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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1898)
THK It AHA ASWKIAN. SUM! DAY MOIIMNU, MARCH 2b, .8.-8, Some Prices . . . Fresh funiry Kkrs 1 5c n Dozen. I.arjie rare) Naval Oralis 35c a Dozen Lfimms 15c Dozen. Sinclair Fidelity Hams 12 .2c Tiuind. Star Grocery Co. TODAT'8 WKATHKR. Flr. AtfOtJM town. 8ATIKDAY. Looking at th brighter aide of life and of character l on of the way of keep i... mir relation to other right nd wholesome. Trv Rchllllne IWi tea and baking powder. Midwife Mr. Mary Make. 71 Exchange strert. Choicest tock of caniliea In the city at the Parlor. W. J. Heckard full-weight creamery butter anil butter milk an1 thick cream at the. Parlor. P. J. Meany. the leading merchant tailor, 1.17 Tenth atreet. The highest price paid for fur kln. New crop dried frulta. new crop raisin figs and sorted nuts all extra flne qual ity, at Rons. Htggtn Co. Selmar M. Sandstmrn proved up on his homestead entry in township 5 north ranice 8 west. In the county clerk' office yesterday. A. H. Pray. Kalama; J. C Trenton. II waco: Frank Oalther, Charle A. Payne, Chinook. ar registered at the Parker House. The anow storm laat night was one or th latent In any season on record In many yearn. Astoria may yet hwom a M-cond Chicago or Klondike. When going east travel on the North ern Pacific railway. Quick time and the only line running dining car. Train leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. Th Pacific Grocerr Company' store will be closed until Saturday the it'-th. The entire atock will then be sold to purchas ers In such quantities as they may de sire. The new moon made Its appearance last night ahortly before the anow storm came, and if the Indian legend is worthy of credence, either the ni''ii or storm was a mistake. The steamer Edith, owned by J. G. Meglcr. Captain Hobson. was put Inlo service yesterday anu will run as a fish steamer this summer between this city and Brookfleld. We, have Just received a lot of chamois skins to sell from 5 cents to one dollar and twenty-five cents. The largest 15 cent chamois ever sold. For sale by Charles RodRers, druggist. The Born steel ranges are asbestos lined and equal to any in the market. They can be bought for from V to cheaper than any other range sold In the city For sale only by W. J. Scully, 1 Bond street. The steam schooner Pasadena had on a full deck load of lumber for Skagtvay She took from this port a consignment of merchandise. Including a spring wagon from Ross, Hlggtns & t.o., for their new store at Dyea. Robert Wakefield. William Jacobsen William H. Boyer. William F. Greene Portland: Raymond Brumbaugh, F. H. Pettygrove. W. H. Groat, San Francisco C. C. Dalton, Uwaco. are registered at the Occident. If you have hides, wool, furs, rags bottles, lead, brass, copper, bone, or any kind of junk for sale, ship it to R. M Gaston. 10a Fourteenth street, Astoria Oregon, or wr..e him and he will call at your place and get it. he pays cash. On Sunday night at Suoml hall three tableaux entitled "Spirits of the Beau tlfui." "Pllven Velkko." and Gipsies Warning." will be given for the benefit of the Finnish church. Admittance. 35 and 25 cents. Refreshments will fe served. W. C. Laws' Cams took two games from C. H. Cooper's Smelt and C. R. Hlggins' Shad did the same thing to R. Gibson's Salmon. None of the games was close. The best scores at the alleys yesterday were Mrs. Jngalls. V), and F. M. Gunn, 62. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that our draft No. 3ST, on Simpson Lumber Company, San Fran cisco, for 37U1.17, has been obtained with out rendering an equivalent, and payment of the same has b:en stopped, . tolumbla Mills, Knappton. Hot drinks, mixed drinks, mineral wat ers, wineB, cordials, bitters, liquors. Key West and domestic cigars, Frankfurter, smoked goose, Westphalia ham, Hamburg eel, Braunsvhwelger niettwurst, and any other old good thing to eat or drink can be found at the Louvre. Mrs. R. J. Rosi-nstork will arrive Wed nesday evening to take charge of Rosen stock Bros. 's branch store, which will be stocked with choice cut-flowers. Mrs. Roscnstock invites the public to call Thursday. March 31. Headquarters next door to Herman Wise'g store. Best of All To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by all druggists at 5U cents per bottle. Good whiskey is both doctor and tonic Better looking than many doctors, bett" tasting than all medicines. For general family use. nothing equals whiskey and Harper's Whiskey is pre-eminently the family whiskey. Sold by Foard and Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. A man giving the name of Abrahams, appeared at different stores yesterday Pure and made right. St killing's Best costs m ore to make than any other bak ing powder. m ARE DETERMINED Kill Hate no I Mi imps tin Smith Side if S-iml Wiinil. MAW I IV I I MUMiKKi I) OhMtv'tt to Njviia(ioa the Ssrnls Vill Vt ftc T.'lcutcil by the Set -Vill h l.o(tnrt to lid. There Is much concern amongst the union fishermen over the fact that locat ing piles have been driven at three differ ent point on the souih side of S.ind Isl and, preparatory to the building of flsh trups there this season. A meeting of the association has been called for March 2S. at which this subject will be taken up Governor Rogers of Washington has ill ready wired the department of Interior requesting the removal of these piles. In an interview yesterday. Mr. Wilson one of the best known union fishermen on the river, and who is thoroughly posted In regard to the situation, said to an As torlan reporter. -There may be trouble over this affair before very long." "The secretary of our union xtsiled Sand Island the other day and found that locating pile had been driven for three traps on the south side of Sand Island, two locations being abreast of the fllshermen's upier ranee light, and one abreast the lower ranee light. You under stand that the waters on the south side of the Island are navigable. We drift all over these grounds constantly. At high tide the sand forming the Island, except a comparatively small portion, are under water. Five hundred bouts are all over them every twenty-four hours and T'"1 nets and the live of lil men are at stake. When a storm conies we make a run for the- ands. where we can safely land our boats and net. 1' there are fish-traps and string of piles In Lie way you can readily see that not only our property ts In danger of loss and damage, but our very lives are Imperilled. We will make a fight to get these piles out of the way. If we can pull them out by machinery even then the ground will bo so disturbed as to make it dangerous, but if we have to chop the idles off. the stumps re maining are liable to tear our nets or put a hole In our boats. "I believe that there ts a decision of the t'nlted State court that even the owner of such land can not obstruct navigable waters or place building or other erec tions in such position as to endanger life and property. 1 understand that Ander son Brother of Chinook are the partic who have driven these lo ntlng pib-s an! propose to build trap. You may rest as sured that we will not atand It and will take uch steps a may be necessary for our ow n protection If we get no assistance from the government In time to be of benefit. We believe the people to be with us in keeping the channel un the south side open." Agent Lounsbcrry. of the O. U. at N . yesterday commenced cleaning house In the offices on the dock. All the furniture from the freight department and Mr. Lounsberry's private office was moved Into the passenger department and a force of men put to work In the freight offices cleaning and painting. Northern Pacific railroad trains leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. for Ta roma. Spokane, and the east. Close con nection made at Spokane for Rossland, Nelson. Sandow and British Columbia mining; camps. For maps and information call on or address C. W. Stone, Astoria. Oregon Shares of the Alaska Transportation and Development company of Chicago sre the most desirable Investment before the public. Safer than savings banks and bank stock. Paying large dividends. Shares one dollar. For Information ad dress W. L Dudley, general agent, Hal ler building-, Seattle. Wash. Clark Bell, who left on the Oregon yes terday for Dyea. to go Into business, re reived Thursday evening a send-off from his friends, which must have been very pleasant to him. A gathering was held at the rooms of Ed Hansen and every thing good under the sun or moon mail Its appearance on the festal board. Otis Hockensmith, the well known fish erman, arrived from Tillamook yesterday. He reports game plentiful In that locality and shortly before leaving he killed five duiks In one shot. Mr. Hockensmith Is making arrangements for his marriage, which takes place soon the young lady being Miss Josephine Adams, of Tilla mook. and ordered a lot of goods to be delivered at a certain address, but when the team sters arrived at the designated place no one was known there by that name or claimed tne goods. One wagon left V) cent worth of ginger-maps which have not been heard from, but the other goods were taken back to the stor- ii. It ia be. lieved the man was playing a bunco game A deck hand on the Lurline. while en gaged In landing freight ut Near City, early yesterday morning on the trip down the river was accidentally thrown into the water by the slipping of the gang plank under a truck load of heavy freight and was drowned. The body whs recov ered soon afterwards by bis companions ami was returned to Portland on the i p triu of the boat. The Alaska steamer City of Topek.i ar rived in yesterday morning via Nanaimo She had IS passengers, two of whom. G W. Morton and F. '. IP-i-d, were for this city. Besides the coal qn board her freight was very light. There was a sack of coin on hoard containing WHO. shipped from Skagway by J. A. Rurkhardt to the Lon- don and Ran Frniicjs'-o Havings liank The money was obtained through th" regular channels of trade and had no connection with any new discoveries. Contractor F. ('.. Heed, who returned on tne City of Topeka yesterday from Lyea. stated lo an Astorian representative thai he had finished building the Hons, Dig ging & Co. s Hlore. ut that place and that he believed the rush and excitement was over, but later there would be u steady stream of gold hunters going over the passes. "There Is not very much sickness at Dyea, there being more trouble m j Skagway. No gold Is coming out from the Interior now. but people are going over the trails Into Klondike as fast as they ran every day. The cable tramway over Chllkoot pass from The Scales to the summit Is out of order, tho cable hav ing broken lifter a few bin ki ts had been j try to Invade the tailoring business wlth hatiled up. Packing for the most part hasj out any knowledge of the same, by p. J. to be done on the backs of men. The j M.-any. who Is making suits on his own worst part of this work Is before you gel j premises of line russlmer. corkscrew and to The Scale, f would advise any one j dbconal goods from J25 to :!0; fine panls who has a Job here to slay here. Dyea I from $ to JH. Come and see for your- Is no place to go to looking for work. Hundreds rushed in mere with the gold seekers, having no money slid expecting to get work at high prices. Wages Im mediately dropped and there ore many idle men there today." Madam McLean. Ross tail of Hovton, has opened Dressmaking Parlors . . . AT IBS COMMERCIAL STREET CROW'S GALLERY. All kinds of gowns mnd at lowest price, and French tallor-mado Suits K and up. For two week only. Old fur made Into collarettes for spring n specialty. ASTORIA'S NAVAL UKIGAl'.:. Enthusiastic Meeting Lost Night and Twenly-Throv Applicants Sign the Roll The meeting held at the courthouse last night for the purpose of taking steps to form a company, or naval brigade, lit tlil city, was largely attended, standing room In the building being at a premium. The Columbia Marine kind played some pa triotic air and aided in working the pa triotism of the meeting up to high ttnl.h C. 3. Wright was chosen chairman, and Secretary McLean read the report of the last ni.etmg and announced that appli cants had signed the roll. Mr. J. P. Clarke, then made some re marks relative to the method to be pur. sued In order to form a naval reserve and the law the members were to be gov erned by when mustered into service. C. W. Fulton was called tiitott and made a patriotic and rousing teoch touching upon different phase of tue complications between the l'nltc1 States and Sln and the applause that greeted, his remarks when dwelling on the condign punishment that should he mectod out to the Spanish people should war ever lie declared be tween the two countries shook the mart house building to Its foundation and met the approval of everyone in the audlen e. "Little war scares like these," said Mr Fulton, "show what our cboos are do ing, snow wnat our educational Innttu- lions are doing, and now what kind or material we have In the country." Mr. W A. Sherman then made a few re marks showing to what extent he thought the naval reserve would come under the laws governing the state militia Mr F. D Wlnton made a brief speech, but full of iiatrtotu- fire and eloquence He declared ihat. "every young man owes a duty to his country In times of war or threatened warfare, and I believe no iltlien would rush to the rescue of the Mag qui. ker than the nu n who wore the gray during the rebellion. I do not be lieve." s.ild Mr. Wlnton. "that war will be declared, but If It should be. the gov ernment responsible In blowing Into etern ity tiearlv soul of American cit liens j In the harUr of Havana would be in fill ted with such punishment as she would I never forget." Mr. M F. Ilardesty said: ' I m le S im should not he so particular as M who shouid shoot a Spaniard, and those who have once served their country should be given an opportunity to do so again, and should nut If barred by the age limit." The opinion was then quite generally expressed that old soldier. If otherwise physically ipialtflc!. would not l ex cluded from Joining the naval reserve, whereupon Mr. Wlnton stepped up to the desk and signed the roll, hi act bringing expressions of regret from, some Grand Army men present thai their advanced age would not Justify them In Joining. County Judge Gray and Chief Stockton, of the tire department, then made sumc well chosen and patriotic remarks, which went to show that If the opportunity would come to shoulder the musket nil the patriotic xeal of the obi days would again burst forth In all It brilliancy. Sheriff Hare also made some timely and patriotic remarks. Seventy-one had signed the rull and on motion the secretary was instructed to forward to Adjutant-General II. II. Tut tie. of Portland, application to he mus. tered into the navy. A motion was carried that a lommitic of three be appointed to solicit name for the naval reserve. The meeting then adjourned subject t the call of the chairman. After the meeting was over a good many of those present stepped up an signed the application blanks, running the list up to f. It was expected that Captain Pope, of Portland, would be present as ex -Com mamb r Lombard, who was written lo re questing his presence at the meeting last night, wrote to Secretary McLean stating he would be unable to attend but that Captain Pope had stated he would come down and In- present und would give such Information as was In his possession but he was not. While nothing definite was accomplished at last night's meeting, it I certain Ihat when Adjutant-General Tuttle arrlv here enough names will pass muster to at least form a brigade. CITY TKACHF.HS MRET. Institute Lirgely Attended by Interested Cltlxens. At the session yesterday of the Teach ers' Institute there was A largo attend am e ami much Interest was manifested In the proceedings. State Superintendent Irwin was elected president, und J. McCue was elected se. n tary. after the meeting had been called to order bv professor Wright. In the ab sence of County Superintendent Lyman who was unable to attend on account of the si. knes of a relative. Many Interesting tuples relative to school teaching were taken up and dls. cussed, liesldes the following teachers fital" Superintendent Irwin and the H"v K. S. Ilollinger took part In the proceed ings: From Astoria Kmrna Ausmus Kthel T. Andrews. Lora P.adollet. Maude llayl-s. M. L. liusey, Mrs. Jennie llusey A. L. Clarke. H-en SV. Dickinson. K. A Im-Vo. Mary F D'-aly. Lucille ODay Mary Fossett. Mary K. Smith. Katli Kinno'f. ii A Thornton. A. Williams. It. N. Wright. C Wamn. carolln Voung. Hut Ii K. Garner. Mary Garner. Frames G. Holden. Carrie Jeffers, Carrie Kraii'-r. Nora Nlekerson. Annie .4. riisiri Amy Powell, Kathleen M. Koss, Harriet M. Kayre. Mamie Stockton, Minnie Hovey. Nannie Damblin. Warrenton; F. Le:lhy Olney: Lillle Lewis John Day; Margaret Lonif.len. Warrenton; J, T. Lee. Hvnsen May Morgan. Walluskl: Kllza illrette I Wesiooi-t; Willlnm '.. G. Steele. Illlii. I I Hlough. Alb n Anderson. (Jlney. Ltlp-I I lillnn. John Day; Clara G. Darker. llo kins; Hherman Case. Clatsop City; Cecilia Cabill. Vesper; Grace V. Foss. Gray's Hlvcr. Wash.; Nen Htllfil. Wise; Hose West. Mlshawiikn: Daisy West, Clalaop City; John Mi Cue, Keiislde. At the evening session at the Methodist church, wlili h was filled to overflowing, several topics of general Interest were taken up. One of the leading addresses Was ihat forr. siiy f Mr. Mlnto nn the subject ol Tonight Professor Armstrong and professor Wright will ibiive ml i dress' s at Ihe closing session, i , - I WAH IH DKCLAItKD. j Without further notice, against all who Helves. No occasion to send away for clothes to be made by carpenters and blacksmiths, when you can get them made at home by a responsible tailor. Highest cash price paid for fur skins. P, J. MEANY, THK COUNTRY OX A YAU rODTINO (Continued from I'list Page.) of preparation The advance nf the Spanish torpedo llollllo continued to re. celve the closest attention ,,( yw naal olhiials. and while so far as could be As certained no deilnlte line of action wit determined upon, the menace of the en tering of Ibis tlcct was urged by Hip highest naval luithoiitics From ihu standpoint of the Spanish goveniucni this I movement was not a menace, having been divided upon many weeks ago On the contrary the Spanish nov i inn. ut holds that the extensive 10 m ini, in of ry Tor tiiga I a more direct hostile act agiilusi Spain than any movement of the llotllla Instead of slopping the llotllla. the pres ent altitude of Siuitu tends towards rein forcing with other Spanish war vessels, not a a menace, but fiom what Hie Spanish government feels is a require ment railed for by the existing condition of affair. Hardly less siitlvtcsthc thin the ap proach of the flotilla was the Information receive,! today i,y the highest military till.. ..... u.. -t - - ni- ei iiiiiei,, had hurried lo , diuplcttotl , tellsl,r fnrtl- llcatlolis on Ihe Island of Porto Itlco, y lug iusi off Cuba and ibe illy Spanish, possession In this henilsptici,. other than a',.1... I'l ... . .... ............ .1 ....... in.- , ,i.i , m i. i ei oe ii. defenses have been made known here and are King given .i,:hi py the military .iiithorlile as showing the disposition of Spain l.nte today the navy .loartmciit gave out Ihe following Hit of vessels show ins the exact character or each fleet as It stands today. The following vessel comprise the North Atlantic squadron V w Yolk. Iowa Indiana. Miantonomeh i'ern. puii.l i'l Tuior Mai' lch. id M -Mconerv m law. ire. Casiine. Na-loille Helena Wilmington, Vesuvius, Torpedo boats F--te. Iiih.iii. Eric, n dishing pun ter. lnow ; tin; l.iy.len and S inioet The follow Itlg Vessel c..l,l. -e the fl,- Ing squadron -The battleships Massachu setts and Tcnas. an.. ie cruiser Mm neas.s. Columbia and Itrooklvn The navy department informed liv eable from Lieutenant Oolwctl. the naval attache lo the t nll. d Slates nub '- at London that acini ..r ibi gov eminent had purchased th- S. h Is, h in a torpedo toat that had been , .instructed for the German government She I now r, for sea. II Is expected In a d.iv or she will leave for the Fulled Slat' Favorable answer were received from the New York naval militia of their readiness on short notice to supply ottl- ci-rs and nu n to man the siiu-le turr.-ied monitors now called Into rvlce i inl. rs Were Issued t.slay to hue all the war ships painted bla. k. a odor lb it l bett. r ad.lpled to hostilities because Ve.-s will not afford as good a tari;ct FICKF.T Ilu.VTS riitcllASLD New York March SV - A Herald Wash ington se,ial so v ' lly direction of President McKlnley. Sec retary Long spent a million dollar Thurs- day In the purchase ..f twelve s ly yachts and sea going tugs which will tie converted Into torpedo destroyers and pli ki t boats. In directing Ihe pur chase of yacht and tugs 1'rcalih-nl M. -Kinky was guided by the Information showing that Spanish torpedo boat flo tilla has sall.-.l from the Canaries f..r Porto Itlco. Ii.-fore this Information came to hand, the authorities were not willing to pay the high pries for tugs and yacht luspo ted for purchase by the board, but Ihe necessity of Improvising a torpedo fleet to offset that which Spain Is sending to Porto 1(1, -o was so apparent that the president author!!, ,! that the ne gotiations be closed and Ihe vessels pur chased without delay. Secretary Long at once telegraphed Captain ling er and received a telegram announcing that the bargains had been closed and that the Vessels Would be turned over to the government at the Itrisikiyn navy yard Considerable secrecy Is maintained by the officials a to the nanus of the vessels purchased and the price paid for earh. but It Is known that only four tug have been Isillght While eight yachts hae been secured. Two of the tugs are named Lin kenbach and It Is believed the re maining tug were also purchased from the Luckeubach Towing Company. fi:i:d stahvk nt intf.hvkni-: New York March JV-Horatlo llubens. counsel of the Cuban Junta, says In re gard to the sending of supplies to Cuba "The sending of relief to Culm Is not so mm h Intervention a assistance to the Spanish government. It enables Spain to spend for munition of war to light the Cubans and Missiby the t'nlted State, niomy whbh humanity dictate should go to the amelioration of the condition of the reconcentrados. "That these unfortunates should re ceive relief Is beyond question. Such Is the earnest d-slre of every man. hul the only true remedy Is as General Proctor says, to allow them to go back to the fields In Ihe present desornted condition of Cuba the Insurgents live on the coun try, and so could the reconcentrados. That would also relieve Spain of the ob ligation lo fe.i them, you may say. but the present ..,nd of assistance must be rontlniieil Indefinitely, or so long a Spain holds Hie reci.ticentrndo. Slu- does It be. cause she knows that the re oncenlrados are Cubans and that tlnir return to the country would aid the Cuban soldiers So long as we f 1 the reconcentrados they will be held a s such by Spain. We must feed them or Spain will starve ihi-m. or else we rtiust Intervene. PI.LNTY OF HU LKS ItKADY. Springfield. Mass., March 2.'. There, are stored in the different iirs'-rials In this i lly 1'C'mm Springfield rin-. These are of the old model. IP-sides tln se there are stored in other arsenals In the country ready for issiinme lo troops Liio.'usi of the same model lilies. Added to these there are stored iii the arsenals wi.'iufi Krag-Jorgi-n-s. n rlfl-s making a total available today of rp;.issi stands of arms. The nominal output of (he armory Is Dl rllb-s per day, working at eight hours. With three shifts, wlili h are to be nut on as soon us nrraiie, .nieiiis are perfected, the output will i-veniuallv be '-V) per day. Th'Te lire also stored In Ihe Hprlnglield arsenals ?,.Vi.iino Hprlnglield rides of :. calibre, be. sides iiiiihi lilies of I", calibre, which are mo-el '.iccnhlc but which can he soon, w.ih but little work, put in order. AT MA UK ISLAND. Vallejo. Cn I.. March 2.1.- -Gnat activity The Phlladel wall near the Yorktown has prevalls at Mare Island, phla lies along the quay Charleston; t ls- gunboat also been lowed lo the wall and all three ships fairly swarm with men at all hours. The Charleston Is rapidly ne'arlng com pletion and will be ready lo go Into com mission In a comparatively short time. The Yorktown, too, Is nearly ready for si a, and the purchase of her supplies Is now leing made. Lieutenant Com mander Thomas H. Phelps, Jr., formerly executive oflli cr of Ihe receiving ship In dependence, who accompanied President Dole of Hawaii on his trip to Washing tori as naval nlde, has been appointed hlef aide o Hear Admiral Klrklnnd, MI'ltDKHKK ICXF.'UTKD. Colfax. Wash.. Manh 25. (Special to the Astorian. I The execution of John Leonard for the murder of Jacob Mal- qulst at Texas City, occurred this after noon In the presence of fully one thous and people. wm3 IK sWfi.v a: ? ! ' ONO lfNJOYS Until I tm modi. , mill rvNiilt wlim Syrup of Kiirs is tjtkcn; it i plpiisunt ami rt'l'it'sliiiitr to tlu tasto, niol nets irontlv it promptly on the Kiilnev. I.ivor aibl Howe!, flt'iiiiHi' tlio yi Umii ctTivt ually, iliscls colils, lica. I arlio nibl lewis :nil cures liuliitiml j Oollstipaliolt, S flip of Ficjs is tin' 0y rvillixlv ol It klllilt'MT pro- I, pliM.siuo; o the t.istc iui.1 ae ccpLililc ti tin' Mtoiiiaeli, prompt iii il.s action ail I truly in it rTo,-ts, pivp.tlis only .loin the must I . . . 1 ! healthy .in.! aorei-ul Icsiilisi.-uiees, it MliiiV eveelleiit ipialilii'scomiiiiiiil it to ail an. I m ule it ihe most popular knott n. Syrup of Kivjt i fr ,ilo in ,v cent Uoltlcs liv all leu. line; iliui; gists. Any rt'lialih' lriiui;iit who may not !i.iv it on haml will pro ciitv it promptly for anyone who . i Mies to tr it. I'o nut aeerpt unv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 31 M4 tCUifO. VH. lowsviui. nr. i GI NS Foil THK lilllSII'lo San Francisco. M.nch ." A n. w t." ' In. b gun with nOMage to be lo. ii" I at I the Presidio ha arrived mil will I - 1 mounted at once Winn II Is in poin..n the , an i ilm Ihe honor of h w Hoc In working older the ilrt disai'pcaioo. IMtich gun lu the l nlte.1 stales I' '" the Inlenlloll of the war ,1, pal t tin III lo lone litre,, or four inm-e of the.- disin pcarlng gun at the presidio one at Lino Point, and about seven at Point I .oio Several .arload of powder all. I il"!i 1 ill.-, j and for mis eru weapons at the lime Polni -ire now ,-n I....1. fi-on the ,at At Ihe presidio tli.le ar. tlv I?-ln. h illbs and tble .ivn.unil. woes -. position also live gun on l"f belle and Uto n 13 In. h in otai second batterv of mortars Is now b-i prcKir,.l At Lime Point Dure at.- M i: In. Ii litb s ,.ti barbette. ItnSToN HAUIiolt SVIi: lloston. March i N Ibln thr... ,l .i harbor of lsin will lie perfeetlv from the Invasion of vessels atta. In any hostile ilo-t whi. h may sin i lb safe I to d passing lit,- formidable guns ut port War ren and the Long Island head f o..n.i Woodruff commandant at Fort irn n has received Instrin Hons from the war department at Washington to siipplv Lat tery ll Captain Mitchell lew o. , upv Ing Lmg Island bead, with pruvlsions for a period of Id diivs and at the expiration of that time It I e.pece, n regular com rniss.iry will be stationed at the new bar racks SAD lilliiWMNil AiiiDK.NI' A Mother Loses er Life While Rescuing Ibr child Spokane Manh r. A Spragin to the Simkesnian-Itevli-w says Mrs. 1 1 II Seaver was drown Inst evening while rescuing In r boy aged six year, who f-il int.. spe, i,: ..I here . hi!. I -I .1 lilt!.- stream swollen bv the high water The mother dashed Into the stream an. I laught the child but was swept d-iwn t-v the strong current and iarrle.1 b, in-aili the bridge. Mr S'lver ran to the er"k and dragged his wife from the water The ihlld was tightly clasped lu her aim and was quickly revived but Mrs Seavir In-Ver recovered coUMiiollslli ss FATAL ACOIDKNT AT SI'oKANF. Spokane. March Mls Amelia Olson a domestic, aged X. was struck by a trol ley car at Second and Lincoln streets (hi evening and thrown beneath the truck and drugged M feel ami killed. It wa neresary in lift the car to re move her mangled remains. She was partially deaf and failed hear the motorman's warning lo COWIIOYH TO F.N LIST. Cheyenne, Wyo.. March Ii. Governor Itlchard ha an offer from George Shan Ion, n well known lairamle cowboy, to raise within ten days' notice a company of ai) rough-riders and expert shots fur service In (he event of war. The men will furnish their own mounts and equip ments. The offer will be accepted If war should come. IIATTLItY HITK AT THK fsOI'ND Seattle, March 'i'. -The condemnation suits by which the government secures a site for a battery at Wilson point have been closed In the federal court. The price to be paid aggregated HVnou A number of heavy gnus are now on tlnir way here and preparation for setting them up will be Immediately commenced THEBTLK. TUftNTAHLK FOUNDA TION, ItOL'ND HOI. Si:, AND MACHINK SHOPS. Proposals will Im received by the un dersigned at their office In Astoria until noon, March 20th, for the furnishing of material and construction of pile trestle work, pile, and concrete, foundation for turn tubl.', also a round hou.v,, In Astoria, Oregon, and machine Hbops on west side. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank forms for proposals will be furnished nt the ofllce of the under signed, Astoria. Ap),'ovd bonds will be required of the successful bidder. The undersigned reserve the right to reject any or nil bids. NOUTH W'KST CONSTIIL'CTION COM PANY. TF.ACHFK3' LNHTITUTR. Clatsop County Teachers' Institute will be held ut Astoria, March 24, Z, and 2H Instnnt. Kvenlng session at Methodist Episcopal church; day sessions at High School building. Hlnte Superintendent G, M. Irwin, Superintendent A. P. Arm strong, of Multnomah county; Hon. John Mlnto, of Hulem, nnd Prof. J, Inirriham. of Portland, nro expecled here. All teach ers will be present. Parents, friends nnd thn public generally Invited. II. S. LYMAN. Superintendent. For Sale Hand, gravel, black dirt and various kinds of manure. See U. M. Gas ton, nt 10!i Fourteenth street. - ". CASYORIA For Infanta md Children f.: f.-o- lib: iua: ' lite s(sV m -c c- - i U 11 U El U U U wn m tm m rt w it m u m u u m u lu ':, a ., " " E 1. .S J K llnamuaarn I prepared In do j tains lu satisfactory style (IishI , . . , I ..-.I... .1 ' ( WOI S,IR,nille,i, I..SI.V ,,i(.-i p, i iw.w I land's bakiry. FOU HALF. A aeliilng float with bouse Jf.i'). la only I mm year old. and In good coii.llllon Price I one hundred dollar Apply lo J. I M- ! I'arl.oie. Knappa. Or. ItiiAIUi AMI IKHiMM iiine or four rooms, with board, at I. -asonabl. ral Table board, r a call be ,.m. '.!..!. .1 Mrs 1-1 C. Iloldcu, cornel Siniti and I' alreeta VSSIGNIi S Noiii'i: Ti CPLI'li'iillH Noll, e Is lot. 1. 1 glV.-n that III"' mulct nikiod has lid" day been appoint!.,) UN ignee of It' Hlrauss, an Insolvent debtor li.dllols of Ihe said He ll. II dill,. I to pti senl llliir Claims ,;(,,!. o.lfi to Hie lini' I In , Wltlllll thne uiolilh ('"III Ibis dulo At III place of at No ; Commercial street, Astm I i or. gun Dat.d this ll'b .lav of He. ember. lv: N HCHLI'MSFI Assign., i.f It. i.e. . a Htiaiias, an Insolvent .1. I lot f S I'ltopoSAlJt F'll Ft hi. I'lfl e C vj M. Vancouver llutrack. Wash. M ir. h IS. Ival Healed prosial. In inplnat' will be received here, or at ottl., of ipiartertnitatrl at Holse liar r i. ks an.l Foil Hherman. Idaho. Port land I 'r . and Tort Canby. Hp"knne. W'al- I t W alia and anoniver llarrai k. Wash , until II oilock u m. April l. V. and then opened, for furnishing fuel therefor for fiscal p-iir commencing July I. leu Information furnlh'd hern or by wild ipi trt. i tn.iit. rs F. S r'rvr the right to f ie t or inept anv or all propoaala or anv part thereof Knvelojea contain Ing proposals should 1m mark',!, ' pro. luianl for fuel at ." and aililreawu to undersigned or to respective quarter master J W. Jacob. C. Q M A BUSY Pit. Amongst most buslnes men today th lima spent at the table la the most they ran give their families. This ought not to be so, but It la. and being so, the table should be the rallying point (or all that la plraannt In th. family llf. and should hold all that la appetising and nourish ing in the food world. We would Ilk. to help In the latter. Canned, dried and fresh dullcaclea constantly arriving. nOHS. H10U1N8 & CO. J. B WYATT, Pbsae No. 6 Astoria. Or.g.r Hurt, wore, Ship Chandlery, (jroeerleH, Provision, HA.I.NTH tind OILH. bred.) Altcellna Pile I" urr''"! Pair LAiiirs UND t.r.STLCMKJI S Underwear ,lir, TO Latest Styles Thorough Workm meiMp Prices Low James Murphy 420 Commercial Street. SEASIDE SAWRIhl) A complete, stock of lumber on hand In Ihe rough or dressed. Flooring rustle, celling and nil kinds of Mulsh; moldings and shingles. Terms reasonable nnd prices Ht bedrock. All orders promptly nt tended lo. Oitlcfl nnd yard at mill. II. Y. L. LOGAN. Heusldn, Oregon. Proprietor. Bmil Schacht AHCHITECT Koomi 3'7"3i Portland Savlnu Bank Bldf. Portland, Oregon rcstehr LACE i I'RTAINH Mr up el Mount Angel College MOUNT ANdll B.iiCwl 01100 This Is Jul lbs de for r" I w-ltsxti tful I.M'atlon, lam buildings i grouiuU, ixh1 iI- l'l"r of h-aliitf sinrcliw. noelleiit leachors and oarW.1 tralnlnr- ' i,w " m' MT. ANGEL COLI.KX114 nnd tt (M. alofiis and siwolal trm. P, F, PLACIDUS, Director. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Maniiioulh, Ore bom A TRAINING SCHOOL TOR TEACHERS llwulr Normal t'tiure ut llitn jiraoj snlr y,-r whollu prvdiUHinal. .-i Training department l inns snnle wllh loo iss. tii.tnicilou and train ng In tlsiiistts (rt'is V eiui,aii. Visa' Moale hr inibllr aiiixds ,, ii. N.ifina illploins ! re, i.idisl bf las u a Win I IFK t 'RUrifll'AlK loteaili i 'iM viiieiiM., IsHiti, laiaid sad l4 f .r,nlinalelri, lA'iUuiar r sln.l. III. 1kssi.II tlirlllM l r, llM ' Ai'Mleiule grade aeee., d liuin hlb t'aialosuet , c rhillr ul iu 1'i-ln U"ii. Ad.lfrM P, U t'AMI'IIKI.I, CrMr'UuW W. A. WA"N, Hr.'relai)f KwsU The reason for it. Ws har bsHi in th SIlOC bll.-slllL'SA In Astoria lor many tluriafl which llms Ihs wants of our ett lomars havs ban thoroughly tt4 Isd ami adtqusts priwratlons mad lo mat thlr sTsry damsa4. Ws rarry Ihs l arge! slink In the tit) . . . and svtry purrhass ws mk has Ihs approval of our nsor rro' as psrteoesV 1,.ir-u,,.,Oa. J(),N HAI1N. Ihe Choicest Table Wines... For r.milia Also fur Mattlrlnal Cooativf PurpasM aa4 Private It lock. Crwrn Hrw, Old lllrtarr, Pi-Ids ot Kentucky and HcrntsC; tWs sold California Brandies. Carlson's FamllyLiquor Store 1M TWEI-rnt ITIIIUDT THE PROOF of th. pudding la la live aUssjt, aad the proof of tlqoor. IS IN SAMPLING Thai' an aJgumenl that's sst. elualr a demoBstrauVsi. Our wUI staad the teat, HUGHES & CO. 1S7J 1697 Fisher Brothers ASTOHIA.... l.l'MKICATIMi OILS A 5rt!CIAI.TV SICLL. 8IIIP CIIANDLBJtT IIARDWARB IRON AND ITECL COAL OsltOCIDRliaH AND PIlOVISIONg rLoirn and kill feed PAIN HI. OUaS AND VARNIBSB LoooEsig' bui' rung rAJrUlANK B BOALM DOOtlfl AND WTNDOWi AOKIClTLTiniAL ItvanBNT WAOONS AND VEHICLES Bicycles lot'K, KKY AND rlKMlNli MAt'lll.r4.... AIhisII light Maeliln.ry. Repaired Puling l.esdt cn KUh lines. C. H. Orkwitz m UI'ANK. THE PARKER HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED- Corner ol M111I1 and Aalor htrei-t., Astoria. Guests Received on American or European Plan. Robust Shoes for boys These Hlout Shoes at lean prices are sure to Interest you. Our Steel Shod Shoes... For boys and youths ar. taa best nnd most durable to ba had. The United Worklngmen's "Seal Rock' Was particularly elected for the Astoria trade, Petersen & Brown. Antoria Iron Works B'ront Htrect, foot of Fourth, Astoria. CKNKRAI, MAC11INIBTU AND IIOIIiKR MAKKRi Land und Marine Knainca, Holler Work, Steamboat and (.annorjr Work a spe cialty, Ciisilngs of all dascrlpUowi made to order on short noiioe. John Foz..prCsidnt and BuperttvUndMit L- ro Vloe PrasltUtt 0. B. Prael BoreUfT AatorU Bavinirs Bank TYeaaurvsr