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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1898)
,1, - V - - . . -l--t "J ''Al ,.... .,1 ..-.-.,4i;... , . ... -,.. .. -I.. . - . , Tim ItAlLY ASTORIA N, Tlll'KSDAV MOKXINO, JUNK 2, m. j "' """ ' 1 t ' ...i ! mmmamammi'mimammammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmm-m TmnTV rnim nio mh school rivkition. I i II I ii I I n II it I H"U l 1 VVU ki.IV partmcnt of th Portland Kventng Tele- irram, ppent yesterday in rtn city. For Rnt Piano In good eondltloni irm, S3 par month. Apply to Mr, a Normll, Aalor street, corner Third, r.real.a al Iluuliat'. TEE nCULENCE OF SYRUP CF riGS is due nut only to the originality nd simplicity of the combination, but also to the care ami skill with which it ia manufactured by ecientlfio processes known to the CinroRsu Fio Strcp Co. only, and we wUh to Impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the jrerjulne Syrup of Tig is manufactured by the Califohsu Fio 6rnvr Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will wist one la avoiding the worthiest Imitations manufactured by other par tics. The hitch standing of the Cau forxu Fia brKi r Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the (genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a (ruaranly of the eieellenee of ita remedy. It ia far In advance of all other laxatives, as It acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritatinj? or weaken injr them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. Ia order to pet its beneficial effects, ploace remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sis rRixcioc. ci MnariLut, mkw tsuk. k. t. TODATS WEATHER. Don't use a plaster for lame buck, but tal llltl!'. JllllllMtV Vl.l.lAt, IIIM 1. k..a rurcd other, ft may you. Try It. Charles I Schooner iliinC Gray 1'uUtlllcrS Near Roicer, drutgtst. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. THE MONDAT EXTRA ASTOR IAN WAR EDITIONS DELIVER ED AT THEIR RESIDENCES OR PLACES OF BUSINESS WILL PLEASE BEND THIS WITH THEIR AD- j THOSE WHO WISH TO HAVE ! COUPON DRESS AS AUTHORITY TO THE I BUSINESS OFFICE EXTRA CHARGE. FOR THE A insular pantomlna of views depleting tin lira and history of Astoria, and souvenirs of tha city and country at th 8nodi;rs gallery. rur whiskey HAKl'FIt Perfect whin- key HARPKR Every bottle guaranteed HARPER. 8ol,t by Foard a 8tokea Co., Aatorta, Oregon. The run ami quality of salmon re stoad- i.v increasing. Tuesday nithi v.-r.i fishermen report they cAitcht as hlth a lx ana seven hundred pound of flh. Reautlfy your home by going to Rosen- ih uro. new store ana purchasing a tron durable plant bloom or greenhouse novelty. M atreet, oppoalte Cooper a. Now la the time for aprlnr cleaning. Cape Flattery, SIXTY-ONK MIXi:US ON 1IOAKU Btissd rrost Seattle lur Kafibae 5onJ $k !pri9i Ltak Vhilc tlove to asd SisVs ia Its nisstts Seattle. June I. Tha ohni-r J.ui. Gray, hlch Mllisl from Seattle for Koi scbue round on the lMh of May with 1 After that comes new linoleums, wall people on boanl, foundered Sunday May paper ana on cloth. Have you seen our took? 0. V. Torter. aid Central hotel building. Commercial street. Maid KlbtMBa al Iuaba.. Geora: C. K.illcnl'ach. an rxiwrt fruit 8. about ninety miles went of Cat Plat tery at 3 o'clock In the mornhur while lying to In a moderate (ale under fore- Mil. Ten minutes after tha alarm was given she lay at the bottom of the ocean with U of her pAengrs, Th remain ing ST succeeded In embarking in a launch man of Los Angeles. California, and who reached this cltv this afternoon. Vol- waa in nuainesa in city for a nunv ber or year, has taken charge of th fruit department at the Foard A Stoke Co. The funeral of the Ute Mary Ann Davts Johnaon (ok place yesterday at l:S) p. m. from Grace chun-h. The burial waa at Greenwood cemetery and a large number of friends followed the remains to the grave. - There was a fair attendance at the MethndlM church last night to hear a lec ture on " Work as Carried on In India." by Mis Pr. White. The lecture was very Instructive as to the work done :n that country. R. A. Seabors. Richard Nixon. A. Ryrd. R S. Moxoon. Tortland: George II. Shaw P. R. Hanson. Fdwurd Kelly, J. A. Wolf San Francisco; I R. piechner. St. Paul; P. J. McOowan. Chln.wk. are registered at the Occident. it you nave nioe. ski, rur. rag. bottles, lead, brass, copper, sacks, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship It to R. M. uaston, 105 Fourteenth street. Astoria. Oregon, or write him and he will call at your place and get it. H pays cash. Frofeseor Arnold, the well known plan- : (1st. haa arrived from the east In Port uina ami mw evening will be here and open an engagement at the Louvre. Pro grams of the selections of overture and operas for each evening will be published in th:s paper. ICE CREAM Made of.... til Best SWEET CREAM -at- The "Spa.M THURSDAY. There's rk-be galore In the breese of th vale. And health In the wild wood' boeom. James Hogg. Try Shilling's Best tea and baking powder. City council meeting tonight Best Ice cream at the Bonbonnlere. Sweet cream. 10 cents a pint, at th Spa, Cream 10 and Uc per pint. Parlor Candy Store. Midwife Mrs. Mary Hake, 731 Exchange street. Energetic agent are making 110 to KO per day selling our new book lust out j t.reat American-Spanish War Scene.' j"f xuii-p.ige nair-tone picture of our navy. Including large map. Send He postage f r free prospectus. Very best terms. W. R. CONKEY CO.. Chlcaaro. The following persons renounced alle riance to King George of Greece in the circuit court yesterday and became Amer ican citizens: An:.n Nicholas. Jnhn Sero poolos, Zaranla George. ApoatoU Vl- garle. M.inule Z.imbctares. John Con stantine. Xecolas Vorale. John Christ. The rtri!!sh ship l!. n ir.1. Captain Tur ner. U days from ?.in Frnncisco, nrriveil in yesterday ev. nine. Th Glenard had a nne passage from Sin Francisco, anni picked up a tu on arriving o(t the river vesterday mornins. If a tow can be pvt- cure.1 she will leave up for Tortland to morrow. At a meetine last n!i;ht of Astor lodge, K. of P., the following officers were elec ted for the ensuing t-rm: M. of W., C. It. Orkwiti: C. C. Adolf Johnson; V. C. Albert Nelson: Pre'ute. j,,hn Swenson: M. of E.. J. G. Ross; M. of 1.. August Danlelson: K. of R. and S.. D. R. Rlount: M. of A.. D. T. Ourdes; I. G.. U Ander son; O. G., L. Galll. Little Interest has so far been shown In the opening of the seaside season. The weather, even in Portland, has been cool and backward. Now that the schools are soon to close for the summer It I thought that activity at the !each resorts will manifest lts1f In a fw days and that most or the resorts will be owned to the public by the middle of this month North Beach places will open about the same time, though It Is conceded that with the quick through sen-ice promised from Portland by the railroad nearly all pleas ure seelcers will go to the south coast. James D. Murray, Ilwaco; w. P. Fearn slde. Nehalim: R. S. Wood and family. Oregon City: W. I. Reed, Oakland; O. P.. Loomls. Paul Hrant. W. Jacobsen, If. D. Ferguson. T. W. Johnson. Frank Dunne. Portland: T. M. Grlder, Warrenton: Aug- Lenders, A. 11. Hughes. George Ab jbott. G. r. Fulton. G. Wlngate. Will Madison. F. L. Parker. A. R. Murray, It. T. FIndlay, H. Hell. J. R. R.nnett. Frank Spittle, R. c. p. Astljury, John D. Car- The gentlemen'a monthly tournament j rlgan, A. C. Lonl. I'. S. S. columbine; C at the A. F. C. alleys will be bowltd this R. Hirelns, James Finlayson. Thima evening. Dunnlgai;, Herman W's-. W. W. Rlde- nalgh, R. G. Prael. W. M. Raker, Jake labtata' Mall Hoods at Danbar's. Try Golden Gate compressed yeast th Parlor. at Miss Munsell, optician, will be In the city June t and 7. Freeh cream, strawberries and Ice at Foard V Stokes Co. If Snod grass doesn't make your pictures you don't get tha best When you want fine tea, good coffee and spices try Foard ft Stoke Co. Just try one of those Ice creams with crushed strawberries at the Parlor. House For Rent Seven - rooms; nice view of the river. ICS Exchange street. Wanted By a reliable girl, a situation to do general housework. Address X.. Astoria n office. At the Louvre you can get anything you like In th way of liquid refreshments, music or luncheons. For Rent At Seaside, one store building and one barber shop. Inquire of L. G. West, Clatsop, Oregon. Frank Woodfleld has been appointed local agent for Astoria and Clatsop Beach for the Evening Teletjram. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, figs and assorted nuts all extra fine qual ity, at Ross, Hlgglns & Co. The present proprietor Is keeping up the reputation of C. B. Smith for making One Ice cream at the Parlor. Mr. G. F. Adklns, representing the John Finn Metal Works of San Fran cisco, was in the city yesterday. Mr. O. B. Loomls, of the circulation de- Good baking powder at 25 or 30 cents a pound? Ridiculous! It can't be made. Cream of tartar costs too much. The grocer must make a profit; and so must the man ufacturer. u Jacobsen. A. G. "huttr. Astoria, regis tered at The Murray yej-ti-rday. The agricultural experiments conduct ed by the O. R. & N. Co. thronirh ram. P"tent farmer und horticulturists In various sections of Eastern Oregon and I Washington promise x'-ell-nt result, I not only as repards the diversity and' I hulk of the crops produed this year. 1 but as an U"siran' of success and plen ty along w-il denned lines of diversified agriculture to thousands who wlil with in the next few years establish homes upon the wide areas thus practically tested and effectively advertised. The necessity of haphazard effort, so disas trous to the settler of smifll means, both from lack of exjM-rlence with soils, loca tions and climatic conditions of an un tried region, and because of an Isola tion that shuts him out of a profitable. market, however successful he may be as a producer, will he obviated by these tests. These experiments cannot fall to prove an Impetus to the rapid develop ment of wide areas In two states. Ore- Ronlan. Km pi re Corset at lliinlmi's. THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of the only perfect train in tha world, now running every night be tween St. Paul and Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway the pioneer road of the west in adopt ing all Improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An Illus trated pamphlet, showing vews of beau tiful soenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any per son upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Addreg George H. Hea fiord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. j lowing I a list of th survivor Job Johnson, Springfield. R. I. C. W. Wilkinson. San Francisco. 0. Weston, Scowhcgan, Maine. A. ti. Kingsbury, Boston. F. rmlnlo Sella. 8. Utauchetto. A. Ceria. II. Wachter. All of Piell. Italy. P. J. Davenport. HarrlsbuiY, Pa. George Miller, llarrlsburg. Pa. J. H. Coutre, Hartford, Conn. l J. Rellly. Hartford, Conn. W. 8. Weaver, Murray, Pa. George R. Boak. llughesvllle. Fa. G. H. Pennington. Snohomish. Wash. C. H. Packard. Snohomish, Wash. F O. Ingrwham. Seattle. 1. M. Lessey, Seattle. J. P.. ttlackwell, Seattle. Silas Lovergood, Seattle, t'hsrbs E. Chord. Seattle. M. F. Roberts. Seattle. Captain E. E. Crockett. Mat John Hansen. Cook Charles Olrsen. Assistant Cook Albert Johnson. Seaman Charlc Carlson. Thoae lost are: Slgnor Gla. Italy. S'.gnor Iteseta, Italy. Jack Landsay, Everett. W. II. Gleason, Seattle. W. A. Johnson. Seattle. V. J. Smith, Seattle. C. O. Smith. 8eanle. P. C. Little. Beattle. 8. W. Young, Seattle. W. D. Millun, Seattle. Horace Palmer, Lebanon, Or. F. G. Saubbury, Minnesota. A. R. Dunlap. Dwlght. III. It. P. Ranney, Mexico. B. E. Snipes, Jr., Seattle. J. M. Stuttsman. Westrteld, N. J. E. M. Taylor. California. F. 8. Taylor, California. R. S. SiH-ncer, California. W. P. Dox,y. Edward F. Rltter. F. W. Glnther. H. 6. Frost. W. F. Levering. William Otter. O. F. McKelvey. M. C. Itrown. C. C. Aklns. N. Hedlund. Cbarl-sj Williams. C. C. Gambcl, wife and child, a mission ary on St. Lawrence Island, Retiring s. a. One other. It Is possible that there may be four or Ave more survivors whose nanus cannot be ascertained. The Jane Gray'a passengers were pros pectors, with the exception of Rev. C. C. Gambcl. missionary, with his wife and child, who was on his way to St. Law. rence island in Retiring sea. He refused to place his wife and child on bourd the launch, saying: The vessel Is doomed and we will go together." Amonic the prospectors was a party of sixteen, headed by Major Ingraham, who were outfitted by Prince Lugl of Italy for a two years' prospecting trip in Alas ka. Of this party the only survivors are Major Ingraham, L. M. Lessey. C. II. Pa kard and G. H. Pennington. Captain Crockett gives the following acount of the wreck: "We were lying to under our foresails. A moderate gale wa blowing and the sea was running high. I was asleep when the watchman wakened me with the an nouncement that something was wrong. I arose at once and found the vessel leak ing and a hurried Investigation showed that she would sink, and I at once noti fied the passengers of the situation. Most of them were asleep underneath the deck. A scene of confusion then took place and it is impossible to give any detailed account of the events that followed. Dark ness added to the confusion. "The Jane Gray carried two lifeboats and two luunches. I at once ordered the boats lowered. The first lifeboat was swamped. A launch belonging to the Ingraham party was successfully low ered. At this time the Jane Gray was almost under water. A heavy sea struck her, tnrowlng her on her beam. Then; was no time to launch the other boats. The. water was over her hatches and everyone below was certainly drowned. Those on deck hurriedly got In the launch. As It drifted away from the almost sub merged schooner we saw eight or ten men standing on the lee rail clinging to the rigging. Soon they disappeared from siifht. Two of them. Job Johnson and C. J. Rellly kopt afloat by clinging to bun-dli-s of boat lumber. Two hours after they were picked up by our launch, mak Ine 27 In all wo had on board. It is barely possible that there will be four more: survivors. Just before the Jane Gray dis appeared under the waves we thought we saw the second launch with four forms near it. They were so Indistinct that we were not sure. They seemed to be getting Into the launch. We saw nothing of them when daylight came. "We Improvised a sail and paddles and after drifting thirty hours In the launch llnally landed Inside, a rugged point on Kynojuot. sound, on Vancouver island, cigmy miles from tho scene of the wreck. A fire was built on the beach and we made a meal on roasted mussels. Wo had had no food since the night before the dis aster excepting a sack of prunes and tur nips that we got into the launch. We got our drinking water by opreadlng out a tarpaulin In the driving rain. An Indian Informed us that the village of Kynqtiot was but six miles away. We went there and found tho sealing schooner Favorite becalmed, and arrangements were made to carry our party to Victoria. We reached there this morning In time to catch the steamer Kingston for Seattle." The Jane Gray was a schooner of 107 tons, and was built In Rath, Maine, In 1887. She was owned and operated by Mc Dougall & Southwlck of this city. Out side the miners' outfits she carried no cargo. An Interesting an, I very pleasant even. Ing was spent nt the IUkIi school hall last ulKht by the members of tho Junior and senior class.-, the teachers and many parent and friends of the pupils, closing with a tmipiuet ,.f good things, which were heartily appreciated by all. The occasion was the reception given by Ihe Juniors to the seniors, and under the able management of Austin Oslmni, set-, rvlnry of the Junior class, h following pronraintne went off like clock work, and was en)oc, by every one In the hall, which was handsomely decorated for the event : Salutatory mu ,'ampbell ( bonis -"Freedom l-Vrc cr" IHiet.... Flora tlodd.itM and Nellie darker invitation Vustin Osbuni Instrumental solo Anita Ti-ct. hard Hcnunk.. Charles Gray and dessie Ross instrumental solo Vnnlo lliiscy Chorus -"Kl.ias of the Free" Gustablntus Itemnrks-Professor Wright and llr.vtor The oung ladles In simple white gous, trimmed wllh ribbon and (lowers, and Ihe boys In their Sunday best all pre seined nn old time bright and happy np pcarance, a relief from the stilted affairs of the day. Each sc in. d to le wllh the otin r In giving everyone a good time. THE SALMON PACK. The unexpected freshet In the river has made glllnettlng very much better, enabl ing the fishermen to tlh days its well as nights. Seines and traps are not doing nolle as well as nicy were prior to tne freshet. Aptx-arHtifi's d.uolo n much larger run of fish than In lS'T. A conservative estimate of the pack up to June 1 gives the following number id cases: t-tshermens t nlon Co-operative.. 8. Elmore Columbia Itlver Packing Co Astoria Packing Co A. Booth Co o-orgo & darker dumbl.t River Canneries Co Fishermen's Packing Co W. , V. Cook William Hume Eureka Packing Co F. XI Warren iCathlanieti J. G. Medlar Rock Packing Co North Shorn Packing Co P. J. K Sons n'tunooki Aberdeen Packing Co F. M Warren (Cascades) Buchheit Packing Co. (Cascades.!.. Scufcrt Bros . J o . I.'s" . SiM . 4 "'si . J.eUi . S.rsW . I.'s") . . 1 "' s ..' J.;'.vi 1 Is' GENTLEMEN'S DAY For Baron ins. Sc-dlo Men s Paper Collars, ,V- locn Hon,- Collar llulton.t, Sc- Pair- Boys' Clastic Suspender 5c Each White l.awn Row Tics 5o--Piili-M,n's Elastic Sleeve Hands. I'V-- pair Paleut Cuff Holder. I.'..- IVIr Men', All Silk Gortel. I.V-Pair-Mi ll Heavy Elastlo Suspend er. 5c Each Large Colored Handkerchief. I.V-E.U Ii-Hllk Four ln hand Tic. IiV -Each -Beat Celluloid Collar, lev- Each Men' Best I ply Linen Collar pi.- Pair Tan Lisle Thread II Pair IIohw U'oihorcl Worklitt Glows. J.ic Puir Hoys' dine lencm Ittli (ly.r alls. I.V Polr-lloy' Cottonado Sch.l Paul , 1 v..a. ti . (lood Hhoc ces. ,V Cake Best Shaving Soap. I.V Each -It, st Bristle Shaving Brinli. J'.c- Each -Men r Boys' Straw llals. ;v- Each - Mi n or Boy' New iof cap 6c Each -Aluminum Pocket Comb . ;.V Each Men Colored Irftundrird Shirt and Collar. IV- Pair Men Heavy Wool S-'X. J.v -Ei. b - Boy' Heavy Negligee Over-shirt. is!c Each- Milt's Ileal Linen Bosom I'll- liiutidl Ii l Willie Shll l. Ii'- Hiifh Mi'ii'i French llallolngiiii Hlilil or luiiftcra, world ;sK each :l- l-:,i, h Men', Heavy Maiaallle Knitted t'liderwear, worth "V imh TV -IM, h All Wool, Ib avy Hull and I'n.lei wear Hhlils. world II rl , a. It. II i Men's All Pure Wool, cl ot, good heavy weight, all li-a, Hlili l or Pliiwels, ti gllbir I'll. " II Fsi. eO.--M.-n' lila.k Soft .,. .u. world V any place. II ')'s ll.x.,1 gunllly I'.doia Hols. Color III. uk, Brown, or Gray, world II Ul J.".-- Pair M.-n's Pant, rrgu lar pil. o J'., oiity nirslluin K' S left. It jO-'iilr Best Heavy Caltitrr pants, III nice neat pullern. well world i: M. 15c-Men's Ileal Nine Ounce. 'opi-r Itlvltr.l overall. II 's) Men a All Wool Ib avy Blue Flan nel nvernhlrla, world U J). ! .- i.r.o Total it.r-i CIKCCIT Cdl ltT PKiK'EEIUNCtS i-lal s.s..,n . mad.- the f- i ounty to file Judge M. Bride at a spe the circuit court yesterday lowing order: Charles Buttertleld vs' Real Estate company -Allow amended reply. F. I. lumbar, receiver. ). Wlng-ite Settled and dismissed. In the m uter of the , st .it of . w. . d.-i -rnsr.1-r ! red that Krut,m P. Ir vlng and others be paid dni.l. tids on their claims from date of pres. ntatton, Richard Nixon, receiver, vs W. S Run yon Allowed to tile amended ,-otnpl ilnt. Charles . Page s. William II Tw l-llsitht- Sale conilrnied. Shanahan Brothers, Ih the Pliccto (,et HnrKnliiH. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I'!, II Pag.- and Jam.-. Itrown. trust,., to Mrs J. A. M.s 'all. rn Five a. r. s In the northwest .ii.irt. r "f the Ell (. Crow donation land .liirn. Jim Same to A. II powers Land In - !l -" IT and iK T N, It 7 W; .' ') J. E. lllggins and wife to B. 11-n.b ron-l...t ; an. I I S. I.I o k 7 an I lots lo and II. bio. k v Bay View . Juii Sam., to El'.-ii S Klnc- l.ots 1 .,n 1 .' block v and lots J and I i. SI-., k I! .y View: l'il. A LETTER FIK .M MR. l'1'NHAIt Astoria. Jon- I --Editor The commiml.atl'.n signed "Gold in" apH-aring In your Issue .f We.lti. s.l iy mortticg nivjM'.rs to call for some an-wer from nie. and in r. piv th. r. to I simply d-sin- to say that I h ive made no;.- or promises of any kind to any person or persons, or nuihoriz. d any to be made In my name for the of securing supN.rt for myself ,,r the republican nominees F. I. Dl'NBAR. Nominees' Cards. FOR Jl'STICE OF TUB PEACE (Astoria Precinct) John Abercrombie REGILAR REPl'BLICAN NOMINEE. FOR SHERIFF. J. W. WILLIAA1S UNION NOMINEE. FOR COl'NTY CLERK. Harry J. Wherity REGl'LAIt REPt'BUCAN NOMINEE Foil COL'NTY CLERK. Perry A. Trallinger REGl'LAIt UNION CANOHiATE. 1N7J 1807 Fisher Brothers ASTUKIA.... KXI'tiSITiDN OPENED. Washington. Juno 1. Irenient Mc i.inby today formally opened the Trans. Mississippi and International Exposition at Omaha by touching an electric button at l:Ts1 o'clock by touching an electric button In the telegraph room of the white house. NEW HOSPITAL PROVIt'EU Chicago. June 1 -The Tribune says: The government wtll be the richer by a hospital at Chlckamauga park within , a few days through the generosity of Mrs. I. Z. Letter. The Illness among the troops there was brought to her notice some time ago and she at on began a corrcsixin.1 enee with Assistant Surgeon S. nn to see what mlKht be done. Mrs. L'-lter was told that a permanent hospital to sunnly more comforts than the ordinary shelters was what was chiefly n.e.l.-d and the Chickamauga Park hotel, located imon the grounds near Crawlldi st. rings was thought to be the most suitable. Jt Is this building which Mrs. ,-it.-r has piirehased for the government. The hos pital will supply ii.'.onirn.nlatlons for be tween and 7"i sick soldl.-rs and will at once be fitted up for purpose. Mr.-i. Leiter Is in Washington at present, but Mr. L. Z. Leiter. Who Is In Ihe city, said the report that his wife had purchased the building was correct. Mr. Leiter under stood, lie said, that Iir. S. nn Is to fit the hospital up Immediately 11 ml that th" government will accept it as soon as It is presented, THE RED CROHH. 8'in Francisco, Juno 1. The women of the Red Cross society are tireless in their work, yet It Is announced that they may In- obliged lo call on their sisters In the east for aid In making bandages for Ihe soldiers, fien. ral Merrltt says that every soldier sailing for Manila must have three bandages. Thousand, have been made and IO.mdi more will bn ready by the end of Ihe week, yet more will be required. Tho state Red Cross society has furnished all the California soldiers wllh Identification medals, but the society does not feel 11 bin to provide them for nil the. troops sailing from this port. When the societies of Kansas, Wyoming and Utah were ho Informed they responded at once, promising to furnish badges with out delay. TOM HKENK UKAO. New York, June 1. Thomas W. KCene, the actor, died today from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. AGENTS WANTED. Ag'-nts and canvassers to ll Dr. Kllck' Pocket Noa Inhaler for catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat disease. Selle eaar for II. Big profit. Write for sample and terms. Dr. Kllck Medical Company, Cincinnati, O. SOCIETY UEETIN0B. TEMPLE LODOE NO. T. A. F. AND A. M. Macular communications bald on th first and third Tuesday rvaln- or acb month. O. W. LOUNBOERRT, W. U. B. C, I10LDEN. Secretary. PROFESSIONAL. H. T. CROSBY!' ' " ' ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Ml Commsrdal 8trt. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Office, upstairs, Astortaa Building. C. C. BROWER. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Ounderson Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. 0. B. ESTEfl. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to discs of woman snd surgery. Office, over Dnnilger'a store, Astoria. Telephoni No. (L J. Q. A. ROWLIIY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Otttce, Bond Street, Astoria, Or. DR. JAY TUTTLK. " " PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Offlce, rooms i and I, Pythian Building, U1H Commercial Street. Residence same. Telephon N. Acting assistant surgeon Uutted State marine hospital service. ASRIGNEE'8 NOTK'E TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed han this day been appointed aa algnee of Rebecca Strauss, an Insolvent debtor. Creditors of tho said assignor are hereby notified to present their claim under oath to the undersigned within three month from this date at his place of business at No. 5"t Commercial street. Astoria, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of December, 1)07. N. 8CHLUHHEI, Assignee of Rebecca Struuss, an Insolvent deMor. l.l'HKICATINO OILS A 5PIXIALTY ship chandlery hardware iron and steel COAL groceries and provisions flour and mill feed paints. oils and varnishes loggers' supplies fairbank s scales doors and windows agricultural implement! wagons and vehicles SEASIDE SAWMILL A comptata stock of lumber on hand la (h rough or dresaej. Flooring rualte, celling and all kind of finish; moldings nd shingle. Term rsaannabla and rrlcs at bedrock. All order promptly attanded to. offl. and yard st mill. II. F. L LOGAN. Seaside. Oregon. lroprltor UDirv .iiDI.EXUE.lC.SS Underwear MOT. TO OKDm luteal Style Thorough Workmanafcln Prloae Low James Murphy 420 Commercial Street. THE PROOF of Ute puddlrm la la th MtH and the proof of Uqaxv IS IN SAMPLING The Imps- ' '''' " That's an argument that's es elusive- dtnoniraUoa, Oura will stand the UsL HUGHES & CO The Choicest Table Wines... For Families Also for Medicinal ana Cooking PurpoM Private Stock, Cream Rye, Old Hickory, Prldo of Kentucky and Hermltug; IUr otd California Brandies. Carlson's FamilyLfquor Store IM TWB1LFT1I BTRBETf Th re ore alt kinds of Imp In hn. but tha greatest "Imp " la Imp-oaltlon of IB fcrb.r iually inaiiuera.1r.l behind lb domino of liisr price. When th mask W off It will be too lata In est your mon.y la k Tha brat y la to save your monay In advance by buying- tha heat ahoa, whlrb has rec.(iilid marll with nothing- mask e.1 or conealrd. Petersen & Brown. A Refreshing Selection IJil You have perhnp grown weary of the ltilo product you are compelled to uae lliroutfli tho winter. Even rsrellrnt can ned Koods loss their attrnctlv.nesa aftr contlmmlly Indulnlng In them. Menu ar now nttrnctlva through tho early fresh vegnUMts which you may have. Th era's a fciituro In tlm excellent thing w are fferlji(f to brinhti n your menu, that you ciin have, a liirg select Ion and at moder. ale prices. ROMS, IIKK1INH ,t CO. The reason for it. Wa have been in the Shoe business Bicycles 1.111'K, KK.Y1 A M) SKo IN 'I MAtJIII.s'KH.... Alio all Mtrlit. Machliieiy. C. H. Orkwitz R'f BL'AN'K. Repaired CeslliiK l.ead on KMi I.I lie. WHEN NATURE Neods OKslstanco It muy bo best to ren der It promptly, but one should remem ber to use even tho most porfect remedies only when needed. Tho host and moat simple and irentlo remedy Is the Byrup of FIks, manufactured by the California Fig Byrup Co. CASYORIA For Infants i.nd Children. I S XV"? wit TeV Fbi fis- llaill Mciimrr t If (PH ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. a.m. n.m 8:40 7:1S tM 12:30' G;00 ASTORIA. (Dally.) Portlnnd and As-I tor a exnres trains1 vlri Knnppa Clifton. Westpnrt, floblo end way stations. New Astoria Dussen- ger trains. Arrive, n.m. 11:53 s:3D 11:30 p.m. 10:55 3:30 Flrst-clnss trains lenve Wnrronton for Flavel and New Astoria at 7:46 0:16 and 10:62 a. m., and 11:56, 2:45 and 6:30 p. m and returning; arrlvo at Warrenton at 8:05, 9:30, 11:06 a. m., and 1:07, 8:03 and 6:40 P. m. J. C. MAYO, T, II. CURTIS, O. F. oV P. A. Manager. in Astoria tor many years, carta which time the wanta ef our ess, tomer have been thoroughly atsjeV. ie4 and adequate pr.paratloaa mad to Ktet every dma4. Wa carry the LarKCKt slock In (ho city. . . and every purchase we mak has the approval of our many year" perlenco. aS'"C""" JOHN IIAHN. MURRAY HOTEL I'oot ill Ninth Hlreet, Electric Lights Free Sample Room WEK.KI.Y KATKH. P. M. flUNN, l'r.irletor. OAflTOIlIA. B tie The Kind You Haw Always Boufht 1