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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1898)
' f -. - i f) ' TIIK DAILY ASTOJtMN. WEDNESDAY MOUSING, FEBRUARY 2, 1898 OATCII ELECTED HY ACCLAMATION 'on I lii iiciil rruiii I 'lint Paga ) pint i uml, liil iniiiii r of motion In lorvMHil in Hiniw mil Ilia vii nf .M ml -linmall mniiily nil lu t-mini iif (laud, val Iimii M.'i'umm.nil (uiili-Mlli'ln-ll) niunil lour i Ii)m wliiKii In' mlil iiuil tin r Im lit iu 1'IVl III I Mil I'llllVnllllllll. . T, llullll' l,llllllltl I alii. I Ml ! Ill tll III I Mm M. K I'ti X Mini II limit league, lllla ...iiiiiy, 1 1. m .Much M.K'Hiiiinaiil l.hi(uii .iii.I ili.ii..l li mi aiiiimiii no it i lull it 111 11H4HII I"" In Iw li'pil-ai'lllril in Ihu i'uiiuhiiiui lliinii. tnal llln lulU ill r In Im aiad bull alllll'-il aim a lil Im li. I i .il i. II I.". 1'iilliu .iliillnu ,ii4 i in n nun. iii, i .iiiihii nl in'illli- "li"" Hi. .i a ul iiiinii a, "Am imuaii, I lit? 'lllll li. I H.IK III. nil ml Hi i l' III" iHI'l' I lull HI lliii 1 1 .il I Hi lur i-t i .1 l. lulu c 'III iiiiih-u Hhlii.i . iili,i all I lit- ill . al. , ,N. mi, ,1.411. in, .i ih.i im hi i. tn Nu n' Hill, i n II ml. l In! I ', I1 Illtt'll, ill ,, III rill I'lilllll Ml.lllli.' fcj.ll ,., I. lllll. Ul.ll I l.llllll M ...u li, ..I n-.i in, an i unm-il In li j, ii.. i t-intui ii a . i.iiiiiiil.Mi. In., iii. mi, m nn-.ii.ntj ii' .iiiim li .nl li...H4l .'i inn limn (mill Win I up Itili li. Iltl tttia i..fllt. l.i (in mill! mi. I Iii ,i In i ) (nl'll.' l.i Hit i, .in i tall inn ,lt-.ilit It, nil-.'. I ll) Ml filt't'l' nl lilt. 4..'l I .1 i il ,ii...i -i, i Mriiini, i... .i ii.iini!4ii-i i . I-,i. in. it .wM .a. i i ii i . i' nl.Mi- il HI, liu MM I II" li'd II) a-. ldllli4ll.NI I l.n . ft' . niltn . .'Ililltll II i. ft.ia I Jl4i II a fn,.ia i il l.uki.i. I.tiin, . 'iliiiii. i in in..,i mi 1114, il.. In." I in inn III .1 ilialii. i, , M 1 I ,IM .' .. I Mltil.l.,1. I. ,'.ii.ii..i t, Mu.i,. i I lit' mImIi ii A till ttl'.HlJ .tl..Hltlt I . nii.l 1 1. l , It .M i'k. Mini il A i. l-t'l'illlVi; t'-Hlllllll l I' il'kaui ai Imttu I i tin .Natl M4I l.toto-it , 11. .1,111 I, ,H. .ii, , 1,1 t'-l, Ia.ii , iiiibt, jUlni'l, I'lilillunm, I-. it l.tlk.', I li II llln , l .t 4taitl, ll.'Uli 1 4 ' . . ii !. ri-iiitnii i, I'tnti 41 i .l,lni J t, 1 1 11 H tillllllll,, i II iiiii, I.iiiii,)' n Mulium, I'f.i -t..i i i4iin'r.i, Jji satin. .mi ,n-itu t J. j i.iiiijii, lUinr), J M t .'l4jtatin, I.llli4llla, I , J. Ulna, JUkn.J II 1 Sit nam, nullum 1 1. Ii Wit); mam rsnm-tol ai.-rtary I'm Din Itiurtli emu , uhvr term. 'IVm tiilitrtlllutl ailj.iltlli.l mi In da. IN Till. KI.A.VIIirf 4 utlKII loulll) t.V. i ) .M. I.IU lu tliu iirnuiiil 4411. 1 M.iii) ii).iiii mniiaiaa. 14..H i ixi Lit., V . Ki ti I II .141-. llllil 14 I4l.ll I f lill li mi u ina luriiuii imiti in I'j.uni i.un:. llM'ft 14 l.a.llBM.IIIl HMl44t.) 4I4 u lull. a .U 1 1 t .1 I.) Ill c tin lll.iililliu I. l liint.. t: . i l.i u,o, g I... l.n) . i , j,ini-l (r un thv t .l.i .1. tf win.l.iia an, Ui-"k.-i" rwit ua', tn-nii ri . tii lutoiiiai ii.J.n . lii. linl i,l.4, tirMii li inlan.i.g nil. I i !. u ii iu diva ,..' in tin. Mililltai, II.-IU y !, ..mi oi tt ., (.r.aiii n. lit aji itiwi til ljj,.ii lavillf, i; 1 1 .ltil4Jl ta.ii. 4iul U lUklllrl ll,.ll.lllul.j,ia. "4-n il i-') lianjainiii I , Mn i. 4.t..r 4Wm bu.d, a..u ll !.. 4t in-. A.vuiil. it iinaaiiuj, v:nm. tlm 4Hinul) Injmr.l ar.'. t in M Ul.Hk. itati'ilina mni. i . i.i. i Un a.mali. tti'l.illml aiiklr, II H Imt ..Hi in i. I. l.i-ai. r, tia.ll I riii'ni. I'lio l'i:al ..aa .. tin. tail 1 1.4 4 1 1 at . futni '"""'"i n ....r-.) t. ilia miit in tni, ! am mni t.i II uin. .titl) innunl Tin; lu iiiiii: iiKiu iifMiikt.iii. I-'.:.. l-Th.-in.milily it.ili innit ul rii- dtHn lain. italay I. i lli il at tlm t'l.aai li.attiii-a yra. i. i.Si.i tli ii iii, . runt, ti. tnsiaiiry, .iin.ninn ! t,, ji.i 11 ,i s Jt. an iii. ii uaa (nr tin. in .nili f t:7il. Th.a h. n a.v a I.) thi. di'ir,iai in (ha .nil itm! t.f t-nraM on liulnl. rl,IIMUM W Hrii'llUX Sunt .1 II. tii, I'nl, Y I iHpiv 1,1 '"i ii" .iv'Miiin i inini.m Tiiniiipmin. r niiiilainr tn at -I'.iiiiirea'in.ui. ri "i rrtitry nf alo.1i., n,i ,4II, f (, ,., lii.tiiln. nt ili'iina-i tta lu 'iilif.irnin, rut nla I In, m t tvhlli. trnipin mil) inaan.i thia linn nln IIUV UIIV TIIHATY M V I'ASrt W rt-ilihiy ion. K.-li. 1- Tin- oninltilun In Itn. a.ainl.1 V4Mi.-IIiik tlm llia.ilhin an n. tiitliiii Uvati tiun (iri-nity Impnivinl ami tlm rrh tula nf the tnraty, Ini-tu Hum H-'im tnr I'nvia. .Iinnumn ,.f id., f,ir.-l,rn n-lii-il'ina riuiiinlttif. iiiii r.tnfl.l. nl llml alxtt urnatora, wbiian volea ar iiioi-an.iry fur n ttn-ttiliit-i m.i.irlty, will vol fur Ita mi llli-ntlian. TNJ t'l'IlK A IX ONK n W. Taka UiXiillve Ilrnmn guliiltip Tnhlrt. All ttriiiiitlata rrfuiM tin. money tf fulkt tn rilrr; 8i Pur auln by ffmib a Itntrcra. l.lfo la lint. ullnRflthvr ileaolain In the ttiininn who own n vlvet iron n. llf('KM)NS AltN'ICA BAI.VK. The lt Pnlvo n (he woc.l for Ctita, ltrulnea, Sore, tteera, Sn Uheiim, Fovef Ti'lHT. riiii.ppi( Han,)., Olillblnlna ('.una, mni nil Hki KnuHlona, and poau tlvoy rurta) Tllpa, or no pay required. It la Kiiiirilimeeil to iflve perfn;! atillnfuo tnn or money rsfn m1.. Trya cenlg -r l"x. Fit aiilo by hit na-Conn pru- Co. NOTICK FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice la horcby glvon thot C. 8. Wright nnd T. A. Ilyland, exocutorw of tlm estate of Kllxnheth Jane nunsnll, hnvo filed their final account In said ewtnto, In the coutttv court of Cliilsnp county, Oregon, anil the Judgo thereof has let February 21, IW8, at tha hour of 2 o'olock p, m. for th bearing of objootlon, If any thera bo, to 111 in allnwnnca of tha en inn end the closing of th administration of said es tate, c a. WRraiiT. T, A, HYLAND, Kxeautnrs. Astoria, Oregon, January U, iftfl. The weakest point In man's nature In to harm a woman by malice of npench when ho ham been her guest and hospitably en toi'talind OABTOHJA. ft fit- llalli .llfuturi f li n rrappll. MAYOR OF LINCOLN, N. J, Drake Feels it His Paine's Celery mmy:-:- ryr -: .Mtl Iffe uym:my-:i T'w V'ltH.K-nt mul tin ait Iniatkliiai Hty In Ilia t nHi-l Htnt.- i IKoutntr - il Inxi A i . r 1 1 . l.liHtiln lta rnrarfn ayatin. rlixtrli' lljila, urn wl- i m,l. r.w.l-. Inillry i-r. Inlrnhima friU)- lilao an.) antrr (itaitt. l-'nitii haiiil-( tu a t.iwii-ti) 4 rty, In tlila ntrhl'l a?ri IIiiik, .iio..ii hna .-una allti 1 1. aiiii.J.rful t.rvajr.aaiivciiiaiai liHik-J for mil)-in Ilia ral-a) anli'iallil t. ultima nf h. imltiinKutli ,"-rtlni-rty uf "" aiiiHH man. l.iku tn-a I fiirmful mni. I 'rake ni'iat r.-.ulta KtvtiiK Ina J- imnal tail ah. n omu itn .-,1 ;ralu4 out hu miiij aiiii.iiii fmrur fawr i.f any mw. n la it.) h.-aMutliiii am. .114; Mayer I'luk- a frli tnl4 In aayinii that 1'alnra) '"'Iii nainammj I ma lxfi .f lllr utinii.t i l U' mwuIIus tun, ig .u jiri'ilitiluua , aiii.iunl ..f vMk, uiul I.) g.t rl.l of Uiat Iiiaiuiinia tluti a: un tlnn- it-auhi-ii Irian t-rry .r...'iMii-J fff.irt. Mayor I'ruko him- a. if itvi l.ln.-ilti. Mi.Ull-- On., N. J. IJftnllir . W iila It" inn. In. n A C' , j li.'"' I. II1--I! I IniVU ti rll gilllllK I'a, IIO a v.1 l. r) i-iiiniMiial fnun iur La al tlrua'iftat AXt.-r aittivn tuajiW milk rtvli tin), I l-.i .ihi ttiiui nlirtH llkr a Imby. aiai .tttiitiu'a much i-f ! aii-infihi iilntf A Imht i-.ilUr .an tiukn a woman iiH.r than h.-r n.-tuul ao no mattrr what thai may tx. WIIKAT. i I It bava i 'i.i June li wheal old al UV -. . . .lin n .iM al II UJi. I'ineicn.-B, frr, ur f.t ''j nn I0.i' tmaliela. IW woull ha in. uli. i''la amount by our ytrm or joint lineal iiT.-i.t iir.uunn alma Jun. A Why I try IhU ayatvm and In. reaa. your i urn Itn-ome! Atiiniinn of $30 and upward ri-e.vd. (nir infnr'i.ailon 1 of urh a eharacttr and from ui h aurr to maku II an- iliely rrllnt'le. Writ for particular. J. ; Know Hon Co., liniltl broker, SO) CallforniH atieit, Sim Krnrlro, To look aupreinely ralm and Indiff. rent ulii-ii Mntr ilraiiiri-d alonf by a 'If wllli d d.K I a feat many woinrn eialeavor I.i a.-hleve. but nil In vain. If you aro troubled with falling hulr, ilnnilniir, i-.-ma of tha a.ulp, or In clined lo iirnymata, uao the brat prepara tion miiiln to correct and cure llall'l llnlr Hi'tM-wi-r. 'o apeak well t an Imllvldtial nnd lhn mid a but" to It l worao than comlmj out In Pha bi'KltinlniT with tront con demnation. Mm. 8trk, l'liwuuit Itidm-, o., iviy: "After two doolora iiat up my' boy to die. I mved lihil from iTOiip by uln( On Minute Cmwh Cure.' It In the quick. eot and moat crtnln romedy for cough. eo'da anil nil t 'iron I and Iuiik trounien,' Ohiia. nor. Hie most elaborate White pettlcaot is not to bo compared In beauty nnd ap propriateness with the plainest dark one on a rainy day. The calm disregard that netrvanta have fur the llmo of delivering ft note left at tho door brings about more trouble than any of their other lapses. A woman's liendiicJim may come from several caune. She may have a hetulaohe arising from nervousness, or from dl. gestlve dlnturbancvis. Nre. oases In ton her headaches com from disorders e cnllar to her ex. It may rtiow Itself In the symptoms wihlcih are characteristic of a dnxen dlsorden. Thou.innds of times women havo lieeti treated for the wrong disorders'. rr. Plmvo's Favorite Tre. snrlpWon wn.1 wimpounded for the exile purposo of relieving womankind oftJiese Ills nnd pnlns. Thmiwiiiil of women have teatlflnd Mint after taking treatment from snviral phyalokuw wltihoiit benoflt, the "Favorite Preiacrltlon" cured tlicm com. plelcly and quickly. It boa boon used for over tliirty years, and ihna an unbroken rocord of aucesnen. The wnmnn who iesllire Is Invited to a nnd twenty-one 1-cont aUunpa to cover only the cont of mailing a cupy of Or, rioroe'a Common 8ense Modlcnl Advisor, wihtoti contains plain, clear Information about all of the organs of the human body and their function. Duty to Recommend Compound. nf ntjr neri'ra tu l'lllio 'rkry oofiilKJunJ Vinisa truly. H1I.AH I liltAKK XotMntf iKtmirull.-a Dm Inulth o-K.n.-r ur ,,)n. .mjj, t,.) th4n , vni h. in c.i- antnai of aJi-n 'IV. ai.n rtv aith tlui l.nilti unr i-frmlinl la llk. tryitie tg h,,,, a i,rti4irt twirai- ui to liw wurk :nt tint ta-fitp Itialiiul of fnilliiic. Th ItaMraanl ir,un a.tlvity l u if lh.. akull w, ra laal lwl ami tlw aurfiv-a uf lha l.rulu ifa mrii k lightly rn-ry (r av- oaaalta nml wttlnntt a alin uf a "lit up" Tliua li. i.k..n. iinjirr, -.iti.) , t.ut no ,. nmHy. il.-alr..a tlii. Iiraln coll thai r iha taiuniai of niititul ai-ir anil tit tn-olth uf rvery ora'-n of th u.aly. l'nlia-'a t.r..ry couiikmhiiI u th.- tier- t-tu a)Mim nut uf IhU .UnKi-roiia rut of , ..:raatMi, It aiK.!lr nixMl-tinirtil 10 thr n. rvmia tlwuia fati-r tfntn llwy r vtnrn on. tin. I dim mrt lit tlui Biitritlon .f tln.f .I. II. t.. imria s t low riHiuicli to l rtiitr .an Ina.. inn. a film it "hai latrltpai rvulrni'i t nf tho flnul avi-aa f I'aliii.'a nltry oiniimiiiil in 11I114T d'lllly, in rtouanioa, alarpli-Mim an 4.1M ilfraniniiirni trf liviT atl k.iln.-ya ,i4 tni-rtniattij i4itNi:ti( rhi rlrar aklu an1 'hal IniliinTlttnlili- .r..-ur-nr .if tWIUi, ft 'wlliic of "ai-ll liimiu" inkivt tha (ila.v of tin UroJ. laiuuiil. mi-lntn.ti iy . in.l'tl.m. It la o ea to make fault api"'''' ! k virlKa) In the in-rnom tar luvi. Tha WDinan whu Inalaia tuinn blrlh.t.iy amlli-a on In r oakn -alirn alia la 17 win i tiailn'i txvn an tMf when rh mii'tn lititii inJivlilual of reti-ntlv nn nv .irv at a ttlllA lin i witi ltt,tr a-nan ii.h - -' : H.inr at S. " l,w 'IP ""'I llvo nut oil to kee, "air rMm Becomlns dry ami hanati, una llall a Hair lietiontr to r nder the bulr hralthy, oft, and pliable. TO CVRE A COI.ti I.N ONE DAT. Take laxative llmmo ijulnne Tablet All driiKflat ivfund the money If It fl to cure; Sio. For mle by O.'iarle RoKera. Tho facility with which the average per anm can K't cnilli menna tint nuwh of debt from which It la hrd to eevapo. "Klva year airo," aaya Anga A. Lewis. Itlcard, N. Y., "I had a constant cuogh, nljrht awenta, ww itrvnlly reduced In fiifh, and had bn given up by my phy lolaiut. I began to tako Ayer' Cherry rerlnntl. and nftor lining two bottle was compleiely cuntl." Ilrown nnd violet nnt N'lng employed In moat ebeotlvo harmony In some of the new spring costumes. A PLEASAM EXPERIENCE. A' few days ago a churning young lady who was travelling alone between 8t mm ana i-niragn, wits accosted by a handsome gentleman, who invited hir to dinner with him. "Certainly. Mr. Carson.'" she replied "for the Wisconsin Central lines have the best dining car service In the world; I shall be delight, ed." For fureher particulars call on the nearest ticket Rgwit, or addrees J. C. Tond, general passenger agent, Milwau kee. Wis., or Oeorg 8. Batty, general agent, 218 Stark street. Portland. Or. It Is a very pretty fancy for a Jeweler to put real roses In his show window amid tho glitter of gems and fheen ot gold, but It certainly detracta from the heauly of the wares when the roses are allowed to remain after they arc faded nnd drooping. FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Rm-klen & Co,, Chicago, nnd get a froe samplo box of Pr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Thewe pills aro enny In action and are particularly rffocHve In the oure of constipation and sick hemlndho. For malaria and liver troubles lihoy have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every delatertoias eubirtivnce and to be purely vegetable Tlh?y do not weaken by tihelr action, bnt by giving tone to stomach and bowela greatly Invigorate the system, Regular sire 26 cent per box. Sold by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Mr. M. B. Fori, nml'1nl', 111,, tiff-rtyl for alKht yn from dl'pl tviid chmnln conatlpatKm, and waa finally enri1 by ualntj DrWIlt'i Mttla Early Itlaora, tha farrxnu llllla pill for all atonv aoh ami Ilvar iroiHilwa. Chaa, IVr, SEASIDE SAWfillliL A rnmiilHts ft'Kk of luntUr 00 bao4 in (ha ruuKh or dr'aanl. FluorliiK. rut lc, filing anj all kinds of flulab; im 14 Iiiki k'ld aliliixla. Turin rrajionabli anl prliaa at ba4r'rk All 0f1r iriii tly attviiili'd to. furia an1 yarr t mill ' II f I IKAN, K-iii4t. Oratt'iri I'ri'prU lyr Antorin Iron Workw Kront H'rrtrt, foot of Fourth, Aatorl fiENICHAh MACHINIHTH AND 1 0 ILK' II UAKKMB IjuhI anil Murine hjiaim , 1 olW 'iVork, Mtnamliout and Catviiairy Work a daily. Ciitilnift of all (laai-rtptinna inada to nr-l'-r on ahort no loa. John KoiCraaildaiU and Ruprrtnlmidant A. L. Tut Vlo- I'raMldaait 0. II. I'ra'l Kax-raiary AatorU Bavlt.ara Hank Traaaurar A. V. ALLIEN 'I ( irotfiii m, I'i-ci, Krwits, ifl Y(.' tnlil", ('rot k ry, 'i J ..".''"h .Stiiiici. Cor.Tanth and Ommerrlal at r eat. J. B. VVYATT, Chen No. 6 Aitafla, Ort at Hardware, ShipCliondlery, (rocerieH, froviiorif HA I NTH und OII.H, Apacltl AtKallaa fait la jplyla Hiipt Umbrellas Im K-, KVV1 A'l K INii MAI'III.Na. Alao !' ' uhl M.n hinery. C. H. Orkwitz 441 MANE. Repaired film cul la too. 6CMMU.NH. in the'a court, AaUirla nrwlnct, -'lataiip . i.unly, HLtue of Or g.Jii. riuiiui'l i-.liiK.ri', plaintiff, VB. Simon I'akkalo, anmetliiK-a known aa Si mon I'akklla, ur Utlffi-n I'akkilU. tit fetflaiit. To Simon I'akkalo, umcuini known a lukklla, or titiffen I'akkllla, tne atuve iiunied defi-ndant: In the name of tha Hate of Oregon, you aro hereby required lo appear tc-fora the undi-mltnied, a Juaticu o( Uk I'eavce for ttie predncl aiorvaald, on or fr-fure Tn unt il ny. l"th, A. 1. K, al the hour of nine 0'clo.k a. in. of aald day, at trie uffli of aald Ju-iticu, In uld precinct nfonaia.d, to atacwer the above niuncj pliiiiitlff In a civil acUun. and If you fall i to atpear and answer, for want therof rtie plaintiff will ttvku judgment yiai C'T tho aum of l.l), with Interest lln-rioii from August 6, IXJi, at the rata of vlk'lit per rent, fvr annum until paid, to gether with the cost and dtaburtxmvnt of Uils action. Y.iu are furthvr not; Hid Chat the plaint. Iff hua attached In till action Ue follow ing propfrty, belonging to mild defendant, which will be onlen-d sold upon execution imuvd uim audi Jmlgmi nt aa he may re cnviT In this action, twit: One ahare of tho capital atoik nf the I' Kisher men' Co-iipi-rativo Packing Company, a corporalion, orgnnlX'xl and existing under and by virtue of the lawn of the state of Oregon, with Ita principal otTlce and pliu o of business In the city of Astoria, and alao a oTtnln sum of money due from the mid corporation to the said di-findant. liefetidant will iikto take notice that thin summons Is served upon hltn by publica tion thereof lu the Dally Astoritin. by i nlnr of the nlmve entitled court rendenl aihI emet-ed on the IWih day of January. J'lll.N Alt KKCItt M U I K, Justice of the Tcaee. riarble and Granite AlONUMENTS IHHOFF & MINAR. UI K. Mould ii St., Portland, Or -AM. KINliS (K CKMKTKKY W0KK-. TIIK ONLY Dl.MINli-CAR ROITK FROM I'ORr.ANDTOTII'C EAST. IHKONLVKOl'TRTO 1IIK YKl.UlnsTOKk NATIONAL Pa It K. LK AY E lDKTI.AND AKltlVK. Kant Mall lot Kaiamii, CliehaliH, tVntralhu :no. a. South Beinl, Monte.v.ano No. 1. Annroeeu. iiiyiniiia, la enma, Si'iitlle, Icluri.., Port Townariid, klli'ii hunt, Hivikanc, Ktvulanil: H. 0.: Trail. II. O.: Uni son. H. l' Katlo, M i.i-l Kotua, unite, Aiiacoiiua, Helena. HI. Paul, Mni-k 00 l M' 11: A. M. ui'i. lis, kiui.ian t'liy.i Omalia. Council Blurts1 Ml. laiut,('hieago,Wash-l I ii K t. ii. New York, I lal-i Kit. ilihia.llo.sUui, and all poiiila liaal hihi .-outh- I'HJt. i DAYS to Minneapolis. Omaha, Kao- aua City and St. PauL 3H DAYS to Milwaukee and Chicago. 4H DATS to Woahlngton, Philadelphia. New Tork ftiid Bostat, and other Eastern points. Baggage checked through to deatltutlaa of tickets. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps and full Information call on or write A. D. CHARLTON Ass't Ueu'l Pa. Agent. Portland, O' 155 Morrison 8t., Cor. Third. C W. STONE, Astoria. 0 TO THE liAST alvKR choice or Transcontinental ROUTES. Oreat Nortbara lUllway Tla flpokaiva, MlniiaapolU and 8t and Chlcag. Oregon Bhort Llns Tla Halt Laka, Dm. vef, Omaha and Kansas City. Lowest Rates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAHERS lave Aiiiirln everylKiva litys fo iin PfAwiHu.u fiill'iwa Ciumljla, Tnuraday, January 1J. Hiata of California, TU'-.lay, Jan. 11 Columbia, Sunday, Jan. 23. Hi ita of California. Friday, Jan. 2t. Columbia. Wednesday, Feb. 1. Btata of California, Mcnday, Feb. 7. Columbia, Haturday, Jan. 12. Htata of California, Tmirvlay, Feb. 17 Columbia, Tu"iay, Feb. 22. Run of California, Sunday, Feb. 27. Staaxmara monthly from Portja&d t Tokohima and Hongkong, via tt North am Partita Steajnat.lp Conpanx U Cav Motion with 0. R. K. For rata aod genaraj IBrormanoa a to ar addraaa O. W. LOUNBPrRRT. Agaat W R. HURLBt'RT. Oan. Paa. Agt-. Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Hlver and I'tnc-t Xntind N'avlga llon to. Htmnier "lUlley tiat'rt" leavea Astoria dallv, et.ept ttiiiiday, 7 p. m. leave fort land dully, exeept launiluy, 7 a. in. "Ilallry lialxi-rt" llrkela fund on ateamer MTliiinii"n." '11. It. Tlminaviu" lli ket gnod on"Italley (inziert " IMI.Seott.l'.ealdenU E. A. Heeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. rnoue. Agent, Astoria Telephone No. IV Gold Fields Of Alaska THE ALASKAN TRAriSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT CO. OF CHICAGO. ILL CAPITAL $5,000,000 This company Is the largest, airongeat and beat equipped transportation and morcnandlalng compuiy In the Alaska gold field. Three lorgw and commodious steam ship will leave Seattle June L and reg ularly thereafter, carrying both freight and p.iavngra. These steamer are especially fitted for the convenience of passengers and art capable of carrying 800 each. Our Passenger ani Freight Service on the Yukon River Will be the beat. Toe handling of mer chants' freight made a specialty. We art the only company CM guarantee prompt delivery at Dawson C'.y. We guarantee you a year's supply of food and a safe ar.d speedy arrival. The gold la there. Tou stand fully as much chance as any other person. Do you want to be one of our first? If so, write at once, securing pasaige and berth. Our Special Transportation Offer Is the best now before the public. Send for free copy ot The Alaska News, and also for our special offer. Including transportation to the Klondike and food for one year for six hundred dollars. This will Interest you If you Intend go ing; If not, our stock offer should Inter. tat you, and you should become one of our stockholders. A limited amount of stock has Just been assigned to the western agency for sale at $1 per share. A man or woman of small means has the same opportunity aa a rich person. If you cannot go to Anaka nothing should prevent you being a profitable shareholder. Our Company Is Composed of Men of Tried Business Reputations Some of whom are the following: Hon. W. E. Mason, U. 8. Senator from mined. Albert C. Blata. president Vol Blati Brewing company, Milwaukee. W. C. Rlnearson, general passenger agent C. N. O. & T. P. R. R., Cincinnati. B W. Griffith, president First National J. B. Legnard, capitalist, Legnard Bank, Vlcksburg, Miss, building, Chicago. Frank II. Hecht. of Charles Kaestner & Co., Chicago. D. Q. Edwards, passenger trafflo mana ger, C. H. & D. R. R , Cincinnati. Char1i H. Rockwell, trafflo manager, C. I. & L. R. R. (Monon Routei, Chicago. T. H. Foster, Fosltorta and Vlcksburg, Miss. J. M. PhlHIps, cashier First National Bank, Vlcksburg, Miss. For Information address and make all money payable to W. L. DUDLEY, gen eral agent, Haller building, Seattle, Wash. oiilld Marshall Twine Fresh FOR 1898 EVtERY BALL REPORT IMPFiRFECTIONS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS EVERY MUST BE MARSHALL & CO. SHREWSBURY MILLS MANUFACTURED FROM Flax See,ThatJvery Ball Bears the "Marshall" Label ; 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. II. 12. 13 and U PIy-40's .U.U.'U.lSandlSPly-BO'SJj 7. 8. 9 and 10 Ply-30's Elmore Sanborn &Co AGENTS' From the Mills Fishing I GUARANTEED BALL MARKED : Selected Specially For Columbia River Fishing 5 6 482 Bond St.