The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 22, 1898, Image 4

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Orcnslonnl roln.
To earn our rlnht to "Mully brca.1."
To not regret whn time l fled.
To balance every hour expense-
We need the aid of common sense.
O. 8. nice.
Try Schilling Host tea and baking
MIdwtfe-Ura. Mnry Make. Ttf KschsnRO
Choleeet flock of candles In the city at
the Parlor.
Captain Charles Ksnim will b visi
tor In the city today.
Mr. A. M. Wheeler returned from a
Tlslt In California on lh Columbia.
Washington- blrlh.lay was appropriate
ly celebrated yesterday In the schools.
At the A. F. C. alley yesterday C. H.
Cooper und C. K. lllgirine each ml 5.
The sun smiled a few minute jester
day hut wss soon objured by Or. son
W. J. Heck.ird's full-weight creamery
l,utler and buttermilk and thick cream
t the Tarlor.
The renowned "$ drop" medicine for
varlouf dlaeaaea can be had at 113 Com
mercial itreet.
The steam shovel I now at work clear
ing out the elide on the railroad track
near Clifton.
The Chrysanthemum darnv nUht
was largely attended and proved a very
successful affair.
P. J. Meany. the leading merchant
Ullor. 137 Tenth atreet The highest price
paid for fur skins.
New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins,
figs and assorted nuts-ll extra line qual
ity, at Boas. Hlgglns A Co.
Astoria la a fish town but her market
rarely afford anything fit for the table
except salmon or sturgeon.
The old Croshy store, which will prob
ably be used for the republican conven
tion In April, will seat people.
The carriers' and eneral delivery win
dows and postofflce will be open today
from t to 10 a. m. and from S to C p. m.
Philip Condlt. Seaside; 1. L Smith. Cape
reappointment: J. B. Hawkins, llwaco:
Walter Way. Portland, are at the Parker
First blood was drawn for the Wash
ington pilots and the Jessie yesterday
when Pilot Gunderson brought the Auck
land Into port.
Street Superintendent Holt yesterday
sent a gang of men to clean the trees and
obstructions off the pipe line road In the
city limits.
Don't use a piaster for a lame back, but
take Hall's Juniper Kidney Cure. It has
cured others It may you; try It Charles
Rogers, druggist.
The suits for the masque ball to be
given by the Sons of Hermann tonight
arrived on the Telephone yesterday and
can be seen In the store at the corner
of Bond and Eleventh.
Revival services at the M. E. church
tonight. The subject of the sermon
"Feeling In Religion." Services lo be
conducted by the pastor.
Hon. John Fox yesterday assumed the
reins of power at the custom house ana
appointed Duncan McLean clerk at the
desk recently occupied by Mr. Hueston.
When going east travel on the North
cm Pacific railway. Quick time and the
only line running dining cars. Train
leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
W. H. Wheeler. Nunah, Wis.; H. Glenn.
The Dalles; H. N. Knechler. Ft. Stevens;
J. W. 8eaborg. L. A. ioomls and daugh
ter. R. A. Hawkins. llwaco, are at the
Frank Green says the White Pass Is the
one to travel on the way to Klondike
while there Is snow on the ground, ana
he Intends to return that way as soon
as possible.
Mrs. D. P. Williams died Sunday morn
ing of cancer, aged years. The fun.
eral will take place this afternoon and
the remains will be Interred In Green
wood cemetery.
Frank Green, ex-chlef of the Are de
partment, has returned from Alaska,
where he was fortunate enough to he
cure a rich claim near the Hig Salmon.
He will return soon.
After the Sons of Hermann ball tonight
free street cars will run to all parts ol
the city. Tickets Gentlemen musk-'Ts,
II; lady maskers, M; spectators, 50c.
Foard & Stokes' hull will be crowded.
If you have hides, wool, furs, raga.
bone, or any kind of jiirk for sale, chip
It to R. M. Gaston, MS Fourteenth street.
Aslorla, Oregon, or write him and he will
call at your place and g' t It. He pays
At the public alleys hint night two
blind-folded teams of seven on a sll- ot
the text players bowled a iMtne, much
to the amusement of the crowd. Archie.
McLeuu scored 2-". and Johnson t'-n goose
April will bo a lively monili and the
politicians Mill have their haii'ls full.
With the primaries on tin- 2nd, county
convention on the lith, and the state con
vention on the Mth all will have plenty
to do.
Largest and most complete assortment
of ulr-tlght heaters in the city. All the
kinds ndvertlscd In this paper may be
seen and compared at our store, then
your Btlectlon will-be satisfactory to you.
Foard & Stokes Co.
Mr. Floyd Ivmi-nt. who recently de
clined a remunerative position In tin
customs service, us he had arranged to
engage In the hardware business, has es
tablished himself on Commercial street,
adjoining Albert Dunbar's. This fixed de
Beware of "cheap" bak
ing powders. Alum makes
good medicine but bad food.
. Ask your doctor.
termination to carry out what he ho
planned Is a divided recommendation fur
Mr. lvnienl and presages a success In
business life for him.
Prlies will be given at the Sons of Her
mann ball, February S, for the most ar
tistic ladles' costume, for the most artis
tic gentlemen's costume and for the best
sustained Indies' and the best sustained
gentlemen's character.
The rich man's whiskey Is H.UU'KH
because It Is supremely delicious. The
poor man's whiskey Is IIAItrKK. because
such good whiskey hoi pa him. The family
whiskey Is llAKPKK. because II s pure,
pleasant and strengthening. Sold by
Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria. Ore.
Northern Pacific railroad trains leave
Portland daily at 11 o'clock a. m. for Ta-
coma, fpokane, and the east. Close con
nection made at 8pokane for Rosaland,
Nelson. Sandow and British Columbia
mining camps. For maps and Information
call on or address C. W. Stone, Astoria,
A peculiar incident occurred In the off
ing yesterday. An American ship, sup
posed to be the Henry Vlllard, arrived
off the mouth of the river and proceeded
north, sending word to shore near tVean
Grove that she wanted a pilot. The me.
sage wa delivered by wire In Astoria
from llwaco.
Shares of the Alaska Transportation
nd Development company ot Chicago
re the mosj d.rtil Investment before.
the public. Safer thai, ?avrpe banns and
!ar.k stock. P-.ylng large dividends
Share one dollar Fur information ad
drew W. I. Dudiv. gonersl ajrent, Hal
ler building. Seattle, Wart.
The Progressive Association held an en
thusiastic meeting lust night. TN com
mittee on public parks reported large
money subscriptions If u suitable site
was secured, and the workers were miiih
encouraged. Plans for a dry dock wen1
oHncd and discussed, and many other
matters of Importance were considered.
When the magnltlct-nt steamer A tcto.
rlan. now on her way to the Sound, passed
lown the harbor yesterday morr.lng. she
presented a truly beautiful slirht. She
will be the pride of the Sound as she has
been of the Columbia river. The icto
rlan Is swifter than either of the S.m
Francisco steamers and will do good ser
vice In the Alaska trade.
In his new office on the Parker House
dock. William Edwards, aeent of th
Ilorthwick Lumber fomitanv. an Id ik.
terday that there was considerable, ac
tivity in building already manifested -.a
m.u it was tumcuit to supply the de
mand for lumber. Charles Johno;i Is
rushing us for the material for his new
nouse at Hllnd Slouch, and the r.iiltxjin
company is pushing the building of the
one large in.. nouses, pung huose, water
tank and other buildings at Clifton, ana
the bridge tenders' houses at liiimi
Slough and John Pay's. Other residences
and buildings are In contemplation for
the early spring.
Articles of Incorporation of the Yukon
Repairing and Dredging Company were
filed yesterday In the county clerk's office.
The objects of the company are the own
ing and operating of boats on the Yukon
and Its tributaries, the operation ol
plants for the manufacture and repairing
of machinery, etc. The Incorporators ate
John W. Welch. W. F. Ray and C. R.
Thomson. The capital stock Is IRu"), di
vided into 100 shares of tluu each. The
company proposes to also attach a
dredger and sluice-box for handling the
sands from the bottom of the river,
which are no doubt rich In gold. They
will also be prepared to build boju ana
saw lumber. Two thousand dollars ot
stock has already bttm subscribed.
The Oysters, captained by M. B. Bo
intth. played against Herman Wise's
Crabs, and F. M. Ounn's Halibut against
C. H. Cooler's Smelt, at the A . F. C.
last night. Mr. liorarth s team took two
games from the Crabs, the scores being
INS to 177 and 181 to ITS. The Halibut ana
Smelt broke even; the former took the
first game the scores being St to 117. while
the latter won the second-lM to ltT. Mrs.
Fisher, playing for the Halibut as a sub
stitute, made the best score in the tourn
ament 13. The high score for the g-ntle.
men yesterday was JS. which was made
by C. R. Hlgglns and C. H. Cooper. A
feature of the evening was "Cra.kaJ.i-k-Cooiht's
wonderful work. In the first
game against the Halibut he had .1 ptns
in me nrtn frame, nnlshing with 21.
The Hi-cish ship Auckland, Captain C
James, arrived yesterday In ballast.
days from Port Adelaide. In speaking
of his voyage Captain James said: "Wo
left Adelaide Christmas day. On the 12th
day out we passed the Antipodes islands
and several icebergs. Strong est-rly
winds prevailed until wi- reached I'lt
calrn Island. 22 days out. From there wo
had 9 days of very light winds and calm.
We took the southeast trades n 2', south,
and we had it very strong. The equator
was crossed In 1.11 west and then we ran
from the southeast trades which rarrieu
us to " north with a good steady breeze.
Light winds were the rule from then to
t". On the lath we encountered a heavy
hurricane from the southward, the ship
laboring under a lower main topsail. The
wind shifted to southwest and we put tho
ship on her course again, diking up
Pilot Gunderson at o'clock this nam
ing, arriving in port about noon. We
did not sight a sail or vessel route,
end had It not been for talma would have
made a crack passage." The Auckland
registers 1213 tons und is a fast Mi:p.
Mrs. James, who always travels with th
captain, Is with him on ihis voyage.
Harbor Mister Reed went to h-h wi'li
Captain James 14 years ago.
In the justice court yest. ri' ,v r,-r,:i
Johaiiseri was tried f,,r .s.-aultliii- John
Johnson while com inn from school. The
two boys iire under 11 years ,f ;lM1
their parents, who re present in .0 ut,
ire residents of 1 'pp- riow n. S- vet ( wir.
ii-.ssis wire examined ir.. liming mele-u
testimony 10 show that the J.,h!.-r;
h suffering from S'.. Vitus ,:
-1 v.-ry n.-rvous :.-rnp. r;m
Johnson. Hi., mother of 1!'
to the behavior of her so:, ,,r
lie was subjected li. i.neeif
e ,t;d
!. Mi-.
' -life-O
th. al.'l-e
ni- se 001
N'.urn, jm-i l MHUOIiy Wl.'. I.'lll' ,',..-i7e of
1 he Joh.ins.-n boy's guilt if re, oth-r f
titnony had beet! In'todm . d. I!, r -on
Icstltbd how Kmil Irol thrown a yi.k
him on the way from a. ho.. I fi,,. ; v.-...-regarded
with irier- truth tlnm that giv
en by his parent. Kmil Johai,-. n a:.i
he picked up a small sUi k and nr me.
Johnson boy and ran away as Mrs, John
sou came in sight. Wit ties --s w- r- -ainlned
us to .Mrs. Johnson' sobriety
and her responsibility In repaid in the
raising of hT family. The testimony .,1
her neighbors was to the (-(f. ct fne
drunk to ex. -ess and usual!:.- nr-ed ),.!
son to do mischief. Justice A '"T. rouibie
dismissed the case and ihi iilentally gay
Mrs. Johnson some sound Advice. 1'roso-
e'ltlllg A -Iiey Cll-li;- iiskdl U V if -ill'
was not willing to have her m p iced
In the reform school at Kal.-m, and she
replied that she would not hi him y,n
there at present.
Why Is it men never rcmovo their hair
when they ,.11 (,t the windows of their
clubs? They wouldn't think of keeplm:
on their lieudeur under their own rools.
Western Kixuts Assume tbc Atijrcssle
in the Tight.
Till IR OI'lHlNrNT ON Till: Mil'
TktetlOat ol the lsimijrjti Clririaij
hVssc Sltimship lilts Joii
(he Imcrtca Kosdv
Chicago, Feb. 21. The wctern roads
have assumed the acurcsslve In the war
with the Canadian Pacific road They
have thrown that road out of the Western
Immigration clearing house. The effect
of this action will be that the Canadian
Pacltle will be shut out from .artldpn
Hon In the Immigrant travel arriving at
New York and lloslon.
Acting In harmony with this action ot
the western roads, the trans-Atlantic
steamship lines, which are iwirtlcs to the
Immigrant agreement with these roads,
have cabled their agents In KurH anu
throughout the northwest not to sell uny
tickets or preiwld ord. rs calling for
tbkets over the Canadian Pacific. These
Instructions apply to nil Immigrant busi
ness. Irrcsiievtlve of where It originates
or 111 hat direction it may be. whether
cut or West.
The Southern Pacitlo r-xid Is also a par
ty to this boycott, so that the Canadian
Pacific practically has left Itself with
out friends. As a result of this action,
the Canadian Paclllc will have to rely oil
the truffle at Portland. Me., or at Cana
dian ports for Its Immigrant business.
The western roads have ulso made ap
plication at Washington to the Interstate
commerce commission for a sus;enslon ot
the long and short haul clause of (he
Interstate commerce act so far us trans
continental passenger rates are con
cerned. This action was taken In order
lo save their Intermediate rates In th ir
contlli t with the Canadian Paclllc roau
oer truncontlncntul business.
The call Issued by the Oregon S.iety
of the Sons of the American Revolution
for prlxe essays on the (' Con
gress was responded to by Some .sixty
puptls of the schools of the state. It is
with pride the Astorlan is able to an
nounce that Miss laiuia Parker, of this
city, won the second prise, and regrets
that space will not permit the publica
tion of the essay In full, us it deserves.
The first prise was awarded to a stu
dent In the Portland schools. Secretary
McCamant writes Miss Parker as folio:
Portland, Or. Feb. IS. KS.
Miss Laura Parker. Astoria. Or.
Dear Miss Parker I am pleased to Ie
able to Inform you that the essay which
you furnished has been awarded the sec
ond prise in the competition for prlies
offered by the Oregon Society of the Sons
of the American Revolution. The com
mittee find much to commend In your
essay. It Is very free from grammatical
and orthographical errors. It Is rich in
its wealth of facts about the Continental
Congress and correct In substantially ad
of Its historical statements. Please 4.
rept my congratulations on your success
in this competition. I sndosp you here
with my check for $15, which Is the
amount of the prise awarded to you.
Although the announcement of this
prlxe will not be made until the meeting
of the society In its annual meeting on
the 22nd Instant, I forwurd the same to
you at this time In order that the essay
may be published on the morning of the
22nd or 23rd of February. It Is appro
priate for publication on either of these
mornings. Very resprctf ully yours,
I'harlman of the committee of S. A. R.
The circuit court convened for the reg
ular February term at 10 o'clock yester
day morning.
M. F. Hardesty and Ludwig Larson
Were appointed sheriffs to serve during
the term.
The following Jurors were excused from
serving on the Jury panel: S. A. Uragg,
W. J. S.-ully. F. T. A. Hlldebrand, F. W.
Ill.ils.lell. and D. Tweedle.
The following were drawn a. t-rann
jurors: Andrew Lllllnes, J. A. (lender,
William Ross. August Davidson. John
Fay. D. V. Kurnslde and J. II. MansU.
J. II. Mansell was apiiolnt.-d foreman,
and William Ross, clerk.
The Jurors were sworn and charged am
pro. ended to examine the county offices.
The following civil cases were .lis.
p.ise.1 of:
P. W. Kearney vs. H. D. Newberry; de
fault and Judgment for plaintiff for 122.VI
and interest.
Assignee of E. R. Hawes; petition ot
e-slgnee for authority to sell merchan
dise; granted.
M. J. Kinney vs. D. K. Warren, as
'iitnee; dismissed.
I.lllie Hill vs. J. J. Kinney et a!.; set
tled and dismissed.
I'harles W. Khlandt vs. I'hailes 0.
Khlnndt; dismissed. ,
Same vs. same; dismissed..
Y. Prledmimn vs, Mudgi-t Publishing
.'ntnpany; dismissed.
' latsop Mills Company vs. Nick Honler;
default and Judgment as prayed for.
Astoria and Columbia Itlv-er I'.ailroao
I'otnpany vs. N. Htanovlch et al.; dis
missed. '. J. Llndahl vs. C. '. Jones et al.;
A ik ust Juhrs vs. llowtird Winter et
.n , dismissed.
K. Ogllvie vs. P. I-;. Knapp; default
id iiidgment.
Till-: MObKKN WAV.
''"inmends Itself to the. well-Informed, to
lo pleasantly and effectually what was
formerly done In the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cbanse, the. sys
tem and break up colds, headaches and
fev -rs without unpleasant after effects
use the delightful liquid laxative renv.dy,
Hyrup of Figs. Made by California
Kyrup Co.
Notice la hereby given that C. 8. Wrlg-ht
and T. A. Hyland, executors) of the estate
of Kliitabcth Jane Russell, have Hied their
final account In said estate, In the county
court of Clatsop county, Oregon, and
thi Jijde thereof has set February a,
1VJ8, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the
hearing of objections, If any there be,
to the allowance of the same tnd the
closing of the administration of said es-
la,e' C. 8. WRIGHT,
Astoria, Oregon, January 19, 1K8.
To discover a person's real disposition
you have only to play cards with them.
m; out
Miners Ketorntmj to .VmeiKiin Soil tn
Seek Cliilms-
Not Ooc-lilth luetic I'Uiias Coiikcs
litci .Makiatj ( Rrliias -fWtlcr
San Francisco. Feb. 2I.-Hiewarl Men.
lies, all agent of the Alaska I'ommercl.ti
Companv. who has Just returned from
the Klondike region, starting from Daw
son City January .'. and from Skagway
pchruary I". rcHrtH that Hie tide ol
Kold-hunlcrs who Ihx ked Into Can oil. in
t.rrltory when the news of rich strikes
III the Klondike region was first an
nounced. Is now turnliiK. and those ho
abandoned their claims 011 American and
Chicken creeks are now returning there
accompanied by many others who
been unable to locate claims on Can. oil. 111
Mentli-s .i that Just before be . ante
out claims on Dais, Chick, n, la ll.inon
and Walker s Fork . re. ks. which are
tributary to Forty Mile creek, showed
Letter results Hi. i a before the ru-h to
the Klondike, especially those on Chicken
creek, whl.h are front eight lo lKe
....I .I...... ...... r ,..!.. 1-1 ...
I ... 111 e ( ,
MeiiiK-s pmiicis thMi the majority ot
those tinners now on the bl'"
will cross the boundary in the near fu
ture, as It Is almost Impossible for oin -
fifth of those already In the Klondike In
locate claims, und they will be com.
(.INd to spread out over the territory
whl.h though not so ri. h as Klondike,
promises iM-tter returns than was form
erly expected.
WashltlKtoll. Peb. 21. -The feature ol
the day In the house was the spirited
contest over the bill to pay Ncwin-rry
.-ill. ce, a Lutheran Institution In South
Candln.1. $!''' for dam.iKes by federal
troops. It was finally (kissed.
n motion of llalley. the d-mo, r.itic
li a.b r. the house voted i to 1'. to oberve
Wa-hit.Kton birthday by ad lournliii!
nor tomorrow, but l'lin;!. ) raised the j
Miitit of no tiuorum and l rurther
avtlon could Ik- taken the house r.vesseii
until s oiLnk. The republicans deslis
lo to ahead with the sundry appropria
tion bill tomorrow.
Washlmtlon. Feb. SI. -A sweeping re
duction of over from the amount
carried by the current law Is made In
the sundry civil appropriation bill re
ported to the hous today, the aUKreaale
appropriation carried belntc llt.Tt.VC
The total Is IU.r;i.:.i less than the regu
lar and supplemental ohiclul rstlmatrs
made for the fiscal year bs, and H.-
v;i.y less than the appropriations made
fur the current fiscal year.
An old Arab some W years of age, feel
In sonicthlDK like King Dnvld In Ms an
rliulty, took a young daiutci to his heart
toil borne. The old story of 19 and 60,
with a UnshlUR young gallant of Hi be
twern, again ensued, with the usuul con
equencv. Poor 0 ulnars ws locked up
in her bare in and guarded by her tyrunt
With jealou: care.
One day AUIallnb IliD Junnf brought
bonis a tine wateriueloti wherewith to ru
galu himself and his fair brido and then
Mturm-d to his huslnewi, whatever It might
be. In the meantime Oulnarv ant at h.r
lattice window, her "Jalousie," and lined
for the gallant her soul adored. As she
tat thinking aud pining and longing, a
iry of "Fish from the lake! Flh. O
lady!" struck upon her ear, and, gazing
down Mow. she la held fisher boy with a
basket of little fish for sale.
An Idea a sublime. Idea struck the
lovesick Guipure, and, calling tho fisher
boy, the letdown a basket and bought
loien of his wares. With the greatest care
he then made as niuny Incisions In tha
melon, and, carefully Inserting tho fish In
the hollows, nicely closed up the aperturei
with the light green rind. With height
ned color and In a perfect fever of exolte
ment Uulnare awaited the arrival of her
ipoute. At last he came, and, greeting
blm with a feigned admiration worthy of
ber sex, she set the melon before him.
Taking hi knife, AbdaJlab, the ion of
Joseph, proceeded to open the fruit, when,
to bli Infinite surprise, he found a fish Im
bedded In tbe luscious crimson Interior
The second out discovered another, nd so
on, each Incision bringing it fresh one to
"Hod Is greall Heboid, O Oulnarel"
crlwl Abdullah. "Some strlfo has been at
work hero. What Is to be doner 11 us
send for lluiljl Osiimn, the dervish, to ux
arciic the fruit. Those, flsli are tho IH
umiiuimoi iniijit tiint were fstunu by boi
union, tho king, ntid If wo touch thonj no
hull bo ruined und tiny set free."
"Nonn)iise!"nuitl Uulnaro. "The melon
grew near the hike, and tho fish haveenten
their wnv Into It. Dost thou think, O son
of Joseph, that thou nlone hast n llkltig
for fishy Quiet thy mind and thank Allah
that he enabled thee to innkn a doubln bur
gain with thv money. Quint thy tnlnil, 0
my bull, mill I will prepare tlusi a supper
of flsli such as thou never bust, enjoyed,
and hold, thy Ut, slmll nfls-rwiiril bo in
the first, liuiir In pnruliwi umld tlio 7u
hours Allah will jrivo tine."
Tliereupon, lllie it dutiful spouwt, sin
procieilt (I lo i o I. tiio miraculous with
lu r ow n In;;- i.,.inls. Altir reiiiiiiiiing al,
scot, Koii.u lii'lt. .tlnni i.lic n turned with u
perfectly inn nnt nir. suyln:
"S-irrj i.i:: 1, O I. ' lord, to Iiuvu (!j
tlllllltl Jllllwlth ll.f'l'ef. I.L us run
enjoy tl." fruit jour1' has ir j1J d.'
"Hut wl;-f- .'..'a il.c i'y.Vt"
"i-h. V.'bM l!-'iv"
"Why, l!". f: ,!: vc ,'i'iim Iti t!ir nicb fi.'
"Fish l'i I': ,"i ' ''in I Allnh nkhfir,
what il's-s i.iy life li eiiiV"
"Why, tild Mii Pi t C:ul Id liltlnflsli In
the union I hrnuylit, from tl.u luiaar)
iJidst in t my fiijsiif they bud wittuii
their way lino lit"
"Allub, h..if Mi-rcy upon inol Ainini!
Airiiui: .Now I think my lord Is winder
Ing In his iiiiml. V hi cr l.uard of n (i:ii
living in li walei :ni lour"
'Sculling !aii.'ii. r of nn Improper per
son," I'lpllnl 1 rut n Alitliiliitl,, "v.tKtie
thy foolish talk n el bi iujf iiiii tho flfih, or
by thn bcanl of t hit prophet I will cliuntisc
theo for thy liiipiii-tliiirice."
"Fish In u wnterinelonl Ha, hn, ba!
Pray to the prophet, old griiybwird, that
he presnrvo thy senses! V Allnh (by Al
luh), I fear mo thou urt pnsseHsndl"
This was too inucli for Abdalluh to bear.
and, dI.Iiik his wlfo by the shoulder, be
nave her u sound box on tha ao
1 R ,
r , v.
Hoth tJie methoil ami results when
Syrup of l-'ij; is Liken; it is ple.i.nt
ami refreshing to the taste, ami aett
gently yet promptly tm tlic KiIncy
l.iveraml ll.iwels, cleansesthenys
temetleetually, dispels
aehesaml feveis
constipation. Syrup of 1-iks '''
only remrtlv of its kiml etcr pro
tlueeil, pleasini; to the taste ami ac
ceptable to the fdoiii.irh, jirompt in
its action ami truly bcnelicial in its
etlects.prep.itcilouly fioin the most
healthy ami agreeable snlislanres,
it many eeellent qualities coin
meml it to all ami have ni.ule it the
most popular retneily known.
Syrup of I'is is lor sale in 50
rent bottles by all leailniK ilrun
j;ists. Any reliable tltuist who
may not have it on h.iml will pro
cure it promptly fr any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept
any substitute.
Loumiui. it. tew roar, t
"Ifioll In I'.itti'' sti.".-.! m, ...
"Thou r." e'.--c4 i f n demon ! Help!
Help" Murder"
lluluaro sl.ric'el. Aldallah storuusl
and r.ncd. ti!l it l.i.t, Innklng from
her hi sl aiid's grap. I'.uli r rnlns lulu
lh stnt-t and w-n.l.d b.r steps to her
mother s house. II. re ahn viplallml how
her hu!vind had su.uleiilr nn limit and
dtsvritsd to thi'in I Le whole srs-ns
bad just pnssid A Lilallah hltnswlf sui
ai'ponrrd Ina lowirmg fur to bring bis
wife lck, but on being n-k.xl whether
he Kally br.d U-li. rd und sold Ihcr.' w. ru
Dsh In the Melon and nn-v. ring In tbu
aftlriualUe. I Is w l' s rcl i tl.oul.t It
high time tliy!i.uid I. aratid, and
all ll d' iitntds s.l;. uniol to tin
"shunt's" to I oar bis di. 1 Ion
Hero AUIallah slated l is ense. hiUng
first. In th.i full c .ii.iii!!c of his ft " d
faith, asvi'i ted lln.wag.r of a Una t"sl
which tbe icrfidlous liiiln.ini bndi.fTend
hi in. and related all thut bail wsd l.
twern ti 1 ill and his wife.
"And dost thou really alTIrm that thy
melon contain. d thcui 1J llslies ttloU
isok.-st about.'"
"VAIlabl VAllahl 1 am speaking
th truth!"
Thereupon fnlluwnl a long discussion,
some arguing for a siaihllliy of the loir
acle, others denying ll In toto, asserting
that II was an optical delusion a kind of
mirage, In fart till at length one wt-c
man pronounced his opinion that tblt rnu
iiilnor question, Iss-auas If the man In
the first Install!- had suffered from a de
lusion he was sllll Inlsirlng iiniler one and
was therefore uf unsound mind. If, on
the other hand, he really Isilrred In what
was evident Impossibility, he was a lili.a
tloall the mom. laislly, an p lti g . f.-r
tho sakeof argument, tht-m had Issjn lhiv
lli fish, these transformed sfrlles, what
could ha Income of tbeiu? It was char
there bad tiuver Iss-n aiiyfUh In the lu.ioii
Alxlalloti thureiipoil U gnn to oclf. r.ite
still more loudly than Isforunnd
In bis senile rage that he would ts.ainged
on the woman who thut d .nd to ttlllc
with ti 1 in.
"Nay. then, Abdullah, son of Joseph,
we cannot allow thee lo vent thy mad Ire
on an Innocent woman. Ills char thou
art possessed. Thy mil la granted, t)
woman, surnained liiilnarr. anil thou art
divorced from the hmluitid of a taint. il
Blind. Oo In Js-uce, for the law hath
And thus It was decreed. AUIallah Was
circumvented and Onlnnm set free by her
own cleverness. Kxelmngu.
III rust.
Comnierolol Traveler (to boy who bin
answered tho bell) I want the Ismta
You're not the Issits sunlyl
lloy In llnttoiis No, sir. I'm the socks.
Commercial Traveler Socks! You lio
pndent young dmiion. W hut do you menu
Hoy In Ituttons Why, you sis-, sir, I in
under the boots. 1'lek Me t'p.
The Likelier Supposition.
Smith Ssi Julius over there limglilng
o heartily. rioiuelsKlj must haw told hliu
funny story.
lirown More likely June told It bli
self. Chlnngo Journal.
Iion't think men so blind to the Inlrlcn
ties of a woman's dress that Ihey will
fall to notice the absence of buttons on
glovi s and boots.
To understand how many more than
sixty minutes can be crowded Into an
l.our you have only to make your semi
annual visit to tho dentist's.
It Is now that depressing between time
In tip world of fashion when a woman
Is undecided w hether to spend ber Inoii' y
on r.-dueed furs or new organdies.
Iion't worry over Irllles or you won t
have the backbone to in. el ill" real
doubles when they come.
To All I'olntH K.iHt via flreut Northern
St. I'.-iul l-irsl-clnsH. 2r,; second-ca-iH.
i'i. (iilcago- l-'Irsl-. lasH, ::i.Vi; second
chiKS. New York-hirst-class, Jlie
second-chisH, .'!H. l-'or full partleiilars
cull on or address Ag'-nt '. It. fit N. f'o.,
Astoria; A. II. C. Ilennlston, C. I', ft T.
A., I'orthind; C. I. lingers, llwaco,
Beware of Imitations
'1 .
ikuiid and no.M8.
i'hrsa or four rooms, with board, al
ressoimbls rat. Tabl boardpra can bs
accomodatsd. Mra. 10. 0 lloldsn, oortiar
Niulli and luan s(rls.
AHMio.viiK'H Noricn xv cni:i)HMiii
Nolle ta hcrshy kivsn that tha und.r
lnrd baa this day besit tppaltCcd M
Uinrs if ftchscva Hlrnuss, an Insolveni
itvbior. Creditor of lh said assLtnor
nr hereby notified to present lllt'r tlalliti
under iMlh to tha undrsutnsl wllhln
Hire monMui from thai ilai at hi plaoe
of buslnesw at Na (78 OmmeroUl trr,
Astoria, IVtvoii.
I'nle.1 IbU II th (lay of Pnvmhsr,
A.l(liie of Hsbeoca Htrauas, an H4V-
H'K'irrrr ukktimih
I'KMI'i.K LD1KIIC NM I. A r l4
A. M -lingular roiiiiniiiilcatlons held ea
the not ami third Tussday evening at
ik mo th.
tl. W. I.Ol'NBllKllI'T. W. M
R C Hllt.PtCN. swratarr
ir t. t'BiwiiT.
tsa iVmnierclal sti
liUIN 1. l.UHITKIt.
nr.-s, uiistslrs. Astorlan llulldltig
; i . i . ItHi'WKU.
tliinderson Pull, ting.
Aatorl. Orn
I'll tt i. ICHl'Kn.
Kwv-lal attsntbin to dlssases of wuniei
tnd surgery.
lrtiis over taet'gsr store. Aatorts
l'rb'i.hoite No. It
AflVltNKY AND CtU'NsKL'ill
I Orfl.-e on llnn.l atrel. Astoria, Of
Ch.slfr V IVdpb hlritstd Nllli
la. I lit Jit NIXON,
. I'ortland. Ongon. II. is. and ti
' llsmlllon ttulldlng. All lgl anJ
Isa-tlon busln a promptly attend 1 t
tiuln.s against the government a e
! ilsllf
I omce. rtMHtis t and t, I'ythlan bulldi
I WIS Conimerclal Hi, lt.-sbenre earns.
T-t. l.tVMie
j Acting amlstant eurgsun 17. H. Ua
i rlns hospital rvlc.
Notice I hereby given there are
I funds In the city treasury to pay all war-
I rints drawn on th general fund and m-
' dorred prior to July I. itil. Interest will
I cruse after this date.
! City Treasurer.
I Asiorls. Oregon, February 15, Psrt.
I w
What Style.
Many people find It difficult
toobisln a perfect tit lu
Home require a high linti.
to others a narrow she Is a
wesr In business lo serve
ell. and make a
Special Study of Individual
Petersen &
February 22.
Masquerade Ball
Foard & Stokes Ifnll
Harble and Granite
Kit K. Mull I mi 11 hi., I'ortland, Or
l omer of Ninth and Aslor Hired", Astiirlu,
Guests Received on American or
European Plan.
AUosll Mght
C. II. Orkwitz
Casting Lends
on Klili I.Iiii.i.
J. B. WYATr,
Phone No. 68 Astoria, Ursgos
Ship Chandlery,
Spsclal Attention Paid te Supplying Ships
You want that which strengthens jreur
sisinu in this cold weather. You wanl
that which helps you to fulfill the de
mands which business make on your
Physical solf. to withstand th verity
ir thn changeable weather and la make
you strong and keep you well. Here's
where good meals hslp you.
A Narrow
Is all we are asking
on our sio. k of
L miles' nud (kntV
Boots and Shoes
Our ge.sU ars wsmntid
Commercial irr
Street Hann...
miwcATivi ' :js,er
rUX'R AND ktlLL ruo
uxwekb' ourruxa
FAiiuiAKKf acuijca
Emil Schacht
Kooms Ji7ji8
HortUnJ 5avla llaak BMf .
Portland, Oregon.
Mior. TuortDrn
Ulrst Btysa ' ;
Thorough Workmanship
Price Low
James Murphy
420 Commercial Street.
of the pudding la In th aUnv
and the proof of Uqoora
That' an argument tMt'a
cluslre demociitrmtlow.
Our will luuxl th teat
Table Wines...
For Families
Also for Medicinal at
Cooking Purpoaea
Private Block, Cream Bye, Old Hlciocr,
Pride of Kentucky ami Hermltxgej Ite
old California I)r.nd.
Carlson's FamilyUquor Store
A complete itock of lumber on bill
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling and nil klndi of finish; mold
ings and shingle. Term
and price nt bedrock. All order
promptly attended to. Office and yr
at mill. H F L. LOOAN,
Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor.
A 5l'i:CIAl.TV ,