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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1898)
:n'.o vi f: -''i' uoiin I.' : . 8 I .t.-j. v 4 THE DAILY ASTOHIAN It the tlfgest anj test piper on the Columbia River .4 THE ASTORIA N Has the latest circulation of any paper on the Columbia River FULL ASSOCIATED PRICSS HBPOUT, VOL XLVIII. ASK) IM A, OHIifiOX, HA 'IT II I) AY MOUNINH. AI'Kll, !,, !.. NO. 85. e flit! i 4 ft House Furnishing Goods Tor the C'nrlnnd Jim! Kn'ilvrd from lll OMtl Eclipse Hardware Company The Power of neea usually the Influanc of arwapapera. We give II now meaning. W. Mil I.RTTKR I'KEBBCfl COPTINC! HOOK AND THE VtKIlT HICMT OK INKS..., All thra. of whit h are Hwrgr lo obtain a good copy or your letter. l(Mp copta of your correspondence and aave money. QRIFFIN BOT TOM Foard CHARLES KAN & Co.,cJSi2Ll " rsvu.. ,,. uni mcrwicar... Japanno Gooda. ry, N.ill.iin ami Furtilehlng Goods AT Itl.AHi NA lil.l'. I'UICKK. r J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. IIAVK 01'KNKH TIIKIIl IIOAHIHSO AND DAY Hl'lHHlU For ratt, a to., ai1ilrM tha Bitporioratia ft'PII.H RttuaiVRD IN TUN PKIMAHY. ORAMMAK AND ACADEMIC QRADHti W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull Una ol Pip..., aaa 5aialiri' Aitlcl.i. A1A Commercial Ml TWnWWnWuuA rmp u uuuuu l J F -r, flV ,ll.J",L "'l '- 's IP L W., trt.4J Uyi . tUiKT -tiriUiiaitiU&tlr million. the V.nnt. flitlllUM.. Huporlor Ititnue. the Press . . . . & REED. FAC TS Air 1 1 ii j I . tl ,l !i, nr '. r 'I .ill . t-ill ll.r l, II, tl, J ,i , Politrt MeKiil A Son IrUh 1 1 . aimon Twine ... . err lliftl r' I fit tatil rii rf T Hi t ittii, II, (till fi'.l m 1 1 mi' and " : Id tin' f II oil I caler In Cannery and I laheimcn'a Supplies... & Stokes Company Aatorla, AOIINTS... Oregon, JN3TRU- MKNTAL UU8I0. PAINTING AND votes CULTURE FORM A 8PKCIAL DBPARTM1NT Doalir In . FINE CIGARS! Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North l'noillo Itrowory.of wliioL Mr. John Koip in proprietor, ninkcH W,n for tlomt'iitio nml txHrt trmlti, Uottlcil lim-r for fninily ut, or k beer anppliod at Buy time, duliviry in tlte city fi(i, NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Mount Angel College MOUNT ANUEl Marion Count. OREGON TJila la juat Uie plnre for your boya Dll-htful location. Inrg. bulldlnr and frounda, nood mania, plrnty of hvalthy azorciM, axoaiient trchr an4 oaraful training- thla la what tliay all My ol MT. ANQEI. COLLEGE. Bend for Oat. alofua and apaoial tarma. P. F. PLACIDUS, Direct. TUP rin: ir vniif FOLLY MADE UP (iiiml 1'ililny 1'uv.ul in WnMilnit(ia Without it l(iiik- of I'.ultcnunt. wi: aki: on i hi: i vi or wam I Vcl uiIj llulr: I'm hM in t Itr Capital H j(nl 'iriaiitiiM lor V i Ice Vill leave n.i4 T'.it j . Tlti: I I f I ihiiN rt or AN Al' Ai Kl HTAiiK ANU fiS il.KVM NUT IM i:t i:.NTH N AM Tin: I'iM UK iTIIA. Ill T Tin; I'lM.Pi TluH AM, lit tii:m thai mi.;ht hi; i.m- I'i'HIJi I l V IH Al ll'H HI'AIV is i:i i;i.i.i.ii i i m; iki.- A M i ( .i.h uk'l'in Aim II h l.t Kf'l (.in' . r. in 4i oliititrit.ii nh ,i.i( r 1 1 i mi Hi" iiil.ii i . nliTttt ili. U liilf II.,', r ilif i.i.Im I,, lw Hit 1'llllr.l HlMl. K mi Ihr t.rlnk of .tr 1 1 h luttift ,,f , ,,n. kiit lift ,i li'iiii ti. .1 ill Moiul.iy ,,ii. ,,i thf i H(ll limn-!, ti 'n ft' w.i Hit tllrO t t.ticr . II. .I . ti.!i, in. ii 1,1,1 .iini..i.i ii . HuM.1.t .j'i. t .r. ull 'I. ( Al lltf vt .ti ,-iit.l n,t y it .ii I ni ni - iiii rt- i i-f iiiin ..f ,,ii uni' it'liiiK t '.nilit t In to ff liiiiii.ili.tif . i .i 1- ,,r ..ftl'ti. I.i t. i-.rr il i. in . f .r tliiiv i.n Hi.' .. I., win. i, ihiy . r. i iii"i .me! iii nit- i"!!' i ii. , ..r i.ut . ,ki iiii Hit- .Li.tii. ..f Vi.t .rt ,.ir.i(uii An ft Hit. p'.iilu i tirnifr limn -T Mint unit H..iiii j .) ti, Ann-rti ' il 1 in.'i'iil i ti t fun..! rt,,it. ty (,,rf. nf tirmti , will iii tM- on ll r id. vrr I. . iJl!ll .. ..f II,, IHI'V ,,f n ,HIW i, iii. . I Hit- tiny ! in ni.trki'l tun ' lr i! III.- , . 'H. in-ti) ..f all ta irrlf. : t .t t.l I i If 'I t r. .m mill iMimr tll i ii.,.,t ..f l ul,,:, ..n Inn only . r..l I I i Il,, f ,, t 111 I! n, f. r- i ur l i. i .if iiiiiii. i,.. iiii'ri.uii v lwi'ii t.ik'ii. '.In- i'!'ii iif gii ail ' v.iiit.-.l , nn.l , ..!,. .-tntj ii. t Inti rv. n ll"ii ami tilt- frt'th m if i'iiIm fniiii Spun-l-li .1. .nun I..I1 lint tii. . ink-uli..N. .uni ,lu- , i i.n iiiii ttiikhi I..- iiii.-..,i ui'iu tin- I'm- ' It.l Hi..!t nfl.r Ii.i.l fii.tllt-.l Jtiuln fi"tn df Tlii li iiltiii ri iilftt nr. .mi. I !.. .r.i t..i, Inti-r- ; . iiTl. ii w Hh. 'in r, . ni;iiK tti,. t'lilum ln- N'llli n! .ill.l Int. I uni i '.t ih, pi. . m iTit ir t'ul.i S.'iti.- .ul!;. Itl.. In.l .l,.,.i.l!. lr . i rt. i Tin- pit I 1 nl in r.'.l lii.l. 1 . 1, ihii I. l.i V If f.'t.- (hi- mi Kft rtllt r.lll.HI . nun .in.t M'Mi.l.u. I'.mi Hh ttiinur- III It .l .l lll ! Ill liim riiini nt In T Ii "Vi r lit'imi'i n I ( ii ronv -.i;t' ri'inaliin tiu.tlt- itik tilt' I. ml i iltilm t -..' M ill K" I'l i "ll tf until,!-!)' t.t twtM ii , r r 1 1 1 k mi nil",;. Hi lllliM.!t.l .Il . Input. Ti! A ft. r tin- tii.'.utiK i'i. , .iliiiui Hliiltil tint tin- mt ..,'. w.iiil. I M.i.lrl.l tie Hi'llt t.i f.iiiKri on Moti.l.ty. Till' t.llilll.'l tllf.lltH! Willi h W.I.I Hill Ilif niiint iniiM in ful h. lil In ri'i t nt lit Wll .lll.illl, r iVIilt'llt r tin- ftvllliK ' 1 .rt ii I n.-tl t.y Hi, ii.liiiiiiinttinii t ina l tin i'nr la init.l,' up mi, nnttiltia; nnw rv in.iliiM in t limn, tint pr,'i iu ihr mill ji-rt l.i t'liiiKD-aa nn.l .iw.ut llic nut rum linn'. Thf f --1 1 1 1 as that mi ml hint ituii,. o,' . ilk and thiil nil I, in iilimi' ri'iiialiiiil wan fhari'il 111 all qilar li ra, liit liitltiii: ih.' f.iri Inn i'intm.'.in ami It ii.itl.inn. w Ii.t,' tin aiiilKiHKiKlnrn ami nilnlNtiTa t ir, it., , f.-i lltia; that all hn limn ilnni' In Wiiililnt! tun that itiulil or wnulil In- ilnni' In thr i aiit-i' of poiifi, t.i:i: l.KAVKS HWANA TtiPAY. aithliiKti'ii. April (Ifinral Ii- will ha vi' II. i vnn. i loni irr w At that tlmi iiIhii nilii t rmit',1 Si. Hi , oiikuIk nml niosi Aitiii'lran tlllai'ii i "I.Iiiik In I'lil'a will It'll o Uif litlaml. titthlal ripni'M n',,ivt'tl hiTii Imlny'.l that I.i I.' niimlit r of Airn'rlcans witi' Iraxlnii mi fir,il Hlt'uttirr frtim Havana nn,l m In r portv Nn ItiHtnirtlniiy li w M.iU'il hail tli'tlnlto- ly lu'i'ii unit In Miul'ti r W Itni',1 enn- I'oriiliiK lits frum Mmlrlil. that In lim li ft to liH illt. r. ti. hi Thi' priiKpi'ctii nf Ilia li.iv,' lii'iii fully con alilrtvil, Imwi'ViT, an. I thi li' l.i ri'iisnn In ln'lU'M' that In tin' i v nt nf hln n tlii inriit thf llilll.-h ,i nil ..i --.i . 1. . r at Mailrlil will lnik afti r tin' Aim i I.'.im UitiTt'Nt ami nf. fnnl pi nt n t Imi i i u,-h Aiin'rlt iitiH as r' liuiln In Spain. Till-. It Is slati'tl In nu Ih.iilt.itlM' iii.nii 1 1. Is part of tlio tivaly In twn ii thf t'nlli.l SMlia anil Uri'iit nil lain an, I ivrlp His til.' anion of the I nltiil Stairs In iiit'iiilliiK priitrrtton M llilllsh siil'li i'ta nn aiinthrr oroaalou. Tin' Spanish inliilsior at Washlnuton tin I'lVi'lvrtl nn liiNiiiirtloiia iih to hla ilrmr tiirt, tint' him lir iiuulr iivparatlnii8 to k, thniiKli hln t'stalillslinii'iit Is In mich rnmll tlnn that hr riniltl h'.ivr vrry soon aftrr I't i t'h lim nnlris fi'iiin his Riivornmcnt tn iti-part. , r lilrnrr nf Ihr I'limplrtr ri'ssatliin "I lii'K.ithilliMis II tan hr rltril that Imlny i Insi il thr st'vrntli riiiist'riitlyr day slnrr Ihr Spanish minister railed at (hr unite lli'pal'Ulient. War ami naval pivpa nil Inns are pro. eeeilliiir nysienmileiilly, lint liifRely the ililalls nf the pi'i'pnratliins have heen sh ipeil nml (here Is lilt to morn to iln than to see Ihetii ivjtulal'ly exeeilted. HAMPTON HOADS MINKtt. Norfolk, Va., April S. A (letarhnient of twelve marine elinlnrrt's from W'lllet's Point, X. Y., Ins arrived here lo lay Ihr rn I ile ami elei'lrlial apparatus for the moorlnir ami operation of the eoiurollrd mines In llanipion Hoiuls. A liarne ron tnlnlim the Hiili-inaiinu inlneH, apparatus, etc., Is lyliiK off the old point, TOHPP.DO nOAT IiOVVAN LAl'NrtlKO. Heattle, April 8,-Tho t'nlled States tnr peilo liont Hownn, the llrst war vessel hullt In the otnte of Wnshlnntun, was aite eeasfully Inunehi'il IIiIh iifternoon. u Is expeeled to hftvo the Howan reaily for aervlcB within two weeks. Her speed will he 20 knots per hour. rl't 'I' I If I i f SPANISH SQUADRON Uurnmint Maklno, Strtnuous Kf forts to Get Xa in I'onrtitlon. SKCOM) IIOIIIl.A NOT KI'ADY Alii kill (ill Siil tor r rlo Kim Torpedo 1 aotl ron Oitlcrrd In Stay it tape Vtul , ,S'i Vmk. April aA dlspatih t., th , W.irlil from Cudlx. H.ln. a... I The ri'Hirt that thf atii.nlr,ii tif iv. I lull. hi ull'l the rn'innil , an' .il.out to ..ill for ( nl, a or I'orii, Una Is alim-luti-ly falsi'. Pnalove nidera hive l,f-ii . fit to the Cape ViTil Isl.ill'l. f'.r tin t'.ipt'l., .HH.ron tn alay tln ri'. It w i i olili il to ai-ml the Hipiailrnll ot A'lmlrul 1'in.iT.i t join 11. On the un it nv. Vlllamll a .iia.lron Is eipit Ittl lo rt iniii In rt . NfUli- r nf tin- ,ualrnnii s'Hilit t!nit lu re la iiiiythliiK like n aily for at a .Wither la aas.rtitli d ), ami im nnli ra have Im tt ret liil from the Hl l-riiit- nniilsi.r lo move ilihtr atpiailrmi. Ilif only Insinirt Imia nally uln ii in Ad miral Ii 1 1 1 rn, u. r.imnianilliii; at Culit. are to prt-paratkoia as fact at "M alhlf. In itniafipli tirt of the t,r,t r t'.i'tlz La) . with the iit-liiliUiriiiK royal aisMial of San I'i rnaii'lo ami the yards la loiiKinti to the triins-Atlanttr ronipatiy, presfiit .tlnn of in u. Ii niilxliy. Admiral Or vara a Mi . ( la anlioi. .1 lure t.ikmit on storia nod prnv iliina. It (.insists now of the fast i rillsi ra Alf'iMM, XIII.. In faiit;. Maria Ti rt .i ami Colon; two at i,ml-( lasa eriiisfts. four rakltli liitiklntr turpi, lo l,..ats and two destroy, rs fn ah from Knulaiid. It. Hal. In .in. I.i I Information slates that the i.ii tiini, nl i-xpnia ih.- arrival hi re of Hie li.illl. ships 'i lay,,. Ktns rnr Cur ios V.. two di-airoyira frmii Kntl.tul ami the loristlo crulai-r Maria di Molina from Kirrol. The yeast la ,,rf not f.,r til in llulr priparatliina. I.ut those whlih have Im'.ii 111 forrij-n yards nave In-en withdrawn hurrletlly for fear war would lutein liefore their repairs or outllta rould l-v completed. The required work can I done in Spain wlih the lluoc i-e foruivn Hrtua ami fon-lKti work mill hmuKht down at irretit l xpenar. The minister nf murine has had no dif tlitiliy in lii'ttluii men and nftlttrs wlth ullt l.tllltlK mi the arsenal reserves, us ttiotis.iiids nf atillors uiid iittlt'i-ra nshorr ohiiitei-riil In addition to the men rt turnliiK from the Pliillippinis and in the nn reliant s, rvlre S. v. nil larite trans At:. mile ateaiinra of Marquis CnmnillU'a II" I are rapidly lilt Inn with'ld-tlre nuns. .Maxima. Nordi nfelilts and en ws They will he eonimaiiil'-tl hy royal navy1 nltl, i is. A dlpat,h to i he World frmn St. Vln reiil. Cam- Vi rd Islands, savs: The Spanish (orpedo llotllla In mm maud nf Coiumnd, ire Vlllamll Is atlll here, n ady to put to sea. but a walnut; ordt ra from Madrid. A NK.W PLAN OK WAlt. Terre Haute. Ind.. April (.Former Sec retary of the Navy Itlili.ird Thompson auya lie hell, vea the fulled States should demand the withdrawal nf the Spanish troops from Culm nml Rive the Itiauritenis a rhanie to govern themselves. He says: "This will mean nne of two thiliK; either war or the retreat of the Spanish people. Spain will likely declare war. I cannot aay that 1 am atrlrtly In line on the nin-atlon of armed Intervention. One 1 favored Hie recoKtillloii of the Cuban itiivcrnmcnt. hut I have rejected that plan. It would be the recognition of sumi'thlUK Intangible. The Cubans have a martial camp, but they are not itnv ernlnir themselves. In a clvlllied sense, a" yet. I do not believe there will lie any protest aiiiilnsi the fight between the I'nltrtl Statra and Spain from KuroHNin powers. Kiiglaml has said she will stand aloof and then' Is goml reason why the thrones on the continent will not engage In the Imbroglio. Tile Co' r man kaiser, the Itiisslan eiar ami the Austrian and Ital ian emperors are afraid of their subjects. On this account they w ill not arm them. They have their standing arnilrs which are Kopi tinner ineir thumbs, but war would mean the arming of the common people, who might lake ocraslnn to upset the government and convert It Into one more suited to their driliorratle tastes" SPANISH GI'MSOAT Al'PAZ. New York. April S.-A World dispatch from yucenstnwn says: A large ImxIv of workmen has been brought down from the Clyde to assist j la repairing' nml tit ting the damaged Snnnlsh torpedo gunboat Aiitlax for sea. The men are working day and night, ns she cannot leave If war Is declared. The customs otlb-ers have been instructed from the admiralty olhVo In London to take possesion of her Immediiitelv In case of war. NHW PKKKNSKS SAN KUANC1SCO. o,, t , . . r..,,. i- iiiiii'im ti. .vprn s. .M'v lines or I uiierior ueiense urn being mint for the fortifications here. The army will be prepared to light at the heads with the liMnrh batteries nt Fort point and Fort Haker nt Lime point. Though hostile ironclads should mnn- tiRo to pass the outer line of works, the lire of (he Interior batteries of Aleatriix. Angel Island and Gravelly bench would resist the further advance of the enemy. Major llntier. who Is In charge of the torpedo station nn Goat Island, has placed In position electrical apparatus for sub marine mines. Shore connections or tor pedo casements haye been established and Ihe mines can therefore Im planted in the harbor whenever fear of itvinger ar rives. Capt. ltcrkhelner's battery L. Thirteenth artillery, now at Llmo point, has va cated the quarters bolonginur to the en gineers and nought shelter In tents. The wooden quarter are used for the work ing1 parties. A regular camp has been established and the work of adding strength to the Interior Una of work is going ahead with more vigor. Mi'iri i UP A WAR TAX - . ISccr, Toliatco, Dank Checks, Deeds, Medicine to I'ajr Increased Taj. I'sta;k stami'.s kaiskd Tit ia Beer lime Vill rrooVt 15110'MKKl rtf -(,4, .td Klctlric li'jlit May r.c Tjied. A PKItM ANKNT IiAN OK j i KIt WAlt PfUPOSKS Wll.l. UK MAIiK AT 3 PK.H CKNT IN CASK HoSTII.nTKS COM MK.VK. Washington. April d.-The mmlH-ra o! the waya un.) nn-iina lommlttte of the house are busily ingageil with treasury otfHIala in the work preliminary to til' drafllnif of a war revenue measure, to te Int rodtn i d In i-nngreaa Imnr dlau ly uiti ttie opt nlnjc of hoatllltlia with Spain The Hiir.ase In the Internal revenue tax on la-er from II to I; a hurrel, and a large Itn re.iae in the lax on mai.ufai -liir. tl t'lbai eo. Ini ludliiK i Igars and i IgMretti a. hits la i n pra. tl ally uicrei 'l iis,ii. I:. ink i herk. hills of exihaiige ilrafta. deeda. mortgagea and other pa in rs nl this i lass, patent medicines an t lioalriima will In nil probability he added to the Hat. , rough estimate of ihe rerelpta to ta il, rived from these sour, i s la that the Im rease on these artltb-a alone will ap proximate If riot exceed iMii,mi a year. Peer, it la thought, will prnduie un In i rease of ti."..!..i.iM; tobacco un increase of or nmre. and the commercial ami patent medicines .--)"'" H'vl SEAGOING BATTLESHIP MASSACHUSETTS. The MaxaacbnwtU il. 15 knot ihip and cost fS.Oi'O.OOO. Sbe dippl in 10.I8S tons of water, ba 9.000 borcepower and carries fonr H ineh. inch. fot:e " l!)"ll anil 30 pnna rt ...'ler i'e Another source of revenue which Is cer tain to lie availed of Is the transactions In railroad and olher listed stocks. An Increase of from 3 to 3 cents on letter postage and a tax on gas and electric light has also been suggested to the de partment, but these Items have not yet been considered. An Increase of 1 cent an ounce on letter postage probably would augment (he receipts by jrW.OdO.ftX) a year. A bill providing for a temporary loan ot Siro.itm.M) and a permanent loan of l"rtt.. iMO.rtjM m 3 per cent, payable In coin, has been prepared by the ways and means committee and will be Immediately made In case of war. The whole question of the finances of the g-overnment In view of probable hostilities Is being carefully con sidered by treasury ottlciuls so that a defi nite and well thought out plan of opera lions may lie at the disposal of congress In case of need. OHKC.ON l.KAVKS CAI.I.AO. New York. April S.-A dispatch to the Herald from Lima. Peru, announces the departure of the battleship Oregon from Cnllao after taking on coal und provis ions. She has not yet been painted the war color. A dispatch to the Herald from Valpa raiso aiiiiuumvs ihe arrival of Ihe gun boat Marietta. She will remain there for orders from the navy, department, ur at h ast until the arrival of the Oregon which Is expected on Saturday. The Span ish torpedo boat Ti nicrlrio Is still at Duetto Ayres. PKFKCTIVK PRY POCK. New York, April S.-The World says: Pry dock No. 3 will not be able to re ceive one of the big battleships of the navy for months to come. Two leaks l,f., l..,., ,1!. I l .1.1.. .1 . .1. ...HI.... ,',,,, v. in nne, tin, i wiiiiiu it ,,,. XotwIthstandhiK the fact that ncnrly $ir.d,iw has been spent In trying to I make this dock ready to receive the big j battleships or the North Atlantic squad-! ion It haa been found necessary to make I additional alterations to Insure the safety of the docks. The leaks Were discovered shortly after th water had been turned j on in the small Inclosure Just outside of i i hit tinea, proper eunesiiay morning, it ; rrom uuenos Ayres via Galveston says: was the llrst test made under the super- Deports to the Herald from Rio JanVlr. vision of Constructor Howies, who Is In says the government If Prazll has re charge of the construction department at j fused to sell the cruiser Florlano do Om the Brooklyn navy yard. The water l rushed Into the open space with great I lorce and ran over a sea wall on the side I of the dock. hen the nreldcnt wasdis-I covered t onstructor Howies ordered thoian offer from the Vnlted States for the water turned off and the pumps were I cruiser Nicthcroy. worked. Xo report of this accident was1 made. Rear Admiral Dunce, the coin-j RVSI1IXO MINK KXPLOSIVKS. mnndant, nor the navy department were: notltled of It. According to Constructor! Wilmington. N. C. April 8.-A detach Dowles It will be six weeks before the mcnt of army engineers have arrived here dork ran be put In readiness to receive nd will go to Fort Caswell today to mine a battleship or any other vessel. The big dock was Intended almost exclusively for the reception of the big battleships. THE MARKETS FOR ) Spain I'aid Italy a Dig Price for An other Garitialdi. i:mit:i states M'rciiases ' C'atil Will St Sell the riotiaso Tie Otraoi Leaves. Cillao The lllimiis Soiveiir. Nw York. April S.-A Tribune dla- i att h from WaahlnKton iviya the navy I department has burned oflklally that '. Spain ae iireil another Mulae,pe Ciarlhaldl . from Italy for future delivery, after the , I'nlte.l Slates had refused to take the I vessel. The Van-i No. 3. which had also ' I .. .. n . . Sf . -.. .1 i a i. I n . I. .. tniru emirs, I, as iM'-n sold by Italy to the Argentine. No other vesaels will be completed for four or five months and by that time th I'nlteil Kmtes does not exps-ct to need aecond-hund shlpa. It was rejected on th" reeomme odatlon of Commander Urownai.n. Cmriman.ler Ilrownson also had the aat lfat Hon of knoini Ijefore he b ft Italy that Spain was made to pay dearly for the ship, for his visit advanced her prb-e lo M imi.ho, althouxh the vesael had at one time been ofT'Ted for two-thirda ol that amount. Italy haa found It exceed ingly profitable to build Garibaldi and Vani.s In Ms und panel them on" at ainctiy retail prices. The nml was launched at Hcstu I'oneuto dot k yard May X. KC. and named Oulseppe CJart- baldl. A aiaier ship to the Yarn was laiim hetl atsiut the same time. Both these vessels were sold to Argentine In Ka and renamed respectively Garibaldi ami San Martin, the former bringing; the enormous price of li7.5on franca. Italy Immediately laid down two more Identical ships with the same names and launched them by the latter part of lsjai. They snapped qp hy Spain and renamed resiiectively Cristobal Colon and Pedro tl'Aragua. the former being now con sidered the finest cruiser belonging to Spain. whi!e the latter Is still uncom pleted at Cad la. It was the Cristobal Colon that was selected to convoy the torpedo flotilla to this country, but 'at the last moment It was found that the Scotch engineers would not come and the Spanish engineers were not sufficiently familiar with the machinery. In fact the Spanish engineers could not get the ship under full steam power at all. As soon ns Italy disposed of the second set of duplicates another Garibaldi was laid down at Sestu Poneute and a third Yarn at Leghorn, to be completed In the latter part of lSifi. The former vessel was launched on September 2."th last, and by extra work has been brought to a condition which gives promise of com pletion the last of August. The Vnlted States concluded It would not need the ship the last of August or even a month taiuer. .-.aval omcers did not want to purchase the Albany because she w-us uncompleted, but Hruxll declined to sell the New Orleans without the Albany, and as the New Orleans was ready and needed, both ships were taken. Th American tlag was promptly raised on the Albany to avoid any International entanglements, but It Is recognized that ncr services cannot be utilized before she i. ims I'.uniaiui. mr tne Knglish could not complete her afterwards and observe neu trality, nor would It he considered safe to start her unarmorcd ntul alone across the ocean. It Is said that the statement that the I nlted Mates signed contracts for Italian torpedo boats is not true, for while want lug the vessels ioe impossini ttv r iret- ,,mt to the Vnlted States is recog- nlised. The, names Yankee, Dixie, Prairie a"'1 Vosemlto were today selected as the n,m" "esignatlons of the four Morgan lino auxiliary cruisers El Sol, El Norte. h'' t,UI' nmI '1 "lo- " - DHA7.ll. WILL XOT SELL. New York. April S. A Herald special to the Vnlted States, giving- as a reason that It will be a long time before she Is tltushcd Brazil will after the holidays consider the harbor. All necessary explosives are at the fort and the harbor can be thor oughly mined In 7a hours. KILLED BY AN Handreds Die In the Gorge Near Sheep Camp. MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN Casgkt Like Rats la a Trap Dttadiaig Stow Storn it thi Time List nt Dead r.r a Kaowi IT IS BELIEVED THAT ONE HVNDRED MEN AND WOMEN WERE KILLED BY THE AVA LANCHE. MANY BODIE8 WILL NOT DE RECOVERED UNTIL THE SVN MELTS THE TONS Of B E NOW COVERING THEM. Skagway. Alaska, April 1. via Seattle, April K About noon today on Chllkoot trail between the Scales and the Stone house, at lat 31 men met death and a large unn ber of other were injured more or lea seriously in a snow slide. Tha dead were crushed under an avalancha of snow and Ice. whli-h came down from the mountain aide upon the left side of the trail about midway between the Scales and the Stonehouse. The corrected Hat of killed and wounded as complete aa possible at the hour of writing Is aa follows: Guse Zebarth, Seattle. Frank Bprague, Seattle. Steve Stevenaon. Seattle. Tom Collins. Portland. C. P. Harrlaon. Seattle. W. L. Riley. Seattle. One woman, name unknown. E. D. At wood. New York. C. Breck. Sanford, Fla, L. Weldelin, Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Ryan. Baltimore. John Morgan. Emporia. Kan. Grimes. Sacramento. CaL, who haa a brother in business at Dyea. W. L. Riley. Seattle. F. M. Grimes. Sacramento. Mrs. Anna Moxon, Jefferson county, Pennsylvania. Ras Ilepganl. Baker City. Or. Atkins. Idaho.- - -Tom Creffert, Seattle. E. F. Miller. Vancouver. Wash. T. Lamer. Seriously Injured so far recovered are: Walter Chappey. New York. John C. Murphy. Dixon, N. D. F. M. Holbrooke, Portland. Pahlstrom. residence unknown. Fully fifty people were overtaken by the slide and are either buried tn the snow or scattered along the borders of the ava lanche In a more or leas Injured condition. The point at which the accident occurred is some five miles above Sheep Camp. The nearest telephone station Is four miles distant. The Scales are some five miles above Sheep Camp. The telephone wires at this point were carried away by the slide. This fart makes It difficult to obtain particulars at this time. A blinding snow storm was raging alt day upon the summit and as a conse quence many of those In the vicinity were making no attempt to travel. Zebartti, 8prague and Stevenson, of Seattle, were traveling together as partners, and were found side by side In bed. Thosands of people were encamped In the vicinity of the accident at the time and were soon on the scene rendering such assistance as was possible. Upon re ceipt of the news points below Dyea tel ephoned up to know If assistance was re quired and received answer to the effect ihut Jouu people were at work on th debris and were only tn each others way. All day Saturday and Sunday a souther ly storm with a Chinook wind, rain and snow prevailed In this vicinity, and It la believed the softening of the snow on the mountain side by those agencies was the cause of the avalanche. THE HORRORS GROW WORSE. Skagway. Alaska. April 4, via Victoria. B. C, April S.-The horror on the Dyea trail is growing tn magnitude hourly. As the work of rescue proceeds it becomes more apparent that many more lives were Inst than at first thnught possible. It la nnw believed that between 50 and 100 men and women were killed by the avalanche. Many bodies will not be recovered until the sun melts the tons of snow and ice that now bury them from sight. Two or three thousand men tire working In relays of as many as can stand side by side shoveling away the snow In search of the dead and dying. Twenty-two dead bodies have been recovered and identified and i'i have been taken out alive. Scvcueen employes of the Chilkoot Railway and Tramway Company, who went to the summit on the morning of tha tilde to work, are missing, nml It is feared they are among the lost. It Is estimated that lO.ium tons of outfits are burled under the snow and Ice. There were smaller slides before the death-dealing avalanche (ContlnueJ on third page.) Ike Rovol Is tke highest grade bakiag powder mow. Actual tMts show It .oca eoe tbird further tbua aay oiler breed. FOVOER Absolute) Pure OVAL MKtM POW0M OO., IttW VMft. rPfl. &AKIIi V" .f-r XX. uu jjf- - 7