The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK DAILY ASTuftlAN. Tl'KSHAY JfOKMNU JlAfirN I, liMitf.
jimm T. LljiiflUt, tailor.
" ley-hon No. M.
mH of SH'liSClUlTlON.
firm by mail, per -Mur...t t-K
Sent by rtiAll. Dr month..,
Prv) by carrier, pr month .
Bit by mall, pr year, la advance....!!
Postage free to subscribers,
Ail communications Intended tor publi
cation should b directed to the editor
Buine communications of all kjnjj
r,a i.nUuii.tM must be JJ.ressed U
The Astorlaa."
Tho Astcian jurnte to (t
senders the lamest circulation of sn
Mna fj;t!!?h4 ca Vkt Columbus
AJvertlntnr rate can b bad on sjppl
atkn to the business snanajw.
The- Weekly Antorinn. the socond old
est weekly In Ihe state of Oresoa, bA
text to the Portland Orronan. H
IsrcM wtvkly circulation In the stte.
John r. Hundley A Co. are our Portland
rent. sr.d coplea of tb Astoria can be
bed erery morning at tbelr stand, 1
Third street , "
When Captain Slusbeo syi something
It will go around ths world and every
body will know thlnps.
Take notice that Csptaln send,
warning that h bat not expressed opin
ion about the loss of the Hates.
The people, should be careful to note
that "semi-official report" from Key
West are utterly unreliable. They are
not even gossip. They are rotten Inven
tion. A Frenchman baa rushed to the rescue
of the blmetiUllsts. He claims to have
discovered an clement that, mixed with
silver, converta It Into gold. His theory
Is that gold was oriRlnally silver.
There never was a more horrible task
than that going on In the examination of
the wreck of the Maine, and the recovery,
so far as possible, of the remains of the
slaughtered and mutilated men. First,
the weather is hot there. Second, the wa
ter of the harbor Is horrible, frr"throe
centuries of the drainage of the city has
settled there. This, with the ravens above
and the sharks below, make up a combi
nation of the hideous rarely found In hu
man experience.
The arrival after dark Sunday evening
of the British ship Romanoff, from Syd
ney, with a cargo of coal, flying a quar
antine flag, again emphasised the need at
this harbor of a quarantine station. The
vessel was anchored In the lower harbor
until an examination could be made by
the health officer. Had It proved that
she curried a case of smallpox or other
contagion. Instead of the mental disorder
With whkh the master was afflicted, the
ship might have been compelled to tow up j
to Port Townsend, the nearest quarantine
station. with the result of the
loss of her charter. JCo harm can certain
ly result from the committee of the cham
ber of commerce poshing our claims for
a quarantine station upon congress at
every opportunity. Of as much Import
ance as the quarantine station Is the
question of a harbor launch. When the
Romanoff was anchored at Sand island,
the night was dirty with a rough sea In
the harbor. No rowboat would have been
safe to make the trip down from the city
to the ship, yet Health Officer Fulton
was obliged to go down there at 10 o'clock
at night, regardless of weather. As a re
sult a steamer had to be employed. A first
class steam launch Is what Is needed for
this harbor so that state and govern
ment officials can perform their duties
without so much risk to life. Every other
harbor of the Importance of Astoria, and
many doing less than half the business
that Is done here, has a harbor bont that
Is comparatively safe and can do tho
work more quickly than a rowboat Here
Is another chance for good work by the
A. P. C. A. or Chamter of Commerce.
The silver forces, by formal announce
ment, are united for this year's congress
campaigns. Democrats, populists and r
publicans who believe that this govern
ment ns an Independent net should open
Its mints to the free coinage of sliver at
16 to 1 will work together In nn effort to
elect a majority of the next house.
These men call themselves blmetallsts.
They are going Into the campaign with
that cry. and In the hope of conquering
In that sign. Put, nevertheless, they are
silver monometnllsts. The policy they ad
vocate will If adopted sink the finances of
the country at once to a silver basis, and
there they will remain until that policy
shall be changed. Gold will necessarily be
driven Into hiding or out of the conntrv
What Is proposed therefore Is not bimet
allism, hot the slnsrls silver standard, to
take the place of the present policy, which
maintains both the silver and the paper
money of the country each In very large
volume on an equality with rwM.
A union of these forces In IWM polled an
exceedingly large vote. Not large enough
It Is true, to capture either the presidency
or the house that then was chosen, but
so large as to make It certain that hud the
friends of sound money not united also
silver would have won. What therefore
should be the response of the sound money
men this year? Should not they, too, unite
again T Why Is not union this ear almost
as e-sentlal to the safely of the public
credit as was the union two years ago
The republicans have organised for the
fight and have placed at the head of their
committee the same men who directed the
congress campaigns of ISM. The gol'
democrats therefore will find an old ac
quaintance on deck If they are disposed to
co-operate rgaln with the republicans.
It would seem to bs the part of wisdom
for the sound money men to Put lortlt
their utmost strength again this year.
The Issue Is very clearly defined. The
Tiller resolution does not becloud It at
sll. A stiver majority In the next house
will mean a free coinage bill. A sound
money majority In the next house will
mean the defeat of that proposition, so
fur as the house Is concerned. The ac
tions of the next house will enter as far-
tors Into the next presidential campaign.
This year's battle. Indeed, ts the skirm
ish line of the genernj engagement to
follow In Sound money. If possible.
ought to hold the skirmish line.
A remarkably thorough papr appears In
the New York Sun from an engineer. He
says the Maine magailne for the llMncn
guns Is forward of the boiler room, with
coal bunkers on either aide, and short
bunker partially separate the magasine
from the boiler room. He states there
were In this magailne stored s) half-
charges of prismatic brown powder, or W
rounds for each of the two forward l-
inch guns. These half-charges of 30
pounds of powder each are inclosed In
silk bags, which then are stored in cylin
drical brass cases, that In turn are stacked
in wooden racks that lie against the
magaxlne walls. The bulkhead between
the magaxlne and the fire room, he says,
was "a steel plate, a scant quarter of an
Inch In thickness. This was all that sep
arated the fire room, or the coal bunkers
In the n re room, or the main coal bunkers
alongside the magaxlne. from the maga
xlne." He adds:
"When the Maine was. completed so
that her Area were lighted under the boil
ers, I was with others In the magasine
and the bulkhead separating the fire room
from the nvtgaxine became so hot that 1
couldn't hold my hand on It."
This was regarded as too hot, and as
there was not room for another steel wall
a sheet of asbestos was Inserted.
The engineer believes the accident was
the explosion of the forward magazine.
caused by fire or heat communicated to
the magaxlne from the boiler room or coal
bunkers. He thinks:
"That the fire heate.1 the bulk
head red hot, and that the brass powder
cases, or one of them, became red hot
from contact with It. I know of nothing
that conducts heat more rapidly than
brass. If this brass case became red hot
It would explode the s) pounds of pow
der within It. which explosion would tire
the whole magaxlne. There wouid be two
The coal was from the Pocahontas mine,
and the mine Is strong In gas, as was
proven March 14, 11, by an explosion in
the pit that killed 114 men. A pice of
cement was blown aboard a vessel In the
vicinity. The floor where the seamen
slept was covered with cement, and di
rectly above the magaxlne. This goes to
show the explosion of the magazine.
The partial loss to the grape crop this
year caused by the heavy rains is esti
mated to exceed f I ,W,hjO. Farmers anu
vineyards all over the northern
part of the state have suffered,
and shipments of the fruit to the east
are proportionally small. At least one
quarter of the crop Is lost. While this ts Is equally a fact that lost and fall
Ina strength may be restored to the ,. u
and nervous by the persistent, systematic
use or the great nutlonnl tonic, Kostet-ti-r's
Htomuch Bitters, which renews the
tone and harmonious activity of ih at.m
sich. liver and ihe bowels, counteracts a
tendency to rheumatism and kidney com
plaint, and Drevents malarial rlinr.i,.ra
Convalescence, after exhausting diseases
have run their course, Is often timeout
iind tedious. Recovery Is greatly nervier.
uted by the use of the Hitters, wlili.h lm.
I rovia appt-llte ana imparts renewed via
or to debilitated physique. A wineglass
ful before meals creatis a hearty z-t t.
Joy never kills, but worry does.
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets
All drugglaU refund Ihe money If It falls
to cure: 2oc. For aale by Charles Rogers.
No woman can be considered beautiful
whose hair Is not perfectly clean.
soap responds to wa
ter instantly; washes
and rinses off in a
Keep on
It -u want to. It )ou want
lo cute that eo'igU gtt Aycr'
Cherry Tcnoral. fi cures
t'vi'gis and cohls.
The pilot schooner an put ti sc.
The Manxanlta arrl.-cd in from the
Sound yenierday.
The French bark Jacques, wheat l.iden.
put to se Sunday.
The British bark Nlthsdale, la
den, put to sea 8unday.
The British ship Indian F.niplre. wheal
laden, put to sea Sunday.
The British ship 8t. Enoch, wheat l.idi n.
goes to sea this morning.
The Columbia, from San Francisco, ar
rived In yesterday morning.
The British ship Orantes left up for
Portland yesterday In tow of the Ockl.v
The lighthouse tender Colu'iibln
crossod out yesterday morning, coming
back In the evening.
The British ship Iredale. Csp'aln Iaw-
rence, St days from Kobe. In ballast ar
rived In yesterday evening.
The steamer Chllkat, for Skngway and
Pyea, with a carg of general merchan
dise, put to sea yesterday.
British ship '.il"n
Irish, 11 days from Sa: Franci--o, in
ballast, arrived In yesterday evening.
The German ship Peter Rlckmers Is re
ported off the river with a pilot on board.
A bark supposed to ne '.he Tenklo M.iru
Is also reported off the river.
The British ship Romanoff, ir ions.
Captain Marsden, X days from Sydney,
with 450 tons of coal and ballast, arrived
In Sunday evening and left up last night.
The steamer Alratras. from San Fran
cisco, arrived In yesterday and pr-efd.d
up to Portland. Her frelgnt consisted of
70 cords of match wood and Cisi liundl- s
of broom handles.
The Alaska steamer Elder arrived In
from Nanalmo Sunday morning having
on board HI tons of coal and a small quan
tity of freight. She leaves Portland on
her return trip to the north Wednesday
The American bark Ferris 9. Thompson.
Captain Murk, put to sea yesterday with
a cargo of lumber, box shooks and t hln
gles from the Clatsop mill for Han Krun
ctsco covering ZX.M feet and .-uliwj at
Tne fo;ion.g vessels a. bounj to toe
O.timMs U.ver, with itame of master.
riKiona.lty, rig, tonnage, where from
inj date of reported rallU.g:
Dovenby Hall, hickn-im, Itr ah, lie
tons, Liverpool
ten Votnlch, Ahier. O-r sh, lrj tona
Splits Rosalia.
Olago, Esk, Swd bk. STO tons, llanu
Coiwsy Cnnt.e. Jones, Br sh, UU
tor.s, Valparaiso.
ar.duar. Beavan. Br bk. lalC tona I
A.goa Ba.
Oiinpark. Irish, Br sh, IT tors, Hla
laneiro, August 73.
OUnbank. Leu'iard, Br bk, US tor.
Genevieve, Touge, Fr bk. 9ii tons, HaU
Phong, October XL
Oberon, Gully, Br bk, 1X4 tons.
Newcastle, Australia, October i.
Chelmsford, Thomson, Br bk, 2197 tons,
Cape Town, October I,
City of Tork, Jones, Br sh, 11S7 tons.
Lakemba, Bradbering, Br bk, 10CC tons,
Can Robertson, PHI, Br an, 1M0 tons.
Santa Roaalla.
British General, Thomas, Br sh, ISM
tons, Newcastle, Australia.
Midas. Messenger, Br bk, W2 tons.
Nagasaki. I
Yalori, Brown, Br h, 14 tons. New.
castle, Australia,
Jordon Hill. Walker, Br bk, 217( tons,
. , . ,
Klntuck. Perrelle. Br atr. 28S1 tons,
Kent, Br s'r, lSdrj tons, Hong-i
Alexander Black,
Dunn, Br bk, 1391
ton.-, Antwerp.
Wstjen. Frits. Oer sh, J079 tons, Hlogo.
Bristol, Mclntyre, Br sir, 1774 tons,
San Francisco.
Anns Thomaa, Thomas, Br sh, 17KI
tons. Port Plrle.
Almora, Thorr.ion, Br bk, 1709 ton
Newcastle, Australia.
Poter Rlckmnrr, Westermeycr. Oer sh
2S2S tons, Hongkong.
Olcnlul, Taylor, Br sh, 1804 tons, Boynl
Ortrud. Buts, Qt.r sh, 14' torn, Santa
Alice, Kuhtmann, Oer sh,
Santa Hosalla.
Romanoff, Morgan, Br sh.
Newcastle, Australia.
Forthbank, Peterson, Br bk
Owynedd, Davles, Br bk.
2W2 tons,
122" tons,
ni2 ton
103 tons,
Puritan, , Ttr str, 2H28 tons, KIoIki.
Andaman, TVInter, Br bark, 935 tons,
Algoa Bar. .
Lonmsdale, Jones, Br bark, 140J tons,
Brisbane, .
Cambrian Prince, , Br ship, 1278
tons, Melbourne, .
City of Athens, Lundlns, Br ship, 11W
tons, Antwerp, .
Joseph Pftlliscr, Harvey, Am sell, 75
tons. New York,
y.lnlta, liwton, I-r l, 1.V3 tons, Aca
t'lackmnnnnitshlre, Thomson, Br ill, 14V?
Ions, Newcastle,
t iimbrluu yueen, Jones, Br sll, 1511
Ions, Melbourne.
Marion Inglrs, Hughe, Br. h, 11X1 tons,
Alscama. Osbellero, Phil sh, IJJl Ions,
Oresll. rtluart, llr h, ITiW ions, San
(lurnibek, Tadsen, Oer bk. J.'.N tons,
I (logo.
Reliance, Robinson, llr bk. SCI tons.
Port IMrle. Njvrmbrr V.
Tweedsdnlr. Jones, Br bk, 1MJ tons,
Brisbane, IVivmbrr It
Commonwealth, Anderson, Br sir, IKI
tons, Ksqulnialt.
Pass of l.eny, Vint, Br bk, i:: tons.
Piirllnn, Planctmrd, Br bk, r.'3 tons
1 1 logo.
Piliierhorn, tlibson, Br bk. im ton
Argo. Maclean, Hr sh. HW Ions, Am-
w rp.
V on (be Way and H Columnl
liiv t to t-oaj Lumber.
V'oi.-.'t'pp. - , s!ni, Ibl tons, M-wa
Lo n.l.i'g.
Koho, , beta, Ko tons, Tientsin,
Tenklo Mnru Ksn.ko, Jap bgt lm
tons, Yokohama.
Cheiialts, - , tktn. Slj tons, Nacamkl.
Louis. , schr. HO tons. 011(0
Marlon. . bktn. Jl.1 tons. Sydney.
W. F. Jewell, . chr. 4,'J tons, Sat
Francisco bar
Omega, . bk:n, i'J tons, Mol'cndo.
I-Mtird P.irW, Johnson, si-hr.,
pi-1'ruary IS.
T..T.1 O'Shatitrr, Piiltctson, bktn, S.lll
Fran. Iui.
I tS i a'lto .' '.: 'v"
.l.-li.-hilii, Hr li I M.'.o .o
l 'r;iikrT!i'" lo .li is T 'l '.N'st
CrwuoSw!Ulld I" !
ionIivh. I'.r li I".'1--' lo
l: iiovxokI. llr ! ' ' -' :
liintolilon. !r li I' .' " i .!.'
CiiuibrMti. l!t bk , -! oi ;f..i
Hui'lm ne llr li t h-.o.- j -t'. si
lon ,Un'. I'.r -li t..-'. i to
HiHns'hai iicM-l. Mr h :. ' !:.'
-.nlisntr. I'.' li .o ..:
V'l.lo-ia. ;ir ti Nl d.' : '.''
Arrweim Hr I'k ... - 1 1 '.'
Ilrvr.-tllda. I..- -'I i'-.H ' 1 '
in a M o- I.- .m. I'.r -ll - I ".''
; r.intiu.' iv -ti : i - n .,
fii:'iistfi, ltru .' '.'
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I 1 1 .im,m. Sr -ir : .'
1 II ih w it.-, i, ,.i . o ,. o
j ii.-nio.oi it l.ivi, I'.r iik . ".i.-'.'i : 1
Mil.-., ;-r ,n :.! . "i i
i in..i.Liif, Itr -;. iii
Wo kiiioin"i. i --r ,li . .''"i
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K-li-ntioiii in-i.t Hr -0 -i-.-- ,j-i.
Il'nii i-. Hr :i i e-." '
lur..? iiim. Hi tiK i. i.i. I ii. 4-
iiii-!i Merun-I Or li Ti.- .s ol.
A.I.SI i.-r-ii . !
j iilu rr, tir tn 7-i 1 -1 o..i
Hen Awui llr La . ! I ijii
i x,,riiHi. llr loi 1 " i-i ii.'.is''
limn. Hr ia i .' ' I .
Kiiiiionsiiir", Hr lix .. -'.' 1 1 !..
1'1-ntU.Nor ir i i i.-,l'
Uml.hcrv Hr lr .n. nnn
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. vv . i tula l ot.. ..i Ii, ii -.,s s . oi
II. i.l .. i II I r 1 i- .1. it-
A !li4lol4. Hr l-a . riviti .'.'.ol
1'i-ni. I f lik ... 71., 'i 'r-i.isii
i on -oUh-, llr ok -n , i.,iin
U'Hi-huv. Hr . T7 .1'7 "ir, nl:
i rnou't.ur'. Hr !i .... v,l:i .oi
l'roi.-iioiit. Hr tik iT.lln , .vs
ralUoillyi'. Hr e.i;t ..:.
iil (U.-m lili, h r ! i;,ii.'l i.t,
ll4-4(-oit Kin-,, Hr ,o'p . ',,.'i i -si.-sii
I Irk-lim-. lr li .... 'I-,!.' j ':.''
I itv or I'. rth, llr -!r .',r." !.
H"' s llr ! l.ll'i i I'."-'
ih liti-rtiri-. Hr i, .. ... . ';i ,?i I .nr
II leiUk l;r ,n ; n :u
"I'lo'ii . r I- ' .(.. I.: ' ' .
l..ri.,.i i. Hi ,li j j 'i .
1-ranii r.ik-, I'r i .... '"I i .,.
. II on. rr tr .... . ' II, , in ' M ,i.'i
i:i I r . fc I . .-, itr . r . .. J n.'.l. - In.-:.
I .Millitnl llr ,;r 11 '' ' '
Hion tiii-. Itr n j n ; : -'i. li
mill. a, tr sir .. I !. ,'i Ii .'
il.-.-. i.r 'i I I.. ' . I 'I "o
( hr ; IUi.I'H n,,;iji
BarrsJs of flour.
I'onld liriMk" Ms I it t o- s.iitil of a
f. ir full f pimpb-s. Hollow ( hi iks. unk-i-n
oy'S. nrid a sill-ov i ..rM;.'. ..' in wilt
I . f his lsl inr.-'r i mi. Il iniv Is rui.ri skin ! - Pi.. Mi ii nier lv id
siirfure on wlilch Is .iritt. n m pliln ih ir
.u i.-rs lli.- roiidliion nf Hi.- i oi ly , hr.
IM. ri i 's loldi ii Mi diiMl I'm m.-iv u K'"i
for the Ciiiniil- xlun "ie mmsi- i tnik- s tli-'
tthole 1hmI' h. althy-'i -i-.tiHii it cl'-ors ami
imritli'S tin. Id" "1 i ii.ii . .iii' ritlun
Htrong and i lcu-s mil 1 ...i m'iM.'h oT nil
kinds. Ily 1 n r--.i -1 1 1 lli - ' 1 1 1 - .i as.
simllale nntntloii-i ,'o-nl, inid hv ,h- Irifus-
; Inn of lis ha n Ini; r. -ill. ins it i nrli hi s tin
' Mood and so tuaki s -uilld, li .iKhv ll-'sti.
Il curi s ills- ,is s of Ihe lunir-, 1 i r. sioin
ach, bowi-ls, skin and -i.ilp, llnply l--oaiiHt-
nil tlii-s- (Iislis-s .-i-rl-u from thi
sumo ciiiisi u iliMonUr d .ri .-"lion n-l
consi qii. nl Impure blnoi.
Tho diamond has beor found on all ron
llnents and In almost every country m
the world,
HI'i 'KLcTN'.-f AR.W'.W SAI.VG.
The hirt Salve a ilie w.irll for Cuts,
llrulsi-s, More-, CR-ers. .-;i( Rheum, Fev-
?rires. Tetter, Chapp'-d II inK Chilblains
Corns, end a! Skn Kriii.tlons, and pou
lively curm Piles, or no pay rrulrea
It Is guaranti ed to give pi-rfe-.-t itliifar
ton or money r-fund I. prlve 25 cents
I per box. Fir side hy Kes-Conn Drug
i Co.
i . , , , 7. ...
i i.ay noiu oi siiiiwi man w in one nan.i
. . . . mftn
t. t. villlers.
nnuoj 8s over f3, 000,000 Bones
a au.a.' v-'m .t s t i
nt'-h as Vlwl and Tain In tho fitomnr-h,
iiil'liri-Hi, 'ulness ufti-r iihuIh, if ou1
nilio, UzlneHs, DrowHliiesn, i'lushliiKS
of If out, Iws ot Appetltfi, Omtlvoness.
lilotclies on tho Hlcln. Cold CIiIIIh, 11h
tiirUid Sle'-p, JWifl.tful JJreaniH ond nil
Kt-rvouS and TmuiIiIIiik HiiuhuIIoiih,
lit TWESIT MIH0TE8. Kvory sufferer
will uckuowledtfo tlicui to Ijo
UEMHAH H P1IXS, taken iwdlroct
cd, wlllqtilckly r"Store i'ornalna to Com
fileto health. They iiromptlr romovo
obstructions or lrrnfiilnrltles of tho sys
tem and cure fclck lienducho. r,re,
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Deecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And hare tba
of any Patent Medicine In the World.
25o. at all Drug Storos,
r.xfusK I'sis ur tiik wimo "0 ASTORIA," and
"riTCIUJrvo CASTORIA,' ah w tkauk mark.
, DR. OAMUEL PITCHER, 0 llyannis, Massachusetts,
was the criginator cf n PITCHER'S CASTORIA," (ho Bams
that has borne Joa now 'iptJT0 m cmV
bear th t frs-swHe siyiattirc of (t'Sffi&ulc wrapper.
This is ihe original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA, ' hkh hay been
lined in the homes ej the Mothers of America for veer thirtjf
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and ree thni it is
the him! 10:1 haiy rJwawi h wjht yr." '.'JT' m 9
and has the Zlnnatur e'f UCxStf7&fai wrap
per, hi one h::s cutirit'j j)v )"c to nj ujiiio ex
cept The Caitxir Cavpury of vlrA f.-:. ll H ither is
March S, IS97. 0 f"
Do Hot Bo Dcccivocl.
not I''1-' ! th;M hy arrcpting
a chcr.p stiltiruti? wIjK !v mv;c; tii'iiyi't may oilVr you
(bfcatiA'r li'.' ri 1L1 '. a L'v inoio jK-niiirs oa it), tliu in
gn'ditT.t. vi wliiJi even !i "J nut know.
"Tho Kind You Have Always Bought"
r - . r
w w r
Insist on Having
Tho Kind That Never Failed Yon
(usiantre-t ioc-r all stioiusuiMaan, simIi u weak MrnHMy Lom,i
kiaia I'uwei, llraiUtht, WakrlulntM, Lm MssIhwI, Mifbily Kinl.
tons. Mrvuuim. ail ilrtlui, lux ut power la Uaraiit tXa ,
enbrr sr 1. csm, lr usrreietnon, yuuthhil rrrurs, ute of
l.Tii, opium or Mimslsntt. hith lesd lo lnllmiiiT, rmmnptUHi or
Insannr. Csn be carried In n narkel. fi sorar hs. Sir (v lr mail
mMl-l Clrvutw free Buhl h sll ilru(ilMS Ak f. . tast nuoltirf.
Vs-ii'.1.irr.l hr Ih vu Mrdwlnf l a , rri HtvniT I aue lis
ltu w. ditUtlmtiag tresis, Ibud suj YsssblU su.. fmUtsJ, ut.
rXTICM I'UNN IXll'O CO.. ATl. Astorls.
iif)iK. hkuk;k AND WIIAHI' HL'II.DKK
0!i TRIiL
To Any Rollablo Man.
MirrnMn pp;i.if an 1 rn month rm1'i
mt ttm pttr wi 1 si.t do Uii, utai.vui an
svtinc ft, tnt C-mv,l1 IU I
wiaftd tn ttii lrtiiiint el turn iiu tK"to. ti
efH4 If i u 1W, (sf ! . tff , ovr
'r. ., II ivj iT,r I jfi sh uf?i, taip fssss-, '
l'rt nnc tl-.i-t -t 1 rn'mn .vtiltiMt.. I
T linia ol l'ii .1-r it I 't it.-. .o , . o. Itw 1
rh-'riiMi ri" '.' rirfi -n 1 v 1 i t- 11-. A I'I'mi .
64 Sr..
, LLI t-ALO, IVY. 1
I.lfi- Is only hj'li- It s.iven
for Ihe religious .lii-ntlon of l!i l.i-.irl.
M .itl 11 ill lie Ht I. .ill, of iiiiif.iin,
l. anllful Ik-ioI-i oi iIhk fni
arnl rn.iy a.-, nrnl l- ii"U l
Inlil- HI. Ulan ll ilr l:. -n. . i
1 Hl. I
ills '.
In I'run f1 i" r c-nt of IM- imile live
on rye lirrarl, only n.1 n-r I'-nt on
That the lil ful i-houlil i" itoi oi i,s nn
f unit Ion, It Is nlisnliiti-lj- r. -.ny It
xlioiilil nut only In- nir.- i.ul 1 1. h in I.r.--Klvinu
ei-nn i;t Tin s.- r-nltK .in- Im si
irTicti..! Iiy tin- us.. i,r ilm .-ll
M.nnl.inl lilooil imrlil-i', Ai.i . ;s.iri
parlllii. Ofti s he who haa ihomI i hiii.iui: unit
most HtreliKth to sturnl :i luno Ii .s the
deepest cravltiK for upprei I iHoii.-I'hllllp
H. Muxom.
'I'll- eiili-riiiK mi iIko of a fatal r.iiii..ini
Ir ofti n a Hllk-hl ioIiI. mIiI. h a iln. r tun
of Ayer's ( lurry 1' niilii ,av.
i mi ll nl tin- oiimi' iii i iiifiit. 'i iii-r rire
it ih .hIvIm.iIiI.. to have lliis .hiii,.i mm
miiic ninnly nlways nt h.iinl to unit nn
:io'i to in '.
"I'ri iich ilri-HsliiK" has n. m i- yi-i ,i i n
known lo Herloimly Injure any om-, suv
wlien It Is Indulged Itl r.- kit s-iy hy ih'
wifo of a poor man who cannot nii -'t tin
bills of Turlsiun niodlHt'n.
Mrs Hmrk, I'linsarn Kldije, (., says:
"After two doctors up my boy io
Hi-, I hii veil tilin from eruiip Ii Using
One Mlnuto ('ouh Cure.1' It Ih tlm unlik-
eut and most certain remedy for coughs, I
.-iial.s 11 II. I nil lI'MHI illl'l lll:l- It'Dlllil,.
Chaa. RoRnrs,
What fiendish something Is It that
mnkes the furniture cro&k so ut ttlitht
that n timid woman Is sure there are
burglnrs In her room?
It 1s easy to catch a cold and Jusi as
ea-y to get rid ef It If you commence early '
to ww One Mliiule Couifh Cunt, U cures
couirbs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and
sll throat and lung troubles. It Is pleas
ant to take, sife to use and sure to curs.
Chus. rioters.
It Is noticeable at restaurants that more
dishes requiring sherry to flavor them
nro ordered on Sunday than any other
day. This ruse would not be neoesinry
in New York.
Ml '
cu m
Hy aslaf Ir, reH's
1elli kre fills.
Thl wvu.Wllul li,l.
MonniOHlri, Ortgos
Kw osr ,Nritsl I'anrM- t,f tin-i rears
-en:ir f-sr hollv md. aaiuiitl.
Irioiitui riwrul o ulur nn w rmiirrii.
1. si fori lot. anl train lit In IkiiiM as .sanluh art
h-m . and Vi . M.'lc for puldu- i-tiisil
m. N,,fma d plonia la r-iiill !; las w s M A TK
1 ir l't.HII! A Ik In h.
1 '!it rlt-iiM tilllloii, booal, Uiaul ali i lilt!i( (a
l-rnumatrW . 1 Aniw ar
r-irt'-il Ul llni lhrmselrr, tll -r Tr
K.t lr.. l.- 41 .,..- si 1 i I. l Iro.n liigu Im iv
t a's "(nrs 1 b -. r n il I T aenl on -4ii'li. Ii.
P. L. r.tli!KI.I.. rrleiil. or
W. A. WANS, heerelsry KmuII
Genernl Coiitrnctor
.TTt 1u, , ,i,-ti,.t 11',,.,. tr,u
V i i.-ii n-1'..i.fio. i"i.i-! sis -
Jr. aV aii.l l.,i.ili ' .,n . f nliu
ir -ni'i .ii .nii.-i !.
? 1 ar v) ''
1. A J . 'ii-"- -I
fB rvil Ni
...,i.. 10- SI irr haa
mi. II hnl.1 h
sJL" srn' 1 LrirmcAl.Oo ii i
for ssls hy KslaUonn Vtu Co
llr. Wtlllnfra' I ml. in I'll.
j n U I L "oiti'miit aiil run-IIiIthI
jl I rWH illllK Blitl llCNIilk
l' .."f B aWl'lli ll ulia-wtialtie luium
IUn llts IU biro.-at i i- . nt i
IR.ultlie. L-nra lit mI rao t rr
llrl. lr. ll.iknia'Inilinii 1'ilr ii.ih
1111. Ml . nriMHiri'il Im 11 Ir ami H Ii
li-U o the. jirlmte nrt. K.rrrv ln
irrunieil II ilriu-i'i-'a. Im mall on r-
1-llit fit prlir .'HI mil a an. I SI.IMI. VVILLIyri
!ilflCIURIMO CO.. I'rul. ' i' rU..O. Kin.
Por ssls by lOsiea-Conn tr.iir Co.
lilolt's Nerverine Pills
The rc'
remedy (or
nervous prca
t ration and
0 nervous
distatci of the
generative or
ram of either
wx, '.itch as Ntrvous Prostration, Failing or
Lit Manhood, Impolicy, Nlghti Emi
iisnj, YouAful Frroa, Mr nlal w'orr, ex
Mive uv; of Totvvcco or Opium, wliich
lead to Omumpli.ifi and Iruanily. $1.1)0
rvr box by null; 6 boxm for $5.0).
VOTTS CHEMICAL CO.. PfOi'l. CleToland, Ohio.
Ihei i toy oiiitau'i .vo tupenoi
lo ft-iNim of Coi aiLm,
Cubehsor Injectionnnnd
tho lams disnriios with,
out Ineonvemonce.
1 "it: und c-aust-il troiililo with your
V kl.lni'VH linil
If paliiH in tlm liiiim, hlilit, liti''k, irrniiih
Aan l l-ladili-r? llnvo ymi a llulioy up-
pi-.ltfi.HCO ot tllO IIK.'O, CMH!cillll,V
. i . . .. n.. i .1..
If llll HT IIIU I'Vl'H r J ihj iri'illlim u lo. ay
A si ro puns iirino? Willlnm's Klilni-y
fill, will Impui't mnvllfii to tliuiltaf
Reused orfruim, toni! up ino rijwin j
....i .:. .....n .,, n, f
anil I'llllio li lll-w lllitu vi um s'j
mini fii) i-enlH int brix.
... . . .. r i r
v il. 1.1 A mh Mni, i.o., iTopn., uievoittnu, v,
fill H i i nra-r-oLonnm
r'-llii-ily fur Uiilinirhii.a,
tHJUKsTX 3 oli-ii. Hparmstnrrlui-a,
J Si1
r in I ia iUjt. 1 unnainrni ilia.
l.i,rsnUMl W riiaiai.s, nr anr hiiihiiiiiis.
lot hi siriaurt. Il'itii Irrllatlnii ur uln.ra.
ll'HraaM auolatloa. tlon hi lllllrjoua Ini'iii
IrHtErMlOHIMinil 01. urutn. nmi-airiiiK.i,i
V . "s irnr sent In slain wrannrr.
V. SiA.a J Minr-Haa. DriinMliI f..r
PM ft '"- "' 1 '"'ttliia. f.TL
Circular aanl on ruiuuat.
1 l.rollaTirO Al liKIMt.
I f Han no cmnl In dlwunoa of tlie
! lii'limi'V )i(,'unn Iluviii
I kyiiuiH'Kl'-'i'.lf'lyour Kldnryh' JlnvoT
l r 'viui ovoi-workiMl vmir Jieryous
liliiililfi' llnvo ymiT
Tickets lo all points
..I3AST.. tyO-R,l N
Accni, Astoria.
i, llnilMIN, Ihiai-o
Thronsh pals.s nnl Imirlal aleepsre,
dlnliiK mid Ilium y iibserviilloii ears
No. 4 l.lllilleil lenvra I'ol llull.l St 100
p. III.
No. S I ,lin 1 1 "d srrlvra I'oitliiiid si 11 M
p, m.
Ill roug h
rl'IXMAN I' A LACK) HUBBl'dta.
Dtly to
Slit Lake. Denver, Omaha.
Chicago. Kansas City
hi sUmt Ksjpsra l"Uas ls etlsaw aWs US
am 1'sclBs or 0. IL 4 N. Ca.
Only Line From Portland
Ofssrtnfl 1'kJaarsarS lbs otiotrat l "fars
Tvurlst Cavr Unas ibrvuak
t Ckkasrt,
Specially Conducted
VI llissu Kouls to Cbo4S -
f3y. 114 ixe erkil Ihrouarti as i
IkMallon. UoaTnUloanl stanar,
daavuta, tut Uma, Kiaraait raVtsaV
Itutsrb llsbt la U osrsv
Tor rat as so J ulkaa inroriusUoa aail
on oe aul d raaa
R. V7. nAXTTR. (lsan'l Anc
U Third K., rue. Alder, portlaa
i II 8 PJ f
ill R3
A map of the
United States
Hi ht me IS rrnla 1 atampa slid t will
Innll ion a map of Ilia fii It .--I Ht.lea,
thrre fai-l four In iriaa til.lri hy f.inr faal
limit I'tliilr.l In ail rol'ira slitialaa
on rollera Hhowa e.rrr alnto. roosty,
luiiorlaiit lotiti iiiiiI rillt.u.: in tho V'nl-ti-d
A C. lll;l.luN.
UcnetM A-iii, I'orllsnd, Orax
A. & C. I?. R. R.
In I IKot cl. .W H!I7.
laMve Baaalda for AalorU Via. rVs4
at 7:J0 a. m, tuxi f p. m. dD.
bssra Astoria for Reaslde vt risvsl
ai 18 a. ni. and p. ro dally.
.VII the Abitvc Trail's Arc !uilv
Astoria Public Library
Open every day from I aolax-l.
sod :W to I N p. m.
ta 1:11
BubeorlpUon rates pr
B. W. Oer. Kluvanth and Duae llraeis.
t-'-i -1VaJ aaaji'i
(.'4vcan, ai.U 'i r.ulr.Vnrli rlnained nil sll Hst J
Jrul liiisiiu..acuailiii inl lur MonrnaTC rris. i
OunOi sr r is Oerotm o, ft. SariNTOfricef
.iiiii .uc.uit.,-, ,,,o i n. in IU n ., lima lliall llluac
tc Wa.liiiili.ti,
Se-.nL UiiKirl, tltawillK or plioli., silh di-arrlr
iti . tn ailvisr, II pui-iiii.l,lii ,ir ri..i, lira ol
. Iisifs, Our liia Imt due lill iialrnt liarnirril.
A Pisshiit, " ll"" liitiMuin I'sirnia," wllh
rtAi iii same in lha U. h, aiul lurci,u couiurlas
M-at lira, Ailihrsa,
5 Opp. PATrwT Orrtcc. WAtHiHnroN. 0. C.
Anriinnaenilliiii saketrh stir) fluaerlpllnn mar
niilnklr Misirlani nur opinion frae wlinihar an
liivimtliiii ia priilinMr iiiitimiahlii. ('imiiiiiinli-a-lliiiiaalrlHlyeoniiilnnllnl,
MiiiiiIIiikiIi mi I'atnuta
aiml friin. niili-ai nimni-r foranc iirins imleula,
I'slimia tnki.ii iliiiiimli Miimi ( u, ruculrs
fjrfl.ilri..lli'(i, wllliiiirtclinrim, In Ilia
Scientific American.
A tiandinmaly lllnalralnrt wiwklf. I.ariinat fir.
dilation of any aolrmtiria limriml. Torina, S:i a
La".r.,aIV'.,ri"!l!""''1, H"111 tiswsdeslers.
MUNN&Co.88'8 New York
llrsnch Otllea, (ft f Ht.. Wsililiiumn, , C.