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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOKIAX, SATl IJDAY UOKVINU, AI'IUL SI, 1U Jit. Some Prices . . . Fresh Country Kk&s 15c a Duicn. Larce Fancy Naval Grants 33c a Dozen Lemons 1 3c a Dozen. Sinclair Kideliiy Hams 12 l-2c I'ounrt. Star Grocery Co. TODAY'S WKATHKR. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. BATl KPAY. I know not of llli hate I know Hi goodness and Hit love. Whlttler. Try BcbllUm't Best tee, and baking powder. Mldwlfe-Mra. Mary Maks. 7SI Exchange street Mr. Ilouchcn. of Chinook. Is visiting tn the city. Choicest stock nf candles In the city at th Farlor. The repairs on the Edith will N fin ished today. Mr. I. W. Adam, of San Francisco. Is visiting In tbe city. Judge C. H. Carey, of Portland. was In the city yesterday. Harry Lemon painted his part of the town red yesterday. Manager Krats thinks his new billiard tables are all right. Born Thursday. April 7. to the wife of Chris Peterson, a son. Born Thursday, April T. to the wife of C. Lamlcy, a daughter. Dick Leathers yesterday finished the re pairs on the Point Adams surf boat. To Rent Furnished rooms at XT Tenth Street, centrally located. Mrs. D. Curran The calking of the seams of the Claude B. Hantborn will be completed this after- toon. The steamer Albion yesterday finished repairing her propellor and lift up for Portland. W. J. Heckard's full-weight creamery batter and butter milk and thick cream at tbe Parlor. For Rent One large or two small rooms furnished or unfurnished. Inquire at the Astorian office. Mr. A. R. Kanaga. formerly a resident ot Astoria, now of San Francisco, was In tne city yesterday. Cashier A. M. Wheeler, of the O. R. & N. Company s local office. left for Port land last night. It has been suggested that it would be a food Idea to clean the streets before the convention meets. Lost Small paper box containing a Wil son ear drum. Finder return to AatorUn office and receive reward. i New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins. figs and assorted nuts all extra tine qua! Ity, at Ross, Hlgglns at Co. Eight, twelve and sixteen color designs for Easter eggs, 5 cents, at Roger's drug tore. Stamps must accompany mall or ders. For sale Hotel business and furniture; good property: owner retiring from busi ness. Address Mrs. C. D. Smith, War renton. Harper whiskey Is liquid music, bottled poetry, ripe, mellow, refreshing and de licious. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co.. As toria, Oregon. The biggest shipmaster. Captain West meyer, of the biggest suiting ship ever in this port, the Peter Rickniera, are again In the harbor. Just arrived. A carload of 183$ wall paper. New and artistic designs. Prices lower than ever. C. M. Cutblrth, opposite custom house. J. R. Hepburn came down from Ranier yeaterduy for medical treutment. suffering from pneumonia, and Is being attended to by Dr. Estes. The ale of Easter novelties will be continued this afternoon at the Congre gational church from 2 to 4 o'clock. K--frcshmtnts will also be served. When going east travel on the North ern Pacific railway. Quick time and the only line running dining cars. Train leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. in. C. H. Cooper's Smelt took two KamfS from It. Gibson's Salmon last evening at the A. V. C. nileys. The best s ores lor the clay were H. Wise, J4, and Mrs. Del llnger, 4S. At a 4 o'cltxk lea yesterday afternoon. Mrs. A. M. Wheeler entertained Mrs. Rucker und her friends. Mrs. Hueker will leave Monday for Seattle, her fu ture home. The regatta committee ot the A. P. C. A. held a session Inst nigln at willed re ports were read from various sub-committees und man..- pl.ins the eomliig season' festival discussed. If you have hides, wool. furs, rags, hone, ur any kind of lunk for sale, ship It to It. M. Gaston, lr, l-Viirte.-n,li stre.-t. Astoria, Oregon, or write liltn ami he will call at your place and g. t it. lie pays cash. S. Schmidt, S. E. Wren, portlnad; Max Precht, Ashland; W. S. Siewart. Toke land; H. S. Grell, New York; J. (J. Meg I'.T oml wife, Urooklield; K. (.'. Murphy. The M OH'JV that you save hy dC'iuiitijzr s fesi u'lKm , f t t t Ft si dor and usinonly one iic i; ing tcaspoonful to a c LUirt ui flour Spend it for the circus, if you choose, but not for waste. 6i, hip llenry Vlllard, are registered at the Occident. ("amain Walts yesterday received a tel- mmm from Sun Kranclavtt stating that his uncle. Captain Cloorge Masters, who was a well known shipmaster here, died maidenly at Ills home. Captain Misters was about M years of use. Karly yesterday morning while passing down Commercial street one of the horses of a wood team caught the enlk of his hoe In i ho c:ir track and was thrown to the ground. A crowbar had to be used before the animal could he released. Hot drinks, mixed drinks, mineral wat ers, wines, cordials, bitters, liquors. Key West and domestic cigars. Frankfurter. mnke.1 trooae Wcstrhalia ham. Hamburg el lltnunaclntelcer mettwtirst. and any other old avod thing to cat or drink can be found at the l.ouvre. The attention of water consumers is called to the rule requiring an extra charge of Si cents on all rates not paid on or before the tenth day of each month. The tenth falling on Sunday this month, the rule will be construed so a to make ill rate delinquent not iald by today (Saturday). A children's society, the "Hand of Mer ry." comprising pupils of grade 1. Mc- Clure's school, last evening entertained a large gathering at the schoolhouso, with magic lantern production. Tbe pro ceeds will be used to purchase books for the society whose laudable motto is 'Kindness to animals." Northern Paclnc railroad trains leave Portland dally at U o'clock a. m. for Ta- coma, Spokane, and the east. Close con nection made at Spokane for Kosaland. Nelson. Sandow and Prltish Columbia mining camps For maps and information call on or address C. W. Stone. Astoria. Oregon. Shares of the Alaska Transportation and Ixvelopment company of Chlcugo are the most desirable Investment before the public. Safer than savings banks and bank stock. Paying large dividends. Shares one dollar. For Information ad dress W. L. Dudley, general ageit, nai ler building. Seattle. Wash. It was l. arned yesterday that Tilton. the big story man from the far north, fin.illy let his yarn go through the hands of the purser of the si earner Albion to the San Francisco Call. The story had hern hy pothecated with the steamer for expense money advanced to Tilton and his party. In the meantime portions of the tale leaked out through disgruntled sailors on the Albion. Good Friday was generally observed throughout the city yesterday. More and more each year this sacred holiday is be ing celebrated throughout the eastern states and It Is believed that In the west It will soon become a thing to close hHl and business houses on this day. Services were held yesterday at Grace church and St Mary's both morn ing and evening I.ester P. Sayles. who visited this city d"m N"' 11 ''" rn"n '' ,neh a few weeks ago In the employ of the handful of dirt panned out f -Wiley It. Allen Company, as a piano I "I would not adv.-e miners or fortune- tuner, died suddenly in a restaurant In' '-' wi!n""' ' '" K" ""',' ,"-' ...rf.,n.i Tk,, .,,..m. lt ..t .i..n Klondike country now because the claims . . - ....... .. i . ..i . . I white owder from a vial Into a glass of water and drank it. He died Immediately, but It is not known whether or not It was a case of sui ide. The city council has granted a requisi tion for seeds for the Clatsop cemetery. The amount of the purchase is and the time to g.-t In your w.rk In th- Kl.oi was granted at the request of the sexton, j dike. There are plenty .f g.o.l claims on Mr. John Matter, who will plant the , the Am.ri. an t.l,- -in. I 1 have pica ted ground to clover seed. Mr. Matter wis. one." married but a f-w days ago. and th planting of the cemetery, over which tv presides, to this popular plant. Is sugges I tive of the happy event. The commie.-,- ,,f ;he A. p. C. A. posed nf Messrs. Hartley. Shields. Kd Tay- lor, li: ln. H.-nson and K"pp. returned from i nr:lli. nf Alask t. . nn.ute to Washington. Chin-s.k yesterday on Mr. Kopp's laiin-h ' ,,, ..,.ur., better legislation for th- dis Hattie with .' -a.moii fry from the; tri , ls Jt,,p,inK. (,,r a f-w days in Chi h ttch. ri-s whi. h were placed In the I (aeo Notwithstanding th- state of ttf troughs of th-Association's pHm. Notaf ljr, at ln nation tl the gov. single fish was lost in the tr.tnsf.-r. , ,.nr hop-s to gain a hearing for Al tsk t While landing at Chinook l.-.t, h It was a j anj have tits sugg-stions f l- case of "on- yump. two yumps" to g. t ! ,(,,,.,, upon Th ,.X1., t,d rush to Alas- asnore. an.l on tne latter proposition .Mr. Taylor got a wetting while Hartley ha. I a narrow escape. The general excursion over the n.w railroad, set for the ttth. has been aban doned until the arrival of the new equip ment. The delegates of the state conven tion will therefore come down by boat In the good old-fashioned way. There is such a heavy traffic over the transconti nental railroads that rolling stock cannot be hired for love or money, and the eon tractors who are building the new rars are behind with the order. It Is possible, also, that the subsidy Inspection commit tee will postpone its trip over the n-w road from Monday until a later date. It Is believed that as soon as the A. & C. R. It. It. commence running regular trains that coal will be usc on the en gines. Instead of wood as has been used heretofore. This was considered of much vniriti to !..-.. iiti jeoii. iiiong tne umiitn i of the Columbia as the amount of wood mad- repeated efforts to secure title to consumed by th- construction trains rre-j the 1i acres on which I live, inn with ated quite a brisk d-mand for cord-wood1 nut success. We want provision mad- so especially on th- or-gnu side. Cord-(that a man may own real estat- thT wood. too. of late has oommand-d a good Then there are the questions of the sal price bringing from ll".'. to I2.n per corn! mon flsh-rl'-s. methods of dealing with th on the wharf, wher.-as in former years It natives and siillicient Judicial govm fold for tl.4i to J1.7i, and rar-ly brought as ; m..nt. The yearly salmon catch on th high as $1.7". There l plenty of good j Inlets and streams of th- west eoa.-o cord-wood lying along the f.'olumbla to, amounts to more than $.1 '"i.ii'fl. A pood keep th- railroad suppli-d for several j ,,.al of this fishing is against th- law. years, hut one Rciur of troubl-has been ! Many of the canneries employ men to that wli. n buying from the woodchoppers j trap salmon In the streams by stretching the cord-wood Is either encumbered by : Wr. net a. rss the streams In the debt contracted by themselves, or by par-, breeding season. Th- line for this offense ti- owning th- limber. This have often' f a day, but as there are only two hinder. ,1 the prompt delivery of the wood, injectors to look after the enforcement and caused Superintendent MoGuIre -on-l,,f ,hls ,,w. it w manifestly Impossible slderable trouble. The n-w engines now t t make It a r al law. In Portland were mad- to burn either j Snv w hat we want Is to have t tow-nod or 'oa! and as soon -is th'-y are put i pr,.Hj,-nt appoint a commission con-lst-on the run it is believe.! that coal will be Ki say. of a senator, a representative, use! exclusively. I and three or live residents of Alaska. WIIEnTpTvfLIVC, I 'n"n Wh" :'r" ,h,,r""K,,l-v with , . Alaska and sit there and d.-termln- what Whether on pleasure h-nt or business , ,,,,., , ,,ut ,..,,,.. , ,. fr ake on every trip a bottle of Syrup of ,h(. ,m,.r.H, f ,h,. country." ,. p,-..a,,uy ttlli, fectunlly on the kidneys, liver, and bow els, preventing fevers, he.idat h-8, and other forms of sickness. For sale In 60- cent botth-H by till p-ading tlrut'irists. I Manufactured by the California Fig Syr-1 up Company, only. fOCNTV' COI'RT I'I'.OCI'.KDIN'iH. The county court In regular resslon yes t'rday transacted the following business: In the matter of h keeper of the Wal luskl (lraw-brid(.'e. It was ord. re, that A. I. frali; be appointed keeper at a salary of $12 ,7) per month. A communication was read from W. T. 'iardntr. ;oip,-rlntenilent of the Hoys' and Oiris' Aid Society, Portland, stating the society would take care of the five Wright children and nny others In need of aid, and asked the county to grant the society a monthly allowance as va rious other counties in the stale had made suth grant, owing to the statu leg islature's failure to grant any money. It was ordered by the court that a monthly ullowaneo of $ln h,. granted said society from May, Wi, till tin; legislature meeth. An order was also made surrendering the said five children to the care of the Boys' and Girls' Alt Society. KLONDIKE STILL A (.OLDEN MECCA H. A. I'nc or Cortland ltd urns on the Omdn. CAM !' lMKT.C.r 1KOM DAWSON Droii)ht Moacv sail Sjs $i iiiMl.imil will ftt Shipped Out is the Sprint) tiv Vat ot St. Michaels. NO IH.ACK NOW r'OU A MAN WITHOl'T MONKY ANl MANY OF TI1K SlIIFTl.K.SS Wll.l. I.F.AVK THK COl'NTUY WIIKN NAVIGATION OPKNS. The bottom has not dropped out of the j Klondike yet. The riches of that wonder ful country have not been over estimated. The steamer Oregon arrived last evening ! from Dye with a nuniN-r of passengers. Including Mr. II. A Frye, of 1'ortl.ind. who left Dawson March 4 and his come directly through, only stopping at Sk.ig- w.iy four days. To a reporter Mr. Frye j staled that contrary to reports Dawson is really a very peaceable town and that the country there Is In a prosperous con- , dltlon. Only one murder this winter dis turbed the pence of the community. , The wealth of the Klondike country his not been over-stated. it not been for the strke of the miners this sea son fcn ".ii w ould have been sent out by way of St. Michaels tins spring, as II is. more than floi.iui wlil Mud Its way to the states as soon as navigation opens this spring. Every Inch of available Ian I is staked out and there is little ho for new comers now. In fact rive thousatM people will come out this spring as f ist as the transportation companies can handle them. A large number of them got in too, late and had not capital to with while the rest are of the Idle and shift less classes. The Klondike country Is a place now for all) one wli his money but for an ordinary miner it is j not so good.' The diggings on Dominion and Hunker creeks are Just as rich as Itonania creek. Claims which were sell ing last fall for t'" are now selling for and upwards. 1 have four or ne go.l claims and have brought out a large amount of money, out of four buckets of i dirt on claim No. ;T. took out are all taken up and also bec.ui tile Canadian government is forcing a 3' per cent royalty and the sue of the claims h is been reduced. It is a run Add. however for anyone who has money to i:iv. st. I came out verv bv a .l-' te mi which cos: me $!'.'- an. I . xpe t ! r-turn during the cming s. ..son. ..tst f ill was T1 AID ALASKA .ov.-rnor llr.oly Wants to K-1'. .f.nh -i Soun 1 G 'v"m'iu Chicago, Airil v- G k l .itiririic the c oming year has U-.-n ot" of prime r-asnns for the present visit to Washington. Th- governor says the laws of the district are inadequate f .r pr-s-nt conditions and with n large Increase in population the d-ferts In the system will be greatly Increased. It Is expected to s-rure laws that will be comprehensive and sufficient wh-n the new settlors come that the governor is now on his way to Washington. Gov-rnnr Iirady said: "Alaska has been denied legislation In keeping with the changes In th- I'nlted States, the tienetit of which It should certainly have. Mining laws have been extended to Alaska, hut the land laws have not. No man nor company h is any title to a square foot of land In Alaska today. In 11 a law was passed granting cannerymen and trad-rs and manufactur ers the right of l'V) acres nf land each at $2.7) an ai re, but so far as I know no on. has yet received a patent to any land. I have lived In Sitka for Jl years and hav- (;v,1r ,.,;,y ,., .,, ,,, ,. j Iirady and two hildn-n. He leave i niuht for Washington. V.'fil'.I.I) f lil'lHKR. rian Francisco, April x.--The schooner Vine, built by'Ciipialn John K. Horns, the Tacouia millionaire, with tin- intention or cruising nronnd the work!, ha.s arrived i from f.titral American ports with a Prty j of prospectors who have been looking for a bargain In silver mines. Captain A. 1-1. I Small was in command of the vessel. Tin- forlorn -hunt, rs were Mr. and Mrs. , W. An ouk. of pitisbursf. P-'i.; three brother- named Kpliram. of Pittsburg; Kug.-ne : Ajtcs. of Sacramento, and H. II. Hn-w-j nrd. of Texas. Tin- expedition was gone I several months. Prospecting totirs w'-re rnmli; in Salvador, Costa Itlca and Hon duras. Silver mines w re sought, bin no satisfactory properties were found. Tlo vessel has been chartered by a parly of eastern gold-seekers who are going to the Klondike. DAWSON NRWS. Seattle, April J, (J. Courtney and U. A. Campbell arrived from Dawson city last evening on the steamer Victorian. They left Iuwson March 4 und made the trip In 22 days. They report that Judgo Mciiulre hud reached Dawson and had opened court. Kd Lord, the in nil who stole fclium from saloon last fall, was sentenced to live years at hard labor. A shooting scrape Is reported to have occurred at Hkaawny the day (he Victo rian loft. No particulars were obtained, the Victorian In ought .Aom 4 it Hol, from the Trvadwoll mine as far us Port Townsond, front whole II will be shipped to San Francisco, ANOTIIKU VI'MIN Oltl'lSI'.lt. Socraincnto. April S A s, hoon. r here Is lielng tilted out for a crui-.e up the Yu kon river. She will leave In about a week with a party of miners, The owners. O. I'. Spencer and Thomas Norton, have a chart and maps b ft some veals ago by an e-eliiplove of the Hudson' ll.iy I'oup pany who claimed to h ive lived for seven years on the side of a mountain In a val ley covered with gold Just hefoie he died he made out the chart and mips and gave them to a friend. The parly leav ing hero expects to lln.l the spot without much dllhcully. GOLD IH'NTFU. 1 San Fl in.lsco, April S The schooner t Allaire has been tilted out to hunt for the somewhat "Island of Gold" i that II. Talbot Watson and several lint I I'll associates have gone III eaich of In the sch. Miner Free Trade Captain Gil bert of the Allaire s.ivs lie alone lias the exact location of the cMor.ido and that , Captain Moore of the Free Trade has only a general Idea and Is not likely to find the treasure alleged to exist there. II ATTIK 1 PI 1 1 I.I.I I'S San Francisco. April V The schooner Maine 1 Phillips, the Gloucester fishing boat which recently came around from the Atlantic, will be tlti.d up to go to St Michaels, The Klondike!-, who make ill" In r party will l ike wlih ih.tu a river boat to which th. v will transfer their out Ill al St., i'h.'v will then sell I lie schooner HKAI. US V ATK Tit WSI-'KltS John II Smith and wife to t' M Carl wrlght-l.ot 2. block I C.e.irh.irt park.! Stllie to W. J Clemens Une li.llf of l 't 1. bio k 1. Ge.trhart P nk. M- I Same to W. II Mos.-r nne-h tlf ..f .t 1. bio. k 1. t-.e.irh.trt l'.trk. t--' I J K lliggins and wife to V. A Dudley i Lots ;i. .11 mid ;i, block 'c Pay Vo w 1 J.Vs.1. Stuie to Mis Klua J. Lly Lots ' tu.l ' V bio, T, !.iy View. I.'.'O. Till: ASTnlSIAN S'M.D 11. II. Mayo and A It Kaluga, of San l-' is. ... today purchased of li. It j Parker the st.rnwhe.i st.annr Astortmi for ('.'.He The purchase was made In the interest of the L'pioratlon and Mining Company of Stn Francisco The boat will be run on the Yak n rit.r be tween St Michaels and Dawson cpv It will be towel n from lo-rc bv tug in . short time. The Astorian is one of the largest boats on the Columbia nvr of h.T draught and has only In . it tise, ix months since she was built. aNnit f utr wars ago Mr Park-T his b-.n ttld a yearlv subsidy ,.f from I'"1 t.. ll'1'"' to keen his boat out ..f i-.mi.iiti..n wiih the r lln. s. He kejit h.-r in good condi tion and she is th !y or ift on the Co lumbia riv.-r that could I-- put in'" this service at on..- without r'is.irs She Is light dr.ift and very strong mi. I will prov . lo be one of the best b-ats ,.n the Yu kon. A! th.- pr-soni tint.- the under writers are e-r rving S'.v msurtnoe ott lo r. This same cini-.tin will .i-r.ite an ocean st, am. r b :w. . rt Sail Cranoi-co att-l St. Michaels as s....n ,ts th- Yuk-oi oiis THK I'KKGuN S LAST Tltll1 nne of the .ot in.- st.-atn. r tire, g.-n was arrest. -d a: Wr.tiig.-l ..u i'i-- up trip for smugging wtu-U. As the .-ss.-t land.. I a' tin n l; -i ., k u-'o lo the ..ill. i-rs in . i h .!'no ir ! the stlip mteil up tii.-!r fit. n. r-ith. r -in uti- ii-oj.u pr -.ling f-r si.-am-rs .01 ..rrtv - lug h-ro. line ..f the ..Hi- rs wh- tho-iglit he knew all about It In r. sioi.-.e to the question of a bv stand, r. "Th it th--I d papers in ih. i .wn had llrigltt. te a the pie so b.t.Uv tliiotlt sj,ln,, tll'tt- mgi'is b.-ing ott board that th- . I . t .r want-.! to s.e If all the crew w. r- .iMv- " This was the l ist trip of the iir.-gon on the Alaskan run as sh- will t..k- Ih- IIP I w.ts vv ..f th.- Colttmlft.i whit h will b. lal-l .r r-pulrs The only .1st. .run w ho it p.tsseiig.-r on i lie i iregon W S s petty, lit on to of Portland. illllg fame, and I'i RT HTKVKNrt HKAI'Y Tw.nty soldiers from Port Canity who were transferred -i f.-w days ago in port Stevens on the Oregon side have Just com pleted putting In working order the n. w I ln-lnch disappearing guns at tip- latter j fort and all that Is now required to mak" ' them effel live for the defense nf tills lur- ! bor Is powder. It Is understood that th.-i new guns at Hcarboroiigh Head on t h-1 Washington side will be put In order at j the earliest Misslble moment. If Fort ' fanny had modern rllb-s Instead of the I old-fashion x-lnch guns this harbor would be Impregnable, hut it would take nmmhs. to mount such guns on this high hill. A i large consignment of e.-.iri. al goods from a Portland house were transferred' to l-'ort Htevens by the steamer liwyer j It Is presumed they are for harbor .b -' f.-nse mines. , PARTNKItHinP IilrtSDl.I'TlON. Notice hereby given that the .o partnershlp heretofore existing between iborge I'ollls, N. fllnton and William Clinton has been dissolved by mutual tons. -nt. fjeorg... I'ollls retiring from tlo lirm and said N. Clinton and William Clinton nsautnlng nil Indebtedness of the firm of fllnton & Co firm are payable to N aii debts .in.- the fllnton and W! liam Clinton, who will hereafter rondo. i the business. .'.KORfiR POI.Mfl, N. CMNTON, WII.I.IAM ci.iNTftN. I!y J. R. CI.INT'lN, Ms attorney In fact. I'llAMiK OF FIRM Notice Is hereby glv-ii that the under signed has this day purch.iM. il the interest of her co-partners In the (Inn known as the Star Urocery Company, The business of said lirm will hereafter be conducted iind.-r h'-r sole ownership and manage ment, under the same name and at ilo strne stand, No. ."1 Commercial street. All bills ilue by the oltl firm have been assumed by her and all ou'Htandmg a' founts of said lirm are payable only to her. HANNAH .l 'lll'.r.H Astoria, Oregon, April :.. Iv.s, Dressmaking- I.ATFST STVI.I-; FIIKNCH iPiW.V'H MAI'K I a!.-o make downs lo order. Have a large nssortnienl of I he Latest Samples to select from. FOR COLLAUKTTEH MA UK 131") TO Ij.OO. Madam McLcarn Ross CIS COMMERCIAL STREET Crow's Gallery. t . w v r ' s -a ONK U IV TOYS lloth tin iiHihtvil anT ivHiiltf wlii-n Syrup nf l iosis(;ikin ; it isplnisiinl mitl rv'l"rosluuur to 1 1 Listo, un.l acts Kontly ypt piMitiptly mi llio Ivitlm ys, Liver an. I It.iMi'ls, i-lctiiiHi-M tin' svs. tcni otTtvt tidily, tlisn.s roltls, ipjt. rtclips an.l f(fis :uh1 cnivs It it 1 i t n.t t 0')iistii;tli.iit. Sirup ! Ki-js is dip only rvtiusly of its kiinl citr pin ilut'isl, pli'a.siii tn tin. LtMi. a-i,l ap ccptalili t. tln st.iinncli, pronipt in iw action an l truly lu'iu-lii-iiil in ttn cllivt.s, pri'j'.ittsl only finni tlt ttio-t lioa!thyii.l itcjivpaliiceiilistaiiii's, iis iiianv t'Vivllt'iit .iiaruii-st-ittiiniiiiil it to all atbl li.ivt' it tln most popular rvnioly kimu n. Syrup of ! 'ios is for nalo in ftt) cent liottlcs ly all Ica.linv; ilrtij;. ijisU. Any ilnmoist wlio may not li.ivc it mi will procure- it promptly for anyone wli.i wishes to try it. Io not accept any siilislitnte, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. s mKisa. ci. iiHiisfiut, nr. Afiy to, m.r. CALL POIt W AHH A NTH Notlcs Is hereby given to nil parties holding Clntsop county warrants en dord prior to August . IK'S, to pr. sent the same to the county treasurer, at h' office 1M Tenth street, for payment. In term crasii nfter this date. Pated Astoria. Utegon, this first day of ' April, ItV. II. C. THOMl'S'l.V. County Treasurer WAR IS I'KlU.AHKl Without further notice, against all who try to Invade th tailoring buslnrs with out any knowledge of the same, by P J Mcany, who Is milking stilts on h own premlsra of fine casstiiier. cork. row atel g.HHls from 13 to .l, fine pants from 6 to X totno and e for your selves. No occasion to send sway for clothes to be made by carpenters and blacksmiths, when you .an get them at home by a responsible tailor Highest . ash price paid for fur skins. P J MIMNV j ASSMNKK'8 NOTICK TO CKHlMTiHtH i Notice la hereby given that the under- j signed has this day been appointed as- ignre of Itebecca Htrauas, an insolvent debtor Creditors of the said usmgnor are hereby notified to present their claims under oath to ths undersigned within three month from this date at his place of business at No. &T3 Commercial stre.-t. Astoria, orrgon. t'ated this Uth day of December, lsr; N. HCIIM'HMKI. Assignee nf Rebecca t)truus, an Insolvent debtor. CASTOR I A For i.r.:! CLildreu n ft.- iir--nrf 4 Bicycles I to h, K Vs AMI sK lt, MAi HI. v !.... I u(l.l Repaired M tctilne C. H. Orkwitz t'uilitg l.radi OB Flail l ilies. 44,1 WANK narble and (Iranlte innorF & minak. T.'l V. UonlM ii St., Portland, U -A. I.I. klMlH tlK t'KMKTKK V WllliK.. J. B. WYATT, PhontNo. 6S Astsrls, Ongss Hnrcl wcire, SliipCliandlery, (.rocerlea, I'rovlHloriB, HAINTH Hnrl OILH. Sriclal Altanlloa Paid to turplylng ships umrv ami ( Underwear nxor. to Styles Thorough Workmanship Prices I,ow James Murphy 420 Commercial Street. Beware of Imitations VTfir V . .nl,v W U?Or? ton DUNCAN'S sons, Satan, SIW voafc i ww m m -t LACK i CUT Al NM Mrs K lUainuaa.-n la prepared to do up em Ulna lit satisfactory style, tlood work guaranlerd. I.eavs orders at Clovs land's bnk'ry, IIKI.P WANTKIi, Wan I c.l Hollcltors of good ad.lre.a ellltcr e, to sell Citlifornla Hoses, rare, hsrdv. ornaini'iilala. etc. Town and titles only Will pay aalary weekly; lie quick; atal.1 age The llowland Nuraeit I'oiu. I an) , l.oa Atig.i. a, Cn I llt)AI(t) ANU ItOOMH Three or four rooms, with board, at reasonable rates Table boarders can b accomodated Mis, K. C. Iloldsn, corner Ninth and Puane streets. MOCIKTY UKKTINUH. TKMPI.K I.OIHIK VlVTrArVTNU A. M. -Regular coniitiuiilcatlons hold on the drat and third Tuesday tvsnlng of each month. O. W. lAHINHHKUlir. W. U K. C. IIOLPEN, Hscrstary. PROK-K8SI0NAU II T. CRUMU Y. ATTOItNKY-AT-I.AW. ta Commsrclal Street JOHN T. I.U11ITKR. ATTOUNKY-AT-I.AW. mce, upatalrs, Astorian llulldlng. C. C. UltOWRH. ATTUItNKY-AT-lJlV. Outlderson llulldlng, Astoria, Dragon I'll. O. II. KHTEfl. PHYSICIAN ANI HI IHIKON Hpedal attention t . dlantara of women and surgery, lm.e. over tinniiger's store, Astoria. Telrphons No U. J W A IIOWI.HY, ATTOHNKV ANU COt'NSKI.dlt AT LAW, iiM'.ce. llon.l H'reel, Astoria, Or I'll. JAY Tl'TTI.i:, IIIYHICIAN ANIi HI'lt.loMN Offlc. rooms I and i. Pythian llulldlng. Ulvt Commsrslal Sir set. ItMldam sains. Telephone It Acting assistant sureon l'ults.1 Hlatcst marine hospital service Surprises Willi the Iniddlng of the Flal.r aeliaoll intra the surprises of ape.inlly ailractlve artlcba of w aring apparel. Tin-re ip v r has be.-n such a desirable line of footwear for spring otittlta .ta we are allowing this spring. Tlo ste oho bell. v. In p.sstrr as the moat ttuapl.ioua tltnn for t-otnplete new costtiiuea will wint to see theati shoes beforn Faster Hunday. Petersen & Brown. The Latest Out Just recelved-the latest Incandescent 1 1 AS ntaniif.tctured hy ths Kurrka Manufacturing foncern, which will be furnished rnmpletn und put on with ths best man tie made, tho "YXAL. TA" for II. SO L'naurpaaseii In Illuminat ing power. Needs no burning off. V I Scilllv rU)'-,': At IK NT, " Ja VUllJf, u, I)omj Hlreot THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY Phidident 5TATi:ni:sr Por ths year ending Ikcrmher it IK7 Aff ordinal tn ilia v,tjn,Ut I t.f liic Insurants - Ipartntcnt of llit M4tr of Saw Yorli ivKim: Kerslfril f.irrrantlunta $l-.',tt1:l,-'nl 01) Kritnt all other Sii.urrra . . 1 1 , (llll.UHl I t.'tl.lflj.AUN nil IIISIiriMiHIATS Tn Po I lef fur l lalnta It; Heal h .... I a, 2 Til, Mil rill Tn l'.illr)-h.tltlera fur In.lnn- mania, IM.I.Ien.l.. etc. . IS," IJ,4t! I III For all tillirr ari'iimita lo.llpj.lill.'i .W :l(l,-J 1,1010 III) AssPTS I'nllrd Statu llnntla ami other Kerurlllea .... 11 ll'.'.ll I ,lll I t.t First Men Leans cut II. mil an.l Mtirlioisit .... l'.ti.-.:l,li:i; III l.t.ana on Murks anil Hands . I-I.ssn, mis nil ll-nl I.IMe .... !,llH,.'il KH t ash In llatii hat anil Trust am. pstil 1 1 ,7I.1, 1 !).". H" A err io. I Interrat, Nrl llif. rrt'tl I'rruilunia, rli'. . . n.l ll.'.'IIO JO 4j.',:i,;mi,i:i; cn licaerva f..r I'nllrli's untl oilier l.l.illlllllra .... -'iH.aTS.'.'li 117 Kitrpl aa i:i.1,,',ns,pi f,: I a mi rn tiro nml A nn III I lost In fttrr tll!lll,li;il,lllll (111 I luvp r.ifrftiMv r.nii.ii..l tl' f-.r)...!n : rd lunl llir ti cue to; ll,.i.tira, it 1 the Itisurjiue lri.utni- fit. , l.iiAaif. A. I-fiMla Aii'lil'-r l-'rn'm the Surplus a vvill be .i.Hriiuiit.l ..a usu.d flOBERT A. OriANNII.S Vift-PiiisiintiT Wsitra R. Cituirrrs t. Limit larta'aic IjriMWMl.l. I.Moar Mcl.LIHTor.K (irnprjl Mnatrt-r Jl Vitr-l'tt-sitli-iit 1 rctstir. r A. iii.ii Bherwnod fllll"Hpy, genernl ngent lor I'ltplllo Northwest, Henttle, Wntth. I'ond & Mc(!iinlle"M, Ktnte niiinngetn. ii. Van DiiBon, resldont ngent, Asiorlu. OAOTOTITA. til f9 i.D la litf-jr. at 7. I j OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ItUMtttotillv, llmagn A TRAINING SCHOOL TOR TEACHERS lingular V'tno.1 Ciiiirit' ol ilu. yesia hwilor fen. hollv pr . u ..nsi. Truliilng tiepar'nteti) al nn.r gindet lilt t lularstt. and ir.tln ii In tl niiutl e iMtedlalt . ml, slid Via a ,1 ale (tn . ill-lie si I Is lite Norma diploms la tec-it. .'.-. I li ik a sTA I'H I. ikk ck n I ie it a i e io t.. ii i iiltl etu to a, liillloii. Iiot.lia, lioattl and liaising laps provliiialel) I, I 11.1 uu pei Stlitlettts l.cotl. tins 'llclll'clvca. In III per )pr .leaden It. gra.i. act-et t .1 li'ali aeliottis. t'slslogilea i he. rl.illt it". I .t. b. alloli. Adilreas I'. L I'AMIiH I.I , I'leaidsnl, or A w A N, be. relar) K . . i I I:aster and its necessities. The ,.llne. r. ellttg whl. It should b youia st this araaon Is certain If you hav Hie supplies for )otir table. What you have in llit. way of tlrllcacira depends sn tircl) on your'inritt In por.iiising the rnaelitlitla If ton buy your naceaal. II. a ft. mi its you will have money left (a buy the I ii a ti t It s IttiMrl. IIMtllNrt A COMPANY t fV 7 lr7 I:isher brothers AsrtiVfu..., I I Ilk IC A I IMI I'll S 1 M'i 1,1 M l SICLL HIIIP CIIANDI.RItY IIAllDWAItK t IH tM AND HTKKI. COAI, lllKK'llltlKri AND I'UOVIHIDN'B rt.Ol'lt AND MIl.I- FKKD PAINTrl. U1JI ANI UMKlKIl' BPPPl.IKH rAlltllANK H "CAI.tft t'lMiRH ANU WINIMlWH Aillllcrt.Tl'ltAI. IMI'I.KMKNTA WAiinNH ANU VEIIICI.KS SEASIDE SAWlHlbh A templets stock nf lumber on hand ! ths rough or dressed. Flooring rusils, celling a .id all klnda of finish; moldings and shlnglM. Terms reaxinahla aa4 prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attrttdrd to. orfli and yard at mill. II K l I.HUAN. Hraaids. Oregon Proprietor THE PROOF of ths pu.Mlttg is In that MUaag. autd ths proof of ltq IS IN SAMPLING That's an aigumaunt thsvt s sssaw clussTs dsmonstisalioa. Ours will stand thai last. HUGHES CO. The Choicest Table Wines... For Tamil la Also for Msdaclnati aaaf Oooklnc Prposssj rrlvats Dtsck. Crewm Rra, Old HIctMiy, Prill of Kantuck and I1trmlfevfl Ussv soKl California nrands. Carlson's FamilyLIquor Store in TWBi.rni htriqbt Emil Schacht AHCHITEGT kotiitis ji7jiH Portland 5nvlrtK. Hank lltdg. Portland, Oregon. The reason for it. W hava bean in tha Shoe business In Astoria lor many years, during which time tha wants of our cus tomers have been thoroughly stnd. led and adequate preparation made to ir.iet their ery demand. W carry tha Larjcesl stock In tho city. . . and every purchase we make kaa the approval of our many years' perlenie. aS'X"""" JOHN IIAHN. THE PARKER HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED- (Jorncr of Ninth und Antor HIiwih, Astoria. Guests Received on American or European Plan.