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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1898)
TIIK DAILY AHTORIAN, SATUKOAY MORMNd. MARCH 2-i, IBU ASSESSMENT Notice. Fcr the Street Improvement In the City of Astoria Known as " The Commercial Street Extension Improvement." alalia If trf "n ,,,,,, ,,,r asi annum fur Ihn alrert Improvement tf tf Cllir of Mlurtii, On-gun, known aa "Tln I iiirin-r ln Hir.-.. Kitiiialiin lm ?oiil." am twins m'lt" purtlruliuly il d iia "The lnt r.v-im lit nf arlil ritit fi"" l';" "I Hi v. nli ml, Hln-t K, ilix Weal Mnr nf fwlrl"lrd rlrt, ml Twenty-third Hirer! from Ihn North Line nf I'mnni. i I" I I Kit hang Hlrirl, wliUh I.I i,h nt , ,,,,!! rind lv ordlnari. r rtlnH' " 'f Ih M I'My, ni..ti.-, March H. IW, anld a- ! ' l'Pr '" "I""' Ar..iii. ( fr , nforximl Imi.rovi at, hlft fH If on M In Ih i.ttl. i.f ll. Audlinr and I'oll. r IihIkp i.f it Mir ffil Uprflfl A aaim lit Hull N 34. ktn k In. , ,. aaaiaatiniii l now W turd If Iff dorsal of City Lima nf "ul.1 illy. w ,r a,, puyj,!,!,, r,,l,,j lf I'llil l fl thf nmr of Hi t lty,ur.r .,f ( on Ihn lat day nf aH, IMI. tfd H 'l ' P,,ll l ', '"" H'" "' r.iiiiiill i,f nl, illy W wfksrts Iff W ! of warrant fi.r ih rutin t ..r i.f aald aaaiaariimt. w lilt h la fa Ik (ollfwlff "rllird il .iu.irir ii.n.i.,1 n,, ( ,,, (jf tf M Iftd ful f rr.UJ by J M nim.i. , , kll1 , . f,,nw. ArrM filwMi Hlr It II -' Astorit A rolumbl HW.r II II. Co.. i..l or, Aaiurla Havltife Hank, Truau A.Ulr. Mary Ann llalra of-llolta ai I .aura r Adair. Jofin Adair. Jr . W It A.Ulr. M l Adair Klln A Men.tell ki A Wl. her. Mary A. Jrdn. Mary It. A.lalr. Annie K lirmhain. ami linl lirriihain. Ijiuia lirrnham anil (.lril II. lUanham, hlre uf Hetty A. IU"i ham .... A.Ulr. M. A , dae'd, Helm aa tx Ilowll.y. J U A. Ilowll.y. J u A ilowll.y. J. 1 A llnwlhy. J U A li.iwii.r. J g a ilowll.y. J U A iiowii.). j g a li..wii, J g a Ilowll.y. J g A hrrry. Kllrn H. (He O It. A N. Co rt nla I Inirlmin, Ororg II. iBi O R. A N. pt nla I Fulton. Vlnclnta K Kulton. Virginia E Fulton, Virginia 10. fulton, Virginia 15. l'ultnn. Virginia K. fultnn, Virginia 13. Kiilton, Vlrnlnlit 15 I'ultiili, Virginia 10 '.In. hum, Uiinli'l. (8n 0, H, & N. Co. it all 1 lllgglnf. ,J K IllKRlnR. ,J Fl. IIlKglnf. ,J 15 Munxon, J. W,.., Xfunaon, J. W..., Iirgli.nlhg at a n..lni II f N ..f NW 'r I.. t . I U hhlv. h Aa- "lln, i.n In,,, hid, v lllii. i.f ...1.1 lot i ii. ii.., N, i,, .; HH s ' "f "y of A. A I' It. H II I., ihn HW r..r i.f tliut 'Mialri ,r. r f lltll) .i.) ,y ,, " t A. N c.i l l,r ,, A A C. ii it It Co nn'l rr. ..r.ti .l on '"'"k , 1". " uf ..f l "I; Hill. iii.M'.n. Hir,,,,. in a M1. illrn II. .11 ,,n V Im.ijuiI. i iiih. .,f ,, tt f f .,, ( a l.'.u.t Hi, a hmIi ihn inilir nf Mi.' i" i. ill m. n. n.i.,1 s I l.'-ri N .ii ...l.l , .i.i. r iM rui.n.l..) I.i Mi.. i . . r ii mi. nl r h'.i. lini. or Mm I rlvnr, th. ii NK n "I'll mil. I .. r h.n.l linn l.i I It .lltulMit in,.. I . i,, ,, u. jt ' " an.l ll. I'l,,!..,,, Mm , .1. . III..-.I In ha n rl.llli i.KI.-... Il'.lll l...,r, , ,,,,,,, l"K- l..,k .11 i.. .,i,l nf ,.,.,a ''' 'I ii,,,. .my i ii , a ii , lli'ii In a HI. ilitirin ,,h Mj ,it vl i. n I.i... I,, a .'.i.n in ii. , ni..r llhi. ,.f Twrlily.llill.l al. nlr,,, v i" 0. iii .i mi; .in., ii. .ii niMim III.' lll.F , . ,,.1... .,( Ihn l. . .,,..,,,, . , , i . II . Ill .1. . , ( , ( . "l' Mill I (hr ...I.I A I- " II It Ch i,.nn :,.i l,...,k:.v It'...!.) ..f ., f rui',i r.iull If. i ! it. .ii. I.i a .,.t.l I -i fl I. t.f I. III,.. ..f - w. nt) ,,,, i ,.,,t l. l N. Ill, li. o iii u H .ll.r. (I. .11 nil. I l".r Willi To. nl) .ihn, I .i l'll.l III III. .11. 1.,., I, III,,, ll,.,l, oht .,,II,U. i,, I f,,f, II. rnll. i,.. I ,, ,,l h. II. n III a HV .lll..ll"ll iiImi.k i.i.I B i,,.,,. Il"ll..l .llll.., ,. jm.uh Ihn .rill, r .if Tw. lit) llli,. p P1. Ii-ll.t.'l N, Hi. . n III i H .III.'. II. .11 along aiii., i,ii,,r llnr . u ,'.Hit that liil.r..,i. , txiiitntury Urn- of Hi.. ,. i.i ..f dm aal.l A A C (. , , ih.-n.-n III a HV .11,., II.. i, .,! h Una i.f .,i. ,I,, ,,,,, , ,, M,u,i of Im. . . u. .n with ih N II nr. i.f 1 1 "li. in. i. .1 I In n. n V N linn i.f i i.iiiinnrlttl at t a .inl In Hi.- in... ,,f sin. ,. ., I, ai iii.n.l s. ilunr In a N ,llrr.,l.., ,il,k. ..,, ,,H,.r .. I.f ...I.I alrrrt In I lm H lllln .f h rinhl ..f wav ..f A. A C It It I' I .. Ih. n.- V Ihn M linn .if il.l Hi In ..f u i., a hiiii mi III. n out, ,,r v linn ,,f .. . 1,1... k I 'J Hhlo A.l'.rla rlm l..l N an.l 11, t. S nf N V inr am.l l.'t llili N ..n .al,! lllln i.f ...1,1 l"t rtlt-li.t.-,) S n (,,,rn of l.rgln- "li'l 11710 t l. 1. III.k k 111, Hlilvrlry a AaL.rla JS K l.V.n Im I.I I.i II..., f,.r ,n a.ll.l A A c II II It C.i I.) thn Aa I.. i in Ha Ida. Hank i Wr.i (i lm 3 1. 1'., k t. Hhurl. ) . Aai..n i:n; l. Kllit.ll.g i.l it ....( mi ft N of W III.,. ..f I.. I 1 I.I... h !.. Hhl.-lf a ...n,i an. I ui fl N i.f xv ,-or ... I,. n ..ii im, m ith v Iliu ,1.1 .. 1 1. ..In, ., ,,, a) n,, ,,( A AC ( ( l( I ., . ,,,, Ki,.uil. thn, M; ulniig nni, H . . ... ... 1 1 . i w ..( i: in,,. .1.1,1 lot ,riHliirnl, Ih. n H iitnl & f ,Pa I'll. I ft. 'Ill .1.1 K lin,. I., i.liu Ml ft N i.f I.. I. thru v i ft ( ..'gllltllllU , hi .J lil I. I'l". k I Htilvr.- a Aalurla. I '-3 Ij.I : I.I." k I.i; HliU l.-v a A-tnru (, u W S l"t J. I.I", k I.i., hliix l. y a Aa- I. .n. i II vl I. .. I t 1,1... k ir. KlilM lry'a Al.rlu l.ik i I m I (.. I.I... k I.I, hhlwl, y'a An.irl.i Lln J.' I . . I.I... k l:.'. ShiM-l. y a Aati.rin. IM JJ lii'gliiniiig .it ii .ml iai rt N i.f Ml ...r I.. I i. I.l " k i:: HhU' l.-y a A I. ,ii,i. ili.n N i.n Inn. wiih i: Iliu' I.. I , i. ..In. ..I. in M linn of V C It K It C.i a il.-iM.I, 111. n HU ..II a.Hil H lllln t.i ...lnl on linn wllh V linn a il. I I.. I If !., iln. i .l Hi. it H I.. i.HU mi ft N i.f NW ...i ...I.l 1..I. Ili.n i: 'M ft t.i l..'K' IHilliK H 30 llrgini'iiiK il ,i I '"'t '-1 ft S nf NK i. r l.'t .' LI., k Sliivrli-y a Aa I. .tl:. ili.n N i.n II, ii- wllh V. Ittn- an I I I" I I Ii,. r.l I.. 8 lln.' of A A C It It It Cn a .t.'.nt Hi. I, H ..ii - il.l S lln.' to .loiit nil linn wllh W lln,. .. lr pro. th ii H lo .lnl m ft N of Nv n. r a.ii.t int. in. n : rt iii iM-glnnlna- IM ID II. gliiiiliig nt ii i..Hit U' ft N nf NK l-nr o . k 1.1. rlhlM'li y a Aa t.illii. Hi. ll N mi lln.' wllh K lln" na UI I.. I ni. ..lm il. I.i H Hi... nf A. Ai C. It It It C.i a ili'imt itroiinila, linn HU on .il.l S linn to ion im It ii o wllh W Inn' a. 1 1,1 hit It iin linn H t.i m.iiu ii It N nf NW mi l"t. Hull K .V fl to lirgllilllim HS.W I'm I S a ..f lm l. til... k 1?.'. Hlilvi lry a A al.. rlu I'l SI I'lnl 2 1 i.f. 1.. lilnnliiK ut a H"lnt Ml ft N i.f NK ."I lot 4. hloik i, Hlilvrh y a Aat.irln, tht-n N nil Una with K linn nf nit Iii lot to S linn nf A A C It It It Co. ilt'iini ni'iiunila. I In n SV nlnhi; "ill, I H III' ti l.nlnt nil linn Willi W linn if am l1 lot, thin H on W linn t.i ...lnt ui ft N nf NW i'nr aiilil Int. th. n K W ft to li'-ulnnlng W 10 I'ml 2 .1 nf Int hliirk VA. Hhlvnlny a Aaatol III 1:.30 t'ml K-,t of. l..'Klinilng nt a .nlnt ill fl N nf NK .or lot . I'lo'k If. HhUi-li-V B AHtnrlii. thi-tl N on lint with K linn nf m.i id Int. In H linn nf A. ni It It 11 Cn.'a llnliol grnunilH, lin n MV nlnrtg a.iiil ii linn in nolnl on linn Willi W linn nf anl.l lot. linn H on W I'm' In point Hi ft N nf N ni' Hum Int. lin n I-: M fl to li-'Klnnltnt I'ml S J of lm tl, hi", k U"J, rihlvl. y'a AHIillIll I'ml 2 .1 nf, li.'HlnnliiK nt n point tM rt N of NK mr lot tl. Iiloi-k I. Slil vt'li'V'H AhIimIii. lin n N nn linn with K lino nf Hum im in n niit nf A. A 1'. It. It It Hi.'" l',P"t finlllllla. lin n HV iilnliK a.ilil S no In nolnl nn llnr Willi W lino nf aiilil lot, tln-il H mi milil W linn In point im rt N nf NW cur aulil lot, llii-n K f.ii ft to lii'Blnnlnn TiM I.nt ti. hlnrk l'.'S, Hhlvl''H AHtiirlll, 1IH..M0 Lot 6, hln, k l-f. HIilvi'l' .v'H Astnrlii. Miltiann. J, W,,, Miihaiirl, J, W.,, MrCnnn, John, (lln O, It, A N. Co, ft nla MrCnnn, JaniM. IH'f O, It, A N. Ci. l nla Mi Ciiiih, Mnigiiral, iHno O 11, A N, Ci. -I nla.) iri-K'.ii Itallrond anil Ntvlgntlnii Co tirrg" ftallrnar and Navigation Co. nrag'.f ftallrnarl aad Sfvlgnll'in C'n firrgnn ftallroa.l anl Nvlgatlon Co. firrgnn llallrna.) a-il Navigation Cn ( Itailroa.J and Navigation Co Orrgun Railroad and Nivlgitlon Co. Orrgon Railroad and Navigation Co. O. R. A N. Co.. nd, or, Ellen 8 Cherry O. R. A N. Co.,, E. 8. Cherry... U. It. A N. Co., and, or. John McCann. O. R. A N. Co., snd, or, John M.-Cann ... t. It. A N. Co., and, or Jumna McCunn, nn un.l O. It. A N. Co., and, or, Jameg McC'.tnn. a tin.l Vt o. Tl. A N. Co., und H, and, or, Margaret Mi Cnnn, und H O. R. A N. Co., und H, or, Murgant Mi-Cann, und H O. R. A N. Co., und J-S. and, or, Gcorgo H. Durham, und 1-1 O. It. A N. Co., und 1-J, and, or, Georgi' H. Durham, und l-I w K O. R. N. Co.. und 1-S, and, or, V. J. X Ut i Taylor, und 1-3 J O. It. A N. Co., und 1-3. and, or. V. 3. Tuylor, und 1-S n.-lfliinlng lit n point rt) ft N of NK i-or Int T, hlm k IJ.i. Hlilvnh y'h Aa lurla, nn ii linn wllh K line aulil Inl If nrinliicnil, tln'il N nn anlil K lino to H lino of A. .! 0. U .It. It. I'.i.'h il.'pnl uiniinil. tlmn BW along mil. I H linn to !'lnl In lino w ith W lino nilil lm If iirmliici il, thnil H nil milil W lino In point 01 ft N of NW rnr Miihl Int. tll'll h M ft III Ill-KllllllllK I'H. ' llrnlnnliiK at a pnlnt ft N nf Nh cor lot 2, hlni-k 1, Hlilvi'loy Aa; tm-hi. nil ii linn wllh K linn unlit lot If pinilm i'il, thi'ii N on until K lino In 8 lino of A. C. It .It. R Cii.'h (li'pol KiinimlH, linn SW iilniig Hiihl rt lino In point 2."; ft nf I'! llnoHiiliI lot If pioilin iil, thi'ii rt par. Willi unil I'., rt illsinnt nl Hill, I iii-ihIiii i'iI K lino I" pnliU liO fl N nf Hiihl Int, thi ll I'l 'A'. I'l tn linnlniilni: ..585 K M, hit 2, l.l.ii k ll".", rlliivi'lny H Am Ini'ln u,''s w in rt im 2, iiiix k iai. siiivuii y AHIillIll ;".,', 27-C0 ltiKlnnlnit nt ii point tJl rt N of NW ...r lot 2, lilork If. Hhlvi'lny A toi'lii. on n lino wllh W linn or milil Int If pimliii'iil, thi'n N nn nn hi V lino In H lino nf A. A ('. It. It. 11. Co.'f ilnpnt irriiunilM, thfil NR alotiK milil H lino In point 10 ft 10 nf W lino of aiilil Int If pio clurnd, thou S unil par. w ith ami li) ft tllritiint from wild W lino tn point III! ft N of N lino Hiihl Int. then W 10 ft to boglitnlng H.S4 V. ft lot , Mock in, Hli1vl"y' Aa lorln 1?. 3 Id Klrinliig nl ii point (7, ft N nf NK inr Inl S. Ill"' k IK', Hhlvli y a A tnrln, 'Hi H lln with K llnr a.inl I'll If ,ilnriil, lin n N "li anl'l V. Ilim In nolnl i.n H linn nf A. '. It. It, II. c.i.'a i'i.l grni'i'la, Ih'-n HW nl'il.K H linn to piilnt ', rt W r.r V, llrm k.hiI ii If prn'liii i il, lin n M mill pur. wllh "'i'l ' ri ' from n I.l W Him i.r".lu.-'. i, ...liil ri ft N nf 'i hid. a i i'l I"'., tlnn K 4 ft li'Klnnlng 7.17 lI'ClnnltiK nt pnlnt r.l fl V .f St: 0. r Inl , l.l'.i k I II. rthlv. li Aa tnrln. III." wni I) Him H'I inl If pro'lii"-'!. Hi n N on n..l'l V, linn tn I l-r Inii'l tin-, .. . !.t rlK 1. 1 "t w.iy nn. I poril ni ...II l.y ai.lil I ii. In A A C. It It It Co , lln n H W nh. nn aiii-l p.. r In..- (.. im.IiiI ..n llim with W linn lot if .r."lH"il 'li-ii H i n. -,,! a aliov". I point Oi fl N nf NW' .n fiii.l lot. limn K ' fl to b'-gtn- liliiK IMM l ifinnli'K nl a p'lint fl N nf '' i or lot 5. I.l"' k HI, Hlilv.-l-y a Aa torlji. on linn wl'h I) Him ril't lot If pi . .rlin -i-rl. r lrin N ri'i K, linn lo pi. r Imii.l Him. " ".il riKln "f 'iy '""I --"rii'.n oi I i,y ai.l.l I ". lo A A ' It It It Cr. t. II,. n HW nl. .n i.l.-r Him in ...Hit i.n Him wllh W linn lot If .r'..l'i"l. 'i H ' pi ia iiln vn. ! point m fi N nf Nn' r or a. .1.1 ii. lln ll K hi ft t'i ii'rtin- nn..: 1 13 'I ll.nliinli'lf nt n n.lnt Ui fl ' of SK n.r lot 3. jn..-k III. -tii'.v l. ya A' totln. 'HI lllln Willi V. linn "il. -1 lot If pr n.. th -ii N on a-.i'l K lllin I" I'l, r Imml lino, '. nnt HkIiI "f wy nii'l K.rii.,n a M l y a .1.1 I'o I.i A. A C It. It I! '" i. ih'-n HW nl. .in pn-r Inn- to oliil .n lln" wllh W In... anl.l l"t If print. i... I linn H . -x. .1 rt i.l.., in. .i point ii ft N ut NW "r anl.l lot. til' II I'! 'Jl ft to I, -Kill-nlng II. 17 )I.-Klllllllig III il polM lii fl N nl NK i or lot I.I'm k UI, H 1 1 1 v . i . v a Ai lor!,! .-I. lllln wllh i''. lllin ail'l lot If pr.Ml.:. tlnn V on a ii'l K lllin ..I .ll.-r Imi.'l Him. llXI'l.t r Ik li t "f way ml r.rti..n i. I.l hy a I'l I to A A It It It Co i Ih'-n HW nl. .inr '!'! pl'-r linn I" point .n llim wllh W lino anl.l lot If pr.Hlll.,! I In - ri H r-..'--l ;4 nl,..,.-. to point ft N of Nrt' . 'r anl.l Int. Itmn K J fl to Imgl I- Miliar II" II.IiiiiIi.k -it a f.i ft N of NK i..r lot f-. I.l i k UI. Hhivlnv a A tori i on llim with K lln.- m l lot If pr I'limml. th.-n N -.n n.ill K llim lo pi-r Imml iln.- .. -.-pi riiflil "f wv in. I nirtori a.ii-1 ny '.i lo A A C, t It 1'. Cm. th.n HW hIoiik an hi plr Ili.n i" . n linn wl'h W I um ail. I lot I' ploil.K ..I ih. II H rn-. ,! lit. nn, to point ivi ft N .f NW ...r lot. tin II I. Vi ft . li.-n-l.. ilfiar J-l "V I'. KliinlliK nt a H.lnt tn ft X of S'K or lm h, I, P.. k UI. Shlvnl'-v a A tori i. n Him with K In.-- an I lot If pr Mlinn.l 'h n N on a-inl K linn to t.l.-r h'-.i'l linn i.-vopl nirHt of way nii.l n.rti...i m.l.l hy Co to A A C. It. It It i'o.i. limn HW h1.. ni pn-r linn n point nn lllin with W lino I lot If pro.pi.-...; . ilt.-n H -x-i-pl ua aliovn, to (mint mi ft N of NW ",r anhl Inl. limn K .Vl ft to In-ln- nlnx 124.-17 ll.-itlrmlnK at f point K. ft N nf th NK mr lot 1. I.I.Kk 132. Hhlvrl.-y a At. .rlu, on a linn with K linn nf lot a-x 1 li.l, .1 th--,ii n N on anl.l linn lo govnrnmnnl plnr hi l lllln i.f Coliirilliln rlvi-r, thrlun NK along I pl-r h.-a.t linn to a iniiiit on Mnn with W linn f lot . I.loi k i ;l. Hhlvnh y a Aalorm. If mihi.I.-.I N Ih.-n H on a j 1,1 W linn of i i I.l lot . vl.-n.l.,) to i .11 vl. ting llnr In'tw.-n thn pr'-tnlana nf tin i. It. A N. c.i nn, I that nf thn A. A C. It ll It Co., aa on piign 3, lunik .Vi. r-ror. 1. f of I'h.taop loillllv. Ilrr g'.n. Ih.-n.-n HW mi na 1.1 line lo a t". Int nf Inlt-tarriion with t lit- N lllin nf Ihn right of wav nf anl.l A. A C It. It. It. Co . ih'-n W on anl.l N line lo l kiiiiiIiik tt.M lli-glnnlng nt a i'nl fi ft N nf NK or lot I. I'll" k 131. Hhlvrlny'a Aa lorla. tlii-tnr N on linn with K linn anl.l lot . Jli n.l. .l N lo Ihn gov.-riininnt plnr hnn.1 line of C.i Inml.lii rlvnr. ii-xinpt the right of way of A. A C. It It. it. Co. nn.l iH.rtloii i..t,l hy o. It. A N. Co. to wit 1I A. A C. It It. It. C" a rinr.l.',l on pagn 1. hook 3. rn. nnl nf rli-rila of Clntanp n.iintv. Orrgon i. th-nii NK on antd pier hrail Hnn to rnlltnr of Nlnntmllth atr.-t If rxlrmliil N thnn rt rj-ct-pt aa iihovn to N line Commnr rlul atn-rt. then W Si fl to be ginning ;.k III ginning at n point i ft N nf NK mr lot I, l.lm k Itl. Shlvrlvy'a Aa torlu. on llnr wllh K Hnn aiilil lm If proiliii'r.l. ttmn N nn anhl K line lo ph r hriul linn, mxi-i-pt rl;ht of wny of A. A '. It. It. It. Co.i. th-'n rtW along anl.l i.l.-r Hnn to m.hi nn Hnn with Hnn anl.l lot If pr.nlimril, then rt. exn-p aa above, ti point m fl i.r NW nor iwld lot. th"n K ft to lirglnnitiK 1?4 7 lit 1. hln. k l;C. rthlvrl. y a Aitorln. 1.S5 Ittgthnlnv nt n point ' ft N "f NK ir Int 2. I.I.H-k 1. rthlvlry a Aa torln. on llnr with K linn mi I.l lot tf proihniil. tlnn N nn mihl K line In ph r hon.l lln -. i.-xiipt rliiht ot wnv of A. A C It It. It. Co.). th. n HW iilolik- anl.l i.l. t line l.i point nn Hnn with v Hnn anl.l lot If pr.i.ln -il. thi-n rt to point fin ft N of NW n.r anl.l lot. then K M ft t.i h.-k-lnnlnK 1H.47 T.ot 2, l.lo. k l.C. rthlv.lny - .storln. UvXu M S, blork ir. Shlv.loy Aatorla. 69.15 llrglnnlng nt a point ill ft N of NK i-or lot J. HI. n-k Ui. Shlvnlry a A torln. nn lino w ith K line aal.l lot If prniltn-i il. tlmn N on aahl K line to plnr h.-ml llim. mx.-t pt ririlu of wav of A. A '. It It. H. Co.l. then HW nlntig anhl nlrr linn to point on linn with W Hnn anl.l lot if pro.lini'il. thru rt t.i olnt r)i ft N nf NW cor. mihl lot, limn K M fl to boglnnlnK 62.54 Lot J. i:a. Shlveley'a AKtorla. 69.15 lioKlntiltig nt a point HO ft N of NK cor lot 3, hliM-k IX.'. Shlvnlny s Aa tori.i, on lino with K line aal.l ml If prnilui-ml. Ihi-n N nn anlil K line to iilrr hmiil line, then 8W nlong anhl plnr lino to iwlnt on lino with W lino snl.l lot proilitoeil, tlmn 8 lo point ft N of NW cor anhl lot. then K 50 ft lo begin nlng tnxcnpt rlitht of way of A. A C. It. It. R. Co.) 62.S1 I.nt 4, block 1.12. Shlveley-g Astorln. 93. Reglnnlng nt a point 60 ft N of NK cor Int 4, blork 1S2. Shlvelry'a As toria, nn lino with K Hnn nul'1 lot If proilnooil, then N on aahl K lln to pier hoiiil lino, ;lmn SW alom; aalil plnr lino to point on lino with W lino anhl lot r.roilui-e.1, then 8 to point ito ft N nf NW ror anhl lot. then K M ft to boBln nlng tnxonpt rlisht of way of A. C. It. It. It. C.) S2.53 Lot 4, blink 132. Shlveley'a Astoria. 46.10 IteulnnliiK nt n point fil ft N of NK inr Im 4. hlin'K Vt2, Shlveley's An tnrla, on line with K line wild lot If pi'inlm-iil, then N on wild K lino tn pier head line, then SW ulons faltl pier lino to point on line with W lino unl.l Im nnnluceil, then 8 to point Ml It N or NW .-or aahl Int. then K 50 ft to beitin- nlnif lexoept rlgrht of wav of A. C. R. It. . Co.) O. R. & N. Co., and, or, Dan Graham. O. R. ft N. Co., and, or, Dan Qraham. o. R. & N. Co., and. or, Dan Graham, o. U, N. Co., and, or, Dan Graham. l'arker, W. W Torkor, W. W Parker. V. W Parker, W. W l'nrknr, W. W Lot 5, block 1.12. Shlveley'g Astoria. ItcKlnnlnc nt n point f ft N of NK cor lot 5, block 1X2, Shlveley'g As toria, nn lino with 15 line snlil lot If prniliiceil. then N on said K lino to pier head lino, thnn 8V along anlil pier line to point on lino with W lino H.ilil lot prnil'ioeil, then 8 to point W ft N of NW cor said lot, then K 50 ft to beein nliiK (except rlcht of way of A. A C. It. 11. U. C.) Lot 6. block IK, Shlveley'g Astoria. Hd-lnnlng at n point 60 ft N of NK cor lot l!. block 132. Shlveley's As toria, on line with K lino said lot If produced, then N on snhl K lino to pier head lino, then SW uloiiK sal.l pier lino to point on Hue with W lino snltl lm produced, then 8 to point 00 ft N of NW rnr snlil lot, then K W rt to boKln ninir (except riisht of way of A. .-i C. H. U. It. i'o.i Lot 3, block l'-'O. Shlveley's Astoria. Lot 1. block 127, Shlveley's Astoria, Lot 2, block 127, Shlveley's Astoria, l.ot 3, block 127, Shlveley's Astoria. ItcKlunliig in u point OO tl N of NK enr lot S. block 127, Shlveley's As toria, on lino with K lino said lot If produced, then N on said K line to 8 line of depot grounds of A. & C. It. It. It. Co.. then SW alouif anld S line tn point on line with W lino Biild lot If produced, then S on said W lino to point 60 ft N of NW cor said lot. then K 50 ft to beginning 41.49 13S.30 124.47 1M.S0 124.47 13.83 276.60 1S.4.80 lSS.a1 128.30 Id d pi'pin la tn lm worn very fri"' h trim , ciiirilng aiinnri'r. I'laln dark bin" and ; ni r'i urn among the other rotor ah'iwn. 1 rVirnn of Hie r'-'l pl'iun rlrr-aana ar trimni"'l f with hiinda nf while pltie, trlprt wllh; narrow IiIni k bra Id. TO Ct-'ltB A COLD IN ONO DAT. Tnka Mxatlva llromo gnlnina Thtf. All dniggir-tn mfniwl ih nvmrr If H fll to our; tin. ITiit m by Charl Rofnrf. A vi-ll lo lm Ihn lut'-at tiling must be Iwn yiirila long. II la llnrl In a knol HI the bark and brought lo thn frmil whom II la tl' (I In n bow uinl'T the rhln. Men r praaiimnbly nillnrl rranka br ranan Ihny only turn on way. It la Mmy to catch a cold and Juft M a-T to get rid of It If you coirnnfoc arty to t Onn MlniK Ctnmh Curf. It eura roiiglif, polda, Ijrr-nchltlji, pneumonia fad all throat and lung troublra. U la pt anl lo Ink, itmf to u and ior to 1W (liaa. It'aara, J. A, I'arltli-, of Anttipitty, O., wai far 'hlrty yean nrt!,ly tortured by phy. li'larM for th cur of oeierna. II aa liihkly curl by uaing DeWltfg Wltc M.U'I tnrf h f unnu hmllnf Jr fnr pllna and akin dlaeaan. Chat. RotWf. Old blaik aa'ln aklrta inn lm fr'ah' narl up by pulling on narrow ruffing nf bl.u k oit In with bnhy rlhlmn r.n tho r.lga. Iter. E. Edwardi, paator of th Eng lish llaptlat church at WlncrtTllla, pa., whan auff'ting with rhfumatlfra, wa ad yUnd to try Chamberlain' pain Balm. II nyt: "A fw application of thl lini ment proved of (raft aarvlc to nt, It subdued th Inflammation and rllvd th pain. Bhould any guffercr profit by giving pain Halm a trial it will plea m." For al by Charl Rofcra, druggist. tmf - - r ' 1 fitan-r I fj mm i V ii y m MANHOOD RESTORED SfCa.i VfcUfllaj.l . Hll'"' IIUW I WIIUWViu,n,tlf,,i 1 J" d """' l"aar"fll l-i'laa-tai,, l.l l .n ly ,...., f !, B, . ? - lu or ilaa iu nl ll -i,. rn-n .,r. . m u l.M, u,,,..,. I-it. mill, l alf.aln t'"' V l.rn-r.'nll onnr...,s, S'Y"nn Ii.i.iim; I iriplna, i i.llinm li IU"r, l.i,,o,i,i, ijrnn.a, V'n-,, , 4.uiiti:juU"n. IHt " a l l a h.iar i-r r.ei.L l"f.i nni k li'i.l !. l.argn, m.a a 11 not rhnrva.' l.-vtt u. Hpr.'.ai,rh Lrrnaf r-rro :l horum .! I.r.rnnr-T. I ri Uf.: nloauaa Uaa lr , Hal 1 I ll Hnnr(rn1 th Bni.afT ora.f.l aJ UnUur.lMa, i rrainvia rfmrihiMt. raaim-aaamau waaa "i.r 'i. 1 na rr,,. ..ifnrnr. ara rl owl by l" la I. bi.v nlnaty par nant ara trantawt wiit Prwtlwilila. i 'ri'i UK NK I in mi y known rnmnf ! rut i i-ji r, ...liii. a-i.-,ir.-,i a. a A irllll ri.ranlrng'aanjHl re'.y mlnrmt If ti U.fna 4-n rw.1 aU'aji a )a)ruii. law' lnt.aii f..f m'l. -l raaaiireulwarfl u-J'u:,..i. 4 Ir-aa lltVllLltlftU'lC CO, t. O. ! I IVil Vrvrm. I ti. f.a u, FOB BALE UY ClIAItLKfl ROGEP.8. rarkar. W. W. . m..i . - I'arkr-r. W. W. I. II. Welch. W elch, D. II. Welch. D. H. Welch, D. II . Welch. D. H.. Welch. D. H... Welch. V. H... Welch. D. H Welch, D. II Welch, Welch. Welch, Welch, Welch, Welch. Welch, Welch. Welch. Welch, Wood. Wood. D. H D. H D. H D. H 1. H D. H D. H John W.. James W. James W. Saruh F.. Sarah K... ,. . fii-rlnnlng at a rn-.lnt V) ft N nf NK '.r lot 4. block 127, Hhlv-lny'a At- lorla. on line wllh K line tratd lot If produ. ed, thi-n N on'l 1-; line to fi line of d' pot crnunda of A. C. It. It. It. Co., then HW along an Id H Htm to point on line wiih W line a.ild lot If prolu, l, th'-n H on aald W Una to point i ft .N of I NW 'or said lot. then K j,, n to "I'V. . bea-lnnlna: Iti ginnlrig at a point W ft N nf NB ! ror lot 5. bl'M k l. Hhivnlny a Aa tnrla. on line wllh K Una aal.l lot If produced, thnn N on a.ilil K imn to H line of depot grounds of A C. It. II. K. i'o.. then HW along' h line to nolnt on line with t W line a;ild lot If prodm-ed. hm ri on aald W line to point fi N ot ' NW cor aald lot, then h m fi to ' " . 11 jj Irf-arinnlng Ilrginnlng at a point ft N of.NE fur lot u. block 17, Shlveley's As toria, on line with K line anhl lot ' If pr.idin-e.1. thnn N on said K line lo K line of i-ini groun.lj of A C. It. K. II. Co., th' n SW along ail.! H line to point on line wt'h W line a.ild lot If proiluneil. then 8 tin said W line to point 611 ft N of NW cor said lot. then K ) It lo b'Ktnnli.g Beginning ut a point ft N of NK jl r lot . block 117. Bhlvnlry-g Aa lorla. on line with K lln aald lot If priKlu. ed. then N on aald E ilne to 8 line of d. w.t grounds of A. & C R. It. II. Co.. then SW along aald 3 line to point on line with W line a ild lot If produced, then 8 nn aald W line tn point o ft .s of NW enr said lot, then E 50 ft to beginning Beginning at a point 60 ft N and S ft W of th NE cor lot 2. block 12). Hhivnlny a Aatorla, tnen N and par with and n ft distant from E line ald Int If produced, to S line nf depot grounds of A. it C. R. R. R. Co.. then SW along said 8 Ilne lo point 10 ft distant from W line of wild lot If produced, then 8 par with and 10 ft distant from said V line to point H ft N and 10 ft K of N W cor said lot, then E 15 ft to beginnirg . . E 15 ft of W S lot I. block 129 Shlve- U-y a Astoria an und I-S of Beginning at a point 1 ft S of SK cor lot 4. block VS. Bhtveley' As toria, on line with E line said lot If produced, then N on s.ii.1 E line to S line of depot of A. & C. R. R. R. Co.. then SW along aald 8 line tn point on Ilne villi W Ilne said lot If pn du. ed. then 8 on said W line to point M ft of NW oir said lot, then E W ft to beginning .an und 1-1 of !.ot 4. blo-k 129. Shlveley's Astoria. und l-i of Beginning at a point mi ft n ,s'K cor lot 5, block I2. Shiveley'a As toria, on line with E Ilne said lot If produced, thnn N on said E line to S I'ne nf depot ground of A. & C. It. R. R. Co., then rtV along aild S Ine to point on I in- wllh W line s.ild lot If produced, ih-n S on said W line to point i fl N of NW i or aill lot. then K M ll to beginning .an und 1-J of I-m 5. bl.xk 13. Shlveley's Astoria. .an und 1-3 of Beginning at a point ft N nf NK cor Int . block 129. Shiveley'a As toria, on line with E line said lot If produced, then N on said K line lo 8 line of d.'t grounds of A. & C. R. R. R. Co.. then SW along said S line to imlnt on line wllh W line said lot If produced, then S nn said W line to point 60 ft N of NW i or said lot, then K iO fl lo beginning .an und 1-3 ot Ixit i. block IX Shlveley's Astoria. Lot .1 block lJn. Shlveley's Astoria. IjoI t. block 11). Shlvel. y a Astoria. Ixit 3. block 1.10, Shiveley'a Asiori.i. Lot 4. block i:. Shiveli v's A-t'-rm. Lot 5, bl.x k IM, Shiveley'a Aston. i. Lot 6, block If. Shiveley'a Amorlu. ljit 4. block l.Jl. Shiveley'a Astoria. Lot 5. blot k 111, Shivrlev'a Aslorl i. I Jit 6. blok Ml, Shlveley's Astoria. Lot 1, block I'll. Shlveley's Astoria. Lot t. block 131. Shivoley's Astoria. 1C.W) 13.30 138.30 H. 31 41.49 23 OTi 46.10 IS 44 46.10 (JOMEZ SAYS U. S. MUST NOT FIGHT. (Contlnuad from flrat Pag.) 13 S3 46.10 13. 30 l.h.Jrt 1to.3n I TS 30 US.JI 1.30 13S 30 I3S..HI MS. til H.30 THE FOLLOWING ARE PAYABLE IN INSTALMENTS. THE K1KST iNS rAI, MENT 1UU APRIL I. ls.3. Clatsop Mill Co., Clatsop Mill Co., Clatsop Mill Co.. Clatsop Mill Co.. Clatsop Mill Co.. lielU Sidney Kinney, W. 3 Kinney, W. S. Kinney. V. S. Kinney. W. S. Kinney, W. 8. Kinney, W. S. Kinney, W. S.... Kinney, W. S.... McCnnn, James., McCunn, James., .und .und McCunn. Margaret und ii McCann, Margaret und By order of the Common Council. Attest: Aatorla, March 19. 1893. Krarllonil lot 6. blink 114. Shlve ley's Astoria 34.96 Kractlonul lot 5, block 144. Stjlve- ley's Astoria M.00 Lm 4 and frontage, block 141, Shlve ley's Astoria ftl.W Lot 3 and frontage, block 144, Shlve ley's Astoria 100.00 Lot 2 and frontage, block lit. Shlve ley's Ast:irm 38 00 Lot 1. block l-. Shlveley's Astoria. 13S.00 Beginning at a point so ft N of NK cor lot 1. block UN. Shlveley's As toria, on line with E Ilne said lot If produced, then N nn said E ilne to S line of depot grounds of A. C. R. R. R. Co.. then SW alotii, snld S line t i point on line wiih W line said lot if produceil, then S on said W line to point 60 ft N of NW cor said lot, then K 50 ft to beginning 13S.30 Lot 1, block 12S. Shlveley's Astoria. 13S.S0 1-ot 2. block 12S. Shiveley'a Astoria, us. 30 Beginning at a point m ft N of NE cor lot 2, block 12S, Shlveley's As toria, on lire with E line said lot If produced, then N on snld E Una to S line of depot giouiuls of A. Ar C. It. R. R. Co., then SW along said S line to point i n line with W line s.iid lot if produced, then rt on said W line to point 60 ft N of NW cor said lot, then E i0 ft lo beginning Lot 3. block 12S. Shlvelev's Astoria. 13S.30 Beginning at a point ft) ft N of NE cor lot 3. block 12 Shlveley's As toria, on Hue with E lino said lot il produced, then N on s.iid E line to S lino of deiKU grounds ot A. At C. R. It. R. Co., then SW ulong said S line to point nn linn with W line aald lot if produced, then S nn said W line to point on tt N of NW cor said lot, then E 50 ft to beginning 138.30 Lot 4, block 128, Shlveley's Astoria. 13$. 30 Beginning Bt n point HO ft N of NE cor lot 4, block 12S. Shlveley's As toria, on lin? with K line said lot If produced, then N on said E lino to S line of depot grounds of A. Ai C. R. R. R. Co., then SW ulong said S line to point nn lino with W lino said lot If produced, th 'ti S on ki.Ii W line to point W ft N of NW cor said lot, then E jo ft to beginning 138.30 I Al i. block 133, Shlveley's Astoria. Beginning at u point SO ft N of NE cor lot 3, block 132, Shlveley's As toria, on line with E line said lot If produced, then N on said K line to pier heud line, (except right of way of A. & C. R. K. It. Co.), ihen SW along said pier line to point on line with V line said lot If produced N, then S to point tw ft N nf NW cor said lot, then E 50 ft to beginning 62.21 Beginning nt a point tin ft N of NE cor lot 3, blork 132, Shiveley'a As toria, on line with E line suld lot If produced, tln n N on said E line to pier head line, (except right of way of A. Ai C. R. R. R. Co.), then SW along said pier Ilne to point on line with W line shIiI lot if produced N. then S to point 60 ft N ot NW cor suld lot, then E 50 ft to beginning 62.23 Lot J. block 132. Shlveley's Astoria. 6.U H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. pmaent themselves, cm th other hand Ooin.-t suld ha wns constantly receiving rvliir'irrnmnnta and guv anvrrul specino rases. Ifn stated that In th eastern part nf the Island the Insurgents hud received 'Mi) rerrulta slnr K'Hoiior? y wiia pro- poaid. other evidence of thlr renewed strength were given. Perhaps thai best viiPnin of this la Ihit tn Insurgantrl occupy a large portion of Mania Clara pro- vim unmolested. The rtpiinlsh tnmpf nmke no effort to pen. (rMi even If th Insurgent rumps are located. The pr.-sent method of warfare, (l mn itl.l, would he kept up until Mpnin with draws. II still count on the rllmata a a mors potenl mean nf destroying thf Hpantan army than the weapons nf th liiau.'geiit. Kor thn Spanish unl lleM h uttered the most kindly a-Tiilin.-nis, guy. Ing that whi n p.-ii. n iiinie he hoped th'iy would remain in Cuba and help In Ita rf- tuperatlon. (if the hpunlali property-owner In Cuba he reiterated prevlnua declav- rati, m that they would be protected l their property and w.iuld have nothing; t I ar under a Cuban government. 'inmu spoke Incidentally of Ini'irba tlona) Spanish policies but withojt any Idea, (hat It Cuban policy would b ma terially changed by what happen la Spain, lie thought Ie Ume hart been willing io have hi I'-Uir published and re(urn to Spain aa a martyr. De Lflmf, (iorurg dew rllH-d, an aiue but s.hi-ming and unsr rt.'pulnus man who saw the ad vuntag of getting awav before th and came. It I his belief that lm Lorn will seek to form a new parly out ot th dla satisfied conservative and liberal element, Anti-American sentiment would be th base of this. Gomel said when recogni tion w.ui accorded there would be no trouble in finding the civil government of Cuba, lln would quickly conduct thf proper persons from his heudquartera to it. Ills refusal to entertain uny sugges tion of Spanish sovereignty over Cuba, make the detulled opinion of the latest programme of the radical autonomist backed by the Blanco government un necessary, ill personal sympathy was extended to the Amen, an people for tha Maine disaster without assuming to In fluence the policy wnich the administra tion should follow. Next to hi hop that the I'nlted. States would nut nave war with Spain, the signlncancu of which h ay llrs In his belief that th ultimata solution of the Cuban problem la Indemni ty to Spain for Independence. That prop osition may be unpopular In th Lulled States; but it commends Itself to th commander-in-chief of the Insurgent, whoae genius made the succes of thf revolution possible. In December when lllan.-u's pioapc-tlve military campaign and the announcement of autonomy wer unknown factors, Gomel, had thia view. In March, when the failure of that mili tary campaign and the collap of th new system have left Spain sovereignty paralyzed, he reiterate hi conviction. Members of the government In Havana, who ten daya ago professed hopo In tho negotiations with Gomel, now know that no prospects exist Home are again turn ing to war with the I'nlted State aa th only means of letting Cuba go, other are more conservative, talk with modera tion about the Maine report, and depre cate the war spirit. All seem to bellevf the Maine disaster will not In Itself lead to hostilities. REBELS IN CHINA. Victoria. B. C, Marca 25. The Chines colony here has received advices that thf "Hakas" are again raiding In the thref district of 8un Nlng. Vlng Ping and Hoi Ting, they having already selxed the town of Heong Mai and massacred all lta In habitants. "Hak" la explained as a syn onym for "stranger." applied by the In habitants of the Chinese coast districts (the Bonds I to the barbarous people of the bills with whose customs they have for centuries been in antagonism. Thf "Hakas" are said to be armed with Amer ican magailne rifles and are reported to be manhing on the city of Koke Sak. th peaceful Chinese tlylng before them. GREATHOL'SE RELEASED. Yokohama. March 23. C. R. Greathouse, American adviser to the Corean cabinet and counsel to the Corean foreign office, has been released from his engagement. The recently dismissed Russian drill In structors have received JE33U0 from th government of Corea as Indemnity. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTT CONVENTION. , A republican convention for Clatsop county la hereby culled to meet at Mc Klnley hall, in the city of Astoria, on Tuesday, April 12. lsw, at 10:30 a. m., foi the purpose of electing delegates to attend the republican state and congres sional convention, to be held at the city of Astoria, on April It, ltwi, and for th purpose of nominating the following coun ty officers to be voted for at the election to be held on Monday, June (, ISM, to wn : One state senator, two representa tives, one commissioner, county Judge, clerk, recorder, sheriff, treasurer, sur veyor, assessor, superintendent of achoola, coroner, and one Justice of the peace and constable for each precinct. The committee hereby recommend that the primaries in the various precincts b held on Saturday, April 2, 1898. The following apportionment has been made, being one delegate at large from each precinct and one delegate for every 20 votes or traction thereof over 10 votes cast for Geer for presidential elector In Astoria. First Ward t.. M Astoria, Second Ward 23 Astoria, Third Ward T Walluskl s John Day j Clatsop B Bear Creek Knappa I Jewell I Mishawaka I Vesper I Elsie a Olney 4 Seaside S Corrle 1 Clifton i Westport 3 Lewis and Clark 4 By order of the Central Committee. JOHN FOX, Attest: Chairman. W. W. Rldehalgh. Secretary. .3 "si It - f'liWiMp i-' i, .(,.-,. i,.ir a mes; t:n -usu are tupenor '0 Biisam ot (.oraiha, Cubebs or Injections and CURE IN 48 HOURS the same diseases with out inconvemcn. Sod iy all Innycvr, fS) Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO Ual Open every day from I 'clock to tM and (:S0 to 1:30 p. m. Subscription rates t par 1 8 W. Cor. Eleventh and Dun ttMwtsV