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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN tl the biggest and best paper on the Columbia River THE ASTOKIAN has the largest clrculatloo of anv tacr on the CotumNa Fiver FULL ASSOCIATKI) PKKSS KKPORT. VOL XI.VIII. ASTOIIIA, IMWiOX. TTKSDAY MORN 1 Mi, MARCH I, IM8. M 51. Hi Aft nM itrt i:fifA Wo KmiiI the 11 ATTENTION of I In' lliiliwwlvi'a wlm urn mixing- thla mile. Closing out entirely the I:. K. Ilawes stock at a ....HACRIFICB.... In ni.l.r ( rnkrt riMHii fur goods -Tr:.; Eclipse Hardware "MlTlnr" Hlii r lid llniiifci I nr H .1 A-rtf; i 1. "iV .T-ti.;: A nw way ovrr the old Mill. To Klondike Tlii imiln bad ymi via our itore In Astoria, Skogway and Dyen.. Wlirr. on iriarpl lo furnUh you Hh evi rylhlng In tlm way of an mum thai Mill protect you from roM. alJ you In Prospecting for (lold ml at tha him time nourUli th In ner man for on lime. Uur atovee, plrka. ehovela, lol.l pana, rooklnf Ulriiplla, ami provlalnna of ell klnJa, In fart a complete hanlware ana rooking- outnt for Alnika, we -lll k1 you at a Foard & Stokes Co. AHTOItlA. OHKOON. r J. M. -aeSySwaSaS THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. II WK ul'l-Nr 1 THKIIl IIOAItHIMI AM lAY Mt lllkiU Fur rate, etc., aiMree. th. Huperlore RECEIVED IN TIIK I'KIMAHY. OHAWMAH AND. ACADKMIU OKADErt w' w w w w w A.A w w Mams, Bacon SHIELD BRAND If w w w w w W. F. SCHEIBE, A full line el Pip.. T abate, .a. 5mokr' AitlcU. 4T4 Commercial Mt. Th. Beat, Absolutely Pur. Ry. For Sal. a Th. Occident Hotel Bar, The Offto Saloon, An4 all h. leading bar in Astoria. W.0 t. Jv X tun..;... atlKT..','- Sun l i anclsco hiii Portland , . on tli way from tha I jut. LompanyiosisSst. City Book Store.... W rarry lire, atoi k nf finr n. roinineriial .tatlnnery-. papetrlca In ill th lull-Hi 'inta and )n 1 Knvr..pei, paper Tul'li-la. Ijrgu. 'nr Typewriting Paper In a., in- Viir Ji i a Rib bon" ml I u.ixiii. C f if fin Raa ' VJ I 1 1 1 1 11 CC nCCU. i A , '''' i I ' 1 ! rraaonahle prlre. Stokes Bros. Hkagway ni fya, Alaaka. 1N8TBU- UENTAL MCH1C. PA1NT1NO AND VOICE CULTURE FOHM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Mi A UNION MEAT COMPANY and A I.I, KINIH tir CANSKH MKATM lltiamnleed The Ileal ll- the Xtarkel Strictly Pure Lard Cor. ro.rtk i.d Glim Streets , rortlaid. Oreqo.. j Manufacturer and Uvalor In FINE CIGARS! Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE ' i , ., ,,.,11, t The North I-hcMo Hrewery. ot winch Mr.Jolill Knii in iropritlor, miikc htvl ; fur doniM'io Siul PXJxirt trmle. j I Bottlotl bwr tor family two, or ke" Imht lllilit-il nt ny timo, tlolivory ill I th city free NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey SHERWOOD & SHERWOOD PACIFIC COABT AQENTt, DEATH TO AMERICA LONG LIVE SPAIN I Circular Distributed In the Street o Havana City. ANYIIIIX; III' I AflOXl.MV i ! Vttlct rxcwit- l Tif iilt .l rruiidv Time lor A.;'l.i M,n Armrd, y imbcr Vl " ' Ni-w York. Feb. -Th World print i I In. following clnulnr hi. h It ay l ! dlairlhuled n h trect nf Havana: "Hpuiilarda without i on llt ''ti . long It la linn wo l"v ' lite Spain with honor at one .Mr. lylna; d-c -ptloiia an I j.eurlle f It la m-craeary evrti If wo all u l . uinb III the nuht. not to ataiid the Imp"- ","t ,,r'""1 un,i in,,';'''"u """"" .1,1,1, nt .very tnom-nt. tiiklfi udva'H'U'' ..r tl... w.ukmta ..f the III" Ml Koi'rn- mint. iiKiuina Ha and tl.rma down l"p ...,,,,.1.1 fn.vl.l.lire t-ikiiu our i"rt. and If m l. e wlut h.i'"H d to ' v ' I to win. h Ui ioii!i.. .l all llMir M.w. r. It la lie. cKiiry to ,-o to lln- b uin U.x n ..ft. r .ill ol-.M. l a t' aut.m"iiill l,. . iiuf. with tlirtn mid tli'ir ."Hill. 2 Int.. ....r. Hi:!.i have oirjrr.-d l"at lie.r hi..en.-.l wh-li we. th.: citialltu ; i-nta . it Iti l-.w. r. fn.lir the new tuloful .yal.-m li-a - - iurre.1 th. rl.lnit to the Maine. Tli. y i I...... ..II.. -.-.I lh. .leld of j hille nation i to be placid in the and a llnmeaii'l ; other thlnti" to brlii ua coiill'.cta. Ho ' 'rrptat the p!irnt of the r It.oi.ero Kublo: 'We 1U " anywhere e. epl u autonomy" and let u. nil Kike note thai the ..lleiit tlenerut ryler. whom ' , iiUKhl lo ele. t a deputy for Havana, act on. la ua. We have or our aide the army. . ' tho volunteer, the navy, and the p.o.e. What do you do, that you al.ow your- ' M-lvra lo Ik- In.ultrd In thla manner? 1"' ' you not .c. what th-y have done to u by r-m..vii.a- our brave and belov-d V.'ej 1. 1 T i. .t.i. hi.i.r we would have made all end of thla vile Inauriicnt rnb'.le that tiampa' llllnol hold third place, with .v. Other . ( ( auai.n th(,m , RnT Alnrral Slc on our flag and on our honor. They foice 1.1..1. follow : I r(J., fommand at Key Weat. With these autonomy on ua to vaat ua ual le uiiu Klve the of honor and command I., who initiated thla rebellion- I hoi' Ill.l-.rti nlitonomlata. ItWl I.e ' ..f ur beloved land. And l.iat. th-ae Hr'j Vankiia who meddle In iur uft.Hi h- nillluiln' u to the inn dmrej a (ur- ther taunt, aend ua one of th- war ve- el of their roll n navy, after Inai'ltlnrf ua In their newap.i-r In our own hu-. , "HiMtnlard. the time for action hu ar- rlvid. SlumU r not. Let it ho th " , vll traitor that we have not el ut our honor and lh t we know how to pro-; tect It with the etieruy of a worthy and at roll K nation. ' "Di-nlh to the American! Death to Au- j tonomv! I.on live Spain! Long live : Weyl.r!-' " c'lU lt.'iI Sl'KAKS. ! New York, Feb. S.-lil the Church ot t. l'etrr and ft. Paul. Father Mahoney poke to a large eongr -gatlJii on the probabillile of war between tho United Rtnte and Spain. He ild: 1 uin for war. If wir l dwlured -not , only us an Amerlc in but us Catholic I tirlest. If tho country' honor I I stake, give your .Ifo If nceary to ua- tain It. That I the true American and Catholic principle. I do vox desire to ie j wur. but If It come we must abide by the ' government' declxlon and show our true spirit a American cltluin. Whether It ! I war or we muM do our duty. 1 V must upport tho government and It president whether he buy b. a d. mocrat or 11 republican. '.Vople should be tu,in nnd wait for the decNIon of. P''" 1 Mi Klnley. If tho M line wa deitroym . by design we hould strike the blow, It I Justified, or demand Indemnity." j Ir. Homer Wellin ui of the lCpHcopul , Church of Atonement, Brooklyn, relerred to the war talk last nlcht In his sermon. He snl.l; i "Never since the days of fie Spanlsli lii.iulsltlon have such terrible deeds been ! countenanced us have been In Culm. There surely must be omethlng wrong with a nation that wo ild lo ra. li thins. War would be barbarism, but II must be (o Ul sUl), H orw Klml o lAr. burlnm. The discipline on tho Maine beyond question and the r.ilnmlty could not have been due in the carelessness 0: her oMIcers and men. Th. only lenminiii': possibility Is that tlm cal unity was plan- nou iiy sonie one vivuo una u. uu .. I connected with tho Spanish government." ORKtlON AT NANAIMO. Gold Seekers Returning Homo Disgusted. 1 Seventeen lienths at Skagw.ty. , Nittmlino, H. C. Feb. ;S.-lhe steamer Oregon arrived here this afternoon from Skngwny and Pyea. She had a number of passengers who ure ictiimlng home disgusted with Alat-kn. .t.i'oi'o the Oie gon left Skngwav IT deaths from oerebro splnul mcnengltls were reported in M hours. Among th dead tho only names nscertnliied were It. Auslr in.l.'i', of V'ou lnnd, tlr.; Molitello, of Pes Mollies, la.; Jones llawbaeher, of Astoria, Or.; Geo. Halter, of Everett, Wash.; it child named Atkins, of Albany, and a ioy named Anderson. Pr. O. H. Kstes, of Astoria, who was n passenger on the Orgo, predicts that tho number of deaths will soon run Into tho hundreds. GODDARD OOES DOWN. T.o Anirele. fill.. Feb. M.-Jim Jeffries, of this city, defeated Jo. Qoddard, tho "barrier champion," here tonight In tho fourth round. ITIIE TROOPS THAI' ARE AVAILABLE Tremendous flijhtlmj I'orce at Hand ir Needed. KOMI It l NATIONAL il'AKI) jT.e M Vhn Uo:d lufi I. Drlr.d lbnr Couniiy Ait ili:4 lit tin.' 1 !h,uriiU J Tbimtakdv Chicago, Feb. t.-A peril lo tM Tlmea-H'-rald from Washington yi: According to report placed before President Mi KlnU-y there am now avail I.I.. for mllUiiry duly In the United State .r.l TK abli-lmdled men and of three 112.- ft: are already In tha mllltu, forming the nu'ieua of a trrmrndoua ll(.hllni rune. Thla la without i.utialderlng the nkel.ion I'nlt.-d Btntei army, whlcn couid on abort notice recruit up to I'M,') men. Th.-r.- w;ia at the i ..e of IKA. oricunlicd Kiiiinla In every atute and territory, ept Aliidka and IndlHn Territory, all Of whom could be ue for active eerv're In caw of ncceaally. (if tho total force of li:..i tlnre are l..Wl In the Infantry ,,r.. .,. . ,.- cavalry. V, , the ar- j tllli-ry. and 3' K' n-rul olt1i.-r. Vmi w-r hi l.l List year In muiy atitt. i t j whl.h pr. . nt fro.i, M pr cent of ! ,r fr, ... In Tcaaa. to per j in i iinectlrut. Th o'al apnroprlntloni j in.i.l.- I.v the fnlt.-d State for mlimo wa ; innuetl r.r tne return or me vii.ria, m It........ while the varlou. .tat., .i-nt ! Mew cf the aaplratlon. of the admlniMra- 1 Hon to brlit; theae Inland within Amerl alwut :w..jii. j ran jUrllKllc(l(m. The cruiser Alert and It l latlmated that the time required , tnf, junit Marietta ore !n Nlcanifuan f..r en. . nlrHtliik- f-.r aen lie would vary ; fiom .la tioiira In Nevada to three di In Oklahoma, whll the ;.roport...n lht , would probably turn out for duty range j from lK-r cent In Indiana and N w Jer- ,.y to in r cent In I'cnn.ylvanla. New1 '.rk la tar i.neau o a tne .., o. Iff national K.ird U i-on-nied. having ''r 13.WM t.rtl.-er ami men. I hiik n .una i oou wiwi w. aiaaa-icnuae,,. New Jera-y fallfornia , . i" f "J S": IsM0 c.uiii v ...... .iu i.eorKm ... T.u. Mlmi.aola Indiana .... t'l.nmi tlcut WIk.-..iiIii Alabama .. Mlchlitan .. Arkaima . lowu -, -nneee . Miaaoiirl ... Maryland . Mlaalaalppl tl ?Z Kentucky KutlMi. Oregon North Carolina Maine 1 New Hampshire .. District of Columbia .... Rhode Island ... Ijuutsliina - Nebraska Florida Virginia 1M 12U0 ' If 111X1 1 1100 1 HMJ ' lOool 10W) . I Washington Utah The other atates have less than men. It I estimated tniit in case 01 ne- kcw yorg, f eo. tne monuor ivnui cesslty the following number of men ' passed In at quarantine at 12:30 this morn I could be furnished: (lug. The vessel left Hampton Road Sun- Pennsylvania StM.OOO ' dy afternoon, where she ha been lying ' Illinois TW.OuO for a week, fully prepared to put to ea. Ohio SW.OOO ! Her commander. Captain Nlcoll Ludlow, v... v..-i, fiurt ooo ' ,i.....i in.r,.iinia from Secretary ! 500.ODO 1 M,,mirl " m.OM ( MllKS,u.hsotts 3.0M New Jersey s.w j the nnnl settlement or the Maine uisaa- WIKconsIn S7a."5 ter. Kentucky S61.000 It Is thought that the secretary de- Tcxiis SW.OOO hiyed sending the monitor to these wat- Vlrglnla S5-000 rs during the stay of the Spanish cruiser lw K4.000 Vlxcaya through courtesy to the Span Michigan 250,000 . lards. The formidable vessel, which will Montana SaO.000 1 probably He at the man-of-war oachor- v.,rth Carolina NO.000 ! ago off Tompkinsvllle, la M feet long, 60 Mississippi Maryland , Arkansas ,. California . Tennessee . 53.000 SPANISH SQUADRON. New York, Feb. 2S.-A dispatch to the World snys: The report that a Spanish squadron had sailed for tho United States hits Its only foundation In thes,i facts: Spain Is hur riedly getting her navy Into fighting trim, and a torpedo flotilla will sot sail for Ha vana this week. The World correspondent learns ofil- dully from the Spanish department th" no squadron has sailed from Spnln within I (ho last few days. The only cruiser now , o H,ivnlm ,g ,,, A)inttnte , 0 m,0 8stcr 8nlp to tho Vlicnya. A coml)1(!,od of ,hrec torp do deatroy- ; torpedo boats, ami the Menm- ship City of Cadlx under command ot Captain Vlllnmll. will leave Cadis for Ha vana this week, as hns been cabled al ready. The only Spanish vessels which could follow Immediately arc the cruisers In fanta Maria, Teresa, Alfonso XIII., three more torpedo destroyers and three tor pedo boats. All tho other warships, Including the battleships r.iaeo and' Emveradot- Curios armored cruiser Cristobal V., and the Colon, nro undergoing repairs, it win take somo time to complete the repairs, fit them out and mount their guns, but they are being actively prepared for ser vice. General Weylor arrived at Bare.- 0na Sunday and left immcuinieiy ior nis ' country loot In the morning. He expects to return to Barcelona on Tuesday and reach Madrid on Wednesday. PLANS FOR THE WHITE SQUADRON How the Ship in I'nrle Sam's Navy Kill Ik I'laccd. PROTECTION FOR TIIK PACIFIC Imtrrt Ike 9 .and Orrg-ia to i Cuotivro Tke tUinj S'liadro tor Sp4ti!k ktet Coal Vffii.. N(w Tork, Fb. 2H.-U ba. bi decided by the navy department to kp on the I'Bclflr onat tho full force of naval Tf-h-In now thrr. aaya the WuhLigton cor-r-aifnli'nt of th. Hrald. The depsirt- tni-nt cifllctula rwnnlxe the fact that the atrnKth of the North Atlantic viuidron would he rreatly lncraed by attarhlng the battk-ahlp Ort-ifon to Rear Admiral Hli anl a rommand. But thoy appreciate the d.inair of Iravinc the Paclnc couat without aulatanre juat a they appreci ate the Importance of defending the porta by the veaa.-U of the monitor type. Ibere are now .tatlonrd on the Pacific coaat the Orwton, the coaat di-fcnae veanela llonfrcy and Moruidnork, and the train-Ina- ahlp Adama. The On-Bon, whlrh If at Pua-ot Bound, will be ordered to leave that port and procetd to San Fntnclaco harbor and hi-r idare In northern water will "" on;d. n(M.k , tH, nt. n rrrve, but the order hna not ten carried out and the will probably be aent to San Otejo. llde UU the cruiaer llaltlmore nd the pin- b)at HcnnlnBton. No -rd'-r have been Bnd Guatemalan water reepecuveiT . ' Th,. ahfnK will Im nnlfred to Han I mn- ' Mla,i l n mArifiinv bHiK n nrl m i 11 hold , r air-tlv.. rvlc. Tn ,i,.,,rtm. nl doe not antlc!iate that a fl(t will be ent to the coaat. but there I an expectmton that detached ar- , h) acl(tc 0 make , (1,.m.,.I!,.ruon. One - f obJectf of he AffMniafnt ,n wur. . ,u(Ut.u.n. m,,n to pi.,c,. the , miser ,.,.,limWa and Mlnneanoll In commlwton , eny matter to ha.vs them Jolnej by the j cruisers New York nnd Ilrooklyn and to send thcra to Spanish waters, probably Cadix. ' Aulhorllli-a say that the Columbia, Minneapolis, the Brooklyn and the New ! York will be Ideal ships to form a flying s.iuadron. The Columbia and Minneapolis h,,ve u"rT "?!le0 ,S70vtO", "f ,he Hro.klyn the New - York B Their Rteamlng radius Is su.H-'iently large anable them to carry ' out the pro- grumnio cnirniiiaitu vj 1110 ui. .... W0 and so far a obtaining coal on the other side la concerned, the authorities point l"1 out that while coal was a contraband of ,'ltt . war during the rebellion, the ship of the VtX i Union had no difficulty In getting rom j English merchant all they wanted. m I Th n,oni,r puritan which will be ta- 1 tloned near Hampton Road to defend M ! Baltimore. Washington, Norfolk, and 1400 j Richmond, will have her repair complet ,wo ed the llrxt of next weeg. She now has a part of her crew and Lleutentnt-Com- mnnder J. M. llawiey 1 preparing ne rt. iuil of ihA tnen who will be assigned to fill vucancte. now existing or. that ship. " THE TERROR READY. ing to remain In New York harbor until further order, which I taken to mean that the monitor will be on hand until feet 9 Inches beam. U fect S Inche. S05.000 j draught. Her displacement Is S'W tons; rwS.O.'O speed, 12 knots; main battery, four 10-inch 200,000 ! ritles In pairs; secondary buttery, six 190,000 ! rapid-fire guns, and two machine guns; I thickness of armor belt, I Inches; thick I ness of protective deck, 8 Inches; thlck I ness of turret armor 124 Inches. "" AMOS STONE'S CASE. Captain Murphy and Mate Harvey Held In S3000 Bonds Each. Portland, Or., Feb. SS.-lSpeclul to the Astorla.l-Captnln E. Murphy and First Mnto Georgo Harvey, of the American ship Georgo Stetson, wero today held to answer before the federal grand jury by United States Commissioner McKee on a charge of gross cruelty to Amos Stone, ordinary seaman, who since tho arrival of the shin in port, and In consequence of tho alleged brutality of the olllcers, has been In the hospital Tor treatment. His condition being that of mental nnd uhvslcal wrek. The bond, of the defendant's were fixed at $3000 each. NEWS FROM STICK KEN RIVR. Vaneouer. B. C, Feb. 2S.-Tho steamer Joan today returned from the moath of the Stlekeen river. At Wrangel crowns of men nr. waiting for the ice lo break nr. on tha Stlekeen river. It broko once for seventy miles up. then froxe again. The snow on the Ice Is from three to four feet deep. Food Is reported scarce, es pecially meat. Coal command. JC0 pe.1 ton, Hay and lumber cannot b. gotten at any price. CORiSETT TURNED DOWN BY SENATE Loses His Seat by Vote of f iftj to Nineteen. MITCHELL TO TUE HOUSE Nawtd tke .le. Be V'ld Sapport - Biffuwi Aagacd .'raid 1 Or ego. - Sapporttd rorbctl. Waaiilnrton, Feb. a Th. elalra of M W. Corbett to a Mat In tb. aenau from Orecon wa rejected today by vol. of to 1. Burrow, after quoting In aupport of hi. poeltlon many eminent utrK.ntle, aid that If the aenAte hould aeat Cor bett it would overthrow th. long ll.e of eitabllahcd prec-3enta. a It would open the doota to conplfn--y and fraud, the reaulta of which nooody could foresee. In conclusion Burrows eald that he had a letter from Hon. Oeorge C Brownell, of Oregon, In whl -h the .tatement wa made that Senator Mitchell, the caucus nominee, catlafled tnat he couM not be elected. iad named In writing a number of republican whom he would cheerfully iipport Among thce were Hon. George II. William. Hon. K. U. Wataon, Hen. F. A. itoore. Hon. Blnger Hermann, and other. Rrownll wld In hi letter that to hi certain . knowledge ex -Senator Mitchell. In a communication to the rrt- sildlns; officer of the house of represents tlve, had ald that he would aupport any of these whom he namil, and re ceived In reply a statement that the house would upport no ther than Henry W. Corbett. A combln itlon for the elec tion of Corbett wa m.vle evident. Bur row thought, by the replv received by Senator Mitchell to hi proposition, and he hMleved It waa held together by the cohesive power of the unlimited use of money. - It thla scheme thould be ratincd by the cenate It would be within the pow er of the 11 elected member of the Ore gon legislature to thwart the purpose ot the 79 other member. Burrow, did not believe the senate would approve by It action the conference of uch authority upon a (mail majority. Monran. of Alabama. uriorted the claim of Corbett to a seat In the itenale. Hoar, of Massachusetts moved to .trlke from the resolution the word "not": upon this motion the aye. and noes were de mand,-d. The motion was defeated. M to yoe I y,asAMrl,.h AUlgon Enker Falr. ' ToniL Frye, HannA, Hansbor- ough. Hawley, Hoar. Lodge, Mantle, Ma son. Morrill. Perkins. Sewell. Turner, Wetmore, Wilson 19. Noes Allen, Bacon, Bate, Berry, Bur rows, Butler. Canary, carter, cmiion. Clark. Clay, Cockrell. Cullom, Davis, P boe, Faulkner. Galllnger. Gorman, Gray. Hale. Heitfeldt. Jones of Arkansas, Jones of Nevada. Money, Nelson, Pasco, Pen rose. Kenny, Lindsay. McBrlde, M. M IIan. Mallory. Martin. Mills. Mitchell, Ittt- grew. Fcttus. t-iatt or Connecticut, jtaw- 11ns, Roach, Shoup, St ?wnrt. Teller, Till man, Thurston, Turley, Turple, Vest, Warren, Wellington. The resolutions of the committee on privileges and elections declaring that Corbett was. not entitled to a seat In the senato from Oregon was then laid before the senate. The resolution ot the commit tee wn. adopted CO to 19. THE CIX)SE 8EASON. Whatever may be said In the way ot criticising the appearance of the exte rior of the city hall bulUtnff-and much might be said In regard to Its condition the Interior when the present Improve ments are completed will I abive re proach. The small um appropriited by the council appears to oe sufficient lo re model It throughout, and reflects credit on the foresight of that august bdy. even nt this late date. The old police court hull Is partitioned off Into two rooms, which will be occupied by tho city attorney. Contractor Mcvnarian yester day opened a door In the partition be tween th council '.ham'oor. and Ihe hall of Engine Company, No. 2. and will have the latter ready for the next meeting or the council. But slight changes In the way of repairs are necessary to trui'sforra the old council chamber into tho police court, for which It will be used In future. To reach the new council chambers now used by the engine company one will have to pass through the police court. The old committee room will be left Intact as well a. Auditor's Nelson's office. The mayor", room face, on Eleventh street, and will be newly papered and can be reached either from the council cham bers, police court or committee room, Tho space occupied by (lie tatter room Is rather small, and the question of Its us' fulness Is as yet doubtful. SUNDRY CIVIL BILL. Washington, Feb. 28. The housa passe .1 the sundry civil appropriation bill today- after a four hours' debate. Tha most Im portant" action of tho day was the elimi nation of the appropriation for represen tation at the Paris exposition. WILLAMETTE VALLEY NUGGTOrS. Portlund. Or., Feb. 2S.-Wheat-A'iila Walla Walla, 73c; valley and bluestem, T7ff78c. The total shipments from Portland for the season Is 10.S15.5C9 bushels of wheat and 551.7S5 barrels ot flour. A now method of testing steel bullets has been devised In Germany. Tho bulls are dropped trom a fixed height onto a glass plate set at an angle. It properly tempered they rebound Into one recep tacle; tt they are too soft they drop into anothor. . REPORT WILL BE DELAYED WEEKS Court of Inquiry Into Maine Affair Must Return to Havana. DIVERS NOT YET FINISHED Will Req.irt M.r Tie to E tasiiee Botto. ottke Skip Vu. Imbedded i tkt lad i. tltia. Btrhaf. wyaahlngton, Feb. B. At th cloa. oC offlc. hour a telegram cam. to the navf department from Eicard, at Kef Wet, lo th. followtnj term: "Key Weat, Feb. rt-To the S'.sretnry of th. Navy. Washington. D. C: Th court of lnqjlry w'.ll commence It . lion at Key We-it todny. "Hit mu.n re dime th. 4aln at Hjvi-i. to tube trie diver testimony after further work on th. wreck, Slciri" Th. Important future of thl I the ia claratloa that the conn will return to Havana. It et at res: the rumors that have been current for days past that the court wa. not to return to Havana, for the rion that It had discovered th. cause of the linking of th Milne, ttiul) wa. not an accident, and that they hud consequently no furtVr buslnera In Ha vana. One important ledurtl-m to be drawn from the meage wa the report of the court of inquiry t in acnrcely be expected for iteveral weki c Th court will be occupied at Key W'cit for everal day, at leaxt. In taking tha testimony of the lurvtvor. thre. Then, upon their re turn to Havma. It U expected a good deal of time must elapse before the diver can get through the mud which now encompass. tie lower pirt of the wreck of the Milne and eimlne the tot torn. After thl I d ne thft coun must deliberate In onl-n- to eeenre asnement upon their findings. Th prevalent belief at the navy department I that up to tlila moment, the court ha not undertaken to compare note and endeavor to reacn uch agreemeat WILL GIVE SPAIN A SHOW. Havana, Feb. SI Little -vork waa done today by the diver from the tog Risht Ann. Cuptaln Slgabee wa on board tha light house tender Fern until 3 o'clock thla afternoon. He waited for the Spanish diver, but they did not appear. Captain Sigsbee thinks Spain has a moral and International rUht to muUa an Independent examination and he Will give the Spanish diver auch facilities a are possible. 1 1 SPANISH CORTES DISSOLVER Washington. Feb. 28. The state depart ment received the following dispatch from Minister Woodford at Madrid: "Decree dissolving Spanish cortes February S. The new cortes will meet April M" Tha dissolution of the cortes had been expected and It may be attended with Im portant results. The two parties, liberal and conervitlv, will now appeal to th. country. The Sagasta ministry, now In power, is liberal. The policy being pur sued by General Blanco In Cuba Is th. entire reversal of that under the con servative regime of Campos and his suc cessor, and tt Is felt that a continuance of this policy is no less at stake than the ministry Itself In the outcome of th present elections. THE RIVER AND HARBOH BILL Washington, Feb. 28. It can be stated positively that no river and harbor bill will be reported at this session of con gress. The house leaders are opposed to more river and harbor bills and th. friends of the bill on the committee be lieve. It will b. better to wait until th. short session after the congrasslonal elec tions next fall, when a complete and com prehensive bill can be reported tather than attempt to pas. an inadequate llll at this session. MEAT INSPECTORS. Kansas City. Feb. 2S.-Unlted Slates court today decided In the J. Dole Pack ing Company case that tha system ot gov ernment Inspection of meats was uncon stitutional. CANNOT TAKE ADVANTAGE. Washington, Feb, 28. -The United State supreme court today doclded that a Uni ted States official could not take advan tage of his office to secure advanvise over others In the location of government land. The wettest spot on the North AmciVan continent la Neah Ray. Wash. At fjat rlaee an average of 1!3 inches ot water--falls every yenr. At 8t. Louis the aver age is only thirty-eight Inches. Royal nuke th food para, wholMum and dallcloti. a . . a .- .- e - al Ab.olutsly Puro aovAi bmuno rowota oo., nw torn.