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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1898)
THE DAILY A8T0UUN, SATCttlUY MOKMN'd, Al'itll. !, I81. gully otovian. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. M, TERMS OF 8TJB8CRIPTION. DAILY. Sent br mall. ter year W t,nt hv mull. tvtF month W Served by carrier, per month W WEEKLY. Bent by mutt, per yer. In advance.. .41 00 PoeUge free to aubcrlbera. AU communlcstlons Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to the editor. Business communication! of all kinds and remittance must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlsn guarantiee to Its advrr tlaera the largest circulation of any news paper publlhl on the Columbia river. Advertising ratet can bo had on applica tion to the bualneaa manager. The Weekly Astorlsn, the aecond oldest weekly In the atat of Oregon, ha, next to the Portland Oregonlan. the larg.i weekly circulation In the tat. ANY FOOL OAS PKCLAKK WAR. Along a war can be avoided It mut be avoided. It a III be little less thin criminal fur congn- to rush madly Into war with Suln at a time h. n a f day more of consideration and reflection might avert it and brlnu all the result that could be obtained at the end of a bloody says the Times-Herald. Thl I the policy President McKlnley i pursuing. nd he I doing all that wis dom and flrmne. can do to protect the honor and Interest of the I'nlted State And maintain peace. If war. however muni come, he ha hown his foresight In making every preparation for It. and we are In fur different p.witin now from what we were six weeks ai. Our navy Is mobilised, our coast de fense re armed and nunmJ, our army ha been made effective, mid our Rival national reserve, the nation. il gu.iril of the state. uion whuh at the list we must rely, has been aroused and stands ready to answer with alacrity the first call to arms. Such Is our position to. dav, and by reason of It we are m inter ot the situation. Holding thl vantage ground. If we can obtain our Just demands by peace wny should we not? Whether we are to have peace or war now depends on the Span ish government, and most assuredly no government ha ever been confronted by problem o desperate. If on the one hand It surrender Cuba the relcning dynasty may be driven whh execration from the throne. If on the other hand It cleaves to Cuba the very existence of Spain herself become Involved. Add to thes contingencies the facts that the Spanish army in Cuba is dwindling away, suffering far more from disease than from war. and that Spanish finance are In a hopeless condition, the national credit sinking lower and lower. I and w hat possible chance is there for Spain In a wir with the United In the outcome she would loi-e both her Amorictn colon!. and hr navy. whil her credit would be ruined forever. Doubtle:- for a time she mlsht waee a war of despair ag iln.-t us and Inllict much damage, but the eventual result can he no other than defeat fur her. r haps annihilation. Why then should not congress give a little more time for re flection before proceeding to the last r- -sort? Every day's delay makes for p-"'" All Europe Is Int rested in preservins peace, for no man can tell when the torch is once lighted where the con flagration will end. It Is because of this apprehension that great European pres sure I being brrjugnt to near on npiiii , to recede from her present position ami to preserve the peace of the world even at the sacrifice of Cuba. The American people are prepared for war and are willing to make all sacri fices necessary to a Just war, but tn-y demand to be led by the president and not by congressional hot-heads. Any fool can declare war. but In great crises II requires statesmanship to preserve peace. In the statesmanship of the president the people put their trust and calmly abide the event. WAR AND FREK SILVER. New York Tribune. It muy be only a coincidence, but It Is itlll worth noting as one of the salient features of the present Interesting po litical situation, that the most Impa tient patriots and the noisiest advocates of Immediate unconditional and uncom promising war ore the persons who for the Inst two or three years have been In nretty much the sume eager, t-xclted. violent and bloodthirsty state of mliu over the financial question and the un willingness of the cowardly and unpa triotic Money Power to ngree to the free I'oinnire of silver. Ex-Governor Waite of Colorado, who achieved an almost world wide notoriety a few years ago by his declaration that the free-silver advocates were ready to ride In blood to their horses' bridles to effect their ends, was only a typical representative of the rest less, reckless and ambitious demagogues Who seize upon every occasion to advance their own political fortunes by appeals to the passions of the mob. The wlld- eyed disturbers of the public peace who went raging through the country In the campaign of KW. stirring up the masses against the classes slid threatening civil revolution unless their demands were compiled with, arc the orators of passion who today are denouncing the adminis tration as a slave of the Money Tower and shouting themselves red In the face over the cowardice of conservatism and the foolishness of common-sense. Is It only n coincidence or Is it simply the logic of the situation that all the rest less and re. kless elements nhi h united in lv In an assault upon the .tout ot the nitlon should take .ilvanlige of the present opportunity to Incite ftith or without cause a war hl. h. whatever else might be the result, would Inevitably in crease the national debt, force the Issue of new financial obligation, unsettle val ues, derange the currency and bring tne country nearer to five-silver coinage alio consotpienl repudiation s it only a manifestation of the madness which seems to ho tempcrnif ntal and chronic with these peo'de, or Is there method In It and do th. y hope to effect through the disturbance an I tumult of war what they have f illed to acompllsh through the tvaceful and orderly prvvesse of an elec tion at the polls The teal with which the democrat have rushed to the front In congress with war talk, not only against Spain, but against the president and this republican administration, for no plunging Into the conflict out of hand, without walling either for a pisl cause or reasonable preparation, Is to the Intelligent observer an Indication, not o much of a desire to maintain the national honor and extend the area of freedom and eiviliiation. a of a burning eager ness to make political capital out ot the situation and promote the prospects ot j the demo, ratio party. ' The f.eble , f Tt of the democratic: N ader in the house. Mr r.iil.y of to put his f!:...T :n line a the real, and only true-blue patriot, the only ' party to champion the national honor, on ; the instant, w ithout hesitation or parley, j deceives no one. It w is a pur,., piece or ( demagogy, .he sole purpose of whl.h was; to make political trlottsm. but pol dotal. It was not pa-, It f iile.1 Ivcaiise ' the intent was s.. plain as to be mani fest to every one. Of course, th tempt will he r-p-ated. Itut the r.publi .-.ins in .-..ncr-ss. however they may differ I as to time and occasion, measures and I methods, are not l.k.dy to permit the1 polUy of the administration or the con duet of the war if th.-r " I to be directed by the representative, of a ' party whose fundamental .bxtrines are I hostile to every consideration of national j t honor and iummcn honesty. If the pos- eltizens hop it will not ! because of J the'y or cowardi if the Money I I'ower. as the .anting demagogue are so loudly shoutmc and if p comes it will not ! bee i us., the nflin!ry is driven to it by th-- il.tnor of the fr silver fanatics who hop.- to .-ripple the Money Power through its Instrumentality. FAI.I.KN FP.'i.M TIIR SKY. Kv.-ry je. ., while adven turous a-p naut make i ball's. n uscen si"ii. gets t-ntar.gled w ith a . yione and has an abrupt . tit. The building of aerial vehh !-. .vhi. h are intended to travel thto .h tie- "bl ; . mt.yrean " com fort:. b!v ind dal'.gerless h is long be.-n the dream not .nly ciil p.s.ple. but f and ..himerl- f r- illy . lentillr minds. Hut ih.- id. a of hio: o ria! machine tra-. v rsing sr. o e h.s n vr b-eii reaiiieii , wod. .. probably n.-ver mil be Kxperb-nee. how-; Thl rs. ever, t. a. !: s u fa.-t of real import-! ati'o. n..n.ely. 'h'i r no ds no lofty . sun. ... (lights to grasp ih- fa t Host.-ttf r's Mn. ... Stoma, h UitP r will r. Ileve. surely and ; ' speedily, b ilo'i-'.e-s. wheth'-r chronic orjThurs. temporary. No . 'flbaelous Is this F'ri M,,,.ir,i f malarial f-, vr, nerviitisrie,.. uy-; t.ia. rheumatism . jioii. .. . and si, k'he .,r ..-bllity. Like all . Tu. .. ni. rii"ri'ii:s m-ilMr' ., .t deserves a f.alr trial. I Kri. .... I Sat The lat' -t in trinket line is , ulP-d j Sun. ... b.-'oved eye." it t worn as a . harm.1:,." '' and is paint".! eye of the r wi.rld. r-,r. -.-in exactly tn-1 dearest to vmi In the ! I A business man is m,t the most patient I creature m the world. He cannot wait to hear any long-drawn-out, story of the cause of his allm.nt.'. II; doesn't care two straws ebon; a tin. spun theory of how he should ti-at himself, e may be pi'.-ul; k s.-'I to scrofula, or consump tion. 'That." h..- will I' ll you "has noth ing to do with tli- cis".'' He wants to be well. If he can !,.- cured, write out a prescription and s n.I in your bill. So, here's the llrst i .rt of the proposition. l)T. pier" s .;oi i. .Medical Discovery Is a rnici ,b- Ii int, t and killer. Many persotis of s, rofulou' blood, encourage the breaking ', :' of uioigli'ly soP'S, to prevrit the ,1:-' going to the lungs. There is no 1 1 . this state f dread and illscomf-'H. I'uiitv the blood. lt can be done. ".iold. r. M-dioal Discovery" will cure !' I r m of till consumptive cases, also of all ntl.'-r lingering bron chial, throu' arid lung diseases. The I':,ii!Hi jkirt is undoubtedly the fa vored cut for I'll the t immer gowns made by fashionable modistes. di.s.-ovki;kd uv a woman. Another great discovery lias been made, and that too, by a lady In I his country. "Disease fastened iis clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. For three months she coughed Incessant ly, and could not sleep. SHhe finally dis covered 11 way to recovery, by purchas ing of a bottle of Dr. King's New Dl3' covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Hamnlck & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle free at Kstes-Conn Drug Co. Regular size 50c and tl'X). Every bottle guaranteed. Ml P.J .u - ..t Fifty Years As. Tlili In the war It sli bound to look V'hcs grandfather had ln "pwtci took." The e were the nhndowii t;al bcloit The coming of Con inter liieri AnJ hit art; like a girl In a pinafore Some day to Moctn to a goddess tair. M n certainly were not a Mack, wr know Ai th;y pivtuied lliriu. jj our jjo. Ayer's Satrapar.lh beai to mnku netv uion, Just s tho new pictures o( men bvQ to be mad. Thoustmds of peopU fronteil tho ciiniora wi'li 6kins niHde clean from b'.otch and bliinish, because thoy had purified tho blood with Ayer'8 Siystparilla. It is aj powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others irnit.ite the remedy ; they can't initato the record : CO Years of Cures. A f Amaione. Moris, nor l rIPN6 MftRlHHH;; fll ' j Alls.i Craig. Kobert.-n ' t"h. Shanghnk ... ... !....!.... Tl- MAKINE 0TES The C.erman ship Alice left up (--r Con Und yesterday. The State sailed for San ."ran. is- o y.- jerday afternoon. The tug Traveler arrived In from C.r.ny Harbor yesterday j 11.111.'. ---' ' I .. h.-.r...r vn.ion left ui f 'r The steam set Portland yesterday. The PriUsh bark left up tc Portland yesterday The British ship Comltebank arrived t I',,rt Townsend yesterday morning. , Th.. im.ri.-an shin Henrv VllUr.l m-ve-t . down to the lower harbor yesterday. lUrrnb..w, wht .at l.en. m,,vi - d down to F".rt gteyens yesterday, The German ship INfter iliokmcr. wheat . . I . . K.. pIlop t bVf sTil.lV I Mii'-n, arnvfu uit ii V"'- Portland yesterday loaded with . f-" 1 f lumber for San Francisco. The lumber schooner lilen. itaipn J . Long and Maggie C. Kuss wr- lOW oil ll to Portland by the Fanny yesterday The Oregon arrived in from Sk.igw.u i y. sterday and after a short t-iy at Hi' ' ii. K. 4- N. dock. pr. d.d up t" Port land. Notice is given that the hull "f the wr. ck. d bark IP n. a W. Almy. off the San Francisco bar. having broken tp. the bell buoy marking Its psltln has n re- nvired. TiJe Tatlc ior Afri . 1893. Ill-.11 W a!.K I...W W AIK11 l"l'K V H. I". . A M. f. M. n. in, ft. n.m ft. Ii.nnft. b.init r.ei . i .-;?. iv o i ;m i 3111 '-' I" '.' Sun. . " 4 j lo 3i '1 7 :i ... I! , 4 'U l ;.' ji.j&ii'.i2 '-' j ... 4 u ii; i mi :-. - !! : . i .iJ ni 7 ll. 1 II "I 1 . .I! li ii U 1 12 P, 7 l. ti 41 7 '. I" I ... 7 U lit 1 a 1 i 7 i. .avl 7 li' I! i; ... s i:',m 'i i 7 i s -.' "' J J .-ill :i '1 'J 6 M -ii i- -. . PJ 2 4.', SH i '- 'J 4.' -'- 9 l II " 3.;i ; 4 'd .i i '' ' 'i i' -' i ' i ; ic-ii u ::7 ii :i H i" . 'lit ism 7 1'.! 12 44'Ki . ii tiii 7 4 k ir.'7 i .(is.; l oi us ";;; 17 Pi li'.T D pi T.i:7 H t 1 ti 4 41 1 3 .'. b 11 31 7 ii 11 3a s i! & li I u ' I 4 ...ll .. ... . I3i7 .i.n.'ii li 1.1 1 1 '.. ii. 0 11 H t 12 i4 T 6s'll. iV.32 ....21 V 47 "j I i) 7 H 7 111 -1 7 31 2 b 12 1 11' :t i 1 H b' '' 1 1" 1 n 23 1 M H I 2 Vl t .'. 47,U 2. s 12 3 u ' 21 2 22 7 It 3 2HII li 'J 21 1 ; li 113 k .. 2'. 2 id 7 'i 4 115 S f0ll "Jil, 4 2 21 3 3H 7 2 i 'SI j 7 ! 34 11 In IS 4 4 ...27 4 1H-, SKS7 U la 1 & 11 42 14 ...,2 7.'', 1 1 ti 1,2 ii 1 12.M I k .. ..;. . . . . .2ii i; in l " 47 i 2 ii ii. i u 12 it; 2 1 IJO " tl till, i 3'i '1 1, 1 ii.3 i, I 'ti i 3 Weal. . Thurs. Frl. ... Sut. ... VE8SEI.S ROUND TO ASTORIA. Otaeo, Fk, Bwd bk. 470 tons. Ham- taurs. Conway Cat.e, Jonei, Br sh, IM tons, Valpara'so. Vanduara, Reavati, Br bk. ii'lfi tons, Algoa Bay. aiinbarik. Iuiarl, Br bk. 13Si toruv Calcutta. Genevieve, Tougc, Kr bk, !7 ions, phing, October IL Oberon, Oully, Br bk, 14 ion. Newcastle, Australia, October 8. Chelmsford, Thomson, Er bk, 211)7 tons, Cape Town, October . City of York,, Br sh, 11T7 tons, flyd.iey, Lakemba, Brvlherlng, Br bk, loM tons, Freemantle. British General, Thomas, Br sh, ltt ions, Newcastle, Australia. Midas. Messenger, Br bk, 13i2 tons, Nagasaki. Yalorl, Brown, Br ih, UM tons, New. castle, Australia. Jordon HIlL Walker, Br bk, 217 tons, Melb-Hirrw. Klntuck, Perrelle. Br sir. 28x1 toos, Yokohama. Amara, Kent, Br ati, 'M tons, Hong, kor.g. Alexander Black, Dunn, Br bk, 13M torn!, Antwerp. Watjen. Fritz, Oer sh, 2079 tons, Hlogo. llristoi, Mclntyre, Br str, 1274 tons, San Francisco Annie Thomas. Thomas, Br sh, 17PJ tons, Port Plrie Alnvora, Thomson, Br bk, 17B9 tons, Newcastle, AusrsJla. (llenlul, Taylor, Br sh, 1894 tons, Boyal Roads. Foilhnank. Peterson, tr bk, IM Ion, il!ivrgh'nt!. Aihtamsn, Winter, ltr bark, M ton. Algoa l'ajr, s l.onriisdme. Jons, ltr bark, ltM tuna, Hrlsbans, Cambrian Trine. , Mr hp, IW tons, Melbourna, City ot Athsns, Uindln, ltr ship, UN ton, Antwerp, ,loseih 1 iiller. Harvey, Am ch, T tons. New York. 'lacknuinnnnahlre, Thomson, tr h. IPt; tons. Newcastle. I'aivbrlan tjueen. Jone. ltr sh, l!ll tons, MellnMirne. Ataeamt,, C'abellero, thll . I.M ton. Tlcahtino. (irrslbv. Stuart, ltr -h, ITtW Ion. San Tranclsco, Vilbei horn, tllbson. Hr bk, im ton. I .Ivorpool. Argo. Maclean, Ur h, 1W tons. Am - j werp, I ClaveMon, Klway, ltr h, l.tOJ ton. j Yokohama, 1 Oomllebank, Burn, Ur bk. 1.PI ton, I Tnltal. Mount Tabor, JaMsvn, ltr tr. l.t ((ni. Yokohama. ' lioestndt. Thorhlorncn. Nor str. I - . . . ton. China. ' " . tlulf Stream. McKennon. Hr bk. i...,,"" '"uh m";,u' "lanuf,., lured, I. i i which shows conclusively that i hanib.r- 1 tons, London. 4 ... llonir Won Castl Kock. Jones. Ur sir, l.Tyl tons, lllogtv. Lombarvl. Raison, Pr str. tons, Hone Kong. St. Munyo. Ilanillton. ir sh. K3 tons. Yokohama. liunford. M icl'hvrs in, Vr sh. 3t' tons. (Inmbiim Marathon. Crosby, l'r sh. 1MI tons, Shanghai Patriarch. !rerh l'r sh, US ton. Ma nll.a. Lea Adelphu. Ibreton. ltr bktn. lV tons. V'reeniantle. Tosetdon. llush ltr sh. la ton. New castle. C.ertrud. lllnke, tier sh. K'i tons, Kobe Tlfu. Khmke. Her h. i-i tons. Vlavi.t stock Semantha. Crowe. I sh, CU tons. Na- gasakl. Amnion. Moris, iier pa, iw ion, w il.'i ton. Hoiig Hr tm. :ili vMympla. IoJson. ltr tn. Itld ton. Yo kohama. Umri'ton. leitta. ltr bk. :iil tons, llio Janeiro llowth. Martli. ltr bk. V.M ton. Cal cutta. inin l'asha. i 'hri.s'.ensctr. 'o-r bk. lr Antwerp. t.l'.MIIKK r'l.KKT j ,.ti t!ie W.o an I 111 ColuinW Hie r to Iid LumOer. I'rot.etlon. , stm. 214 tons. Ms i Umd.l g. Kcho, . bgl-v, Js) ton, Tletlt , Knappton. ; M.-vrtoii, . bktn, JM tons. Sydney. . V. F. Jewett. . schr. a tor. Ha:-! f'ran.iseo j limega. . bktn, S.M ton. Mollendo. J r.owaro I ara. jonnron. . nr. r-nn r rate rls-o. t et.runry IS. T im (i Shanter. rutteron, bktn. Bn . rnn. la.-rv L,ltto j,. at tons, Ban Fran' rtsco. Chehalls. bktn. Ml ton. Nsga- ulc diking. . schr. 1 S tons, San 1'iaii n o i'. ndale. . siiir. 31 tons. San .'ran- fll' o. tjue.-n, . s. hr. IM tons, S.n Krati- rl. o. Ualph J. Ing, . chr. sr. tons. San rrinrlsco. Alcatrai. . stin schr, 191 tons. Alaska. tilen. , schr, . . tons, llueirme. Maggie f. Itu. . schr. I 'll. Jioss imiing. ASTORIA'S OR UN FX.EKT UW. W tie ll thd h liu Ills PiieliAlMirn. llr b . rietiei. so, llr h . 'riniiorTie, Pr li 1 'r.a i. ,4 -M-rbi.d llr li Mliva Hi -ti It tlitv.a.). llr li I .iitit.ri 1 ton, llr .h . . . IHIllM Lin. ltr l.g K'l.' He 111 ll . l.iru.. Iir b .Vlari-eh.ll Stiehot, Hr "ll ..l.l.'Ule. llr h Ai.dreta, llr u Vrrarat. ltr bk In, 11I il'bi. ltr .11 I b a Mac I .-11,111, llr li ... ,.oV I I'' t i.i.i. t I .111 TKfilaie llr sii ": 1 1 ,, 'I', Mratlc.'rv .-. P.r 7 V7s ; 1 ji. . I'.e.l.t- RlC lllf-h, ll "I! '1 , jl.' ' Transit. Nrlr llnt.Hili.t, Nw -li .j.i-ii P-,wtoall P. I-iw, llr h' . '.i..r..' 0..nli l-Votll.-. . iier .1, :,.i; loin I nicii!.ie, llr sa t ....'! ii Wtnkoiouicii. i ,.r -Ii j,. .sm ....m UaieH'.NKl. I!r b . V. 7 '. ; i u'ly W ent wortli. e r -h ". . , T.."" , siilberU.l.d.blre, i'.r --ll y..n.i. . I l.delibuilv more, llr -ft.. 1 '.i sjoej Pblloliieil-', llr .h ! 4-.iks ",''',' I I I'j.ii 1 iio ira, ltr bk .. ...I "-..'.I . ! i ioe.-n M.i, uiiret In o 7,-'- '..I.'..'' Adoif .h .... -... Imiiis. re. llr so 7', i.'.i '....uif lien Avon llr I'k I ,', , ,',-' i Norma ltr bn " on I llaccil. I'.r bk .'4.. I.- .Hi, . ! K liiiinslilre. ltr ok n.. !.-.... Florldii, Sor nr.. ... io:,;,,t ;'w.-i j FlintJiiilre. llr sua . ,. io, "mm, I MiiIiiih, llr b m.-'ji 'ii,'i! Wiliiiiin iilil. lih ii..;.; S'.-ki llii.ldoli 11 ol. Mr Im . i-.i.l: l- 'll .1. C I'lbliior (oo sb I -. 7irv ,i7,l,l', AiiMlnbti, llr bk . "J1... .1 .',lil Perii.'ierbk ... 7'. e '. u,i I urrailiile, I'.r bk ;.r:, pi,ni Klglnshlre, llr sb 77 tl ovln i roiiiiirlysbii.. I'.r h .. IKK I r.oV. Priueipnliiv. I'.r bk ,7 li'. : 7". i Calls ill li I. Br sh n.i.t s.'.riti I in. .in si ! n i, I- r l I ,',:tt .! lieiicn It. nk, ltr ship (.--" '4. su-lmrksliirs, br b .. IH.t.' J i7.7 o lily ol I', rib. llr ir .. i l,'"i llrus.e h, Iir (.it al.iia ,' I lebterl v r. Ill bk ' 2i."', I lair vtiisdale. Iir h . . I .. ,:i7 i .-,.i llpbell . Sr I.U .. .. I .WJ.'ll 7.'M, i'.ardoH.w llr li ...'.. j '.c,.,i Irniiiei,,iy, lii i, .... li..'l i ,lMl - H. Kvsoii, It sir II ,. '4.;iii F.lirlckdiiio. ltr sir ItM'a 'i 7.' bombard, llr str ... i.iM;:i I'vl.', I'lOMIII-e. !r -li . !", ', i 7''. HI )inb,brstr I .,,i-jl I 2 ..'h i.lenl,-. or b I.e.'.'. I I.' . m Verbena, ,r sh lui.lin, -i; ;m 'Barrels of fto'jr. YELLOW JAtlNDICE CI'ItF.D. Hiifl'erlng hiimaiilty should be supplied with every means possible for lis relief. It Is with pleasure we puplish the follow Ing: "This Is to certify lhat I was a ter rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice, fur over six months, and was treated hy Borne of tho- best physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. IP lI, our druggist, recommended Kl'-ctrln Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. I now take great pl'-nsure In recommend ing them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. I urn gratefully yours. M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." Bold by Kstes-Conn Drug Co. Some Easti-r novelties lire In the form of little egg-shaped porcelain box.'H that can be used either for bonbons or Jewels. BIJCKLEN 8 ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE In the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Bktn Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay rcfpilred. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. clothes do not count half its iniicli good meal you can lent iisatil'ctt you uin getiln old itma'MATiMM't.i'nr.11. My wlfd ha used t'lininberlaln I'nlu lliilin for liieuinallsm with gieal relief. and I can recommend it a a splendid llnl- limit or liieiimiiiiani ami oilier iiousenoi.i use for which we have found II valuable. - W. J. fuyler. Ited frock, N. Y. Mr. t'uvior Is one of the lending me. liiaut of this village and one of the most prominent men In thl vicinity.., V. tl, riilppln, IMIIor Hed Creek Herald I'or ale by t'liarb Rogers, druggist. Women uie ivg.mhd u lacking In n I -lies Idea, but when one mice gel the real notion III her bead she cannot bo bcitcn .it practical management A word to the wise Is sutTbiciH" and a I nurd from the wise should be siillliieui, j but you k. who are the wise Those who know. The oft repealed oupoiioiico ! of iriMworlhy persona may bo talo n (or knowledge. Mr, W. M. Terry says fh't tu ber lam's foilgh Itemed) give belter sal ( lfactlon thn other In the market. Il has been In the drug business at I'.lktoli. u' ' ....-. ..... ...... .. i... in... ..r nil. ..'Ii- mI I it I Tl .. ll.e ill"". ."I I i. II. e pie. and Is the best, for sale by Chailc lioger. druggUt I "on I nlwav lodge the angular wo man a being old nml.leni.h In In r senil no . lis She may have a wonderful wenllti of love under the foeluddlng rateiior That the blood hould erfot in Its vlti i (urn Hons. It Is absolutely neorasary II should not only be pure but rich In life- giving element. The result are hmv effected by the use of th it .vcll-known standard purifier, Ayer Sarsu- pa rill. To the individual . I,, Fr-n. t, ie . hap.vii i h.llliplgllou n.ninda v. rv 1 u. h more elegant than the mtralirm i , but they are one ami U. sanv. thing ' Hi tun. li after all I was rending all advertisement of I hainWrlaln's Colic, liioUra ulid Ihoea Itemedy III tho Worehester Kilter pre recently, which lends me to writ Ih . I can iriillifully nay I never U". d any remedy njual to It for ...In and d urrhoe I hav never had to us more than one or two dose to cure tho wort en.e with myself or childr. Sirout. IVponiok lily. Md. (iiarle lingers, druggist, l.ov.r's quirr.I mav uii.H pan. h ippbr in the maklag Lav- iheir .car. nev.ri as. .a -. ' - . Inat.ineVa. I'w.iala Ie- i -.!.; IViii'iiuilos.'itu,il.v. li ti-bAg, il nrrmor arxra ' "' - HJ. OEr OKI ISO ST II K a .,,K1h. When you get to n slafa where fSJ nlANHflfln RESTORFD. 1 M - I " , " lift l.asww m ..w I i !ZP tf'.f O A Men al las ll-. Wr . "id ."! I IV .Mr l d-s- oil ufi . i VN 'v1 i '..I'..alnU" i JVMl T t . A. e i-.!ilr. rtiliM. I MaffV. at -i. imw ntTrr-s aio ih. oarea o U.nwsi nesetT see eM ass tiiwit! n n ail.' Ill ftiil.KN kl'lhawly i"-n rnie. Inisif wI.ImmI a orsraUai. I . iiiimsn..l' ...-. flarn-l ll HI t.--i rt.a av.1 llixt s iumim .- Jl.01 a f.i f !,. mail. ".d t rwrlvs.ur ae.l leaiiniuiiial AU ttatwi, flH-t A.P.U lun V.aa rrsrtav I'al fw M kg Wit SALT. BT OMKI.Ktt ItiKiKHA H n 1 INVITO A'lTKNTION TO ITS i WIIKIli: YOU CAN (JKT Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Cards, Shipping Tags, Envelopes, Handbills, Labels, Receipts, Tickets, Blanks, Etc., Etc. ALL AT Lowest Prices Good Stock, and Best Work It Is all very ll In talk In IHppol fashion of the possibilities mid ppu.a blllllea of win', but the women or Hie laud who have, loved no who would go regard It In n very swrlon niul lieaii bienklng llglil A veritable cinloslly inlsl III Hwber- ahl p, ,, hap,. if lt ieb gph line w ith stone poles Ill ivv my wlfii went Must and w at tucked with liietliiiatlsiii. Bits received no relief iiulll she tried tiiainbeiiaiu s Mln Halm. Hln.o Hint nine wo have never been without II. Ws find II gives Insunt relief In case of burn and scald snd I never falling for all rheumatic and neuralgic pain. I, t" llraiit. Hunts. Viiri, I'nl, I'or sale h t'harle llogei, dl llgulst I niolliod In ,i pale girl earning a r.l umbrella even more pnlp.ibl. Ihati h. r d. .ire lo k. cp off the lain The entering we.tgt of a fatal complaint li a slight .eld. sbl. h a done or two of Avers cherry I'e'torsl might hnv Hired at the commencement, Therefor II I advisable lo have thl prompt ami sure romesy always st hand to meet an nneigency. iile lllo.b iole llloal uaslindlv colli. I If II wished to itoiiine all of sup. rloi u v over everv mher flower, us It Is f.ivoi'.l bv r.iliioii, boili In II and mil slate Liiiiirlant, of unK.-riii color. I a I'.'.UH If ill hnildeoverlllg for rllher set, and mar be secured by using Hall Vege table Sicilian Hair Itenvwor. To many of ll It aeems as though our w hole liven hud been orl of an Al"'" fool toko and wo all know It la only other persons who get any oii of fun out of l.b a riLw it tl C"' 'v,ut"- ladnal'ilt. ffil 3 J. 5,1, ""Z Mi.i 73 .fJ S H Lal'l.. I 1 ti .hr t7 I I nai th Uelniig al w.,c. su A VZlVX merit I preiiarcil for l"ean.l lull log ot 1UO prl.stn svrta .'Very ! urai.le l lit ilninguis h m.i on r. vrli.l ol pneo M crlll a. id 1.011, SVIILIAIVS VilrTllf ACTURINO CO., I'ropw. Orela.ul. Oal.k I'or sal by Ksles-Cona Drotf C MOTI'S PENJ4YR0YAL PILLS rr ) by Kates-Conn Drug Co. cunotifC" noatmtl Viaial IU..r.Uie t r aurali.a . h Mael..k ll tUe. I .Nr,s. lailia k VMtonrvl. 4 Il.uiall .u.i ai !-. rv .i.r n4 br ts nisbt, ptwaola utr a aish il r ji'i'i lwt to Stiiwi.sTiMMts lmtarr. l rilir..s arlnnr - - .4 U UlllM UkUm, m ass-s, TL. I ...o.-w, l.r- n. . A. V . a. Kln. el I..H.UU Or OJ I;MSfe f le.l.U.I ...... ..I. -o-l ..... .U. . lfW ." r.i,.li Lr n tf.l. ., me pacii.i- .iSisf , vr- :', r up, hut Uie) iY J soi 1 1 iirnu M t'o i....ui ft r 1L Ikkrls to all point' .13 AST.. llnBl"1: .vr. For Sale OyO.R.AN 1 BA'1-" , Afcnt, Astoria. l, Itlllll'IIIM, ItWsml liirough ptlai and touiist sloepsri, dining snd llbisry observalloii ear III.IIHANT VU8TIIIUI.U Tit AINU No, 4 Limited leaves rorlbnid tl IM No I Limited arrives rortland at 10 II JJJoMiio n 1MI; HAST lllVKrt t'lliH'C or Transcontinental ROUTI-S. Ureal Norhrn llll- n bV MUuMMiMi-te snd HI. Iul ana Cbsssjss Own Kh.ii Un ft Call Ul B- Tr Omaha sn Kasaws St. owest Watcs to All Hast en! Cities. 0CUAN STIiAnilKS l.emr At..rl.i for Han Kr' Ui'.i vry pve a follow: Cidiiinbl. Mun.ty April I Hint of Csllftirnls. Kriday. April 1 Columbia. Vrilne.Uy. April U. Hiale of rallh.rni. Monday. April It Coltiuibla. Hturdy. April O HUto of Californl. Ttiurstlsy, April M. Columbia. Tur.ilay. M 1 Htut. of California. Hunday. My I. Mimumt trvuiUdr fnira TsirB4 M Tokolian and Mmk n vt Nots rn I'srine lltMUnshrp Corr-pany w tsMV mkHIi Willi Oi R. AH. rr niM nd fnri inrortaHn en r sddns 0 W. Mil NHHaltWT. tMl W II IICHt.llCHT. ilii I'M Alt., I'ortUnd. fr. mli-Mt.l. I'Mtl.lM. A (1mi Act N I". H H Co INa-lland. Or. THIN KAII.WAT Ctmi'ANT liparsie Ii Ira n, on tha famous ytm. t.tCht It trains b 'Ie. til. ll tbrsuk- out; Ct Km i-.llirird rbotrie Ixrlh r4 Ins lamp. Hon. (rtidld t r,ini.t ,awnr tnln. r try b. and oljl.l Mwpq HI. I'aul and Chlonfti; th CltlCAtto. MI1.WAI KKK HT I'Al'L AiMl tvralr te lo-I'MiiO tlbuld train. rarrlnr ti licst .riat rm iartnii cur. I.brnry I urTl .moklng ears, an I . d-Hif .o.,m slTr. I'.irlor er. fr-e t.rlrl' ir b.ilr ur ad Ih wry lwi dtnins ear rrvlr. Kor u.-i r.ii. t "r dnt in Um Un.te.1 Hisie or I'anad. afply to ticket nl. or S'ldreas C J KI'DY. Omeral Al, J W CARET. T r. A. rortland. Ortsftsv Through Tickets TO TH EAST AM) SOUTH HAST VIA PULLMAN PALACH BLDSPBM, TOURIST SLKEI'BIta aod FREE RrX'LINlNO CHAIR CAR -Daily Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and otfier Eut.m CUs via sIUmt ltti. srs Psclflo or 0. 11 t N, Ot. Only Line From Portland OfUrtiif rasssngtra th cfcofo. W Tw Touiist Car Lln throuk to Cbloaco. Specially Conducted Excursions Via Shasta Rout to Cbloag wrtry T day. Oaf lac checked tAroisjh to asa ti nation. Uagnlftomt soensry, slsi depots, fast Um, lowvat raUa, Phitsch Mght in all oars. For ralas and otfasr Information, sail on or addras R W. BAXTER, Osn'l A4, 1 Third St., oor. Aldw, Portland. Astoria Public Library READINO ROOM FREE TO AUs Open very day from 3 'elack to l;M and 1:10 to 1:10 p, n, Subscription rate f par atuMim. B. W. Cor. Elovantb and Duana BtrMtt.