The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 15, 1898, Image 3

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(1111011" OK I' 10 BAI.IQ.
Nullrn hmi'liy nlvnn, Unit hy vlrlua
of it wiirntiu rur tin- nilli'i'ihin of a de.
1 1 tl !!( I aaiia,,,.'l,l fur III" Improvement
described an rilliiw; The t'onatriii'lliin
"I i ilinln In Mi l lure's Astoria,
duty Umiol l.y iln Auditor mid
Jiiilitn nf Iln. I'lly uf Astoria, liy illienlliin
it him i iiiiiiiioi. I imiiii i nr biii.i my. sum
nriiinl IiuIiik .luir. I ihn Dili iluy of A li II,
lv,V in iiih i i. ,'ti-,l. Hint llm nin'in,'iit in
Ulll'l rllliil illinium Urn Li llit nun i.l
Ilium wiiii lni.ri'M i Ip' rinin Hi" WH
iluy nf jiiTi'iiiiinr lW in II it emit per
n 1 1 1 ' 1 1 in , In I ii k iiMiilimi I lin full" Init iiiiiiiint
I'iiii, ihwIi, FvllrlH II Wiimli'v, owner
nf llm fniitiM 1 1 1 u ill i nlii'.l iruii'rly, m-
U. I"l i, lilmk 111, M.n'liir.i'a Aslnrlii,
ninl nuuliial milil diaii Hud property, uinf
wliii li Miiirmil i mnla tin' in li vy iii"ii
'ml iiutki' iln ..f anlil ii . i II. . li iiiiii i ly,
In r In antlafy siilij iiaai aainent llm
Ihtllra! Ihrlt'i illlit Hill .'"at M rill ra
il, ha, a uf a. ill', I illi Mil III" mil iluy (
M'iv, I Mm, iluly levy upon Him nlmm .!.
a. ill. ill inil i , r i !' I v . mnl I will nil Hi"
Mil d.iy nf June Ik'H. m llm liuur uf It
"'i lmk, In Hi iiflii in a.ilil iluy, in
lit' i .ii'i' ii. hi. iiihii In Hi" I'lly til
Aaliilhi, Ciiiiiiiv uf I 'lul !. Hlnln nf lire,
mil, ai II will) iilinte ili a. I ll.t .( 1. 1" I. i'lly at
imluli' inn linn In llm liluln al t.... fur
mall, r, H Unlit i'iiiii, In anllaty ail'l a
' "him ill, Hni lull ii ai iln n . iii mnl ill"
i.iaia mnl i iM'iiai nf mil", nlld in i lllllitf
lull. I ill Aalni'ln, (ins. hi, llm VHi dny of
Miiy, IMiH
Chief nf I'iiIIii., I'lly nf, !.
nilKKTiFYnl.lrK HAI.H.
N'.HI.n a hi'li'liy kIwii, Hint liy vlrlim
nf n witrrmil fur it,n rul!"rilnti nf a it".
lliii.lil uaaeaaiiielll fur III" I ill .mv ' llli'lll
ilea, aa follows: 'I'hn i iiiiairin Hun
nf dri'i In Mri'lura'a Aaiuria,
il ,ly l.aiir.l liv llm Ai, .lit. il nil. I I'nlli a
Juilan uf Hi" i'lly nf Astoria, liy illrm ln.ll
uf Hi I'.iiiiinuii I 'until II nf aiil.( rlty. said
wmrniil l. tntr 'In I'M llm lti iluy ui April.
li, I I II. v i'.I i i li il, mi ' llu laaeaanielit III
Klllill a.,,ll,, nilli.llllllllK In Hi" aillll ,,(
1.'. HI with Hili'li al III. I tr.ilil Hi" J'lM
ln v i.f I .'. . inl.rr, a:ij m per rent per
aiunnS, lieing- nunlnat in. f'lli inif iihiiii'I
I" I a. . , IiikH J il . ill l Vaa no ll"r uf
llm f.ill'in Ina: ill ai rlliril .f.nlly. to
wit. lul I, 1.1. irk Ml. M.l'lurna Aalnrln,
un.l iiKtiliial aiiiil ili-arri Inil irui"rly, Mini
Willi li oill Mill I run In l"y llli'lll
Hint imik" anlii uf a.n l .1. a. nl.. . irui. rty,
III unlir In anllafy anhl naaraami'lll, Itl"
llilrin I hit ui un.l Dm mala M M 1
l.'liaia uf ail". I ill. I nil ill" Hill iluy uf
ii. lkVH iluly lnvy upun Hi" iiliuvi il"
a. rial .ruirrtv mnl 1 will ni Hi"
h 1I.1V nf Jilll" !'' ul I tin liuur nf 1
il. nil, in ihn afiiri n nf a-il.l iluy, ai
Hir I'.mri lluiiin liuur In Hi" I'lly nf
Aat.iria. ('ninny uf i' Mint" uf Iln"
M'i II Kit I .t iiImiv" .li". rilinl iiuirrty ni
. ul. lit' mi. tlmi in l ho liiKluai l.l.l.l. i fur
mall. I', M ll'.l.l I'.illl. I'i anl.l gl.
at aim ill, llm iiilrrnai itn ritin ufiil III"
".la alul ral'iTlara uf am", mnl Ail'iillnit
rual a
I 'in . I ni Aaiml4 rmn'in, llm till (l iy of
May. vn
K IIAI.I.ih'K.
111. f uf I'iiiii ". I ill nf Aalniu. Ilr"in
IIIIJIO wild lnirro.t ihnroiir, fr, ,ln rim
iluy nf I ini'timiinr ii.i.f ... , ,
""!",,' K i("lii"t llm folio nit minimi
"Ian.. Inwn. Ill aIiihi. iiwmir at
llm fu I'lWlli (Ina.-HI,,.,) prnimrly, lo
wll, lut 9, hln. k n, Mi''llir'a Aalnria
.. i . iniiiiiiiiiiiiii inn to nvy mum
nml rrinkn anlii ,,f , (,., rir, ,,,',.rly,
i!,;r.riV,."""H,y r"' "iiiihi, in
'J ;n mnl llm mala mi.
...ilnJi , i' ,ly "I"'" ""' MlMvtr
h .lnlr."rl","l'"r.,'' I wl" '
In, l'n . I " "fl",1l,"l f ltl liny. (
"in I niiri i. nan I .h,i- u,,, , Uv uf
all I! H. Ilulil I'uln, ailliafy anlii .
mala nml tlli.'liaia i.r,. ...l
I'lmia. ' w" ' ""
'""""mSI A""' f,r"""i '
rur i ,M.u.r ''-' !:. .. i
fill I'll' Ol-' I'lrl.Hif HAMC.
rN-"u!;.!" h,"'"Uy "rni ,,"'t V virtu.
I a wmriini n it . .. .
II....... . - "I Ul l HH
.1.. .ii i 7 .. '"r "'" inni'ivi Ill
'..lll.". rm full,,,.. T, (,,, ,
i I V la.llril l,y , , r ,, ,.,,;
JlI'lH" I f III" ( ,y ( A ,nu ,,v ,jr,f,
uf In. I niiiiiimi CmimiII nf an I.I niv, anlii
xiiiiiiul I.. H.K .lul.,1 , , ,y llf Air
I'M ii mu . ii. i i, .!. ll, naa. aaliu nt Ii,
H li -Ti'r '"""V1"1"" " H.n ..nil nf
i '. J . r1!.'1 HuTiun frmn Hi.. ith
. ,n..n ,",''""l'"r( ,K1 ""r "'"
in llllll, li. lt,,, niinlnai , f 1W()B ,,
.Lull . nwjt, liii.iuvn Krh ka..ri, ,.n. ruf
wll. I'H I, l.l.irk ra. M.'I'lurn'a Aalnria,
"ill nk'ilnal a.u.i ,i, .,..n....i '...I
I. U. M. ' ' ' -""
whli II wairuiit '
'iiiiiuitnU rim tu i.yy unin
mm iiuikH a.iln uf ,, ri., ,ir, ,iy
,. .Mimr in a.iuary ,,i aawaatnnm. Hln
.it.,,. il,,,,, ,,, j
',r'.,.f "" "" "'" "''
: alV i ' '"y 'vy "'"" 'va !"
!i'i. u l"'," ,'r"'"",yj 1 "
i i nf Juti", Mi. at llm hnur uf 1
h" "f'1'' n nf an III iluy. at
llm tniirt llmi.n ..,nr, t, i,,y ul
r. ""Vi "','!',y. "' Hialu nf or-
ami. anil a.n, nml. ,,., ril,n, i,ri,i,..r(y at
1 .11 1 1 'III' ""-"nil In III" ,lh.-.l l,i,nr fur
mall. V. H Hull) ,'nii,, aoilafy a.ilil a.
'" lni" ihirn..,, ami Hi.
.'-.'.'M "" rl" ""' """. ami a. i ruin
'"'""May Ai"!'rl''' inr"n- "' 4v
, , ' , K IIAMH'IC.
I hi. f nf 1'i.ll. n, I'lly ,,f Aalnria, urrgun.
t'HIKK UK I-iiMi .; HAI.H.
Hotii tin) MinthiHl nml iiHiilia wlicn
H)ni, nf FiKH U lAft, ; it jH jilciiMint
llli rrflimliiii ,,. IimI,., , ,.(-
iiilyyct.rniii.iy n t,,. )(i,)i-VH(
LiviT mnl II iwi Ih, cli iinwH tin. vh.
U'iii (tiTi'ctuiilly, imim-Im i il.k .,.
ttrhi'N nni fi-viTN rim curi'H i:,l,ii im
(iiMNtii,'ii.ii,K, Nyruji nf Fi-; ir t,
miiy rummiyor itn kiml over pro.
llurml, ilc.lMini( lo tllii tjiMtf mnl nc
(titl)li) to I'm nluiiiarli, jit iiniit in
Ua Biiliuii an I truly l.i iii'i, i:i n iu
iTi't tH, irf.:iril only from t!u- tiiont
lii'iiltliyiiiiil iiKri'ciilili'HiiliHliiiKTM, iln
iiimiy'i:.i.iit iial it m-m om rticii'l it
to nil nml lave iii.nli it tho jnoHt
onilar n-iti'ily known.
Synii of Fin in fur nalc ii, so
rijnt lioitli'a liy nil limliim ilniff.
Kitn. Any r.ial,(. ilriiint ,',,()
limy not Iihvc it on Imml will
cum it promptly for nn one who
wihIh'k to try it. Doiiotnrt i'pt.iny
Nnlun la ,.r.l,y aiyrn ilml l.y ylrlu
f a o iri.ini rr ilm ...ll... .i . .i.
I.iiilii. nl (,a.. ,lt fr ii,n In, 1. 1. .v. 'in-ill
ira.-nl.r.t aa f Hl! Th" l'.inatru.ll..ii
'!', '"' Mn iiirn a Aan.rln.
.Inly laa,, ,y ,,, A(,,M,ir ,, ,
Jin an nf l,n i'lly uf Aatnrin. l.y illrncllnn
..r llin I ..uiu,.., fniiii, il nf mi ritv an I'I
irrnnt I.. .uH ,atr, ,,, n,h ,,,, llf A,rl,
K', In III" illl.i lf.l, a II. I llu, u.a. n. ,1,1 III III
lllill ai., lllr, muuintug , ,,, ., 0f
li. m with in .r-M il,.'.., (r .,,,
V uf I..-. tiilur k-i7 m k i.i-r ..i.i ,..r
,-si.. rn la lirirny Kuril ui.i, nv viiiun . iuK i. a (n liai n fiilln w It, a nmil"l
.r a wnrrniu rr inn m a !" : i" -".i. .u n. itiain a i;rl, karn
i:ii.ii.iit i. , i. in rur ni" iniir.ivniii"in , nn i..ii..iu rii...i uuHrty, in
it . rii.i'.l aa rnllnna llm ( uuii ru. null ; nn k kj. M. I'lun. Aalnrli
nf a .limn In M.i'lum'a Aaiuria, I '"i'i na.ilnai a.d.t ,, riln.i nrumriv mil
...... . I I... A...1ll..r I...ll,. khlih a.rr.i. ... '. '. . ' ' ..
J. i.,.. ..f ill" i .. uf Aaiuria. l.y .lire, tmn Urnl nmkn anln ..f ...n ,. a, ,n , ,,r,,.,", , v ! "" ",""t "lrl" K iirahlp uv.t f lini.
uf tin- I '.. iiiiii. in ('uutiril if a ill .liy. it ; Iii unl.r In aailnfv am. I aaa. aam.-nl, thn i I'1' ' m-aaara la uliarrvrd at th rapltal
irrnni uiiiia u. " I ' " , i ii u.iy ui a,.tii, ; nn , ,ual nml I uf I'or In ItlrO
I. ... 1 " 1 "" 'liv nf
..., I
iin:i'" r rui.ii'i: hai.k
(ContlnUMl from flnrt pf.)
rK,...uua uiiriiiK in., n' inr ni
. . .1 I
.wiurui .,, r...l ... .... II
iluH rty, In- ' - ''
r i in II imiwr ." 1 1 ruin Jlltllt II
Whrn III.
wir.. I..Ki(ii, ii, rnliirn in th" illy.
Im. I-. Ill" illrm'l .'! mi l Hir I ai'':il"lil III
w lit' ai,'.'lrt..1 aiiiminllna l H," iiiiii .f
tL ttj ta.ih .1 I- i- .' - - ill fl.uil Itn ?ui
liny uf I ii-i-rinlirr. I'"',' at "r mill mT
aiiniiiii. Iirina n In at tha fillnwltit? llainaJ
..ia.n M, Ptaun 1 1 Waaa. nwn. r ul
ttl" f.illi.Wllia ilrai-rtlH-.t irurtly tic
wit I. it j Mu. k v. M.'1'liirn'a Aalnria,
ntul tUlal it,-a. rll.'. iru.nlly. nllil
whi. Ii Mairniit . nitiiniinila in tu vy tiimn
an. I link" ailn uf ail. I .l.a. rllir.l .rnirrly,
In nr. I. r tu antlafy al.l aaa. aamciit Ihn
Inttri-at Hirrrun nn.1 inn cuata ana ri
uf ...I.- ,ll, mi Hi" th il.iy i.r
l.ii t'rt iluly Irvv III" nlmvn l1"
a- lUil .r...rrlr un.l I will mi th"
I'll .liv nf Jiill" nl llin II ' -II r nf I
... ... k li, ihn aft.riu.un f anl.l .liy, at
th. i 'utirl H ni r in.. III III" I'lly nf
Aalnria Anility nf Him nf firn
ami, anil nil. I nln irai ril.) prut" ny at
iml llf t. ihn I. I.I. Inr f ir
n. 1 M unlit i-nin, tn anuaiy aniii aa
K", ,iiy , vr ,. .,. ! "I"-'! hii- rruianr Slinl.itn"ry
a. rll...l .r..H-riy, .in. I I will nil Hi" ;1" ''l'" I' J l l'V" liirn tniilillil lo Juln
u t lUuY ,"' J ,,""r uf ,!""' 1,, r ltlnl"H la tn t.n
r.1;.r'iw rtu-;zTtn ihi' Alt- ."!'' w- Th- i,i"rv
Aaturia, I'l.uniy nf i'Iii.... Htatn nf Or. . rrularr Val". furmnrly th" tnutn.-r I'nrla,
!a.l,, I' H ilulil c-'.' n. ,.. amiafy ...iS ;.,h- " " "' "' Y t "
'''imiinnlra, I. i(n1 M, havn l;mn nutnlniil
l.y tlm auricmi, ami hy ain'flul i"rmlt
frum M.ijnr Hniinrul M"rrlnm they will l
mimUirnd In lnni'rrnw rnnniliirf. The
ri(lii nt will Hmfi Im ( uinil.'l" Hint rmnly
tu muva In Mini Krnti' l' 'i.
Tmriaii'rtntluii Inta U"ii arra.'ignil ovnr
Hi" Hniillii r.'i I'lii lllit ami nn Murnliiy nlnlit
Iwn liiilliillnna will l.nVDiin a aimli.l truln
III Iwn a.'i lliiiia, Tim r'ilin"iil la r-i rultn.1
In within let tn in uf tlm limit nml run
alala nf I'lillalnil mi ll nml Ui ufllcnra,
llin una Ayri a, vhi (liilvi alnn. May H.
Ailvln a fmrn Kin Jiin. lni inrillrm Ihn n-
Imrln fnnii llnlihi uf Hi" nrrlvul of tin
I nit, it Hmi' B wuilil' Ori K'.n, M.irl.'iin
nml Nli lilli'Tny, Tlm aii umnr Itln Jn
ii . I r ' whli li lina nrriyi't ut l'. rmiiiilni''nl
r. iiirt IuivIhk a. ' M during Hi" nlKlit W"1
li, l:iy lual Ihr' i' vi'Mi'la ,iii'imi ,1 to Ii"
H,,iiilah wnrnlilpa l lnr 'n"
ami Vlll'irlu, lalnly rnimlrnl ami rnntt'd
III Vrmi b arannnla at g mnl mat. t'nlnaa
llm iar(tilur imli'ry (ivnrnnnma tha prn
fnaalniiiil anil mill ml, thn anvi-rnmrnt will
hnvn lo almmlnri tha hli-n nf iw ruling a rv
tu t i'i.i)ltl',n lo tlm l'hllli.lnra,
Mnn Kin m lai n, Mny H.-'I' ln r.-il J.imni
A. Hiiillh, iniiiiniiriillitK Ihn I'lml r Kl
mi nt, ( itllfur nlii I nllnl Hlnli a yolut,.
Im r, liaa In nn nrilt mil to li uvn Man
Kriimlaro Willi lila r.-Klmnnt fur Manila
nn Una tmrrnr Clly of 1'i klng lluniluy
N in, it St-w. Vu., M.iy II At
u'i'Ini k I hln aflnrnnnn thn i rulatr Hi. I'mil,
,iilnln Hlaliir, to ''. ulnx II
la i..i. r lo Juln l iiinllinilnrn Hi hlny'a
aunailruii. Thn rrula.-r S' W I, a la
(III nt Old 1'iilrit ('unifurt.
Vuninuynr, Waa., M.iy M.-.M.i)ur J"n
rul ll.rrl.itn , uci l.y hla alii"
ni'1 ulriiiini Jnlin lli tini l, li ft li.iul
iu.ittra hi r.i tu'lny fur Hun Krnm laro.
(;i;m:uai. oTih lkavkh.
I in nr. M.iy ll-'i.n.ral Olln lift to-
iiIkIiI fur Hnn rrum lacu, ami Ihn t'oloruil.) will al.irt ru xt Tuixlny.
Chi, kiirnmit,',! Nutlutml I'urk. tin.. M iy
I Tin. inai uf ihn riKiilar army rimbl
Ilml at I hla Hlnt ! f I tmluy fur Tamrm.
'.iali!iit.-tnn, M.iy M.-lt la alau j at the
wur ill imrtni. in tmlny mat ovi r UKf)
nliiiili ra h.ivn nnw !" n miKt. ri il In.
Ihi'irun ami tha
nf a iln, ami i rulng
a. till, i lit hn Intrrnat
. iiata ami mH-tiBi-
I'.it.-.l ni Ai..rtn. urns. in. ttm ih itav of
May. n
...... ' "AI.UM K.
I lllif nf I'nll.n. I'lly f Aalnria. tirrgon
flllKK UK rii.i-K DALE.
K.y Waal.
Nntlrn la linrnl.y alvnil. Hint liy TlrlU"
i.f a warrant f..r Hi" n.llnrtlun uf a !
... . . . . ... . .,, ,., r'iii.'ui
a. . . ,1,. in inn in. nr. . . . . imi. "'in ril.r. fulluwl Thn I'unatru. linn
. ...i. mi.l rtimnara f anln. nml .nrnlng , , ,,,, , M. ' lur a A.iurta
"i inn i uininun i i.iini uf ,nli rlt
... r. ......r- m runt iirtiiri
., . , ., .-.... . ... rt- , . v. ... tn.. . r, . ,. ,i ..... .1...
' , . . . , ,. will, h a, in.. I nun. untln .. ihn rut,, nf i l'H tliy "f I'i kins will aall frurn thla rlty
llCINKulti KMKNTH TfHt liKWKV. Krmii l'o, May ll.-Thn rrulair
Ch.crlnaiuti la r.rt'l)' In ilt jinrt fur M.itillu.
It la uniiuiimr.l at tin. nnvy i.ftliit that
th" rruianr will Inave early tumnrruw
Thn I'harli atnn will alnp at llnnnliilii fur
i It la - i.-i tr.l Dm trip to llir I'hll
Ippllira will urriipy al.nut twntity day a.
1 hrnn hiimlrvd a.ilh.ra and niaritma to
W A A 1 1 1 N I ST N VI 1 1 .t N I' KKHri.
H.ui Krnnrlaiu, May U -The Klral bat
tnlluii of tlm WaahlliKtun Vuluntnnra r thla t'VMiliiK on thn atranmr Htn-atnr.
IN Ct'llA.
v an 1.1 r.-.lirurrn A.IMllMI lliari wla . win
.""."."nl. ' ,,.'":J ,hr '.llh 'J' AlTll. i ,h" v. na. l. It la um.miinlly atnlrd
la hn
nl.rrat lln-rrun 'run. llin lth'tln&t Thnrailnv unit thitl ahn wilt nrrv
rrnl.y aivi-n thai hy vlrlim ' .,,,. .. J ." ;,. " ; i. ' .7, .. V " .. . ' "iin r ami tuna uf ainniunlllmi.
..f warrant f..r Ihn rullni-iiun nf a .In. j ,.,. tit .; l-'nrmnin. nwiinr of jTtin fhlnnao trnw uf thn I'. kilter atturk
"'"' '.' "" 'inn ,., nt UK ,1.'. r.nn.l nrnnnrtV lu
T "n rVJ''',nm'J:r::'n r:::ir" '" 1 M.i-i.'.r..''. ,;,,
.lulv .iic.l l.y the AMjlityr n, is.llr. t)ll ( w nf 0linuil!ln)lli m; ,(l n tho hn.l. of the HpanUnU. An Am. rirn
J u m a tt thd l it nf Ai ur I liv it fret m ......... l . i . . .
,i,n . ..niinnn il ..iini'll nf .all ..ty .a .1 ,, t,,r , .a,fV a.anaamnnl. llm
i.-.V . L i r ... . .. .V n l,l,'',r"1 ,'l''rr"" lh" "''la nml l
thla murnlns and wuuld nut ni.ikn thn
trip to Manila, lining afraid uf Inrtur ut
... . . iuii' . mi mi-n un nn'i inn , iti mi.l !
... nin. ,n, t, a...-...irni In ,.,,.. f ,.,ln ,i, ,,n j, ;,. f
i n la iH'lrig nrganlmd and will hn rnady
In gn Willi thn ahlp whi-n ailing urdi-r
havn .nnn rnrrlvid.
i: lih Ini. r. il.
m ,.. i,-in nnalii.t thn fmluwln. nn.nrd I ",. "V , 1 T,, ' ..V" I, in wll, V l Whll.nml. uwiirr uf ,llr ,,,,, ,,,,u,r , r , thntiiv'nfl KtliB.tnn. Mitj' II .-(Copy.
li'm, r,:V"!: "V A .:...d IT.-...I-A
nn.l .,1.1 .I-.. rll.l ,.r..,.nrty. j f.,,?.! ...TlMn i 7h hiJhTMVl.i.lrf'i i I",r'" "f ,h" I'
h h warrant i-.imninnita in.' tn lnvy tip -n , 1h ,. ,,,,, ,.,))( , ,,,,. ,, hn m...d throtigli tha Clnnfimgua him k-
,' .,... . i" ... -oil. . . "n"'"" " ; an.ainnnl. th" Intnrrat Ihnrnun mi.l th
II, 'irn.t thnrmn and Ihn rn.i. and r.
I.. t,.- nf ..iln. I dill nil th" Jllli day nf
l,i, V. .lulv lrv lln III" nUivn
't'lir.l r'nl pmpi'tlV nlld I Will ll til"
mil ii .v iif Jul," !' nt the hnur . f I
... In, k In thn tiftt-rnnnii nf anl.l dnv, at
III. 'Ml r I ,1'. i n ' i i, Mm City nf
A''urin, I'uiitily ..f t' dint" nf til",
gun. a.-ll alHi r i.a. r'ln'd pmi.rty al
,i,l In- .in i ll. .t, I.. thn h all' ! hhl'lnr fnr
. -h I H ilulil I'nln. In antlafy a-
.. ...i.i. nl lli.. ,,,, .-real lli.r.-..u Hti.l Ihn
-i, ml ,-,..-na. a i.f a.ilr, mid ,,. i-rulng "i run'.i aa nnmwa
mat. uiui ratH'tiar uf inln, and an ruing !iU,t
Ui.i.. nn thn at.Nim.-r Adiilad nn Monday
rn.t a
.1 nl Aalnria. nr.-gnn. ihn th day of
,,N,a , ..... niiuiY'i. i ... f-u.viuiK inn in mm
I mini nl At'.rU. (In gun, the 9:h day of 'g'-UIng n gml Idi-a nf thn nltuallun. II"
May. !: oi'K ! '' " t',,',,M"""" " "'" "'""'H'T with n
Chlnf , .f I'ntl.n, city ni'Antl.ri,,; Or...n i'K'"r f ri fug.,-, Ttt.'.day and laal
I'M-niiig nn arm inn tiiiiuwiiig .iiipann
laalmrn fmm thn ninir.inllnn atatlun:
., ,, , . , , ... "Win n iil.uiit furty mll.'a uff Ci. nfiiigua
Nn lin la hnrrliy g vnn tint t.y vtrtna ... . . .
- f a wnrrnnt f..r th" .uil.'.ili.n I V M-ndiiy aflnrnni.ti wn aHsht-.l the
I nip l' tit naai a.tni lit fur Hi" ltii.t u rmi'iil J A tin I li ill hlurkndlng rntiallltlllg
1 hn ( nttatrtti'tlnn ..r .i... t .ri.i. i,.u..i v...!,.-,,,.. ....i t.v,vi..
I n ilrnin In M' Clura'a Aatnrl.i : . .. .. .. . . . . .
.M,r,! nv i,n A .,. 111,. i nn.l I'nlli-a I 1 "r ""g"i'. m" .tiiri.n n. nn, r.rn nnwii
rillKF" tiK I' i: HAI.K.
May. I '1
. f .,f r..lli'". City nf A.liiila, Unit'iii.
. f III
N'nll.n la hnrrliy glvntl Hint liv vlrtlln
iif n wnrritil fnr Ihn r.illi'i llnn uf a itn-
lltuil. lit naaraalnrnt fur III" llll.rnvnll"tlt
.1. "i-rihr.1 n. fnllnwa' Thn Cnnatril.'tinn
nf a drnln In Mi't'liirn'a Aamrla,
.l.i'v in.iinil In- Ihn Ainlltur nml I'nllrr
nf thn I'll'- ..f Aaiuria. liy dlmi'tlnrt i ii...n ita at full ap.i d nml llrrd a hlnnk
Cnnittiun ( niinrll nf aald rltv. an d
' irrnnt Ix lng .lutnl lh.. lit!, ilnv nf Anr l,
l". tn tun dir i-t.-.l. nut th. ii.a.-N-,iii,'tit In
wnl.h i.'it1i-.' ntmiiintliig tn ihn .m ul
'.. "HI, Inti riai iln r.-mi frmn llm Jinh
ii.iv uf I inmtnl'rr lvT. at p"r innt pir
nun. im. ii.'iiig hi.-illint llm fnllnw iiig n.nin d
t'l'tann. tn w it , K '. Ki'rgitann. invii. r nf
Ihn fn Il. Wlllg .Irarrllmd prnpnrly, tu.
m l I... i l.ln.-L Vd M.-f'luri.'. A.I...I.
ii'i.l' iiK.ilnat a, il, I il.'.. r d ..rm.rrty ami !lh" Adillnd waa a Hu!ilah tmnpahlp will. Il
Ju.lgn nf ihn City nf Aalnria. liy dlmrtlnn v Mi ll warrant i nniiiiniiita inn tn lnvy upun la rxiwotml dully.
f ihn Cniiiiti. ,n Cniini'll nf am.l rlly. aald : "'i'i ni"!"" "ni" nr a.u.i .i"i-rn.".i pr..p. ri. ..T,, Hpiinlah gitnbunt, lhi t''ii,
rr.ltll lining lllll.-.l 111" lllll Hay I.r April, , m ..r.u r 1" uiimi "in ill. liu ..,.i I.. ,1.. i, .. ,. .i. ,,
I'unr.'.i tnnr.'ini nnu inn rnaia nmi . . ....-.-.
i . nana nf aaln. I .11,1 nn tlm 'nh day uf tu I'tiuiigK thn t'nllnd Httttnn tiukClury gun-
.itnv, IK. iniiv li'vv npnn tn.. nnovn a.
lVil. In llin dtrnrl.'.l. nml Hln n.araain.'nt Itl
whh h apni'ltlnd n iii. iiiiiI Ing tn tlm auin nf
11". nil with Inl. rnai tln r.-..,, frmn tlm anh
InV nf Ilnrrnilinf, VlJ, nt N pnr mill pnr
inniini, lining ngulnat dm f,. Mowing nnmnd
t. ta. .n I. .wll. W I'. Whltrmnh, uwnnr nf
ttm following il""i-rllir,l pmiuriv, tn
wit. Int 1. hliwk I'M. M.'flnrn'a Aatorln.
mil ng.iliiat aald ina.'rll'd proprrtv, nml
vh i Ii wnrrnnt nnmninmla mn tn lnvy npnn
nn.l mnk" anl" nf aald ilrarrlhr,! itruprrtv.
In nr,i r In antlafy aald liaanaamnnt , th"
Inlnrrat tlii'ri'nti nrnl thn mala and nx
p.iiaia nf anln. I did on Ihn 1HI, itny of
Si IV. I1.'"!. dlllV lnvy tipuii ,11" nhnvn iln-
a. d mnl propnrlv. nml I will on lh"
sili day nf Jiitm iwn, t ihn hmm of i
ii'. -In. k. In Ihn nflnriinun of anl.l day, ill
Hi.' Curt llnnaii Imnr In (tin City of
A'utn. Ciiiiiiiv of I "In. ami. Hint" of Orn-K.,-i,
.. Il wild al.nvn ilnai rlhi'.t prnimrty nl
pnlill,' in, ill. m tn tlm highint l.i.l.l.-r fur
rimh. t'. H Hold Coin. In antlafy anl.l na
Mr -.iii.'iil. Hln liil.-r.-al thnrnnit nml III"
in. la nml rxpi'iianH nf anln, nml iti i-riilng
Imtril nt Al'itln, orngnn, thn Pill dny of
Mnv, lIH.
Clili-f nf poll"". Clly nf Anuria, otngon.
ell I K I'' HI'' I'lil.ICi.; HAI.K.
Nntl.'i. In hnrnby Rlv.'ii, that liv virtu"
..f ii uniriiiil fur ttm riillci'llnn of n itn.
lliuin. nt iinanamni'iit fur Hu linprnvi'liti'lit
.I. ai I Hind nn fnllnwa: Tin. Count run Inn
.if ii ill nlr. In Mit'liirn'n Aamrla.
tlulv lHii. il hy llm Auditor nml I'olli'"'
Jinlgn of llm Clly nf Anlorln, tiy illri'i'tlnii
if Hi" I 'mn in "ll l 'nun ill uf Mil, ritv, nn i l
. ill nut lining ilnli'd the lllll liny uf' April,
tvii. tu inn illiii li'il, nml tin, iiaMi'Mniii iii Ii.
nllll'll H..'l'lll"ll IIIIIUlllllllIK In lh" hi, in of
Jl.'i.inl Willi Inli'inai Ih. r.'nn ftnin llm Until
iluy nl In tnlii'l'. IM'7. ill N pnr ri'iil pnr
iillillllll, Ih'Iiik llgnlllNl llin fnlluwlnir tlilllli'd, In wll, IUIiIki'I Alli'll, nwni'i- nf
111" f.illntvltlK ili'Mi'l'llmd prnpi'i l v. to
wll, lot 4. lilni'k 1117. Mi'i'lttrn'a Aatorln.
nml imaltiat Mild ili'Mi rlh. .1 pt'upnriy, nml
whlrh wnrrnnt I'l.'iiiiiiiinla inn in lnvy upon
and tnukn aaln of mild tluHri'llicil piupri'ly,
In nriliT lo anHHfy mild imHraMinnnt, thn
liitni'rnl ttirri'iin nml , b rnnln itiiit ex
p.. nam nf mil", I .11.1 nil Hi" tnh day uf
Slav, 1S1W, duly levy npnn thn nlmvr iln
avrllii'd mnl pmprrlv. nml l will on llm
Mh ihiv of .lniii'. I vis, al din hour of D
n'rliii k, In llm iifti-riionn nf Mil Ul day, nt
Hm Court llounii Imnr, In tlm Cliv or
Anioi'ln. Cniinty uf C'lntmip, Hlalo of (irn
nun, anil nnld iilinvr" ilnnrrlhi'd prnnnrtv nt
pulillr ntirllnti to lin hlKli.'Ht hlililnr for
vu all. 1'. f. Hold Coin, to natlHfy Hnlil hh-anaMiii.-nl
, Hi" Inlrfral llii'i'i'on nml Ihfi
riiata nml cxin nsca of gain, nml m rrilllltf
run l a,
liatiil nl Alni'lii, Oli'gnn. ttio Ultl dav of
Mtty. IS'.'".
JO. llAt.l.OC1C.
Clili f nf l'nlli'i', Clly of Aaiuria, Ori'ijon.
CH1KF 01'' rOI.K'tO BAI.K.
Nntlrn la Imrrhy nlvon, thnt by vlrtua
of n wnrrnnt fnr thn rnllcctlnn of a ilo
llll,lliiit tiHHKHHitii'lit fnr llm lilliirnvrini'tlt
ilrnrflhi'd n fnllnwa: Tlm Connlrui'tlnn
nf n drnln In Mi'Clnro'a Anlorln.
ilulv iHKttt'd hy the Amlllor nnd 1'nlloa
Jinigii of llm C ty of AHlorin, by dlrcotlon
of tlm Common Council nf aitld clly. auld
wnrrnnt lining dnti'd thn 11th tiny or April.
lS'in, to nin Olrt'ctril, und tlm nannaanmnt In
whli'll gpaolllod nmoiinllnv to tha auin of
i in in., uur Imwn. Wo rami, lo and wnr"
'luinld.d hy a llnulntialit. Wo him
j inrnilt from llm atnti" il.'iwrtnmnt M
pita, lh" hloi'" fur paaaftignra on con
! illll. m Hint wn rrrrlvi'd no rargn. ami
I wrrn nllownd to prorn.'d. Th" ntlli i r of
Ihn Marbli hrnd aald thn llngalilp thmiKhl
n.-rlhnd rvil nrnprrlv. nml I will n tlm
Mh day uf Jntm. Ik''. at ihn hour nf 1
. . I... k. In Ihn nfl. rnnnn uf aald dav, nl
Ihn Court llouan Imnr. In Ihn Cuv nf
Aalnria. Cniintv of Clatanp. Hlaln nt Or".
gun. "ll an.. i nhnvn dnarrllnil pmprrty nt
pnldlr nin tlnn to thn tilglmat hlddnr f .r
i ah, I . H Hold Coin, to antlafy aald n
a.'.anmiit llm Inlnrrat thnrmn nn.1 tha
nata ntiil i xpi'tiara of aaln. nlld ni rrttltig
Ialn.l nt Aalorln, Orngoti, tlm fit h dny of
May, ism.
Chlnf of Pollr". City of Aalorla, omin.
boat Kngln. Tlm rngagnnii'til waa nhort.
ahnrp nml il. rlalv", One of thr Kagl"'
il-pntind ah.'lla a, lint. rod thn corimr of
t hi (Inlnlnn'i dirk fiouai' nnd thn Hpan
inrd nulikly rntrpnlnd Into tlicOinrlmr.
Chlrago, May It. A apivlitl In llin Jour
mil from Wimhlnclmi aayn;
Hinrrlary Unig liu a aciit urgniit mo
aagra to nvrry port along tlm South
io not b't llm rlnvrr nnanuii pnaa with-! Attn rliiin nmal whrro thrrn la any rhntirr
nut riillnillng i'iii.iikIi hmida tu atiiff ttm! of liniblng thn bntlliahlp Uirguti, warn
nofn . tmliliiiia that an- no tniirli n part uf 1 lug II of tha lointloti of tlm Spanbdi lli'.'t.
Hi" fiii nlaliliiKH In tlm hotiar rninforta nf Nn oi'drra wrro arm to Citptaln Clark,
today. lh"' drpniliiu'iit ban i-oiuliliiu'r In hi
ability o iiirrl Hir altiiatlmi. II.' nan a
Kiilrtidld ahlp. full romplrnirnt of nu'ii.
rti'., mill ahould tlm Kit lull ili inaiid II.
hn could tiiako n wld" drtoiir and inakr
I'urto Ulio far uf thr Krriirh Wral
T have horn a auffnrer from chronic diar
rhoea nvnr hIiiio thn war nml have us.'rt
all luniln of nn'dU'lni'' fr It. At laat 1
found oim romi'dy that hnn born a aur
oras na n cure, nnd thnt la ChnmberlMn'a
Colli., Cholnra nnd IXiirrhoen neniedy,
P. K. (IrlHliiim, Hilar Mill. Lii- Kor
anls liv Chntli'i Itogcra. tlrugglnt.
Wi oftrn any "not at rioni"" whrn II l
liappluraH that la knoikliig nt thr door,
ami do not illniovir ttnlll II la too latr
Hint wn havn turned away thn heat gnrHt
nm I, I i'iiii i lain.
Portland, May H. Ti n coinpiinU' of the
Oregon volunteer at'"' now ready for
tmrvleo In the Culled Hiate army, hnv
ItiK been muatered In by the 1'nlted Stnlea
rnrultlug ulllrer. The remaining two
Wcnk Men Restored, or No
Jixpcnse for Treatment.
A Course, of Remedies tho marvel of
medical science-and Apparatiu Indorsed
by physicians will be sent ON TRIAL.
not all wo claim , return them nt our expense.
fer from tho elici ts of disease, over-work,
worrv. from the follies of youth or the ex
cesses of manhood, from unnatural drains
weakness or lack of development of any or
gan, failuro of vital forces, unfitness for
marriage all such men should "come to the
fountain head" foraNcientillcmothodof mar
velous nowor to vitalize, develop, restore
and sustain. On request we will send description and particulars, with testimonials,
in plain sealed envelope. (No C. O. D. Imposition or other deception.) Cut out
this offer or mention paper. Address
'TWO- V.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
New Ynrk. May 11 -A World dlapatrh
from Key Weal aya:
Thn alnry uf the oceupatlun of IUmu
by thn vu torloua Culiuna waa bruUKht lu
K y . t by ut. nant Itowan.
"Wn hud i-xMrl"'d Hi find llar.-la tn
. uinpi d amm-ia here In the tl.-ld or mnun
t.iilia.' aald the II. ul.'llant. "Imaumn our
urnrlae in arn thai hi hadiuarirr
wire In liayamu tout I hull alaaya
aa utm of the truiiKi-Kt ripanlah
turtlllid lun. Hut atiih aa the caar.
Ilayamo had lxn In a aute of partial
a. u fur tm nulla. Ijitrrlu almply or
rtrd the out on April II, h-n
Hun re liololi'd over the Hpuiilah furta
.m.uiid Ilayamo. (li (Juri l.t na cor
net In hla auppualtton that the Hpanlnrdu
.lul mil Intend to armlalke, but almply
hulalnd a II IK ( truca lu cover antne
tr. ui In'rnua military maneuver. That ma
neuver a the evai uallun of tJuyaino.
"Thn Cubuna anawered Ihe HaK of
truer with a heavy artillery and rule lire.
The Hpaulard retreated In two column
to little town called Kiiian adi ro. on the
Cauto river. For u umlanee of J yurJa
on Ihn Hi. AtiKuatlne road the"
planted dynamite lorM'd.H-a that were ex
pl.Hle.l by an electric wire from the under
briiali. Kmni what I have learned of the
atlalr I Ixlieve that three entire eotu
panlea of rpaiilarda und three piece of
artllle.y were blown l piece, lieneral h. .nl.uarter tire In one of the
llueat hnua.-a III llayamu. He received me
kindly and gave me till Hie Information
In hi power. Tlm ohtnlnlim of Informa
tion wa my olllilal errand, to that 1
am not at lib. rty lo tell you what II
waa. Hut I believe I atlall be utile to tell
thr Mate department all It dcalrra to
know ulmut the e.iatern end of Cuba.
"(Ian la want American aoldlera a
well a rilli a and iimmunltlon. He I
kindly lilapnaed Inward Americans per
autially and hi whule army I at the
diual uf thr Knvrrnment ul WuahltiK
tnn. Cuban nMler tire not much to
lonk lit. but they are the lual guide 1
have ever een. Their endurance und re-
aouriefillnea ure aomelhliiK wonderful.
I do not believe Iii sending them Krag-
JorRenaen rifle. The Hemlnutnn I better
udnptrd lo their ue than any other. It
I mnpler und I more easily repaired.
New York. May II. A dlapatch to Jhe
World from Cadli dated Thuraday night
The Spanish naval authorities are de
voutly praying Hint Admiral Ceryera'
aiiua.lron, the Capo Venle fleet, will avoid
it tliiht with the superior force under Ad
miral Hampson.
They lament because the four first-
class armored cruiser. Almiriinte Oquen-
lo, Vlxcnyn, Infama Maria Teresa and
Cristobal Colon, and three torpedo boat
destroyers Kuror, Terror und Hilton,
were nut ordered lo loin the reserve fleet
at ('mils, If the government hesitated In
sending them to make a dash for some
north American point and then wheel
back for Spain, thus paralysing the Amer
ican defensive operation about Cuba und
l'orto Hlco,
The reserve fleet at Cadis Is being
slowly prepurod for service. Marine and
sailors have been assembled In greater
numbers than wan led for the vessels
From political motives and in order to
make It appear to the people that the
Kuverimicni Is about lo take revenge for
the Manila defeat, tho Madrid authori
ties have asked the nnvul olllcers at
Cadli what vessels of war can be ready
soon to protect the transports for carry
ing 6.1KH) men to Manila. Ueneral Con-en,
llin minister of war, got seven battalions
and four batteries rendv all armed and
equipped and oltleered, and large steam
ship compa'nles undertook to provide the
eight ships required, tint the navnl au
thorities report that It would be Impos
sible to get war vessels- ready quickly.
They say the battleship l'elayo is not
lit for an expedition to the far east, nnd
besides that she is needed for the re
servo at home. For the same reason they
object to parting wlih the Carlos V.,
Cardinal Clsturos and Alfonso Xilt., tlrsi
rate cruisers.
Moreover, they do not think tho second
and third rate cruisers which are avail
able threo In all would bo enough to
protect tho expedition from the forces
Admiral Dewey will have at his disposal
by the time, tho Spanish reinforcements
could reach Manila. Tho torpedo boat
destroyers, three al Cadis and two at
rerrol, they wnnt to keep for Ihe defense
of the coast, together with the torpedo
vessels and tho old Ironclads Nunutnels
(Continued from flrat paga.)
multiplying Hint Ihe p'-upln In auiihurlty
In Hi" I'liltirf Htiil. s will 'li. i.ln in p-t'iln
llin lalnml a nn Am.rlrnn (inaai-aalnn,
riutw-lthnlnmllrig Hint this will irii.,11 on
llm p'nnli. the nic.asllir of
maintaining u ,irg.-r army ami nnvy, and
will bring nearer th (1 iiik' r of Imbrottll'
fcllh Ihe Kurnp.un pownr having larga
Inlm-aia In thn i-ar. Kntrlnnd, Jupan and
liusala arn Ihn nnly poaalhln roinp'-tltor
fur nonaraaluri should Aniirliu withdraw.
If Krndiiml should beenmn lh owner of
thn rhlllpi!ri.a. the l nil'il Hint. a would
that h givn uji th Crltlah West
Indian t'''""'l"'ia In i .h,il,K" Japan
has a p'mr ihanin. II, r rurnpnililnn with
Anmrlni r, China la, keen and lh fnimd
Mial.a will do nothing tu In-lp h-r. lie.
aide nhe rnuld give, nutnlng In exchange.
Kusala ami America always have been
clonal frlenda.' It la Jual e, .,l,ln that
Amerlia may purr ha an Ituaala', friend
ship by cIim kriiiillnr Kngland.
Till much, however, la (rtuln-lf Ihe
I'rilud Mtat. (uni'i-.ina anything i Hu.
ala. It will Im-ur (he Instant hoatlllty of
Knglnnd. Tha whole uuatln Is Ix-iwl
with dlin. ultle.
:,y f-t '- iilllllilllUn , ,. ... I
1 1 1'llH M doesn't Igk so Llir as the fare of IU 1
y the woman who buys sonp for house- V
clesnin limes sljjht of economy alio looks
t her inotirr eilL'ewlse. Tito woman whn
yalues her money u well ss her strength ttses
inu I'oitTo itico Hi ititKNiJp;n
N-w York. May I4.-A upmlal ,j tha
Herald from Washington say:
I'maldent Mi Klnlny rc' lv.d a dmpatrh
Friday night will, h lairm through Hay-
llen auur.n announcing ...n capitulation
nf thn illy nnd furta nf Han Juun de
rm Itlio. Tlm dlfpatih was cnmmunl-
eut.i1 to K.irelury l.n, who pretM-nti-d
It lo the naval strategy Ixiard. H" mtary
lm wu .i-n a f.-w momenta after the
rrcelpi of the dispatch In question but he
would not my who a-nt It. Iln a knowl-
ilg-d It rn'elpt, however, and supple-
nunttit tha president' dm duration of
faith In Ita authenticity. The strategy
Ixiurd Immediately upon Ihn receipt of the
llapatch discussed It ennt.-nt. hut noth
ing could be learned regarding It. It waa
staled by Beimtary Umg that the dis
patch waa not from Admiral Sampson
and that ihn last communication from
him waa th dispatch of this morning. It
la the dli-pat, h catne through
representative of the llaytlen republic
III New York.
VaxhSag Pcwdsr.
. and baa aomathtng to show for bar labor basld
worn im ana pair or rongh banda.
uirgB iNKsaaga-graMea, economy.
Tha V. IC Valrkaah Canwpawr.
V lKaa. m. Im!a. Kaw Yufk.
vuauaa, rauadalvaia.
!wt J''"''"'''',V1b,i''l0',,,ll,l1"''r,'a7'oalln
I '!.. In Uf fl.e-a,Heininal to:lW..M, .Nerrw,, lirtallli
.i-,r.i., I nSinwa lo Hun, tuawaunr,, Varinnp.1, .4
( ,.ntlj,'ii,n. 1 1 iu.ix a.1 Icnaea by fl nr rlghi Prsronu mrtraT
B'M'g fi.arliafra. wt.ieU If n.itrhartea Wla uiHMm.,..,w...
Uetront irrrn an tiihommrfinBiDer. it rinrc: riiia u....
kKtrMamHhrlirToffo aUUnpiuuiaa.
rrrlDriR trenrtlKmaiHl raurmail wnk omnt,
1 n raaarn surTerra arc re. I eoreil by laaion hi hnrana ninety per enl ara fmHaM arttk
I aaitllla. -t!- IiK.N K I tl,Mil nrn lwtr lnenrat,lHilnrs.rauMl. Hxileailmnne
i:t a writm inarmfiienfftvna aid rn.fHf rornrfi if ri bnn .1.4 oA ti2txrt a tmtiDmimA au
LU0a boi.all Tar '.Ui,r.)r rr.all. Ifcmd (nf riKdmilutiKl Ijaulluonua
A4dratAULf1i:nrSK'0r.Ci IVSrHkiiirtrvl rnrHU.t
f ".T- -v
lf lair Or. n,ir
in is wonder tin reaaerf
gaamnterd loca-e all acnr diMura, tucb a Wk aleinory ujt
br. Power, HUch W.kelulne-, Loat Maabood, HMyBmS!.
wn. KertowaBna. all drains U.. cj rm I. 7 .J-
Hi?"'-br 7CT'nion. rthfnl error, nrnalra .M a
InB,T; ran hi Zr.. L . ""rmtT. Comm Hindoo Or
-"" "'"I or m Feau Menklnc to.. Pn Prance l.,wiar
tl-lUilutrU-atiojsgenlj. Thud sad VsaortoTSr
KUTKB-CONN DRL'O CO.. Agi-nt, Aatorto.
Ban Francisco, May H.-A guard of
men from the coast defense vessel Mon
terey will watch the loading of the City
uf I'eklng with coal and for the
American fleet ut Manila. The I'eklng will
eany a many troop a ahn has accom
modations for, about I.oo. No extra
berths will be provided and the vesnel
will get away Ihe early part of next
week. The City of Sydney will have ex
tra accomodation put In 'tween deck
and iterrage. and the Australia will also
b' lilted out In that manner. It la ex
pected that all Ihe vessel chartered at
this port a transport will get sway
within ten day.
New York. May H.-A World dlpatch
from Paris ay:
H.nrl Itochefort suggest In the In-
tranlgeant that Spain and Italy become
republic and Join the French republic In
forming a triple Latin republic alliance
to oft -t probable Anglo-American and
Herman alliance.
Referring to Ihe American proposition
lo bovcott the Paris fashions, Tves
iiuyot's paper expresses Indignation at
the Insults printed In the French boule
vard papers to American women. It says
t will cost the Paris workmen and work
women lTi0.mj a year.
current gold Import were bound to bring .31.14 per cent of the amount. The In
about In this particular, and Ihe last bul- crease has been .(A per cent In twelve
letln issued by the Treasury confirms all ' months, or to put the matter In another
that waa aald at that time. For Instance.
the gold coin In circulation Increased dur
ing April no less than rMnH. The In
crease In Treasury note was 120,742.731.
and the net Increase, deducting the sev
eral kinds of money which the Treasury
absorbed was j0.702TV7. The effect of this
rapid Increase was to make the per capita
circulation S24.2S, as against C3.i9 for the
previous month. The only year In which
the per capita circulation exceeded this
was 1, although 1&4 closely approached
It. It la unnecessary to repeat that the
larger part of this Increase la due to the
heavy gold Imports. Our gain from this
ource during March was CS.2M.8a). Ad
ding to this lha April expansion of nearly
thirty-five millions. It will be seen that no
less than sixty-three million of gold
have been injected into circulation dur
ing the past sixty days. This Is at the
rale of more than one million dollars a
day. counting Sundays, and the total In
crease, Including notes, etc., paid out by
the Treasury In excess of Its receipts, bu
been for the same time over eighty tnll
ll.ins vi.ii(.rs3 to be exact.
Tbla Is a marvelous showing, and In
anything like normal times would have
hud an important effect upon business. As
It is. money is still held at t per cent., and
even higher In New York City, and Is
difficult to obtain at these figures. A
bond Issue will, of course, brlna; about a
contraction in these figures, but until that
time arrives (he circulating medium will
continue to expand, by reason of current
Imports and by Treasury deficits. It Is
worthy of note that the money in Treas
ury decreased last month $H.SJI9. a
against a loss of only Sl.S0.0nu for Ihe
month previous. Cntll the new revenue
law- Is passed and a bond Issue Is called
there losses are bound to grow larger.
TJie growth of money In circulation has
8an Francisco. May II. II Is existed been constant, however, for a year past
that within ten days U.t'rt volunteers will The Treasury tables show that the gold
be encamped at the Presidio. General In circulation Is now one hundred millions
Merriam has advised those in charge here heavier than on May 1, 1S7. The total
that arrangements must lie made at once circulation of the country at the begin
to care for that numoer. Contracts will nlng of this month was lyi millions.
Ie let next week for a lang amount of one year ago It was 1SB64 millions. The
sulwlsti-nce. Nine thousand blankets increase has been at least IV)1 millions.
were ordered yesterday and 10.HO pairs of this, as we have seen, no less than
uf shoes will be bought today. Four hun- one hundred millions has been gold, more
Jred horses and an equal number of than three-fifths of which has been added
mules will nt once be purchased for the during the last sixty days. Treasury de-
arllllery and cavalry divisions of the flclts account In large part for Ihe rest of
Manila expedition. the Increase. National bunk notes in
. .circulation have shown an actual decrease
THE COCNTKY S MONEY. j of JS27.H4 since May 1. 1S97. The practical
Tho Financier: ' results oi incse general cnauges n.c
The monthly treasury statistics cover- increase our per capita circu.auon
1 lh. ,.,,,. ,,f mnnrv in rlrcll hi Hon l. in ixm Biuauia, lire !... .ia,.i.-
are Interesting, by reason of the heavy " May 1. MK. compared with
increases shown In the totals, and also be- . -" ' ' ' .
ause of the changing character of the j "n year ago goia consume
form of money In common use. One montn '" """' """ ' '
ago we pointed out the effect which the culatlon. Today It comprise, no less than
Fialiiinjj.ijiiL'ciiiaiiaTB iimmi',T'"rr'"; ''.
Tills starch Is prepared on scientific principles by men who have had years of practical
expnrienee in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and snmrner dresses to their
natural whiteness aud imparl a Kwutiful and last iug fiuisU. It Is the ouly starch
manufactured that is perfectly harmless, .containing neither arsenic Mum or any
other substance injurious to liuea aud eon be used even for a baby powder.
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers.
way. of the total Increase of 144 millions
In circulation, gold constitutes approztr
mately 7L4 per cent
Perhaps It la not exactly appropriate to
drag politics Into this discussion, but w
cannot refrain from calling attention to
tha difference In tb character of this In
crease, and that which would have fol
lowed, had tha country ton on a silver
basis. Does anyone Imagine that our net
Increase in money at the end of a given
year under free coinage would have been
aa desirable a the addition ol one hun
dred million dollar gold now shown, or
that we would have had one dollar of
gold In circulation as against over six
hundred millions now? There would have
been unlimited new silver dollars, but tt
Is doubtful whether their coinage would
have filled the gap caused by the with
drawal of gold, and at any rate, we would
have to divide their numoer In half to get
at their real value. The Treasury re
port, therefore, possesses a double sig
nificance. It reveals the fact that silver
coinage la not required to bring about an
expansion In currency, but that on the
contrary, gold better answers the pur
pose, because It drives no other form of
money out of circulation.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind Yoo Hare Always Baugfct
Bears tha
Signature of
Columbia River and Puget Sound Navi
gation Company.
8teamer Telephone leaves Astoria dally
except Sunday, 7 p. m. Leaves Portland
dally, except Sunday la. in.
Telephone tickets good on steamer
T. J. Potter.
T. J. Potter ticket good on Telephone.
U. B. Scott, President.
C. W. Stone, Agent, Astoria,
Tickets to ail point.
For Sale tyO R.lW
ROliEIW, Ilwaoo
Through pJace and tourist sleepers.
dining and library observation cars.
No. 4 Limited leaves Portland at l:N
p. m.
No. I Limited arrives Portland at M:U
a. m.
SsaWsjiw r
a 1 toRcUTB-Vi
Pie O it non-pordonocrt
; rt tM fur Uoooi i tju ft
-i'v, Sprrmfttorrhuia,
Whii.-s. unnituril d.a
fhargt si, or nr luUftiunitv
tiou, irrtiatiau ur utcr-
Iptvtmu Miavtloa, tioa uf uiuconi mem
1 X OrmnwlA.
bf vzprMw, prvpnutl, fof
cultr eeul ua reuiitwL.
William's Kidney Pills
Has no coual in diseases of the
Kidnevs aLil Urinary Orjrans. Have
you neglected your Kidneys? Have
you overworKea your nervous ej-s-tem
and caused trouble with, your
Kidnevs and Bladder? Have tou
pains ia tho loins. Bide, back, groins at
) and Madder? Have you a flabby ap-
pearanee of the luce, especially W
,:nder tho eyes? Too frequent de-J
il... r.'.tt4 iiiIiio9 Wlllmm'a Tvirlnov
rills w ill impart new life to the dis- f
w cased organs, tone np Uia system A
nnd mukrt anew man of vou. Bv
nail 50 cents per box.
A V.'iluams Mro. Co., Props., Clevolnnd, 0.
For Infants Mid Children.
nifw- a
h n