The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 12, 1898, Image 1

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    ' 1 V.. .. I I I.' I W it- ... ti 4,,.
,'. i V-'-
hrtr r
bluest and best piper
on the Columbia River
THE ASTORIAN has the largest
circulation of anv taer
on the Columbia River
Mi!'.- , hj WAWl-A
s r AH
Mlncra' OutfltH
Campcro' UtciiMllM ntid ProvlHlotiH
Don't tell her
That you love her
Hut just send a
To he had at
A lull llM Ol flM., T.bMC.
..' AilltW.
4T4 Coiiimtrclnl HI.
J. Mi
Convent of the
...Holy Names
For rata, .to.. aldra th Superior
jTu 1
Tl. Bwt, Atstoluuly Pur Ry,
For StJ. at
Th. Occident Hot Bar,
Tt Offlo Saloon,
And all th. leading tan In Astoria.
Sail II'i'iiiicInco
inn' l'ortlaiid
1HI Ml ft- m
mm M Jul J i
u u a u i
n n n h fcq
i U El El
bJ a h n
Foard & Stokes
ManuliKlurtr and
IHtalor In a
The North I'Mitlo Hrewrrjr, of wbirb
Mr.Jnlio Kopp it proprietor, make been
(or diiruoatio .ml export trade.
Itoltlisl brer for family n, or keg
brer iuppliid at any time, deliwry Id
tli city fre.
Tli Heal In lh Market
Strictly Pure Lard
Cor. roirth iad Gils. Streets
rnrtliad. Orcgoa.
Mount Angel College
Thla la Just th. place for your boy
Delightful location, large building, and
round, good mania, plenty of healthy
exercise, excellent teacher, and careful
training thla la what they all ay of
MT. ANQKL COLLEGE). Send for Cat.
alogue and apeolal terms.
P. F. PLACIDUS. Director.
Moltqotnai Team Contest With Ooe
Prom the A. l C.
(;ami:h wfkk vi:ry icxciiim;
Cat h Trtai Tank To Ciac. bat the lone
UiUt here Meter in v Getilig Ike
pen Total vl riat.
I Hi tlulliiumtli Anikl. iir AHilrllr I lull, til
I'unUml, n. Hi f. rlul, wlikh
Iwik t'ltr ( ll.t Itllrr't y vviotday nr
HwiU, .i Hi unrtt Imrratilug him! Mrllli,
rrl)r4 In Ih rlly. I'. in llm moinriit tin
rf Utl tll m rolled ll.f iMtilt aw In iloul.t
nrf Hip vl' lnrr ul Hi A f (' Ixli' by tiii
mail isriio a'l..n II tl.illijr of th r .llinit
lm. c ri:ly lirii it li n,ti.l1rH that tl
fi'ftntf rtr mi i, n ,;lti.-n advkRtay
Ulrfli-iiH to ovriTuui
Tb irt urrp of th wrlr la du I lli
li I Hi l.nn ati a. vm ijr mat hr4 a ll
li iMibir lof to lumi la I. Willi in ri
iillni i llir rmr, it u olgli Itn
,:L:r to tell ,p rrauM ut.lil tli v.t ttn had
auumiiii-f Hi U'l and It. fart lint I),
! 41 li-am I. I l.ig to iivrnum 'lard
Hi iait tu lo ilniibt.
1ti allii( rata' tl cf tli all) aa lind
to II. iilmii.t iii y h.riifd a), 11
I 1 1 trrun .landing iihiui. Tin ni mtul
kl b aitrmtrd th umca krH Hi. i-ln
oa th qui vl fr, and lb nwlllif tnnd It Ivpu
albl fur on to "br blaiIf think " II wai a
nottrabi (art that th I'oMland Udia r'ol
at all bolhrrrd J lb motra, bll the wild
"hi f ab." of tb Dihunai rtnd lourairuo
Hi nrri- ol lb lural Udlra. Till. a du to
tb fart that local twlim It mi d at compared
wllhthalof I'ortlaad. Tb mulra re any
f ilr. j-fllim quit aa murb lr lb rlaitor .f..f
th bum tratu.
Tb pJtjHm aof a ' aaawlloual nature.
lu lb Bra' (am lb ! wr almmt vn
uatll lb laai pla)rra fcad buwlrd. Ill l.'h
atilo bad Mlld up V for lb M. A. A. ('.and
the oMitr .rora r ry giKid- Mr.
Mra N.-nnile aad Mr. Tlu tan bad armed well
for i be loral loan, kuTr, aid on th aani
by fltr plna, tb toiala brlni ' to -at. In lb
eeoitid i am lb hoaae !an went to jlrra,
maklm tliatlr peerrtl aecr. vbllr tli fltliuia
rolled llialr blflifil sam. Tkrlattrr Imik the
gain kt H lni, th evor bell i M lu SIS.
Tbla t th fort la ad ladln a lead of ii pint,
and, aa IbeJ aermrd lo hai hfaintd their lull
eonOdenre, thleijt looked ralher blue tor Ibe
. r.c.
Tb third fame aa aa eirl Una a l:e rriiatt
aport roulJ hop to tee. Ih loral h am lia
lbd Drat, Ita total being SI. Mr, (.'jle waa
the Uaat of lb Tlaltora hi bowl. th had a
airtk lutli alath frame and II waa uereaaarv
that aba make two on it aod Ihiee oa lb alley
to aria, (iettlng two pin with th around ball
ll waauccr.etrT for hrrtotaketh ramaluina
pin Of court, liter ' a irealdaalof ricile
taetil, but Mra. Cole equal to th omi.lon
and picked off Hie t.ln amid th drniYiilHK i
l.ue ol the eifjttd apantilon. Thor-i
betliiard upon Mra. Cole by th otter member
nf Ih learn lho"rd their appreciation of brr
eicellrul play.
With two tame aalu.l thrui and a lead of
17 plna to overcome, matter looked bluer for
the horn team. lloYr, h lady went la
with a determination to win and the Irani
played Ita beak Mra. Norniilt'a J had much to
do with lb grand 111. Ibe Portland ladiv
fU down, but it waa due lolelylo the fact that
the allrya uon whlih tlirjr W plnyrd are th
povreal. The total In I hit gam 'rt '.Ml to
ll8 Aa each team had taken two ftiiira It
waa utcrwaiy lo dalerni'.uo Ih rvnult by the
grand lotal of plna, which lima the victory to
the A. K. ('. Mlt flarker'a lailte. however,
may well feel proud of the lio niu made, an
they were at a great diiadvaulaK lu being on
BlraiiK allrya. lu I lie return mutch thare may
be a illrTrrent alory to 111.
Thaicori'i f'lllow:
Mri.TMlMAll 11,1'H
liSit Totul
Mi linker 3i 3i l!7 l'.i 113
Mlaa Xinltli 'j.H M XI '.'I 10
MlK Holnvi-r l ail iU W 107
Mm. Cole 3 22 :i; lu 101
Mm. Ilegcle 31 37 M IJO
Mra. Ulonton :ll 1 3o lli
Mlaa riit'iulno ,D 23 M 22 l'.H
MUaCronln 2. 21 ;'4 '.' SS
Total !5I '.VI4 220 l!8 SSIl
I 2 S 4 Totnl
Mm I'rui'l 2ii 27 28 3.1 117
Mr, lniinlls Ill ill 27 42 VM
Mra. Gimn 10 HI IS 21 VH
Mra. Fulton 27 28 20 22 103
Mra. nellliiK-er 24 2ti 81 .11 Ii2
Mm. Ttuuoti 81 S4 88 21 110
Mlaa Onvldaon 27 18 24 20 Itt
Mr. Nonnlle 84 48 28 84 VM
Tolitla 210 211 218 2Hti WW
Km' tlio vlnltura MIih Clioinlno mmlo the
beat total, 12). The lildliest acorc, 40, was
ninile by Mlaa Midover. Mlnalinltli hiuIMIkm
Si'luvcr, both giMid bowlers, worn itillo mi
fortunnto, gcttliiK nmiiy tvnlcra. For the
homo team the two chmplnua,- Mm. NorniUc
and M ra. Ing nulli.tloil lor flnt pla' e, eaoh (ci
ting 184. The lilghit acoro, 48, wo made by
Mra, Normlle. Mra. IngHlla' bout score wut
42. Mlaa Pavldaon nntl Mr, (itiiin both
plnyod lu linrd luck, aa did aevernl other
The Mulluomah lml le were entertnliied
laat alght by the Anaemlily Club, the ocea
lion being a dancing party
Sorry de Lome Committed Such aa
De Lome Talk -State Dtpartmeat it Smootfc Talk !o rnpaliat tti Silver Htpib.
Tkruguh kith ike Mailer Yet ranker ! lici All ol Tkcai Uuaeatly Stri
Dcvclopmrai laailed. ! log Tuaaid Ike Same Kid.'
M.idrld, Kcb. II -I'n-mli r 8"nor H iKaa-
la l'.diiy aald to a corr.-Ni'-nd.nt of the
Aawi. Inl,-d ITraa:
"1 waa aurprlwd mi K. nor lr Iimi-'i
lolt.T. for In nil hi rommiuilcatloii.
ortli l and private, addreaaed to the gov-
rrnmonl, tie mke r'i--t fully of I'real-
di-nl M' K'Inley. I regret De In-
ll rftlort and folly, fur he haa r-ndred
Hpuln algnul a. rvli at WaahlriKton."
ti the iuetlon of H-nor He Imi-'a
aueeaaor. Henor fiiifcnatu waa retire nt.
Aecorillng to a dlpat li received here
from IIiivhiu, the letter of geri'ir Jjo
limc to Henor Vnelej a attracted
by a peraon chnrgol to forward It to the
latter, and It I added thla peraon received
!! '' for It
I'K U'MK 8 HI'i " KHHi lt.
Waahlngtnn. February 11. -Aa the rep.
rea. ntatlve of Spain. Henor Iori Juan
ImlMiao, called nt the atat,. department
and prcactitrd In writing the notification
of the rnlh government that the realg-
nation of lie Ixime hud In-cn aecepinl and
that Honor Imboao waa authorlE-d to rep.
n ent hi government ili.irire de
nfTalrea ad Interim. Having aaanmed hi
lutlea lmlioao paid hi reatucia to the
mate department. The acceptance of the
minister' realgnatlon oinatltutra aurh
ai-.loit) na K be made, and beyond thla.
f ir a present Inatructlon go. there
111 tie no further fnrmalltlf other than
the (l.-panure of Henor De Lome. He
will nail from the 1'nited State about j
tne middle or next week. Bennr IV Lome
received the representative of the lega
tion Ihl inorilng and for the tlmi time
withdrew the condition of accrccy which
had Ik-, n impoa.-d during the trying tate- I
nient of the incident. I
Thl will be the lust time I will ace
oii a mlnlsler of Spain." he aald. "for
I am nlwmt to turn over to Mr. Dubowi
all the afTiIrs of the legation and I will
be n private cltlxen. in my capacity 1
will be glad to , you nt any time during
the brief time that I remain."
The minister referred to hla plana. He
said he expected to leave Washington
aa wmn na issllile. Personally he would
refer not to go to Madrid and unles
the government command him to the
npltul, ho probably will visit ome other
lace nnd then go to hi otrtte near
Inquiry at the state department de
tdopa the fact that the department la
not yet formally prepared to admit that
he incident Is closed. Our government
h.ivlng charge nnd Mr. De Lome having
.Iropped from his ollkltil position, what
now remains for the ttato department I
o a wait a fuller report proposed by
Minister Woodford. At the cabinet meet
ing tod ty the president gave a summary
f the correspondence that had taken
ilnce up to this moment respecting the
retirement of De Lome and remarked
hat It would lie mveaanry to await thla
Yesterday' Session at St. Iiuls Sundny
Racing Voted Down.
St. Louis. Feb. It. After three days of
Imrd work the National Assembly of the
League of American Wheelmen tonight
finally adjourned, after one of the most
notable sessions ever held by that body.
The nil-Important question of local op
tion In the matter of Sunday racing was
ngnln defeated, tho amendment providing
thnt Plate divisions be granted the right
to determine for themselves whether or
not Sundny bicycle races should be per
mitted being voted down by but six votes.
President Potter voted for the amend
ment. Tho divisions voting solidly In fn-
or of tho amendment were: District ot
Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ken
tucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mis
souri, North Curollnn, Ohio, Tennessee,
The divisions unanimously against the
amendment were: Colorado, Connectt-
ut, Delaware, Iowa, Knnsns, Maine, Ne
braska, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
South Carolina, South. Dakota, Texas,
Maryland east ono voto for, six against;
Michigan six fo, two against; New York i
sixty-two for, eight against: Pennsylvn-
nln six for, llfty-llve against; Rhode Ial-
nd ono for, six . against. ;
Thirty-two other amendments wero dls- j
posed If during the day in various ways.
Seattle, Feb. 11. A letter received here
today from Sitka, Alaska, states that the
gunboat Wheeling, which Is stationed
thoroi has been ordered to Skagway.
Address Computed br the Committie
it rortliad.
I'ortland, Or.. Feb. If At a mftfttlng or
j,h ,l.m x-railc elate central committee,
, ,ortan(Ji January I. a committee wm
! appointed to prepare an aldr to be
j prewntrd to the (miplv of Oregon. The
I commit tee ronalal of F. A. E. Starr,
j I'ortland. chairman of the lat Kimmlt-
!; V. 8. M Fadilcn, Corvallia; A. 8.
Henin-lt, The Dallea; J. J. Duly. Dallaa;
Itolx-rt A. Miller, Oregon City, and H. L.
j Heath. M Mlnnvllle. Toijay tne dddrea
I waa completed. It la an an apeal of the I
'democrat who Und for free htlver and
Iiryaniam for a union of forces In the
coming campaign. The addreas aya:
"We recognise that the great body of
voter In the popullat party aa well aa
the allver r-iillicana, have b- liefa c mi
nion with ua uMin many principle, and
jrepeclally that they are united with ua In
a firm and unalterable opposition to that
! "I1" ' Increuaing the value of money
' an'' lnJ decreasing of the value of all
property by the constant and gradual
1 contraction of the circulating miillum.
And recognlilng that however we may
differ from the silver republican and
populist aa to details, yet that we are
all honeatly striving toward the same
"We welcome the hope that these three
organlaatlona may make a common cause
against a common enemy, and we earn-
iKtly trust that some plan may be dis
covered upon which all three of them
may unite In some manner, which Is alike
fair and honorable to each and all ol
them, ao that without any sacrifice ot
j principle, the common people may pre
!scnt a united and unbroken front."
Some Requirements That Will lie Found
The universal article of diet in that
country, depended upon and indispensa
ble. Is bread or biscuit. And to make the
bread or biscuit, either in the camp or
upon the trail, yeast cannot be used It
must be baking powder; and the powder
manufactured by the processes of the
Royal Caking Powder Company, miners
and prospector have learned, Is the only
one which will stand In that peculiar cli
mate of cold and dampness and raise the
bread and biscuit satisfactorily.
These facts are very Important for
every one proposing to go to Alaska and
j the Yukon country to know, for should he
be persuaded by some outfitter to take
one of the cheap brands of baking pow
der, It will cost Just as much to transport
It, and then when he opens it for use,
after all his labor In packing It over the
long and difficult route, he will find a
solid coked mass or a lot of spoiled pow
der, with n strength and useless. Such
a mistake might lead to the most serious
results. Alaska is no place In which to
experiment la food, or try to economlxe
with your stomach. For use In such a
climate, and under the trying and fa
tiguing conditions of life and labor in
that country, everything must be the
best and most useful, and above all It Is
Imperative that oil food supplies shall
have perfect keeping quulltlos. It Is ab
surd to convey over such difficult and ex
pensive routes an article that will deterio
rate In transit, or thnt will be found when
required for use to have lost a great part
of Ita value.
There la no better guide to follow In
these matters than the advice ot those
who have gone through similar experi
ence. Mr. McQuesten, who Is called "the
father of Alaska," after an experience ot
years upon the trail. In the camp, and In
tho use of every kind of supply, says:
"We find in Alaska that tho Importance
of a proper kind of baking powder cannot
be overestimated. A miner with a can ot
bad baking powder is p linos t helpless In
Alaska. We have tried till sorts, and
have been obliged to settle down to use
nothing but the Royal. It Is stronger
and carries further, but above all things,
It is the only powder that will endure the
severe climatic changes of the arctic re
gion." It Is for the same reasons that the
United States government In Its relief
expeditions, and Peary, tho famous arctic
travslcr, have carried the Royal Baking
Powder exclusively.
Tho Royal Raking Powder will not cake
nor lose Its strength either on board ship
lor In lamp climates, and Is the most
highly concentrated and efficient of leav-
enlng agents. Hence It Is indispensable
to every Alaskan outfit. It can be had at
any of tho trading companies In
Alaska, but should the liner procure his
supplies before leaving, he should resist
very attempt of the outfitter to palm oft
upon him any of the other brands ot
baking powder, for they will spoil and
prove the cause of great disappointment
and trouble.
Hantkori aid Scihirg Jolt Rands
With MeGoiera it Co.
Other rackera ltv Be Admitted t. Ike New
C.npaay- lll).00 Cava Already
Sold it tke Cut.
rorlland. Or., Feb. U.-Formal papers
were signed here today and an oragnlia
tlon perfected of what I to be known aa
the Columbia River Canneries Company.
The Incorporator are J. O. Hanthorn.
i B. A. Seaborg and T. B. McJovern. The
j capital stock Is fixed for the preent at
SVrt.WO, but It la understood that thla
I may be Increased as the business of the
company shall require.
It la stated by the Incorporator that
the company start off with all financial
arrangements made to enable them to
put up as large a pack this season a
jmay be deemed advisable. They further
j state that selling arrangement have al
ready been consummated with Delafield,
jllcGovtrn A Co., of New York, which
insures a market for at least 100.W9 raaea
of this spring' catch of aalmon. Pro
vision Is made In the by-laws of the com
pany for future admission of other pack
ing concema on the Columbia river, at
such time, and on terms aa may be
agreed to by the original Incorporators.
The canneries which will be controlled
and operated by the new company thia
season are among the largest and best
equipped on the river.
Portland, Or.. Feb. 11. The following Is
a list of bids received by Captain Flak,
t nitcd States engineer for the construc
tion of a dam and locks In Yamhill river:
Pugh A Cray. Salem X)
Smyth. David & Paquet, Portland.. SS.JTo
W. L. Prather. Oakland. Cal KI.Wl
! Normlle. Fastabend A McGregor,
I Astoria 39.918
jOnkar Huber. Siokane ,17
Wakefield A Jacubson. Portland.... OjS
j Portland Children Listen to Patriotic Ad
dresses on Cuba.
Portland. Or.. Feb. 11. The pupil of
the public schools today listened to ad
dresses from the Cuban relief committee,
and sang songs of liberty and patriotism
and In many ways expressed their sym
pathy for the suffers on the southern
island. The exercises were all brief and
an added Interest was given to them for
the children by the privilege which was
aocorded them ot taking part. An Inter
esting feature of the exercises was the
awarding of prizes for essays on "Cuba,"
a large number of which were written.
To Add to Its Lawlessness, Skagway Is
Threatened With an Epidemic.
Seattle. Feb. 11. The steamer Utopia
which arrived from Skagway and Dyea
this morning reports that a vigilance
committee Is being formed at Skagway
and It Is the Intention of the committee
to drive out of town the horde of toughs
and bunco men.
A number of deaths have tnken place
in the past few days, the cause being
cerebral spinal menengultis. and the
physicians state the disease threatens to
become prevalent.
"Hold-ups" and petty larceny are being
dally reported and It Is more than prob
able that lynchlngs will occur unless the
authorities act promptly.
A. & C. R. R. R. Gains Right of Way
Through Columbia County.
Tortland. Or., Feb. 11. (Special to the
Astorlan.) The rase of the Astoria and
Columbia River Railroad Company vs.
John F. Rrewster, an action for the con
demnation of lands for right of way In
Columbia county, was this morning dis
missed In the United States court on stip
ulation, the parties having effected a
Tha terms of the compromise are the
payment of fcWO to the defendant by the
railroad company, and the understand
ing thnt neither party Is to receive costs
from the other.
The Thelan Building Gutted Losses Cov
ered by Insurance.
San Francisco, Feb. 11. A destructive
fire occurred In the Thelan building, tho
lnrge five-story structure at the Junction
of O'Furrell nnd Market streets this
afternoon, which resulted In the loss of
Marceau's photograph gallery, and se
rious damage to several other occupants.
The damage to the building Is estimated
at 125.000. Mnrceau. the photographer,
suffered a loss of 115,000. The building
was fully Insured, and all Individual
losses are covered by Insurance.
Sprlarj Activity la Trade Has Al
ready Commeaeed.
God lades of Olkr lisiie 6aat
Cteiriir Urjer Tkaa Cer Before
Adtraic ii Voolei Caod.i.
New York. Feb. 1L-R. 0. Dun Co.'.
weekly review will say tomorrow:
Business 1 pushing toward spring ac
tivity rather early. Th. events which
have controlled th buying of Iron by th.
largest makers, rise In cotton, with th.
strength In goods, hav. combined to
make lively markets. Ther. are numer
ous large building contracts In th. east.
with 50.0W tons of iron estimated for New
York buildings alone this year, whU.
plate and sheet contracts for tb. season
are unprecedented.
January waa one of the biggest months
In the Connellsvllle coke dltr1ct. th. out
put being J.0O0 tons. Tin rose to 14 cents
in spit of the beavy ahipments.
For th. better grade of woolen goods
an advance averaging 15;, per cent In ad
vance from last year is maintained. Th.
opening of works, Idl. for years. In spit,
of the heavy railway consolidations and
the Cuban Insurrection with Its possibil
ities, operates as a brake on speculation.
and the foolishness of local traders gav.
foreigners an opportunity to buy stocks
on balance, about 4S.00O share.
January railroad earnings of tT8.0l7.417.
already reported, are Id per cent better
than last year and 15 better than In V8M,
showing the best month In six years, at
least February returns thus far ar.
The output of pig Iron In February was
29.SSJ tons weekly, the largest In the his
tory of the business, but th. buying of
130.f tons of bessemer Iron by th. Car
negie Company and 100,000 by another of
the largest stee l concerns, nevertheless,
means a d-clslon by the ablest manufac
turers that tho unprecedented output ot
pig will soon prove too small for th.
growing demand for th. finished pro
duct. The Illinois Steel Company has
contracted for a million tons of bessemer
ore and the producers of other range,
count upon an advance In prices. Bes
semer pig Iron rose to 110.15 and grey
forge to t9 at Pittsburg, with finished
generally stronger. Rail contracts al
ready cover. It Is said, more than last
year's production, the railways buying
earlier than usual Bar contracts for
cars, wagons, etc., from farmers are
heavy at the west, the structural con
tracts production already assured. Is the
striking feature In this, as In Iron and
other industries, and Implies heavier de
mands for the products than are now
met by the unprecedented output.
The business as shown by bank clear
ings Is again larger than ever before, 54.7
per cent larger than last year for th.
week, and for the month to date 44.3 per
cent larger than last year and 16.6 per
cent larger than In 1S52.
Failures for the week have been 295 In
the United States against 267 last year,
and 43 In Canada against 61 last year.
Victoria, B. C, Feb. 1L According to
pews from Alaska by the City of Topeka,
one of the small steamers plying be
tween Juneau and Skagway brought word
Just as the Toiieka sailed that five men
had been frozen to death on Chllkoot
pass and three others brought to Dyea,
although names or particulars were not
yet obtainable.
Montevideo, Feb. 11. A Junta has been
formed ot 83 leading politicians. Senor
Cuestas has been appointed provisional
goernor and Senor E. Maceacheu minis
ter of agriculture, Industry, public In
struction and public works In the cabi
net formed by Senor Cuestas, August 11
last, has been appointed vice-governor.
The population is quiet.
Royal makes th food par.
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pur
bovm. bajum aowoca CO., NtW vow.