The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 29, 1898, Image 2

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a . ., .11 ... 1' "tJ. 1
gaily &otovtan.
Telephone No. U.
rat by null. per year
ont by mU. per month
erved by carrier, per month.
, w
ent by mU, per r. In advance... U 00
Postage free to suliscrlbarrss.
All communications mtrnJoJ for publi
cation should t directed lo the editor.
Business conununl.stlons of all kinds iinil
remlltaneoa mut b addressed to "Th
The Astorlsn guarantees to Iti adver
tisers the Isrsest circulation of any news
paper publlahed on the Columbia river.
Advertising rates ran be had on applica
tion to the business manager.
Th Weekly Aatorlan. the second oldest
weekly In the atate of Oregon, ha, next
to the rortland Oregonian. th largest
weakly circulation In the atate.
One more father was added ti the cap
f the Astoria, prnsrvsaive Cummeriinl
Association last night when the commit
tee reported the collection f fund ie.
ssary for th completion f the contract
for the Shiveley city park.
Not only are the member of the rush
flub much Interested In iWp-see fishing
t be conducted by an Astoria neet. but
kba business men and aalmon packer are
also alive to the possibilities of thia great
tsnluslry. That It will be pushed la now
an assured fact and thi enterprise, like
nerythln else taken up by the Push Club
will be pushed to a suivessful lie.
Who wul be the queen of the '.v ie-g-.ttta.
This Is the question aKit.iting s
tivty ctrclca Just at the present mom. nt.
The Progressive AssK-l.itin committee
fcavltuj.' regatta affairs In charge will ir
gsaniie 111 a few days un.l earnestly pros
ecute the work of bnrding off this ear's
carnival. One thing Is o rtaln there will
not be an entertainment of ! ,r-iMr-tkms,
or less successful, than the one of
V. With the completion of the ,-ailr-v.i.t
there la every Incentive to make this sea
son's regatta the best one every 11 1.
If actual warfare shall result from the
present strained relations between this
country and Spain the yellow Journals,
which for many months have been bend
ing; their energies to urlng about suet) a
crisis, may find that they have been sow
ing the wind, with the usual whirlwind
after effects.
Yelow Journalism is not new In the
Vnlted States. Luring the civil war It
was strongly in evidence, and the gov
ernment was forced to adopt stringent
measures for Its discipline. At the out
break of hostilities In W1 several north
ern papers were suppr. sm .1 as aw rs
and abettors of treason. Their tr.insm.s
sion through the mails was forbidden, and
those who sold th'.-m were arrested and
lined or Imprisoned.
In the laLr years of the war many pa
pers sought to Increase their circulation
by printing aii-1 unr.diat.le
news. This was. an ra .f yellow jour
nalism substantially as it exists today.
Two N-w York papers, for i', e. pub
lished a forged proclamation purporting I
to be Issued by presid'-nt I. in. "Ill and
calling for 4- . additional troops. .Sec
retary Stanton ordered tile otti' o ., th
offending papers to be seized by the mil
itary authorities. This order was car
ried Into effect, and publication was
necessarily suspended. It will be noted
that these papers were not disloyal; ire y
were simply m.-nda lows.
In all the history of American Journal
ism, however, there has been li. such
jcandulons mendacity as has character
ised the saffron, -ens.ition-lovlng sheets
ut this country during the last few
weeks. If war conies one of the first du
ties ot the government should be lo de
vise some .Ip.k t.y which to hold within
proper bounds the ournulisti.- fok rs
who ate in ill.- newspaper busue ss for
cln ulation only.
If vviir ehall .oftie beivi.r-n .Spaiii iind
tin' rnll.'d Stai'-s, it will not l.e because
either nation desires it. '.V.- r will cm"
solely because Spain must accept war to
escape domestic revolution.
In no olli'-r way cm Spain confess her
. failure to suppress the insurrection In
Cuba than by a war with the United
States. If Hie Spanish government were
even to entertain the tppstion of sur
rendering Cuba, the already highly In
flamed Spanish people would topple the
rrown over In .1 day, nnd anarchy would
xclgn supreme.
Spain ennnot suppress the Cuban in
surrection. Her armies hare fail.-d to
defeat tho Insurgents In battle- nfter three
years of war, and the Insurgent armies
are stronger nnd bettor equipped today
than ot any time since the war began.
The, point seems to have been reached, or
nenrly reached when Spain must face
stie fact that Cuba Is lost to that once
prntiil empire; and the day that the hope
of iiinijuetlng the Insurgents In Cuba per
ishes, must compel the Spanish govern
ment to between a war with th.
Vnlted flatcs or a sweeping involution at
If war shall come a very few ilMH-ind
men would be needed In Cuba to unite
with the Insurgents, aa the whole insiir-
nt force would lie promptly suppm-u
with the best arm and munitions and
with artillery with which thc could
lure any seaport Hy from Inland
drive the Spnl-h fonca Into the sea
The violent tltiirli s In s.-cuiUP s
nines . mined bv rumors of war ai
, a p- ;
and '
all things the most senseless If war
shall come, there would l. a sudd' n .
shock and ome . onvullon In tln.inci.i'
rln lea, as money Is the most sensitive of;
all things In business channels. Put war)
would sutvly Innate rather than duniiu-h
values, A w ar would in. an the cniidov .
menl of scores of thousands, of pfip'e :
now unemployed. It would mean the dif j
fusion of scores of millions of inon.y,
which would not he expended otherwise.!
and before war would be upon us a j
month, value would be advanced evn
beyond the prices they could command
In peace. The government and the peo
ple alike have abundance of money, ant
Its Increased volume bv var could not
fall to Increase not only all legitimate
values, but even purelv speculative values j
aa well.
Everything now point to a probate.'
war with Spain at an early day. and we
should look It squarely In the fs.e. We
can escape It only If Spain can hope to
es.ii or revolution by the surrender
Cuba, and that seems entirely Improlut
We must, then-fore, be prepare
and patriotic senators and
of all parties, and p-itri
itnotic p..p;e
throughout the whole nation, r. g.irdl. s
of ion! faith, will heartily supjort
the government in the mot heroic war
measun s.
ready for
defeat "f
We are now ct rtaln t I
it. and that means the speedy
Spain, and In all probalMli'.
the annihilation of what was ..n. . the
proudest empire of the world.
A GREAT Zi"Li.x;iCAL tlAKI'l'N
The Z.iloglcal Society of Sew York
propose to construct what will probably
be the finest i.tologlcal garden In the
world In Bronx I'ark. New York, and
under the direction of the executive com
mittee the plans are being fully elabor
ated. The s.K'lety expects to open the
garden to the public In a satisfactory' '"'
on May 1. 1W. While the work Is pro
gresslng with all due rapidity and teal,
the old and well approved plan of reliev
ing biliousness and constipation through
the beneficent agency of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters finds general recognition.
This excellent family medicine is a sate,
guar.) against malaria and rheumatism,
and removes indigestion and nervousness.
It Invigorates the system through the
medium of Improved digestion and appe
tite, fortifies It against disease, and count
eracts the effects of overwork, mental or
physical. A wineglassfull before retiring
engenders health yielding and strength
giving sleep. it have the pr.slst. nt
and systematic trial that It d. s. rv s.
Brussels sprouts came from Belgium,
tteets are native to the southeast s.-a-coast
of Europe; sage comes fp.m sou'h
Europe; rhubarb from China and Tartar;.
The arrowwfoot Is from South Anorn i
The do tor may be a good old nun but
even so, medical examinations and the
local-application" treatment are abhor
rent to every modest woman. They are
embarrassing often useless. They sh.ajld
not l.e submitted to until everything
else has lcn tried. In nine .a-'s
out of ten. there is no reason for th- m In
nine cases out of t-n. the doctor In general
practl.e isn't omp-tent to tnat female
diseases. They make a bran, h of tn"l.
cine by themselves. They are d;-t,i.:
from other ailments. They can be prop
erly understood and treated only by or.
who has hod y-ars 'if actual pra. and
experienie In this particular l;n.-. Th;
is true of Lr. It. V. Pier. 'hi-f .or.- ;!
ir.g physician of the Invalids H"P I and
Surgical Institute, nt Buffalo, X Y. 1'r
Pierce's Favorite Pr. s. ription. a r-nody
for all derangements of thu r pr ...lw tiv
organs of women, has been in actual use
for more than thirty years. it. . '.r. -every
form of "female weakness."
A drama'ic v- r-i'.n of i 'har
immortal work. Bit ,k Hon-,
in I. n. Ion by def ;.nd duml.
a translation of their ge-ture.
aloud simultaneously lor tb
Hie "hearers ' presel.l.
TO cur.E . !:olu i.n ij.v
Take Laxa-Jvc- liionu Cj jlr.ii- Tablets
All drugglets r.f u.l the money if n fal
to our; Ec. For sale by Charles Rogers.
Melons w.-r
and Kotnaiis
r,d wre
Th.- w.i
v U :
irro.i p.
I olUlliti
yinuaj 8as ever (3,000,000 Boxes
-sE,rU r UTS'
ni'-h us iViri'l Pain in tli) Ktomvh.
(jidiliiiess. Fulness up. r pi"ii!, Hon i
U'.'lie, WzzipesH, JJrOWhilieSr, FIlPililllKt
of Hunt, I.o.-s of Appetitu, Oistlvcp'-s,
Jllotclies fin tlio Skin. C"ld C'hlils, Lit.
turtied Hloep. rriglitful Hruanis and nil
N.-rvouB and Tromblini? S..nsatK,i,s.
IN 1WESTT MIHUTEB. Evory euffwr
will ucliuowledice theui to
nr.rXIIAN'si PILIJ4. taken as direct
ed, willrjuieklyrentoro Fcniulits to com
plete health. They promptly rr.-movo
obstructions or irregularities r,f the syn
tcm aud cure kick Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And bam th
ofany Patent Medicine In the World.
25o. at all Drue Stores,
..- .. su,
rifty Year Ato.
Wko ceuUl imagine that thti should be
The place where. In eighteen ulnety thie
Thtt white woild wonder ol arck aud
Should (dew the, pedychrome...
lle-e at ttie Vair wa the prle cotilerted
Oa At ri Pill. b the world preletttd.
t'M. at;o like, ther a ievor.1 licw,
kiue liit) aiailcd-so jrsart no.
Aycr's Cathartic Pills
hivviv, from the timo of their
preparation, boon a continuoua
put'oess with the public. And
that moans that Ayer'a Pills
nooomplUh what is proniisuj
for theia; they cure where
others faiL It was fitting,
therefore, that the world-wide
popularity of these pills should
be recognised by the World's
Fair medal of 1893 -a fact
which the rocord:
t is. o
for S.
Stale .iretvetl III from Sail fran-y.-t.rday
with a large freight li-t
st. am s. Ii.s.ner b ft out
.n i o with t."i feet of I'Mll-:-
! The s. Ii.f.nt rs Salvator and I.etitia boll.
lutnNr laden, arrived down from Port
land yesterday.
The h -.n. r J M Coleman arrive.l in
from San Francisco Sunday to load turn:
her at Portland.
The trit;sh steamship Commonwealth,
for St. Vincent for orders. Is for sci
and carries P1 . bushels of wheat vul at li't v'l.
The British ship Wynnstay moved down
to Klavel yesterday and Is ready for sea.
Her cargo consist of bushels of
wheat valued at n.lW.
The steamer Canby came down from
Portland Sunday. She Is now propelled
by steam power Instead of gasoline, as
formerly, and will resume her run on the
Astorid-llwaco route.
Th7"l":rlll.-h steamship Puritan, for St.
Vin. ent for orders, Is lying In the low. r
h..rP"r ready for sea. Her cargo consists
of T" bushels ' valley wheat valued at
.o.'W and n:7 bushels of Walla Walla
wheat valued at eliM".
The llriti-h bark Twe.-tlsd.ilc arm.. I
down from Portland yesterday alio an.
1 .hond at Klavel. She Is bound for Port
I N it.,! wttii a till-1 "O- i ko. "'
whit h flour Is the principal Item. Tlo
following nrt goti protlutts are on In r
I manifest; Klour. J.KT.OI pounds, valuci
I at r: ". bran. 'K'"t wiunds, valu-.l ut
I'."-. . . aim., fruit, laKi dol'-n, valued at
I lltVt; .alin. d salmon, 5 dolen, villll' d
! at J.T-...
Tile Tdtk lOf Marcr), 1898.
Illoll VI t.H
UfW u ai r.u
I' M K
i.inifl. Ii.inilt. u.m f. i. in It
1 6 22 9 09 4 9;.. .-I- o i H 1 j
2 7M7 W 14 5 4, 1 3itt 3 11' 1
3 gW610M5l 3i 4 4 414 1
t 57811K64i 4 34 4 4; 4ivll
SH4il7 Jillto.Tfl 5 S3 9 1 j.
Tuec .
W.,1 .
( Thurs ,
I Kn ...
Sat ...
SL'X .
Mon ..
Tu-s .
tVed ..
: 1 hurs
' Kn ...
Sat ...
V 3 tiiiiTi S3'.;.i.
, OM 8 Usii.7 Hi 7ui U lil'O
1 8 3, 1 41 u; 7 4i 1 u, 7 4.1 1 "
1); 2oj8S J,7 6 824 u 5, 8 1..U
11 2 33 8 81 ill J ll i.u3. 1 J
.12 3 lu 8 tl 4 03 Si ti V , r i
; si;n U
3 61 s 8 r i " lu 01 " J 1 ' '
' .Von .
I Tu -s
1 Thurs
! Krl ..
It 4 41 8 6 1156Ule.10i.illtf'J'
I.'. 5 43 8 2! 7 42 5 6;.. ... .1 l'J.,1
lii 577t lux 5 8 0 VJ 3 , 2 22 ) j
17, 8 1 7 8,10U1;6 4 t.ti 3 32,0 4
In' t X 7 t 10 5U7 0 I 47 3 3 4 3,0 2
111 1U 42:8 liU 34.7 61 4 52 2 ii 6 210 1
i nit
. i:n .
I Mon .
I Wi-d .
; Thurs
Vr ..
Sal ..
I SI.'.N
: Mon .
2n 11 3K 8 2... .. . . 5 43 2 0, ti. 0 J
0 138 1
12 24 8 J 615) 1 3, ti 4i t.
0 4!p8 31
125 8 4;
1 68 8 41
2 2)i2
1 mi 11 I u v 0 i si i v
1 SO 7 7 5i U 5' 7 is; 1 &
2 317 3 33 U 4, H C i i
3 14 6 6 H 14 U i 11 'ti i i
3S7 6 0 n aa
4 42 5 6 10 30 1 1; j', J
& 3u 5 2 11 11 i l'l i U
J3SS1.... . .112 'Al 7
. .. . . .... . .,1134 4
2 5H 8 0
..iff 3 3U.7 6
.:o. 4 t3 6H
..ii 6 38 6 SI
7S8 5 3i.. .1 lil
311 6S7.6 3I 01,5 6, 1 2.4 4, i 12.2 0
it Voir. leli,
'a Uosaita.
lilt,"). hell,
Aii.ei, CK-r sti, 1407 tona,
Hwl Itk, 970 tons, Ham.
'''-.'A-:iy f'.mt.e,
Jones, lir sh, Uttt
' s, Vaipura'so.
a .'.di.arii, D.-avan,
A I-,.i I;a.
' IP r,!.:ii,k Ii-n'iurtl,
Hr bk, M tona,
Ur hk, 13G9 tona,
'J. i cvleif. ToutjC, Kr bk, W7 tons, Hal
P'.'jt'K. October ZL
'ite run, fjiilly, Br' bk. VXA tonr
Ne - ii h l;, Au.-ftralla, Octoler 8.
. '! .iinsforl, Thomson, Ur bk, 21J7 torn
i; ,pe Town, Ocfjber .
f'lty of York, Jonea, Ur ah, 1117 tons,
r.iikiiniltj, UivlherinK, Br bk, low totA
Kn-. tritintle.
Com Roltertson, PUI, Br sh. 1640 tona,
S ,M.a Itonallo.
lirlilsh Oennral, Thomas, Hr sh, lUt
oiis, N--wcastle, Australia.
Mldi.H. MftBHt-nKM", bk- w'1 lon
Valorl. Hrown, Hr n, 14i)9 tons, Nc-w-custie,
Jonlon Hill, Walker, Br bk, 2176 tona,
Midi) jtirn.
Klntuek. Perreile. Br str. 28K1 tons,
Amain, Kr-nt. Hr i'l, I'M Ions. Ilonu-
Alexander Black, Dunn, Br bk, 13M
tout", Antwerp.
Watjen, Frit, Oer h, 2079 tons, H!o;o.
lirlstoi, Mclntyps, Br itr, 1274 tona,
San Franclaoo.
Tbonms, Hr th, low
tons. IVrt 1 Iris
Altttora, Tlttinison,
itr bk, ITtsI tons.
Newcastle, Aus'rwlla,
tllenlul, Taylor, Hr ah, 1SH loin, UoysJ
Ortmd, Biiti. tltr ah. I4M Ions, Santa
Alice. Kiihtiiianii, tier
3 tona,
V) tons.
Sanl.t Hoaalla.
Forthbanh, Petenson, Itr
Andaman, Winter, Br bark, ton.
Algoa Hay, ,
l.oivnadale, Jones, Ur bark
1 ton.
Cambrian Prliwe, -,
tons, Melbourne,
City of Athens, Lundlns,
tons, Antwerp, . .
Joseph Pnlltfer, llnivev
r ship. ICT
nr ship, lifts
ch. It
tons, Xew York.
Clackmannanshire. Thomson
Ur ah. tut.1
tons. Newcastle.
Cambrian taueen Jones. Pr
ton. Melbourne.
At.icam.t. Cahellero, Chll ah.
sh, Ut;
ir.M ion
CrrslU. Stuart, Pr i. taVH tons,
SiiiK'i horn, tilbaon. Br bk. lTTt tons
Argo. Maclean. Br sh. It'Ai tona,
Claverdon. Kelway, Br sh, 1.4(3
A ni
Comllebank, St rm. Br bk, t.ITt tona,
Mount Tabor, Janeson, Br itr, l.XM
tons. Yokihama.
Bogstadt, Thorbjomaen, Nor itr, I.M
tona, China,
Mlstley Hall. Logan. Br bk. l.TTi tons.
Nonila, Nelson, 0r bk, tons, Yoko
nama. Oulf Stream, McKennon, Br bk, tX.t
Ions, Iaandon.
Bra-mir. Porter. Br atr, I.JH
Hong Kong.
Castle Hock, Jones. Br atr, l.Tfl tona.
II logo.
lamihard. Raison, Br ttr, 1.K4 tons,
Hong Kong.
St. .Mutijo, Hamilton, Br sh. PsJ tons.
I'.uiifortl. M icl'hrra .i
tr sli. :p tons.
Marathon. Crnal'y. Hi ah. IMi tons.
Patriarch. Breach Br sh. UM tons M.i
nil,. i. A.blphus. t.eliieton. Hr I. kin. ILL
tons. Freeniantle
Poseidon. Hiisli Hr sh. lets tons N'i
I'.ertruil. llinke. i'or sh, Kt tons Kobe.
T.ufu. Plitnke. b r sli, Po tons. V l.iv i.l -stoi
V-e-e.s on the Wc an I In Columbia
Htv -r to Iasi.I Lumber.
K naitpton.
, stm. It tons. Mass
bgtn, 4T0 tons, Tktntatn
bktn. im tons. Sydney.
W. F. Jewett,
-, schr. ty tonai, San
Francisco bay.
Omega, . bktn. Ki tons. Mollendo.
Kdward Park, Johnson, schr, San Fran
cisco, February 19.
Tim O'Sh.mter. Patterson, bktn. San
Fran. Isco.
Allsa Craig. Robertson, str, Mi tons,
Letltla, . achr, tB tona. San Fran
cisco. Laura May, , achr, IM tona, San
Salvator, , achr, St tona. San Fran
cisco. Chchalls, , bktn. Ml Ions, Naga
saki. Viking. . s, hr. 15 tons. San Fran
cisco. (ileiidale, . si hr, l tons. Sail Fran
cis, o.
iiuetii. , schr. .v: t.uis. San Fran
cis, o
Ralph J Long - hr fi ions Sin
Frail' Isco
FLEET lst7.
l h
I V.s Val and KI
I i.iclialtiuni. Itr -I,
i.leiielian. I.r -ti
l 'r.t.g.-rne. Pr -Ii
i r. oi it o( -n-oi l,i t,d, Ur .Ii
i i.ellin 1 1 r -n . .'.
It . ih-a.. ;r sh
ii,iiiiniioii. Itr h
I lili'l.rlitli. II, t.k
I':iplir.-t ne Hr -h
Moo . Pant, lit -li n.i: neli. 1. Hr -Ii
.m.'ale. Ill .1,
Andrela. Hr -li
rrucun I'.r l.k
It,, lilidda. 1 1 r sli
I I, a Mac . I. in. Mr -Ii lir .1.
si rallig-v I. , I.r -U
Item e lt,C Hie-., 1 ,, T ll
Transit. r -lr
lliaHlilh i. Nil -Ii
id. .12
T7 I
I i.i f
I.,0 I)
(toil in. oi P. I jiu, I'.r ok
laei'lan , lir -l
Vt illkoloioeii, i .or
llalew.H. ',,-li ,
I o.ll V. nlttoi il,
to'li. I'Piiid.liire.
I'.r -h .
I ,i
't nil,
..u in
l.'l.lll I
h.den l,,i; I nn.i e lir
l'luliill.-li. . I'.r sli .,
Itniid no la. 111 t.k
i;ueen Ma, jar, I I.r
a.' ,t,
Adolf lo r n
Iniliti re, pr 'i
Hi ii m.ii Pi hk
N i il in. i I'.r lot
Iiitetii, I'.r lik
K tniiro'.i.iiiie, lir lik
I li.rldii. Nor tr
Flnil-hire. I'.r lr
Miishomi, I'.r li
U III,, no I lll. in lik .
ilnddoii il I -r itt .
.1. I ' I'll, i", r .Ii
A,,.,,,, I, a, ',r lik
Peril, iter lik
I iil ladal. , I'.r l,k
I'.lu'inslilre. !r .Ii.
' roiniii 1 1 Hiiro, lir li.
I'rnieipiiHi. , In- i,k .
Full nl I 'l l . le. Itr sli
I mi iiiicliii, i r lik
lli'lieoli ;oe . , !r .hip
"'Imrk.liiie. In- lik
I ity ol Penh. Itr sir
I;, .. p,r hk
I Ii hlerli n , lir h
Vi'ii-dal, . Pi .h
1 M'liell . Nl Ii.
Curd. one I : r
lillilner.ili;, I'.r Im
- s. II .... nr .ir .
I.lliii kdine, lir nir
' iinihard Hi Mr ... .
I'lol nice. I!,' .Ii .
' iiiitm, l,r str .
I ilenlee. 1,1 ll
. 1 1 1. 1 1:1 . I.r sh,
Harreis of flour.
;.. I -i
I'l ll'l
iT.lf J
ii.; i:
iri.-r tl
si.i'.i: .
a-Ji .. il
To ,t
711 'at.,
.'..'. I'l
t.t, .'1
I", ".
''. 'I
1 1 i
ii ii 1
.17.1 li 1
.n in,
I .) aai I
ir.ol, I
7'i 11 I
ki : in I
ii.i airi 1
I 1.1X1 I
n',1.11 1
ji i
:!;,.. I ; I
II .. .7 1 '
W-.'i'i I
l.i, l'l
'f.t J (
l.d.ll.'l ,
- 'I.o.'i 1
Ii , ..'
aa, nn-
Luxuriant Imlr, nt uniform color, Is a
Ii 'iiiiilfiil head-ooverlnir, for either sex.
and may he secured by using Hall's Vi ue
tubl" Hair Henewer.
I'ols' Naptha Hoap Iiiih caused
1 p-volii-
Hon In thousands of homes where
IliK In I, ia, 11 II , lily 1I0111. Ill lold or
warm water with so Utile work; pi
Charli-H It'iK'TH, di iikkIhI.
Do you know the
most luxurious bath
in the world?
Have yon used
Pears' Soap?
Annie Thomsji,
sr" i" ' 1
IVW. l.m.iin nsAVAHBH
i?if vj IT? A tinii ol Istuww
t I H cT w.ius ..e UiM'M.v
v, Jil Vi 'all ioa.. noils. Psliialnihs M k.Heinliial Imiimioiis, Nvrveiia In iuiii -
i'liiipira, t'lilliiiaiai lo Marty, r iiiauaiii.i I riiii., VathHss.1 . i
T i V - Xiiaiijt.tll.tii, It al.tta all lina.s hv ilay nr nialil. I'let-eiua uol. k
Vy js, itiif tliaciiaraa, whlcli it mil i' iiiNiHtriiminrrliieaanil
mtrrmr arrrtt an in norrocsta imisnaiirr, s a in..itiii.iii'ut,iia
aaruns, a)a sr I in ki..ii.aanit all luiparlua.
I .VMM ,m.Ij MM MAI...M1 At I Mh tllttSllS
I ha reason a. meters ate mn ctuittl lot m'i..ta is In. si at. ninety pet caul r inmliM will
praslallll., I'pl'l PliS K la tlinoiuv ai...wit reimsle iticiii"lilitM an o raik.ii.
is wtltie asisrattitf Watt '! ttii.itev reiiirnt.l It al lfae itis-a tint auavt a tittajwi 14'
I. Oil a r..r ,mi, nr mail, netitl tor rnsacintilsr anil lejoiuisnsla,
Aiklnsal llltlllt MI'ait (., P. U II..I SraV Kan eawneaas Wl ft, ,-tl, h
CALL Foil BITl'lll.tCAN
A republli nil coiim iiI Ion for Clatsop
county Is licit by culled to un i t at Mc
Ivlnlcy hull. Pi Ilia city of Aatoilu, on
Tin silov . April I.' IV'V at pi ;;u a in,
'oi the ptirposit of electing ib ! gates to
attend the icpuldlnin atate nod emigre'
slotial i onveiitlon, lo bn to ld al the city
! of Astoria, on April 11. K'S. and for thn
pin of nouilnalliig the follow lug coun
ty olllccis lo bo voted for ut the cbvilon
' lo be held on Monday, June a. Iv.m, to
, wit. one state senator, two . pit acuta.
!llcs out. t oininisiioncr. cotuiiy )iutgt,
! cldk, recorder, sheriff, treaautcr. niir
. VeVor tlsscssor, superllllclltlelll of schools,
i coroner, and one lust I, of the peace and
i t unstable for each precinct.
' The i omiulltee hereby recommend that
i the primal lea In the various precincts be
held on Saturday, April J. ly..
' Thn following apportionment has torn
made, being one del. gait at l uge fioin
iach lire
Inct and one debgate for every
fti votes or fraction thereof over 10 votes
cast for i leer for presidential elector In
Aatorlu. First Ward.
Astoria, Second Ward
Astoria. Third Ward
I Walluakl
I John lay
I Bear Creek....
Knap pa
. jrw. ll
IMlshawaka ....
I Vesper
I F.lslc
! Seaside i
I'orrle 1
Ilftn (
WrstlMtrt 1
lavvls and t'lark I
By order of the Central Committee
Attest; Chairman
W. W. Itldehalgh. Secretary.
ll s.cius alti.o-.t as Ih.olkll Oleic had
In i n a ,1. o!h lo Hie f illlIU w h. n Hie cl h k
oil Will, tl toil o.'l.lll) di p.'tlil stop tl. k-
It certainly looks like It. but there Is
really no trick aliut It. Any'iodv ran
try It who has lam back and weak kid
neys, innl irl.i or nervous troubles. W
mean he can cure himself right away by
. taking I'lrctrtc Bitters. This medlcin
tones up the whole system, acts as a
stimulant to the liver and kidneys. Is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, falntl!! spells, i
sleeplessness and melancholy. It Is purely j
vegetable, a mild laxative, and restore
the system to Its natural vigor. Try
Klectrlc Bitter, and be envincea that
they are a miracle worger. livery Dome
auar.inteed Onlv In) ccnta a bottle at
Kslet-Conn Drug Company.
rilhlng cln- tliav It
hut card pl i lug got - .
giv 0
I f He
TIIK HKST SALVK In the world for
Cuts. Brulara. Hores. I liera. Salt Itti. uin
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapted llanda. Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptlona, and
IMtillively i ures piles, or no pay required.
It ts guaranteed to give o rf. ct satlaf.
Hon or money refunded I'ri. :., . enta
per boi For sale Py Fates (.'otin l'rug Co
There .lie .oMe riiett W llo H 1 r 'let
i- -orne men who
.ittr.o tile as afl.
r . nwagi rncnl to
woman so
i In III of .
she Inf..
ott lo r t,
Mis. Mary no. I, il ci ..cog I'a , ) a,
"My iHillil Is worth millions to me, yet
. J wotiio hnie i.e.i her n rrotip had I rus
Invested ten!.flve cams In a bottie ot
One Minute ro igh Cure.'' It cures coughs,
coitla and all throat and lung trouble,
' rhas. itogers.
.u n
III f 'It l
r tin
I- the -or
I W.
Mr M. B. Ford, Budded a, I, I , lUffer4
for eUht yt'irs from dt-p-pla and
chronic;oti, and w.ia finajlf
cured l.y us.g IieWltl a Little I'Uriy
Risers, the famous Utile plila for all stom
ach and liver ir,iU.-. Chaa. ftogears.
In n
of v. h ,t
a r,
lid I III 1 the tillO
U- IIMllle fll. ,,l-hlp
to I:
I ma
I'rtj-;terlt I'oio,
arlioae liver I. it. 1
t.lltle Kurlv (ll-ei
for eotiailpntlori
. pii.K.i 10 the man
,,..d ..'.in.lilloii. IleWpt s
are fntii.on lit 1 1, pills
.lllo,iaina. Ifnllicasitlua
and all
nm.ieh and liver troubles. Chu,
if it r
.f Ih.
hoi. h protne
. -.Mil, 11: ll;o..
I Th:,t the
1 f unci Ions,
' .
I ah'inld not
Idood slnoild tieifoim pa I'lf-ii
It la nliHopitety tlt-resaary II !
l.e t'Ote I.Ut rll'll 111 life. results are h.a. '
ose of that .v.-ll-kuown
(iiirllli r, Ayer a Har.t.i-
I tclvlriK elerni nt
effected by 111.
slim, lard Idood
man a .1 rilla Oil, I v
of 1,11 llp-ellllu; .
d plan
r 11 11 v 1
Kl ..till-
,f h'
' lie
Mia A 1 1 1 II, mne. .Noiti k, Vn
frlifhtfully l.ui'.e.! o-i ihe fa",, and
no. k, !
Pain wjs liisianly r'll''vn1 by
.VI teh Hazel ."iilv... wl.l. li heul
I the Ilk
Jury without leaving a ae:ar. It Is
fnifiniia plltt remedy Than. Itofera.
It Is fllll'IV
men lalkliu;
l.e lie, larnl.
lo IP
f Ille
II to Ihe
valor If
1 . ho,,,,:
TO Willi A I'fil.Li IX (ink
Take Liitnye I in .111, 1 ',,ilnn,.
All 'lnicopita refund Ihe 1110, ley If u fai
to lure: 2r.e I'or rih- l.v rharl. s Koiri-rs
To fully apple laic ihe , ,, f la ltik
lost teipill'cs ollll on a.uilei'S 1 lidcaior to
III,, I a eMail, 11, mil, e lu .1 KlKalllic oil!, c
This remedy Is Intended especially for
coughs, colds, troup, whooplnic roiiRh and
Influciitn, It has become famous for Its
cures of these diseases, over a Inriro part
of the civilized world. The most flntter
Ing testimonials have been received, glv
Inn account ot Its good works, of the ag
gravatliiK and persistent coukIis It has
cured; of severe colds that have yloldod
promptly to Its soothing effects, and of
the dangerous attacks of croup It has
cured, often saving the life of the child.
The extensive use of It for whooping
cough has shown that It rob that disease
of all dangerous consequences. It la es
pecially prized by mothers for their child
ren, as It never falls to effect a speedy
cure, and because they have found that
there Is not the least danger In giving
It, even to babies, aa It contains nothing
Injurious. Bold by Charles Rogers, drug
i milch pl.t .. !... will iiiu ' ir line vim id i n. e
id Ilia aiiiielnllt a tatusi.s. iii It as f.oal VJa..h.i 1
Ni I'll 'K OK INl'liNTluN oK TIIK
ASIOIilt. olIFiloN, TO lM'lliii:
Ni l: INK AM lll'INil ItlC P V liKN
TIIIUli Hilt I : t-."lH. IN TIIK CIT
Noll, a Is lictel.y alvi'ii thai thn Common
I'ollll. Il of III.' I llv of AHolU plopoaea
and nililids lo Itni.ioiii thai poltloo ol
l.lall.t iivi tititi III Bill, I i ity, U lug and hclng
l.clu.iii I tteiilv ilnlh a ml limit lliii. I
slrrels and flttlll a.llil T W elll lllltl tl lo
TIiiiiv Ibli.l u. cl. I.) arailitig mild iliand
it .' Ill It lllloogliolil Its. ettil of Ho
nfoleaald poll loo lllelei.r, lit a Wldlll of
illMi ctl I' ' I OH i ll. b aide ..( a lllln tllawtl
' lliroilgll the i.'l.l. r of a.llil 1 to II I at. loo
I. oto said 1' tv f n I s in HI ti In said t 1 1 1 1 1 V
Hiltd st t. and by planking auld iliatul
aveiiuii arter a.ime is giiidt'il aa uroicsalil
lo II Chilli of fight (.at on rm II side ol
1 Hie line dlawlt I lii oo tli lint , ml. r of auld
i, land avenue, sa npueaalil. ploinl tllll
i Pels lo I. n placed under said planking
I The cost of sal.l liii.rotttneu( ahull hr
.1. (raved liy ai ml nasi asincnt upon Ho
linds r i .t ii I mat and atititiliig upon nnd nd
' I'".1" ., . ... ' . . . i
.... ..- ......
111. la alit emhracntl Hllil
eti aim nit itiiirti wiiiiiii
a iliaiiiil of Ian. la which shall h.o-eatl.t
tor the purpoa.-s of said Improvement.
Pit culled I he iliand Avenue liiiprme
In. in Oislrlit Niiiiilier ---.' a lid said
disirlci shall eiol.ia.a and In. lode il.t
following deacriotil fad of land (own
I leg l n 1. 1 n g nt the sotitliweat coiner of lot
II in blot k I" In l -ai part '( a.Hd ell)
aa laid mil and recordthl by J U Shlve.
Ii v and lllllltlllg Ihett.e liortllt.ilalerly
tbroiit. h Hie center of Plot k a IS and )'. In
said pari of said illy, slid I lie lice oil a
prolongation of aald line lo Ilia Inter.
Nectlou with the lioiin.lary linn ttetwren
III nforesal.l l.arl ti( aalil t-tlv and lllilt
I ' pari of thn aald oliy of Aaloiia known a
I 1 he Pmt ot 1'pper Astoria as laid out
s ! and recoided by John Adair, titmice along
said lullll.ltt) line lo thn solllliwest ...I
lor . r loi : iii ..t. k . Ill sold I'or l ol
I pper Astoria as laid mil ulol returdul
Pi Jobll Ad.llr tllellie til. 1.1 IV lo III.
soiiiliia-i ...tiur of I..I I III said Mot k
In. Ilo-li. e iwl On 1 1 V al.ilig thti w est )m in ti.l
an of I loin ilnr.l .in. I in aid iin lo
ttie north. il ...rto i o( lot .. In Mo. k
III s.ttil J. lin A. I. tit a Poll of I ppei As
ti .1 lik llolice Wtitlelh l.i I he liollhwtsl r ..f lot .'. ill s.ild Much .iy Ho nee
ll.Olllirlt .il.Oie tile I.OMII.I.II lllie ll lelll
illiotn in. Ill lult. .1 Itt il Itoltit III Hie otil.l
ot the cast lioiiii.larv lint of blot k I III
Ih-it pall of Hie -lt as I n. I out and f
, ol,.. l,t J M KliKil. i lio n, e aoillll
tti.l.tlt llo.o.ei, in,. ,. iil.t ,,( l.I.t. ks I
I and I. Ill aal.l last nfolt said wnl of
said ill! lo II. e ...rilfl ol I"!
,' III . Hd Id"' k t III- II. so. Illl. as!. -Hi
along Hi. east Im.iiii.I.iii line "f IWnO
II III I tl all.. I lo the d 1. . of I., gllilll.-.g III.
aforesaid I ao.l ,11.111. I no ttl-llli lilt
following Iota and pan . la of land to l-e
, ,l lowil
ol. I J J ... I- ii I-' 'I. II
.11 and Ill I. I"t k 3a, and Iota I. J 4
and ii In l ot. k :.'. nil in that part of the
t in of A-ioila ts laid out and rciordul
lo J ,M Sllllelei I, I'll s irlaiigulur pie. .
of lalld I". Oil. I.. I oil I he Ii. .Mil . I lie ...Olli
.lite of III Itld aV.lllie ., lite it l' 1 lie
insl line of "I'll I v llrst si re. I and mi Ho
east hi the li.ilindall line ..IW.'el Hint
part of tin- I'll) of Astoria na laid out
,i:i. r id.. I I i J M Hlilit li-l and that
. all of said i It V known na the I'orl of
I pper Astoria aa laid .nit and recorded
1. 1 John Ad HI a. so lots : i nnd I In
I. If k k and lots '. a nnd r m l.t k ri
tr.;i!;;'A:;rT?,::m,,'nd Ve"
, ,,r,,.,i p, Ad ait . ,ii... : i aim
' P In Id- k 1 lol- : I", It nnd I.' In
Mo. k :
l.i... k :
and lots 7 s 'l pi II and I:
ill III that pall of the I'll)
as laid out and e. old. .1 to J
."Hi l v h i
..w Ho tef ire litlli s n i. iiionsir tin t
lklled Ll the residents e( Ille i 111 loaning
iii. .re ih.iu one. half of the pro-ilv In Ho
dMrl. I Inf ill il.iii.i ilea, rll-e.t shall I"
tll.d with the rslKIH. I I.l the tune
of the ll. l fgul ir inn ling of Ho' aald
i. . mill.. ii i ' . hi in II following the nnnl poll
IP alloii of Ibis imtli e. Inwit Thursday
Apill . I'is Hie a.iid Iniprtu ennnt will
I., mad., as aforesaid 'this noil, e I" pnh-
lull, d t'l I e... III I In 11 of a, I d I 'oltlll.ol, I 'ollll
.11 d nl a regular tin-eiing of slid
I '.on,. II In Id III aald iltv oil Ihe Kill il l)
of M it. h l-ts I
II F. N't'l.HiiN
Audit.' I ill. I Poll..- Judge ot lb. I II) i.f
.Ha lH.g.oi
Ai.o,i. OI....I1 Mir ii I'rt
Nnl'li I. t'l' I N'I F.NTH i.N i'F Till:
i i uiMi i.N i i it ,Ni ll. or tiii: i l l' V "I
AH'lt'ltIV t.iti:itiN. Til IMI'll'iVI'.
S I HI i; r IN MAII'i ITY. I.MN'l AM'
HI IN. 1 lii:i' F.F.N FHAShLIN AM
liltANI' AVKM'lle
Noll, e la lo r
1 I I 0011. II of th
, and Illl. tola I
! 1 loi 1 . I I .1 .
bv gliin that ibe Common
''It v of A-'oria .r..."i
i lo Improve Hint poiiioii in
.. o . t I) lou and vl. n. ting
mill I, tie of Franklin avenue
flon, Ih.
. 1,, 1: I ...
line in auld i I' v. ni gin k
-aid Thirty. Ilrnt atreet hl'.oill houl I'l'
.VI. I I Ifol.aul.l I.l .1 Wldlll of llftettl fee'
,,,, . ,. h cl. ,,f ,1 line dl.iian IhloilKh
it,.- , . nt. r ..f aaol Tliirii -dlrai aireet fimn
ihe ...oih line or Kriinklln t" 'Irani hm -100
,1,1.1 1. v pUnkiiiK auld I'lilrii'tir-t
..!).. I aflir a. ill,.- I o.,,c,l ,im nfolc-ai.l
lo 1 H Id! h of elf III feet one I. ll aide of ill'
P, dl.lUII Ihtolllfll Ille 1 filler of auld
'I h'l ' l III -I "I n et , oa a 01 1 "aid .Mid plop-
1 11, nl.r. plii.d oiol. I iild lOanklln
The .o-l of ail. I llllpr.lleni.llt Bhall I"'
ih ft m .'.I hi . III 111 the
Iti.d frontiiiK innl aliiitiliut upon "i' l '''
la . Ill I.l arid ..tin I Wise .V
. u.i propoio d luiproi , 111, nl . nnd auld
land, ale III lehv , 111 I, Mi id illld llullldcd
w Ml, a '.;., rl. of I "id'i hit ll "hall
herein if!, r for tile plltpost a t.f lllla Hu
ll. n I nil -Ihe Tlllllvlllat
.Pre. 1 luiproi. 110 nl l'llil. t Niiinh. i I
,1.1 .,1.1 district eh.ill eiiilir.ii 1. and III
.i.i.'.,. Ho- follim liu? ih rll.e.l Irin t nl
land limit heir llllllllK III Ihe Holt lleaal
, oiio r of lot I 111 I. Iiii k I. 111 thnl pm 1
of Ho 1 IH ..r Aalotl.i aa laid out ill"'
, ,,., le .1 M Hhlveli)-. nnd riinnlUK
I I,u. lelll i.irei lion to the
...oil, I 1, .nor of lot 3 III hlotk J. In
... I.l portion of srild city; Ihenee iiiiiiiihi
111 a "olllhelialellv illreclloll to Ihe aoillll
hi . I lono-r of lol 1" III hi"' k 2. Ill auld
.... mon of toil. I iltv; tliitiie 111 s north-
ea-iiiii dlrei tliiii lo th" uiitheiit 'urner
of lol 'I In I. lock I III lll.l pornori to
.11, r 11 0 0I11I a here Ihe aollth
11 f .1,1.1 l.loi k I Interae. ta with Ihe
11, dan line lietweetl Ihe II foreail hi
,.,,11 .,r in,, mi 1,1 1 it ami no 11 ""I
of ihe sal. I iltv known' na the Poll nf
1 t.i. .rl,. laid out innl recorded
hv .lob 11 Adair: llnine north nloint aald
Ihooii.hin line lo 11 poli'l wnere tne ni"
hoiin.hirv III r IH" h" '" ,".''" 1
above ilcsi l llieil. IllterHi'l-ta With til'
1 r.. 10... 1...IU.1-..11 Hint null of the
i lly of Astoria as laid out and
l.e I M Ulileclee .111,1 tllllt I'll" "f Mai, I
. in' c'lieil ih.. I'o'rt of Tinier Asloila na
1,1,1 out and reroideil bv J'd"' Adair
ell,... ulcrlv III the 11 hu e of he
L'lio.llo, th,. iiforeMMld lllstrll'l lllilUillIlK
ihe follow Ink' loin nnd pareelM of land I
1 -U...I I,.U.
1 ...1. t '. '1; 7 s'ririil t. I" blm k 1. and
i..iu 1 -i '1 in' 11 12 In bloi k '.'. In that
1 ,.f"iio, .llv of Aaloria aa laid "HI and
H i oriled hv .1 ' M. Hhlveley.
i Sow Iherefore. llllleHH ii remoiiBi raru '
KlKneil'liV Ihe lealileulS of Ille idly UWhlllK
1 more 1 ho 11 otii-lialf of II"' properly Hi t "'
dl-llhl herein nhiivn llesit'l lieu 71,11 lie
1. 1. ..1 ..111. tl, olerali'lieil bv the time
,.r n... ..,..1 .ceoliir meellliK of Ille aald
roimiion t -01111111 fnllow Itilf 'lit- tliml pnh
Ihniloii of this iit.lK-.., towll, 'Ihiirailiiv
April 7, ivit lb.- Hi'l'l linprovi'mi'iil will
he Iliad,' Ilk llfiireHlllll. Tills lllllh" IS pub
lished bv resolution nf said I'limmon ( nun-
ell passed nt a u-milnr 11 f "''Id
t ouiiill held In Hiibl i lly "i Ih" I'th 'lay
'"' M"""' IV,S' II. 10. N I'.l. Hi iN.
Audlior nnd I'ollcf JiulKe "f Ih'' ' '"y of
VmIiiiIii fll'euoll.
! Im In, ori'Koii, Mureh
I Mm.
KoIIck la iieiebv irlveii Hint the Commoti
Council of the t 'Ity of AHK'tlu piupoHes
, a ml IntenilH to Improve Twenty-ninin
1 ,,..,1 riooi .'rniikllii iiveiiiie
1 ... , 1 1., ,.lil eltv. bv ktadliiK
Haiti Twetily-nlnth slr.-et throughout the
1 Xletll nr Itll' lirurennio i... ...... ......oi,
to 11 wlillh of ilfti'fn f""t eiirli side nf a
.ie,.,. ii.rouuli the cell I er of Hlllll
'i.,.,i"..,i.,ii. from Kriinklln to
, ....i ........ ,,a ,..! l.v iilnnkliikf "aid
Twentv-nlnlh street after h'-lng Itriuleil ns
iiforesalil, to u width of eight feel on eucn
ahlit nf the Unit nforeaald whli ll Is the
renter Hue "f salil m""I"" , ,. ,
I'nulileil liowei rr thai 111 lh inakiiia. f
III" linpnuellieflt nforeaiihl. if Ihnte ns
any pmt nf auld Tiviuiivniiiih aiimit bs
I ween Ihe alreela nf aid. whh 1 in"
110,1 it llv innl cheaply Impimed by sun-
"Itlnllnil lieidle nmk f"i Itiiull'iS '"'!
i.louVilriH us In Ihla leaolulloii h""'t"f"i" aahl alreel will bn llnpl"V"l
Wlieli' II la Ilium feiialliln ml In ili'.hy '"'"'I'
Inu mid iiinaiiiH'tliiH 11 tn ailit wuik. wbleli
ahull 1 onainl of (mala mid 1 up" '"! plans-
IHM laid oil lop Iheleor auld Heath, to lis
alateell feel nlile nod cOlhl reel III e lent
null "l.le nf Hie linn helt'lll lllnive lies.
1 rlheil aa dlunil Ibloilkib ll"' I'll'tT "J
aid Twi llllllllllh "I lei I The ioal or
aahl linprovt im nl aball be ie(i,ive,l ny
Spin Illl iiaaeaallll III lipoll Ihe 1,111, la f I-
Inu and iibiililiiM uioii nnd inll ii' iil I" and
0110 I W le bellelllnl by a.ll.l ploioae.l Illl
pliiVellienl, mill a.lhl blllila ain bereliy
Icalklllillfil lia mid inelnili'il within ilia
tllft i.f billila wbl. h ahull l..f.'.lHer bs
Hilled "III.. Twillllllllllh Mll.el IllllUl'Va.
im III IHallh l Nillllbel ," Slid aald ilia
lll.t ahull iiiil.l.ici. Hit' followliiH il'"
nil. cl li i. l of hind lo wit liiiilnnlns si
tbu tun III wia i r til lol 1 III blink 4,
111 pmt of the illy "f Aal.ills aa Illld
id in o idt d b J M t4lii. h . nl
ruiinliiki tlit iiin iioitli i aaieili to ttis
iiorib a.l i iii in r of lot 4 lu I'h" k 5, in
that pail uf Hit' illy I'T Aal i lift iihuvs
il. ai'lllHil Ih.lll'e .olllll e Itlclll llliousll
tin' ii nit r or aald blink J lo I lit aoiiih
mat i. 0 net or lot I', lu bio. k t In IhS
llli.lli, lleai'llhe.l pollhlll of Ailolhl ibrlieS
aoillll malilll III, OIK tile Iloltll li'lllllihiry
line of 111. Ill, I Amine III aald I'll. I" lbs
a.oilb tteat miner or lol lo In PI" a 4. in
Ihe afoltaald pollloll of A w Ihrlns
nollli Wialetl Ihlollklll III" irlllel uf aul4
block 4 In Hm liol'll weal color ul h'l I.
Ill aahl bloi k 4 Ihe auld deai t llusl tiaa I In
i 111. Una lota I, J. 1. PI. II mid U III Work 4
and boa 4. a.fl I and In bl"i k S. all
III thill pull nf Ihe illy uf Aaloiia aa lul
out mid na 1. 1. h.l by J M Hhlv l' l
Now llonfoie, iiiib w a r.on.oial tun, a
alum, , the leahlehla of llleill liatlllng
liiole llnill one half uf Ibe ilopell 111 Ihs
illalllcl III Mill II bin ilcllbid ahall IIS
filed with the unilclal,;llf.l In lha lima
of Ilia lirl Kkiulm iiieeima of Ibe aalit
i on, in, oi t ion,, it followlnu ihe iinsl pn-
llcnlloll of Ihla llntl. e. Inatll I I, III-dur
April i !'' Ille ahl 1 1 ll l n eln nl will
be made lia u Tllla lioll.r la pllh.
P.h. d In of aald CiilllllliiS I 'Hll
lll paaanl si rtkt'lbil Ili'elISS ! aal
I'i II held III aahl i llv illl Itli I 'H S ir
ol Mut.h. ..'
II i: KM HtV
Auditor ,.nd I'nliie Jiuie of the i'iit nf
Aatnrlll I Meson
Aaloiia lirri.i alal. h . lit
r.HT KKKT lif 1 Hi: i I'.KelHINil
nt'H i: v r. n I k: i : n ti i a n i i i t m m e it
Cl M. Hl'ltt EIH
Notiid la bind.), aien lhai mi, lei anil
by Milue uf the aiiHe'ill ietr, in lbs
lllldel alktlii-d i-otuilllllee oil lieeta Stilt
publle aan of Itie roiiiniort loun. i f Ihs
City of Aaloiia. Uteoll al a l.olar
ne Una of aald l oiilu ll held TlinK.Uy,
Mat, Ii Clh. vai ihe aald committee will
ill rdliradilv Mar. tl Ul. I'tt. SI (lis
hour of 10 ii i hn s iii. In ibe ofTlia of
the sinlltor ami k.Iio Judge nf aal4 elty.
ret-rllo aralr.1 bids fur thn Itiiprui riiistit
In wild ciiy. known ss the improvement of
tb wrat l.i, r. ct of lbs rriiaaltlf of Hv
eltleelltn Atl.l Cotnmeli'Ut Blteell It SC.
coril.iiiie with the plana an. I apecin.'attutta
for aald pro.a. . Itliplit eiiienl now ul)
rile 111 the i.rTti e of aal.t atidiinr and pttlb
The a.ll.l committee hereby feaetiee. ths
lt(hl Iii reject nil stnl all bhla
I oi led at Aatorls. Marih 51. Ix
CIIAIll.Krt iltildiMlli.
i oniinil I. .' oil Htteets and I'ublh Ways ot
the Common Council uf the City of
llikrts la all point
..13 AST..
r or Sate tyC R.AN
Afrnt. Atorli.
i li It' " il l, llwa. i
Throuih pilsi ami tourl.t al.epars.
dllilns ami library obaorrallon rara
No. 4 Limited leaira rortlind st I Ol
p ni.
Nn I Limited arrives Portland at ID 11
a. tn
Colilltihli Itlver and I'tigr! Hound Nny.
ktntloll Cnmpany
Htesrner Telephone leaves Aalotla dally,
i iiept Hiindoy, " p m laravea I'ortlsnd
dslly. eieept Hiinday. a m
Teeihone tlekela gnnd nn stssmsf
ll. It. Thompson llikeia on Tl
II. II HK'tt. Trealdenl
E. A Heidey, Aaent, I'orlland
(' W. Hume, Agent. Astoria,
"'rlephons No 11
To Till; HA5T
oivkh 1'noici or
Great Northern lull way vta tpokaaa
Minneapolis and Bt Paul and Chhiasa,
Oregon Hhorl LPm via Bait Lais, Dm.
yar, Omaha and Kansas Otty.
Lowest Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Astoria for Han Kmnelsro every
four days a a follows:
Hlnte of California, Saturday, February
Columbia, Wednisilay, Mnreh Id.
t.t.iti' of California, Hiinday, March Ith.
Cnliiit.bla, Thursday, March loin.
Hints nf Caliriirnla, Mnnilay, March 14th.
Columbia. Krlilay. March 18th.
Hlatn of Ciillforiila, Tttesilny, March Md.
Cnliimbla, Hiiliinlay, March IHth.
Hlatn of California. Wednesday, Muri'lt
Bteamera tnontjiy from Portlavnd t
Yokohumii and Honirlciing, trla th Norih
ern Paclfta Stewmrllilp Company a oeh
neotlon with 0. It. A N.
For rates snd giriersi inmrrasiiite ,.
(in sr addrsaa
0. W. L()L'NEliJi:ittT
W It HltllLIII'KT,
Osri. I'ss Art., Portland. Or.
Otm. Agts. N. I. 8. H. Co.. I'urtland, Or.
Itlit 4 la a nen-nnUnnaiii
ri-iiii-ilv fur Ihiiinrrliiea.
"ii'i'i, Hpi rmaliirrha a,
"lillia, iiiinatiiral ,lla.
rluiikii'H, nr snr Inllaniiiia
linn, Irritation ur tili-nrn.
thill nf In ll ll tin. i.iaaii
lnitEvmsCillM,ni,(lf, liranna. Nuii-amrliuinnl
kOmciNMtl,0 n '"'I ,"lsls.
J'.ir"-... ai
. 10 I ln"1.r,.t
4jojr Uuaraau.,4 11
nil f, iiri.iura.
fc 1 1'r.vatiu uiii.aioa.
f, A "t mil In plain wrapper,
y-wl b. nxpniaa. iirtipalil, ful
f M ll.lll, nr Itnlllea, r.7fi.
(Iiri'ular aenl uu rmjuuiU