The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 12, 1898, Image 2

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Telephone No. M.
Bent by mtl. pr yr
Brat by null, per month
Borvd by carrier, por month
nt by mll, per year. In advanc..
Poug fre to iubcrlberM.
All communication Intended for publi
cation hould bo directed to th editor.
BuainrM communication of all kinds ami
, . . .. ... nni k addressed to "lite
I W I , . ... .1- - .......
Tho Aitorlan guarantee to Hi adver-
tlar Ik largeat circulation or any nw
paper published on th Columbia river.
Advertising rate can be had on applica
tion la th bualneaa manager.
Tba Weekly Aatortan, tha aecond cldcat
wkly In tha atata of Oregon, ha, next
to Ua Portland Oronlan. tha largeat
weekly circulation in the tat.
did victory. That may be well the watch
word of the n:illon which the Maine
nerved, and which today hauled with (he
Maine' destroyer. Manila against Ha
vana, and another and another Manila
to hoot. Remember the Maine!
Common pncr is n little
pncr and something else.
Miitip's Hcst
Ami vKn
arc what they are labeled
and nothing else
The rellca of a Spanish fleet In the har
tor of Manila are one of the equelg of
the tangled debris of the Maine In the
harbor of Havana.
The Cu!n recruits going to the front
look like business. It will not be long be
fore the army of Gomel ran change tac
ticf and glv the Spaniards battle anywhere.
The city council Is getting In a hurry
to pas certain ordinances there Is none
too much time to shape matters for the
lirogres of the city after the opening of
the railroad.
Philadelphia Times.
If the general public low sight of ap
proaching elections In war times. the
politicians do not. Hence It often hap
pens that shrewd politicians who ate al
ways alert su ceed in carrying a State
election through (he Indifference of a
gnat body of voters who In tliclr In-
teti. adsorption In what they conceive
to be the greater Issue forget or neglect
to vote.
Oregon Is to hold a slate flection on
June , and will fleet a governor, secre
tary of state, attorney general, stale
treasurer, superintendent of public In
struction, two congressman and a state
legislature. t'nder ordinary circum
stances the campaign at this stage of the
canvass would be at white heat, with the
eyes of the entire country- focussed upon,s,ln Francisco.
; The Harrison crossed
Hot tle by
Koss, '.tigging Cuinp.tnv
Jt-Ve .V r--1-
The Columbia arrived In yesterday from
NOTICE Or' KKCKIT ION OF I'll'M. I The Monte dl I'leln of Home, which has
I existed ever since vvv Is probably the
Nonce is hereby given that I h under- ! most lenient pawnshop In the world. Any
r.fK,!hn,vn.v,A.,.,',,l!!' Tivr:;" " '" '""
Monday, the i!lh day of May, IVe.. at the : front 13 to 20 shillings without pa.vlng any
hour of ten o clock a. tn.. at the odlce of : Interest; anything above. Hint sunt Is
the Auditor uud Pullet" .Indite of said cltv, , ... .,,,"... , ,
in Ihe em hall of .aid ciu i Iv ale, l 11,111 f,,r ,,,,, rM" ,,f s "r
in. is mid iropos ils for the improvement of i annum.
Neatly nil lions are "left -handed." A
famous explorer says that when one do
sires to strike a forcible blow the animal
almost always uses I ho left paw.
When any pan of the ho.ty -ti i doing
the noik that n it m o Intended It to do,
jit puis the whol,. ml. in out of I into -"lit
of haitiiotiv HI, kite--. Is one pan of
i lie ,o,iy is k,ly to run luio all pins of
: the Wlu n liH,lron si.ui.l a row of
the warring partisans to discern if foi
ble any signs of a change In popular
sentiment. As It Is. not one man In a
out yesterday
morning for Tillamook.
I The lumber schooner Mary E. Ru left
j up for Ooblo yesterday to load lumber.
thousand knows that an eltvtl-.m Is to be i ,. ;
j The Oregon crossed out yesterday morn
held In Oregon this year at all. Vet it Is 1 Ing for San Francisco. Among her freight
- . , ., , ,. ! as a uuantitv of Oriental curios shipped
entirely safe to ay that political condl- . .. . 11
i by the steamship Mogul.
tlons In the state were never more chao. i . , . .
lav ciurr rneu in yesirniuy tn'iu
the west l.'i feet of the street crossing
in nam eiiy. known as the crossing at
S. etile, nil and Commercial sireets.
Said Improveiueui to !,, in accoctlanee
Willi I he plans mid speelllcallons for
same now on llle In the ottlce of s lid An.
dilor and I'oll.e JudHe, are hereby
referral to and open for inspect hot
The rithl to rc,, any and all bids Is
hereby reserved.
I'.U.d .it Astoria. Oregon. Mav J. vi.
'. c t iviiii':ii.
I'll till. I'S i,,iIMI!P.
Comntlltiv on Sireets an I I'ol.ll.' V.,s
of i he Common Council of the ci;y lol.ks on end. liny knoik the whole row
aforesaid ,.,w n l,y upsetting one brick. That la
. i, th wh u happened to the health
NOTICE OK THE INTENTION of Till-: "", ,, ,w'1" 1,11 perform their
COMMON COfNCII. OK Till: CITV """ Coi,,ii,,.,iiu makes
OK ASI'OKIA, OUIltiON TO . I ""' I""" Uxor
l'li(VK OITMIUA ANl Al.VME- '"" "' r' u "," '',"'', bad
PA AVI'Nt'ES 1 ' '"' '"ina h ll holds in th. , ,lt
poisonous matter, and because It c.iiiu i
moil oim. II of the City of Asiona, Oi - , . ,, , ..... ,,
KOtl. pioo.wes ,,,, intends l Inuoov,. 1 '"' ,,"",, '"-es ( all not llle o .1,111
the follow iltc ,l -. I It.. .1 sireels In a 1 1,1 That makes sltu.'lsliness. lassitude, bad
nate.l to wit ''''''''' "',fl' '' j breath and f.,ti i.i.te lit mouth, till, the
' at the Intersection of the i -''"'. h w ith itas an l c w lndv ,. .
center line of Ohrinnius with lis chin,:, slops digestion in the sioinaeh.
w::;!eru- 'dinv'ion- XiTZtXt r,t r,r ",'!,;,,,;;,'r,,,,:rn
center line of Taylor avenue to Its inier- ! "v"''' "" "' rouble, for
section Willi the center Hue of Columbia ' I'r. Pierce' I'Ums.iiiI I'ellet cure consll.
avenue. If extended, thence In a souih- I p.iM.oi and Its atiendeiit ruK
',,nv,.M I, I..IIK , CeilllT l l, OI
n -iT ritlci lu all point
GBtrflU ..13 A ST..
Agent. Astoria.
I i lliiilr ltH, wana
Through palac and ImirUt lopr,
dining and llhisiv nliservNIIoti ears
No. i l.lmlled leavis I'nrtlitttd at H
p III.
Nit. I l.lmlled arrive Portland tt ;
Royal Blue Trains
nuru e n n the
(Til IE)
o iiuo
Columbia avenue o Its Intersection wllh
the enter line of Alaniena avenue,
thetic soiithwesterlv alone the center
line of Alameda neniH to a point where
Ihe west line of lot t. In block Is. In Tay
lor's Astoria. If extended uorthctlv.
would Intersect the center line of said
Alameda avenue Also beginning l the
Intersection of Columbia and Alameda
avenues, then, e east, rly along the cen
ter line of Alani-i avenue to the east
boundary line of Lincoln street, if ex
tended, tl. improvement to be of the
following i. nd and character town, bo
ginning at a point at the Intersection of
Columbia with the south line of Taylor
avenue, constructing a trestle on a pile
foundation to a no.nt 1 U feet from the
aforesaid intersection of Taylor and Ool-
Heiid :i cents In one cent stamp, to !r
It. . I'l. r, e lliifrilo. N Y . for his M-diva
I Adviser It Is a book of b, pages,
profusely Illustrated.
The professional politicians of all ! Alaska. The Elder had four passengers. . umbia avenue, sa d trcstl,. to l,,. ji f. et , ...,.....,...,...
! ..... - ,k.. ..r,h " "lih. the res, of ud imp, .venient I MI"
rties, and Oregon has a choice eol'.ec-, , . .
and after a short stop here proceeded u
tion of parties, are entirely at sea as to to lVirtland.
.... I !
proname results.
A Kretlcll professor Is .slid to be the
owner of a collection of '.,.M loads, icpie
seining the various known races of peo
ple on the globe.
The entering wrdg of a fatal complaint
l often a slight cold, which a dose or two
of Ayi-r" Cherry IVMoral might hnv
cured nt the commencement. Therefor
It Is advisable to hive this prompt anil
stir remedy nlwav it hand M meet an
Vnder the new army bill the pay of a
The state was carried for M- Kinley
and Hobari on a sound money platform ! '
!n 1T"5. but the legislature deadlocked
on Ihe s- natorship, causing a rcpuM.can
TUe Tatle for May. 1898.
Ill-ill i iri:
v I'. XI.
' r.. n. m n. ii.i i t;. ii. m f
Henry W. C-Tbett wis appo nvd Sun. ..
, Mon. .
s.-n.'itor by ihe governor, and was re- Tues .
We.i .
private soldier will be 113 a month In i f ,.,1 a s,.;lt in- the senate. The result is Thurs.
I KM. ..
time of peace and $15. a month j --un-l tun.y repubiVan ticket whl.h Sat. ..
war. Tlie boys will have no objection to
SW-cent dollars.
Fighting Bob Evans is like a lien
In a cage, but his time for striking good
hard blow seems to he near at hand
There Is plenty of work to do in the At
lantic yet, unless Spain take the wise
course of surrendering at once.
.. 1 1571; :; JW 17 1.1 25
..ID iS i b at- ; 5 3 ..( I S It,'. .'
.. J 10 So 6 S 10 ( S 1) i t'- 1 2 4 " i ti
.. 4 11 47 ; t) U M S 5, 6 3t0i, 5JU21
.. 5 .... I.. 1. 31 t 0 t. 21 n 1 ;x2
. . 6: 0 it s 1 ;v. ; 0 ; 11 j ; :
. Ti Oi; s u, 2 h : 1) : m .1 7 v.' 2
.. S 1 i' 9 o ;t el S i ' iv .1 J
..:$! JiKS 51 Hi 31 3 t
..10 a i $ ;. ; ie i: v : j 4 m- r. t . i-. , im. 1 ti
11: 4 ll 7 v 5 l.l 11 i; i 1 11 O .; 2 Awn;;- :pr
It la too bad &tmpson did not have a
chance to sink the Spanish Atlantic fleet,
but there Is plenty of work for him in the
reduction of Havana. Porto Rico, and the
conquest of the Canaries, and If he
should have to go over to Spain, glory
enough awaits him there.
The action of the Greek citiiens of As
toria In proffering their services to the
government In the present time of need Is
one that will not be forgotten In this com
munity In the time to come, whether they
are needed or not. It is the spirit in
which a thing Is done that binds men together.
Sun. .
is being supported by ;e s-vmd mn--y Mon.
democrats: a ticket composed of one Wed
republican, one democrat and three pop- Kri. .
Sat. .,
:Ul.s:. ,u:M ti. pcopo s-,leniocrat.c-s:l- Sun. .
Mon. ,
ver-re;mb!f. an ticket: a nvddie-of-:he- Tues .
Wed. .
mad populist tlek-t. .sun--ir:e,l hv s r.ic Thurs
Krl. ..
disgruntled republicans who are d!-atis- Sat. ..
:';d with both th- Lading tickets, and a Mon. .
Tues .
wing nf the prohibitionists; a pr, h.hit! n .
ticket and a socialist-labor ticket. With Kr"..
Sat. ..
five tickets In th- field the real contest Is gat. ..
between the two first named, although ,in 3Ui I 5 , JO 7 , 1 1. 2 2, 1 il !
, . , ' Tue Hi 9 47 5 . 24 9 1; 3 22 1 ti 241
no one can tell the parts the other three
.r'ZX grade with n? v J! I i'",,lng l-"..u.d .,, Ihe prison, ,
sarv slop.snnd pianking same to a width j "'.J.uhi onlv as a reward f--r g I be-
of 1 feet, the who:.- of aid Improve- ' tuv lor.
inetit 10 be In n-'cordanc- with the pl ans I
and specifications th. r. for now 011 tb l j That the blood should perform It vttai
X& zrZ'X'. rV;:!r::;,.ett';:! Xiv'rr-,i ';--'" .....ry ..
said plans and sp.-oitlc ittons s henhv ; "t'ou.d not only b, pure but rich In llfe for a parlicuiar description o( hi.J , klvlt.a cluio IK. Tt 1, suits i bi
Improvement sa'.l plans and snecin,-1-j , ff.-ct,-d bv the use of that .vo!. known
lions h.-rebv adoot, ,1 and des-. . ...
na-ed as the plans and speclll-ail-ms 1 ,,r ; '"'"lard blood purifier. Ayer Hra
said prop--.ed i-iipr iv . no 11; .parllli.
Ihe cos, of sail lmpi'-,v -,ttent sh ill be;
.1. f r;i e,l l-y s,,. . 1 .1 1 tlss,.ssm-n! on th- 1 N- person .,1 N-r ly may spend more tots alio pr, in s, s tr-'iiiing tt'i-l than thr
ahiitiing upon, ad.iacent to, ,.r ulii-tvH"" 1 ,
berie'iti.d by si -l, , improvem, n'. '.
wrio h l it' Is, lots and pr, mis s are
hrl-I'V .iidifucd and :n.ii.l-.l wll'ln a
d -or:, t of the sap-,- wheh h ill h- i- -.'.'iiT.
for tli.- ,.f sid liu-r-v--
inil-i anl ,V 1
'it 1 1. an I
Only linn operating ll own
thnipgh trains between Hi. luls,
Cinrinnntl and New York,
via Washington. Hnlltiunr
and 1'hlladelphla.
Th traveler over th II. A O
I iwrmltted to ralch
glimpse of th
greatest scenery In America
TO Till; l!A5T
Ureal Northern Hallway via luokaa,
rarllic Const Agent, Han frani'lu-u. MHinrHill and Ht. I'su.nd Chleagw.
II 00 m 99, Mill Dulldlng.
pence at one v nit t , a publl.
WHool'IN'il COfiiH
' w
T - v
I hid 11 little boy who was nearly dead
from an attack of whooping cough My
neighbors recommended Ch.inibeil.iln's
i' u.:!i i;,ni-dv. 1 did not th.nk thu any
f-.l' 'ie would h.lp him. but after glv
. IIIKdM.Y PIMNil.t'tll Kill TK rguM
1'IK HM.V IUII I K 10 tHK Y Kl.I.liVt Mil in K
I . K t V K
dy I
.12 5 2-73 4.v U IjUs , which dis'rict is ,l,-ni"d as f
.1.: 4.". s 7 4S72 c i 11H4: I'.g f.n-tu-at the nor.h.ast c-.rn, r
.14 S e2 J ;1 7 4 2'.2.t 2 I' 1 v ! r s As-orM. :h . north, r'v .
.li 1" i 21 7 7' 4 '.6 1 '. 4 11 .' D pro'.!iBaf..n of the i-' b-muda
.H 10 11 7 u pi la so 4i4ll 4 0.2 4' ..f Toxl.-r's Asi-im '- the -i : n- .,!
.17 11 11 1 0 10 H S 1 4 j T 0 i -S 0' 2 j : 1 'hen a inns street, th- no- w--ltlv nlonu
.IS 11 5," 7 0 11 4.". 4 j 4' j 4s 2 J 1 the south boundary l:n- of 1 'h-n -oius
Pi... l'4'.h! :y' 0 .1 6 .1 4 2 s--. .-1 !o os ure, rn I, r-riiiois tlunc
.20 Ollit 1 i' 7".'0I T 11 3 :, ; northerly ai-me the west bu-mdarv Hue .medicine I ev-r had In the house J. t,
.21, 0 4.'i S 3, J ,' 7i 7 t; 0 3 7 4 3 7 ' f 1 'tn Ttiinms si i-.- t to i-s n-.nh 1 1 1 irv : .Moor.-, South Hurgettstnwn l't Kor
'S' 1 Si; ti 3 !' J- Ui ,i2J:l t- Tavlor avenue to a p-nnt I". fis-m
.24 1 24 i 351 j S2.'-oj 414ilhe n--rth l-'an-l irv line ".' Tavl.-r in-
2.-301 7 2 4 4o 4- 4,' 0 s lo 22 4 1 niie : thence s--u:hwet. r!v and ,,aril'.-'l
'eg h 111 a f- dos. of th u
no. ie.-. 1 an Improvement, and one bottle
cur. .1 him entirely. It Is the best rough
bv Charles ll-'g.-rs. druggist.
..2 4 4S s 5 15 6 6 10 1 1 11 '.' 4
..27: 4 40 i 41 6 on 6 S 11 e 1 j
. .2V 5 51 6 0i 45 7 0 0 07 3 3
.. ..1. . .. ..i. .,11 54 20
....2: 7H9SS, " 7! 1 13 2 b 12 51 2 5
may play in deciding which of the first ,
two will win. '
Th- small,.! known Insect, a parislle
-f tli- !: ird but on. -iiiii.-ti. th of an
'i. h 111 length
to the n-ir'h line of T.ivlor avenue to a;
point where a line drawn 2i"i feet distant
westerly and parallel to that part of 1
Columbia avenue whs h It l the In'entloi. 1 Manv 01,1 sol i:,-rs n-,iv f,-,l the effects
to Improve, would Intersect with Ihe , , .,. ,,.,, . .. , . '
north line nf block 2 In Taylors As- j "' ,n" h',r1 service they , dur.d during
toria: then e southwesterly along the Hie war Mr Ceo H Anderson, of It
norm line in nm in i i-s n-i i inn-, lor c.nmiv. IV nn who . , w n,n
The war will undoubtedly be a factof
' Calcutta.
est corner: thence southeasterly f the . , .,. , ' ' ' ...
uthwest corner nf block Is In Taylor s "nr'1' "l ""n'1 "f ervlc at the front. Is
1 a
itufhn-f corner or ti oca ix tn xavior s 1
Astoria- thence norl heasterlv 10 the 1 now freonentlv troubled wllh rh. iii
jh-nosuia, ieuiarj, ur d, uut ion, southeast comer of block in in Taylor si,,m ... , ,,v,.ri) .,,.,.1, i.,..v
in the Oregon contest, as the Jingoes of j
both parties In congress had this elec- j Alexander Black. Dunn.
Mid. MetwengiT. Br bk. Ubl tons.
I ton?. Antwerp.
I Anr.e Thomas, Thomaa,
; ton, Port Ptrla
Fonhoank. Peterson. Br bk, 139 ton,
Br h.
tion In view when hurrying the govern
ment Into a declaration of war. The
republicans hoped to line everybody up
to the support of the administration on , Geryhsntl.
the war issue, and the democrats hP-d ,' Audamn. MtT- Br
' Algow Bay,
to win a majority of the Oregon voters , atJ of AtheM Lundnt Br Ktin UM
by outjingoing the republicans. The ' ton. Antwerp, ,
country is at war. and it r- mains to '". Harvey. Am s-h. Ti
tons. New York.
seen which party a majority of tne Or-- Clnrkmannanshlre. Thomson, ltr h. 14S2
Astoria and Clatsop county's quota s ,n voters w ill I,.- ,lis:i .s. , t- give the
of the expenses of making Oregon ex-1 most credit f.r having de. lar-.l war.
hibrt at tne trans-Mississippi Exposition j while the people r-ad war bull-tins and
to be held In Omaha Is not yet completed.
eat. drink, work and sleep In an atmns.
There should be no hesitancy on this , ,,h-re charged with gunpowder an ) dyna
matter, as no better means could be
found of letting the world know what we
have, and now, at the time of the com
pletion of the railroad, is the time to
do It.
Another glaring example of the evil of
using profane and obscene language on
the public streets was witness., Monday
evening by hundreds, when will th
crime, for crime it Is. be stopped In As
toria? Whin will other crimes, even
worse In .ffet. he done away with, or
put under such control as to minimize
the evil? The fight can only b- ontinti' d.
but some communities have learned how
better than others to down the worst
phases. Astoria's time is coming, b t us
hope. In the near future.
tons. Newcastle.
Silberhorn. Gibson. Hr bk, 1771 tons.
Argo. Maclean, Br h. 14) tons, Ant
werp. Bogstadt. ThorbJorricn, Nor tr, 12)8!
ton. China.
Gulf Stream. McKennan. Br bk, 1.378
ton. London.
Castle Rock. Jonet, Br ltr, 1.7T7 ton.
1 Hlogo.
with a eo.-d deal of anxiety for the re- , Lombard. Ration, Br tr, 1.C8 ton.
turns from th- Oregon ..l.-tlon. 1 "f'MacI'hrson. Hr ,h. b-8 tons.
1 Hamburg.
COLLEGE ATHLETICS ! I'atrlart-h, Breach Hr sh, liTO ton. Mn-
' nll.a.
A distinguished writer in a pnmphi 't j Les Adelphus. Lehreton, Hr t-ktn. 1.13i
published by the Intercollegiate Athi-tlc 'tons, Freemantle.
association, says that an immense Im- Poseidon, Bush Hr sh, 170S tons. New-
proyement In the moral and physical 1 castle.
,'.f lot it. In bi-ick Hi in Taylor s As-i -,v. and procured a l-ttle of (.hainli.-r-torln:
thence easterly n!-ng the south Iain's I'aln ll.ilni It did so mn. h goo.)
ire.iin.l.iry line of said 10: it to its sou.n-, lh;ll , ,,, . k
east corner: thence northerly along the 1 ' "
Br bk. lJJl'rast boundarr line of Taylor's Astoria toould charge in- for one d-n-ti bottles"
i the place of beginning, said district to In- j Mr. Anderson wanted It both for his own
elude nil the lots, lands and premises;,,., ... ,
17a, within th nforewud boundart.. .v.!..' V ' , . "' ." ' '
Now. therefore, unless a remonstrance io, " ! i.imuy :i-hii.i nave a
signed bv the residents owning more than bottle of It in their home, not only for
cne-half of the pr..H-rtv In the ,1 sirl, t rh,,,1I111( , , , fc ,
h.-rein nhove d-s. rlbe.l shad be Hl-I with i " "'"'
the 11nders bv th- time of th next j sw.-n rigs, cit.s. .rin.- and burns. f-,r
regular meeting of the said Common i which Is unopialed Kor sale by Charb
Council f-dlowing Ihe expirailon of the .. .ir,,..,.!.,
nnbl, cation of this notice, the said Im- I rUhUIt.
nr. 1 em. tit will be made as afore ild
This no-Ice Is published bv resolution ot
the s.ii-1 Coinm-oi Conned niss.-.i ;.f a r-g
ulnr iiie.-ting thereof, held In s ild c'tv
on Thursday the 21st d iv of April KH
11. K. NKLSoS.
Auditor and Police Judge Citv of ,s.,,rli
Astoria, or-gon. April 2'-.
i The heart beats ten str-k-s n t,,inui..
.s whin one Is lying down than when
n .in upright posture
A It It I Y K
l .l I,. 1 I, siua.
1 liellrtl s. IV..II ,,1 1.
.Nil 2. Kuilh Herd. V,,t, v.4,10 X,l I
All- roettl. 11,1101. 1. 14.
'.-ira. .title. V -in. 1..
I'-Ot I OA Se-,d, k 1,-I S
i"lt, -Itslir, K-rsil J1
II 1. Trail. H 1 .: Nn I
11, H i .. kstie. li t 1
-Ills. Illllle. Vn-
II A. Si, n,.,,m, .tt. laul, Mm j V ll) I . A"
liesp ft, k tlistl I Ov .
llll'.SllS, I'ellllfll Mini,,'
St. I. 'Ill- I IOi aiJ.i.VV 1
union, trm Y-ii. I'hll
s.l., u,i till
l-lnl. f.sst ami tiutli
:e.t. I
I i'AYH to MUiea4iolla. Olnalia, Ka
aoa City aiwl Bt PauL
J'l 1 1 A Y !1 tu Mllwuuke and Chlo40.
4W PATH to Wlikng1mi. i'hlluitvlpkla,
New Turk J1 tlottot, atvd
other rktrn potnta,
Httgn ch.eked through tt itxXJtullao
of ticket.
for lerpln(-rr reservation, tick!.
map and lull Information, .-all un ar
C. W. BTONK. Astoria.
Oregon Hhort via Halt !.ak, Dao
y.r. Omaha ami KnCMr.
Lowest katcs to All Lust
er n Cities.
oclan s i la;u;rs
Ocean trainers leave A. ton for Haa
l-'ran, Iscn every thter dsys, follow!
Otcgon, Hallll-Ur April V
Columbia, Tiir.dsi- April M
Hist of Callforul. Krldsy, April
Or,-n. Monday, May 1
I'oluiiibl. Thuia-lsy. Usy I
Hlste nf California Hun-lay. May 1
Oregon, Wcslneaoay, Msy 11.
Columbia, Katurdav May 14
Hial nf California. Tu"dsy, May 11.
Oregon, Friday, xlay V
Culumlila. Monday May 0
Hlal of California, Thursday, May ,i
Otrgon, Dunday, Mav S.
fllaamer monthly from ltrtlBsi t
Yokohama and Hongkong, via tha North
ern 1'acin-- Hteamshlp t'umpanv la -nmlon
wllh O It. A N.
For rttx and
on or addrv
genrl Inhirmatlo vU
Un. Pa. Agl l"ortln4. Or.
0n. Ata N. P. I H Co.. Portiaad, Or.
tul tt.n'l Pass. Aganl. Portland. lr
3 Murrlatm Hi., Cur Third.
it aurw and ihnt your
ticket reads rl
V. 3. l'ltiiP'AI.S
pr,ins:ils f.,r fresh b. i f nn-1 fn-sh tnui
ton: I Uli' e Chief Commiss.iry. Vaii- 'Civo r
Till: I'.KST HAI.VK In lh world for
Cuts t'TMlw.-a 14.. r. T'l.-r. Q.I, 1ft n
Fever Horea T-tlrr rhato.-a lln, is r-hu. ! r"ll"A"1- BT- I'Al'U
Main. Corn, and all Hkln Lruptlons. and
positively curt I'll,, or no pay required.
mite, the ttrof.-ssional p.illtit-iitn of b ch
the leading political parties will wad h
New York Tribune:
Manila against Havana! There Is a
thought not to be neglected. Had there
been no murder at Havana there might
have been no battle at Manila. The ae.
count Is not yet squared, but a goodly
entry has been mnue upon the right tdd-.
There Is one wr-i k In Havana harbor.
hideous with tre.-bh'-ry. There are s-v
eral wrecks In Manila Hay. before which
the makers of th-m en stand up uu
abashed. For these w-n- no: made by
craven stealth, with blow s in th- ba k
In the dark, ma.-k.d with the specious
smiles of peace and amity. Th-y were
made In open, honorable- battle, giving
and taking blows as man to man. That Is
the difference between Manila and Ha
vana. That Is why more than one Manila
may be required to balance the account.
The Maine must be remembered. Let
not that fact be overlooked. The men
of Commodore I)ewey"s fleet do not for
get their murdered comrades, "rtem'-m-ber
the Maine!" was In their minds and
heart a they rode toward Manila Har
bor on tha wild tempest of the Chinese
Sea. That cleared their sight and steadied
their nerve a they hurled the bolts of
war against the hostile ships and forts.
That I foremost In their mind and
heart today a they exult In their plen-
status of co'.iige graduates has tak-n
place since the introduction of aihi- tic
games In college. In fact, the honor 1!?:
of ary college. If examined, will show the
names of prominent athletes am- ng the
few who have earned that proud d'sbn--tion.
There Is no reason why "brain
and brawn" should be antagonistic. In
support of this las; proposition the action
of that genial Invigorant, Hostett-r's
.'Stomach Hitters, which in strengthening
the body Increases mental activity, may
be authoritatively cited. This famous
medicine overcomes the dyspepsia pe
culiar to person of sedentary Inactive
habits, yields sound refreshing sleep, and
improve the appetite. It aiso remedleg
liver complaint, constipation, malaria,
rheumatism, nervousness and kidney
Cttrtrud. Hlnke, Ger ah. 1'i.C! tons, Kobe.
Mogul. Wright. Br tm, 1X4 ton. Hong
Lauriston, Latta, Ilr bk, 2133 ton. Kio
Howth. Martin, Br bk, 2166 ton, Cal
cutta. Emln Pawha, Chrlstenen, Ger bk, 17
tons. Antwerp.
Wallacetown. Motley, Br sh, V&i tons.
John Cook. Magee, Br sh, 17',S tons,
Hoiotra, Harder, Br bk, l.Vii tons. San
Htronsa, Barry, Hr sh, 1K3 tons, Yoko
hama. Ileiensburg, Jefferson, Ilr sh, IC59 tons,
(ilenard. Turner, Ilr sh, 17V1 tons, Han
K -r'.v t , . r. :-.- Is ,b n-oiin , d
nowadays by the. m.torlty nf h gli-nlc
e.i. h.-rs. At that t in-. Ho y .11 vlial-
lly Is at lu lowest ,1,1, and li Is ihe
irrniilatlon ..f food.
The Paciilo ocean oiv-rs 7v0oo.o)
square miles, the Atlantic t'i."K,'K, th
Medit-rran. an l.u i.(m.
Send your address to II. E. Hucklen &
Co., Chicago, and g-t a free sample box
tt hr. Kins' New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits. Thene pills
are easy in action and are particularly
effective In the cure of Constipation and
Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver
troubles they have been proved invalu
able. They are guaranteed to be perfectly
free from every deleterious substance and
to be purely vegetable. They do not
weaken by their action, but by giving tone
to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Regular s ze 2a cents per box.
Sold by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Italy is congratulating Itself that there
w't-ro on.y Mi duels fought last year ii
the whole country, or these lo:: had s- rl
ous consequences, though only on- duel
list was killed outright.
What virtue there is in
bare cleanliness!
Pears' soap does nothing
but cleanse, it has no mcdi
cal properties; hut it brings
the color of health, and
health itself. Give it time.
V-Bsel on the Way and In Columbia
Rlvar to Ii4 Lumber.
Hnrracks. W ish.. April I.'. Isi'V H- ah d It is guaranteed lo give perfect . Uinta.
proposals. In triplicate, will be received Hon or money refunded. Price 25 rent
her- and at ntllci-s of C ,mnils iri- at . per box. For iale br Estes-Conn Drug Co
following posts, if.-r fre-h be. f and fresh
mutton to be delivered at that p-,st .mlyi.
until 11 o'el", k a. m., May lil. I-'.'V tio n
cp. ti.d. f-r furnishing and d-llvery of th"
fresh b-ef and frsh mutton c.ii:-,( f-,r
by th- ' "' untnisa.1 ry .it post to be supplied
during s t nn.n'lis. -cnn:. n uu- July I, ANOTIIEU CAHE OF ItllKt'M ATIHM
Ki: Ho se Harm-ks nn-l Fort Hi-rm in, : n.'HKH FY CHAMHKltLAIN'el
Idaho; F-,rls Catiby, Spokm--. Walla i PAIN I1AI.M.
Wall. i. and V.'ine.ivt r Itarr-o ks. W isliing- I
ton; and I'yrn and Skiigway, Aii-ki:! My son was al!!let,.-d with rheumatism
Fresh b,,f shall b- good In quality anl which contracted his r'lrht llmh until he
ciin-ll'c-n. lit for linm-d: it- u.--. ..n l ! '' "ti. idle to walk. After using one and
from f re mid hmd quarter nie.its pro- 1 a half bottles of Chamherlaln'n I'aln
portlon.iily. all best cuts t h r--' PIni ho was able to be nbout ngaln I
of. Fnsh mutton i-h.ill be of g-eid. ; can lie it-tlly reeomniend It to persona
arid mark-bibb- quality, fr-un wth.-rs suffering from rheumatism. -John Hnlder.
over one and under three years old. Ite-r ; Freed, f'alhnun Co., W. Va. For aalo by i
and mutton to b- dr. ss.d and trlmm-d . Cha-e Itodg-r. druggist
I I ....... .1 I.. I., ... .... r, I.. I
cireiilur of ins' ruci Ions, prop-isals vv II
be also received slating price at which
bidder will deliver fr-.h b-.f ,,r mutton
of iharaetcr above slated, and to be de
livered of tenip-rature not great-r than
:l degrees Fahrenheit. iiovernni--nl r-- I have been a sufferer from rhronlc dlar-
serves right lo reject the whole or any.rhoeu ivi-r since the war and have used
This U th
- -ii:r;AT hiioiit line
lie Wean
And nil l',4n' Knt and Houlh.
ild In llle sandy ,, Herts of
Vr.ilu.i whirling w inds r-oii-l lin-s , ji a
li,,-.- oils '."i In ib-iii h and extending
down lo the harder sir. Hum on wlibh
tin- l'l-.,t bed of sail, I reHts.
schr, 4L2 tina, Han
W. F. Jewett,
Frsnelst-o bay.
omega. , bktn. VO. tor. Mollendo.
Letltla, . chr, S3 ton. Ban Fran
cisco. Viking, ,, ITj tons. San I-'ran-
cis o.
Oqei-n, , Hrhr, 2'-.'! tons. San Francis-
I'.-'ilph J. Long, , schr, 85 tons, Han
M -lanchton, liolleson, schr, 284 tons
Port Harford.
Luxuriant hair, uniform color, Is a
beautiful head-covering for either ex.
end may lie Becured by using Hall's Vege
'able Sicilian Hair Itenewer.
When the sparrow-hawk Is swooping
down on Its prey It eb-vi-s spac. at the
sp-ed of IV) miles nn hour.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysvllle, Tex.,
has found a more valuable, discovery than
has yet been made In Ihe Klondike. For
years he suffered untold agony from eon
sumption, accompanied by hemorrhages
and was absolutely cured by Dr
New Discovery for Consumption,
and Colds. He declares that gold Is of
little value In comparison with this mur
vclous cure; would have It, even If It cost
a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, bron
chitis and nil throat and lung affections
are positively cured by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles
free at Estes-Conn Drug Co. rtegular
alzeDO cents and fl.OO. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded.
part of any or nil bids. Informal Ion fur
nished here, or by Commissary at the
several posts. Envelope tonialnlng pro
posals should be marked "Proposals for
Fresh H-ef lor Mutton) at ." nnd
addressed to undersigned or Commissary
at post to be supplied. Jas. N. Allison,
("apt., C. B.
Ai)'i:i:TisKMi:.s"r i-m: pitovisioN.s
oil!-,- of Li;:li'-llo!i- Inspector. Thir
teenth District, Portland, ong-.n, May i).
MiM. proposal-, will . e, i-ly, . ;,I this
oflb c until 12 oMock in., on S i i -n'-t , v 'lo
li" r-P . I i v of May l-tii. for furnl liiiig and
,!, li v. ilnir provisions for v,""-!-, arid
light-stations In this , I ! -: r ! ' d-iring lh-li.s-al
year to i nl June VI. I vltti. Forms
of proposals and printed hi"! ru Hons giv
irik' full ciriciil,irs as lo th- .irti, , s re
quired, and the terms of delivery and
payment, can Ie- obtained a' till- ofc, .
Th- right is res-ryed to re-,-i ihe whole
or part of any or all bids, and lo waive
any defects,.
Captain, Corps of IJngirn -is. I'. S. A.
Inspector Thirl'-'-nih L. II. Iilsirb t.
all kinds of medicine for It. At last I
found one remedy that has been n de
cs as a cure, and that Is Chatniierlaln's
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
P. E. Orishnm, c.nars Mills, Iji. For
sal.? bv Charl-s lingers, druggist.
I o.j-,.. t.,1, ' ctmiIi h an
'o ttils-irn oi tor a r,-i.
Ciib' -.f rr lnieJiocjan(l1,,lw.a
'.u:.r. ii4 Hii r.ouits, tin.Li. i
Iho rttco d-s-!ri5s v,ith
six iivonver' ;n e.
. .,. n -:. ...
l-.A V-l
Tnelr Track. PecrUe VU and Hle,png Cj
Train and Motto:
llav given this road a national trpula
U'li. All class.- nf puns-futara
on i h- v. at. Puled trutn without tilra
rhrge Hhlp your frlght and travl
ov-r this famous line. All iigsnla ha
F. C. fAVA(lB. T. F. and P. A.
W H. MF.AD. Ds-mral Agenl.
:t Wnshlogton Ht., Portland, Or
(iperalo lis on tlx famctua bcul
Light lis train I,) e., tj.ty ihrwugk
out; ( mm that crl-brairj r.,ru- U rth r4
tng lamp.
It una apl.n.lld'y esjulppasl puangtvr
trains rvery day auid nlgiit Mtt
HI. Paul and i hli,gt; IK
Also i-r.itr atr lu.'aanl aibuU4
tralna rarrUi t l,t-: -rivala ianv
ivartmm.t brarv l,iirt smtsUnj
curs, ui pai .pawing lO-on jMsrm.
Parlor ai-s. tr-n ird n g , iwlr , ar ad
th wry bi .It in rr i-rvir.
For oei rule (., any siot In Uta
I'n.t-sl Htale or Canada. vtpy
tick nt iig-lit, -.r i !dr-
O. 1 y.hOr. Henral Att,
J. W. CAKF.Y. T I'. A
I'urtlaiitl it
-VI A-
WiJiiarTi'd Kidney Pflla
jf:il no eriitnl in (liKonscH of tliOi
p!-ri(iij.-j'aul l.i'inary Oii'tniK. JJuvu
Vyoit .pii-'JccU'i) your ICIdn- y'l Iluvq'
. V'lt (l.l-rWOl'Kcd vntir liw-vniiu i.vs-U
rhages; a, fi ,i c.JuS,,(i ., wit), s()m.
King's ;,nd V-:M-e? Iluvo you?
Coughs Y,.,.i)iii it) lb.jlo!i.s, hiili.-.liu-k.rrnuii'si;
e-.ri ni ri-o tin? fp:,.. ('.p-(Ji-lMy(
'1 I'.T lilts tye-, t 'loo llVi(det)1, (!l-
?'p i-jiit''i:itV V'ilMiim'n K'uuoy
rt-..,r.i-.. ... ,i.
i:io tin sv.'otil .''
.." 1 citiKt! nnrov i&siii of yoti. J'y
i ' '') w?n?s rvr r.. A
.u, A.'.XuV.r'i.Co . lTvmn.,Ov.-lun,;,0, t
Use n tlrst-clu lino In traveling between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, and
tha principal town In centrnl Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Blueplng and Chair Car
In Kc.-rvlco.
The Lining can are operated In thei In
terest of ItH patron, the most elogiinl
service ever Inaugurated. Muitln are
served a la enrte.
To obtain first-clan service your ticket
should read via
The Wisconsin Centra! Lines.
Direct connection at Chicago and Mil
waukee for all eastern point.
For full Information call on your nearest
ticket agent, or write
Oenernl Pas. Agent,
or JAB. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis.
fjenerai Agent,
24ft Btark street,
Portland, Or.
6:00 P. M
.: a. M
17:30 A. M
t4:S0 P. M
I AltltlVK
0 ' Pir.TOX
fiVI-lltLAND FX-Pltl-iHrl,
for Halein,
Hosehiirg, Ashland,
Hacriimeiilo, Ogden,
Han Francisco, M
lave, Lo Angeles,
Yd I'nso, New Or
leans mid the Last.
Itosehurg passenger
Via Woodbiirn, for
Mount Angel, Hil
verlon, West flclu,
Hrownvllln, Hnrlng-Ili-ld
and Nation....
9 3H A. M
4 30 P. M
mm ihcclininu ciiaih caiib
-Dally tn
Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha,
Chlcsco. Kansas City
and other Faalern Cllle via either South
ern Pacllle or O. It. A N. Co.
Only Line From Portland
orrerlng Passenger the choice of Two
Corvalll pruienger ItCiWI A. M lount Car Line through
Independence pas' H:Z.i A.M to Chicago,
Dally, Dally except Hunday.
Comiiii-tltur ut Hun ICranelscn wllh flcr-l
MlinX0 M""' """ Specially Conducted
PftltTLANI ) TO HAN FHANCIH('f) via Bhasl nut . r,t,u. ..
15.00. Hecond Class; fio.oo. First Class, J." I. Chicago very Tuai
no inning iinrtn
Similar reduction to Lo Angeles
Fresno and other California points,
llnggiign checked to destination.
fit l-.o-
yfmy n,,; " Onri-iiMK.nm-i
jyVXr-ri """" rnr uin.rtli
'I, in, Hnnrmstiii-l Ini-a.
liilvo(..l.j..l n bins, li n n stll I nl im
uoarauus4 iniiiru'is. nr any liillitnuiti,
oil ut .Malar. linn, ltr tall, ,11 ur ni, . , .
M'r..uu .oniatioa. tlmi i,f iii iuioiih n
M-ta , . . .,
jSfHtMBBHtMWIfif). .lou-salrllui-iil
dny. Ilnggage rhecked through to dv
"epoin, rast tin., lowest rate,
depols, faat time, lowest rata.
PlniHch light In all car.
For rate, and other Inlormatlon. call on
or add res
n. W. IIAXTBR, Oen'l Agent.
135 Third Bt cor. Akler, Portland, Or.
Astoria Public Library
135 Third Bt., Cor. Alder, Portland.
OiHCiHMn.o.ffTO '"" "raggiatu, upen evory day from I o'clock l-io
Bubaorlptlon rate 3 per annum.
W. Cor. Eloventh and Duan atreata.
H6ii' ii C.,-cular -Hit on rmun.