reach KnD.000.tMi as against . ("U last year, the greatest balance In our favor In any year of the country's history until the present. To have more ttun doubled last year's phenomenal ex cess of exports is a commercial ment that fairly takes away the hrvath of those who stop to contemplate it. In view of these phenomenal sales of American gooi'.s abroad th, re Is :i:t:e won der that the money market Is easy nn,l that the war loan of .v'iAO. Is being oversubscribed at home. provides that Ihe small bonds shall be first supplied, thus diffusing the l,vn s largely as possible among the people. The time for stihsoniiti'g to this loan will continue for one month-th it 1 to the llth of July -anil It is quite probable that the ;mo.iVViv offered, will Iv very largely oversubscribed; but the mas so of iiie people are encouraged to make their subscriptions, however small, iue they will he Mrs! supplied by the government, hav lug iiie larger subscrip tions of IndlvMnals, corp r.i:l is and r divans to be awarded pro rata. It Is the true policy of all nations (,. brim: ihe t-.v-crtttii. tit into is ' c to" l with the pople as p.islh'ii'. .n-.d It !s pivlally the true policy of a r p'l'-'l!-- where the people- arc '.he s.vvcrc'gn power if the land. The s'.rsrgth of France . in Ihe il.iitision of tn r del-. uuoi'- h. r nc.rlc. and vvh.n Franco needs money It comes very largely fr m ! r peasant Nearly every farms r. shopkeop- r and prosiwrou laborer or nicolun c of th country can find J- or niotv to Invest In a government bond. The bond itself will speedily command ; premium and Its safety as as Investment Is b. V 'tid all question. The truss, of the people will respond to this call of the nation for money. The speculators and syndicates will hive to alt until the diffusion of small loans has been exhausted. We do n t know whether e will be given to those who subscribe isir'.y, but it would be well for those who want a small amount of the loan to make their subscriptions ns promptly as possible. Postmasters In every community vvi.i rurn.-n ait noenecj Information on the s'.t'.'j'.'t. What sort of f t it p-'"f is niiMicv-back? ShiZing's lcsf at your grocer's. K,h wlr by Ron, lligcjm & Company HIPfiNcNMaRHf: p.ktv..,. ! N" "iptll.We pr-'l !t tin tl. levA A sa.k cm.k lifts n h.des 4in In.lilT.T. in tlmiie. There Is no Joy In this world njual to the happiness of motherhood, , woman's ti ait li Is her dealest possession. Uood looks, good limes, happiness, love ami Its continuance, depend on Iter health Almo-t all of the sickness of worn, n Is traceable dlncily or Indirectly to some di l aiotctin nt of the oigans d.tinclly I. mui.m. Trouble of this kind are often n.ii'ovtcd because, n vely natural and proper modesty i,eep wounu away from phistoiain. whos,. insist, iu upon , ain in u. on and local treatment Is gi m rail) as l!se!, -t. as It Is lotnuion. lt. I'l lo- s l'avoiito l'i. s. i iptlou wii; , i moi for .him than ;: dociois :;i I ', li w II do n'.oi-e th,u the him. lie. Ill ,1 t I can uu !. -s he pu s, r.b. s It. I: Is a pr.-s. r.pilon of lr. U. V. riiiec. who f r ' )cars has I', ell ,!iiif i-,iu-'i.t;;;ii p!i .:,; in cf the Wot Id 1 , ii - n aii.l Inv.iiid's ll'lil. at liuoV.o. N. . ritOTKBUIONAL. H. T. CUOHUT, "V"""'" ATTOKNKY.AT-t.AW. Aft Commsrclil Utreet. JOtlN T. l.tOIITKR. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, Office, upstair, Astorlan lliilldlnf c. c. nnowKK. ATTOIINKY-AT-LAW. Ounderion Uullillng, Aitoru, Oregon. PR. a 8. KRTRI. IMIVHUI.N A NO HI'IUIKON. Special attention to dleaea of women and surgery. Uttb e, over laiiiirr a nor, Astoria, Telephone No. M J. y. a, lunvt.iiv, ATTORNKY ANI (Mt'NMIll.OR AT LAW. (Mltce. Iiond Htreet, Astoria, Or. : I cm stamps to ever c-l ot ,,u JAY T,mKi '"' ,",'x- '" ' b. gi at ok. , I'HVHIiMAS AND Hl'ltOK'iN '!'' '' " ' ' ' '''" " s M-! A I-1 offlc. room I ml t. Pythian luldln, v .- i. ,. -o'.c . ;.v ti.e. ! MIS Comm.tll Street. Kealdencsi Mine. j Telephone H 1 ' i. !: i. Iv ti la. t --a in II hi.: Acting assistant aurgeon I'ulttJ Blalei ; marine hoavllal ervlr. ell '1 1 11 1 I' I IB ATS THK kl.OMUKi:. MARINE NOTES. The l-iitish ship Andaman, wh.-at laden, put to sea yesterday. The tugs Monarch and Rescue left UP for Portland yesterday. The pilot s hooner Jessie viitit down to the tower harbor yesterday. The steam. I'lmore. with farm produce from Tillamook, arrived In yesterday. The Itritish shit Trade W.nds, Foirest Hall and Port Carlisle left up f ir lvn : yesterday. A UK NTS WANTED. j Agenn and canvasser , Ml lr. Mr. A. C. Thomas of Mar.vlll.., Te , j.,,,, j.,,,, fi(, caUrrK ha )i t been made In the Klmdik-'. "'er asihmi, and lung and throat dlieaaea. rietln miv II Itlrf iimnt WeliM for year, he .uffered untold agony trom con-j nmpr lrmr ,,r y,,.,, Comisiny. Cincinnati, O. uinptlon, acconipanled by heniorihages and w a absolutely cured by Pr. King's New lMscovery for Consumption. Cough! and Colds, lie declare that gold I ' r ' A' Ul I C0 I AR I INF little value In comparison with tin mar-; I I 1 1 I I VwLL'.ll LlML velou cure; would have It. even If It cost I The Singh. mud and tlanncock, stem- wheel Alaska steamers, left Portland th.s morntr.g. en route to the Yukon. TiJe Title (or June. 1898. PATH liliill W I I 1 -i l.oWW llt.K v a. i. m. a x. r. k i. in et. I, in t. ii. in fi. ti in :t The doctrine of manif.-st d.stiny had It last and most important exploitation in this country In the Mexican war. S.nce that we have acyuirej the Insignificant Godsden purchase and Alaska, the latter not because we wanted seals and icebergs much, but to prevent any one else from getting It. The manifest destiny Idea is rampant again In a new form. We, f ir virlcus reasons, do not care to grab any more British-American territory on this continent Just now. and we ars stroking If p-ip Cay Par. We will Siycott r.'.l :tr s!i 'wnun. Cay Pane. t With their ji'atis pe.-u-. iry. F we t- f-- ni. u .-. . w try. tvt'e,. you . .. ,1 us nnrvs.u.iry. Ciay Parve. And furth-r -n this : ; .-. Cay P.-.rve. Sa-h a course wre ei-..'ao. Itro; !c. Cay Porn For it s-i nis a thousand y,:: T-i d- prtve the (J.iltc i s Of the.-,- us d:'t: s. Oay Pares- PANGHP.Ol.'3 APPAUATIONS. a hundred dollar a bottle. Asthma, bron-1 ,,,,,,,1,,,, Rv,r and Puget Hound Nvl- chills and all throat and lung affections I gstlon Company are positively cured by Vr. King New I nnm,r Telephone leave. Astoria dally Discovery for Consiin ptl.m. Trial t-l"'" I except Sundav. ; p. , leaves Portland free at Kstes-Conn lirun Co. Regular ,,.tUy- sun,lav 7 a. m HeJO cent and 11.00. C.uaranteed to cure Tl.,.rn,in ticket good on trami or price refunded. j Thompson T. J. Potter. T. Potter t'ekets good on Telephone. mi a icr0K" I Noiv b m.'.ki r, bicui; luoivn. ire -li ov n largely in IV II. Scott, president. C. W. Htone, Ajent. Astoria I Th - A' I Wed. 1 10 40 ii 1 10 U ' i 4 Si o s 4 A' 1 I I Thur : 11 1 4 11 ci' J S i 15 OV i 3 I Fn .i-oi.r i.iu; j i. j s I Ftl 1 .. .. . .11 S-iSv) i Sat 4 .. ..I. .( 1 21 6 ( H 1 0 in 1 ; j San 5 0 JT i 1 ! 1" 7 Oi 7 4(11 7 4( J Men 6 1 24 s 0 1 56 7 I ft j" 1 0 ,: ,t 4 I Tu. . ; i li t ; j 7 i i'. i ; s .t i i - 1 Wed S 3 o: 1 4 21 7 4 1 1 J I 10 :. 3 " iThui 'C 4 -75 S :.i 7 5 10 is' 0 5 ;; Ji 2 6 i Frt 10 t:' tM.lll I S it 11 flli 6 55 7 i 0 .1 2 S 12 ."S 1 S 1 S in 12 7 is S 2 7 47 7 7 1 Is 1 1 1 jo 2 I 1 Men 1J -t St7 2 41 1 4 2 K 2 t Toes 11 tlJnlSI 9 : s 0 1 II s 5 X'2 .1 ! ' Wi-d 15 Mi.-. 1 1 le 13 s I ii 01 4.s3i'n to W "v.' ;Thurs. 1- 11 47 i 4 11 01 s 2 i:ml 5 21 .1 h'rl 1" ...... 12 .3 i i 0 4 e J J I Kr. 11 .. ,.. .,11 42 s S ' Sat is I 113 i 7 i I.' 0 i 6 : i Sin V) 0 1s SI li": 8 7 2t. a 4 7.2 4 o ! Mi n 2" Kin 2!. SHU I Tue 21 1 Z" ' 9 1 ii 7 0' 25 0 u 4.' 3 7 Vri 22 1 04 7 i 1 2! 7 1 y ' 2 It' 1 5 IThurs 2 42 7 4 JiilJ 20 0 5 J . I Frl 24 S 2 7 0 4 31 7 i 5e u ! 42 2 s i S it 2." 4 24 6 5 lo 7 10 -5 1 5 U 3.' 2 4 Sun 2 & 211 1 5 54 7 7 11 13 2 J Every once In a while a ghost crops up 27 i 3'1 S 7 6 4ii 7 9 o 1 2 e 12 ' 2 2 5 In the columns of the or wokly Tue 2S ?BJ, 7 1 45 1 5 12 5 3 1 press. This ghastly spirit onieame as- Th'ur, j w n J i; jJiii ol o I J 25 i 5 1 1 nil VM 1 Ickcts tu all point ..BAST.. ForSilc tyO- R.AN Ajont. AStofl. i . I' U na II. ;soe. I' l l management keep, more people In I ;vn-r circumstances thin any oth r oil" cause To be successful mi must look ahead an I plan alii id s that w hen a !e opportunity pr si nt.s Itself h s r.-ao) in lane a-i .uu e in i:. .1 i;i.o i I QrM- I forctho.iglit will al-ii save iniiih evper and valuable t.tne. A pruditit and car fill nun will ko. p n b n le of I'lnniS r Iain's Col. c, ell"'., ra anl iLarrlin-a Rem-; j edy In the house, ihe sli Iti.-ss feil-nv vvilij wad unitl tiecess.ty ci'mpe.s It an. I then' ru n his best horse g-vrg for a doctor ar..l a b.g doctor to piy. b, s..l . 1 Through pnlaee ar-l tourist sleepei .re pus out e.nts, oth-r is .nit a dining ant library observsilon vrs h'.itoiti.i .lo.. is .itii t.i -i w on. ills wni h. 11. !i 1 r :s g- tttttg ro h-r wiil.e he i g.-tt.rg 01 cr. For sa-e v i s Rog- is. I'rtitiglst. Th rough Tickets -cro TiiK LAST AM) SOUTIII.AST -VIA- PL'l.t.MAN PAI.ACH Hl.lllCPICItrl. TOI'ltlHT KI KICPKIlH and ntlCK RIICI.ININO CIlAIlt CAHH -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha. Chicane. Kansas City and other Kalrn Cllle via either Houth rn Paclflo or O. It. A N. Co. Only Line From Portland Offering Passenger ih Choice of Two Tourist Car I.lnr through to Chicago. Specially Conducted llxcti rslons Via Bhta Route to Chicago vry Tuea day. Ilaggag cheekid through to A itrpola, fat tin, lowest rl fast time, lowest rate PlnUch light In all rara. For rate and other Information, call oa or a.ldres R. W. 1IAXTKH, Den'l Agent. lli Third Ht., cor. Aldor. IVrtland, Or CLASSIFIED WWISEIHWS .ellloll v 1 I DM M il W AN u VS I I I' Ml V ' 1 H 'li' M4 in I" ' MKN. ,". ,, pi a in... r I ill' , .11 11. - I'l 01I.IMI .'1 1 "He "lid l.igbl .1..' V N I I I ' I 0' ' - .Ml . "I- ' ' ,- I" VMM' 111 o -I V lllM.I' -, I'l ! I - III 1 1 1 1 iltll. 'l'i 1 ii 1 TO I ll ll-OII. HI t IH Ii , As- V i.Hll, l"H .ilMlll-M, . . , JI. I III I I Ml ll l.llll ' V k" W - .t 111.'- 1 K l s I V I' ;l V 'M'I I - -1 ..I.e.. ' , ( . .1 W 1 , -it i;i n 1' 1: ..I ; - 1 T I'M Ml' ll l'i -ii v 1 1 1 .j 1 1 1 1 e '..,, .11 t 11, -1 11. v M ll MlN 1 I I, ll l-.l l 'ii If I,. , ,, -.,, r.i.ii.iii. ... 'l oll-llli ll St., 1 1 1 1 1 t I ' I 1 1 1 VI 1 1. 1. V V l .... I . I.I -I VI 1 1 V N l - 1 mi ns'i.v ...ii in 1-1 I11; 4. I M' VII VM A I' 1 llli III. iC Mi, 11 I.. .. VI1I.IV I -lit' III Villi mi.-i .i: tvli I IS .HPIMT , I I ... I I I I . . I .1 I . I I .' . o ... M hi b.y ., I . , , I . 1: O ll "I lloll-l, ,.. 1 ii 1 I ... It'll and M 1 : -w 1 1 1 : vi i;.4 I I- ll ft, .. ' vivi.l Mi,li. CONCERT V I' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH I'lillV I.Vll'lil'i. linn '.'I. I '. . V! -1 ,, . it- ..f . . . Mlv. II. I . II VH 1 1 I s . . . Ill.FtlANT VKSTIIU I K TUAINtt No. 4 Limited leans portliinl p m No. I Limited arrive Portland at If II H.n: .he thin. sumca the part of a promenader on siimo lonely road, who terrifies travel ers out of their wits. Ai,-.vtn the' vis.tant from the unseen world hurls furniture atut, smashes windows, and Indulges In unearthly howling at unseemly hours. Few persons these blood curdling the hair f the British lion the rtght way atxun: of the d"'nK9 of his lstvp- r.,ni W4 bu. t!u.w l3 a t,.ncmrnt which U unques- Jnstead of twisting his tail. We won't an- tior.ably haunted at time. When a n.-rv- I ous malady attacks the human tenement VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. Midi., lleraengcr, tfr bk. 136! ton. NagaaakL Alexander Black. Dunn, Br bk. lSl tons, Antwerp. Forthoank. Peterson, Br bk, 1J3J too, QerghntL Joseph PulUier. Hanrey, Am ch. 71 .... v...,u w.te we want ureat Britain . ; ....... ... ... I tons. New York. i UK' si.iii'ins aitr iti't'-ii.ti.,. a'" as a friend among the European p.iwers. usually most violent and harassing at Clackmannanshire. Thomaon, Br ah. UC AVt are as eager to capture and p. night. Sleep.s.-n,-ss. If nerv..u.-n-sS is I t0 .Newcaatle. I r I O II disrganlej at the outset, becomes Sllberhorn, Gibson. Br bk. 1771 tons. KREK PILLS. Send your address to 11 I:. Ituekten A k Co., Chicago, mi, I get u fr. e sample bos' f, tf Or. King New Life Pills. A mil will convince ou of their merits. TIkso fill are easy In action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. Fur Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invalu able. They are guaranteed to be perfectl) free from every deleterlou substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to a'omach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular le 2S cent per bo. Sold by Estes-Conn L'rug Co. Is an thing m ir. ivtrful thin ttr palpably'-nw ! ' oiraowiiMf BALTIMORE and - OHIO RAILROADIIt's a Mistake V l jni.-iii is i 'ii - vi ii i V ii s N i- i ; I. SO ' '" S ' .' ,-t . i.i I AI'Mll 'l' i I if -u r 1 1 mi: mm in mi. I r in I or'! n l Islam's as Sancho P.ima r.-as t.v Mvm 1 .-hrnnle .n.l th. -nrir i-...m siirr.ns Uverpool. l!n .' Voe disturbance ..f the I Argo, Maclean, Br h, 1430 tons. Ant e-iiir. aim juji now our m.intfest destiny ,, . .. , , wero. ii'-rves ri-'su'c.f: s i...t.-rs is ; - CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . The Kind You Have Always Sought in ni r ii Sl'-'k tlte fi T . It lit. I I" 1 .,. W oil'.. ll. .u r V I. Ill A Hill ft el VI ,:1 I ' statesmen are det- rir.ined that we shall ; thorough remedy, as It al.i is f t malart.t, Castle, Rock. Jonea. Br atr, 1.757 ton. . . . i rt inro. sisrf. nil tim k'.n i, i ,v rntumir.ism, o spvj.s.a. cons.ipai; .n an i . . , se.zead the .s.ands cn the globe unbr b;klu,n a uf whi,.h t,n. t ! Ibard. Br .tr. 1.6 ton. Spanish rule, and annex the Sandwich . nervj'Jsn.-s. I Hon Konr Ounfnrd, ilacpl.erson. P.r sh, II S tons Islands into the bargain. The list th it ..... . , . , ,fc . .. . . h Hamburg. has been catalogued f ir acquisition In- ! jury th it g- n-rally Indi. at. s the b iok eludes besides the Philippines, Cuba. Pore I as''nt' Rico, the Canaries, anl Lad rone Islands.! I was seriously afflicted with a cough , castle. Bears the Slgnuturu of Tatrlarch. Breach Br sh, 1X3 ton. Ma nll.a. Poseidon. Bush Br sh. 1M tons, Nevv- I IV "fl "I 1 . t tie til", e '. I i r c u .1 li- r -li.i : vv u- '. a la I iin it v W I Wall i. -i" io M Olllr .jw i -1 p 1 1 I'u: ll, . V: n i A.. . ' le as., a nl he, f ii-ii V.i...oi Oiil. 4N SII.AM.SMII A., -a l-u I -I- s ". ' I I i ban.-... ,'' ' in.- . l'l J Mie I. T In. I. . .'.'. - '. '"ml.t i liiv. r S . .. Ill e I s T . r -i .... ! ,.oi W ll I ni. I.I I . . I . m " '. i:. .: ei"u; l .-tt ,1 W illamct'c klwr. " .''! ' I V. r. - -i. iii A '.V . ... -. Royal Blue Trains IlKl w KKN TUB LAST AND WEST Only line oiwratlng It own through trains between Ht. Lout. Iiutivlll. Hpringflfld. Cincinnati and New York, via Washington. Haltlmora and Philadelphia. Ihe traveler over th II. A O. la permitted lo catch gllmpsea of ih greatest scenery In Amsrlca. w: V I : x -- ;n M onl-.y PF.TFR IIARVKT. Paelfle Coat Agent, Hn franclseo. i Room D. Mill llulldlng. ' - Mr. P Ke' of P-ke City. Cat .j says; During my brother's late sickness' from si i.itio rh-'itri.nsm. ( 'liamb'Tlaln's ' - ..,..,..1 . .... .m v.a . i t.ertrun. Hinge, cjer ah. 1V3 tons. Kobe i I a.n ii-nm was tn.- on nnd the :at-sm.-n are brushing up their ... fevere cou.h ,hln fVer Ml)t. t Howth, Martin, Br bk. 2166 ton. Cal-U-ave him any relt-f ' Many oth-r hive ' cutta. vvnijm-u. fit tm. ., , , " hill Klrs. ,, ' I', ' '', I ii. -s. I bur 1" ..W I I ' s' i" ii -. I'..- ..ii. A , a i ., remedy ih It l I. ..lln.-. geographical knowledge in the hope that ' have used many remedies without re- Stiain has oth-r islands that may . . " .1. . '..'.,", m 'u.i.,e. ,on' Antwerp. be worth seizin. Manifest destiny h-J Cough P.emldy. by a' friend, wh know I eW- Motlcy- Br '" . ... U ill.m.ll. Uu.. t's-itlid to th- pr :npt r.-Hef fn.m pain ,., .;. , , ,' , Emln Pasha, Chrlstensen, Ger bk, imt whuh th. l:r.ani"nt nffords For gale . i ,i w ,,'. ' ' .,t I I s . I ' ' ' SOe.. -e .,- . ' 11,, ... . , 4l k !.. b..n . . i-. i t, i .. , Him t ' fill til. .111,1 I. , I .- I' I s' ,(f o a loiti!' .1 1 . ' , ' ' . it ,-t rl i ' !o : li. ,. v . t i i n. ar -' -' 1 i It f o:'i'l " ' i '. t. icb r. .'li- 1 ' ':. . .. .. S' .ling lo ' vs ! 1 ;.,!4 A ( 1 1 A' i i .'. .ll... ".'. HUM UAH. WAY COMPANY ..y Ch.iri's Rog-rs. ( .,..,, . vio. enc- more ait-r. j u Rn., with the rn-st having b.n in a state of Inno uous .! suetude for half a centurv. Ing me to be a poor widow, gave It to me, I tried it end with the most gratify. ng results. The first bottle relieved me very : John Cook. Magee. Br h, 1T5S tons. II logo. I 'Ti ik. 'I by V'nr dress- t ' iv sni i i- r n o 1 " k.n ; t ' I.. I.ii.a-i.i ' I i !.. IV.'.I .V Fn...y snake .UU!.. I .-..'.' I v I., u , tu mid Tliiir. Ip'raiet I io n. , i, th. fumm, bio a ) . in. I sttrnnin T .. rrv Ti. I'.-vl . t.-. o. 1 I much ard the seconu bottle absolutely:. I ..- , i i.... . k .j , v,.k I hama. . , e-.l'U MIC, 4 Iia.C ll'JI 11. IU 11 svu uiuiiii : li- Vi.rina stohn'io r:.,. ,K I...,, ...... ACK" f..r twenty y.:rs. 1 give th.s nertitlcate '-' - - - ' without tat.on. simp.y n appr-.-ol- ... , , ... k , , v ! e. f .sher, Br. sh. lTTj ton Ant a fin r.f the crat tilde fe t for ihp fiir 4 " iJ"o. e...v lie t.f the amount of work aecfmpli.-h. d , ffecttd.. K'-spec ttii.iy, .Mrs. Miry A. Iw2.r)' . e-irsfi'lMVjJstt Ts- I a1 t..... Pla-am.,n 4-1 t--. .. .i. I. I ' ' ' .Jt. an., ,inifl Sicr.-wry Alger's sfitem-nt to t::- pui- by his d-partment and the -armv bureaus since the outbreak of the war refutes th' charge that the preparations of the I n have be.ti slothfully executed. The results th. mselv s. js far us th-y have been r-v. aled, In.leeu, spoke eloquently against this unthinking Indictment. Th-? public has apparently nad little knowl- etif- or tne vast amount of territory to be covered, of the R'-ne-nil statu un prepared n-ss that confront-.) the military authorities, of the la-k of Immediately nvallnblf resources and of the n-d of care In the adjustment of the muititn-I--of details In connection with the organ Ization of the great army. The war sec retary m ta forth tne work that ha. 4 b- n done, which reve.ils t-i proportions of '.he tusk In their true iiuiit. y. t the stat rncnt th"ws -nly th- r. suits md '! '".- not explain the ib talis of th- loh-.r reMU'r'-il lo pr-cluo..- them. It apjii-ars cl-arly th.i in every Ucriartm.-iit th- aiaiy has bte:; Industrious and has availed it-elf of . v-ty known cxiiflletit for liunyii.g the ivorit. C-rtain laws unafTei ted by the emerg-nej, statutes concerning the war hav- iiati'Ii eapped the efforts of th- nuthoritii ? In Some particulars, and In view of all th olrcumstanc. s it Is not too much to de clare that the aehleviments of th p'it few we- ks have been worthy of the high est praise. Charles Rogers, druggist. lil-n kberri'-s and m-Ions in market prove .-ven m or- than Hi-- '..'i-rtii'-rn-t.-r tint .-'jnini-1 is r-.iily h-'.-. yji it K.', Shows the state "f y.oir f' and the state of your health as weil. Impure bl-xe! mak. .1 its-if appar nt in a pale and sallow Complexion, pimpl-s i.r.-l .-kin erup tions. If y iu an- '-!ir,g vv-ik -itel worn out and do not hav.- a h- ii o.y aiij.-ar-am- you should try Ark-r i:i-.od Kdxir. It cures all blood disea.-n s whtr- (h-ap sarsaparillas und go-caned .ti-;:i-rs fall; know'.ng t.'i.s wo s-n . v-ry !,-, positivo guarantee. Th- woman with a bank 1 -, k s g-.od car- to show it on th- -T 1 ' r. .-ih- Is not so ''!' ntot. "us if i- . --y.:::j a eoijy of I.iuta J' -in L.:.r.y'4 1 -.' - THE POPULAR LOAN. The government will at once offer $200, 00rt,(XW of tho new 3 per cent coin bonds to the people of the nation, through the different postofflccs and fiscal agencies of the country. They will be Issued In sums of $20 and upwards, the limit of cou pon bonds being $1,000 and of registered bond $10,000, and the government -wisely Pretty boxes and odors are used to sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised, tteware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the finest soap in the world is .scented or not, as you wish; and the money is in the merchan dise, not in the box. All sorts of stores sell it, es;ociaily druggists; all sorts of people are Uaiug it. Shanghai Port Kigin. R'.-nney. Er. sh.. M2S tons. Antwerp. Anclruda, Adams. Lr. sh , ZM tons, Antwerp. bu' haiburn, Forbes, Dr. sh., llri'S tons. Newcastle. Arthur Fi'ger, tienker. Ger. sh., lOl tons, Yokohama. Vasco Giiina, Tertrum, O-r. sh. 14. a Sydney. Mooltan. Keik, lir sh., 1C10 tons, Yoko hama. liroderick Castle, Ferguson, Ur. sh.. lTt.'i, Shanghai. Kdnvf'd. jon-s, Ur, bk., lOii tons, San Francisco. Thalassa. Hellm-ge. ij-r. bk., 12T8 tons, ;ll a liamourg. Colbert, Loreau, Fr. bk., 12 tons. Table Hay. I'.-nrhyn Castle. Liavi's. lir. bk, IMS tons, San Francisco. Invercauld, Jackson, Rr. bk., liI03 tons, San Francisco. Yolo, pann.culck. Br. eh... 1107 tons, Hong Kong. Christine. U'arncke, Oer. bk. DoO tons, I Logo. Lauielbar.k, Lindsay, lir. bk., 22H7 tons, Ktiunghtii. indsbrout, Haase, Ger. bk., 12..3 tons, Yokohama.. lirgo Lay, Anarri, Jir. bk , ', tons, .Sh.inglial. Ilea-liti'-id, M' il' li.i-, lir. bk.. l.Vil tons. .Shanghai. Aroinu.-, .M-hrliig, (ler. bk., Ih tons, .Santa i'.os.'ilin. , William Low, Aloott, J:r. sir, lt;:i toiia, .Sh-'inglial. Miirxarrha, Koster. i-r. .sh., liiv; tons, Shangbui. Atlanta, Mclirlde, lir. sh., Midi tori fcliunglml. Ack-r's hy-t er-'.-i Tel. ts are S"ll cm a' giaran'.e "'ur.-s h-art-burn. r.i'slr.g of i!i- f I. -i.sir-ss afr.-r eat-1 ingor any f irm .. dy-;i ps;a. One little tablet giv-s inline.! -..- r-llef. .'.'i and V) c-nts. i'or ;.V 'v .'oiin l'rug C., i Q W. LOCN8IIERMT. Agent Astoria W. H. IICRLIU'RT. Oen. Pa. Aft. Portland. Or trv 1)1 III run ONI. Y DIMISU-CAK K'H TK KltOU I'DKf MMi Tu Hit KAST. incu.ii.i ion ik in i nr. i ii.i.dw.ihi.b i.igii.s n a.i.. i.) .i- i i-i v .t. out. C. th, I.K IV K N A 1 IliV A I I A KK. I'liKTI.AM) u- AKItlVK. . 1. 1 ri. J r e-rle rrth l-'r.-ll' il -lit ',,- . , H 'll.- tl- ll 'll' as ui--:i . .1 nitilr ; 1 il- eal-niy lo be j l r . 1 Just I lie -a in.' V That the blood shoulu perform Ra vita, function, It Is absolutely n-ccary H should not only be pure but rich In llfe glvlng clement. r-sult are bei effected by th- u-e of tint v-ll-knowr. standard blood burlll'T, Ayr i Hsrs pa rill. Th" b. . ill y in. I ..r:- ri-l l'y ..f Ih- t.ibl-e.-nti r I .;. . - Im . .in nit! . I ji Ih" g'l'-t" o.ini''n of ' h no il. I I LKAVK I I'OItTI.ANU 1 ARRIVK IhVLItl.AM) i:X- I'UliSM. f.,r Sal-in. i I Itos.-liiilg. Ashland. I 1.00 P. JI Sa. nun. nt". Og.l-ii. i A. M Hun I- run. im ... Mo- . Mokl T-a . uies sli k h'-adai ne, Indlgistiun and oristipatlon. A ib-ilghtful I herb drink. R- tnov s all -rptlons nf he skin, prodiK'.ng a p-rf- ct i nrn;il" tion. 1 lave, I vn Allge Ll Paso. N. i ir- I b-uns and tli- Last. I :JC A. Mi llos.-burg p-isHi nger 4 30 P. M Via Wooilluirn, for 1 Dnlly I Mount Angel, HII- Tially fur. tit I v.Tlon VV'i-Mt H.-lu. I f-m enl or money r. fan. I n. Z, n rid Vi rents. I'or Humbly I Itrownvll!... riitrlng- ( Sunday sale by Kst-s-i 'min Lr ig i 'o, ' I (b'l-l and Nation.... i I ; 17:30 A. M' Corvnllh ptssenger tS:50 A. at N. v'i- ,ut i'.-.v- a-.viy w!i.i.- lb y 'il'1', f4i50 I. Ml Indeiiendenee pass' tSi2a A M ,,- I 1 l o il. is ' s n. 7. y. . Bears tl.o '1 . rl l'i ll.l BOJI'M .Pi'i-'.i-g by i lo- mod-' ' II t g .-aim li' -ii' imi-'I --ii; by in- ik-r-, ii. a:.' . onon bk- ., 1. .- t b-risi iye- In (irnit. A k.-r's will stop a i-iiieli at any ilin-, and wi.l run; the worst, foi'l Iu twely.) bouts, or inon -y re fumiiil. i. . en's iir.d -i'l ij-nl... For sale by Ji ce-.-i onn I ii ur ' o U'PIl dilllili. s and i-i -i.oes sn . ii-,.ii Ih' T. i li no p ,-c-"n why a v.-.m-in -hoiil'l not le Iiiilill.v ..It. r-. at Ins season. LUMBER FLEET VeBseis ' on the Way and in Columbia Itlv.r lo Iad Lumber. Mr. John Levins editor of the Press, Antlion. Iowa, sayHt "I havn u-n-l Cham to rl.j n'M Colic, (.liob ra and h'urhoeii It-medy In my family for llftn yeara. Uirivo reeomnioniled It to humiieds of . ZZ SJSXtran. - -'- nev-r known It to fal, Kong. In a single Instance. For sale by C'has. Whltglft, Rowling, Br stmr. m tons. ! R''frii, LrugglHt, Sn Francisco. Mary E. Russ, Nelson, achr, 224 tons, San Pedro. Pioneer, s -h., , 21)7 tons, Port Harford. Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color, la a beautiful head-covering for either aex, and may be aecured by ualng Haifa Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. A bl.u k silk slmkii i; Is always In goo.l lasle. Bean tin Kit.-I K'm I'iive May Bou"lit Coffee sherbet is delicious If well made. I lially, i-xe. nt .Sunday. I Connecting "t Han I- raitclseo with Orel- J dental Hi Oriental. I'ln-llb.- Mall and Lice- , anlr si'-sriiship lines for j JAPAN, CHINA, AI'-.IIALIA AND ! HAWAII. Rebate, tickets on sain dally between I'oriland, Ha. niiii.-iiio, and Sun Francis co. Net rati-s tn llrst-rlass, und ill gee-ind-'diiss, lii' linllng sle.-pi-r. Itat.-s and tick. -is lo I-iastern point and Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu, I nd Airilrallii. Can be obtained from J. It. V. I It K I A Nil, Ticket Ag-nt, Pit Third s'., It. KOKIII.IOK, 0. If. MAHKII AM, Manager. O. F. & P. A. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Uooitia 317-jiH Portiand Saving Itnnk Uldg. Portlnnd.Oreiron. Astoria Public Library 10 T:r f . rxe. A(r. p.rtlavL Hg.tsirj hiM IHKB TO Al.l. Open every day from I o'clock to lite and 6:30 to 1:30 p. m. Subscription rates 13 per annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duan atreeta. ' j f 'l VUn fur Kami. la, I I lu ll ibs. l eiili.illn. So. V. 1H...1H1 Mend, M."il.'sii..' No 1, AO rd.-ni, iiii. Ii. Ii "tn.i, s. altle. , . tori. 1, fori I " use, id, pilrna-l i ksae l(.stli J1 II t' Ir.'l M I'.. Net ) ."ii. II ', Ksl, M s I ...ilis. Inilie. Ins. oiiitii. I H A M. Helen,., -1. 1 .1 il, Stm-i i. in V. ( l,.'Si I , K .lo.c l ily, t I'll 'lllil, I'l. nil. 'I 'I'llffs,' ' -I I. eil .1 lie.iii.,V ll , oi,-'..,,. ,., M Y-TS. Pl.ll- I s-l iilil.'.lt.-'bili, sii.l Itlli ! 1-.11 1. I, sa anl 1,11. 1. i I I'A'.d 10 Mluiiuapiill. Oluaha, Kao- aua City uxl HI Paul. ! IS IMVH 10 Milwaukee ami Chloa-o. 1 IS LiAYH lo Washlnglon, Phlludslphla, New York and Rosto-i, and other Lantern point. HngK'ig" cheeked through to dvatlnatlao of tl.kvia. Tor sleeping-car reservations, tlcketa, map and lull Information, call on 0 rile C. W. ATONE, Aslnrla. A. I). CHARLTON tl llnu'l !. Agnnt, I'.irllaiiil, Or M01rlx.11 Hi.. Ci.r Third. Moll's Ncrverine i'iili The grtf remedy !u' I prist A (ration and nKCf & rVOvi all nervou. 'U.lolll AND A. .I ll falMI. pan, f ,,:,ler Kt, such ai N?rvouj Proitration, Failing or lost Manhood, Impotcncy, Nipl'li liinis lions, Youthful Krrors, nlal Worrv. ex ccisive use oi Tobacco or Opium, which 'earl to Consumption and Imanity. $1,00 per box by main 6 bows Inr 55.00. VOTTS CKtYICAl CO.. Pio:i, Clafoland, lllila. For aala by Estea-Conn Drug Co. ing In nil', siil.., Illy trill,, ,l,.y ,v ,. ,, HI I' I'll and ( hi ng: tl, ciiK'A.i.i. mil walk 1:11 a ht papi. AlW .'pemira .le .1.1.1 r. ...m.u, iriiln. earning ,;.,. t-. P'irtm..Nt nr.. .,r,rv ,. ,,, ars, anl ml, ,i'w.g ro, ,Mrfc P trior ear, tr-e ,..,.J ,4 ,g . Mr , w, Ihe very l,' ,)-,,, riir m.P,. Kor lone rates to u,,y ,,,, , rtl.leel S'tile. r l , tlckel Mgellt, l.r N-ldres ' J i:ily. i.n-r,ii Aft, J. VV I'AHKV. T. P. A. Portland, iirwaak .1. B. W''AT'I Hiinlwnre, sli Chnmllcry, I 'roviMloriB, 1 liri(1 ,m H fx filit II la a non-iKiisenit'ii r 'ly fur iliiiiniiiiiiii '!'". H nerrnsiiir 1 In. 11. I tolil.Ta.Vl iMllI' D. II II II M II r n I il,. n..rtfli'-'sl fjg rFmoii-s, .ir iiiiliiiuii,it isl ti irltiurs. In, 11. irrllnl or t.lei-r.. I'ra.iiiu flctmloa. tion ef .1 . .1 m lriltEviS80ilIMiollP.o. brum . Miriu.tring.iil iOIMINsTI,O.Fra 'y "ragguu, V. O.M. A. j V "''ll 1,1 I'1"1" riii-r I' gi'tii on riiyiamt OABTOIUA. linSlurtC , ZZSJrZ- it; i"ii,ir.m ri n,y Till'. NKW "Noirni Western Limited" (2hih C.IMi kv 1AIN ) I'l'Uvcen Miin,Mi,,ljSi i;t a ;1l :liii4(!.,. is 1'iiti'iUininKly 'li'iciil'cd in ;, HluMratod '""li'l, Wlliill will ,c fur. "iilb'il ifii. mi applicat ii ti to W. II MliAli, Gi'ii. At;t., IfH M ll.illit(loii Htieet, I'OHIl ANII, t)KE, ':. W. I'AKKIiR, ' t'nlll. AusnL ' I'lni Avenue, siATTLE, wash.