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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1898)
NOTIOKI r;, I,- ., p.." .-:r I Mil ii;. '' 1 I ! M THE DAILY AST0IUAN Is Hit tlgfcst ml best piper on the Columbia1 River THE ASTOAIAfl has the latest circulation of in Mr on the Columbia River - - KUI.L ASSOCIATED PHICSS HEPORT, VOL. XliVIII. ASTORIA, OKWiOX, SAT UK DAY MOKXINO, MAUl'H i6, IBM. NO. 73. i 4 IE MillMillSliELttIL w w w w W Waul tho ATTENTION uf lha .iuata wlm are dilating ,,a Mt( Cloning out entirely the ll. R. Nawes stock at a ...SACRIFICE....'i l inakri hNiiii pirgmxUuu llir waf from iha Kaat. ..tTrl full tjUlct Mml (Hi "'" Hiperlnr" Mltia ml Pangea - Eclipse Hardware CompanysbTTioSsr. The Power of the Press . . . . uaually th. InDiKnr of newspapers. W. glv. It BOW meaning. W Mil 1.RTTEH ritirHHM CXIPYINI HOOKo" AND TIIK VKIIV HKMT K INK ... All thre of whhh ar. nw eary In obtain a g4 copy of your letter. Ui eoplea of your correspondence anil hi money. GOMEZ SAYS U. S. MUST NOT FIGHT lulu Will lie IklttrSmed by rcace Mi I net n l nut Spain. 11 VI General lilanni Refuse, to Allow the Maine tu lie Destroyed. ANNIAAIION NOT I III; TIIIMt CIlArU.rlS FK All) ON OL'K I'AKT (iRii:i:iN & mum. I nn bate ill luilrpf n'lcmc l.der 1 aurd Slain (.aalaalt V hai I lietirrd - 0 Autu fli. V. a cd .illllf llfKllflllllllllKIIMI.IKI.IIIIKIKIIi i 6 "i nm-i: tmciii: wii.i. hk ni J H WAIC lif.l M.i;. TIIK IMTI.I" ! . htati:h ami hcain s t t'MTi:n MTvrrx i-hih n..t j ! W ANT I HA HI T J i 1 f : I I diMMI-IC IAI. Tllll.s I V I M! i: J I e I'le Ti:r'ri lit ATI-: J j , UttlllllllllllttlllMlllllllMMIIIIIIIItllli A (IUOI) Cream Separator.. U a nncaalty now In I ho dairy Inatrad i.f a luxury mi. I ,i lurnirr cantt nfToril lu lip without one The "Empire" and "Mikado Cream Separators... I.d Ihrm fur thy klm rlmwr j atari quicker anj run taalrr thnn ny .nilor md nj w hnvr ' Ihrm In anv alt you wlah. and x-ll them at rock bnttont prlra, ! HANI) AND I'OWKIt BI.KJI Foard & Stokes Company Atirla, (Vcon. HKCKIVKO IN TIIK PKIMAIiV. UHAMM Alt AND ACADEMIC UltADKM THE SISTtRS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. ORLGON. II K I U'l Mil Til 1 1 It IlilAUIUMi AMi I'AY Ht llixiU Kur ratvai, nU1., xllrw Mm Hujrliirww INHTKU- MENTAL UUSIO, TAINTINCI AND VOICK CUl.TCTKK r)RM A ftPKCIAL OKPAKTMRNT i V'Hk, Ii r. A , i .I id.- TtllHItlt- f f ftl HilVUII.I ... W'ul.l llllK I.. Ml imlli.l .y til. I'M Imhr . nfl li.i lit .lll.-t flli ll. In r.ll inint 4 finni hit. i iiiii)i ii. .ir H.iik ll Hpii itn" III Hiiiit.i i'I.ii.i .r.. In- - A R.k ..k" hi-ii ill.- in. nifi r i' 't ii.m In v..- in ii. !i nt It. .illli ..lit! vt .i .. i lining ..p In. mi Ml r.illli.llk-.l m hi. It H'ihIiI f.. .w ih . tti. , rt . . 1 1 1 inn i.f i iiii.tti .. ml. ii. . I.) Hi.- I ill'. I Hi., I.- Ai . urti.lly In. .i. in, i iliit.n s j ... : ri I un til, I) in i . pi tin- inii rt lit Inn i.r tin li l.y llli ,l-)llli;l'i nml Itrlii-vt-il I In i.- t.Kiilii.iri ,,f inilt t ul ' in., wntilil fi.llnw Ihi- ft H i' h ii' -( tilth In- rtniirilnl an a imlur il n tii i- i I tin- M iliif lit. Itlrtit ,ui, i il,, r in, i.. i)l l.t iirlnit iixni tltr n.iiiiin lulu n In tli. . tr lt' nt it-i i-rnlH-r nif nant w hilt i tf tirliiic tu tuki- atlv.ini.iKr of nh.iii tii In limit ll, mu t ,.i. n il ..,,k fur un urly I'ltttliiK of thi- r Ilia hit ii I. lli n H;i.,lt-. will linn.' I ui Ii lltihtltiit n lu. l-r. n Ktilnit "ii lltl'l mill ... -t .it mi tnr Hit- l-l.ilul 1 1 In , nillli.try tlria iirr ..i-..l t,n tlila i nml In' Inipr. iiui tin i-uii;i nu ihl liny innt nut rMit l in in. l t i .- Iiult I't'u tit in .- u a lin t fiilluv inn Hi.- tit t l.iruM.ui i ihr InaiirKrni r "-t-ni. tu think thai wlillr ftmln will tint iiuk niftit tlif j kimiJ iifllira nf llir I'lllinl ltntca hv mlKlit iilllmatrly tin m Tlu lt h. I 1 1. j Un' iltiMillli,n la (ur th iiin Ii.ihi ul tin ll.ilitl lv tin I'lilmiit. n ri iff a hy ihf t'nlltil Htnto "Tlmt la Ik t fur nil i,iri.a." nnt hm lllllkllilK'' "IV. i ..will ii.'hiiiH . . i y,. ' f"r Iiult .t n. It ii. r If Smiln i ii.. I tuki- that. 1.I10 Kill l.ik. n'.lhitii; im.iy fruin I'tihii i ( h. r .ir ii-it If nlu' lll It.'. . p I lltlt III ll 1 1 V i fnrt' s tun liltf Wjiii Ike Vtrcl . Itc in Cidrc( Their lkcurjr .1 accidental r.tplvioi f rum Viibia. N. v. Vurk M.irt li IV--A ilip.n Ii I" Hit- Win lit from M i'lrl'1 ul. Tin' fi i llni; iiinuiiK atuit uriu li iiml II II in. It lit In p. unlllilittli . Du ll tin' lli'titl ii'ttili-'nti' nf tin- rii'itiitt.'rM un. I tlitir lii' ii. It- Mtlinlt Hint aft. ill" hi. vi- . nt r- 'i i I ... it n i-ry t nil. ul atiiKt Thf i-uiiiit II i.f inlnlftffn .tii.. tu at n, ,y ciil.l.' n lulf tu Wiiitlilniitoii riivaliiK aiirprliu1. Un ripurta. al ro'lviiiK it r -i i'M fur pftnillnii lu il' ttlroy tin- r i k ..f llif M.iliii- lt full- tlif tti ifuy. riiiiii iita hit v.- uinriiiililtniK'tl urtli lull) lu t-.ii Ii i.Hi. r llu rt Hiria nf Ihflt r' H 1 1 J v nuii llilnttliilia uf Invrallitutluii with ritt nil il tu tli tt-rilillli- allttai'iit'nl lit Hull ripiillt hup.. iT.-itltli tit Klnlt-y will uw.tlt thl i uni'tiiinrv i x hiiiiKt nf i nrrt aiHiriili-iii-f I. . f..i. m . klim lu I-Kin lit 'icitiittluiia un u inititr rttuiriiiK ' li mut nlm rity. I---j. t . Mint in . hnhiir nml tlik'iilty fiii.inil pill. Hi I i-i i it. ll 1 1 It t II uf th- hnll'tt) nf ll'T ... I .mil Inti'htlitna. II I- pr.. II. t l ..l- tlwt ln un tin- il.itn.iK 'l"h- t?l"'ll-li-h p:.tha lii I'nh.i. th' I;il a.iya. l.y Hit- pr pu'iif lona nml m'ivi ni'ii(n uf Ann r-It-iih H,ir t -nn'ln If tin. r H. in ir 'a ii'i'l I' M i n i-t r V.. it t nt tu th- paint .- tu rutivi-y lu th tilfi tll' lllt 1 1 1 n' tit tlmt 'nanl-i;.-l- r.l l . t- Int. I I...11 In.iru. i il tu link i r nil..ii fur Hi.- .mill, . rill. in In ln th uf th' Mtiliif. wlil.h pt-rtiiitMttn HI un n h.t'l n fiinnl. On P hvIhk thi' ul-.ti-.- h:.Ka"it Ifl'l th.- Himnlnh r'rt.TH that th.- ku. rnitu nt hail il. tl' tu i It iippruval uf Hhtti.'u a r.-fiuuil. Thia tin lil tit i r. ntf.l u pr.tfuiii il lu-ncitlnn Aftt r Un- iiiiiiii ll tin- iiku.iI i-unimuiili u tlun una nin.l. tu th. pr It i-utitiilnn Hi.- f.tll.iwIiiK: Th.- t.iiititll itipntt"l Ihf i.iiuliirt nf M imlnil llliiiiiu. At thi- a. tin.- tlmt'. huv iiik Imh-b Itifurintil Ihnt tht- In.pnry of th Nuith Anit-rlt-iiti rtminltt.i- un tlif nil uatrophv i.r fspl.Hlon; fn aaUl vfa.') luitl trrnilnntrtl Ita .-iiiniln.illuli on the (iit tlnn rnlrntl. Ihf t.uin.'ll ruinnil-t-'l.iiif.l th" inlnltttfr of atutf .i Ink. Into ntt-omit mII Ihnt htid Itfn r Kitua.-.! In or.l.'r lit il-fntl la luat to thf Im. n ata of ripaln. Tlif M.nlrlil tiiwapaiit ra uiiunlinuuitly iipplitu.l It'lh Mitr-thnl lllanro unci thf urn 1 1 unit til fur r.'ali-tiiiK thr "AmtTli nn pr -ifnalona" In in-klliK In In- itllntAi-tl lu n u nil' whiit r. nm'na nf the Mnlilf. Tht y .trt- t-ipialty un tnlniuna hi aut Iiik thul '11 Can't Agree si the Offices, While Ke f ilinrj Kepulilkan Office Seekers. JOINT FI.ATFORM ADOFTEI) Th. Hart. AbaolijUly Par Ry. mi "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey FVw 4Val. M Th. Occld-mt IIoM Bar, Aad alt mm raadJa Wra la AKorU. Stin I runclHcti iim' I'ortland , SHERWOOD ' SHERWOOD PACIflO COAST AOENT. Mnntilnilurcr and Dealer In W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A lull lint of I'lPta. Tobacco, and Jmoknt' Aitklca. I1MMKZ. t'I'HA S tlUKATKST Stil.IMKH. 474 Contrtiorclnl Ml, liddlc-iil-the-Huidcft kill .Meet lijiia m April II aad Appeal to Ibt Ttnple I'nrtlim.l. Miin h J".. Th atutf c.nvi'n timia nf tin- -"piillit( , 'It mm mill anil frft .ht-r ri imlill, un p.i n It -, imvf a'npt-'l a ititniiiuii pl.ilf.irm hut it nlMK wna air ink Wll. n It H me tu tht" .llntrlltlltlnn nf offlii-". 'Ihf Juitil i nnf. rf iiff rurnmlttff on tht- .llntrlliutinn of utfh . a w.ia In afnap.n dtir- Iiik thf aft. rn'-nn ami '-vcniiiK, xn'l ul 1" n't -lot k tuiilxhl wurtl w.ia a nt tu nil tin .uiiv.'titlurta thut un HKr.-fm.-nt cuuhl nut hf hfl tunlKht. Th.- mnvfntlon ihfrf fur.- Mi1)niiriui until tunmrrnw. Karly tu.liiy th.- joint iinf.-r. nif turn mllt.f r.-xirl..l un a platfurm antl ll wan iiilupt.-.l hy all thr.- ruiivt-iitlona. th tit mm r.ita nml fri-c ailur npuMlmna nKr.fliiK I" 11 without u tllftnniiiiK vol.1. In tin- iuiullni . tun t-iii inn It nut with nplMinltlun un.l wh li thf vole un tht atlup (Inn nf thf plittfnrni w.ta antiuuiK-fd, lb mi. I. lit' uf th riiiiil in. ti w.tlktd nut uf thf hall. Aft. r ilii.i-.finK uf tin- platfurm th i tun t-ntluiia t at h atinlt tl t tinf.-r. nr. i utlilllll If. a nf lllllf nil Ihr lilt' rlhiit lun ul thf ultlr. a. Many pruait.itlunH lutikiiiK to fuainn wt-rt mail., hut up to a latf huur tunlKht th.- t-niifi-n if f t ntnmitt. f had rvai-hftl nu aKrt t in. tit. Ii la uml.-ri'titoil that th. kruN.-riinrahlp la thf t hirf ultnlat lf In thf wu uf iiKif in. t.t. th.- th nu. t rain Htul i) ill I If t It tailll InnlntlllK Uti thai olflcf. r r i nk hi;. nnn. uf J.nk'ii cuiiniy. war flritnl i uf thf (nipullal atutt t mil i nlli'il. Thf (Htpuliala uilupt.-t a rfulullun fa vnrliiK atiffruic.'. Thf funluti platform tlrtiiatnla Ihf frrt mill. ifr uf alli.-r ami upni-tra thf tlnan i til. y of Ht-iTftarv llaKt? ami I'rf. il. nt Mi Klnlry. ami i-aM-t-ially iltiuunrt thf nttrmpt In fattlrn thf foiintry Irrf ttHultly unil In thf alhglr Kuld aliin.liird. It tl.miiiiiln thf Inlatlve und rvferrmlum ayattm uf law-makliiK In ita oplliiliul furm. unit thf auhmlaslnn hy ttmirr'nta of all Imimrtant natlmial qut-atlon fur all nilvliuiry vote nf tht H-npf until sut h tlmr aa thf nutlniutl t onatltutlon ahull Ik f nt mnl ao aa to provitlf for tllrfrt Inn. The platfurm romlrmna us nml unlust thf aurrrnilrr. In ull th-part nit nta nf thf KVfrnmfiit. tu thf Inltiirtii-f nf truata. itirpurntlnna and aKKri'ifiuluna nf wtalth Kfiifr.illy: nnn thr pat king of tho hlKh.-M rourta of thf lan.l with curiairallun lawyfra. It l-t In Kuvtrnmrnt hy llijunr linn. In Mull' matt.-ra wr il.-munit: K.'KiKtratl.iii law. tStrliiRt nt law a tu n-Rtiiait th optrntlnn of tlah-trapa. tlnh-w hff la ami ull flshlnK Kar in uat. ra within thf jtirlailli-tlun of the etatf. Wf tltiiuuiitf ami i-oinlrmn corrupt an.l o xtriivaK-mt rt rul'llran h ulslatlvf us atnihllta anil .-harnf that thf n-puhllran party. In its niKirnfsa fur thf ajKilla of ortlio. haa hfrunif illvltlttl Into w nrriiiK fat'tlniia. an that It la lm of ruv t rnnifiit aa m hy tho mmliiionl fXlKtitiK in thf utllrf nf thf atntt? trfnit- tirt r. th. rf Ih Ihr ut this time more than n half mllilmi nf miliars t lnr-ln wrung fmm thf pfonlf hy thf prm-ess of tnxti tion. whllf at. ilr warrants arc atnniftl "nut iaitl for want of fumta," ilr in and that nil Ihr tllatrici nml t'ouiuy nfllifrs ' pliitttl uiHn xulurlra onmmfnaurHtf with tht- tlutifg to be per furnifil hy them. Inasmut'h an rallmutl a ml other corpor ate prNTty Is nut hearlim Ita proportion of taintlon. we ilfmiitnl that tsui-h prtip rrly shall hear its Just anil fqual ahurc of thf fxpi'tiHrs nf thr Knvf riimrnt. " At' Report of the .Maine Inquiry Board Ikfore the Cahiaet. SITUATION IS VFKV (JKAVE Active rrtparatiot. Ctifij Kiikcd ky Sif aad Vf Dc part tic itvNcti Toik Natal lilitia to the froat. .ttiiiiiiiitiinfimi(iiifiiffiiifiniiiii IiKH Oh' MAIN K IH K TJ EX I'M'KK'N (y I'OWKHKfl. HI H M Alt INK MINK-SPAIN CLAIMS IT UAH INTKI'.NAI. KXPI' fN NKW TIU'KlJ IIOAT iri ;iahki kuom ;kp.mam i I m. m I 3 m m, I -ry'lltOMIMIIIiKtltllUlltlllMtlliltJJIllirUyV Waahlr-ston. Mart ft The t-ourt nf In quiry itppolntfil to lnvft!Kaie thf tirisf of thf Maltif tli' intrr lii r tort-. mat Ihr ltm of 'tit li.ittl.-nhip waa due to an outsiite pit.-lun. Thf atate oVpartmrnt, hy tlirfttlnn of the pr.aMtnt. has cablfd Mlnii-tfr Wutxlfunl al Mi, In. I tu notify the Spanish uovrrnnif nt uf th run Pinion. The prfsiilmt ji 'ul h - . .'.in. t h i ! two t'Xtf litlftl a.'nsluna i.hI.iv. nnr at l"-t a. m. un.l n;tuth.r at S . p. m. at whlth thf rrs.rt waa consnl-Tr.! In .l.t. .11. Tlif mrmls ra of thf talnm t atatnl aft. r thf nirrtlnK that thf discussion waa of Bruvr tharattrr anil that never inte th TURBULENT SCENES IN THE HOUSE Silver Republicans blocked hiaress oi the Naval Dill. OBSTRUCTIONIST IS 11 A HTM AN Speaker Reed was Sitaiaed a lac Appeal to ike ttoaie by Bailey from the rive-.liiate Rale. Wanhintrton. Marrh B.-The atirrlnf arem-a of tho flfty-firat conKreaa whfn the m"mlsra or the minority wer. charging down the alalia proteatlnir aifalnat th. riillnga of Hpmkrr iWd wer recalled to day In the turbulent protests made by the minority aicalnat the ruling of the ( hair during the consideration of the na val appropriation bill. The ruling In ef fect tompellfil the member, to con fine thir r'tnarka under a flve-mlnute ml. lo the subject before the house and waa made against Hartman. anv.-r republican, of Mnntana. who atlfmoted to make polllliul sixeth. The ruling was de nounced as a usurpation and an appeal w.ia taken. When this failed every ex pedient was rrsorted to to blink the pro grma nf thf bill. As a result but four pagr were disposed of. Hffore the bin waa taken fur nmmdmrnt. Kona, repub lit an. uf Illinois, memlter of the naval committee, made a general siieti b In ad voeary of the pulley of building up a strung and powerful navy. Hartman created a diversion which caused the blw king of business fur th. day by delivering a flve-mlnute speech (A 1 WmrF I . " awVT': V-A-V5-'' , Littt C0Wll THE MAIXE BOARD OF IXQI IRY. The ofBeera invettifatiuff ths Maine dustier are well .i lulilirtl f..r tke iniportatat worlt. Presiilent am(ini: coniroanua U-.e luua, t'luJaick u cit.tain of the New York, ami Putter and Maris am executive officers f the New York and Yenuont, respectively. w ' SHIELD a . w w w UNION MEAT COMPANY AM. KIM'S tiKl'A.NNKIi M V.XfH BRAND X w w Hams, Bacon and Strictly Pure Lard (JimrHiilMl Tlio Hi nt in tho Miirkci Cor. run r tli and (.lisnn Strce rortland. Oicijon. B Mi Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North Pttoiflo lirowery, nf whiob Mr. John Kopp in proprietor, miiken litwi (or dnmcRMo nml rxport trmlo. Bottleti bpcr for fiimily in", or ken beor atippliod nt nny timo, tlolivory in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY wn cmi pay It. The ituurmity of the Cul led Slates would he in tin- ttnttirr nf a pri.tri'tiiriite. Aniifxallnii wmilil tint fol low. Wf know thf Alllit'lillll )nnplf tin I nut want to mint' v Cuba. All tin y want j Is n cnniine rclal ttfiity kIvIiik thftn tnidc ndviintiiKi'a which utc nalunilly thrlis, I h.iic there will he no war lu-twecn the I'tiltftl Slntca mill Spain. It would he cnatly. The Hpanlatils arc Bfiistlissly hllnd to iht'lr own wfiikiifascs. llfsldcs, I renr thill If hnatllltlen lictwct'ti thf two counti lcH t'tiiin s It will mid to the tuii'dclis of the t'uhatis when imlcpciidi'tii v Is sf ciiifil. The island s n desert und will remain so while Spain's rule continues. Tno in in-h ahniilil nut lie laid upon It when pence funics." The Tribune's coticspuiidcnt's Inform nut says that flntnei discussed the relu tlntta of the rnttrd Htulfs mid Spain nml itlwaya In Iiiiikiiiiko sIiuwIiik Ills canicst desire tlmt the Americans might be Hparcd war. Ilia nnxlcty was tlcep. it Is pmhuhln tlmt tlumci' scnlltucnts on this nuttier will lie eoiutmmlcnted to ricsldriit McKlnlcy. Ho Is mure enner rued over It than over iinythiiifr else. I In nppiavs In think tlmt In case of war Culm would i. nslicd to pay n pmilnn of the war ex penses willed tho rftiiiu'ccs uf the Island would nut bo Hiilllclcnt to meet. th mcx dismissed the sunKrsll"n of nind IfyliiK ntitunomy so that It would he m -ceptahlfi to the IiisuikciUs with n slnh'lf word. They will treat with Siuilii on no basis except Hint of nutrlght Independ ence. This la absolute. n0 spnkc with Ml ternesa of Borne mcmbcra of the niituno mlst Koverttment who nre tryltm to win hln followera by briliea, aiiylng tlint the fiilmna would retnetnher them. Thnse ef forts ho declared were futile, as wits shown by tho few Isolated Instances In which money had Induced liituirgcntH to Continued on page three. America has committed a blunder, one cah iilatcd tn Impress the whole world unfavorably on account nf the unseemly haste In wishing to destroy the chief evi dence uf the claims made by both sides. "II Is nut a blunder." the Madrid press nrgtica 111 effect. "The proposition shows that America Is preparing to cast off the mask and reveal clearly that the Maine Incident only serves its a pretext for open ing up other Issues in the Cuban ipies (Ion which have absolutely nothing to do with the unfortunate accidental i-iitns-trophe. Public sentiment sustains the gov ernment. Insisting upon illscuslng the Maine Incident separately nn its merits and taking up the respective reports of Investigation with n purpose to sift the evidence mid vindicate the honor and dig nity of Spain. Consequently It could not assent tu the destruction of 'he wreck the principal element in the coiilllcting evidence. Spaniards do it want the wreck re moved yet, as they think it may he very useful fur the purpose of arbitration. They affect to believe that It is Impossible that America would object to allowing: the report of her commission to be aub mllled to arbitration If It really clashes with the reports of the Spanish comnii.s sluii that an actual ur exterior explosion caused the destruction, ll is curious to observe how the opinion Is gaining ground lu government circles lu Spain that all the picsenl illltliulllcs between the two countries including the Maine nffitlr might ho settled peacefully If both Rides would make tip their minds to go half way and If the two governments would not nllow themselves to be forced on by popular pressure." JAM KH 1'AVNR DEAD. London, March 25.Jmes rayne, nov elist and Journalist, la dead. KU5HTKKN WA1.KKD OCT. Portland. March SI. The eighteen mid die of the road delegates who walked out of the populist convention today, met this afternoon und organized by electing Senator f. II. Hull, of Jackson emtn'y lulrnuni. It was decided to re assemble here on April II and formulate an address to the people of the slate ami perhaps nominate a state ticket. Till': It K I. IKK WORK. Washington. March Si. Tho state de partment has received the following from Consul-tlencral Havana. March I'l.-The work of relief Is progressing most satisfactorily. To morrow arrangements ate made for ; cars of supplies for Cienfueges, Cardenas. Sagnu and Santa tiara and other places. The railroads will curry special trains through free of charge. K8TATK WOltTIl KOltTY MILLIONS. Mrs. Winchester Widow the Winchester Kill. of Founder of . Is IVud. New Haven. Conn.. March 2.V Mis. J.ltie Winchester widow uf the founder and proprietor of the Winchester Tle peatlug Arms Company , Is dead. She was !1 years old. Her estate Is estimate J at Slii.iVrt.OOU. Vnder the new Inheritance, tax law about Jl.tknt.iW) will come to the state by the transfer of her property 'u her heirs. TIIK Ml'KPKUKltS OK WII1TNKY. Uuvet iHir of Idaho Oift rs JHHKI Howard Kach for Their Capture. Holse, Idaho. March 2. (?ov;nir Stcuncnlicrg todac issio ,1 a proclamation offering u rewind of Jl""t) each fur the arrest and conviction of each of the mem bers of the mob that murdered Frederick D. Whitney nt Gem, Idaho, December 23. There nre supposed to be about twenty men implicated. Whitney was murdered by the "Mollle Magiilres" who have ter rorised that section of the Coeur d'Aleneg for years. wrecking of the Maine has the situation seemed so critical. The Sptmlsn e ve " Ims cabled ofuelally to Washington ihut the Spanish naval commission holds the disaster to the Maine to be of Internal origin. The government of Spain It can be stated r""1 lllvely. Is not disposed to turn back the torpedo fleet now proceeding from the Canaries and would be disinclined to con sider a suggestion from this government tending to Interfere with the diaiaisttion by Spain of her own naval forces. War preparations on an unprecedented scale are being hurried to completion by the war and navy departments, and the country practically Is on a war footing. The foregoing gives the record of one ut the most eventful days the national cap ital has seen since the close of the civil war. It was a day of profoundly import ant action and of deepest anxiety coupled with naval and military activity, one step follnwing another In rapid succession. Kepresentative men of the administra tion, public men .n all branches of and congressional life, no less than the public In general, shared In the tension to which the situation has been wrought l'bere was no effort among the highest olflclals. nor Indeed was ll possible from what was clearly apparent in the devel opments of the day to minimize the situation. Viewed In detail, the finding of the court of Inquiry was the most vital factor. At 111:30 the cabinet assembled, lulf an hour earlier than usual and began the consideration of the momentous docu ment. Even the rigid rules uf secrecy which prevailed at cabinet meetings were made doubly strict in this case and no In timation of the results reached by the court was known until 2 o'clock, when the Associated Press bulletin gave tho In formation to the country as well as to the eagerly waiting ottlclals throughout Washington. These results briefly stated nre that the loss tu the Maine was duo to nn explosion from the outside, the court being unable to tlx the respons ibility for the explnslnn. The court dues not express an opinion us to the ciarac ter of the explosion, but the testimony goes to show that It was a powerful sub marine mine, the exact churucttr of which was not determined, though belief was expressed that It was a floating sub marine mine. There were two explosions, the court llnds, the first front the out side and that set off one of the smaller miiKnxlnes. There was no change In the plan of milking the report public and transmit ting. It to congress early next week, ac companied by a brief message from the president. While Interest was thug centered at the White House, the navy and war depart ments were hurrying forward their work (Continued on Fourth Pace.) satyrlxing the republican party and when under cover of a second pro forma amend ment he attempted to proceed. Boutella called him to order. He made the point that Hartman's remarks were not perti nent to the amendment. A lively parlia mentary wrangle followed, when th chair sustained the point of order. After the debate on the appeal had nut on for an hour, Houtelle moved to clou, the debate on the appeal. Instantly a point of order was made against Bou telle's motion, which was overruled. Par ty feeling ran high. A vote was taken on Houtelle's motion to close the debate on I he appeal and carrieu Ul to S5- The vote then came upon the appeal from the decision of the chair and the i hair was sustained 112 to Vi Hartman ufter this two hours' wrangle again gut the floor and was proceeding with his speech which had been Inter rupted when Houtelle ugaln InteriKised a point of tinier. It was again sustained,: and when Italley again apiiealed, a point was iiuule that the appeal wits dihiAory,' and the chair declined to entertain the appeal. Th turbulent semes continued during tho remainder uf the day, the minority re sisting every step In the progress of the bill. Only four pages were disposed of when the Isutise adjourned. TOHPKHO BOATS KOK SERVICE. Washington. March 2.". Arrangement, have bee.-, made fur putting the torpedo bunts Owynti and Talbot Into active ser viie as ."mi as possiole. These vessels were built hy the Herrea cholT C'oimiany and were accepted by the government recently alter a satisfactory speed trial. Ike Royal ia Ike kighest grade bakiaf powaar kaowo. Artael tnata show it goes Ma third farther tha. .ay other bread. POWDER Absolutely Pur aoviu. ataim aotatxa so., atw wmk.