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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1898)
THE DAILY A8T0RH4N, TIIIKSHAY MO KM NO, FERUDAUY 17, .ttH. TODArB WBATUER. Orasjalonal rtn. AROUND TOWN. TIU'HSUAY. Jt nnln nd Kla.ln.iw fnr. It mill neln nm one '"' woet." Hlumo thy t.t "kii'ii Try R. hilling TVt fa and naVIng owW. City ronnrll rrni-iltisT tontaht. HikMV la roirliK for -"' Two cigar. wnta. at the Parlor. Cheapest ml In th city at rarlor. Midwife-Mr. Mary Make. Kx.-hamt trwu Colon.'! Stone, nf Knapna. ' ln ,n itr jrirtay. Mr. and Mm. F. IV K-mtnor Vft up for Portland hut nlaliU Bnrn-Tu.-s.lny. 1-Ybruary to th lf of lr. Stelner. a Jwughtw. Andrew Johnson, th.- uo-rlvr salmon buyer. I" n y"rJ iy- will be the first "Keep off the Brass. slj;n en- In th now city lrk. Th n-inilar mating of the W. C. T. I'. ulll be hold this afternoon at S o'cl. Captain Watt. TTThe Arm of Pmwn A McOabe. stevedores. Portland. I In th city. Mr. and Mm. Martin Foard .-ro ls rniEora on the Telephone for IVrtlamt last nlRht. The renowned "S drops" meJMne for various disease ran be had at US Com mercial tret. p J. Meany. the loading merchant tailor. 1ST Tenth street- Th highest prlre paid for fur kln. Through iho efforts of tho pooo and fire departments th principal struts are now reasonably clean. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, figs and asanrted nuts-aU extra fine qual ity, at Rosa, Huislns A Co. The gaa and electric light companl.a have consolidated. It Is understood the rates of both llghta will be advanced. . ..). . ,hiie ' now on tho designing sister. I' Is need Observer Johnson rve Astoria , . cnalce Mf variety or weainer jeo.riM-. ' - h will try to do better from this time on. W. J. Heckard creamery buttr received Wednesdaya and Saturdayt at tna rarior. Full weight. Also sweet cream every day. Wanted-Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Must b on ground j floor Will nay H Address R.. Astorian j 1 " i office. ! Buslneaa ln Astoria Is per cent, better now than for th corresponding perlw last year. Merchants anticipate a lively piing. Mr. and Mr. George Neln returned from Monmouth yeaterdiy. where they wer summond by the lilnesa of Mr. Nel son's mother. The drawing for the three prixea-sllver tea set. water set and toilet set will come off on Thursday. February IT, at th Bur Grocery. - r. 1 .1 .rton. wora on me v,imr..... " , I to kill It. Every device known to wood alon la progressing very slowly and 1 It , anJ when will probably be two weeks before that bru, anJ wert alwUl , Jl4. thoroughfare U completed. hln) thry ,jl4covvrej ,nat lt wa, The revival service at the M. E. church , a calf. will continue tonight and Friday night, j Should the Elmore sail, the services will It Is reported that some of the property b conducted by the pastor. j owner of Multnomah county are Just I nuL'Inr their IS! tale Mlleh curiosttV The Holy Innocents guild of Upper As- , toria will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. Jacob L'txlnger. Thursday evening. Feb. ruary IT. from 1 to 10 o'clock. . , . ..,, Th. rer, finest. The n plus uKr The creme de la crem. That HARPER Foard at Stoke Co.. Astoria. Ore. When going east travel on the North ern Pacific railway. Quick time an.l the only line running dining cars. Train leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. B. F. Krelter. San Francisco: David Manary and wife. Brower; George Black. Latourello Falls; Asmus Hansen. Ottfl Johansen. Young s river, are guests at the Parker House. Supplementary articles of Inc icp .ration were filed In the county clerk's office yes terday by th Weat Shore Mills Company. The capital stock is SKW.OU". divided Into MOO shares of Hl'JO each. Grease spots, blood, oil. or any other) to various causes, and expresses the opln pots or stains on dresses, coats, carpets : 'on that, with the opening of the season, or other things, are promptly removed i "almon will bring as high. If not a higher with Fels1 Naptha 8oap. Large cakes, io,prli'. than was paid the fishermen last t ents. Rogers' drig store. 'a!Mjn- Workmen were Iiiikv yesterday draln(ug th court house yard. The low.?r corner of the block is flooded whenever rain falls and the drainage system put In yesterday will prevent Hny more u h flood. The British steamer Mogul, which ar rived down from Portland yesterday. Is coaling nt Flavel. All of her 27 Chinese and Japanese passengers were landed In Portland, so that she has none t ) return. Largest and most complete assortment of Hlr-tlght heaters In the city. All the kinds advertised In this paper may be seen and compared at our store, then your selection will be satisfactory to you. Foard & Stokes Co. Prizes will be given at the Sons of Her mann ball, Februnry 22, for the most ar tistic ladles' coittime, for the most artis tic Rentlemen's costume and for tho best sustained ladles' and the best sustained gentlemen's character. Walter 15. Preston, K. P. Noon. in aim wife, Mrs. M. S. Murnil. Mrs. r,. ooi-. hies, Portland; MIsh Voorlil.-s, Lexington. Ky.; H. M. O'Koll. Victoria; K. Allen. Philadelphia; J. i. Mcghr and wife, Tirookfleid, are cucsts at the Occident. Tuesday evening several members of the Astoria Football Club gave a smoke so cial nt the litiliiooms. About forty were present and the evening was vt?-y pleas Hntly passed. Frank Woodthid or.-sld.-u and arranged u program, every member being called upon for a performance. Every Package of Schilling s Best tea is a sample. . Your money back if you don't like it. IVof.'O.'wir ftpen.-er contributed nivntly to the -venlii.'s amus.'ment. awing the hi-a with hrtlr-riilnliig sl.irlra of his ex prl.tii'S In Afrlcn. Howard ,lnn'll.',a Inning 'h on.' T tho most .iijoyabb! fouturo of tho exrnlng. N'orthern Ps.-lnV railroad tralna leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. for T. coma, Spokane, and tho east. Close con nection made at Spokane for Itossland, Nelson, Snndow and Hrlllsh Columbia mining rnmpa For niapa and Information call on or a.l.lroa t W. Stono, Astoria, Orciion. Reports from Iho front arc to tho effect that tho et and st end Mwl sail are only at'ut a' mile apart and there la every proaect that they will nni'l be- 1 fotv April U A landslide etir.lay lm- IhUhI pri;r.' on thta end of tho lino, but rail laying will bo remmed t.hlay. Tho pilot ,-hoonor J.t la now rtudy for a and waa mov.M yeaiorday troin hrr trth at the O. U A N. Jk anu arielion-.! In 8.-ow Iwy. While lea lug her berth a auddon anuall .HvurnM w hich car rle.1 away one of her boh-uy. causlnti It to come In .-ontact wllh the fender pllea at tho dvk. of the Alaska Transiwrtatlon and IVvelopmrnt company of Cttlcairo r K moot d.Klrcble In Vermont bofora Ui public. Safer thai, ravinpt bana and bar.k atock. Piytng lartto dividend Sharo-i one dollar For information ad. dro W. K Pudl'y, gnneral arnt, Hal- ler building. Seattle. Wa-. It waa rt'iortl ycatonlay thai when tho ateamer Telephone land.-.! at t'ath lamet Tuesday nlitht an attorney of that place, who wa a pacsencer from thla city, w is arre!tl by a nherlff from one of tho Interior itnmtles of Waahlngton on chare of forgery. No further par ticular could be a-ertaln.-l. Kvory on will bo norry to aee the iv enuo cutter Perry. Captain Phillips, leave today for tho S un J. The ottl -r o( thla ship have made themselves eery ulur during their stay her alneo last tV-tohor. and their friends hope to s.v thorn as signed to tho new cutter to 1 built for the Columbia rler. when she will b per manently stationed. Mrs. Phillip and Mlaa Phllllpa will acix'tnMny tho Captain to th Sound. Two Astoria young ladle put up a Job on their sister Valentine day. They wont to a Commercial-street candy store and, procuring an elaborate box. fllled 11 with any and every old thing they could rind. Th box was given to the clerk, who agreed to deliver It. Through an error box of el.gant candles was sent In place of th fake" box and the "k is I enjoyed the present. At tho A. F. C alleys last night the Flounders played against the Shad, th other teams scheduled to bowl filling to ! amiear. The Shad, captained by C. It. Higgins. lost games to Mr. Klndlay s Flounders. Tho score In the nrst gam were 1 to W. Cu.talns Higgins ana Flndlay each rolled 4 In this game. In . ...... , in aecon.i game i.utu. n u-.., the scores being W to 1C. Mrs. Timson mad the best ladles' score of the even ing. 45. and B. F. Allen was high for the gentlemen with 51. Dr. Andrew Dalglty. Kugene Hamblet and Robert Burns McLean went on a hunting trip up the river yesterday. They wer heavily armed with viung cannon and chewing gum and ill n exciting time. The first animal that came klong waa a cat, which was promptly slaugh tered. For tho next hour the trio killed I makes and time. When at th Tongae """ - 7 " m u expressed by of cialsop county s larg taxpayers as to why their taxes I must be payed by April 1 of each year, I while citizens of Multnomah and other section of the state are allowed a longer I, has been supposed that au j r , . , ,h. !., . revenue must be general; and as to how this distinction can be made between citi zens of different sections of the state seems to call for some explanation by our own officer. I Mr. Andrew Johnson, the salmon buyer ! or Latniamet. was in tne city yesterday. ! Speaking of the tishlng situation for the j coming summer he pr-dl.-ts a shortage I of ooats on the river ut the owning of i the season, and also thinks the quantity of gear used will tie Inferior to that of any previous season. The up-river fish- ermen are putting up very little new gear a good deal less than last season and the local cannery at Cathlamet IS I making no preparations for the opening , of the season. He ascribes this Inactivity I George's operatic colored minstrels with j a company of thirty performers, every 'one of them an artist, consolidated with j the Georgia university graduates, will ap pear at Fisher s op. n house Friilay ev- enlng. and will un'iuestl manly draw a ! packed house. The organization has been pronounced by the press. In nearly every , large city In the country, to be a leader in Its line. It Ih the only minstrel com pany which ; ni. ladies for a iiorus. Its success In all of the large -t...H has heen The hand, niiiler the leadership of tiiarlea Alex,i;i(i. r t a fea : ture, upd th" woik of M Wafs. Jack 'Oliver. John Pamplln and James White and the r.-st of the cijmn.'.nv ;s i typ.; of minstrel art. Seats on ..ale :hi- morning at Griffin tv lieeil's. The steane r i Haywanl camo Into collision with the PritiHi -hip Cy proincne in the lower harbor yesterday morning and a terrible disaster as nar rowly av.rtcd. The llnywerd had the Senator in low and in pacing the Cypro inene the latter swung suddenly around, irashiiiK into the steamer. The hitter's kiygpoKt gave way, tearing tiiraugh the (led and dropped alrno.-t litem the plpf. The narrow miss prevented an ex plosion, whl h otherise would have hap pened. The Ilayward's hogchain post was lso carried away and she was a sorry looking sight as she lay at her berth yes terday. The f'.vp:-omene's headgear was damaged to the extent of about I'M. The damage to the Hay ward is about the same. Tho accident was probably lue to the fact that Ihe ship had loo mu'jli cable out. although, of course, this matter will be determined by tho count. In th' Justice court yesterday Isaac Itowmun and John Johnson were tiled on a chargo of breaking tho windows In tho building next to Ollbort saloon, and also tho windows In tho residence of V. It K.I wards. Bowman was arrested for the offense Saturday lust mid held In the clly Jail. Ho Is a Russian Finn nnd Ills knowledge of the Kngllsh language is very limited, whlih. perhaps saxc.l him from luiplleallim himself or his com panion when questioned by Chief tlallock at tho city Jail. Johnson, who evaded ar rest nt tho time, was arrested later alio both wer placed on trial riorln utter noon. They ntrvinii'iisl denied any knowl.'.lge of the affair, hut How man said no one else was In the vicinity when tho class was shattered and cxplainon that ho would not walk homo with John son after tho latter had broken the win dows. Johnson being unaldc to give a satisfactory explanation of tho occur renev was found guilty and lined In default of which ho went to Jail. KF.PI BI.ICAN COS VK.STION Every effort Is being made by the oltl cluls of tho Astoria and Columbia Klver Kail road company to have the Hue com pleted In time to bring to Astoria the del. .'gates to tho republican state convention, which meet hero April l.t-ll A commu te composed of five well known local re publicans has boon appointed to entertain th visitors and send them home with fa vorable Impression of the gateway to tho greatest country on earth. CAPTAIX FLAVEL S SEW II. 'MK Captain Flavel has purchased n lot on Franklin avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, and will hrt!v com mon tho erection of a residence. The lot Is between the residence of Dr. J A and A. L Fulton. Franklin avenue mure pretty homes than anv other thor oughfare In the city and this n w addition will sop to Increase the street' attri tion. The property was purchased from C. R. Thompson, the purchase pi Ice being HAM. It Is understood work will txgin on the building early m m month BETTEIt TIMES AHEAD Merchants generally are Jubilant our tho exceptionally bright proitvt for a tin year In business. Trade has greatly Improved over the corr.sundliig months of tho two previous years, .ash business being especially belter Conlldcttcv-lho greatext factor In pro rity-se. tns to possess everyone. It Is admitted even by chrnlc kicker t Astoria's gre it. si yenr I about to begin and merchants are correspondingly happy. Nearly all the firms In tho city are laving In large slocks, preparatory to Astoria farewell to adversity. The tickle godde of for tune has long knocked at the d.r of the City by the Sea and she w ill not again be turned away. Heal estate shows a heal thy disposition to move and d-ub-r are negotiating for the sale of a great deal of property. THE MODERN WAY. Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys tem and break up colds, headache and fever without unpleasant after effects use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Fig. Made by California Fig Syrup Co. CATTLEMEN IN SESSION Executive Hoard Appointed-Resolutions to Be Submitted Today. Pendletcn. Or.. Feb. 1.-Th Pacific Northwest Cattlemen's Convention spent the forenoon listening to discussions on various topics. Much Interest la attached to the organixatlon tomorrow forenoon The by-laws committee ha. drafted a set of laws to bo presented. It will bo recommended that the convention crea'.e an executive board nf nine member, two from each state, Oregon. Washington, Montana. Idaho, and one at large. Krom that board officers will be selected. Wal la Walla Is favored as the place for hold ing the next convention, and the president of th association may be given to that city, which has a candidate. The com mittee will submit resolutions opposing the exemption of California hides from tariff duty; also that the secretary of ag riculture be requested to furnish as a possible for trial on the seml-arld Pa cific Northwest ranges such grass seeds from Russia and other foreign countries as Is believe. will flourish on these range. Tonight Professor E. F. Pernot, of Cor vallls Agricultural College, Illustrated a lecture with over M) plates, covering the different grades of cattle und other ani mals grown for market In the Pacific Northwest. The populist and democratic confer ence committees In session here today agreed upon a basis of union In the coun ty campaign and will submit recommen dations to the county conventions. It has been agreed to give the populists the state senator, one representative, clerk, assessor, superintendent and commission er, the democrats to have two represen tatives, sheriff, recorder, treasurer, sur veyor and coroner. ALL HOPE GONE. Seattle, Feb. 16.-The owners of the steamer Clara Nevada, which has been reported lost with all on board In lier ner's bay, Alaska, today refunded to the 150 passengers booked for her next trip the money paid for tickets. It Is thought that there were at bast 2S passengers on the steamer when she left Hkagway. This with her crew of 2a. would make 53 per sons whose fate Is awaited with anxiety. The refunding of the passage money Is regarded as virtually the giving up of all hope on tne part of her owners. c, WANTS HER MILLIONS. Another Heir of the lilythe Estate Has Entered Suit. San Francisco. Feb. It. Another at tempt Is being made to wrest from Mrs. Florence P.lythe Hinckley the millions that have so lately come to h'-r. A suit was filed In the superior court by Hos well M. Wythe, son of Janus T. Wythe, and broth'-r of Thomas H. Wythe, today, who claims to be the descendant next of kin. for an Injunction to restrain Mra. Hinckley from using the property, and for a decree declaring her Interest there in null and void and the plaintiff the. sole owner of tne property as helr-at-law. The action Is brought on constitutional grounds. en Af-.htir Sullivan has nroinlsed to mi . ... un... !.. iiiinlul'i for lliu ljnilu Wrue n musical festival next October. Tho sub ject he has seiecieu is sani 10 no i ne Vicar of AVakefleJd." rr-L. TT..II..1 Cl . t.-U ReTV tee MacavlllM III I lit .JIIIV ..-w r,-- -.. Iondon, claims to have discovered the libretto for a cantata written by the Duke of Wellington. The subject Is "Pan dora and Prometheus." The Rev. Dr. Russell T. Hall, of Green wich. Conn., has resigned the pastorate of the Second Congregatlonul church there, because he couldn't stop golf play ing on Sunday. ws J 4My lloth the nu'tlnxl am! result when Syrup of Fin is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, ami aets gently yet promptly on theKulneys, l.iveratul Howels, cleansesthesys tem effectually, ilispels eolils.heatl aehesaml fever ami cures habitual constipation. Syrup of r igs is the only remetly of its kiml ever pro tlueetl, pleasiiii; to the taste ami ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action ami truly benelieial in its etfects.prep.ireilonly fiom the most healthy ami agreeable substances, its many excellent tpialities com mend it to all ami have made it the most popular remetly known. Syrup of l'igs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. IK not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HO STRUP CO. tAM micisco. Cl. Uiiisrius. tr. t to. Aft The Chicago rtccord's boog for fold sekors Is now ready. A rdr of thla hook will know more of Alaska anJ the wonderful Klondike district than he could loam by months of pronnl observation and roirch 00 the ground. In compar lon with other works on th subject It Is tho WolwiiT's Itot.oiiary of Alaska," -a perfect and peerless vol u inc. at once i!n! model and despair of rival publlhi It tells of the richst and moat exten Ive gold fields th world has rvet know.t-How they ww discovered -Field-yet unexplored-Ton years' work al ready In sight -Whore Is th mother lode The fortunes alrady made Th mil lions to be tsk.'n out next year-How to got thoro-R. R. fare and other exxp.-nrr from all pol:rts-Mdlcal hints Cllmate Ottlc.a mnrs-Oovernront reports AU land and water route -Projected rail-roaJ-Mlnlng laws Customs. In brief, all that Is known of this wondorfdl land of fabulous wealth. It Is the oniy au thentic, practical book, official and en dorsed. About 6)0 page. Handsomely bound In art canvas ris. II, iu. Agents are wanted to handle this val uable work. It Is a chance of Ufa time. Experience la not neorssary. full jutrucUon are son', and the whole pnopte are clamoring for the book. R por.a from agents Just started show woo ierful success. Sales run aa high as 2 books an hour. Big commissions and valuable premium are allowed. CredU la given and freight paid. It la an oppor tunity to gain a competence In a short time. The book la not sold through book siorea or newspapers. Complete rwnvaae Ing outfit w.ll be mailed for 10 eeata, stamps. To places where w have no agent a full copy of the book will be aent to customers, prepaid, on receip' of priss. Address, exactly. Monroe Book Company, department K, IH. Chicago. OABTOTIIA. fu fw- U es trf Haiii (niiui France's treasury department bnflta grea'iy by the Charity Haxaar disaster, us the duties paid on the Inheritances It raused amounted to l.SO.uou frttpes. FHEF. TO MILLIONS : rJ't, A Valuable Little Hook Sent Asking. or th Medlral books ar not always Interest ing radlng. sperlally to people enjoying good health, but as n matter of fact scarcely one person In ten Is perfectly healthy, and even with such, sooner or later sickness must come. It is also a well established truth that nine-tenths of nil diseases originate with a breaking down of the digestion, a weak stomach weakens and Impoverishes the system, making It easy for disease to gain a foothold. Nobody need fear consumption, kidney disease, liver trouble or a weak heart and nervous system as long as the digestion Is good and the stomach able to assimilate plenty of wholesome food. Htomach weakness shows Itself In a score of wuys and this little book de scribes the symptoms nnd causes and points the way to a cure so simple that anyone, can understand and apply. Thousands have some form of stomach trouble and do not know It. They nscrlbe the headaches, the langour, nervousness, Insomnia, palpitation, constipation and similar symptoms to some other cause, than tli i true one. (Jet your digestion on the right track and the heatt trouble, lung trouble, liver disease, or nervous de bility will rapidly disappear. This little book treats entirely on the cause and removal of Indigestion and Its accompanying annoyances. It describes the symptoms of Acid lys pepslu, Nervous I'lyspopsln, Hlow Dyspep sia, Amylaceous Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Htomach and nil affoetlons of the diges tive organs In plain language easily un derstood and the cause removed. It gives valuable suggestions ns to diet, and contains a table giving length of time required to digest various articles of food, something every person with weak diges tion should know. No'prlce Is asked, but simply send your niimn and address plainly written on postal card to tho V. A. Btuurt Co., Mar shall, Mich., requesting n little book on Stomach Diseases and It will be sent promptly by return mall. Father Kavnnagh, who was parish priest at Knock when tho miraculous Hires made that village famous eight years ago, lina Just died nt the ago of M years. CASTOR I A For Infants i.nd Children. riuf; rial u n tr :sf)l Ufutur X TO FIHIIEUMEN AND CASNI'.HYMtCN. The general repair shop at Ih comer of Tenth and Ihiano la now prepared In make contracts to cast loads oil tlsh not lines for the coining big season. C. It. OUKWITZ. Manager. NOTICE FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice ! hereby given thai C. . Wright and T. A, llyland. oxocutom of the estate of Elisabeth Jane Ittawoll. have Mod tholr nnal account In said oetala, In the county court of Clatsop county, Oregon, and the Judge thereof has sol February It, ISW, at th hour of 1 o'clock p. m for lh hearing of objection. If any there b. to Mil allowance of the sain t.nd th closing of the adiaialstratlon of said r. fl WHIHIIT, T. A. HVi.ANP. Kxoouiors. A matin, Oregon, January 1, tM. TUKAHUlFIt M NOTICE. Notice Is hereby iilvin there nr fund In the city treasury to mv nil war rants drawn on th general rutul and en dorsed prior to July I, Interest will cense utter this date K J CAUSEY. t'ltv ii.anr. i Ant. oln. Or. con, Febriian I.V iv" Col.t'.MMIV AVK.M'K tilt Vl'E NiHICE, Nolle Is hon-by given that the common couiKil of th clly of Aetorl pr.p. to establish tho grade f Columbia avenue in that part of the city of Astoria known a t'nlo'it wn. at th follow leg height uhovrt th bus of grades At Ih soulhot corner of block 1. at IW f.el. and at a Mm directly opiit on the east side of block It and at right 4iiKl lo went lino of bl.vk l. al 110 fiet. and at A P.MU directly ovpo.u ,i tho soiithwmt corner of blvk l on th rrth i.lo of block 20 and at rgbt auiilr 10 the south lino of bl.s k 11. al IU foot. t tin, ,Mlllimet cwllrr V bb k l. at 13 feet, and at a Mnt directly on thu north aid of hl.a k sed at rliiht iib- to III.. iMMtth lino of bl.vk 1. at l.'J feel. At the northwest .-orntr ..' bl.vk !". at 13J foot. At tho ouihrt 11 rnr of M-vk l. at IX, foot. At tho northeast corinr of bl.vk .'I. al IX fool. At the ..u'liet corner of b!.- E, at IX foot. At the south ! of Kliii.-t.n avenue at It Inters lion wllh Columbia avenue at Kl foot. Al th nr:h side of Kingston avrnu at It bit .m-clloa wi'h Col irub.a nem. lit 1) feet. At th .iithw.t corner or M" k 1, l S. feet. At tho southerly .-..rner . f Id-' k :i. at 11 fret. At tho Intersection of iVhimH Cam brldKo and Itwa.'o avemo-s, at TTsi fei-t At the northeast Conor of block II. at W feet . At Ih n.-rtherlv oortier of bbvk v, at ZA foot. Ami unless a remonstrance !nr. by th owner of three-fourths, of the pmp erty fnmtlng on sold portion of said str't b filed with th. auditor and poll.- jiidt within ten day from th dale of ih nnal publication of this notice th- com mn council will iwtahbah said trad Hated at Ast.rla, Oregon. February , 1M. II. K NEION. Auditor and Police Judge. Al, AMHI'A AVKNt'E tlltAt'K NdTH'K Notice Is hereby given that th. common council of th city of Astoria propose to establish the gTade on Atamrda avenue In that port of the city of Astoria known a t'nlont.osrn. at the following height above the baa of grade' At th northeast corner of bl.vk 1, at Jf feet above the base of grades, ami at a point directly oppoelte and at right argle to th east tin of block I it 1 fed. At the (southwest corner of bloeg J, at O feet, and at a point directly o(.pul and at right angle to the west line uf block I, at O foot, and at a point on th north side of block 19, directly opposite to the southwest corner of bl. k I, and al rlg'.it angle to the iuth line of block I. at 4! feet. Al the northwest c-rner of block 1. at 44 feet. At th. southeast corner of bl - k I. at 44 feet. At th northeast corner of block II, at 45 feet, and at a p'ln' directly opposite on the eolith able of block 2 and al right angle to the north line nf block 11, at tf. feet, and at a point directly opposite to the northeaat corner of block 1 on the west side of block II. and at right angle to th east line of block II. at ib foot. At the Intersection of Alameda avenue with the east boundary of Taylor As toria, at 49 feet. At the northwest corner of block II. at 80 feet. At the southwest comer of block I, at 10 feet. Al th northeast corner of block 17, at 11 feet. At the southeast corner of block I, at It feet. Ami unless a remonetranr signed by the owners of three-fourtlw of the prop arty fronting on sold portion of Ald street be filed with ttie auditor and Mir Judge within ten day from th date of the nnal publication of this notice, the com mon council will nstabllah said grade. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, February I, lfKH. II. K. NRLflON, Auditor and Police Judge. BOCIBTY MKKTINIJS TfcMI'LE I.ODUK NO .'. A. K Mi A. M.Hegular communication held ui. in nrst and third Tuesday evanlng el ewcb mo. th. O. W. LOITNSItlCiU'.T, W. at K C HOI.DKN, Keeretarr J'f'.OFKrlrllONAi, t.'AHDH II. T. CKUHIJY. ATTOHNKV-AT-I.AW. 4M f'oniiiieriikl John t i.kihtkh, attoknk - at-1, a w Office, upstairs. Astorian Ilulldlng t;. C. UllUVV'IiK. ATTOriNKY AT LAW. Ciinderson Hnlldlng. Astoria, .jrognri Dll."u.""n7"KHTKH, I'HYHICIAN AND HUlltJKON. Hpeclal attention lo diseases of wumes sod surgery. Office over Daris'gefs atom. Astoria Telitphono No. t'L .l'U A. BOWLHY. ATTORN KY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Tlond street, Astoria, Or, Cheater V. Dnlph. Richard Nliaa. KOLl'll & NIXON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Ongon, 24, ft, 2 and IT. Hamilton Hulldlng. All lr.gul nnd col lection busln .i promptly attended Claims against the, government a ipe ilaltr. DR JA Y TIJTTLK. PHYSICIAN AND HtJHGKON Ofllce, rooms 6 and 6, Pythian bulldg 6.U'4j Commercial 8t, Kesldencn saru Telephone 96. Acting assistant surgeon tj. B. Ma rine hospital service. , FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE. lo K. Sl'.l.lti, Iiiwnoo nikI Malinger. ... Friday, February 18... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL A BIG BLACK BOOM G orge's Operatic Colored Minstrels.. In Mlfhty Unison with the Cclctrjtc J Georf U University CnJuitcs . . . VVVVVVVVVVVVVVWr Prlfl Ki.wso.1 !-'(.. 1 hv tiMllrry. V. fl.'al lo opon- Tltur.lai iiiotiil at I I o ibw, at iliittoi A Hi IliHik MI1110 NOTICW. Must be closed out. 1 1 l,ts for all or any portion uf thtck and tool of th mf rantll buln of th H It lUwoa tain will be rcve up to I p. 111 , Mon. day. February It, IW. Ittuht lo rnjeot any or all bid reserved. Plrsvt all bids, seal ed, lo C. 1. TUB.VCIIAIlt). Assign. IntAltn AND HOOMrt. Thrt or rooms, with board, at. roaa,iiisld rate. Table boarder ran b; acciHitiNlat,!. Mr. K. P llolden, cornr' Ninth and Pun treta I A.W0NHK'fl NOTICK TO CIllUUToHM Nollt-e la hereby given thai the und.-r Igned ha this day been app Ui rd a slgiir of nrbc HtrauM, an Insolvrnt debtor. Creditors of ih .aid slinori are hereby notified lo present tf t .Ulrns under oath lo th undersigned within thro rnonrhn from thki date at hi plae of b-wlitesn at No. 5TI OmmorWal e'reei. Astoria. (Vosron. l'atod tht Hth day of Torohr. IW. N, BCHl.tlUHICU Assta-ne of nbva Ittrau, an lns.klv- WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Pcbruarv 22. ANNt'AI. Masquerade BallA Narrow S0J1S Of HERPNN Koiinl k SUki Hall Harbl and (Jrinlt MONUMES innorF minar, Bl K. Morrison L, t'.ftl.. Of ..AM. KIM'S OK CKMKTERY WOKK-. THE PARKER HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED- Comer of Moth and Aslnr Mlreets, Astoria Guests Received os American or Eufopein Plin. Umbrellas lock KY AMi MKWINd MAIIIINKS.. Also (II Mghl Maohtnary. C. H. Orkwitz 441 III' A NIC. Repaired Cullng l.ei'ls on Kith l.lues. jnunr FOR THE WINTER' AND SPRING. Ilsvloq prclnM Ike atsvrk nd bisi.fss ol the tolam bU Sio Co.. e tre olltrlig the pabllc oir Hie of Iticjr sod titiule leeutar at tkc Lowest Marln uf I'roflt. rilltltst saltsoitt id cnl sistcot prices. Petersen & Brown. The Choicest , Table Wines... For Families Also for Medicinal ana Cooking Purpoaea Private Block, Cream Rjf, Old Hickory, Prloe of Kentucky and Hermlttvgaj Rs old California DrMidleai. Carlson's FamilyUquor Store Ut TWELFTH STREET SEASIDE SflWIuIIiIi A complete stock of lumber on baud In tho rough or dresiad. Flooring, nia tlo, calling wis " klndf of finish; moKI Ingi and vhlnglei. Terms reasonable and price at bsdrock. All order promptly attended to. Offlf and jurf. at mill. h r u iajuan, Baaitda, Oregon. proprietor. s jo Star Performer Jt iu - I real lianctri 10 iti lrcl Conigttlani-10 10 (lret Mntteri 10 W nbil for the llisinl Niiw I'Mradeoii Arrival of Mis Tel. phono. Olalld Cone, rl In flout of th. Tbisibrsi: Hp III, a. Your Physical Necessities. Ynu want that which trsngthons your sistein in thl cold weather You want thai which help you lo fuinil th d mand which buslnsea make on your physical self, to withstand Ih MVMlty i f th thangrabl weather and to make ynu strong and ksop you w.ll. H.r. where good meat help you. ItOriX. IIIUUINH CO. Margin. la all are asklaej on our atork of Ladies' and (cnt.V Boots and Shoes Our good are srarraaled. 479 John Commercial Street HalM... 1M7J 1807 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... LL'UHICATlNd OILS A SPKCIALTV SELL miF aiANDUBRT HARDWARJ IRON AND ITBXL COAL OROCHRIHH AND PRO VISION FLOUR AND aCTLX FEED PAJNrfl, OILS AND VARNinUss) ikmeirs' Burrvrm FAIRJIANTC'8 BOA LBS DOORS AND WLVDOW1 AonicvLTinuis itanjnuiNT WAOONS AND VBIUCLBt Emil Schacht ARCHITECT koomg J17.J18 Portland 5avlrtf lltnk Bldf . Portland, Oregon. LADir.S mi ( Underwear JUIli: TO OIIDKIt Latest Hlyrs , 1 Thorough Workmanship Prloe Low James Murphy 420 Commercial Street. THE PROOF of th purtdlng la In th eating, and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That' an argument thait'i oetv. cluslvea demonitraUon, Our will stand Ui twt HUGHES & CO.