THE DAILY ASTOUIAN. TIIIKSDAY MUHMNU. MAY 12, 18.-8. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather. AROUND TOWN. THOSE WHO WISH TO ItAVK THE MONDAT EXTRA AST-IRIAN WAR EDITIONS DELIVER ED AT THEIR RESIDENCES OR TLACES OP" BUSINESS WILL n.EASE 8END THIS COUPON WITH THEIR AD DRESS AS AUTHORITY TO THE KUBINESS OFFICE FOR THE EXTRA CHARflR. THIR8DAY. For whs chance clod Ihe soul may w.iit To etumhle on Its noier fate; Or why. to HI unwarned abode. Still by surprises comes the Ooxl. .-Lowell. Try Bchllllnra Ut tea and bakU powder. I New flail :r at Dunhor's. Beat Ice cream at the Bonbonnlere. Mldwlfe-Mre. Mary Make. 7M Eichang J treat New Lares at Ia hat'a. Try Golden Oate compreesed yeast at the Parlor. Best Seattle chocolates, wholesale and retail, at the Bonbonnier. If Snodgrass doesn't make your plc turea, you don't get the beat. Juat try one of thoae Ice creams with eroahed strawberries at the Parlor. The W. C. T. l meets today at I O'clock In their parlor at Rescue hall. New erop dried frutta, new crop ratalna, Cfi and aaaorted nuta all extra fine qual ity, at Rosa, Htggtns Co. The preaent proprietor la keeping up the reputation of C B. Smith for making Una lea cream at the Parlor. Don't forget that at the Louvre you can f et the beat of music, a large schoon ct and a boiled egg all for i cents. For Rent Piano In good condition; terms. 3 per month. Apply to lira. S. NormUe, Aator atreet. corner Third. salt! Hint luhln.1 the seems there l groat 1enl of quiet work being ilouo by the friends of the various ciindi.lntes for public oHlce. Remember the ihite of the patriotic ral ly at the Methodist church Tues.l.iy even ing, M.iy IT. Come a nil hear the addresses by will known (.ixukcrs. nlso help by your xolien lo swell the choruses of the a rand olil armv songs. Solos by Kith Indies ami gentlemen of Ihe city. If you have hides, wool, fur, r.igs. bottled, lead, brass, copper, hone, or any kind of Junk for Hale, ship It to K ,M. Gsstnn. b Fourteenth atreet, Astoria. Oregon, or write him and he will call at your place and get It. He pay cash. The highly ltni!rtcd descriptive pam phlet of Ihe Trans-Mississippi Interna tional exposition, to be opened at Omaha In June. Is well worth perusing. Oregon will be then' and I'lutsep county will be Ihe biggest part of Oregon on exhibition. The high scores on the A F ('. for the week ending May T were: Mon day, r. It. Sovey. r; Tuesday. F. M (limn. M. Mrs. Ingalls. 4ii: We.lmsil.iv. O. F. Cooper, t. Mr. Ingalls. IT; Thurs day. Dr. Finch. 51: Friday. t II. Cooper. V. Mrs. Wise, 1: Satunlay. Dr. Klneh. The funeral of Louis Stahlinan. who was drowncii on the loth, will take pi ice from IVhl's undenaklng parlors at I o'clock today. Interment wl',1 be at Greenwood cemetery. The remains will be burled by the Rith Tacking Co.. for whom de ceased was (1hlnc at the time of his death. Northern Pacific railroad trains leare Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. for Ta eoma, Spokane, and the east. C1ee con nection rnaie at Spokane for Ronalsnd. Nelson. Sandow and British Columbia mining camp For mana and Information en! on or addresw C. W. Stone. Astoria. Oregon. Harper whiskey la rapidly becoming the national beverage. It a the one thing all parties agree upon- Republicans, demo crats, populist Even the "know noth In" party knows one thing, the mer'ts of Harper whtskey. Sold by Foard A Stokes Co.. Astoria, Oregon. Mr. Hugh McT.ivlsh. of California, bo ther of Mr. Duncan McT.ivih. now In the Klondike. Is a visitor In the city He says It has been thirty years since he ha seen his brother, and stopped hero on his ay to British Columbia In the hope of being able to obtain some additional in formation In regard to him. New Tie. at Inbr'. Lieutenant Sherman desires It announc ed that the uniforms for the Second com pany. O. N. R.. will be distributed this evening at 7 o'clock at Cohen's old store, corner Bond and E'.even'h streets. The members will lie called, two at a time. In the alphabetical order of their names, and fitted out until disposition has been made of the uniforms on hand. Improvement had been laid over till the next meeting, when Md would be ad vertised for. the ordinance increasing the salaries came to a vote and passed, T to J. Hi-tx and Oo.ldard voting "No." Council men Fulton. Hlldot.rand and Robb ex plained their voles. the w,i l.tucr xollng "Yes." on being Informed by ihe mayor that Ihe members of the police depart ment were promised a raise In their sal aries when the revenues of the city would warrant It. H a made known In ii ference to Ihe ordinance tbal the rev enue of the city , t:r the present year is In excess of the revenues for the whole of and, titerefore at the present time the city was more than self-sustaining. , acre range KK.Vl. EST A IT. TRANSFERS. Astoria Savings bank, trustee, to Hammond-All the property Include the railroad subsidy; $.'., . .x. roster to 1. N. Foster-131 in section S, township & north, west; IMS. Anna June Foster to W. A. Foster -Same property: J. I'htncaa C, Warren and wife to O S Wright-All that portion of East War tvnton lying north of the Astoria and South Coast railroad and west of Harri son street; $i.yy. The tea given at Mrs. Harrison Allen's by the ladles guild of Grace church yes terday afternoon was a largely attended Wa guarantee our Headache Tablet to ; and very successful funct'on. The cure any case of headache In ten ruin ate or return the money. Roger. Drug flat. Martin Foard I the artist of the Foard A Stoke window display In which the American eagle appears on the top of Manila. The Progressive association i preparing for the series of lectures soon to be lnau costumes of the ladies, whic h were very handsome, were enlivened bv the national colors in honor of Admiral pewey. The souvenelr for the o-calu n were unlrjur and pretty and were sld at auction by Mrs. W. T. Chutter. At the of ihe bar pilot yester day measurement were mad- on h chart and Pilot'news report th it O. U. A N. IMPUOVKMENTS. Track Compares With New York Ccn-tral-Sccnery Far Superior Oregonlan. By July t. T mile of TS-pound steel rail will have Pen laid on the O. It. . N. track between Portland and Wal .uta. A shipment of J.jcO ton arrived a few day ago to continue the work begun early In the year, and the renewing of track will continue until the season's ork is completed. A correction of the curvature In the O. R. N. track between Cascade and The Dalles Is practically completed, vast- ly Improving that troublesome stretch of railroad. The equivalent of several com plete circles haa been removed. This work Is done to stay, and the new track may be relied upon to stand the service re iju'.red of it at all times. The complete correction of curvature give a tine alignment and makes easier ruling than on the New York Central between Albany and New York.a.itul through scenery that Is far superior to th.1t of the Hudson Ktver. The physical condition of the O. R. & N. is following the executive vigor and financial Im provement of the company to a high plane of excellence. Business may now he handled quicker, safer, und In every a ay more satisfactorily with the recently added motive power and Improved track. The Bankrupt Sale Winds up in a Pew Days. Now is Your LAST PIONEER SOCIETY. Astoria. Oregon. .May ll.-Kditor A torian: The annual meeting of the Ore. g.n Pioneer and Historical society was called to order at the chamber of com merce room at J o'clock by President J. H. D. Cray. The minutes of the last meeting were rvad and approved. The action of the officers and executive committee In regard to the Whitman monument fund, n per minutes of Oc tober 5 1SS7. was ordered approved. The amount paid to the Whitman monument fund through the society was tTSu.fl. President dray read a letter from H. Himes. Portland, requesting the of the sea chest from Captain R dray from July 7 to U. next. Treasurer C. S. Wright's report read and adopted. The following officer were elect the ensuing year 0VI$ KIROVS I HiMh tint tiiptliisl mill rvsiiit wlion 1 Syrup of Fios is i.ikcti; it is ilis;int i ami nl'p'liiiiv t ilit Listo, mill net. cjontlv vi't !i'iiUtlv it tlip Kiilitcy, j l.ivor :iibl lioui'ls, i-lfansr tlu svs- ' torn otTivtii.ill r, i!i ) ! nUU. In ibl- ! achos mul fevt :i..l omv i:.itnl i P Ml IQT Q P I I iVllstij..ui..i. Smiiii oi l-'ius ic tlio i lllUlJ 1 wJ lM 1 L- oniy rt'iniviy hi ii Mini ivtr m tliu'inl, iK:isiii!' to tlu taste mul no. ooptalilo tit tho dtiiiiiticli, ii-ini't in its .-lotion :iii. truly l in li. i:il in it t'lToots, ;vp:irtsl only hum tlio most lioaltliy mill ;ls;!vo:i!loMilist:iiu'p, its inmivoxoolloiit iu:il licsooninii'iiil it to all Htbl luvo tn;iilo it tin' most popular rt'imsly known. Syrup of I'iu's is for salp in SO I'ont hot t lo ly ;ill li'itiliiie; ilruv; cjist.s. Any roliahlo ilriiuj'ist tlu may not li.oo it on w ill pro I'urt' it promptly for any ono who wishos to try it. l'.niot aivoptuny tiulistitutt'. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 5 fXAKlSCV. CL lOWSVIUX. At. Hi ,QI)K. It. CHANCE To buy Clothing, Hats, Shoos ami Furn'shini; Goods at Pricos that vvoro novor boforo hoard ot in this State. Tho wholo stock immodiatoly. To do this wo havo marked tho wholo stock down to such ridiculously low pricos that you can't holp buying, whothcr you nood thorn now or later. SOril: OP OUR WIND-UP PRICP5: Nominees' Cards. 1MU S1IKUI1T. ; mi:n S BOCKS. I Former price 10 cents, now.. MKN'S SHIRTS. Pormer prleo W cents, now.. MEN'8 UNDKRWKAR. Former price 90 cents, now,. MEN'S 81'SrKNDEUS. Former pries S cents, now. MKN' S CAPS. Former price 50 cents, now.. 3c 15c 20c 5c 15c MEN'S HATS. Former prl. M. yl'H.TS. Former price 11 to, now. MEN 8 WOOL SWEATERS, Former pries S3 M, now... HOYS' 8CIT8. Former prlc H V), now. HOYS' 8FIT8. Former price d, now ... 85c 75c 85c .25 2-50 MI'VM Ml'lTH. Former price i . now J MEN'S HUTS. A J 5 Fotnirr pile 110. now f MEN Hl'ITS, C.8 5 Foriiirr price III M. n" J' MEN'S HI'ITM, 765 Fornn r price lis nw MEN 8 81IT8. 0 50 Former price H. now . MEN'S Hl'lTS. 10.75 Former price :. now I C ' J. W. WILLIAA1S I'NION NOMINEE. Ceo. loan obert was I for gM rated by Industrial Agtnt Judson of the j ' !hp nl"-nUn of s-veral of th-m that j PresM-nt. T. II. Morrison O. R. A N. A regular pantomine of views depict Int the life and history ot Astoria and souvenirs of the city and country at the Bnodgrasa gallery. If you are. going to Alaska. New York, or any other place, go to Rogers drug ttore for an elegant cake of toi'.et soap with box for 13 cents. j The Gateway lodge will give a so -ial ; dance on rrlday evening. May 13, at Odd Fellows' hall. Tickets. Including re freshments, M cents. No children. When going east travel on the North ern Pacific railway. Quick time and the only line running dining cars. Train leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. Extra special sale for Saturday and Monday. Tailor made separate skirts and high novelty capes, at McAlltn A Mc Donnell's, CO and 4T3 Commercial street. George Johnson, grand secretary of the A. F. & A. M.. California, spent yester day with his old-time friend Alex Camp bell, stopping off on his way to Wardner, Idaho. McGowan's gasoline launch Leonora, while passing Sand island yesterday, blew out a cylinder head and was towed to Astoria for repairs by the Iiwaco last evening. Beautify your homes by going to Rosen tock Bros.' new store and purchasing a strong durable plant bloom or greenhouse novelty. 516 Commercial street, opposite Cooper'. The excursion Monday to Portland promises to be a rouser. The mayor and chamber of commerce of that city are preparing to receive the citizens of As toria with open arms. Now Is the time for spring cleaning. After that comes new linoleums, wall paper and oil cloths. Have you seen our stock? G. V. Porter, ola Central Hotel building. Commercial street. The lirxt sergeant of the srtlilry com pany at Fort Canny, whose t.rm of ser vice expired yesterday, left lust nlnht for Washington, D. C. to apply for 11 p'.s. tlon In the invading army In Culia. It is one thousand miles further t Spain throuch the Suei cinal to Manila than it Is from Orecon to Minila. In ease Spa'n should attempt to sen I another to the Philippines w'th an even start I'ncl Sam's Pa-'inV 00. is sqnanron couM ret there flr;. Th management of the Chicago M'J ieal coileee announce, that in eeVhratlon of the oenine of its n-'w lnjil.lir.ff on Michigan boulevard, it will award seholarhip.. ."" free and s h"! .irsh'p. The free s-hilarhb wi'l b Jawjrded at a comi--tltIve ex im'nat'on I be held at the collect, one par!:. .1 setv! jarhip will be awarded In Astoria upon ' the recommendation of the Pailv A 1 tori-m. Applications must be die, I in the I f'hicauo office be fore Atieust . l"e. Cr I tiflcates of character and attainments must accompany applications for the As toria partial scholarship, which should n tiled in this offli e by July II. The Flounders and Smelt trier! conclu sions at the A. F. C. alleys bat nleht. each taking a game. Mrs. Wise made the best lady's score of the evening. 43. P. B. Sovey was high for the men. with f). The gentlemen and ladles teams leave for Portland tonight to bowl with nil the clubs of that ritv. The men's team will be composed of the following: C. R. H:g gins. captain: Herman Wise. p. n. Sovey, W. C. Laws. C. H. Cooper, F. M. Gunn. Frank WoodfMd and R C. Astbury. Sev eral other gentlemen will accompany the teams and take part In the games. The personnel of the ladles' team has not as yet been decided upon. State Fish Commls-ioner Meflulrn ar rived In the city yesterday with pVirti steelhead salmon eggs for the mimiture hatchery of the Astoria !'roirresive asso ciation. They were taken from the new hatchery on Ihe Sandy river. hich was started recently by the association. The eggs are In Ihe eye stage and Were brought down the riv-r wrapped In wet moss. Very few of them uo-d on the way and with proper attention th-y could safely be brought n much longer dis'an' e. The hatihery on the Sunny Is a complete I' cesF and Is the flrt ste.-lh.-ad hatchery Vice president. O. S. Wright. Corresponding secretary and treasurer, E. C. Holden. S.-cretary. R. N. Carnahan. Trustees, Judge J. II. I. Cray. W. p.. Adair. M. J. Kinney. James W. Welch. It was ordered that the trustees get the Ixmks belonging to the society to gether and allow the public library to use as many of them as they may select, they to give a receipt for the number of vol umes loaned to them. The president and trus'ees author ized to loan the sea chest from I'aptaln FOR COl'NTY CLERK. Harry J. Wherity REi ll'LAR ItEl'l'lH,! AN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY CLERK. Perry A. Trullinger REGULAR UNION I'ANOIPATE. You ian"l atlunl In niNs ihi sale, as mir niniif) will do trijir dm, hrrr. I!u today, as the whole slock Is lor salt and ma) lie Imimlit In a lorckT'i'r an) da). i'onit' loda, as tomorrow mat lie too lair. c..Ss,.BANKRUPT SALE Astoria Or. 11 I Ib bert Gray to "bore.. H. Illm. s and as sociates of Portland. If In their Judgment they wi.-h to do so. Adjourned to call bv the president. R. X. CARNAHAN. S-cretary. A SOUTHERN VOLUNTEER. Yes. sir I fought 'with Stonewall, And faced the tight with Lee; Hut If this here Union goes to war. Make one more gun for me' I didn't shrink from Sherman As he galloped to the sea. Hut If this here union go. s to war. Make one more gun f ir nie! I was with 'em at Manasses- Th bully boys In Gray; I heard the thunderers roarln' Round Stonewall Jackson's way. And many .1 tune this sword of mine Has l.l.iz' J the roile for L. e, Put if this . . ! . I 11. it;., 11 g ,cs 11 war. ,M ike 'Oi, rtcTe sw-.r I f r inei I'm not so full ,.f riglitln'. Nor half so full o' fun. As 1 was b.i, k ,:t tlo s.:ies. W'lo n I -II 'ii:. r il my uid gun, It may be that my b ur l whit. riich thing. y,u know, iiiuhi be. Hut If th - old Union's hi for war. New- York, and on the ibigship ir..okin . Is George E Graham of Alhanv Huh the troops at Tampa l A W l opj. ,,f the rhlcago otllce. In addition to these cor ns pond, ni s. ca, h in bis way among th-best-known writers on tin- Associated Press force, staff correspondents arc at oth- r Import int points of cable ioiii miinicatloii in the West Indies, as fol lows: Elmer E Roberts, at Kingston, J im il ea; Harold Martin, at St. Thomas, tun Ish West Indies, R. II. IVivrnport. at il'ort au I'rinee, llaytl, and F. J IIilK'Tt, : at Havana. ! The Associated 1'rc.s bis personal rep j r. s. ntallv. s with the lb . t at Manila, at I'ape Verde Islands, at Hong K 'lig lti 1 'Janeiro. n.. Ayr. s. Madrid, and mi 1 the Fri'ti. h fr.oiti. r. In addition to whi.h It b is tile iOa. Iusi ,. use of th,, new 1 1, li lt:, s of the H-ni. r. II ivas and W .Iff s. r 1 1. thr-ugiiout l-iurop,, and A-la Bejrin rijrht.. 1 mr D (.rMirirs 1 Underwear Mnr 10 imiirn Ijltrtl Hle Thorough W orkniarnk'p Prices U James Alurphv 420 ComruercUl Slrcct. M ik on. more gun for nie NEW ASTORIA NOTES. Now that Ashing has begun. Hammond is a busy place. Major Kllbourne made to the Fort Saturday. a welcome visit Postmaster Crane of Warrenton was among the Sunday visitors. Mrs. A. Oliver Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kelly, at Scarborough. Mrs. Taylor and daughter Mabel of Flavel went to Portland Friday, Dr. George A. Skinner's family arrived from Fort Sherman, Idaho, last week. Mr. E. A. Xeweu has left the works and gone to his home In Centralla. Wash ington. f'antaln A. J. Johnson of Point Adams Life Saving Station, spent Sunday In As toria. Gus Larson has returned with his fam ily. He will engage In fishing this sum mer. A pleasant little party was given by Charles Kindred In Ford's hall Saturday evening. G'-orge Hartley will soon entertain his I hain't forgot my raisin' Nor how, in sixty-two. Or thereabouts, with battle shouts, I charged the boys In blue; And I say: I fought with Stonewall, And biased the way for Lc; Hut If this old union's In for war, Make ono more gun for me. All. inn '1 .us 1 1 1 m M.11. PERSONAL. Relatives are trying to find Ernst nscar St.ihlberg. who herr u. ihe name of H.irtman. and who is known to reside somewhere near Astoria, ongon lie has been a iiH-r. Iiaiit in Hasa, I' l. and the Swedish language is his mother tongue. If some one, who reads this hap pens to know him and his address lie would do nie a service by writing to me ahout him. REV. A RENWALL, 9 Mission Street, San Francisco. Cal 1 to In, tsublUtfcd. Th'-rc are now u. num- friends, his place of business will soon be o ,oh: k , ii.ilii'i..,. .11 in., rooms 01 1 , omnl.'f r1 the The petition circulated by John Vollmer I of Seaside, for the purpose of opening up' a road from Seaside to the Ni-hal-m river I already has some sixty-five signatures,! good for about lion towards the fund. ', you ass oc :ivor to oi.t t'l r id in the c: no nt to le..rn h to .irri'.-r- at mi. on and Mr. Mci'uire will en tain permission to have them : re.-rvoir as an exre-rl-w long It tak'-s a salmon uri'y. I , A bo; o .1. I 'mi- it loaded vvi-h groceries. 1,-longlng '. Ii.'.vis. .,f tie- John Lay. was from ihe slip at the r,..,r ,,f the hotel building about 12 o'clock -'ht. Lavl with his wife came to :!). ,; yesierday and purchased about hundreds of fishing boats skimming over 1 """'" ' ' -"''"K mos-iv groceries, and the water at 11 good pare attracted m .nv i ,n''"r' "' b!" bout 1-, the -lo, , ,n. tt visitors to the water front In Uic after-noon. A SUIT breeze yesterday kicked un null.- I a muss on the buy, and the line night of M. G. Hall, John Haas, W. ,T. Horner. Fortland: Kembrozh Jones, Washington. Ark.: William P. liirl. Tacoma; William James Stewart, (Jltisgow; ike Ilyrnan, San Francisco, arc registered at the Oc cident. Tho local political arena Is at present devoid of si nsationul features, but It is Schilling's Best tea coffee soda extracts and spices are all as good in their way as Schilling 's Bat baking powder. Ml of Fifte. rth to ,.:t for the turn of the tide to co home. !. May.-,! around in the vicinity of tne boat all nlt'ht. and had b. en down 10 the slip about t.-n min ims tc fop- he missed it. Home furniture )c- h id lying on the dock, and which lr In' ended to put n board when ready to go. ban not. been touched. Among 01 her things the stolen goods are shoes, urider e.o'hing. Hour and a miscellaneous lot of groecip s. He notified 'he police at once. but was unable to give ,1 . lue as lo the pa I'll' s J he oo.n was Used craft and was painted white pie SALARIES ARE INCREASED. Ordinance Increasing Salaries of ihct. lice Department Passes, 7 to 2. Two matters laid over from the special meeting of the previous night earno up before the Council at their spc-clul meet ing lust night, Ihe most Important being ihe ordinance increasing the salaries! of police officers from i to 170. and the chief of police from 170 to SI, Introduced by Utzlnger. After the Seventeenth street crossing The first wheelman excursion arrived Sunday and took a spin down the bea.b F. L. Parker chaparoncd the party. Mrs. II. E Turk b-ft Sunday rind will make her home In Mount Pleasant, Washington, while her husband Is In Alaska. Mrs. Charles Jaeobson left last Friday to oln her husband, who was lately transferred to Peterson Point Life Saving Station. Hurrahs for Dewey nre heard on every side. The whistle sounded "unitting. time" at 3:30 Saturday afternoon so the men could celebrate. WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver, and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other form of sickness. For sale In 50 ccnt bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syr up Company, only. his Northern hrotiier. Just make It two. old f.-llow, I want tu stand once more Remain the obi Hag with you, As In the days of yore our fathers stood together And fought on land and sea The battles llerce that made us A nation of the free. I whipped you down at Vb ksburg, Vou licked me at Hull Run; On many a Ib id wo struggled, Win n neither victory won. You wore the Gray of Southland, I worn the Northern lllue; Like men w did our duty Wh.-n screaming builds Mew. Four years we foughl like devils, Hut wh'-n the war was done Your band met mine In fr, dully clasp, Our two hearts beat as one. Ami now when danger threatens, No North, no South we know, On mor- w- stand together To light tin- common foe. My head, like yours, Is frosty Old age Is creeping on; Life's sun Is lower sink, ug, My day will soon bo gone. Hut If our country's honor Needs nun. again Ic r son, I'm ready, too, old fellow So 1 an trio r gun. - ..Minneapolis Journal. The Choicest Table Wines... For FamlllM Alao (or Mdldn t4 Cooking Purpose PrtTatt Stock. Crewm Ryw, Old Hickory, Prd of Kentucky end Hermlta; old California. Brandls. Carlson's FamilyUquor Store j in TWELFTH 8TRBBT When rou bur a pool thing It worrb you as long as It lasts. When you buy Kood thing you srs glad of th fw sitrs c nts. or possibly dollars, you spent for I' rrty day you possess II. Wo have nn poor mean goods In our store, Evry thing Is the money's worth most abun dantly You will be glad you bought U here, and you will come again. Our as sortment of high grade spring HIIOEB cannot be approached by any other stock in the city. Petersen & Brown. 1 The choicest- THE PROOF of Ihe pu.Mli and the proof 0 :,IS IN SAMPLING of Ihe pusMlug Is la the Ua and the proof of liquor U ' . ' 'WAP'. ' That's an aifumeeil Uv eeaw rlutr- demnntiratloa. Oura will sun.1 tke teat HUGHES & C 0 IN7I I807 Pisher Brothers ASTOklA.... riarble and (Jranlte GATHERING war neuh. Asso'-ialt 'I I'l.-ss ln re,.-, 1 'Uban Wat. It . .Service 111 TH. tu New Collars at Dunlinr'". Bicycles LOCKS, KKYH ASIJ HKwINO .MAI'IIISKS.... Also all Light Machinery. C. H. Orkwitz 443 DUANE. Repaired Ctsling Leadt od rith Lines. ' iregonlan. The fast dispatch boat Kale Speri' which ..ft Jacksonville .Monday niglu go lino the s.-rvice of tin An.socl.iled I', arrived at Key West this morning. Tin- Speller will op ia to 10 , onjuin tlon v.ilh the I'.iinoiis h-buat i.auntless, v.iiic'o has be. n op-i .1 1 in (,'llbaii waicrs for some we.ks In carrying news l..r the Associated I'ii-sh from Ihe blockading Ib-ct. to Ihe cabin Hlalion at ley S'i-Ht for filing. The widening scope ' operations In 1 ins W':st Indian waters made necessary oe chartering, of a ihiid ilispalch-bo it lor the Associated l'. ss and Ihe f.r.t ...can vacht Wanda has been secured for 'his purpose, and .sailed from here today, having 0:1 board a.s run cuponilentH A. W. I.ymiin and Alfred Cecil Goiidle. Tim V.'unda Is recognised in her class Willi 'i n' exception lis the fastest ocean steam I vacht in these waters. On board the Hpencer are Howard N. Thompson and J. W. Mil'ti'dl, well known correspondents from the Washing ton otllce of tile Associated press On the Launlless are J. , H. Nelson und Oscar Wilson, of tho N'vty.York olllce. At Key West are Albert KIpim of Philadelphia, and liyron R. Tjfimttm of Huffulo. On the llagshlp New Yrtflt William A. Good of Wl K. Muirlxiii St.. I'nrtlsnd, Or .ALL KINDS OK C'K.MH I'KHY WollK.... J. B. WYATT, Phone No. f.H Anuria, Orann Hnnl wn re, Ship ClmiHlIery, I Yovmiorm, I'AINTH unci Oir.H, h;tclsl Attention 1'iidlii fiundylng Hi I a Emil Schacht ARCHITECT kooms ,Jl7-.5iH I'l.rtlniiil .Saving f tank IMiL'. Portland, Oregon AOENTB WANTED, Agents and canvassers to sell jir. Kllck's Pocket Nose Inhaler for catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat diseases. Bells easy for $1. Hlg profits. Write for sample and terms. Dr. Kllck Medical Company, Cincinnati, O. 0h I'ork chops, roast beet and lamb roast sr always to be found at our market. Only select stock Is bought for our initio and our meals ar In cons,equenco ttxtrn nl- e, if you want to miike your monl a success don't serve poor meats. riOHH, IIIGG1NH A CO. The reason for it. We have been in the Shoe business In Astoria tor many years, dartai which time the wante of our eua tnmers have been thoroughly stud led and adequate preparations made to rr.tet their every demand We carry the Largest stock In the city. . . and every putehaae we make hat the approval of our many yearf ex perlenee. Cornmcrclsl J Q 1 1 IN HAI IN. THE PARKER HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED Comer of Ninth nod Aslor Htreets, Astoria, Guests Received on American or European Plan. l.l'HKICATIVI OILS A 5PIXIALTY HICLL, BHIP CIIANDI.KHT HAItDWAIlK IRON AND 8TCEL COAL OROC'ERIKH AND I'llOVIHIONB KLOVR AND MILL TEKD I'AINTB. OH AND VARNIHIIES LOUGEHH' BUri'LIES FAIIUIANK'8 HCALE8 DOOIIB ANL WINLOWB AGHH L'LTURAL IMI'I.KMICNTB WAGONH AND VEHICLES SEASIDE SAWMILL A complete stock of lumber on hand IB the rough or dressed. Flooring rustle, celling and all kinds of finish; molding and shingles, Terms reasonable aa4 rrlces nt bedrock. All orders promptly attended lo. Office and yard at mill. II. V. L LOGAN. Heaslde. Oregon. Proprietor. AHHIGNKIO H NOTH'E TO CIUUHTOUH. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed hurt this day been appointed as signee of Ilobeccn Hlrnuss, 11 n Insolvent debtor. Creditors of the said assignor nre hereby notified to present their obilms under oath lo the undersigned within three month from this date at his place of business at No. S75 Commercial slrest, Astoria, Oregon, Dated this llth tiny of December, lffirf. N. BOIILUHHIOI, Assignee of Rebecca Hlrnuss, an Insolvent dehur. I'lllZKB KOU HCIIOOL UNDER li CHILDREN 'n will distribute nt our store freo of chin go to school children under 14 yeare of ngo on Krldny, April 22(1, very hand sumo pictorial drawing books, and will 11 ward a first nnd second prlxe for the two neatest drawing bonks flllod out and re turned before May 14th. ROflB, HIOOINB A CO. CASTOR I A For Infanta t.nd Children. tlirl: tljt.,',1.19 -I P v f- It on t-Ttt: L V'