The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Fair; warmer.
Tha crown are made of the rmwrl,
And right Is the end of wrong;
The gains come out of the losses,
And out of the silence, song.
Try Schilling's Best t and baking
Midwife Mm. Mary Make. 71 Exchange
Choicest .lock of candle. In th. city at
th. rarior.
Kerl lltrr for sale at R, M. Gaston's
ins Fourteenth street.
At Ihe A. F. O. alley yeatcnlny a
.'ormHa was high with a aoore of .
The railroad le are laying ahout one
Inlle of track a day during- thla fine
W. J. Heekard full-weight creamery
butter and buttermilk and thick cream
t tha Parlor.
P. J. Meany, tha leading merchant
tailor, 1ST Tenth street. Tha highest price
paid for fur skins.
An experienced dressmaker wishes to
v out sewing hy the day. Apply at S
Commercial atreet
Sheriff Hare haa traded hia bike for a
new Rambler, which will arrive today,
With tha general airent.
New crop dried frulu, new crop ralalna,
ftga and aborted nuta all extra fine qual
ity, at Roaa, Hlggtns A Co.
For rent 811 rooms on Commercial
atreet; alao, furnlahed room In private
residence. Apply at thla office.
Notwithstanding her rival carrying ca-1-arlty.
Captain Westcrmeyer ay that
the Peter Rlrkmera only drawa S feet
W hen fully loaded.
Mr. William Tlmiion will have chance
of the cannery recentl built at Fair-
haven. Wash., and will leave for that
place In a few day.
By tha un of Naptha Soap washing ta
better don in leas tlm. and with lea la
bor. Pries, 10 cents. Sample tor ladles
at Rogers' drug (tor.
Imported sausages, cheese, Hamburg
la, Holland Herring, lobster, tonru,
Scotch herring, Barataria ahrtropa, ate.,
at tha Louvrt lunch room.
The merchants report that spring trade
haa act In. targe stocks of goods are be
ing received dally, and every Indication
points to a moot successful aeason.
Captain Joseph Turner, recently con
victed of towing a vessel to Portland
without a pilot, waa ordered to pay a
line, of t5 in the circuit court yesterday.
When going east travel on the North
ern Pacific railway. Quick time and the
only line running dining car. Train
leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
A sociable and reception will be given
thla evening in the basement of the Pres
tyterian church, by the T. P. 8. C. E.
All members and friends of the church
are cordially Invited.
The Born Iteel ranges are asbestos lined
and equal to any In tbe market. They
can be bought for from I? to 111) cheaper
than any other range soli in the city.
For sale only by W. J. Scudy. 41 Bond
If you nave hides, wool. furs. rags,
bone, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship
It to R. M. Gaaton. Iu5 Fourteenth street.
Astoria. Oregon, or write him and he will
call at your place and get It He pays
Sir. William Harder, general agent bt i
the Great Northern Railway company,
Portlmd, will spend today In Astoria
looking after the Interest of his line.
Agent Harder never lets the grass grow
under his feet
in the circuit court yeaterday Judge
McBride made the following orders: As
toria Iron Works vs. Charles E. Bayles
et si.; publication of summons ordered.
C P. Peterson vs. W. W. Parker; decre
of foreclosure.
The plat of Knappa cemetery was filed
for record In the recorder's office yester
day. The land is described as beginning
at the southeast corner of a certain one-
acre tract heretofore conveyed by D. C.
Ramey to E. Van Dusen and others.
The Dovenby Hall, which arrived in last
evening, will dock at the bonded ware-
bouse today and discharge the I.0OO boxes
of tin and XN bags of salt for Astoria.
She waa drawing a feet when she came
In and will go to Portland as soon as the
Astoria freight is discharged.
Best of All To cleanse the system in a
gentle and truly beneficial manner, when
the springtime comes, use tbe true and
perfect remedy. Syrup of Fig a. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by
all druggists at SO cents per bottle.
Northern Pacific railroad trains leave
Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. tor Ta-
coma, Spokane, and the east Close con
nectlon made at Spokane for Rossland
Nelson, Sandow and British Columbia
mining cam pa For maps and Information
call on or address C. W. Stone, Astoria.
Tne stock of fine liquors and case
goods constantly on hand at the Louvre
Includes Cyrus Noble. Monogram. Old
Private Stock, McBrayer, Pepper, Mag'
nolla. Redmond's Scotch, Iter's Gin,
Booth's. Hofbrau, SchllU. Blati. Weln
hard, Kopp's Beat, and choice imported
luncheon goods. Patrons can be served
at all hours.
The morning session of the county
court yesterday was consumed in paying
bills. The court adjourned In the after
noon out of respect to the memory of
Captain Hiram Brown, the flag on the
building being placed at half-mast as
well as the flugs on many other build
ings throughout the city.
nnarea or the Alaska Transportation
and Development company of Chicago
sre tttve most desirable Investment before
the public Safer thai, saving banKs and
bank stock. Paying large dividend.
Shares one dollar For information ad.
dree W. L. Dudley, general agent, Hal
ler building, Seattle, Waab.
It Is a remarkable fact that this time
last year only four ships were listed as
on the way to this port while today 27
deep-sea vessels are on the way here
Shipping on the Columbia with foreign
porta Is rapidly Increasing and this sum
mer will be almost as lively In foreign
commerce circles aa the winter just past
The O. R. & N. tug Oklahama, which
is on the way down the river with the
George Btetson, also has in tow govern
ment barge No. S loaded with mortars
for Fort Stevens, part of a lot which re
cently arrived In Portlund for the forti
fications at the mouth of the Columbia.
Evidently this part of Uncle Sam's do
mains Is to be protected against foreign
Invasion. Troops are ready to occupy
Fort Stevens an aeon aa the accommoda
tlona are prepared for them, on which
workmen are now busy
One of tha dreama of a member of Ihe
A. 1 C. A. la a. handsome observatory
tower on Ihe ton of Coxcomb Hill, from
which the reat harlmr of the Columbia.
Ihe -lt v. the mountains In the llstt,n-e.
and surrounding plalna dotted with farms
and villages cn le seen by visitor, lly
night Ihe tower will bear a large electric
light, furnished free by the public splrll
of the lighting company, to enhance the
beauty of a public monument built by the
enthusiastic rltUen as part of the public
park system, and which will rlwil Ihe
Klffel tower of Paris.
Speaking yeatcnlny of the putvhnae
Wednesday In IVrthnd by Mr. Arthur
Sew all. of Maine, candidate at the last
election for vice-president on the demo
cratic ticket, of Ihe American ship tlcorvc
Stetson. Captain Randall, of the tuc Re.
Ilef. who has tint returned from IVrt
btnd. Mid that Mr. S. wall, who own the
Henry Vlllnnl and many other ships. I
a fine bualneaa man and a pusher fnr com
merce In American bottom. Captain
Randall tin handled hia ships for year
both here and at San Francisco and not
one of them came to grief or had an ac.
cldent. Mr. S wall took occasion to vom
pllment the captain on that fact.
Another crack voyage ma complett-d
yesterday. The fine British ship lvcn
by Hall. Captain Wlckham. arrived lost
evening, lit day from Liverpool, wlih a
cargo of mi bone of tin an.l Imi ton
of aalt. Capluln Wlckham tvpnrts that
he had fairly givl weather but nr'ts
that he was 1:1 day longer than his first
oynge here four year jiro In the same
ahlp from the same port. He holds the
record for the fastest voyage from Liver
pool. Just a few Java ago he ske the
Prltlsh ahlp Atdcrgmv. south bound. In
13S wet and ti: north They r-rte.t
All well." Captain Wlckham Is a young
man of ability and takes pride in
bla ship and her quick passages.
The rapidly Increasing commerce !
tween the Columbia river and the Orient
haa called Into acrvlce three additional
Is nte steamer. The first to arrive will
be the Mount Tabor, now -nrotitc from
Japan to 8an Francisco, with a cargo
i of sulphur, and after discharging this she
will come to the Columbia for a cargo ol
flour. About April 15. the Mount Tabor
Will be followed by a second steimship
which will take a full cargo from Port
land. The third steamer Is the
which I coming from Vladlvtstock to the
Pacific Export Lumber Company. April
w-lll be a heavy month In shipping clr
cles. Negotiations are pending for sev
eral other steamers to head off the ton
nage now being lost to the Oregon
porta for the lack of sufficient number
of vessels.
The second trial of Benjamin 1- Ward,
ex-county treasurer, for the larceny of
public money, waa continued In the cir
cuit court yesterday morning. Eleven
Ji rors had been secured when the court
adjourn tl at noon until 1 o'clock in defer
ence to the funeral of Captain Hiram
Brown. Fifty-five jurors were drawn be
fore the eleven had been impaneled to try
the case, most of them being challenged
by the defense. Five names were drawn
t- select the remaining Jumr frorjj and
he was accepted by the state, after being
examined by defendant's counsel. Fol
lowing la the complete list of Jurors:
James LiJwell, Xorrls Staples. O. F.
Morton. F. P. Lelnenweber. John Welch.
A. F. Krager. H. Pennell. V. II. Ross. F.
M. Moorea. A. Rarnum. George Pollls. J.
R. Gilstrap. Counsel on both sides then
presented the case to the jury, after
which F. I. Dunbar, county clerk, was
called to the stand. He testified to drafts
drawn on different occasions by W. O.
Howell as deputy and signed by B. F.
Ward, treasurer. At the conclusion of
the witness' testimony the court ad
journed until 9:3) this morning.
Grace Episcopal church was crowded
yesterday afternoon with the members of
the Masonic order. Pioneer ftKlety. Har
bor No. S Pilot's Association, and the
hundreds of friends of the lute Captain
Hiram Brown, who desired to show their
respect for an honored cltix.-n and faith
ful friend at the last sad rites of the
funeral service. The chancel and plat
form where the casket stood were deco
rated with a profusion of flowers. The
grand and simple service of tbe church
was read by Rector Short A special
choir, composed of Messrs. H. G. Smith.
W. H. Barker. Mrs. B. Van Dusen and
Mrs. C. J. Trenchard. rendered music ap
propriate to the occasion. The hymn,
"Art Thou Weary." was particularly ef
fective. The services at Greenwood were
conducted by the Masons, whose beauti
ful ritual rivals all others. Only the Im
mediate family and members of Temple
lodge. No. 7. A. F. and A. M.. were
present at the grave. During tbe funeral
the circuit court adjourned, the flags on
the court house and other buildings were
placed at half-mast, while the harbor
tugs and the incoming British ship Dov
enby Hall also dropped their flags.
The following resolutions were unani
mously adopted at the meeting of the W.
C. T. U.:
Whereas, In the death of Miss Francis
Wlllard. the world's president of the W.
C. T. U. we reallxe that we have lost a
noble leader in a grand and glorious
cause, we are again reminded how use
less are earthly plans, and how true It
Is that "In such an hour as we think not"
the angel of death appears.
While her work In the cause of tem
perance, for "God and Home and Native
Land" has ever been characterised by
great self-sacrifice which It would wem
cculd not be greater than she had shown
In the past, yet she had taken upon her
self this year the extra work of raising
a portion of the COO.ono which Is neces
sary to redeem the capital stock of the
Woman's Temple, which, when paid, will
give one-half of the princely Income of
the temple to the national society.
While her patriotic devotion and self
sacrifice In the temperance cause will go
down to nations yet unborn, a legacy
that will )e more highly appreciated by
future generations, we, now. can appre
ciate the character of one who "drops In
the harness," giving such willing, un
selfish service for the uplifting of hu
manity. And while we mourn the loss of such a
leader, we humbly bow to the Divine
will of Him who, we know, will receive
her with. "Well done good and faith
ful servant."
Therefore to evince the respect due our
departed sister:
Resolved, That the picture of MIkh Fran
cis E. Wlllard now In the parlor of the
local union of Astoria be draped In mourn
ing for the period of thirty days, also that
at the memorial service which is to lie
held in her honor each member wear her
white ribbon badge, and that the members
meet In a body and proceed to the place
of holding such service.
THE 0. R. & N.
Will It B'J Absorbed by the Union Pacific
Much Interest has been excited by the
rumors current that the O. R. & N. Is
about to be absorbed by the re-organlzed
Union Pacific. TheBe reports doubtless
originated In the fuct that In the devel
opment of the Vandcrbllt scheme of ac
quiring a single line of railroad from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Northwest, they
have amalgamated Into their system the
Oregon Short Line, which In turn con
trols a majority of the stock of the O. R
N. Beyond any question Ihe I nloii
i acme will operate the Hhort Line, but
It docs not moan that the acquired Inter
est In tha O. R, A N. will bo used by the
anderbllta to the exclusive benefit of
the V nlon Purine. On the contrary It
does not require much argument to show
tne reverse to tie true.
Before the Vanderbllta purchased the
i nion racino they already had their plans
ni.i ior the operation of the O. It A N
as an Independent outlet down the Co-
lumiiia ior all the transcontinental road
now In their family. They have equal
Interest In Northern IMcInc and Great
Northern, and In the comprehensive plan
ot giving competition In bulnes without
demoralisation to the nut da or the terri
tory served by them It I not likely at
thla ta, that they will discriminate as
between any one line. Before the public
was aware of the great changes about
i m- nimie air. a, I Mohlor, a manager
oi rare ability, was sent out from the
New York office to carry out Its U It &
N. policy. Hia success In the manage
ment of that property has been phenom
enal, and It can be safely m that he
will continue to operate It as mi Inde
pendent terminal line to serve nil Its
connection alike. The different gate,
ways will he kept open and the wise
policy Inaugurated of fostering the
growth of Oregon and Washington will
be continued. The Colon IMcltlc mav
own Ihe tX R. A N.. but the C. IV has
been -absorbed" by William K. Vander.
bill and It Is his policy to utilise nil his
property to the bcnciu of the whole. As
toria will soon be connected t.y rail with
thla great system, and the already In
creasing traffic at this port will soon ho
The remains of the late James n. Horn
baker, who recently died In Sk igway. were
yesterday evening fqrwnrdctl io hi old
home in Iowa for burial, xtr n.m!.v.r
men. and as confidential rlerk of the
K.wrd Stokes ti. only a few months
ago was sent to their branch store
at Skagway. A few days sine he died
In that northern rltv of spinal meningitis.
Thf body was returned to Astoria on thf
steamer Alcasar which arrived her Wed
nesday. Mr. Hornbnkrr s a year old.
nnd carno hert four years ago. having In
th meantime mads scores of friends.
At ( o'clock last rvenlng the store ol
Foard A Stokes Company was closed and
th members of th firm, employes, and
co-workers of th deceased, repaired to
the undertaker's rooms from whence the
body was conveyed to the steamer Tele
phone for shipment to Its resting p'ace
his old home In Bonepurt. la. Vhese few
words recall one life's history a history
of Joy. of push, of business enterprise, of
success, of friendship, of fellowship, of
sickness and of death. What a feeling
theiv must have been when years ago
he left his home as a vnuth willing to
battle with life, and willing to risk It In
tne tar west, where many have made j
success, fortune and fame. He si.rt...
out bruvely. willing to endure the hard
ships and disappointments which life
unngs. lie arrived here; made his debut;
success crowned his efforts; he began to
dawn and victory. He soon inude
friends lasting; friends, and this ability
to m tke friends, together with his un
tiring efforta to faithfully serve his em
ployers, nnd his iin.lul.lcl attention to
busimss. largely contributed to his suc
cess, resulting In his stnolnimni 1 ihu
'0. n of trust which he occupied so
well. Such men are fuiin.l in nvrv busi
nes hous the man who Is tru-t.d to
forward new enterprLsis and whom hi
mployers feel will do the work as well
as Is done by themselves. These rea
sons, coupled with Mr. Hornbuker's cour
age and enterprising mind, caused him to
he selected for his last field of labor
Alaska. What a chance, what an oppor
tunity for suio-ss. and success he made
It. But fate decreed that In the midst of
his active work. In the very dawn of his
life, he should be cut down by the scythe
of Father Time. Cruel a this upiieurs to
human eyes, doubtless to un all-
wise Providence his taking
away 1
was r,.r the best. A young man
of twenty-three years, of exemplary
habits, without an enemy In the world,
with bright prospects, has gone to the
shores beyond the dark river. His friends
who would comfort If they could the
mother In a far-away state, only can wish
ieace to his soul.
Mrs. J. W. Munson Is visiting her sister
In Astoria.
Miss Amelia La men visited Astoria on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mudd have returned
from Spokane.
F. H. Mudd will open a market at Ham
mond very soon.
J. O. Kelly has moved his family to
Scarborough head.
Miss Daisy Dean spent Saturday with
her sister at Flavel.
Mrs. Myrtle Btome waa up from the
Seaside last Saturday.
Mrs. G. B. Hegardt and children left
for the east on Monday.
Mrs. Oeorge Knutsen has been very III,
but Is reported Improving.
Dr. A. A. Flnrh spent last Butuniuy
and Sunday at New Astoria.
Mrs. William Lnyrock Is a guest of Mrs.
P. Morins at Fort Stevens.
James Taylor Is spending a few days
at N' Astoria with friend.
Mis Oussie Kindred and Miss Clara
May are visiting In South Bend.
Mrs. J. M. Richardson ha returned
after an extended visit In Portland.
Mr. Turk of Washugal. Wash., I visit
ing her son, R. E. Turk, of the L. 8. 8.
Mrs. N. Fisher and Mrs. K. Kindred 1
visited Grandpa Kindred on Thursday.
New men are taken on at the works,
and work Is being pushed to completion.
Drs. A. L. Futon and 8. Jansen were
here on professional duties several days
Inst week.
Willis Welch, who died In Astoria Sun
day, used to work at Fort Bt'-vcns and
wsa well liked by all.
The party given Saturday evening at
Ford's hall aa a farewell to the boy ofT to
Klondike, was a pleasant affair.
The steamer Oklahnma brought a barge
with the fourth big gun last Thursdny.
The gun will be mounted at once.
Mr. Q. W. Clark, No. 1 of Fort Cunby
life saving crew, spent Monday visiting
hia friends In the Point Adam crew.
August Brown and R. K. Turk of the
L. S. S. are going to Alaska about the
middle of the month. Alf Erbkson goes
with them.
Troops will be stationed here as soon ns
places for their accomodation can be ar
ranged, which Is being done with all pos
sible speed.
John Walts, who has been spending the
winter at his ranch on the Nehalcm, Is
with us again.
Hugh McCormlck's house hn under
gone considerable change. In the past two
weeks. The painter aM paper hanger
have made the Interior of the Itotiae look
coay and neat, the work of an experienced
hand-W. P, Secley. lately from Illinois,
The bridge across the Cbisk-.nlne at 01
ney Is nearlng completion. The Ksloos
Bros., of Olney, are doing Ihe work.
Mr. John McMullcn has been troubled
with her old complaint during the past
week, but at present I much better.
Mis Knima Cook, Rosle McMillan. llo
lle Butler and Mrs, llalght have been
slopping In Astoria for some lime past
Miss McCoy, of ISmglass county, has
been engaged to teach the Ahlergrove
school. She will begin work the tlrsl Mon
day In April.
C. II. Osgood was elected director In the
Aldergrove district and J. W, Allle III
the Battle Creek district The school
meetings, as far as we have learned,
passed off quietly.
Mr. Snptvnant met with a painful acci
dent not long since, being kicked In the
stomach by n vicious horse. He received
medical treatment as soon aa It could be
procun-d, and at present Is convalescing
rapidly. j
The invitation party given at Fulton''
hall on last Saturday night was a picas-1
ant affair, there being about thlrt Mve
present Mr. Hilton and son and John !
Christian furnished the music. All went j
merry as a marriage bell.
W. 1. Siticy. the painter and o.ipi r-I
hanger. Informs us that his family will
arrive, no preventing Providence, about
the Fth Inst They will occupy Ihe place
adjoining Greenwood cemetery, formerly
the abode of Mr. Wright and famllv. Mr.
Secley will work at hi trade In Astoria
during the spring and summer.
ir imntlgranta Ever
of the entire number Is S5 years. Those
under l." years number I'-l. The total
amount of money brought over was $;'.
W. The average amount of money pos
sessed by each was $i. The nil J.irlty
were hound to become farmers. Three
hundred nnd seven ere hound to points
west or Chicago. The number included
? men. women and children from It. s.
sarabla In southern Russia an.l are called 1
Mennonltes. Kvery man In Ihe party had
from fcio to $IO). They are all well edu
cated and many of them apeak Kngllh. '
Thev are hound for the p.ikotas and
New York. March l.-Samucl C,oiiimts.
president of the American Federation of
1-nbor. denounces In xlgonuis terms the
division In the Uittlmer trial. He said
to the Washington correspondent of the
"I am In no way surprised al this de
cision. The result could not he surprls
Irg to anyone who has followed the case
rn.l knew how It was presented to the
court. The sheriff and d.putlis were the
hirelings nf Influence of the
n lnln.i corporation. Jiiilge Woodward
himself, through his family. Is so con-
llei'te I that iirlv i'Iomimit ..r ih.. ,..l.,..
! n.ans to him a loss of considerable of
his liionie. ruder these clr. umntance
the result reached could not full to lie
manifestly unfair."
Mr. Gonicr de. 1 In. .1 to discus the
probable action of the lalior organlntlous
as a result of this dtcll..n.
Appropriation of H'si 'Mi for Improvement
of auulna Bay.
Washington. March lu.-The senate
committee on commerce has reported ad
versely on the pr.isised arii. ii.ini. 111s to
the rlvll, in 111 1 1 i.r...l.lin r..-
rVer and harbor Improvements which do
i ,,rov,i8 fr improvement, under ihe
rominnn.,. ...... ...... .
estimates have not been ma
This de
rision had the effect of ruling out all
amendment of this character except the
one offered by Senator Mcllrlde providing
for the Improvement of Ya.iilna hurtior
In Oregon nnd appropriating .'iJ).ijii for
thla purpose. Favorable action was rec
ommended. 8enntor Fry, chairman of tho commit-
tee. afterwards explained the adverse ac-
tion to the senate and house amend-
ments. and the various amendment for
rivers and harbors were laid on the
MAk'tvn mh-pioitiavu
Vaiteio cat iau.-i.fci .w.
past three dav. th. wnrkin.
Mure Island navy yard haa been In-1
creased about 1M. but Is still far below 1
what the officers need. The enlistment ,
of able-bodied seamen Is being pushed I
j vigorously on the receiving ship and large '
supplies 01 provisions are being laid In.
Ammunition I being assembled to tie '
taken to Honolulu by the Mohican to be J
kept there for use In case of emergency. 1
It Is understood that Admiral Klrkland )
ha received orders to place the I'hllu- j
delphia and Vorktown In readiness.
Omaha. March 10. A special to the Deo :
from Dead wood says:
A fire from un overturned pot of molten I
slag, entirely destroyed the plant of the '
I lead wood and Delaware smelter. Sev- j
eral cars belonging to tho Rurllngton and i
Elkhorn roads were destroyed, ulho the 1
bridge on the Burlington truck. The '
los to the smelter company Is put at with Insurance of tlOO.OOr). The I
railroad losses are about $10,000. '
Four hundred men are tlirown out of
work at the smelter and a number of '
mines will be shut down.
Watertown, Muss., March 10. Hegln- 1
ning this morning the great muclilne ;
shops at the Watertown arsenal will be
operated 18 hour a day. The orders ar-1
rived ut the post last night. The new
electric lighting plant will be utilised to
(liable the workmen to carry on the Im
liortunt construction order by the war de
Nolle. Is hereby given that th. under-1
signed has this day bean appointed M-j
Urnee of Rebecca Strauas, an insolvent!
debtor. Creditors of tb. said assignor I
are hereby notified to present claims I
under oath to the undersigned within
three monHui from this date at his plaae
of bufrinesa at No. 675 Commercial street !
Astoria, Oregon.
Dated this 11th day of December, W!.
Assignee of Rebecca Strauss, an Insolv
ent debtor.
For Infant! uid Children.
Hothtlie niellioil ami results lion
Syrup of l-irs is taken; it is pleasant
ami refreshing; to the taste, un. I nets
gently yet promptly on tliekitliny,
l.Iveruibl Howels, cleanse the sys
tem elleetttilly,'.ul
aches a ml fevers ami cure h.thitual
constipation. Syrup of I 'jjsisilic
only remedy of its kiiul iut pro
tluccil, pleasing to the t.iste .ttul .ie
ccptahlo to the stomach, prompt in
its action ami truly Ivncl' in its
c'lects, prepared only fiom the most
healthy unl agreeable sultances.
its many excellent tjii.ilities coin
mend it to all ami have m.ble it tiie
most popular remnly known.
Syrup of I'is is for sale in 50
cent bottles bv all le.ulini; drtiR
gists. Any reliable iliiiggist who
may not have it on haml will pro
cure it promptly for any one whu
rrasonr.ble rate. Table boarders can be
a.-coinodatrd. Mrs. K. C IMdrn. corner
Ninth and Puane streta
TUEAHtrilKll'S NoTti'i:.
Notice Is hereby given t hit there are
funds In the city t.easury to av all war
rants drawn on ths general fund and en
dorsrd prior to July I. IK)' Interest will
cease after thla date.
City Treasurei
Astoria, Oregon. Vehruary 15, W
It I a v. ry iiM-rtor woman who can 11 1
a whole day without losing one hun.lker
chief at least.
Serious Hesults Sometimes Follow Its
l-s.cesslve 1'se.
Common soda Is all right In Its place
and Indispensable In the kitchen and for
rooking and washing purposes, but It j
was never Intended for a medicine, and i
people who use It as inch will soma day 1
regret It.
W refer to the common use of soda
to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a
habit which thousand of people practice
almost dally, and one which I fraught
with danger; moreover the soda only
gives temporary relief and In the end the
stomat h trouble gets worse and worse.
, The soda, acts a a mechanical Irritant
to the walls of the stomach and bowel
and cases sre on record where It at cu
mulated In the Intestine, causing death
by Inflammation or peritonitis.
Ir, Harlandson recommends as ths
safest and surest cure for sour stomach
(acid dyspepswo an excellent preparation
. sold by druggists under the name of
Stuart's Iyspepsla Tablets. These tab
lets are large 30 grain loiengra, very
pleasant to taste and contain the natural
acids, peptones and digestive elements
rssentlal to good digestion, and when
taken after meals they digest the food
perfectly and promptly before It has time
to ferment, sour and poison tho blood and
nervous system.
Dr. Wuerth slates that he Invariably
uses Stuart's Dyscppsla Tablets In all
rases of stomach derangements and
find them a certain cur. not only for
sour stomach, but by promptly digesting
the food they create a healthy appetite.
I Increase flesh and strengthen the action
, of th heart and liver. They ar not a
cathartic, but Intended only for stomach
j diseases and weakness and will be found
, reliable In any stomach trouble except
enncer of th. stomach. Alt druggist sell
1 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at U cents per
1 package.
j A little book describing all forms of
"mach weakness and their curs mailed
' y resslng th. Stuart Company
of Marshall, Michigan.
fUrble and OranlU
Ul U. Morrison lit.. Portland, i
Phoat No. 68
Asterla, Orager
Ship Chandlery,
Special Atttstlon Fall t Rallying Shlss
I '
187a 1S97
Bicycles i
.i r.n ( nr. ir)
Also til Mirht
. " mills lu irv it. iu iu'i "un t v.i i ay
fro,,, B., ,en CALIFORNIA FtQ SYRUP CO. iita hKe-tlii
ngers. said by M Mlti'lSCO. Ct. ! . 1 l' T jl . H'lS.VX 111
Hon bureau to) IDUOYIIU. it. Hi tOKX. ft , Jii J t L t"iS3 Ml I
t has arrived BOARD AN1 ROOMS. ' -j
C. H. Orkwitz
Ctaliug Lead
oa FUh Mnu .
IN t'lHC
OliAM.vl All
Convent of the
...Holy Names
II VK til-K.'l:i TIU'.IH llOAUtUNll AMI
hay Hi'iiooi,.
For rates, .to., addnwa tlm Huiwluuwui
c ts n fi n rr n f.lw
i-l- wn-
" '
i !,-
Tha Heat. AtMolutsly Fur Rr
Fof Hal. a
Tri. Occident HoUi BaS,
Tba Offlca aloast,
And alt tha laadlac vara ra Astoria.
1 1
Br-'I MFVl ' -l
Sun I'l'iincisco
niii Cortland .
W. F. SCHEIBE, -".--;'"r: :--
1 Pipe.
t4 ,mokrri' Ankles.
I Coiiiiiiorklnl tat
Robust Shoes
for boys.
These Stout Shoe at lean
price are sure to Interest
you. Our
Steel Shod Shoes...
For boy and youths are th.
best and moat durable to be
Th. Colled Worklngmen's
"Seal Rock""
Was particularly selected for
Ih. Astoria trad..
Petersen &
Corner of Ninth and Aalor MtreeU, Astoria.
Guests Received oo Amerlcja or
Eoropeia flu.
Table Wines...
for Fannies
Also for VsdfelnsU o4
Cooking Purpessa
Private Stock. Cream Rr. Old Hickory,
Prld. of Kentucky and Hsnntcl Bsfrv
oM California Brscdl,
Carlson's FamilyLluuor Store
The reason
for it.
Ws bay. be.n In ths
Shoe business
in Astoria- for many rr. during
which tlms tbs wsnts of our cus
tomers have been thoroughly stud
led and sdequat. preparations
made to meet their .very demand.
Ws carry tbs
Largest stock In tho city. . .
and rvery purchase ws maks bus
ths approval of out many ysais' sx
perlencs. .Ir'sT""' JOHN HAHN.
ro KM A
Mount Angel College
MOUNT sNlill Ma,iofl' omtion
This la Just Hi pls.s for your bora.
IHIghiful location, laigs huiMlnss aixt
rounds, ( nod msala, I'leMy of lumllhy
vlnr.lav, fica-llml Irs. hers anil oarwful
iralnlng- this Is what thy all say t
MT. ANCtrt. Send for Cat.
alU and velal terms
P. F, PLACIDUS. Director.
Mannivulli, Oregon
ItMiiUr .rmsl Course nl tlm-.. )'
nlor yesr h.. ptn. ..nsi.
Trsluing .le..fiinru oi n'ee ,ilr. sllli Mielill Ireu.
loiriii'llot. Biol I'.Uii n In H)iiiiiail't seduli sys
t. mi. Slid Vis . M'.sle (or fut'lie ll -.l
the Norma It feci ''! I) i" """'All
I'.KK CKK IIKH AIt- In I. s. li
I l(lit rl--u. I tiltluo. slid lu-li U
siinleiii. buaMias iunn.lTi-. III.' m I" r er
A.'sdmillc r.tiis .. erl ..l llultl . lo-uls
l'siloiiri rh. ihill will on sr. liistlou.
A.I IteM
I', L t'AMI'IO I.I , I'lrsldsnl, or
W. A. WANS, Srerrisry KruU
X -
rACino coAtT aocnt.
Pleasing the
If you want mU that will please ye,
satisfy you, strengthen you, there is M
better plac. than sura. W. gtr. y
th. beat and at th. beat pries w. eaa
mak. Tou see her ws do you go,
for w. mak. good meat sell for ordV
nary prices. Such a Una of pries as
ths. was n.v.r seen for ths quality (I.
Latest Styles
Thorough Workmansalp
Prices Low
James Murphy
420 Commercial Street.
Emil Schacht
Roomi 317.318
Portland Savings Da ok Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
of ths pudding la la ths as
and ths proof of Uqaors
That's an argument thaX's
eluslT- dsnonstratloM,
Ou will stand ttw test