TIB DAILY ASTORIAN li fh. Mffcit tni test paper on the Columbia River THE ASTORIAN fus tt Urftst clrcolatlon of any piper on trie Columbia River ti1MMilwjfjinHr T jtijttl" ' - --r- FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS RKPORT. VOL XliVIII. ANIOIMA, OliKOON, TUESDAY MOKXINO, MAY a, 1BU8. NO. 101 III a Iff a. .a j a. ikk Jk i wi! An positively- HEADQUARTERS BTOVM RANOKH TINWARM eOOKINCl UTICNHIIJI lltUN PIFR .. ,1'OH 8TKAM FITTING PLUMMNO BIIKICT IRON WOHK ETC, TIIH I'lUCKM AHR SUCH At TO MAKE IT KXPEN- RIVB TO HUT K L8KWIIKIII2. ,. Eclipse Hardware Company (HANTS' Of.D ,.NU ) CASH BOXES You Need On In Vour Huilnei... POHTOFfk'K 1IOXK8 orncK noxEB I.KTTER AND DF.HK TRATB mi. i. rit.te and riLisu cabkh All Blsns and Blylra. Griffin & Reed. All Aboard for St. Michael's and Dawson City. AND WAT POtNTl. ron rntioiiT 52 SuS?""'! AND PAB8AOE APPLT AT vV Foard & Stokes Co., giMmtr Mriy In May. No. .107 Commercial Street. CHARLES KAN & Co., "Sb-'and oentb UN I3ERWEAR Japan Ooodi, Hosiery, N nilnni and Furnishing Ooodt AT HKAflONA IH.K PRICKd. Mnultturtr and lonlr In - - W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A full Mm trf PIbm. lt(Mcc, 4 Swfcf' A it kit. 474 Ctmmtrclal Ht. PUPILS RECEIVED IN THH PRIMARY. URAUMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. ORECON. IIAVK OPENED TIIKIK IIOAKIUNM AND PAY SCHOOL. For rntea, oto., addnwui the Superior INSTRU MENTAL MUSIO. PAINT1NO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A 8PKCIAL DEPARTMENT If If Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLIELY PURE Tho North rnoitto llrewcry, of which Mr.Jdlm Kopp w pnirUitor, niiikos Ihhii (or ilomt'Hiio hihI export tnulo. Hdltlml Iwr for fnmily nc, or ktn bwr mipplioil nt any tinic, iltliviry in the city Iron. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY i-JI J T Ihkis 12 11 S2 II y Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEl Marlon Count' OREGON Thli ! Jiwt the plaee for your boy Dfllghtful location, large bulldlngi and fronndi, good meuli, plenty of healthy Terrtm, fiollfnt tmchni Rnd careful training- this la what they all aay ef MT. ANGEL COLLEGES. Send for Cat. MUSTERING THE RECRUITS AID WAR MEASURES NEWS COMES SLOWLY No Official Report Yet Received from Com modore Dewey of his Great Victory Oyer the Spaniards at Manila RIOTING IN OLD MADRID INCREASING Martial Law Proclaimed Throughout the City The Pope Postrated at the News from Manila-State of Siege in Madrid - Civil Guards Hold the Streets. VMM WAHIIN'iToS-. MAY J - Till: WAII IKI'AKTJIKNT IS liKNMMl All. ITU KNKIdilKH T TIIK MI'HTKK IN'l IN HI" Vul.l NTKKItrt ANI THK KWM'ITISU K Till: !ti:il'I.AH AltllY T ITS lll.l, WAR HTHKNOTH OK HIXTV TH"t SASI). HKi'RKTAUV ALCKIt AM (.ENKIiAI. MII.HH HAD A I.oN'J ruNKHIIKM K WITH TIIK PRKHI l'KXT TIMS A KTEKNi X 'N. l-lir.SI M AIU.Y IN ltr.iARD Tu Al'l' 'INT.M KNTS TO TIIK VmU NTIIKH Sl.lt H K. IN A KKW I'AY'S AI.I. THK Tlt'Mil'S THAT IIAVK I'KKN (HtlKhfcl T 1 TAXII'A ARK EXI'Ki'TKI TO UKA H THAT l'I.A K ANI KI'JUT I.AIHJK 1 RANSIMRTH. WIIH II AHR T rMl( T THK FIRST KXPKDITIOX TO I'l'HA II VE H'.KN 'UIKRKU TO l-IUXKUU TO TAMPA. THK I'Kr irlAI S. HoWKVKR. lKri.INK To MAKE 1THUC ANY ISKiiUM ATluN HKiIARMNil THK EXTKl'lTION OR PLACE IN CI IA WHKlli: IT IS TO LAND. THK i.ITI' KIIS (K THK ' IMM ISSAR Y DEPARTMENT AT NEW Y.'IIK T'UiAY 'KNKI PR !' ISA Ii Full IIIHS hiR SI ITI.YIN'I pMUi To AN ARMY UK lC.nO MEN, IF THK iio KKNM1N r KIM'S IT NKt'KSSAltY Tt C INTRACT FOR THAT M MIU.lt. IT IS SAID THE oKEH'IAIJ? ARE UlToSKK To r.l YIN'i iMNfl'.NTKATKli FOoS ON THE AI'Vll'E IK TIIK MKt'l'WI. DEPARTMENT OF THE SEUVK E. term. P. F, PLACIDUS. Director. ulilHKiin. Miiy i-ll In n iin.ui (in l Hun lht niiilixi ni'inl Hin r.nti .1 t( all III.' iir.nl i.mr III I hi' riiinlut tli.it tiH.k il.ui- hi M.inil.i ymliT.lay plimilil ! iiiiioIik tlx' l'it '(Tli tally l know uf tin- ri'Ktlll. l'i In Hit' rl.p n( iiftlcr hitir 1'nlay, i!- ulutfly nil lln' Itif irtn.ill.m thn our Hiivrrnmint ha ri-ivl of thr linlllnnt vlilnry of foimnn'liir.- Dw.y ami ttif wltuiliiK f th 1 1 It M.itilln nn Mny 1 n In lln1 Kovi-rttim nl through tlx' !"' ilium nf llif prifn iliKpui. hm. If tin- r- iHirt Ik Inic Ihul fomttiolnri- Di''y haK iH'Ktm tltf liomlinrilniini ami lilnckailf of tin' fit y of Munlt.i . II I uullki'ly that tti can iari' 11 vi I from hl Iti'cl t" inrry tin- n' to Hong Koiik, thi nrar mt rnlilii uliitlnn. mi It In not known wlu-n ortlrlnl Htlvtira will oonif. Thon wan unit' oxpei'tiitlon thai thrmiKh the mirrrnoVr of tho city, the commotlore nilsht ucniilri' nintml of the calilc (nil rven thi-n there mlKht lie irnctlcl .lltlU tililen In communl catlitK thrnuiih It. The ultliem of t'ommoilore Dewey' lici t incluile at lctt one lleiitrnnnt wln In a isooil. irin tli al t ic trlclan ntnl teleu railier. hut It Ik not known pnKitlvely whether he Ik nhln to work the calile kiic ocfully. The KlealcKl iinslety Ik felt hk to the eiiKimltli miKtalneil hy the American Heel. From Ihe Kttil'horn ilefense ni.i'le liy the HpanlarilK It wiik fcare.l that he- fore Ihey liurnt, Mew ii or Kimk their IiIik they ni inuKul to Inflict nevere ilam- ane on I'nininoilore Dewey'n Miiailroll. If t'onunoilore Dewey has lost a con- Kliletalile inirilon of hiK men. It Is feared he will he nun h i mlmranKeil In the work if maintaining niieMKlon of Manil a fof lack of Kiiltlclcnt force. The I'nlteil Slates naval vessels are always umlcrmanncil. aecorillnir to European slanilaiils, ami It will not he possible. lmvliiK reicanl to the unfety of the ships, In spare any con slileralili; ntunher of nu n to keep the city. ami especially If the etii:ai;einent has disabled many of them. There was some talk this iifternoon of seniuni; out troops from Sua Krnnciwo lu M In thin work, lint this has not yet taken shape, so far as can he learned, and It is likely the department will wall to hear from t'om moilore Dewey himself licfore inking any action. It may he, and In fact II Is said. that hv communication with the lusurm- enls, he will succeed In havlni? his men relieved of the task of itarrlsonlnR Manila. A to the future nf the Islands, It Is likely that this government will retain posses sion nf al least one gnoil port, such as Manila, for 11 conduit slauou and a hase nf supplies durlni; the remainder of the war. to the Asiatic squadron: Itully ImyK. foiicratulatlonK. Si'HI.EY.' PA1 ROLLED A I MIDNK'.HT. London. May 1 A dispatch from Mad rid says the military patrols Just appear ed In Puerto, tho principal square of Madrid. RIOTINO IN MADRID. Madrid, May J.-S a. m.-A mob tried to hrrak Into tho Appollo theatre to hold manifestation. The pollen prevented the meetiniT. hut the windows were broken before tiny wcro (llsHrsed. LEO 3 WISH. Rome, May S The pope t prostrated by the new, from Manila. Ho expressed horror at tho terrible loss of life. Ho said ho wished ho had died before seeing such a war. MILITARY SIKliK PROCLAIMED. Madrid. May 3.-Tho cabinet council to nlKht decided In proclaim a state of sleRO Immediately. .T::M a. m.-A I this hour the police and chll guards hold the principal streets and squares. There are remarkably few peo ple about, considering the extraordinary precautions. HAVANA m.OCKADE CONT1NTES. On Hoard the Flagship New York, off Havana. May 1.-4 n. m (Copyright K'S hv Associated Press) Via Key West Tho blockade of Havana continues. The fleet I at this hour is couceniraieu somen nai. lying about ten miles oil Slorro castle. The llrltlsh steamer Strathdce. Cap tain Ciirrle. from Progress! to S.igua L Urande, In ballast, was made to heave to at M tills morning after two shots had been tired from the flagship. Tho Strath doe was bonrded and proved her Identity and was allowed to proceed, as Sagua La tlrande Is not 11 blockaded port. Captain Currle said he was stopped twice before during trie nltrhf. DKWEV IS CONtili.V.ri.A't I'D On Hoard Ihe Flagship Hrooklyu. off Fort Monroe, la.. May 2. Commodore Schley refused to discuss the Manila vic tory, except to say. "It was what was to bo expected from Dewey." As more definite news nf Dewey's suc cess ran' there was great Inhibition. Tho Tlrooklyn was the urst ship to carry Commodore Dewey's ting, and through the Associated Press these messages were sent: "To Dewcy-Thi? Hrooklyn, which first flew your lliig, Rlorles In your victory. OFFICERS AND CREW. "To Dewey Tho flying aqtindron aayn SPANISH LOSSES. Parts. May 2. A Madrid dispatch to tin' Temps says that according to the latest .. .... ... . n.a..l ... Iliil. Hiispaicncs me luniMi i"iiui hi. .....nn.. In Ills visit to Commodore Dewey made representations In behalf of the consular corps against the bombardment nf tho town. The dispatch also says: "The French. Hellish and Oermnn war vessels are In the roads. No Spanish war ships surrendered nnd a majority per ished. Two Spanish commanders were killed while resisting at the last moment. The Spanish losses are estimated at 4iH) men kllb d. including many natives. The American squadron attacked furllously both the Spanish mitiadrnu and Cnvlte, where 11 caused great damage." Commenting editorially on the battle the Temps says: "The Fulled Slates put Into the balance a ton crushing superiority of her reserves and forces to leave n uouht as to tho re sult." Hl'LL FU1HT NEXT. Madrid, May 8.-Aftor tho bull fight somo very sensational news Is looked for. QUICK WORK IN M War Hills Passed Without Debate or Comment. '1 11 k vof.ini:K lm,im:i:ks Tta TliutiuDd Aililitimil Men is t tie South Vbo tre I emu red tn Tclln fevtr V ill Cr tilitcd at Oner. Wanhlngton. May 2 8-vrnI war mea un won- panned by the wnalc today, and notwithstanding tlu lr Importance, not on lliltid the nllghteKt delate. Probably th most lmsirtnnt measure pamwil was the emergency war d' flelt bill carrying ft"..Tai.!C Not more than ten minutes were consumed In passing It. that time bi'lng rx'i uplcd In reading the measure. Ilawley. chairman of the military affair committee, scoured the passage of a bill providing for the enlistment of a volun teer brigade of engineer and of lO.n) men In the south who are Immured to yellow f. ver. these enlistments to le In addition to tho.- provided for In the pr-nlent's call for ir..iW) men. The men will enlist "for loo war." Two other war measures were passed, one suspendlnr the duration of the .ir restrictions placed by the exlstng laws upon tho quartermaster s department of the army in order that such supplies may be purchased without tho present for malities, and others providing that own ers nf mining claims shall not forfeit them for not performing assessment work upon them, provided they enlist for fic war. The war revenue measure passed by tho house of representatives last Friday was received by the -nate and referred to tho flnanc committee for consideration. EMERGENCY WAR RILL. Washington. May 2. 'the passage of the emergency war bill was tho feature of today's action by theh ouse. The na val appropriation hill, with tho senate amendment providing for the payment of officers of the navy for the use of their Inventions by the government stricken out. was reported from the conference and ased. It now goo to the president. WRECK OF THE MAINE TROOPS Foil crn.v N.w York. May t-A special to the World from Tampa. Florida, says: A rumor is In circulation hero to tho effect that 5i troops nnd as many Cu bans as the Cuban Junta can gather here will leave Tuesday night for Matanxas for the Invasion of Cuba. The World cor rcsimnilent's information says that an army officer told him that ho had seen an order from the secretary of war or dering the troops to move Tuesday night. Matanxas liclng their objective point. The transports are expected Tuesday. It is known that of the thirty days' rations given out a few days ago. none Is Iwlng used and tho regimental officer have received word to have their com mands ready to move at a moment's notice. It Is known that the batteries have been served with JD rounds each and all soldiers have full cartridge bells. Oeneral A. W. iJroely. chief signal offi cer. Is expected here today. An attempt was made last night to blow up the powder magnxine of Knight ft Wall. This magaxlne contained a largo store of powder, giant powder and dvnamlte. It is believed to have been tho work of agents of tho Spanish govern ment now at work In this city. THE ARMY OF INVASION. Washington. May 2. When asked If the army was preparing for an Invasion of Cuba at an early date. Secretary of War Alger replied: "We are preparing for Immediate action and we try to keep so prepared, but plans made today may of necessity have to be hanged tomorrow, and that Is why we are compelled to keep such absolute sil ence, for every detail that becomes doubt ful necessitates another change." The president has decided that there shall be live army corps of three divis ions each. While this feature of the or gnnlxatlnn may be changed, there Is no likelihood of it. since it has the sanction of the military authorities. This will give the president an opportunity to ap point major-generals, the in comtnr.nd of army corps, one of which Oencral Koilge has declined, and fifteen in com mand of divisions. Each division will be composed of three brigades which will make, commissions for fnrty-t1v briga diers. Each brigade will bo composed of throe regiments. till A NT SWORN IN. New York. May 2. Colonel Fred Grant has been sworn In nt brigade headquart ers. Hrooklyn, as commander of the "Fighting Fourteenth'' regiment by Higa dler General James McLcer. CAULK CUT. London, Mny 2. The Dally Mail has a dispatch from llong Kong, dated Mon day, saying Dewey"s fleet is off Corre gldor Island, wholly engaged with the forts there. Electric experiments show that the cable is cut at or near Manila. TO RESTRAIN SPANISH. Washington. May 2. The president soon will Issue n proclamation in restraint 01 Spanish subjects In tho United States. OIRRALTAR WATCHED. Glbrnltnr, Mny J. Spanish torpedo boats are still cruising In thes traits of Gibral tar and adjacent waters. Destroyed by Spanish Officers to Prevent Her from Being Raised after the Capture of Havana. GOMEZ IS THE KING IN THE ISLAND Preparations for Active Measures in Cuba-Germany Is Not Interfering-Troops Will Leave at Once-The Army of Invasion-Grant Sworn in Spain's Trade. yuitrimiiMiimiHtiittfMB N s m 1 'm :S I m m "M I i EW YORK. MAY t-A DISPATCH TO THE JOURNAL FROM WASHINGTON SAYS: THE STATE DEPARTMENT HAS LEARNED THROUGH SECRET AGENTS THAT THE WRECK OF THE MAINE. LYING IN HAVANA HARBOR, HAS BEEN DESTROY ED BY THE SPANISH AUTHORITIES. IT IS SUPPOSED BY OFFICIALS OF THE ADMINISTRA TION THAT THE ACTION OF THE SPANISH AUTHORITIES HAS BEEN TAKEN TO PREVENT THE RAISING OF TUB WRECK AFTER THE CAPTURE OF HAVANA. A CABINET MEMBER IS AUTHORITY FOR THE FOLLOWING STATE MENT TO THE JOURNAL: "WE SHALL MAKE IT A PART OF OUR FIRST BUSINESS AFTER TAKING POSSESSION OF HAVANA TO FIND OUT WHO WERE THE PERPETRATORS OF THAT CRIME OF THE NIGHT OF FEBRUARY 13. IF WE FIND THAT THEY HAVE ESCAPED FROM THE ISLAND AND GONE BACK TO SPAIN. WE WILL FOLiAiW THEM THERE AND WE WILL TELL SPAIN THAT THE WAR SHALL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY ARE DELIVERED UP TO US FOR PUNISHMENT." m. I 9: a. i S; 5-. I I 9; 3: I fore a drumhead court martial. He was convicted and sent to Morro castle' at Havana with forty other prisoners, but was released three days later through, the efforts of General Lee. He was & few days later again arrested and con fined three hours In the guardhouse at Morro until word was sent by General Lee to release him. During his three days confinement he says many prisoners were shot, and he and his companions expected to meet the same fate. After that he was constantly under surveil lance while in Havana. II r. Frost was in Havana the day ot General Lee's de parture and went out of the harbor on the same boat, though he returned a few days later to visit General Gomes. Since the departure of General Lee the lives of Americans In Havana, he says. have been In constant danger. JIMIIIMIiMillilimUJMISMIIUIIMIIUIMI New York. May t While the squadron (state for help and believe their dellv Is cruising off the Cuban coast with little lerance 1 near at hand." Incident save the capture of an occa- j It was previous to this visit to Gme slonal fishing smack and the officers are , that Frost was arrested. He was put .retting over tnelr role In the peaceful under guard at Matanxas and tried be- hlnckado. progress continue to be made for united action for the army and navy, says the Key West correspondent of the Tribune If this does not mean an early landing of United States troops at some point, all signs are misleading. Whether at Matanxas or elsewhere Is a question. Admiral Sampson's action In silencing the Matanxas batteries was not in pur suance of definite orders from Washing ton to make a breach but the result has been the same. A breach in the Spanish coast defense Is made. Ships lying inshore between Havana and Matanxas iv port that cavalry forces are Increasing. The evidences are that the Insurgents are pressing them more closely. Insurg ents who are believed to be in Betan court's command ure seen at times on the hills and In a good position to make an attack In the rear whenever the troops are occupied with repulsing marines and soldiers from the warships. All the ef forts of the vessels of the squadron to draw the Spanish gunboats out from their hiding places In the bays have been fu tile. The refusal of the members of the hospital corps of the regular army sup plements the work that has already been undertaken. The field hospital service Is well organised. The presence of the aides on General Miles' staff and mem bers of the signal corps Is a further indi cation of tho preparations for the regu lar troops to co-operate with the naval forces. Tho experiment of forming Cu ban regiments to reinforce the insurgents seems likely to succeed. The junta in N'.'W York asked for 3ml recruits from Key West to be men without families and capable of "supporting themselves. The recruiting list which has been opened is fairly well tilled. Hy the time the transport leaves here lor Tampa the quota will probably be completed. The recruits are for the most part of good physical type. Few of them, however, have had military training. The under standing Is that the United States will provide them with arms, ammunition and partial rations and will land them tn Cuba, whore thoy will Join Gomez. They are to chose their own officers, who are to be Cubans. This may bo a good pro vision, but the military efficiency or these Cuban regiments would be vastly In creased If they had some American 0(11 rer to drill them. GOMEZ KING. Haverhill. Mass.. May 2.-Willlam C. Frost has returned to his home after a six months' visit In Cuba. During that time he was engaged In filibustering, was twice arrested and confined in Morro ....oil., c.n.l BTi..nl twit uwW 111 the Cilinil ! of General Gomel of the Insurgent army. 1 In speaking of the Insurgents, Mr. Frost says: "Gnmcx Is king. His word is law and It Is enforced with an Iron hand. Vices are not tolerated, not eyon card playing. The old general, who fought through one war, a natural leader of men, able, though not educated. Is the law that these men have. With him are several Americans. In spite of all reverses. Go mes Is still confident and has faith in the men under him. They look to the United GERMANY NOT INTERFERING. New York. May 2.-A dispatch to tha Herald from Berlin says: A German official connected with the foreign office states that German Inter vention, oven In an extreme case, Is not to be thought of. It would be possible. he said, only if certain complications In the case should arise. The bitterness ot the German press against America Is on the increase, but the government Is friendly. Count Goctxcn, military at tache at Washington, has been ordered back to his post Immediately. United Slates Naval Attache Nlblack has been ordered home, but no official announce ment will be made until he is relieved by Commander Barber, retired, who Is traveling In Sicily, but Is now supposed to be on the wav to Berlin. ANOTHER GERMAN DENIAL. New York. May 2.-A dispatch to the World from Berlin says: The German government has not noti fied the government at Washington that (Continued on third page.) Ihe Royal is the highest grade baking powder snow. Actual test show it goes om Uird farther thaa my other bra4 WAX mm 'AK Absolutely Pure HOVAI MKINO POVHOf CO.. KIW VCM,