!(,(, f ' K ' 1 I VIID nil! W ICtitbllU Itf IhJ 111 . 1 1 Hi a ji a- -&..,. 1 j ii m biggest ind best paper on the Columbia River VOL. XLVIII. House Furnishing Goods Ctirloml JiimI lti-elvtil Irtnu ll0 lllltl fltilllUM.. - ' Hupcrlor UiuiuoM, Eclipse Hardware Company CASH Griffin & Reed. BOTTOM Foard CHARLES KAN tJkIIKH AND OKNTH UNDERWEAR... Jpnia. Omnia, ll'ialrrjf, Kotlnna nd rurnl.hlrm OiMUlti AT IlKAHON A Ht.K I'ltlCEA kbckivbd THE SISTERS OF THE music. ZZ, Convent of the oiahuii ...Holy Names J OULTDKE ND ASTORIA, OREGON. roKM A AOADIUIO . AVK(.KNK)THK1K iio.Mll'INd AM aPBClAL ORADKH t'AV Ht:lUH.U DEPARTMENT Tor rwUa, to., aIiJi-tmu Ui 8uprlorii . W. F. SCHEIBE, A hill IIm tl Pip... T.bwc. jU 5aMkrt' Aitkl... 4 7) Comttircll Ml. . WM ii . n . n n is n n d n H$B r' r-tiSatt" .' e I MiV4i?3 Ms tlir KmmI. Vou Need On In Vour limine... piihtoithi-; ihxi:h iiKI'HT. ihm:h i.fnr.ii ani ih:hk tiiaym Hll I. I'll.KM AM' KII.IN'l CAHI'.H All Hl' mill Hiylrs FAC TS ir I i !l .i if I I If III il l'i II. f II.. Ill III lull (.Ixiut I ll. l; ,ll Votxrrt Mcvrl A 5un IthU l inn .'alriHin 1 wine ... . II- Hi.l l.i. ! III I ln) t"l rl 1 il.r Il will (ill ri.ry tlmr aii'l li.l tlm flAllltntl. I tlti in Carnti) aiH) I Ulirimcn' Suppllr .. & Stokes Company ...AURNTS... At(ria, Oregon. & Co.. No. .17 i Commercial Street. Mnulactupr ainJ Dcnltr In FINE CIGARS! Kopp s "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PIRE Tli North PiiPillo llrpwury, of which Mr.Jolm Kopp i propriotor. ninlw Uw for ilomos'ip mul XKirt tnulii. ItottUxl hwr for fitrtiily nnt or kcu Wr mipplicJ nt liny tinip, iloliviry in the city frw. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEl Marlon Count' OREGON This la juat the place for your boya. Delightful location, large bulldlnga and rounds, good meal a, plenty of healthy exercise. rllent tenchera and carwful training- this la what they all Mr 0f UT. ANGEL COLLEGE. Bond for Ct alogtie and tpeolal terma. P. F. PLACIDUS, Direct.r. FULL ASSOCIATE!) I'KICSS ISTAR SPAMLED Con fc re rue I'oitiinii It'cs Aiii'.c mi tiic ! Ki-xiliitluns. hoi ii im iiot'.M.s cov i n The V'Hf Miit.'M I lunimuin ami 0 luuki l ike .i - f. uilrmcnt in Si.tin la lmrac. i I W hnii'.ii A t '. ' '. ' 'I In- i.inf.l'f"' I "111111 :t :i a oh hi Coo. Ill t' ''l 'I' I"'' J r i In .1 .in tti f -iiii tit rtt l pi it. in. . hi i h i in in i.-i.i. On' w,,i,I- .iii.i mi-" In (In j Him ,ui, i., i Limn in 'ii.- Turpi'' uiii'ii'l III! Ill ! "h'll i'llti 'll Ifl-HIg' HI flMI'M ' tit 'hiir-li 'I'Im mm ji,ir.(i-i'li il ..l.r. l, i- i'. i ' All HI v;i l.li IIASM I! w .. -ii.'n ,,. , ... wiill.- ill. Ii-iii-m- w.i. .i.!:iu "ii il i,f. r.-ni r i.'itiina- i. .- a I, nu n . , i f il,. t. i.. ul.ilH. giilh- ! in iln l-.i i'v .iii.i .iw-iki' II 1 1'"' " Mllll I- 1 1 1 l"l lc .it,K" Til.' 1',1'tl. I. III 1 1 ',f Ml. flllllUr wan ""''il 1. 1 ...ii.i.il 1 1. ii I. r... ii nf .iii "I'lll" .Hi-I 1 1 1 Ii . I wrli- illi!. ."l ' I') ...III. ik . -.I:f. ,1. I i I . . Mllll III. II III II j i r. hi. i.'I'Mt- v..;iniir it i ml il ii Mull ) I ' Ii " ii ltl,.r U . I. i ..I, ,i I nun. Ii I .iv "ii I h. m.i .1 .1 "lUlIK li- ll' l.ll ..I'plf ini HPI Ml' K'l I. II. . t. il III III. i k. .1 iiIhiiii i unl' illl . "Illl'l lint IllV fli.in HMliy ..( th' .'I. Ip.lL.l i "iif lip l'i I I.. n In llf ! 't .'..I.. In Mil . .'I' .iHnli-.u-l 1. I tm W II i v. .11 ,i.ln..iil..li iv i'mi: Hi it hi: Api i I'" Tin. i .ml. ii ni i- I. M.rt III till- li"Utr Wan .I't'tpli-ll Ii) II illl- ..f :pi i" i Th.- '..n.'wiim vli'il HK-ilnnt , Un . I ..u'.i'.h ..f lh. i.p..rt ll.'iil.lli-. p--put'li' mi .if M.ilrii- lir. wi r. ili-riii.i rut, nl , A I-. li. in it tiiplnir r I'lii'ltiitti. if N f J. r. . J-hri"ii r I'til'lii -i it. nf lii'ltnti", I l.i'ii'l i.'i'iii.iki n if i ullf'irnu; M , i ' ', I I'll i.l li ii nf M.i Iiui" ' . V"TK i : i . 1 1 I -. IN Till: HCNATK. API. I I' 'I'll.' f.'l".lliK l tin- il.t.iil"! "t.- In th. i...i.it.- mi tin iil"pll"ii ..f lh'- . i'lil' p-ii. . p p"lt: Vi-a Al.lil.h. Allixm. M.ik' r, lluir,,, rnr-l-t. iMimi'lhT Oiirk ir.l'.in. On via. t"- I. ...- Cikiim K"iri'.nik" l-'iilkiH r. Kor iik. r. I"r . liiilPnif. r il' .ir. lir.iy. Huh'. II. iiiiii. ll.iii-l"T"iikh. Il.iwliy. Kill. M' liri.ti' lHlk-i- Mi Miliiin M in.'ii M'iriiiin. M "nil N.l.ii Iviip.t, I'.-rkiiia, I'liilt "f i '"inn rtlriit . 1'riii li.-inl l'r"i t'T. yiniy. Hi wi-il Htviiip. Hp'i"ii' r. W.irn n. WIIkhi. W'.l, ..ll- i: N.i. All. n. Il.i' .'ii ll.it.-. Iti rry. llut h r. I'uff. r . I'.uiii.m. rii.H.iii. flay, I'm-k-r. II I '.iiii'l ll.irrlv II. itf.lil. Jum a nl ArkiltlRiiM. J.ili a nf i.i,,i. Ki'llII)', l.lnil iy MrKm-r. M. I.mirin M.illnry, in-11.- M.irilii Mil. h. ll M .n. -. r.imii, 1'i-t-liiin w I'. I lu It.iwhn-. I( t.i. h. Hi. -irt . T. lli r. Tiirl.-y. Turin r. T irplv. Whlti- XV wii.1. in: sn jn i:i thhav V iiihiiiiiiiHi April l-i Spi-nki-r H'-nl will nnl ' 1 1 Un- i'ul'.i:i r."luli.in until thr hiniii- im-.-ta tlua iTii'-a.l.iyi ihmiii. It will Ihi n K" I" Hi. l' i -pr.-nul. nl mul afii-r hl niKiuiturr in ihi- priaiili-nt. Thi i-nir wi amii'ilii' .1 ut J.tf ii m . mul ln-.m'.ll.ilrly Ihir.iiflrr thr tiouac ml Jiitirmil. Tin- in'iiiiti- ,i.lj"iirm'l nl Hi'KNK IN Till: HUl'HK Vniliii!t.'ii April P' -Tho hou(. nft. r nlir nf tip' IlipIiki "ml rnnat ili'ipiTiil lllthta In It hlitory nn.iiil.-il in forrliin thr -nnti- to yh-lil in tin- nmln i-unli-iitl.iii In Ihr war n-anlulinn thr Inilpi'i-nili-nc of Ihr rsiKtlnK ttiivrriiint-iii of t'uhn. With that I'lcplliiii thr hmiai. aoorplnl thr arnntr rranliithina. Thr r.piibllcuna wh" JhIiii-iI with Hi.' il. in," r,iii m (ho iiii. nipi to nnrtir In tin' aiiwili' .iiiii'niliiii'nta rn-llp-, i "III., I ll vnii a t "iii- tlmr unit on rvrry villi- th'-naftir th. vntr ilwlmllnl. Whi-ii tin- iln.il vntr w.ia tukrn ahiirtly lirfnrr 3 n'il'" k lln tiinriiiim ,Hil hum i-rr run for Ihr ilnl.ir.itinn uiinii whlrh wr iirr K'Him I" wur. If wiir It la In hr. Six vniia "iilv ui ii ..i-i uKiilnat It tl v r ri-piililli-aiii illl'l nnr ilinini-riit. A l AI.I. Tn A It.MH. WiiahliiKti'ii. April b ltrpri-a.-iitiitlv Hull, nf Inn", i ' h i I r in it ii nf thi h.iuar i rniuinliti-r mi mlllt.iry rtffiilra, will to. tiiiiipiw Intrmliiri- ihr ailiiiiiilatrnlliin hill nulh'ii'laliiK llu pn-alili lit tn lllf a cnll fur vnlnntivo in iniiiil'rr Jrt.ivw r 70.OV3 in. n 1 1 will In- i nti-Mil'-p il linmi illiitrly hy llu- rnmuilt irr. It ti-rnpi will milhi'viir tin- prrnlilrnt In i . 1 1 mi thr vnn. uis stairs for mintim IninakliiK up t Im auiiPKatc. KXi'lTMMKNT IN' llAKi'f-l.tlNA. Han cloiia. April l - There was n drill oiialnillon last i-miiIiik by Ihe crowds which Kiitherrd In fnmt of the newspaper olllcea ivc-lvlm.- 111.- latest news of action taken by Un- full. .I Slates in regard to Cuba. After ll became known that Ihe aennti) had passed Ihr i-isnluilmi III favor of rec nxnlcluK the Cuban K"M Turnout there was n scene of Ihe urealesl i xrllcini'iit and pu , irloilc shouts were raised on all aides. When llie siii'leni.-. In. ird Ihe news on li'iivliiK. the I Ilea t res Ihey paraded Ihe j streets, i lii'i i'liii; for Spain and llia.le an llllenipi l" rem ll un- l linen riuiies coii aiilatc. The iiuihorltles, however, had taken pi ci -unt Imis and the students and others were dispersed. ALASKA KXI'fMTION MfPDT.K. The lieliiileer Are I s. less for Want of I I'roper forage j Washington. April is.-The failure of , Ihe Alaska reindeer expedition was nn ! noinieed to (he war depai-lment loday In a telegram from (leiieral llerrlam, com miinillng the mllllnry deparl ment of tho f'oliimliln. This telegram suinmiirlr.es tho report from lr. Sheldon Jackson nt liycn, to the effi'it that they lire n failure In Alaska for want of proper forage nnd useless for all exploring expeditions In Alaska nnd that ninny are ali-ea.ly ih-ad. I'nptiilil llliilnerd Is relieved from further duly with Ihe expeditions In Alaska and directed to report In person tn the com missary general of subsistence at Washington. I ASTOKIA, OIIKI.ON, TIIKSDAY, MDKMMi. excitim; day Dm- of the ll;ir'!iNl liiitllis in a Tliinl of ii Cm I ii i v. nil. ki Mill i iu -in AiMii-iiD liidcirnil( Hit nt llit I' i -f i n ij (. n mil. nl i.l Ul'- 1' tu.il "It I i W ii oi :i 0 t t'K k Tlil 'liimiri'i W.i.-liiii-'i.ii A .iil i: - Af. r r ll" Ii.ii,I.i.i ("ut'lii In itli l.iiw.-ii ' ' I...U-. kii" ii In iimny ' " i "i.i,T' ii! il linur tliU ih'.i iilt'l.' i ini' In "ii linn i iii. nl Hi"iv llir Hi"..! in .:ii.n'"ii -'I'l. i il'.n M li. .l'.'li Willi In u tlilr.l ! nun v Tin' i'iiIi.iii r-"l'H i"ii .i ni- i. Illl'l A III In III (O III'' H iil. in ''im iii'iiniiiK Ii" l'i " iIihi in' "i 'in- iil -i. .ii "f j'l' iln ft. mi llii' Inl.ui.l "f t'lilm l.y Hi. nni'.il f.ir. . n ..f III. Tliil. .! Hl ilm Tli- r. in- i "ll In '"nil li"ii- iiii'l i ll. Il l-i'l) ll.nl li'll.H l'ltl-l h. l l u "'i n ...IiiIi.iii Tin- i iiiifrn Iiii'l kp-.ii .11(11 iiiliy In ii (in i-lni! Th- llri.1 i ..nf. r. ii ii. ..-.! ii .I. ( iniliiiiil"!! "ii ill' .it "f tl" I n. ii'.t l.i lil'l n n I n tr I .'.iiit "ji'l il Kim uiih- iifi.r l"ii .w-.i ! i"ii wiiii i till' ll'lkl"!' I' .I'l' ll. III"! ; li.K Un Illlli' W'.I.N ' I 111 I n. . 1 .-n "f III'- I ll' y nun nr. im. I inii.- r. . .1 t. hl lll tin iliiii"ii. I,f I'lllM .lll'l Hi I V 1:1. ll .1. i I.l I up aii'l ,,f r . iluil lh.' .'".!. k'l.l llllklll III I.. fll il. p. l.il. ll! j Th. . ..!ull"li ,'. t i r . : H " a-l'ipli il w .i- lli..t P i-nrti'l finin Hi'- a. ii. il.- i ..iniiiiM. ..II f.'l.lK" P'l.lll'.IIK Willi Ihr .i..lltl"ll -.1 ill. f .nrili itl"ii knnwn .ia llu- T' lP r .un. ii'loii-m iiii. l.ilniliiK any luiriil.un nil I'l.i- i.. il ..f Ihi- I'nlli'l H':i" tn in ipilP i'iil'.i Tin- ri-i"liill'n ru iiii.it I, ii-nt t" IIm ii -lit. nt inilil n f t. r II l lKnr. l.y I tin- pi.-niilliiit nlii i r tniliiy Tin- r-Ki'lul l"ii iiitr. i-O to ari na f il- lew a : A )"int r-miliitlnn fur ihr pr-'iin.'. i..n "f Un- Iii.i. pi ii. I. li' r nf 111.- pi npl.- ..f Oik i I. iniiiiillni; Hi lt thr rrnm' nt nf Hpain r. ilii'iui'li Hi. aullmrltv nn.l K" riimrnt In Ihr lal.itnl nf rul'.i anil wlth'lraw li Inii'l uii'l naval fom-a fpim t'ul.a ami fu I'm wan ia. ami .1 1 r. . 1 1 hk ihr PP-al.li-nt nf I In- I'nlli-.l Hluti-a to liar Ihr In ml hihI naval fnrci a nf ihr I'liltrU B'.atra In tarry thr rrmiliillnna Into rffi-rt. Whrrraa. inr nhhiirr.'ni'r.n1itliiiia whlrh. Ihr llanil of rulia. an nrur our own lur- ri aimndrnt of thr U.kal Anjv'lKrr r' POrta to hla homr port. thr laliind nf Cuba, an unit our own im. an liiti rvlrw w ith 8 nor Polo d.-riTllM-d Apirrvluilng th? ponltion aaaumrd by d.-ra. havr aim. k.il thr nmral a.-ua.- nf ihi. aa "thr firat Ihr Spanish mln'trr 1 the ' (Sr PrltUti K''riimrnr CiimmiiUi-r prin.lr of ihr t'nltnl flini.a and havr hiin t'liitnl Stalra ha k'lven lit'' hi!" arrl- iK-w-ry. mllng undr lnairuc'lions from a dlacrarr lo Chrlatlan rlvlllaatliin. nil- al In VaahltiKl''n." In whlrh hr I rep- Hi,r,-urv Umj, haa purhard a larr mlnatin- aa ihry havr In thr dratru' tlon rranitrd ua anylnit: 'Uinntlty of eo and ba al"P-d It on of a fnllrd Stntra battlrahlp. and V of -Thr orlitlmil Idia of thr Monroe dm- lH,an) twu inlller whlrh will ai-i-ompany Ha nftli-rra and i rrw, while nn a friendly trine wax that II ahould lie applied fur hia rln-t tn the Philippine lalan.la. Kx vl!t In the harlmr of Havana, rannni ' d. feiialve purpoaea and not oftrnalv' a." lend.-.! "iH-rations would nee9ltate a re- ImiKi-r br i iidiind. aa haa lieen art fnrlh I n Ihr eaar. In my opinion the new - m of (he nupply and the central ti"!- V Ihr tin aldi-nt of thr mitej Siati-a In eat iippllratlnn nf the Monroe ,iH-trlne ' t i, ,n ,,f nawali la pointed t by nav hla in. aH.-i(!r lo eoiiKri aa of April II. W. i n ati-a a a.-rlou pre.-edi nt and lhre.it- , xH.rta w ho Want Ii for tt navl base upnii whlrh in I li.n nf imiKP-aa wai. in- rna ralaliiK "f almllar i a. a li tin' fu- ' Hawaii If four ihnua.nd miir fmrn fhl vlli-d. thrrrforr, 1 It ri ".'lv.-d KKS01.1 TIDNS ADOI'TEI) Washington. April 19 The resoiutl.ins iiKPed on by the conference- i orn-mlttii-a imd a.i-epted by Ixiih houaea are aa follows: Itraolved. by Ihr arnntr and h"uae of representatives of the I'm ted Hialrs of America In cnnRress asa. nibled: Klrsl-Thnt Ihe people of the Island of I'liba are. and of rlcht, oiiKhi t" be free and Independent. Sei-ond -That It la the duly of the fulled Stales to .1. mand. and the ,(. ernnii nt of the V tilted States do' s hereby demand, that the Rnvernment of Spain at mice rcltni)iilsh lis authority and Kvernment In Ihe Island of fiiba. and withdraw Ha land and naval forces from Cuba and t-'tibaii w aters. Third - That the president of the Pnlted Stalra be. and he hereby Is, di rected and eniimwered lo use the entire land and naval force of the f ni ted States, and to call Into actual service of the f niled States the mili tary of Ihe several stales to the extent that may be necessary to i'arr' these rcsidu thins Into effect. fourth -That Ihe f tilted States hereby disclaims any disposition or in tention to exercise sovereignty. Jurisdiction or control over said Island, ex cept for the pacification thereof, and asserts lis determination when that Is accomplished lo leave the RoVernmi nt and control of the island to its' people. Till-: TOCSIN of WAU SOfXPflX I Washington. April pi. The tocsin of ' was has bu n aouiuled by Ihe American ; congress. :'hc fulled States have given suiilelern f,'''"U--n Kovernment contemplates Ihe At 1.1". o'clock Ihr senate received I Up recognition to this. Spain experts for dispatch of th- fleet to western waters, report of the conference committer of certain that the fulled Slates within a 1 " is 'm'lully admitted that this govern, congress and Si minutes afterward had reasonable lime will be satisfied nf the ""'"t determined nt to permit Atner-inlopted- It. There win n tight to the last success of the Spanish concessions. Sl)0 voal to bo taken t0 the Cape Verde nilnule. the advocates of the recognition repudiates all responsibility for the ilne . isl ,"ds "ii ,u. snl() Haillpsiead aiul lvM of Independeti. e of Ihe Island republic catastrophe but Is prepared to submit tns "' "ti.i""" are under way f,,r the sale standing their ground until they were matter lo a court of arbitration to whose ' "f "'at vessel and her cargo to the fnltcd fairly knocked down by a vole of V2 lo IV Judgment she will bow." i Stat,.. The Hatnpstead though she "' The minority vote was cast by those who According to the correspondent (jetior "' "'' Wll.-d Saturday, has n,.t gone and watiled radical action, and Insisted thai I'"1" V Hornahe notwltlisi.indiiig mc ex-, h, r "ui'i'iiise will probably he iiimouii.-.d. the resolullon should carry with It tho Istlng excitement, hopes that a more:11 's admitted by otUYlals that they are recognition of the independence of the , quiet consideration of Ihe q,uesllohs t ts. ' trynig to nu,,.t trick with trick. Th'Te Cuban rcpulillc. The adoption of the con-, sue will enable the fnited States t carry i Is hm a small amount of coal at cape fercin e report brought to n close one of n dlplomntlo npgntlnttnns which win ' Vincent and It would be necessary for the most Interesting and tumultuous render his departure from Washington 'he Spanish to go elsrwhero for fuei in a scenes the senate has seen. Such scenes I unnecessary. Senor Polo assured nu. cor- s'""'t time as the supply at 'aPe Vid.- of confusion and excitement have rarely been witnessed III thai staid and dlgnllled body ns characlerlxed Its proceedings from noon yesterday until nearly 2 o'clock In Hie morning. Interest In nil other questions were dwarfed Into Insignific ance by the one overwhelming question of war war which all now regard 10 bo absolutely Inevitable. Efforts were made to transact Hie regular business of the si iialc. but It was with the utmost dlfll deiice Hint the senators performed their work. A feeling of bitterness grew UP between Ihe senate and the house during the nfleruoon that al one time threat ened to delay action. Cooler counsels Hon of the momentous question was tln provnlled, however, and llie detcrmlna nlly reached. Those who wero lighting for the recog nition of tho Island republic early decided Hint Ihe Semite should not take the lu ll latlve In requesting n conference be tween the two houses. They further de cided that when tho senate conferees wero finally appointed at least two ot (Continued on third page.) RKPOKT. AI'Kll, IH'.tl!. Spanish vikw of Miijht Dal.iu V.,ir ;.t l);uc, 5nt Kill Knit n I s. nii.v n.wi i-iimv r o.i. ' 1 llM nt I'iiiiii Hi '.'i 1l fi-nnii"! tikfllut r-.ii I n't r jnf tat iir. "I I lit Muni-1 ll iitiiiif. . vi V'h k A.'inl 1- - i mi ,r l.i-t 1 ii rir . -i,i. i y In l.'.ii'l.'ii, y Tin- ilnciulii il' ( lh. Hl'.tili." .. i" ui' W'ir;.l ' of r "."ii'li nt : -Alil.-iutli tli.- ",rii ii will ii"t f,f t un nl .V. .Ii.. n l.iy, tlut ii. nl H it iP ..i' 'l..,jti trim il.- larini; .ir l-' fur; IIimi. Mi'iiil'l "In- 'I. -nr.' .. !'. l!ut If w.ir I...K ."in.- It Hill I..- fur. -. "tl un hy 111' I'lil'.. I Ki..i., Vi- li.ill .ilt f,,r AriiT i. u i" ).. !..r..- .ir. Hut li. f"i.. ,fi' ii , 1. 1 h. r p in. ml', r lh.- ' it.-iit "f In r ' ".is". th. .iini.iiiii i,f h-r ".mm' r. r un. that w h .-. P - "f alllp i;uf"i".iii ii.iii..ii.i:ny f .iim...i i-v.-ry ".!' -in, Willing tn f .il un.l' r th- ! it'-m of in.ir.i"'" "A in Ihr alonit'l alnry In eircuU'.lnn U..1JI ii I. il.r an.l a Pl.ttraii, aal'l to tla V" hi' 11 mill .y l.rllrrill V) l'r- t h'' lift i xpn aaniK Joy at thr ilmil-u. ""n of I'.. Maui' , an.l th.- r . . .1 1. 1 ilr:r,iiK Dial 'li-- ' "iimiuiil' ail"ii P.- il.-ai roy-'l th-y ,i-i li'.l . . n i).-mii- thr ii.inii' "f i aliar.li.. th. y ir. Un- i r a t I'.n a of atupi'lit y. J.-n- ir .l V.)i f it n.iihi.r a fool or tmajii. , iniuialrtmn orlKlaui na nvl rxH-n llr '. ul'l h.ur lo hr both to cxpr''" Joy ' a.iy It will tx- ImiH.railile for Spanlnh at lh.- id "irm lion "f huiiilr"l of (''How- ! v. .tlM.a to n'riilr In ihr v'-at Inilira or . r .: : tr a It h.i Im- n ain-'Ki t.-J that j In th'- I'm irk" and as a r-uit th ihani -a Hpain will Im- In iluil. uity r'Kar.iniit i-..ai. ..f ,u'ira t'T Ann-rn arm" wouM - If it h.:a Im . ii il.-i-lil'il that coal Itiirrn-aaiirahly nhancrd la "'iitrali.iii.l of war. I havr ri-, tiv"l n" ' i;r.it Iirllaln iWi uratj,jn nf trir con i'il. '.il iniiinatK'ii ..f tin- fa' t. fh'' I'm- tr.iban'I ( haractrr of c".l will affrct thr I.-.I H aiia wiu:.l I"- 111 prrui-' ly th'- Mini' . t'nitrd tata at only me point-In the dull' 1 1 1 1 ; it r.iih'T In a w"ra, pllifht. ' far at. The I'niti-d 8Utr now b at f. r w.- h iv.- Iiuii.lp'la thoiia.in'N ,,f l,,n)f Koni! lx vma-a, Ihi- crutsn-ra n.d ..n nf mil at 1'nrt.. Klro. A. t Arnr- ' tirtinrr. tilympu. Ki'lh, and lio'tnn. I' .. t.riiiK aid.- lo m il- that p"rt, t would ; and K"hb.at Concord and IV-tral and In- juat a M'naililr fnr mi- to talk of cut ' th.-ar fhlpa are awaltlnK thr wirj to run apturlnK ( 'In. aito at oih i-. (apii,,l Ia l . in jj.iliil4. Ii. l ma.li- mil nf l.i.- niatiif' ! of bun if ihr fortltlralloni of thr l'hil!pl'lnr r.irl'i. Huh" It la worth nothin I' shojld stand off thr Amt-rltan nrrl for il... tint urn diMtirli ihi- Spanish Kov-in- tlnir the oH-rtlin of 'he vraarla irnniriit. ' ' would be grratly rrnbarraMrd. for by MoNltdK lxt'TRlNK. Prrtln, April tv Thr Yl'iialilntn Mr- lure. S.aln has made extraordinary con- IS Y THE COM'KKf.NCR. cessions. Ignored insult, permlttej the ' allying or provisions lo Cuba mid , i';ls''d hostilities. Neither th.- Insurgents nor respoii.ieiit mat up to the time f tile granting of the Interview he had not re- reived anv Instructions relative to his departure. l.l-.K 1 l-.l-lluY. New Vork April lS.-An olllg.v of Ge.i - era I ev er hutm from a te eohoi,.. nole ... ..,. ,. . ...... .in iiniiiiv anil nriri'iil l i " I , Held bonis. On lhe head was a cam. palgn hat and the features were n true reproduction of those of tleneral Wcy'er. lose of llenen. XVl.,-Icr. ispcnilcd fifty fe,.t f"' on the breast In pirge The ligiiiv was su llie ground and on the breast In pHgi- letters were the words. "Weyb-r. the llutclier." Crowds siood about the ctllgy an day long. At one time durinir th afternoon .,. r-i .i . ..! great that the trol - cd until a reserve lev curs were blocked squad of policemen was called to dta. perse It ..rooklyn. all day Sunday. I ho figure , Oiliclrtl information received by lhe a'i , was pin up before daylight Sunday ,orii. ,hoi es fts0 indicates ,hat Vere u bi t ! lug and still hanging late last tilglit. The I ;' s'n.ill quantity of coal at tlieVanary I elllgy was dressed In a military coiU with ,i,,n desperate en'ort Is bcing'ma'li I military ironsers nickel Into a p;llr or i arnlls!. "t, 'V-ao .'vJ!!!';!!",!V thilM."'i,,t coal declared n Thi Ailion li itain Ai'N the I'nlM Mfitc-. nii; si'AMsM navv oi iim: Ciiulil Nut 0it! t id VtM l'1n Hit fjcitit Actii.a to Bf Tkt lm?"l Suits v the S'Ht linti . Vnrk. April i-In ilir..Mi.' h r ' -! . .ii!' to ri'Kanl i.'..i! in iniitr ill in? .1.' . .ir I" th'' IV'Ilt Of ll'MillH1 lit'..!) 'I,.- I'nli.,1 Bla.rN nn.l BimIii. f Jr. ii I'.r. ' un Iih l.iki-n action Ami-rl'.in ol!i i.-ii .iy. In linH with thn 'lh. a f th- pp hi- l-iit un.l nuval uth"rtil. , aiyn tli. , U '.mlilhict'iti i urp aii'inil- nt nf thn ll-r- j '!'l. I'rt anure will b tJTirJ Umti il.i-. , tl. Kriuu-t.. anO Km P'"ninK" to it( om j 1'lii.h 'hi- aarrii' r-ult rvl intm- a'fni!.,n I i irf-lnir iclvvn ty the Hat. il.-i,r'rr,i,. , .. rf"u'h Am-rlian cnijnlri. a with a vl. "f ai'Urin a cintrahainj iharaii-r ,,f "Ml. " wi ll aa an ann"Unril ili ti rmlrn t Ion on th'-ir pari not to H'1' rlth'-r to Hpuiili-h or Am.rnan mn-.jf-war a up ply of furl Krrntrr than tKr"ry t" i-n-III, I,. Ihi- p-'lllK. rrtit vr. I to a'raln (n Hi., iii xi h"inr a.rt. B' f-ir a th- I'-inl.ti W'rat India are 'ntii .-rn.Mi thr uu hon tli a hai pnri'haiM il In lhi-ir iwrta all ihr 'il lht i l p-iai,i' tn .'Ur-. With il '!"' In ml a ri'iitr:i"'in. "f war. ad r.ngianu ilrcSration hrr co'onlr Will I on'y allow-rd to ai'll to elthrr brllln ri,.nt a uppl oulf auftlclrnt tu take him l'hppin,.. her position in the family of na''ha would 1-onipel her to obaerve atri.-t neutrality and not to favor ne Ix-llii ri-nt more than another, but her n. nxmi'm. it ia pottitt,! out, would tv l -"lilt in plaetnic aupplie for Ihe A'atic S'lUa.lron 3i miles neanr to the vessels j lhiin would be the case If coal, munitions ;'f war- etc.. had to be ahlpped from the j i nit.ii slat'. It la ulo iHiinted out tht ; Haw-all will find It nccei'-'ary to a.-II coal ; t" a Sivinlah veaael ut Honolulu unVl- nt to take It a portion of the way to its . n.-xt h"me iiort. just a n would aeii jt an American hlp. In the event that u la declared contraband by France. jS'in I'mint;o and Haytl. authorities ay j it would be Impossible for Sianish veg ans . aeeure coal in the West Indie. StronK representations have been made t the president by Secretary Lorn: and ! naval experts to itet him to Instru.-t the jaeeretary ot tt,r tnHsury to decline to I lr.u, t clearances to 8hlps carrylnic pro, . visions and coal to Spanish ports. With , com contraband of war It win be possible for Amet-inin cruisers to seile vessel, . carry-in It to 8iianish possessions. The jv""iar' Islands will be admittedly a Span j Ish iKiye of oiHTatlons and t will be the effort of this government t0 blockade , them and selie. vessel which mav try to brliiK contraband from un.v country , t" them- This will be especially the case ; w ith. I'tiha and I'orto Kid. Sl'A-MSH FLEET TO O.o WKST. New York. April 1S.A Herald dispat. h frnii, ashingtoii Vays: In vie of Spain's 'efforts to rolloct c'.il at Havana ,u) doubt exists in po. """ e"Vles that the nsval plan of the cannot i-s! ping. Jt wa to help tho llect ",uv K'1,h-ered nt that point that the l'a"ipslad was t proeeod to Cape Verde , after pnrehasltig supply 1U Umorte's ,of colliers, especially 0ne loaded wuh ;coal. at"! t would therefore ,,e i.. ' glad , 'ke from Mn the vessel d i.er ...e.i i ..... . . . ' i U!,e " for offensive- piti'- , posea nglllnst ..P fl.u. !,;." ';:;,;he.thoragr of ,,,VmaV' liUU Slilln" o"V. I-...",h,hsU.Io .Mr i , .,,,. ,,f thVsirik ,r ;' ecu minis and because the leiilish 00" lle, 7'.Mr'n,'',s'.' Jo,m','lv' Pr"inlscs' t pa.i i,",iiis(. " . "' i' ceive promises to pay 1 incut for r,ish. -Madrid govern- ! It Is known that Spin,, has bee,, float. , i.., ;,r,'hl . IlJt-r In eoiiiineiiial .'. v 'IV V...""3 'ven unable to force .V-h.,1 .r '". ''"K;""' nierehiints. 1 Vh,.th,.r Spain pays e, 8h fur 8w " !',;:'" 'he ''"Ited SiBt u't in.Pwn. I ".,. ..j ' is uBprndln7 for 'protect and the coai ghe u sending to i Havana. what uttle money THE ASTORIAN has the urgest circulation of any paper on the Columbia River NO. Ui. . 1 1 j 'KtLmc for Kar Uiih .Spain on .Maine MiMiitcr. i-i i dm . ihhk n i i. si itokt I l.hm'tv Itt. ...inft , rroident of the J iii" . I f. u t i 1 1 r r ( Suppiift it Cot j Iiiimh M"(tf i JUiit. I' r' i-i ! Ap.-.i j..-T) nationil Igoldi :n,. -r-.'. I..-I.1 iij-lr . eonvrntlon tl. ,.. ',.,) v It ,,( r, i.lKl nlt l' pilt UP i ai C- :. grt. T!..- c'lnvriitlon rrrom ni' rid' d the iiomiiiadon of a coiigresaman n 'h.- a-'on-I ilUtrPt by p-tltion, but n ' orr.ni' ri'lation wa made for the drat district. Tin- pUf irrn di t:'.'jni ra Ihe poaltlon of '"' p r-'iii.iiar.a on th" tariff. 'in lh'- .pi' .i:i.,n of thrrtrnrd wa.r wltn ":; 'he i.laifi.rn. a.iya- Wr r:. jiinrr thr failure to act promptly n.i fn.rg-iicV.ly against Spain In the u.utp r of tht Maine diasairr. and we an '"Mir" "it Ir ll. f that no rxprndliure of I'lo.,.! or n.oii.y H t,, grrat to maintain 'hr raii'inal hnnor .un wr declare It to br against ihr policy nf the founder of this loimiry to aa.ldl.. our own people with millions of d.-bt and fill our land uh w:do and orphana In order to give to oth'-r land, freedom and to stay tha 'arnairr of war. Wr belirvr that even t thr Maine outrage should be taken up a our national grl'vean.e against Spain, and this rauae should be relentlessly p i-h'-d at any coat of blood or treasure. Ue r-e..gn!ir pr-aidrnt McKlnley aa thr nreaiilrnt of i.ur nation not the pres ident "f party-and In colllaion with any for.-ign p.iwrr. no matter how It arises, wr pledge him n.mplrtr and hearty sup--hav rxlaird for more than three yrara In WILL NOT COST I'S MUCH. Chicago. April 1S.-A Chronicle special from Washington says: "Thr American soldiers live in fine ityla an. thr i xia-rts declare that an army of 9ii.ua men can br supplied from domes tie rraourcrs without inconvenlenvlnr anybody or causing the price of food prudurta to rise, orders have been sent Y Commissary-General Cushlnf for tb pup-hase of suppllra and shipment of tho material to Chlramagua, Mobile. Tampa, and New Orleans. These purchases will be made at 8t. Louis, New York, Omaha. General Cuahlng says the domestic r Chleagn. Kansas City and New Orleans, snurces of supply are so abundant and reliable that unlrss there should be oc caan to put something like on? million men In thr field there need be no occas ion for an Increase In cost of subsistence or any demand upon the food supplies of thr country. The cost of transportation will be less where the army Is concen trated than where It Is distributed all over the country. The field rations, which will be made up and shipped to the south, consists of artlclrs. the net weight of each ration nony Isshlt gTo;ghCo'l mil each one thousand rations being as fol lows: Macon. Tj) pounds: hard bread, loof) pounds: baked beans Ko pounds; potatoes. I"'i pounds: coffee, roasted, SO pounds; uRar. la) pounds; vinegar, go, pounds; candles, lj pounds; soap, ) pounds; gait. ' Pounds; black pepper, 14 pounds; a total of 3aoT.3 pounds nri or 2i38 pounds Itroas. It Is estimated It will take 50.000 pounds of the field rations for each regiment. These rations will be augmented later on !' purchases In the various localities by oftlcers who are auihorlied to buy delica cies of the season. The emergency ration will not be furn ished, even while in Cuba, except on occasions arising In operations when the I'nlted States regularly established ra tion is Impracticable. RISIIOP POTTER FOR PEACE. New York. April lS.-Blshop Potter pre sented a set of resolutions agulnst War at the meeting of the Central Labor Union last night, but they were defeated by a vie of nearly S 10 1. The resolutions wi re signed by Uishop Ernest IL Cros by. William lVan Howells. Holton Hull, Charles freib rlik Adams and John Cros by. The resolutions ure a masterly ar raignment of war and plead for peace ."Hic!nd in the most persuasive- language of men renowned for their ability In the use of word, hut tiny failed to stem the tiile nf patriotism. They say the destruc li"U of lhe Maine is a question of fact .iiui sh""ld be b-t't to arbitration; that tin cruelty and oppression of the poor In our own land is equal to that In Cuba; thai vi ,,r will add only suffering to both Cuba and the fnited States; that a Cu ban republic would be more cruel and op pnssive than th" Spanish rule; that the spccui.iiors would make money whllo the workingincn of llu- two nations shot each ,nlnr down and th: t a foreign war would interfere wit'i the great battle for Indus-tri-il freedom. Ike Roidl is the hiqhrat qrade baking powder know". Actual trsts show it gaea ooa Uiird fi-rUwr than any other bread. F0V3SR Absolutely Pure torn MKiNti mm 00., new vomc feOY; 0-