T11K DAILY ASTORIAN, FRIDAY MOItXIXd. FKBRUAItY II, lililtt. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. eiephon No. TBiiMtf or sirnsciumoN. a, DA1LT. vein v - Sent by mil Sc raontfi ka arr(Ai. fWT XXjiHlUl.e OH TWi WEEKLY. Bent by mail. Pr a advance.. ..U ... .WM.11 roslatfe irce 10 All cammunloaiioM Intended for publi cation should bs directed to the edlior. n,..mM communications of ail kind and remittance muit be addressed to The Astorjaa." Th. Astonan tuarjJitf to lt sub- rrihere the lanrcet circulation of any teiwpaper published on the Columbia river. ...Jl AdverlinT raua eta be bad on anlr tat ion to the busine managw. Te Weekly Adtartan, the second old Mt weekly In the atate of Ornn, has, text to the Portland Oreronln. th large weekly circulation In the atate. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland aseota, and copies of tbe Astoitau can be hod every momsn at ineir stano. 1 I'hinI tret. The story that England hn backed down wa one of the effort to edit Euro pean new, after the manner of the Key West bulletins of Cuban Intelligence. England seems to be concentratlnj? het American, Auctrallan and Indian SQU.id rons In Chinese water. It may be the purpose la that of backing down, but that Is not obvious. Toung Ueiter and his friends, who hare bought wheat by the million bushela. and put up the price, got credit for a few days from the farmers, and put the whcit In motion. Increasing the balance of trade In our favor. There has been a chang In the tone of the Journals that are de termined the people shall be free. The price of bread Is going up nith the price of wheat, and there is compliint from the shop. If wheat goes down the farmers are grieved. If It goes up. and bread with It. the poor men of the cities are Justly disquieted. The liberal proposition of Mr. Johnson to donate one hundred trees and plants to the public park certainly will not be allowed to drop. It must be remembered that this Is a proposal to put in plants nearly ten years old, and which could not be duplicated for live times the money that would be paid for young lre anl shrubs. The park question is one of the most important mutters before the city today. It Is not so much the immediate results to be obtained; It is not that any one expects to obtain a finished play ground for use this summer parks are never finished It Is not th.it there Is an ld-a on the part of the most ardent sup porters of the schi-me that mueh money can, or will, be spent this season or in any single year on Its improvement. Hut there Is a well-founded belief that a re sectable showing can W made before the time arrives when such a publie Im provement will be an absolute necessity. Then land will be high and town lots fur such a purpose will cost money. Now there are several property owners ready to donate a site. If there is any assurance made that a beginning will be made for Its Improvement on a permanent and broad scale. ThN U the year of all others, and now Is the time of year to make the beginning. In a few days, comparatively, the railroad will be finished; people will be coming here to look at our resources and decide what attractions there are hen for a home. One of the Influences that will make a favorable Impression Is a city park, and even though only the site has been selected and a few city boarders put to work clearing off brush, it will have Its weight. Let the site be secured while everything Is favorable. Mr. Johnson s offer accepted, and the rest will be smoooth sailing. ALLCREMENTS OF THE KLOXDIKU. It wan recently announced that (ill desirable gold-bearing cliiima In the Klon dike had been located, and that t'ie only opportunity for the newcomer to make money would be by purchase or by Hup plying capital for the operation of claims well situated but now unproductive. Following this comes th... start lln In formation that at least 2V.'si peopH- are actively preparing to start f',r the Alas kan gold region in early spring. The statement that nil the productive placers have been taken, even if It bo true, will not be credited by those who have had experience in prospecting for precious minerals. It has been (he his tory of mining camps that such notices have been sent out by original localcrs who want to get more claims, aud, of course, the statement has always been supported by those who have prospected without satisfactory results. It has been the rule that the discoveries subsequent to such warnings have been greater than the orlglnHl ones. It Is an lm of min ing 'hat "gold Is where you find It," and then' ha been no truer llhmtrntlon of this than In the great silver camp of Lcadvllle, where In early days no gold was siipponiit to exist, and where the gold belt now has a larger area than the one In which silver Is mined. The only productive Klondike mines, however, lire placers located along the water course, much more accessible than lode mini could be, and II Is quite likely that the best claims have been taken. Certain It Is that the Intending prsMvtor will have to look for gold a long distance from the present b.ie of supplies, and his chances f r siiivcs w ill be greatly risluciil from what they would have been a year ago. It Is equally certain that transportation facilities can not be su(II lently Increased to carry sup piles to any such numtx-r of people as it reported to le preparing f..r an ln.slo of the Klondike next spring The com paratively small number who have braved the present winter In Alaski have undcrgeJao Intense suffering, unit an; large addition to their numbers next spring will make the possibilities of next winter fearful to contemplate ItlClHWA Y M KN OX WHEUIt. A wheelman of West Forty-.x:h treet New York. no! Iivw jince attacked. rvibbed ar.d left senseless by tiro hh. waymen mounted on bicvele in Centra. park- Repeated account of rtberl by men mounted upvn the airift revolving wheel ha- appeared In the paper It var lou parta of the country. In ca ln stanc, so far s lesmed. they hi evad. ed the police. Thoms depredator of tha health, diseases of the kidney and blad. der, will likewise In all likelihood escape arrest, and pursue their atroclouw career unchecked, unless they are arrested In the outset by the potent Intervention of Hoctetter) Stomach Hitters, the fiaesi diuretic, a well as tonic, known to mod em times. The genial preventive named I the beet known medicinal safeguard not only agai et renal, but also rheumatic and malarial disorder. It Is at the iu, ( that disease I the more easily and com pletely overcome. The uee of the Bitter M followed by the happiest results In cases of dyspepsia, const .pa '.loo. Ilvet complanit and nervousness. It 1 amusing to consider how seldom the persons for whom special paragraphs are written read them. ROBBED THU CRAVE. A startling Incldetit of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, wms tile subject. Is narrated by him a folljwx; " I w In a most dreiaiiful corklltion. My skin was almost yellow, eye sunken, torgje coat ed, pain continually t back and fide, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physician ha.1 rive-x me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying t-lectrlc Bitters," and to my mat jov and surpr.se. the first battle made decided Improvement. I conMnued thtlr us.- f ir three weeks, and am now a well man. i know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one siuil.t fail to try them. Only SO cents Per bottle at Est.Conn Drug Company. Hot chocolate and hot lemonade are the favored beverage these days, while th sign. "Ice cold si.la w it-r." is turned to the wall. THE DISCOVERY OF THE MAY. Aug. J Hogel. the badirg druKS.t of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. Kl g Ne Dascovery is the only thing that care my cough, and It is the b.s; si-r that I have." J. F. Campbell, meriant of Safford, Arii., writrs: "lr. King's New Discovery ia all that is claimed for It; It never fa.W, ar.d is a sire cure for con sam; tion, cough and col l. I cannot say ei.ough for its merirs." Dr King's New D sec v. ry for crt fumption. uc'is and colds is not an experiment. I; fca been tried for a quarter of a cent jry, ird today siaiids at the head.. It never die appoints Trial buttles at Etes-Cor.n I 'rug Co. The girl whusc n'- d".-s not in'i't on getting as red as h'T ih". k h-n she is out sl- ighing is th- mi- apt to l- invited ;i),'aln by the man 'ho ap,r-. cii.... t- .iuty. TO CURE A COLD IN" ONE DAY. Take Laxative IJ.-vmj Qulr.jne Tablets. All druggists refurwl the m-r.ey If t falu? to v-ure; 25c. For sale by Charle Rogers. Silver and whit- Is a combinati.jn much iiffected by this sea.sun'. deitutar.t-.. If the scalp does not give out oil to keep the hair from becoming dry and harsh, use Hall's Hair Renewer to rnder the hair healthy, soft, and pliable. We rarely get what w. we w ant It. natit jt when t muucin 1 1 cdiiiicm ui w ft tt ft I ft ft m The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American physicians, says: "Cod-liver oil has done more for the con- X $ sumptive than all other reme- dies pot together." It also says: M The hypophosphites of lime and soda are regarded by many English observers as specifics for consumption." S ft I Scott's Emulsion ft ft contains the best cod-liver oil in a partially digested form, $ combined with the Hypophos- phttes of Lime and Soda. This remedy, a standard for a jj quarter of a century, is in ft exact accord with the latest a 1 views of the medical profession. Be sure you get SCOTT'S I Emulsion. h All druritwts ; (oc and ti.oo. t, ft SCOTT & BdWNR. ri.m,.,. v-.i. i Consumption 4 WWtWWHW, Get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "Get It honest it you ran, but get it." cures all cougAs and colds. WrTf Wl W f J i JTIJeutle for February. 1898. j IIIUH WAIKN LOW WAtfcH PATH A H. r. M. i h.mirt. h.min.: At A ... ( . k a A M. I'. M. ii.iu n. ii.m ti Tue WeJ Thur rM .. Krt . Sat ., Sat ,, SIX Moo. Tue . wd . Ttur , Krt ... ..1 I U t 1 1 it 1 if 6, 4 V1 0 I m 4 i is, o i .. ..!. .1.. ..!. .. J, 3 ii 1)1) i s-1 1 u f t J10M7J .. ,.. . 0 113.. . 4 II li'.T 6 .. .. . .1 6 0411 .. .. . . SlUttl.. ..!. J 1 w 7 ii a s o .1. llMiillj 01 4'. 2 i 7 4J 0 : too u ii I 4i 1 & t U 0 7 . 1 I 13 1 J 10 l? OK IS.' 17 IB! llii t 3 01 S IX 1 61 7 S ST I' Ml 7 J iv s j i ; I Swisr a 11 8 !t 4 S 7 & 10 J 11 i0S 10 .11 13 Bit.st 11' 5 7 I.. ... .13 II 0 SIW 11 H.X Mon Tu . Wed T ;ur 13 .. !.. .-I. . a y.. tKH imi'i,, ..i. ,i i 30 ...14 0 ...I.V 7 11 S3 16I 03IS 14 10 4 ....! ISSltOSUt. 1 1 4 I'- Is OH! ...17 V t 4 a ii.i S. 1 .'.4 S 4 is 0 4 ...IS Uf 9 ( ,. . I BOO 3 vi a?1 ...Is 0 10 7 4 .. ..(. , 1 130, S VH ,...! II 47 7.. ..I. ... ..i. .!.. ..!. ..I .... WTO UJT!I! T 14 0 4, .."I nii 1S1M!TI71T TM Oil ...a S-CM' JrtS7l S ! 1 3 0 7 ...n JJSIU: 14ST&I .J11I Jf4: 1)1 F-l S it . Sa". . Sl'N M rt Tue w,d Thur Kr . Sit . srv sr.v Mon Mon ..14 J.ijsl 13' ft I 3 t ol i; ... JSSiV 4 Kit MJ713 05.1 171 4 10 7 S B i S s 11 14 l ( in .-3 I 47. 7 S' Hi 5 0 ' .. ..I. .1., ..I. SJ771' 7 40 4 7 ..I. , ASTORIA'S ORVIX FLEET IW- When Veiwel and Klag Ctl Value l'u. halbuni. Hr sli. C,7'-l ,M.'"' i-..r ( I lenelvan, llr s!i t'ralieroe. Hr h ( row o orsoilland, l(r nil .... lioillva. Hrjli i :e.'' .' "C' T i is.ii'ai i,l' i.i,' lai sr.ssi ;t i li: tbswid. Hr sli t'liniirlitoii, Itr h rein H', ' t' HI' I2 !'.: ."..no il:.'' i.V0 N'.'' Hi. r. 1.1' IIV il.'."" ,il,s-'.' :." i"j.i 'M t s7,'"J vi,im Cumbrian. Itrbk ...... ru4iniyne. Hrh Mon .turns. Itrsli ... MttrerllMl Sllchet. llr ll Iv'ale. Hrsti Andrei. Hr h , Amu-aii II r bk ... h..,ii j Hreillilldn. Hrh Th a Mae l.ellan. llr sll 1I.H'.' i'; i T-i.TTh Tj.au .'i.o.n TorrlMlaie Hr h . .Hlratbgryfe, Hr sh Kenee Itle.men, tier an Transit. Srstr... HUwwtba, Sw sh .. Howman It Ijw, Itr bk Klottbek. iSer sh Oraswndaie, Hr ah .. )L'.wsi i V.,SM T.'.'s'-T ' lt. ! I jii.olo I ll, ' 4".o.'i i.'i,nl.i 7l,"s ' ' : I .i i S illkoiiiiuen. ter an Halewrnl, Hrsh Ladv Wentworth, Brh !,-',,! 'l.nJ Sutuerlandihlre, llr ah Vk'H' Kilenballvinore. Br h. I'lilloiiirri', Hr sh .. tlunriauelra. Hr bk 7tt.ti :; ii. i". 1-1 .'"ai ll III' 1 ..-Ml ii:,iii' yu.-en .Marvari l, br -li.... Aduif. iT sli ......... .. Itunsvre, Hr ah ru n Aim. Hr bk Noruui. Hrbk ..... Ihteea. Hr bk - 14.: it u.,7M '.'ii Sl.i'T ': 'OK t.; a.- I i", II ." j li-.'ia 1 If'.. I.'."l I klniiriehliv, Hr lik H'Tliln. Nor tr Hiiitibire. Hr sir .. . .. la-tiiiia, Hr sh Wililmii Tllll. nr bk llnddoii li ill "r h t' I'ltiigur er ah Aiiaiiiba, Itr bk - I'eru. ier bk ( nrradale. Hrbk Klginsliire. Hr all. I ruiimrn slnre. lir b I'rlncipulm. Hr bk Kails l Clyde, Hr all lHiiiueeliu. rr bk l ae.m (i', Hr hip . Ikirk.lilre, br bk .... CKy ol H'-rili, Hr tr I!ruc s, Hr bk iM lilertyre. Hrbk V nadale, Hr all iiphelis. Nr bk Iturdowie. Hr -ti Iruiiieraig, Hr bk . H. IImuiii, Br sir . Kttrk kdale. Hr atr I iiinlfanl, llr sir . . I'mvilire. Hr all i!iibK.brtr , I ilclllee. lir ll VerlMMia, br sh '.'.I'4' ! ..7,"i ; . i : l i IT.'-'I 'e.Cs'i is,i.-i ; .'.!.' ; .il.ilO j s'.llo 1 1.,;. 11 ll-.''. ! Il:.t-. , l.i,-' 1 :f 1 ' 1 -t.'rjl ; ii . lot. in. Barrels of flour. 1TARI.VB NOTES. The tug Relief, Captain Randall, ar-live-i In from the S'und yeterd.iy tn'.rn Ing. The British ship Unllihgowshlre was taken down to the lower harbor yester day. The Brltlah iihlp Sprlngluirn. wheat la den, was moved down to Flav.d yester day evening and Is ready for sea. The schooner Amethyst, Captain Jolian. nlsson, cleared at the custom house yes terday with 110,'sjO feet of lumber from the Clutpop mill for Han Kranrlseo. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The foilowrng vessels are bound to tbe Columbia Illver, with luirne of m;uiter, nationality, rig, tonnage, wuerc from! and date of reimrted .tillb;g: Dovenby Hall, WhlckhHrn, l!r h, iksj j ton, Liverpool Ben Volrllch, Ahler, J--r sh, ll'rt ton,' Santa RoaalU. ! Otago, Ksk, Bwl bk. 'j',0 tons, Ham. I 1 bur?. 1 Cwnrway Cnntie, Jones, lir sh, Hal ton, Valparaiso. VaJiduara, H.aivan, lir bk, Him ton, Algoa Bay. Glenpark, Irish, Hi sh, 1799 tor, Hlo Janeiro, August 29. Olenbank. I-onur.l, lir bk, 136& tons, j Calcutta. j Genevieve, Touge, Fr bk, SS7 tons, Hal. pbong, October Zl. Henry Vlllard, Fatten, Am rh, 147 tens, New York, October 14. Oberon, Oully, lir bk, MM ton. Newcastle, Australia, Octotier 8. CSielmsford, Thomson, Br bk, Z197 tons, Cape Town, October 9. City of York, Jones, Br sh, 11B7 tons, Syd.iey. Lakemba, Bridhering, Br bk, 1M tons, Freemantle. Can Robertson, PHI, Br in, 1140 ton, Santa Rosalia. British Oeneral, Thomas, Br sh, 16U tons, Newcastle, Australia. Ml das, Messenger, Br bk, 13G2 tons, Nagasaki. ' . . l.'tw 1 1.1 . .T.'. Ji; '. .1"; i7i I. .'11 57 43: HPPlNrMRRHf I.' - .erorx I , x Hr n, 14:11 tiuia, New. pnstle, A us I rail, Jordon Hill. Walker, llr bk, I1T Ion. Melbiuro, Ktntiiik, IVrrelle, llr air, XS ion, Yokolisiu. Atnara, Knit. lr 'r, l!i ton. IbMlg. koi.g. Alexander Hlack. Punn. Ur bk 1W1 l.me. Antwenx Watjen. frit. ter h, hi7 ton lllogM, I.oixl Hliaflsb'try, linnlnghm, Ir sh, m Hlnoy. Hrlslol, Mi'liilyre, Kr tr, i:7 ton, San V'riinclsiM Annie Thoina. Thomas. Hr h, 17)9 ton, IVrt Plrle Alntora, Thomson, llr bk, 17i lone, Newraatle, Aua'rulls, Voter Hb'kmorr. Westermeyer. Clrr h. tons, Hongkong. Auckland, James. Hr sh. l'JA ton. Ad, laid. Olenlul. Taylor, Hr h, ISM Ion. HoyiU Kosd. Ornnt . Hn, Ur ti 1T.M tons. S.uluey. Wlmlrush, Wlk,v. Hr bk. IMS toee. Ade laide. Ortnid, Ibiti, tir h. UNt tons, Santa lt.'.l,a '1'". K'u'itucen, tier sh. Smtx Uosalla. 1! hi.ii 'ff, Moniran ir ih, NV'.n!, Aus!n!.4. Foethbsnk. t'etenton. Vr bk W tons, 177' tons, ITtJ tons. iVrrh'MI. t7-ne.l,. lvte, Hr bk. 1J tona, Monolulil. I'unta'i. . rtr lr. SO tone. KMe Andaman, Winter, Pr bark. MS ton, AtgiM Pay. -. I.oivnsd ale, Jore, Hr bark, 14tfl tons, ltrib,iiie, , Cambrian Trlnce. , Or ship. IS7S 1 1 tons, Melbourne, City of A'hena. Lundln, fr snip, IIM tor-s, Antwerp, . Marlon tngl.a, Hilgh.-. Ttr. eh. KM b'lia. Svdney. A!..-ni. Cabellero, Chtl sh, tf.'l tons. TalitUumn I'rraila. Stuart. Hr rh. IX ton. Sn francltoo. Hnrmbik. Tadsen. Oer bk. r:t ton, 1 1 logo. Kellanc. Robinson. Itr Ik. !M tona, l'ort I'lrle. Xovrnirn'r 17 "V-Mniene, H.ind. Hr sh. I7i tons. ?.n Kra.'K'Is.-o. t.tMiiKii n.r:F.T on the Way and In CJlumbli It! v r to lAWd Lumber. V.e: protection. , tm, 51 t.na, M.m laindirg. Eeho, , bgtn, CO ton, TlenMn, Knappton. Tenklo Mam Kaneko, Jap bk, HIS tons. Yokohama. Ch.xhnlls. . bktn. 12 tons. Nga ikl. Iil. , ehr. SCO ton, Callao. Northwest, , bktn. tun. San Marlon. , bktn, JU ton. Sydney. V.Jette. . bk, ! tona. San I'tslro W. F. Jewett, . chr. 4.'J ton. Kan Francisco bay. Sinuoia, . iK-hr, li totut, San Frn- cksco bay. F. 8. Thompson, bk. San Franca., o bay. rimegn, . bktn. M ton. Mollendo. Cleaner. , bktn. JjH ton. Newpurt. The wamman often eat Ma lunch on the eame bench where he d.e hi work The oflU-e men tern hi disk Into a din ing table. .Wither get the out of door eierckre he needs, neither tkr the proper time for eitli.g. It Is imall wonder that t ie dlgmtlon of both gi'l out of order In sueh as,! lr. Pierce' l'leusant I Irli come to their aMlstant t by ul ling 11 a -lure In taking care of the food. The cause of nine-tenth of the i'k revs of the swirld Us cMitip.itian. From t.'i.s "ti,, cause nune lr.dU-atlon; disnrd. .rs of t.he st.imii li, liver an ) kidneys: bil- I In miii is, heitdaiDina, (lituli nce, heartburn, , I impurity of the blthl and thf a. rlin , I .implications ttiat fulliw. To b-gln ' sith, -01 silpaM .n a lrt'.e thlrg, and a llll'tle thing :ll cur it. Tne 'l'1-a.sani I !' lie!" nr t:t;, i.ignr-eoatri grainna 1 ', y will r-rr ?-:ly ci.re the irt cue f ins!! r.l in ti'i'l IndU'.'s'bir. If the IniL-ls; trl.s to sell you w other pill 'I. -it p .-. h m gr.ater profit, J 1st tfili.lt ..-'t nld I. t pay you. Why Is It that we alsnvs f.i that If are to drop dead anywhere we would I",:t mi nnve u iiapp.-n in nurrn rainiT than tn theatre? A worn in never r --.i ) I v knows Hie ra. an Ing of hapidii.is and 1 .intent until she Is the mother of a benlihy. happy ihll.l. Th health of the 1 hlld i.- n.ls on the h-nltb of the mother, l-.lli I.. fore and af t.r birth. .Most nil of worn. 111 wiakn.-.. and parti, ui.irly the weakness that most strongly ln!lueiie.-s il.e health of children. i iitTli'S from iiiiOl.' del .ilUeioellt or disease of Ihe d!iin 'tly f-mlnlne orgims. Ir. I'll re 's Favorite lYeserli.tlun will cure trouble of this nature. It ihollld be taken regularly by every woman during the entire period of gestation. It gives strength to all the organs Involved, less ens ill- pains of 1 bildliiiib and Insures the health of both mother and . hlld. Send 'JI one . 1 lit S'II!tliS to lover Cost of mailing only, ami r-ndve free a ropy of Ir. Three's M. ..Ileal Adils.-r. Address World's iJlapensary .M'-illenl A-.orlallon, Hnffalo. N. Y. The romle valentine has hnppi'v gone out of vogue, hui, alas, there Is no law to prevent the youthful poet from seiidlni: verses of his own l oiiiiiolilon to his lady love. It In not what w Mivn that tn.ik'-s us earn, rich. bil' what wr Yalorl, lb own, inuoj 8n4e over 6,000,000 Boxes FOB BILIOUS ASD KERV0U3 DIE0EDEE8 such m Wind (iti'l fain In tho Btoma'h, lilddlness, Fulness alter meuls, llend uche, lllzziii.BH, JJrow'Hlnoss. FlUHhlngi of Hunt, Ijsh ot Appetlto, CoBtlvotiess. Blotches on the Kkin, Cold Chills, 111, turbod Hluep, Frightful lJroainsn.I nil Nervous and 'i'romhllng Hnnsatlons, THE FIE8T B08B WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWEHTT HIBDTE3. Evory Bufforor Mill ucknowlodga thuui to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HKKCUAM'aJ PH.IJ, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Female, to com plete liealth. Tlmy promptly remove cjljstmetloiisorlrniguliiritle of ttio syH teia and cure Mrk HeaUaclie. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MIN, WOMIN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And hr th L ARC EST 8ALE of nny Patent Medicine In tbe World. 290. at all Drus Stores, If the Height of the Average Man Were Increased 40 Per Cent. He Could Light ffis Cigar at a Lamp-post This will crease in size you give of PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPACNC FLAVOR) Size of plug increased nearly one-half. increase in price Ask for the new 5-cent piece. I. 1 J. A. FAS TAHIINI) Cieiieral Contrnctor MOfHK. IIKIIX-.IC AMI WIIAIfr MUII.I IKK IIOUS1C Now that Is nolle, aid, Ik,,,kis only "nets" are that the w about thr. l.eltiit reilvi-d It orn iti who., load e balls eeta (I,,. I.e. t f OMSplrUoU ' iron It 4 p irrli. n. -Mi in wl,. U 1. A PI.KASA.Nl KXPEHIF.NCK. A f.-w day ago i charnli.g young 1 oly who traveling alone lctw.o:i Ht. Paul and Cbbngo, was a coat-.l bi a h.inds'Hne geiitieinan. w!i t ti v I ; -! hi r to dinner with Imn "(eriaiiiiy, Mr '.ir.on.'" "he replk I "for the Wiaen' n ! Cl tral llnra hvi tl.e Ih-si .llninir rnr .ervh-e In the wor' l: I aha'! be dellc'it. i ed." For fureher airtl "liar ' 1!, on th nearest tb-ket ag-nt, or s ldr.. J C Pond, general pasae.urer agent. Mils Mi ; kee. W's.. nr fjenrg" S l!i"v, g't. fa gent. !W Ptark stti-"' P irt'tind, n. I If Individuals at laic- w.oil.l I, , live In aiti iidlng the a. Ivan. etn. 1,1 ..f l'i ow 11 affairs as they ar to ih- .!. uln I of those of others there Moll'.. I lie f. l :!.! 'db -iiKe.l tin n :md tie n i 1 ow lir, Hint life bus not I II II su. FRBK riM. Send your ii.ldr.ss to 11 Iv ll i' kler, x, ; Co.. Chlrann, nrt Ki free minid- Im of Dr. Kin' N-w Life I'llls. A trml wl.i tonvlnce you of their nurlts. Tilers pll.s i are easy In aetlon and are itrt'.'iilarly ; I'fTwtlve In the cur., of contlpnt!,in and slek henibi)e. For malaria n ri,l liver trotibl" thi havs lieen proved Invaluable j Tin y are K'"ranteed to be perfectly ;., fioin nve.ry deleterloue sub'tnnce and 101 bn purely vegetable. They do not weinten by th.lr action, but by Rlvltut ton., to; stomach and bowel ir-early lnvlor.it 1 the system. Regular size 25 cent per box Hold by Kstcs-Conn Drun Co, A woniiin iIIUih her but to lo r s.;il. by 111. iins of sundry pins, yet ;i slip on the pavement will knoi k II awry, while man's lieinlK.'ir nth ks on as If by tniiKb . iIiookIi be fills lliil to tin- uround nr walks In the very l.eth of 11 t. arlnK K'll" In a rooent letlnr from Wnshlnirton, U ('., to an old friend. Major O. A. Stud r, for twonty years United Htutes consul nt HIiiKiipor", sny: , 'While at Ie Moines I became an'nuiilntisl -with a liniment known n:i ('luiniberlalu's Pain U.tlni, which I found excellent aknlnst rheumatlmn a well as nif'ilnMl soreness of the throat and cl.nt ttflvlnif me much ismler brauthlnKi. I had a touch of pneumonia early 111 v.-ek, and two applications freely applied 10 the throat nnd chest relieved m of It lit onco. I would not bn without It for anything." For sale by Charles Rogers, DruKklst. Tbnt exnHpenilltiK wnninn who knows It nil Is perhaps resiionsllilr. for tunny h murder llml hus been Hummed up as "np. piretitly without caiiH." J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., wni fur thirty years needlessly tortured by phy. slrfan for the cure of eczema. He wa( quickly cured by using- DeWlM's Wllcn Ilazd Halve, the f.unous healing; salve for pile and skin diseases. Chas, Rogers. l i; m ( ff .. t in- somo idea of the No OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Moniiioulli! .Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS r.atf'lUr Narinal t u'trar i.f tloe rr anlor jr.'ar eliollr .n.t. m niial, 1 rsluiii4 ileri nirnt of uiiir tilea with 'M0 eblldrrn. bi.tte.rtlon N.id irsjn 11 III iiymtuattiea Hwistich ay . m .and '.s- M'-alc lor tu'dlc m to.ila Hi- .Nnre.ai I .;,on l 11. ,uird h 11a t (ifAl I I II'K I r K 1 IU. A t K In t.'.'l,. 1 iiil riiietit. 1 it It l.it . t.a. hoaid and Ixtglng (ai pmiimatrU .. 11 A im ir t.r. 'lu.b nt. )mur tin tlirmarlera. Ill" (11 per ytt .' ide.nti- r...-s ai-eei'tt il tfunl hlh ai hisila ' Vaotoir 1 heerfiilly aunt 011 apellrall .. Ad.lfvas I'. L CAVI'ltrtl.l., frealdeiit. or U'. A. W ANS'. Secretary K ult MtlVINO TOOI.H WKNTKII I , tn in love the ntiid of hi own vole, . i.e.tlug when hi wife want him to read to hef. CII AMIIKItUAIN'H (VICUII ItKMHDt ALWAYS pllOVm EFFtt TU U Ttvi-re are no tarttrr medicine on th market than Chamberlain' We bav uanl ttia Cmurh llem.sly when all other failed, niul in eifx liuataihe It proved rfrerttial. Altnv't dally we hear th vir tusa of Chamberlain's remedies egtolled by Ib.w.i who have naed Ih.-m This I iwt an empty purr, luild for at o mu.-h line, lot la voluntarily given In food fatlli, In tim hope ti nt nifferlng humanity may try the remedlna and, like the writer, b beiiefltfal Fnm the Olenvllle W, V Pathfinder. For aule bv Clmrli- ll.xr-r I'rugglat. lion- fiw wom.-n know how to hold tlo lr skirt wllh any degree of graee. UP J. B. WYATT, fha No. 6A Adorl. Or Hardware, Ship Chandlery, GrocerleH, ProvlHlfn FAINTS ftnd OILM. HpicUl Atttnllon Paid iupplylnf Ship MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Ttley lallll Tir rivnrrnmt Wiitknnx), in .'n 11. V nil ikI 'imlMlntift.iiii'iMiiap vtifnr iUh " Itra of lllt'ltatl lid. ftixl bun uli 1 loii Hii t an ' Lifts Mikfrra" In jrtrtH nt 0MinlMi iiI. iiitiiiitf tjii. trliiirn lit o( orv'ilta Ami IjimI). f. nM 11 ifiniily ts,r t'oiiK'li f'iin. iiifin. riin'il iiu hir'ti -ii'i' if ciKiMid ft iilrfiJHi", HI nvf l0 v UMiif "tn m lit tirii'jiM(t MoTrinKMlCALCG .il'"' fs: Ml'lle I)r. Williams' Indian Pile iiiitiiienlwill rum lllhii lleeilliiu and lli'liliui 1 lis. 11 nimoriis t lie tiniiurN I.I1UVH tllO ll LlIlK lit OIU I'. Ul li 'a. is u tsiiiltli'ii, KIM S Ins ant ri. lief. lir. Wllllums'Ill.lilllii'lleOllH in. mt Unri'tiarr.l for l'llenatnl Iteh nit ul ihn private parts. Kvery box is iviirranii''!. "v iirueifiNis, ny 1111111 on re iHl.l. of prlee. All r.'UH Hlld 1.110. WILLI'TS llMCIUKINIi tU.. rniu. i.i"vcu.,u. uni" uuoD-3 Xq JCsg PIk l I nnn-imlsenmia riiiH'ily for liinnirilin 11, Uli'i't. H n r mtlm r li Whiter, u 11 n sin r I chain's, ur any liilliiiiiiiiu. lion, 1rr1utit.11 ur iil.eiie tloll llf III II I' II II llll'lll 'HtEvrniOiUUi"lno. liroiMK. rirni-wtrliitfeiii 01a ny iiroicalals, or s'itt la iilnfii winp..T, u I'.fli it .0'.., 1.11 ,l'4Ju.-'i iJiriiuUr wni mi ruiu.iiit. The.) tiny t;opub are superior to Bils.tm of toraiba Cubebs or Injccb'ontanrli CURE IN 48 HOURS' the am diseases with, out Inconvenience. .Wliy nil ririicUh, i m is eo rua i fl'r.diiU eouUlloO- Mtet Usl 'iuniLin.o.lwrl 1 W ;-,,.;, 1 " ! ' m 1 iva GO EAST . ..VIA . . Library Car Route AMKUK'A H HCF.NIC LINK. ,1fl la Illnltiii Car In ItiHk fUlUat Su l)it Cart The all-rall route to kiHimtml inlalM dlelrlct, via Heallls and His.kau Shortest and Quickest bine SavTO St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Chicago AM) AM. POINT ICAHT Through Palace and Tourist Hleepi.i, Pining and IJbrarjr tibsaarta- tlon Cars Dnlly TrniiiM Flint Tltiio NKHVIi'K A Ni M K.NKIIY I'N KaiJt'KLKU for ticket ami full Information ei 00 viit t. It. N. Co. or atfclre A. II C. IKNNIHTN. C. V. A T. A , Portlana. tr. It. (. HTKVKNM, (1. W. I. A.. (Wttl. Through Tickets TO Tll AST AND aS()UTMI:AST TU SlCIO mXMAN I'ALACR BLEKrERt, TOLHIBT BLtri'Blts end TRKK HrX'UNINU CHAIIl CAM Daily Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City ana other Eastern ClUes li Mb- era laclfla or O. H A N. Os Only Line From Portland 0 Terin Psasecujers Ih ohofce o Tvurtst Cor Lines hnnkj to Ckloaca. Specially Conducted l;xcursions VI Shasta Routs to Cblcaso vry day. Ilasa-acs ohecked throurb U unaiiun. MOdninoent tctntrf. Wuta, fast time, lo ureal I1nth lltbt In a ears. For rales an 4 othar Information, on or address R. W. IIAXTER, Oen-I Aaenf. Ul Third IK., cor. Adr. Portlaa4 m r . un, ii.iih.iiu ej Not for millionaires only. Homo ixsipln in to think the Burling ton' Ht. I'nuU'hleairo Limited I for mil llotialres only. Than a mistake. Tb I.lnilbsl i the flnrMt train on earth but It d.MMin't c.t a cent more to rld In It than on any other Ht. Puul-Otilcafo train, I.mve Ht. Paul 05 p, m, Arrives CrU oiKo B:I0 a. m. Coiiiiuirtmeiit and Htand ard sleeper. Iluffot HimikUt car. Dining car. Chair car. Conch. , Elcctrlo HchL Wide vmtlbule. Htisim heat. Tickets at olHov of oonnixtlii(f line. A. CSUKLDON, (icncrnl Atrent. Porllutitl. Oroiron Astoria Public Library READINQ ROOM rRBB TO Open every day from I s'oleek to !: and 6:10 to 1:10 p. m. Subscription rates It per annum. 8. W. Cor, Rli.v,nth and Duane Btreetd. A. & C. R. R. R. TIME CARD fn Direct Oct, 2R, IH07. Leav Seaside for at 7:80 ft. m. and I Iioavs Astoria for at 10 ft. m. and 4 p. Astoria vis; Flarel p. m. dally. Seaside via riavet m dally. i' i n n i iiiimi mii All tho Above Triilr. Aro Dall y