THK DAILY ASTPUIAN, KK1DAY MOItXtXH. KKHRIAKY l, IH:8. Satin &tovUn JOHN T. LIQHTER, Editor. elephone Na H HiRMS Ok' HUllSCKJPTION. DAILT. toot by mall per fr Awl by mlU per month Served by carrier, pr month. .14-A ,. . WBKKLY. ftetil by mall, pec year. I" advance. Postage free lo autxurlbar. A.I imminlcatona Intended, for publi cation should be directed lo Ui edilor. Business communications of ll kinds and remittance mutt be addressed to "Th Aston an," The Astorian guarantees to IW ub crlbers the lvl cnsuIton of any a,rjiaper published on th Columbia llTef. Advertising rate can be bad on appir atlon to tli business managw. The Weekly Aeloran, the second old. art weekly In the tste of Oretron, haa, aext to the Portland Oreronan. th Unreal weekly circulation In the state. John T. Handl -y A Co. are our Portland afrata, and copies of the Aitotlao ran b kad every niorrne at their aland. ID Third street, The Perry mm unable to put to .a jrcstcrday. but will Kill this morning, weather permitting. The' disbursement of the hlp here thl winter, together with the work furnished by the coaling of the China liner have had no Inconsiderable effeet In the trade of the merchants What will It be when a dnien such vessels are handled here every week and a eutter Is located here permanently? Th..' commute that In to entertain In dustrial Agent Judson of the O. II. A X. Co. , who I soon to be here to meet As torians and discuss with them Informa'iy any plans th-y may hive for future im provements and development throughout the y that may be ftt rnl ar.d aided by the Influence of an institution like that company, might well lay a few plans in advance and thus set the wheel in mo lion. The gixid to be accomplished by s'lch co-operation has already been demon strated In eastern Orecon. Prophetic of Astoria' future greatness is the scene now presented In our harlwr. With the great O. R. ft X. China liner Mogul taking on one thousand tons ot coal; the busy gangs of stevedore work ing; day and night on the Flaw! dock ami In the hold of the Iron monster stowing the black diamond In the bunkers: with the trains arriving and departing with screech of whistle and clang of bell; with s dozen big Killing vessels lying at anchor almost within a stone' throw of the dock ind stretching In one direction nearly across to the Washington shore; with the ocean tugs and pilot boats plying hither and thither, while ell manner of smaller era ft and river steamers are discharging and receiving freight and passengers at the various docks under the now of the V. 8. S. Perry; It require into Imaglnitlon to picture the (all ele vators, busy railroad shops, ship yards, sawmills. Hour mills, flu spinning mill, dry u'ock. Iron works, tin plate factory and other enterprises that will soon revo lutionize the Industrial features, not alone of Astoria, but of the entire state. A little more effort on the part of the en thusiast adds to the picture tine bank and office buildings, naval recruiting office, handsome residence surrounded by lieau tlful grounds, well paved streets shaded by Urge trees, good roads and drives to the rich valleys in the country, well main tained county bridges, splendid parks well cared for, the gift of pulblc-splrlted citi zen, and all connected with boulevards and bicycle paths, while fifty thousand people, proud of Astoria, the home of their making, never lose an opportunity to tell others of what they have In the way of happiness and prosperity With a igh the dreamer walks back to Commer cial street realizing that all this might be. If . isssaBBiisiHsaaiassjjjMVjjjjsaBaSBBBM A PATRIOTIC APPEAL. The New York Trlhtine In n recent ar ticle calls attention to the nerr-ity lor Improving New ork hartmr. which Ii rail the "i.hlef port of the western h.-ml-Sihro," and insists Is of sufll.-li nt na tional Important u to justify an appro priation from congress. The Tritium shows that, contrary to the general lo in t. New Tork harbor has never hud jusi recognition by congress In the appropri ations made for the improvement of our rivers and harbors. It mm been supposed that considering the Importance of the eommerce at New York, and the Immense profit received by the government on every form of federal Investment In that city, the Influence of her citizens has se cured every favor at the hands of ion gres that whs desired, independent or whether It wus nctuully needed or not. The Tribune shows that exactly the re verse of this Is true. That notwithstand ing New York contribute g,-, cents In every 100 cent of tariff revenue paid lo the government, and the profits derived there tVom the postal service are ex pended In maintaining fast "mall" trains ut of country towns like Omuha and Kansas City, and In establishing star route In South Carolina anil Vonilng On the authority of official statistics, the Tribune a. only Ine inigtililcanl sum of W.JM.r"' ha been expended by the general government from the l to Ivst. Inclusive, on New Yolk, harbor and Its approaches out of a grand total ot ti ..&, spent for river and harbor im provement throughout the liiion. In other words, while nearly two. thirds ot li e commerce of the entire country has conducted through Ni w Voik. lest than I per cent of the appropriations made by congress for the bciu ill of cm .nerve have ln-cn expended tl York. The Tribune dvs not m-cin to havi heard of th- fi which is .limit to be dlinirsd into the P.uirtV ocean In the nelchboihood of Y.niuina b.t in an iin dcrtaking to make a harbor whet, the AtniUhty has ,l, rv-sl there 'i .1! tw it. die, and when- llnrv i an be moi.. if i'k g-rnnnnt .tv to pend ' .. an. I where If a !i.iv,..t- ,-,,. ,,. p. tin re Is not now nd probably never N- all) emmet, , s,,u , rx.,.,, f..r one. A..iln: the U,1 f. the New York harbor tl.e Tttbmi, that the government has givm J.;''1..m to Mobile. '..v-i i,, s...iniiah. f.'M ;, lo the Kentucky Uiver. f.:n n Hiiu more. .o to Caiv Pear Idler l . to Calv.-slon. P :; .;;: to th, tin at Kanawha Ulv. r. and pXT k:1 to thi p. and Wls.-onsln rixers 'Thes,- tlgan, '-ltl not to argue. ' s.iys the Tribune, "that those place did not deserve j mil. h. but that New York. Ihi ui-c ,.f it far greater IniporUnw, deserved monv The trade of New York is fully vl-.r.v hundn-d times as great a that of the Kentucky River, yet the government ic tually sxnds more money in lmpnt t-g that river than in Impnutng totting the great New York ha pro. T'i Tribune close Its article with the f..i:o . Ing exhortation, w hi h h-oiid ::(.. a reiH-nslve i hord in the br- im t -ry patriotic and fair-miii,l. .1 Am-n. -n . i-t. .1 xen: "Yes: New Y''.rk h.irl-.r n.-,l l-n;r o -ing. 1: nesls It. not for the ,,ke of . , York City and state but f .r no s-ike of the whole fnion. win. h .1. penis, tipn thl us Its chief iirt of incn mini egress. It needs U for the sake .d foreign commerce of the nation, and for the sake of the national prosp. rit) whiih is so Inseparably bound up with thai ft.. mere. The condition of this hartx.r af ?rts the price of ever)- bushel of wh- n aised on the farms of the northwest, of every pound of beef raised on the w st ern plains. It affect the profit of every capitalist and the earnings of every wok ingman In all the land Kor the .ik- of these this harbor should t- put into md (onstantly k-p( In the most eortif-lbei Mssibb- condition. Not mu. h l ak-l Not mm h is nced-d. Itut It I not ti r. asonable to ask that while N-w Y'ori; t-ive d p.r tnt she sho'd-l ree.iw in r. turn something more than 1 per cent. Fh should receive enough to ulv- h r i at Sandv Hisik a w il-rw.iy fr"y f- '. (hep at lowest tide and at bast ha.f a mile wide, and sieh b-ep-niri; ,, Hronz Kills as will make ire- unrivilb-.t astern gale of the harbor - s-il'le for all vessels ut all times. I.' th. hi t us will Ite a detriment t.i the materl il in terests of the natlttn anl a repro.c h to Its enterprise anil to Us fame ' TOOK A Sfc.VEH CUUi AFTEU 1Mb. BIO FIRE. After the big fire In Cripple Creek, 1 took a very severe cold and tr.ed many remedies without help; tnc cold only be coming more settled. After using tiree email bottles of Chamberlain s Couirh Remedy, both the cold and cough lett me, and In this high altitude It takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good. Q. B. Henderson, Editor Dally Adver tiser, Cripple Creek, Colo. Sold by '.Uarle Rogers, Druggist. Many women who brag about th'ir In tuitive XJWi-r WOUld do Well to be gllilled by the very opposite of what th'ir In tuition tells them if they wanted to strike any where near right. Weak Lungs l.l'neUdale, Hr sir .. K you have couched and tVZllrXzZ coughed until the lining mem- 2 ; lllltiee'.'nr's'i.'.V.'.' braneof your throat and lungs i s;' ::',r" :ir 5 infiamer!. ! 1 Scott's Emulsion J ssBsssasssssssssasasjsssaaisasisaai of Cod-liver Oil will soothe, t strengthen and probably cure. $ The cod-liver oil feeds and J $ strengthens tlo weakened tis- J sues. The glycerine soothes and heals them. The hypo- phosphites of lime and soda t impart tone and vigor. Don't neglect these coughs. One bottle of the EmuLion may do t m more for you now than ten !t $ can do later on. Be sure you $ get SCOTT'S Emulsion. J All druggists ; joe. and Ji.oo. SCOTT & B0WNE, Chemists, New York. Jm OP THQ I MERITS H )P AYER'S Cherry Pectoral would inclu.lo th.1 ouro of evory forru of vUsonno which affoctii tln throat nndlunga. Asthnvi, Croup, Broachitisi, Whooping Cough nd othr .-tinilar complaints havo when other mtH'.ici:ua f.tilcd) yielded to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. JTlde utle for Felruary. I8)8. ' II II. II W V T t K loWVtslkK PATH A. a. r, m. a. a. r. i h.m'ft. h. ui ft. h.m n. b in It Tue .....1 S 2o? 10M 5 i 1 13 s 4 it 10 .... I Ml I I II f I J ' I U I 1 f V 1. Thur S 10 23 7 3 1. . iH 1 4 its, 01 4 Hill .. . : tUIS IU 0I Pri n 4U10 7S.. .. . ,i :. .1.. ...... i lA)rd Shaftibviry. Cunningham. Hr at & 0416T tt o, ,.,., Sit i 11 51 7 S i I iSeJton. 9ydn.T. SI N' .... I09 7J13S1S0: 7i: 7 1i 0 1 Motl ... 7i 1 33 7 1 10 SO 7 41! J 7 J 01 ... 101 SO 151 71; !!( 11 ill Tue . Wed . Tnur . Pri ... Sit .. SI N . !I N . Mm . Tue .. Wed . Thur . Krl ... Sat ... St ... SI N . Mon . ... ICS 4 I 31 7 I 4.'. I S I K "7 lu'.S UI?: 111 is 111 ,,IT JIIJS il l. .i. . - ...12 aS7 s bis ii um l.i ti t ...1J tifilt 6 la i 7 !....... lilt i.'-Tssi ! l ...IV 711J1 9 S 5 0 34 3 14 1)4 ...1 IMStOSlC 3lt S'd ...17' 14J44 lias . 15411 4U 04 ...HliJi, SS.. . J0l.Js &;. 7 ...11 01074 i4:ii) 3S v. ...11 11 17 87 . .. . .. i. o so 7 s i r- 1 1 i x m ? ii n i ... l7l 134i 7 37 1 T 7 51 01 Tue ...S Je:44 107111111 07 .hi a IHIt Idli; lit l Thur Pri . Sat . ...4 11711 S3 ItllO! si; L'tJ . . r- 13S4tV 4I"t l- 27 l ; tv: J? 4 10 71 5 "9 5 1114)4103 1 4 SUN" ...V.. I. .1 . I i "ii i i I in t ii, .. Mon Mon f JK71I 7 40 47 1 if? 17, -I. -I- ... !.. ..I. .'11 J7 41 SpiNrMBRiBf . .... ASTORIA'S OR UN FLEET UJT. W heat Ves,i and l-iag il aim .1"''. ' I liiielialhiirii. Hr h i.leiieUau, llr n ; i ruigeriie. Hr li crown of Scotland, Ur h j liodiin. llr -Ii I! tbswiNsl. llr "Ii I iHintirlttoii. llr li 1 t iiinbrlull, Hr OK Kii.lirn"'iie. llr h Moti.tharitft, Hr li Marii hal Suehel, itr nil j nalirate. Hr h Aiidretn, Hr nil j rra.'iin. llr bk lirvnliilila. Br nil 1 ti a Mac U-llaii, Hr ill ... Torn-dale' Hr h j -tratliurvfe. llr nil -..; .r.Lt ""'I '.'.,si i Tu. CM i I'.uT' : .: I I" ' 7D"'i T'i. . 'i"i lir' um i I'.-.'i-iT 1 i; i. i'i .iii iii.i' ".,1 ' i!"i'j ts.;hi n.iit 17. ' T'l.tTI V'"1 li:.'"t I. "..ll) sit ll.t 111. I J'.IMI I I. '.I'" .M T'l.TTll l :..ti ;iti.i'.' ; !.'' I -' ; T.tii; ; .'.l.l I .v.-e 7'J,''7 III )': ' .ViJIUI Hit' 'i 4.Oi t.'i.iii i ; Tl,- 'i7 7' T.i l.l 4H.!W 77.iri ;4.;i; Mt,o P.lold ' IKMr.'ti ' m.iai; ii"t.ii 4.7:ii :".i : Ji.ii 7i .. ' ;ti'W, ' 77.J'7 W.ltm .'iT.llii .I7I I I'.'slJ I hM.ti i .'.r."! ' .ii.iiii I til. -'17; ! 17. i... i tit, 171 ' ll.'ittt ; ll-'.l.'i la.:ci !ltl .'.J- j l.'d.'f.'l ! i,lri'i ioi, il; ! Ilenec Hierine-., in r h .... NrMtr ..... Hiawatlia. Nw -Ii - Howmaii II Ijiw, Br Itk..... HottU k. tier h linisM-ndale, Hr h Wlllkouiuien, (ier t-li Il.ii. w.l, Unit . ... IjhIv Wenmorlli. Hr-li -titlii-rliiiidsblre, Hr h Kdeiiballymore. Hr h.. . I'hiloineiie, Hr sh hand melni, Hr bk tjueen Margaret br nil - Adolf tier nil Inin-vre, Hr nil li. ii Avon. Hr bk Norma. Br bk Dacca. Hr bk Kii.nrowililre, llr bk Honda, Nor tr Hinbdiire, Hr sir Manliona, Hr sh .. William Tllll, Hr bk lladdon Hall. Hr bs J ( i'llugor tier ah Aiiainba, Hr bk I'erti. iierbk Carrailale, Hrbk Klgitmlilre, Hr sli. niioartyslilre, Hr hIi I'rliiiipaliiv, Hr bk Falls oiclyde, Hr all iiiiiiieelin, Kr bit Hi aeon Hock, Hr ship w. Ikirk-hlre, br bk . city ol I'erlh, Br tr llru e h, Hr bk 1 ii liierlvre, Hrbk Wa-dale. llr nil i n.lieli. Sr bk lHj.H.I I 'Ml i,'"V -;.tu tri.txt 1 I7.IMI II, 1111 s'-.'lti 7H.iifiit l'M,'l III, Hs I'l.l"! II i, Ut I pJi II.MK.I 1 I'', 'J 1 1.V' I.M.'ilS l'.lll l.l.OW H!r''l tt-.VH't s.',7ll 'ft. I'm '.I.IIH lieuou 7li.ll 7",Vt s.'.T il lU.Snil 'Al.ft Tt,t) l.i.ll l.'.'i.l II ..!. s.'.n lint dowie. Hr -Il Itrtiiner-,iii;. Hr bs s.-ll ll I Piti f"J I I''. ' 7't. .Ml i 1 . I I t s. ID -on. llr sir .. 'Barrels of Uo'jr, MARINE NOTES. Th- llrltlsh ship Cypromene left up for P trllnnd yesterday. The Hrltlhh bark Wlndrush left up for Portlnnd yesterday. The llrltlsh ship Clan Robertson lift up fur Portland yesterday. The steamer Klder, from Alaska. Is ex pected to arrive Saturday. Th" State of California left out yester day morning with a good freight list In i lulling the usual umount of shook and oysters. Th oriental liner Mogul Is taking on lil tons of coal nt Flftvid. The principal Items on her manifest are 27.OT barrels i f flour valued at, !,724, and 2.'1M bales ol cotton valued at $70,000. The total valua tion of her cargo Including minor Items amount to $177,724. The following British vessels ore lying In the harbor weather bound: The Pol- tollo, h. Hornby Castle, Linlithgow hire, 1'iunibintrn, .Sprlngbuiii, Heiiator, and , the I Mulsh ship Jupiter, The bcIidoiici i Amethyst and Wacraniento, lumber ludeii i for San l-'rHinisco, iv lying In the tn-m. The steamer Pasadena, with a , general cargo for Alaskan ports, Is lying : at the Main street dock, and the Oriental i liner Mogul in liavcl. VEiHKI IIOVNU TO ABTORIA. The Mlowtim vessels sa bound to th Columbia River, with tMine of master, rationality, rig, tonnage, where from I and da.te of reporixsl allk g: IVxenby Hull,, llr sh, 1SJ ton, l.lverpH) Pen ViUrlloh, Ahler, lf lh7 tons, ) S.uitn ltoi. I l(ago. Ksk, Hw.l bk. ;0 tons, Ham. Huri. , coiway tul.e, Jones. Hr h. K ! but. Valparaiso, Vaii.luara, Peavan, Hr bk. bll tons, j AigM Hay. o.enpaik. Irish, Ht sh. in tors, Kls Janeiro, Augut . I Ol.til-ank Le.-kirl, Hr bk. J tna, Ci'c.itta. Oeneiee. Touge, Kr I k, ; ions, II il , p't nig, tVtober II. Henry Vlllatd, I'atteit, Am n, 11) t i s. New York. October It oberon, tlully, Itr bk. Itt N-, Auirli.i, lAiou-r . ChclnisfoM, Thoius,!!, I'.r I k, :',: I'ape Town Ov't iber I. City of York. Joii.. Ur h, tlti on ton ton. l.nkemtsA, Hi adhering. Hr bk. t; tons, Preetnantle. Cain Rolrrton. Pbl, Hr sti, IMo tons, Suiu K.illa. 1 HiilNIi tiener-il. Thoma. I'r sh, Ita tons. N-w castle, Australia. I Midi.. Messenger. Hi I bk. I: icita, Nagasaki. miort. i-iowTi, i r jn. n-ti loin, vn,is . istie. A istralla. Jerdon Hill. YV ilker. Hr bk. SIT tons, Melb urn-s Klntuck. Perrelle, Hr sir. TM tuna Yck.ham. ! Am.ira, Kent, Hr 'r. U'S toi.s, Hong, koi.g. Alexander llla. k. Puiin. Hr bk. lid , Antwerp. Watjen. Prits, tier h. uni. Hlor. rv Hris ol. Mclntyre, Hr sir. i;?4 tons, sa .v.,ni...0 An'le Thoma. Thorn m i.. Hr h. 1X1 (r t k. IT (on ,. I'on Hirle Almora. Thomson. I. Newcastle. Aus'rwlla. ,v,'r l:i',knw- WM"rn"y-r-(;,T -"s-r 'on. Hongkong Auckland Jam,. I'r sh. J!C tone Ale. ... ' ' (ileplil. Taylor, Hr sh l.t ton Ho ,.,, ' ,r,'1"' ''ln- I'r "h. IM V!:i.H.h. UMkv Itr t k l,u"r Ortrud, Puts. flr sh. U"4 ton San'a ' ! xalta V'i'. Ktihttnntin. tier -h I'l '-'. Ktihtmntin. 37 tons, I7 Ion. Pant i llos.illa. iff. Morgan Itr h. N'. wr.istl Australia. i Fonhhank. Peterson, fir hk. Itr ton. ) t7erghnt!. j Osrynedd. Dsve. Br bk. IBM tons, ' H-molulu. i Puritan, . Hr str. VS tons. KloM Audaman, Winter, Itr bark. KB Inns, I A!gow Bay, . !.onrndae, Jor.e. Mr bark. 1401 tons, i Prit.hnne, . i famhrlan Prince, , !1r hp, l?o5 jtora M-lhourns, , City of Athsn. Lundln Pr slip. u ' 'nns. Antwerp, Marion Ingle ll'igh-ss. Itr. eh. lt1 t .stvdney. Ata'-ami, CalVIIero). rhll sh. t m. Tileahunno. urialli. Stunrt. Hr nh 17H4 ion.. Sun Francisco. I'.-irmhek Taden. rjer bk. irsi tan j Ill igo. j Reliant e. Robinson, llr Lit. S4T.1 ton. j I'ort I'lrle. November 27. Cypromene, llond. Hr h, irl ton San, I Francisco. Tweilstlale. Jour, Hr bk. l(tl ton DrWhane. 1 i..ceinb-r 11 Commonwealth. Ant!eron. Hr tr. Z '"n"- Ksqultnfilt. l'a of Deny. Vint. Hr bk, tons 1 Yokohama Puritan. Hlanehard. Hr bk. tons, lllogo. , Sllberhorn. tilbon, I!r bk. 1771 ton Liverpool. Argo, M o-lean, llr h, 14W ton. Ant werp. LUMIJF.n FDEKT V-sse'.s on the Way and In Columbia j Itlvar to I,oad Lumber. protection, , tm, 21 tons, M' Landing. Echo, , bgtn in ton, Tientsin, Knappton. Torlilo Marti, Kaneko, Jsp bk 114 tons, Yokohama. Chall., , bktn, 12 tons, Nsgnsnkl. Ioul. . schr, S3) ton. Callao. Marlon, , bktn, ill tons, Sydney. Vldette. . bk, JM ton. San Pedro W. P. Jewett, , achr, V,l tons, Han Francisco bay. Omega, , bktn, 552 tons, Mollendo. meaner . bktn, 7M ton. Newport. Tarn O Shunter. I'atterson, bktn, Ml tons, Han Fram Isi o. Prosper. , sihr, .",12 ton. Hnn Fran cisco bay. Hacrameiilo, , schr, 124 ton, Han Kr-mrlsco. Wllllard Alnawnrth, , schr, 4(1 tons. eattie. pnuaj 6a4es over 8,000,000 Boies 1M FILLS FOS BILIOUS AND KEEVOUS J3IS0RDEE8 such a Wind anil Tain la tli Btomn'h. tilildlnes. J'iiIik's after rneul. Jload. ache, WzzlnimH, lirowHliinsH, i'luslilng of Heat, Jjsh of Aps)tltn, Omtlvuness, !lolchcH on tho Kkln, Cold Chills. IIh tiirbed Bleep. Ii'rlglitful Jiroums and all Nervous and Trembling HoiisuUohh. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE EELIEP IR TWENTY KIN0TE8. Evory sufforor will acknowledge thutu to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BKF.CIMM") PlUJ4,Uken Badlroet-t-d, wlllquleklyrt-storo Fomalos to com ItletO health. They promptly roiiiovo obstructions or Irregularities of tlio ys tem nd cure kick Headache. Pora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN ON CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And k tht LARCEST 8ALE Of an Patent Medicine In the World. 26o. at all Drue Stores, WstiiAti '-wlOa " I want to thank yti, ol t mxn, for putiloij me on lo I 'Iptr Utld- . tieck I'lut; Toluci-ti. I:' the only thing 1 know t( that is rsalljr (,V cheap itul somv1 at (lie tame timr." i. !f k) The ftijoyment o( the CriamuK'ii6 Flavor o( i V, 9f ?Sl PIPER HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO i yj C IV liniilonRer llmiieil bi ihr rich. Since tb 40 p'f f 'nt. Increais In ii:e l'lprr llri.Uicvk ling- is trail the chrteit tobacco on tht fyf tlUfkrl. A-. your b!u i .iiit f ir tl ;) plug oi I'mcly llavoml toiuiio you c Hi-r.TiN Ts.i,rHT..Ti4'riH fra?W-j Wo Wot rJ fru if uiHt I r Ait J A. KASTAIHSND- ' jllOl.'SHK, HWIl XilC AND WHAWK lil'l I.I IKK IIOUSK MOVINO TOOI.H KICN I K.I I A ti' ion I'.irty U ..n ' I a m v. nit. r ' nteif .lining l:I'i I'KIt i: Ft'll A ItltuK FN IIU.VC I Not .,nk- i ii . - I'd t be In.tle 'Ollll Is,- til ' a Danville. Ill ).it .o . Ii lend. nit in a br. a. b .. p iy the decidedly ,p jt.nt sum ..f J I u to the amii t-d f ur ! ' This .i thotigl.l to be ih- I ii,.-..! .,,. nut - v, r awarded by a lury It. a slu.i I r a. Him Though it h a pi.-tty hig'i . limine ..f b;igh .. arfecllon. ther- M ei otli. r e-t male hl. ti If not In do'.lot . , i d -in nctly as blub. ). in g.-n . e' .il i oll-l'lftatlon nf exei ll. nee n e III iis P. fly an altitude. That I the . i,' tbe i.iiile In Unit general . rl. t . t.i the eltle.H ' ,,f Ill r Hlolliacll III' . r us a remedy for nnxtlpatl'iti Tb- II lion of till gilltle. bllt effelllve 1 ll.. t . Is iieier ae-'iiiipaitl. d by lh grlp.i, t aid other abiioiniiial tlisliirbance tsbl- ' pie. i des or ic i iniip.iny the opi-rathm nr a griping i ithattle. nver, p n In ninparable remedy for and preiepi . tl .e of malarial. rh-uin iMti nnd kl.ln. i I'tiiplalnts. a never f illing means of Ir- pointing the stomal Ii ami iieH"Ut .- lein, atiil a promoter of app tue anl sb-ep I'erslsteie e In Its use Is Sit"!.;') I'I vlsable. The lli'W wolllatl ami the llp-to-'lat an not made of vaiix. It'tnble of this nature. It should bs A woman's heatlach.s may com., from ,.K, rrKuriy ,y PVery woman during veral Cftum-s. Shs may havs u 1 ,. ,(, I1Hrod of gestation. It gives arising from nervousness. r from 'H. .u-eiigth in nil ti mgans Involv.d. less gesUvs dssturbances, N!ns en.. In ten , ,,, , pr,,, of r,ll,lblrth and Insure, her headaches come from disorder )-- the healtli of both mother nnd child, ciillar to her .ex. It may show Itneif In ' ,.,, ,,., nmp, , CV1,P cn ths symptoms which are characteristic f ,.,,,,. ,)Myi ,, ,,.(.v fPl, ,.,,y a dozen disorder. Thousands of t lines, f ,,r Vll.rrp iMlrn Adviser. Address women have, been treated for the wrong , World's Dispensary Medical Association, disorders. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pi. J t () rr j I N y scrlptfon was compounded for the rtol" ' .' purpose of relieving womankind oft lies Ills and pains. Thoimand of women hnvt testified tlist after taking trratmuut Irom sovural physicians without benefit, th- "Kavorlto Proscription" curl them com. ! Any tentl-ncy lo preniatiiro baldness pletely and quickly. It hos been used for my i, ,.,ei ked by the use of Ayor's llalr over thirty year, and has an unbroken lg .r. Don't delay till tlm scalp Is bare record of slices... , ,, ,,, tl(l)r. Tl)0tn ,estroyed. If you 'itio woman who fccslUit. U liwlte.l to would renlljie the best results, begin at sond twenty-one l-cent tamps lo cover ! ,,r ttin ,1,1, nvaliinblo proparatlon. only the cost of mailing a copy of Dr. 1 -Pierce's Common Sense Median! Adviser, j heath 1 rushes the memory of faults, whlcjh contain plain, clear Information ' bill 1111 earthly sepiinillon but empliiislxes about all of the organs of the human 1 iIhiii. body and their functions. ' ulil, 1 Spit i'il cianberrles are excellent game. London. IIHCKI-RN'H ARNICA HALVE. i ehuoses. lie Is 11 slave to the weakness Tin- bti Halve n the world for 'Juta, , of his mIoiiuicIi. A man's health ami Ilrulses, Sores, Ulcers, Sat Rheum, Fevef -t r. nglh depend upon what lie gels out Sores, Teller, (.'happed Hindi, Chilblains "r ,M ,I''I"'",,H "" ,,H Hk""- t.'onis, und all Hkn Eruptions and uoml """' 1""",v" ,h" l-t by taking ..,. ,, ., ' V It. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Thy urn live y eunw Pi es, or 11 pay rou red. 1 . .1 .1 .11, , , . luoeu. ,t mtV(, ,.llr,. fr coiiHllpatlo 1 und lis It Is guaraimce.l lo give perfe-st -Mlsfac. . ,,,,.,! Ml Ht,eadacles, Hour Hlom.ieh, loii or money n-fund l. Prlve 25 cenla Miilub , dizziness, biliousness nntl per box. Fir sale hy Untes-Cunn Druf ' "heartburn." The "Pellets" ore very gen Co. ! tie in their ucllon. They simply hshIsi I nature. They give no violent wrench lo To make a man happy encourage lilm In the belief that he call cook. TO CURB A COI-.U IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Iiromo Quinine Tablets All druggist refund the money If It falls to cure; 25c. For sale by Charles Rcverm, i i 1 the mra piece ami Rei the biggest ever got lor J emu. c i ivavsavavs.vs.'syj' OREGOiN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL! Munnimilh, Oregon ' A TRAINING SCHOOL T0K TEACHl RS i I ss-u ar 1-r -i, i Virte o llwe es sun or y, a H a.'.i, i. 1 1 r ii n 'ii i.-.riiio-m .1 cue atadf allti .w) elil rn j In.'iio II I,, on l i mi n in l,, m.iail r. .se,l,li ait i , r.i .till .. il.- rur t ill. ;.- uiii.ill I V.fisa .' I. te.-...,lir. I'r U S I A 1 1 I ! I KKIIK" All. lo td II i !tt . itii. I'Dtlon. I,k, IhiM, and lulit laiM I'f'imntiir . t ..'mu iiei ar Vinleiil, iHiidirig tlirlliMtlve. Ill" 111 per ter'iili' (rNjte i rei4r truht lilh taiiimt. ) I "'!.' . h'. rtnllf teni mi 'pllcalloii. I Ad.lrrM V. U 4-AJtfllKI.U l'te.l.1,,,1. , . A. W ANN, Serreury Kvullr Genernl Contractor 'I'lle ln-H itiM,ti ,,re mid arlt-tli ib llghlfillly gav fll A MllFltt.AI.N s fltill ADWAYM rilOVKri KrV K Itl.MhDl l l'tU ! lain n very . inopli te nnd entirely truth-Tin-re are no bettrr inedirliirs on the ' tul .b . rlptlon of ttm nio-.t irain on earth, in it ket than Nitihrlalii' We liave tli,- lliirliniclon Ht I'aul-i 'hbngo Uni- u-. tlis t'ougti Iteniedy when all ottisrs 1 failed, and In e cry Hutanca It provwl effectual Allium;v w. Ii.r ilia v.r 1 lie uf Chaiulxrlaln'a remnlles ritollsd by tl,10 who havn uaed them. Thl Is , .,, ,, ufr uald for at so much a i.h- m. i, voluntarily ativeii In mm! f.ilt. ' :n th'i hopo that auffrrlug litintanlty may try ihesn rsmcdln. and. Ilka the wrltsr, b b.l,efle.l From the) (ib-iivllls (W. Va) l'atliHiidr. For attle by Chnrle Itogi ra. Druggl't Kloll aike hue nplhirellllv lusl nolle nf I hi-lr Niptilar favor. A woman never really knows the mean Ing nf It ippiiie and content until she la the mother of n healthy, happy child The. health of the child depends on the loal'h of the mother, both before nnd lif ter birth Moat all of woman's weakness and P it ltctilarly Ihn weakness that most -tioiigu irilueiit ths health of children, ' mill's f I um Willi' derangement or dlsensn of the distinctly (etiilnlnn organs. Ir. Pierce's Pavorlln Prescription will cure Is there anything more ugly than u fur boa thai has olllllvetl lis season of lint flllneH'' The pain thai soim Hint s sli ikes ,1 man at ibe most Inopporlune moment Is due to Indigestion. It may coinn In tlio inlilut of a tlliiner iiiul make tint tctiHt u nnu k- ty. It Ih a remlmler mat tin inny not ill what lie 1 liooses, nor wh.-ui lie the system, They 1 nuse no pain, nor grip ing. Send 21 one-cent stumps to cover cost of mailing only, und receive free 11 ropy of lr, Pierce's Medical Advisor, Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Murrain, N, Y. It Isn't always the showiest purse that contains the most money. I Ii ket lo nil pitlnU ..HAST.. rorSale byO.R IN Affcni, Astoria. I . H. ItillllilM. Ilw.ei, ilitiiiiKli palate ami loin lit aleepen, dhiliiu ami lilit.ii oIikci Mil Ion cms li.r.uAvr i Kiiiit i,i: tiiainh No I l.liiiltnl lion I'oill'ind at J iJ P in No :i I unite I'ollliiiiil nt I Ms) in Through Tickets TO TllaO l-AST AM) SOUTH HAST VIA mm Pt'lXUAN PALACM III.KBI'Ena, TOUIUHT ULCr-PBIH tw4 rilKB ItrXXININtl CHAIR CAM Ite,l l Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Kara Cities 1a sJtlMr tssjifc. era I'stiflo or 0 IL N. Cm Only Line From Portland Offerlnc I'wmiih lbs ono)c mt fvw TiMtriat Car Unas (brvuga to Chlovsrw, Specially Conducted I:cursions Vis, Shasta Itouts to CMca every Tvms day. lUf oheckeil ttiroitgtl to im tlMtiun. Uagiunoont exery, assj dna. fast Urns, tosnwt rwU. Pliitatb light In rant Tot rates and olh infurmaUoa, aaj oa or sddrsas R. W. liAXTKIt, Onl Aflwnt, IM Third ., cr. AiUr. PorOaas. f""" ' I'll II in ISIIl llTtr,'r4w .ai-iwrvsl Look at the 8-pajce insert m the l.iirii iin of our folder It con. it. d I.rn r Ht I'nnl I it n ttru,. cki. - 1 ciso Z a m ( omniritn. t,i ..! ui.n.i. i ard Hie. p.-i liurTet Hinoklng Car Inning "r chair Car Clinches Kir, irlc llghl le.nlnile Hteatu heat. Tickets at oftl. e uf riuineclli.g lltira a. c. siiki.don, (I'l iirial Ap'iit, I'uitliiiul, On ejni) A. & C. R. R. R. TIME CARD In I ITcct d. if,, IWU7. Lav Sens Id for AatorU via riarag at T.10 a. m, and t p. tn. dally. I-aavs Astoria for Rnaald via rtarsl at 10 a. m. and 4) p. m dally. All the Ahnvc I ruli h Vi c Daily Astoria Public Library RKADINO ROOM FniCB TO AUI Opon avary dajr from I olv k lo I M and 6 10 to 1:10 p. m. Subscription rates II per annum. M. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duana atrtstta. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tln it iiveri'iiine Wl,nn.a, Irreml Imlt V slut oinlaaliiiia, In, ,ii.ap vKor an.l iiiul.h "I,,!,,, ii.,ir,. I. It I liny at 1. o l.ln, ,tri leglrlaat, alilltig tie. vi'hiiuiii in ni ,,rin anil IkhIjt. No ii"ii ri.imil fur wiiiiimi i.'tiala II11111. ( ami., I ill, l,n 1 1,1 urn ha. iHoflf 1 ' - eien-tirn. ( f,rr Ui I''r nlo by Ksles-Conn Drug Co. Dr, William' Indian Pile 'Uiitniitiiiwiil euro mt rial. lill'l'tlllie iitul lo'lili, Piles. Il uliHori.Nllintiiiiiois ulliiyH tho lUtlihiK ut iiiicti, ui-lsi IIS II IIOllll.ll'll lflK,.U I... In... lief, llr. Williams' Indian Pile Dint inent Is lironareil (mm imi... 1 Ing of Um private ,ru ,;V(,rv ,,, ,,. sei.ii ,,1 ' v "r"1"1". y million r- aa'2. r !jir.,.,!'..i0 "uu WILLIAMS Mrr'tHfTURIfiB CO., JToph,, i.'ievttliiM. uuiSi Kor sale by Estes-Conn Dru Co. ZlM T non-rilannnin ! lii. ' "Ptirmaliirrliiea, i"' li )!.'""" a natural iha- r!"lr,':"' .'" " Inllaliilim- KUilMK ' la luMei, flaafanuail DM u initial, leravaau Mulaaloa, ""i. imiaiiuii ur til.era- miiii 111 mu on in msni IfHttVANSCHtMinil Do. I"titi. MtiD-aalrlDiinit L0iN0imn!i,o.n 4 h l'atsis. '.... . .1 ' I T BMll In 1,1 I n iir,,nr"""i rpsld, fur WiTB 11.10. Itr X lsillli.a. 1I7S Mmm TT 'WjrTAT Y,Tm m I -tHT I jkl K - ..-Cj-.lV-.l. T mm n y 'V Circular unit uu rmuaaL I