HIE DAILY ASTOIUAN, Tt'KSDAY MOIiXIXd, FKlMtlAUY , llllltl. gaily &otcaiau JOHN T. LldllTEK, Editor. lthona No. at, Yt.HA (.'K Sl'lWORU'TION. DAILT. Sent by mol. per year Brat br mil, per mont-h Served by earner, per month.. WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per rar, in advanca., Poatas trt to avbeerlbere. UK Ail communications Intended for publi cation should ba directed to tha tdltor. Bud no communication of all kinds and remittance must ba addressed to Tha Aatoflan." Th Asto'lsn cuaxanteea to ta aub- acrlbera th lar-et circulation of any t.erper published on tha Columbia Hr. It'll Advertlnr rates can N bad on apptr ation to the bualnesi nanajer. Tha Wackly Astorlan. tha second old tat weekly In tha atat of Oregon, has, text to tha Portland Ocrajontan. th Ian varkly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland agvnts, and copies of the Astoilan can bt bad every morning at their stand. 1: Third street. I San Francia.-o is making great prepa rations to speed a parting guest whose coming she did not think worth while to welcome. When President Pole ar rived In the goMen gate not only had no arrangements been made to receive Mm. but during his stay of several days In San Francisco the only attentions shown him were from the United St.ite military authorities. Now, since the peo ple of other sections have popularised the distinction of his visit. San Fran cisco Is getting ready to celebrate his de parture with all the barbaric show uuai to gala occasions In that city. Speaker Reed Is reported to have suii.t no river and harbor bill shall pas- cm gress this session. It Is to be hoped Ihe report Is true, for if Mr. Reed said It. he means what he says, and no steal of that kind will be perpetrated on the govern ment this year. Of course there ar some Important points where harbor improve ments are needed or should be continued but those places can much better afford to wait until the people send a different order of statesmanship to congress than the country can afford the system ot bribery among Interior congressional dis trlcts now necessary to the appropria tion of any money for really meritorious Improvements, It is still in order to inaugurate a naval reserveeorp in Astoria. We have no militia company here, but should have a naval reserve. This Is a seaport on the eve of a phenomenal growth, and If there Is not enough patriotism here to form a company of men reidy and willing to de fend our toast, we don't d.-s rve to have success. International affaiis are in a critical condition, unr t,arr i: tcins placed In a state of def.nse. Ion? (ontem plated by the government on general prin ciples, bit nevertheless particularly ap propis at the present time. We are not fceeklng war, and It Is almost certain that there will be none In the near future, but the old adage .ilil holds good, and As torlans. to be up-to-date and show ap preciation of the Improvements being made at the mouth of the river by the government can do little else than form a naval reserve for the proti ction of these Improvements. OREGON AND KANSAS riilladelt.hla Timea. Oregon Is following in the wake oi Kansas on the subject of the gold stand ard. The Republican League of Clubs held a convention at Portland recently which was largely attended from all sec tlons of the state, and one of the notice able features of the occasion was the ap plause which greeted every reference to the necessity of maintaining the present monctury standard. The resolutions adopted not only reaffirmed the monetary plank of the St. Louis plu'form, but ap proved the president's New York speech and declared the convent Ion in csuerim accord with the efforts of the secretary of the treasury to resist silver mono metallism. This uticomprominInK attitude of the Oregon League of Republican Clubs is rendered especially significant in view ot the fact that an election for two con gressmen and a state legislature will be held In June, and It means that the can vass Is to be made squarely on the Issue of the mulntenunce of the gold standard. This emphatic response from u state that has suffered In the past from the free coinage craze shows the value of bold and uncompromising leadership when a great principle Is to be maintained. Re publican congressmen have shivered and trembled with apprehension for fear Sec retary Uage was going too fast and too far In his demand for legislation to more surely commit the country to the gold Btandnrd, only to And that the people were In advance of them on this subject and unless all signs fall the first state to H.U.IllOO )X,)U .H Jo K..hUI.IU suing tn turn up In th sound money col umn. Another Icuson In putrliitlam wait given In the public school yesterdny afternoon. Appropriate cservlaea lit honor of Wash ington's birthday wore hold, and the pu pil evinced a surprlnlntf amount ot knowledge of rt'voluttomiry history. It In such excr Ises as those that keep alive the fir of enthusiasm ntul lo e of country in each fuoivedlng lienenillon, and It I fiom the rank of growing Im thus educated that the best statesmen ami public officers may In- looked for. They will be statemeil nml politicians from a senso of duty, more than for the spoil there Is III It. Sueh men are the ones now needed In iuiMIc life. Men who. like Wash ington, are willing to .icrl.icv !! f,ir ihe advancement and betterment of the n.i lion; men who ln.ve the couruce of ilieir voni lions; men who are honest aiw S4ure In public as well as itt.ito life. The nation today Is p-iK-ln through a crisis, mcn.irvd on many shies internally j by the efforts of agitators to ovei throw public crvs'.lt. dcbuse the money of the lople and turn point.- into a mere I . ramble for ottVe for the sake of oihYc. je from without we are thr.it. n.d till' I . fill, 'II. .1 I ll'll. '1.1.1' .11111 true men ar needed in p-w: -. of au thority, and the people N'i!ec or.i. or those at the head of affairs today may be trusted to Jo the rlht thing at the r'.M lime If demagogues and blusterers are kept down and discredited. The safety ot the future Is in the education of the young to stand for the right and the Integrity of the nation In all I's relations, social, business and diplomatic. FIREARMS ARK NOT TOYS Two more deaths have lately n suite,! from "didn't know It was loaded" acci dents a mother killing her babe anil a boy almost having his head blown off. Revolvers and guns are dangerous under all circumstances. Firearms .'ire not toys. It Is also unsafe to tnr'e with whit are termed minor allm. nts. Iiisignillcmt thotiKh they seem at Mrt. they an' likely, if iirec lull ns .ic.imst 111. Ir further development are neglected, or they are unw isely treated, to develop ico mabull. s of dangerous and complex mag nitude. The best way Is to arrest their progress at the start with H 'Sti ll-r s Stomach Hitters, whi h co Ks constitu tion, liver complaint and rheumatism, malaria, kidney trouble and nervousness. A dcvline In health Is something we can not afford to disregard. Nature always exacts a severe penalty for continuous heedlessness of her warnings. Independ ently of its sterling efficacy as a specific for chronic maladies, the Hitters ts a sup trb tonic and promoter of appetite and sleep. Across long leagues of watery miles I s. e A golden pathway built from heaven to me; So inspirations lure us to their goal Of shining triumph. Courage, earth-born soul. -F.th.-lyn T. Abbott. The pain that sometimes strike-; a man at the most Inopportune moment :s due to Indigestion. It may come in the rrldst of a dinner and make the ?.vit a mock ery. It Is a reminder that he may not eat what he hooses. nor wh--n he chooses. He is a slave to th ' w:ikn---ss of his stomach. A man's health and strength d.pemi upon what he g. n out of his food. This depends on his dig'-s-tlon. Remove the obstruction uy taking Dr. Pl-rce's Pleasant ll.-t-t. Th-y are a positive cure for ronstlpitloi and Irs attendant ills headaches, sour stoma' h, flatulence, dizziness. biliousness and "heartburn." The "IVPets" are very gen tle In their action. Th-y simplv nt-slst nature. They give no violent wre.i.n to the system Th.y caue no i.i.n. nor grip- ing. Sc-n.3 21 one-cent stamps to i ov-t ro.si of mulling only, and receive .'re,- n cpy of Dr. I'lerce s Medical Advis, r. Address. orld a Dispensary M-dl al A.noer.ition, 1 HufTalo, N. Y. Princes and lords are ion Un kings. "An hon.-sl man's th- nobl.-i iod." tir.-:iTh of -liurtis With careful attention the ugli.-s b'-ard ,-'!id mustache can b" made tidy, and ui even color, by the use of Hti'-kitigham' Ijye for the Whisk'-rs. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH RKMh'DV ALWAYS PROVES EFFECTUAL. There are no better medlclr.es on tne market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Coujrti Remedy when all otnera failed, and In eery Instance It proved effectual. Almost dally we hear the v.r tues of Chamberlain's remedies extolled by those who have used them. This Is not an empty puff, paid for at so mu -h a tine, but Is voluntarily given In good f.uth, In the hope that Buffeting humanity may try tnese remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Olenville (W. Va ) Pathfinder. For snle by Charts, RwM. Druggist. v:i,-, will women crI ,h..ir f..,, . the b-ifs of i h;i!rs wh n tin y .ire seutei) at table? it Is e, rt.-iltily not a nn-ti v habit. yinuaj Scea over 8,000, OOQ Boxes PILLS 4 FOE BHIOnS A5D KEEV0U8 DISORDER 3 such a VI ml awl Pain In .ho Stdma h, Oiddlnesa, 'ulnen after nn-u!", Head aej, IfelneKH, Drowtinesa, Jt'liislilugs jf Hont, Los." of Aiipotito, 0tivetjc-s, lilot'.dies on thu Skin. O'M CliiJIs, Jjis. turtjed Bleep, i'rlghtful Jrcams and all Korvous and Trc-mblln HorcsationH. THE FIEST DOSE WILL GIVE EELIEP 15 TWENTI MINUTES. Every sufferer will acktiowlodge. them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IlKEt'lIAM'g PILLS, taken asdlwt ed. will quickly restore Females to com I'lete health. They promptly removo obstrnctlotigorlrregtilHrities of the syti tem and cure fclek Headache, for a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And htTft ib LARCEST SALE Of any Patent Medicine In the World. 25o. at all Drug Stores. f 9 i W ! Beautiful eyes grow dull sad diss A t j swill yens Meat away. tsutKul, willowy totmi so slim Lose fatrnati with eery day. But he still it qutta and bl chtrai ta spare rho wears youth's coroual beauUlal hair. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woinnu is as old aa r.ha looks," says the world. No wom&n looks rs old ns sh is if Lor hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. JTIde title for Fetruar. 1898. i HllillWAIKK LOW UAVkK IATK A M. I M. h.mft. h.nrrt. h.niift. h.in ft Tua b 1 30 7 010MS4 , 113, li) Wed I S 7 111 JL' J S ! 1 tS 4 i 4 M i Thur FTt .. Frt ., Sat .. ! U .. SL'N Mori Tue . Wed . J1DB71 .. , 1 14 ISC 01' 4' Oil (S .. ... ., U4S ft 01)1 . 411 1015.. .. . .1,.. ..I. .1.. ..!. .. $0416 7 Il'i S, . 0 ... &1IH7J .. ..I .. ios7Jii.il so i Jj 7 lj 01 .. 7 1SH 110 30 7ll2i 74-1 OJ .. 101 S01 1 61 7 1 US 2 111 u .. i 3J S 4' :S7I I46IS 140 07le,n r,.,.i..M Thur . Frl ... Sat .. ..li) iwii 3 3 7 1 lll u U ..11! iiT 41141 '.015O ti: Ui ..i: 4I7 5102 lliSOJM M Jlitons. Port Plrle Sl'N 13 5 06 SI S 1 i 7 ' -.12 14 0 i-v it i i .1.. ...i lo': .'..'.'.14' tiiii Hii i ilJt 07 Thur 17' 42 I 4 U S( Sil S4 3 4 5S 0 4 Frt 1J10V 1(5 .. ..i. . ' St. i 5:'i-r, Sat 1 0 10 7 4 .. . I 4 3 0 I JJ V I , St 19114717 .. . .. ..I. . .. .. St'N SV 0.V7 12 IT ' ! I rt 2 J 714 OI Mor. .....n- 157SS I 3 J 4 I T J7 1 T 751 0 1 . Tue 2 JUS4 SiW7l llslJ 95 01' Wed 23 SM4I 14S75! t01 II !. I 1 Thur 14 S'791 S Jl 1 143 1 1" l; li'ii Frt S'jsno 4 IS 3 I.. S7 I S i 17!ir... nosiPa. fat M 4 10 7 J 5 a 5 4 11 14 1 4 10 23 3 4 ! ' ,t,wu SCV 27 4 4B75I 150'. l' 14, Roman iff. Morgan, Hr h. 12? tcma ?.L25 S-i 'i -J: ;'! ! 1 !? i s,i.. A-miia. 9 ait I II I W I ' . . . ,1, . " If Mori .(.. ... .HI 37! S j HipriNcNMftRin ASTORIA'S ORVIN FLEET VSI. W lie. I Vesn-I and King I'tN j Value itT.T'.s -ol! M.-.o '.7 d '..vs' ..l.-'-l ' 'en ' T". "i j ll.,.., ' ",, s, IT 2 ii j Tl.i".' .ll,i is SI' I'l.o.i 'Tin .,:.r, I'M.'O ci I--..-,; ui :ij -".i" TvTM 1 llJi.i. I.t.l I'l i i.'-.o 0 'l I -ll.ll.l T.,,171 ; I .l, SI'. Tl.TTS ' i.' .'.s T'J.inl ; llj.li- Mm ..i.s-'j. 'o.n ; -j.i.i JI.101 , l'i'.'is. 1.7,'U; : 'l i ij...l r7.'l: :,.". T.',1T ''l.io' )l i I 7.ia V1.11W ' S'i,'l MI,V.i I K'J.IK. 4-.UX j ;i),um .."i,.l i I ;tn,:sm Tl,-'' nl.lirj i;,T.i j Tl) I i , li,Ml i'.'HI I ",trl I (U.isi) m,: 1; 1 n, su MJ.'IJH , lh.tkl lllll.Tlrl I a.l,i.llH iifix'ti ' V.im SI..IJ7 I , I.I.IFHJ K-i.-in; 1 Kj.vm 4S.T.U .. i,7i 1 :r7,i J1.1l 1 s-',7ll Tii.'os 'it'.l'm TU.'Js.'i 'JO,ll 77 JUT 'us. id) V.IKI T'.i.uVi .'.".Hi: :-' 1(1,174 "J.7.JI C'.-JI li-l,.'Sl!. ?'') ''l.issl a,j:i T.'.Tm .',(-.. i !ji'l 111, 1 1. I J.I.J.I '. '' ... I,J7 I H.'.nitl :i-,i. 1 j -si '7,i'.., ! '-,,ir i i,7l I VMI ll-.ni 1 H-.7.'!i IIJ.I-:. ! li7J l.i. mi ! l'1.!'. r.i i-,s j T'i. mi r'.l.njl I K tl.if.'.'i I l-'l,ii lOI.HlBj I.Ti I Iiuelialbuni. Ur sli . lilellelvilil, Hr sh ( raU'erne. Hr sh i ron 11 of Meot land, Hr -li .... loxlivii. Hr -li li.vihswuod. Hr sh Ininbrltloii. Ilr.h ( uiiibriiiii. Hrbk Hilldinr.yiie. lir .-ll. Mon .barns, I'.r -h Mar.s-liiil Sueliel, Hr li i.ali'ate. Hrsli Andrein, Hr li mu-iin. II r bk llr.-iiliilda. Hr li I li a Mae Ullan, lir nil Torriille' Hrsli "nitligryfe, Hr sii lb-ins. Itie iii'-s, (,er -li . .. . Transit, Nr .Htr Iliawiilha. Sw h Itotvniaii 11 !'. Hr bk Hottlx-K.t.ersll CnisMfiidale, Hr sh U 1 1 1 koiii 111'", tier ll 1I.iIc wimJ. Hrb Ijuly Weiitwortli, iirvh. ...... Suil'ierlan.Wiire, Hrsh KdeiibHllyinore. Br sh riiiloiiieu, Itr sli Haiidanelra, Hr bk ljueen Mnrguret. br sli . Adolf, tier li Iiuiisyre, Hr sli H.-ii Avon. Hr bk ... Norma. Hrbk '..... Iiiieeu. lir bk Kliinnwsiilre, Hr bk Klorldii, Nor str Klintiililre. Hr str Ma-lionu, Hr ah WllilHin TIIII. lir bk Haddoii Hall. Hr In J. C PHiuortJersh A Manilla, Hr bk Peru, (lerbk (Wradiile. Ilrbk UliMinlilre. Mr sh. l.X'v! lliV bk! Kails oK.'lyde. Hr ail Idiiiuescllli, Kr b'c afi,'"'! my uf 1'erth, Hr sir ISrnsw , nr 111c ii-litertyre, Hr !m ... I Wa-dale, Hr sli i ' iii.-!ie. Nr bt 1 li.irdowlc, Hr -li ... . I th meruit, Hr tut s. II vmiii, lir lr , ' lllti-iek'dale, lir sir . j Lombard, Hr sir I I'rovinee, Hr sh m Int. br sir ' .li'lllee, Or llll Verbena, br sli Barrels of flour. MARINE NOTES. The Roby Is on the, way down Ihe river. The Columbia will arrive down this n.ornlriir. The steamer Victorian, for Heatllo, nr rlved clown from Portland yesterday. The American ship Henry Vlllard watt reported oft the bar yesterday evening. The German ship It. RlBehoff, wheat laden, arrived clown from Portland Bun day, The Hrltlsh ship Indian Empire, wheat laibn, arrived down from Portland yes terday. The tug Escort yesterday took the Bt. Enoch off the sands and anchored her In the channel. The steamer Alcazar, Captain Ounder son, from San Francisco, arrived in Sun- day. She brings) XM pieces of chimney pipe destined for Portland. The llrlllsah ship Auckland, U'l.'i Ions, t'aptain James. ,V days from Adelaide In ballast, arrived In yesterday. She la under charter lo Ihe Portland Flouring Mills. The American bark Thompson, which arrived down Saturday, Is lit Kinney's wharf loading lumber. On Hip nay down the river she loaded trap stakes nt Hun ker Hill. VKSSF-IiJ HOUND TO ASTORIA. Tha following veaavla as bound to th Columbia Itlver, with nam of master, rationality, rig, tonnage, whr from and Jn of reported tajik a: iMvenby Hall, YYhtckhsm, Hr sit, IK Ions, Uvtrpool Hen VotMoh, Ahlrr. livr sh, la'! tons, Santa Itosa'ta. Otago, k, Hwd bk. rv tons. Ham. mint. Civiway (Vatie, Jones. Hr h. loy 1 tons, Valparaiso, Vr,dura. Hew van. Hr bk, bll tons, VgoA Ha. J ! enpark, Irlsp. Hi h, lor., Hl J.it'.rlro, August I ill. r.tsink U-oMard, Hr bk. lleS tuna.' CiVutta. I (tenet leva, Tonga, Fr bk. Ions, Haw' ph mg. tVtobr U. j Henry Vlllard. I'aitelt, Am h, 147 j tee. ,'C York. tVtober It i Oberon, Oul'.y, Hr bk. U6I ions' j Newcastle, Australia, tviotwr k i j Chelm.stonl. Thcnisoii, Hr bk, IP.ir tons, ; j Cape Town. (cti.er I I City of York. Jonea. Hr ah. W. I na ', )d.iy. j ! I.akrmba. Hi adhering, Hr bk. I1V4 tons, Frtvmantle. j j c:n Kolwrtsoiv, PHI, Hr an, IMo tons,! u-.tA It .w II a. j Hritlili (.lenerwl. Thoma. Hr all. K4 (:-... N, wcasilr, Auitrall. , 1 Sttdus. Mesaengcr. Hr bk. I.: una,; ; Nagasaki. Yalon, Hrown, Hr n, llsj tons. New. castle, Australia. Jordon Hill. W'Uker. Hr bk. :iTt lona, Melburivs. KIntuck, IVrrelle, Hr tr, IM ton. Yokohama. Amara, Kent. Hr str. ItAt tons. Hong, kot.g. Alexander Hlack. Putin. Hr bk, 1B1 tony, AntWfTP. Watjen, Frits, tier sh, IP73 tons, lllorx t'.r'.stoi. Mclntyr. Hr str, 1T74 ton. '. A"'l"" "nam, Thom is. Hr sh, i;-a ,,., -h , , Altnora. Thtm-n. Hr bk IT'S tons. Newcastle. Ausiulla. '',n- Hangkong. itler.lul. Taylor, Hr h. l'l tons Ra.il ., ,l,M0' Or.mt a. Han. Hr si, 123 tons. Sydney.: Ortr.id Hut., (icr sh. MM tons Kan's , 1 RiMul'a ' Kuh'mann. (ter 'h. tons.! Forthbank, r'teraon. Mr bk, 15T3 tons, iliTsh-ntl. OwynisM, Dsvtes, Br bk. 10M I on a, H'HlOlUlU. rurjtsn, . Rr tr, 3S3 tons, Kloba Audsman. Winter. Pr bark, n ton. Alcoa Bar. . ! I I.onrnsdale. Jonea, Br bark, 14M tone, I Brisbane, . Cambrian Prince, , Br ahp. 1ST? tons. Melbourne. . City of Athens, Lundtnt, Br ship, n j inns, Antwerp, . j V irton Inirb . ftiiirhea. Br. eh. tons. ! I Sedney. I A r. 1 en mi. rahell'ro. r"hll ab. in tins. I I Til-nhuano. ; urenlla. S'unrt, Itr fh, lTot ton., San 1 ! Kranclaco. J I It.irmbek, Tndsen, Oer bk. TJT;i tons. I I Hi -,-o. j ' I'.ellanee. Ibiblnson, Hr bk. JM tons. Port I'irle. N'jvemre-r 27. Tweedsdale, Jonea, Itr bk, M"3 tons, j Brisbane. Ivccmber 1'. 1 'fimmnnwenlth, Anderson. I'r str, 21 v j tons. Ksqulmnlt. I'ass of I.eny, Vint. I!r bk, 1279 tuns, j Yokohama Puritan. Plan, hard, I!r bk, 2-.N1 tons, 1 1 lopo. Silberhnrn, r'.lbson. Hr bk. 17TI tons l.lv. rrool. Ariro. Maclean, I!r sh. 14' tons, Ant werp. IX.MHKIl FI.KCT V-sel on the Way and In Columbia Rlvr to LViad Lumber. I'rot.etlon. , stm. 21 tons, M Iindlnir. Echo, , biftn, SM tons, Tientsin, Knuppton. Tenklo Maru, Kaneko, Jap bk uta tons, Tokohams. Ch.alis, , hktn, S42 tona, Naifaankl. Iuls. , sehr, 820 ton, C'allno. Marlon, , bktn. SW tons. Sydney. Vldette. , bk, ts tons. San Pedro W. F. Jewr tt, , sehr, tona, Man Kranclaco bay. Omega, , bktn, C62 tons, Mollendo. HMMHTIUM! T'i KNf)V. It may be worth anmethiiiK ' know Hint the very li.sl medicine f.r reatorltiu 1 tie tlr. d out nervous system lo :i iienlthy iltfor Is Hli-ctrle r.ltt-rs This nieilletne I is roirelv Vl-L.el.ible li.ls lit L'lel.ii t . -... I . . .1... ...., ., 1 .1 ,. I . in. ii 1 . , ' in 1 111 1 in- 1." 1111,11-11, 1 - title . IIiiiiiI.iI.-s Hie Hv. r it. I ki.lnev , ml itlds tlies. orutiH In throwing off Irn- t.nrll I'M In the blood. Hlec-llle i (! ( 1 1 ts 1 i nproveH the 11 i-tl ;iiilL' dliteslliin, ind 1 J 1 1'O II 1 1 f 1 1 i'l liV (tl'il-i who ll.lVe ll'l'il MM Hie V'lv b'Ht lilo id 1 1 II I' i I i ' T IIO'I . -rve t'liilf. Try ii. Hold for fine mid l . i-r bottle nt. I-lst.'H-t 'orin Iirtiir ( 'omii.'inv. lioes ic wiitn.'in ever outgrow In r love 1 nun nee? Itddnic Irrliitcl. cidy.cru'ieil -:;. drf, lliln, aiui ftuluiir Hair. cle:insi:i, p'irlil.-i, ami iiruutl. Otd by wiinii tli.iaioui Willi (.crua'tiA bOAi, and ocn?Moi,-il iiii-.iio' of v,vi icnaA, purfat of emoillrriti, ttin arri atesl aktn curi:.. ff-.f VI 71 TP n Treatment will prodnna a rlun, lisallhy sen!) with Iniurlant, Initroua hair, when ail fle falli. Held thrnufk.tiitt th. world, ..maa Paco.nb Cnaa, Cese . Siil. Pfp. . Bi.ten. a-eitaw lo prod ue. l.uiari.nt IJ.ir," m.llw! frea. CWIU0 fill CIDC With Krwoii Inil.nltf nllnas OMllO Ull rlnC ,1 Cviicvsa Hisiiiim. fill til flltS SHE XWu'cUilc IVcpdwlionrorAs slinilaiiillHrKHxIdtntllfv'iiLi liii live SK'Uiuiu (iivil lkmcb tST Promolvs Piilostion.rikvrful ivcssaiullw'sl.ConLilnsnfitlHT Oiinini.ltn,l'1u or Miiicral Not N ah c otic. Jt Jmm '.. Uti .SUN JmW ( w - C .W .luy' . ApotAvt Ri iiU'Jv fiirfort-lijw lion. Sour Sioiikicli.l h.ihUhm Wonns.CoiiviilsiiMis IccriU UrtsaihlLossot SLKI.r. TacSinulc Sitliuilure "f NKU YOHK. txACT C3y or wRAPPtn. MANHOOD $ ft If I. A. KASTAHKNI) IIOl'HK, HHIIM'.K AND WII.VKI' Hl.'II.HKH IIOI'HK MEDICAL TfiElIil ON Ifilll To Any Roliablo Man. U.rvalan. ai,(iiur.'a and eoa month. rmai1ia nr r.ra tKiwrrMnl tis vi,t un triai. usih.n.r 4, a.t.im-s .iyt.ioir, 'if 11, f. .rerun.'. i'"tu(.nr 10 11, a worn! In tha tfnl'i,'it ol m.n wais, trok.ti. di.- ' enurrwrd Irtuu viTm-.. of .1 mm, w.irrr, ittrr- I W'irk, aa. ll.tipf ii.nr.rae wiire.1. CiiDil'l.a re.. ' tiiralmn nf Orfl'..i no f .;i ri.tu.. r-,jfi'.ri.,X'S. ! 1 ha lima of imi ,11. r 1. I 'MtM. No 1. o it, I aebnniaj n- CIim .,l' ,'1 ; 11, ri.-"i". A I !' I ElllL itlLliUnl J tilH Al.O.N.V. ' S'Ulie of ,. Ill 1 'I'l. 'I l.ff I, , I 1 ti.- sh. . ti ..f silk m'ch'i.KN s ai'.n: :a -hi.vi; The b.fit Snlve n lh i 1 1 fir ''uta, Itnils., Sores, I'l'-ers, Ho ; t llVum. Tevf rton-s. Tetter. Ihil lou'd II If I.. '.III1I.1IIH Corns, rnd n! Hk;n ilruinl ms, ,ied ;iuu lively cur.ti I'll.', "r ni uy r.'ilrer. It Is Kutirntiteed 10 Ue .Tf s ttlnf.ie. ton or money ref ind .1 I'rivt S can's) per bos. Fir sale by l-:"S-(.' inn Dru Co. When 11 woiiinn Is In love thoiilils east sli'idows. evin Im 1 0'.,n ' IHir8KII(I.H HOI'S The llll b ill Creeks believi'l 11,.. I I lie I Wi'l'e Hie 1,'inls Ullo . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 , 1 1 , I'ellllt i the welfare and prosperity ..f tin- ml!y. Tbey were worshipped lis household nod. In . very Homo. 'I lie iioiiseiimiiii " I 'i.lii V Ih lr. KliiK'i New IHs.ov 1 i niiHiiiiiptl'in. i oiiKhs. i old . mi .ifteitioiiH of ihroiit. i In st ami lain;. It I,. i ri v ,i lu.i lib-. It Iiiih been trl' il fur n ipi.tr- t. r of a i.-iiliiry and Is KHaunitei -I t,, eiire. or money reiiirneit. No h.,ii'(ehni - 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 be Wltll'lllt this Komi ;n,. n y4 pleiiH.-itit In tnke and a safe imd .'ire remedy for old and yoiiiiir. Trial I, utiles at Kstes-i 'onii hriiK Company. The days that start mil the c; 1, ., ,rn I. mi olii n end lii Hie richest content KalltiK Is tieeeshlly. To the healthy, n Ih ii pleasure; lo the dyspeptic, a torture. I'.y the use of Ayer's Hnrsapariiia, ih,. wenkesl ii n I iniist disordered slum oh Is r.-Htot'd lo ItH nutiiriil comlltion, and foou Ih (iiicii more parlaken of with yoiillifin relish and Hatliifactlon, The honest woman cordially admit ho prefers taffy to Kretu h bonbons. Any tendency to premature baldness mny be promptly checked by the use ot Ayer's Hair VIor. lon't delay until nm sculp Is bare nml the halr-rootH destroy ed. If you would realize the best results, Ix kIii nt. oncu with this Invaluable prepa ration. When Ihe cook falls 111 you are awfully sorry that yot: ever found fault wllh her blHctillH, for even Ihouich they are not up to th standard of IhnHo mother made they are Infinitely better than those you can make yourself, SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SICNATURE OP IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BO'lTLli OF rit.'rl ! p-.l ts It on.i!i Milt alr. It J i i l ulJ U Pou't allow aujroit t ttll -t).. that 70s (! C A S-T 0 E I i. attjn. RESTORED By alaa- Dr. IVaa'a avlla hart rilla. Thia iifiililul , -1 f:iiatauimiicu-aii orif iut nmva, auali a. Weak Mrrautv ii.:a l-imti. Ilr.da.ht. W.srlularw. Um Maatnud, Ni.tm, Um urn.. twi.iif m, all drains lu uf (antrr in Uraiali U.gaa. of uhr teLraii.! hr ut tit.u.n, rulhtul error rieraait utt ot Ma.vn.u.ium..rMimalnu. -hwh lead 1.1 lnf.rm.lr Cminmn4iiar .'H.d ClnMlarrie Sotd b alt illug, Irt. A.. f. II. 4k.o..i4lsr. M.m.i .et.r, .f Ih. v. JUlK-ln, v ,. ,,,.,. , St, 1'iug il.Miibuiiui a.cula, ILiivI tui Vaaioill bit . INatUuJ c. K.MTIIS Ci NV I II I () tXi, Anil. Aatorta. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Moniiioutli, (Ircion A TRAIMING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS ll4uiar ,Nrina I'o.iras. of lltrea fears .nii.r year ahollf prod aa onai. I lat'iltitf ie'arttlirii of ullie (ladea with AJ rhlldretl. ii..ifin I'on and train iif In i.jtniia. lie. hwr.li.il It .a , aiid ir .i M'.sle fur pul.lir s-his.l. Hi,. Norma d i'loina I. rer.i.'ae.l by law aa a XI A 1 a I UK (IKtlrll AIH to lra.li. 1 (Tit ritMti.. liillioii. Uski, lHarl and lullns 1a lin iiiiiaielv . a:.v,uo iwr taar siiuli-iii. U-sr llni llu'niM'Ire., Ill 1 ou f y-tr Ai'aileinle frai'ea aeerptt-i! fruin blali m-Iii.i(. I aia.oif'it'. ehes rfiillr .nil oil ailteall.iii. Ad.lrvw I'. L ( AMritr.l.U I'rr.ilanl. or VV. A. W ANN. Seerelar) r'vull Genernl Contractor MOVJNti TK)I.M UKNTICI 1 v t 1 1 ..iinstit 1 .v '.i.parici I lli'i m ol ( v him f i.bebl nr lioeelio". irnd rtipr IM 48 HOURSlmiL Se umo die.ne w !h out inconvemenca MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS T'irl ntftfi lia ., 1 llf''tjt. tor It ll-t IMr li til, till II . t aj, I.. ui. It 1 (.tins ..f iM.fi.itut Mt it I lie f m w I, Itr Aim ' I'luiuii. ill nf iirir iii-s aikI ImmIf N' liti'.H frniiilf f..f t dirld fi'itaU th.ui. I at.tn.'t tin hirn llftn (tab iiti.ti 4 tiff)ira- al nrr hng hy mull Mi. til ti tl HiffftsjU, K0U LKCMlCaLCO..i-'iW- l'r unle by KHffiConn Prmc Co. lief. Hr. VI. inms' linliiiti I'll. (l;til meiit Istiriifiared for I'be . nml It. h ln of I lie (irlvate Riri Hvery bin ir ivirrtiiiied. Hv ilrui.-itl-ts, h mull 011 re letl't nt prlee All cent, nlld I.IH. IMILLIAKS ISlr'ttsCIUHIrlU til,. roll. ..irvcLiuU, (nun For nla by Kates-Conn Drug; Co. Itlc J la a ncin.p.ilwtno.1. r.-r.i'l r lur liniiiirrliit-n, UH't. Hi.nrutai.frili.eA. X' -y la I u llit.ra.X.1 loi"s. unnatural li.- i-lintiri's. i( any lunmiirrta. bm i. .i'l...... linn, irrllallnii ur iil i'rit- I'r.r-bll nlMlk tl'-n lit lllllf-lill. in. in tttExHC CmU'Cti Rl. l"e. "n a.irina.ni Lr"OiKCiiH(ti,0 TJ A"1'1 b' '" V SiiV it a . j.;1 "r c"1 I'1""1 r.. r. 'tiaL'l, B lin-ulur .mil mi miuui. mis a oa Mr Willuin.s Imli.in I'll. JVYI ti I. -V liniment will euielldinl X-j I 3 Twlll I1''' "d lii 'in.. W-r 5 S ''"' " nbsorli" l'i" tilliinin hjr 3 I nlluVH tun iieniiu.' ai no e. a: In fcatlisa lultlee. i-loa lusimii re HI ' JMotfs Nerverine Fills Tlx grti remedy V ntrvmn pro I ration and all ncrvoui -5vF? $y kF' distas" of &lWi' Ari'W J(ncralive or- 'ii.iiiii. and . icn IrfiNH. pjni of eillicr srx, such its Ncrvoui Proslralion, Failinp or I lost Manhood, Impoleticy, Nipliliy Ginis- uons, Yonllilul I'.rrorn, IVunl.iI Worry, tx crjtiive o( Tobicco or Opium, which ic.iii to Comumplion ,tnd Intnnity. $1.00 per box by mailt 6 boxes for $5.00. hm CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, ClavolanrJ. Ilhlo. William's Kldncv Pills linn no equal In diwtu.sos of llio Kidneys it i.d Iji-lmiry Oi ffutiH. llnvn k you iietfleotctil your KUlticyh? JlnviiT you ovcrwoflti-d yottr ncrvotm hyn-S .t : ; t ... . ... -" tftoni itiiil ciitiwii ii'iiitiiio wan your y . KldnovH mid Illuddcr? Huvo you ' pttlitH In tlio loins, hide, buck, frolnh I ( land I'lmldiT? Huvo vou a lluliliy utt- ( pt-nrunco ut tlio ftico, entoclully I i under tlio ryes? Too froqwtnt du-( liro ptisH tirlno V William's Kidney , 1'llln will impiirt mtwllfo totliodin-i ' , 'eaxi-rt ortfiitm, tono up tlio Hyuti'tn ; A and inulto a new rutin 01 you. asy mull fit) cunts per box. f l Wil.blAMS Mru. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. i XaV.-aa.ajW.a-)-' MM kcls 10 all points 13 A ST.. llflRTHr ..jrorsn For Sale tiyO- R, AN, "BAl'f. Agent, Astoria. IIiiiiI 111, llHac.i Through "i la. ii and loin lat sleeiai , dining nml llbiniy ubaei vuilon inia MI.FilANT VFMTIIM'I.K TIUINH. No. 4 I. hulled leaves I'nllUlld at 1 W . III. No. 1 1. bolted llltlvet I'olllaml St 11 'A ll III, Through Tickets TO TUB I3AST AM) SOUTH I -AST VIA v4. M J rnxMAN iai.ao m.ricrrm. TOUHIIIT BUKKI'ICUa and PRKK HrX'IslNINll CHAIR CAM 111 f to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City nil othar Kaalarn lUaa via alUtar SaaUw ar Ias:irio ar O. IL A N. Cw. Only Line From Portland Offering I'aaawmfi tha cnoa af Tou rial Car Una brou-m t tloa. Specially Conducted Excursions Via, atiasta, Ituuta to Cbcaa avary dajr. lla(iMia Chavkatl Ihrouarti ta asa tlitalon. kfda-nlfloati! aoanar, aaloai dsaputa, fast Uma, luw-aat ralaa. riolavh llsht in a oars. Tor raiea and uthsr In forma Uoa, aail on or addraaa IL W. IIAXTRIt, Ooa'l Atrswt. I Third t.( cur. Aider, Ix-tlan4. 1 ws a 1 swi r.ra. aiai A map of the United States I H.-nd tne I.', .(iila In .t.tmp. And I will In. ill oii n nuip of Ihe I'lilti-il Hl.it. , Ibree feet four III. Ilea lde by f.oir feel luilK I'llnti-.l li alt , i, "l M iilllti . nil rollers HllnOa rlTIV allle e.olllly. iiiiporiuiii Iokii nml raiitoel in tb.i I'm- led HI, ll' A ' MIIIIUmiN. liem rnl AkmiI, I'ortlmiil. Ore, A. & C. U. R. R. TIMI: CARD In I Ifcct M. 2S, I.S!I7. Isaava fleaal.U foe AtorU via risrat at T:0 a. m. and I p. ru. doily. Isaava Aatorla for Seoslda via naval at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally. All the Above TralfA Arc Dallv Astoria Public Library R KADI NO ROOM Fit KB TO 1U Open avary day from cl k to t.H and I K to I p. m. Subscription ratas ti par annum. . W. Cor. Eleventh and Duane Rtraata. ! BO YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE ajamilai Ha. . V Anr.ina ennttii a sVelrh and iti'serliillnn mar qiili'klr aaenriain (nir iiihilnn fr alorther all lnvmilli.il is irolinlilr tl nil utile. Iimiiiiiiiilca. I Ion. al net ly riiiiiliinnllnl. 1 1 mulli.-ilt mi Camilla aenl free. Ulitn.t iiutin.-y for eiinn iialelil. I'ateiiia liih.ui llin.iiuli Muioi Co, rucalrs I'itiiii Tu.iuf, wimi'iui i linruii, la tha Scktiiiflc American. A hanfl.rmiolr llliisiralnd wneklr. I nriie.l elr. i iilallnil of anr .i leiilillii louriml. Tariua, 1 a yeiiri four riimiili., , Hold hyall newadealsra. MUNN&Co.38""". New York Urui.fti oniiM, irjfi K Hl WANhttitfiun, !.CL (.'uvruti, and 'Irade-Markt bhtslnrdand all l'at-1 ml lnlllies colld IH li d lur moocsatc Mil. iOunOrnciisOreoaiTt U,. Patint Orrict i.u.il aiuu.n ui o iniiciiiin leu tuns Uian tbutcl icmom inim wihiiii(ii,ri, hund model, drawing or phnln,, with dotrlp tlon. We ailvlw, II palfniulila or Dot, Irea ol charK. Our fog not dua till patent la Mcured. i A Pamphut, " lbiw to Oliialn I'at.nu," with co.t ul uma in Ilia U, b, and loraign counlriti tent free. Addreti, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oe. TtaT Orncf, Wasminoton. D. 0. sm B!jinifirdli)i. feiillin!4;.4 1 an I rat 1 a 11 111 1 laa aaia 1 1 k.!. Bl tku V ,iaaj - uawateyi i iiiijIiaMiiitasMl