r not rem i '?V:::iFr:-iT.u or , THE DAILY ASTORIAN t the fclggeat and tcM paper .J 0 4 Mlk& yvffvy THE ASToinA" b" th 11 ItJ 9 H I circulate of aoy paper on the Columbia River 5sb oa the Columbia River KULL, ASSOCIATED PRESS NIC PORT. 0 I V0L X,'v,,, ASTORIA, OIIW.O.V, Till KSDAY MOKMNO, MAY 12. IBM. vn no WB AKU I'OMIIVIU.V HEADQUARTERS rrovKH HANOICH TINWAHU) OOOKINd tnTNHirJ ikon riric DTK AM FITTINUN PLUMIIINtJ BIILICT IKON WOHK ISTC. TUB I'HIC'KH AKK BUCK AS TO MAKE IT EXPEr. DIVIO TO uur tHJICWIIKIlK. Eclipse Hardware Company ANOTHER SPANISH TRICK COMES TO LIGHT (IIAWKM OLD BI..ND) CASH BOXES Cape Verde Fleet not at Cadiz, tot Under Orders at Place Unknown to Authorities Here. ! o... 'i f ; You Need One In Vour llu.lnc..,. I'OBTOrTICK HoXKS orncic noxra I.ETTKH AND DEHK TRAY8 mi. i, rn.KB and rn.iNo cahkh All Bl.M and Style. FEARS EXPRESSED FOR THE OREGON Sampson Is Now Believed to Be on the Lookout for Her. Griffin & Reed. All Aboard for St. Michael's and Dawson City- CANNONADING OFF PORTO RICO ; -Mmf i iJH'U" AND WAT rOINTt. Thought to Be the Yale and an Unknown Spaniard Dewey Promoted. roil riiKioiiT AND TAKHACIE APPLY AT Foard & Stokes Co., ASTORIA. OREQON. Steamer leave, early In Mar. ACTIVITY IS DISPLAYED All Dtpartmcnts Busy Troops March , Ing Ships Sailing anj Making ' PeaJy Despair In Spain-Oregon Bos Start Off. CHARLES KAN & Co., Commercial Street. w la wiVand (IENTS U N I ) I R Y EAR,,. Japan. Oood., lllTy . N ntlon. and Furnishing Oood. AT REABON A HI.K PRICE. ni" It l't.K"H Tin' ' SIIIN'!T"N. M.y 11-Tln- t. '. nl "f Joubts ii ! i tin- wh r- il'i'iil. "f I l r'Mk'tl .'( 'V ,i In till' i i ii 1 1. M.nuUclur.r anil lolr In W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A lull IIM tl I'll 4 .,' i 474 CommonUI RICR1VED IN TUB PRIMARY, ORAMMAR AND ACADEMIC QHADFrt J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Conyent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. II.WK UI'KNKII TIIKIK IIOAKIHMJ A.N I) DAY HC1KHIU For rata, etc., atUlrvM Uio HuporloriMa 1NHTRC- II INT A L MUSIC, PAINT1NU AND VOICE 1 CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT il II.. h.. i ,t( !nt ,ic- II- i .l Im .i.iri.'il h il.iy "r ! .in up tin' isr.ii l ;in rmst l'i i!n H.iniji..ii'ii n'.i.nlr.i!i In III" Vi'i 1 mil. n. She i; hu i.i maki llif run nf 3 rtillrn. m Mi. h will i upy tin- un s in only uI mh i.'n l.i". n .hp w In nn.. r.-t 1 1 . avrr.isnl 13 kiKilx in hour on he nng run nrouml from 8nn Tritni'ia,.! IIowi'vit. II l lirlirvnl ihut A'lmtr.il Snnion l tt Well poial Hia nnv olli- 111 Wrtsll- IiikIoii ii to tlii. coniliiloim cximiin: In hr WiKi In.ll.n. nn.1 In- will iloiil.t Iik .lo whntrvrr In ni-.'t .iry In hln Jii.lKninn to (.nfi Kimril llir h In hi r run ii tin rnm. SHOT ANl HHKI.I. IOH DKWKY. Kopp "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE Tim North roitlo ltrcwory, of wliiob Mr. John Kopp in propriotor, id liken Iuh1) for ilomi'Niic mid export trmlo. HoUIihI lifer for fumily nso, or hiR Invr mipplit'd nt nny tiim, ilnlivory in the city froo. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY L-JU-l Uli U U till U UUa Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGF.I Marlon Count' OREGON Thl li Jint th place for jrur boy.. Delightful location, liirga building, and ground., good mtvUia, plenty of hamlthy simvIm, cxocllent tmoJwir. and cartful training thl. I. wluit tlify all my of MT. ANQEL COIJJiGa Bond for Cat. alogu. and iixiolal tdrm. P, F. PLACIDUS, Director, i Wmhliigtun. My ll.-Hy ,xlroMln,iry frTori. on thn purl nf iliu uuiiiuriU. lu'rt'. I nil llif imw.l. r. .hot mill cr'll n quliilie for thi' r.'ll.'f a-xpr.tltlon io A.lnilrnl D.-woy li.m lin n iiixi'inlilt',1 in S.in Knini'isco l- ! rimly. I Tli n in in mi It Ion hi, In, I, rouiiiU for I tin- Mk iirol.'otll.'n fr iho nun of the (iyniiln, mill ntout 31.1MI nlx-lmli .tii'lls 1 nmi ln.mii iivc-linh hrlN. i nil ..r iho irnilMiin of A.lnilrnl Piwivk nYi't nioiini J .i-liii'h mill li-lin h. (jiinn. Th r In iilso an ' miiilc miiply (f xiniilli-r l of Hlmt nml i xlii II for Hir murhlin' nnil rnpij lli i Bunn. iTIio Htoik of p..ilir w..l lu in tlinv loin. ! ukki'i kuIIiik over 170.U.1 pmniilK. i iHMni; 10 tho huirli'il ilip.irtui'i' of tin' ! ('Iliirlt'Nlull, II Is lint rxpri ti',1 lh.it slli' will wiilt fur any cnnsiilmilil.' ninnlii'r ol yy trooK, mi,) ,,H,. will follow liitor on tin' I rrlh'f nhlpM. Slu- hiiH 11 rnw of 11 Lout sm , nn'ii nml this prolialilv will ln mnjiii. nti'il ! I'.v 11 iiiiiilno Kiiatil of 11 1, huiiiliiil nu ll. I Tlii' t'hnrli'stoti In a prol.iti'il rriiHor I of :i;:ai toim ,H,;i, ,.,ni nt. tnillt of mH nml jitioinils .IkIu Kuti In Inr main luiiiiry. 1 Shi' lum twin Hit'i ws mill an IniluntPil liorni'iiowrr of ;,;;r. Tin- iiiilhorllli's lu'ro lianlly ,-xpivt ln-r to ninko nioro than 1:1 knot. nwliiK to liT heavy stook of i-oul, aiiitininlilon anil Hiippll.i. Her 1-0.1l liunk I'l'n mo railii'f llmitiM so thai nhi" wilt hnvo to stop nt Honolulu In rf-cont. IIir trip to .Manila will t .1 k- al'nil two wirks. Thi' flly of lVklntt. wlidh will follow her. In,a vrry fnxt tmu'rh inlnian fapaMi' of hcltiK piisi,', to IS knot or iiioro. no that I'vin with tln hiiiiilliap Khi' has or Klarlltm si'voral iluys lal.r nfl.'r I ho Cliar li'Hton, iluiu Is a pronpoi-1 ihut nho may ovi'ihaul hir In tlio rao,' mross tin. Pa-I'llli- mill I'lacli Manllii tlrst. Tills will ilo prinl, howi'ViT. nil how noun I ho City of I'l'kliiu ran ho tniiile ri'inly to sunt. Sat ni'ilny Is thi- varllrMt ilate nu'iilloni'il. Aslilo from I'litrylin; niiininiill Ion mil snppllis 10 Ailnilral lVwiy, thi' ('llarlis. Ion will pi'iivn a valiiahl.' uiljunct lo his siiuailroii. Sho will limit, uoxt lo tin' I'lytnpln In point of size and I'nYi'tlwm'xn. m:vi:v i-uomotku Wimhlngtrin. May 11. -The crintc today C'liitlrm.d ,Sirgi! Iety to )m rar ailnilral. fully Uti d.iy'n nallinK to B.in Juan. At Haniii l.U'la, a large naval nation of 'Jrcat Ilrltaln, a ahort llatan wet of the I'.arhadoca, a uply of coal 1. maintained fur calllriK Hramr, and th Or'Kon can ..-cure a mipply uron h-r arrival th?r. The dlatanre from Banta Lu U lo San Juan I. about C mll'i. or I'm than two daya' utramlng !.,r Ho- invaaloti of Hpnln'. ti-rrltory t 1I1 n .int iiunnllty on-fourth I. to ico to Hi.- riilllppim . hy way nf Hun KrjtU'ln n lid II11. Iiiil.ttli to I'llhil. Kor otm- ri.iK'in Ihut u not di' ov. r-itili- ili.ri- .ipprar.'d to I,,, a ti-mporary , li.-. k In Hi.- i.ra.-ii. ,il working out of thf Plato, of iln- war il. iiartrm ut for tin. 'u 1. m tiiontii'iit Aft.r v-ryhlHK had 1...11 mad., r-a ly f ir th. Ir d'-pnriuri. Iat iiiidii. lomial Mil' dclalind an-l f,,r 1 titm. tu.l.iv r.itliiT irloomv l.rn.- I'l-. l of th. In 1. II nh .. ti'iMiMinrm. lit of th.' ! Prl military i-ipi-dltlon waa pr. titfil. I.il. r on. Iiovntrr, lh olnla. li', what'VtT It Ma., w.m r ni"id and II I. unnoiinr,',) lf:8I'kration in bpai.v. NVw York. May 11. A dispatch to the j II. raid frorn Madrid nayi: , It In only Indirectly that attention la I paid to the proicr"-.. of the war by the ! pfople h're. For tho tim tMdng every 1 onf Is engrossed with the consideration ' of the ministerial crisis. Upon Its aolu- lion dt-pcnds the Immediate action of ; Spain. If the cabinet weathers the storm It will emerge from It either Instructed to , prosecute the war vigorously or else em- Alliany. N. Y.. May ll -loM-rnor lilark powered to take sti.a for the re-estab-re.eiv.-d a telegram today from He retary 1 l.hment of paie with the least possible of War AlK.-r aklng h;m to send two of j delay. Krom careful consideration of the .sew jorg s volunteer regiments to Tarn p at 0111 e. NK.IV YORK VOIXNTKKKS CALLED. fl'I'l'LIIOH K"ll INrfl'll'JKNTH. ministry's action It Is more than prob able that the latter solution will be more In accordance with Its memlwrs' personal THEY ARE AFTER DEWEY. LONDON. May lt.-8p.clal dl patche. from Madrid .ay It Is officially declared that th. government of Spain ba. no Intention of allowing Rear Admiral Dewey to rest upon his laurels. About ,) men of th. reserves of th. Span ish army bav. been ordered to rejoin th colon, and It Is added that a formidable expedition t. being organ ized for dispatch to the Philippines. London. May li A special from Madrid say. Admiral Bermejo, min ister of marine, denies that the Cap. Verde squadron returned to Cadiz. Bar mejo says the fleet Is now where It ought to be under orders. It Is believed u will leav. a rendezvous with colliers sent In advance at different points along th. route. TO THE RESCL E Or" MANILA. New York. May ll.-A dispatch to th. World from Cadiz aays: Th. war and naval department, are ad vancing preparations for a relief expedi tion to the Philippines, which It I said, will b. composed of l.ow regular soldier, and two battalion, of marines. Instruc tions have been sent to General August! 10 nom out as long a. possible, forty day. Tan pa. May 11 There Is good reason to believe that Innlde of s-v nty-two hours imoih. r expedition with the same purpose 1 the more severe will be the loss of Spain, and !. Mutation as that nf the (junsle, : It Is manifest that the government Is whlih lift h'-re yesterday with arms and trying to throw the responsibility for ammunition and supplies for the Cuban : the continuance of the war on parliament. lint Hm r. Hum .Hiding g m-r.il would leave I insurgents, will slip from Port Tampa. 1 It Is also manifest that the opposition Is j trying to embarrass the government by ELECTION HY I' u'l'LAR VOTE. ; r.-f using to accept that responsibility 1 without at the same time giving the min- Wahlngton. May 11. -The house by a I Islry any ground for saying later that .lre. The quemion is. will they be able . arrival or an z- to follow th. lr de.lrcs? The proposition fn'l n "'" by the way of th. Sues is a difficult one. They know only too 1 !! Iht the longer the war Is prosecuted canal and the Red ton. The commander of the squadron conveying th. relief will be Admiral Ilu;ier If Admiral Camera elects 10 remain In charge of the remain ing vessels of the reserve fleet. V' m H t, I . i 1 . ... iMttwirri.ia illr,..-! f.ir T.imti.i ' T -' iy m ils In coiiiiei iion with !'-n- ral Mili ' order to Tampa Is pretty nib- Miitlal evidence of n very early move nt, lit of the troops in strong force lu ; VMtr (,f to II today passed the reaoln- I peace was consummated by the will of Cul.a hile the I'hillnnltie force has liecn , ,,,n fr ln,. pii-ction of senators by popular ! the nation's representatives and not by I. -finitely fixed for some days. Contrary to 1 pe. tatlons the day passed it the nay department without news from Admiral Hampson. Notwithstanding whnt apiar to l.e conllrmatory news paper advices relative 10 the presence of the Hpaulsh Cap Verde fleet at Cadiz, the navy department oflli.lr.le are Vgln- vote. LEWIS ELECTED COMMANDER Portland. May ll.-H. R. Lewis, was today elected lieutenant commander of the Oregon naval reserve, consisting of three divisions. ! tho government's party management. The ! opposition will not help the government to secure peace, as later it may overthrow the liberals on this ground, vv men or tne two parties, ministerial or the opposition, will be the stronger Is the one subject of Interest at present. There l growing au thority for the feeling that to pursue the COCOOCOOOCXXXXXXOOCXOOOCX N EW YOHK. May 11. -Hilary A. Herbert, secretary of the navy In Cleveland's last term, was aeen last night by a World correspondent In Washington, who asked him what In his opinion would b. lb. general destination of the Cape Verde squadron. He replied: -I have U-i n Informed that the Spanish fleet has gone to Cadiz. If this I. so. I think the Spaniards propose to rn.iid ue (In ir fleet before attempting to cross the Atlantic. They will, in my opinion, get together as strong a tin t a- possible and will lin n sail for America. I do not think It will ever be necessary for-our vessels to attack the S-'.ini-h coast If we capture the Philippines. Porto Hicu and Cuba, we w ill practically end the war, and I be- Hpanish navy will be fore, d lo come here and give twttle. No dynasty could live ln Smiin that would re- to do this. ' TO THE AID OF SPAIN. New York. May 1L-A dispatch to th. Herald from San Sebastian aays: There Is great excitement here on ac count of the phenomenal fall In exchange ln favor of Spanish money. Yesterday the rate wa. 815. whereas this mornlg It felt to ISO and at the close of the day offer, were refused at l.V. I am Informed on most excellent authority thai a well known banking house ha. come to the rescue and advanced the bank of Bpaln lij.C.000 pesetas. I'.rle the fu xoooccxxxxyoococccoo nlng to entertain stroitK doubts of the ac- nr.i. y of tho report. I'ntll in-ws conies from Admiral Simp on of his doliiK In and around Porto lino. It cannot he said definitely what rogrammo shall be di 1 ia.li d on 11s regards that Island H E A V Y CA N Nt N A 1 U Nil. New York. May ll.-A dispatch to the World from St. Thomas. V. I., says: Heavy cannonading was heard Monday night off toward the Porto Rico coast, where the I'nlted States cruiser Yale was lust spoken. It Is regarded as probable that It was an engagement between the Yale mid the Spanish cruiser Isabella. A second and unknown four-uioaied Spanish vessel sighted yesterday. HM tH'KKATIO.NS IN C1MIA. Washington, Mny 11. Tho army move ment In Cuhn Is now fairly launched and today's news developed ft concerted ef fort nil along tho line to begin aggressive operiillons on it big scale for the eject ment of 1I10 Simtilnh iroops nml govern ment from the Pearl of tho Antilles. The order given this nfternoon hy the wur department for tho purchase of ii.OOrt, 000 rnllotiR Is nil evidence of the sculo on which the preparations tire being made WAR KKVENTE MEASl'RK. Washington. May II. -With the excep tion of 11 few administrative features, the war revenue hill is ready for report to the senate. This report probably will be made tomorrow. With the assistance of Senator Jones, Nevada, the ileinoerais had control of the llnaiiilal part, and adopied their amend ments, which Include a corporation tux of onc-qimrtcr of one per cent, a pro vision for the coinage of the seigniorage mitl the issii-iiiee of Jivi.w.iaai of greenbacks. SIVCESSR I. EXPEDITION. New York. May ll.-A Key West special says: The expedition under Captain Dorst. which left 'lamps yesterday, landed suc cessfully within fifty miles of Havana. I'lUV.lWV AND THE RED CROSS. Montevideo, via Galveston. May 11. The government of I'rguay has refused permission to establish hero the Red Cross society In aid of wounded Spaniards. THE PHILIPPINE TROOPS. Washington, May 11. -The understanding here was that Hrlgadler tleneral Ander son, who Is In Alaska, was to command tin' Philippine expedition, but It now looks as If the assignment developed a larger Importance than was originally antici pated, mid that the command might be placed in the hands of a major-general, possibly Mem-rut Wesley Merrltt. The war department today mnrte public 11 corrected list of volunteer, who have been ordered to San Francisco, They In clude the following: Wyoming-One battalion of Infantry. Colorado one regiment of Infantry. Kansas-One regiment of Infantry. Montana-One regiment of Infantry. Nebraska. One regiment of Infantry, Ftah -Two batteries of light artillery and one troop of cavnlry. North Dakota Two battalion, of Infantry, Idaho Two battalions of Infantry, CHKtlON TROOPS DEPART. Portland, May 11. Companies A, H, C and 1, Oregon volunteers, left nt 1 o'clock tonight for San Francisco over the South ern Pacific. During the aflernoon, the entire regi ment marched through the streets of the city, and the reception elven the troops was most enthusiastic. A nolablo feature of Hie day was the assembling of about 9.000 school children on Park street. They were lined up four deep, and presented an Inspiring scene na they waived flage and handkerchiefs nnd cheered the soldiers departing for the war. VOLUNTEERS DISBANDED. Tacoma. May ll.-Owing to the failure of It. men 10 pas th physical examin ation the company of the first Washing ton volunteers from Centrallu made such a furore about It that Col. Whalley today disbanded the organization. Only about ' men of them will refuse to serve, and tho remainder will he organized Into a new company. PIANS FOR EXPEDITION. Washington. May 11. An order from Washington directing the cruiser Charles ton to proceed to sea at once has changed the plans .regarding the departure of troops for Manila. Instead of being con voyed by the Charleston the City of Peking and Australia will proceed unpro tected by a war ship, but It is stated un ottlclally that the City of Sydney and other transports which are to sail later will be looked after by the cruiser Phila delphia, which Is being prepared for ser vice as rapidly as possible. Transports will call at Honolulu to coal and take on fresh supplies. war now that It has been proven that TRANSPORTS FOR MANILA. ' San Francisco. May 1L-The' .team.r Australia will be turned over to the gov ernment today and the City of Peking tomorrow. The City of Sydney will not be In readiness for several day. and both she and the Australia will hava to go on the dry dock. It la not expected, there fore, that the troop, will leave here be fore the early part of next week, though it was expected to have them ready to sail on Saturday. It was thought at first lhat the Peking would carry only .tore. and naval supplies, but It ha. been decided that she will carry l'H) soldier. In addition to her cargo of supplies. The Sydney can carry 130 men without freight, and th. Australia can carry a similar number. In addition to the vessel, which have been chartered the steamer. Ohio and Conne- while Spain's courage Is always equal to maugh are also being overlooked by agents HRAZIL RADICALS AC, A INST SPAIN. Rio Janlero, via Oalveston, May 11 A faction of the radical party is taking steps til offlctally flerlnrti themeselves In the chamber of deputies In favor of the I'nlted States and the independence of Cuba. MISSION NOT KNOWN. London, May ll.-A dispatch to Lloyd's from Hnhla, Prazll, dated Wednesday. 4 p. m.. says: Two American men-of-war put In here. The cause of their coining Is not known. HELMONTS OFFER REFUSED. Chicago, May 11 A Journal special from Washington says: O. H. V. Itelmont's offer to build, equip and command a dynamite gunboat dur ing the war with Spain has been refused by the naval board of construction be cause of Itelmont's stipulation that be must bo commander. OFvKC-ON'S PLAIN SAILING. Chicago, May 11. A special to the Jour nal from Washington says: Tho battleship Oregon, no longer threat ened by the Spanish fleet, can safely push forward to Join Sampson's fleet. It Is any test, her financial and naval re sources are Inadequate 10 cope with an adversary so vastly her superior as Amer ica, amounts simply to madness. One of the most prominent bankers here said that to escape from total ruin Is becom ing more and more difficult every day the war Is prolonged. The workingman finds himself confronted with fungible proof of what war means. He is already paying about twice as much as formerly for the loaf of bread that plays such an Import ant role ln his nourishment and he Is be ginning to get desperate. There you have the explanation of the risings that have been ana are still taking place all over the country. The laborer, merchant and small tradesman knows that life Is be coming Impossible for him and il Is now near that point where the exporter of every bag of grain becomes his enemy and the speculators who are storing hreadstuffs In the hope of a further rise. Is a man to be dealt wtth as a noxious reptile. Some of the disorders amounted to little more than noisy demonstrations, but all Indicate the spirit of desperation due to the dearness of bread and the consequent widespread misery. With the people in this excited state It Is comparatively easy for the Carlist and republican political agitators to gain the acceptance of the most absurd the ories. These agitators have naturally bun lacking, but the political aspect of the disturbance Is only a minor one. Their real cause Is the stern suffering, and the government with a united majority could bring- the war to a close and be applaud ed. Will a majority be obtained? Most people doubt It. of the government. A report regarding their capacity and condition ha. been sent to Washington. It Is likely that the two vessels will be added to the transport fleet. Captain Baldwin, purchasing com missioner for the navy, received Instruc tions yesterday to purchase 1.000.0000 ra tions for the troops going to Manila. THE ELK S CONVENTION. New Orleans. May 11. The Grand Lodge of Elks met today behind closed door, and an active business session was begun. St. Louis was selected for the next con vention. The contest over the election of the next president Is no nearer a finish than It was yesterday. Phelps, John Cal vin of Cincinnati, and J. B. Fisher of Johnstown, Pa., are the leading candidates. THOUGHT TO BE ANOTHER BLUFF. New York, May 11. A dispatch to the World from London says: Spnln'. reported project of sending a relief expedition to the Philippines Is treated by military and naval experts here as a mere bluff. In the first place It Is considered that the Spinlsh government needs all the troops It can muster to maintain the dynasty at home. Secondly, the reserve squadron cannot possibly be ready for a month: thirdly there would be the Insupportable coal difficulty for a voyage of S.000 miles. Some doubt Is ex pressed whether Spain could send n relief expedition through the Sues canal, but tho World correspondent finds that the convention between the great powers of 1M1 expressly provides that the canal shall be open to ships of all nations In time of pence or war, on condition that "no right of war, no right of hostility, or any act having for Its object the pre paration or operation of war shall be committed In the canal, any of Its ap proaches or ports of access. The vessels of war of belligerents shall not revlctual or take stores In the canal or Its ap proaches or ports of access, except so far as may bo strictly necessary." Tho ques tion whether the Spanish fleet could coal at neutral ports on the way to the Phil ippines raises a novel point of Interna tional law and If the fleet sails at all OUTLOOK IS GLOOMY. The Wheat Crop ln California Is Almost a Total Failure. San Francisco. May 11. Reports from the Associated Press correspondents In Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, the great wheat growing sections of the state. say that the wheat crop this year will be almost a total failure In California. In Sacramento and adjoining counties the outlook Is decidedly gloomy. The wheat has not yet headed and more of It will be cut for hay. There Is a general be lief that there will not be enough wheat this year for seed. Enormous quantities of corn are being brought from Kansas and Nebraska to feed stock. Advices from Stockton state that not more than 10.0i0 tons of wheat will bo harvested this year. Tho normal yield Is from 100 Ai to 125.0il0 tons. In Fresno and adjoining counties the wheat crop Is re garded us a total loss. The Royal I. the highest grade baking powder kaowa. Actual test, show it goes Oaaaa turd further Uu. My other brawd. I. RV.isjn mm mmm Absolutely Pure SOYM. MKIHQ POWM CO., MW VOM. ! LL, j .. . . , . : . ....:jLr