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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1898)
TUB -DAILY A8T0RIAN. WKHNKSPAY MOKMXfl, FKKIWAUY 2, MM. TODAT'8 WEATHER. nm. AROUNDTOVN. WIHWKSDAY. If your lips would keey fpom '"PS Mv thlntiH observe alth care; O whom you speak, to whom you syeak. And how, and when and where, try Schilling's B ua and bakim poar. Cheapest milk In th Hr, at ths Pwtor. The Rika held their reirular eelon lt tut'tlt. Hot Scotch and hot Tom and J aery at tti OftVs. Olllces to rent, qulr room 17. in Flav; brl.k; In- jolni and Michael UvUiy. oC Olmy. w In the city ysslcrday. Bicycl and repair ah op at IS Ninth ureu. Chargva reason. L'mbrella covered and repaired by practical workman, at lib Ntnta airoeu Wtntfd Sond-hand Millirl ranfr, Muat ba In sooa onlt-r. Apply to mia otllce. The 1. 8. 8. Cjiumlane will Kav up for rUiutd ma mormng. il-r mlKlon ta unknown. I. J. Many, th leading merchant tHor. 117 Tooth strttt. Th hthet prtce taid for fur aklna. For Rant A clean alx-roora cot ai; in ouire W. J. Sculley. 3l Uond atrvtt. or tl Eichanffe atrwt. For Rnt Ftirnlahl; larpe front room. with or .without fire; centrally located 414 Exchange atreet. The RelW tvd In a thr-maittJ schooner y!terdy evntr.f and an.ored hor in Che lower harbor. Federal new cars, marked A. i C. R. R R. have arrlveil In Portland from tha east, loaded Rh ateel nula. New crop dried fruits. n."w crop raMna tg and aisorted nuta all extra fin quality, at Ron, HlKglna A Co. W. M. Scott, Georse VlUtaker. J. Smith, 'Portland; Feter Brady. Kalama. axe tvfrlwered at th Tarker House. For Sale Scow; suitable for flehlng pur poees. Dimenslona StxSO feet; t feet dep. Apry to West Shore Mills Company. Another addition to the city fcjardmg houxe has been addi-d To the ti of ell glblea for work on the public park. At tha A. F. C. alley yesterday Her man Wle rolled up 5e for the men. and Mrs. GlKe-.t scored 41 for she women. W. J. Heckard creamery butter received Wednesday and Saturday at the Par lor. Also sweet cream every day. "vrocdfleUl' Sardinea win play Boxarth's Oysters and FlndUryJ Flounders will play Oibaon's Salmon at the A. F. C. alleys tonight Mr. J. I). Murray of Ilwaco arrived In the city yesterday to meet Captain Young of the Britwh tfip Paltolloch. and Mifw old acquaintanceship. Word received Monday tttat the slat of Washtrarton had appofned a pilot commissioner for the Columbia river waa confirmed yesterday. All kinds of hard and soft cor) wood for sale ait th Wee Shore Wood Tart, Trulllng'i's V:k. J. Abercromble, pro prietor. TWephoie 4S. The harp in many peoples favorite In trument. HARPER Is everyone's fav orlte whiskey. Sold by Foard ft Stokes Company, Astoria, Ore. Advertise your city. The Astorlan haa the cuts and can print maps of die Alaska route In your old envelope and letter heads at small coat. Mr. H. Ford, of the firm of Wilson Co. of Portland, came down laxt nkht to take ottiarite ami dt-ixjee of the ClnLo Co-operative Company's stock. The bond of Alfred Te of TjOO. as coun ty surveyor, was approved yesterday by th county coup:, with William Barker and G. C. Fulton as suretl. Wanted A partner with tlOo) or 11500, to take a third interest In a propeller beat; length, 80 feet; beam, 16 feet. Ad dress, Steamboat, Astorlan office. Mr. A. B. Hammond, Who watt d'layeti in Portland by the reorganisation of the operatms dpiP0mnf of the road ail protiaWy start for .'w York today. HertK-rt Install was arnlgned In th1 justice court yesterday on a chartte of as sault and battery pr-fcrtvd bv Kd Ab lout. Hun found pulliy and fln-d f- When K0np ejt travel on the North em Pacific Railway. Quick time and the only une running dlnnt rars. Train leave roniana uiny at 11 o'ciick a. m It wan learned yesterday that Mr. J K. Duffy, a former riid-nt and highly estemed citizen of Atoria, died a w ek Ulfo yetrliiy in Fan I All Obispo. Oil., of heart trouWe. Fells' Naptha Soap washes every wawi able thlnx from the dalntieet lar e to the grimiest clothes, whether th. y .ire rotton woolen, Umn, or . silk. Trice, Vj eenP Clinrle; Rogers, drugirUit. If you have hde, wool, furs, rags, Done, or any kind of Junk for gale, ship it to R. M. Gaston, 105 Fourteenth street, Astoria, Oregon, or write him and he will call at your place and get It He xiays cash. longest and most complete assortment of eJMight heaters n the city. All the kind advertised n this paper may be seen and compared at our store, then your selection will be satisfactory to you. Foard & Stokes Co. Prises will be given at the Sons of Her mann ball, February 22, for the most artistic- ladles' costume, for the most artis- lie entlwmn's eeienime and for th bst sustained tsdlet and the hest usilnt vntlrmrn'a chsrscter. A unto.ii pUn for advertising; Aatoria ami lis attraction has been devised by a wvll inlncs man -who "ill lay hi scheme the Progressive Ao- rial ion wen he hss all Ih plcted. d.Malhs com - .cere. ns. llb.-sn to. rumnra the handsome Japanese napkins from Cha-e ,t Sanborn. CN.-w, fr the A. U l . i . lMlinin'l l,i-l nifcin- i i" d.-rrd p'lally for th occasion and ar rived just In time. I.lculitiitnt It. M. Siunh'vant, of the IVrrv. will leave In a days f a tiuorth' vs.kiKki In Wurstilinrton. IV t Lieutenant IV.-kbam, of li tralni.ig ship vttase. on the A:l.intio iet. will arrive on the huh lnlnt to relieve him ;it Henry Kmullncn, a rancher ot Nehslem, a dmUi'd Insane yestenlay In the oninty virt and wa taken to Salem last nlitht hy O F. -Morion. Mis Itwanlty h nf m'ld nature and is thMiht to be the r-ult of wan! if proper care. A st.nniiv will th -pli.yie dv-ck Thiwlav afternvv at 1 .Vcl.v-lt m, con- rv the tVwilpiw arl tutmltwl! players to lh.vv AlHMt f-n-ty h.wl.-rs will leave frvvn here. It Is und-rtvl that trie Uwaeo Hirt are making h! preparti tKms f-r their nveptlon, N'ortl.em racitlc railr.ud trains leave Portland d.lly at 11 oVI.xk a m. for "Pa coma. Siv'kane. and the rnt. Close con nection mle at Sxkv- f-r lloland. Netaon. S.ndow and !l:!rh Columbia mlr.lnj ramps. Fr m;' and Infortna t'on csV. on or address C. W. Ston, As. torla. Oregon. A n-.orem.-ni is on ft anvmgsi the r m-wnhers of ;he A F. C. and Pro grvwlve Awwvl.Mlon to Insinrurate a na val r.Tk c-rps In Astoria. Wtiether their efirts will be or not re mains with the rple It l understood that divisive ste; In this Interest will be taken at next Monday's me-tlng of in rn;rit!ve Assciatlon. fharcs of the Ala-ka Ttan-rtation and rVveopm-nt company of Chloa-o are th mot dircMe Investment befor th public. Safer ttuii, saving tins and bank stock. Piying large dividends. Share one dollar For information ad drcs W. U Pudl-y. gnneral agent. Hal ler building. Seattle, Wa.-. An energetic man of Integrity, ab.lltv and good ad lr-ss le wmt d to r-pre ant j rtie Northwestern Mutual Life Insuranoe . Company as dlstrlot aeent head- j quarters at Astoria. A rl op-ning ior a rustler. Previous ext-erlenc In life In surance not eswnt'.al. Address with ref erences. S. T. I-ockooJ Sons, general Agents. Portland. Or-gon. A. W. WMtm-r. S. S.-hmiitt. U S. I'o ble. D P. Lew J. McOuire. l. C. Her roo. l Walker. M. D.. Nenrton Clark. Portland: E. H. De Wolf. George Jones. Charles M. Hough. San Francisco; Oeorg R. Cleveland. M. W. RoeenWatt, Chl.ago: Mrs. E. Roberts. Skagawy: J. O. Tate. Uncoln. Nrb.; Frank Hauk. Boston; n. A. McFadden. Salem, are registered at the Occident. An application for harbor boat or a mivinmrtit f team launcn. or tth. It 1 understood will be made through a Com mittee to be appointed by chamber of commerce. The im;srance cf the work to be done at this port snd the fact that tmsines h so rapidly Increanlng will be properly laid tfore the authorities anu ( u. h a knowing will be nw.le that refusal will be impossible. j Frank Sherwood was down town today, the first time since he had his tussle wltn cholera morbus. He i he drove thirty mile after he was taken, and iwver cume so near dying in his life. Af lrr this wnen ; he goes out in the country he will taks tfie t-t Interests of Clats.ip county pre a bottle of Chamberlains Cube. Cholera! vailed. While there were three or fxir and PlarrtKH-a Remedy with him. Mis- j faction) hi th claimant b4ore the court souri Valley ilowa) Ttn. For sale Dy 1 and the .court Itself was divided In opin Chitrle R-Jgers, Drujt. 1 'on, eax-h member favuring a dlff.-r.-nt I lor-atlon. for the sake of harmony and Tnere will be a chaflng-dk-h parly at I Mr Cillrewiar's rewid.-nce. Kntippton. Fri-1 .lay evening A larue c-sitlngent of thei Astoria "four bumlred" will be present. Knappton entertainments are always most evijoyoble and ttiis one will prove no tm-epuon to uit rule. Sul a little of the fun is h.ul 'n tnv a;l across ttne river. TVe moon no' shines and the weuiher Is trimmer. o mat an ex- urslun on the broad Columbia -will be anvthinff iMJt a! ..roes to bear. Clifford's G.dty Omi.-iny, in ' In Uay Par." will l.e the n. gt attraction at Fisher's Opera House, ajipearlng there next Frl lay evening. This Is not a bur les'iue, but a fan-- extniv.itranxa, repl-te with laugiiabte l.nes. up-to-date specialties, march- and ballets, and clean and refined throughout. The company IH a large- on and are touring the country In tnelr own piila'.-e ear, carrying their own Hi.g,.nt s entry an-1 rich numet hen Bhe news spr-i! h'tst evening that the r.junty court had sHecteil the slto for the new bridge across Y'njng' Hay. general sat:sta-Uon was expressed rtiat tli ou.--!l)ti had been dl,i.l and t wis hpe, 1b.11 t)-fur.- spring work would he. w-ll und-r way, so that during the :irnmr telling work could be d.m on ; conn.-ctlTig cO'ittty roa.l and the fann- errt placed In b-rt'-r c 'i:nmunl-atlon wltn the "lie next year. It Is believed thai the xfxl is from riat-.p c-uii'y -nai been stopped. Sc liool i'1-Tk H. I! F'-rgus.n, who Is Jiirit now engiig.) in taking the census of h.K.l rsiililr.-ti, want it distinctly uncler- st-Kl that he. neither an a.sor. lax- oll.-.'or. bK)k agent or bill collector. Vest-rd.iy while In I' h.. was thrown out r,f ,,,i,.,ut. w-t nril-h lady, nho tho-i-.-ht he had come H-i-imd time to collect .;ixm. All Mr. F-.-giisij;i to do U 1.. count the Im-hiI of the rl-inif generation, and the mor.i h- ivU (e ran fin 1 Ui b'S.t. r 'a: III pl.-a.swl. John M'S-rjlre. rhe new superin-tendetit Of the A. A- C. ft H I! ueell l ity ve;terday -witli (l-n.-ral Manager T. m. urns., and Tith ofnelals Iwk a trip ever lllle line. !r. Mr-rtulra will mil,. hL .id.nnri.-rs In Awtorla. Mr. Curtis snys thn r-hanKo m the handle of his name will nut little flirurp. It U null,, oei.iont ..hoi movement Is on foot to puirti conntrue tlon ns rapidly as poiwlblp and at the same time put the road In practicable op- ration. Tiie engineering force has been enlarged and workm-n are beim added to the ranks da'ly. Inspector Peterson, of (he cuwtom ser vice, yetfterdny reslirnl M nltlin Jihlax litr aivittrxl "hi rli;nattoit, bill h ma do no alMnlmvnt or recomm, dm ton lo till rlw vacancy, na he any a h doe not car t. cn-at any frh'thut with hk w-n aihnnir In onlc. or tcoiir any lousM nr th.tas who inlslil be dtssnl tuned nfler Via retired. It la quite, proli able Hut Mr. r -will rv!vr his cro- ) oViitll bv Miuvh 1. and fun can titiike hia p,ihtmcnt ma may lw nevrss.irv Mr. Mellrldo stands nest In order .f imi vlllr ;h hlirh.M vrvi!ajt In elimination In the nrvvoiu oMns --a bll Mr, Cuttx-lt w w ,)K,,t , , 0, . prni(A The German !p H. WsvholT Captain JWivnrtln-r. arrlv.M n yesterday mini rsrt Angeles, n hnlla't, (:i .v r th-lugi-t SMind rtnf T-e. Th Tvk.. len Port Angi-le-s wtfi Its r- t midrlgOl SiDHlay n,i rifc-h the w-thor was iuv s-ei there ma a, beavv a running durltwr mo or th trip. The sea waa heavy oft Orwv'a llarNr -that the 4 ln.-n wlr cable. ke. Tt.sM.M tSie cable the tug had about W fath.vns of ha.vser out and s"i. braklng cf the wire caM .tl.l not cause much delay. After anchoring fh.i rtlschofT In th hnrrr harbor the Tve.. up ie1P r(v Rn, ,t., Kl tl FJavel d.v k In letter from Wasliing-on, i, C. t a .ld frlen.l -Major il A Stud. for twenty fnltisl Stat at Slup.ipore, : ,' hlle at IVs Mom I ts-canie ac.)tsilnt.l with a llnlnient known as OluuiuVrlain's Pain It.ilni. whi.Si I fvnind tx.ll.-iii againsi rn.tim.ulii as well as agutiMt sorvness of ihe iliroai and chent (giving tm much etit. r bivatningl. I had a tvHkh piiisimonia early this wwk. tuxl two abdications fusly appl -l M th throat and chest n-llevi-U nu of It at iwicv. t would nut lie withcu: it for anything." For sule by Charles lt.-g.rt. Prtigxlst. The O R. A N. Co.'s eteanii r Kl.l.r ar rivel y.Mi rilay fivni Al.i.-k i with a cirg-j of Sb ton of o-wl from Nanalmo for As toria. Sli sms m v.-ral .lav lat-, ow-n-to unavoidable hltidramvn in th.- norm, and brought naif a doi. n I.Kal pawn gers. They had n.Khlng to tell not al ivwd covered 4y tn,. ,,spat.-hrs. nust n.s is lively In Skatrway ai-.d Iiyeu. nn the way down the Kl.ler s. W.l up Chl. f Ei'gln.tT Martian. I an.l two of his oil. r. ofl the wres-kej Corona. All but S5 or tv of Mw Corona's pawetigetw went norm on the Oregon. It b noticeable IMat ot the hundreds going to Alaska. re turn. The controlling liit.r.Kt in tin- Astoria Savings lUiik hss changed trt-day a deal was conipl;.d by JVi.lgH C. H. I"age. pr-!Meiit of t-.i.- bank, sold ha entire mt.irvwl to Mr. Frank Pal ton. When seen ymterday evening Mr Puge Kai l that as he w is about t r.-tir. from the ciwtom hoii. and f.-lt i tli.Nig.i he ahinild give all his time to hi lmicl In the bunk, and there was not room tor so many aJartcM, he concluded lo soil out. He said he un.h-rstood dial Mr. 1'at tim represented th. litterests .rf Mr. C. S. Ih-own .in.1 other In the deal. "Our re lall.w -ire ins id.sisant, uiul n-U.-vi-.l of res()iKislbllity. 1 shall take life eary. and trust to Providence for the hi lure. 1 may eng-.ige In other business and have a number of allcatlon for positions In my employ, bat am rather to fa vor the new .woman a a typewriter In stead of the otd-fashloiml mar, mould I engage In tuiness requiring !-.nn -rr-vk-e." The Aoria Savlt-s Hank U one of the solid Institutions of tne city and Judg Pag wys It has been peculiarly ih-spful und.T the able manag.-m. nt ol Mr. Patton. The county court yewtenlay wrutled all oay wiu trie lountr l.i brl.ig,- ou. uun. nevreeeiiutlvw from th.- country districts were pres.sit pT st and by at torney. The sir was fJll.-d wl'.h eksjuenoe. tlw aavucatcH vf tso.i bridge location having good an.-iun.Nus to tn.-ir piwhlona. A person could easily have Imaglrnsd himw-lf in the house of repre ssu.tatlvni at the time of the burying of sn Taller rnoliMion. a . Intense was the xcltemit. Like the r-ult In congre-s th general good, two of the members of the court ahinduned their positions and vot.-d wlrh the third man. Howell I,.wm. for th Falrfl.-hl lvlnt bridge. The adop. tlon of this lo-ntlon necessltai-s the- re building of thn Iiwis an I ClarK road which wws only compb-te.1 1mi fall, and carries with It the levying of a l'-j mill tax for a prl-)i! of four vears. THF3 MODEHN WAV. Commends Itself to the well-inform, d, to do pleasantly and effectually what ". formerly .lone In the crudest manner ami dlsegres-ably as well. To cl'ans.? the sys tem und break up colds, he.i. laches and fever without unpWswnt after eff cts. use the delightful Mould laxative remedy, Syrup of Flirs. Syrup Co. Mad.- by California Fir TBAOHKKS' KX AMIVATK N". TteRuIar (iia--t-rly .-xamlnatlon for e- r'H to teach in Clatsi crin ty. -Or'-Kon. will lie heUl at Hiitfi Sch .il butldmr, Aitorla. hlnnlnr at 1 o'cbick p m,, W.sln.-s.lny. F.-truiiry 9, IKS). Appli cantei will 1- pn-xent promrdly and re main until close. Rxamlr iitlon p,r af- itli.loma re state llfo diploma will tx held at Sim jilnc SKturday. February 12th. at 9 a. m. If. S. LYMAN'. aip.-r;niendmt of Schmli. ArsHIO.VBE'S NOTICE TO CRKDlTolH. Notice Is hereby Klven tnat the und-r-slirned hM this illy b-en a.pln;.d ft surnee or m-neeca wrruwis, an Insolvent debtor. Creditors of the said oK.sUiuir are hereby notified lo pes nt r claims under o.ith. to tiie iitidersl,'ni within Ihree monffliH from 'thin date at his p'uc of Hurilin-x at No. 575 Oomnv-rclal s-reet Aslorlll. Oregon. Oulejil thle) 11 Ih day of lcreniber, 1:i7, N. Hi.:iiiyi;sst.:i Assignee of Rclx-c.a BtraiiHs, nn insolv ent detdor. CirACVrBKRbAIN'H COL'GH KKMKUY ALWAYS PHOVFM KFKfX.TU.VI,. There are no Is-tter medlcln.w on the market than Chamberlain's. We huve us-d Uie Couih Remedy when all ot Irons failed, und In eery instan.-e It prove.d effectual. Almost dally we hear the v.r tucs of Chamlx-rliiln'n p-medl- extolled by those who have used them. This 1 nrtt an empty iuff, paid for at so much a line, bait is voluntarily riven In Kood faitth. In the hope that mifferlnr humanity may try these remedied and, like the writer, be IxHw.fltod. From the Glenvllle (W. Va J Pathflndirr. For de iy Charles notf'r. DruirglHt. ' tK-.MS N a'V. km r -tv WW VvVi Moth the mctlioil ami results when Syrtipof I in is taken; it is pleasant ami tefreshiiii; to the taste, ami net gently yet promptly tn theKiilneys, Liver ami llowels, cleanses the sys tem etlettiiailv, ilispels aehesaml fevert constipation. Svtnpof l-'igsisthe only remeilv of its kind ever ro ilueeil, pleaiii;; to the taste am! nc ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action ami truly in it cflects.prep.ueil only fumi thr most healthy ami areeaiile sulistances, its many excellent qualities com inctul it to all ami have in.ulo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of I-'igs is for sale in 50 cent bottles ly all lea.lini; ilrtig gists. Any rcliaUo tlinggist who may not have it on haml will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it! Po not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYBUP CO. Si fXtKISCO, CU. loumiui. r. new roKK. T. tiu: A ' r. W. tur.- t- I'.is. Si-r. Woi 'P nc. 'Ira n.l l..v M r Tie I.Kal lo.Urt -f Hie Ami. m vlrd.r .rf I niiil Welkin, u la-l iv-iiiti enter t.ilnvd Ta-'i Suprviik- M.i"i r rtorkman J vi. Tale. Mr. Tale Is one Lie inov 1.14 lilie of llio viiM.r in Ihe I'nl'.ed Stales Ills hoiuo la 111 Nebraska, a.-d tor ninu In- n.s uraiid inaur ot lll.i; flat" aim! aa dlilfion m- to one g th.. iii.mi u 'lul unit In I lie coun try, He is a man o- 111 re ili.iu average liciahl. 'afher broad s! jal'k-nsl, clear dark eye-, cle in muwii. iroii-slav lia.r. null f .r and woui.1 iciiHIiiiid re-ni-.'-i III any crowd. Ill: lecture l-il nUhl at l.u oiH-ra li j e i a master pi.s e 11iK.11 lit- ord. r -l Workmen .Mr. Tito eloquently d-plcti-d the go..l f Uie onler. It gr-.w tti and r'tiillllly He s:i..w..i thai i.ii- v Hi" aJ -l lloii las. )iar of cla-silled plan o.' ini.-iite u, order h id tiudc a iviiiaik ii-l.- g.iln In Hi; in. 111 fact ilu refold is wli.-n ton. pand Ktt.i oih.r orders In lMsi the r.livf fund paid by the ord.r .v'd''. In i- .ar under the class-ilU-d plan it aaa reduced to ewmcltilug !. thin kJ.0iJ Tti.- Jurlsdictluti of Or egon gamed over r Oj and is In a most nourishing condition The svak-r at tiin-s grw very elsn.-ni ,m.l cut rl-il ti a a idience by storm. With Mr Tale wer 3 A. M. Fad.b n, grand masier workinati if Oregon; U. C. H.irnn, grand (orenun and grand lectur er of Oregon; fr David Walker, grand examiner of Oregon, and N'.-wton t'targ. grand recorder of ca-eg-m. After Ih l-s lure the menitn-n of the lotlg.. rwcorted their visiters to the lodge room a bountiful reparst a ailed thorn. Th tables load-d down with all the ilellcacl.-a of the, season. handMiinely decoratwt. were arrang'sl In the shae of a double U. Tils txinquet was digiied and furnished bv the committer! of la.ll from the or ! r of Digree of H-wior. Much enjoyment a. at had during Die repast and th. soi-iu-bliiiy was greatly enhanced by the Attic aalt siHdled by the brilliant visitors and home orators of the order. OAltlt lK THANKS. I wish to ex p nm my heartfelt thank to tlie many fru-mls of my beluved hus ImiicI, Frank A. Wilson, and mym-lr wn Htteist.-.! hM funenil laid mti.-rsise prs-Ml their vini'hy in my snd be r-avement, und especially to the nutd sld KelluwM and the m.-mber of th Finnish, It rovnl anily nn.1 roiivhH-liiK-ly to nw thi,t (Kid l e! low in Ku.xl hi man frl.-n.b.. ev.-n in rtnuiK.. ports if th country. May rmiui.T.ite them u KATUIXK WlloN. n rTni-:. All p. iMoiis Indebtiil lo the Cliitip C M.iratlve Company an. iv.iieietel to cu at trie ,irnl s.-tlle tti hi ill.-, an enve costs. It. I.. ri.Vllt.N'. AsiKti, QCArtTMItf.V I.1CK.VSI-: NOTICK. N'otl.-e Is h"r-by iriven that nil dor censes fjr the yenr endlnr Dece-nher 18SS, under the provisions of ordinance No 1WI, nr.d all team, billiard, pool, bowl- ir-r i.ll.y, thisiters. pawnbroker, hotf runner, peddlar, laundry and other quar terly lltens s endlr. Mnrrh SI. under the prov-(ons ol urllniince No. 119G. are n ne dm- and payable to the chief of po. l!e, at h o'fl.-e. nnd If not P-t'd within ti n days frr.m the final publication of thle notice, to wit,: Within ten days from Friday, January 14, ISM, a penalty of per cent wll niMed to sm-h licenses. II. K. NBtiSON. Auditor and Police Judge, AHtoriu, Or'Kon, January 4, 1S98. Why, oh, why, when shell hairpin tit so cheap, will women wear m-til on that have lost all their semblance to do- cency? fHNION V AN 1J.M1NHNT JIJHIHT Tlaltot reform in Now? York was neces wary, says an eminent Jurist, because mero iKiIItlclurw by Irada who had no Interest in rovernment or politics ex cept to enrich and aia'randlzn thnmselves evuufht poriietuftl control. There are other excellent reforms bmldes that of Wie ballot. Conspicuous anionic them Is thn reform, promptly nnd thoromchly ef- fueled, in a disordered rhyslcal syetem by Hoe-tetter's Stomneh Blttors, which coun teracts tendencies to serious disease bred by a floflclency of vital stamina, Irreru lurity of the bowels, stomach, liver or kidney, and Inquietude, of Iho nerves This sterling medlilne, which has for near half a century won because It rte- eerv.-s popular favor, is commended by Irtiyslclans of eminence Who accord It their approval, not only for Its excellent qualities In a remedial capacity, but also for lis serviceable properties a a medi cinal stimulant. It soothes and strength ens the nerves, and 1 far preferable to the heady, unmedlcated stimuli of commerce, Einil Schacht ARCHITECT I'orllaud 5av lns llnnk Kldit. Portland, Oregon. THE PROOF of Ih pudding Is In lit Un and tha proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That'a an aig-untent that's eoo cluslr a demonstration. Ours will stand th I sat, HUGHES & CO. A. & C. U. II R. TIME CARD In l lVect Oct. C5. IS',17. Iv HeasUI for Astoria via Klarsi at 7; JO a. ni. and I p. m. dally. Iar Astoria for Seaside via Flavwl at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally. All the Above 1 1 aim Are Daily. The t'tilraxo l(e.-ird's bHi for fold ss.-kcrs Is now ready. A reader of this hook will kiiw mor of Alaska ani the wonderful Kl.uallks dialrlct than h could learn by months of personal vhservailon and remxin-h wi II (round. In comar lon with other wiwks on th sublm-t It Is tit "V.-lt.-r's lHot.o iary of Alaska. - a perfei and perrles viduine, at one tli model and il.!r of rival publish . It tells of 111 richest and most riten- live (Old fields th world bss ever ktHw i How they wie Field y.-t ui, years' woik al-1 r. In ilh-lit Where Is tbe mother lceT The fortunes already mu.le-TIi mil-' lions to b takrn out n.-it year-How to (et there - It. It. far snd other mnnifi from all pol-rts-Mnllcal hltit-''llmal-tltlc.rtl rrports-AU 1. 111. 1 ail water route.-Projected rll ro.i.le -Mlnlii laws-Customs. In brief, alt that Is known if this land of fabulous wriilth. It Is the only au thentic, pr.i.-tloal book. om.-UI and en dorsed. About A.U page. Handsomely bound In art ew iva rYle. II in. AsenIS ar wanted to handle this val uable work It Is a chane of a Ufa lime. I'lperl.-nc I not n-'ary, as lull jistructla ar sent and th whole pan pi. ar clamoring for the book, lis-pir-s from agents Just started show wow-J.-rful success. Hales run as hlsl) as X books an hour. UK commissions a.ul fulu.iMc premiums ar allowed. Crwslw Is riven and freight paid It Is an upper- unity to (nln a comitnc In a short lime. The book Is not sold thruu(h houk store or newupers. Cnmplete ranvasa Iik outfit w.ll be mailed for 10 rits, si .imps To place wbr w bar no Slfetit a full copy of th book will b sent lo cn.omers. prepaid, on recelp1 o( prl-e. Address, esa-tly. Monro Hook Compuny, department K. ?'. Chlciurn. TO FTtlKUMRN AND CAVN'EItTMKN. Th reneral repair shop at the corner of 10th and Duan Is now prepared to maka contracts to cast leads on Ash nt line for th comlnr Mr ation. C. II. OUKWITZ. Marwrr. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MKKTINfl. Offlc of th Astoria Wharf and Wars house company, Astoria, Ore iron. Notlc is hereby riven that th annual meetlnr of tti stockholder of Ihe above named company will be held at th offlc of Ih Pacific Sheet Metnl Works. In th City of Astoria. Clatsop County, Btate of Oreron, on Monday, th aerenth day of February, 1N, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tha election of ofllorrs for the ensulnr year, and transaction of such other busi ness as may come before them. F. P. K BSD ALL, President. Attest: WILLIAM TIM.HON. Becretary. Dated Astoria, Oreron, January 1, 1W Notlc of mini? ass.wnent and of meet lnr of Hoard of F.punllxatlon lo review nnd equalise the ejw-ssment for th Im provement of Commercial street from the eoeit line of B-ventiMnlh slrert to the west line of Twnty-ih!rd street, and Twenty-third stre-t from th north line of CommT'-lal to Kxchanite slr-ets. In the City of Atorln, Ireroli. Notlc Is hereby (riven chat the assens nient roll contnlnlnr the selal assess ment for the Improvement of Commer cial ertnet from the enst line of Hcven teenth street to th wnst line of Twenty third stre-t end Twenty-third tr.-et from the north line of Commerrlnl eitreel In Kxehnnir str.s't, In the cllv of Astoria, Orcjmn, and kiwwn nnd deshmatisi as the "Commercial flrree. Extension Improve Inent," h.1s l-i-n filed In the office of the auditor and police Judpe of said city, and Is now op.-n for lrsn.ctlon, nnd will so remnln open until the lftth d cy of Feb. rnary. 1W, nt the hour of 10 oVo-k n. m. of snld day, prlnr tn which time nil nl.lee- tlon to the nfnren.ld nss"ement must be filed In w-rillnir with the snld auditor nnd police .ludtre,, nnd on the day and dnr nnl hour of the dnv sforeanld, the board of e-qiinllr-.-vtion. consisting of the commltfee nn streets nnd public ways or the common council of snld city and the hoard of nssesemrs of snld city, will met In Ihe council chamber of the city bail In snld city to review and equnllx the as sessment nforesnld. By order of the common couneti of said city. Attest: II, R. NRISON. Auditor nnd Police .ludpe City of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, January 2(1, iron. n A man oflen rets a wife with more sense linn hn has becaiiKe he hns more dollar than she has. Ayer" Hair Visor Is certainly a remark. able preparation nd nothlnr Ilk n tiss ever been prodiKd. Nn mnrter how wiry and unmamarnable the hair may he, under ths Influenc of this Incomparable rtress Inr, It becomes) soft, silky, and pliable to the comb and brush. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE I.. K. HKI.IO, Maiinocr. . . . Friday, February 4 . . . ('liihiril's tinlclv I'.mipiiny in the Hiciiklliig- l-'uron t' um'.ly r:trnyuKiniti In Gay Paris.. With all llio Ordinal Uast, Koeitmy. ('uMlniiies, nlc. I'rr'ty "Itls, llio V. astern cre), (mitiy ouimvlintia, grim, I cakownlk, lirmM illiilnituns, new music, IhIpsI imrmlli-a, lirutitilul t.fTeols. 30-ARTISTS--30. PriCCS- . . " Hsuis. Ik': tlal).-ry. atk- Heal sals npsiis nil I'liiirsday lu.uiilng si " " ! altlilfhiin II h-i i,h, Nioie, ri m u UMUUUUUU i n nn r? n n m F-J r'f3 mssMUUU tj V! ,1? r T ?rf ) SV - - OCIETf MKKTIMU4. TKMI'I.K IX11KHC NO. T. A F. s4 A. M.-ltular communications hsld t th first and third Tuesday vsuln( e ib me th. O. W LorNflllKltl'T. W. at R C MOt.PF.N. rWretary R I j ' t'U riloKKMHIliNAl, (' 4. H I MS ItKt.l.K i M t'l.i,tl.i. t'lnKAMIJl nF VVu.VIKN AM) l(K THR NKIlVOtTf HY8TKM. Oltlce and rsaklonce, IX Thirteenth stret, lortland, frv(on. I Otn.- hours from I to p. in., and by apMlntinenl. H. T CIKWIIT. ATTOHNKT-AT t.AW. HI Commercial atii MIIS T I.KHITEW. ATTOUNEr-AT-LAW. Ofhc. upstair. Astortsn ftulldlnf C. C. IIROWEIt. ATTOItMET AT LAW. Oundrwon Hull lior. Astoria, r(o a b. EMTca, IMITHICIAN AND BUItOKON. Bparisl sttsnlloa to d ! of wpsms and sunrsry. OfTlc over Dani'rsr1 itor. Asturl. Ttlephon No. U. J. Q A. IIOWLBT. ATTORN KI AND COUNHKIeOB AT LAW. Offlcs ob Bond trt, A tort. Or (Thtr V. Dulph. Richard Nlisa IM.I.I-M NIXON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. fort land. Oreron, 14. O. M and n Hamilton Hulldlnr All ll and ! taction busln a promptly atisnd"4l la Halms sralnat th (ovsrnmsnl a si Malty. Ilt. JAY TUTTI.E. I'llTRlCIAN AND 8UKUCON Ortlc. rooms t and (, Pythian builds UIH Commercial 8t, Resldencs asms Telephon H. Actlnr assistant surron U. 8. Ma rlns hospital servlcs. ANNt'Al. Alasquerade Ball -OF TIIK- SONS OF HERMANN Ftmnl it Stole i Hall WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY February 22. FOR THE WINTER- ANI) SPRING. rUvInn purchased the slock sad stillness ol (lie tnliim his Shoe to,. He are offcrinfj the pulilic our line nl fancy and staple (outwear at the Lowest Miirijln of 1'roflt. rillcle Nt salesmen and con sistent prices. Peterson & Brown. Twenty-two Week In New York. rifteen Weeks In ChlcttRo. Mount Angel College MOUNT AMill iis Col ' OltlQOH rt This 1 Just th plsr for your boys, iMlghtful location, bugs buildings and grounds, go. si meals, plenty of healthy siet.lM, i.llenl teachers and careful training- this Is wlial Ibey all say of MT AMIKI, i'il.l,KHC Hend for Cat. alogus and Seclal terms P. F. PLACiDUS. Director Weighing Things lUlsmiii ThP-rs Ttis lays ar over and It's lima lo where you ar at No d.Hibl you ent a (real deal mor than you should bar don on th Christ maa (If M.-s: p.plo d.i that. Now, ytxi want to ecoru.mlis to msks It Up. You can esxr lM wla sonnoiny In buyliif th best rrwerlea at th price w ar luotln nWH. HIUOtN A CO. A Narrow Margin. Is all ws ar aaktasj our stork of Ladies' and OcntA Boots and Shoes Our roods ar warranted. 479 Commercial Street John Hahn... 1N7 107 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... I.UBKICATIMI OILS A SPECIALTY SELL, SHIP CTIANDLBRT 1IAHDWAIIB IRON AND STEEL, COAL oiiooBruna and rnoviaioNi TU)Vn AND MJIX FEED PAINTS. OIU1 AND VAIt NI8HM UKJOERfl' 8UPPLI158 FAJIUIANK'B BCAI-K8 nOOIlfl AND WINDOWS AOHICULTORAIj IMPIJBUBNW WAOON8 AND VEHICLES The Choicest Table Wines... For Families Also for Medicinal Cook Inr Purposes a or Private Stock, Cream Ry. Old Hickory. Prl, of Kentucky and Ilermlttifsj !ts sold California Ilrandiea, Carlson's Family Liquor Store m TWKLFTll HTOE10T I.AI)irS" M) ;r.NTi.r..Mi:.vs Underwear madi: to on ii:k 'Latest Slys I Thorough Workm inshtp Prices Imw A.. James Murphy 420 Commerclsl Street.