The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 25, 1898, Image 3

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For the Street Improvement In the City of Astoria Known
as " The Commercial Street Extension
Nmii n In lii ii'liy glvi-n Hint llm i i
1n tin, Clly nt Aalurlii, tlngon, known
inovr ini'HI." nuiiio being iiiurn piirlliiilinl y designated n "-r, n pi v- ini'ii t of
fotiuimrcliil Htiri'l from thn Ens! Una "f Hun nlccm li Ml i ! to llm Wcat Llim of
Tweiily-lhlrd Street, nnd T 'Ht y-t ' ! Html frmn Hi" Norlh I. Inn of Oiiiiiiu'Ii Inl
Hlri-al to K. limine Street," which mid naanaanii nl w,ia . unr m. .1 ,y iiidlnuii'n
Number of (li OidliiiilU'rs of llm ( lie, n,,ron, Mnn h I".. Ik', us mild na
sraaiiiant Mow appears nil III" Special Aaaraaiiiint Hull fur tin. I Ifiiprnvn
Want, wlihh roll In now nil fllo III Ilia iifllrn of Dm Auditor iiml I'lillie ) ii.lw of
inlil city mill In rlpei'lnl Aacainciil ll'dl No, 21, iiml whhh mild iiaai-aaiui nt now
of record In llm ilnrkiil of t'lly Liens nf snld clly, will Im dim ami imyiitilii In I'lillid
HUtva Hold rolu nt Ilia idllitii of llm rlty Trinmiirr of milil illy mi I hit dny of
Alirll, K'i, mid If Hot mi paid Nt H"in III" 'oinilinli Cumuli of said illy will
utlmrlis lli laaimitrs of warrants for llm mlli-iiion of mild naaeaaiiii-iit, wlih h la
UHin llm lollowllill diairlbrd trill propel ly allllul.d In Unit u f , , y f
Aalolla as lull) out mid r'irdH by J. M Hhlvrley, u li I la ua followa.
Afiotis Columbia lllv.r It. II Co
'"1 . I'loi k 112. Hlilvi l. y a Aa
torlii, mi liii.. wild w u, of a.H'l
lot ,11.11.1.. I N i h r t; uloiiif N
Him id light ut w ii y of A. At l It.
It II i o lo ihn HW im or Ilia
rinln ,r,. or Intid mill y th"
'.!" !! ? N ' " '" A' '
II II II. I'o, ii n. I ro'oidid on ii.m"
1. Iioi'k i, n i ' of il. nl l int
mill lootily. 1 1,,,, , lliinio Ill H
NK illii'illori iilutiK SW liuiiiid
nty Mm. of mil,) , ,u,. 0f n, u,
iMiim on in win, t, (inicr of
Nlti mil i. riii'inli-d N lhi-ii
N ni aald n'lili'r llim i ili n.l.d
10 tlio U"V. 11,111. m ,, r ,,
of III., l olllinl.u ilirr, linn NK
ulonil ,. i hi nil III,.' 1. 1 l tin
lllvlal.ili IIIIK ,,, ( (.
o Hint Ilin riulaofi Mill Co, n
1 m III,,. I n Iiml iill.iln unrrx.
Illrlll iH tWorti a.lld I iilll.ll, a oil
I' m.; 4. hook Xi r-iii.l of du d
of riulaol, i-mioly, InrKon lllt-n
III n Ht; illrri'llon nlmitf aald dlvl
ai. n linn i,i h .lnl In in,' n'lilar
linn of Twrniy. third al. fit.idid.
N. Ho n' r lii n HI-; dlrn il..n
Ihn llim dltldlliK Ihn ,r, llllm a of
llm mil. I i ,t n l ii a mi furlh In
Ihnl r.rtiiln il.r.l rimn Ihn rial
aop Mill Co o h mild A A I'.
11 II II l o on i,itfr u,i, h,MikU,
llxi nrd of lonta or i'Uimii roiin-
iy. iii(;..ii, io n Hiini it, ri (; or
I. llim ,,f 'I'Mriily-lhltd al rllrlid
r. N, lin n, r In ii H .III.-' Il.'li li,l
Hir Willi 'I Wrlit) .11,11, 1 ml ,, H
H,llll In Itlf dlVlnlnll I'lln l" l. , II
aid in. mm. a m l (..till in l.
iniiilli.ii, d ,1. ,,. Hon. In a HW
III. i llm, nl, ii, k la.-1, i in, l.
I loll, . I illMal'.li llim lo ii ,olnl III
Ihn i.lil.r or -I till it a( i.
Irn.l, , s, Uii tiin In it H dirmlloii
aloni aulii , ml, r linn In a i"lnl
Hint liil.ia.rla (hi. H Imtindury
llnr of ihn di-Mii Kfoiiinla of ihn
aid A A It It. It 'o , tlM'llrs
III HW dlrr.llon un, on H llim
of anl.l ,. h.( (t'.iin.U to a imiIiiI
or llll. rm , l.,l Willi III N llin of
'. t. lul al, ii,,,,,,. v uiona-
N linn of i 'outturn hi at to a jhiIoi
III It Illrr Hill, of Mil, In lllh
al . ii, ii, I, , I N, Home in a N
dir. . il.oi .ilona , u nlnr linn
of altri t in (hn H Una of h
rmlii of way of A. at f. It It, II
i o llim, v along Ihn M Una ol
anl.l t la; tit of wuv lo a oim ,n
llim wnh Ihr V Una of I,, l 4, l,. k
I 'I. Hlil. , v a Aalorla . ll. 'i l. .1
N and IV. t: N of NW i or aal.l
lot. Hi, n S ,,n ,, unn of
lot i l. n,l. d N In incn ut tx iiln-
"!" n;io u
Aatnria A I'oliimlda Itlvor It It Co . and
or. Aalorla Havlnca Hank, Tumor j, J. u,Hk 111, Hhlvrlry a Aalorla ll
l Now h'l.l In irual f.,r Ihr ailil
A'tnlr. Mirv Ann. Hnlra of-IUlia at
I.tit4 r Adair. John Aduir. Jr. n
Ad.iir rt i Adair Kllrn A Mrn.lmi
Kau A VI. hrr Mary A Jnrdaii, Mur
II A. lair, Aiuiln k llrriiliam, and ll.-H
litrntmiii liuia IHnnhani and ItoU-il
II Hri'tihaili. Iirlta of Unity A. IU-n
ham . Wat i', f ,, i x Ido. k iri. Hhli'l y'
Aaloila Ul 4.'
Adair. M A . d-'d. I Mr a almvo i. kiiu.ii u m n ,n,t to n N ,,f VV
In r lot 1 hi. h H .- ri'oi.l.y a
Aaloioi and ol fl N of ,S W nil
i . . I,, o ,,n ltn. w nh
III,. , ol li.dll, n, lo H llll" of
A C. II II It Co .I.IN.t
liroiiiida, limn S'. nl. .nit nl.l H
i i . ft ,,f ; in.,.
lot ,..,linrd. th.-n H a nil & fl .(la
t il l fioin k.i 1.1 I; Im.. to ui
fl N Id mil, I lot, llll II V . fl III
Unwlhv. J u
llowlt.y, J O
Howlliy, J Q
llowll, v.
Ilowll.y. J g A
liowlhy. J g. A.
anld lot ,iodiir.'d. to H lln.i of A.
Ut C. It. It. It. Co a d.'iuil h r.iiiiuia.
Hi. ll HW on mild H IIiik lo lilont
on Unn with W linn mil, I lot If in
ilin.d. Hon H lo oi ft N of
NW .or anld lot. I loll K . fl In
Ih iiIiiiiIiik 122 W
Imrry, ICIUn H. iHea O. II. A N. Co. it
nla I
1 in t h n lit . (liMirito II. iHi-e O. II. A N. t o.
rl ala I
Kiillnn, Vlmlnlii K
Kiillnn. Vli'iillila IC
Cultoil, Vlrulnln K
rulloti, VlrRlnlu IC
.. . ,.,...m,..
Fulton, Virginia K.
Fulton, Virginia 10
Fllltoll, ' 1 1 M I'l 'll
Uriihinu. Dnnlnl. l8e 0. 11. & N, Co. i-t
ijriihniii, Dnnlnl. l8e
ala )
llliiglna. ,J R licit Inning nl n point fin fl N of NK
cor lot I, Murk Vi. Hlilvnlny'a Aa
t ni'lii . on a lino with W Hun anld
lot If pi'iidtit-t'd, then N on Hit Id K
Hnn to H lino of A. A 0. H .It. It.
Co. 'a liipot kioiiiiiIh, tlmn HW
nloiig Hiilil 8 linn to pnlnt In llll"
with W lino anld lot If mi lilcril,
thnn H on anld W lino to point
n N of NW ror Hiilil Int. limn 10
Ml fl lo In-ginning HW.70
Itlcglni, ,J Fl Ili-glnnlng nt n point ll ft N nt Nl'.
" cor lot 2, block W", Bhlvnlny'a Aa
torlii, on ii Unn wllli K Unn aulil
lot If priidiiccil, thnn N on anld K
Hnn lo 8 lino of A. A C. It .It. It.
Co. 'a dnpot ui'oiiiiiIh, tlmn 8W
iilmiK 11 8 lino to point i fl W
of K lino Hiilil Inl If pi-ndui'i'd, tlmn
8 pur. with und ft dl.iliinl or
mii 1. 1 pi'iidiicnd K Hnn to point M
ft N of anld Inl, limn K i"i I't lo
lit-glnulng oS.So
lllgglng. ,J E K H lot 2, Mock r."J. 81ilvi'ii-y'H An-
Munaon. J. W W Hi rt lot 2, block 12. Hhlvcli y'B
Aalorla i-
MutiBon, J. W Ilcglnnliig at n point Wi ft N of NW
cor lot 2. Muck LH. 8hi'i-li-"H Aa
tni'ln, on a Hun with W Hnn or
anld lot ir iiioiliicnd, limn N on
anld V lino to 8 lino of A. A t. It.
It. II. Co.'a ilnpot gioiindH, tlmn
NK nlomr anld 8 llim to point id
ft N of W line of anld lot If pro
ilucnd, thnn 8 und pur. with and Id
ft dlHtunt frnm aald W Unn to
point Ik) ft N of N lino anld lot,
then V 10 ft to beginning 14.34
l"l nani'MiiMjii for n, ,ir, inir voiin rit
a "Tim I '..iiuii-1 1 l.i I Hunt ;t, tin
In ulnnlng ol a point Ik', n n of NW
A C. H It. It Co l.y lha Aa.
IIHI4 n.l HiKa liana I
iKimiinn a :.i
l-ol I. hlm k :. 8lnvli' a Aalorla. l'.U ij
Ij'I . Mm k l.i;. HhH. lt y a Aloii.i. u.x!
V n J. Ill, , k . bhli. l.y a A-
tori. i 11 vt
I'l . Mia k l:;. HhlVidry a Aatorlii. l.B l
IjiI !. hlo. k I.'.', Sliln l. v'a Aalorla. I i'
l ot . 1,1". k I:.'. HIiH. l. v . ,iorla. lii 3D
!' miuiliik .it n .'inl ii fl N ,.f NK
.or o I. 1.1. o k I.T Hhl.'l.-y a Aa.
lorln Hon N on llm. with K lino
anld l"l iiro.lin.d, lo H lino of A.
At I", II It. It Co a dniHil iii.miii.Ik,
Hon HW on mild H llm- to .niit
mi llnr. with W llim anl.l lot If pro
dm id, lio n H to ", nil Mi ft N of
NW .or lot, Hun K l ft o
,.-Kililillil! US JO
llrulnniiiK nl a ilnt i fl N of NK
i . r L.I 2. Ido. k IJ., Mliivnli.y a
loiln. Hon N on Im.. with K hoi'
anld lot in, ..In, id. i,. H In f ,.
Ai C. It It. It Co 'a d.'imt iiioiinda.
tll.'li HW on mild H Hup in il"lil
on llnr with W tin.' lot If pro
dio.d. Hull H l.i , lot mi ft N of
NW i "r a, ild lot, Hun K l ft l.i
In'KllllllllK 13k XI
II. Kliuilnii ill a '"lnt til ft N of NK
im lol I.. Murk Hlilvnlny Aa
lorlii, Hi. n ,N on llti.' with 10 llim
Cud J.Jnf lot t, Mm k li. Hlilvi'li-y'a
I n. I 2-i of. In kIiiiiIhk nt n point lid
ft N or NK .or lol 4. Ido. k U"..
Hhlvali-y'a Aatorlii, Ihi'n N on linn
with K llni' or anld lot. in 8 lino
of A. A- C It. II II. Co a ,l,i,,, I
rironnila. Iln n HW iiIoiik mil, I S
Inn In imliit on I Inn Willi W lino
of anld lot, limn 8 on H.ild W linn
In iolnl m rt N or ,N'W cor anld
lot, Hun K I-il rt to ln'KlnnliiK
I'ml J-J of lot D, hlni'k I."'. Hhlvi li y a
I'm I s-:i of, Ih kIiiiiIiih nt n poinl mi
It N or NK ror lot !, Idnrk UH,
Hlilvidi'y'a AMtoiln, th.-n N on line
Willi K Unn of anld lot. to 8 Unn
or A. H C. It. It It. Cn.'a di-iiot
urniinila, linn HW iil.'iiu a. ml a
as. jo
llim to point on llm- wllli W Hnn I
or hi. I.I lot, tin n 8 on mil, I W Hnn I
In point i-l rt N of NW ror anld I
!! WS':!l i:.- "V..V.:: JU W
it 1 ...... in. iln.r ..t itiilut Oi
rt N of NK i"i' lot ll. lilmk Vi).
Hlilvrlny'a A h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , then N on linn I
with K Htm of anld nl, lo 8 line i
of A. A C. It. It It. Co.'a d-'iml
urniinila, thnn HW along a.ilil 8
linn to point on Hun wllli W Hnn
of anld lot, limn 8 on anld V Unn
to point Ml rt N id NW cor anld
Int. tlmn K r.ii fl In Imglniilng S7.W1
I,ot S, lilnrk Ills', HIilvnlnv'H AHtoHrt, 10'i.tH)
Lot (I, Moi k l-S. yiil vi-li-y n Aalorla. VSl.iD
Mu n .n, J. W,,.
Munaon, J. W,,.
Mi'i'iinn, John, (Hon (i, It. A N. i.'o. i
ma i
Mi C.inn, Jiiiina. (M (). It. A N, Co. rt
Mi i'iinn, Miiiniiri t. iHi' O li, U N, Co.
i-l nla
iinii'in Itnllroii.l H nd NjvlgaUoii Cxi ii i-lnnlni; nl H fiolfit Ci fl si of NH
i or lot I, 1,1". k I II. rihlv. l'- 4 Aa
torlii, on Iln" with V. linn amd
lot ir ir'iiio "d, Hi -ii N on anld
V, llm. lo .-r lii'iol llim. .. K' - tit
rlKltt of w.iy i, nd .orll"ii noil liy
antd I'n lo A, A I'. II. II. It I'm,
III' II HW liloliK anl.l i.i. r Iln- in
iHiint on llm- wllli W Iln.' .oil ! lot
If iiroilnnd ili'ii rt X'-tii Ka
ula. vi-, lo iiliil i fl N of N'tV i-i.r
anld lol, Iln II lv 'll fl lo laKlli-lllliK
Of 'i n Itnllrond and NivUatlon Co...,
hi. lion It.illroud uikl Nnvlgull'in Co...
Orrgon flail road and Navigation Co
Omaoit Itullroad and Navlatlun Co.
Orrj-on llallroad and Navlgnllun Co
Orrgon llallroad and NivlgUon Co
Orrgon llallroad and Navigation Co
O. It. A N. Co., nd. or, Ellt-n 8. Cherry..
O. It. A N. Co., and, or. E. 8. Cherry...
O, ll. St N. Co., and, or. John McCunn.
O. H. A N. Co., snd, or. John McCnnn....
O. It. A N. Co., and, or Jumrs McCann, an
und 4
O. It. A N. Co., and, or, Jumna McCinti, n
und H UiRlnnlng nl n point m rt N of M-1
cor lot 3. him k l.t!. 81ilvnny Aa
torlii. on line with K Unn anld lot
If pin, In, ril. Ih. ll N on anld K Hnn
to plrr Imnd Him, n vi i pt rltilil "f
w. . wav of A. A C. 11. It. K. Co.l, thnn
Sw nloiig anld idi-r Unn to point
on Hnn with W Hnn anld lot if
pmditrnd. thnn 8 to point Kn rt N
of NW cor aald lot, thnn K W ft
U. Tt. A N. Co., und H, and, or. Margaret
McCann, und H...
0. R A N. Co., und H. and, or, Margaret
McCann, und Vt Ilnglnnlng nt a point w ft Nf of NK
cor lot S, Mock I d. Shlvnlny'a A
lori.i. on lino with K Unn aald lot
If produced, tlmn N on anld K Hnn
lo nlnr hnml line, limn SW nlong
anld plnr line to point on linn
with V Hnn anld lot produced,
lh.-n 8 to point rti ft N of NW enr
anld Int. thnn K ft to begin
nliig (except light of way of A.
0. n. A N. Co., nnd i-S, and, or, George. " ' l' l0''
H. Durham, 1-3 Lot 4, Mock 132, Shlveley'a Anlorla.
0. II. A N. Co., und 1-3, and, or, George
H. Durham, und 1-3 beginning nt a point fin ft N of NK
ror lot 4, block 1X1, Shlvi-ley'a A.
torln, an Hun with K linn anld lot
It produced, thnn N on aald K line
to plnr hend line, ;hen SW alnmr
anld pier line to point on line
with W line audi lot produced,
then 8 to point M ft N nf NW cor
anld Int. then K 50 rt to begin
ning lexcnpt right of way of A.
.S II ll I iX. I
0. n. N. Co., und 1-S, and. or. F. J.
ylor, und 1-3
l 1)
A N. Co., und 1-3, and, or, K. J.
Tuylor, und 1-3
0. IX. & N. Co., and. or. Dan araham i,ot 5, block 132, Shlveley'a Astoria. 138.30
O. It. & N. Co.. and, or, Dan Qrahiim Beginning nt a point ft) ft N of NK
enr lot li. block 132, Shlveicy's Aa
torlii, on line with K line aald lot
If produced, then N on a.ild K line
to tiler hend line, tlmn SW along
an Id pier lino to point on lino
with V Hue said lot prod'iced,
then S to point fid rt N of NW cor
anld lot. tlmn K W ft lo begin
ning (except right of wuy of A.
. M . A C. Tt. Tt. It. Co.l 124.47
O. R. A N. Co., and, or, Dan Oriiham i,ot 6 block 132, Shlveley'a Astorln. 138.30
l). 11. A N. Co., and, or, Dun Uiahnm Beginning nt a point t fl N of NK
cor lot 6, Mock 132, Shlveley'a As
toria, on line w-liji K line siild lot
If produced, then N on sold K line
to pier hend line, tlmn SW along
anld plm- lino to point on line
with W line anld lot produced,
then 8 to point HO ft N of NW cor
anld lot, tlmn K GO ft to begin
ning (except right of wuy of A.
Barker, W, W
Barker, W. VV
Bnrker, W. W
I'liik-r, W. W
Barker, W. W
K t ft lot J, Muck 12", HMv'-ley'a A-
turlii ,.
liiKiiinlntr nt n point m ft N ut NW
i or lot it. Iiloi It d. Hhlvrley ' Aa
lorlii, on n llim wllli V, 1 1 i - and
lot If produced, thn N on snld K
1 1 rtr to point on H II"" of A. '.
K. II It. Co ' depot griil'l'la, lhll
HW nlong H llrir- lo fiint ', ft .V or
K llnr k.i Ml lot If prodm t l.i 11 H
mill inr. Willi iiml fi fl diaiaiit
frmii mild W line produced in
tiiilnt ii fl N of '.I mm- anld lot,
Hi' n V. S ft I') IMglniilng ...
J'. Kni'ili'K ' polo! ti fl N or N'i;
i or lol 'I. Iilo. k I II. Hhlvi h y a Sr.
toilii. on llim Willi i; llim anld
lol ir plodi-nd, lln-ii N n aald
V. linn In pi. r h' Him, 'i-xi. ol
riKht or iy -in. I -"'riion villi uy
anld I n lo A. A C. It. It. It. I'm,
Hon HW i.Ioiik a.ild I, Or llim lo
,liil on llnr wild W llim anld !!
It fir.Hl'ir.'d lli."i H .'a.'i', ua
ulw.v.. (ii (mint III ft N Hi Si,' ror
mi I, I lol. tlii ii I. l fl In l"ln
nli i
II. Kliililnif nt u ixiliil ii rt N of NK
or lot J. 1,1. . k I II, iiliiv-l'-y a Aa
lotii. on Htm with K llim n;d
lol ir pr ido. id, Hi'-n N on ald
K Htm to ,. r Imad llim, d i-il
rlthl of way and portion u. l.y
m.l.l Co. 1. 1 A. A C. K. It l(. Co. i,
lion KW iil-iiiv i.l.r Him lo
tailnt on llim wllli W llim anld lot
If pimln...l ih'ii H i'ti! ua
iiIk.vI', Io i.lnt mi ft N ot NW or
anld lol, Hon E ' tl lo In Kin -
IP KHiiiliiK nt Ii point ' ft N' of NK
i or lot 4. I.lo. k IM. Hlilv. l. y'a Aa
lorln, on Him wllli K llim anl.l
lot If piodin. d. I Io n N on " ild
V. llim in op r Imad llnr. u t'pl
rlkhl of way in. I i.irii,,n v Id by
mild Co. to A. A; C. It. H. It Co
linn HW nl.'iia; aald ilr Hnn to
Hint on llim wllli W Una anld lot
If pio,ii...l. ih'ii 8 i'-'pi i.
iihoii-, o Hi rt N or NW ...r
ii. n
anl.l lot. limn I. ' II to ll l-
ll.lllliii'K nl m inilnt t,i ft If r NK
rr lot ti. Id. n k IH. Hhlvi li-y a Aa.
torli. on llim with K llim ni.
lot If pr mIih-kI, Ho n N on ,iM
K Hnn lo n -r h'nd llm-. .. . .-pl
rliflil ot wav .. ml H.rtl-n a.ild uy
a.ud Co. to A. A C It. It. It C i.i,
I tun HW iilonir anl., pur llim '
lull, I . n llim w lHl W Iln.- mi 1.1 lot
If pr.Nln. . .I iti.n 8 i-xr ot a.
lit. ir. 1. 1 point oi fl N of N W . or
anld lot. linn Y. i II to O'iCIii
nin IP Kllinllilf nl H point Ul tt N n.' N't?
or loi . LI... k 111. Hrilv.-my a A
torli. hi llim wlih K Iln" "nl
l"t If pi Mlu.-.d. Hi n N on a.ud
V. Him lo ol. r h".i l Iln.- i. i-.-pt
riKlit of way and portion hy
anld Co. to A. A C. IL It. It i'o I.
th.-n HIV iilnnit anld pmr Him In
tM.Int on Una with W Unn a.ill lot
Ir pro-Pi. il Ih. n 8 un pi ua to M,nt n ft N of NW ,nr
a.ild lot. I Ion K fl lo tn-Kin-nini;
lit M
i2i t;
lli-clnnlng nt a jmlnl lfi tl N or lh
V-L . .... 1. 1. ...I. 1 , lll,l.,.l.u..
It r. ... in i, .. mi
A-itorln, on u Hnn with K Him of
anld lot i-tii'iiili-d. th-n.-a N on
anld Hnn lo frosi-rnmi-nt pmr huid
llim id Colunildii rlwr, Hmtiri- NK
almiK a.. 1 1 pli-r In ml Him In H
imliil on Hnn with W llim of lot
. Mm k 131. Hhlv. lry a Aanirlii
U nt.-nd.d N th- n 8 nn mild V
llim of i. .Id lot rkl. ndrd to i dl
vidlnic llim Imlw.n (lie pri-nilai-a
of Ihr II. It At N. Co. and llibt
or llm A. A C. It. It It Co . aa
rninrdnil on pngn 3. bm,k 3. rvii'rd
or d. i .la or Cl.iim.p roiinty. i irn
gon. th.-nra HW on an id Hnn to a
Hit of nil. ri-. . tt .ii with Hi. N
llim of Ihn rinht of way of mild
A. A C. It. It. It. Co.. ih-n W on
mid N llim to tii'k'liinlnK
Ili-Kliinltii; ut a tniit no ft N of NK
cor on i. oi.m a mi. rin.-mjr a As
toria, th'-m-r N on Hnn with K
Hnn anld lot . jl. nil.d N to the
f:ovi rniimnt plnr to-a.l Unn of Cn
iinildu ilv.r. (ii-i-ii thn ritht
of wuy of A. A C. It. It It. Co.
and -rinn aold hy . It. A N.
Co. to mil. I A. A c. t H. U. Co
a a ri-rnriU-d on tuiKn 3. Inaik 3a.
rn. ord ot dn.da or 1'lnlaop count v.
Orriioni, thi-nrn NK on anld plnr
h'-nd llim to ii-nti r ot Ninntnrnlh
alrl It rxli-ndid N th n 8 nx-r-pl
aa ataivn lo N linn I'oinmnr
rlnl airn-t, thrn W 30 fl to be
ginning Hi ginning at n point ' fl V of NK
ror lot I, Idm-k 111. Hhlvi-lny a Aa
lorln. on Hnn with K Hnn mild lot
ir, tlmn N on anld K Unn
In ph r Imnd llnr, ii-xi npt right of
wny or A. At C It. 1'.. It. Co l. th -n
8W along mi I.I plnr Unn to tlnt
on llim with v linn anl.l lot If
pniilii. rd. thnn 8. roi-ii o alKivn,
t- Point rti tl N of NW ror aald
lol. tlmn K M ft to ln-glnnlng
Lot 1, lilm k i:c. 8lilvi li-y'a AtorU.
IliRlnnliig nt n point fl N of NK
inr lot 5. block 1.2. Shlvi-Uy a Ai
ti.rln. on Hnn with K Hnn mu,l lot
!f prodiii .-d tbnn N on anld K line
to plnr hi-iul Iln -, u-xi i pt rli:ht oi
wnvof A. . C. It It. It. Cn. I. thin
8V Hloinr anld iili-r Unn to point
on llim wllli v Inn- anld lot If
prodii ,iil, thnn 8 lo point fii rt N
of NW ror ail Id lot, Ih.-n K ft
to Ili'KllllllllK
Lot 2, lilmk IK. Hhivi li-y'a Aaloriu.
Ut 47
12t 4
Lot J. blink 132. Shlv.-lnya Astoria. 69 15
to bi-glnnlng
Lot S. block l:tJ. Slllvelcy'g Astoria.
cv. v. ... ... ...
Lot 4, bloik i;S, Shlveley'a Aatortu.
Heglnnlng nt a point f.) ft N of NK
cor lot 4, block 132, Shlveley'a As
toria, on line with K line aald lot
ir produced, then N on anld K Unn
to pier head Unn, tlmn SW along
an Id pier line to point nn line
with W line anld Im nroductd,
limn 8 to point IW fl N of NW nor
anld Int. then K 5u ft In begin
ning (except right of wuv of A.
A C. It. R. H. Co.)
A C. It. It. It. Cn.) 124.47
E ',i Lot 3, block l-.ti, Shlveley'a Astoria. 13.83
Lot 1, block 127, Shlveley'a Astoria. 276.60
Lot 2, block 127, Shlveicy's Astoria. 138.30
Lot 3, Mock 127, Shlveley'a Astoria. 138.30
Heglnnlng nt a pnlnt ti ft N nl NK
cor lot 3, block 127, Shlveley'a As
toria, on line with K line aald lot
If produced, Ihen N on said 15 line
to 8 Hue of depot grounds of A.
A C It. it. R. Co. then SW alonir
unlit 8 line lo point on line with
W line snlii lot If produced, then 8
on aald W line to point 60 ft N of
NW cor aald lot. then K 50 ft to
beginning 138.30
(uaranlrrd lont all
raia Cower, Head. -
Parkrr. W. W.
h if
ror lot . oiiH'K lii. Hnivr.-y a Aa
lorla. on line with K line r.nj ,,t
If prodm rd. thrn N nn aald V. line
in B Iln or drpnt gronnda of A.
A '. H. H. It. Co., tlmn HW
aid H llnr to point on llnr wtih
W line a ild lot If produ-rd. Ihrn H
on aald W line lo point ft N of
I NW ror aald lot. thrn K It to.
hrrlnnitig 1S.3U
Barkrr, W. W Ilrglnnlng at point m ft S of NK.
; ror lot h. Idm-k I2N, Hhlvrlry a Aa
lorla, on line with K Una aald lol
If prodnrrd, thrn N on aaid K Im
lo 8 line of dnpot gmumla of A.
it C. It. It. R Co.. trrnn HW along
a-il-' line to ixdnt on line wlih
I W line ald lot If pridu rd. th n 8
on anld W line lo point ft, ft N. of
NW i or aaid lot, thrn K i (i lo
brritinlng MAM
I). II. Wekh tgfnnlng at a point m ft N ofN E
or lot a, lilm k 127. Hhlvrlry'a Aa
loriii. on Una with K Hn aald lot
If produced. Ihrn N on aald K lino
, to 8 line of drim grounds ol A.
, A C. It. It. It. Co.. lh-n 8W along
ild K line I., point on line with
W llnr aald lot If produced, thi-n 8
on aald W line to point m ft is' of
NW tor aald lot. thrn t J It lo
la-ginning 13.
Welch, D. II beginning at a point fx N or NK
Welch, D. H
Welch. 1). H..
Welch. D. II..
Welch. P. H
Welch. D. 11
Welch. D. II....
Welch. D. H....
Welch. D. II
Welch, D. H
Welch, D. H
Welch, n. H
Welch. IX H
Welch, V. H
Welch, IX 11
Welch. John W..
Welch, Jnmea W.
Welch, Jnmea W.
Wood, Surah F..
Wood. Surah F..
Clatsop Mill Co
Clatsop Mill Co
Clatsop Mill Co
Clataop Mill Co
Clatsop Mill Co.
Bell. Sidney
Kinney, W. 3....
Kinney, W. S..
Kinney, W. 8..
Kinney. W. S..
Kinney. W. 8.
Kinney. W. S.
Kinney, W. 8....
Kinney, w. B....
McCann, James und
McCann, James una W
McCann. Margaret.
McCann, Margaret und H
By order ot the Common Council.
Astoria, March 19. 1898.
Itf fr. Pnaiu'
lrllaar Krr.a fiua.
This anyil-tliil . . .
rmi diarawa, auch aa Wnk Mrmorr ijJP. r
ha. WaJurhiiMaa. Loot Maahoul. n..,, '
loot, Mrraoawnraa, aU draina, kaw of power la Ocamtln Orgia, Z
tttbtr f a, raoand by orerwrtlon, yonlhfal mora, ncratin nar of
toharco, ctlimi or atlraalaaU which lead to Infirmity. ConaamtaJoa or
In"7. Can b. carried Ui rrat porlrf. , prr feoi ', TTtZvi Zai.
Miottfactared i by th Praa Mrdlrlnt to pan. Pr.nca f an Int
Irtug UfcitUtrtUalngafjola. TuUdaaJ VaJBb01bU..i'3ftUad,O,.
E8TK B-CONN VllVO CO., Agi.i. A.iort.
Beginning at a point 0 ft N of NK
ror lot , block 127, Shlvrlny'a Aa
lorla, on line with B line anld lot
If prmlii. rd, thrn N on aald V. ilnr
to 8 line of d- iMi grounds of A.
A V. R. R. It. Co.. thin 8W along
aula H una to point on line w-iih
V.' line a.ild lot If produced. Ihrn &
on aald W line to point t) rt N of
n cor aaio lot, tnrn K M It to
lirglnnlng at a point ft N and 25
n w or tne is is cor lot 2. iiia k 12!.
Hhlvrlry'a Astoria. Ihen N and fair
with and 25 ft distant from K
line aaid lot If nrwlin-i-.l. to 8 line
of d. pot grounils of A. A C. It. It.
R. Co.. :hrn 8W along aakl 8
line to point ! ft dWant from W
line of anld lot If produced, thro
8 par with and 10 ft distant from
anld W line to point u f t N and W
ft E of NW cor aald lot, then E
1j ft to neginnlmr
.. t. u tl or w w lot i, oiocg L3 Shlve-
' l.-y'a Astoria
.an und 1-3 of Beginning at a point M rt N or NK
cor lot 4. blm k 129. Shiveley-a As
toria, on Hn wlih E line luild lot
ir produce.1. thrn N on aald K tine
to H line of Jrat erjunds of A.
A C. II. K. R. Co.. then 8W along
aiild 8 Him to point on line 'llll
W line anld lot If pr do ed, then 8
on aald W line to point ft f- of
NW cor aald lot. then K 50 ft to
.an und 1-3 ot Iit 4. hlo-k 12!'. Shlveley'a Aalorla.
.an und 1-3 of It.Klnnlng at a point " ft N of NK
cor lot 5, Mo. k I2S. Shivrlry'a Aa
tnria. en line with E line aald lot
It produced, Ihrn N on aald K linn
to 3 I'.ne of d.-rait grotiuiU of A.
A C. R. R. R. Co.. ihen 8W along
a ild S I nr to r-ilnl nn line wlih
W line a.ild lot If pn-du e.1, th-n 8
on said W line to point 60 fl N of
NW .or kaid lot, ih.n K il ft to
.an und 1-3 of Iit 5. block 129. Shlveley'a Astoria.
.an und 1-3 of Beginning at a point ft N nf NK
cor lot . block 129. Shlveley'a As
toria, on line wlih K line aald lot
if pr.Hlucd. thrn N on said tC one
to S line of depot grounds of A.
A C. R. R. R. Co.. then SW along
Mild 8 line in inlnt on in? wlih
W line anld lot If pro.luce.1, then S
on said W line lo point tti ft N ot
NW .or aald lot, lh.-n K ia) (i t
.an und l-J it Lot 6. block 12". Shlveley'a Astoria.
I-ot ,1 block I'ai. Shivelev's Aalorla.
I.ot 1. hlia k ITi. Shlvelnv a Astoria.
Ut 3. blm k in. Shivelev's Aatorlii.
Ixit 4. bl.K-k 1 Shivelev's A.-t'-na.
Ixit 5. blm k 1. Shlveley'a Astort.i.
Ian . Mock l'tn. Shlveley'a Asmria.
Lot 4. Mock 131, Shlvel.-v's Astoria.
'ait 5, Mock 111, Shivi ley- Astnrli.
L"t 6. block 1 11. Shis-eley's Astoria.
46. W
46 1U
Lis. 31
lant 1. tuocK 1(1. snivel, y s Aslorta
Lot 2. block 131, Shlveley'a Asiori.i. lls.Jv
Fracllonil lot 6. block 114. Shlve
icy's Astoria
Fractional lot 5, block 114. Shlve
icy's Astoria
lat 4 and frontage, block HI, Shive
lev's Astoria
Lot 3 and fronluge, block 144. Shlve-
ley s Astoria lw.OO
Lot 2 and frontage, block HI. Shive
lev's Ast;ina 3S ll
Lot 1. block 129, Shlveicy's Astoria. 13S.30
1.. ginning ut a mit ' tt N or NK
cor lot 1. blink 12S, Shlveley'a As
toria, on line with E line said lot
If produced, then N on said E line
to S line of depot grounds of A.
A C. R. R. R. Co., Ihen SW almirf
snld S line t i !"im on line wlih
W line s lid lot If produced, then S
on said W line to pnlnt tx) fl N of
NW cor said lot, then E 50 ft to
beginning 13S.30
Lot 1. block 12S, Shivelev's Astoria. 1;.)
Lot 2. block 128. Shlveicy's Astoria. 138. 30
ucgtnmng at a point hi rt N ot NK
cor lot 2, block 12S, Shlveley'a As
torln. on line with E line said lot
If produced, then N on s lid K 'ine
to S line of di'iMit grounils of A.
A C. R. . R. Co.. then SW along
snld S line to point c n line with
W line snld lot If produced, then S
on said W line to point 60 ft N of
NW cor said lot, ihen K 50 ft lo
beginning 13S.S0
Lot 3. block 12S. Shivelev's Astoria. 138.30
Beginning nt a roint 60 ft N of NK
cor lot 3, Mock U Shlveicy's As
tnriu, nn line with K line said lot
If produced, then N on said E line
to S line of d.-iHit grounds of A.
A C. R. R. R. Co.. then SW along
snlit 8 line to point on linn w-lih
W line snld lot If produced, then S
on said W line to point 60 it N of
NW cm- said lot, then 10 50 ft to
beginning 13S.S0
Lot 4, block 128, Shlveicy's Astoria. 138.30
Beginning at a point SO ft N of NK
cor lot 4, block 128, Shlveicy's As
toria, on Iln? with E line snld lot
If produced, then N on said E line
to S line of depot grounds of A.
A C. R. R. R. Co., then SW along
snld S line In pnlnt on line with
V.' line said lot If produced, th -n S
on W line to point 60 ft N of
NW i or said lot, ihen K 50 ft to
beginning 133.30
Ixi t 3, block 132, Shlveicy's Astorln. 6J.16
Beginning nt a point Hi ft N nf NE
cor lot 3, diock stnveiey a As
toria, nn line wilh E line said lot
If produced, then N on snld K lino
to pier head line, (except right of
way of A. A C. R. R. It. Co.), then
SW along said pier line to point
on line with W line snld lot If
produced N, then 8 to point 60 ft
N of NW cor said lot, then E 50
ft to tifglnnlng 62.21
.und M Beginning at a point si ft N nf NE
cor lot 3, block 132, Shlveicy's As
toria, on line with E line suid lot
If produced, then N on said K line
to pier hend Hue, (except right of
wny of A. A C. R. R. R. Co.), then
SW alone said tiler line to pnlnt
on line with W line said lot if
produced N, then S to pnlnt 60 ft
N of NW cor suid lot, then E 50
ft to beginning. a. 23
Lot 3, block 132, Shtveley's Astorlu. U9.15
Auditor and Police Judga.
(Continued from First I'aga.l
day mine the announcement that th
nnvy department had an. reeiied in pur
ihnalng eight atenm yuehla and four
steam tuga. presumably nt or near New
York, for use In the auxiliary navy fleet.
The Imala are of about tin tons eni h anil
In an emergency would be suitable its tor
pedo honta. The yachts ptirrhnard are
among tha nmtaat along th Atluntlc
ronai nnd am anld In Im alinllnr to th
Mayflower, rerenlly piirchnard from Ihn
Ogden flori. t rstiite. This addition to thn
nnvy la regarded ua an exceptionally val
uable one at i.,e prraent time, aa thB
greatest need la felt for small rraft suit
able as torpedo houta and rtlspal.h hoata.
Throughout the day the White toua
presented an anl muted appearance, sena
tors and representative from both po
II r la I pari lea railing to conrr wlih th
president. The president aald lo several
of Ids visitors today. In discussing th
situation, that he would do everything
lonslatent with the honor nnd dignity of
the country to avert war and that hn
still believed war could Im averted. H
also snld that he believed (ha government
of flpsln was as anxious for peace aa w
were, r.ut at the same time he did' not
hrsllate to admit the gravity of the situ
ation. The president frankly arknowl
rdged that he tHIeves the report of th
hoard of Inonlry will find that the Main
was blown up from the outside.
Ills program has been definitely derided
upon, it Is his purpose to treat the blow
ing op of the Maine as an Incident. Th
report of the board will be sent to con
gress Monday. A very brief message re
lating to the events leading up to that
point and Informing rongreaa that th
facts contained In the report have been
raided to Madrid to be Wild before th
Spanish government by Mlntater Wood,
fonl will accompany ll. No demand will
h made upon Spain but the laying of th
facts before the Spanish government will
he equivalent to railing upon npaln for
an explanation and aurh action aa sh
may deem proper.
It Is the purpose of th house leader
to is-rer the report and message to th
rnmmLiee on naval affairs without de
bate and to thla purpose It la believed th
demo, rata of the house have acquleaed.
reserving the right to demand action If th
report of the committee Is too lung de
layed. Much will then deprnd upon
Spain's response but there are those close,
to the president who bellva that from th
time the report Is sent to rongreaa It will
drop out aa a factor In the situation.
The second on the president's program
reaches the Maine question and involve
Intervention on humanitarian ground
within week or ten days after the re
port of the board goes to congress. It
will be Intervention to, relieve the starva
tion In Cuba and upon Spaln'a acqui
escence in or objection to thla act will
depend peace or war.
The Validity, of the Protocg Supple,
ment of 1S77.
New York. March 25. A dlsaauch to th
World from Madrid says:
Colonial Minister Moret denies the va
lidity of th protocol supplement to th
treaty negotiated In UCJ between Caleb
Cushlng. then United States minister to
Spain, and Calderon Colantea. then Span
ish minister of foreign anaJrs. That pro
tocol prescrllies the nroveedlngs In th
trial of American cltixvna In Cuba and
exempts them from summary trial by
drum-head court-martial. There ha
brn manifested of late in political quar
ters and reflected In the press, a disposi
tion to claim that the protocol Is not
binding on Spain, genor Moret tells a re
porter of the Epoca that Senor Colante
went out of office without having signed
the nrotocol and that his successor. Sllva,
declined to sign It. The protocol was
never published In the Guxette, Senor
Moret contended, and for that reason th
supreme court would deny that the pro
tocol Is a law of the realm and would re
duce it to a mere convention, not binding
on Spain.
Commenting on this view, lawyers point
out that the supreme court could not hay
considered the protocol binding, no refer
ence whatever is made to It In the decis
ion of the case of the Cuba chief San
guilly. The Epoca taking up the cudgel
to defend the conservative party and Ca
novas. who always deemed the protocol
of 1S7T binding, asserts that the text of th
document shows that It was signed In
Madrid, January 12. 18TT. and that Senor
Colantes ceased to be minister of state
January 14. when he was appointed min
ister of Justice In the same cabinet. Th
question will he discussed in the cortes at
the coming session.
The Imperial deprecates the suggestion
recently made of forming a national cab
inet of the leaders of nil the parties to
consider and scilve the difficulties of th
situation In Spain and her colony. Most
of the Madrid newspapers, Including th
ministerial journals, print editorial and
news articles to prepare the public mind
for an early revelation of the fact that
reports of the American und Spanish
commissions of Investigation Into th
cause of the Maine catastrophe are cer.
tain to clash, but they give It to be un
derstood that this Is not likely to be a
cause of rupture, or even serious compli
cations. The Liberal, hitherto favorable to th
present cabinet and for years an advo
cate of home rule In the West Indies,
publishes tnday a long and strongly
worded article lamenting the election ar
rangements in Cuba and Porto Rico, es
pecially the conduct of the Imperial gov.
ernment and the politicians of all shades
In exercising nn Influence even putting
pressure upon the newspapers of the col
onies to such an extent as to demonstrate
that hte new regime hus very little al
tered the old practices and systems. Th
Liberal gallantly calls attention to the
danger of thus tnmperlng with the reality
and effect of home rule Just when th
newly fledged autonomy requires for col
onlal and internal consideration every
possible evidence of It not being more
than reform on paper.
The Liberal washes Its hands of all re.
sponslblllty for the tendency of the col
onial elections and hopes all concerned
may yet though tardily change their
San Jose, Cal., March 24. The comet
thut was discovered last Sunday morning
by Asslsinnt Astronomer Perrlne of Lick
Observatory Is now Just visible to the
nuked eye by reason of Its distinct cellar
nucleus und tall nnd It Is an object for a,
small telescope. It Is situated In th
northern constellation of Pegasus and la
moving northward and eastward some
what more than a degree a day. The ele
ments of Its orbit have been computed by
Professors Hussey and Perrlne. They
think that the comet passed nerihlllon
on the 18th of March at a distance of a
little more than 100,(nj,0tj0 miles from the
sun und thut It Is now about the sum
distance from the eurth. .
tit fa
llal i
i f