, WOTIOHI 1 ' J'' rK.l.r... P, . ...... . , J.1, THE DAILY ASTORIAN Is thl felfieit and test piper on ths Columbia River THE ASTORIAN tu the latest drcutatloB of any psper ' on me Colnotls River FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL XLV1II. ASTORIA, OKKGOX. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 11, NO. Ill . i i. i i 8k mmkmxM$um VVB AM! POSITIVELY. HEADQUARTERS POM 8TOVRN RANGES TJNWAHB cookino xrrcNSiu inoN riru tub rmcEa Ann iucii as to makb it expen- SIVB TO BUT ELSEWHERE. Eclipse Hardware Company (HAWKS' OLD CASH BOXES1 Griffin & Reed. All Aboard for CHARLES KAN klaaufarturra of IJIIK8 AND OKNTB JapaoM. Oood. Hoalrrr. N AT RBABONA ' '' u rn a " W. F. SCHEIBE, assftrr:?- A lull Um ml PIdm. Tilam, aa. 5ak.r.' ArlWtoa. 474 Commercial !. J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. HAVE OI'KNKH TIIKIH HOAIUHM) AND DAY rK'HWU For ratoa, ato., addrM Uia 8uporlorM PtPIIJ HMCEIYRD IN THB PRIMARY, ORAMM AR AND AOADEMIU ORADKH J B T fl 1WT lf W ffll tt- -"- rirr.'ui ft- as s.2 j aiai vkM u rn... V W - i i0e u 11 uu umm tkam rrrriNas I'LUMIIINU IHIMCT IRON WORK ETC. Si..ND.) You Need On In Your Huslnesf... i-osTomcic noxts orriCE boxes LETTER AND DESK TRATB DILI. FILM AND ril.INO CASES All Slses mil Styles. St. Michael's and Dawson City- AND WAT POINTS. ron fiieioiit AND rABHAMB APPLT AT Foard & Stokes Co., I ASTORIA. OREGON. Bteamar leave. trly In May. & Co., No. .107 Commercial Street. UNDERWEAR.., otlona and Furnlahlna OoxU lll.K PRtCEd. FINE CIGARS!! INBTRD- MHNTAL MUSIC. PA1NTINO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North Pnolllo ISrowery, of which Mr. John Kopp In proprietor, ninhoa bear (or ilomes'io 11111 export trntlo. liottleii boor for family um, or kp(j boor supplied- nt ntiy tituo, delivery in tho city frw. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEl Marlon Count' OREGON This Is Juat the place for your boys. Delightful location, large buildings and rounds, good meals, plenty ot healthy exercise, excellent teachers and careful training- this Is what they all say of MT. ANGEL COLLEGE). Bend for Cat. alosrus and speolal terms. P. F. PLACIDUS, Director, SPANISH FOOD WAR BILLS ; PASSED BY THE SENATE Constitution of the United States Ciianged-Sampson Disappointed SPANISH TO ATTACK DEWEY ! Fleet Will Go Through Suez Canal-Activity ; in Cuba-Troops Ordered to Move-Intervention Predicted - Oregon Troops Move South Today. W;- ASH I Ni IT N, May 10 - Kour .ir itif.iniri were pa.wd the ii natr toil.iy. One of tin m provided for tin carry ing on of aililitlonnl work :n '.he ad jutant Kriirral'a office; the cnd au tli.rle1 .nlMiinni t the volunteer HKnal corp.. two-tliirda of the metn to r "f which niiit t'e expert eliH' trlilaiKor i l uraphcr". the '.turd a the .illcd "iinniune" lull p.iid hy the lioui , and tile f-on 111 ,i a mi as ure .tinieiullnii the rxi.titu; lam .o that additional ho.pltal !. war 1 could Im appointed. The pot"fnce nppiopruti. n lull car ryltiK appropriatliiii. w i li atti-i;.ue more ihitti li'..".i w.i paHfcl after a il hale which ha lated for vi ral d.iy.. The rc'liHi 'ii .uluiiitiinw to the Icr Matures of the varloue atatea nit nnietiilnietit to the i'.inlltut!on ihatii; IliK the date for the lii'KlnnitiK of the lenim of the preKldeiit. vice presi dent atnl of cniiRrrna, to the day of May wa adopted j SPANISH FLEET GOES HOME. Washington, May W-lt Is hard to tell ! w hether the naval officer Were relieved or disappointed by the news that came late thl afternoon to Iwvth the state and 'navy departments that the Spanish flying souadron had arrived at Cadis. Spain. ;Thelr safety from attack Is now com ipletely assured, and the way Is clear fnr j military operation In Cuba without run inlng the risk of having the occupying 'army line of communication cut off. . On the other hand II I believed that no enduring pence can bo secured until Ihe, I Spanish navy ha been destroyed, and It ! now iiiuicnr that the sailors and soldiers I must make up their minds to go after j Ihe Spanish, a task much more dltllcult j than that of meeting them near our own I shores. It was suggested by some mem- j hers of the war department that there' 'was Just a possibility that the Spanish ! squadron might take a quick pi-sage Into j the Pueltlc through the Sun canal and ! attack Pew ey nt Manila, it Is said, . on- j 1 trary to common understanding, the Sues ! I canal Is open t war ships of belllgerani I j powers, so that If the Spanish choose to I I lake this course they would have a long j I start of nny pursuing fleet from our side 1 of Ihe Atlantic. It Is scar, cly believed, i however, that the Spanish are willing to; I lake Ihe risk of exposing to our attack! Ihelr own home ports by the withdrawing 1 of so considerable a proportion of their 1 naval strength as would be required to over-match Pewey. Nothing was heard from Sampson today, but there Is a confident expectation that ItilerestliiK iicvva will bo coming; from his squadron within the next twenty-four hours. Whether this means an attack on 1'ortfi Itlco or not cannot be learned. One effect of the ret real of the Spanish 1 .... Meet has been to hasten even more the peditlonnry force to tuba. He is not ex prepmullons 11lrea.lv under way for the peeled to relieve the major generals al illspatchlng of the military expcllilons o ready selected for the conduct of the eam Cubu It also has caused a complete palgn, but both In Florida nnd In Cuba he change lu the concentration plans. Time will exercise the same general superln Is now believed to be a great factor. I tendenee over the campaign that he now j does from his headquarters In Wnshlng- ton. It Is expected here that within a ACTIVITY IN CUBA. j ,.,.)( the first troops will be on their way 1 from the United Stales to Cuba. On board the Associated Press dispatch 1 boat Kate Spencer, off Cardenas, May ). Via Key West. May lit.-.(Copyrighted ISIW by Associated Pressi Spanish soldiers nro displaying much activity along the ; coast from llahla Honda, I miles west of Havana, to Cardenas, I'm miles to the eastward. As the ships of the blockading squadron have Instructions to prevent tho erection j of new formications and havo at various points shelled working parties, iho task j of strengthening existing defenses and " throwing up earthworks Is carried on chickamauga Nntlonnl Park, May 10. principally at night, save In the Immediate Mivlor General Brooke today received or vlclnlly of Havana. ders to send nil the cavalry nnd Infantry Along the const fresh snml batteries aro troops now In camp here, about 6,000 In all. being thrown up almost every night, but ' to Tampa without delay. SQUADRON SEEKS i Intr during the dehate on the war fundi. I Halmernn. repuhlloan. declared hla party : . .. . ready for forming a government. A great ' uproar followed. The president threaten th.' are of a flim.y character and would "I to exi-l Salmeron If h continued at- , t.e re.luced hy the lire of the lug gutw , taeking the throne. S.igasta made a pan- j In a few minute.. nlonat uppeal to ihe patriotism of the The Hornet and Wlmdow, now blocknd- memlera to vote the war fund. Th. ap- I lug Matana.ia. have had a lively time for srvrral day. .helling the 8panih detail. at Work on the. batt'rle. and telegraph Hum outside the entninc. to the harbor, hund.y morning the Kurtu-t round a party putting In a telegraph line from the light- house and algnal station, a mile east of M.ilanaaa hnrhor. to the battery west of Point Cuhatillla. on the other aide of the bay. To atop this telegraph activity, the Hornet strained quietly In and dropped a shell In Ihe midst of the workmen. They scauemi line raoon. THAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. Washington, May pi.-lty Friday morn- lug the commanding general of the I'nlted Slates army, general Miles, will have as- si itiMed his staff around him at Tampa, Florida, lie leaves Washington tomorrow night. t'nloss the plans are changed, General Miles will go with the llrt military cx- oooooooooooocooooockx OUR ENGLISH COUSINS N F.W YORK. May 10 A dispatch to the World from London says: Sir Charles Dllke when asked whether any question of International law, use or practice affected the I'nlted States' right to retain the Philippines, salu: "None whatever. The State, will hold the Philippines by right of conquest. No power or powers will have the slightest title to Interfere." "Hut may not some power, Germany or France, for Instance, bring pressure on the I'nlted States to surrender IhemT" "That Idea of continental pressure 1 regard as monshine. No power would attempt pressure unless we were lu the same boat with them, which we never will be. Without English naval support no power will venture upon any action In the matter." "lo you consider that the United States should retain possession of the Philippines?" "Certainly I do. The only alternatives are some kind of autonomous government which would need so much American protection that the United Slates might as well hold the Islands themselves. Then, there Is the handing them over to Japan, but that would excite the opposition of public sentiment In the United States. Japan being ;i pagan nation. Another alternative Is returning them to Spain. Hut that, too. would excite serious opposition In the United Slates and may be dismissed as out of the question.'' Sir Henry llowarth. M. P., n leading authority on international law, said: '1 have no he.ltatl.m In saying that the United Slates has a perfect right tc keep the Philippines and under the circumstances It would be wise and proper for the United Slates to keep them. There Is not a consideration of In ternational law tnat could lu any way fetter the I'nlted States In Its absolute discretion In the matter. There Is no power Involved. The Islands were owned by Spain and her sovereignty has never been In dispute, l'.y right of con quest, therefore. America's position Is indisputable and all members of parliament who are authorities to whom I have spoken agree that the United States should not give them up. Spain found It Impossible to govern them In the past and would llnd the same dllllculiy still greater In the future. Should tho United States annex Hawaii, to gether with the Philippines, these would constitute two magnltlcent bases, giving the United States Immense power in the Pacific, which I always hoped they would achieve In the Interest of civilisation and commerce." 1 N T F. RVKNTION PUOll ABLE. Hong Kong, May 10.- It Is rumored that naval movements are progressing which , suggest the Intention on the part of tho I powers to Intervene between tho United 1 Slates and Spain. ORPERS TO MOVE. ooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooc CATHOLICS ARE LOYAL. W: ABIUN'JTON, May 10,-The archbishops of the Catholic churches In the United Hist, have sgre'd upon a letter addressed to th clergy and lalty of the country. The lttr bears on the war with Hpaln and will be rad In all th. churches on Sunday. The address .iy: TI.e ven' that have succeeded th" blowing up of the liHttlshlp Maine si,) h- death of Vd Innount victims nr.d .i'rlotli .eamen of Hie United States, have culminated In war with H.iiln Whatever may have 1.. i n the Individual opinion of Amerhan prior to the d laratlon of war. tin m now should In. no two opln- i Ions an to tl' duty of loyal American. We. nnmlir of ihe Catholic church. are true Americana and at such are ' j loyal to our country and our (lair and J obedient to the highest decrees and j supreme authority of the nation. We j are united a one man against a for j eliin enemy and a common f'e. j j OFF FOR PHILIPPINES, j ( Portland. Mny I". Companies A. IJ. C ' j.ind 1. comprising the first battalion, Sec- j unit reglm.nt of Oregon volunteer, leave 1 timorrow night for the Philippines, via. B in Francisco. The battalion I In com mand of Lieutenant Colonel ;. o. Toran. The remaining two battallona will leave ' .Sunday night, j THE SPANISH LEGISLATURE. Madrid. May 10.-9 p. m -There an a I etormy aesnlon In the ihamhcr thli even-' I'eal anawered with general atnrma- ; tlve crle. i ADOPTED WAR CREDITS. i ; Madrid. May P. Midnight The cham- her has definitely adopted war credit. , FARMERS MAY RKJCK'E. Chicago. May 10 May wmat closed at tl v- a t,Ushel tiday IllU XTV DEWEY WILL GET. . New York. May 10.-A dispatch to the Times from Washington says: Rear Admiral Dewey and his melt have not tn fully rewarded for their victory when they receive the thanks of congress and the medal ordered to be struck for tin ml I'ndir the law they have become untitled to a rich bounty. Even If the numerical Importance of the fleet of Ad- ,ne Bunboat Machias were on the mlral Montc.lo has been oven stlniated. Its losses understated, the officers and men of the Asiatic squadron will be en titled to share among them something like JlST.OiM bounty money. Section 4tlSi of the revised statutes of the United States pro vides: "A bounty shall be paid by the United States for each person on board any ship or vesel of war belonging to nn enemy at the commencement of an engagement which is sunk or otherwise destroyed In such engagement by any ship or vessel belonging to the United Stales or which mav be necessary to destroy in eonse- quence of injuries sustained in aeuou, 01 jioo If the enemy's vessel was of Inferior 1 force, nnd of $3H if equal or superior I force, to be divided among the otllcers and crew lu the same manner as prize money, and when tho actual number of men on board nny usch vessel cannot bo satis factorily ascertained. It shall bo estimated according to the complement allowed to vessels of Its class In the navy of the United States and there shall be paid a. (Continued on third pags.) SAEETY AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN PLANNED IN CUBA. Rapid Orders Issued to Commanders and Railroad Companies. THE HOTTEST FIGHT IN CUBA Winslow and Machias Attack Spanish Gun Boats, Three to Their One, at Cardenas and Route Them Norwegian Ship Captured the Second Time. N EW YORK. May lO.-The mil itary movement to end the war with Spain by a prompt and decisively aggressive campaign In Cuba I In full awing throughout the country, order, hav ing been Issued from the war depart ment with a rapidity similar to the continuous rattle of an automatic ma chine gun, says the Washington cor respondent of the Times. The force of expert military telegrapher sent hun dreds of messages In cipher and hun dreds of others In ordinary language to commanding generals, railway sup erintendents, quartermasters and com missaries, to state governors and mus tering officers, adjuncts to all the unit. In the vast mechanism which Is relied upon to unite In a crushing blow to Spanish authority In Cuba and the Philippines. WITH US. General Miles, having the president's permission to take the field In person nnd command the Invading army, com pleted his final arrangements to start for Tampa, where he will assume ac tive control of the force concentrated there and at Mobile and at New Or leans, dividing It Into divisions under Generals Wade, Copplnger and Shatter. The plan to have General Shafter the head of an army of 5.000 to establish a base of communication with the Insur gents, was completely swept aside. Generals Wnde, Copplnger and Shatter, respectively In the order of their rank, It Is now determined, will lead equal divisions of the army of occupation under General .Miles. General Brooke, now at. Chickamau ga, has been selected to command the entire volunteer force of 50,000 volun teers which Is designated to support AT HOME the regulars in the campaign. Most of the' regular forces now In camp under him will be sent to Mobile and New Orleani as quick as possible to depart simultaneously with the expe dition ftom Tampa, and their places -on the Chickamauga field wilt be oc cupied by the First volunteer corps, consisting of twenty-eight regiments of infantry, six light batteries of ar tillery and two regiment, of cavalry. ANOTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY. New York. May 10.-A World dipatch from Key West iaya: The torpedo boat Winslow engaged I three Spanish gun boat, off Cardenas J bay Sunday afternoon. She disabled one land came out unxcratched. Lieutenant j Bernardo, Ensign Bagley and the men I of ihe Winslow thought the odds of three to one a fair one. and their Spanish ag i gregation of slx-poundera. It was a bril liant mlno r engagement. The Winslow oiocKaoe on caraenas yesteraay. The harbor U thickly strewn with mine, and torpedoes. In the entrance to the channel three small gunboats have been bottled up since the beginning of the war. Oc I cassionally they have stolen out toward sea but never venturing beyond the inner harbor, running like rat. at the sight of the American ships. Torpedo boats have tried to draw ihe enemy out by dodging inside as far as safety allowed. A few days ago a bouy was moored by Spaniards Inside the entrance of the bay to mark the position for entrance of the gunboats. A signal station on the shore opposite was instructed to notify the gunboats inside when the torpedo boats were with in the limit distance marked by the bouy. The scheme was that the gunboats could run. open fire at the one mile range, thus marked off for them, and retreat without, the chance of being cut off. The men of the Winslow eyed this bouy and guesed its purpose. On Sunday afternoon t'-l Maehlns stood away to the eastward for n jaunt and the Winslow was left alone to maintain the blockade. She steamed In nearly to tne range bouy when tho gun bouts slipped their cables and ran to their sufety limit. The six-pounders were trained at two thousand yards. In a few minutes the shore signaled the Spaniards ' that the torpedo boat was in range. The six-pounders cracked nnd three shells threw water spouts around the Winslow, hut this was not a success. Instead of running away she drove ahead, attacking the boats. Lieutenant Bernardo no sooner saw the first white smoke putting from the Span ish guns than he gave the word and two forward one-pounders dropped shells In tin middle of the flotilla. On plunged the Winslow to within lino yards of the gunnoats while the row raised by the one pounders was like a tattoo. The Span iards were nppararently staggered at this riorco onslanght gingle-hnnded. and fired (Continued on third page.) The Royal I. the highest grade bakieg powder kao. Actual test, show it goeaoM third further than any olbr brsad. FtTwDEO Absolutely Pure MOVAL tAKIMO SOWOCft OO., NCW VMN. 1 .9 , jir. .." - Hi . i j v ...... .'.ii ' - V ...