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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOIUAN, THUKSOAY MORXINU, FtiltllUAKY 17, VMl Satin ototimu JOHN T. LIGHTER, Edit, telephon No. TU11MS OF BflWORIITION. DAILT. hoi by mail, per year Kacl by mail. par month ftai-VKl by carrier, per monlb WESKLT. lul by mall, per rr. n advance....!. roslaf free 10 eubaorlbera. All communk-auona Intended for publ aton ahould be directed to tha llior. Business cortwmmtcationa of all kind ml rtmttlaiicea nt ilreeed M Tha Aatorlaa" The Astoclan guarantee 10 lu ..,-. ih. lamMt circulation of any irapaper published on tha Columbia river. ,j Advertleinc relea can be bad on apptr twtiun to the buslnrsa manafer. The Weekly Aatortan. the eev-ond old at weekly In th state of Oregon, has. Mat to tha Fxtland Oresonun. th largest weekly circulation In tha etate. John F. Haadli-y & Co. are our Portland want, and copla of the Aetoraa can b had every morninc at their etand, 1 Third utreet. Senator Harnwn of Indiana and Scna lor Cleveland of Sew Jersey would not only make a tine team where one Is Just now badly needed, but such a spectacle In th senate would at the same time anggesl a happy solution nf the problem what to do with our ei-presldents tun Pncla Sam yet evn lnlted to make Astoria his headquarter for 'he licht bouse bord of the Thirteenth district? If not he should be at one, and In such manner that he will not refuse. Mere l the natural location for the headg.urt r and the Chamber of Commerce or Pro crravlvc Astsielatlon can make the rrulter plain to the government. Having successfully secured the nd Juatment of the Young's Bay bridge qui Hon, It seems to be the laudable determ (nation on the part of the Pmgre.--lve Association to stick to the r-ubllc park matter until they secure results. One thin at a time successfully handled, is better than dabbling In many affairs and accomplishing nothing, but It ought to be remembered that while one question Is pending the Initial steps In another ean be taken. This will be a year ot Tents and much will be crowded Into a short spare of time requiring equal at tention from nil. We cannot afford to lose sushi of a single point in our devel opment. The extent of the disaster to the Milne is appalling, und the total destruction 01 so Rne a vessel Is a terrible blow 10 the ew navy. It is not merely the loss f be money Invested-an enormous sum. wutlng slorrs. ammunition, gun, -mall arms und fittings hut such a h!p cannot be replaced under two years, even If con rres should authorize her Immediate re construction, which is doubtful. It is Im probable that the f :ts as to the oxpl.t. Inn will ever he definitely ascertained, but it Is significant that Captain Sigsbee speaks of the poj-slblltty of an "exter! .r cause for It. Few will believe, however, even If It turns out the explosion was designedly brought about, that th,- Span bib had anything to do with it. It woul.i be exactly In keeping with othr d-sper-ate attempts of the Cuban Junta to make trouble between thin country and Spain. IT the Maine's destruction was deliberate ly planned and produced through secret agents among the rrew of the l-f.,te,i ship. The matter of Indut ing the Cramp line of steamers which are to run between San Francisco and Alaska to make this port of call Beems to have been dropped -temporarily, hut the Chamber of Com merce Is too wide awake to ,ose sight ol -toe advantage of such an nrra.igcm-nt itia will doubtless do the right thin nt She right time Astoria has now (he op jortunlty of enlarging its trade with Alaska. Three local firms have branch stores there, which Is saying more than snout western cities run. and it Is one of the probabilities of the near future that arsine of boats will be establish -d from Here direct to Alaska. No stone should be left unturned to push our trade to the front. It only will require a eoinpa.-iitlvo-smiill guaranty to secure vessels that "Til handle our lumber, which Is now milch needed In Skagway and Dyea, and JiiC which the regular ships have no room. This lumber trade In sure -o grow fuTn season to large proportions and ade- lunte measures to take care of It should & innugurnted nt once. Tfjc mntter of the establishment of a luarantine station nt the mouth of the olumbla river waa agitated some time biro by the Chamber of Commerce and fwe are glad to learn thrft the new ofllcers f that body do not Intend to let It drop. No single improvement ut thlB harbor la Ef more Importance. The presence here ow of the O. R. A N. Oriental liner Mo ..itl nmntinntceH the fnrt. fihe hroUfrht on thla voyage 17 Chinese and Japanese pas senger and a crew of 4 Chinese and Jap anese. Had one of them been attlli ted with contagious disease, the ship would have had to go to Port Townsend for quaran tine. Indefinitely postponing the binding of her valuable cargo, A quarantine .na tion here would reduce delav to the mini mum. With the China and J.ipan trade on the Increase, our claims for a qmtp tine station should be igoiulr pushed. There are no ports of Importance In the world but have quarantine nations, and many of them have much b s commerce than Astoria. We have the regulations and offiivrs, but no station. For our own protection from disease, as well as the furtherance of commerce, we need the station, and If the matter Is properly pre sented to the government and '.'tltltf'ill followed up there can be no doubt that a station would be established. H.VKKISON FlMl TIIK SKN ATI'.. A movement has Ixi n on foot f r on time in Indiana h.ivluc for Its objevi the elrvtlon of Henjamln Harrison t.i the Flu ted States senate as the sue. es?,r ol ;. ld Tunue. whose t rtn willenpir. Mir. n 1, KJ. It is not known whether Mr. Har rison will .cepl the tiominalMn or not. but his friends hope he may tv nid i, cd to do so, and as a preliminary to i v am pnlsn In th interest of his election the) have secured contiol of the rcpub'icin state cvntml commute- by the election ot Charles Henley, a prominent ll-irrisan adherent, as chairman. The next step In contemplation Is 10 try to secure the consent of the va-proMent to the use of his name as a cand:-i it for the senate. His friends claim that if he will do this he will have no opponent and that a Harrison b'Kislatun- will al most elect Itself. The stale was carried on the sound money issue In 1-5. and the courageous attitude of the present so ernor of the state In making the speech of welcome to the Indianapolis monetary convention has strengthen. d and -lidi-tied the Indiana republicans on that Kue The friends of sound money and g government everywhere will how thut the efforts of Mr llarri-in's friends to induce him to re-enter public life l ac eeptlng an election to the senate will be successful. He Is unquestionably one of the very' ablest republican leaders of this generation, and his re-appcarunce In the senate would be a timely and notable ad dition to the st itesmunshlp of that body. BIG PRICE FOR A BROKEN HEART Not long since a Danville. 111., Jury or dered the male defendant In a breach of promise case to pay the decidedly compe tent sum of M.C3.S to the afflicted fair one. This was thought to be the largest amount ever awarded by a Jury In a simi lar action. Though It Is a pretty high estimate of blighted affection, there is another estimate which if not In dollars and cents exactly us hU-h. yet In gen eral consideration of excellence reaches as lofty an altitude. That Is the estimate of the people In their general v. rlli t as to the efficacy of Hostetter s Stomach Bit ters as a remedy for constipation. The action of this gentle, but effective, laxa tive is never aciompanb d by the gripm and other abdominal disturbance hl. h pre- edes or accompany the operation of a griping cathartic. Mon-over, It is an incomparable remedy for and preventa tive of malarial, rheumatic and kidney complaints, a never failing in-ans of In vigorating the stomach and nervous sys tem, and a promoter of appetite and sleep. Persistence in Its u.-e is strongly ad visable. The fir-place In the nursery should ( guarded by a hith fender, unless parent are anxl ms to lose their household 'r- , i res by fire. The pain that sometimes sirinei at the most Inopportune mon'-n-. : due to indigestion. It may come In '! m I -t of a dinner and make the :'-i-o a nc. it cry. It Is a reminder that he n,-iy not eat what he h'Xiscs, nor h-'i he chooses. He Is a slave to th- weakn-ss of his stomach. A man's he.iiu. and -trength depend uimjii nhat to- gets out of his food. This deen.l on 1,1s din- s tlon. Remove the obstruction ny taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Th -y are a positive cure for conllpalloi and lis attendant Ills headaches, sour stomach, flatulence, dizziness, lillioiisneHs and "heartburn." The "Pellets" are very gen tle In their action. They simiilv .o-sl-t nature. They give no violent wre.i n to the system. They ca'ise no p.i;n. nor grill ing. Send 21 one-cent stamps to of mailing only, and receive fr, r co-t py of Dr. Pierce's Medical Advil r. .VI Ire- World's Dispensary Mcdli al , Buffalo. N. Y. A 21-pound baby lately born to a farm er's wife at Im . Hulpe. near I'.ru-vr-l-holds the Belgian record for weight. If the tissues about the roots of the hair become unhealthy, the hair will boo.. turn gray, or fall off. Correct thin trotibi; with Hall's Hair Renewtr. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo 0,ulnue Tablet All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure: 25c. For nale by Charles Rogrra, Rome's ratacornb of SI. ''alixlii'- Ih now lighted by electricity, and the sv-t. m will soon be extended to all the cata combs. Pears' What virtue there is in bare cleanliness! Pears' soap does nothing but cleanse, it has no medi cal properties; but it brings the color of health, and health itself. Give it time. Pousse Pdtd. And why not fit-pusher a wellMtco0c-puher? It's far mora necessary. Do you ufftr with dTsrx-ruiaf Aw'a Cathartic Fiila will curt you. Takta PH I AtrrrD dic J I iat HI I 1.1 1 I ll.t ) VsVfAraViArViKlwMXr0 JUe UMefor February. 1898. Y unlit w .km lowwArkH DATE ; a a. m. 1 a. . I x Ili.tmn. Ii.nt n, b in ft. .li I N T 0.14 M.S ! I llltt tl It 10 Oil Tu , Wed Thur Krt .. Krt ., Sat ., Act ., SIN Mon Tile , Wed . Tfiur . rV. ... Sst .. Sl'N . SCN . Mo. i . Tu .. Wed . Tour . Krl ... Sat ... Sat ... SI N . Men , Toe .. Wed . Thur . Krt ... Sat ... srv . SCN . Mori . Mon . J 10 it 7 J . I mi i t jsi o s 4 OUSJ . 4 U 10 7 5 . 01 67 . 111(171. I, U 3 lai U If ..I. ... ... .. ii:is; a 1 1 T J II M S 0 t US J 1; t IJ I I Jll I 11CM' I II i II. 0li 1517 I 5 iKlH1 ll . ! .10 I.UII tlllllllill li! J v s i jo ; i i . 1 1 im 11! 1 J 7, 4 11 s I01J0 tKS 11 W! J ins J 11 101 li.t lS lij .. ... .11 u .. ..I. .1.. ..i. . .J. , n WIS 7 MS SI.. ..1. .i I SI 1 It J 2,n 0 Si 1 11, SMI Id SKI Slit I i 9 .' S 4 11 ; SI 3 S4 S 4M ..1 ,isu5i ss .. ..i. sa. jt s:o 1 Oil) 7 .1 11 fi V .! J J H ,w 0M7us: ;i tn . iriUS 1S3MI7S7I7 7 SI 1 "S J 4 s i7 a 1 OS 7 I I Is I S US 14S75 i f .01 ll 1 si i I U 1 1" l; 4 1sl .iS ;,; .!4 S l a 4 10 7 5 1 S II 14 M 10 .-J 4 46751 145 .. ..!. . i; an .in, .1. .1.. .. I. .!.. ..I .llli ST71i 7 40 4 ! ' . . .J. . ' I "7 .1-. ... .HI J7 0r , 4 St a t i ASTORIA'S ORVtN FLEET uW. Wheat Vessel and Klai; fi: Vale,., ! Iiiieliulhurn. Itr h i.'.eiieUaii, Itr li Yaierne. Hr li - rroj ii of sstt Und, iiHlia. Itr sh - ui.r-i . M..V I I '-1"" I ti.'o ; T'.. -' I Jam I n'.'. o : liA.r.T J .:,..; Il..'' N 1.' li I II '.r, I IJ'.OO I llj.n' I M.s-'-' ; s 1,111 I H.'! H il ! 'T,'l I .;,i"j I HS.IW) I v"" ! H. th-ormid. Itr li Iniii'iritton. Ilr li . ... t: t a is o.l lil.i'w IW .N . l ..T I t.l. d. .Tot 1.1. M-.' s C I'liinliriaii, Hr t . Iv.ilipieyiie. or h Mon lsrn, Mr sh .. . Marevlml Suehet, Itr b aliiate, Hr eh MidreUt, Hr li Vrracan. Ilr h Krenhilda. Itr sli Mi a Mac U-Ilan, Itr h .... Torrisdale' Rr h strath-Tyfe. Hr h i T'.'.t'l ! :! : ul ! e.' ; ftT,-iir ' .'.t-1 ! v.e ' T:: ; M n i .HiIHI IO..V' ' t.V'da , "'"T Kenee Klcnics, sli ... Tmntit. NrMtr liiawaiha. w sli Ii iii.n B U, Ilr bk. . K kit ttx-k. tier sh ffnts.4-ndaie, Itr sh w illKoiiiiiien. (n-r u!rh . . . Lady W entwortli. Hrh .. Miilierlandsblre. Hrb Kdenlil more. Hr sli 1'h I lumen, Ilr h llMiidanelra. Hr t'k Hmrii Mantaret br sh Adolf liersll Iiuiisvre, Hr sh II.-o Avon Hr bk Norma. Hrbk lhnT. Hrbk .. K iiiiiroeHliire, lir tk H-ndii. .Nor tr Hmtsliire. Ilr str . . . kln-lioiia, Hr sh Vt iliinui Tlill. Hr hit . llad'loii 11 til. hr hi J ' 'rlil!orlierll Ali.imha, Hr bk l't ru. i ier lk I arr.olale, Hrbk lllitiusiilre, Hr sh. i riimariylilre. Ilr sli rniieipilin, Hr I, k Falls ul Clyde, Hr ill iii(iie-Mlui, Fr lk li.-aeoii Itis-k. Hr ship s- l.irkhire, br bk city of I'erih. Itr str H-ii, . Hr bk i h'litertvre, Hr b, W n.dnle, Ilr ll i i'h-lts. Nr bk Harilnwle. Hr b iTiimrraiit, Ilr Im s. Ilvson, Hr sir Kltriekdale, Hr sir 1 oiiiimnl, Itr sir I'ruvmee, Hr sli i iinhii. br sir ... I ilenlee, tr ll i-rlM iia, br sh K.'.IKI I Tti.ti" l'i.'i J ui.iic ; ti.' i U.!t' ' . 1 ll.U"' i II'','" i 1 1 '- i.-.i. .i ! If ' ; l.l.l'tt S..l ' li-. ' .17.1 ' ThUl' f. .1-. 7",ieJ si, i 'J. ii, ' !ii".''. si. : 4.:i; .'-.Tie J1 1- k ; 71. 70 -v 77 .17 V:.l' , a" C; U.V.i ' IT.' -I . 'I'M-t ; .'.I.-' 1 li illl I l-.'-C 1 ti'.lrri j IlV'l ll.M-i net i-t in.irjl li.OJ.'i im. n; !'.' o j If :' ; Hfi -7.' ; ?i ji 1 Itr'.. , l.'l.'to Baxrela of Soar. MARIN'B NOTE3. The German !hli Kmlllie. wheat laden N on the way down from Portland The llrltlsh shli l-ord Shaftesuury left up for Po-tland yestettlay In tow of thu 0 kluhnma. The stenmer Elmore, for Tillamook, at tempted to cross out vent -rd ly. imt was ompt llel to return to port ntc iln. The German ship HlKchoff is on her way clown the river. She In only partially loaded and will finish i.-urno at this Kirt. The Danish ship Juplt -r. Captain Fun dt r, arrived from Portland yester liy and tarries !M,yi.l busliels of .vh'iit valiie.l at ?7'','W- The British ship Sen nor. Captain VauKhun, arrived from Portland hti-r-day nnd carries !tJ,X4 htisli'-ls 'if wle-it valued at ya.T'iil. The Oriental lltier MokuI, with a Ki-neral rarifo, arrived down from Portland yes terday morrilntr ami docked at l-'t.i v- oal (milkers, where nhe take., n 10.1l. The steamer PuHadeiia, tons Cap. tain Humllton, for HkaKwuy and lyea arrived from Portland yemerdny and dot kt-d at Main street dock. r!h - Is load'-o to the iruarilM with irein ral nierchandlse aial a deck load of :i7.."ri; f t of luiiile r. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The following- vessels art bound to tha Columbia River, with name of master, rationality, rig, tonnage, where from and daite of reported sailing: Dovenby Hall, Whlckhtm. Br sh, lKfl tona, Liverpool Hen Voirllch, Abler, (Jr sh. 1407 tons,! Hmtft Rosalia. Ota go, Enk, Hwd bk, 971) tons, Ham uli nr. Conway Catrtle, Jones, lir sh, 1M1 ton, Valparaiso. Vamduara, Beavan, Br bk, UK tona, Algoa, Bay. Olenpark, Irish, Br ah, 1799 tons, RID Janeiro, August 29. G tan bank, Leonard, Br bk, 1369 tona, Calcutta. Genevieve, Touge, Fr bk, 907 torn, HaU phong-, October XL Henry Vllbtrd, lavttett. Am h, lit tcna, New York, 0tober li Oberon, Oully, Ilr bk, 114 ions, Newcastle, Auatralla, Uototier 1 Vhelmsfonl, Thomson, Hr bk, tint tona C. IVwn. CK-tobw t. City of Tork, Jonea. Hr ah, 1IH7 tons, 8yd.iy. Ukemba, liMlhrln, Kr bk, HiM tona, Frwmantla. Clan KolK-rtson, 1111. Hr an, 1M0 tons, Santa Rixsalla, Hrltlsh tlenerwl, Thomas, lr ah, 181 I. -us, Newcastle, Australia. Mldtas, SleMH-ncor, Ilr bk. 117 Ions, Nagasaki. Yalorl, llrown. Hr an, Ut tons, New. castle, Australia. JorvUm Hill, Walkor, Hr bk. IM ions, Melbmrne. Klntuck, Terrell, Hr tr, Jssl bvna, Yokohama. Amara, Kent, Hr air, M tons. Ilontt. koi-a-. Alexander Itlaok. Iuun, Ur bk. Ifl lone. AntWrrlV Watjen. Trlta, tier sh, WT Ions, Hlors Lord Slmftsli'iry. CtinnltiKliam, Hr sh, ZTi Ions, Sydney. Hrlstol. Mclntyr. Hr itr, in tons, San Kranclaoo Anno Tlioinaji, Thomas, I'r sh, 1TJ tons. lVrt IMrle Alinr.i. Thomson, Hr l-k, ITiS torn, Newcastle, AusTulla. IV:er Rikinocr, Weslermeyer. tier sh. Sf3 tons, Hoiinkivruf. Auckland, Jamv-s. Hr h, ISt tons, Ade lold. tHenlul. Taylor. Itr h. 1SI tons. It ti nl Honda. Onvit s. Han. Hr all, "St tons. Sydney Wlmtrush. Walker. Hr hk. 1S lo-n. Ade laide. Ortmd, Huts, tl.r sh, M tons, Ssn'a i:.'s..l Ali-, Kiihtmetin. i"!er sh. tons, Sant., Rosalia. Roman iff, Monran, Hr h. 1' tons. Newcastle Au.trn!. Forthbank. reterson. Hr hk VS tuns, i1.-rhnt!. Oaryntsl.L Pavlcs, Rr hk. 1(S lona, ITviolulu. Puritan, . tr str. K3 tona. Kloba Auitaman. Winter. Pr bark. W5 tona, Alcoa Ray, . I.orcnsdaje. Jones, Pr hark, 140J tors, Prlsbana. , Cambrian Prince. , Rr ship, ir? tors. Melbourne, . City of Athena, laindlni. Pr snip, 1194) tons, Antwerp, . Marlon Inir!- . Hushes. Pr. eh KU tons Sidney, A!.i'-am. Cahetlfro. CMI sh. iri tans. Taleikhii.tno. ! I'reslla. Stuart, Pr rh, ITm tons. San j F'ranclscc. Rirmhek. Tad'en, Oer Ik. tont. Hi-mro. Reliance-. R iblnson. Hr Ik. :ri I'or! I'lrie. November 17. 1 Cypromene. Pond. Pr sh, ITTji tons. San Kra!ic!.-o. Tw.-edsdale. Jones. Pr bk, lett tons, Prlslmne. I mbrr IS. Commonwealth. Anderson. Pr str. 51 Vt tons. Ksiiilmnlt. I'a-s of I.eny. Vint. Pr hk. i? tons, Yokohama Puritan, plant-hard, Pr bk, SO tons, HloRO. SIlN-rhorn. Clbson. Pr bk, 1T7I tons, l.iverpoiil. Arco. Maclean. Pr sh, 1150 tons. Ant werp. LCMBBR PIXKT V-Ksels on the Way and In Columbia niv-tr to Iad Lumber. protection. - Kt-ho, . ba-tn. ICnnppton. Tenkl.i M.irti Kanko, tons. Yokohama. ChehnlK . hktn. CI2 tons. Nnsnkl !uls. . schr. K51 tons. CIUo. Marlon. . hktn, Jl tons, Sydney V dette. . hk. fe tons. S in Pedro W. F. J.-wett, . schr. t.'3, H:in ( rranelsco b.iv. j Omra-a. , bktn, tons, Mollindo. I O leaner, . hktn, Sfl tons Neriort. j Tarn i I'utterson, hktn, ;-.' 1 tol.s. Ran Francis' o. j Trouper. . si nr, ton. w.m Inn- i Iseo buy. Saeranunto, , schr, 124 top, H.m I-'ranrlseo. Wllliiird Alnsworth, , schr. 40 tont Seattle. riivltiliiirn. who writes very little, m.ik'i a year by his poem. A woman never really knows the mean-! Iiir of hri)iiln and content until sin- lul the mother of a healthy, happy child. The health of the child depends on the 1 health of the mother, both before and af ter birth. Most ull of woman's weakness j and particularly the weakness that most) strontrly Influences the health of children, comes from some derangement or disease of the distinctly feminine organs. Dr. Pierces Kavorlto Prescription will cure troubles of this nature. It should he taken regularly by every woman during the entire period of gestutlon. It gives strength to all the organs Involved, less ens the pains of childbirth and Insures the health of both mother and child. Hcnd 21 one-cent stnmps to cover cost of mailing only, and receive free a ropy of Dr. Plerco's Medical Adviser. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Iluffulo. N. V. Don't Judge a woman by her teeth, as. 1 nllke a horse, 1 hi: older she Ih the fewer xbe Is likely to iMiHHese If they are her very own. Any tendency to premature baldness may be checked by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Don't delay till the scalp Is bare und the hair rools destroyed. If you would realize the best results, begin at once with this Invaluable preparation. Anthony Hope charges Jl'i for a maga zine story, reserving the copyright. Soft, White ITanilswItli Sli.-iily Nails, f.ttiu riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome. Hcalp, pro duced by (,'t -Tlf.'tritA HoAC the most elfectlve kin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as null as purest, ami sweetest, for toilet, liath,:i:id nursery. Tim only preventive of liillaiiimation and clogf;!"!? of the Porks. icira Botr It told Uimiitiout lh world. Poms Dsoo tss Cuts. :nsr., Holt Prop.., Button, V. . A. M-"How to Purity and HttaUty Utt Ills, tctlp, sod Htlr," mtllcd frtt. DIDV UIIMftDV Ittslnt "d tttly, Istttatly rf DAD! nUMUHsl tttrtd kf tisTunu Jlsassua, i , stm, J14 tonn, Mis SCO lont, Tientsin, I jap bk. im f.irniPii I BEAUTIFUL SKIN ! i ,iiir,i CASTOniA AVi'WclitWc IVcj..iriHiou As -slmitatlng Hk f otl ..tut KovJ 11U Und live SloiuiU'M nml lkwvw of u1 lYomolvs l)ivoslion.CITtrul ncs niulltcsl.Cont.iln nclllkT Diinlintiic nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. jii.vw arw & vim nmaajt ;wi;a;' Wti JWs I SJb I ,W I Jlnornut ) iWliit (mlm' I ),.'. J- I (,W I )insyrMM ttmw f Apcrfal Itcniftlv fi)rfon-it;r.i lion. Sour Stonvich.l )nt i ttiva ami loss or SLtl-l'. Tar SimiU Siv'nolurc of tiAcr copy or wrapper.. MANHOOD &5s fc-ifA22$r:!iri ! ctn " J. A. FASTABENI) liOl'SIC, KUIlHtK AND WIIAKK HUII-DICU n'T""- MOVINO TOO KM WKNTKO i nilUIUL TREATMEHT OH TRIll To Any Rollable Man. Wrr1ot ppllpr tni on wBitith' rtnaJ r rmtm tNiVrrmil b mat on tni. vuhaut m- .(Join tvfsatf, by (li (riuuL xaipf ta i . vurld In turn trtjftt'iifii ot mn wmk, brnksa. d iurua4 from aiTiH'ta of mimt 'fr( o? r. tirfc, Ac lUt'pr m-rr $ frurvil. cunikt r inrLlun nr U mUtpmmni (til fitUuK cdihIUMji , Th ttn Of f his ,tl-r t limit 1. fin t it if. whaftntii no A'-mti-m fc A-l'M ERIE MEDICAL C0..'2:- 1 ' nit ism Is Intellectual dainU l-m with- it Hi M-oiiib s featlo't". and ii - '.. im- 1l1.1t t ynli are only happy 111 10. u 'Mg the wttild as barren lo otliei-i .o. lb I l e tlllllle II for IlleltlSelVl B A woman's hed.iihi-s may com- fnon overul caun-s. Hhe may have a hi-iulac ie irlslnir from nervousness, ur from dl. g.-atlve dlttturbunces. Nine caset In l-n her headach'-a come from disorder .. cullar to her rex. It may tio Itself in the aymptoma which are characterise jt a i5zen dlsord-m. Thousands of times women have been treated for tl-.n wrung disorders. Dr. Pl-nx-e's Kavorl'.e Pre. ecriptfon was compounded for the ole fnjrpose of relieving womankind ofihi-se Ilia and palna. Thoutmnds of womi-n havi testified Chat after taking treatment (rom several physicians without benefit, th "Favorite Pretrrlptlon" cure-J them com. pletely and quickly. It has been used for over thirty years, and has an unbroken record of aucessea. The woman who hesluntm Is Invited to solid twenty-one l-cent stamp to cover only the cont of malting a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, which contain plain, clear Information abo-ut ull of tha organ of ttio human body and their function. A 12-year-old child named Hplllle ig boon burned to dentil In Krylhgpaii alley , London. lii:'KLi:N".S ARNICA SALVE, Trie IksI Halve n tha world for Cuts, ((mines, Hor'o., Ulcers, Hat Uheum, Fevit? Hori-s, Tetter. Chapped Hindi, Chilblains Corns, end nil Hkn Eruptions, and posU llvi y cure Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed lo give perfo'. siilsfuo ton or money refund"l. Prlve 2D cenia per 'ttox. Fir sale by Hites-Conn Druf Co. An eplilemlc of measles Is spreading over Kngliind, the disease growing more mallgnanl as It sprcadM. TOOK A 8EVKRG COLD AFTER THI-J KJ FIRB. After the big fire In Cripple Creek, 1 took a very severe cold and tried many remedies) without help; the cold only be coming moro sotlled. After using three tmiall boWle.s of (Thamborlaln's Cough ' Remedy, bpth the cold and cough left j me, and In this hUfh altitude it takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good, a. B. Henderson, Editor Dally Adver tiser, Cripple Creek, Colo. 80M by Chorlea Rogers, DruggWt. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY 1JOTT.LK OF rJil It put up la otit-t'n MiIm ealjr. ll Ni r I 'M la balk. P-'t silo aii;ne( mII ... , .. , . - .' . il . . n iV.t It it "Jest t tl" aid "will aatwtr rr p )it. ' Br that i'i ft 0 A 5-T-O R I A. Titlw- 1 - RESTORED Rr wslaa- Dr. Peaa'a tellaw Nr fill. Tk,. M..H.I..I..I . ,. , " ------ ,VIff, luatsutred tocil-t sli tlt"liliMi, iwhu Writ Mrnitvv L j 11. ia ISisrl Hr.tWh W.krlulnM. 1 .J U.nh...l u. ,, , " .. -." f Kntl. unit, MiTouiir, all dfsisi, kiss u( power lit Ucamtli's l)isat t( ftlhrr srt. rsiiMsl br ow eirttion, youthful emits, fitrwlt u ol lotMtvn, ot'ium or itiinulsntt. which lead lit Innriaitr i'anmmptlua or ttiasnur. Can be rarrtetl In test pocket, l so rr tv.i, 4 Its t. V Bud wetMUl Clnnlar Kre aolj by all drunlrta A.k for It. Ukeao.ahet Manii'scturetl by the prn MMicliia 10 raru H'.a-e laue-lsxis I'luj c. diHribuliui acuu. TUUd tad Vsathill ait . rgttUad. u. RATE: tt.Ci INN liltl il in.. Aa-niii. Astoria. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monrttoulti, Orctfon X TRAILING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS ha'illr .tirtnal Coire of tlltre yetrs nior jTe aholtv irtdtM tmal. 1 rttioiiic iieartiiiei, of blue aia-lri with .uu rlilldrvii. It.ttriit-tiot. and Iraln iik in i,ynoaiie heithtr . in , and V. ' M'Mle lor mililli- h-u Hie Norma. littoina it rectMitrd lijr iaw at a fTAfl I. UK I'KUllr'i AIK Ul liaeh. i isiil etiMtiib. 1 union, Unikt, tHianl ainl lotlcing au ItrotimatrlT'. li.iUU ovr laar luitriii. Nianllnt tliritiM-ivra, lllo ai -er yct A4letiilr gr.e4 ai-eere frulll lOsh M-liool. Ca'a.oitit t at.-rriiilir tent on aiilli'altoii. A'i.irrta I. U CAMI'IIKI.l., I'rrtll.iil, ur W. A. WAKN. Secretary Kvully General Contractor tun Iiole rui lved i, for Itodiiey St-Oie 1 lie )ollllg who avoid the region tlf ro ll .III. f ist'ile the tll- of f.'l lit llli ... I cf a 1 i i stlal 1 row It I'llAMIIKItLAIN'tl COIMIC ItK.MKDt ALWAYS I'ltUVI-ai KPKTU.U There are no ht-tter meillcliirs on the niittkrt than Chamberlain' 1 We have used the Coiigti Itemrdy when all otnera failed, ami In eery Instance It proved effectual. Almost dnlly w hear the v.r tuet of Chamberlain' remedlea n tolled by those who have used them. Thlt It n- sn empty puff, iald for al so much a line, but It voluntarily given In f ood faith In the hope that u (Tiring humanity may try thrsa remedied and, Ilka the wrlttr, be benefit! -Krom the (llenvllla (W. Va ) PathBnder. For aula by Charti-s fl'MT- r Druggltt. Mr I ilud-ttolie' II '"' prl, ful a l-llcw Is J. B. WYATf. I'hoitt Ne. aa Attarla, Orage, HfirrJ wore, ShlpChnniler'. (irocerieH, F'rovlHlofiH PAINTS end OII-H. Sptcltl Atttntloa Paid le Supplylnj Ships William's Kidney Pills Huh no piiuiil til iIIm-uhck of titer KIcliioyHiiul l.'riimryOi'ifiiUN. lluvt,-k .viu w'tfiVcti'ii your KUIiu-yi.', IIiivnT you ovcrtvurltt-d vour ni'rvoim hyv tt-iii anil (-miM'il tronlilu with your Kliliifvu unit llludili'i". Ilnvo ymif paliiHiti thn lulus, siilc,1iiicl,i.'njliis( I ami Madder? Iliivo vnu u Uubliy np- , tiinlcr tliu i-yes? T'h) frffpii'iitlf( wlru ttiiKH iiri'mi? Wlllliim'H Kitlnoy 1. 11 1 IK will linpiiri now 1 1 10 10 tueinn-, cased (irtfiins, tono lip thu KVbteni ntitl iniild! 11 new lima o( yon. Jly until Si) (icntH per lmx. llll.IAMH Mini, ., iTops., i.ievnittnn, u. a Pill ti It a nen-lwiltnnnnl rt'ini'ily fur liniiiirilni'ii, ioi-if, nperrnattirrhif s, Vtiiltim. 11 11 n at 11 r s I iIih- olwriiis, or anr IiiIIhiimiiii- Iiiiii, Irrilalliiii or ulcer a- Ifitrratt tuaMtloa, tliiri nf III 11 r n lit tltf-iti rilftttHSCHtumtiro. ""niit. Niii.-attrliuii.Mi Hold ly ruKglala, tiliilll wrapper, i, pti-pni'i, iur liiilllet, ..?.'.. tini en ri-'iui'tt. There) tiny Cupsult a are mpenoi J to lialsain or Lopsina, Cubebsorln ectioniandiiirflN CURE IN 48 HOURsPUlJ tha lams dieae with- out inconvenience. ' .Ttnf nil nt?htr, ' ! VVSI Bit! u alrUiMr i.'ffrfiir.iri.o.ra i V it. a. a. C"r. ""'' J" 1 sav. tr GO EAST . ..VIA , . Library Car Route AMKIMCA'M HCHINIC LINK. Ruck llallitl Nil II a M Dining Itr Cant Tha all-rail rouls to Kooional mlala dlalrlot, la Heattla and Hok4n Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth. Chicago AND ALL I'OINTH ICAHT Through Palace and Tourist Hleeosra. IHnlii ami IJbrary nhawva llon Cars Dnlly TrnltiH asa HKKVII'k AM' Hi ' K S K H V IMCAII KUD Cor ticked and full liiforinallun asUJ on M'iil - It N. (V ur adtlrawa A. II t PICNNIHTON. f. IV T. A., l'ortlan4. Or. II. r. HTKVKNM. tl W. IV A.. H-attla. Through Tickets TO Til EAST AM) SOUTHEAST VIA - a ieio- 1'i u.MA.y pai-acm Hi.raericna, TouniT uccrBita Ad FREE ItrX-MNINO CHAIR CAM Da4lr to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and pUm Cuttm CUaa via Htoar ln era Pad Ho or O. It A N. Oa Only Line From Portland Offstlnc PaawMiftrs ths ttuHe ut Tvurtat Car Line itarouajh ta) Cklaactt. Specially Conducted Excursions Via Shaata lloule to Chbajro aver day. Martia ohackad Ihruitrh U 4aav llnalon. Masnlfiotsni oawiery, aatsai datputa. fast lima, luarwai rata. Pints, h light In all cwra for ratea and other informs Uoa, mt on or addrea R. W. HAXTKR, OatVl Awt IS Third oor. Alder, rortlantt la;-, .a, iie,-..,,,,,! ir vt 4. 5 r hi Look at the 1 8-page insert In the lalest Issue of our folder. II con tains a very complete and entirety truth ful rtsat rlpllou of thn finest train on earth. Ihe lliirlliiglou's HI. I'aul-I 'hlcngo Lim ited. Leaves Ht. Paul K (t, p m Arrives t'hl nigo !i:11 it. m. Compartment and Htnnd ard Hleepr-rs llufTct Hinoklng Cnr. Dlnlna; ''nr. I'halrt'ar. t'oiichi's. Kits-trie light. Wldo vestibules. Htenm heal. Tickets at nfllies nf connecting Hues A. CSHKLUOX, (li'iit riil A'i'iit, I'tiiiliiml, Oii'iu A. & C. K. R. R. TIME CARD In l lTcct Oct. 25, IKi)7. Daave Bens hie for Astoria via Flarel at T:S0 a,, m. amd I p, m. daUy. Iaw Aalorla for Beaalda via rural it 10 a. m. and 4 p. in dally. All the Ahovc TraU'H Arc Dally Astoria Public Library READINO ROOM FnHB TO Open every day from t a'clack to l:M ml t;K to l:M p. m. ' Bubaorlptlon' rates) II per annum. is-V M liltil! i iiiije W. Cor. Elevanth and Duaj)4 Btraatav r