NO' awl". l,! THE ASTOHIAN has the lirffsl ' circulation of my piper on the Columbia Rlvtr THE DAILY ASTORJAN (9 the tlfgest ml test paper oo the Columbia River FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT VOL. xlvhi. ASTORIA. OltMillV. WEDVKSMA V MdlfVIKfJ VAV v". 1HH! Wl! A HI! I'OSITIVIiLY HEADQUARTERS I'OU. HTOVKII IIANUKH TIN WARN COOKING UTENUIIJ1 IKON I'tl'H BTKAM nrTiNtm I'l.UMIHNO HIILKT IRON WORK HAS SAMPSON DESTROYED SPANISH ELEET? TUB PRICK AltB BtlCII Al TO MAKE IT EXPKrt HIVE TO HUT KUHCWIIKRB. Eclipse Hardware Company Subscription Books at One-half Price . . LIVELY DAY CHRONICLED j Rumors and Counter-Rumors ! -Great Activity on I All Sides Raooll.rllnii of John Hherman, Forty Twrt In t'nnirnii 13 to lory of Amnrlran llcrotam t U) Dda of Daring by th American Bui. dlaf I w Anedote and IncUlmta nf lha Rebel- lion 1.71 Naval Halt!. ami Our Nw Navy.... I 71 Dacudve HbIHm of lha World I 71 Tha Hlory of Cuba Ravlawt to Data.... bi Forat and Jung-la, ty I'. T llvnutn.. I 0i fongiMrtna lha Wlljornoa I to Th Kin of Myalrrlu I (0 illustrated Rook of all llaltgion tjo l.lvline Thmigtii fr..m 'et, Ho and Hutu. irl.t Th t'iiinilKti II .inn J 1.1 fa of Jalnra IJ lllallio J l'hlKtnpha nf Eminent Htatramnn (Hi ISilltirluiia ... J Fariu.ts' Kiiryi'lNlla I Magtirr ll.irwi Hook Mnnnnr'a tftandard llorae and Stock IKwk I'MiiiIni' Hlualratwt Alia of tha World Wrhitnr'a Dictionary. IV edition I. w! ooj to i DONS STILL AT SANTIAGO Griffin & Reed. Oregon Arrives Safely Home Sharp Engagement Off San-tlago-Vlzcaya and Al fonso Reported Sunk. Reports Seem Correct, but Washington Denies AH Rumors Yet Received. THE IRISH ARE OUR FRIENDS. 4 NEW YORK. M..y H- Ml.-lu.-l Davltt. the Irish National leader In the British parliament, ha a-nt a letter to II. A. Downing containing i h following: "I have your favor of the 3.1 Inst. Inclosing an extract from dispatch.- cabled fr.mi the United But.. a-., rtln that Englishmen would (1-ikI a warm aid to America, but the Irishmen, a. Catholic, wish succes. for th r..e!or of th.. Cuban. C.f coura., thl 1 a palpable f.,.ho.,,l and la a part of the campaign wagd by the Lon d"i .r.-a. with h ol.Je.-t of promoting n alllame b-tw.-.n Ur-t Hrttaln n,l th United Statu at a time when no oil.-r nation In th.i world will ally ltlf wkh th.; rul-r of In.ln and Ireland. It ha bwn manlf-nt that w. Iri.h are Ik ..rtlly with Aro'-rt. a m 1,,-r .ll.lnu-r, mulon for tl. l!U raton of Cuba from European tyranny. The one d-.m-Iik ik aim of (kt I'.rltalh la to wvurc the alliance f Amri.-a wiltmi RtiMila In China and the far eat. In order to -hl..e thia nd lb a of all ktnda are bw,. ,-abb to th- j,ro-jrltlh pr.-a of Nw York about a poMlble European co alition .tain An.-ru-a In favor of Spain. Th.-ro la ab.olul.-l,- no foundation for th. ae itatementa. I craned" to Parla ar..l atiMtl myi-IMii Int. rvU-wa with van.wa rontln-ntal r. pr. a. -ntatlvw that uh a coalition waa a pure Eng-lish faornatlon. Rua-la will n.-v.-r join in any mov.-nu-nt hwii.. to the CriltHd 8tat.. while the German repreaentatlve aiii.oiit-.M that th-rt U no thoiiKlit m country of b-itat h.tlle to the nation In whl.h there are U.H. who arB ..ya American .-It'.x. n. by adopti...ri. The re;,ubl!- of France would be ah.,ken to lla foundation If It ruler dared to join In a ......Ittlon analn.l the a'at.-r n-publi- I-ynl the Atlantic from wh-nre came the flnt Inaplratlon A TREATY OF DEFENSE Reported to Have Been Signed Between United States and Great Ealtain. All Aboard for St. Michael's and Dawson City... DEWEY HEAPD FROM AGAIN 1- - 1 V T - X AND WAT POINT. ..-TV.". ron riiKiuiiT AND I'AHHAOK API'LT AT Foard & Stokes Co., ASTORIA. OREGON. Btaamar leave early In May. Still In Control at Manila-Spanish AJmlral Will Suffer They Want OJJs-Hiwall Open-Wolselys Opinion LnlieJ States a Wlnoer Armor BIJs. L No. .17 Coinmcrclal Street. CHARLES KAN & Co., UNDERWISAR Manufacturvr of I.AD1KH- I "l !! fr.. II ! -I S s an.;ki.i:s. m.iV ;iTh- Tiiik ht-Tr h.ia r.-..i'. a T) "f a 1. b fc-r.un m lit by Hi ti.itor J in. In ,i -! 1 1 1 1 tr. . .i i ii. 1 nt H uit.i M.. mi. .i In, h k if 'II .lt. lb. I hi!. I "11 u:l-ti-r that .1. nlr.iv. il r.r i-ra. the the AND OENTB- Japan Oooda, .lrry, N otlona and Furntahlnc flood AT RKAHONAIH.K ritlCKa. Mnnulnt lurer and Dealer In 1. on. bill, .'lit PIMM iii.-.r..!i ll.t. SI iv .1 - Th. re aie ..i ..t ! ti. r.. that '.lie Auk li.n lN:r..l Uie S..iiiih W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! Key Miy 1 of the I'lllt.-,! HUlliK known lo re make u , - The niovem.'in a lb. la whli'li are !M..illltMy i-.'lt.un I I'lPM a 5kar' Aitkle. 474 Cmmrt;lal Ml I if Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE (hat no battle h.m yet ... but an . tlHilk' Ulellt U . Xni t.. to oei ur llil" Week. Ill" Slklllli.ll lb-el has I1.1H definitely lm-ate.1. Mav Sl.-Kvery precau tion la belnif made t. denlMy th'1 HpanHi Ib.-t which la .iff Cuba. Madrid. May 24. It la oinclally an iiiuiiued thai C.-nera iiiadron a atlll al BantbiKo le Culm y.Kterlay. J.onilnn. May 24 A dicikich to Klnanebil New from Tort ail I'rlnce euya: Admiral Cerv.ra la bellevinl to have divided hla licet. It la mwrliM the Vlteaya and Alton. .Mil. have b. en dutroy.-.!. The North IViiilo Ilrrwcry, (if which Mr. Jolm Knpp i proprietor, timko lii tor ilonien'ic siul cxjxirt tnute. ltottltMl Ihmt for fiimily m, or keg lioor atipplicil nt nny tinu, iltlivtry in tha city (re. NORTH PACIFIC! BREWERY i'iTii.a KEOKIVED IN TUB P1UMAKY. UHAMMAH AND AOADKMIO ORADE8 J. M. ssHintwwsitti THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA, OREGON. IIAVK UI'KNKD TIIKIIl HOAKPINU ASP DA V HCIKHII,, Kor rittun, to., luldron the HuporloriuM INSTRU MENTAL MUSIO, PAINTING AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT i ci ti ta u u n tfl )WB Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Marlon Count' OREGON Thl I Juat th place for your hoy. DelUihtful location, larta buUdlnaaj tn4 (round, food meoia, piantjr of healOv xsrclm, exoelleat toaotoor am) oajaafut tralnlnr- tlito U what thay all ; UT, ANOEOi COLUOOa Band fer CM. ajorua Mai afHMaal p, r, PLACIDUS. ft I REPORTS AUK l'KNIEP. I Wimhlnnion, May il.-Thcro wan a lapse j Into war riiniorK In W.iKh'.iiK ! Ion today, utter u we. k of onim!Mtlv I iillb-ludtf. I Tin. minora ranged all the way from the capluie of the i.tile Manni-ove, w 1 1 It her clew of twelve men. to the rcHirtnl d.-Kt ruction of I ho entire Spanish llect i by Sampson' and Schley' combined i lores, liny were circulated with per- HlNtniici', notwlthstanditiK ilu-ir denial an I "ooii n they could bo brought to the at tention nf any nth. lal cupablo of passiiiR judgment mi their iiceunu y. At the cl.wo of the day. however. It w.i again nn . noinu ed In the most p.isii.vo manner that . Hie navy deMnnu iu had no Inl' ! to waiiant i report of any sorl of an I cnnanemcni in the Wliidwanl passage. This did not spcellli ullv cover Ihn waters of the YVejit Indies, but In view of the i fact that the department h;is almost pledged llsclf to let the public know ot lunytiilnn In the naltiiv of n general en gagement, possible the bulletin announce nit nt Is MiiMcli in to cover ihe case. ! When Secretary l.uiii; stand for home. ! lifter it ii exceptional day. he slated to u group of newspaper nu n that the depart ment hod i-ci elvcd no nutlilcatinn of Im p.irlaneo. In response to an Inquiry a to where tlio Spanish Meet was located, l,ong replied thai his belief was that ll was mill al Santiago do Cuba. Concerning- the repoi-trd capture of tho .Mangrove and the loss of other ships, tho secretary dismiss ed these stories as purely conjectural ninl hot supported by tacts. Word had come from Hie commander of the .Mangrove the same time us the alleged capture, showing that tho i-hlp count not have bi-cn In the hands of Ihe Spaniards. The Spaniard nppcnr to be making ready for something- more than a de fensive campaign nt home, or at bust they are try Ins; to ereiito that Impression by other mentis than tho news bulletins that they Issue utmost daily from Madrid. The navy department now has by Us own re liable sources reports of the rreatest o tlvtty In tho 8pnnlh navy yards and pre parations for sen nnd long voyng-n ot two of their torpedo boat destroyers. It la Riven out that they ro to Join Cerver. Immediately a soon ac hi aquadron tnter Cudla harbor. Pcfelbly -thl ttato- of French llWty." in. nt la made with the d.-lllx-rate purp mi nt mlsl.-adina- Amerbun sailor Into Un belief that Cervera h.ia taken h. way hom.-w ard. Inqiiirl.a na to tha h.-rMiiii: of the Or.-g. ii brought a r.-ply thla afternoon to the effect that the battle ship w.m safe NothlriK could Iw- I arri.J of her location. It I probable that th. t.-bvram aald to ham emanated from the v.-osM really .-rn ilk Mid at K.-y vvt bui were brought to that Mrt on dispatch bout from the Or.-t.-on hlch l Itli our fleet a. Thn UHliuc of the i abbt. at S-intlago and at Han Juan de I'ort.i Rico w.n a military move of ihe llnt Ill lin o ha y t ..ti,- link I. ft ..f cmimuni cat'.. hi with the outer world. It Is said the remaining- cable at Santiago will be cut B.H.11. mi that If Cervera 1 mla- lllile. -llUKil to have entered Santiago liaib .r lie Mill be completely out of touch with bl home government an.l virtually unable to communicate with Illati.-o. The l'!nll..lne Island xp.dttl.-n I now off in d. a.l earnest. The sending of th.-s.-lll" will affect the Hawaiian question vitally. I.Ike the Cli irb ;oii. the trans p.rt ruul stop at Hawaii o replenish ih.-ir biiiik.-r. If the Hawaiian al- '. Hie I'll'.!,, Slate to take C..a! With out tne prw.xt that we are using It to make ,nir way to the home port. a I r.-qiilrd by International law In Ml. h, ih.-y will stan.l convlete.1 of a gr.. breach of 11,-11 1 nil) t -. that In the ei.f all nation coinin l them with the Cnll.l Stat. In hostility against SjKiln. The taking of coil by the American ships at Hawaii to make an extensive cam paign against the SlMtil.irds. ii I said here, will r.-.iiU In compelling the I'nltd States In either assume a protectorate oer the Islands or to annex them. -T.ary of the Navy. Wasning-ton: The altuatlon la utulunitcd. A atrlct blockade .ontiiiU'. (Jrw.t scarcity of provlsbms In Manila. Foreign subject an outbreak. T;ie Spanish soldiers will ! transferred to Cavlte by the for-.-ifc-n mn-of-ar In the harbor. Aituln ablo. tho rel chief, who w.i brought h- re trim Hong K'.ng on the MeCulloch. t organliing a force ..f native cavalry and may render ,ts:iunce that will be valuable lh.,r.Y." MONTWO WILL SUFFER. N. w York. May ;i A dispatch from Manila, via Honr- Kong. as-n that Ad miral Mont.-jo. cimmander of the San!sh squadron d-tny.l by Admlril Dewey, i i to Ih- o.urt nmrtla'.-sl on a charge of cow- ; apll.-c. Th: disiK.tch also asserts that I the c.iiHain of the Swinish revenue cutter. I'ailao. r.-c.-ntly i-a.tur.-,l by the I'niteil Slal.-s Meet a she i. 1 iitenug Manila bay. I to h- sh .t for n i trtef Urc of the Americans. i J cuuse conifres had made the minimum cost per ton for armor at a price below the cost of production. The naval ap propriation tiill Increased the price al low, d 10 IM pr ton and today s effort waa uctesful. For the Ullnol the two armor companies, tne Bethlehem and the Carnegie, divided ihvir bid, one taking the lighter armor and the oth.-r the hiv-l.-r. For the Alabama, the Bethlehem company bid I1.K2.J..4. while the Carnegie company did not bid. For the Wisconsin the Carnegie company bid tUsl.'M. The rate in each case was W) per ton for plates and belt ai nior, the maximum al lowed by congress. The Bethlehem com pany undertakes to begin delivery within seven month after the contract and sup ply 3"i tons monthly. The Carnegie com pany will bcKin December J next and sup ply the same amount monthly. THE SITUATION IN SPAIN Black Cloods Gathering' Over tbe Peninsnla-Breal Riots Masses Want to Get Rid of Cota. SERIOUS ASPECT OF AFFAIRS Anothsr Call for Volunteers Will Be Made-lacreasei Pesponsitilltles False Reports as to Strength of Insurs-ents-Army to Ee iLcreasel THE QVEE.VS BIRTHDAY. FROM THE DISPATCH HoAT. On It.iard the Associated Press Dispatch Boat Dandy. Montegu Bay. Jamaica, May :i..-iCopyrlg-hted IX'S by the Ass.H-late.1 Press.) The waters sourh of Cuba have sud.l.-nly become the scene of arreat ac tivity. Commodore Schley, who left Key West last Thursday wtth the Massachusetts and Texas, the cruiser Brooklyn and tho iirnusl yacht Scorpion. Is believed to be cruising off Clenfueg. and Santiago de Cuba. When the Danuy left Key West lust Friday morning Admiral Sampson was si 111 there. It in the opoln'.on of naval otllivr that he would sail for Clenfuegos by Ihe eastern route, the two fleet thus coinietlng a circle of Cuba. The Iowa follow,! Commodore S. hley on Friday, but was overtaken off Sail Antonio 011 Saturday by the torpdo boat Diiint with secret Instructions. The Initio ship Immediately Increased her speed to the limit, and when last seen PROVES Tv BE A COLLIER. Si. Pierre. Martinique, May Zi p. m 11 '... K. by the Associated Pressi The Svin:sh torix-do boat d. slpiy. r Ter ror Is U-lng cool. i by the Spanish st. am.-r Alicante. The Alicante his al the mouth of Fort de Frame. It was all along sup that she was a hospital ship, but there is 110 doubt that she carries a cargo of coal for the Soatush w:irhiM. Her pretenioti to I- a hospital sh:;i Were ob viously put forward as a bilnd. The I'nitd States consul has caution,! the French officials of the port not to al low the Terror lo take coal in exc, ss ot (he quantity to carry her to the nearest Spanish .rt. It Is upiscd the Terror will leave Martinique tomorrow. I Washington. May H. The senate chap Iain's invocation at the beginning of the , . si..n was a hymn of thanksgiving for 1 tho seventy-ninth birthday of Victoria. ; qu.-.-n of Great Britain. The chaplain . said: j "Knit the hearts of the people who ; speak the Er.gish tongue, weld them j strongly together, that we may work out I a mighty problem of the highest clvllixa 1 tion of the whole earth." N: San Francisco, May;i The steamer Zcalandia arrived this evening with the following Honolulu advices to May 17: ....1.,,.,-v 1. ...,r n.-itti-:ltit' w.i gi,ar.!lng -the entrance tolho v.ssage as ' .,,, wi nM lK, n the m.Miltline American troops will be WON'T FIGHT AGAINST ODDS. Port au Prince, May 24.-A local news- pap, r. the Matin, says Rear Admiral Osborne of the British navy, who left for New York Sunday on board a duties steamer, saw at Curarou the Spanisti squadron of live cruisers and the torpedo boat destroyers or torpedo boats. The Spanish officers are reported to have said they would not accept battle unless with an equal number of ships and that they would avoid encountering' suierlor num bers. Admiral Osk.rne did not consider tho Spanish squadron to be in any way formidable. HAWAIIAN POUTS OPEN. IN AID OF OREGON VOLUNTEERS. San Francisco. Mav 24. The California slate Huxiltary to the R,d Cross society fi America was formally organixed today A motion was unanimously carried allow ing 2." cents per capita to the departing Oregon volunteers, the money to be put at the disposal of the medical corps and will later be refunded by the state ot Oregon. ARMS FOR THE CUBANS. Mobile. Ala.. May 21. Fatina. the Cuban expedition steamer, finished loading this afternoon, and dropped down the ship channel bound towards Tampa, but no one knows precisely her destination. Four car loads of material were taken on the vessel, consisting of ammunition, guns and store. FIRST EXPEDITION READY. San Francisco. May 24. The first Ma nila expedition Is now ready to sail at a moment's notice, though Its departure Is not expected until tomorrow. It com prises nbout Mill nun under the Immediate command of General Anderson, whoso he iilquarters are on the Australia. EW YORK. May J4.-A dis patch to the World from Kingston, Jamacla, wye The signing of a treaty of' defense between the United State and Great Britain la announced in a dis patch received Sunday by the military authorities. A exist In the war be tween America and Spain Is Imminent, the dispatches Intimate, and Jamacla will be directly affected. All leaves of absence of military and naval officers have been cancettd. Supplies of pro visions to last 15 month are being stored. The London correspondent of the World say: A special cablegram from the King ston correspondent of the Chronicle reads: "A mli.tary officer Inform me that an official cablegram was received here Sunday announcing the formal signing of an Anglo-American defen sive alliance. Certainly the war office Is actively engaged in provisioning the camp In Jamacla with eighteen months' supplies, and orders have beeu Issued to cancel leaves of officers and men." iK-twceu the Isle ot lines and Culm. The. liiMtit rushisl on toward Cleiifucgos. I ! Ive British warships are now In the vicinity of Jamaica. A number of rumors are i in tuit ns to the sighting of the' phani. .nt Spanish llei-t In litis vicinity, and ' afo quite unsubstantiated. i Till', OREGON ARRIVES HOME. Atlanta, C.a., May 2I.-A special to tile Constitution reports the safe nrrlval of the batteslilp Oregon nt Jupiter, Fin. given directly and openly !y the iioveru tuciit all the freedom of ih.s port. They will bo sold all the food supplies aim coal they can cany off and will be rcn- I densl all the assis'.ail.v lying within the j Hiwer of the people. The United Suites h p Be:inin.iton Is ttlll In the h.irlior. She is ready to go I to sea ni a moment's notice. SMALL BUT LIVELY ENGAGEMENT. West, Mac 21. -11:.V1 p. m. The d Slate auxiliary lug Wn'iinipatuck I li,ko 'uu'1'",tll, u i,,v ''U i g"h! In today a story of a sharp Rklr! volunteer who are not lul.y drilled ai Wed lies Key full bt'oui: nilsh off Santiago de Cuba last day. The lug with ihe auxiliary cruiser St. Louis went Into the Santiago channel to cut Hie cable. While the vessels were engaged In Hie work Hley wero tired on by th shore batteries. The St. Louis re mind tho tire mid tx lively fusllade en sued for half an hour. The Waiinipatuck eventually succeeded In cutting tho cable. None of the Spanish shots hit either boat, while neither of tno boats In turn Inflicted any damage on the enemy. From Santiago the two ship proceeded lo Gnantiinniiio. the Waumimtiiik miinir on about four hundred yards from tho u defcut any nation in the long run. shore to cm the more there, tho St. Louis' lying out of range. The shore batteries BIDS FOR SUPPLYING ARMOR opened lit-,, and the St. Louis signalled to flic tug to come out. which sho did without having cut the ruble at that point. This adventure was equally harmless. LOUD WOLSFI.VS OPINION. London, May 21 Lord Wolsely, com mander in chief of the army, In a I conversation today said: "Tha United States would make u mis- wit n and dlscioliiud. It was done the I nlted States might expect heavy reverses when llhoso troops encountered the trained Spanish troops on the Island. It would bo a grave error lo underestimate tho : strength of the adversaries of the Amer ican troops. I would regret to see tho I Americans even temporarily beaten, us all my sympathy Is with them." Continuing. Lord Wolsely said: "It Is fortunate for the United Slates that its war Is noi with a tlrst class power, for It Is evident that In such an encounter they would bo badly beaten in the begin ning, though I believe the Americans able DEWEY HEARD FROM. Washington, May Sl.-Blds were opened today for supplying the armor for the battleships Illinois. Alabama and Wis consin, now under construction nt the Union Iron works, Newport News and Cramn. Washington, May S4.-The navy depart- Thl la tha econd time tha government ment today received a cable from Dewey, haa Mid.ora,t to eour bid for up- aa follow: ) plying armor for theae hip&. An effort "Manila, May JO, via Hon Kong-, My niad9 rMir wa Unuiciful b- TI1EY LOOKED WELL. Portland, May 21 General C. F. tleebe today received the following dispatch from A. ChesebiMiig-h. head of Williams. Diamond A Co., San Francisco: "Second Oregon regiment Just pased our olllce bound for the stesimer Australia. Aicopt compliments on its magnificent appearance." SPANISH VESSE1J5 TO SAIL. New York. May 21. A dispatch to the World from Tatigi.r. Morocco, says: The following vessels of tho Spanish re servo at Padij under A nnirnl Oaniara, are preparing to sail: Battleship rel.iyo. armored cruiser Car los v., protected cruiser Alfonso XIII., torpedo boat destroyer Destructor, tor pedo boat Prosperlna, auxiliary cruisers Palrl.-i and Rapldo ifonnorly Hamburg American vesselsi, transport ships and ihroo vessels whose names are unknown. It is rumored that Mislead ef going to the Philippines, this sqtladroii win probably cross the Atliitu'c to reinforce Corvera's squadron, which is understood to bo at Santiago do Cuba. COWBOY ROBBERS. ' Albuquerque, N. M,. May 21. -The south bound passenger train on the Santa Fe railway was held up last nlgiit near Helen by two cowboy robbers. They boarded ihe train nt Helen nnd made tho engineer run the train down the road three mile. They th-n marched the engineer nnd fire man to the express car, where they threw one of the safes out of tho car, blowing It open with dynamite and taking consid erable money. The amount secured Is not known. The express messenger, Hlscock, was not molested nor wore the passenger. The sheriffs of Valencia and Socorro countle. with posse or In pursuit. . SITUATION IN SPAIN. New York. May 24 A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid say: The situation In Spain 1 more serious than it Is generally said to be. Black clouds are gathering over the peninsula and It will be Impossible to avoid the storm which will burst with terrible ef fect and sweep away everything In It path. That Is the Impression I have found after stopping here nearly a month and after numerous conversations with highly placed personages belonging to the court, tho government atiu parliament, and with tradesmen, middle class people and the masses. When SKin!.irds are aiwken of, prominence is always given to the sincere patriotism which supports and animates them under the exist. ng circumstances. I do not mean to deny tho patriotism of the Spanish, but It must not Ik- vaunted to excess, for in Madrid, for example, the tluctuatoins of ihe war Interest has been less than the next bull flg-lu or the draw ing of the national lottery. But tho ques tion which will evidently cause the revo lutionary movement of which I have spoken is that ot bread. The brmd ques tion has already led to conflicts in some, towns. Spain Is Just now passing through (Continued on fourth page.) Ike Royal i the highest grade baking powder haow. Actual teat show it goeaoM tblrd further tba any ether brand. 1 M FQVIQER Absolutely Puro rovaa, Mntto wm If Si.