The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 07, 1898, Image 2

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Saily otcvian,
Telephone No. 66.
terms or subscription.
Bent by mail, per year
bent by mall, per month
6ervid by earner, per month
. .M
. .60
8cnt by mall, per year, In advance.... a
Postage free to subscribers.
All communications Intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of n.l kinds
and remittance must be addicmej to
"The A&torlan."
Tlio Aator art guarantee to Its adver
tiser tho lam st circulation of any news
paper publlj-hcd on the Columbia river.
Advertising rate ean be had on appll
cation to llio buslnes manager.
Th Weekly Astorlan, tho second oldest
weekly In tha stale of Oregon, ha. next
to the rortland Oregonian. the largest
weekly circulation In the itate.
v 'aa
ay the, people
there will not iv-
'iond; they niv constitutionally vlo.
lent, and enn only bo o.imroiliHl by a
strotifr power fcarli-sly ex.ervl.svd, A
government which consult the goiid of
a lieople, and In honestly so admtnlstc4vil,
recommends Itself. People do not rvliel
against that which nerve their Intervals
and insure them comfort anl prosperity.
The people of the I n'.tiM St.Ui a not
only spr.HK fr"m a colouxuig stock, but,
l: a way, tiny hue done om It -.;ri'.y
suivor.:t cVon iir.g m
They rave enl.ifc
mare Pun Mice,
count, s
S.uN .1
a '
r t '
1. If
1 1 lVr:
The expedition to the Philippine Is now
we.ll under way, and It 1 to be cxpsvied
that In a very few day the bulk of the
entire fore that Is to bo sent to permit
the military occupation of the islands wt'.l
be on the owan. Instead of .iv:ige, criti
cism of uppod delays there Is rv.'.jon
to congratulate the government on Its
expeditions management of this enter
prise. Th need for troop In the
away region developed with startling u.l-1
dennesa, The military occupation of the i
Islands was not a part of the program at
tha time Dewey was sent from Hcrw !
Kong to "destroy the enemy's Sleet." i
The fact that he found the enemy in
Manila harbor nnd his utuxcpct.s'.'.y cmi.
jdvte success gave this country an uti
1.x ked for oppctrluity to deal S'a:ri a : il
Ing blow. The emergen- y -t sj-rikly
met. When every condition i c,'l
the assembling. eiu pp'.nc and sln'.'i' r- -"
of an army of ten or Lite, n ll.ou-ar. 1
men at San Francisco within a mn:h
from the receipt of ' cy"s report, es
pecially after the bulk of th- uv.ul.i'ile
troops had been disptt.-Vsl to the ex-.'
treme txist. will he a achievement.
Tho case many vital n,..;i:i- ;
ties. The expedition must suiceej. Fa. I
ure on land after such a deceive v.c
tory on the sea could not b permitted.
Therefore the troops, destined for an un
familiar climate and for repon.bie w.-rk
under new conditions, must be provis
ioned and supplied with unusual care.
The army was to be sent to & point far
ther from home shores than an Ameri
can force was ever before dispatched. It
was an entirely novel undertaking, with
no predecents for guidance, with no ex
perience to teach tha ripht way. with
nothing but theories and general famil
iarity with military necessities upm
which to !:iso the preparations. The
troop ships had to !? Impr-'Visid out of
liners. The work to be done was of itreit
prop.Frtlons. Hut it has Ik en w-lj i
The nun are b'-ini? snt away in s-.ich ;
numbers as are safe, with thor."jtfh '
tquipment and with every di tail for th- ir i
cvmfort in .amp and itlie;. my in bat- 1
tie provided for. Less than this his b -n r
done by Euripenm nations in van
campaipns remote from h".m.
more labor and;juse
Philippine extx-dition his lie
as a mere ineld-nt to th- k
of closing in on Spain in i'u'i m w iter:
A less resourceful tntivii. If .m'.arra.-.-e
by a similar un;.r.,par.:.ln.s for wai
might easily have been crippl.d by
a dls'raction. The United States, h-.w
ever, roved th.'t it is not only a !.i
country, but that It has Its powers un i.
good control and Is capable of (puck. I
fectlve work in many directions .it on"
i. r,.i,
I'.ct V
n: the
Th. re
i rtun- :i
v I : y : Vi 1 1
t:. ills
tVulr own
. I their boun-
. and have ab
il svjtoin people ha.s
kit, Vccauso the
the ko ernnient
tUc were rt'.s.M
i KiiM there is
'. should not rv
!iat iippMr here
s i.b 'ratio:
Hut l.o k.
pa.lty in
' obt. ctlons to the
and military (,-ov-'
c of the fai-ie-
he eonvirslon of
.tie population Into
1 be a most form-
i:Mvr timo these
cry serious cn tvsnlo.
. f the coionnins sp.rlt and ca
Ati. is not among these
:ent o. .110:11:,
t ! y t!i,. v.
million of A
task, -if ! at t
1 Ice:
klnf pw.trf
rltxetoiil I'
ro gtHitl, of course, if they
are reallv monev-luck.
Ask your"groccr for 5ttA
h'tn's Jn'sf.
Koi wle be
Kos. IHkIim t'.omiMiiv
s.. 'L
When you t II n man how br.ghl his
bal'V l lie iilwavi pel ks up an. I (pn ties
If joui don't Ihuik it ivcnibe luin.
ltonniih mum nit.wi:.
A sliirtlliiit Incident, of which Mr. John
Ollter of I'lilladelplila was llin mib.leet,
Is narriited by him n follows: "1 was
In a most dreadful condition. My nkln
was iilntost yellow, vye sunken, tongue
coaled, pain continually In back and
sides, no appetlto-gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three ph sleluns
had glvnt inn up fortunately a friend
advised trying 'I'toctrie Hitlers.' and o
tny great oy mid surprise Uu Hist Pottle
made a do, uled liiii'i'H ciuctit I contin
ue. I tlolr use for iliree weeks, and am
now it well man. I Know Una a,,l tnv
life, and robbed ilie grave of an.oli, r
oiiin " No one stioul.l fall totiy ill. in
I'u.v c iils p.-r b.. til,, at li-t, i
Pnig i'o.
In order to allfy said asseamnont. I ho
Inlerest llieieon and I bo coals ami e.
I'eimca of mile, I did on I'm IHIi day of
Slav IM's. tin) v b'v upui the nhove do
scribed leal properly, and I will on tha
Mil day of J mi" v, at the hour of II
o'clock, III (ho itflcitiooii of an, I ilav, at
llin Conn House poor, In I lie fltv el
Aalui'la. t'oiiniy of i'lalaoi, Hun of ore.
gon sell aal.l above described properly at
public miction lo the lugheat bidder for
caali, l'. Hold i'oiii, to aaiisiy ail, I
aeuieiil. the Inlerest ihereon nil. I Ilie
cosia and rpenais of sale, and accruing
cost a.
ImusI nt Ajtnrln, Oregon, Hie ',iih day of
Mm, 1M.
i:. it u.i.oi'k.
t'hlef of Police, I'lty of Asloiia. Oregon.
:n m
F'n:Ti:i:. millions lei-t to
An ni'
f r
y l
s ttia:
I,". a:
y i t an
f: n I .,.''
i'u.v ,i culs p,r boil,, at I Nt, I'onn
j Pi ns- 0",
N , '!'' :v. ' I . Il I - on,- jt. ! m;.. ;'
j V'l I !,ov :IU1 l t.-W r, -I. llte. Hid I'Ple !
,-.- ,k.'W'.w .11.. I., -o. .,ivw:i w . w. I
' w e n. , r '... ti ' III, on. U I'l II 111. u. te j
Ipr. t:.
j iTTTrTTcTi" I
I Sll w s l lie , ., v our f. . !:; .I".l th" '
rn. I t:l" of ,nii b'al.rt is w. ll Impute
I ''i-.t'd in. ikes i ' -. !f ap;. .l.nt In a pale
I an. I -ai;.ov , ni'i'b xi.oi. piuiplis and fkm
iaviI la.b n, ar- 1 r"i' " "' t--. ohk w.-hk ana
Seattle night. :""i " n.o mi. a n.ainiv ar
I pot ran e ..ii -'i"ii;.l tie Ackers i,.od I
, ... I rlllr. It Mil,- oil t. lo,.,', ,l..,s s where'
arr verl In from t ape .. . , , .
, , . ..'help p.,: :.. M .111.1 CI... fill I'l. I'S
Where' she lias be" ,, ,
!fal.. knowing Ibis 9, II ,,ry bottle)
I O'l '0-!nt. kUoctltee, 1' ,' sale '
I K.-ti-..! vnn Iirug i o I
i'lty nr -
I U Is all ! to , oii ,r that lb.-I
,. on, i- ,'.l-l ' t l' i, ine oiii.:
a l uie at sin II in.-ru, n:s th-'t " i
ilinn .l ru s.gll .-I .iiiik:ii.
The Mantanlta left out yesteolay in
Ing for six weeks' crulso In Alaska.
The stoiimer llarns n
rtved in from
The Oolnniblne
Arago yestirday,
landing Mipplles
The (team schooner National
t'lllEt' OP POI.lOi; HAl.P.
Notice Is heril, v giien. that lo virtue
of a nan ant for Ibe eolleciloii of a .In
lOIUUenl ll'iaesMlielll for I he Impco . in. in
il. s, iiIm'.I na follows: The I nun o einelll
of i. niil aticet fronl Ilie wesi pne
cf N "I I ll slteet to III" el plot
of blocks PI ah, I IT, MiTluii''. Aaloria.
dli'v ls-11,,1 b III,' All.lllor and Police
.lin1),!' ef Hie I'lli of Astoria, bv direction
of ilie i oiimioii loiin.-a of n.ii.i flu, r n,l
wan ant I" nig can .1 i ho If. h day of A pi d,
I' 'S. lo HI" il I. I lul 'lll.l lllo a"' 'Mllelll III
w II , h 'p.'il;l..t o tti 'll n 1 1 Itai lo th" sum ol
jt.. ij well mi. a...: 'i,,.. ii t, ,i in, y ii
,la of Jiniiaiy. vis i s p. r cem per
nil l ll in. be tig ucUlisl III" following . lined
p, i son, low il. w . w . I'.uker. owner ol
l-'ic r.-'.low 11, t. .li'M-rll,. a i',oii. ..i I...
Wit, lot . block II. Xloi'iuie'a Aaloria,
and iig ilnsl said d.-a.'i iln.l properiv, and
wai' h wan ant c-'iiini oi-ls nie io levy tipou
aud make sale of aald deaerlbed pmperty,
III oilier lo satisty al,l nss. sHuieni Hie
lulcrcsl Iheivi'U and the coata ami ex
in lis, a of a ile, I did on Ilie lull day of
la, s's duiv ,' upon tile .ili.o .' ,1.,.
scribed real propel iy, and I will on til"
Mil d.iv of June, ls.iv .u ihe hour of 1
,1,'in. Ii, III the aiteinoon of a it, I ilriv. at
the I'ourt House poor, In Ilie Pity of
Asloi a. t'i'Uiiiv of pints. .p. Suite of Ore
gon, sell sal. I ali.oe .b a. rsbeii proiiertv a!
mldle aiiciioii la the high, at lil.l.ler for
c.l'll. P. H lioid l' ell, to s.llisfy and
ae.-ament, the inl'test thereon and ilia
costs and rxpi'iiira of sail , and ii,ciuing
lrtl'M nt Astoria. Oregon, ihe J'h day of
May, Pal
Il II VI.I.Oi'K.
I'hlef of I'o'lee, I'lly of Asloil.i, Ol egoll.
plllEf Ob' I'OI.U E HALE.
rived In yetiterday with freight and pass
engers from San Francisco.
It Is
dark. -
rw.. e.iiii. -ki.. 2 ,i . . .o -it,, II ,r. 1 ' ' '
I 1 IV I.I IIIJ.I1 P,l.. i-'li'liJ ........ ., ....
der, wlnvit laden, nrrlnsl down from I'ort -sterxt:iy, and will pall for vjaenis.
town this morning.
rcyman. member of many;on. has preparej
'as snowing the amount
T cbar.t able or benevolent
t.stators throughout the
!.:r '.:., icist thri-e years.
the I'-.eiuests for Par are
'' "f those of K-j. m jWJ.
ar tin y w ere upward of uri
i-.'T m -re than 4 .'. y'r
- 'i:i. r forms than that cf
' io. a i s are among the
g i. a bi ipa, a'.hed to man-
it am ir th, -e Is 11
a uioj; iffecitve
r. v tuive of malaria.
o;h r curatives. Eon-'
TUe Title for June, 1898.
sa s:
P Keteli im, of P ke pity, i
L'ur ng my brother's late sickness
sciatic rli, uniatiMn. I'hambi rl.iln s
Palm was tl-,,. only rem-,ly th it
nit. il sum uor
l Hanoi.
', 1 1'J le i 1 M 1.1 5,
3 ..
, gave linn any re' f ' Manv others hive
w irni i te st.tlnl to the prompt reinf from u n
i - i which tins inutont an r.:s. t-cr i,e
i ! by v'harles l;.i;.i". di ai.g.t.
I...UIH. u.m II tt ..., , ,.,,, .,, ;,I;V.
( ;v a s 4 ,t ; p .. :, r .- w!i., h ; .', ih.,:i c
i i;, o v t. j j
Interest tlirreon and Ilia cusls and ri
peiisea of sale, I mil mi tlis lull ibiv of
May, duly lew upon (Im nhova dn
aeillied real propel Iv, and I will nil Ih"
Mil day of June, Ihi'el, at llin Inuii' of 1
o'clock, III I lie nflei ilium of ail. I ilnv, ill
Ilie I 'null House li.s'l' III Ilie I'llr of
Aaloria. Pounly of l liilaop, Hlnln ef Ore
gon, sell auld nhova ileaei llied pinin ily at
piiblle i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 in His luulieai lii.llei for
eaall, P. M Hold pulll, o aallsfy aal.l a
aeaameiil the llilereal Diet eon and Hi"
costs mill expenses of sale, mid aici'illug
I 'ale. I nt Aaloria, Oregon, ilia nih day of
May, Pus,
IV II M.l.oriC.
i'hlef of I'ollca, plly of Asioi la, ongon.
PIIIEK OP'i: HA 1.1!.
Notice la hereby given, that lie vlilm'
of u w ,11 1. nit for Urn .'., Heel Ion of a do.
Iiu,ii, nt aaaessmeni for llin lniprnvi'iiieiii
,1es. rllir.l na follows 'l'h,. nipt o , no ail
.if Tli'nv ilia. I, 'I hull -tin Ii aiie.'ls mid
II. mis,. ii mm nil", III Adair'a ,si,,na.
duly Issued hy Ihe Alldllor all, I 1'nlloe
.1 n,U:i- of i he i''lly of Asioi in. bv ilirei i Ion
of ih potiitmiii I'miiicil "f M till ,ll', NO-ll
w in ml I., : Ii k ,l,ili , Hi,. Iiih ,av of Api :l
Is:",. I i III" ill! vote, I uti,l III" as'" i nn, til In
who Ii sp.-ciiieil am. mining to the sum of
i J wlih liii.uii, ih, i ..ii ii. on ih, n il
,1.1V ef oleuiber, IM,', Il a per n'llt pel ,
.a ii mi 111, be, iig an illlsl ihe foll.inlng nilne.l I '"'
I,,. 1 1 .,.,11 1 1 II 1 1,. f p. I
,1... tin.,..,..; .i a ' ; t i . im,. dun h i v up, ni iii
Aaloria, I iiunlv nf Plalaon, Hint nf Dre
am anil aald aliuvs deaerlbad projiorly at
piihlle mi'l Im) to Ih IPglxal lildder fur
eaall, P, H ilobl I" 'aliary auld aa.
ai'aallli'llt. Ilia lllleleal llll'reoll llll, III
coal a mill itpiuaea of aiue, and accruing
coals. . , .
I 'oie. I at Aaloria, Oregon, llio Dili day of
May, IM.
Plllef nf Police, PIIV of Aalmla, HI eg. Ill
Noll.e la helel'V giv-ic Ihut hy virtu
of ii waiiaul for Ihe i-nlli'i lloii of a da.
Illl,ielll iiasesaiui III for Ih" llliplovi'llielll
deaciiliul na follnna The piiiiairiieliurt
of a di i' i In .Mel Into a At,iria. usuiil by I'm Am lii"i and I'oliee
Jii.lge of ilie i III "f Al. n lu, by .lin-, mm
f the i '.Miiiic. o ,'i.ini. II of loil. I i'lly. aant
w a 1 1 a ul P. lug ilaled i he lib duv "f A pi II,
(Ml, I i me I'.lictid, no ' lilt' -laaesaiili'lll III
wbitll apeellbd iiiii'"iiiHiig l hi aunt of
l'i isl Willi llll'-lial II n 'I. nil llin full
day of I 'i'i i lulu" r, Im' at Ii per cMil pr
annum. I ig ne HUM ill" following n ilneO
peiaoli, low I, pi ami p Waaa, owner of
Ih.. following d, -eiili' d iiropi'iiy, lo.
wit. lot I, I, "ck Mi, M I'lure a Aaloria
in I ik.hiihi nil. .l.n.i ii.-, pi.'p'ity, and
j n III, 'l w .tl l .nil i .on iii. i In Is in.- lo levy Upon
i ,ni, I in. iii" u ile "f .- I i '" -I pi.'l" i iy,
III i, . Pi 1. 1 aillsfv "Hi aaseaanielil th
t,si ( lit i , ,ii in. I the .oat and as-
i.. I, .. n ..r rue. I ,,il oil in" a'll nay ill
l l . IV',. dllii i I V llp'OI III" illiovu da.
in .
wit, im. I i4 lof , block ill, Adair a Aal.oia
all. I ait.lllial a il.l ,. aei llied
V ill, h w si i am o .nun. in, la ii
and lu ike sale of a. II, I ileaei II
III ol .1. r lo a.lllafv a. , aaa,
pi lll
.pi'iiy, urn I
i levy upon
I in. ip. 1 1 v,
illietil 111"
.In ,1 I , Il pi "pi I I V
-l iiien-oii ami the i..i-i an.) r
i a of ail". I dd nil llio tub iliv of
IVS. duly levy liimll the nli,i',i de.
senl'i.l leal propeitv, n,l I will on ihe
Mb d iy ..f June IV'S nt llin Ii our of 1
'link. In Ihe afternoon ,.f ail. I ,.iv, ai
the t'oiiii llnusa poor III Oie pitv "f
Astoria, potiniy of plaiaop. Huiln of Ore
gon, nell aald nhove ib-aerllieil ptoperly al
pill-,1c iiinlli'ii to ihe lrgli.fl I. ..Lie, for
l ah, P H Hold I ' nil, o a II laf y a lid aa
sesNiuellt Ihe litteteal llu-leoll nti.l ihe
coals nllil I'klietiai-a nf a lb', Mild a.Cllllllg
I ic. at Aaloria, Oregon, the 9th day of
May, IM'l
Ii II tl.I.Oi'K.
I'bu f of 1'ollce. plly nf Aatou.i, Oug ui
:h ,1 ,v of June is 'S nt
ii , U. Ill Ihe .if. I llool
III" loiiit iioiii.i 'cii-r
A a' nt in . I 'nun! v of I'l 1 1 a
g.oi. aeil a il.) iilmv e .b
public am 11,01 lo the
c.isll, P H Hold I'olli,
ai i-nliielll , III" lllteli al
coal a 1111,1 I'll" llai a of
the hour nf
of all, I ilSV, SI
III Ihe Plly n(
.p, mate uf ore-
1,1... I lilolirl'ly gt
h ladder for
1. 1 a.ll.afy aa.a 1st aa
ihei i ami in
a ile, im. I a, crillug
I Lit
id al Asloiia.
Ma). P'S
(lug. Ul, (ho (III day of
Sat. ...
Sun. ..
Man. .
Tu. s. .
! Wed. .
: v i-i. ...
Sat. ..
inn. ..
... Pi.ttirs In case of
. n. rheumatisp. ne
i and of
ni !t..uM !so rr'-i'l of the pluc
tak.t-.g in the army diet.
, Tiu s.
- . W ed.
appe- iThurs.
ana s.i, p. I f,"-
I Pri. ..
! Sat. .
the : Sun. .
' Mon.
A fj'.il breath is one of the greatest .Thurs.
ailliotp.ns that . man or woman can have. ,
An a.l'.icti m not only to themseives. but suii. '!
to t;-.of,.' with whom they come in con-! M-m.
tact. A foni breath is a great d scourager i s"j'
of affection. It would prubably be more ih'tirs.
so if people only renligeU lust what bad!
i 3i : 1
i :i S'.i
: H s ;
3 0. i
4 ; j.
b i: n
t s i
7 i- ti ..
! V' ti I,
5''. i 1
i;- la io l in I:
1 llliil II e
i; .. ..i. .
IT .. .
0 p. 1-
? o :-!'
1 : s
2 ei ' i
a ; 42 : 4
:i 3 S.' 7 o
:.m 4 :'i ii
J'l i iii 1
;i ii j 7
:n 7 jT i 4
IL j 4
'i. I'J i 1
tl M
1 21 '.
l" : ",
.v. 7 1
3 .fa ; j
4 si : 4 1 1
i ,J T 5 i" C i
i "I 7 d 11 1".' I 1
S eo 1 6 il .il i .1
That the bloinl shouiu perform Its lll.xi
ii ."; i .'
S .1.' l 0
V 1- a 7
41 .1
full. Hons, It Is
should i-.ot only
glilng rl.lii. nl.s,
. fleeted t y the
l- pure
Iy necessary II
but ri h In life
i . suits me b. ai
Notice la hereby guen. that be virtue
of a warrant for the loiUcitnti nf a ile
l.n.juetu assesstut-ni for '.he luipioieuieii
ilea. Titled aa follows: ''lu. 1 mpi oveiueut
of Thirty- third. Th.rty-lirih aiteeta and
Harrison aienur. In Ailair'a Asloiia,
idiilv laaiu'd I') ihe And. i"r and police
'.lu.lge of ihe i'lly of Aaloria. by direction
j of the I'oniinon 'poiin. il of aaM e:ti'. aal.l
; w at rant In -ug dated ihe ll h day of April,
i i -. I... a . . i .i .1. loo Ihe me' iiul.'tit I I
'which s;.-' -it'i-.l a t.i.uiu; lug to 'he i.i.n of
P... o1 n ah luteresi tneieii it nil the lltn t,
.III of Nolelllher. IM., II . I'l- , - IK per if,
iiuinillil, be ng aitalllst the f 'oowlltg untied 4nd"
pel a. oi, tow ii , r rana I'aiton. truaiao, own-
it nf ih" f -ilow ing desi-rilie.l property. I"
'wit, lot .11, bloik an, Adair'a Aaloria,
in I ag nils: and ilea, rib.-d property, ami
w ': 'i w an .nit cuius inds me to lew uoou
.itl-1 tu.ikii al " of ail. I ,leaerll'e,l pr.'P-'llv.
.01 oia-r lo s 1 1 : .i f aa:.) itssesaturnt, tfl"
.n'.-r.i ih-a.. ui and tho cats and ri-
!"!'. ' of a. 1. 1, I .1,1 oil til" Kill d.ll of
, Vial Iv. .lu U ll up -n III" al'-'ie d"-
I i i. l i e.. :n ,i n.l 1 wo. .'ij
Plllef of Poll,',
Asioi la, in eg, in
l lllliK" OP i; HALM
Notice la hereby given, that be vlrluo
of i for ihe of a de.
I mini-ill aaai-aameni fur the liiiprnvainanil
ilea I'lhed as follows ' The llillitovi-iiielil
of Th.riy. third. Thirty nflh and
llarr son ati'itm-. lu A lair'a Aaiorl,
duiv lasiird by ihe Aiid'tor and I'olie
Jmlge i f ibr i'lly of Asior a. I y d recllon
"T the t'oiuiuoii I'ouneli of ait;,! city, aald
w ti ram being dated Ihe It'll day of A pi il,
IV'S, 1. 1 Ilie tpreclcl. and Ihe asseaann III III
whiih apeeliUi) aiiioiinting t.i the sunt nf
1,- .X llPIl lilt, leal III. I en ll tr oil) III" IIHl
.l:iv of Noveinhi-r p'l, i x p r ci-nt per
annum, b.-oig egV.nat the fC'iiialiig nitueil . i.eiia, a of a-ila.
pet a. n, town, 1 1.-. it I- ilfahatn. iiwuer of I Mai . Ixl'S duly
f do
llg ib'.ctiii .1 propel Iy, lu.
- .i
M. near I
parlii I.
, I pun:
th n
'. Ay,
ra Sarsa-
June, I
ih- ,f:
i te
Ie I'
I of I '
a ' s
p : 7
Is 7 S
1 .is I 1'
2 1114
4 3.03
.. i. , I
a '.' 0 4
i !'
12 .ii t a
11 42 s i
1 1.1 ti ."
1 i-i -IS 7 2a ' 4
1 22 'i 7 0 '2
2 . : i 2.' i) "
3 217 1 s . 3 'i 2 '.' L' .1 j
Si :3 usuis s;3j
4 31 7 j .' -j 1' I'i (2 2 s
5 10 7 s I'' 1 i 11 3i 2 4
ii-17 7 11 Ui"
i 4'1 7 2 " 12 "2 2 i
7 42 S 2 1 4o 1 j 12 .; I I
812 4 2 io ... : 2 : 3
4. S 7 4 el i 3 2.', 3 J
i.'iiii:p i'i' iv;
11 si ALU
:c I
of a
Ihe hour of
of a I.. I .lav . :
in the I'lty "f
-P. S.a'f of i ir-'-
. r.l.i .1 properly at
ll gll- s 01.1 '. : f u
sat .at y a . .1 as
tin H','11 ' tiu.l til"
ale, end a ortnng
W 111
lot I. hi, nk itj Adair Aaloria
iig nil. t aai.t dra. uled lu.'perty. and
wh'ch wariatit ni" to levy iip"ii
iili.l make aaie ef d-s. lil.-'d ,t"PTly.
'll nr.ler to aallsfy naseaainenl llin
tu'eri-st theiron and tha coata an.j ri-
i . !..s of a lie, 1 ,:, on 111,, illi ,.,y of
Mo, Km. ,u:y levy upon th" at'oio de
a i ,i,l real properiv 0n, I Will mi tll
'Ii day of June Imis. al the hour of I
o , io, k. In ihe afleinnon ,, Bti, o.iv, at
tti- i .nut House In Hie I'lly of
s'or x. i .'iinly of I'.alaop, H ate nf ore.
oi, ae.l aal.l aboie dea.-riiiail pruperly at
.i-lic an. lion io the h groat i...b'r for
h, P H loil.l I'.uri. ., auiafy an. I as.
sann-nt ibe Inten-at therenn and tho
s's nli.l i-xpcliaca nf Bile, and A eruttig la hereby given, thai be virtual
vt a waiiiint for III" l-olleclloil nf a de.
iniiieiit nanrasuieiit for Hie Inipriiveittsttl
dracrlbrd aa followa Tile Pmialriicllun
of a diaiti In M'i'liiiaa Aaiorl.
dull issued by Ihe Audilor and I'olie
Ju.ig" of ihe i ny if Asloiia, by dlrsn'iion
of the 1', iiinmoi t'liiuied of aill c a .aald
w arr ant lo ing 0 n. i 1 " h day of April,
It .a, ,i me .la.-.-i .1 ant the i 'iih-iii In
wllle.i apecllled allioilllllntf lo III" I "f
la. w won ii' ' oi i: .mi lu Jim
day of 1 leiTllibrr, PUT al a per lalll par
annum, being as ilnai th f .lowing nanitsl
p. la. m, (unit, fiiaon 0 Waaa, owner of
Ihe following di-aertt'ed prnierty, to
wil, lot 3, block . McPlure'a Aaloria.
and agaitiai ail.l dea. iitir, pioperty. and
Who h watraut i lite In levy upon
and make a tie of aald ileact llo-.l iunieriy,
lit order In a.ltlafy aalil aaa.-aautem th
llilereal lllrleon nnd ma coals lttt al
I On I nil Ilia alb day nl
lei y up, ill tlta al'iile
ii. th,- :
11 1 1.1.
Ii ,ii
a t
Ms i
"f - t 1
Orrgoll. Ihe Kth diy nf
II W.l.i n'K.
A It"! ii.l Teg,,
PiuiiP ok ii'i.ii i: h vi. i:
Notice Is herehy given, that by
i'l f i : lie iv, i i " ua-vs,.;::.
d.. nLed as t"i."
of '1 n.r-y. ih.i...
I larnson aienn'
uu.y lasiu-d by th
Juogo of the C.y
nf tne I'oit.inon v",
1 lie
A la
breath means. Had breath Is one of the
symptoms of constipation. Some of the
other symptorrai are sour stomach, loss of
appetite, sick and bilious headache, dl
x.ness, heartburn and distress after eat
ing. These things mean Indigestion.
They lead to dyspepsia and worse things.
They all start with constipation, and con
stipation Is inexcusable because It can b
cured cured easily, quickly and perma
nently, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. They give to nature Just the
little hdp that she needs. There is no
case of biliousness, constipation, lnd,
geftion. "h-artburn." or any of the rest
of the najhtmare-breeding brood, that
these little Pellets" will not cure.
Send il cents in on-'-cent stamps to
World's I!?jv r.sary JieJieal Association.
Buffalo. N. Y.. anl receive Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad-v:-r,
Midas. Messenger, ttr Ik. 13b! tons,
Alexander Black. Dunn. Br bk. 13S1
tone, Antwerp.
Forth bank, Peterson, Br bk, 1X9 tons,
Joseph Pullfier. Hanrey, Am sch, T3
tons. New York.
Clackmannanshire. Thomson, Br sh, 1482
tons, Newcastle.
Sllberhorn, Gibson, Br bk. 1774 tons,
Argo. Maclean. Br sh, 141s) tons, Ant
werp. Castle Bock. Jones, Br str, 1.TS7 tons.
Lombard, Raison, Br itr, 1,6U tons.
Hong Kong.
nnpi ' i men :
1 a.prov. no nt
i a. reels ana
r 9 .V'. u -a.
Au ! tor and I'oliee
f .Vstor a. hy direction
i He ; 1 of aai.i euy, aa.u
warrant being lin ed the li b day of Am...
Pi's, to ine iliu.iial. ana the a.ssi ssun'tu lu 1
sh: It spcil!e,l .-nno'in . :rig t the sum of j
51" '' with intensi iliii.i.ii ::.ou .n- Il.l Ii I
day of Nov niher. I' i a ' ; , in t-r
iiiiiiiiiu, acamst the foonwing n.iine.i
p. rsoii. ton .t. Sar.ih she: man, owner of
the follow uic discr.he.i property, to.
n.t. lot e, ti'oek Ji, Alia Anuria,
ana against .nd ib s. r.i.ed property, and
ha h warrant c.riim nu- to levy upon
and make aie of said i.-si r toal prop.r'y,
in order to satisfy s.v.i assessment, thai .
Intertst lheren and the costs and ex
pens. s nf sa.e, , ,1 ,,:t the th day nf
.May. IM'S. du'.y irvy I;.. n ttl- auoie d".
s. rn.ed real property, and I will on th- i
v!t day ..f J'.ltie. !:. at the hour ef 1
"' 'In'K. In the aft, rn...,tl .if si.,1 d iy, a:
tl." t.',,uri lio'.ia,. l'.-T in -h" City m
Astor.a, County .f r:au..p. nf or--.
H -n. se.l si:.i !,ov.' d- . r i'"l property at
. u
' la h
arr ml fo
t .ip.ea-.-l
"d a.i f,.
ty. Ill i I
it -i
it f .
i: Mvi.i:
tha: te
v irtur
t:-e la hereby an f-r (he
.'III naaeastn.-n f,.
'.he aa foll.ns a
n, ihai tiv virtu
-olVell.oi ,,f b .te.
i ha Improvement
'I lo. Impr ivi-uieiit
' he
I mil
d.s r:
..f l'h
llirrl""!! aienue, in A.Uir'a
line issue, i ny ihe A'l-litor an
J'.i. th-'
of the l oiutiion i
Uiltll!'. I.e. ng da
ivs. to ;ne d
i,,,n of a de-Improvement
.os -i'i.. Improvement
Thirty. fifth streets and
A s o r i a ,
of Asior a. by d reel. on
'..une'.l of a lid v .ty.
ed ih.. ', -' ... .t Vir-I.
d. a- 1 'he in. mil'iil In
hu h specified am '
I.V .0 vi ;' h ilit- r- s; Ii i - . n t '
1 v ,,f N", , ir ..-r p',; .,. v p.
.itiiium. utf nn.l Ih.' f .':'
person. I..S.I. pl.-nor j4"vey,
h f.'i.onuig . r : ti. .1 pr o
int. l"t 31. block ll. Adair
an. I aatainsl and .l.-s. r.'.i .1 nr.
w'n.-h warrant i ollim 'tela ni" I'
'in. I make aa;e nf and ibs ran-.
n or b r to'afy a-. aases.
'.ni.-r.'sf ther-on and ih s-
" ii-.
- h .1
d r,
! a
il l
n p.
; i i'
, I l-r
:y s i
f .1-
I lis-
il pr
f J
i t'n
ll, oi
I 1 al
1 tie a lilt of
ll ": lltn
r . etlt p' I
ina: n itne.l
owner of
p.-ri) to
a AaMrt.1.
pelt i an I
. b vy ui'-rn
I f.r p. r.v.
Ulient. th"
I'l I
u the l-h -lav
rtv. and I
' t 1
f I
-r. In
l.ila.'ti, H'..t-
desrrlhed t
IV I, .0
It oir
i. .1 I i
h" i'i'
I he
d ,XP
: A -r -I
is of
h ith.
.1. a r
I -f Th tt Ih rd. Thir!) firih a'.rreia and
: ll irr'aoti airntte, In A. lair a Aaiorl
i-lii laaued by the Aitl.lor an 1 I'nli.a
i Judge of tho i lly nf Aator a, I y direeimn
j of ih" i'oniinon I', line. I ,,f sill el)', m,!
w arrant being dated Ihe II ih d ir of April.
j ll'S, to me .1 i.-ctril. an.) Iha aaaeaailirm t)
wh.eli apeelned aliuniutllig t.i thai ram it
I'" . wi'h inirri-at in. r., n inuu tne lith
1,1 il of Noveil'.l'er P'7 r on per
"fin ! Iig a g. I'll at ho f ' us I It at n i Iliad
I pei ami. low-It, P. A 11:11, owner nl
j'he f clou ng deacr die.) properly. !.
wit. lot a, lii.ii i, i.i, Adair'a Aalurta.
. ,md aaainsi aald .lea, r I,,-, I pi.ierty. and
.. i h w a 1 1 ant e on m a it. is to b-v y u;sin
! int. I make Rule nf a il. I ileaer.l" d property,
, at or ler to aatlsfy aat.i aafsament. Iha
i Inlerest there. .n ami the mei and as
ile'iara nf sale, I ,1.1 ,.n III" nth day of
I Nlay, IK'S, ilu.y In v upon ihe it, ma de
! a -ribs-d real pr 'per'v and I !!' nn Iha
'h .lav ..f June p.. at ihe h "ir ef 1
o '. k In th" aft. :n. .oi ,.t sn.i ,in, ai
i t'l" II' ' H I l T "l" l ' ' 1 of
a. Cotutiy of Clatsop, Hlate nf IV--.1
aald al'-'V" les. r '..d proiierty at
all, 11, Ol to 'he ll li.'l. a' . '.I ler far
P (4 I l" .ill, I i .!' "ty a ed sa
il tro-reon and ih
f a n . an a i-rii'.n
I lie , real propel iv. and 1 will mi Ih
v h day of June, (s"i nt the hour of I
o clink, Iii the of arvid day, at
' i Tie. i ilniie i.i.i tn ihe i'lly of
' Astoria, I'oiiiily of Plata. ip, Hiale of lira
g..l ae,l aeld iilmia daaer.bed property It
pill. I.c fin. Holt 1,1 lltn ll K'leal ladder for
eaall. I' H Hold Colli. o aallsfy 4j (.
i Mini III Ihe llilerrat tlleie.. and 111
, eoaia ami ripi'ttara of saI". and aiiTUIng
c- -a i a
' pale.t al Aa'arla. Oregon, Hi l'h day of
Mav. lul
j K II Vl.l.ti.'K.
Chief of I'oliee. City uf Aalol .a, 1 11 eg in.
fllir.r OK Pi' K H A LP
Notl. e 'a herel-y Silrlt. lha py ylrtu
I of a wan ml fir Ihe eoltreliori of a d-
,rnilenl naai aann 111 for 'ha t III pr iVemelll
i1raelit,ed aa follow Tha Cons! r ucl Ion
nf a di a I. ii M i 'iuraa Aaloria,
.Inly laaio.t Pv the Auditor and Pdlr
; Judge of Ihe i lly of Aator a. by dlraellon
i f ihe i '.im iii. at ti. c f i i I c.iy aa'd
w airallt bring dated Ihe ll h day of April,
, I'll, Iii Itie ilui'i li-d. ami tho a aa.-aalllc-tu Ih
, sin, ll apei illed n llt-'iiu lit t i lite mt til of
I.'. Ill with llilereal Ihrlroti from lllo lull
I a V o. I leerinl.rr. lx:, al l-r cam par
Bliiiilln. l.e.l'g an i Mal lite f ' lowing hatltasl
irraui, lowU, j ridget Allen, owner of
ih" f iliwinit ,r.,t .t.e.i property. III.
wit. lot 4 bio. Ii I 'l. M.-i'luro'a Aaiorl
and agiluat aal.l ibs Mini properly, and
Sit', h a .i 1 1 .ml i on III i n. I a 111 s to evy Ul"n
and make aa'e nf ae I dea- tilted properly,
lt order lo ail afy ai!, aaa. aauient, Iha
Inier.-at ihrieen an. I e coata an. i as.
tana, a ..f n, I ,l, ..n the mh diy .if
May, I vi. duly ey upm tho alniya da
1 a. tll.e.l real prnpi-Hv and 1 will nit Ih
l'h .I n ..f Julie H-n .,i thn h Mir .if I
ii clink. Ill tlio afternoon nf aal diy, al
'te I'liuil llmtae poor In Iha illy uf
: Astoria. Cotutiy ..f l',ala..p Htala of lire.
fc.nt, ar.l aa'd tthoie i1rarJir, iroperty a
iiul'l.c all' t lull I.i Ihe huh. al l., . ler far
i . ih P 8 Unit Co. ii l-i lllilf) a il. .
' a. ano nt , the in', ti t' their. in and Ih ami cip't sv u.' '.', nj a-. ruing
-' l! V-
M il, l
! s'.,r
I IP HI. s
I P'iImIc
I i.h.
I iK it Ihe .h day of
y of Asior. a, ur g ,n
th.. In'
at. -I
h diy
nf si
I as. ' 1
I ih" !
ru i i '
. .t a
n .mi ays fi n.l some char- i
1 whom she thinks she isj
with m'f h
Il-re lb-
r.l w.
Is r
mp.r.njoni. r.t k""p more people In j
ireumstan'-ts tnan any otner one
T) be successful one must look
and plan ahead so that when a
r.Ci- opp'.rt'in.ty presents Itself h
a iy ,' t ike a.lvantdve of It. A little
ho .iilit nil! also sax-.i mueh expense
v ti-j it,;. time. A prudent and car
fjl mtn '.nil k-p a bottie of Chamber
lain's C-'l.c. Ch"!' t anl Diarrhoea Rem-
Iy in th ! -u-e, the shiftl- ss fellow will
w i t r.-. -:; compels it and then
ru a hi U-st h-rse Ruing for a doctor
and h-iv-e a ! g d'-i. t'jr bili to pay, beiid-s;
ne pays out ij c n'.s, th- oth.-r Is out :i
huiclri d ,:,', irs and t.i-n wonders why
ins n..L-ii',or is getting rii her while he Is
it--', ng ; o r- r. K-.r sine by Charles P.o?-
r.-. uri.-iiiii,
'A !
'1 UAH
el tip ir rnon'-y
om-s to settle
The suggestion of ri'. oi rir, m y
of Porto P.lco and the- phii.ppin. s l,y
the United States rails out wirn.nas h-
and there on the sour- of the ir.h u i' m's
of those colonies. They are . st-ri.e d
revolutlonitts both by naturt and h
Look, it Is poiiitt-d out. how rr.u, h tto .V"
they havi) always (riven Spain, at ) r- '.
in that history how nimh tr mVe 1 1 v"
would bo c rtain to give th- L'tii:-'!
Tho question of permanent nee 'il' ito y
cannot bo ) ciJeU on that ground, .'or
that reduces the Uuited Ptati-s to a b v !
with Spain. 'Jho worry mat Spa'n liuit
hid with her colonies she has herself
provoked. She il th- :irchi'.' t of all
of her colonial mi.-foi'tuncs. She has giv
en hi r colonies more trouble than they
have ever given her, and ahe hits always
been the aggressor. In Cuba and in 'thf
Philippines her rule has boon atrocious.
Any people with a spark of spirit about
them would have rebelled ajralnst It. It
Is Indeed a promising sign of a capacity
In them of good government that under
condition so repugnant to all fairness
and Justice, they have proved to be tur
bulent and unmanageable.
If the United States undertakes govern
ment for Porto Rico and the Philippines
tho scheme will be a great Improvement
on anything those colonic have ever en
joyed at Spain's hands. It is Idle to
Mrs.'l Curtain, plalnsfleld. 111.,
makes the ratement, that she caught
cold which settled on her lungs; she
was treated f,r a month by her family
Physician, but gn-w worse, lie told her
fhf w:'s ;i hopel-ss vli tim of consumption
,-in'l that no rii'dlelne could cure her.
Ibr druggist siiggeseted Lr. King's New
Discovery f'T Consumption; she bought
deiight found herself
I a b.
i le t.
i.s lo r
frun the
u-e and
1 h.r-:f
own hou.4'
r -,i,is.
iy st
. She con
ikir.g six bo'.
i.'.d well; now
and is as well
rial bottles f
ry at iln-s-Cotin Drug
V; i -n-.s and il.
: ( o.-turn-s are worn by
tirst '
wot k,
rs of tip: exclusive set.
at, but it 1,1
for s- c
mot'; S'
Ii i'. : u:
i '.ivinir
seriously nl.'licted with a cough
rol y..-ars, and last fall had a
vie i-,,i;;li than ever before. I
eil many r-up .lies without re
much reib-f. and being re'tom-
tii'rniid i., uy a bottle of Chamberlain's
CovurH Pern, dy, by a friend, who, know
ing me to be a poor widow, gave It to me,
I tri'd p., and with the most gratifying
results. The tirst bottle relieved me very
mu'h and the s"conu bottle absolutely
eurd u.e. I have not had as good health
for twenty years. 1 g,ve this certificate
without solicitation, simply In appreci
ation of the gratitude felt for the cure
effected.. P.'spectruily, Mrs. Mary A.
Heard, Clarernore, Ark. For sals by
Charbs Rogers, druggist.
iunford. M.icPherson. Pr fch. 21 tons.
I Hamburg.
j Patriarch. Breach Er sh, HE3 ton. Ma
I nll.a.
Les Adelphus. Lebretnn, Ur bktn, li2.
tons, Kreemantle.
Poseidon, Bush Br sh, ITiS tons, New
castle. Gertriid, Hlnke. Ger sh, iv3 tons. Kobe.
Lauriston, Latta, l!r bk, tons, Rio
' Janeiro.
j Howth. Slartin, Br tk, S166 tons. Cal
i cutta.
1 Emln Pasha, Chrlstensen, Ger bk, VST,
. tons, Antwerp.
i Wallacetown, Motley, I!r sh. IO; t-.tis.
I John Cook, Magee, Br sh, i; puis.
! Illogo.
Stronsa. Barry, Br h, 1UCS tons, Yok i
j hama.
I Heienburg, Jefferson, Br sh, J-aa tuns.
Gitr.ard, Turner, Br sh, l'-A tons, Sin
c-.s o.
Forest Hill
Argyil, Ward, Br. strnr.
Nereus. Schuite. Ger th
Wasdale. Fisher, Br. sh, KTj tons, Ant
werp. Helensburg. Jefferson, Br. sh., VL'j tons,
Fon-st Hall, Scott, Br. sh., IM tons.
Nere-us, Shultz, Ger. sh., 177' tons, Hamburg.
Port Elffln, Renney, Br. sh
An. Inula, Adams, Br. sh ,
Itw halbtim, Forbes, Br. ah.,
Arthur Fitger, Denk'T, G-r
ton:!, Yokohama.
Vai-'-i, lie ijamii, Tertrum, G
Trade Winds, Ritchie, Br. th.
r rrin"isco.
chief , f p
'.. 1 1 VLLmi'IC
: A-io-.a. ui.
Ciillire UP P' 'LI. E
.1 h-ri'l
i' it
a warrant for tip
Int by
.ilapi- lit a
.! s rib.-d
Th ri
Ii irr.-.m
Scott, Br. sh., lj tons.
, Iv'l tons, Hong
I'iJ'j tons,
a ib-.
... - on. r.: f-r i::.; r . v -: r i -1 1 :
as fol.ou - Ti..- i inpr-.v e;i.. f I
ih.i'l, Th-rty. fifth a tree; a mil
at-fti'ie, in Ada r's As'oris.
.I .iy issip-d y the Aud.n.r and i'.iln
J nn of -he i ity ef Asi'.r.a. hy , recti. !
' the C"llim "H I'lein.-il of slid c ;y. .. i I
ii arrant b-.r-g 'la-ni tin- I; h d iy Apr ;.
'.". to no' il.l- te.. an I he as -oiio ni In
v.h.-h s;"-'.--l arntari ' :ti- o lily h,v, .f
Ii M w h ini'i's; 'hen.. a f; on :m- II n
nf N'.v. ml" -r. l-.'l. .n ti I r i. ii- p. r
-l- '.'HI.. 1 e I. .Ik I.'.-' Ill" f . I'.'.l .Ilif n in-- d
, is m. tin.-, K:.-i..r Sivy, owio-r .'
'i- f "ion .1. .1. e . .!.. . I pr..;..-i v I...
:t. i..t "1. I) i k II. Ad iii
an I i'g nt-"'. sal 1 ,.-s. t ! . ,1 .:.;.-! iv . at, I
n 1 1 . 1 ' i .i.iir.iiit i .fniii ci-li in i
an I make .- ne "f , n. .1- s. r.i"
ni or i' r to s 1 1 isfy sa el a - -i. -
.liter, - t h' i ..n and : h i
I- i.s. i ,.f ..,,!.-. I ,1 1 o'l ,e
.May. I-:--., ibi.y ! vy up-.n tn- .ni'o.e ,i,
sir. i.e.! r.'.i, property, an.i I wil. on th
1 --Ii .1 v ..: June. 1 -. ,: 'lie h lr "f
lO'lO'K. In t.'ie .if. I-....OI ..I ... ll.f,. ,1
th ."irt II, 'Use Poor, it, !,.. i'i'v of
Asior, a, I'o'nry of Plats. ,,, Si ne ..f i ir- -1
gon, s. il eiial above .!. r.i,ei pr"i. rty at
i ' ll!,..,- OIO I.eri til th" ll l-ll'S'. Ill, l ie: far
j nrli, I.'. S. ,nld . t ' Sa:d nS
I ."".-stni nt, th.- Int.r' t 'hereon and me
'e.'.-s and expenses of a i.-. and ip cruing
i llliiK
. is h
"r: a. i ir n -n. the 'J'h d iy
i: iivi.i.iii'k.
'-. ':'y of Ail 'i.i, i n 0:
i'i' piii.ii i: nvLii
by K.le'l Ihlt III
..f Poll, -, ru
Clllr-P UK
rl l. l ir. g ot, ihe ion ,.ty nf
' IIVI.I.'l'K
..? A n.e : t, t ir. g ,
piil.l' i: HVLI"
Rll en, thai .v
a '.cur
,, a- nt .u
I'ii 1 1 v -
of I
K.le'l Ihlt xirt'ie
lie Colli
.ami ni for t he Impr
i foli.o.ia. Tl,,. Impr
In I I hirly t'fih streets
-n ai'iiU'-. in Ad.4.;'a A-i
. .'I'd hy ihe A'ld.n.r and I'
I .' i.i'Ci y of A'loria. ny d'rei
ollimon l -lane;! o- and ci'y, aaol
' t-i; ' a ' d th.- ll ri .1 ij ,,f Apr. I
no- ,;I- ' : t. utel the -.all,. If, la
" 1" ' I'.- d ' " ti ... . i , ;),. a inn of
with Inlerest themn from the ll li
l de-
all. e
Il.l.- r
a As; ui.
'I'" I ' , al.
P vy up
-I prop--im
a an I
nth d.n,
n In
I .. ll
i- on
M iy.
d nt Ami
' nf P .il,
rln, Oregon, the day ol
E. IAI.L"'K.
City nf A.-itur.a, Oregon.
I ,
dn v
I- a. pf
'-.' "f ,..l.
I. Ill the
'..ur' II. ni
ii, i 'on nt y
'. ,1 said al
a ip l inn
I Hi;,
a nt. lb
and ep
n .t ' he f iiioa ing nam
i. o Wa'-on. onio r of
! "T !' -I proper' i . to. !
"Ii II. Adair's Astoria,
' -I- s. i I., i pt.iperiv . and 1
, : on .nds up. to . vy upon I
f . ..,1 d- s, r.i.ed mop- itv, 1
I ,- i.d aso-.snieni Ih"
at .1 Hut i osta and ex-
I ! d oil Ih- It'll day of :
l'-vv upon i in- a Kin- m I
I" r'y. .1 n.l I will ,ui th- 1
I- is -it I he lo r ;
ifit noon ..f . nd dai , a'
1 r In 'he l iiv of
. f I'l.ilsi.p, S'a 'e ,.r l ir- i
ne .. .. r In-, property at I
o i he h iih i mil. i f.r.
Id Co. It, l" aallsfy aald u a- '
uin n .! Ho i . ..ii in,. I i he
im s of s il ., ,,n, . , ruing
I'll!'! tons,
TabP ; ,i:
City folks rave over the daisies in the
country 11. Ms; so do tlio faimi rs, but nol
in tho same language.
Mr. John Bevins, editor of the Press,
Anthon, Iowa, gays: "I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy In my family for fifteen years,
have recommended It to hundreds of
others, and have never known It to fall
In a single Instance. For sale by C'has.
Rogers, Druggist.
Mooilan. I-.'eik, Br, sh., 1010 tons
b a ma.
lircel'rl'k Castle, Ferguson
1711, Shanghai.
Ednvful, jones, I;r. bk., l'..l tons
Thalnssa, Hellm'ge, Ger. bk., Iii
Colbert, Lorcau, Fr. bk., 1218 ton
Penrbyn Castle, Davl.,8, Ur, bk
tons, San Fram-lsco.
Invereauid, Jackson, Br. Ik., VM tons.
San Frinclseo.
Yolo, panniculck, Er. sh.., tons,
Ilonn Kong.
Christine, V.'arncke, Ger. bk. 1500 tons,
II logo.
Laurclbar.k, Lindsay, Br, bk., 22i!7 tons,
V.'lndsbrout, Haase, Ger. bk., 12"3 tons,
Notice is hereby g.v-en, that by vlrliie
nf a viarritit for tip- n I .-, n in of a de
l.niii"tit as:" s.siiii m ,,r 'he liuprovem-ni
lea rilo-'l as followH: Hp- Improvement
ol lion. I street from 'h" west Ine
ef Ninth street to lift west line
'or mocks I" ano 17, M'-' lure a Astoria,
l'.is ions i'i'11 i'"''1 hy lhe Auditor and I'oliee
i-" ; J:pl,;r ,,i t!. (,ity f Astor.a. by direction
. of th.. r. mnium Courn ll of Haid city. Maid
sh., l-i'."; wiiirunt be.iig dated th- !l-), day ,,t apiiI.
I It'"!, lo ni" dm ct' il, and the a.isi . sm.-nt Ira
"ii.. a ,-p.-. oiiij iiiitotin' oik lo inn f. in or
I i'. i h Iriurisi 'heron pi-i tl.- i,ih
day of January, b'.h, nt n fo r c. ni per
'finuii nt,- an iliisi 111" fun owing n nu. d
person, tow il, V. w. Parker, owner ol
ih" following lb-si rili' d properly to
il. t, lot 7. him It 11, .McClure's Astoria.
and fir. ilnst .aid deserili'd ir'ip"Hy, and
V.ip)i wnrrant i-otiimandi tp. m ii-vv upon
fc''-' nnd make sale of s aid d'-si ribed properly,
I m ord. r to satlsfv said asscsemeiu,
San I ititeient iln.reoii ami th" roals and ex
, pi uses of sale, I did on the Ulh day of
.May, Mis, duly I'Vv upon tn" Inn., d.-.
r.h"d real property, and I will on Ih"
n u.iy i.r .nine. IMiH, al Ih" hour of 2
ieg, in tne aiii-rrionii of said day, nt
Court I louse Poor. In the ciw or
I Astor.a, (.otihty or Clatsop, H"ito of on-
is j., i iron, sen mini auove iieserioeii properly nt
'd at
May, laa.
f of Poil. e, I'i
' ir. g,.n
y of Asior:.!. ' 'I eg I
I'i M. U p S A I.II
l!'.-. I-,
Ai-'eroi. I y direction
n il of aal.l c.ty, said
Vefiseis on the Way Bnd In Columbia
Riv-ir to Ia1 Lumber.
. , bktn, Ki2 tons, Mollrndo.
-, schr, IX) tons, Han Frun-
Br strnr, lf80 tons,
Whltgift, Bowling,
ban Francisco.
Mary E. Russ, Nelson, schr, 224 tons,
San Pedro.
Albion, Daniels, strnr., 286 tons, Orca.
PUlilli: auction to thn lIKnial h Oder r..r
'ash, U. 8. Gold dun, lo sansfy said na
S'F.smcnt, the Inl'r'-nt. thereon and inn
costs uud expenses of sal", (,nd aeeruing
Oated nt Astoria, Oregon, the 9th day of
May, 1SD8.
11. H A f, LOCK.
Chief of Police, Cl'y of Aslona, Oregon.
Notice Is h'-reby given, that by virtue
of a warrant for the collection of a He.
Iin'pient assessment for tho Improvement
desrrlhed as follows; Th" Improvement
of Bond street from th went line
of Ninth street to .'ie west line
of blocks 10 nnd IT. -u-e's Astoria,
duly Issued by tho Auditor nnd police
Judge of the City of Astoria, by directum
of the Common Council of Hableliy, said
warrant being dated ihellih day of April
IKTiH. lo me dlrti'ted, and trio asH' ssmen' in
which specified amounting, lo the sum or
113.02 with Interest i hereon from Urn nn
day of January, lKm, at H per cent per
annum, being against the following named
person, lowlt, v. W. piirker owner of
tho following described property, to
wlt. lot 6, block 14, McClure's Astoria,
and agnlnst said described property, and
which warrant commands me to levy upon
and make sale of said described property,
N"!lc" Is hereby g.n-ii, be virtue
"f ll WIIIT-llll ful the collection nf n lie
I nipp iu iiSheHiii. rn for ihe Improvement
I. a. rlbed lis follows; 'l'h.. I uiprovemeui
"f Pond street from up' west line
"f Ninth street lu Hie weal Ine
of blocks II and 17, .VI ! lure'i Astoria,
duly issue, i i.y irp. Auditor ami I'olli
in i ..f tn.' i it'
of ih" i omniou i oun
wurrniil l.eing !t-, ihe ll'h .I n. i viuu
Wis. to me ilirecle'l. and tin- ai-..oiui. tit m
v h ' h ' i i'o d i. no uni inn to ihe sum ..t
'12 v. 1 1 h Inti f st ilpr-on from the .Vh
d iy of January. tlx, nt S f i f ci in pei
annum, In- ng ai.-aln-n the following n inp"l
person. toii:i, w W, Parker, owner of
Hi" following ii-cribi'd prop.-riv In.
iMt. lot H, block II. M'f 'lure's Ailorin.
nd nguliiHt said iI'-hi 1 1 In il properly, and
Mb eh warrant eominands me to levy upon
and make sale nf said ileHenlnii properly,
In order lo aatlsfy said assessment the
Interest thereon nnd ih" cnsia iiml ex.
In iisi s of M ile, I did on the mh day of
May. i Its, du.y levy upon the above de
scribed real properly, nnd I will on th"
Mh day of Jim". at the hour of 2
"'clock. In the afternoon of paid day, nl
tlie Court House poor. In Ihe City of
Asioiln, Ciiuiiiy of Clatsop, Hlate of iire
i'on, sell said above described property at
public auction to tho IiIkIpsi lildder for
'ash, Ii. H. Gold Coin, o satisfy nald ns-'I'-ssmcnt
the inleiesi i hereon and the
".sis and expenses of sale, and accruing
Oated nl Astnrln, Oregon, Ihe 9th day or
Noli.,, la heretiy uu.-n, that hi- vlrlua
f a itruit for 'he e iile. ,if n .le.
I fi'l'l'-nt naaeasttient for tint Itlif.rov. inertl
d. S I H.e.l US fall .il a I'l ,t , . Inr
ff Th rtv- th'rd. 'Ihlrty-nf ih atreeta and
II tri avenue, in V la r a Aa"iia,
dull laaued Ity Ihe Alldllor nil. I I'nllra
J i-U'e of the nf Astona. by directioti
"f the I'smni-m Cnttnell nf i,f ,-!lv, aal.)
ii irraiit being da'e, ihe ll h day of April,
!. '.i nia direetiU. and I." i' "in nl In
uh'eh ape, 'pie, I iiltioun Olt' t.. the sum of
("' io lil'h interest .lore ei fi..nt -tie llin
.In of November. I'e ,, i ... , ,.i' pr
ai-'i'im, I,.- ct; aci'int 'h fillniung named
p.'i s oi. .n It, Frank P ttl -n Ini-iee, own-
r ..f -he f illowinir den rihi-d property, tu
rn'. I " 'I. b o. k W Ai'iulr'a Aaloria.
al I iittnlial ail.l deaerlbed property, n Hit
ii !c. Ii ti at ran' e .iiitn art. la nt.- io .-vy upon
.'i l It . ike of said . eser I l..-d t.e.ijier'v,
I'i ol. i to .ttafe a I'd il'is. as-nett I , the
-1 thereon and the .oats and i-x-
' "f a le, I "U Ilie ll'h il IV of
l-'is duly levy th" it.. lie An.
' : ... I re il j.ropertv and WI mi Hie
"h .In- of June ls'is nt th.. hour of
I..- iii 'h. C'ein-ion .,f .0,1 ,i ,v, nt
'he r..i;t 11. e ... . ..or tn 'h,- I'nv "f
A-t'.o I, I'.. cn'y nf I'ialsop, Hlate of lire,
ir-'ii, s. ;1 ii.l nhoie desera.e.i property at
piii.lic am 'ion to the high.-at ladder for
. i-h P. H C'lil Com. p. satisfy , i', as.
. snout the intere.t ih'Teon and iha
""' and exi nsea of a il.-, uud a. crillug
i i-H
I'd i' Aa'orlii 'ir. g ui, the ll'h day of
Mac. I nn
II HAI.I.rictc.
i dili f of Police, i'lly ,,f Astoria, i u-egoti.
;Ctl'. f ef P .'.',"
j CHIEF OF'i: hm.i:
, No", a la hrrel y a.ien thxt by virtu
i f a ii.n rant f. r 'lie . ..IV. t',,.ii of a .la
in. pi, an in' f.r I tl ml ' I' ' III e It t
d. a. rd..-. aa f.iil.iaa Ihe C inairneiiiin
1 "f i li ci' ti VI i ure a Aaioria.
i duly taain.l i.v the Audilor and 1'ollca
J' III" i t ih. C iv nf As'oi a. by dlrecilnn
i . f ihe 1'i.uiln. at i .. I , ! . nd i .ly. aa'd
I ll ll i ml t- :!l d n'e.l ih- II h .I II' ..f April.
eS, la U.e, Olid 'he .taSe.auie( In
jeh" It "p. . im. I iiiii 'iit: .lis 'o the a.iin of
;:,.i mth .u-.iit ittrr.. oi fi-.m ihe nn
.I.v ..f I en, p. r, pe,,- lt - f,rr , eni per
.arininn, I..- na ni: t liat Ihe f ..low Ina named
:p.tsoti, i. mil, !ti..., Ain owner of
Ihe folbiMlllg ilea, t , ... I properly. lu.
it. lot .1 look In'. Vl i'lurea Aatoria
I .in I iiK.ntist and ilea. r. in-. properly, ami
he', ll 1 1 I am I .It I ill i rid ' 111" lo levy upon
,. Il.l make a tie of and d.-s I :l.e. pt .perty,
lit older to a.lllafv a .1 1 I .laaeaanirnl, tha
iii'-r-st ther.eii and the eoa'a and ex-
I" "" s "f aiie. I ii.o on ihe tuh day of
'I''. P'.'S . I ll 1 v lew up oi tip nlmiii de.
" I 'e.t I. ii piopi-liy. ,in, I I :l; n the
Ii ,ln "f .lone Piix ii the hour of I
"l'"k. In Ibe tfiei noon nf aald day, al
I"' l olll' H.lll-e l-l.,, , ,1,,. ,HV ,
A -i 'a, i ' o i it t v of t'l i , . n Hutte of Ore.
a'on. .i II arid lllmve ib'a. r.le-.l irnpertv at
pui. iii. Hon to the h vli. at hi.l.ier for
' ih P H Ool.l Con, ti aitiafy a il.l as.
a. ..aim n' , ihe. inii'ieat ihereon and ths
cos's and ixi" list a of pale, uud meriting
I at
M a 1 .
orla. ( in gun, ihe J'h d i- of
Ill, f of I
t i i i i : i-
. City
lLVI.l.t li-K.
Astoria. Olefin.
May, lx!H.
'lll'-f of polio
Cl'y of Asloiia, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby Kivcti ttlilt by virtue
of ii warrant for the collecilon of n de.
I'nipnnt asscasmi-nt for the Improvement
.b", The, 1 na follows: The Punalriirtlnn
"f a drain In M''i 'lure's Aatnrln,
.111.- i.iaiir.l by ih" AipMloi and pollca
.Ii i'pi' of the City of Aa'orlii, I.v direct mil
..f Ih" i oniiimn Conm-ll of anil cllv aald
arrant being dated Die Hill day nf' A prll,
P''S, to mo dlfecl. d, nil,! th,. HS.eSSmi Ht l
u hl' h .poeiiie.l ftuioimtlmt to tin Hint of
'', ISI V. Il Itlt-r-l ., ,,,,
.liiv of li. cemlii r. Im;, at x per cent per
annum, b'-'ni: inralttsi tip. following named
person, towlt. Marioiiet Kinliiyaoii, owner
of ihe following described property, lo.
nil. lot I, blink li, Mei lure'a Astoria.1
and mi ilnsl aald ib'sot Hied properly, and i
hi. h arrant cominnnds nn- to eyy upun I
and make sale of said ilcaerllteit properly, I
til ordi'l to satisfy said JlHseasuii.til , th" I tnereon nun the main and ex.
' of aaie. I did on lltn ith d iv of
ISllS. duly levy llpotl Ih" iihov.. ile.
scninu re.-n prnperiv, and I will on inn
sth d iv of June. IMiH. at tin. h our nf 2
ii clock. In Ihe nflcinonn of said day. nl
the ''nun House Poor. In ihe i itv' of
Asiorui, Cnuniy nf Clntsop, Hlain of Dre
koii. sen auld nhove descrihed prnpi-rly nt
public miction lo llin highest Milder for
cash P. H. Hold Colli, to miliary a.t, ,, a.
Ki-ssment, the Interest I hereon and 111"
coals ii ml expenses of sab-, and accruing
lea led at Aaloria, Oregon, the Jih dav of
May. ISiiH.
R. HALLocic,
Chief of Police, City nf Astoria, Oregon
Noll.e la hereby given, that bv vlrtna
of a warrant for the inllecllon nf a da-
I lopp III aaseastto tit for the Improvement
deaerlbed aa f.illnwa: The Cniiaiructlon
of a drain In MVCInre'a Aaloria,
duiv iaau.,1 hy the An, llor and I'ollcs
.Indite nf Ihe Cllv nf Aal irla. bv direction
of the Common Cnuncll nf aald cllv, aald
train I., ing .Intel ihe tuh day of April.
I. to pte illl'i-li-.l. nlal the iiMcaami.iit In
n huh specified iimoitui Iiik t'l the sum of
oi wlih llilereal thereon from Urn 2uth
f I o i einhrr. ls:i7. at N uer cent iter
iiiiiiiiiu, being ii n ii i ti nt ih" following named
peraoii, inwit. liuaiavn Erh kaen. owner of
Urn following described property lo.
wil, lot il, block nil. Mcl'lure's Aaloria,
nnd iiKilnst and ilea- t a in-. I properly, and
which wnrrant commands m.. to levy upon
mid make sale of said .lea. tiheil properly,
lu order to Hitiafy aald assessment, Iha
-i nii-ieoil nun lite "ista nnd ex
l of Mile, ,11,1 ,,t the Ulh day uf
P'.iH, dull' lew mion Ihe ulioi-i, ,1e.
rlbid real properiv, nnd I will on Ilia
h day of June, pus. al llin hour nf I
i.ii in inn urti-rnooi, of paid day, at
Court lions,, inor. In thn Cue or
Asloiia, County ,,f Clatsop, Htala of Ore.
K'UI, Sid said iiliuve deNcrihc.l lll'illlerlv at
i... .i.oi io inn rutin i 1. 1, i, ler ror
P. H. Hold Cum. Iii aallsfi' aald aa.
nil. lit, Ibe llilereal Ihereon and Iha
Is and expenses t p ile, and a. ci-ulna
Oaiisl al
Aaloria, Oregon, llin till day of
' f of Police, City nf Asiorlu, Oregon.
Notice p hereby given Inat bv virtue
of a warrant for Ihe collection of n de
linquent iisHi Hsmenl for Ihu Improvement
des, rlbed as follows: The Improvement
of Thirty, third, Thlrly-flflh Htreela and
Harrison ii venue, In Adair'a Aslorla,
duly Issued by Ihe Auditor and Police
lu.lgi ol the Pity of Aslorla, by direction
"f tho Common Council of said city, said
warrant being tinted Urn mh day of April,
Pill, to in. ilin t ied, ami Oil assessment In
which specified amounting lo (ho sum of
t'l'i.W with Inlerest thereon irr.m Ihe l, n
dtiv fit Niiei.nilini. U.i.7 II ...... ..
... ,. ,, , a j,,-, jT,
annum, being against thn following named
peieon, town, ii. 1-. iirennon, owner or
llio following described properly, to
wlt, lot 8, block 111. Adair's Astoria,
nnd nifiilnst said described nninnnv and
which warrant commands me to levy upon
nun inimn ptitu or aiitii iieacrtiiea property,
in vruta io sniiary aam assessment, tne
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant for Hie collection of a de.
Ilmiuent iisseHsment for Hie Itnnrnvi mfii I
ilescrllied na follows: Thn Cnnslrticiion
of a drain In McClurn's Asiorlu,
duly iBsiiei! by thi Amlltoit nnd Pniicu
Judge of lhn City of Astoria, by dlrecilnn
of the Common Council nf paid city auld
warrant being dale, lhn nh day nf April,
IK'iS, to nut d'recied, nnd the assessment In
whl'li piicKleil iinioiiniing io il,'... r
llll.Oi) wlih Interest thereon from llm 2ntn
day of Hecember, I(iii7. at s per rent iter
aiiiiiim, being against thn following named
person, lowlt, Felicia H, Worslcy, nwrior
of thn following depcilhed property, lo
wlt. lot 4, block 7H, McCluro' Asiorlu,
and against said described properly, nnd
which wnrrant commnnrtn mn to levy upon
and make siilo of said ileserllieii proiierty
In order to satisfy aald assessment, Uni
Interest Ihereon and the coats nnd ex
penses nf anln, I did on lhn Ulh day of
May, isa8. duly levy upon thn above do
perilled renl prnperiy, and I will on the
8th dny of June, m!iH, at the hour of 2
o'clock, In the afternoon of paid day at
tho Court oooi In the City of
Nonce la hereby given, that by virtu
of a warrant for Ihe collection (1f a dn
lllmtlcnt tiasc Hautctil f..e it... I - ......
ibscrlbed ns follows: Thn Conslrucllon
ii.,'! '." McCluro'a Astoria,
duly Issued by thn Auditor and Folic
Ju.lgn of lhn Clly of Astoria, by direction
or llm ( oiiimon Council of paid t.V, ,pii
wririanl being diii.-d ihu nth tlay of April.
1MH. to nut dlrecled. ami thn asaeaament In
' I1 specliled iimiiunllin; to n,n eum of
I.I.I.W wlih'st ih.-ooi, I,..,,,, ,), :fl,n
ilay of Iiecember, IW17 at K per cent per
milium, lining ngalnsl lh following named
lieison, lowlt, OiiMiiiva Ericksen, owner of
the following described property to
wil, lot 4, block Ml. McClurifp Aslorla,
and ngalnst auld deacrllied pruperly ami
which warrant coiumnmla me to levy upon
nnd makn an In of auld described properiv
11 order lo aallafv said aspessiiieni , thii
Inlerest ihereon nnd lh coslp ami t.
peiises of sale, I did n the luh ,v of
Mny, 1MIH. duly levy upon tin, hvn ,tt-scrlh.-d
real properly n, 1 will on the
N h day of Juim. IMW, nt tlio hour of t
ocloek, In tho afternoon nf sn Id ,iny, at
Inn Court House none in n. . i,.. ...
Astoria .County of Clatsop, Stat of Ora
gun, sell said nbnvn tlescrlhed nropnrty at
pimuc auction to thn highest bidder for
'ash, II. H. Hold Coin, lo anllafe ii,i .1.
Hessmenl. the Inlerept thereon nnd tha
costs iiml expenses nf anln. and ...nnit,,..
costs. "
D'l'0Mnt ,,u01a 0rcKn- th" lh day ot
Chief of Polloe, City opAVtorlaoregon.