.... - 1.... ' fV lilt ASTURIAN DOS lllC largCM ifl circulation of any pspcr M fill THE DAILY AST0R:AN Is the tlggest ml test taper on the Columbia River on the Columbia Hlvir KUU. ASSOC! ATKl ) PKICSS UKPOIiT VOL. .UVIII. AS'IOIMA. ()l(i;(.D. MilDAV ..HiKNIVi, MA V Z7, lli'.t'!. NO. 125 vi! ami; I'osuivni.v I HI A ItS II 111 ...Hi. " 1 . . .Vlf T. 'rlvlMLi.w 1 ,M . I'el HEADQUARTERS' I'OU. ht(ivi;h HANHICH TINWAItM ciHiKiM) l'Ticnbuji iik'N nrm THE I'ltlCICH ARK BUCK AH TO MAKIC IT KXPKN HIVK TO HUT ELMICWIIKHK. Eclipse Hardware Company illAWKhV Subscription Books at One-half Price , . Ttx-ullrrtliifui of John Hhefinnn. Knrty Yr. In i 'nngro. 13 to Hlnry nf Amnrlivii llnrul.m I Ul lxa of luring by (ha Anmrl. an B 1 db I l AniHHlnir ami IncM. nt. nf th. ltrll. llon 1 n Nivnl llattin. tut Our New Nvy ... 1 T5 Diwl.lv. ll.ttlr. i.f th. World 1 7J Th. Hiory of Cul. llvlr1 in Data.... to portal n.1 Jungle. ty P. T lUrniim.. 1 O' Conquering llm Wlldnntne I M Tha Kin of Uyalerltia (d Illustrated Rook of li ll!(:n I W Griffin & Reed, All Aboard for St. Michael's and 5 ijM ft'sC"" A3: -'Vr CHARLES KAN Mmuf.clur.ni of nMIMJMi I l.AI'IKH' AND O It NTH J JijunMi avd., llo.trry, Nnitnn. .nd Furnishing Oood. AT KKABONA IU.K I'lUCEd. W. F. SCHEIBE, Bss?f.":r A lull llM o PIP. Tob.it.. ad 5iokr.' ArlKl. 474 Comniertlnl Ml. I. M. (.ltsTMSMn. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. HAVK OI'KNKh TIIKlll IIOAIIPINU AND h.Y KCIIOOU For ratros oto., ndilroHH tho HupurloroMM ItKCRlVBD IN THR t'KIMAUY, UHAMMAH AND A0ADEM10 ORADEH H . ' nij ' a r.G e E c g g tziiR MTICAM ITITINHh I'l.I'Mhl.N't HIII.LT Ilt"N WUltIC ETC. OLD Hi..ND ) l.lviinc Though! from l'.mt. Rut' nd Iftimnri.l I "I Tim fti(lr.., , mn I U) I .if of Jnmm ). Illn.iit' I 00 Photo-! npha of Eminent Hintumon and I'oiuiclun I 00 rrnit Encyclopedia i 00 Mugiur'. II him (look ij Mnn-r' Htandard 1 lorn nn1 Hl'x-k ll.iok I to 'rnilm' DhmlrnlH Atlmi f tint World I V) WVI.itrr )U-lnry, 1KI million Ill Dawson City. AND WAT I'OlNTi. Kon, rnRioiiT AND I'ARHAOK AI'I'LT AT Foard & Stokes Co., AITOniA, OHEUON. Hittmcr Imoi tArty In Mar & Co., is o. 17 Commcnlal Street. 1I lvMln FINE CIGARS! Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE Tim North raoillo Urpwery, of which Mr. John Koop in proprietor, mnkt Ihwi for ilomt'K'io nn.l export trailc. llottltHl Iwr for family mho, or kv lsr mipplit'il at Buy tiino, dolivory in tho city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY , ! INaTKU- MENTAL MUSIC. PAINTING AND VOICE CULTDRK FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEl Marlon Count- OREGON TliU Is Just the place for your boys. Delightful location, large buildings and grounds, good meals, plonty of healthy xen-lM, excellent teachers and cajeu trainings- this Is what they all any oi UT. ANGEL COLLIDCiVa Bond for Cat .JofU. and spsolal tens. P. F. rLACIDUS, Mraotir, CERVERA' VOLUNTEERS ONTHE ROLLS Number 122,000 as Result of First Call to Arms by the President. ANXIETY IS EXPRESSED Department Not Sure as to Loca catlon of Spanish Fleet at Santiago. OREGON'S GREAT VOYAGE How She PisseJ the Straits of Magel lan Merrltt Arrives In San Fran cisco Yorktown Placed In Commission and Pecrults OrJcred. WAS!IIN.!T..N M.iy :V--T!in rk i'( n.u-t.rlriK vlim !. .1 . l!U ih- n. rvli .' of hr I 1 1 1 '. . t utt.liT llm iri' i.', el - ;lt.: .Mil I t i r I'r.o1 il :.::v . u ii ! .1. ,. Mm. in: r. ril .',!-' .!) .1 lllMVIIIn' l t,,ri i.hi Uini tin- riiml'.r m fir rr- ,f. .1 I '. ! .1 -A . I!' '' -Hi I lh.lt . I'..i.5 !i . in- I in I f '! ttl : r !! i.iv',1 :ln' iiiuii'i. r ri '-!. n IJI mill I.-.' " Nil M'.n's nt.'M si1ii.i:y V i-liini; Iioi M iv : - S-errt irv l."HK .iii.I ,ii ilu- .1,, f "I',, h.niia t "' ' that no wmd liu. I imiiih" from any of the a.-iui".- Inn ni l iiitii'h in Yt Indian ivat.K riiii. i mini: the Spanlnh tlyltiK aMi.iilion. wh. irfore he i iiiirludid that Cervera ua null In S mtlriKo harlmr. i a aimtKiard lh.it S. hb y la lying mil- aide w.it.hlni: the iniranie to prevent the ii;tva of the Spantah veeael. but while there la i . li tin- nf A i i-rt iln klnil of the f.iit. there hua Iwn no oflblal i-.inttrm.itlun of o Thla la a little re markable In Mi w .if t!!.. fuel that It H only a .lav a run fur one of sMiley'H lft turiK'il.i boata irmn H.mtlagn l n calile nort In llaytl. Then- la alan a eiirl.nia Ink nf lnf.irni.tl.nl from the newspaper bnata on thla point. It wa atippnae.1 the renanrw nilvht have iXi-hnliM fmm the dlapaii hea of newapapir men nny refer eme to the fleet, but thla would apply. enrdltiir to a atntitnint of the naval department nlllelals hire, only to that part of the dlHp.it. -hen tint might relate to the number und whereabout of the Cnlted Stntea fnree". and the eenaor' rub a wmiM not exelude r. ferenee to the Spanish eiiiadron. Nolw Ith-I.indlm; that '.he ullU'lala pro feaa (In If unihakiii fintbletn-e In the be lief that the Spanish atpiadriin la a.vtirrly bullied up In Santiago harbor, there la ll.i i', iU, ailment of 'he InM-nae desire to seeiife aome iihaolutely trustworthy In formation on that point, it Is not to be doubted that with the .pi, tlon allll open, the beginning- of the rna.n operallona are retarded, and so long as there e!sts n possibility of the Spanish naval foree being at large, there l an Indisposition to start the troop transport" f..r Cuba. MIII'lilTT AT SAN KANCISCO. ! San Vtanclsco. Mav !.-M.iJor Ccneral Merrltt. governor general of the Philip pines, arrived here today. Nl'W YoKK WAR SCAUR. Vew York, M v V H illfaT special o the Commercial Advertla. r s ivs n tied of Krciich and Snanlh wirshlpn :i ro re ported off IlalKav h ir'.or Hurried orders h ive been Issued to all the troops In pnr rlson. mid the forts at th it city and har bor are being; einrdid bv an extra force. TMK KCMOU PKNIKP. Halifax. May '.V.-Thcrc Is no truth In the story of Span'sh and French wnr shlna off Ihls nort and that the forts were being- manned, TIIA NSl'OKT SHIPS SCAI1CK. San Francisco. May i,1 The transport ing of r,ii.i)iHi iroiips to the Philippines hits set the government agents to work scour ing the PuelbV ocetin for transport ves sels. So fur only i.i'M troops have been sent to Admlrnl Dewey's assismm-e. There m e 7.00" more In on nip here and tO.IXHi more to come. About fifteen transports are required together with half u dozen millers. Tho government today chartered the ship Ohio and one Alaska vessel for transport purposes. The vessel Is now nt Seattle and has been ordered to San Francisco Immediately to 1h titled for a trip to the Philippines. Tho second ex S FATAL No Danger That the Trap Walked Will Prove Inadequate. CERVERA IN A TRAP THAT WILL HOLD. WAHIUN'l'uN. May M-N;v,il mlV' r if . fjrn.nv ih lr utt'-ntlun to lh In'julrln wh'thir It U p)- II, In for A'lfnlr il Cirvra I .- t ..ul i.f H.inC.io h-irlr. Th-y h':.I th:it thl. mam uver 1. imfo..!ljle, iiml li-'htf n'i, tin- larnr of U..- HpanWh n.lmlral I a at an -ml, o f;ir na It cortitur- a nrnaf to our iililin I; l .;nn l out tli.it A'lmir.,1 ivrrra muit ...itin out throiiKh a rn.-mncl yards wide, on mhich th Ann rli hi m arrhlltshta will ilny i-onat insly. ij. f In Hi.- Ii,.iiki.li. of 'li .rli-nton IXLrKl. full of atoii,- . r nurik at the channel -ntmnp, cuitlnK off rri and liiki." A fi-w olil hulk, noulil .'Tvo th-f.ime .uryii In thi- prin'-nt ra-. Therr li difflcully In g'tlln .uch old irnft. .iinl thi- ulnkltiif of uVrlli't. at ,ronr tK.mta In the channel would b .ttindul with irrat danger. TikltiK rVervtliltiK Into a' count, nav.il ofr.n ra f-i I tint i irvi ra h.n conimitt.-.I a fatal blundir In bin trapped nt SniiiLiKo ilc Cuba, and that thi n I. no fi ar that Ihi- tr ip will prove Inadequate to hold the 8an!ard9. .fili!li.n to tin- Inln n.l m w-lli cotili of the .. ul. i mil l. r. lil. lili' Jl and (dilo r.VTi:i"Tii' jKws i h i ilt'i. May : A -itt l'i "f tin )'iiii k.r no ml.. r of the ..on aor:Uon of I'hliMK'i hae f .rnnil .1 military or K iti'iit'.in known n th- Ouaril. of Zlon. Tln-y him- .Ii-rlilnl to Join tti a body the lll'ii .. iliinti-ir r v Imi nt. All the mni b rn .iri- niiriK J.-w nitin:i:i:i IN commission. S hi Krin. U. o li.iv - nrJ. ra have K. .ii r. i.lvi.l to .:n.- the rruii r l'hlla il.l'lii i an. I Vorktown in . . niiulsnion a .'.iii :m (niiv..!ili - iilo to tr.uii.fir thi- !o)' from th- iralii iiif ihlp Mohli.tn and fill nji '.hit vi-mi with ninn and ordinary mi .nit. n. COI .OK OK TIKI.h I NIrMKMS Wa-hihtflon. M.i' : 4j. nerl M b a ha ltie,l an order preaerllilng field uniforiua for tin. army as follows: The I 'l'T of the uniform Will be ,ia fol lows: Ci ller al ellbs rs ai d ottln ra of trie g. in ril staff, lorps and departments, dark shy blue (eojor of the trousers of the otll i'i r of the 1 in. . Infantry, light sky blue i.-.ilor ,.f the trolls, ra of the enlisted ni. ni: a'tl'lety. starlit; engineer corps, a.-arl.t .,',., I w'th hlle: ipiai t. rmaster serx. ant. whi'e p pi-d wiih buff. ,,r,l:i.i!i.'e troops. .ni'- m p'liid with wh'.t': iost eommls s. i s,rg.'..n:. v hlte piped with cadet urn . -erg. ants signals . orps. blaek ::. I with whit.: h.;:i.il n.rps. , mera'el gr, i n Tin: oiiK'iovs c,i:i:.7 vm'.Mii: Ki v W est, May Tin gon iirr'ivi.l h.re to, lav battle ship (ire. and will await orders. on having the Itarbadoe the Oregon siil.-d aim on directly north, going norm of Porto lUco about 1 miles A north- i rly course was cantlninsl until the Per- nitid is were reached off the east coast ; was already exhausted ami w hen at noon of Florida. Captain Clark explains the on Sunday the chief engineer found the reason for going to Jupiter Inlet Instead afn r tank dry. the prospect ahead of the of pulling In at Key West was to enable handy was not the brightest. Hani driv the Oregon to be ready to go either to Ing against a heavy sea had eaten up her Key West or Hamilton Roads In short or-, c..,l almost twice as rapidly as had bt'n il. r after gelling Information from Wash-' anticipated and with little fuel and no l,1(. j water the chase after Schley was aban- Captaln Clark had no official knowl- doped and the race for safety began, edge of the slttiatlin after leaving Rio! Montego bay was the nearest friendly Janeiro on April Ji. During the entire trip I !' n'l f'"- "" " headed. The the crew cxpecteu momentarily to meet ' f drinking water was almost empty the Spaniard. Only once, however, was1 ami the small supply of mineral wuter on there a call to arm's. This was shortly ' was dealt out sparingly among IU- afur midnight on leaving Rio Janlero. As ' f'-n thirsty men. The weather grew rap-th- Oregon was ploughing through the '' w"rs, nJ '' Monday morning the sea a dark i.hlcct was discovered ahead. 1 Dandy was plunging through a blinding A call to quarter was sounded, the men tropical rain with snualls which alter rolled out of their berths with the en-1""!"! with dense mists and rendered the thuslasm of boys on a circus day and nl- l""kout almost useless. Captain Murphy most Instantly every gnu was manned. 1 "' counted on reaching the coast or The Oregon left her course and ,-lri-K-l ' Jamalcu about 4 o'clock In the afternoon around In r black nursurcr. onlv to find and the chief engineer who had been using It a harmless bark Instead of a Spanish 1 novate In the boilers since Sunday, nn- w irsblii i At lilo Janeiro Captain Clark was told that the Spanish oredo boat Tcmararlo was followinn him This added a new In- i tercst to the trip for a day and night, but a! the next port of call he w is In formed that the T.-merarlo had gone Into a dtv dock at Rio Just after the de parture of the Oregon. The cruise through the Straits uf Ma gellan was the most Interesting. It was at the extreme point of the hemisphere that the crew expected a visit from the Spaniards. At many places the chan nel Is very narrow and there are crooked, hidden bays and coves back of them. Rut the Oregon did not lag. Captain Clark had no Idea of giving the Spaniards If they were there, a chance to catch him niipplntr. If the great battle ship was to I'alma has Just received the first copy be caughl, It should be caught on the,,.f f.as Villas, the war bulletin which is wing. The engines were wanned up to ; published by atiilioriiv of (ieneral Gomez their best work and wherever It was safe jut the headquarters of the Cuban army. the Oregon bowled along tit 1.1 knots an hour. PERILS OF A PRESS HOAT. Montego Hay, Jamaica. May ;."i i'Copy rlghted by Ihe Associated Press, After a long Journey nf almost a thousand miles Ihroiurh a blinding rain and sea which j re almost ceaselessly swept the deck from j 10, lSW. Is designated as "Supplemente A" stem to stern, the Associated Press ills-j mid contains a half column description of patch boat Dandy steamed Into Montego ' the battle of Manila, which conveyed for bay short of lo-l and with scarcely an j the llrst time to the soldiers of Culm the hour to spare. The water tank was , facts concerning Rear Admiral Dewey's wrenched open by the ceaseless straining victory. Resides the official notices and by a choppy sea and had been drained of j orders issued to the army, the paper con Its contents thirty-six hours before land 1 tains a lengthy address issued to the Cu ttiis sighted, and I ho coal bunkers, emp-jhan nnnv and people by General Gomez, tied bv nn unexpectedly long and hard In which he says: cruise, were cleared almost to the plank- "I. Maximo Gomez, commander In chief Ing, when a rift In the fog revealed the I shore of Jamaica to the anxious captain and crew. Another three hours would have left the sturdy little 100-ton boat helplessly adrift on the sen, for she has no mnsls to aid her In such an emergency. When tho port was reached, however, It BLUNDER IS NOW w as found 'ha! th- damage to the tank 1 M 'I'll' kly repaired. Th. handy salbd from Ky Wl early las! rnd.iy In pursuit of ;imm adore whlrh soon will Is. recognized by all the S.-hl. y. w ho had left alne.-t twenty-four world. I dejiir to m ike known that here lioiita Wfore, It wan believed at Key after our noldiers no longer ahall b Wi st that ' l.nfuegos was hi ibtinatlon. loir without Information the handy wan .,niN ll,. to go far out of a dir. et course in or b r to si-..k the blockading miund- roil off Havana. The run to tho IfH-ag- ii.-r.sl city wis pb a. ant. but the quest was fruitless. f.,r not one of Commodore Watson ah.ps had a. n a apar of the tlving squadron. Captain Murphy of the handy looked grav. ovi r the prospect of an unesoort.si i raise to en ttfu. gos. where obtaining coal would I. impoc-;t,e. while the han- dy's shortage of coal would make her escaiie from the Spanish gunboat known to 1- at Clenfui go. doubtful. Karly Saturday morning the sighting of a battleship set all eye .training to the northward at ttv unpleasant possibility of meeting a Spanish man-of-war. It o ld..'. Ik the satisfaction which resulted -i. - the ship was recognized as -the battleship Iowa, for he had left Key WV-t after Commodore SihKy' d-par- ttire. and wa evidently on her way to a r. n-'izvous with the Reel. Shortly after no,,n the l nlted M.'t.a torpedo belt I'll- pout, which had N n b ft at Key West wi:h ! ar Admiral Sampson, came racliu; fr .in the nnr:hw ird an I ! Itwred a mes- sage o the Iowa W.'liout the os of a moment the for - n.ol.Mc little craft ru-h.'.i on toward CI. r.fu. g.. - - ul the battleship with tn - r. a.i:g sp...l head, d fT the waters ! tnc.-e, Cats- Si!'. Ant. and th- Is'e or Pin.-a. When at mgh'f.ill the entrance to t lie passage w is reached idle cere, I off w 1 1 h th" c blent intention of patrolling be tween the c.ip,. and the Island, and there was nothing for the handy to do but toierty. go on alone. Sunday night the weather roughened and before- Monday the damage to the tank, which so nearly resulted seriously, occurred. The water in the forward tank notinci-o that tne iiauny nau just io 'hours' running In her and that some oil the wood w org would nave to ne nurnni to make that The aptaln went over his r. ckon.ng tor errors and every man con stituted himself a lookout, for the pros pect of helpless drifting in that tumbling sea was not welcome. It was almost t o'clock when the foe lifted for an instant and sh-nved the shore, not two miles away. In less than an hour the handy swung at anchor In the quiet waters of Montego bay and the next morning she was rnpioly gettlni; In seagoing shape. FIRST CI' HAN WAR Hl'Ll. F.TIN. New York. May -Tonias Estrada It contains the oftlclal news and move ments of the army of libera, Ion and Is an Iniere.-tlng publication. Printed, of course. In Spanish. It comprises three col umns on two sides of a sheet about 10x11 Inches. The pater has a greenish tint and the type Is set up and printed at Gen eral Gomez' headquarters under his dl- 1 1, ni. The tlrst number, date of May of the Cuban army, take this opportunity through the medium of Las Villas, which hereafter will be published once each week at the headquarters of the army of liberation, to communicate with those of my command and the people In view of the adoption of the constitution of the Into Which he r.-iuhllr of Cuba and the armed Inter- 1 ventinn of the I'nited Stnteg in our tjehalf to aid us In obtaining our Independenc. known a tni.urg.nt. hut aoluiers of the ; regular urmy of the republic. "i hereby direct there hall be latued each we.k a war bulletin, which shall be published at the general h'-adqtiarter of th,- army, and shall begin with this lue to be known aa Ui Villa. It will be circulated under the direction and by au- thorny oi the staff ofTi.er of the army and In It w;ll be publisheil circular, or- ib r and official note of the war depart- mi nt a Information which our army and our people may desire to know concernlt our -rogrrea and our allies, the I'nited State. "I take the opportunity lo remind each Cuban that he now ha a country for which he must fight. We are Cuban ol- dlcr and not Insurgent, and will reapect the rules of civilized warfare, I will cider punished any cmef officer or pri vate who fail to respect tne right of our prisoner of war. and such prisoner w ill l.e treated with rcsiect to their rank and according to the rule of civilised countries and the constitutional army. "Our soldiers wii! .. n!u. t themselves in su. h a manner as to gain for themselves the good uftlccs of our brethren of the l ulled Siat s. ;;nd for this reason it 1 my ; :h that the army of Cuba may exhibit , mod, 1 discipline. I d she to Impress upon you that we will not continue this war ; which valiantly has been kept up for the Mt three years, with the idea of n-veil go. We are flgluing for liberty and Independence and lot for revenge, and 1 would call your attention to the fact that the history of the world shows that loss f blood ha always been the price of lib "In a recent proclamation by Blanco he made the statement that It now was the duty of all Spaniards to die for their honor In the war against the I'nited States. Spain dins not know the mean ing of honor. Her definition of the word Is nothing but cruelty. Spanish soldiers have never been known to die for honor, except when they are opposed as ten to one. Their Idc of honor has been to assassinate defenseless women and child ren, whose protectors ar now fighting for freedom In our army. Their Idea of honor has been to rob, to plunder. They die for honor, drinking, gambling and committing crimes against humanity and against society, but now they will die before American and Cuban arms. "I taiie this opportunity to speak thus to our people and our army that they may be encouraged and know that we now have noble allies who will aid us In our tight for freedom, which long has been de si rved alt l which we now can see at no distant day. I shall from time to time In l.as Villas communUate with you In the same manner." MKSSACK FROM T11K SOLDIERS. jj.m Francisco. May M.-The following message was received from tho Peking by a carrier pigeon last night: "On Hoard tho Peking. May I" Love to parents, wives and children: sisters. brothers, relatives and friends. We will ever remember the kindness, considera tion and ihe thoughtfulness shown by all. May we be faithful to the trust re posed in us and detract nothing from the irstinctlon won by California in this cruise. JAMES F. SMITH, Colonel First Regiment, California I". S. Volunteers." THE MANILA MILITARY FORCE. San Francisco. May 2ii. The strength of the lorca now at Camp Richmond, In Icndlng comminuting olllcers and enlisted men. by commands, Is as follows: Seventh California regiment VSS Tenth Pennsylvania filo First battalion Wyoming 83S Ratlcties A and H. Fiali S.'-O First Colorado regiment W First Nebraska regiment IC Twentieth Kansas regiment 10b! Thirtieth Minnesota regiment W First battalion Idaho t Total 7010 In a week this force will probably be augmented by OXl additional troops. This is an approximate estimate on the strength of the cavalry from Utah, the Eighteenth and Twenty-third regiments Fnlted States Infantry, and the Dakota Infantry, which should arrive by Sunday. This will be the nucleus of the -HUM troops to be mobilized here and from this will be taken tho expeditionary forces that will form tho second column for Ma nila. The telephone bell is almost as sweet In tone as the wedding bell when you feel sure that some one you care very much for Is going to call "hello." REALIZED FIGHT WAS HOPELESS Spanish Officers Say They Were Forced to Battle by Public Opinion. VIGOROUS WAR PLANS Extraordinary Activity In the War and Navy Departments Is Exhibited. CRUSHING BLOW TO SPAIN Will Be AJmlnlstereJ at Once-Porto Rico to Be Conquered While Span ish Fleet Is Cooped op at San-tiago-Cota Will Be Occu pied With All Raste. HONG KONG. May Si-Captain Concha, or the Ill-fated Span ish cruiser Don Juan de Aus tria, destroyed at the battle of Manila, says that the Spanish com manders were ouite aware that fight ing was hopeless, but were forced to do it by the state of public opinion at Ma nila. He and other officers wished to summ out of the harbor to meet the Amcrbuns. but Admiral Montejo for bade that movement. Captain Concha says the Spanish fleet was In a disgraceful condition. The engines of the Don Antonio de Ulloa were broken and the Castilla was leaking and needed engines to keep the water under; the Don Juan de Austria had only two guns that could be fired; the Marquise del Duoro had only one gun, while the Isle de Cuba and Isle de Luzon had only their decks protected. He declared, how ever, that had the Americans not withdrawn by 11 o'clock the Spaniards intended to steam out and die to the last man. VIGOROUS WAR PLANS, New York. May 36. A Tribune special from Washington says: Extraordinary activity In the war and navy departments this morning, which was not limited to the higher officials, but Included every Individual In both services, gave every Indication of Important de velopments In the conduct of war, while an unusual secrecy served to strengthen the Impression that prompt and vnergetlo action along the whole line In the West Indies had become a question of hours rather than days. Rumors, too definite to be Ignored, but Impossible of oftlclal authentication, explained the remarkable hurry and bustle as due to the president's letermlmition to have Porto Rico occu pied by American soldiers without further delay, and that the troops which had been concentrated at gulf ports for the invasion of Cuba were to embark Imme diately on the twenty transports which hud been secured and under convoy of Admiral Sampson's squadron be sent at once to seize San Juan de Porto Rico and stal.-lis.il a permanent colonial govern ment In the Island similar to that which General Merrltt Is charged with creatine in the Philippines. However startling the report, Its plausibility soon received cor roborative strength through the concur rence of every high official to deny it. While many senators and other prominent civilians have Influential relations with those carrying on the war not only affirm ed tho existence of the suggested plan, but gave cogent reasons for Its sudden (Continued on third page.) Ihe Royal is the highest gr.de baling powdw KMwa. ActMl teats .how It gee. one third further Uua ay other broad. Absolutely Pure DOTAl aaaim owm oo., sty w m Ms mm