NOTrGK! Hook.:, I' MtiJi, (V!.,, .iiii, '., !'.c:if flu i Av) y) l:';) ! :::, !,:: Will 1).: I, u pi v euiiou. AS' THE DAILY ASTOBIAN li the tljftst ml test tW on tit Columbia River THE ASTORIA! bai the largest circulation of inv catr oa the Columtla River VOL XLVI1I. ASTORIA, OUMiOX, HATIRDAY MOKNIMJ, MARlMI 5, IK'.)!!. NO. 55. ill DmlntiSiA0t ft If F w w "w Wo Wnnl the ATTENTION"" ( lav ouai'via who mi' lnalli( 1lil. nuli. Closing out entirely the R. R. Ilawes stock at a ....HACRIPICI3.... luinler In not an rami fi.r gooiU ..l. tin- way rmtii II, n M,, Alii Mm I tilt - Ijlllrk Meal (III Hlii "Mi-rlir" hiiitri anil llmitfc Eclipse Hardware CompanysTsTSir. ;i!IT I 1 I ! !: City Book Store.... V. carry a larg. Hock of On. ami commercial stationary, '.petries In .11 lb UlMt tint, and shade., Envelope, Paper T.bltU, Legal l'.pera. Typewriting paper la all Ise. Wtbst.r A Liul.-. nib. ton. tad Carbon., Griffin & Reed. & Th. Ixat Part of a Meal la Good f3utter.... Hullo (hat ran b. nJoy4 when allnr. It 1. th- flavor and quality, not quantity, that make. It. worth In th. markets of th. world. It la th. flavor and quality that mak. tho boarder, happy with th. thought of a natl, mm m mm Foard & Stokes Company Itamember that our Empire ind MlkaJo Separators Will aid you In Owrtlng thla flavor and Quality. ALL IS KNOWN TO COURT OF IXOUIRY I'osltlulv DilirininctlThnt the Maine l)Uir.Ur IVa Nul mi Aailinl. sit.m i: Wil l. Mil 111 III. AMI I) ll.iii 4 tl.n ullicif.t f tnlcncr n Hit IIkiI lint mi. Muit find Out die I'c r jie -Ifatiir til tht Ooli,iir, N'rw York. March 4 -A .llmt'h to the Trll'iinr from Havana us: The i-mtltig fnrl of Ill" Mn I in- dlaaatrr are nil now In the poaw aon of the ni val hoard. The h iKitmiil i wmIIII'iii, Flu, lno t,i' rt lli'ir- miikIiIV IiV I llilllli 'I HII'I Kill III' ua Hpli K hih) 'iin in h l,rnh'l hi y li'i'ii I, M'iii h IV Kh" Ii.ih I. n nl, M.. ti n-w "li Ii.lri'i'. ilri V nil . . ' j r m . A'liiilnl Ituii'i' nuii tlml (In' olij kijiih kI.I t.r I'lii, i 'I mi Ill" I ".'(ililn. 1'nrlin rly III" I n.. ! I'hlri V.lm piillili i wliit" fl'.l.'i ill i i. in k ' j I, nt now h" mrrli ii 1,'iii't ut il.iik K'' ' " ' Mlil'li iti'iiiU fr'Tu tin V.' 1 1 to ,i I''' "1 ; S Hl'it'lfC tun f'iT iil hm tin' h .i r.-r liii". rl.i'U" l.iii'iinir lilnwc il'-i f-n 'hi- iaM of iho" lio id it li' ur tin. i riiii-r ' "lilt .iifo will' li In l.iinti ri'.ti'-'l In tin- liii.)' yiir-l. II'T K ii nml tiiiT 'I" X voik ti.ivi' nil ,i"-n n n.'n.'l , in i ll k'-t-fi. . ili" k h.n l i'ii I, mil In hi r. iv." fi ' I Ik ii.w Hi" it- T Hih , mm rif li in In .11 liin-.l ul'li 11 iiiulli' I'oll'ln mill mi" l.lni ry. Kin- will Iiiim. 1.1 w il.ikn, .lib 11 ti nriiMiiii ut or mi'l'l flui t'iii, luit will nut K 1 Into "in tiilmil'iii tin v 1 1 Aiikii-!. Hiiiillur work l irolntr mi wln-ri. lli" 1 rulHiT A'lmiU In il'xknl. Htm will liiiv im-w uri'l niKlmn Hii'l U' 111 I ill wllh ti'-w i)i"k and rlKKlliK Uli'l III" rralKtlnx fMiWr lif th tiirr.'ln will )k- li" p. inn! y th a.Mlllon of ti"W ilut" will rnrry fourtwn Hm h rilil lli" Kin In H' In hci uaual nnnm"iit whi"n ah. g Into rm- ,i,iii,iii-.i fnlitxl n nrxt B nti-mlMT. 10 BUILD THE NICAKACUA CANAL Sow liunit (Jrynnit'I in Chiiiitji) fur the I'ut jje. I SMMATI I) COSI IS SMAI.LI U -"!A REPORT 31AY SOON BE HADE Pimlinqs Can I5e Known. I V o (1 i c t c Vill Tjke the Cutntiiinn (it anted the M.ititime C'ooipioy ad rk ibe fr' jr.t. thrlr work durlnir tho aberni- nf tha iHiaril at K-y Wmt Thry linvn iIIkov ff nothlriK In rhnnar IV i-vlili n, n natli. rr'l. whl'h nhowi.1 al'imrmtly that tho riploalun wna ritrrtiitl. Th'lr riamlna Hon thla work haa utomlfd almtli1 th lilntra anil thry hv- tirtratrd forwunl w. ll Into th bow. All I h"y find la nvro- NKW HK'.NAI.INU COI'K. Ciinimunlratlun llrtwr-rn Nrw V'k anl Ban Franr.huo In Six Mlnutca. Now York, March i -Hora-rama n.irm nrol J.iii". if tho fr,ll". Htati-a alicnal mrj, hava boon ronOurtlng aorbav of i-M-rlm'-tt at (invornnr'a Iriaml thnt ly roriflrmatriry of what prMualy j , r,, , , rw,llu(1n llf ,h) fcnll, dlamv. rr.l, 1 n,,l,,t,i Hiinipoon and hi. a-1 ..,, Mn)f u,, ,,r th( ,,. latr. woro o.,-.,'l.,lly aniKiu. to awall iri1K,lia ,nlHr . fnrthor w..rk by tho .llvr. L. di t.Tinlno p. rln nT hi.vo br. n mindful and th. ) r or m.t ml.tak.-. hn-l boon ma.-j,lvB wr(,.n Avlln!.rn ,lrrtri(. In any partlrulur. Nothh.a liaa boon f-Mirxl ,he , ,, ,w ,p,,.,riltu, ,hl,.h t.. 1Mb .I ml.ti.k-. (in tho ,,.n.rry ,nM, f ,Uinilnra , .h It.. ...... Iw.aa.i.ul.lf . !... 1. . m ... I --. 1 or.lH).,ry rlnulnr ohuttrt. Ho porf.vt M inod. tfc. mot, oonrtn. In npiM-ara ho ,h, (nrwi, ,iy ,h, nrw lkmp rii;iiii vi.i. nu a of npkalun from 1 if, . nii n.T, ''Wur without. How Ion tho b-mril will Ink 5ol Afenl.. A.torta, Oregon. THE From the Thirty-Clgbtb Annual Statement of EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Of the United States. Oulntumliiig AxNiirann IVv. 31, 1 H97 New AsMuriiiK-e written in 1897 ProiiosnU for Axxurnncp Kxnniiiictl un4 J)o- clinotl in 1 K97 Income in 1 897 Aiwotn Dwemher .'11, 1K!7 JJwurvo on nil existing jiolicifs (4 jht oout. Ntainlanl) nml ull other liuliilitiim Surplus, 4 kt cent, ntuntlanl Paid Poliev-Iloklcrs in 1K!7 9fil,16ftl837l0 lfiG,lfi5,693.(H 24,491,1173.00 481672,'269.53 23(1,876,308.0 1 180,333,133.20 50,513,174.8)1 '21,1015,314.14 ItHNRY B. I1VDE, President. j. ALEXANDER. Vke-Pre. L. 5AMIT.LS, Manager, Third I'loor, Orcgonlan ItullJIng Pvrtland, Oregon. " at SHIELD BRAND w w w UNION MEAT COMPANY A I.I. KINI1S lh' t'ANNKl) .M KAT8 Mams. Bacon and Strictly Pure Lard (liiiiraiilooit Tho Ileal III llio Markft Cor. fourth mil Gllsnn Streets Cortland. Orciot. I 0m to f Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABS0LUELY PURE The North Pnoiflo Brewery, of wbioh Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, mnkes boot for dompRMo nml export trade. Bottled beer for family tine, or keg beer atipplied nt any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY hita boon Ois-lurod with !ialn." vim ho llnxluil fmm t5o.v- to fnrmulat. Ita r..o. luahina on thla point ,nB.r', ,lnr4 , ,h, ,,,,0 ran bo In-ttor Jmla-o.! In Wa.hlncfn thi.n;rK. ln ,ha, . ,- BM. In Havana, Nolwll hatandla tha rrmla alnn Klvon liy tho t'iilto.1 Mtntra fovom. mont for Hanlah dlvor. ro rinmltto tho lri tho noi-aury numlM-r of alirmil wta- tlrtna i no br il'i'"od aloi. tho liar. r "r a mrmlx-r of yrwra tho t)!fli-tH of wrrrk. th. invoatta-atkm by th. npnnl.h fh ,1tnill n,n hlv, Wn rlmnilln( innonur. 01 ,nr rononnm or mo an.p,llh nrtat ,),(, .w)h prixorda alowly Ttioy am to bo In no hurry to loarn flio furta alxiut tho hull. mtiKiiliioa and othor nmftora whV'h worr th objai-t ntnlInK a flttliue aiiUihutr for tho old tlmo tir.1k. ho bine aa tho tn h rrmnl in uo It will bo tux omiiry t almnil In ar. flrat t.i onaaar no ott. of 0. navm ' r,UHlT wh ,hr n,l( ,, mt)Uh taw arl Tlaaa v.a- Apt. kn. a V a. ..-v a t .... .., "' ii i.,w una riimbooantii.'. The now lamp Pl.loral.lo iratirmmy of poraona ho woo. , prrm,t. t f,, , hl. Mpji, BnJ in tho harbor mi tho nlalit of th- . .l..a- cmnivhiTtalv. Mnr. ro.lo. R tlnnK ion. Kivoa mm n woik-nr i ino (mn- ,h IUrtl! pr,,lur,.,, m, n, can h,, mony of lh..r who any th.y aaw flami-a riaho, miio. Tho toWvriii.h cnlr laaiilim from tlir Malno brforr tbo ahtp j UT,,n ,hw (,,irnn j ,, .ntnf " --' "j ho np ', i hihi 'ioinK of thi khultrr. Tho iiiulrrmnnillnt: In llnnnu l thnt . Iho imvul borrr.l will bo rmphatl.- In ox- nr.KD OF A 81111 YAltl unrrnttni! t'uptiiln Slirbto and ! ofllror if tho Mnlno from tho rmpllrattn of n'K-ItKon.-r. link of dlarlpltiio or Ity for tho itta.iator. It h.ia boon ulmoat T'lrif.ilt.n thnt until tho hoard roport on fho ailbjort. tiptaln ttrbo b nominally tinflor a cbniil. Tho avrm-y by whb li tlir InvratlRnlbin hit" Ix'. ii i-onilui'toil bus not provrnto.l fho toatlmony from b.'romln Vnown. Tho board will h ahir to ahow fhal It wna not only not an acoltvnt whk-h canard fho mt(ioalon. but nho thnt nn Vaala uf auniibnt fiMtn an unknown nauao. fo fur aa It will k In tho navrtlon nl toltlvo v"Mif mat tlw Mnlno wan blown 4 dllforrnao would innko In ltavlt an o Andrarw farnovlo fiiiKK'-au Tlun Oir-I-ic Katnlillabud ut New York. OlwHUnd, Jlan-h 4.-Thh -wattc'a Kmio of tho'Trailo Itfxi.w hna it lortor fra Andn-w fiirnoRl,;. who la amw aa Carmoa, Krnnt-o. Ho aaya: "May I mil rrttontlon thmuitli your n.l umna ta tho fli'ld whlrh U open for llrat-i Uw ahlp hullillnn ynnl upon tile HiidNon at th. buwor bay, No York? Tho prior uild foa- to.H by tbo Herman nnd Ktirtinli ahlp yanla arono tnurh hhor tban ahlp bialdorw In Now ork wwild bo oo.jnlrod r. pay ihnt the i, la for lltr pn-aont a .infuliitlvc iiuoa- tlwn. Tho lmUoaln la that 'thr lonnt Ka. vld.noe at h. dd. wltluHit monw f llnillnc nut wtio rommrttrd It. It U In- itumUnt ixin tlir SruinWi (roverumont to tnd tliat out. TV. donlaJ rrodttvd to Sontir du bar In WuatiliiKton thAt nil no a r la toil In Hiivnna hnrbar doc nut aocolve trto wuluW thnt ould br irrvon to an iiltlolal doclarutlon from t'nptiibi-ib'n.THl Hlnn) or PmnliT liiKiiata mi tho aiinio aill'Jool. In ottli lill Inloa horo It la tho cvldont purpuao to ombat tho flndlns of tho naval board. but r.ol iiKKnwalvrJy. Tho BjiuhImIi aitl tudo aooniM to bo that ml uui'lilont wna liroliul.lo ami Unit tbo Unltod BUitoa la ot Jimtllleil In ninkliiK u doumud for ropnrntloii whon tho proof uf foul piny la not poalllvo, Tho usnunipllou will b tlmt tho two Kovorimionls uftor taking cvldonoo will bo umiblo to itKioe lu tliolr coiioIuhIoiih. ll.iwovor thoro la nolliliiK In the nut tiro of n Joint invrallgiilloii. i'rom Jioprrarnt outlook. Madrid and WuhIiIuk- ton aro the plncfi whore tho consognonL-oa of tho Malno explosion will bo detorm lliod. I.UUo more than la ulroady known can bo lournod hore. Th; wrook promlaoa to rotmiln In tho hiubor for un lndollnlto porlod'. Tho wrockliiK conipnnloa will bo bio to ralao tho KUim of tho Mulno. Tho hull la an usaot of no value to any gov- ornrnont. Tito toniner of tho Htmiilalt uatoa toward tho Unltod Statoa IIiiiIh aotno exhibition nt prosont, but not In the form of hontllo ilomonBlrntlon. It Is mthrr In the slmpo of fervent protests ml notions of loyalty to tho mother coun try. Tho arrival of tho wnrahln Vlienyu hna onuteil an outpouring of tho lnynl plrlt, tlimiKh It wits not exactly upon- taneous, for the tlomonstratlon wits nr ninRod In ndvnnee. Apparonlly a lame ropnrtlon of tho poptiluee uro Krutltled to aoo tha Vlicnya anchored not far from tho wreck of, tho Maine, Thoy believe thnt with the other warship whlrh are to eomo and with the torpedo fleet, Ha- nna nnd the port, of Cuba nro snfo from nn American floet. New York, March 4. Considerable hurry chnructerlxe. the work ln the navy yard In getting th. dispatch boat Dolphin Into client profit. limes ar wortk about 2 or M per ton In Now York. The quoted irloe at timgow la naarly tU. tlther pra-ea are In propmtlon and a woodwork of thtpa- also ranich ulirapwr vai New Tirk. "If a ja.rd waa ballt today, wrfh tbj' iw-wrat aiiplliinecn, th total rwat of labor even at trwr-h hlKtwr aiiK"", would be leas truin In any ahlp yaxd I know of, either In ilreut Itrnuln or Oonniiny. Th.-re would I no warai.lp or Allaatlc llnrra oMn for bhln In any part of the world wliUti Now York yund would wot have something to .any aboirt Kvrry needed elimont la proaeiU for reaulnlog our aupremaoy a the ;iliii'lpal ahlp bulliling country." FllOM T1IK I.ANl OK 1'I.KNTY. Ninety Tons of Knod Prom Ortgon lor the SiarvhiR Oubana. Portlfcivl. Untvh 4.-The Oubnn relief roniniltlv of Orvcnn will tomorrow ahlp over the O. R. N. road al rarlnnda of provisions nnd rhxhlnR for tho starving people of Culm, Each car carries SO.IW pounds, mnklng W tons In nil. Tho com mittee expects to ahlp tho second section of about six cars within two weeks. The railroads will transport supplies free to New York, whore they will be shipped to Cuba. A bnnner has been placed on the enrs, rending. "From Oregon, tho Land of Plenty, to tho Starving Cubans." To each banner will be added tho nnme of the city contributing the contents of tho car. CITED VOn CONTEMPT. Taconm, March 4. Editor A. P. Tugwell nnd Associate Kdllor Krank linker, of the Taconm Weekly Sun, were today served with nn order from the supremo court to show cnuae, on March 11, why they should not be arrested and dealt with for contempt. Tho order was Issued on a complaint sworn to by Attorney-Genera) Winston nnd was emitted by an nlleged scurrilous attack on tho court for Its de cision In the Bnrdsley warrant caso. lin ker Is chnlrman of the populist central committee nnd nn ex-member of the leg islature and admits thnt ho wrote the article ln question. Chimin. Marin 4 Tht'Yrlbuiie ss: A yw.llrat! to tako the concraans arantod the Muritlmo t'ompany by the ropuhHi's of Nicaragua and Coaia, Klca for tiro construction offhs canal la ta pro oaa f organisation by K. V. Cramln of this rity, trho la now In New Tork nego tbfffriK th. contract, by whlrh Qi now ownera uf the corKvaslons granted by tho Contawl Amor Ion n rrpubllca and for tbo work already -compltfae4 wrlll com. tolD hi. poaaoavab. T. E. Conloy. wio hna boo. aaarxrlatod with Mr. Craman In tbo tterpr1a, I ulao la Now Tork, galhertag material for thi aKcin-ktUns whlrh mill be with in tho next o4!ays prtawntM to contrac tora for hlda ( the dlir-Timt woctlona ot the work. The new syndicate for the conaj ru tloa of th. Mcamirua canal wtll aooa know within a Tow million dollars Just how mur-li It la going to coat. ftnUbed and rrady for the paaae of tho first ahti. A rough eatlmaie :from th. data at ha id on the return af Mr. Cramln and Mr. Cnloy Trmn thiir trlptjer the carnal a few w-felc aao ptacod the coat within tri.m.axi. "Mr. Cxraley waa of the opinion tout aa further data waa collected regard ing tbo itMuru ut the excavation over a I .art f tte rout tha coat might be ent .Iowa to W0,. Tkls Is far Inside the oallmatos whk-k "have bees preaented to rongrom In the appoula of tho Murttlme Company for gwersment aid. The -preparation tlf tho specifications of the contractors hna been aa thorough the data In exlMonae permitted. Mr. Con ley awirod atl the material collected by the emlneers for tae Maritime Company. Ho thr-n took tho reports of the commis sion fr m the Vntted tato. pngboet-r corps and to these bo added all the material to l hnd during his thorough Inspection of the rami I and at the capital nf Nicara gua and Costa Rica. Immediately upon hi. return from lilt trip of Inspection a force of engineer waa set to work und-r his dvtrtlon, brrriKlng Into form this mass of material. Juat prior to his departure for Xf York. " he Intimated that the spetthcatlon. wore so nearly completed that to a short time thry would go Into the hands of the contreors for bids. Hon, will be required with all bids aid when the flguro. have been added for the flrat time In all the years that men have becn-trylng to Join the Atlantic and Pa cific br ahlp canals It will be knowa some where near the actual figures Just how muchthe work ta going to rwt. "The Nicaragua canal," heaatd. " be ing t retted aa a trasineaa propestlkia. Our peopk' want to know where the tbtng Is going -when they begin putting ln their money. We are. ajulng to tell tbem. There la not auch a -great mystery In canal building that It ahould not lie determ ined approximately what a canal 1. giiig to cost engine- are honest enough to catlmnte properly the work before them. B"ho conatruction of the lUioois drainage Hiiml has educated the contractors who rtkl that work and they know Just what to expect -3i the Nicaragua canal. Their representatives hawe been over the ground, they have studied climatic condl tionei, learnwl what their labor would cost enn catlmnte closely the cost of transpor tatlosi to the canal of their machinery und material. With the specifications ln their hnnds they can bid as Intelligently a If the work was In nn American state." The terms by which the control of the property nnd cotu'esslons t-f the Maritime Company has Int. the hands of the new syndicate are not given out. Their ar rangement was the work ot several month, before tha trip to Niaarugu.i was made. Who is back of tho syndicate Is not given out by the promoters, but It Is claimed that the contractors have been suttstled of Its financial stability. How much government aid nnd lu what shape will bo nuked, are also matters which neither Mr. Cramln nor Mr. Cooley gives out for publication at tho present junc ture. Mr. Cramln nnd Mr. Cooley rre expected to remnln In New York about j week longer In the settlement of the ransfcr of the canal from the Mariti me Company to tho new syndicate. Iho only atatlon working In conjunct!', wllh th Colombian government 111 H;in Junn il-l Hur, Nicaragua. Tli llernl'i'a r.orr' sporidvnt write from! Bun Jose Ibsit th'- wires from thru to j Han Juun are In good condition, but that) the ovfrnrm M refill" to permit the' IraiMirilovlr.n of m-a(?' , cumin r, , . dliloniut!c or oth'-rwlio. The situation l really grave. Troop, are hurrying to tho ; X;IVy Dfuai tincnt HllS AltffJ KtCft front dally. The correspondent aiMs that ; there la great enthusiasm In H.m Zm; from tho gray-lialred t':rans of Walk-' r's tlmo to the lar'II'-ss youths of thi. i preiMnt day, j A orp. of IMft volunteer, . ft .,n Jow ! LLE I'KOVIDI.S FOR THE POOR February 23 for Sapoa, a peaceful town j on the frontier. who Industrious cltl-j ten never showed th'-lr warlike, spirit j until Inst B' ptt-mber. when tho flrat war : R44 f,-la!)Iiiieil As)lasi.H (or Ike Destiiste clouds arose In the arrest in Nicaragua j of Cor.eul-General Ilhre, of Costa Rica. CoMa Klca then had leas than t' mn under a mi a. Now she ha. nearly . Generals Guard-, and Placaa, the latter of Ecuador revolutionary fame, are in command of the forces on the frontier. Nlcw-agua will therefor, have to fight single-handed If she goes to war with Costa Rica. and Stjrviofi tt HaV tsd Is Dolflj C.xt a'o(k. THE STORY DENOUNCED. American and Bpanlsh Residents of Mon terey Are Quite Friendly. Monterey, Mexico. March 4. The story wired from San Antonio that In Monterey there waa Intense hatred between Span iards and Americans; that peraoml con flicts were frequently averted, and thnt American feared destruction of their property by the Spaniards In event of war between th. United State and Spain, created much feeling In thla city. The Monterey Dally Globe says editorially: "This story la utterly without founda tion. Tbo existing pleasant personal and business relations between Spanish and American realdents at Monterey have nut hi any degree suffered Interruption be cause of lb. Maine accident. There have been no personal conflicts of any sort- American property In Monterey Is not inj the slightest danger. Any attempt at de struction of American property would be suppn-aaed with vigor and promptness." Washington, March 4.-At last there ta a prospect of learning when the report of th. court of Inquiry In the case of th. Maine disaster 1 to be nude; that la. If tha court Itself to competent to pas. an opinion on that point A telegram haa been sent to Captain Sampson, asking when It la .xpeeted a report can be mad.. So far ther. baa been no response and It may be that tha president ot the court wishes first to counsel with hla col league before delivering a response. The fact that this Inquiry has been addressed to tha court by Secretary Long at tha In stance of the cabinet la regarded as proof of the correctness of the statement that has been made almost dally by member ot the administration that It had no con trol over the court and did not know when the report would come. It Is said at th. navy department at th. close of office hours today that no word had come from Key West or Havana, save the dispatches of the post two day relative to th. disposition of th. wounded men and dead bodies. It la probable that the Olympla, the flagship of the Asiatic squadron, will come home to San Fran clsco. Naval officials ar. deeply Inter ested In the reports of the purchase of warship by Spain, and mak. the reports ot the transactions a text for complaint j of the Inactivity of our navy department to do likewise. , a LF.E TROVIDES FOR THE DESTITUTE Washington, March 4. The on!y word received at the state department from. THE BOUNDARY QUESTION. Itrittah Lay Claim to Territory Which Ir-cludea Dyea and Skagway. Wwhlngton, March 4. The breaking out anew rf the controversy over the hmradary Tme between Alaska and Brit foh Columbia created much Interest among official today, and calls attention General Lee during the past J4 hours ta 11a necessity for the final disposition fame In a short cablegram received last of tht; boundary Issue. It is pointed out! nl8ht and addressed to Assistant Secreta- 1hat the maps) and data compiled with the ireateat cure and precision by the aat and geodetic surrey authorities sus tain ,rn every particular ta position as sumed by the United States with respect t lta domaba. There la, however, an important quea Tn of the construction at the terms of the Amglo-Bwsaian treaty, upon which owr claims rwt. Thla government fixe trpon -salt iur as a basis of detnition. wklle the British dispute thbj aai claim tha lulaad aa ocean ahore, which would place) the head f Lynn canal la Britbdi territory, giving them several Important Points, like Dyea, and Skagway. PASSED BY THE SENATE. Alaskan Homestead Law and Railway fItght-of-Way B11L Washington, Marrh 4. -After a debate lasting aeveral day. the senate late this afternoon paxsed the bill extending the homestead law and providing tor a right-of-way or railroads In the district of Alaska. Comparatively little discussion of a general Interest was created by the bilL Section 1J, provkling for certain bonding couceselons to Canada In lieu of prMk-gea to be extended by the dominion Bovernmeni to tnia country, however, In- I duced rather a lively debate, as It brought j Into controversy the old fisheries question ' SCARE DOES NOT AFFECT TRADE, on the New England coast, which has . been pending between the United States I ew ,orK- Marcn R- - Du" & Com and Great Britain for a hundred years, j pany" Weekly Kevlcw of TraJo wl My Tho statement was made on the floor of tomorrow: tho senate that there was every reason S,0rlc 0f the most KcMes rt. dte- to believe that by the passage of the bill i P promlt,y- ani1 many of then, be the flsherrlcs question could be settler! I for they ar tolJ' nftected apecuiallon ry Day. The consul-general had formally, notified the department that, aa oneof the result of his efforts to Improve tha condition of the poor of Havana, he had secured from the Spanish authorities the use of a large store, which he proposed to use aa an orphan asylum to rhclter many little children left parentless by th ri XtUt .... 1.1 ..n.i.p.l w reads as follow: "Havana March Have established asy lum for destitute families or orphan, regardless of nationality. Money sent by yon will be applied to purchase of food for aald orphans. Lee." GOLD CONTRACTS. If Kentucky Can 8tand It the Balance of t the Country will Worry Along. Frankfort. Ky., March 4.-The house or representatives haa passed by a party vote n act to prevent the making of a contract payable In gold and making such a contract null and void. Dr. 8. Atwood Smith, of Louisville. Introduced the bill and advocated Ita passage. It la aub- stantlully a copy of the Nebraska law and prevents the discrimination of either metal against the other and declare both gold and silver legal tender in payment of debts on exactly the same terms. without great effort, as assurances to that effect hnd been received from a largo and influential element In Canada. MORE APPROPRIATIONS. j Washington, March 4.-Two more ap propriation bills were Bent to the presl dent today, the pension bill and the con sular and diplomatic bill, both of which went through their final stage in Die house today. Tula was private bill day. The most Important action taken war acquiescence In the agreement to make bill npproprlntlng about ,1,300,000 for war claims approved by the court of claims under the provisions of tho Bow man act the special order for next Fri day. The claims carried by the bill, 730 in number, are for stores and supplies during the war In tha southern states. WORK ON FORTIFICATIONS. ANOTHER WAR IS IMMINENT. Nicaragua and Costa Rica Ready to Fly at Each Other's Throats. New York, March 4. A special to the Horald from San Jose, Costa Rica, Indi cate that war between Costa Rica and Nicaragua Is unavoidable. Costa Rica la completely cut oft from telegraphic, com munication with the outBlda world, as Port Townsend, March 4.-It Is reported here today that both firms ot contrac tors now constrticting fortifications for mo government at Marrowstone Point nnd Admiralty Head have been Instructed to expedite the work. An additional gun pit. not previously provided in the esti mates for this year' work at Admiralty Head, at the entrance of the (traits, op posite this city, will be commenced in a short time. in stocks much last week and at time this week, but they have not disturbed the Industries, and trade of the country at all. There Is confidence that the au thorities are doing what is proper to provide for the public defense, and busi ness Is moving on with the assurance that It will not be seriously disturbed. lb. 8 oral is the Mukest grade aeluag powder aavwa. acuai leata show It goes taird farther taaa any .tier bread, pa FOYOH Absolutely Pure sovm, awna mm 00., arw vent.