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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1898)
TIIK IAILV AKTOKIAN, TIIUJtSDAY MOHN1NU, FKHitl'A ItY 17, )8.3. Turn im.a unil trim wuim-n iuv Hi i.illvn anna nf tllvliiniiiinit (if wlm I III'' wuld ili'Kina urn nitirliil aulialiiin . 1'iaiik HtmPNtiMMl waa clow n luwn today, Hi" Mint dm lu ha had tiU t ileal will) ilnilma morliiia, lit on ya lie drove ihlriy milia after 4i wiu taken, and ikvm mm ter dying in hit III. Afir tliU i"ii lie it'"' mil lit Urn country will uk ixiiii or cimiiiiMiiinr. t'uiii', cti"i'T Mii'l IMarilmra Itnmody Willi llllll.-Mln-Mnirl Valley (lowj) Tiny. I''ur aala by t'liurlp llcaira, 1 niMU it III" iilnu. In Ma Inli r yeiira, drew Hl, ""M 'I ' ir fli'lll I III' ailln lit Ilia VHUka, A I'l.KAMAM KXrUKIICNCR. A rvw iiii niu I'lwit.iliic young ld wlm lruvHn alone hlwan Ht I'uul mul rbliago, wa ece-oati-d by a geillW'tlia'l, Willi IllVltl'd Nf t.i illniirr wlili Iniii. "t'nrulmy, Mr. 'irl,"' ah replied, "for III WlMMIIlUll llura hevn Ilia heat dining ear arrvl. e lii Hi world; I liall he delight. 1 " I'.ir furvhar particulate rail on lh limrrai 1 1 t r t ag-nt, ur addree J, 0. I'liint. general iaaenr agent, MUwau k'. Via, ur Oenrga H Unity, gn-f fttt, IM Hlnrk alirat, Cortland, Or. l'li' Inn W 'I.I Mik' ll tula Ha illlllii HI .inn In ii- iilluhllna mul eiilNln l""l l...k in ( In Unil M. .-.U m iIi In iiniiiii , w..l in. 'ii r.ill l.""h In I In- 1 1 ill Ii In )"'i mi. I .I.IU.t II wlili ii. i ..lli.'i Ih.Mihlil in TO i-l'IIK A cot.ll M OMR DAT. Take ImhiiI' lir.iiini quinine Tabb-la. A) dmgalala rrrillxl tin ttlnllry ,f t (alia i i-'in.; r-v Knr la ly t'lieiha It.ajara. II pi. n. ntullw. I'.' nf N'Uili 1'irii llll.i llua lie . I.I' it In u. . .l till- i ir i mill . iivr tnir.l ihr .itlp-r ilny mi ni-i'iuiil i ill' itl.i a.-aaluli IIAMiMiiMi: MKTAI. I'AIM-.ll CI'TTKIt a tul .i.k mark rnmlilhrd a"nl frao nf t.iaiAKp uinlrr arnlnl rovar on rralit nf i run In alhar or alampa Tlia Ulaal, I. rat and iiinat acr . ciil.U ai1)nnrt of I'K lllirarr and orflea Addrraa tlwi II. II. ufTi.i.l, tlu did t'tilnny Hull. Una, Chi- H", 111. Tiltrtll il A'llllha a )iatlv lltull hue hrrn .ll..l. h.,1 f..n HI It' lrtHl It i.nialala if trn Irttrra, lhrei naarapaprra and tan I'.n kntfra nf honka IMII!li:t TIIK o n A V K. a'artlliif Inrldrtit nf whh-li r. Jolvi (Uli-rr r riilldflp.'.li. w the auhje.1. la imt air.) t.y him aa f"ll": "I waa In a moat .Iroadful rmnllilim. My akin waa yulloaf, rvrai aunkrli. ofiiie cwat pain ciintliiiially i tm k and aldra, no airiie- araduall) (f iwin waakrr day I')' day Thrre phali'lala li-l glvo'l ma up Knriunatrly, a fttmd advlard trylna 'Kin -1 r Ittllrra,' md to inr i f aurpr ar, the Prat 'i-itlle m-xdr I J"y an t l decided Imt rnvemeiit ron'inue.1 tin I- ua.. for; thrr nr.ka. a, .1 am now a well man. I k'.ow thry uinl niv life, and ft. bed the) (laa of a'ailhrr Vl.-llltl " No olle atuil I , fi d I.) try them, 'inly U i-enta pern-Mllr. at I'aio I'.'i.n I 'lias ('oiiipany. T. nit V . ot la a. 1 1,1 I.i bti r r. lr ftnlti Ihr M n Itllllitna .! ir ila .f hla llfr It .'.! lll ' iltltlllg Itir TIIK i i'MINil ViM VN S Ii . K'.ra tl I tic i I'll, alillr Vt tiilab.ilnl trn. la Ihr l-nl'l , aa tat II lie the o.t. la. .man who .xka ofli r hrr I li.illir Hill ..'H III tllli.a J.I r'HI down III ll nit tl Tin V Hill l.r llolllilr.l II II i aa ot I Ml'I-f ll'r. hrtt'ln. to a. alrr plraatlr aa. tilllll' In or .!:) aprlla Thr itinat otntrrful fur Ihrar mOIO'll la Itlrilrlr llll ti ra Th..iia.iinla ..f auffi-rrra fmm buiie Inn k iiikI amk kl'lii'Na rlae HI' i ti 'I ell It II a lh lllolllllir f"t W'llirll. I ' m ,i 1 1. rioiipliiliita mul in rvona trouhlra of nil kin. la arr a.'.iil trlliAr.l hy tile uar ..t i:i. . lib' lllllrra Ivluatn wonn n aln.'il.l k.'P "il n iiK'lv nil h.iinl tn toilkl u;i tilt' avatrlu. dill) f'r 'i X bottlr Knr a. iii i a i'..iih I 'run ('nmt'iiiiy. All .1 l.iyiim ta nf Ihr lllltl-ll tl""l In Ii. .l.ill. I niv In III! all.ll . IH .1 fnat I ,ia by nnb r nf Ihr wnr drpiirt no ill Mil. h nil nr.t. r la auhl to hr iniprr . !. nl. .1 Vim wtxmitan ultrn rata hla luin-li on ttio eanir briii'li wheie he d wa lua work The "ffl. e man tirn hla d.ak Into a din Nilihvr ri Ilia out of door m.'r. lee he nnila, n linrr takra lha propi r i l, no. for niii'l. It la atiiall won J. r lliat t io of I". lh g-rta out of order. In ainh ik.i lr. rit'r.r a 1'lraa.inl I'rl na coma lo their iwaiaianra by aiding na tote III I uk Inn care of the food. Th iniiao of nllie-lelillia of the ali'k of th.- workl U isinailpallon. From tn a "lie lunar collie Imlltfreilton ; dlanrd. na of lite h, llvfr aud kklney; hll ,i 1-iiii.a, hrailai'hi), tliUiUticr. brarlburn, impurity of the blood and the irrlou t'oiiipllrnili'ti Hint follow. To brgln villi. ..oiiallpallon Ua a 111 Ho tlilhtf, and a lliiln lliliuf will cure It. The- 'Thaattiu IMIita" ore tiny, auitar-ooaled uraiiue. Th y will pnf 'cily euro the worat ciac ..f .'oiiailpatinn ami Indltri'itlon. If Hie druiiilal trim lo anil you oma other pill that pay him rater profit, Juat think .if Btint will pay you. it la Intliiuiti il that one ICimlUh poraon In Iwi'iily-foiir line rod hull'. It I Imprnrtli'nlito to laau an almanao worthy of th iiarno In uny your betora th flrt of January, tiaciiuaa liter are cwrialit Important and neccaaarjr ttatla tlc which cannot bo otllrlally ob:alnl before that dul. A oortaln o-ralled nyn dlint almanac, a fw yr atio, mad a deirrii' attempt to ba on tha markoi ahead of all competitor In ord'T ta n Joy tha nilvantntret of bolnn fltwt on ail; and lo accompllah that reault It coplad about hundrod putfc from Wio Tribuno Almnnao nf lh year before, and hum-buinfi-d the public by printing nnol' tit -ure it brand naw aiUtlntio". No on run allo tiny atlch oondtict avalmt th Tri bune Almanao lltelf, which It Inndard authority and la Jut what It purport to be. The Trlhiine Almnnao for lftH It one of Mia beat number ever leaned ty that conaervatlve nnd careful newapnper. It contntna StO pntre. nbout 90 mora tlmn usual, and It an admirable book of rufr nc and eompnndlum of tha fncta, tin tlattca and matters to whloli lOie Am rlcan cltlten needt to tvfnr a huitilr. d timet In overy year. For data of a ptihllo nature one can tcareoly refor to tha Tribune Al mnnno In vnln, no matter what the topic It, Teople do not alwayw know where i look for a Conalltutlon of the Uniud Slnlei. It can he found In the Ttiliune Almnnno for Ur. Tha new conatltutl 'n for the ttnte of New York, which cut oh an Important fig-tire In Inat year't munici pal campaign In New York City, la there alio. The name and ealnrl of truer u ment odlolal and tho leadltiR olllccra nt the ttntet It riven; and a thousand other thlnirt of equal Intereit. Bend IS cent to thlt paper or the Tribune and get Tribune Almanao for UM, 1, :-, ' St',ili atVaa''Va-m --ava.i , tvitfUjm, II Ay or' Hair Vigor I oarlalnly remark vlilt iraiaratlim ami nothing Ilk It ha var han pvodifed. No matter how wiry and uiiinniiageahlo lha hair may la, under Id miliM'nc of (hi ltii'oniiarlil dreaa lug, ii imiui.iNi aofl, l;ky, and pliable to tli ciiiiili and bruah. II. v, 1'i'irr V. I''ni it, wlm ri'riiiily ii II vi ri .l ii li'i liirn In Clin liuiiill on Tli'ilnna J. frni.h irlvuln llfi', wna 11 alnvi' of t tin tin lit al'iti'aiinili, "I'lva yrara atto." aaytt Ali(a A. Law It, lllrard, N. T "I had a o niaiant cu"iii, nlidit awaata. wa ttrnatly ralu'i1 In flnli, and had lirn ivin up hy my trtiy alnlana. I tuaan In taka Ayar Charry I'mtmal, and of lor ualnf two bolllat wa ClHIIilalV CUrad." Ily Hi" will nf Ihr lull. Mia Juihi llidi'll, wlfn nf I hi' dm iia d lnhiii ll.i., $.ji.(mn Wua Ii fl In till' I Mil. I ill. .rim. i, lr ',,i. lalnllt -;ilainiu I'hiirrlr:' Mr Hiark, I'li-aaant HhUr u aaya: "Aftir twu diM tiua av up my to dla. I aniad him rrmiii ti ualnf Oiia Mlntila tNiiadi fur,.- i , , q,,!,. at and moat rartaln rawody fur eouaht, an i"r..,ti ml i.,M iniuiila: ''hi. II K"r, At it ""I" lii'hl In litiiliin i In- i.i I,, r ,,iy II. llll.luli.ll'a "A JiWi aa" Midi Ihr rl. ifrivlnv iirirr It, limuuM tl.Ky im. Van lljika 'I'tiH I nf nil I hil. ' I'nlika mnal pr.'prlnlnry madlrlnra, H,t fnriiiula nf I) J. I'. Ayr'a Horprllla and olliar .rriralliin ara rhnprfiiliy ant tn any phrali'lan who a.illra fir (liain, ll..ii.B Ilia aprnal aicirdri Ihraa Wrll-k 'tnwit alandnrd ramadlva ,y lha W.irl l a Fair noininkaaloi era. H"'. Il la Ihn am. ill rlmliKi- nf alli li..' I'rt"-rliy runira , koi to ihr man arhiM livrf la In Mm.,) cuiidllkin, lWt a Uilln Karly filar, ramou Hula i-aa fine illume t'ouKh Cure, It cur for ranatlpadon, lilllooannaa, ndlaaaioa and all animarh ami llvr Irouhl.a. tTi Ituajara. ll.a.n ulliill a Ihr ninal r In) 1 1 r I I'll . I'li-raiir a of llfi' f Ihr A youni man In liwrll, Maaa., trmililr.i for y.-ara allli a rotiatnnt aur. eaalon nf hnlle mi hla lin k, waa rnniirrly i ureil by lakln niily thrre txiilba nf Avar HuritwrllU Anolhrr rrauli of tha treat ment wna irrally Improvrd dlrailoti Willi liu-fioai-.l avolrdiiKila. We women mlaa Ufa only whrn we hnve tiri-r Mirl ttlct mnll to rrVtrrlli-r Hi Mary Itird. Ilarrlabura-, 'a . aaya, "My rttild la arnrih million to ma; ywt I Kiiiil i have heat hrr ny rroup nail I not Inveated tarenty.rlva renta In a bottle of (Hia Minute I'otiah (urr. It rurra C'lUh, raid and all throat and luoei troublea. ha ltoera. W hal n I. at of I" wotitcin Ihlt.ka r riultirr f aimii'ii la Ihr If tha acalp doea not rtv u oil to kaen it,, t,,ir ffm haromlinf dry and hanah. uaa llall'a Hair Itananrtr to r Oiler hair heallhy. anft, and pliable. 'I In- fuiiirr not Ulna I""" mv frt i Kill ulial.iln ft.. hi'llaliiK II lh Mlaa Allle llu-hra. Norflik. V., waa fnhlfully truncal on tha far a ami nark. raiit waa tnaianiy iwiiweai oy iKiwitit I W lti h llaiel Halve, rhl,-ti healed Lh In. . Jiuy without leavlnc a arar. Il U tb fainmia pile remedy, ("haa. Ilcar. I lln limy be na u rnl of thr a u whllr lr a fate la tiring ili lilril. To loir la (. r nil thr ant nul nf atliht of lilllil Aft. r t" .111. I wl. nirn hnve nrv. nitly miirrl' nil II d tin ir ti ii I.I I in In ihr Hat mid imt th. moat I niHir 1 1 tit In a re-eflt lnr frm Waahlnrum, I) C. to an old friend. MJ r U A. Htud.. for raanly year Unltoj Htata conaml at rilnaMpor. aaya: ,'Whlla at IVa Molnaa twt'ama aa.Nunlnlia with a lliilmrnt known aa I'lwmbrrlaln' I'alu Halm, ahull I found riivllrtu aitalnat rheaimatlam a well aa trmlil aorenraa of the thrml and i lnt (-lvlii ma much ruwkrr braaunino. I had a touch nf pnaajmonla nit I y thia wea-k. and twu appllraiton fttvly apptiatt to tha throat and cheat rvllaved ma of It at onc. I would not tx without II for anyttilntt" for aala by Charle Kiajrr. truKlU Tint Inro nf two wnimn mnal illr unil l.r ta. pt over In i niumoii In forr thry run iipprn lute our unntbrr. J. A. I'arkl'n. of Antiquity, O, waa for ihlrty yeara tirrdlcaaly tortured by phy alclana foe th cure of ei irma. He waa tul.-kly cure,l hy lialiut IVWItl't WltcS ,ul Halve, the funoua hi-allnf aalra for fll. a and akin dlaraaea. Oha. notrar. bother n wnmiiii Invca n limit or not, omnia Den i whi'il very niilnt' llri linn r. tltltni nla uri In hllnl thrni. Mr. Bllaha Berry, of th place, aayt ha never had anything to do him ao muoal good and give even quick relief from rheumatleni aa Ohambairlaln't Tain flalra. He waa bothered greatly with (hooting imlna from hip to knee until he tiled Kit liniment wtitoh afTord prompt rellef. H. P. linker, itruggHat, 81, Tarla, Ohkx For aala by Charlea Roger, druggtiU That email motive are at the bottom nf many llluatroua nctlona la n moib'rn illHcovery. FHKH OF CIIAIttlK TO SI Fl'KllKUH. Cut HiIm nut mid take It to jour iIiuk rIhI and get n aumple ImiIH" free of Ur. King' New Ulacovery for 'onmimptlon. 1'ounlia nnd ('old. They in not nek you to buy beforn trying. Thlt will el'ow ymi Iho groat miM'ltM nf thin irtily tvont't'rful remedy, nnd ahnw you vv'iiit can be no otinipllahod by the regular ti'i.o bottle. Thla la no experiment, and woulil be illn itHtroim In tint iii'iipru t ira, .lid tiny not know It would Invariably iiitc. Muny of tho bt'Ht phyalclana are now using II In their practice with ment reJiillH, nnd are relying on It In mom aevro mac. Trial bottlea nt Halet-l'nmi Ultig L'omimny. ItoKt'li'i' rlioe fiOo nnd II. on. liitelli rlital difference do not i'iiuho he la her lover If he daroit tell her he loveH her, ami la hoard will) attention. FREW PILLS. Send your nddreaa to H. E. Ilucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a free tnmple box of Ur. King' New Life nils. A trial wl.l convince you of their merit. Tlieee pill uro onxy in actkin and are poirttcularly rlTwUve In the oure of constipation and aick hendmllie. For malaria and liver trouble! they hnve been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every dcloterlota tubstanoe and to be purely vegetable. They do not woakon by their action, hut by giving tone to toniach and bowel greatly Invigorate the yatem. Regular ilae K cent per box. Sold by Bitea-Conn Drue Co. To ani'iirf" nil aliundiint row Id of Imlr nan lliill'a llnlr lli'imwi-r, or, If poaai'aaltiif mi Hliiiii'lni"'", 'I limy ha kpt 1'inklnit llni'ly hy ualnK Hi Kminwi'r n riialonully, tlllk la ili'iM'T Ihiill wlilaky III Kli'i'Jralu, nwlnit t lln' rlliil'Tn l. Tin' iil r la iihw $:i ;o u iiniirl. Ayr ("harry I'mlnral I known hy lit wik. Tha axparlmir of half n cntur prova that no otlirr preparation of tha kind at'ap t''UKilnT airfl allay Irritation of lha throat and hrnm-hliil tulimi ao promptly and rffmtually aa till. Ilnakln a ttl Ixinka hilnn lilin In l.n iri ii i nr. nil'; iiHx)Vi;i(Y ok tiiw vay. Ana. J. H'lfl. ha Iradlntt drnanlat f Mliramixirl, I. a., aaya: "Or, Kt Nw ilruvrry I tli only ttilnar that cure my ruiiifh, and II la Ilia Imat arr that I hava." J. K. ('uinplx-ll, murrhnnt f HurTord, Aril., wrlf a: "lir. Klnii'a Now IHai-ovrry la all that la rlulmiv for It; It novar fit. la, and I a aura turn fur oou iiiiiitloh, i.xiiiKha and nil 'la. I cannot aay iiouvh for li mnrlia " lr. Klna'a Nw D.aiM.nry tt riauinptloii, .wuilia and rolda I not an rilrlmant, Il ha b"n triad for a 'luartcr of a (.amury, trd today aliuula at Ilia timid., It linvrr disappoint Trial lioltlra at Wttra Onn lru; Co, "I.i a Ural It bonka flurn.-il blin i"i mul In ii yriira lit hua nimli' lit Imat HiJ,- l. T'i fl'HK A ( ul.l) IX DAT. 'f'ukr IImhiio (.iltijiu- 'i'ahrta All driiKKlata nfuiul ilm iii.oiry If t fall o our; Re. Kor a by Charlra llofrra. Inn'li iniidi' t-."" mil of Ihr llniiiili' lit ! r lliiah unil Audi U'l'K Hyiir. It la ray to catch a rld and Juat a raay to (at rid l'f II If y"U rnmmaiK't aarly rouaiia, rolda, taronchltl, pneumonia xA all throat and tun trouble. It la picaa. Slit to taka, an fa to Uaa am ur to CUT, ('haa. It'Ntera. Tin. Muniula of It nt . who la an lui'lvi' I. mil nwmr III Hniiih Wulra. Inivlli hla thrre anna tit hk III Wa lah Mra. l. I). Tori. It rHml . III., .ufferaal for ell til yeara from dyapepala and rlironlo rnnatlpalion, and waa finally rured by ueiiuf. 1'Wliia I.lttla Karly Ittara-a, tha fa nx m a Utile pill for all (tonv aril and live truutdaav, Cha. Rof era. llntr a linthlliK thr body aoffrfa Ihr a. .ul limy lint profit llirn-by HUMMONH In th Juallca'a court. Aatorla prclnct flataop county, Htat of Oregon Haintiet Klitmre. plaintiff, va. Hlmoii I'akkalu, aomeilmi known aa HI nam I'akklla. or Hilffm Pakkilla, te felldallt. To Mini. hi I'nkkalii, aometimra known aa Kimon I'akklla, or Huffrn I'akklila, Ihr ahovr nameil defendant: In lh nam of the a'ate of Oregon, you ara hereby required to appear brfor the und mlgiied. a Juallo of tha I'rtci tor tha prerlnrt aforeaald, on or before Tnurav day. Mann luiti, A. l lcet, at the hour of nln o'cto'k a. m. of aal.l day, at Cie ultl.-a of aald Juaiic. In aaul piacinci aforeaald. to aiwwer lha alova named plaintiff In a cavil action, and If you fall mi to appear and anawrr, for want ihcrof Hie plaintiff will takn Judgment agaUat yoi fur th um of fi ll, with Intrreat Ibrreon from Auguat i. IX. at tha rate or eU:it pvr rent, per annum until paid, to- grt'itr with lh coat ami dlaburwemrr.ln of ilila action. V mi a further notified iat the plaint iff Imi attacaird In ml action ine rollow Inu propeity, betongmg to aal.l defendant, which will be ordered eold upon eneeutlon levied uam auci Judgment aa ha may re rover In thla action, lo-wlt: On ihare of the capital itork of th Union Futier mni lo-operHv Packing Company, a cntporatlnn, orgHnltrd and extlng under an.l by virtue of the lw of th tatr of Oregon, with Ita principal office and pit.- of bualneaa In the rlty of Aatorla. ami alio a certain win of tironry due from the ald corporation to the aald dnfendant I'efendant will aJao taka notice that thai ummona I aerved upon him by publica tion thereof In th Dally Aatorlnn, oy nine of the above entltleal court rendered .uhl rntereil on the M(h day of Junu.iry. 1WI JOHM AllKItCItOMniE. Juat Ice of the Peace. AHttrIa Iron Works Front Street, fool of Fourth, Axorta. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND HOILKR MAKERS Ijutd and Marine 1'xglma, Roller Work, SteainliOHl and Cannery Work p. ClaJty. Catting of all deao'tptlon made to order on abort noiloe. John Foi,.prealdent and Rupertntendeat A. L, Foi Vlo rrwaldent 0. D. Frael Seeretary Aitorta Saving Rank Treaaurar WHEN GOING EAST - Uh a flrm-clttii line In traveling between Minneapolis, St, I'aul and Chicago, and the principal town In central Wlaconsln. I'ullmnn I'nlnce Hleeplng and Chair Cars In service. Tho Dining cur, ore operated In the In terest of Its pntrom, tha most elegant service over Inaugurated. Meals are served a la carte. To obtain flrst-elnss service your ticket should rend via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all eastern points. For full Information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write JA8. C. POND, Ocnernl Pass. Agent, or JA8. A. CLOCK', Milwaukee, Wis. Oenernl Agent, W Sin tk street, Portlnnd, Ore. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Masks l DtaiQNt Copyright, Ac. Anyone aenillng a aketeh and deacrlptliin may Onlekl r aaiHirialn ear iiimiloii free whniher an Invention la imilinMy palelitalile. Coiiunutilca tloiiaatrlutlyeotillilenllal. lluiiilluMiknu I'alonla rut free. (Ildiwt hiiihii'V for aeolirinit palenta. I'ntntita taken throiiith Miinti A lo. recelre rprrlnl notice, wllhout iiliarve. 111 tlio Scientific flmerican A handaomely lllnatrated weekly. T.rBet elr. inilatliiti of any aelentitto Inuriml. Ternia, a rear: four months, H Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Co.86,Brod-- New York llraneh Offloo, IU5 r Ht Waihlngion, D. 0. 6 I il K OSI.y Ulla'IMO-CA K K')ITK NtOM I'OltrnaNDTKTIK! KAMI, I UK OM 1 POM K Vt I UK VXI.UiWH'IDNI HAilU.HAl.l'tkK, MtVC I'OHTI.A.M lit ihiI for Ka.aioa flirhal.a '' "Ha, a II III vr No 1. Hoolli lie d,M intMuaiio No I At.. I. In n Qlrmpl. Ta- n oma, H....I.I. , VUilori i. l',l ii,.,.u.. tllanc I'url timnaei.o. Uln-I I'llil, ao lianr. H. v... Ildl II. C , fr.i'l It. ( .. f.u viit, II, :,, Kaio, M., on a. Untie. 4nar oiiIm, III A. M, llrl. na, hi. I'.ll, .u-.i ml', y in a. l a, K iliaa I ill, llmalia, I niinr'1 Hiiifl-,' m. liii..(.nli'H(i,rtkvli . .liiypHt. New York, I'Ml lad. Iplila.lloalon. and ail; Hlllitl y.k'l anu roulh i Iraat I I I'AYH to Mliinrapli. Omaha, Kaa u City and Kl i'aul. 1 VAtt to Milwaukee and Clil-iajo. i IMY8 to WaahUirtoi, I'hlU-lalphl, New York aod Iloaloi, aod other Kaaiarn point. Haaa rhrrkrd lhr"nrh to daatlnatlae) of tlckal. for laeplnr-rar reaervarlona, tlrkata, map and full Information, call oo n rlta A. D. CHARLTON tee'l llea'l I'aaa. Anl. 1'iirtland, Or Morrlaon Nt., l or Third. C. W, BTONK, Aatnrla I.F.AVK. I ORTLaM). AiUIVi!. 1 (iVK.UI.ANii UX 1 PUKnn, lor Nuriu, , , H'-I)um. Aablainl, t IV Y. M. harlam.-nU), llflell. I0A-M : H.iii f raiiriaco, Mia jT. U- Anieira, ! rl I'aao. New or- li aiia and the gait. A. Il 'nrliuru p"enrr l r X. ta V iMMlttiirti, for liallr l util Alin, ll- I'aiiy eirrpt ediHi, Vaual Iwio, ilna-l . Priwoarll e, Mpnui: .Mioda ti i and -Nalrrni IT.JU A. HI." I i.'VillU iavt)(i r. Iju I'. I. 4 l P M.' Independent' Vr t K. M l'll) , t. all) elirpl 5,i.din Connecting at Baa Franctx with Oe ildanlaJ Orlaotal, Paotfle Mali, aad Oceanic' tieamabip Itnaa for JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA, AND HA WAIL LOW PARES, EVERY DAY PORTLAND TO BAN FRANCISCO H0, Second Claaa; 11000. Ftrat Claaa, Including berth. Similar reducllona to Lo Aagalea, Freono and Other California point. Raggag checked to deatlnatlon. R. KOEHLER, C. II. MARKHAat. Uanager. O. F. and P. A. TIII8 RAILWAY COMPANY Operate It train on th famou block ysiem. Light II train by electricity tbrougt out; Car the celebrated log lamp; electric berth raad- Runs aplin.llilly equipped paasenger trains every day and night between 8U Paul and Chicago: Hie CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE 8T. PACi Also operate ateim-heaied veatlbuled tralna, carrj'ttug th luteal private Cam pari ment car, library buffet smoking cars, and palaca drawing room sleeper. Parlor car, free reclining chair cart aad the yry beat dining car service. For lowest rate lo any point In the United 8tatea or Canada, apply to tloket agent, or addreea C. J. EDDY, Genera Armt, J. W. CASEY, T. P. A. Portland. Oraaron. -ARE -ARE -ARE YOU YOU YOU GOING GOING GOING EA8TT-EA8TT-EA8TT- Be sure and aee that your ticket read Tia THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 'HE NORTI- tVBiTERN LINE 1HK NOPT1I-WP 8TERN I.INB The CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAYS ' Thla Is tha GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, SAINT PAUL, CHICAGO And all Folmi Euat and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerleoa Veatl buled Dining and Sleeping Car Tralna and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" Have given thla road a national reputa tion. All clnsse of paaaengera carried on the vestlbuled tralna without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over thla famous line. All agents hare tickets. F. C. SAVAGE. T. F. and P. A. W. H. MEAD, General Agent HS Washington St., Portland, Or. e V rr "VT' 0 TO THE EAST OIVKH CHOICD OF -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Great Northern Railway rla Spokane, Minneapolis and BL Pl and Chloagei, Oregon Short Ltn vis Halt laake, Dm. ver, Omaha and Kane City. Lowest Rates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAHERS h-r AatirU every Klv Ihija for Hun r rani'iarti aa (ollowa Orlumbla, Tnuratlay, January It. 8tU of California, Tva.lay, Jan. 11 Columbia, Sunday, Jan. a. Ht ita of California. Friday, Jan. a. Columbia, Wedne.aday, Feb. t. State of California, Mndy, Ftb 7. Columbia, Saturday, Jan. 11 Htate of California, TtKirailay, Feb. IT Cotumbla, Tuaday, Feb. a. State of California, Sunday. Feb. TI. Steamer monthly from Portland t Yokohama and Ilongk .ng. via tho North em Pacific Steam Ip Company ta caaw nectlon with O. R. t If , For rale and general tarorraanea a ra r addraaa o. w. LorrNsmtFY Aaeel W. H. HURLBURT. Oeo. Paa. Art-, Portland. Or TOfWrnX. fA rtl.ILL K CO. Gki. Ants. N. P. 8. 8. Co., Portland, Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE ColuiiiMn River and l'u't M. hi nil Navlga lion Co, Huinrr "llitlley (.atrrrt" Itaavea Alton dallv, ei. rpt Holiday, 7 p. m. Iearea I'orV Ian.) dally, eirept huiidav. 7 a. in 'llallry liatxert'' tlckeu fal on atramer "Tlioin raw in." Ml. It. I hompaon" tkketa giitxl on "IU I ley (iaxiert." V. B. 8"itt, P.ealdenU K. A. Meeley. Agent, Portland. (. W. HttHie Agent, Aatorla. Telephone No. II' Gold Fields Of Alaska THE ALASKAN TRANSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT CO. OF CHICAGO. ILL CAPITAL $5,000,000 Tbl company I the hirgean, r.rongeit and beat equipped transportation and merchandising company In the Alaika gold field. Three large and oucnnwdious steam- hlpa will leave Beautle June 1, and reg ularly thereafter, carrying both freight and paaarrurer. These steamer are especially fitted for the convenience of passenger and are capable of carrying W each. Our Passenger and Freight Service on the Yukon River WIU be the beat. The handling of mer chants' freight made a specialty. We art the only company Cat guarantee prompt delivery at Daarson City. We guarantee you a yew's supply of food and a safe and ipeedy arrival. The gold Is there. Tou stand fully aa muoh chance as any other person. Do you want to be one ot our first? If so, write at once, lecurlng paaeMge and berth. Our Special Transportation Offer I the best now before tha public. Send tor free copy ot The Alaska New, and also for our special offer, Including tmnsportatlon to the Klondike and food for one year for six hundred dollars. Thl will Interest you If you Intend go ing; If not, our stock offer should Inter, eat you, and you ahould become one ot our stockholder!. A Nmlted amount of stock has Just been aaaigned to the western agency for sale at $1 per share. A man or woman of small means haa tha some opportunity aa a rich person. If you cannot go to Aoaka nothing should prevent you being a profitable shareholder. Our Company Is Composed of Men of Tried Business Reputations Some of whom are the following: Ron. W. E. Mason, U. S. Senator from Illinois. Albert C. Blati, president Vol BlaU Brewing company, Milwaukee. W. C. Rlnearson, general paasenger agent C. N. O. & T. P. R. a. Cincinnati. B W. Griffith, president First National J. B. Legnard, capitalist, Legnard Bank, Vlcksburg, Mls. building, Chicago. Frank H. Hecht, of Charles Kaestner & Co.. Chicago. D. O. Edwards, passenger traffic mana ger, C. H. D. R. R Cincinnati. Charles H. Rockwell, t raffia manager, C. I. & L. P.. R. (Morion Route), Chicago, T. H. FoBter, Fostorla and Vlcksburg, Mine, J. M. Phillips, cashier First National Rank, Vlcksburg, Miss. For Information address and make all money payable to W. I DUDLEY, gen eral agent, Halter building, Seattle, Wash. oMo Marshall &Co. s... Twine Fresh -FOR- 1898 EVERY BALL GUARANTEED REPORT IMPERFECTION BEWARE OF IMITATIONS EVERY MUST BE MARSHALL & CO. SHREWSBURY MILLS MANUFACTURED FROM Flax See That Every Ball Bears the "Marshall" Label i 6. 7, 8.-9. 10, 11, 12. 13 and U Ply-40's 12, 13,il4, 15 and 18 PIy-50's C7. 8. 9 and 10 Ply 30 s Elmore s anborn AGENTS' From the Mills Fishing BALL MARKED Selected Specially For Columbia River Fishing 5 Co 482 Bond St.