The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 25, 1898, Image 2

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gaily gLatoi'tau
" alephona No, K.
Tiiims ov BLUseiurTiON.
at by mail. pr year $
cat by rami per month Mi
fiarved br carrier, per month .
Bant by mall, per year, tn advanc....i.
PoaUa (re to wtworltMra.
All CtmnmiiiilcailoiiB Intended tor publi
cation ahould be directed to tbo editor.
Boalnoaj communications ot all kind
and remittance mast b addreaa-4 to
"Th Astorlaa."
Th Aatorlan garantes to It" auto,
oiber th Urgeat circulation of any
lewniaper published on th Columbia
Advertising rates can be bad on appl
gallon to th buneaa managw.
Tti Weekly Atoran. tb second old
est weekly tn the state of Oregon, baa.
text to the Portland Oraconan. tb
lartrat weekly circulation in tb a (ate.
John F. Handler & Co. ara kit Portland,
rant, and corli of the Attoila can b
kad every morning at their stand. 1
Third atreet
The name patriotic and conservative
paper whose columns used to be filled
with frantic exclamation to the effect
that tin plate could never no. never be
profitably made In thl country, are now
warning the tolling masses that the latest
attack upon their rights and liberties Is
the prospective formation of a trust to
cut down and limit the production ot
American tin plate.
Of course there will be no war with
Fpatn, but one good effect of tho Maine
disaster will be the grant of sufficient
money by congress to put our roust de
fenses In a state of reasonable effective
ness and add, perhaps, a few more flrst
elass ships to the navy. The Jingoes who
were so active awhile ago In trying to stir
op trouble with Spain cannot for con
slstency's sake refuse to vote for these
appropriations. The war and navy de
partments had better hurry up, however,
with their estimate and demands; other
wise the mood of these fellows will change
and not a cent will they allow for any
purpose but the Improvement of the
creek and branches flowing through their
borne district farms.
The Brooklyn Standard-1'nlon says:
Mr. Sylvester Seovel, of the "World." has
put an Idea on the wires that may be
worth looking over. It is that either the
Spaniards or the Cubans are responsible
for the loss of the Maine. Seovel dot's not
agree with the Judgment of the most ex
perienced of our naval commanders that
the catastrophe was accidental, and di
vides the responsibility as we have stated.
If any Cuban did It he was a fanatic, ami
believed his bloody work would precipi
tate war between the I'nited States ana
Spain, and fr-e Cuba. It would be well
to look out for these Key West literary
people, who knew before an examination
wi s made, all about an eltht-ineh hole In
the hull of the Ill-fated ship. If that hob
Is there the investigation should Include
Key West, the real capital of Cuba Libre.
The past few years have been years of
party disintegration. The old party Is
sues are dead Issues In a large sense, unci
the m implication of parties which has
characterized the politics of the country
during the last decade furnishes the best
evidence of this condition of partisan dis
integration. The present is a period ot
new partisan argument upon the issue ot
nn honest and slnhle currency, and as
such should be eagerly welcomed. On
this Issue the friends of a sound financial
system should cast aside all old and
minor political differences, and engage In
the contest without misgiving. They will
have a principle to contend fn- vhl h
should be vigorously and aggressively ad
vanced everywhere, evn in the very
strongholds of free coinage, it does not j
need to )' defended. It should be posi
tively proclaimed n the only financial
prim Iple upon v.lil.ti tbo prosper!!;.- ,1
this or uny nation can be founded. !
The juiliftm nt of the world will be th it
Zelu 1ms not hnd ;l fair trial. nnl If lie
rn-if to prison It will be us annth'-r martyr
condemned through official con? to
Thleld some puilty man. He will lose
othlnR by his conviction and punishment
but will rather be the gainer In every
way thereby. It would have been mm h
letter for France if ,n prosecution ban
never been undertaken. From the nature
f hlH offense the only lwsue of his trial
wtiff whether Dreyfus was or whs not
wrongly ronvleted uh the Heapejront for
another ninn, but upon thin question the
Zola prosecution would neither offer nor
permit defenne to nfTer evidence of any
description. If the DreyfuK trial was
-cloned" In the sense that It muld not be
alluded to or discussed In considering the
Ihsuo of Zola'n guilt or Innocence, It ap
pears like a mockery to havo given him
any trial at all, ami he occupies the atti
tude of a man who has been condemned
without n hearing. The general opinion
of Prvyfus' Innmence has been strength-
ent-d by the manner of Zola's trial, an
Instead of It one victim of oltlclal In
Justice the French government will now
rest under the odium of having made two,
rAUTlSAN ni:.Vl.l1NIKNT.
It Ik iinntiunocd by the ftvr coinage ad
ocnto In congress that nil the odds and
ends of polities! parlies that ptvfc n
part of their political belief that forty
cent' worth of stiver ran he legislate!
Into n hundred cent dollar urv gvtt'nit to
nether Into one party for th avowed pur
post of capturing th house of tvprescn
talives tit the next election and the pivsl
deney In '.Vi. This announcement was
hardly necessary, as there was a pro-
Ileal union of tlx- sort In the only
kli'k. m being Tom Watson nl few ot
his middle-.. f-'.he-ro.ul followers, an. I a
complete union of the cheap dollar a. I
vocalc : the logical outcome of tin
llttlo less than oomph le union thai chir
.icterliod th.' five coinage eamivalgn or
Instead of regarding this complete fus-
..u of the free- coinage Interests with
;i,.r h(, trWniU r .,,, .,.
ri'lwmo It. The coalition of the
tlontrts Into one political army will com
pel the consolidation of all the friends ot
an honest payment of all public and pri
vate debts Into another. Hold democrats
and republicans must meet the united
forces of a dishonest coinage with an un
divided front, and instead of standing on
the defensive force the fighting them
selves. They won't have to hunt after
their opponents In two or three sep
arate ramps. They can llnd them all In
one camp and concentrate their Httscg
upon that one.
Two more deaths have lately resulted
from '"didn't know It was loaded" acci
dents a mother killing her babe and a
boy almost having his head blown off.
Revolvers and guns are dangerous under
all circumstances. Firearms are not
toys. It Is also unsafe to trifle with whit
are termed minor ailments. Insignificant
though they seem at irst, they are
likely, If precautions ag.itust their
further development are neglected, or
they arc unwisely treated, to develop Into
maladies of dangerous ami complex mag
nitude. The best way is to arrest their
progress at th start with Hostetter's
Stomach Hitters, which c.t.'cks constipa
tion, liver complaint and rheumatism,
malaria, kidney trouble and nervousness.
A decline in health is something we can
not afford to disregard. Nature always
exacts a severe penalty for continuous
heedlessness of her warnings. Independ
ently of Its sterling efficacy as a specific
for chronic maladies, the Hitters Is a sup-
trb tonic and promoter of appetite and
If women would only endeavor to dis
cover the weak points In their personal
appearance and then endeavor to hide
them there would be many better looking
females roaming about.
Any tendency to premature baldness
may be promptly checked by the use 01
Aver s Hair Vigor. Don't delay until the
scalp Is bare and the hair-roots destroy
ed. If you would realize the best results,
begin at once with this Invuluuble prepa
ration. If a woman k" her temper when she
s playing cards It is a pretty good sin
either that she is winning or tha' she
vull Ik. able to put up cheerfully with all
s'.ns i.,f trials and hardships.
I'ui.i l breaks his I iiw ,t tn.- Uh! of a
face fuli of pimples. Hollow ch-t-ks, sunk-
n eyrs, and a sail.iw!,,M will
defy his best in'i'l )n. n.-.uity is mure
than skin dep. rtie ..kin is r,er -ly the
surf tec on which is .vntten in plain har
ti ters the condition of lh-' body. lir.
IJ. ree's (hdd. n il.-llc il Cist overy Is g 1
fwr the complexion WMitse 't inak'-s the
whole body healthy! i -cause it clears and
piirlli'S the bl.eid. ii.U- '.h digestion
strong and clears out l.,;o trf.les of all
kinds. liy lner..i-ing ih- ability to as
similate nutritious ."ood, and by .he Infus
ion of its own inirr-di, nts it enriehe the
blood and so makes wild, healthy flesh.
It cures diseases of the Iiiul's, l-v.-r. stom
ach, bowels, skin and scalp, simply be
cause all these spring from the
same cans. a disordered d'-.stlon and
consequent Impure blood.
The value of a b.n of pure gold j $.,.2 .
With careful attention the ugliest beard
und mustache can be made tidy, and of
even color, by the use of ISutkingham's
Dye for the Whiskers.
It generally follows that when we m.'ike
a few dollars our relatives hear that we
have mad" thousands.
lllllnnn fW?!
T Ull III II I llll I 0
thedaythorooghlyexhaustcd? v
Docs this continue day after
$ day, possibly week after weel: ? '.
Perhaps you are even too c.-
hausted to sleep. Then some- "
$ thingf is wrong. All these )
things indicate that you are y
i suffering from nervous ex- '
$ haustion. Your nerves need ?!,
feeding and your blood en-
t nchmg. i
Scott's Emulsion 1
1 of Cod-liver Oil. with Hypo-
phosphites of Lime and Soda,
contains just the remedies to
meet these wants. The cod- o,
uver oil gives the needed 5
strength, enriches the blood,
t.. .j .t.
m iccus inc nerves, ano ine ny- i
pophosphites give them tone
and vigor. Be sure you get
f, SCOTT'S Emulsion. t
J- AD druggist. ; 50c. and fi.00. j
h SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemisti, New York.
; It will go... j
: Right to the spot !
' Arer'i IUir Vigor will go
!' rlc,lit to that balil spot ami 1
bc,iu to bring the hair back. '
; It Aakcs j
I Hair Grow. I
Tide tsMe for Fetruary. 1898.
A M. r. M.
A . M.
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i i.nrft. h.min. h m ft. h.nrrt
'7 5 4 I I1Hi i 10
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i.ici l.i.'i
tli,Hi : n;,7ii
Mielmlliurn. llr li
I .-
flelielxail. Hr sli
'ramerne. br sh
row u ot coiland llrsh...,
ttoli:t. llr sit . ....
t; ibswiHid. llr li
Imutirittoti. llr h
unitiriau. Ilrbk
Ku(din ue. Hr sh....w
Mon tharnv Hr h
Marcvlml Sin hel, llr sli
i. a '. lie. Hr li
Atnlreta. Hr sh .
Amu-an. Hr bk ......
Hreuhilda. llr sh .
rb a Mac l.ellun, llr h ...
riidale Hrsb.
tntthervfe. Hr h
Henee Kir. tile's, tier li
Transit. Sristr
Hiawatha. Nw li
Howiunn II Ijtw, llr bk. ....
Klottt-k. tier li .
niwndale. llr h
Wtllkoinmen, (-r sli
Halewiaxl. Hrh
Ijidy ueiitwortli, Hrsh
ulherland-liire. br sh
lenliHilvinore. Hr sh.. .
hllome:i'., Hr sli
Hund.ineira, lir bk
yueeii Marifare!. br sh w,
V.toif i.. r -n ...
Iiuu re, l!r li
Hen Aon llr bk ...
irin.i. llr bk llr bk
mtiroMiire. Hr bk
H. rida, or Mr
iiitit.h;rc lir str
t-1, una. llr h
William Till. Hr bk .
II l I. Ion II el. hr b( .
J C l'Ilii.oriierh ....
An. nub c. Hr bk
I'eru. iM-rbk
I arr.idale, Hrl.k
Klclo-hlre. llr li.
n.m.iri -hire, llr mIi
I'rtaciiiilin . Hr bk ...
KalUo: t'ljde. llr nil
I nn in. ..ciiii. r r In
Keac.n Hoe... Hr sllip
. U irf; .iiire, lir bk ...
i ity ot I'-nn, llr tr
ltrti-e Hr bk
i inert re. llr lt ... .
S a-dale. lir sh
opheii.. .r lk
Itardowle Hr ib
Iirane-r..i;, llr In
s. Ilyviii, lir tr ...
Ftiriehilale, nr sir ...
l.tiifMnl. I:r str
I'rox ine... llr sh
iiiiba, br str
(P'Oli-c, -r nil
Verbena, lir,a
'Barrels of flour.
Th- Columbine arrived down from Port
I.iti.l y -t r J iy evening.
The American ship Henry Vlllanl, f'up
tain I'litton. lit days from New York,
with a miscellaneous cargo arrived In yes
terday. The F.lmore. for Tillamook, attempted
to put to s"-a yesterday and came back to
t.rt again.
The German ship Peter Kit kmers, from I
llong Kong, ill ballast, Is off the mouth I
or tb" river.
'i I
The steamer I'hllkat which was on the 1
beat h at the Astoria Iron Works left up
for Portland yesterday. '
The tow boat Ookliihama took the barge '
witri guns for the fortification ovr to!
nt it-borough Head yesterday. I
Ti e ib-rman ship Ills, hoff arrived down !
from Portland yesterday evening, a
I -I've lo.oi of wheat also arrived lo finish I
her ert'o
Tie- UritlHh shin fit. Kno. h, I'aptaln
l..iiri). i lea red from the custom house yes
'M'lay with Uli.tW bush'-ls of wheat val
ued t j:ii,x.
Tin State of California, from Han Frai,
' iveti, atrlvd In yesterday morning and
I rot .-d. il t,p to Portland after discharg
ing lo-iil freight.
The iirtflsh ship Hoss-shire, 2S tons,
''aptaln liaxler, 35 hours from Port T'.wti-s'-nd,
In tw of the tug p.-llef, arrived in
y-fterday afternoon.
Tbe following vesatln aie bound to the
Columbia Kiver, with nam of maater,
ratlonailiy, rig, tonnage, where from
and da,to of reported ealllji.g:
Dovenby Hall, Whlekhim, Hr ah, lurid
tons, Liverpool
lien Volrllch, Abler, CK-r ah, 1417 tona.
Hanta ftosalla..
Otago, Euk, Bwd bk, 870 tons, Ham.
Conway Cairtle, Jones, Ur ah, lfla
tona, ' Valparaiso.
Vamduarg, Btflvan, Br bk, 18 tons,
Algoa Bay,
ti:upsik. Irish, III h, 17M tout, HI
Janeiro, August Js,
tileiiKink. Uvwird, lr bk, IJU tona.
tlonevleve, Touge, rr bH, W7 tdn, llat
phing, tvtnh. It
Henry VllUtd. I'attett, Am n, MI
lens. New York, tVtober 11
Oberwn, lluily, llr bk. i ton.
New,-stle, Australia, tVtoher I
Chelmsford, Thomson, llr bk, Jll'I lona.
Cape Town. tV'lober t.
City of York. Jour. tr h. lbi? tons,
Lakemba, Hi adhering, llr bk, left! Ioia
Free in a title.
Can ltol-ertson, lIU. llr n, IM ton,
Santa ItoMlla.
Itrltlsh Oenernl, Thorns. lr ah, 1H
Ions. N.'W-ile, Australia.
XIUI..S. Mesaeugcr, llr Ik, IXt tona.
Yalorl, llionti, llr n, H. tout. New.
emtlc, Anilralls.
Jortioa Hill, Wilker, Hr bk. ti: Imia,
.Melb uro-.
Klntuck, I'errelle, Hr tr,
fSV I041S,
Kent. ir :r, ions llong.
Alexander I'.laek.
Inrn, lr hk. IX'l
Iimi.-. Antwerp.
Wsi.'.-n. Frit sit, y? Ions, lllogo.
Iir'.stoi, Melnlyre. I'r ir. IM lona,
San -r.niioo
Am e Thomas, Thoni is I'r h, ITiO
Almora., llr bk. Y!9 ton.
Newcastle. Aus'ralla.
, ... . ,
r,:,'r 1!l''km,,r"' We.terrney.r. Crr h,
.s3 tons. Hongkong.
Ti!or, Fr h ivi torn lt vnl
Cr.nt s. Fain. Hr sei. lt ion. Sydney.
or,,i. m,-.. c.r ,h. t ton,. .
!e .. Ku'iin'.svn
Sin! i 'te-alls
It ri.ii iff, M,inran
N'.'wo; Australia.
Forthbank. ivtern,
Hr h. liN tons.
, Hr bk. irrj tons.
flwynetlil. Pavles, fir
bk. 11 Ions,
H molulu.
Puritan, . rtr str. ?7S ton. Ktol
Autlaman. Winter, Tr bark. W ton,
A!goa Pay. ,
I.orvnsdale, Jones, Hr hark, Itfl tops,
Cambrian Frlnce. , n hp. 157S
j tors. Melbourne. .
j City of A'hen. I,undlns, Hr ship, IIM
tens, Antwerp, .
Virion lr)ee. Huvh-s H-. h 11 -ens.
! Svdney.
I'.ii-.imi. Cnbeliero. CM! sh. 1 '.'4 nn.
i T.iVnhtmno.
re!!.i. Slu.irt, llr h. PM (nnn. .in
. Francisco.
1'irnibek. Ta.lsen, CJ,r bk. ti tons.
; in vo.
j Reliance. Rohlnson. lr Ik. k'S tns.
! Port Pirie. November 17
Tweedsdnlc. Jones. Hr bk. lid tons. peceintier IS,
1 Commonwealth. Anderson. I'r str. Sis.'!
j tons. F.squlmalt.
j Pass of t.eny. Vint. Hr bk. I7TS tons,
i Yokohama
1 Puritan. Hlanrhard. Rr bk. 7NJ tons.
1 1 1 logo.
I SUberhorn. dlbson. Hr bk. 1771 tona,
! Argo, Maclean. Hr sh, 14M tons. Ant
werp. Joseph PiilHier, ll.irv.'y, Am seh. 7l
tons. New York.
y.mita. t.iwton I!r sh. l'.i" tons, ,ea
I ulco.
Clackmannanshire, Thomson, Hr sh, W1
tons, Newcastle.
i';inibrian J'.
ton... Mel'Mitirne.
Jones. Pr sh. in i
lto-shlre, H.nt.r, llr xh
:il ton.
Lt'MiiKrt ki.kict
.'i fie Way unl In Columbia
Itlv t to I.oii(l I.umtxr.
tlon. . mm, II tun., M .
I-in lirff.
K. do,
bctn, torn, Tlentatn,
Kaneko, Jap bk. UtS
tops. Tokohnma.
'"Ii'ihallx, . bktn, 642 Ion., Nag.-iankl.
I-oul". , . hr. "31 ton.. Cnllao.
.Mitrlon, , bktn, 148 tona, Sydney.
Vl.lette. , !,k. tor. H.m I'etlro
W. F. Jewrett. , ehr, l.'.2 t .n. t:t
o ! bay.
iniefra, . bktn. i".2 tona,
yinuoj Bait oof 8,000,000 Boiaa
M H .Mil H'dk,
such ai Wnil an'l Tain In thn Sumach. I
OI.MInesn. fiilne oft-r m-als. Jlimd I
nelie. Dtoiness, Drowsiness. Flushing! I
if Heat. of AppetlK Oistlvii-H.
JHotcli.-s fm tho Kkln. O'bl thills. Ills- 1
turhttl HIeep, iMghlful JJruums ami all
Nervous and TromblliiK Honsatlons.
IB TwENTI MIHUTE8. F.vory snffurer
will ackaowledgu tliuu to U
DE(XH i1 IMLU". taken an direct
ed, i'otnolits to com
l.leto health. They promptly romovo
obstructioiis or Irregularities of the sys
tem and, cure blrk Hradacbe. rora
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And hrtTft th
of any Patent Metllrlim In (lie World,
23c. at oil iJrug Htores,
One if tbe mo-t aiiclt nt and cui loiis e
i. tuples of the locksmith's art Is alt-ohm
in the door of the Temple 1 liiireh, Iiinlou.
'I he key v.ei;is s v n pouii'l'-i mid Is oi.e
and oni-b.-ilf f.-.-t long.
fil'iaH on fire vitli tortui :i!f:, (!!..ll(;urlng,
Itchlnj;, I iirnin-;, bl ediiie, lealy. and pimply
Iiu'i.iin, lustaiilly telii.-vi.'d by a wurni balli
Willi Crrici i:a ! oa e, a siii'li! application of
Ci.'Ttct t:, oi.:;tar rit the prent sl.ln cure,
and 11 fi.ll iI-im! nf ( 1 Ti'.'i HA Hr.soi.vKvr.
ft MM thrriurhotlt th. nrM. PlTTllt D. C. Coif , ot
-ottt., Uoilon. " littwloCurc ToitmltiK Uumbra,"fn
DfiDV'Q Ck'IU letlp and Ihlrpsrintil anil Bu
OA'll O OMIl LllW by Cuiiuuaa boar.
an isn c e.v.i r.4 wi an ii n
IXtirsiVi: I'SK OF TIIK Wiilll) "CAHTOUIA," AN'I)
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of llyannis, MussachuscHt,
teas 1k originator of "PITCHER'S CAST0RIA," the smi
that k:s home and' docs now sS")4 m mr9
boar thefic-si'tulc siqnalure of C&X'&&i wrapper.
This is the original PITCHER'S CAST0RIA," which y bivn
used in the homes of the Mothers of America fur over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind yo:i have always bawiht sf?"i-r m 9
and has the signature of : wrap
per. M one has authority from me . .;.' ny imiiie ex
cept The Centaur Company if which Clur:.. II. Fletcher is
lYesident. , x
March S, 1S97. ' - ' J
Do Not Bo Docoivvtl.
Vo not''or tin life cf )nr cli'k! In arccptinjj
a cheap substitute' whivh so:;u' iiiiii,i,it oiler you
(lu'caust! ho nukes a few more p.-nnios on it), the in
jjutlient.s of which CVCH he il.'S nut know.
"Tko Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind Tliat Never Failed You,
Ruarautmlloru rail
tain ruwrr. llr.Ja.
;7 aftV f '""' N"mi.
I I f llhrr r.l l.v
tr v vt .
- .... .
L, 4 fl If i. V '.: .
it H t'"Mi'l Ctrctilar Krr
1 rti'iiti
I fit'
Th famoui Arr,ht'f,,n,l HMitMlk of
tho lirio.Milit ui t. . now lur tht. tint limn
olTereJ uiilriul Kllboutaiprnwi to anr
liomit tran. ol a tlallar lo ha paid
lu adtanrr, l ure KlTtvta of Knurs
rr F.iccMcfi In (M.I or Tuuinr. Manbnoil
Kulljr l:itnrii. How to KnlarKrt ami H
.slp.Mirtlieu w i ,ik, L a lf-roiH rum.. tia
if Hotly. Iwiuti'lr unf.nllinr llotnu
Trmtmont. Not ,o. 1). or other achetitt.,
A plain oiler by a Crm of hltfhutiiniluiii.
htDic urnmn nn onuoaha5t.
r.niL liiLUIliHl. tj'J. IHII l-ALO, N. v
The .o llu. st ..!
I r 717 olllecrr.
t Ii. I ;..f ill ill li i y tm. ii-
i;ivki,;-:n -a iti?
The left Salve In III., -.vull fir I'uta.
ilr'ilses, Hor..-, fliers, Siit It.i.-utn. I'ev.f
b.res. T.-tt.-r. fhiipp.-.l Mini'. ."-.Ilhl.-iin.
''iirti.i. c 'id all Hl-:;n I't-u..; in. and p..i.
Mvey ritrw I'll.'., or 11 . pay r-'i'ilt .-.v.
It Is guaranteed to gUe pe:
..l-f 10.
on or mon. v refund . I Prxc SI e.01
ner bo. Fir . by l'...'-i.' ,1111 lima
f'o. I
The canals of the
I .ins inll.-s In length.
I'lllle.l St. It.
II may be worth something to know
ih it the very b. si medicine fur risturing
1 he Hied out nervous system to a Ii
he Hied out nervous system to a hcltby J
.hror Is Kl.-e.rle Hitters. This P, 1,,.. ,
purely vegetable, mis by giving tone.
10 ti.e nerve centres, in 11,0 stoma, n, ,,X( ,th M rvnul prtniralion, Failing Of
,;.iiy siimnlaies th,- liver , u,,i.,..ys, j,,,, M.mliotxl, Jmpolcitcy, NigMiy Eniis-
.,d aids Ihese organs In throwing off ,. sil)ll Youlhlu! Iirron, Worry, cx
iiuriti.s I,. the bbmd ,11,-ttie rVrt,.ivIIK 0f Tobacco or Opium, which
improves the appetite, dlges,in. and ,,;J , Omsumplion and Iiuanily. $1.00
,s pronounced by those who hive i!le c..r h,x h ,)!, 6box (or $5.00.
-t as ti,.. very best Mood puriner ,,., vnj r , ( HEMICA' CO ., ftoc'i, Clanland. llhlOb
nerve Ionic Try It. Hold for Vii and Si
pi-r bottle al Kstes-Conn Iirug Cotnpaiiv. '
'I lu re are nt least I0,l,ll liel ve
In the human body.
to rimu a cold in one dav i
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets
All druggll4( refund the money If It fnli '
to cure: 2V'. Kor mlr by Char'es Itog.fra. 1
The man who declares himself Imperv
ious to cold and itoes trasplrig about with
out an overcoat these days will be nest
ling under a grassy bed next summer "u
lie don't wat.h out."
not;Hi:iioi,D ooiiH.
The nnelenl .ireeks believed thai the
Penates were the gods who til tended to
the welfare and prosperity of the family.
They were worshipped as household gods
In every home. The househoiilil K,i of
today In Ir, King's New Discovery. Kor
eonsumpllon, coughs, colds and for all!
affections of throat chest and lungs It Is !
Invaluable. It hns been tried for a nunr
ier or a century ami is guaranteed tn
cure, or monev refnrnnil M t.,..M..i, M
.., 1 1 u . . .v., . ."ne,u .reused orprutiH, tono up 1110 Hyhri'inj
S . ? . ,1 800,1 .MgBl U '"ii"'"! mate a now man of you. y
pleasant to take and a safe and sure I f mall f,0 m,nu nor box. i
remedy for old and young. Trial bottles f Wii.uah Mro, Co., Props., aevalund.O. J
at Kstes-Conn Drug Comnnnv.
r I'lll.
Thla vjua.U.lul . - i .
t..u.ibrmr, auh Wnk Mrmutv Uau
h. W.krtuluca. Um Maahuud. v... .
h. .artulucM, U MibIhwJ. Htn)r Kml
H il'iu U. ul j.wm lu Urartt tiitaa. ..I
..r k....ihi..t "
, , u, ..,, ttx-rmiT, utr of
..... . L.'ii. r
ntton v
br mo
wntn ... ninrmnr. Cnn.umptlon or
HoI. bf acttrugf IM. b.,'' f.V. nolth '..
.. ...... ......mi in reau ne.llrtn. i , f,,,, Kt.nt lauflKTl
I'IU44.j,1djWU,uliu4uU, IliiiaB4 VtmlllllBU.. I'gitUud Ul.
r:HTi:Sii'NS' I'HI'il til., Aatuita, A.iorla.
MomtioMth, ,rcon
HW'ilr N,f- f'o'irvr if hrHr jrrni
Senior Trm whullv mfa uual.
- r -tMf t inril nf hitir t.1i with it) rhtl'lrrti,
It'tiirtliM. u I Irin nn tn liymiiAiiift .bvtlili )
l-'tn . t ti t Vi" M iti' fur iiitit h"tl
rnm l':wn4 It mi-(itir l-jr UwiTATI
riirn.av liilfl.Mi. Imm'Ih, tnMikt ami lottflntf (np-
tn itiitif , . (HM-t-r 'r
Ht ut'-nt Nutrltrifl tltrltMlrt, lt 00 pf f fftf
.rt1inilf fu!i' ri-rtt(r frolil Ii!" awlHUiU.
rlA.4 li t t h- ff.ltjf MTlit Ull li( llttl,
I. L CAMI'HKI.U Prl lri.t, or
Genernl Contractor
yUa, Tf rr'a' V-a.i.i
i ll? A !''! -.n...n,i..ii..h.i
t ., l'" l'4Hlh a) I i l .f
ui i
rtti nti u
; r' M "it lf-r I, In Hmir.m
rW" l.'ulft, -I trnniiH .i-itl-., ili
w i...ina mi i.f ..r rna ri.i i T "
V"S .11 .an f. r "t"Mll f'l-ia
tl.-r. ( t ... hi' n III.
.tt.t a p . i.icr V ftrr it
( tH.ill Mtalft h tlritf cl.
UllTt I If tVK'at .'rt IL...hl Ii
For al by Ktr-('nnn lrii Co.
4lr Willlnn..' In.'.. an I'lli
' 'I'ltinci.t mil cure ll.ltul
'III,.. . Iii. k mut ll. I
I'lu It ni.iri.. tlie tuiiii.i .
9 '111.11 K
tlm I Lcllltl,' Ut olt. '. Ilel
' a l"tllll. r. I'llrs llAlrttil rn
in-r. nr. ..utii ii.i.;iii I'M.-1 1 in
iinoit . tiretinre.1 for I'l'e. nml ft. ti
0 , f the ml. ate r.verv h' ,
u irrittoe I. Hi .Iru. if i-t., by run' I on re
l t ..( pri. e .VI -. I,!, aii.l il.lMI. WIILI'K
t."''m.,IUHIHIi CO . IToim, i-rii..ii. "I.l.i
I or aln by Knte-Oinn Or jr Co.
ni N la a nen-N. nnn.
r f.,r Itiiimrrlin a,
i"wi. ri ... r m at er 1 hie 4,
1 l.Mr.a
I l.r..'
it 1.0..., u n 11 a 1 11 r a 1 111. rh.lii... r any liiflniiiiii.
1 1 toiiitit. lii.ii, itrllall'.ii ur ul...r.
'r.itl. ar.ifta, lien .f tn II I n l . i,rin
it'nCsi'"iif!n. !"""" "" MifiB.-in
vtV jOfA i' e.i.r.-. i.orn.i. t.,,
Mfir - (.' 'il-if '1(1 nil i titi.L
Molt's Nerverine Pills
Th grta'
remedy hi
ntrvottt pro
t ration and
Ti)' all ntrvoui
Jtl'&CJk f ' . distM-iof thf
W?, Sb gtMtittot Of
"..a .,; ami ai Hal I .ilMI. nam of cilh.-r
4 I ies i t.i j L,'a;mul' to n.penor
lo Bilsam ol Copaiba,
r t 1 : I
Simons or inieciio"no.nM.
the am dieas8 with,
out Inconvenience.
r'ft Kidney PI1I3 f
Mm no ennnl In dlwiwes of the Urinary Ortfiuis. Jluvojk
t.V'oii iieifliiiititil your KiuintyH niivi)
.you oviii'worltnd your nurvmih syi-'
'lent iitnl ciiitwd troiiiilo yotirk
, Kidllcvs nnil llliiililcl-V Ilnvu votiy
pitliiN in tlm lolitH, ldf, lmck.proirihX
ami I'ladiior lluvo vmi alltiiniy nn- v
ll(- the voit' Toofrco.iotitd.t-1
Jmi-ii miss tirino ? Will ain't Kidney
n ..rii.t ... ll.l......
T 1 1! I I .. ... 1 1 1 I L II ... . .1.. I!k- b
111 ivih Jinjmrij now iiiu w uiuwri
Ikkcls to All point
rorSjle tyO. R.IN
11 RAl
Agent. AM'irU.
, llilul II. Huseit
ThroiiKh leilaeo bonhl sl-isn.
illulim IHoa.v
I I I'lHS'l' VI MI'llll I i: TH AINH
No, 4 l.lllllle.l I'etll""!
''no' J l.bnll-.l "" ' ' 15
. in.
AST AM) .soUillliAST
ri'lXMAN I'AI.Al'IC Itl.KBI'Cm.
TontiHT "WCKrwii
fiikk nrx'LisiNti t ium cam
taljr to
Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha,
Chicago. Kansas City
anil other Caalera OUs via altiMr .
ra Pacific or 0. IL A N. C
Only Line From Portland
OtTcrtiif laaMira tha ctiotf af T
Tuuiist Car Unas (hruuch
to Cak4
Specially Conducted
Via flhaata llouta to t'hlcaata arary fa
day. IUra clox k-J throut U 4tav
tlnatlun. Maatnllbvnl aovnary. amitm
itwta, faat lima, biwnit rata.
IMmavh llht In nn mrs
For raiM anj other inform Uoa, mt)
on or aJdrM
a W. IIAXTKIt. (lxil Aot
IB ThlnJ tH.t r A.r. I'uril.oaV
A map of the
United States
H.11.I me I', rniia Iii at tmi-a and will
mall ..ii a map nf 11,, rnitt.i Htatra,
(hrte f..-t f.,r incbr. ... ,y f Mir
long I'r int. .1 lu ai, ,,,i,r, M ointrn
on rolb-ra Hli.., rirt ,t.,. ,-ounty,
liiip.irtnut (own m,. 1 h, t tia l'n.
led Htnt.-a
A i' HIII.I.lMiN,
ib-to rul Aic-nt. rra.
A. & C. li. II ll
In I licet M. J5. IN17.
Iava Henahbi for A.toru via narai
al 7:30 a. m. and ! p. m. dall.
Itava Aalorla for (Waldo ru rural
at 10 a. m. and p. m dally.
ll I lie Ahovc Itiilr, A 1 c DjiII v
Astoria Public Library
Oixn .very day from J .cla-k lo I N
and 1.10 to 1. 10 p. m.
Bubacrlptlon ram j ,-.
H. W. Cor. Klevantb and Duan Btraata.
' nv it,,, nnd 1 r.i,le.Marks nl4lnedind all Pal-!
Mil -..tuiiibMliil ,,r Moora.Tr nr. I
Ooa Orrtct u CccooiTr, U, 0. PaTtNTOrriet)
"'.i r' "in (..ileal III Ira. lima Hun lliuacl
rcinotn (nun Wunliin um. S
hriid m.iilrl, iliiioiuit or nWi.. with iV--rlivf
tlon. n Ivi.r. Il l.atriii,i,n tir not. lira olt
llaree. I litr Iro ll"l lliie llll patrol I. an urrd. S
A PAMSiair, " How todl.iaiii I'ainnl.," wllhf
:l-t ol .nine III tile U. S. Mntl iiiifiitu cuuntria.1
Kiit Iter, ytililrr... i
cVVVVVvVVA a-k-TtyV 'aVVrf
.it4J. 00 YEAR8'
Anynnesonitlng a sketch still (In.erliitlon mar
ouleiiijr n.eiiriaiii our e,ini,,n rree wlmlhrr an
I11T11111I..11 la iiiti.iitnl.ln ('etiimtiiilcn.
tlonii strict Iriiiiiiiilniil lid. I li,i,,l ,, Patimu
aeilt fnin. Illile.t nuniii y fur .ecurlng liiiliuila.
I'stmii Inken tliroiuili Mum, (', moolfa
tprrliil milke, mtliout clinrmi, In n,
Scientific American.
A hnrtomnlr llln.tratnd wrniklr. Urenat rlr.
eiilalion of any seliiiitilln liainml. Term., 13 a
r.".r..I'.".,ri"'"'"' L Hold byml nowiilealera.
MUNNXCo.38'8. New York
Ur.uch Oflles, IBS W Ht.. WiuhliigloD.ul.