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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0K1AS. SINDAY MORMNti, JINK 1.1, M.M Great Midsummer Sale MEIER & FRANK COMPANY'S ciimmi:.ti:s mo.nhu noknim:. ji nk i. s A 1 A A A A A I A A A A A A A A A A A A ' A A A A A r Great Removal Sale A HALF MILLION DOLLAR STOCK INCLOSED OUT 4' As our new building on Fifth aiul Morrison streets opposite tlio pot office is rapidly nearing completion, and a we intend that only now good shall bo placed upon the shelves in our new garters, it become necessary tor us to dispose promptly of our present large stock. We know that there is but one method of inducing jvople to buy in advance of immediate needs and that is by offering the goods at prices so much below their actual values that purchasers can save money by buying for future use. This method we have resolved to adopt and in order to expedite matters we have determined to resort to no half-way measures, but to reduce prict to such an extent as will warrant buyers in taking advantage of the magnificent opportunities offered. No Such Values Have Ever Before Been Offered to the People of the Northwest ALL HAIL ORDERS FILLED AT REMOVAL SALE PRICES MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. it lung n they rvm.tln. On nn.l them II only cuata I,'. nin lor any i.eal III the thmtiv. mi. I v.ul anicly isd your mom a worth of ivtlucl mini. cim ul. If you have hldea. wool, fur, rmr. tonli, Im.l. pro, copier, ani-k, or any kind of Junk for le, ahlp It to U M ilaaton, tiM Kiviirternth turret, .Vatorla. "ri-Ron. or wrlto h!u nn.l h. w ill cuil at vonr rdiu'e unit get It. lie pay eitah, I'tal.l Kllilo.ii Hi iMml.i ., A pure tvhiakcv nutve with nny foiM. In fa.t il'.Kcatl.Mi. It (oni' ttu alum h. h. In.'r.via,.a t!ii tl.ivv of tti iM-aiiir liilce atul no pr.Mtinti a alrinittli iin.l fl -ll A tnno w tiSki'y ll... 11 u-per Wlil-kcy Sold hy ai Stok. t'o , Aatoil.i, ir Tlii vvonk nn.l ro buck, r to , fr on will, h o many wonu'n aiifT.r an much ni .iv I'o itady . iir. il .it homo. Pr It 11 1. 1 iVninu'iviiil Strrot. him revel v, il apr 1M.1I Inairiu'tlona in the treatment of ainh ttvitMia nn.l will giv,. .lilatue t!on. Tha..- w ho dc-tre to auhiori!',. for acuta nt I ho I'onuiii: I'h Ih.intioni,. immoitI, nn.l ll.iv 0 ho. -n .iViTi,.,ikal hy 111.. cilm .tNirr. W ;u'0.'mi'ii.hI.iii-. hv leivi'ii; th.-ir lunna .iiiil n.ldrc-aea t the .Vatorinn of ll. o Tlio rl. 0 of n.'.ii h.ia I'i rii tlv.l nt ,V mi, I T.'. .'rill a. Two enroll. U f iliti'"! an, I .1 car or .'ana w.'io anio 111; tlio fivtuht oil tho A 1', It. viatcnliv T'ii' o .'o.i, he 1vft with 1 ho T r train, tm .ti(i 11 l.iri;.. iHinil'. r or Mi!.'ri i'on-:,l.'r.ill.. frf.Klu l .1 tlnro ,lnr::ii; tho .l.iy on. I tlio m tho ottl. o .nv .'..iitlniiallv k.'t't on tho Jump. Kvur-lonut. th,. rtint in tho oily w..l ho pr iro.l t.M.iy nt tin- l'nlii.i ll."l.iur.inl. on I'onini.T. Mirst. i', hrlmt.H. rral.. ..x-.i. ri, .ill klti.N of tl-h. .Mil. k. n. lurk. ' . .il.i.U of n. or.iI .tn -tif. all!,' tniltn .iii.l po'.itu.'ly ovoryiluni: tho mork-'t nfIr.U Kmhim o.'k. M.Hl.-r.i'.o i h n.'". I'.i' l.nttl. r w.i .irt. tl y- tior.l.iv fot ,-.n,lu,'tin .1 . 1, l:rrv w icon w till. ,11: 1 li.fiiso. II. it.ixo I vi 1 1 nn.l .11 tho r..ii. "i of h: iitlorn.-y hi ,11'.. w.14 l.n.l ,.v.-r In ill., o .-.Mirt "i.T.!nv until Ti. n ll: M 111. lo IS II ., . Ml't ..!!! n.M .1 w.itt'.ti. I lor. f.iro h. w 11 .1 . no: .'oino nn.l. r tMo pro i:..ii of tin- ity or In :!io oln-iiit .-."iiri :. nl.iy .1 tn-; i.-n n.ii :;..l hy tho .l.f. n. 1. mi in tho ..i-.-of II irry II. ll 1' K. ll. km.m. .1 suit to r. tu. no tho .1. f. iKkint from :h, ottl.v of city tsrov.r on tho ktouii.I ho l not .1 .itit.ii. '111.' motion .ik tho portion of th.. 'om..i.nt. HI. h tlio th.- pl.unitff Is th.' .Inly . .in.l .u.i!::l. .1 suri.i.'r ..f tho .ity of As lor:.i. N' Ktrii'k. n out. Tho t'.inhy , atnpm.i titi: w.Il ho h-M J;:!v Hum y. or. Th.- . -.i:u. !( .il r-VI.-.K will N- In .'li.irso of 1;. No'ifc-'..' 1 tho I'. t. r i . if w vu'iit ..f th.- I'.i i'.';.' S.-rtt'otis ..:s M it'i r I...'.' in.t !.. ;ur.s on tho h.v.- .l.t '. v t' . ruin, nt pr. .1. Ii.ts ..f th- M. I!. M r. h '!. it: -triw for i .itn;r. fr. poi'mi- f r h..r. s. 1 1 I .it v-rv r- ,.i"t'...M.-rat.- It is .1 s h: w.'rth ih.- r..-h "T p. j.'.' .!.:: at ih.' larv" .! p rtnn ".t -.'"ti' ? M-'.r.v "-irk 01 '..r;! m. Tn. y hno a r w irtnv f . -:. r k :i ; ! :', m I'-rsi-.1 s I'.i 1:' rifcr "tl th- . t-..A-N I'o.. rs A 1 1 r i.K 't , - ! f..r ''' - :l-.n a;..'i:-s hi th" A-',.;'.,-! ..t;-. tr. .-- ' . Th. y ,ro rt i 'ii : pr. . .. In th. lr aio pp tritory t in vtvi; t tli.-tr tl- '.v t.u;'.,l tii.' - v '-r " ' : " v x r : v- -"-r v x- V V I' w rniii" I ! .1.1-lti:. '! It-O 'f-r t'l- I...-..I ; U-ri;.'...! to W. . .1 . ... r.'.. v ;'. -h ..( i'i. , ....- M .-'. ,.-. ha I .. . .. ... .hl"t'"i l-i.l '."- I will arrivo in th- . Ity. N, dotiht I nutnlM-r of At'Tians will I exiursunrt t' S. as:,l,. tar.-o ac.i.nijuriy SHE LIKES THEM Because they are delicious an! fresh anj were male at THE SPA. Its candles are all fresh anl are made ty experts. Alt Seasonable Luxuries TODAY'S WEATHER. Probably shower. AROUND TOWN. ! I church yesterday, Rev. Mr. Bollinger J officiating. ; When you want fine tea. good coffe and plce try Fotrd Si Stokei Co. ' Try Shilling! Beat tea and baking powder. Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. Beat let cream at the Bonbonnlere. Cream 10 and ISc per pint. Parlor Candy ' Btore. i Midwife Mn. Mary Make. TjZ Exchange 1 treet. 1 Infanta' Mall Honda at Itunhar't. j Go to Paxton's gallery for enlarging and ; copying. j Good 13c meals at the Rising Sun Res-! taurant. ' Try Golden Gate compressed yeast at the Parlor. j Freeh cream, strawberries and ice at , Foerd & Stokes Co. If Bnodgrass doesn't make your pictures you don't get the best. Oscar Stwle and Nellie Kberman, of Seaside, were married at the Baptist Empire CorMt at Dunbar's. G. W. I.ounaberry and Mrs. Lounsb'Try returnt-d yesterday morning from a visit I to Portland. ! For Rent At Seaside, one store building ' and one barber shop. Inquire of L. G. 1 West. Clatsop, Oregon. Wanted Girl for g-n-ral housework. Apply at S"Vi-nte'-nth and Grand avnue. Mrs. Gwr(o W. Sanborn. Stop at THE MUi'.RAT. Only hotol In Astoria having every modern Improve ment. Strictly first class. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, figs and assorted nuts all extra fine qual ity, at Ross, H.ggins & Co. Don't forget that on Sundays then; Is a sneclal train leaving Seanld- for Astoria at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. The Hti-timer Miami, with general mer chandise for and way points, ar rived down from Portland yesterday. The conductors excursion today prom ises to be an Interesting affair. Between forty and flfty-.even car loads of people Use only one heap ing teaspoonful of Schilling Js Best Bak ing Powder to a quart of flour. Yu mutt um tun teaipoonful of other baking pourdefc tt Wantcl-A pon.l Bi-l, t, go to fort Stevens, for general housework in an offi cer's family. Address II. , Astorian olllce. The c.rcuit . ot;rt .-.,nv. n,-. n Jl .n.lay. No Jury has l-,n oail.d f,,r th.; t. rm and civil only w.ll com,, up f. r hearing. A regular pantomine of views depleting the life and history of Astoria, and souvenirs of the city and country at the Snodgrass gallery. Miss Irene Johnson will give a ten for the benefit of thf Women's Relief or;.s Thursday, June 2!. at No. o; Franklin avenue. Try for the priie. In the police court yesterday M. K- n- nedy forfeited f, f r drunkenness. Two others named ( nnnU-r and Kalma were fined tZ for the same offense. Wanted A seamstress to do mending and general family sewing; none but a nent sewer need appiy. Address or call corner Franklin avenue and Kighth street. Fercalea at Duiitiar'a. For Rent jood house and Urn and four acres of land, near Clatsop City sta tion, known as the Clatsop p.mtofTiee. Apply to A. Tagg. 4.-..1 Commercial St., city. If you want drugs or druggists' sun dries, go o Rogers. He carries a full as ortmcnt of everything in his line. Mall orders attended to promptly. Rogers, druggist, Cj Commercial, There was a meeting of the board nt s-hool direct., n last night. A memher r the board was seen after the meeting and in answer to a question replied that the 'loard hail no news to be given out. Slilnmen's of salmon from the lower river canrierl.-s are now made direct by rail, and yesterday -Ax ears of canned saimon, and a ear of ernp'y cans for the upriver canneries , ft n the A, & '. The firm of O. Hummers, suceasirs to Olds K- Summers, of Portland, hav,: an tit tractive advertlsem. nt In this morning's Astorian. It will "ay buy-r of their 1 in-i of goods to heed what, they have to s IV. Arrived-Mrs. Dr. Martin, spirit medi um, occult healer and crystal s.-i ress. Headings daily. Circles Monday and Thursday evenings. As'or Hotel. Duane street, between Kleyenth and Twelfth Street". In the just list court yesterday t he bonds of George Holmes, held on 11 charge or assault, with Intent to kill, were reduced from J7'i to Sil.Vr. Those of William Holmes are sun at i-tf. I'.emg unable to secure bonds they are both in jail. A considerable number of subscriptions for seats at the coming Philharmonic con cert were left nt the Astorlan office yes terday. It. Is understood that a sullleient number of subscribers have now been ob tained to Insure the concert. The Wizard Oil company will give an other entertainment In the opera house Monday night, They have many now nnd Interesting features, and will give an en tire change of program. The show Ih well worth five times the prlc of admission and they will no doubt have large houses 1 1, 1 - .itri- iti mn I :'' u . , 'i . ' th- r-ets. And r ,r. !' Ji'ik'" Nei'n. wh' .t ,:!.: i'. til" ..ffl. e. ,tl b.-."g .r.'.'r-' I'M' t 1 ' . '1- ! r it hfi.i':. .,f the f.'-H't' -'i,' w , 1, IV .1. CI'-!r;. 'iM.. t M ' . I'.r..,.,!. '.i'.. 'it:;h. if. -a..y :'.. 1' . 1 . . ' t .1 . f 1 r th. V " t! . '". I tl.-!t!!'g e!-e. I 'A il, .1111 H-rdes, tl,,. ,p,,r:. t'.r ... '!i ; 1 r:el ii'.'.l. win!.- In ih.- a, t .if .(.l)..s-ll.g ;4tl . , trie light wire . ntwiifd ..r , ic l I a it i-1 ' li itidell-T In .01.. of the p-,tn. r j , . n . .1 .1 -a.,, k wtu. ti r.n,.r.. til in .- 1: - -.-s. It ins that In taking h"M "f tv iir.- with ,,n.. hand he pl.n.d the o'li'T ',,11 th- g.n bra. k-t. tile elf nit being ,.11 land he r.i.'iv.d the full , lurge .r th" I.. trie current. In falling h- retain.. I th.. wire In his hand, burning mat mem ber ie.rly, but the fall ,r,.Mil,y s 1 v .1 his life, as it br.'kc the wire frmn the lnt ,.f contact In the celling. The Fourth of July commlte appointed at th- ni.-. ting of clt.zens this . k Intend to U.glti work tomorrow and push It to a successful completion. The Nation's Hirth day should be pr. rly celebrated every year, and e"p lully so this year, when th Hons, hubands, fathers and brothers of thousands of our best families are ready to their life bi.KMl that the honor of the nation should l- vlnulinl and that the eons of I'ulsi shall achieve their Inilet.enden, ami the freedom w hi'h Is the birthright of every human. Wli.n the commlttisi who voluntarily give th' ir time and labor call on you, do not em b irass them' with a r-f 1 1 1 and 11 hard lie k story, hut subscribe . h.s rfully and lib. rally. so unit th" day of nil holi days may be ll'tlngly celebrated. Till' MOM.itN P.KAI.TY. Thrives on good food and sunshine, with pl. nty of cx rclse In tin- open a.r. Il'-r form glows with health and her face blooms with Its beauty. If h1 r system needs the ileanslng action of a laxative remedy, she us's tlio g. ntl.. arid pleasant Si'"", of, made by the California ! ,g Hyrup Co. only. HHAI.I. ASTORIA I'.K MA lil-: A I'fM MUX PnlN'T'.' Ail wiio are Interest, d in the devlop tn.nt of th- I'nlumhla I i 1 v . r v illey -a 0 -gon's nat111.1l gi'. wav to th, ea -tniM' r'-.iiize 'h it tli" exiting raow.iy of ic -ces;l'y must, play an Important part in brifig.tif-' about an early con. tinnn.i t ion of Hi., end wlHi-li such Interested persons ih voutly wish. Oregon's natural highway to the s. a iiiu.-t al-o favor and snpiso-t Its line or railway, .st the natural adv .Milages, about v,hi, h wo lontlanily speak, .11. i app. ar for cv- r, anu our r' s'iure, s re main ever I. ileni. commerce, by rail must meet 11, ,-ati c,,in!!i, pee at the n.ituta! out let of ibis natiir il highway; If we who In habit, the Columbia, valley are to 1 n joy the full measure of our natural le-nelit Nature, assisted by John Jacob A -lot and other Intrepid spirit!;, has placed As toria at the gateway. Within Astoria's proud limits nature .--.upports ti popula tion or I'j.irw souls, with as many more In close proximity, holding common as pirations. 1-L these pwiple, In their dealings with eastern merchants, favor and support their own railway, which her friends have recently completed along this natural highway, nnd thereby give Immense, as sistance to thesn friends who, having np preclated our Importance, are now striv ing to establish, for us m w railway con nections with overland lines, that Inter nal commerce mny be conducted along an easy lino to tho market. Tho Northern pacific; Rnllwuy Company Dress Goods Department. At U c.'iiis per aril, l.'" aids H.'iiian slilpcii 1111. 1 . lo . k, half ,!: I l. urli t l.i IM..-.S HuUliiii. P' pile ;.'i .-.tils Vt I.', c uts .. r mil.; V" pl.v.s Ilia, k i '.ishuiciv ii' Hutting', I'lic i .. 1111. Vt .: rem p. r y ii'l. .' pl. c.s fun. ' tiil.l li.'.s HiittliiH". . ll . H'lli il.'. cents per .nl. At .f.l cents p.-r alii. I'1 pieces t.i.l.k l-'tS uii'.l M,di. ilts. - Siiltinns. 1. wui n pi Ic- ,'i cut s p. r nil At Ills i-.i.h. Hl.i. k ii...i.l.s In.-'. Skirt", full width. I ifT.-ll ll'Oll. Pellll'l with xehelciii. regular price I.' At S 1 t ilts el. (I; all .'III- '.A. Shut W.ll-ts. all Hire pitt.lll nil. I lllad." ill III., latest s, 1. s. VI V.I li nts cinh. all or i'-- I'. r. ale Shut Waist-, . very mi., a liuty At .''.' c.'tlK each; l.idt.s' ii,lK,i Illlle Wrapp. r. ttiiiiiii.,1 vsuli l.r.u.l. prlci. ;'. cent. A l.'.g line ..f ladies' S.Ik Vi'li.-I Summer I'.tp. s ail nl.rU tritniu. .1. to be . t.s.t out .1 gnu! b.irv. i:tl At f. ..tits 1,1. h. Ladies' White or III. 1, k Sailor Hits. , ita r'i' .'-1 c.-ntv and ail ,.ttoi at !.g 1. -.In, Hons. Domes tic Department. t I'..' p.r iinl, nun 11. 1 wide I n t'liMi llr.l Mllllll l'lt ipilllllV; '.H lilt, Is ( . -uh ciihIoiiici', i.giilai. ptic.i 7 . . tun. t I1) vein p.r uid; utie anl wide. ' g.i.l illilHl. Ill.ilcllill Mllallll, '.M yill.l', ' . .1. h , it'it .1111. r. At s nuts p.r all, 1. in. yard nl.le; 1'iint of the I..SUII, or l.i.lis.lale Hint, hi, I Mil"- till. At !' renin pel' yurd; :'i4 11 1 .la l.e. Inlilnii hnl llisiw HI1.-1 tint . notlh I'h r anl At I'i .. lit" per Mild. .''. Mir, Is wide, u.iou ll. .l III. 1. lied Slu elltiii, li'fctuUu' pilie t 1', 1 . tit" per Mil. I, l "I Apron ilniK . cut s j.. r v alii Vt ,'1 cilltl pel '-l l-l , li'ioil II. .U tl'ttOM I'I nun I. M' PH. e I V. Vt I'j .inn p.r urd: ,.( Apr-. 11 iling- him. t.iiubtr pitisi 7 ceiita. ,ir,U to ,m. h i ii.ioiner. Vt ,111. per yard, ln.t .pl iiltl.s Call I I .'.ics all til. ' patterns. '.M 1.1 ciirli .Hit, oner ' Vt I'j n'titH per Mird. rtiot. li Uiwna, Hi i elt.s ii. a great Imi Ml" . At i ,i tiis per Mild, ill nor Iml ipiilMy IS r ilea, i i. iy .um worih l.'S reiita 1"T ii.l At ,". . i-nta .-.i. h. full l iranlllra pil- liin He.l . !! worth II '.' At I rents ,1 yard, good .pnlitv' r I'l l-ll Tiivellng Hosiery Department. At I.', c.llla null, ...Id o I.l.tlcV Cllartal . il III ,'l rellla. Vt S I lr pall, Lulus' I ait IHuck loa. VI M icnls pull'; 1 'lill.ll ell' a line tlblMSt ti( Id 11 k loc, nil al., worth l.V'. Vt .clila ril. h, I.1I.H. a' Ml."vi.r. Mum in. r V -I '. vv.irih I'i cnla, VI ..III-, roll IP Illlll. .lalll, li, Hand-k,-l, llli l. . Hill II pi Ire I Ilia. VI ,M ,1 nia . a h . n a Huuiuirr ItvHiilt. nan rii.lrrahlria. Vt i pall . M. n'a Heavy Citt iiiad I'aliti.. I'fcolor Ul..i II "l pair. Vt II iinti. M. n a AH Wo d luitui i ,-oliir rii.l.ihhlila or iltuv.ia, i.suUr prlc II .si. h. VI ii'titj r.irh. Mm a llmvv TllliJ N.illgi-.l I l rrahll ta; Wot 111 !' ri'lt Vt S ci nla pair, mi.v heavy Cut "ti Hil worth 1 ri nta (siir At I'c.nia pun. Men's II. vv y I'ii'I Ills k i'.. tt .11 So. niiular luiie .11 rrn'.a air. vt ..-nia m. n a v..i kitm iliov. worln li ,rMtl pllf T!iii Trirt' l.lst Is lut h til jinrilim "f mir man) kiriiiis. Shanahan Brothers, 5vSo Commercial Street, Atorlai, Orejsoii. t'i.' tn It. :rt.- nW. m h tv-' , tlrt mu: lln.t ! J, 1 u;,(' hi-, rt: .!.- f i . fit'! v . t :r ;' V r r i a'i! iiiil ' t .. j u r, ' 1'" '.limit a K:.r l; n'tt",! I . .hij.iih , hi.. I hi. Mkip ttji th-m t r i ul t?t It:', r'k''- "f : i !!! ! twuic.t l"i-i . fT- .-t i- tnit'4i ;liirnii- .t t h ! p. -nt rr . f!.iiH Mitn.Hi 'i. ,it t-rniiiuil rt l n f tin- t rw m-) fciuiurf r.i'.-i- 'i ih !.- tl irr.riK"! Pi" tr4;M tS'-,l w..u'.it to lr.r! (..'!'( h Ul.1t. I Kclwn .ml i ! ; i-'ti ' :!; n w ' i : . ! i in -ic ,1 nm lu ti f T ir .!'.! ".ir4 h-n V- r, . -.i-.1 w n (11- tl t ltl . ' Hit.llll ,l iv f - "f- 1 1 i ' r f ! . i k ' 1 . r m i " ' i r n i r 1 ! , i ! . ' . tmti r .ich t itniti 1 tirnkt - tit .M. . n n l nt.-M it;.t l'ti-.;'i. .i"i' ' -iiiUit il r .iri'.ii.i! m tnl t i !f tnw, i-i. f i-'i ! isj.n iv. Im:, w .: h k. t f u -1 l" ( li- 1 n'.-t f v r i :! w i v tii - r. ' M if M.i f i m - ! y. t 1 1 !:;! '! "f il' w f t .nt t (f ''itu a !.:.( r t i ! m i v I'i - Tt .!- r fn i' ! tit i -n -f t h. i .t' 't A r!.i m: ':t tu i.lf i iii'ti -r -' .nil ftl i f ! i ti "-n- r V H ( ' . ! nn; tM.I III.- ! It A N -!li':l I Hi IK-" , . !- . .i! r . !. .t i:im -I; i i fr. r..i; . 'Mil' i ! r i wi r'i.. t U , ,mi.- .-ti ( :) r'1 K 1; ' nil in. iK- Ai'-nt i . .iiun"ii ('ipt.nn M'"i' nt hit tm-h r ' t. Th.' !:t;.H ..f th.-- f' -:ni.i:i.."t . ;-i-'i-f '.h.rty fi h'i;it ' - h u ml - i '-i p t h.- i .i,u in v v W hi i ti i .hi h'r f r -N t irr- r. m Ll-rri i. 1 . . . Ii.h MHtllMllliniMIIMIIMMIIIIMMtlllll A Well-Mounted Wheelman t: I'll . . - ; . Il i il'n II!!!V ,'l 1- itilii "'i ; . 1 I I : -. tn el, i tli , ! a ..!i.i i . .... I. i . I 1 ' u'. li-r . i".' I . re '.-' "li. and id f 1, a , -. '- i u; i - li ! f. ...lie! -.f t'.t.ti! iv ; i .' ! t .' iM ' ' ..ailii'.M vv .1 a 1 1 1 " ' l in.'', d t . . : . tn' tie r in I'... a. Ii-ioii. r ail oin.p. ! '.,'.' i I I He n ci pi' k. .1 I'I I I' Lit ' mi t tie I' k ll.irv "let .ei .nt.rltij; Knt'ik a't.i.t, I'lp'.il'i M -.!.. t.-.'a a piio'. ui H a ii tli it ... .t k i h H'l t." ii" 'fT W li i iii-l TV- vv ." t k. lit I 'ui ' ii.ii' v until M t V ; .... 1 1 o w V . i t ti . v I v. ii In '.lie , .' Sti l l, (i I 1 1 in k dm tun.. .:ii t . ' '.III .r.t'l t. I l ! - . ' I t tie V ft l. I , . i. ,, , l i . -1 ' '. I lie . I . . oil! VI. 'I :..:.!. ;, i r.l , . ; a ' V , ' .' 1: i Vv . 1 e '111 It l.ti : ; .1 , . ,!, - ! I. ,1 1 .' to a-J'l. ire ,iw i r -r A-.' a . i vv ti.- 1, vv i a t a- tt t V- tie. a . .;t .'...- ;. ! til mi nit I ei Jan.. 1 1 '.', .i.,; pi d '.tie I ' 1 ' 1 111 1 1 till U. h - it.l i lot'.' 1 to- I'H ' li,'. li. i.e N.'tu'i and I ti.. Iv l-K id ., .. ti .r at !' iv ( ' . ' uiivi, i:s i v i i: i it vnsi- i .is I'.n; i;i. i 'r.n.vK ki n .-i.l.i I', i ilto y to Marv I. Tli iiiipa ni - N. v f It. f a.- 11 ii 'I'ti. r.. IL. n H i, h ij'iiii' I...' , Id... k ''I, M' ' "I'll '. H1' ti'Pa in th. Ilivr. I,, i'. T!iotii.n..n and vvir.i to II '. Ilur- . ....a l.ot, and !. ld k 11. W'arri nioii. The '.litiio.i p.,. k of th.- i "oi'itiifa i riv r u.. U n-ivv w-ii I ,. .tt, I th.. j.ti k nt thl . time I. rat a.a.a,,n. SliWISi, I.liSMnSrl It ' a "tiiitnlnr Nature ..f the preaent aiHiallotl that a phenomenal and .,!-... Ml'lam M I, lt"aa h.ia derided In "ive lu'. iv unpr I. ii'e.l ran ,,f i.Hn Im, k. a m h ia..tia on thri. daya In lairh week in th- river. i. cuierytnen ,.,v they iinHI further noth i -Moiidnya. W.ilnea- never knew Idiiel.a. ka t,, run In am h I irvte d.iya and -rl.l,iy. Thla will i(lv ynunK numliera. and upt u , r le nier.a part n iilarlv KU'la eape. liilly an xcollent rhiinrn dur- around Mir. ka. have c.niK'it eiiorm.i'ia Ink' Um vacation warnm tn Imirn Urn rt il'iiintltlea of this llah. "f II"" "ewniK. Th- ro will lx two claajea; Th.i Knr.-ki ti Kp I. ure I'.n kiinr i'o a'"t r nea l.etwiw-n t nnd 11 nnd the cannery at Kur. ka la l.aid.d down .,, "t h. r from 1 1 up. Trnm rennonnhlr-. h. av llv with l.lii. l.acka lint It h ia over- ' l'''T pnrtlniUrii mil lit C ottunen lal the cannery a . . and tli. y utri-ut. have l.eeii i .iniia-li. .1 t.. ;.h!p a itrml ipiatitity down to tti'dr Aatorla ta, klim ' hi'iif". 1 ll lu li I i'i, I e i.r. J.,. 1.1.. I, , , el ... . . . . , . . ' , .. , , ,' .. : appreciation of thn klndtieaii nnd nynipii III" - v.. II I." ,,. 1,1'H 1.,'U the run of hlu. !,.i, k l,v Monday. It la thought hy lo. il , Aperta that the exi.ti- llVe .roav' Itloil of I lie I'llKi-l Solll, ,o,k.y- l r.-,o,:i,le .'or tl,,. m.ii'i.,1. Tl,.rt nro niway, tw dea Hi ev-ry run of l,lue,,,k. In tie i'.,ut.iM , tlv.r y,)Ur ,,, llhv,,y, ,h plKlit thl a. i,on. im I'hlnooka at" lin r. aalnc in iu iuilty down at the mou'h of the rivr. and ae -eral la.ata liav.- repot".'.! vv. thin tin i"l 21 hoiir.a with from otieopiat t.r lo one. n.i, . ,.. t oo.n. u.ipi an' o, , rni.K.f NntllHtreet, doinir aiiyniiiii.'. o.vnu; to tile tnu i iy lilt loll of I he rlv , r. It in said I hat iv r y a iiti i y on t li- 1 1 V'er Sample Room All Modern la now fully to 1 ,it yi a,'n pa. k at thla lime, and the fact la '..11 known that forne of them are far ale ad of la M mh- h'iii. ' OAltH (lr Til AN KM. I wl-di in citi-tul my h. urtfelt tli.inkii In thv ahown l y the many frhnda nnd nilk'li l.ora in my hereaveinent over tlm deiilh "f my hunUmd. MUM. W'KVI.Nd. MURRAY HOTEL i l ent (.1 N nth Htreet. Electric Lights Electric Bells Free Improvements. WKKKI.Y KA1KS. I'. M. filTN N, Proprietor I mctinv on Tin: i uiii: tiiaok Hound for Karlink U l'h a Cirit'i of M-r-, hatidl.-ie l-'loiu San I'ralic;.-..'.,. Hinee tl peidiii; ,,( Ala.'lia. train.- last i .iprlnir there have ! efi many ntorlea j wafted l,ai k In civilization from Die fro-j zi ti north of hard'-hlpH and danj-o rH en countered In Die rnh f'ir it'd.l. Murdcra have lieeM eouiuilHed, hutidre.h have died under the aval in, h", .-hip i have l.een wrecked on daiuo roiia n ef.a or icine down In uiif.i'ih'itnahle deptha fa, Iiik the fur" of an Arelle irale. Tin! lali til Hlory comlm; out ,,r t)i,. myii lerloiifi vva.ter.a of the north H told In an alllduvll aliiiched to the mn in r.,, of the Hh,i,er l''ree Trade. received at the local rtiittoin li'iiiao yeateruay, jiie h't'en Trade left Han Kraiicitic, on thn 2Mli of last March, humid f,,r K n rl in k, AlaHkn, Willi tt c.'irK'i of ieneral merchan dise. On the lilt h of the tirevcn mouih she put Into Nctarts, leaklnif hailly, km Mh rlvn Hy the fury of never,; nnd proi raeted ItalCH nnd the in iv, those who had n"l deserii-d, In iniiiiny. On the 01 h of May, nt 2:il'i p. in., while iyli)K nt nyrhor In I'yak liny, A. I'radir ley. freight clerk, tried to a rnuado Cap tain Mourn at the point, of n revolver that ho hud helter not attempt lo mill for titH denllnatlon. Later on I ho name day lli.-iuy Keralrt.i, the lioiitHwain, nnd II. TullKit WatHon, tlm purser, Julneil with Knulnley In an iirmed nnd mutlnoUH nt tennpt t prevent tlm aalllii of the ulilp. On thn gnmitdiiy KrndKley K. C Ilnntien, .JIM WI2HT, Chicago Barber asi Master of the Tonsorial Art Slni-i is 1 1 Franklin Ave. If you wunt a food t'ttfiir, go thcro. : must lie sliiiil in .i j .iir : (l our iviliii; .In cs. j e 1 Iic tit the lout; J t to its rvcry iiiotioii. f Kid.- A .i ui, j i r a, d . . U r. ; , i ,i .-aii. tii.r i. w it'n...t f. I I ...FLTl HSON & BROWN i A Refreshing Selection mm ' Iff r...7-, -11 .,'- immm i ..?ij I'.UAiir (lull. UK HuinnlhlnK Aidietliinir, At thl emon (ha nppptllo It upt to ln. Tbt dlKritlnn I nffertrd by the fprlnf wimlhi-r nd you don't feol right. Tb rmtuin Ii you nncd rufrrahlnc (tipplli. A vsrlnty of oicollrnt thlnici U contBlly pmvlitod by u. Ilrro you have thi moat dell, nto prodiH'ta, tho frenhcat find brat t ho founil, nnd thn prion la rlnht. Tou'U npiirrrlnl Ihn Millrnce of our fin otrawherrloa nnd other aniaonahla frulU, ItOHfl. IIKK1INS Ca The reason for it. Wt hT bn la th Shoe business The Choicest Table Wines... For Fam UVw A lo for Medicinal a Cooking PurpoaM Prlv-U Block, Crocm Bjra, 014 Hickory, PrJi of Kentucky itnd H ilto; oM Cllfom i BrandlM. Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store 1M TWBHaFTH 8TBBBT tn Aitoiia tor many ytara, tartaf which tlm th want t oar tomen hay bn thoroughly itaA M and adequate pr.paratlMM mad to their Try dniaa. W carry th I Jirgcsl Block In tho city. . . and Try purchase w mak haa th approval of our many year ptrltno. &CCU"" JOHN IIAHN. ASSIGNEE'S NOT ICR TO CREDIT0I18. Notice la hereby given that th under ilgnod hftn thla day been appointed a, ilgnoe of Rebecca Blrnuiw, an Inaolveat debtor. Creditor of the inld analgnor are hereby notified to preaont their claim undor oath to th undersigned within three month from thti date at hi plao of Mialneai at No. J71 Commercial trt, Aatorla, Oregon. Dated thl Utn day of December, UT, N. SCHI.UHSIIIi. Aaaignee of Rebecca Btrauai, an lnoWai. ditr.