THE DAILY AST0R1AN. WKIlNKslUY MOKMNU, MAY lit, llll-H r. ill 1 Sally ;3UtmirtU JOHN T. UOHTER, Editor. Telephone No. ft TERMS Of iUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year K ant bv mall, ner month Barred bjr carrier, er month WEEKLY. Bant by mall, par yaar. Id advanca.. Fostaga frea to ubacrtbarM. .poo All communications Intended for publl aatlan ahauld ba dlrcctad lo tba editor. Business communications of all kind and remittances muat bo addressed to "Tha Aatorlan." Tha Astorlao guarantee to lu adver tisers Us largest clrrulatlon of any news paper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can ba had on applica tion to tha business manager. Tba Weekly Aatorlan,' tha second eldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonian, tha largest weeklr drculattoa In the state. vVTiat has become of rtryan since the war broke out. Is he den J or only hiding? Politics Is a pretty dry subject In these days of stirring stories of blockades and bombardments. Svnor Consalla, Washington correspon dent of tha Madrid Imparclal, cables bis paper that the 1'nlted States hesitates In Its "designs" on Cuba because It Is feared the ml man will rise when the army Is removed to Cuba. In the States of Ohio. Illinois and Iowa, mvi the senor. the cltl trim have already ba-en called out to pro tect their western frontier against the raids of wild men. Never say the Span iarJ Is not wide awake and Imm.igina'.lv In the face of such examples as this live nes.sp.ipcr correspondent. With misinfor mation of this kind the people of Spain can endure a dozen defeats like Manila The United Statu may point out nme thing to the military chieftains nnd or' ranixera of Europe that will be of Inter est to them. Seven days after our regular troops were ordered from the most re mote sections of the country to southern cities from which It would be convenient to move them to Cuba when the right time came, our army was right where It wns ordered to be in every case sharply on time, nothing missing. Infantry, cav alry, artillery, ammunition, baggage, tents, all delivered In good order and with absolute punctuality. This l in Itself an achievement of the most creditable character to our military organisation. If the army had been ten times as strong. K would have been on time Just the same. The country is to be congratulated on the entire absence of disturbance in the business world on account of the war. It were vain to deny that here and there htltation and uncertainty have tended to cause dullness, but the actual outbreak of hostilities without graver consequences to Industry and commerce is an undoubt ed sign of health and stability. There Is no extravagance in Iiradstreefs remark that "the lack of ex ltement, nervousness or Interruption In the ordinary orderly conduct of public affairs, and particularly business operations, with whii.h thi- coun try nas pan sea from peace to war e,-ms likely to become historical." The situ ation is almost without predwent. We are not among those shallow economists who believe that war 1b generally a gof.J thing for labor, capital, and business. But a little common sense Is sufficient to dispel all fear as to possible serious in Jury to our internal commerce through the present war. There is nothing to cause any decline In production or con sumption; on the contrary, the with drawal from industry of tens of thous ands of men who have to be fed, clothed, and looked after should stimulato m'wt of the great Industries and provide more general employment for the people who remain at home. Only an unreasoning panic might cause o.sturbance, and it is fortunate that the transition to a war footing was characterized by no trace ol paralyzing apprehension. France or England, not reflecting that we have as many people nt home as both these great countries. llenvc It became mviwuary for us t resort lo actual war In order to niske ourselves properly re spected. We are now spending money at the rate of over a million dollars a day. If In the past twenty years We had put as much money s w. shall now Invest In warfare In one year Into our army and navy, the know lisle of our ability as an armed people would hue guaran teed us peace as against not only Siln but every other country on the face of creation. Till: MuTHKU.S Ol'- AM'.IUU'A. ilrlm-vlMiinl war sits enthroned today. The sulb n throb of the drum has called the joutig nu n of the land to thttr pl.icvs in the ranks, r rom mo store ana snop and farm and null and (actor), from quiet and happy homes they uMiie, obedient to the call of patriotic duty. Many a young man's heart beats hisih at the call, many an ce sparkh s with excitement In anticipation of the coming conflict. These young men, the flower of the land, will march away to the Inspir ing strains of martial music, amid flut tering flags, the cheering of enthusiastic crowds, and all "the pomp and circum stances of glorious war." Hut they leave their nearest and dearest behind. All over this broad land are pale faced, heavy-eyed mothers, who will send their sons forth with an exhortation to do their duty like men and Americans; and then will come for them the months of weary walling, of gnawing fear, of rack ing anxiety. They will bid farewell to their loved ones ith the dread that It is forever;' that Spanish bullet, or shriikmg shell, or the yeilow m cire of d:5t'.se lurking amid tropical cam br.ikes and swamps may do their deadly work. j It takes as exalted a typo of lur.;:n to j nd one s nearest and dearest to face 1 the uncertain chance of war. as it Joes j in the volunteer himsc.i. Amid all the ' chirring and the patriotic fervor with which America will nd h. r boy to the front, let not their heroic mothrs be for gotten. I'pon thm is placed the burden of their sex to endure; and they should have the sympathy, the encouragement, and the meed of admiration which Is their due.. How to expose a hum bug money-back it How to establish things as Schillings tea c.J-e Svxla Ktlint pew, let (lav auc a-iiucU snj .pan such Lt -money-kick them. For Mir by Ross HigKins & Oomivtnv ft v .! -VV '!i-Vs Some gowns which were evidently tended lo be French have viandi-iisl astray and look Pulch. A CLBVRH TU1CK. It certainly looks Ilka It, but there Is really no trlrk about It. Anyhody ran try It who has lama !ack and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. W mean he can cur himself right away by taking Electric Hitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the liver and kidneys, la a blood purifier and nerve tonic It cure constipation, headache, fainting spalls, sleeplessness and melancholy. It Is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restore (he system to Its natural vigor. Try Electric Hitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottl guaranteed. Only to cents a bottl at Estes-Conn Drug Company. Tile S.ilva.ioii Army "War Civ'' lcuis lo have still', into oblivl.'li ..Slice the bull.-, till board war ety came Itii.t e siince. Wo nre so used to being enlerirtllied that we consider It a grievance when the shades are drawn long eiioiinh for win dow ilrmscia to have a chance to rear. 1 align their wares. UUCKI.KN'B AHNU'A BALVItf. TIIR PEST HALVE lit Ih world for Cuts, Itrulses, Holes, fleers. Hall lllieum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Nklii luruptluns. and posltlvdy cures riles, or no pay required. It I r.unraulerd to give perfect satisfac tion cir money refunded. 1'ilc SI cent per box. Km sale by Katea-Ctmn l'rug Co. Tlie woiimn of 1;' inline domestic tastes can ;i ( us much real joy out of the In animate iihlnt-i that ut r.oin.l li, r In It, 1 home as lie does ftoii ib,. ntciids who xhil it MARINE NOTES. The State cnvse out yestenlay morn ing for San Krwnclsco, The tu;oit arrived from San Francisco at t o'clock last night. The Itrlllsh ship laccn put to sea yes tenlay carry'lng IV.S."& buidiel of wheat, value. I at tT.?it. The Hrltish steamer Allsa Craig salbM yesterday fr Vladivostok with S.tW.rtW pounds of flour, valued at l.-'iU. The Xorwelgan steamer TorvlenskJold. t.5 tons. Captain Dunlelsen. days fwm HakcHlate, via Victoria, urrlvt-d In yester day. The Herman steamship Taifu sailed for Viudivojtock ycsiurUav with g-ueial mer chandise and J.JSo.JX) tHHinds of Hour, vul u.rl at t.'lM. She had three passengers en board. The British steamship Mogul put to sea yesterday for the orl.-nt with a miscel laneous cargo, among which were Hour. sturg"ti sinews, hams, l.irl. etc. Tide Tatle for May. IS98. Many o,.l soldiers now r-e the effects of the hard service they endured dining the war. Mr. t'.co S Anderson, of ltos vllle. York county, I'enn ..who saw the hardest kind of service at the front. Is I now frequently troubled with rheum j tlsm. "I had a severe attack lately." he I say, "and procured a bottle of Chamber ' Iain's I'uln Halm. It dul so much good that I would like to Know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted It both for bis own use and to supply It to hi friends and neighbor, na every family should have a bottle of It In their home, not only for rheumatism, but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which Is unequaled. For sal by Charles Itogers, drugglat. Is there iiiiythlng more galling lo .1 man's pride than to write to .1 man have him pay 110 attention lo the letter ami YVHOOriNii O'.ICGH. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbor recommended Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after glv- I Ing hint few doses of that remedy I noticed an Improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It Is the best cough medicine t ever had In the house J. l Moore. South tturge ttstown, l'a. For sale by Charles Itogers, druggist. The tip-lilt, d hat is , iin- r or decidedly "t.MOth" in lis oil p. uds upon the precl-e angle is W"rn. cry si li-li It all d. at which it Iin. 11 u . 1 Hi W H Al fctb I'AIK MEXE, MEXE. TEKEL. Sun. ., Mon. , . Tues . Wed. . iThurs. ' FrL ., ;Sat. .. Sun. ., Mon. . ! Tues . Wed. . Thurs. i Frt. .. :Sat. .. .Sun. .. Mon. . I MU'U FACE . Shows the slate ef your f- , of y our In alt li 11 ! li. 001I make llseir iippar. 1 ; "allow t-oinpb xioll, 1'illip lings and th'" 1.. impure 111 a pale and 1 and Skill Urui'tioii-. If worn out and p. .trance you lllixsr. It cur. it. in, ft. h. 111 ft. .11. tu. ft. 11.111 it .... i; I ST ill S4;! tWJ7i 1 M 2 5 I ... i if i i 10 1 ; s iitis,j4:2il ... 3 10 &s it iow a, 4 1 s -t - ... 4 U 4J:; UU it i, 1310 j S3lil 7 ... b .... 1.. ii 3; ; oi k :i 0 1 i i s ... i 0 14 9i 1 m 7 0, ; o ui; ; j i 1 .. i 0 io 1 0; 114 0: 7 W U s 7 4t 3 2 ' ... 8 1 35" 0i 3 01 i S H 'I s 3s 3 i I ... ! 1 25 i Si S 51 31 0 5 9 34 3 4 I ...101 3 b S 4, 4 4i 1 l'J t 1 U 3 3 4 ! ...Ill 4177SI S.Ui;.0311 43331 . . 1 I M.JJi 6 4i 7 v .. ,.. . 13 15 0s Kmbroid.-ry on the summer i-un li will ...13 ( 45 ( H 7 3S7J, 0W1 9j 1 U 1 3 I run loru' ly to ttags. these ti. uiK Hie form -? I S ! I ! i i i 5 S ? ! J i 5 1 -f dec,.r.,;,o you are feeling weak and ilo not h ie a h-vcthy ap should try Ack. r s lilood s all blood diseases where cheap sars ipar'.ilas and mi-i illij purl llers fall. kllolllg tills we sell every bottle "il a positive guarantee CPHARSIX. ,Tue . Wed. , Behold, we have gathered together our Thurs. battle ships near and far; 'alt " Their decks they are cleared for action, 'gun their uns they are crimed for war. . Mon I O ft la S ft! tt 41 7 7 Mllll 111 7 II !!.!l1 10117 010 lu sOi 4 04 1 11 4 07 1 3 i classes of society ... II 11 Si I 0, 10 4 I S, 4 Irl SUUIft ....IS U 67,7 0.11 35 4 41 &450O 6 4 2 9 ....19;.. ..I. .U 41 9 30 0 1, I 31 3 1 ....Ml 0 11 14 1 6 S, 7U90 4I 7 11 35 211 045 83 106 7 7 47 0 3, 7 4. 3 7 22 1 19 i 1 j 2 44 S f ! I 21 0 II I 2a 3 5 23 1 61,7 8 1 15 5 8 64 0 2i 9 02 3 9 In-vlally In V"gtie 111 all j CHIEF OF 1'HI.K'E SALE , Noll.e Is hereby ;ien. tint bv vlitue r 1 wiirr-iiii for the collection of a d.--, l uuuetu astc-Mucni for Hie imiuovetneiii it s, rlbrd ns follows' The lmpi o emi 111 lot li.oid stieei from the west I ne ef Mtath street to the west me or blocks bi and 17, M.-i'lure's Atottit. duly issued by ihe Auditor mil I'ollce iJii.Ui ol ilu ill,- of Atori, by ilirectlon j "i the roiumoii i'ouu. 11 of said citv, said nuinint being dated in- M'h .1 iv of Aiml !V'. o Hie illl e. ti .1 1111,1 I bo us.e-sill' III In which specliled alll.iiililltiu l.i ihe emi of 'J Willi interest ih.le.u f i"l lb., elll .lav ef J.inuniy. ivis. at s per cent per a'i'ioi'i mi in mist t'ln followlltir 11 ime.l I person, town. W. W. I'aiker. owner of III" follow UK deserlbe.l piopc,'tl lo. wit. lot 7, bio, k II. Mct'lurc's Astoria and 111; ilii't said described piop.n , mi l which wan o 11 ( C'liim.imls m.. 10 . w noon and make sale of said described property, tn order in satisfy si,l an' unem, ihn Inlerest iber.on and the t nud r- lenses or sile, I ill, on (he 9th day of May. IVW 1I11U levy up Ol Hie alio.; (le. scrllwd real property, an. I will on' the "ith dav of June v;.s m t,e hour of 1 o clii. k. Ill th.. afternoon of said duv, at the Court House poor In the Cny of Astoria. Coiiniy ,,f Clatsop Stale of Ore gon, sell s.ii.l above described property st public auction to ihe h'ghest bidder for cash, 1'. S Hold ('otn. to saiisry sud as sessment, 1 ho mure, i thereon mil me costs tind expenses of ie, nn, accruing cost luted at Astoria, Oregon, the 9!h d iv of May. K'4 E IIAt.l.Oi K I'hl. f ,.f I'ollce. city of Astoria, ,ron. CHIEF hF I'ol.tcn 8l.E Notice Is h.-rebv given that be virtue of a warrant for the collection of ,ie. iHUilii' iit .ism -i. nt f.,r the tmprotenieiit d. rlbed .is fil!,-iws. The Improvement I of M"n,l street from ih west I n.. ef Nl'ilh street 10 ,i., wr4l 1 of blocks 14 and '' . Astoria, I duly issued bv Ihe And'tor and Fotlce I Judge of the City of Astoria, by direction 1 of Ihe Common Council of su.l cnv sitd i v iM;int .. t'j d.i'ed ihe II h dav of April. ! Iv". !" me l'r. et. . I. and tne is. ssment in I h , h specified iniiouniliik' to the sum or Mi iS iv th mt-'.-st 1. 01 ir.itu the .'n 1 iv of J.inuiirv Ivis. ( p,.r cent rer if.nnm. be ng g iu,,t the fo'iow lug named person, town. W W rirk-r owner or i'h" f. 'Hon Ire described properly to. J wit. I,. 1 5. block II. MeClure's AstorU. : and igiitist s il l d.ser b-.l property. nd whl. h arrant cinm inds m.' to .vv up'Ui if. I in 'ke sal., of si!.', described property, in or b-r 10 satisfy said assessment the jnnc. i thereon und the cost, nnd e i""" of 11 ile I did on ih ':h dav of 1 V V V''S dull' eV llp 'tl Ih- it'Ole de. s. r b. .1 real property ,m, I will on the jvh d iv ..f Jii".- !'"i .it ihe hour ..f i , "'do. k In the Afternoon ..f sttd dvv, al , ih Court House poor. In the i itv of ; .Vs'ona County of i'l itsop State of ore. on ,11 said :ibove deRcrihed property tit I public auction to the high, st bidder' for cash IV s ilo'd Coin ! satisf ,e l us- sesrnellt, !h Interest there.ifi und the costs .ind expenses of sal.-, and accruing aria. Oregon, the Jth day of ID W with Intel et thereon hunt ihe llih day uf November. IN'I, at 8 per cent per annum, being itgiiinsi the following named person, tow It, llleiior Hovey, owner of the billowing described piupfllv, lo. wll. lot 33, bin. k 41, Adair . Aslnrla, and uiiallisi anld descillied pmpeiiv, and whli b w 111 111 lit commands Inn to levy UI"'U and make sale of said dcnci'ibcd piupeiiy, III older lo satisfy said assessment I ho Inleiesi I liei .011 and llie eosl ami e. peime of sale, I did on the UI II day uf May, IVDi duly levy upon ihe nbovii de. sclllied teal propi'ily, und I will oil Ihe Mil 1l.1l ot June Ivni. ui Ihe I111111' uf 1 oeloik, III Ihe ilfli I lioull of s lid il.ll, III Ihe l "in I House lioiir, In the I lly of .Hi01111, t'oiiuu of Cliilsop. Hluln of Hie. gott sell silld illiiive ii'se'lbi-i plopi'il) uf "III, lie all. lion ,i Ihe lilgh. al Model for o 1 -II. I' S Hold Coin, to satisfy aid ns. si 110 ill. the Inleiesi ilieieoii mid th cosis and i Hiiie of sale, and a,' ruing ClWl s, I'aieil ill Asbnlii, Oregon, the Uih day ol I'l. IIAI.Iau'K. Chief of Police, City ol Astoria, Oli'guli, CHIEF OF roUCK H.E Noll.e Is hereby given, lint by Milun of a w.iii.iiiI for the collection of a de 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 s nt .iMsessnii lll for Ibe luiplolemi-ill ,1, 1,1,. , I IIJ follows The I III I I V 1 1 1 ' III "f I'll iiy- ihn.l, Thlilv llftli Ktieels mid lllltisoii ttlenue, pi Adair's Astollii, dull issn.d by the All, I, lor and I'olii e ! .Iui!,e : tl.a' III or AHi'l'ia. by d'deel loll I or the Common Council of said eu, sai.t 1 ill. nil b. lug ibiled the II b 0 ii 01 ,,i 11. Ivn, lo me ilii'eeied. nml ibn ussensmeui in ' win. li ii'cniid .inioiiui lug 1.1 Hie -inn u 1 1 .1, is' v 1 1 Ii ml, 1. -I ih.iioii 1, inn Hi. litis .1,1 id .V'lcllihci s-l,, i s pei ,,iu per I 1111111111, b. lug ug iliist ihe following named p. I son. low it, I lienor Hovey, iik iter of lb.' following ihsillhi'd plopellv. In. wit, lot .11. block II. Adair s Astoria, and ag.ilnsi said described piopeitv, und w III. Ii w m i ani l otiimauds me in levy ui"U ind make sale of said di sci ilieil piopeiiy, in oi tb r 10 satisfy said asai-ssim-m tn,. nit. i.-t theiioii and the costs an. I r- I'l Uses id sain. ' did Oil llle UI h lllty of May. IV'. duly levy upon the nboe de scribed real properly, mid I will on the Mb day of Julie, lv, nt the hour of 3 Oiloik. Ill Ihe itflelltooll i.f s.Hd, III the C.uirl House poor. In llie flly ..( Astoria. County of Cbiisop. State of Ore gon, sell said above described pi'un rt) nt public auction 10 ibe high, si 1, 1,1, 1,1 for . oil, I' H ilol'l Coin, to satisfy .nd . seiuiiui-ltl the lull-rest thereon mid llie cosis ami i-speiises of sale, and H'crulng Cost wll nml u lot I, bbick 81. Adair's Astoria, "ml against said ,. s, 1 ll.e.l uoiei'iy, ami wul' li wmiaiil c iiiiiiiI" me l" I' vy Uli'iil mid uuiko sale of said do. "I'"i t y. In onler u sallsly said assessment th intelesl llie. I mid Ih" v'"1.".,". .i use. of sale, I did on "Hi 'lay .f ay, .Hi, duly levy u'"il ihe abuve ii. s.'lllnil leal pioii'liy. a"'l " i'"J sill d,.v of June. vis. at llie 11. "ii 111 s o'clock. Ill Ibn iifl.iii 'oti ol said day, ibe Conn House l'"or ill 1 ny A . . 1 . noli, si 1 s.ll'l nd. 11 e public mil lion I" tb" 1 .oil, I M Hold Coin s. '..sou nl . I ho Int. cosis and l" uses cosis I'ol.d nt Astoiia. IMig "'"' E IIU.I...CK. cm "i Asi.'iiu, 01 .-gun .1.1,01,. 1 oiililv ot I laiso p. nni in wi 11I101 of nbid pioiii'ity at lllgllisl III. idol for o silllsty said III, , oil nlld III f s ib , nml a. ruling 11, llie Hill day of Chief of foil" CHIEF OF I'lH.ICH MAI.K Soil, 11 Is lie of a w in nil I'li.-d it Astoria, Oregon, the fill day of May. I svii E IIAI.I.ociv. Chief of I'ollce. I lly of Asl ill,,, Ol'goll CHIEF OF l-ol.ICK 8AI.E nliy gli.n, lint lo vlrlti r,u 11 .Ilicll.ui of a da I'll, , I, III as.essui. nt for Ibe linplon'lllnlll dis l,,i, I us , ill HIS I".' 1.1.I" 1.1 "f I'liiny- Iblld. IIHIU nfih slieels und II. nil. oil Biiiiin lii v Inn . Ai. ilia, .lull issued b ihe Au.lii.'i mi. I I'olii Judge if 1 1st I'll) "f Asloln, by dlli'Cllolj 1.1 ihe Coiiiiiioii c 1,111. II 01 siii.l 1 iiy. said W .11 1. ml I" lug il.ind Ihe lib d i) if April, Km, 1.1 me din i i I .m l the 1 so -.ameui lit el.oli -.i . 11. d inn ' ii 11 1 'U 11 Hi" sum of I'..', HI I'll II. I. I' si 'I' 1 . "II 11 nil Hi" II I II .lav of S'O ni l" 1 1 ' 1 ' s 1 " 1 em pr annum, un.i ihe following nmil p. is. ui. luwii. II. I.11 F liiuliam. owner of III" ("ll'IWlllg d bed piopeiiy. Ills wit. I..I I. Ill " k i.3 Adall s Astorl. and ngaiiisi said .t.s, ub.d (uopeiiy, and W hi. h miitanl coiuni ui" lo levy upon and make sale of s lid dead Ih.-d pl"P' II,, III Older to Slllstl ass. out III III I est Ilu 11 and 'he .o.i mid pi us. s of (lie, I ,l',l oil the Sill day of l.11. Ids do.) leu up. 01 the .iliovs its rial piop.iil and I will oil th sill d.iv of June. m al the bom of I o dock tu Hi" ill, 11, . on of so. I day, at the Culllt House l",r III III" I lly uf asloils Coulill nt Clilsop H'ale uf l)rs g.ui s. a.iid ..l.oii. ,, s, 1, l,r. I pioiierly al . lib III' nil, ll.oi 1,1 Ihe ;,,ld.'i fur .ash. I' M I Coin, i" 'sfy sitd a si ssinnit ihe mil n si theteoii sud Ih coals uu.l tpinna et ail', mid sccrultig COSIS I'.ilid at Asi.oli in.gon. lbs :h day uf Mo 1 !.' Il II M.l.ncK, Chief uf I'lillcr. CHI 11 VJl.'ll.l. Olegon iThur. FrL , Sat, , Sat- . Sun. . Mon. Tue ..2bl 148i ...27! 4 40 (41 ...28, 5 51 8 0 7 OS'S 9 39 f,. ...h.. iV,..r I. h.irrr-- In 1 ues 211 l l I Dl 0 9 S II 31 11 1 V .... ....... " - .Wed 25 I01i71 4 10851 67 0 10 22 me norm unu me souiu a peai Of hammer In fort and shipyard and the clamor and clang of steel; And ihe rush and roar of engines, and clanking of derrick and crane Thou art weighed In the s, ales and found wanting the balance of God, O Spain! 5 15 6 10 3u 1 1 11 ut 3 7 (00 8 8 UU81,. 8ii,7 0i 0 07 31,. . .. . .11154 2 0,. 7 35 7 11 1U28U 51 15 .301 8 26 5 Si 8 30 7 , 1 Is 1 1, 1 51 3 9 .31, 9 37 5 9i 9 2J S 1, 3 1 1 , 2 5o J 1 VESSEL BOUND TO ASTORIA. lyrunarci, nr bk, 1359 ton Hehol.l. I have stood on the mountains, : and this waa writ in the sky: I denoting She is w ighed in the scales and found ! Ca'cutta. wanting, the Igilance Ood holds on illdas. Messenger, htghl" ' XagaaakL The balance He once weighed Babylon. ( AlrXind(r Black ine ni'iuier oi in, , i-n-' AntWerD One tcale holds thy pride and power and "' '" TP" empire begotten of sin. J Anr''a ThomaS' Thomas. Heavy with woe and torture, the crimes tor,,. Port Plrle The entering wedgs of a fatal complaint If often a slight cold, which a dose or two of Ayrr's Cherry Pe:toral might hav cured al Ihe commencement. Therefore It Is advisable to have this prompt ana sure remesly ulwsy at hand to meet an ; emergency. i COStS. P.lted at A-' Mai. v' Chief of roll, E HAI.I.OCK. ity of Asion.i Or"irin CHIEF OF rl!.I'"-E SAt.E Have you seen the latest ring? It Is formed of a link a single diamond set In It. m isi iillne i h.iln with i tSr bk. 1X2 ton. I Dunn. Br bk. 1SJ1 l i Br sh, 1761 of a thousand years, Forthbank, Peterson, Br bk, 13a tona,! Mortared and we.uej t.agether with fire , dargh-intl. and blood and t-ars; In the other, for Justice and m.-rcy, a blade with never a stain. Is laid the sword uf Liberty, and th e dips. O Spain! Winter, Br bark. 936 tona. ba- Summon thy vessel together: great thy need for th- se: Colon, Vi.'iaya. Oipi Maria Th'-rese. Let them be strong and many ion 1 had by night, Andaman, AUfoa Bay, . Joseph Pullfger. Hanrey, Am eh, 73 tons. New York. Clackmannanshire, Thomson, Rr h, 14K tons. Newcastle. Stllierhorn, Gibson, F-r bk, 1771 tona. do and ! LIverpooL Argo. Maclean, Br sh, 1490 tons. Ant for a vis- , werp. ; Bogstadt, Tborbjornaco, Nor tr, 1 JS1 . Notice Is h-rebv given that bv virtue of a warrant f..r the nil'-nlnn of s de. luiipient assessment for the Improvement ,b s, rlbrd iis follows' The Improvement of llond street from the west llius of Ninth street to th.. west line of blocks l mid IT. Md'lure's Astoria, dillv issued to 'he Auditor and I'ollce I Judge of the City of Astoris.. bv direction of the Common Coiineil of said Citv. said Luxuriant hair, ;f uniform color, I a i w irnm beir.g ,i ml the llih d iv ..f pni b.uutlful heml-coverlng for either e, ! I''. lo me dir. ci. d and the assessment lii and mar be secured by using Hall's Vege- i p-eir!e I .imoii'i'. rig m the sum i able Sicilian Hair K. newer. ! " armuni. tw l it against the f ''lowing named Have you ever :r,. d t o C'e nu'-i-! person, p. wit. V. V I'arker. owner ol n. r uf patriotic .l !,. s .., (r a in Kb' ""' f-''lowing described nroper'v to. lb U are now re.,... , hirv.' ,r .on1""' '"' V 1,,"'k M M'1 'lure's stoni. in it ar now r. i,.i..' a hnv- ..f . "in , , .,,.,.,. , ,,r ,., pr.,p..riy. rtn. f'T ill' er-it v-nvr.' , w oi. h w irr ml e .mrii mds m.. to p-vy upon I and T' ike of s lid des, Titled properly. in to suisry s.n.t ussessmeni tn. lin-.-r.-t 'tiire-'n and th .-nils and es " f "lb-. I .I d on the tuh div of M .V TV'S dull' lew UP"H Hie .ll.ole d"- - rib.d reii property, and I will on th- 'h 'I'l of June 'ls ,,t 'be of : " do. k in the ifr.rtioon i.r si I.I div. tb.- Curt Poor, in the Ci'- or -t.T a County of I'l itson State of Ore gon. S'll srild above described pioperlv al "ill, lie miction to the highest imbb-r fo." r oh. I S I loin, to satisfv sud as. sessment. the Interest thereon' mid 'he costs and expenses of sal-, .md a, cruing NoN.e Is hereby given that Iiy virtue of a warrant for Ih collection of a de. Iin. pi-nt assessment for the Improvement d.s nbid as follows 'I'll,. Improvement "' Tinny, ih i.l. Kurt) nfttr streets mid Hsrr'son avenue, in Adsifs A'ori. dun issued .)' the Auditor mid I'oll. e Ju.lg.i ,.t Uii .'i i of Aatorta. by direction of ihe Coiiiiiioii I mint il of said i lly sam w hi ml P. .ng . laird ihe llili day of Apid. h''s. io me d, recti, 1. ami ihe ass. asmeitt In ith h sii.clh.,1 a uioil n 1 1 ng I., dm sum ot ln .v with interest t h.ron frou. the Ii n day of .November IVl. Ill S ier cilll per annum, being ag tlllst the following named person, town. lieu. Wntson. owner of the follow lug described property. til s' '. i"i i. il. nosiir Asiuri. i ...... ,1.-.. m l ig cns. .aid lb s, ribed property, and ' ' . . V . . , w h:. It w -it i ant commands me to b vy upon llld make sale of slid described prop'-rlV, in lo satisfy ssi.1 assessment the .n'ei'.i iheieoti gn.l the coals and ex ii, ns, s of sile. dul on the ih day of Nl IV. Wis duly levy tlli'Ml the titio.e ie. i it.e.l real property. n. I will on th" Mb 111 ot June 1' nl the hour of 3 .lo. k In the iifternoon of and it n, si Ibe l otirl Home tliior. In the Citv "f Asi. iiia. I'.uinty ..f Cutsop, State of ore goo se.l H.ild above described property at public am lion io ihe highest bidder for cash. I S iiol.1 Colli, o satisfy nld n s. s,-ineiit. ttie inii ri at thereon and Ihe costs .md ,. k;H'lla, uf sale, u, accruing cists'. Mted it Astorl i. Oregon, tha ih J.,)r of May. I"l E IIAI.MK'K. f of I' iII' . City of Astoria. Oregon CII1I1F OK I' i; HAI.E N'ntl.e Is hereby given, tint by virtue of a wairaut for Ibe ...!! dlon of a ds. I II. U. Ill ussessmi lit for Hie llllit.iVMlltt .lis rlbrd us follow a I lie lini'l i-inent of "I'll 1 1 v - tb id III iiy tifh s reels and II nil. on Bvrnu.-. In V. lair's Astoria. dull Issued by Ihe tud-lor mil I'ollca Judge I.f the I'ltl of Vslol X l direction ' of the Coil. mon i '.in. " -' 'i l ' ''r. sold ! warr ml lu ng ds'e.l the li'h iUv f April, ' ts-s. lo me . I I.d at, I ' he as llie III In wbi.ll si. iln.'d aiii"iiti !'ih' to llie r:,i if II l nl Wllh Inu res! Mi r. . ii lion, inn llih , .1 i of Vol. nil" i ! i oil per u ii ii 1 1 in, ,e,iig ag i nsi i he i. i.iw tug nainsd person, town. I V llll. owner Of the following ,.i,i I'-.l propi'ily. .l. W.t, lot "t !!". k io Adair . Astoria, and ngaliiai and d.s. r.b,d property, and w ot' It W'lii.uit i .mm iii-Ib m.. to levy upon I and make sue ..f aid .b s. I'M .r,,"-rty. III or br to satisfv sai l assessment. Ilia and (he .osia and s of a lie ,! , ell llle !ll day of IV"i duly Iriv upon ih,' ahova d- mi rib.d real proprrli and I will on the vh .lo of Jun. 1' 's at ihe hour of I o i link, in the !ili".i'n '. sud day, at t h i II..;-. i . o in i h. Co y of As!,.i:n Cotiiilt ,,r I'li'a.'i.. Htalo of Or goti s, , in , ,. s r bed pioiicrty al lOlldlC till' tl, Ol to 'he ladder for . eh I H ilol.t .', ii t in (! si , I s. s. Hsmiiit the ini. r. st tberron and tha .-.-sis an. I rip. lis. a ..r ail., and a. erulhg . oats pens I Stay I io' 'In, Ms f of Toll,' CHIEF Vs'ottl IV. 1 i ir- tc'li. the i'h day of im.i.iH'K st.oci lingo or 'iii.i. i: hu.e I 'hie CHIEF OF I'ul.lCE HAI.E That the ancient wrongs th iu done ton. China. llie world came howling to the tight, ' Castle Rock. Jones. Br itr, 1.7S7 tona, From the new world shore they gath- ' Hlogo. ered, Inca and Aztec a. am, j Lombard, Raiaon, Br itr. To the Cuban shot but yesterday, and our Hong Kong, own dead seamen. Spain! t"g, ther, gather a i 'Jut' ford, I Hamburg. tona. M.icPherson, lir kh. SI'J tons. that Summon thy sh, mighty fleet! " For a strong young nation is arnoisg never hath known defeat! Summon thy ships together, th-re on thy blood-stained sands, F. r ,i sh nlowy unny gathers with man acal feet and iMllds. A shadowy host of sorrows and of shames too black to t'-ll! That reach, with th'ir horrible wounds, for thee to drag thee down to hell; Myriad phantoms und sji-eti rs, thou war ns! against In vain! Thou art weighed In the scale and found wanting, the balance of fjod, O Spain! Madison Cawcin. Acker's English I'.f-medy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst olil In twelve h'jurs, or money re funded. Zi cts. and DO els. The American people are not likely to forget the lesson thai our war with Spain 1 due more than unythlng else to the fact that we were unprepared to light any body. When the fact was notorious around the world thut the American con grass had been for many years stingy In appropriations both for the army and navy that our army was less than any one itrmy corps of any of the great mili tary nations abroad, and scattered over a country a extensive as the whole of Europe-while our Interior politicians om lime ago began to economize with respect to the navy, stoppinjr work on battle-ships, scotTIng at lighter vessels o essential to the ponderous Ironclads o. eyes and feelers-our diplomacy lacked a kern edge. Tho Spaniards had ninny times been ready to part with Cuba on reasonable terms, but thought they could trltle wllh us and carry on a barbarous warfare and provide Invasion of yellow fever of our territory from tlmo to time, taking llbertie with us that they would not Jiavu ventured upon with regard to Talk about your war tactb a the wo man who can successfully meander through the crowd In front of the bulletin boards deserves to be made a commund . i -lnchlef. I'atrlarch, Breach Br sh, 1339 tons, Ma- nil. a. Lea Adelphus, Lebreton, Br bktn, 132U tons, Freemantle. Poseidon, Bush Br sh. 1708 ton. New i castle. Gertrud. Hlnke, Oer sh, lt3 tons, Kobe. I Laurlston, Latta, Br bk, 2133 tons, Rio I Janeiro. I Howth, Martin, Br bk, 1166 ton, Cal- j cutta. I Emln Pasha, Chrlstensen, Oer bk, 1297 ions, Antwerp. Wallacetown, Motley, Br sh, 1C26 tons, Antwerp. John Cook. Magee, Br sh, 17H tons, I Hlogo. j Soeotra, Harder, Br bk, VSt tons. San ; Francisco. Stronsa, Barry, Br sh, 1S39 ton, Yoko- I hams. j Helensburg, Jefferson, Br sh, 1CM tons, -o,nl,n .",(UI, (Jii-nard, Turner, Er sh, 17S6 tons, San Francisco. rears Why is Pears' Soap the best in the world, the soap with no free alkali in ii sold for 15 cents a cake ? It was made for a hos pital soap in the first place, made by request, the doctors wanted a soap that would wash as sharp as any and do no harm to the skin. That means a soap all soap, with no free alkali in it, nothing but soap ; there is nothing mysterious in it. Cost de pends on quantity ; quan tity comes of quality. All sorts of storetiell it, especially druggists.; all torts of people use it, especially ibuse that know what' what. sk .. 4fl & .fk - Coughs A covgh which ems to hang cn in spite of all the remedies which yi'u have applied certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment, rcr twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil SCOTT'S EMULSWN his proved its effectiveness in cor ing' the trying; affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why : the cod-liver oil. par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys-t tern; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the! mind and nerves, and the ; glycerine soothes andj heals the irritation. Can : you think of any combi- j nation so effective as this? i K: lure ymj jrrt SCOTT'S F.muUlon. St that th rr.m ina mil are on the wrapper. 50c. and f 1,00, alt druggists. SCOTT ft ItM'.VME. Ck.mlm. New York. I hum -it May, Ai. lv.' I'll.ef ,,f f. rla. Ori ir'iri, ihe 1, h day of Il IIVI.I.O'V '. I'iiy nf , st it 1 1 , 1 11 '-it'iti. Num. Is hrrrliy given that Itv virtue of a rati! rant the cullertliin "f m de- 1 . 1 1 1 , ii rt c assessment for the Improvement .lea, rilie.t as follows 'l'ir Improvement uf llond aireei from Ihe wei line, of Ninth trert o the weal line nf liloi ks K an.f IT. M.i'ltire'a A'"rla. lulv Issued liv the Ail, III. r and I'ollre Jo l i nt iho I'll nf A' ii,n,, I y iVreetlun f the fomni'in I'liiin.-il nf ld rlly. aald in 11 tl! I.e. I K ,1.1'e.l the 1 11 Ii ,1 iv .,1 April lv to tne ,l:r. .'ti'.l. and Ihe. assessment in all.' tl (" 1 te.l if 1 - - it ii I rt at to Ihe s'llil ill '.' 2 Ki ll llllilest lller-. ill flnlll Iho Mn .t.iv nf Jinoiry 'rl 1, t a. 1 ,r rent .er anniiiTi, l.e iik nitilnsl ihe foil" Inn name.l I'ers.m, t.'U.t " W I'lrlcr. nerirr nf Ihe f illimlllif ill a, Tilled ir.'perlv. tu !t. lot l l.l.i. k II, M. i'liire-. Aatnria. .111.1 rilt-tllls! sii. il.srril.eil ir'iier I V , 1111,1 hi. h viair.irit r..nitn'tnds m . in levy ui"'ii .111-1 III ike sale nf slid .lesenlie.l ,r . .pel t V , 111 or.i- r to sit'sfy siti.i assessment ih rriereon aria th null nn.l e. sr. ,,f mli, I mi ihe 'jiii d.iv "f 1 .llllv lew lltlon the uliove de- s, ril.ed rei nropi-rlv. ,md I will un Ihe ih .in i.f .line Is1 nt the hour of J "ll". k III tile I ft '! Tl". Ill llf SB l, .,IV, Rl llle I'.airl ll.nise l.iur. Ill Ihe I'llv llf .'. it a '.mil r v ..f flalsoii. Htute i.f Ore. f.oi, s. s.,. ,ilio,. .lesi rilie.l propertv at I-nl. in- 111, 11. ,11 to the huthest Milder for .ash. I' S iiol.1 i'i. Ill tu antlsrv slid no ..nriieni ihe inieresi iliereon nnl Ihe . sis in. I i iikik. i nf iie, nn.l ni ermine a lute. 1 ni Astorl.i. iire(ont the ih day of M IV. I eH V. II M.l.di'K. 1 111. f i.f poll e. i ' 1 1 ,.f A il or I I, I lri'if'11. l'.'lisi Slav I Noli,- Is hrrehy ,'irn ihit tiv virtue I of i warrant for the eoile.-tion of a d I lltuitient itssessnient f,r the Improvement .lea rlln'.l ns fo!!,. 'p.. Imto .ement of Thirty- Ih r I Thirty nf'h stre.i, anil 'Harrison ainiu. in lir s Asinrla. jillllv Issued i.y ihe Auditor and I'ullre Jil lk'e "f llle I'.tv of .ior , lo .llreellorl 'nf Ihe 1 ' ni m 1 'i.'in. :i i.f .a' I u!y. sal'1 1 arrant lietnir dmrd ih, ! rh d iy "f April. ' Is'ii. I" nin ilir. 1 ii I ...I h, ,,, .un ni In llsh'eh SI'eellle.l .1 ill" ii 11 . ' n k .. Itie sum nf l:H Hi nljri llllerist '. r...i, n..m Hi., ipn ' llrtl' Of N'lXrnil'er l.'l 1 ' . ;,. . , Ml rr art 11 11 ni. lieinit ntt tittst 'he follow i n ef name,) porion. Inwlt, Krank Patl n, irusioe, own It r nf th" following 1I1 s. r.l...t property, in. I wll. lot II. 1.1.1. k Mi Adslr'a Aalnria, 'mid itg.tlnat aii.l ,.s,r!l". tiroperly, and whii li wnrr int i'o',1a m- (,. teyy utmn , and rtwike Bile of slid i1', r!l". property. In ur li r In sitisfv .j ,1 .taa. sa,nrnt Ihe Uttereat thereon aiul the ,,,aia and s.S of sile. I . 1 ' 1 .01 llie Il, ,.v of PI'S duly lev upon the ih. iv tin. B. r:lw, rent proper'V .hi 1 I win ,, rh ih .1.1 v "f Jim vi ,t it,,, hour nf 1 " k In ill- f'. n,..... f . ,.. .iw, at the I'olirt Moil... o..r ;.i ihe I'lfy of As4trta iVniii'v ..fl 'i's .t. S il. ,,f nr.. sell MI'.l .it. oe r I - . i.r OiertV at pells, Mil pill, lie nil, tloli I 1 . II ah V H "i"i I sessitii III the I'ltr 1 osia and e.ti. n-, t-ost SI ll.lle.l 'It Ast.,,1 , .Mill 1MI III l I 'III' f of poli.e r f'HIKK ur Pi il l P MM. f Ast..r t ' i l l.-r for 'sr.- . .1,1 . "ii an. I tha in I 1 . ruing fi .Iiy of 'K 1 irgon 1: Hll.ll h flllKI' iF Vo' pui.iri: sai.i: b 1 LUMBER FLEET V-KttKs on the Way and In Columbia Rlv.-ir to Load Lumber. W. F. Jcwett, rran'-lfloo bay. achr, 452 tona, Han Ornrfra, Letltla, Cisco. Viking, rlsio. Qui-en, CIH o. Ralph J. Lonsr, Franrlsco. F'lr.nt Hill, Siott, Slianithal. Ariryll, Ward, Dr. Htmr Kong. bktn. K2 tor.g, Mollendo. , chr, m tona, Baa Fran- , aohr, 139 tona, San Knin- , aohr, 2.3 tons, San Fran- schr, SO tons, aan lir. Hh., l'M.i toim, 1S' tonn. II. inn MILLIONS (JIVEN AWAV. It N rr-rt.-ilnly :rntlfyln to the nubile to know of one concern In the land who nre not afraid to he generous to the needy and RufTirlng. The proprietor of Dr, King' New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medi cine; and have the satisfaction of know ing It has absolutely cured thounandn of hopeless cases. Asthma, Rronehllls, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by It. Call on Estes-Conn Drug Co., and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 60 cents and 1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD l t'.-reliv given till! hi' virtu nf ii warrant for the i-"l!'','tl"ti of a de tlri'ti rir aits. asm. -nt for ih.- htipi "V-ui'-n d. -i. nlieil as roll, iks' Tli- Inipr oveuient of Th'rty. th.rd. Thlr'y-flfih "tree's and II nr. '.n n v eiiiii'. In Adair's As'ortu, duly l.sssn 'l liv th" All lltor mid pollre !u le '.f Ihe i "I'v iif Ator n. I.v dir.'i tlnn of t'i" I'i'ititnon Ciuinril nf said ,-i'v, nild win r i lit li'-uig dii D-d t h- llih dav of A tin I. I ' I. l ll l -l -I I ' I " t '(,- !S , , . l. -,- t v h: h "to" 1,1 ',! .' i.i'iuti! Ipir ' rie ''mi or J!', ! , th int'-res' M'eroti fru.n tin- lPn I.v r-f Novtriti'-r. I"'T i.' ' i r t -nt I r annum, l-:ru; ' th. f iIIom inir n iiii'.1 (e ry,iti. towit. Kmnk Pat ton, trustee. wn i r of 'he f 'Mowiiiir .P-i. -rihed nr-iiertv. pi wit, .,t .13. Iilork ix, Adalr'K Ailorli I. "l .',-llt!1t B I'l 'I'S. ril"'. l f l p'T ' V . .ttld Tit-', 'i warrant r''tiim.'n.U in.- to I - v iin-'ti nnd make sale of sitd itesenli.-il ptotni'v. In or l- i- to h iiImI'v "al, i usses.mi nt. th" it.'er, -t t li'T'-'.ri an,! th" an, I e peli-es of Hale, I illil iill tile lltli il'iy o M iv p'.s. Only levy upon til-' uliove ie .. r l-eil real "pipi-rlv. nti, I I ulll on th sth i. iv nf June. P'"i. nt llii. hour nf 2 ii i lu, k In Un- nrternoon ,,f s i i, I .lav tin- ronit lloiin. lioor In t li.- I'lty nf Aftorln. iVnuiiy of 'pifxoit. S', f ure- gim. Hi ll Kal.l nliovi- tie", r'lie.l pr.tpt-rty m Mil 111' llll'-ll'lll to llle lllelu UI li.,e- for 'ash. r. H. liol'l I'oin. Hltlsfy Slid (ll. s.-.Briii-iit. the In t ret lln reoii nnl Un' runs and t-xpeiiHi-H nf sale, it r t 1 ii- i rnltii; I'Otttl. ia!i-,l al Atntlii, OrK'in. Hit- Jih day of .May. V K. IIAI.IM'K.' I'lllef of I'ollri'. Citv of A-sloll i, llrt'g'ill. i llllll' ii-"'K HA 1.1". " I'V vlrlua i "tl of n ,e. Illl'l 'Vi'inetlt ''iistru-tioii .si,.rl. in 1 I'.illra No. a .. Is In reljy u it .in thnt In' virtue of a it 'tr ttit for Hi rolle, ii.m uf n ,e. p ti u. rtt as-essTTien! for the Improvement des, -run , iis follow s The fotialt in lion of ii ilrain In M.-i 'lure Aaturli .lulv isiie, ,v t. Aiidllur nti, I pollre Judge, "f the i'lty of Astoria. Iiy tllrei lion of th.- Common Cuin.-il of s il.l rlly. slid i u , r i n I I ,.. .1 . i ...I . t... 1 1 , 1. .1 . .. ft ... ll I ' - i.e. , o .... ' . . , . Ii-'is to tue ,ire. . , i,, 77,,. nssesstn. ni In It. lot I. Ill", k I ninth -,..--1 ! . , itnioiiiitltig to the sum nf ; and iik Host sit, .lesi nin .1 prop.rtv ami I IT. 'ft with Inn rist titer, un frui the ?''h , hi' h w arrant .oiiui m, is i. t , yy npun dav of I vi;, nl K per i-eiil per 1 ami rmik" sale i.f s il.l ,, serihe.i proit. rty annum. .tut up; mist th. follnwliirf n ulled j lii order lo s.iil-,fv s.n, ussessmeni the i i-"'it town, V p. hitiiuiili, ow in r nf ! Int. r.-it ther. mi and th t and r- I'ln- f. tllitii ing deserlhe.l prtit'i-nv. In. ! in ii' iif Hale. I Ui. I ,,n tne 'mi, ,,,v f Iw.l. lot 2 hi, ti k ki. Mi-Clure'a Anlorln, I Nliv. IVs ,luh w upon th- ilnne d. io , t-.i i ii s r s i i, i ,i-m niiei. tiropi-i-iv. uii'i serine, i real tu'onertv un,! t uih .... tt. nun iin-,t . vv upon vth tl ty nf June pas nl tin. hour nf 1 fliiik. Ill the aflertuion of si!, I ,lav al Not It la hereby civet, of ii warrant for ih, , Iintll lt ,SSesnt1. lit for 'tl tlesi rllii'd n foil i TM "f a dr tin m M i ., I il ; isiini I,., i tj , n',1, ai i ire ni trie t it y or Asl, o it lo , lir. m Mon iif the i "tnmon Couti. ll of sai, , ity .aid warrant being .1 at.-.l the II h day ,.f April P'.s i me dire,.-. .1 .,..,1 ..,..,,, ,n' wtll 'M s Ill, ,1 ini"iint'fu- , i., sum of '' "" ""'.'li "i "" ! . fin Hi- S'lh day nf In-.-i'iiibi r I viT at p. r , ,.t per iininint. Iieing in- i:.. following named person. I. .wll. Miritnni I'minsiii owner r ine roiiowiiur .i.-s. r tie.i nroti. rlv to. M.i'liires Aalnria 1 w hi. !, warrant r I in 'I I, IK" sale til N.ili Ilest-rilietl tropellv. I III or l -r to s.itiffy ald iin-ii,erit Ihe liiti ta -t tin n on nnd Ihe t nsta nnd el It., n-.s ,,f stl". ill, nil ihe nih day nf M il . pas ,luly b iy upon Iho iiImivi. de- iioe-, r. I, i.roperiv. nml I will im in chief or por-p i; sale Royal HIlb Trrjlns BETWEEN THE tAST AND WEST The little war bulletins that are the hardest to read are the ones surrounded by the largest crowds, Only line operatittg Its own through trains between Bt. Louis, Louisville, Springfield, Cincinnati and New York, via Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia. The traveler over the B. & O. Ii permitted to catch glimpse of the greatest scenery In America. PETER HARVEY, Paclflo Coast Agent, Ban Francisco. Room 32, Mills Building. Not lee In hereby given, thnt by virtue of n warrant fur the i-'il"i-tloii of a ile linnii' nl atseHsnienr fur llie Improvement ib s rlbrd ns follows- Tli" Improvement of Tli'tiv- third. Tiilrly-lif'h Htreeis and llnrrlmii nvi'iiU", In Ad.ilr'H Astoria. duly Ikhii"! by the Auditor nnd pollre Jii'lite nf ihe Citv nf Anuria, I.y direction nf th' Common Council nf nild city, said warrant li'-lng ilatiil Iho Hill tlav of Aitill. p' io me ijlrei'ieil. nml lint nitHi-Msmi-nt In whlt-li sipii'llli'd iimuunilng to the hiiiii of I'l im wllh Interest th'-n on from in" lltli day of November. W nt k ih i- rent per milium, being against the following named fu r e n, inw lt. Sarah C Sherman, owner or the follow-lntr ile.trrllnil tiroperly. In- wit, lot li. hlnt-k 119, Adair's Astoria and turaltiHI said esi rlln d properly, and vtileti warrant eotninanils no- lo It-vy upon anu rnriKe stue nr sain iieHcriin-il properly In order to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon nnd thn rusts and ex t'ftiHi s nt sale, I illil on Ihe iith iy r,f .iiav. Kl'S. f 1 ill V levy upon tin- nll'IVe 0 n rlbi-d real property, nnd I will on Ihe Mn nay nr .nine, iki. nt tne nour of 2 'i i un k, in the iirti-rnniin of sai,( ilay at Ihe Court House Door. Ill the City of AHiorin, i oiinty or Clatsop, Slate nf Ore. i;iiti, sell wild nhnve rlesi-rlbed property nt pillille niieiion to Iho highest bidder for rasn, 11. n. tiniti coin, to saiisry said iis- sessm'-nt, Ihe inten'Mt thereon nnd the costs unu expenses of sale, nnd nrerulng rostst. Dated nl Aslnrla, Or'-gon, Ihe 9th day of E. H.A(I,I.OCIf, Chief of Pollre, City of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Nnl leu In hereby given, thnt by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de llii(in iit asMi-HHriienl for 'lie Improvement described as follows: Tin- Improvement of Thirty- third, Thlrty-llfth streets nnd llnrrlwn aventm. In Adair's Asmrla duly Issued by the Auditor nnd pollen Jiiilgo of Ihe City of Astoria, bv direction of the Common Council of sulil city, said warrant being dated tho 11th dav nf Anrii 189S, to me directed, and the assessment In which specified amounting to the sum of h il , iVIu nf f lune Ivih. nt Hut hour k. In the nfl'-ruutin uf said day, nl 111" Court House Isuif lilt, city nf Astoria. Coiiniy of Clnlsop, Hlnle nf Ore iron, fell ani,) iilioye iletii rlticil irii!terly nl I'llblle tlotl 1. 1 the hlgllt'Nt hlli'ler for rash, I'. H liobl Coin, to satisfy said as sessment, the inlerest Iherenn nnd the '"' ,ui, ,i p. uses iif sale, mid nn ruliig rusts. Innrd at Astoria. On-jcnn, Ihe Oth day or .Mny. 1 '' k iiAi.i.ucic. chief ,,f poll,.,., i'iiy ,,f Astoria. i.iri'K'Ui. I tut I .Hill House lioor, n i. (ty of is si ui ui, t iiiiiii v u r t I ti soil Htale iif Or gun. sell said above ,! s. r , I...I ............. .. 1 1, nl. lie inn Hon io th. lrgh.ii bidder for ir.isli I', H Hold Coin, to satisfy ,,, a,. si-xsun-rit the lull rest tht rioi, and tho I osts unu l-ltl. uses or s ,, . ,( ,., I'tlSI H, iniit-'i ni Asinria, flrrgon, the ini, ,1,., f amy, t .... , " 'l"f.""K. t lll'-t ti, i oiiee, t 1 1 y nr Anuria, lilt CHIi:.' (if POLICE SA I.E. No! lee Is hen by given, Ih tt by virtue of a warrant for Ihe eollerllnii of it de 1 1 r i a 1 1 1 nt assessment for the Improvi-uieiil '!'' rlbid ,is follows: The Improvement of Thirty- ihlrd. Tlilrly-linh streets nnd 11,'fii avitiiiii, lii Adair's Aslnrla, lull- Issued by ihe Anilltnr lllld Pollre .naiit" oi tin. i iy r Aslnrla. bv t reel in iif th" I ',.ti i in . i ti Council nf nil lii i-lly. snld being ilatnl thn ll;h day nf April. ''I III-' lllli I'll'. I ami tin iims. Httmelli I" V. hl'-h Sliecllli il ii ninuitl llur In Ihtt sum of J'l' with Inleiesi Iheteoo l hi' IPtl lav iif N'ovember, 1Mi7, al H tier reii! p'-r ariniiu,, being against Ihn following named pi rsnn, tnwlt, ll. p. Iiri-niiuii, owner tf Hie fnllnwlng desrrlhed nronertv. In- wll. lot H. bloi-k III Adair's Astoria rt nil llgitlnsl salil ileserllteit tirottnelv nml whlt h '.vii rin nt comiiiatiils me to b-vy upnn nnl make sale of salil ilesi-rlhed in-imt-riv. In order to satisfv said tiMHi'ssiiieiit llie iiiierest tiieicon and the rusts and ex-ii-iimi-s nf sale, I nnl on the mli , 1 1 v nf May. l i duly levy upnn thn nbovn de si rllird real prnperiy, anil I will on the Sth ilay nf June. sim, at the hour of 2 ''dork, in the nfti-rnnnn of said day, at the Court House Door In the City of Astoria, Comity of clnlsop, Slatn of Ore gon, sell said nhnve described property at public fiiii-i bin lo Hie highest bidder for: t asn, i . n. hoi, I Coin, to satisfy sahl lis sonsmeiit the Inlerest thereon and the ousts nml cxiniiMen of sale, lllld ncrrtilng ' 1.1, Dated at Aslnrla, Oregon, (he llih day of May, lhlis. ,,. , ... K. IIALLOCK, hli f of I'ollre, ('y ,,f Asiorla, Oregon. CI 1 1 El'' OF POLICE BA LE. Notice Is hert'hv irlvon tltnl Ke ..letitn of ii warriiiil for Ihe colWtlon of a dr- lllnillent ItSSeHSlnrnl for Ihtt Ittit.poifionnitt desi-rlbed as follows: Thn Improvement nr llilrty. third, Thlrty-llfth streets nnd Harrison avenue In Ailnlr's a.n.rl,, iiiiv issinn ny tne Auditor and Pull 1 1 uing day egoll, CIIIEI'" OF Piil.ICi: HAI.E Not Ire Is hcreliv elv of a uitrritit f u the ,HI' lit aSSes-Ui'i til fo iii st riiii it ns r.illows nf n drain lit ti that i." virtue "ll'i'tloii of n de. the llllt'l o-. ement Tile Const rnel Inn M' cn i. ' ' Asiorla. our,- ',nii. i.v Iho Ai.ilitoi- nn l Polle Jii.loe of Ihe f'llv nf Astoria, by direction of the Ci'inmoii Collin ,,f B1,l.l ciiy said warrant being .1 ,i. , -h,. m, ,.,V f ,.,ro lis, In mo illrecteil, nnd ti,,. smi-ni In' wll'i'l Mn-lli'd un iitlng ,, ll,.- oi',, nf H,i. ltd wllh th, ,.in troi., i. Jim day of December. I':i7, i,t it ,,- , ,., ,. anniiin, In-lng ng ilu-it t,,, fiill.,ng named person. Inivll. Tims. I.inyllle owner nf th- f.tll'iMlng de. crib' d property tn. wll lot H. block Hit. MeClure's Astoria and iignllist said ilesri ilu il pruperty ami which wairanl roiiiiuaiids tne to levy upon und illlike sale of said described pioperlv In order In satisfy said nsn ssinetn ihi Inlrri'Mt llii-noii nnd iho ousts ami ex ptiiHis i of sale. 1 did on the im, day nf Mav, I'HS. duly levy upon Hit. abnyn d,.. scribed renl nrnprity, nil I will nti the sth iluy nf June, ivis, at ihn I r nf 1 o'clock, In Ilu- nfli-ii it of snld dny nt Ihe Oiiurt House Door. In tip. City nf sn'.oiii , " tiny in t laison, Mint,. ,,f ()Po. gun. Hell snld above described pi-npertv nt public ntlclloll ( H. highrHt lililil.o- fur lo satisfy snld rasn, It. H, ((old Coin srssinent, the Inlerest Iherenn i-iisis iiiiu expenses or sa cosis. for ns- nnd thn mid nrerulng ' L l" ""' "y " Astoiia, by direction oi inn i.oininoii council or snld city, said warrant being dated the llih day of April, mm, to me dlri-eled. nml thi. n HSeHHIttent In Which Stlerllleil intiiitinllnu t., tt.n ,.r II2.E with Inii-rr-Ht llnrenii from the llih Ilay Of November K'7 nl fi net. ,.nl ,w.r annum, being against the following named person towlt, II, P. Drennon, owner of Ihe following described property, to- , i Dated at Astoria, Oregon, the !)th day of ii il y , In, IK, t'' 11 A I I M ',.- Chief of I'llllri', City f Ailm la Oretinn MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS lli.-l liver,',,,,,., VI ,., n,.u. I"111 ll'l'l "I'll t,,l, i', ",-,. ,ii','r !:",'! i ''' "' in, iibimib. '"' , "". .ir- flnve..." I" ni ls ut n, ,,,,, , iililiug ,r- " 1 "I ' ' ,- inn Nn . i nt., ,r,t . ,er litis 1,11 ''l-iufflsls, J''or Halo by Eslns-Conn Drug Co, lr. VVillliiniN' Indian Pllo OiiitiiiinitivllI ciirn HHiid, lllecillllL' ,,,,,1 ,ii , I'llt'H, P illiitirlo. i In. , iilluys Hill Itililhitul out e, acts ml it iiiiiii 1 1 i .'."" h.m., (viiiia,,;;,;;,;,; , : n Illil Imiiniiiiii.,..! r.. to..... ..... , . io, i , leu nno ut u. Ilig of Ilu, prlt'titt, p,-,H. ,:Vrry bnx " V i i.v (iruygisrs, iy nmll on re. selpt nf price, All cnnta itt.,1 ai 'mi mitV '.ir. HANIIfdCTURINO CO.. I'ropjieVolani.Vjulo. vi ur Biiitia-i..onn Drug C. ,F"M il':'' H.".r ill, mi fs 7r re oa