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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1898)
t THK DAILY ASTOtMAN, SA1TKDAY MO KM KG, kURdl Srt, m. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Idlie-r. Ttlcphnna No. H. TlRMs Or iUBSCRIPTlON. DAtLT. tat by mall. pr year at ky mall, per month srvae by carrier, par maatk . .M . . WKKKLT. ay aaall, pr year. In aaanta....l M Foataga fraa rt aubaarlBaraa. A.B sonmantaalloaa lotaadag for publl aaUoa should ts dlraaiad ta Iba alitor. Buslaaaa aommaalaaUoM of all Wads and raatttaaa maal a addraaaad ta "Taa Aaurtaa." ma aatarlta fuaraaiaaa Ita advar tsars taa largaat alrtalatlea at aay nawa- pa asanas. aa tka Caiaakta rlvar AtoartlalM rata aaa t k4 aa asaliaa ttaa la Ua bbbIbbbs saaMfar. "As Wsally Aatarlaa. taa aaaoad aldaat vastly la tka atata af Oragoa. kaa. aaat ta tka Portlaad Oratoalaa. tka largaat araaaly atraalatloa la tka aaata. Cuba a ad Ptiartit Klco ara tka aaly pea ssalcns left to Ffm In tha ns world tka UI soon lost Cut; that la now r tain. And a revolt In luarto Rico I Uiuni the possibllliias of ths early fu tura. Not long ago a rebellion thrra was freely predicted. The sama abuses that havt been notable In Cut have ulstetl Id the other colony, and the Madrid jov rnnunt kaa acknowledged their presence sufficiently to undertake to establish au tonomy there also. There ta no use of maklnf two bile at a cherry. Spain I a troublesome neighbor. She should be driven out of this hemisphere. While we are aiding Cuba to free herself, let us make the Job complete ty aiding ruerto Rico also. Then Spain will have no pos sessions In America, and no business In thli half of the world. The present state of national nuances has put out of mind the real or assumed anxiety about currency and the main tenanre of gold payments. The republi can parly has been subjected to a test far more severe than anybody expected, anil has borne it triumphantly. It was claimed by republican In congress that a sound revenue law would so insure national prosperity as to remove anxiety about the currency. But It was not then suspected that possibilities of foreign war might coma to affect the public credit, and any such disturbance of credit would obviously Increase immeasurably any distrust In re tard to the maintenance of the gold standard by redemption of notes. Before the new revenue law has reached Its full efficiency the foreign disturbance has come, and has produced at least as much effect on quotations of bonds and the public credit as anybody could have an ticipated, and yet has not In the slightest degree disturbed confidence In the ability of the government to maintain the sound ness of Its currency. The trap grounds now being located on the south side of Sand Island are a men ace to life and property, being directly In the way of drift-ntl" fishing. 1' is a lee shore. During heavy storms tin- iile of many a pour fisherman, with his boat and net, has been saved by an involuntary landing on the Island in this particular locality. If the traps in course of con struction are completed, the unlucky lish erman caught in a storm, will be .as: away on the piling ano entangled i:i th web a sure death. I'nless the construc tion of these traps is pn vented by ( at tain FUke, the tishermen should protect themselves by extreme measures if nec essary. The boundary line has Ix-en defin itely iixed by "gill-netters and "tra, snen." after a series of conflicts, both agreeing "no more traps east, south and wen of what is known as Oklahoma.' The Columbia River Fishermen's Protec tive I'nion should take steps immediately and notify the parties now constructliit; traps on this part of Sand Island, that they do so at their risk. The "gw netters" will be Justiiied In resorting t extreme measures If their demand Is not promptly complied with. IT LOOKS L1KK WAK. The Spanish dlldculty has reached u clltnax. It may he yet settlul without war but in the lihl of the present situation this Is more of u possibility than a proba bility. The iidmliiistratii-n Is planning a series of demands upon Spain which that country can nut fail to regard as airirres sionH, :ind which can only result In one of two things-cither tin- abject surrender of Spuln to conditions which will be gall ing In the .Mr.,,!, or a light und.-r which she must r.-lmipilsh a posses-den that has cost her from liist tu last hund red of mllljns of dollars and 2 i0,0"0 sol diers. A little application of common tense helps men to form a judgment as to what will happen under th'se circum stances. The report of the board of Inquiry will bo that the explosion which destroyed the Maine was external, and from the best information obtainable these findings are based upon the following' facts which make it conclusive case for such a verdic t: A hole was found Just above the keel on the port side, where a torpedo or mine was started, A part of the port side of the Maine and a greater portion of the forward decks were blown off by the explosion. Her NMnch guns are lying In the mud twenty feet away, off the starboard side All her plates from the keel to the wat er's edge t the deck are pushed up. The powder mglnc and shell rooms are Intnct. Her bottom I" all gone. The boilers did not explode, for her nrea were aft. not forward. With such evidence. It is difficult to see how any other opinion could be reached Next will come the iructsl question. "Who did It?" It Is understood, that the board has run down all the rumors of plots whereby It is alleged to hats been accomplished, but there doe not seem to have been anything langlbls la them. What tht board has reported on this (mini la. of course, aa yet a mystery. However, if tha evidence, as is expected, alaarly supports the contention that th exploalon waa from without, tha direct responsibility Ilea cither upon the iipamsb offloiale or Spanish ob;evta In the first as, the outrage is san for immediate war. In the sea-timl. an aaiple apology and disclaimer of complicity by the Span ish government, with full coniensattcn for the loss of the vessel and damages to the families of the murdered crew will be Immediately demanded by the I'nlted States; and should Spain refuse, or fail to act promptly, there can be no itn-ourse on our part but war. But. even if the Maine matter should In settled peaceably, the vastly more im portant Cuban question will still remain. It Is the general belief that President Mc Klnley has determined to Intervene. Then Spain will have the alternative of re linquishing cuKi herself, or having h.r freed by the I'nlted States army and navy. There Is reason to believe from the temper of her people the government of Spain cannot yield without a tight and It now looks as If the quest!.. n of whether there will be a war Is likely to be s.-ttl.-d afrtlrm.ttively within the next few days HANDBOOK OFJTHK TARIFF. The understanding of the complicated provisions of the new tariff h is l-en greatly simplified by the Issuance of manual, which contains decisions of thel federal courts, general appraiser, and the! points. To digest the tariff law Is no : easy task, Lut to digest the f.od taken The lumber schooner !."tit. fpm t'al into the gastric receptacle Is rcnder-d i lao. was reported off the bur yesterday facile and agreeable by the systematic j evening. use of that thorough stomachic, Hos- . , , tetter s Stomach Bitters. This Is a fam- lly medicine of comprehensive uses. It prevents and cures malarial, kidney and rheutrttlc trouble, remedies nervousness and Insomnia, and removes constipation ; and biliousness. Appetite, as well as the ability to satisfy It without subsequent abdominal disturbance, is restored by this fine stomachic, which also accelerates convalescence. Persons In the decline of life and the infirm of every age and sex ! find It of material assistance. Out of the three and a half millions who form the population of inner London, one million and a half, representing three hundred thousand households, pay more I or less frequent visits to the pawnbroker. and some thirty million articles are an nually pledged within the alnive area. The doctor may be a old man. hut I even so. medical examinations and the! "local-application- treatment are abhor-. rent to every' modest woman. They are . embarras.sing-often useless. They should not be submitted to until everything 1 els has been tried. In nine cases! out of ten, there is no reason for them. In nine casca out of t. n. the doctor in general ; practice Isn't competent to treat female diseases. They make a branch of medl-' cine by themselves. They are distinct from other ailments. They can be prop- eri unu-rstooq and treat, d only by one n,t tackle shipped by J. 1:. r to Kit who has had years of actual practice and wrangcl. experience In this particular line. This is true of Dr. It. V. Pl-p e, chief consult- Th" ('"' "f T"l-ka arrived In yc.tcrd.iy ing physician of the Invalids Hotel and '" !ikJa' vla '""'"" She had on Surgical Institute, at IH;(T.iI... N. V. Dr. . 1""'r'1 a quantity of freight and I'..- Pierces Favorite prescription, a r-m-dy b.ns of coal f..r the Alaskan and Tread for all derang.-ments of the r-produ. tlve ! 'ell Hold Mining Company. She pr... organs of women, has been in actual use eed. ! up to Portland nt once. for more than thirty years. It cures j every' form of "female weakness." ! The younger girls have taken .piite a fancy to those funny little curls the la. ii.-s in th.- earlier topi, s of ijod. y's ilairaiine w re wont to p ganl as the c orrect .oifTure. 1) CI'kK A cjiil.u i.n u.S'K DAT. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the mo.iev If it falls to cure; 25c. For aale by Charles Rogers. The pompadour is not worn so high In front as formerly, but the hair Is pulled out more at the side. Some girls wear It over the ears In this fashion. Bl'CKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. i nr. nr-.-5i oai. t. in tne worn for : Cuts, Bruises, Sores, I'lcc-rH, Bait lUi'-um. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, C'hll- j blalns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and I positively cures I'licr, or no pay required. It is guarantied to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded, price 25 cents per box. For sale by K'-tK-s-Conn Drug Co. Lt the fools the fame of loyalty divide; Wis'- nu n and gods are on the strong. -si i-iil'-. -Sir C. Scdtey. TO CL'RK A COI.Ij I.N' ONE DAY. Take Laxative Kromo Quinine Tablets. AM druggists refund th money f t falls) to cure; 2T.c. Fur sale by r'harb Rogers, J io not buy vi'l. '- that are i,,n.. up in wax--.! p.'.ie-r ,.nl -..u ..(,. rj 'n.- piper to s.-e that the blooms are frc-h. It Is u way the verniers hate . iHtir.t' rid ot w ilt. ci Cow. t j. George B. Record, the well known con tractor of Towanda, N. Y., says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In my family for a long time and have found It superior to any other." For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. "ijiiid pr., quo I.-- ili natural law as inn. h as Is that of self-preservation. Wo men unconsciously prove this in maM'-, of conlal.iic . They rarely give wilep they receive In kind. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be around all the time, but constantly suffer ing. I had tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamber lain's Pain Balm, which I did, and was Immediately relieved and In a short time cured. I am happy to say that It has not since returned. Josh. Edgar, German town, CaL For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist i aa Picking up Knowledge la May out b, if ycu look for it it U rijkt !ao, Tii is tka rifkt pUc to la,rn juat vktt t do fr that akiliUti6f ccadiUan wkioktariaf aJaykriB(a, D ya wut a curl sf kkat laifuid faalinf, cat back your aeUta, aUap uunaUy, aad feel like a bow a an? Ayer's Sarsapariila will do it. It has dono it for thousand. It has bven doing it for 50 year. Try it. trad hr tke Ctirebook." In ps(tt lree J. C. Aytr Co. Lowell kiss. PPINCNMftRMf I MARINE NOTES. I 1 The Columbine took a trip out yesterday .md returned a few minutes afterward . ,."TT. ,, , ... , The s. h.w.ner nt ll o, S. n lunu r' lne ": ,,1sn '" , ",wn or " f"r urJ' DU!,n" 01 nl ' Tv , f,i- ,.,r Tillam.K.k. went . ,n s .' . 'd vesterdav afternoon. She has a partial cargo of freight for Tillamook. Tne lighthouse tender Manxanlta was run on the sands yesterday abreast of the O. U. & N. dock where she will have her bottom overhauled. The steam schooner Pasadena. Cap tain Hamilton, with freight and passen gers for Skagway and way ports, put to seu yesterday morning, xh(, g,faITU.r Milcr will resume her old run between this city and wesipori in alxiut two weeks, or as soon as her hull and NiiUrs are insiectc,. Th). Hnn. F.1mre and scow Maud rt. ,ylnK lni)lK. ,h(. i s. jek. the , ,,,, r ,, hark.tK a ,,a, f ,mi. rrom ,hl. young s Hiver pulp mill. The Itritlsh steamship Commonwealth cleared from the custom h -u yest.-r.lav " Vuic rit ior ..r.l. rs with WHt" bushels of wheat valued at I! !l '. Th(. nregon b ft out yest.-rday mornirg fr skaKway and wny ports. Among h-r freight from here was .1 logging engine TiJe Table lor March, 1898. II I ' . II MAIM, I.OH HA1KK 1'AIK A M. I-. X. A M. I- X 1 . Tue" . ! W.-d . , Thurs , I Krl ... H'(jN'"i. 1 J'"n I ues 1 A ed I Thurs- J r' : wj'jj";' 1 Mon '.. I Tu-s ., I d ., .i.lnift. It. ji i ft . a. to ft. n.ln It .... 1! S 22 6 9 ( 09 4 9;.. ... . 2 14 1 . .... 2; 7K671UI4 4 4, 1 35 4 4 3 11' 15 .... 3 8U66 10iet56 3M1 IIIW .... 4 57 8 11 27 4, 4 31 4 4. 4 ii 1 D .... i 10 41 7 3,11 is, 7 u 5 2.'. 3 i W. n .... 6U 33 7 6 !. . 6'230; 6 WO a .... 7, U 2,7 512 14 7 S li 32 2 3, C 42 U a .... 0 56 S 0 12 Is 7 8, 7 u 1 5, 7 13 u H .... Si 1 2tj 83, 141 8 4; 7 4.". 1 ti 7 43 1 0 ....l') 2 0o d 5 2 TS. 7 6 8 24 0 5, 8 171 o 2 33 8 81 2 11 7 li B tj 3 S 55 1 ....12; 3 10 8 9: 4 03 6 5 ,9 57 0 2, 31 2 3 ....131 3 51 8 81 4 57 6 0 10 51 0 3 10 20 2 9 ....14 4 41 8 51 611 56 110OO5U2H 3 6 ....15! 6 43 8 2 7 42 5 6 . . 1 07,06 6 57:7 9: 9 00 5 8 0 413 9. 2 0 5 ...171 8 VJ 7 8 10 01 6 4. 1 2i 3 9 3 1:04 1 hurs Frl 18l 9 3H 1 9.10 50,7 0 3 47 3 3; 4 ),0 2 ; Hat in in ta n i n 34 7 e t 52 ii ;i r. xi u i .scjf Mori '. Tut" Th'urs ....2 11 36 8 3.. .. . .! 5 43 2 0; 605,03 ....21 0 13 8 1:12 24 8 2 6 2 1 3 6 45 0 6 ....22: 0 49i8 3! 1 08 8 1! 7 12 0 7 7 21,10 ....23i 1 2& 8 41 l&07k; 7 55 0 5 7 5-1 1 5 ... .4: 1 58 8 4 2 31,7 3; 8 35 0 4 , 8 21' 2 2 ....25i 2 29 8 2l 3 14 i )ll., 1 in 1 ,...21 2 59 8 0 3 57 6 o 9 54 ' 8 9 3 3 ....27i 3 7 6 4 42 5 5 In 35 1 1 9 ,'. 3 8 ....! 4 03 7 3, 5 3u 5 2 U 19 1 5 l'i :i2,4 0 ....20, 4 43,0 91 6 39,5 1,.. ,.. ,;12Jl7 ....291.. ... . .. .. . .. ... .,11 38 4 4 ....i), 5 3) 6 51 7 58 5 3 .. ., I (At 1 U ....31! 6 57.6 3, 9 01,5 6, 1 20. 1 4 3 12 2 0 Frl Sat ... si:n . Mon .. Tues . Tue . Wed . Thors VESSELS BOUNIJ TO ASTORIA. lien Volr.lch,, G-r sh, 14'j7 tons, Santa itosalla. Otago, Ksk, Bwd bk, 970 torn, Ham. burg, Co-iway Cantie, Jones, lit sh, 1591 tons, Yaipara'so. Vnraloaiu, lieu van, lir bk, lol6 tons, A!gua Bay. Gletibiink. I-ij'iard, Hr bk, 1359 tons, Calcutta. Genevieve, Touge, Fr bk, 987 tons, HaU .long, October ZL Oberon, (;ully, Br bk, 1054 tons, N"witis'le, Au-ttralla, October g. Ch.-imsforl, Thomson, Br bk, 2197 tons, Cape Town, Octiber 9. ciiy of York, Jones, Br sh, 1167 tons, Syd.iey. Lakeinba, Bi vlherlng, Br hk, KM tons, Fr:!nantle. i. "an Itcdertson, PUI, Br sn, 1540 tone, Santa Ronallo. British General, Thomas, Br sh, 1060 tons, Newoastle, Australia. Midas. Messenger, Br bk, 1302 tons, Nagaaakl. Yalorl, Brown, Br h, 14a9 tons, New. castle, Australia. Jordon Hill, Walker, Br bk, 2171 tons, Melbiurn. Klii I uk. PwrelW, lr atr, vl Ions, Vokohama. Amaia, Kent, Ur sit, 1M Ions. loig. kong. Alexander Black. Ihmu Hr bk, 1M !.. Antwerp. Waljeii, Frits, r fh, 3 Itqia. HVr' prstoi, Molniyre, Br sir, ltT tia, KWi Franclaoo. Am Th.wiia, T""". Br sh, KJ toas. Pun rirte AUiwqw. Thvnn, Br bk, ITtW tus NewvwiKle, Australia, (lleidul, TVtytor, Ur all, lm tons Royal Roada. Ortmd, Hull. tlr ah. 1V4 Ion stanta Roaaka Alice. K vsh tcusoui. ()er ri. teoa Kwntw Rostaika. ForthlHknk. Pesnwow. Rr bk, in tone, Oarghantl. AisnanutB. Winter, Br bark, M lows, Algoa Bay, . Iawnastale. Jooat, Br bark, 'Ml toaa, Piiebana. , Caabrat Prtoaa , IV ship, lift tana. Wtlbwafwg. - s City or A than lasndlns, IV ahk.i, 1M tana, Anlwwry, . Joseph Pttlltser. IlarTer. Am eh, Tl tons, New Tork Clackmannanshire. Thomson. Mr sh. ltd toas. Neweaatla. Cambrian Queaa. Jonas. Br sh, 111. tens. Melbourne. A taa nia. CWetlco, Oral all. lot tcaia Tslawlwiano. viraalla. Stusu't, Br aft, 7M tons. San rrwnrlatx). CommonweaJth, Anderson, Br atr, 1113 tons. Ksqulmalt. Pasa af I.eny. Vint. Hr bk. IT." tons. Yokohama Pilberhorn, Olbson. Br bk, 177! tons, UverpooL Argo. Maclean, Br sh. 1W) tons. Ant werp. Claverdon. Kelway, Br sh, l.4tt tons. Yokohama. Comltebank, 81 irrn, Rr bk, 1,171 tona, Tultal. Mount Tabor, Janeson, Br atr, l.t ti ns, Tokihama. Bogstadt. Thorb)ornn, Nor atr, l.M Ions. China. Mtstley Hall, Logan, Br bk. 1.T71 tons, VsgasakL Nomla, Nelson. Or bk, l.JX tons, Toko- nama. Gulf Stream, McKennon. Br bk, l.M tons, Iamdon. Bramar. Porter. Br str, l.Ut tons. Hong Kong. Castle Rock, Jones, Pr str, 1.7V7 tons, 11 logo. Lombard. R.Uson, Br str, 1.K4 tons, Hong Kong. St. Munyo, Han ilton, !r sh. l-'3 tons. Yokohama. .lunford. MuPbvrs in. Hr sh. SKs tons. Hamburg M.iriithou. c'ros-il y. Hr sh. IMI tons Shanghai. 1.1'MIIKK FI.KICT '.se;, on the Way and In Columbia 011 the Way and In Columbia Riv r to lwd Lumber. protection. , stm. :i tons. M.n laindlrg. KcJhi. , bctn. SW tons. Tientsin Knappton. Louis, . ac-hr. VD hns, Callao. Marlon, , bktn, iit tons, Sydney. W. F. Jswett, . schr, tfl tons. Ban Francisco bay. Omega, , bktn, ESI tons. Mollendo. Fdward Park. Johnson, schr. Ban Fran cisco, February 19. Tarn O'Shanter, Patterson, bktn. San Francisco. Allsa Craig, Robertson, str, I.1M tons, bhanghii. Letltla, , ahr, Bi tons, San Fraa claco. ' Laura May, , schr, S4 tons. Ban Francisco. Salvator, , achr, tS tons, San rran- clsco. Louis, , achr, no tona, Callao. Chehalls. . bktn. Ml tons, Naga saki. ASTORIA'S URVIN FLEET UtT. licit Veel and Flag I Value mi. I, all, urn, Itr b . . . til.'lielMIU, Itr ll ..'mi V " ... v1 i 'raigerne, Itr sh i row n of -"cotiand I'.r h . 7-..O.V i io-liv a Itr h II tnw.Mi.t Itr h IniliOrlit Hr -li iii .' " . 17 .' t I ' a'o ', I.I'm lr.,l., liT.S'.'i ' ,', '. I III, ' . l uiol.i I. in. I'.r l.k h. i.iro. ue Itr -ll M ia .Para.. Itr li Murichiil uchcl, Itr ,li 'algatc. Itr li , A idretii, Hr n Vrracun Mr l.k Il.enlilld.l. Itr .n II, a Ma.- I.e lao, Itr .1. Torri..!ale Hr .n -trail, e. f.., Jlr n I;. -lice hie me-H, I .-r .li 'I, r str Hiawatha, ' w -li I'.ow in. in II Ijiw, Hr l-k .. I- iotlU . . I ,.r h ' ini- ridale, Hr Winkorniticii, i.i r si llaleil, lir sh Lidv Wetiiu.irth, llrll .... iltlietlan,-hire hr -li l-.ilcl,l.a,l limn- lr -li,. I'hllolin iii , Hr sh Hand iiie,ra, Hr lik ciieen Mai L'uri t br ,h Ad, If in r -n Iiun.v re. Hr sli Hen oii lir hk . . , Norma Hr l.k, Hr bk K lnnrotiire. Hr bk Florida. Nor str Flintshire, Hr tr . . ..... Ma-honii, Hr li . . William l llli, l.r hk Mad, I, .ii 11 , . i r b " .1 I I'fliii'or i .er sh A ii. mil,, i, Hr hk I'itu, n r bk I arrailale, lir hk Klginshir-. lir ). ' miliar! c-hire. Hr sh I'llnoipaliu. lir hk fill" oll'ljile lir sli Iini.iie.cliri, I r hie Mem'uii Hoc,. Hr -hip "uiilchi.c, br bk . I lly o I'erih. lir .tr Itru.e .. ;i- ichtcru ie, lit Wa,:ae. lir .1, ' "pheli . Sr hk liar. low ie Itr h . 1 cii trii't- ,i:r, Hr l. ' '. si. II i -on, pr tr Fltrickdai-. I'.r -ir l oniliaid lit si,- i'roHiii e. Hr sh I Uiiha, hr str I i leill.-e, to nh Verb. 1,11. Iir -p, ' Barrels of flour. ' oo . iT.l id. .112 .7 I l.l.l l'i I" ;.. i . '.' 7 l.l I I ; ,t,, 1-' '' ,Kjr. .-.ii I.' '! I.' .' I ..'. 'i I I,.-"J j .';!'! I l'. m, j C'.'l.i i ' 7'::. ;.'. i; it ',i.i 'V i.i ,1.111 II..!-. 4". I, ' 'i,',!.. 7 .,:,;2. 71 i'.l (il , I 711.' , '..' I' I I.. ... i "l.'Ol I , I '.'' t'i,7lll l.ri. si.i.'.i; i 'i .,:' '. if.; u , '.".7i,s ' Jl.l. II I 71, .0 1 7"-, i 77 ."'7 .'..'. I:m 1 ..7 II'. , 'ii, p; I I7..SI ' h..;in'i 1 111,1.11 I ".l ." I 11,, la , e.",.."li ! ..',..7 'l'llt ;i,,i i i'."' I to ,r7.l f ,. I j.7ol .. .... I "I .IOI I lt-. 10' ,11V, ,.ili t,:i:,"i : ..'H.I ' iry,7'i : 'i'!'!' I, , ! n.,nl . ii n Hi. o II ' 1- ,'i,. , 'li'''.!' o .! '. ;.,;V' I Id, ".'I i,":' li'i.l" PiJ 1 i-'i.""i n,.;ii i lit! a. .1 I ' Most torluri;,' m.d f. r, -ritilf ttt Itclilng, l.iirnit.j;, c:i; :.S. ai -i :oi b""inr Is In Handy relieved by a vnrpt Imtll will! Ci TP t i n t koAi-.a situ; lit iippln ai Ion of tin" i ha flint ini'iit . 'he treat skin cure, anil a full dinte Of (i li, I 11 A lllivl.t l.v T, I'le'lteSt of lilissl punlicrs unci liuinor cures, wliun all else fails. IolathrotilimitiliworM. VP"bC,!'''' Cur., Pr.p., UutM. ' How lo Cor. Btll Kbtom, frt. FALLING HAIR i n irrM I fat ran w i 9 Hill a k t iJI ii-J St ' I i c?, la i ' ' LS Iki SM mtlcura The hew cycling coal nines seem lo be ot black and the dock shades of blue and green Instead of I ho light fawn and Ian shades worn so much Urn Ut few ca nons ClUMllKltt.AIN'sVcd'UH RKMKHY. This remedy la Intended especially for toughs, colds, eroup, whooping cough ami Influensa. It has become famous for It sure of these diseases, over a larg part of tha civilised world, Tha moat flatter ing testimonials have been raocslvsd, giv ing accounts of Ita good works, of the ag gravating and aerslatenl coughs It haa cured; of eevere colds lhat have yielded promptly to lis soothing effects, aaa ol tha dangerous attacks of croup It has eured, often saving the Ufa ot the child. Tha eitehelve use. of It for whooping eaugh haa shown that It robe that dlaoaee af all dangerous consequenoea. H is es pecially prised by mother for their child ren, aa It never falls to affect a epedy eure, and beeauea they have found thai there Is not tha least danger In gfiag rt, eve to babies, aa It oonlelne aoiniag lajurlcius. Sdll by Ckarlf Ragera, grig glaU The ledingote siyla uf diM Is te !' very luuih wont for apilug walking lumae. and a full rrom m th want caught dowa wit It a belt, la one el in.' features. kill Wary Rard. namatnug, fs , ease, cshld la worth tiaslkiM ua sas; ret I w-otiaa hate kast bar ff eroup nad I nut Isateated iwwntt.flts raxt ki a bottle af (wie klliwita Owajh caw.'' ft cures oeaabe, auhla aitd ail throat an Isssg trasaMea, itiaa. Rugwra. A shopper soon illcoei, pe. ullailt about fast color They never run Ure VI. II. IMrd. Itrnklall a, III , luffered for ekjhl years from d)l"T"l aial chronic conatlalioii, and mt flnajly cured by uuw DoWlit's Utile Karty IUer, the faittoiis Utile pIMa for all lt"B sett and liver trouble Cha. Hogera. SollO' of the new side , ..tub Ino' little iiinm stu ld.-.l nuh colored d unit .ton. -1 Prunprvtty come quickest l the man h.w liver I In good condition. xWltt'i Uttle Karly Riser are famous little pltla for c-ottatlpatlon, blllouanraa. Indlgwtlcsi and all stomach and liver troubles. Hit Roarers. It Is a n.istt fault of most human t ing. to a-k a person to help tlo in and in. 11 lln.l r .Hit with their maimer ,.f , It That the blood should perform It vllai functions. It I absolutely nece.irv II honM n,.t nlv !. pure but rich In life, giving element These rrault are besi effected bv the u.' of thtt veil-known I """"i ' puriner, ayer s I tu,rllltt- . ;,. ., funnc man die, . g.-n-rallv - .li-. .. . r th it the only thing he e er t'k ; ri..ti-.i I off III.. I. that cirri..! bun M"r'"1J- Mend your to II K lu. kirn A Co.. Chicago, uio I get a free sample tsu ! t.f lr. King s New l.lf Pill AtrUlwill 'convince you of their merit These pill I .. . - e . 111 HV.I.'M MOt Hie I , I C W . M I . J effective In the cure of Comtip.itlon and 8lck Headache. I'or Malaria and l.her trouble they have been proved invalu able. They are guaranteed to he perfectly free from every dclrti-rloua e and to be purely vegetable. They do mil weaken by their action, but by giving tone In stomach and bowel greatly im Igornt the y(em Itegular s ie cent per box Sold by F.slra-Conn I'rug Co. We are likely to think that the t.i. ) I i an "lly" faster than am thing , l. Put the "almighty dollar !, after .ill in th. lead. Mla Allte Hughe. Norfi.k. Va , waa frightfully on the fa-e ami naca. Pain waa Inat.n.y relieve by IVWUF,! Witch llaiel Salve, wh.-h healed the kv lury without leaving a scar. It Is the fam. hi. pile remedy ("has. Roger. Ktll ctnttiuiil. -i l torts eorrupl g rn. . ti ll. t. Woin in . . ii.. d for h r li.i'.it -d 'll.blac. a. III. ' ttotiiatt . Hat h P. . arri. . I. it prot. rhial liar i.iM.irtiint niur. or unirorm color, la a b niillful head-cotering for either set .ml may bet secured by using Hall's Vrge. ' I ,1.1.. ,.lll ,n It.,. I, . . .ibl. hi, Henewer. r.f all ihe -price production, nr... ta.'i l ( nation 1. the rtm-t pr.iim. . if m , I Plilge by t he h Ullll,. r of bl ml., thai Will not PI Him I.,,,,!-, t lo ... . i. t,.,. t , i ,it' ' now. Th- entering wedge of a fatal complaint tr tun n a sni nt copt. whb h a dose nr two of A Ver's Cherrv pectoral iiiurhi Pai. iir. d nt the coiiirrn m eineht, Therefore ! 'I i" ...Ivlmihto to hate this prompt n,l auie rrnuiiy aia)a al hand to meet emergency. It I., true that tlo .tu.h nt ..f u. k' n. W'k. ottllc a d .iil.p ).,) from life li.- it ""' wh" pb'.'l- Hie truth "f Shak--- pi'lli I- Oal.ti,. ,t that ",ll the Kolld . a t,Ko ' ., ... ---. an. aifi. i ao.i.ini Kalge IJ Bays: After two d.M'tois gave up tny boy to ,. . i ,,oo -i en cri,lli ny using Otht Minnie Cough Cut, ' j, lt. ....... . . M.!"i, c-rtnin remedy ror coigns, L ;cold. and all throat an I lung trounies.' I. -t.. t, i v ...... rvoe:r.. ti-,. i " Nothing Is. lull all . iri.iorti'ili il iti. noiie thing., . a. h for blm.cif ,.-., r,. in- ihlng-. c.o h for lilm.clf , , Ing to I be geii.rou. meagre .,til.,t I 'J .1. In It' mid IJ. in block :. In Hint our H. five.. I UFA TH Till: KI.ONI.IKF. ......... ..... ,.t'i .r, i i I ti ... . ,, ...... . .. has , .Him a more valiiaPli. .Ilx ov.iv than has yet been tiiu.p, in the Kl ni'liip.. f..r ' " " '"" ""' Hiirnptlon, iiccoiiipniiled by lieiimrrh.iK-s, and was absolutely cured by Or, King's v;''w I'lecovcry for iiiiisunipi., i, Ooun. 11I1U OIUH. lie ItecllireS Unit go, s of it ml Colds little value In c ompiirlson will, this mai- viious cure; would have It, ( ten If it it a liiiiidied dollars a lioille. Asilima, bton- c hills and all throat and him nrr... i io.,. r" '",:,1,,v,',y ''iired by Or. King's New I I'li-iotery for ('"iimuii piiop. Trial t...t t in ( fri nt I'.iilew-i oiiu lung i'ii. Iteguliii lz. J) o.iiU and II. no ( iuai .nite.-il t,, i ll re or price refunded. 'J I. a ncti-bolMcnoiia "War a! ' 1,1 '" lea.,, in,, i a I I III r, aj"J t. .s,,,.rmttrli.. Il, 01.,, t l.ti... ti t. ri a O. r a I ip.. ..uri.i...l U el,.,,,.,., r any lull,,,,..,,,,. n.,l tu .olour.. I irllali,,,, r , ,.,. .a.l. te.ii .,t t ., 'llltH3Clllll",ll Ct. brarii.. .Nut. i.lrli,,, i,l 'XZMHU.0 .71 Urngglala, I' r i'. h. a. J-Jr';' '" i" ii ri.. r, .jm.. syi ei,ri'. .r..p.,i, r,,r NtJ1 ' f irii.lar a.-i.t .a. riaile.t. ' iw Wv " l'i l (vriin, r.:i I IrA ir! i nritaln'-d and all I'ntX tt.fl t. r MoDrnATE Pin. J t Out Of ncr is OPtcf;iTr U . H. PuTKhTOrnctj .iiiU vtj.i.irtf. it , j,.,:. i.i in it.,. tuiiu Uiau Uiijm J JrtitHiifj iiorn W.i li. ii. X Siiid pKctH. i!' .twnii' r.r plintn,, with rfeorrifv-f, Wn Pivo,r, if i,r nl, Irrc ulj yjmrtin, Uiu UU let iluu till iMlrlit iff nrr(, i s A Pamphllt. " JI' .v t 'lOUnin I'mIcjiu." willit? 'nent Iff). A'l'IrtM, S IC.A.SNOW&CO. Ops. Ftcnt Orrtec, WHiNaroN. D, C. "aiayvyv. ta NOTICK F INTKNTIi IN OF THK COMMON COIIM'II. OF TIIM CITV OF AHI'OltIV, OlIhlilON, TO IMI'IIOVF. 'I'll AT I'oltTION OF (I KANH A V V. NI'K I.VINil ANO IIKINU III'. I' W Y.l'.S TVi:.TV NINTH AM Till HIV 'Ft 1 1 Ml HTIIFKTH, IN THK CITY A Foil F.H A III N'.dlie la bi'lebv given that I he I'oiiiiuoii Council of Ilia flr uf Asloila propose ano inieoii io iiopruva iiiai pot lion o( i it in, I av eituu In aaid city. It lug and hi lug Pom, , n I weniv iiiiiih ntiil I luru thli.l sii.ei. and rrom aold 1 w.'tili uiiiili to I 'hint Iblid treii. by gradiiut aid Hi, in. I ,1111111,' Ihrouull.iul ill., ell. in ,,r llic ooicsiitd ji.itiloii thereof, to width uf lirieen feel oil ecll aide or a l,. dlUMII Ihiougli III,' center of ahl iliand ntiiuie lc, in .alii Tweoly ninlli Io said llilttv Hi, i, I Kiteet and li plunking al,t i o ami a con., itfier aitiii i graded a nloie.aid to a width of eight feel on each i.p. of the line dt awn thtoiiuh th,. center uf .al,l iliand ateiiue, sforeaaid. proper tun Pet I,, be pltced iindnr itid plankliig The iiisl or ml, I Impitivemeiii nhall br d. fiaved br ,eeil aelnent upon the In,, I. (i, .niiiia and ahuiting upon an, mi. 1. . ill to and olherwlao hepenttd b i. ptopiKcd Imftroteinerit, and i,1 IntiiU are emliise,! and liiclud. wliliui a di.tint of lands which shall htiraflrr r..r th punios or aahi imirovmnl he called lbs Uien4 At nun M, uieul litiUi Numlei s '' grifl said d on, t Uli euilrta an.l lu.iu.t th following ile.eri..! tract of ud town licginniiig at the aoi4lliwri corner i,f nt it to block t. in I .at part of ,! viir laid .ml and roiil. ,y j U Hhlr let and luoilliig then, ii.irl lira -t 1 1 v tluoi, gh Hi eenlr of blocks I and ), In aid in of sal,) ,.i)r, ,iU ,,,, t ,, , luolongsiloit of said Una io tp. l(l ... li. in with Hi iHiiiudarv lln iiwn IP. sf.u-.aid pail of .aid , li r tp.i part ..I the said cli or Aalotl. known a I he I'urt of I ' mier A'loriM a. .p and rec. nte.t b John A.lair, theiu. along 'd 1 ''' t" the iulhwrt iter of lot iii I.I... k t. Iii !.! Furl of I tiper A.ioiia aa laid nut and rscorded b John Adair lllen, ra.tetly I,. IPr ...oil,,., I corner of lot t iii I.I PI.,, i ill. ii. e ttortherlv along the we.i l.min.l atr ..f riot tr third .tret in ,4l, , p, the noiili. -a t . oiner of lot , in t,, , ti in .aid John Adair I'ort of I ,per A. loin th e Wi'Slerly l.l the n.illhwe.l ,.i tier of lot 7. in .aid block n ibeme ii . up. ill iitoug lli iHiuiid.-trt line herein ibote , .t,l. .to, I o , ,H ,!, ,,,,, ..f the ca.t iH.un.larif line ,.f .. k I In lhal put of the illy n. .,, ! , re ...r.le.l bt J M Hhltep-t ili.n,,, n,. tte.lell) through Hie u litci ,,f l.lo. k. I J att, I I III .aid l.t.t afore. aid part ,,f aid cm . On. ttorthwe.i i.utoi of ., ; III .aid bio. k 1 th.'li. ,. oiithea.terll ilon the i .i.l P., mi, I. it i in,,. ,,r Twenty i, mill .it- .1 to the lilac of hcgitiuiim th, ,if,,reald tract and dl.trlii i,,, l,,,i,,... ,i... , '""'.""'V , "f land to be u. .oh.,, lowll . L3 1 ,V 1 " b II I. II II II an. I 3 in bio. k Jii mi. I lot I ; I I and in b lo. k all in Hull part ..f tli. i ll) ,.f A.lorlt aa hit.i ut and r..,i,., by J M Mhltelry, al.o n triangular of I ill. I Uuilideil oil the not th , l ..,ulh ,11, c of I, I,,.,, I ntellui Ihe we.t P, he "'I lo f riilrlv nr.t .trtel an, I on tin ci-t bv the l. ill,, tan ie l.ewicli that p.ut of Hie Cltv of A.I. ilia a laid mil r "bd bt J M Htiltfl,,, ,i ,,al '.i it of .aid i it v known a Ihe Port of I pp. r A.iotia. laid out un. rro..i,., bt John Adair i.,, ,,t. j j ,! , , l.lo. k I., and l-il a i, and 7 In Pp.. k Ti ill in thai t.ait of A.ioiia known H. tin foil ..f I I'pi r A.i.irln a. i,n, out nti. I ie ...i. I.. I I t John Adair, al.o ,,t ; t 'f tin, I p. in II... k I ... 7. , u ,i.l I.' in I,!,,, k : an. I lot. ; ) n ,, 1; , I I.- k I ill In that pail ,.f H,.. i It, of -t.o a laid out an. reioi.1,,1 p, J Hlot . ,. t ..t lit. r. fore utile., a rciii.ui.irni. .isn.. I I t the r-. I. b in. of th,. ,ity owning In. .1.- I li a it one half of tin. ,ro.eOy In In. li. in. I hen mi ,, ., nl.,.1 .hall be Pi.. I with Ho- oii.Pr.isn. ,t p, the lltiie ,.f Ihe iii t regular ni.'. lltik- .,f the .ai.l t ortim. li 1 initi. following Ihe nnal pub. IP ill. II of till, tioll.r lowll Tlmr.dit ptil . let. On. .aid linprot i lunu will be mad., a. afore. aid I Pi. n,.i, ,. . p,,p loh-, I It f... lull.. n of .aid i oitiiimii I'oun , il i,. ..r.l al it regular meeting of .aid l out.. II held III anld ill) oil the I7t ,,t ..f M ir. h. W II i: NCI.HiiN Auditor alld Fuller Judge of ir ' of A.iotti nregon l'i "ii I'l'Ki'ti, Mar. h 2'. vt M'Tlt'K OF IMKNTHiN nF THK i iiMMiiS i'ii'M',n,' Till: CITV OF AHI'ulilA. t ilFOiiN To IMFHnVK I'll CI' I 'i iltTh N OF Till II I I IKHT HTItl.KT IN H A 1 1 1 i ITV. I. VINO ANO HF.ING MKT W KKN FIIANKI.IN ANO Ol! .M A VF:M F8 N"IP. I. hereby given that On- Common i'oun. il of lh,. CH, ,,( A.i.'il.i ....... and intend, to improve tint ,rti,.n ,,f fV,' 'thr TvZ ' "!'. avenue lo gt.i.tit.g i no i - io .i ..reel Itllollfclloul till tl. til llfore. aid lo il Width or lift. fe. I ..n i. li .l.lo ,,f a pi.r drawn thtonuh the ..liter of .aid Thlrtt hr.l .tnet from Hie ...nth line of Franklin to Of and .nr. line. an. I 1.) plaiiK'lut .aid Tlilrl v-llr.l tre. I urter I. graded aa 10 a W I'll 11 of , let,! f,,. , ,, P ,,r of the line drawn through lire ..tiler of .aid l hint lit. t .tre. t, a. afore. ,u, I not prop. . t i nub. i pla. . .I und.-r .aid plaiiklng The .... of aald llllplot ern.-nt .hall be I' II o. 'l bv el,i ii. o , .no in upon Iht I ft"i.nng mid aluitilng upon mid a.l- la.. Ill lo and otherwi.e b,l. Ill , , , I pr.,, t i,,i,.i..te,. ,,t. and sapl I m l. are hi relit lllbrai e. I and III, bid, .1 Kltblu n ill. lib I of Piii.I. whl, li .hall herein.! f t,-r for the puri...-. of this itn t t..t .in. nt P.- . i.u.i Th,. ThltttiM.I St. . t Irupiot, in. in IM.tri, i Numb. r I ; .-i.l . ii.i di.trl.t .hall nt. I. ra. . and pi. ' I '' Hie folloulliK ilea. Obe.l tl.ot oT ll'i.l I..WII beglUllltlK nt I Pe ui.MI "no l of I'd 4 In lilu. k 1 III t ti ii t pari I lh. .'lit of A.lolla a. laid mil an.l l' 'bd I.- J. M HliitoPy an, rutiniiiK ti:. e. e in ii .ottthtt e.terlv ...rei tput to the I i.,.ithtte.i uf lot , iii block J III I poiilon of suld illy, iheii.e ru lining I 111 I ...III he. I. Il l If litre. III. II to (he aollth l,-t .Miner uf lot pi Mi l.l... k 2. In .aid , . til.. t. of .aid illy. Iheti.i. In a noiih- .-'.. It ilircition .i the aoiiiheiiat corner o- pit ii, pp g in .aid iioitlott of ll.l lit at n hiI Ihe south of .aid bio, k I Inter.... . wllh lh I",. Ileal) Pli," b 'tween Ho p'Otloli of IP.- .aid .tit mid that pail "I Ho .il. .lit known n. tin- I'm ,. I li" r A ilorla a. laid oul nil, I tei ord. il .11,11 Adair llietlie north along .aid ' ""ini'iiv line tu a point where the ea.t '-"II.. I II V line or lite o V. in l.l. ii K 1 iblolibeil. Int. 1 1- wllh Hi. lo'in.'. rv line between Hint nail of lh 'lilt "f A.ior'u a. laid out and recorded I t , M .m,lveeV n,l lb art .,f ...1,1 ' l,v '"H"l the I'ort of I pper Aslurla a. 1,11,1 '"" end refolded by John Ad. til , . northwesterly to the iplce uf In ginning , .ihe aforesaid dl.ltl. t Inclndlng Hi" following ol and parcels or land to I .1 I... H . , ',. . .',,,i i.t... i, i pail of the i lly of A.lorla aa laid out and re. or.l. ,1 I.) J M. Mbit. icy Nil. Ihcrifori- lltile.H a ri.lootiwl en it signed bv the re.ldenis of ihe t il y owning mar., thi.ti one-half uf the property In Hit illsirhi herein allot., deseiibed ahull b. III..I with Hie nn. Pi signed by Ihe tliu. of ihe li. xt regular n ling of the nil. I i 'oiiittton Cuiini'll following Ihe 41 mi 1 pub. H iiioii i.f this tioil.c. . .wit. Tliursihiv Apt II 7. IVei. I p.. said Improvement will he hind.- l.M llfores.lld. 'I his ti. dice Is pub lish. .1 bv resoliiti.M. of said Co in it, on Coutt- .11 iasM,, ,,t u regular meeting of sill. I I held In suld ollv on Hi.- 171 II .lav "I Man h, I vet. II 11. NKI.Nl IN. .tiiuiior nun i-oiici. jttiige tu tne i ity tu Asturbi. Oregon. uo..,,. . t,,r. t. : uiiw ,i iT. T-; n'' I NTF.NTH i.N OF Till- it.MMoN col N'l'n, OF TIIF CITV n, o'oltlA. nllFOoN, To I.MI'liiiVK I THAT I'oltTION OFTWFNTY-MNTII HTIiKKT. I. VINO 1 1 FT W KKN FIIANK I.IN AXIllllMMl AVFNI'Frt. IN Till: CITV AI'OHF.HAIIl. Nntlce Is lien by given Hint Hie Coiiiiniui Ciiiiiiiil of Ihe City of Astnrlu pro.os.-s i.n.l Int.. nils to liiipl ove T w.-til y-nl ill II 'iireei between it iil from Kntiikllii uveniie lo iliand nveniie, III sitltl city, I V kiimIiiik yitld Ttveiilv-iilnlh Hlrci tin, hikIi, nit he I'Xlenl uf I lie nfi. resold portion llleteuf to it whll h of llftci'll feel i nch side of ll line dnnvn through the tenter of suld Tw nly-irtntl. tiliict from Friiiiklln in '.iiii.l nvenii,.. n n.l l.v plnnklig s.ild Titeniv-iilnl h street after being graded ,IH itforesiilil, to ll wltlth of eight feet mi cii.ii side i.f tin. line nror.'Miiiti wnicp is the i enter line of suld grit. Hug. Provided however tluil In Hie milking id the Improvement nforesitld, If lluue be liny purl i.f suld 'I'wentynliiHi Hired be tweell Hie Hll'.elS II foli'Slt Id, wlibh cull be lit. On eiisllv 0 tl'l clli'llply llllploved by sub etltiillng t'rcMlle work fur grudlng iiml plunking H III this resoltillori heridofoie piovlileil, Hiil'l street will be Improve, I where It Is morn feitslbb- so to do, by build-1 1 1 ir Hud coiiHtiiii lliig ii Ireslle work, which hull ciuiHlHt of posts iiml cups nn, I plunk ing laid on top thereof, si.l.l trestle lo be HlS tci-ll f'l't Wide lltld idglll feet 111 cxli'llt .1.1.1 of thn Hue herein lllsive des cribed iis driiwn through the center of rill.l Tw.iilvtiliilh Hired, The fust uf Hitl. I Improvement mIiiiII be ilefniycil by Hpe.iitl nsHesHini'iil upon Ihe IiiihIh front ing mid iibutling upon iin.l luljitcetit to unci otherwise belielllcil by suld proposed Im provenient, and suld limits iiru hereby luiialed it mill include.) within a ill. T , 1-...I. .pi, I. .hall hereafter a I.. ill d "The Twenlinlnlh HUeel lin prove. tie ti IH.Iiltl N ber ," and sabl ills. . shall e la-e Hi" ''"' IrihVd ..... I of bind lowll Ilea Mil , st . i. u....i mi itr lid 1. hi imm , trie I I n t i s.l uf Hie .11. of A.tH aa lata .. . a "III' ' '- J '"". i.,.. noun, no oh c,i. n il) in la ii. uir i.l bit 4. In bio. k I ta thai part of Ihe .Hy .r A . tss ", h.7JJ dea. I llicit Of lie .i.lllh ej.lellf lll.ol sa enter of -.'Hi , !'' ""' ra.l cot of bd . Ill k I In Iks above ,1... ilbcl I'-'illo" "I A.loil Ib'aea ...nil, wi.teilt the noiili bi.iin.Urr Hit,, or iliaiul At. nil" la ald Or. lo taa aouih . .l er i.f lot l. l bli" k aa t .fole.abl " ' Aoi;e lbr,. noiili we.t. lit ilui'uuh Hie eeiilr ef aalg bhnk I to I be ion Hi weal rui iter of l"l I. In said bin i k 4 the aald de. ribe.l t;a. I Is- ludiPH l.'l-l V '''",1,,,,1"."?1t and bda 4 ( . I a'l ','" ' In that pail "f lh" elly Aatntl ss teM ....I mid I bf J Maihi Now th. i. foil iitibiM a ineaalrwaes signed b ll.r it.nlesla of ta ellf swaiag nmie Hi. ti one half of ib (a ls illaiilit h.ifin .ibote ibmolbed shall aa filed with lb" mid' lig"e bf lh llsse of Hi n.M ifgiilar itieug Continon r.iinii.l f.'ll.iwi ike nnsl r"l. II, all. ,u of tin notice 'I h hi ,"", Aim II .' IW'I lb ld liiipiafSliisal be Iliads a foi.ld Tins aoll.e I e llsl.rd b l-n of said ,., at s i-giil. . isg af mM I '.out, II I, .1.1 In Mid cur 'ha Ml ff f Msieb, ' II N NIIMoN Auditor a ml Fell J.pta f ta cm af A. loll i. ... Aali.ils Oig... Man a s IsH N'OTICM oF IIKi HIVINU 9U ! THK lUI'lli'VWIIIttIT r "Ifgaj t HI'lIS ICItTtiFi nCllfa44rl4i nF K FN I'FKNi II A N IJ Wllatwttt -i'IAI. KITIFKI's) Notice i l.iby gite that wade aaa by virtu ol lb ulaoOly ld a tfea iin.lri.iiii.l ii.iiiiiiiitc ua nta aaa public wat of Hie eontm'.a i'ai Ike City of Aslotia, oiegos si a ia'r)ar tin . ling of aul.l iiuinill held 1t, Manh lllh ! Hie ild o.ini"llia wtll on W r.l. i. ..lav tl auk ll at tta hour of in ) k a ni . la Ike eilaa af the auditor and ldb e pelg of aanS a. re. rive ..alrd bid f". the Irtiprot Mat In ald cliv know ii llf iit.'i"tmal af the we.t t; f'tt of Hie tioMiBg af ftay. entertilll alld CoM.llir li'Ptl .Iretl. IB i nrdalli e Willi the plan, alld I '. IHltiB for itld ,i.h..i.i iii, ,t,... in-at sew aa nir In the e ill, i . f M audit. u aa.l sell. Judge The .tld ..'lllllllllee heieby rri th right to relet ant and all I'1,1 ntcd at A.t.ota. Man h 14 iva) C C I T'.l N It It IIAIll.KM O'lld'ArtD JKNM IIANHI N I'ol.ltllltter oil Hliret and I'l.bllc Wf f the Coin l out.. II of III I 'ny Bf A.torla OAMTOniA. ru ft- f aut rr- llckcl lo all polala ..12 A ST.. rorSilrtyO- K I N Afcni, AMorli. i I' IPO. I lu. It atr r.rnM Through pala, and lourlat alprs. dining and llbiaiy nluM-rvatloii ear Ft. KG A N'T VFHTIIU'I.K TIIAINg No. I l.ltnlte.1 ra Portland at I 0 p m No I Limited arrives I'ortUad st It It a. m TO Tffl- HAST tllVRol ('HOICK or 2- Transcontinental ROU'l 1:5. (Jri Njrthrn Itallaay 1a IHiukaatSt MltusapoU and 8. Paul and T lags. Oregon Kliort I ' via Bait LaUa, Dam. vaf, Omaha and Kansas Ctty. Lowest Rates to All llast- ern Cities. OCIiAN SII'ArUiRS Leave At..rln f,.r Han Fran, loo svry four dnt a follows; Ht.ite of CiilifnrulM, Hnlurday, February Kth Cnliimblii. We.liieadny, March Id. Htnle of Ciillfnriila, Hominy, March ith. Collin bin, Thursday, March 10th. Htntn of Ctillfoniln, Monday. March lllh. Cnliimblii, Friday, March Uth, Httits of Citllf.irnbi, Tuesdny. Marrh Ud. Coluiiiblii, Hiittinli.y, Mnrc-h Mth. Htnle t.r Cnllfurnlii, Wratnesday, Marcfe nh. Btoamarw monthly from Portlaikl ta rokohamn and Hongkong, via ttkt Nortlt srn I'aclflo 8tamatilp Company fa aasv naotiort with 0. R. g, K, For ratas and gansrat tnrnrraa'lun J on ar addrass O. W. IXlUNHHRhUT W. II HUHI.IU'ltT. an. Pat Agt., Tortland. Or ''''W;:i,i.caTii,ii,i, a oo n.-n Agt. N. I'. H. H Co., I?,nd. Or. A. & C. K. R. R. TIMI3 CARD In I.H'cct Oct. '2f, IH!7. I-aav Hensl.Ut fiar Aalorta vat riaTl at 7:30 a. m. and I p. m. dally. Iava Astoria for flaaatda via IUtbI at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally. All llic Ahnvc Truii H Arc Dally Mod's Nerverine Pflls The grri remedy ior nervous pros tration and all nervous rt. .it... r ,.. 'ti,au7irrM,. ..v.f.T--- - -.....,, ,,,, ,,,, gn, of either Munich a, Nervous ProalMlfon, Failing of oat Manhood, Impoleticy, Nighli Emlf Ions, YoutWt.l Jurors, Mental Vony, ex. waive use of Tobacco or Opium, which km to Consumption find Insanity. $1.00 'Thy, mailt 6 boxes for $5.00. rTSCHEMlCAT.CO.. Proct. Cleveland. Ilhlrx ai ft " OaUuo li c Mi : a--jt jt